Sunday, February 12, 2017

Youtube daily report w Feb 13 2017

23. The Rapture

Rayford reached Jerusalem on Thursday morning. He hitchhiked through Europe and the Middle East.

On the way, he learned of Chaim's capture, so he headed for the palace on arrival in the holy city.

In Europe, only two people had recognised him, and they were not a problem.

But everywhere in Jerusalem people pointed and whispered.

A crowd soon followed him.

Someone phoned the media, who were waiting for him at the palace.

Strangely, no one came close as Rayford walked. His gait hinted that nothing was going to stop him.

At the wide steps leading to the palace, he faced a huge media and military welcome.

Cameras caught Dangchao at the top of the steps, flanked by more than a dozen armed guards.

UN snipers were perched everywhere.

"Welcome! Welcome!" shouted Dangchao magnanimously, for the benefit of the public.

"I'm here for Chaim Rosenberg!" shouted Rayford. "Bring him out here!"

"He's inside. Please come in!" Dangchao descended the steps to get closer.

Rayford sat on the pavement below the steps.

His seat touched the ground as a rumble shook the area.

Everyone fell over, except Dangchao, who barely maintained his balance.

Snipers fell from their perches, some of them seriously injured.

Others retrieved weapons and scrambled back to their feet.

"Bring Chaim here," Rayford said again, pointing to the ground near him. "Now!"

Another tremor sent people back to the ground. This time Dangchao fell too.

Cameramen who had stayed on the ground, caught pictures of the General Secretary.

He was spread-eagled in front of Rayford, who sat regally, his legs folded in front of him.

"All right! All right" said Dangchao, who assumed a position, facing Rayford.

"Bring the prisoner!" he said to one of his guards.

"You'll get your chance," Rayford said. "Soon.

"For now, you will only make things worse "if you don't turn Chaim over to me."

"Shoot him!" Dangchao shouted loudly.

Rayford breathed out and a jet of flame shot straight toward Dangchao.

The Antichrist ducked at lightning speed. The flame split into different directions.

Faster than any human could react, tongues of flame found each soldier who had a gun aimed at Rayford.

They were each engulfed in flames before they had could pull a trigger.

"You shouldn't make me do that," Rayford said calmly.

"What are your plans?" Dangchao asked.

"Promise not to leave the city, and I'll let your friend go with you."

"He'll come with me regardless," Rayford said.

"But if it makes you feel better, "we won't be leaving for the next 10 days."

Just then, Chaim appeared at the top of the steps.

Dangchao submitted to their demands, but a press release later said the men were "free on bail pending a trial".

There was outrage that a killer was roaming free; but Dangchao insisted all was under control.

And it was… but he wasn't the one holding the controls.

For 6 days Chaim and Rayford stayed near the Temple Mount, where they addressed large crowds.

It was early December, and the weather was cold. The Two Witnesses slept in shifts on the streets.

They found a few rags, bits of firewood, and other materials to keep out the cold.

They kept a campfire going through the night, on the pavement where they slept.

One or the other was always awake to mind the fire and address the crowds.

Through the night curious onlookers listened to talks against faith in Dangchao's government.

Twice someone tried to attack them, and twice the attacker was destroyed by fire.

Word spread quickly. People barely dared to ask questions after that…

until late the following Wednesday night.

Rayford and Chaim had no contact with the saints since they had left for Jerusalem 10 days earlier.

They ate little and prayed much in those final days. The Christians knew their demise was near.

Many members had died or defected in the past 10 days too.

Irene and Elaine were caught and executed a week after Rayford left London.

Saints in Jerusalem sneaked messages to the two during that final week.

News of Irene's death added to Rayford's strain, but he did not stop preaching.

Matthew was in charge after Irene was taken; but in general everything was falling apart.

There were 4 days left before the return… if their calculations were correct.

Some wondered if they could last even that long without their beloved leaders.

Then, on Wednesday night of the final week, one of 2 UN guards keeping watch aimed his rifle at Rayford, just for fun.

He could not be seen by Rayford, and Chaim was sleeping beside the fire.

But his companion bumped him, and the gun went off.

Rayford fell to the ground with a quiet thud.

"You've killed him!" whispered the other guard. "Look, you've killed him!"

Chaim began to stir. "Get the other one before he burns you!"

"It's him or me, isn't it?" the soldier said as he pulled the trigger a second time.

Chaim too slumped over next to Rayford. He had also been shot in the head.

Rayford had just finished speaking before the shooting occurred.

The audience was moving away when the shot rang out.

Those still present to see Rayford and Chaim fall could not believe their eyes.

After 3 1/2 years of fruitless tracking, and equally fruitless attempts to destroy them,

one foolhardy soldier had killed them both, half by accident, in a few seconds, with two bullets!

The soldiers raced to establish that they really had killed the Two Witnesses.

Then they notified their superiors. A military ambulance arrived and took the bodies and the two soldiers away.

The Press were told: The world had been saved. The Two Aliens (as Pius called them) were dead.

Dangchao was up all night, addressing the media and making other arrangements.

The next morning he unveiled a cyclone fence around the bodies of the Two Witnesses.

They were returned to where they had died. Embers of a campfire were still there.

Things the men had collected to stay warm were scattered around inside the enclosure.

The public was invited to view the bodies.

Soldiers who had been watching the two men were now being used to control the crowd.

Dangchao's display was to challenge any resurrection story, as happened with Jesus.

He also wanted people to know that the Two Witnesses really were dead.

But he went one step further.

Now was a good time to change the date for Christmas (renamed Winterfest years ago).

He announced the next day, Friday, as the new date for celebrating Winterfest.

Stores would stay open for last minute shopping; but non-essential businesses would be closed.

People had two days to spend before celebrating. It was the biggest two-day shopping spree ever.

The human race had turned the corner. Peace and prosperity were going to return!

They shopped with reckless abandon to celebrate victory over the "Aliens".

Festivities began that day, and grew more wild over the next 2 days.

By Saturday, when the shops had closed, the world was one big drunken, drug-crazed orgy.

But on Sunday morning, something startling happened in the Middle East.

Over an area reaching as far as Baghdad, Cairo, and Ankara,

a glass ceiling appeared miles above the earth, stretching from horizon to horizon.

Light filtered through the glass, revealing structures and movement on the other side.

Planes flying above 25,000 feet were forced to descend or to turn back in this part of the earth.

Dangchao's advisers were convinced it was an alien star ship the size of a small planet.

But were the aliens manning it friendly? Dangchao knew, and the military prepared for war.

Then, shortly after noon, someone reported movement in the hand of one of the Witnesses.

Dangchao hurried to the site, with his advisers and representatives of the Press.

Everyone watched for a full 5 minutes without any sign of movement.

They assumed it was just someone's imagination when a very slight tremor shook Chaim's body.

"Did you see that?" someone shouted. Indeed, Dangchao had, and he was worried.

"Shoot him!" he shouted, pointing at Chaim. "But he's already dead!" his guard argued.

He, too, was scared. He knew what happened if anyone tried to kill the Two Witnesses.

"I don't care if he's dead or not. Shoot him!" Dangchao grabbed the gun from the guard's hand.

He pointed it at Chaim and pulled the trigger. But as he did, the earth dropped from under him.

He threw his hands (and the gun) into the air to catch his balance.

The ground began to shake, and the two dead bodies shook with it.

An earthquake! thought Dangchao. That's all. The bodies hadn't moved! The earth had moved.

But a moment later Chaim's and Rayford's arms and legs moved simultaneously.

Their bodies straightened. In unison, they moved up onto their knees.

Then they opened their eyes and looked straight into the face of the Antichrist.

The wound to each of their heads disappeared before Dangchao's eyes.

Their hair became thicker. Grey disappeared. Wrinkles vanished.

They appeared to be no more than 30 years old. Rags fell off, revealing shimmering white robes.

The men stood up, as a voice boomed out: "Come up here!" Everyone looked up.

From the glass ceiling above the Temple Mount a big round opening appeared.

White smoke shot down from the opening. The "smoke" became millions of tiny beings, all dressed in white.

In the middle, light radiated from One whose appearance was almost blinding.

The other beings circled him as he dropped lower and lower.

Chaim and Rayford rose up to meet Him in the air.

As they rose, they saw others ascending and converging toward the Being of Light.

Most were dressed in shimmering white, but a few wore everyday dress.

These were the living saints. They, too, had returned to their youth.

Deformities and blemishes disappeared. Everyone experienced a sense of healthy fitness. Best for many was there were no missing limbs.

On the ground, the earth shook violently.

Jerusalem trembled in obeisance to a city infinitely more powerful in the air above it.

Buildings began to collapse. The saints witnessed a 10th of the city falling in slow motion.

On the ground was a deadly shower of glass, concrete, bricks and steel girders.

People recovering from the weekend celebrations were crushed in buildings all over Jerusalem.

The saints were too high to survive without heat and oxygen masks.

But they did not feel the cold, nor were they struggling for breath.

Their supernatural bodies moved toward the Being of Light.

Rayford, Chaim and the others knew who it was. It was their Saviour. It was their Jesus!

Someone started to sing, and others joined in.

Each person sang in their own language, but they knew they were singing the same words.

It was from the Hallelujah Chorus of Handel's Messiah.

"King of kings! Lord of lords! "He shall reign forever and ever!"

They repeated it over and over Each time, the volume increased, until it seemed the whole earth could hear them.

This was it! This was the moment that all of history had been waiting for.

This was the culmination of the great Creator's plan for his creation.

He had, indeed, returned to judge the earth!

For more infomation >> Survivors Ch. #23 - The Rapture (At The Last Trumpet) - Apocalyptic Novel - Duration: 20:12.



For more infomation >> МОЖНО ЛИ КЛОНИРОВАТЬ ДЖЕДАЯ? [ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ] - Duration: 5:50.


GIANT THRALL CITY RAID - Stealing STRONG Thralls!! - Conan Exiles Gameplay Part 19 - Duration: 26:17.

Enjoy the video :D

For more infomation >> GIANT THRALL CITY RAID - Stealing STRONG Thralls!! - Conan Exiles Gameplay Part 19 - Duration: 26:17.


Sexy doctor fitonyashka Hazel Wallace - Duration: 3:07.

Hello. Are you SPORT SCIENCE Today we will tell you

not just fitonyashke and about Dr. Hazel Wallace.

She recently He broke in the media space,

but now on her profile social network instagramm

signed by more than 123 000 people. When you first look at it

you hardly realize that woman besides his hobby

- Gym running junior doctor at the center

London at the local hospital College.

Unlike most fitonyashek to your profile

it does not focus on an inflated ass from various angles

(Although what really hide - this good enough there, too)

and on the right and healthy nutrition.

As she says Hazel - She likes correctly

eating, putting in the foundation fresh fruit, vegetables and meat.

In all of this it is not adheres to the strictest

diets and prefers to keep a balance from time to time

pampering yourself with chocolate or wine.

It is the understanding of compliance the golden mean was

one of the most attractive it features a profile that,

by the way, continues to grow.

The reference to her profile you can be found in the description

video. It does not focus on

which is expensive and rare products, preferring

prepare meals available and simple ingredients.

Not surprisingly, this fitonyashku not miss

fitness giants signing with her multiple sponsorship

contracts. Dr. Hazel Wallace

his 26 years already has had time to write a book about health and proper

nutrition. The girl said that

a combination of medical knowledge and love for the sport provides an excellent

the result, as it allows s take a look at the human

body from a different angle, not available to most

athletes. Despite his busy

work schedule, in which she has to work

up to 11 shifts per week, it is always He finds time for

to three times per week conduct full training.

However, in the preparation priorities, it is always

It focuses on the right nutrition. In her view it

It is the foundation of a healthy and an active lifestyle.

Training in the gym his great complement.

It tells Hazel most modern

diseases are connected the fact that people stopped

eat right. Of for this we prevail

diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular

disease. What do you think about

her figure? Write about it in comments.

If you like the video, and you want more reviews

fitonyashek, the support We Like and Share

this video with your friends. these you really will help develop

our channel. On our Online collected all

editions and text of article to them. Not to miss

the following video - subscribe to our feed and Public VKontakte,

all references herein to video.

And yes, one more thing. If you have not already done so,

press the bell near subscribe button. put

check "to inform me about All this channel "

and click save. So you just do not miss our

new release.

For more infomation >> Sexy doctor fitonyashka Hazel Wallace - Duration: 3:07.


LEGO Ninjago season 5 episode 3 series in Russian Cartoon Ninjago new series 47 series Lego Mania - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> LEGO Ninjago season 5 episode 3 series in Russian Cartoon Ninjago new series 47 series Lego Mania - Duration: 20:53.


Watch the Big Game Spot

For more infomation >> Watch the Big Game Spot


Pelucula [subtitles available] - Duration: 13:32.

For more infomation >> Pelucula [subtitles available] - Duration: 13:32.


¿Hay riesgo al viajar para quienes tienen el perdón? - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> ¿Hay riesgo al viajar para quienes tienen el perdón? - Duration: 2:40.







For more infomation >> BODYBUILDING MOTIVATION 2017 Iron House #92 | PUMP UP YOUR LIFE WITH BRADLEY MARTYN - Duration: 3:23.


LEGO Ninjago season 5 episode 3 series in Russian Cartoon Ninjago new series 47 series Lego Mania - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> LEGO Ninjago season 5 episode 3 series in Russian Cartoon Ninjago new series 47 series Lego Mania - Duration: 20:53.


Rising from the depths of the ...

For more infomation >> Rising from the depths of the ...


Survivors Ch. #23 - The Rapture (At The Last Trumpet) - Apocalyptic Novel - Duration: 20:12.

23. The Rapture

Rayford reached Jerusalem on Thursday morning. He hitchhiked through Europe and the Middle East.

On the way, he learned of Chaim's capture, so he headed for the palace on arrival in the holy city.

In Europe, only two people had recognised him, and they were not a problem.

But everywhere in Jerusalem people pointed and whispered.

A crowd soon followed him.

Someone phoned the media, who were waiting for him at the palace.

Strangely, no one came close as Rayford walked. His gait hinted that nothing was going to stop him.

At the wide steps leading to the palace, he faced a huge media and military welcome.

Cameras caught Dangchao at the top of the steps, flanked by more than a dozen armed guards.

UN snipers were perched everywhere.

"Welcome! Welcome!" shouted Dangchao magnanimously, for the benefit of the public.

"I'm here for Chaim Rosenberg!" shouted Rayford. "Bring him out here!"

"He's inside. Please come in!" Dangchao descended the steps to get closer.

Rayford sat on the pavement below the steps.

His seat touched the ground as a rumble shook the area.

Everyone fell over, except Dangchao, who barely maintained his balance.

Snipers fell from their perches, some of them seriously injured.

Others retrieved weapons and scrambled back to their feet.

"Bring Chaim here," Rayford said again, pointing to the ground near him. "Now!"

Another tremor sent people back to the ground. This time Dangchao fell too.

Cameramen who had stayed on the ground, caught pictures of the General Secretary.

He was spread-eagled in front of Rayford, who sat regally, his legs folded in front of him.

"All right! All right" said Dangchao, who assumed a position, facing Rayford.

"Bring the prisoner!" he said to one of his guards.

"You'll get your chance," Rayford said. "Soon.

"For now, you will only make things worse "if you don't turn Chaim over to me."

"Shoot him!" Dangchao shouted loudly.

Rayford breathed out and a jet of flame shot straight toward Dangchao.

The Antichrist ducked at lightning speed. The flame split into different directions.

Faster than any human could react, tongues of flame found each soldier who had a gun aimed at Rayford.

They were each engulfed in flames before they had could pull a trigger.

"You shouldn't make me do that," Rayford said calmly.

"What are your plans?" Dangchao asked.

"Promise not to leave the city, and I'll let your friend go with you."

"He'll come with me regardless," Rayford said.

"But if it makes you feel better, "we won't be leaving for the next 10 days."

Just then, Chaim appeared at the top of the steps.

Dangchao submitted to their demands, but a press release later said the men were "free on bail pending a trial".

There was outrage that a killer was roaming free; but Dangchao insisted all was under control.

And it was… but he wasn't the one holding the controls.

For 6 days Chaim and Rayford stayed near the Temple Mount, where they addressed large crowds.

It was early December, and the weather was cold. The Two Witnesses slept in shifts on the streets.

They found a few rags, bits of firewood, and other materials to keep out the cold.

They kept a campfire going through the night, on the pavement where they slept.

One or the other was always awake to mind the fire and address the crowds.

Through the night curious onlookers listened to talks against faith in Dangchao's government.

Twice someone tried to attack them, and twice the attacker was destroyed by fire.

Word spread quickly. People barely dared to ask questions after that…

until late the following Wednesday night.

Rayford and Chaim had no contact with the saints since they had left for Jerusalem 10 days earlier.

They ate little and prayed much in those final days. The Christians knew their demise was near.

Many members had died or defected in the past 10 days too.

Irene and Elaine were caught and executed a week after Rayford left London.

Saints in Jerusalem sneaked messages to the two during that final week.

News of Irene's death added to Rayford's strain, but he did not stop preaching.

Matthew was in charge after Irene was taken; but in general everything was falling apart.

There were 4 days left before the return… if their calculations were correct.

Some wondered if they could last even that long without their beloved leaders.

Then, on Wednesday night of the final week, one of 2 UN guards keeping watch aimed his rifle at Rayford, just for fun.

He could not be seen by Rayford, and Chaim was sleeping beside the fire.

But his companion bumped him, and the gun went off.

Rayford fell to the ground with a quiet thud.

"You've killed him!" whispered the other guard. "Look, you've killed him!"

Chaim began to stir. "Get the other one before he burns you!"

"It's him or me, isn't it?" the soldier said as he pulled the trigger a second time.

Chaim too slumped over next to Rayford. He had also been shot in the head.

Rayford had just finished speaking before the shooting occurred.

The audience was moving away when the shot rang out.

Those still present to see Rayford and Chaim fall could not believe their eyes.

After 3 1/2 years of fruitless tracking, and equally fruitless attempts to destroy them,

one foolhardy soldier had killed them both, half by accident, in a few seconds, with two bullets!

The soldiers raced to establish that they really had killed the Two Witnesses.

Then they notified their superiors. A military ambulance arrived and took the bodies and the two soldiers away.

The Press were told: The world had been saved. The Two Aliens (as Pius called them) were dead.

Dangchao was up all night, addressing the media and making other arrangements.

The next morning he unveiled a cyclone fence around the bodies of the Two Witnesses.

They were returned to where they had died. Embers of a campfire were still there.

Things the men had collected to stay warm were scattered around inside the enclosure.

The public was invited to view the bodies.

Soldiers who had been watching the two men were now being used to control the crowd.

Dangchao's display was to challenge any resurrection story, as happened with Jesus.

He also wanted people to know that the Two Witnesses really were dead.

But he went one step further.

Now was a good time to change the date for Christmas (renamed Winterfest years ago).

He announced the next day, Friday, as the new date for celebrating Winterfest.

Stores would stay open for last minute shopping; but non-essential businesses would be closed.

People had two days to spend before celebrating. It was the biggest two-day shopping spree ever.

The human race had turned the corner. Peace and prosperity were going to return!

They shopped with reckless abandon to celebrate victory over the "Aliens".

Festivities began that day, and grew more wild over the next 2 days.

By Saturday, when the shops had closed, the world was one big drunken, drug-crazed orgy.

But on Sunday morning, something startling happened in the Middle East.

Over an area reaching as far as Baghdad, Cairo, and Ankara,

a glass ceiling appeared miles above the earth, stretching from horizon to horizon.

Light filtered through the glass, revealing structures and movement on the other side.

Planes flying above 25,000 feet were forced to descend or to turn back in this part of the earth.

Dangchao's advisers were convinced it was an alien star ship the size of a small planet.

But were the aliens manning it friendly? Dangchao knew, and the military prepared for war.

Then, shortly after noon, someone reported movement in the hand of one of the Witnesses.

Dangchao hurried to the site, with his advisers and representatives of the Press.

Everyone watched for a full 5 minutes without any sign of movement.

They assumed it was just someone's imagination when a very slight tremor shook Chaim's body.

"Did you see that?" someone shouted. Indeed, Dangchao had, and he was worried.

"Shoot him!" he shouted, pointing at Chaim. "But he's already dead!" his guard argued.

He, too, was scared. He knew what happened if anyone tried to kill the Two Witnesses.

"I don't care if he's dead or not. Shoot him!" Dangchao grabbed the gun from the guard's hand.

He pointed it at Chaim and pulled the trigger. But as he did, the earth dropped from under him.

He threw his hands (and the gun) into the air to catch his balance.

The ground began to shake, and the two dead bodies shook with it.

An earthquake! thought Dangchao. That's all. The bodies hadn't moved! The earth had moved.

But a moment later Chaim's and Rayford's arms and legs moved simultaneously.

Their bodies straightened. In unison, they moved up onto their knees.

Then they opened their eyes and looked straight into the face of the Antichrist.

The wound to each of their heads disappeared before Dangchao's eyes.

Their hair became thicker. Grey disappeared. Wrinkles vanished.

They appeared to be no more than 30 years old. Rags fell off, revealing shimmering white robes.

The men stood up, as a voice boomed out: "Come up here!" Everyone looked up.

From the glass ceiling above the Temple Mount a big round opening appeared.

White smoke shot down from the opening. The "smoke" became millions of tiny beings, all dressed in white.

In the middle, light radiated from One whose appearance was almost blinding.

The other beings circled him as he dropped lower and lower.

Chaim and Rayford rose up to meet Him in the air.

As they rose, they saw others ascending and converging toward the Being of Light.

Most were dressed in shimmering white, but a few wore everyday dress.

These were the living saints. They, too, had returned to their youth.

Deformities and blemishes disappeared. Everyone experienced a sense of healthy fitness. Best for many was there were no missing limbs.

On the ground, the earth shook violently.

Jerusalem trembled in obeisance to a city infinitely more powerful in the air above it.

Buildings began to collapse. The saints witnessed a 10th of the city falling in slow motion.

On the ground was a deadly shower of glass, concrete, bricks and steel girders.

People recovering from the weekend celebrations were crushed in buildings all over Jerusalem.

The saints were too high to survive without heat and oxygen masks.

But they did not feel the cold, nor were they struggling for breath.

Their supernatural bodies moved toward the Being of Light.

Rayford, Chaim and the others knew who it was. It was their Saviour. It was their Jesus!

Someone started to sing, and others joined in.

Each person sang in their own language, but they knew they were singing the same words.

It was from the Hallelujah Chorus of Handel's Messiah.

"King of kings! Lord of lords! "He shall reign forever and ever!"

They repeated it over and over Each time, the volume increased, until it seemed the whole earth could hear them.

This was it! This was the moment that all of history had been waiting for.

This was the culmination of the great Creator's plan for his creation.

He had, indeed, returned to judge the earth!

For more infomation >> Survivors Ch. #23 - The Rapture (At The Last Trumpet) - Apocalyptic Novel - Duration: 20:12.



For more infomation >> МОЖНО ЛИ КЛОНИРОВАТЬ ДЖЕДАЯ? [ЗВЕЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ] - Duration: 5:50.


GIANT THRALL CITY RAID - Stealing STRONG Thralls!! - Conan Exiles Gameplay Part 19 - Duration: 26:17.

Enjoy the video :D

For more infomation >> GIANT THRALL CITY RAID - Stealing STRONG Thralls!! - Conan Exiles Gameplay Part 19 - Duration: 26:17.


Sexy doctor fitonyashka Hazel Wallace - Duration: 3:07.

Hello. Are you SPORT SCIENCE Today we will tell you

not just fitonyashke and about Dr. Hazel Wallace.

She recently He broke in the media space,

but now on her profile social network instagramm

signed by more than 123 000 people. When you first look at it

you hardly realize that woman besides his hobby

- Gym running junior doctor at the center

London at the local hospital College.

Unlike most fitonyashek to your profile

it does not focus on an inflated ass from various angles

(Although what really hide - this good enough there, too)

and on the right and healthy nutrition.

As she says Hazel - She likes correctly

eating, putting in the foundation fresh fruit, vegetables and meat.

In all of this it is not adheres to the strictest

diets and prefers to keep a balance from time to time

pampering yourself with chocolate or wine.

It is the understanding of compliance the golden mean was

one of the most attractive it features a profile that,

by the way, continues to grow.

The reference to her profile you can be found in the description

video. It does not focus on

which is expensive and rare products, preferring

prepare meals available and simple ingredients.

Not surprisingly, this fitonyashku not miss

fitness giants signing with her multiple sponsorship

contracts. Dr. Hazel Wallace

his 26 years already has had time to write a book about health and proper

nutrition. The girl said that

a combination of medical knowledge and love for the sport provides an excellent

the result, as it allows s take a look at the human

body from a different angle, not available to most

athletes. Despite his busy

work schedule, in which she has to work

up to 11 shifts per week, it is always He finds time for

to three times per week conduct full training.

However, in the preparation priorities, it is always

It focuses on the right nutrition. In her view it

It is the foundation of a healthy and an active lifestyle.

Training in the gym his great complement.

It tells Hazel most modern

diseases are connected the fact that people stopped

eat right. Of for this we prevail

diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular

disease. What do you think about

her figure? Write about it in comments.

If you like the video, and you want more reviews

fitonyashek, the support We Like and Share

this video with your friends. these you really will help develop

our channel. On our Online collected all

editions and text of article to them. Not to miss

the following video - subscribe to our feed and Public VKontakte,

all references herein to video.

And yes, one more thing. If you have not already done so,

press the bell near subscribe button. put

check "to inform me about All this channel "

and click save. So you just do not miss our

new release.

For more infomation >> Sexy doctor fitonyashka Hazel Wallace - Duration: 3:07.


LEGO Ninjago season 5 episode 3 series in Russian Cartoon Ninjago new series 47 series Lego Mania - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> LEGO Ninjago season 5 episode 3 series in Russian Cartoon Ninjago new series 47 series Lego Mania - Duration: 20:53.


Watch Do You Believe Free ...

For more infomation >> Watch Do You Believe Free ...


Syrian refugees find new lives, friends in Omaha - Duration: 2:21.
























































For more infomation >> Syrian refugees find new lives, friends in Omaha - Duration: 2:21.


Hair Hacks For Medium Long Hair | Carter GIVEAWAY! - Duration: 3:11.

Carter come's back with FORTIFY

Fortify contains: JoJoba Oil, Argan Oil, Beeswax (Cera Alba) Hydrogenated Castor Oil

Vitamin E, Cyclomethicone, Montmorillonite Clay & Water

Fortify besides taking care of your hair with its natural ingredients, is characterized in shaping and holding your hair with a finalized matte effect

Fortify comes with an incredible fragrance!

And as a thank you to all my subscribers

I want to announce my first giveaway!

The instructions will be in the description

For more infomation >> Hair Hacks For Medium Long Hair | Carter GIVEAWAY! - Duration: 3:11.


Sexy doctor fitonyashka Hazel Wallace - Duration: 3:07.

Hello. Are you SPORT SCIENCE Today we will tell you

not just fitonyashke and about Dr. Hazel Wallace.

She recently He broke in the media space,

but now on her profile social network instagramm

signed by more than 123 000 people. When you first look at it

you hardly realize that woman besides his hobby

- Gym running junior doctor at the center

London at the local hospital College.

Unlike most fitonyashek to your profile

it does not focus on an inflated ass from various angles

(Although what really hide - this good enough there, too)

and on the right and healthy nutrition.

As she says Hazel - She likes correctly

eating, putting in the foundation fresh fruit, vegetables and meat.

In all of this it is not adheres to the strictest

diets and prefers to keep a balance from time to time

pampering yourself with chocolate or wine.

It is the understanding of compliance the golden mean was

one of the most attractive it features a profile that,

by the way, continues to grow.

The reference to her profile you can be found in the description

video. It does not focus on

which is expensive and rare products, preferring

prepare meals available and simple ingredients.

Not surprisingly, this fitonyashku not miss

fitness giants signing with her multiple sponsorship

contracts. Dr. Hazel Wallace

his 26 years already has had time to write a book about health and proper

nutrition. The girl said that

a combination of medical knowledge and love for the sport provides an excellent

the result, as it allows s take a look at the human

body from a different angle, not available to most

athletes. Despite his busy

work schedule, in which she has to work

up to 11 shifts per week, it is always He finds time for

to three times per week conduct full training.

However, in the preparation priorities, it is always

It focuses on the right nutrition. In her view it

It is the foundation of a healthy and an active lifestyle.

Training in the gym his great complement.

It tells Hazel most modern

diseases are connected the fact that people stopped

eat right. Of for this we prevail

diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular

disease. What do you think about

her figure? Write about it in comments.

If you like the video, and you want more reviews

fitonyashek, the support We Like and Share

this video with your friends. these you really will help develop

our channel. On our Online collected all

editions and text of article to them. Not to miss

the following video - subscribe to our feed and Public VKontakte,

all references herein to video.

And yes, one more thing. If you have not already done so,

press the bell near subscribe button. put

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new release.

For more infomation >> Sexy doctor fitonyashka Hazel Wallace - Duration: 3:07.


Independent counsel questions Samsung chief again over bribery allegations - Duration: 1:54.

The independent counsel team investigating the massive corruption scandal gripping Korea

summoned Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, for the second time this morning.

He arrived around at 9:30am -- two-and-a-half hours ago.

Let's connect with our Hwang Hojun who's has been at the independent counsel office since

the crack of dawn.

Hojun, Mr. Lee is among the richest men in Korea and certainly one of the most powerful...

what can you tell us about his entrance this morning...

Mark, the fact that this wasn't his first appearance here didn't really matter as swarms

of reporters, police, and protesters packed the entrance to the building where the independent

counsel office is located,...all trying to get a glimpse... or at least shout things...

at the so-called prince of Samsung.

As you said Lee Jae-yong arrived at around 9:30 this morning.

While reporters asked him multiple questions, Lee only left a single comment before taking

the elevator.

"I will again faithfully tell the truth during the special prosecutors' interrogation today."

Samsung is alleged to have given huge donations to entities controlled by President Park's

now-jailed confidant Choi Soon-sil, in return for favors, such as political support for

the controversial merger of two Samsung affiliates, Samsung C&T and Cheil Worldwide,... a move

seen to have cemented Lee Jae-yong's succession as head of the tech giant.

Lee was first questioned a month ago... when the team grilled him for 22 hours straight.

The prosecutors then requested a warrant for his arrest on charges of bribery, embezzlement,

and perjury, but that was rejected.

There's a chance they could again seek a warrant after today's interrogation, but we'll get

more details during the afternoon briefing scheduled for 2:30pm.


For more infomation >> Independent counsel questions Samsung chief again over bribery allegations - Duration: 1:54.


Brian Tracy's Most Important Success Principle 2017 - Episode 35 - Duration: 1:29.

One of the most important rules I ever

learned, was from a man who studied

success for 54 years.

Kopmeyer, died at the age of 89. And he had

developed a thousand success principles

and wrote 250 principles and four books.

And the books sold 50 million copies


So I got all the books, early in

my career. Read them from cover to cover.

And then TY Boyd, one of the great old

speakers, actually narrated and did all

of them are like 32 cassettes. So I

listened to those 32 cassettes three or

four times. I met him, finally in his old

age, and I said "Mr. Kopmeyer." I said, "If you

can pick one of those 1,000 success

principles, the most important of all for

success, what would it be? And I remember,

I still remember this moment, he smiled

at me, a little twinkle in his eyes, an

older man. And he said "Brian." He said like

he'd been asked this question many times,

he said, "Brian the most important success

principle of all, is learn from the

experts." He said "You'll never live long

enough to learn it all by yourself.

So what you do, is you find an expert, who

will take you by the hand, and will

teach you the business, teach you the

game. They'll give you the success

formulas. And then you take action on

those formulas, and you don't change them

you don't deviate, you don't go off the

reservation. You do exactly what the

experts taught you, or are teaching you,

until you have mastered the craft until

you've gotten the same success that they

have. Then you can begin to add your own

special tweaks in, improvements.

For more infomation >> Brian Tracy's Most Important Success Principle 2017 - Episode 35 - Duration: 1:29.


LG washer explodes in Makakilo residence - Duration: 2:17.













is another story

"when I look inside, its just

chaos in there

Andre tells me he put a load of

laundry to wash this


"it was a couple pairs of

slacks, some shirts, a towel

you next week 5:59

and that's pretty much how the

conversation ended"

I reached out to LG by phone and

email and I'm waiting for a

washers exploding..

including one in the Atlanta

area earlier last year.

its pretty frightening"





For more infomation >> LG washer explodes in Makakilo residence - Duration: 2:17.


SPEED GANG - END IS NEAR (Lyrics) (Subtitles) #SpeedGangTakingOver - Duration: 3:58.

The end is near and girl that's fine you swore you never leave my side ay that broken heart them chopped up lines my nose is numb oh my ay

Like ohhhhwooooo fuck youuuhhhwoo i can not trust no hoeewoewoe Like ohhhhwooooo fuck youuuhhhwoo i can not trust no hoeewoewoe

I can not trust a hoe and never will doe every time you hit me up i pop another pill doe i can not deal with this stress no ohh all bitches do is distract you from your real goals

Baby you gotta do you and you'll be just fine don't worry about them bitches on the sideline gotta keep your head up gotta hold your chin high vodke vodka gonna numb the pain tonight

Yeah the deeper you dig the more darker it gets the more you open up the more harder it gets the more we fuck the more feelings we get then get a broken heart and start all over again

Got that lalala for low low low from 616 lets go woah woah got that lalala for low low low from 616 lets go woah woah got lala low low 616 lets go whoa whoa got lala low low 616 lets go whoa whoa

Yeah yankee doodle came to town and skirted off in that lambo and he took yo chick and he fucked that bitch got a pocket full of chips Gunrue wo wo yeah yankee doodle came to town and skirted off in that lambo and he took yo chick and he fucked that bitch got a pocket full of chips Gunrue wo wo

The end is near and girl that's fine you swore you never leave my side ay that broken heart them chopped up lines my nose is numb oh my ay

Like ohhhhwooooo fuck youuuhhhwoo i can not trust no hoeewoewoe Like ohhhhwooooo fuck youuuhhhwoo i can not trust no hoeewoewoe

What did you say your name was bitch i got no time tik tok wrist watch everyday on my grind what did you say your name was bitch i got no time tik tok wrist watch everyday on my grind

You got the knife pointed at my chest im gonna blow you a kiss as i take my last breath you got the knife pointed at my chest im gonna blow you a kiss as i take my last breath

The teacher wonder but she never asks it's hard to see the pain behind the mask there in a burden of a secret storm sometimes she wishes she was never born

Through the wind and the rain through the hurt and the pain fuck you bitch ima do my thing through the wind and the rain through the hurt and the pain fuck you bitch ima do my thing

through the wind rain hurt pain fuck you bitch fuck fuck you bitch

The end is near and girl that's fine you swore you never leave my side ay that broken heart them chopped up lines my nose is numb oh my ay

Like ohhhhwooooo fuck youuuhhhwoo i can not trust no hoeewoewoe Like ohhhhwooooo fuck youuuhhhwoo i can not trust no hoeewoewoe

616 it's Speed Gang 616 it's Speed Gang 616 it's Speed Gang Speed Gang it's Speed Gang 616 it's Speed Gang 616 it's Speed Gang 66666666 616 it's Speed Gang woah

For more infomation >> SPEED GANG - END IS NEAR (Lyrics) (Subtitles) #SpeedGangTakingOver - Duration: 3:58.


Love Unites - Short Film - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Love Unites - Short Film - Duration: 8:03.


Top 5 Most Beautiful Muslim Women In The World 2017 | WORLD TOP MOST - Duration: 4:09.

Top 5 Most Beautiful Muslim Women In The World 2017

5. Bahareh Kian Afshar

The humble and descent lady is from Iran. She is a famous actress.

She has famous hit movies named as The Sinners that was released in 2012 and No Where No Body that was released in 2013.

Her dressing sense is what makes her special.

Head cover adds more modesty to her elegant personality. she is a beautiful woman from Iran.

4. Meryem Uzerli

Meryem Uzerli is a well-known artist from turkey.

She got famous after her character of Hurrem sultan in Turkish drama serial Muhtesem Yüzyil ,

she won the heart of critics and audience and won many awards like Golden Butterfly Award.

Uzerli was born on August 12th , 1983 and raised in Kassel.

She has got a very strong personality with her sparkling eyes. she is on the 4th place in our list.

3. Nawal Al Zoghbi

Nawal Al Zoghbi is at the 3rd place in the list of top 5 most beautiful Muslim women in the world.

She is a Lebanese pop star with her beautiful voice. She was born June 29, 1972 in Jal El-Dib, Lebanon.

she has a huge fan following in all Arab, She got many awards because of her amazing talent.

2. Rania Al Abdullah

Rania Al Abdullah is Queen consort of Jordan. She was born 31st August 1970.

She is famous for her promotional work related to education, health, community enablement, youth, cross-cultural dialogue, and micro-


Her efforts for the betterment of the society are appreciable.

She is also a regular user of social media and she has her pages on Facebook, YouTube, Integra and Twitter and she regulate them


She is the best example of beauty with mind.

1. Reham Khan

Reham Khan is Pakistani national journalist. The lady is full of energy.

She has got strong, impressive personality with a confident soul. She has been working with BBC.

The Pretty lady has very strong belief in the idea of dignity and freedom of women.

She is the former wife of Pakistani Politician Imran Khan.

She is at the top of the list of top 5 most beautiful Muslim women in the world.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Most Beautiful Muslim Women In The World 2017 | WORLD TOP MOST - Duration: 4:09.


Al Jarreau | Biography & History | AllMusic - Duration: 1:41.

Alwin Lopez "Al" Jarreau was an American jazz singer. He won seven Grammy Awards and was nominated for over a dozen more.

Born: March 12, 1940, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States Died: February 12, 2017, Los Angeles, California, United States Spouse: Susan Player (m. 1977–2017), Phyllis Hall (m. 1964–1978) Movies: Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration

Movies: Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration Children: Ryan Jarreau Education: Lincoln High School, University of Iowa, Ripon College

In addition to playing in small clubs along the West Coast, Jarreau branched out to performing in New York City, and making television appearances on Johnny Carson and Merv Griffin's talk shows, among others. His first album, 1965, released that year, was pure jazz featuring pianist Cal Bezemer, bassist Gary Allen and drummer Joe Abodeely. In 1975, after a 10-year break from recording, Jarreau

Career highlights include 1981's Breakin' Away, which went platinum thanks to the hit single "We're in This Love Together" and the popular theme song from the 1980s TV show Moonlighting.

In 1977, Jarreau embarked on his first world tour and won his first American Grammy Award, for best jazz vocal performance for his album Look to the Rainbow. His fourth album, All Fly Home, was released in 1978, earning a second Grammy for best jazz vocalist. In 1985

In 1992, after touring the globe for nearly two years, Jarreau returned to the studio to produce Heaven and Earth for which he received his fifth Grammy for Best R&B Vocal Performance. He released Tenderness in 1994 with an all-star cast, including David Sanborn, Kathleen Battle, Joe Sample and Steve Gadd.

In 1996, Jarreau began a three-month stint on Broadway playing the role of Teen Angel in the hit musical Grease. Other acting credits include appearances on New York Undercover and Touched By An Angel.

Jarreau continued to tour, however, in 2017 he was hospitalized for exhaustion and retired from touring "with complete sorrow," according to an announcement on his Twitter account. "He is thankful for his 50 years of traveling the world in ministry through music, and for everyone who shared this with him — his faithful audience, the dedicated musicians, and so many others who supported his effort," the announcement stated.

Days later on February 12, 2017, Jarreau died at a Los Angeles hospital at the age of 76 surrounded by family and friends.

For more infomation >> Al Jarreau | Biography & History | AllMusic - Duration: 1:41.


How to Make DIY Tripod Stand at Home 0$ | How to Make a Gorillapod Tripod Stand| How to Make Tripod - Duration: 3:07.

How to make tripod

diy tripod

diy gorillapod

how to make gorillapod

diy tripod stand at home

how to make tripod stand at home

diy tripod at home

diy tripod stand

how to make a tripod stand

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