What's going on guys, this is Mike I wanted to bring you some quick updates
I'm gonna start with bitter cash now. You know in the background
I'm always working sending emails trying to get some updates, so what better cash updated me with is that they added a telegram group?
They're moving in the right directions and fixing the little stuff that we talked about during the interview
So they added the telegram group they also added a guide right here, which I'm gonna put the link down in the description
on how to buy the token if you have any questions
And if you have any doubts they also I replied to my email as follows
And I'm gonna show you exactly what they replied to me
They said lending starts February first week testing going on
Full-throttle last phase of the ICO is one dollar and 20 cents so far all days have been sold out
under 10 to 15 minutes, which is really good last chance to get it as
Exchange price will be at a dollar fifty so immediate 20% on your investment. I like their honesty
They say right here exchange comes before
Lending so if you bought nine hundred coins at sixty five cents and the price went up to two dollars
Now you can lend nine hundred coins at eighteen hundred dollar value
so the interest rate will be will take you from a
Slab one all the way to slab two with three percent interest on nine hundred coins
And they're doing this to benefit the public as much as possible now
Here's the scenario if you lent five thousand coins the monthly interest is five percent which is
250 coins per month guys now you can sell these coins at an exchange
Gift them to someone reinvest them we can do whatever you want with them, right?
that's the beauty of pure lending the lock-in period or
$5,000 is eight months as shown on a website, so users will make
250 times eight so if you do 250 times eight
that's 2,000 extra coins and profit and interest and you add your
Original balance at five thousand and eight months. That's seven thousand and their expectation is 35 dollars per token
In eight months this will make it two hundred and forty-five
Thousand dollars, that's the power of pure London guys
Remember you can still qualify for the five percent
If you sign up under my link and you buy over five hundred dollars the next one
We're gonna talk about is first coined farce coin also doing their thing they change their interface
They change their website
and they add a det
OGC signal where you can actually follow it if you want to it's pretty crystal clear what they're buying what they're selling has shown you
Crystal clear. I like the transparency. They also added the promotion for tomorrow's lending. They're gonna offer the coin at
$14.80 a per far spine, and if you lend it tomorrow
And it's only a thousand packages sold so you gotta be extremely fast extremely lucky
You gotta have the best internet connection all of the above
But if you lend your tokens your first tokens
You're gonna get two and a half times the number of Farr's being lent and guess what it's pure lending so you're gonna get back
Tokens you're not gonna get back USD or BTC
I'm gonna put this in the description down below if you want to read it and see if you're gonna be
amongst the lucky thousand to
Lend with farce coin, but they're doing their thing. They're going up. That's a very successful
platform the next one
I want to talk about is hiking coin obviously if you guys haven't seen my
Interview with heigen coin today go back to it watch it there. Have a lot of surprises coming our way
They also have a promo lending that they're doing right now. If you're lucky you can get in the next one
I want to talk about is lend air at the team behind lindara. Now is amazing. They're very talented
I gotta tell you so that's what I'm excited about land era
It's it's a promising platform to be honest with you because I've been in contact with the team
I've been talking to them and they have some exciting moves as well. They also have some news about
An airdrop that they're gonna implement, so their drop will be implemented on June 15
But here's the kicker if you lend 45 days before June 15th
Okay, you will get a hundred Lent era cash which is pegged to the u.s.
Dollar and the point here is to motivate people to lend and that along with the minimum lending
Appreciation chart would prevent people from dumping and everybody will either hold or lend early
For the airdrop and all that will make the coin value rise to highs never before reached by any
Lending platform now
We can always hope for the best right whether it's that's gonna come true or not the market always plays a big factor
Into deciding what the current value is going to be?
But I have high hopes for land era again the team behind it is excellent
I think their management and their thinking skills are what's gonna. Take this to the next level next one
We're gonna talk about is ten iam coin many of you asked me about stannum coin
What's going on with Stan your corn guys Stan your coin has a 20 million supply. It's an exchange, so if you compare
exchanges in general cool coin nineteen dollars, and their supply is
181 million listen this Finance $19 their supply is
199 million koban hurt one dollar forty cents
1 billion co B or koban head, that's air
Supply look at this guy's 20 million STM's
And we're a dollar eighty so look at the potential here if cool coin
They have a hundred and eighty 1 million total supply in existence, and there are 19 dollars
And you only have 20 million in existence
And you write $1 imagine the potential with stannum coin so be patient
They are already on crypto Pia coin exchange and BTC alpha. They're definitely moving in right direction
bit Stan got
Postponed a little bit. They're still working on kinks and bugs
I emailed the CEO he replied to me explained to me that it's coming
You just have to be patient and right now Stan iam is at a dollar and 80 cents
So it's a good thing and when up to three dollars or two dollars and 85 cents
Then we went down like everything else everything else if you look at the chart right here. It's gonna go up and down
That's crypto, but even if you sell it right now. You still made five 6x so
Don't sell this denim yet wait a little bit until it pops all right the next one. We're gonna talk about is adverts adverts
They're ICO starts in three days ten hours
also Now remember they postponed the ICO as well because of the market
Fluctuation now that the market has corrected their
Launch there. I see on three days and the thing that I love the most about this
It's only 7.5 million in existence guys. It's very low supply at a very good price
So that's good one that I am anticipating
Into getting more once they opened the exchange the next one
I want to talk about is monetize
Monetize starts again on the 20 seconds remember if you sign up using my link you would get $20 for free
I think last time I looked at it when I did the video there were 4,000 or 5,000 people there are
31,000 members right now which is
Phenomenal so it's gonna be difficult to try to get this token since everywhere you go everywhere
You look you're gonna see the advertisements for monetized coin
That's their Forte they're advertising everywhere so this one here. I have big hopes for the next one
I want to talk about is fine coin fine coin. I did a review on it yesterday
when I did the review on it yesterday there were 2,000 members now there are 7800 so they're moving up and
What I wanted to tell you about fine coin is that I'm doing an interview with the CEO in a few hours
So if you stay tuned you won't miss it so my friends these are all the updates for today
But like always I am NOT a financial advisor. I don't tell you what to do you do what you want to do
That's your decision ultimately
100% thank you guys so much for watching hit that subscribe button if you're not a subscriber hit that Bell
So I can keep these good videos coming your way and until next time stay safe
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