Thursday, January 18, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 18 2018

only thanks to his ear about this

I term a couple of years I wrote

about grace in my blog as a

innovative evolution of management and

basically it is an organizational system

where each employee is responsible

their areas and such operations

which charges eliminated and there

the figure of the head

This practice emphasizes the

democratic decisions and empowers

employees to have a

more active participation

Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome or new video

si es tu primera vez si quieres aprender

todos los trucos sobre marketing digital

y cómo ser un emprendedor de éxito

comienza ahora mismo suscribiéndote a mi

canal para no perderte ninguno de los

vídeos que publicó diario galo gracias

realmente es un concepto del que en

próximos años

oiremos de manera más habitual y que me

gustaría definir como un nuevo modelo de

gestión empresarial que adaptará a las

empresas al nuevo entorno cambiante en

el que vivimos

comenzando por una transformación

interna y propagando ésta hacia el

exterior hasta llegar a los clientes

actualmente las empresas viven con la

lengua afuera no sacando el día a día d

el trabajo pero por qué no crear un

departamento de identificación de


el cual se encargaría de buscar los

principales problemas en la empresa de

manera transversal categorizando los por

orden de prioridad y buscando la

solución con el departamento o

departamentos correspondientes hasta

hacer desaparecer esos problemas debemos

pensar en una simplificación empresarial

si queremos tener éxito cojamos de idea

por ejemplo la metodología de trabajo de

craig gillies una web de anuncios

clasificados que nació en estados unidos

en el año 1995 y que basó su crecimiento

en el menos es más

debes integrar a las personas a ser

parte de la empresa y fomentar el inter

a emprendedurismo por lo que puedes

crear proyectos nuevos en la empresa

involucrando realmente a los

trabajadores porque no lanzar un nuevo

proyecto liderado por un becario o un

trabajador y que entre el proyecto con

un porcentaje del accionariado de esa

nueva idea

te suena a locura entonces eso es que

puede ser una buena idea para tu empresa

recuerda no pongas nunca límites basados

en tus opiniones o creencias

mi recomendación es qué valores los pros

y contras escribe los en un papel y

tendrás más clara tu respuesta

todo esto suma mi método 10.000 es

factor donde llevo tiempo trabajando y

creando un nuevo modelo de management

para las empresas que es válido tanto

para grandes como para pequeñas y dentro

de ese nuevo modelo una de las partes

se trata en aprovecharlo red

cursos de una manera diferente que sea

más efectiva y optimizada involucrando

de manera real a los trabajadores no es

algo que personalmente hago desde hace

muchos años en distintos proyectos con

muy buenos resultados que comparte un

posible escenario donde tienes una gran

idea no es así

una gran idea recuerda que si no se

lleva hacia adelante no vale para nada

estás con demasiado trabajo por lo que

por qué no contratar a un becario con

una formación adecuada a lo que buscas y

que trabaje a tiempo completo para la

empresa pero un 30% para cosas de la

compañía y un 70 por ciento del tiempo

para un nuevo proyecto que él lidere con

el apoyo del resto del equipo que

consideró es necesario para el mismo no

y de y de salir adelante este proyecto

esta persona se convertirá en el

director del mismo con un sueldo

asociado a ello además de convertirse en

accionista con un x por ciento de la

participación del nuevo proyecto

esto es lo que te comentaba antes no

identifica talento y buscar cómo hacerlo

crecer conjuntamente con lo que ya


de esta manera conseguiremos con menos

recursos optimizarlos para lanzar nuevos

proyectos que nos ayuden a ser más

sostenibles en el tiempo

recuerda que por que hoy vayan bien las

cosas no significa que en los 23 años

siguientes vayan igual por los saltos

cambios que tenemos y además con todo

esto puedes lanzar más negocios de

manera potente y aumentar las

probabilidades de éxito pura estadística

pero esto que parece aparentemente

interesante y útil para las empresas

porque la mayoría de ellas no se lanzan

a dar el paso para mí básicamente hay

tres factores que hacen que las empresas

se mantengan en una zona de falso

confort latente no y lo describo con él

llamémoslo con el acrónimo m y de mí no

donde la m es el miedo y si alguien roba

nuestros secretos o dice algo que no

queramos que diga la incertidumbre no es

peligroso que los trabajadores puedan

decir algo que no deberían si no

controlamos lo que les está permitido

decir en las redes sociales y la de duda

si utilizamos los medios sociales

habrá más posibilidades de que los

trabajadores pierdan el tiempo

realmente todo se trata de cómo enfoques

no al final estamos hablando de modelos

basados en economía colaborativa donde

las personas en un entorno 2.0 han

pasado a ser empresas no hagamos

referencia a nuevas empresas basadas en

estas microempresas o personas no como

son la car o el bien vi que tanto han

dado y están dando que hablar no por

parte de gobiernos al ver estas

economías como una amenaza sino como una

evolución de la propia sociedad que

además no es posible frenar no y de

intentar hacerlo nos llevará una

involución como sociedad y como personas

al final en una empresa para que se

produzca una sinergia perfecta que nos

lleve al éxito que estamos buscando

debemos verla como una sociedad

compuesta por empleado y empleador y

sólo la suma o mejor dicho la sinergia

de ambos llevar a construir una empresa

sostenible y rentable en el tiempo

porque como ya dijo el famoso

conferenciante americano vigilar cómo

construyes negocios construyes personas

y son ellas quienes construyen el

negocio con este nuevo sistema debe

generar la suma de confianza y respeto

para lograr el éxito ya que paga cada

una de las partes no empleado y el

empleador tiene un interés en el éxito

empresarial no hay duda y el conjunto

sólo gana si gana la suma de sus

componentes no si sólo gana una de ellas

como sucede en muchísimas empresas todo

no podemos resumir en personas

recordando el término creado por mi buen

amigo y socio israel garcía suman

business no donde empresas como la

aerolínea southwest airlines americana

lo llevan a la práctica con frases como

como reconocemos que nuestro personal es

la ventaja competitiva más grande que


entregamos recursos y servicios con el

fin de preparar a nuestro personal para

que sea ganador para que mantenga el

crecimiento y rentabilidad de la

compañía a la vez que preserva los

valores y la cultura de southwest


la siguiente imagen define muy bien la

realidad de muchas empresas no crees

donde según el nivel en el que se

encuentra el profesional

la satisfacción y felicidad es distinta

no y esta es una

los mayores errores en las este nivel y

dady crecimiento de un negocio

actualmente los modelos de management

están obsoletos y no los hacemos


no podemos seguir anclados en el pasado

en esta parte no cuando el mundo está

cambiando en gestionar la empresa como

lo hacíamos antes por mucho que nos

queramos agarrar a un clavo ardiendo

llegará un momento que nos quemará tanto

que será imposible seguir agarrándolo

por ello el primer paso debe girar en

torno al concepto de la startup no sobre

todo cuando pensamos en grandes

corporaciones cuyos movimientos son

extremadamente lentos a todos los

niveles lo que hace que pierdan

velocidad de reacción con un elevado

coste de oportunidad puesto que la

velocidad es un factor de éxito en los

negocios por otro lado las startups

funcionan como grupos pequeños muy

unidos donde se aprovecha la

inteligencia colectiva el talento y la


pero según crecer lo que sucede es que

se van separando las personas haciendo

todo más impersonal y por lo tanto se

deja de aprovechar ese talento no dando

paso a los actuales sistemas

paleolíticos para evitar esta situación

la solución es tan sencilla y tan

compleja a la vez como realizar un

proceso de conversión de gran empresa a

start up donde la gran corporación debe

pasar a funcionar como distintas

unidades de negocio más pequeñas pero

unidas en una red corporativa con ayuda

de la tecnología pero como decía este

proceso no es tan sencillo como parece

ya que debe venir acompañado de otra

serie de acciones para que no fracase la

socialización y que pudo dividir en dos

partes la primera atraer el interés de

los trabajadores y la segunda a aportar

valor para la empresa

debemos evitar pensar que los medios

sociales no las redes sociales son otro

canal de marketing y que con tan sólo

abrir una página en facebook o en

twitter un blog colgar vídeos

interesantes en youtube ya está esto

sólo es una falsa creencia

si quieres sacar todo el potencial de

las nuevas tecnologías del nuevo mundo

en que vivimos de las nuevas


tendrás que hacer mucho más y trabajar

por convertir a trabajadores y clientes

en fuerzas de ventas efectivas y

convertir a los clientes en equipo de

apoyo a otros

clientes de hecho las bases de la

socialización corporativa se sustentan

en tres patas la primera comunidad que

es él quien la gente que colabora la

segunda medios sociales es el don de

lugar donde se colabora y la tercera es

la misión es el porqué el motivo por el

que se colabora podemos decir que una

organización se convierte en social

cuando descubre el poder de la

colaboración de masas y desarrolla

habilidades para crear comunidades

colaboradoras efectivas

todo esto requiere de un cambio de

mentalidad y pensar que los nuevos

medios sociales deben ser vistos y

tratados con una capacidad empresarial y

no como un proyecto de tecnologías de la

información o marketing como muchas

veces se mira es esta transformación


podemos decir que sí que es parte del

proceso que quiere hacerle unas

preguntas y te dijese tenéis algunos

objetivos concretos para el 2018 es

decir oye que queremos conseguir a en 12

meses desde ahora x tenis algo marcado

en este sentido vale es que el principal

problema y es algo genérico es que

normalmente no hay una estrategia creada

entonces como en una empresa si no

tienes un business plan sensación de

base es el principal problema no en esta

parte no entra a valorar nominados y los

contenidos son buenos o no por lo tanto

no puedo decir el trabajo de la agencia

qué tal qué tal está hecho

lo que sí es cierto es que a ver lo

primero que hay que trabajar es en qué

alzas tras esa estrategia porque uno de

vuestros e nuestra estrategia tiene que

estar basada en un sistema de captación

de leads de potenciales clientes es

decir al final utilizando policía en

redes sociales a traer a vuestra

audiencia meterle en un embudo de de

ventas y ver cómo trabajar ese embudo de

ventas no en la parte de beat ubillos

que trabajado muchísimo entonces al

final tengo muy claro cómo hacer esto se

mutó no sé si trabajáis tenéis algún

protocolo de gestión del ipv con algún

tipo de herramienta o no tenéis nada de

esto ha montado pero de cara al cliente

es la mejor de las soluciones todo lo

que digan de seguridad de que no soporta

alto tráfico es todo mentira porque

hemos montado wordpress en webs con más

de dos millones de visitas al mes y

funcionan bien

3 qué sucede al final en el 99% de los

casos que intentamos hacer mucho eso

provoca un cuello de botella y al fin

nos hace nada entonces eso impide el

avance no creo que que viene un poco

todo esto lo importante es parar pensar

cómo lo vamos a hacer cómo se va a

enfocar rediseñar proceso rediseñar la

web con canales etcétera etcétera

y a partir de ahí pues bueno a ir

asignando recursos y montando y y

trabajando todo esto porque al final si

estoy invirtiendo en un marketing de

contenidos que nos está dando ningún

tipo de tracción no tenéis un psis es

que en nuestro caso un sistema de links

claves que invitó vi hay que tener esto

está montado vale si no lo perfecto sin

ningún problema y vamos a ir incluso a

presentarme como vosotros considerase

consultor externo adverso externo

normalmente al final mi papel es jugar

como como una un apoyo externo pero que

me ponga al lado de la compañía incluyen

en el punto intermedio con vuestra

agencia porque muchas veces lo que pasa

es que hay una ola agencia que está

diciendo algo y tú lo sabes bien si está

o no no están haciendo las cosas bien

quiero conocer tu opinión por lo que

deja de los comentarios con el hashtag o

lo gracia si crees que esta nueva

cultura organizacional mejoraría los

resultados de las empresas entre todos

los comentarios de los videos del mes

sortear en mi curso on line de

estrategia de marketing digital y si te

ha gustado este vídeo y quieres que siga

haciendo más vídeos como éste

dale me gusta y suscríbete a mi canal y

si quiere profundizar y descargarte

gratuitamente mi último ebook puedes

conseguirlo ahora mismo gratuitamente en

el enlace que te dejo en la descripción

del video

una estrella en mi campo 76 ee.uu

For more infomation >> HOLOCRACIA: un MANAGEMENT y cultura organizacional empresarial DIFERENTE - Duration: 13:22.


Refugios en la sierra. Cuevas de San Marcos y Cuevas Bajas, Málaga - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Refugios en la sierra. Cuevas de San Marcos y Cuevas Bajas, Málaga - Duration: 11:53.


El Gastor y Zahara de la Sierra. Cádiz - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> El Gastor y Zahara de la Sierra. Cádiz - Duration: 0:52.


El audaz Puigdemont y la ley - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> El audaz Puigdemont y la ley - Duration: 4:44.


Puigdemont quiere blindarse como eurodiputado en 2019 y la UE dice que no hay impedimento legal - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont quiere blindarse como eurodiputado en 2019 y la UE dice que no hay impedimento legal - Duration: 5:48.


💰 Bonos Turnover 🔃 - Slots 🎰 y Casino Online🃏 | - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> 💰 Bonos Turnover 🔃 - Slots 🎰 y Casino Online🃏 | - Duration: 1:38.


#18 COMO PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Exercicios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> #18 COMO PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Exercicios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 9:28.


What does morula mean? - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> What does morula mean? - Duration: 0:39.


Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.


Federalistes d'Esquerres exige a Puigdemont que "deje de secuestrar" la Generalitat - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Federalistes d'Esquerres exige a Puigdemont que "deje de secuestrar" la Generalitat - Duration: 1:11.


曾志伟开记者会回应风波,称将起诉此前爆料他的魔女教母韩颖华! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> 曾志伟开记者会回应风波,称将起诉此前爆料他的魔女教母韩颖华! - Duration: 1:13.


Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.

Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers

For more infomation >> Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.



For more infomation >> WWE ROYAL RUMBLE 2018 : PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL - Duration: 5:38.


Protegiendo la ciudad de Amberes con RADWIN JET - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Protegiendo la ciudad de Amberes con RADWIN JET - Duration: 3:13.


Patrick Sébastien ex-accro aux jeux : "Les emmerdements ont dépassé le plaisir" - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Patrick Sébastien ex-accro aux jeux : "Les emmerdements ont dépassé le plaisir" - Duration: 1:31.


Le monde sous TRUMP : BILAN de sa PREMIÈRE ANNÉE - Monkey - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Le monde sous TRUMP : BILAN de sa PREMIÈRE ANNÉE - Monkey - Duration: 3:40.


Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.


Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.


Elsa Pataky y Chris Hemsworth, la pareja top vuelve a la alfombra roja - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Elsa Pataky y Chris Hemsworth, la pareja top vuelve a la alfombra roja - Duration: 1:51.


¡AH, BUENO! Marian Farjat se filmó jugando en la arena... ¡y estallaron las redes! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> ¡AH, BUENO! Marian Farjat se filmó jugando en la arena... ¡y estallaron las redes! - Duration: 0:53.


Learn Animals Names and S...

For more infomation >> Learn Animals Names and S...



For more infomation >> WWE ROYAL RUMBLE 2018 : PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL - Duration: 5:38.


Amsterdam & Paris Special - Duration: 6:17.

and the 3rd season has officially ended in the end of december

there won't be any challenges this month

but we'll have a few specials, starting, as promised, with the

puro extase's amsterdam and paris special, guys

we've checked out a few cool spots that you are going to see now

puro êxtase presents

an amsterdam and paris special

meet the sex museum,

jacquie & michel and much more!

we are here in amsterdam

this city is pure pure ecstasy

as promised, do you know what we are about to check out? right behind me, do you know what it is?

the sex museum

let's go inside and feel the place, right guys

we are here at the sex museum in amsterdam with a few moans? what? wait, hold on?

oh my god

this is just the entrance, let's check out the rest

our visit here at the sex museum, in amsterdam, was insane

a lot of things to do, a whole lot of ideas to bring back home

and, well, i hope you enjoyed it because i had one hell of a time here

couldn't stop laughing and there was also

this here guys

here is paris

wazzuuuup puro êxtase guys

guess where we are

jacquie e michel! we'll check out here because there's a lot of yummy products

they are great partners of ours, always writing articles about the channel

so, obviously, that while visiting paris we had to stop here and check out this wonderful boutique

recommend it! puro êxtase approved

and that's it guys, let's go! let's check out everything around here, guys

follow me

that's a wrap with the puro êxtase special, guys. did we have the sex museum in amsterdam? yes, we did

there was also the jacquie and michel visit, in paris

a wonderful boutique, which, if your around, you have to check it out

and back to amsterdam we also had what?

hempstory, a store that uses actual hemp

to produce clothing, produce cosmetics

damn swell, hope you enjoyed it

and that's it, guys

puro êxtase presents

an amsterdam and paris special

meet the sex museum,

jacquie & michel and much more!

For more infomation >> Amsterdam & Paris Special - Duration: 6:17.


Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.

Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers

For more infomation >> Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.


Hai kich - talk show - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> Hai kich - talk show - Duration: 14:01.


Uomini e donne,Tina tradita dal marito con una del Grande Fratello? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne,Tina tradita dal marito con una del Grande Fratello? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.


This happens when you use lemon for your partner || ऐसा तब होता है जब आप अपने साथी के लिए नींबू - Duration: 5:32.

This happens when you use lemon for your partner,

In this distribution, I welcome you.

This happens when you use lemons for your partner, the results will surprise you completely!

They are well known from the rich properties of juice extracted from lemon from ancient


This sour fruit can help you to improve the general criteria of your sexual health and

to fight against premature ejaculation in a natural way.

Therefore, if you want to stay on bed for long periods, then it should be included regularly

in your diet daily.

First of all, you should know that lemon can help you reduce your bad cholesterol (I will

tell you what to do).

The antioxidant properties of lemon juice are very good for your body to eliminate cholesterol,

which is not needed.

Bad cholesterol can cause or increase ejaculation before time.

It involves cholesterol arteries and prevents all blood from reaching the genital area and

more accurate gender.

The latter stops you from controlling your orgasms and thus inspires you to speak prematurely,

to ruin your self esteem and leave your partner dissatisfied.

Similarly, lemon juice is a powerful deteroxifier in your body because it contains many beneficial


The latter will assist in eliminating toxic substances stored in the genital area.

More precise on muscles involved in ejaculation Due to this accumulation of toxic substances,

these pelvic muscles do not work properly, which prevents you from controlling intercourse

and therefore causes premature ejaculation.

Finally, large amounts of vitamin C have freshly made lemon juice, which is one of the best

ways to promote your immune system.

How does it help to combat premature ejaculation?

Actually, the immune system is responsible for destroying the body, which does not need

the body or damages it.

Therefore, this system will help you eliminate the above mentioned toxins so that you can

stay on bed for a long time.

Now, I'm supposed to tell you a few ways to make lemon juice to be effective against premature


Here, I want to give one of the most effective and simplest suggestions:

Take lemon juice every morning in hot water.

Preparation is very simple, because it is a glass of water enough to drink a good water

- during the preparation of lemon juice - and squeezing half a lemon for each glass.

By taking your empty stomach juice every morning you will enjoy all the benefits of this fruit

before ejaculation.

And it will also help you in such things as weight loss, if you have to lose weight.

So do not forget to start the day with lemon and some water healthily.

Apart from lemon juice, I have mentioned that enjoying lemon juice in the season before

your meal is a great way to use it to treat ejaculation so that you can stay longer in


I advise you to try to change tradition with lemon juice, an effective and simple

way to enjoy all your health benefits in general.

Finally, you can eliminate inappropriate collard from your diet that can increase the

cases of premature ejaculation.

And when you feel thirsty, you can prepare a delicious home-made lemonade regularly.

Or just when you want a fresh and nutritious drink

With this you will enjoy the properties of lemon for general health.

And also, you will get plenty of sweaty drinks which you can take any time of the day.

In essence, lemon juice can be one of your best colleagues against pain in your bed.

Always consult your doctor for any question about any condition

Thanks for watching the video, if you find it useful, then laugh with your friends and

family and do not hesitate to subscribe, please do like.

For more infomation >> This happens when you use lemon for your partner || ऐसा तब होता है जब आप अपने साथी के लिए नींबू - Duration: 5:32.


Perchè Albano e Loredana si sono lasciati? La rivelazione choc su Romina | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Perchè Albano e Loredana si sono lasciati? La rivelazione choc su Romina | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Albano e Loredana Lecciso si sono lasciati: la confessione shock su Oggi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Albano e Loredana Lecciso si sono lasciati: la confessione shock su Oggi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.


RARE CLIPS U GOTTA SEE 😎😍😜 just enjoy compilation 🍸🍹🍺 - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> RARE CLIPS U GOTTA SEE 😎😍😜 just enjoy compilation 🍸🍹🍺 - Duration: 8:13.


CRUNCHY ICE with juice in water | Mukbang ASMR Eating Show China - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> CRUNCHY ICE with juice in water | Mukbang ASMR Eating Show China - Duration: 5:17.


Try Not To Laugh or Grin Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2018 - Funny Girls Impossible Challenge 2018 - Duration: 11:01.

Hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos everyday..!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh or Grin Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2018 - Funny Girls Impossible Challenge 2018 - Duration: 11:01.


MAHWARI HER PANDRA DIN BAD KA ILAJ|خواتین میں ماہواری ہر پندرھ دن بعد کا موثرعلاج - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> MAHWARI HER PANDRA DIN BAD KA ILAJ|خواتین میں ماہواری ہر پندرھ دن بعد کا موثرعلاج - Duration: 2:07.


Meek Mill x ASAP Rocky x Bi...

For more infomation >> Meek Mill x ASAP Rocky x Bi...


Why I Pray With an App - Three-Minute Thursdays #11 - Duration: 3:57.

Welcome to another edition of 3 Minute Thursdays.

I'm Tim Challies and here is my challenge over the next three minutes; to say something

useful, hopefully, helpful about a subject that's of interest to people like you.

Today I want to talk about prayer.

Specifically, I want to talk about why I pray every day using an app.

So, we'll role the intro and then we'll get to it.

Today we're talking about prayer, and why I pray every day using an app.

So, we'll get that three minutes on the clock, and we will get to it.

I'm one of those routine people.

I admit it.

I like to get up every day and follow roughly the same pattern.

So, I come downstairs, grab my cup of coffee, and I head to the living room to do my devotions

using an iPad and a phone.

I've talked before about how I use my iPad to read the Bible.

I use my phone to pray.

Let me tell you how and why I do that.

A few years ago a book in the UK came out with an app called PrayerMate.

This was an app designed to help people like me pray, and I found it very, very helpful.

Now, when a new app or a new program comes along, what you usually find is it takes a

real world paradigm and it just updates it.

It digitizes it.

And that's what he did here.

The paradigm he follows is essentially the prayer method that uses index cards.

So, imagine that you've got an index card box.

Within it, you open it up and you see that there's dividers running along.

And then behind each of the dividers, a series of index cards.

Okay, so the box is the app, it's the prayers, the sum total of the prayers.

Each of the dividers is a different kind of prayer.

A different category of prayer.

And then each of the index cards is an actual prayer.

You might have a name written on it with a scripture text below to pray for that person,

or for that thing.

That's the paradigm he uses.

I find that's a very, very helpful way to pray.

I've actually used it in that older paradigm.

I love that there's an app that does this.

So here's how it works.

Every morning, I grab my phone.

I simply open it up.

And what do I find?

I find PrayerMate app there.

I tap on the app, and that's all it takes.

I'm simply swiping left to pray.

First time I swipe, it shows me the Gospel.

It shows me some scripture passage related to the Gospel.

I simply pray that to the Lord.

I swipe again and I find some prayers of confession.

Things to confess to the Lord.

Swipe again and I'm praying prayers of thanksgiving.

As I keep swiping, then I move into different categories of prayer.

So I'm praying now for my family.

I'm praying for my own character.

I'm praying for the elder qualifications, first for myself, and then for my fellow elders

at the church.

All these different categories of prayer and each card has a prayer on it, has a scripture

text to help develop my prayer, to help, make sure that I'm praying in a way that's honoring

to the Lord.

What better thing can we do than pray God's Words to God?

And so this app has made a big, big difference in my life, in some very, very helpful ways.

First, it's helped me pray more.

It's given me the structure to make sure every day I'm praying to the Lord.

So I'm not praying the same old prayers but it's mixing them up, it's making sure that

I'm praying something a little bit different every day.

So I have five or ten different prayers.

I pray for my kids, one of them each day.

It's also making sure I'm praying for all the things I ought to pray about.

There's so many things I should pray about.

And I like to pray in the concentric circle model.

I pray, first for myself, then for my family, then for my church, then for my neighbors,

then for the world.

And this app is very well geared to do that.

Put it all together.

A very, very helpful app.

I commend it to you.

And I ask you to check it out in the app store related to your device.

See if it's a good way for you to pray as well.

And I'll see you again in another 3 Minute Thursday.

For more infomation >> Why I Pray With an App - Three-Minute Thursdays #11 - Duration: 3:57.


Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0i i-Catcher - Duration: 1:02.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 0:48.


DARA TV │미니시리즈 다라극장 2부작 - 그녀는 살아있다 'THE STAR STILL SHINES' - Duration: 12:16.

Screening Humanity of DARA

Voice - Yoo Byung Jae

Starring - Sandara Park

Special Guest - Lee Chae Rin

The star still shines

Manila , Philippines

Dara starts her day with text messages as always

The place she visits today is a dance studio

She visits here to practice the dance for Tomorrow's concert

G-force Dance Center

"Is this filming now?"

"Can you see me?"

TG is the main choreographer of Dara's concert and normally she works with popular singers in Philippines

She has been practicing the choreography for 3 days to catch up because she didn't dance for a while

This stage is very special and precious for DARA since she has not been on the stage for 3yrs

"I could die while I sing this song 'Go away'"

In fact, High note part is not Dara's part

And this GO AWAY's high note is too difficult to sing so that Park-bom, the main vocalist, also suffered to sing this part.

So Dara is not so confident for this.

"Well, as you know, everyone has one's role in idol band

and the high note part was usually Bom's part so I haven't known until now."

"This time I should do all alone so I felt kind of pressure."

She is all in the sweat after dance practice

but she doesn't really have time to wash so she uses the sweat dryer to go next schedule

"Don't do that Unnie"

"I used to do that.."

"This is my body guard and he started work with me since last year"

"He is so professional and in charge of well known global stars such as Justin Bieber"

"In fact, he is kind of protective to guard stars before the stage,

and this time I went out secretly and he caught me."

"I lied him that 'I'll go to sleep'

and called Uber to go out. when elevator door opened,

he was there..

and he got on Uber with me..

after that he changed his room to my next door and let the door open to see if I go out secretly again"

"Well I'm not a princess .."

" I'm not going out again.."

Gerry's Grill, Manila

Finally she came for dinner after long practice

"Order your drink guys"

Gerry's Grill is one of the famous restaurants in Philippines and she is their regular customer for 10 yrs.

The dishes she ordered come out one by one

and Dara makes the sauce for her staff.

Squeeze the calamansi first and add the chili pepper on it for spicy taste

it's done for making special Dara sauce

"Anybody want this?"

As always, Dara is so busy to take care of her staffs

Today's main dish is..

"beef soup (Kalbi-tang)"

a Philippines spicy beef soup

For manager JJang mae who is always hungry,

"Here you are"

a full bowl of beef soup

Also she never forgets only-soup bowl for picky staff

"Only soup for you"

After she served all dishes to her staffs.. Sandara's din..

After she served all dishes to her staffs.. Sandara's dinner starts..

"Look at this hot pepper"

"This will kill us for sure.."

"Anybody want this?"

But she still worries if she missed anyone's dish..

while she's eating..

"Ew! I ate the pepper.."

She ends up with eating hot peppers by accident

After dinner, Dara came to studio for doing more practice

She need to redouble her efforts for tomorrow's concert

This is Peter, the director who made a lot of music shows in Philippines,

and he was willing to help Dara for her concert

Dara's schedule is so full for upcoming concert

She could be exhausted mentally and physically..

and when she feels down

"Does she answer the phone?"

"Yes she does! hello~"

"I'm doing band rehearsal now"

CL is there for DARA as always.

"I wanna ask her to shout out..

Let's go! or.. Put your hands up!"

Chae Rin is younger sister but she is so mature and has strong leadership so Dara relies on her

"Actually I spend my private time with Chae Rin a lot, not just for work"

"I mean she is my BF"

"Well.. many people think that it's quite surprising (that she is my BF) because we are so different."

Even managers say

"How come you guys are so close and belong together while you are so different?

"They must be a couple in previous life"

"I was so sad and used to cry that Chae Rin is not with me but left to the US for work

but these days I feel like we're together because I see her a lot on FaceTime."

"I see her more than others who are actually in Korea."

"It's 1am. 1:02."

"But I can't go to sleep now..I'm gonna practice more for tomorrow


She rather be practicing than taking a rest after long practice

She seems to be worried for leading the stage alone, not with other members.

"This song is for Blackjack"

"Miss you so much.."

Practices continued all night long but she is not tired,

actually feels so energetic when she think of her fans and tomorrow's concert.

She wants everything perfect for tomorrow but this stupid chair is a problem

"It's too close against the wall"

For more infomation >> DARA TV │미니시리즈 다라극장 2부작 - 그녀는 살아있다 'THE STAR STILL SHINES' - Duration: 12:16.


Just WHAT is North Korea planning? Shock satellite images reveal HUGE military drills - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:41.

Just WHAT is North Korea planning? Shock satellite images reveal HUGE military drills

NORTH Korea is planning a huge military show of force to coincide with the opening of next

month's controversial Winter Olympics, shock satellite images have revealed.

Yesterday North Korea and South Korea agreed to march under a joint flag at the opening

ceremony in Pyeongchang and play with a unified women's ice hockey team - a huge step forward

for the peninsula.

However, despite these conciliatory moves, satellite images taken over the past few weeks

indicate frantic preparations for a demonstration.

Image analysis by North Korean experts indicates an "upcoming military event or parade"

is expected on February 8 - the day before the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics

across the border.

Huge crowds of soldiers can be seen marching in formation, week after week, in preparation

for some sort of demonstration next month.

Despite blistering cold and snow covering the ground of the parade ring, hundreds if

not thousands of people have been taking part in preparations for the demonstration for

the past two months.

With the eyes of the world on the Korean peninsula for the tournament, despot Kim Jong-un knows

this is a perfect time to show off the might of his army.

Scott LaFoy, an analyst for the US-based Korea Risk Group, said satellite images of the Mirim

Parade Training Ground in the capital of Pyongyang showed something ominous was afoot in the

hermit state.

He said: "At present, the parade appears to involve 28 formations of infantry or other

military personnel, a traditional military band, and possibly additional personnel."

Mr LaFoy said the size of the demonstration was somewhat limited as time was running out

before the presumed February 8 parade date.

He said: "Parades require training and practice so that participants are coordinated.

The October 10, 2015 parade, being a particularly large event, had a sixth month lead time.

This parade will have a little over two months, with drilling occurring during both brutal

weather and the annual winter training cycle.

"Because there are only three weeks until the possible parade date, there is a strict

time limit on how much additional heavy equipment can actually be moved into Mirim.

Vehicles must arrive in Pyongyang with enough time to practice, limiting the possible size

of the parade."

But he said due to the "unusual" timing of the parade, its exact nature was almost

impossible to ascertain just how big or detailed the parade would be.

Mr LaFoy said: "This parade is atypical though.

Parades are not typically held in February, making it difficult to match its preparations

to a more typical event."

Regardless of the exact size of the parade, the sabre-rattling nature of any demonstration

at such a sensitive time for the peninsula will infuriate Seoul and Washington.

While North Korea and South Korea have opened talks for the first time in years this month,

relations between Pyongyang and Washington remain incredibly strained.

Earlier this week North Korea blasted Donald Trump's tweet about his nuclear weapon as

the "spasm of the lunatic".

A state-run newspaper also said he was a "psychopath" and a "loser" who wanted "nuclear war".

The newspaper said: "Trump's bluff is regarded by the DPRK as just a spasm of a lunatic frightened

by the might of Juche Korea and a bark of a rabid dog.

"The spasm of Trump in the new year reflects the desperate mental state of a loser who

failed to check the vigorous advance of the army and people of the DPRK.

"Trump revealed over Twitter who defends peace and who wants a nuclear war.

"Trump earns strong criticism for his tongue-lashing.

He is making bluff only to be diagnosed as a psychopath."

For more infomation >> Just WHAT is North Korea planning? Shock satellite images reveal HUGE military drills - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:41.


Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:56.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:55.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Dynamic World Cup edition BJ.06/LEER/CLIMA/1e EIGENAAR !! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Dynamic World Cup edition BJ.06/LEER/CLIMA/1e EIGENAAR !! - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Camry 2.2i XL Sedan ( Apk tot 8-2018 ) - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Toyota Camry 2.2i XL Sedan ( Apk tot 8-2018 ) - Duration: 0:48.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-i Aspiration Navigatie LM velgen - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-i Aspiration Navigatie LM velgen - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I TERRA 7P. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I TERRA 7P. - Duration: 0:59.


Rinforzare i muscoli lombari con 8 esercizi - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> Rinforzare i muscoli lombari con 8 esercizi - Duration: 11:12.


閃電狼FW x LoL|新韓國狼報到:大家好,我是MooJin!|New Korea player here:Hello, everyone, I am MooJin. - Duration: 1:19.

Hello everyone, I am MooJin (in Chinese)

Hello, I am Kim Moo-Jin.

My game ID is MooJin.

I am juggler.

I have chance to come here because of Karsa's leaving.

And it gives me some pressure.

I think I will do better and better.

and let everyone know I can do well as good as Karsa.

My first impreesion to FlahsWolves was that they beated SKTT1.

I think if I join this team, I have to work harder and harder.

I need some time to get used to Taiwan's weather.

but it's really convenient to get food,

And there are different knid of food, I really like it.

If you like my introduction,

you can give this vedio a like and share it.

We see you again at LMS and Garena Stadium.

Thanks for your watching.

For more infomation >> 閃電狼FW x LoL|新韓國狼報到:大家好,我是MooJin!|New Korea player here:Hello, everyone, I am MooJin. - Duration: 1:19.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI I-DRIVE COOL | AIRCO | EERSTE EIGENAAR | LED DAGRIJ | 6-BAK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI I-DRIVE COOL | AIRCO | EERSTE EIGENAAR | LED DAGRIJ | 6-BAK - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën Xsara 1.6 I 16V PICASSO - TOP DEAL - ZO MEE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara 1.6 I 16V PICASSO - TOP DEAL - ZO MEE - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Mégane Coupe cabriolet 2.0i 16V TECH LINE AUTOMAAT LEDER PDC AIRCO ECC XENON LMV 17'' - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Coupe cabriolet 2.0i 16V TECH LINE AUTOMAAT LEDER PDC AIRCO ECC XENON LMV 17'' - Duration: 0:58.


Everyday Makeup Tutorial | One Brand Tutorial | Benefit Cosmetics Greece - Duration: 15:44.

hey guys so in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how do you know that I'm

wearing right now it's very simple very easy everyday glam

and I just I have some exciting news for you guys and I can't wait to share them

with you okay so I collaborated with a brand and that brand is baby

we came up with this bag it has my name on it and inside we included my three

favorite benefit products let's just open it see what it has inside so the

first thing that you see is a card with my face this is a drawing of me and on

the back there is photos of me showing you how to to use the things that we

included inside the product that we have and here are my favorite product we have

the dandelion highlighter I love it I'm wearing it today we always should have

their roller lash mascara which you guys have seen me use it so many times in my

videos and I think that we all agree that brows nowadays are really important

I just can't imagine doing a makeup look without touching my eyebrows without

doing anything to them so we also included the corral these products are

absolutely amazing in the back itself it's also really convenient because it

has a pouch here where you can put your things and obviously no one can see

what's inside it has one more pouch where you can obviously see what's

inside and a third one where you can put more product and store your makeup of

course we have some place here for your brushes and they're gonna be nice and

protected here and one more pocket where you can put more things because makeup

lovers know that the more makeup the better so it's really nice and

convenient it's perfect for traveling this is available only in Greece and for

those of you who are in Greece - You can find this kit only on

I'll have the link down in the description box,so you can click it and it'll bring you there!

It's limited edition and its initial price is 115€

But because of our collaboration with Benefit Cosmetics Greece

You can purchase it for only 65€!

Don't forget that you can find this kit only on

I'm so glad we've collaborated with Benefit and you can get yourself something from me! It's just wondeful!

It feels so strange talking in Greek right now. I've almost never spoken Greek in my videos

But the moment has come

So I want to thank you so much for everything

And now we continue with the tutorial for this look!

alrighty guys so I'm gonna start off by priming my face and I'm gonna use the

professional mattress to primer by benefit it looks like that it's like

blue really think and I'm gonna work that with my fingers all my face

if you're getting oily throughout the day I recommend you to try out this

primer and I have some visible pores in this area right here so I'm taking the

professional this is their I think that this is their most popular primer so I'm

gonna take some of it on my finger is I'm taking just a very small tiny amount

of it and I'm gonna place it right here where I have a little bit larger pores

just pressing it in okay so now that my face is all nice and primed I'm moving

on to the foundation and I'm very excited because this is going to be the

first time that I'm going to use their hello flawless foundation I have these

in the shade ivory so let's see it's very liquidy look at that

well it looks really natural on the skin it's medium coverage I think though we

didn't cover up some of my blemishes right here but it gives a very nice

healthy dewy finish to my skin but as I said it's like I barely have anything on

my face it's not cakey at all so for concealer I have this one here

this is the point concealer and I have it in the shade one again I'm going to

use my finger stuff white let me try to cover up some of my blemishes with it

once you kind of warm it up with your finger it's getting very very creamy and

it makes everything disappear so that's nice I'm also using that under my eyes

to cover up my dark circles all right huh I feel alive again I mean I think

some concealer under your eyes and coloring the darkness there it makes

such a huge difference I mean you can definitely tell but I look a lot more

awake now all right so moving on to the brows I'm gonna use the brow fo

conditioning primer the applicator is so much fun let me just focus for you guys

so you can see it up close look at that it's not just the usual spoolie you know

that makes it so much more interesting and I'm gonna use it to brush my brow

hairs upward and put them in place

I used to love this product but somehow I lost it somewhere I couldn't find it

anywhere and then the really kind team of benefits sent me a new one and I was


you guys I have really long brown hairs and you know what drives me crazy

these little guys is stacking out like that I don't know if you guys can tell

but okay now I feel better all right now to fill in my brows I'm

gonna use a brush we actually included in the cake and it's the cab brow brow

gel I mean this is absolutely amazing let me just take it out to show you guys

this is it and as you can tell the packaging's

or the benefit products are so cool so what didn't actually do is you can take

out this little thing here put it like that and then use it to fill in your

brows this is actually a small tiny brush so let me just dip it in and make

my brows look nice and full and flawless

it's very easy to work with it because it's not like Joe it's more like like a

creamy gel formula I know how to explain to you guys but you can never like use

too much of it you can you can actually control it which is really important

when you're filling in your brows because sometimes with some Dell

products they're very pigmented this is the exact amount of pigment that an

eyebrow needs they did some kind of a magic when they were creating this this

product but I have no idea what it is no idea how they do it the only thing that

I know is that I love it now I'm taking this day don't stray eyeshadow primer

and I'm gonna just apply that right here on my eyelid I'm not gonna use any

eyeshadow today but I just want to even up the skin tone on my eyelids and I

also kinda want to clean up my eye brows with it let me just go in for you guys

so you can see what I'm doing better

I know if I told you that guys but lately I've been really enjoying the

smoked out eyeliner because if you mess it up a little bit it's not a big deal

you know you don't have to be really precise you can just smudge it there and

it's gonna be fine you know so I find it a lot quicker than doing just a regular

winged eyeliner where you have to be a little bit more precise today I'm going

to use the Dare real push-up liner by benefit this is a very very black

eyeliner like it's very dark the dip looks like that I mean it's a little bit

more unusual but I think that you just need a little bit more time and practice

to get used to it and once you're used to working with it it's very easy so let

me just prepare my smarting bar because this is drying out really quickly which

is a good thing but if you want to smudge your eyeliner you might need to

be a little bit quicker with that it gives you some time but is it you need

to be quick I need a mirror alright what I'm doing is I'm placing the product

very very closely to my lashes

I'm giving it in the outer half of my eye then I'm switching to my smudging

brush and I'm going on started moving it around and just making it look more

smoked out if you guys don't have a smudging brush it you can also use a

q-tip it's gonna do great job as well

now if you're working with a brush and you feel like it's kind of getting full

of product and you can't really smudge very easily just make sure that you

clean your brush in the back of your hand as you can tell this is exactly

what I did and that will make sure that most of the product is you know out of

your brush and you'll be able to smudge better so keep that in mind next we're

moving to the lashes and the mascara is one of the products that we also

included in the kit you guys can see me use the roller life so many times in my

videos I absolutely love this mascara and that's one of the reasons that it

was included in the back now I'm gonna show you how I use it and how I find

that it's working the best for me so what I'm doing first is I'm placing it

very close to the roots of my lashes I'm looking down like I'm always closing my

eyes and I start rotating it there and I'm just wiggling it and coding the rest

of my lashes boom lashes I'm also coating this way the the lashes

in the inner corner so let's do the same on the other eye starting from the roots

rotating and we link coding the rest boom I don't even need a second layer

and one of the things that I love about it is that the brush is not like loaded

with ton of product I wasn't really planning to our forces with this look

and it's totally fine if you want to skip them too but benefits send me some

of their forces and they look very natural so I decided that why not it's

never a bad idea to add some extra hairs on your eyelids that sounded a little

bit like oh yeah this is so cool you guys look at that look at that so

this is how the packaging of the lashes looks and it has this little plastic

thing here and then you pull it and it has the lash style and you can actually

try it out I mean that's so cool you can be like okay that looks good on

me I wasn't expecting that but it's hmm really clever idea okay so I'm gonna

wear this now called girly girly upwash just gonna put them on really quickly

now setting my face with the hello flawless powder its I'm lightly dusting

it all over my face

switching to a smaller brush I also bring it under my eyes to kind of set

that concealer in place and add some color to my face I'm going with the holo

light I've mentioned this bronzer is so many times in my videos and it's one of

my go-to bronzers I just hit pan one more proof that I absolutely love this


you guys know that I love it when my skin is looking glowy and dewy so we

also decided to include a highlighter in the kit and this is their dandelion

twinkle highlighter

I also bring that on my brow bone and in the inner corners oh this brush is a

little bit big

I have this I think the desire lipglosses by benefits and they send me

a couple of them packaging look like bubblegum you guys so cute so let me see

which one I'm gonna use this color looks pretty it's actually called ballgown so

let's go ahead and try it out

and it's a lipgloss but the consistency is not like very thick and heavy it's

it's very smooth they also have a deep red one oh wow let me swatch that

and this is a beautiful guys it's very easy very simple and we had it Oh in

today's video we had first impressions I also imported some of my all-time

favorites I mean it was so much fun and for those of you who are in Greece here

I'm a Potter polypro flipadelphia monkey de millau lindakhaas of Tala here my

parabola patellar beta versus erase a new graph they were pulley or a Brahma

tychicus to instagram case to youtube statistic me my caboose to Renault keep

it up Hara dhaniya cover me up for an excessive courtesy so y'all a flop

anyway I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and if you haven't subscribed

to my channel yet go ahead click that subscribe button you can also follow me

on my Instagram Facebook Twitter and visit my blog all of the links will be

down in the description box I want to thank you guys so much for watching and

hopefully I'll see my next one bye


For more infomation >> Everyday Makeup Tutorial | One Brand Tutorial | Benefit Cosmetics Greece - Duration: 15:44.


🚒💨FSC Zuk A15 "sadness" dashboard teardown | UkZuk build ep 10 - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 🚒💨FSC Zuk A15 "sadness" dashboard teardown | UkZuk build ep 10 - Duration: 2:57.


My Piano Testing! - Duration: 0:06.

Welcome!! :D

Lol im Nervous o.o


Man! Im Creating my own song ....


Oh and btw my roblox account is called: thefollowmaster222

Aw Man, My friend is leaving!

Man dis songs name is gonna be : To The Bitter End



1 liek= more adventures ;)))))))))

For more infomation >> My Piano Testing! - Duration: 0:06.


Driver Training Fails - Duration: 8:48.

hey everyone I was going to you know I used to be a trainer for a long time and

I thought I'd tell y'all some of the funny stories of things that happen when

I had these students on the truck they were quiet it was they were very

interesting times I think that if you're good if you're a good driver and you

have patience that training is a wonderful thing to pass on the knowledge

that you have to up-and-coming truckers to do it right now if you wasn't trained

right and you think he was trained right you might have been not being I don't

know right but so everybody shouldn't try am not saying everyone should but

you know it's a good thing to pass on knowledge but I thought I'd tell you

some of the stuff cause it was quite hilarious I had a female student and she

got arrested for being a hooker now you can't beat that right but we were at the

TA and now this particular student was an excellent student she learned how to

float gears the first day and but she couldn't drive in mountains she just

couldn't do it but anyway we were a TA and she went

inside to you know could get breakfast and everything right and I was asleep

and when I woke up she still wasn't back and when I went looking for the waitress

inside said that they had called the cops on her because she was a hooker now

this was a much older lady she was probably 60 and she took good care of

herself but she wasn't a hooker at all but she was kind of simple-minded and

funny and she liked to hang out on Liars corner and talk to all the drivers you

know because she had been around trucking a lot not as a hooker and that

afternoon she come rolling up in the cop car and they dropped her off and told

her to have a good day the TA had called the cops lawyer though turned her in

being a hooker and by the time she never thought to

tell the police I'm a driver and when they finally got around to checking her

CDL herd license they were like Oh Junior

driver you're probably not a hooker that was funny as hell the TA gave her food

for life I had a fella that he decided when we got to Mount Shasta in a

snowstorm that he didn't want to be a truck driver anymore so he stopped the

truck right in the middle of the mountain that's not even a bad Mountain

right but you know snowstorm was kind of scary I guess and he just refused to

drive anymore and quit you know oh I had a female on the truck that was peeing in

44 those big gulp ease and putting them in her counter in her cabinet up there I

didn't have a clothes she was doing that until I smelt something weird one day

and I went investigating I had some things to say to that student and I can

tell you now I had a guy from Africa that he trucked around me for about a

week and when we got about 50 miles from the mountains out west and he saw the

mountains he quit he just quit he ran away that night struck stop never saw

him again but he left me some a good pillow yeah all right now this one here

was quite funny I had a guy that had to go to the bathroom so I stopped at a

Kroger because he was driving through town he lived on the other side of the

country he went in the Kroger and I never saw him again

finally when I went inside and started looking for him they said yep he came in

the front door and he walked right back out the back door and he never stopped

running all the way that was some funny stuff

all right I had a student that was on truck for three weeks and apparently he

was smoking weed because he got pulled for random and he burned it up just

burned the bottle down that was sad he's a good driver too I had one that every

time and I trained a lot of females come because I'm patient right

every time she drove her stomach would hurt she couldn't drive

she just had a boo-boo you know her stomach hurt actually found lighter shed

H before yeah whatever that is that's some kind of stomach condition okay this

one here was terrible this one here wanted to physically give him fights

with me all the time I mean we would have altercations and I don't I never

kicked people off the truck I figure if I have to I can take them in a fight

right but uh I'd still give them a chance to drive we would get in

shovelling matches right and I tell him get the fuck off the truck right and

then he just stand out there and pout for a little while I told him all right

you can get back in now anyway by the time his time was up he didn't want to

get off the truck and he tried to give me his daughter actually she was fine

but I was like I'm a little old for her he was like come on she'll do what I

tell her no I don't want to be your father-in-law one time I woke up in a

gas station not not a truck stop and not a gas station with a parking lot but a

gas station where cars was that it was tight fit but I got out okay and believe

this or not girls are the best students for the first three or four weeks of

training they take direction they listen they're attentive now they get dangerous

after that about that fourth week because they get overconfident but then

they calm down again and guys are scared of training when they're in the truck

they're terrified and you wouldn't I've never seen so many

scared guys just totally scared I don't understand it as a trainer I've trained

people that had just came out of the pen a lot of times whenever they would get

on the truck I'd tell them you know I wouldn't know their story right but okay

you're getting in my truck you're gonna tell me your story before we go anywhere

because I want to know who I'm sleeping with more or less and you wouldn't

believe the stories that that you hear out here you know a lot of manslaughters

and drug convictions and stuff and of course life situations makes things

happen that doesn't mean that they're bad people they just had a bad situation

and they handled things wrongly or whatever that can happen to anyone but

training is a very interesting thing it's not for everyone and it's not to be

used as a as a tool to totally enrich yourself although you can make a lot of

extra money training I mean if you're making 75,000 as a as a lease operator

for instance you can bump that up to a 160 170 thousand net really easy so I've

had people tell me I'm not gonna let a student tear up my truck well hey you

make another hundred thousand dollars let that student tear up that truck who

cares you go buy another one every two years boom right and actually they don't

hurt anything I never had any student doing any damage to my truck's not

clutches or anything it was always actually drivers that I hired that hurt

things but anyway that was just some interesting training stories not even

that horror stories actually but some training stories you guys have a good


For more infomation >> Driver Training Fails - Duration: 8:48.


The Detour Season 3

For more infomation >> The Detour Season 3


Mort de Dolores O'Rior­dan : 5 choses à savoir sur la chan­teuse des Cran­ber­ries - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Mort de Dolores O'Rior­dan : 5 choses à savoir sur la chan­teuse des Cran­ber­ries - Duration: 2:46.


O que fazer quando o ex-namorado fez mal a ela? - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> O que fazer quando o ex-namorado fez mal a ela? - Duration: 3:58.


#18 COMO PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Exercicios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> #18 COMO PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Exercicios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 9:28.


EPISODIO 7 // La Terra è di Nessuno - Duration: 12:36.

My nephew's corpse

My dead son

a dynasty without heirs or knights

but Jerax must cry for my blood


no one has to know that an infidel has won even for just just a moment against Ruggero

The future of this island

You have been deceived,

like each of us in this court.

Muslim is the name of my enemy

in the name of my offspring


My lord, I keep a secret

I can only reveal it with your permission

and with the hope of receiving the right reward.

I found out only yesterday

in pain for Simone's death

that your wife Adelasia is pregnant.


It cannot be…

She is.

A miracle.

Then God really exists ...

My lord now you have to listen to me carefully

Do not repudiate your wife

The Pope could revoke the Apostolic Legatio

Adelasia and her family are very influential

You need a son

and you have a son.

Where is he?

What you have prevented from planting inside my old belly

is stronger of your threats, Ruggero

You are in Sicily.

And with you is my court.

No one can give you another heir if not me.

your ancestry will be united to mine in the centuries to come

It will be called Ruggero!

Your husband died in honor.

A son was torn from his father's side.

A very sad moment for all of us, my lord.

I can not allow you to stay alone at court

Without a keeper of your beauty

I'm afraid of what happened

and comforted by your words

I think Arisgot has gone away to help Serlon

before it was too late

Where is he now?

A one-eyed knight is the last of our thoughts

The news is this

Adelasia is pregnant.

Your lord's blood will continue to reign over this land

You will still be the Lady of Jerax

Nobody at Ruggero's court deserves you more than this man.

Our own flash and blood has been revenged !

For more infomation >> EPISODIO 7 // La Terra è di Nessuno - Duration: 12:36.


Come affrontare un colloquio di lavoro - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Come affrontare un colloquio di lavoro - Duration: 2:08.


Refugios en la sierra. Cuevas de San Marcos y Cuevas Bajas, Málaga - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Refugios en la sierra. Cuevas de San Marcos y Cuevas Bajas, Málaga - Duration: 11:53.


BMW 2 Serie Cabrio 220i High Executive M-Sport | Prof. Navi | HIFI | Comfort Access - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Cabrio 220i High Executive M-Sport | Prof. Navi | HIFI | Comfort Access - Duration: 1:00.


Ferva as SEMENTES DE MELÂNCIA Depois Tome, os Resultados Vão Deixar Você Com a Boca Aberta - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Ferva as SEMENTES DE MELÂNCIA Depois Tome, os Resultados Vão Deixar Você Com a Boca Aberta - Duration: 2:19.


Aprenda Fazer Creme de Leite CASEIRO Em 2 Minutos e NUNCA MAIS Compre no Mercado - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Aprenda Fazer Creme de Leite CASEIRO Em 2 Minutos e NUNCA MAIS Compre no Mercado - Duration: 2:25.


A CURA DO CÂNCER: Conheça a Planta que é Capaz de EXTERMINAR as Células CANCERÍGENAS - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> A CURA DO CÂNCER: Conheça a Planta que é Capaz de EXTERMINAR as Células CANCERÍGENAS - Duration: 3:11.


NOWE OBIECUJĄCE ICO - Bitcoin Diamond! - Duration: 3:01.

Hello guys, today in this new video on my channel I would like to introduce you a new interesting ICO which is Bitcoin Diamond

At the beginning I would only mention that I do not advise you to invest in it if you have no idea about cryptocurrencies

Just read about it and do research and then you can multiply your assets.

What bitcoin is probably I do not have to explain to anyone, it is obviously the most popular and the most valuable cryptocurrency at the moment

But what if I told you that there is a better, more modern and future-oriented alternative to Bitcoin which is Bitcoin Diamond.

It was forked off the original Bitcoin blockchain in November last year, as a result of which a new cryptocurrency was created.

There's a total of 21 million traditional bitcoins

which makes them one of the most scarcest cryptocurrencies

There's a total of 210 million Bitcoin Diamonds

that is 10 times more than traditional Bitcoins, which creates more opportunities for future investors

Slow Bitcoin transactions definitely accelerate in the case of Diamond thanks to the use of Segwit technology

This better bitcoin version also has transaction and balance encryption, which makes it much safer and protects our privacy

And most importantly, in Bitcoin Diamond we have much lower transaction commissions than in traditional bitcoin

Bitcoin Diamond is available on over 30 international exchanges, such as Binance or Kucoin.

Although BTCD in my opinion surpasses the traditional bitcoin, however, Diamond was not created to compete with Bitcoin, but to improve the experience of using investors and users.

Bitcoin Diamond aims to improve transaction speed and reduce fees, which in my opinion makes it really hopeful cryptocurrency

It is also very interesting for this cryptocurrency excellent contact with investors via social media, tweeters, bloggers, etc.

Which I am very much proposing because thanks to this everything seems to be much more human.

In addition, our bitcoin diamond for some time is supported by very safe and functional electrum wallets

Which certainly increases its attractiveness as an investment and payment agent

Bitcoin Diamond is expanding rapidly, for example, recently they have partnered with

The world's first lending platform for dealing with heding funds

They also partnered with acute angle, IPFS-based cloud

or with, to which we owe G Coins

In addition, the Bitcoin Diamond team on twitter organized a very nice giveway in which you could win the equivalent of over $500

They often provides important informations from the point of view of the stock market investing

and other curiosities, also if you have twitter I really recommend to follow them.

All portfolios and stock exchanges that support this hopeful cryptocurrency and more information easy to translate into Polish can be found on the site

If you are interested in this cryptocurrency and you know it, I invite you to invest

If you do not know much about cryptocurrencies and would like to start investing I recommend doing some research for example on YouTube

if you do not know anything about it, do not invest because it is always a risk.

In recent days, the price of this currency has been tremendously so you can make a lot of money on it, or in the worst case loose

Let me know if you would like my guide on investment in cryptocurrencies because I think I could have some valuable advice for you

If you liked the video and you want more of this type of subject, leave a like up here, subscribe to the channel, and now I can say goodbye and see you in next video.

For more infomation >> NOWE OBIECUJĄCE ICO - Bitcoin Diamond! - Duration: 3:01.


Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.


EPISODIO 6 // La somma delle parti - Duration: 11:42.

Are you sure Engelmaro's words are true?

That man would do anything to get back to court

You shouldn't trust him

The same way I shouldn't trust you, Aldruda

Only sin comes from your tongue

Why should Ruggero recognise a bastard right now

Simone is alive

as weak as he is

The Arab saved him

How do you think you can take his place?

Engelmaro is right.

My hands, my lips know it.

Through you flows the blood destined to change the fate of this land and of the whole world

I betrayed Serlon

I don't even have the courage to pray

I'll be at your side to take what belongs to us

This, God will understand.

Simone, how are you?


Would you like to play with me?




It's a trap?


is your only value

and the years spent together are not worth anything


Everything that has happened has been beyond our will.

You! You wanted to follow me

Because we love each other as part of the same flesh, Arisgot!

I no longer want to hear your words.

Did you let the prince escape?


Did you let the prince escape?

You are a traitor to God and your race.

Go away.

And forget the county, your wife, your servants and me.

Before being forced to kill you

Who has put all this poison into your blood?

You are my brother

My brother, Arisgot

I'm not your brother

I told you Simone would have died

But you chose to listen to that arab

I am so sorry, my Lord

For more infomation >> EPISODIO 6 // La somma delle parti - Duration: 11:42.


ГОЛОДНЫЕ ИГРЫ!? [ Mini Game - The Hunger Games - Minecraft ] - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> ГОЛОДНЫЕ ИГРЫ!? [ Mini Game - The Hunger Games - Minecraft ] - Duration: 7:07.


Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.


El Gastor y Zahara de la Sierra. Cádiz - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> El Gastor y Zahara de la Sierra. Cádiz - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> DELICIOUS MUSHROOM SOUP - Duration: 1:45.


LG FH4G1JCH2N Vaske-tørremaskine - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> LG FH4G1JCH2N Vaske-tørremaskine - Duration: 2:09.


Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.

Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers

For more infomation >> Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.


7 Things You Can Do to Slim Your Thighs - Australia 360 - Duration: 7:02.

7 Things You Can Do to Slim Your Thighs

The accumulation of fat in the thigh region is hard to fight, and while there are plenty of methods to achieve this goal, most of them take a long time.

It's been shown that – just like the abdominal region – food and physical activity play a major role in achieving good results.

Because this is a problem area, however, it's essential that you step up your efforts and take other important steps to make your legs look great.

Because so many people are trying to achieve the same goal, we want to share seven things that anyone can do to trim down their thighs, make them more firm, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Are you interested?. Massage.

Massages for the legs are an effective solution against fluid retention and toxins that affect the lower part of your body.

This practice stimulates the lymphatic system, improves circulation, and helps minimize the deposition of fat that creates those unsightly dimples.

What should you do?.

Choose your favorite essential oil, preferably one with soothing properties, and apply it using the palms of your hands and massage your legs in an upward motion, while exerting slight pressure using your knuckles and fingertips.

Repeat this at least three times a week.

Physical activity.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle won't improve your body at all, especially when it comes to your metabolism and body weight.

It's essential that you perform daily exercises to get leaner and firmer legs.

Remember that there is no magic exercise to eliminate that localized fat, but you need to combine cardiovascular training with strengthening exercises.

Some of the exercises we recommend for this are:.

Biking Swimming Jogging or running Pilates Yoga Squats Stair climbing.

Improve your diet.

Getting high-quality nutrition through your diet is the best way to reduce your size and promote a healthier body.

It's not about adopting a particular "miracle diet," but rather about maintaining a complete, balanced, and calorie-controlled diet plan.

In addition to that, it's a good idea to increase your consumption of foods that have diuretic and cleansing properties, which contribute to weight loss.

It's also important to increase your consumption of protein, which is necessary to build muscle mass.

At the same time, you should try to minimize your intake of saturated and unsaturated fats, sugary foods, excess salt, and processed foods.

Use firming creams.

The daily application of creams and lotions that have firming properties can provide multiple benefits to the appearance of your thighs.

Their use decreases the appearance of cellulite, fights loose skin, activates circulation, and improves the overall appearance of your skin.

Although you usually can't notice the effects immediately, after a few days you'll see that this is a great complement to other treatments.

Increase your water intake.

Drinking up to two liters of water every day is a good practice for your thighs as well as the rest of your body.

Water contains no calories and once you drink it, it helps your body perform its proper functions to keep your weight under control.

Drinking water regulates inflammation in the body, fighting fluid retention and helping to keep circulation active to avoid the formation of varicose veins.

It also improves the function of your liver, prolongs feelings of fullness, and is a critical element for good digestion.

For the best benefits we recommend drinking it on an empty stomach with a little lemon juice.

Get plenty of sleep.

Although it may seem to have nothing to do with your weight, rest plays a very important role in your body's ability to get rid of excess fat.

Drowsiness can make you want to eat more, and because you're less active thanks to fatigue, it leads to weight gain.

Improve the condition of your bedroom, avoid the use of electronic devices before bedtime, and make sure you have a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Take cold showers.

Taking showers with cold water won't directly slim your thighs, but it's a habit that will help improve your overall appearance.

This temperature helps improve circulation, makes your skin look better, and decreases sagging skin.

In addition to that, it's a good therapy to avoid feelings of fatigue or tension.

Are you ready to get the thighs you dreamed of? Now that you know all the things you can do to achieve it, focus on your goal and make the effort needed to see a big change in no time.

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