Hello everyone today I will compiled four
ideas we have already seen
The first is:
with two balloons make a ball
They can be filled with flour or dough
we press well, we make a knot and cut
to hide the knot put another balloon
We decorate with permanent markers
The next idea is to decorate a sheath
Eva rubber use
first we put a rubber band around the mobile Eva
and then we put Eva foamy rubber or stuck
Now we different emoji and decorate
The next idea is an anti stress charm for mobile
we going to do with a sponge
and with permanent markers
We use acrylic paint and then
We use permanent markers
The last idea is very cool, we
to vessels using permanent paint and acrylic paint
We will emoji and Minion
For more infomation >> Easy DIY GIFT ideas - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Rolls and Flips - How to make them - DRL Racing Free Simulator - Duration: 2:59.
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Presentación_Curso_Agentes_Educativos - Duration: 5:29.
Salmo 52 - Duration: 1:54.
Pop Latino 2017 Megamix HD | Luis Fonsi, Ricky Martin, Shakira, Maluma, Daddy Yankee - Duration: 1:00:01.
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What is Google Doodle And how to play doodle Games
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Peugeot 3008 GT 1.6 HDIF 115 PK NaVIGATIE - Duration: 0:43.
Artist Zayn Malik Live
My older sister is gold and I am worthless [Hello Counselor / 2017.02.13] - Duration: 10:27.
"She's Gold, I'm Poop.".
That's the title of this story.
Hello. I am Choi Gahye, a fourth grader
who resents her grandmother so much.
She treats my elder sister like gold and me like poop.
This winter, she bought my sister
a 287-dollar orange winter coat
and a 50-dollar jacket.
She bought me three pairs of socks.
That's too different.
Whenever she has the slightest symptoms of cold,
she goes, "My poor puppy, you're burning with fever."
"Let's go see a doctor."
But when I got hospitalized,
she didn't even visit me.
She said, "My goodness, you mischievous girl."
When my mom tries to scold us for fighting,
she says to my mom, "How dare you scold my sweetie?"
"You should only scold the little one."
She yells like that.
It hurts me the most when she says this.
"Goodness. You should've only had one child."
"The second one is too naughty."
"She will just waste her father's hard-earned money."
- Oh, dear. / - I feel hurt when she says that.
Do I not deserve any love?
Why does she treat me so badly?
I want to ask my grandmother.
(Please cherish me too Grandma!)
It's a sad story.
Esther seems upset.
Yes. Among five girls, I'm the third one in my family.
So my sisters used to pass down their clothes to me.
It gets passed down to me after my two sisters.
And the clothes always ripped when it got to me.
My mom always scolded me for being rough.
- That's unfair. / - She blamed me for ripping them.
Your younger sister didn't get any clothes.
- Right. So she wore new clothes. / - She got new ones.
When my dad bought me
a nice European style piggy bank on his business trip,
I saved my money every day. But my elder sisters
spent all my money and I was too foolish to know it.
When you start talking, you never stop.
- Yes. / - She's desperate to get more screen time.
- That's not it. / - She's frustrating.
Is this one of the menopausal symptoms?
He had everything growing up, so he doesn't know.
(This couple's life is like a comedy.)
Let's meet the girl who sent us the story.
Please come on out.
(Who's worried about her discriminating grandmother?)
(Choi Gahye)
She's so cute.
She's so adorable.
- You should take off your shoes here. / - She's cute.
Do you think your grandmother
discriminates against you?
Yes. When she calls my sister, she says,
"Come here, my lovely puppy."
But she swears
whenever she talks to me.
- Why is she unfair to her? / - So...
- You must feel hurt. / - Her house is near ours.
- I see. / - So we visit her often.
But she says only my sister should visit her.
- Really? / - Does she tell you not to come?
When I go with her, Grandma asks why I came along.
I can't believe this. That is too harsh.
Grandmothers are normally...
Why do you think she treats you unfairly?
I don't know. She just doesn't like me.
You wouldn't have come here if you knew.
Can you tell us about one upsetting incident?
I wanted my grandmother to love me,
so I helped my sister with the dishes.
Good girl.
My sister made a mess in the sink
but she blamed me for it.
- "Did you do this?" / - She always blames you.
One time, soup got spilled on the table.
My sister spilled it but Grandma blamed me.
I told her my sister was the one who did it
but she told me I was lying.
- That's so sad. / - Are there more?
- I once gave her a massage. / - Did you?
With these tiny hands.
When my sister does it, Grandma tells her to stop.
But when I do it, she tells me to massage harder.
- "Harder!" / - Whenever we argue,
she sides with my sister without knowing the situation.
- She's unfair. / - She sides with your sister.
Doesn't your sister
stop your grandmother when she does that?
Most of the time she's evil.
- Is your sister evil? / - Yes.
She uses Grandma as a shield.
- She protects your sister. / - She's got her back.
When she gets scolded by Mom,
she threatens to tell on her to Grandma
and Mom can't scold her.
When she does scold my sister,
my sister tells on my mom and my mom gets scolded.
You seem to resent your grandmother a lot
and I don't know why she is like this.
She's sitting over there
and she resembles Lee Hongryol a lot.
I thought Hongryol was here.
- Hello. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - Hello, I am Gahye's grandmother.
You just heard your granddaughter's story.
How do you feel about it?
The two girls have a very different personality.
- Personality. / - Gahye is bad-tempered.
(Is she laughing at her granddaughter?)
- And? / - The first one is innocent
and very sensitive.
Then do you admit
that you treat them differently?
I do treat them differently.
Even if I want to treat Gahye nicely,
she asks for me to treat her badly.
Let us get to the bottom of this.
It was the eldest who made the mess.
Why did you blame Gahye for it?
It's been such a long time that I forgot about that.
- Did you forget about it? / - When did it happen?
Then why did you say that Gahye shouldn't visit
your house?
I never told her not to come.
- Is this a hearing? / - That's what she thought.
- "I don't know. I don't remember." / - When I...
When I talk to her, she gets really upset.
She doesn't listen when I ask her to run errands.
Then let me ask you this.
You call your elder granddaughter "My lovely puppy".
I've never done that in front of Gahye.
Then who called her that?
How do you call Gahye?
How do you call Gahye?
Little puppy?
- She's adorable! / - Grandma!
What's wrong?
- What? / - How do you call Gahye?
I call her by her name of course.
Is there a reason why
you adore and cherish your first granddaughter more?
I do adore her more.
- Why? / - I admit that.
When she was five, she had a big surgery.
- Goodness. / - I see.
She had a big surgery on her face.
And her body is imbalanced,
so she used to fall all the time when she was little.
So I have a soft spot for her. That's why I favor her.
I am nicer to my elder granddaughter.
She says she favors your sister because your sister
was weak when she was little.
Can't you understand her?
I can understand her loving my sister more.
But I can't understand why she would hate me.
- She's right. / - According to your grandmother,
you don't help her when she asks you for help.
- You act up. / - You talk back to her.
She always yells at me.
When she tells me that I'm a bad girl, I get upset.
Right. You didn't do anything wrong.
That's why I got upset and yelled at her.
- And she thinks I'm bad-tempered. / - Right.
But you're such a lovely girl.
She's just a fourth grader
but she logically explained herself.
She understands her grandma for loving her sister more.
But she doesn't understand why she hates her.
Maybe she's being considerate of your unwell sister.
But my sister is healthy.
(What are you talking about?)
What does she know?
(She's so lovely.)
She says she's favoring your sister for being weak
- but you think it's not true. / - She's smart.
She's strong now.
My sister watches TV
when Grandma asks me to run errands for her.
- You hate that. / - I wanted to do it
with my sister, so I told Granny that.
And she told me I couldn't do that.
- Did she tell you to go alone? / - Yes.
- You can't do anything about that. / - That's...
That's something
- we all went through. / - I went through it too.
- Me too. / - I was the youngest.
- But... / - All my sisters were watching TV.
that's just how it is for the youngest child.
You wish she'd do it once in five times.
Even if I do it ten times, she wouldn't do it once.
That's why I'm trying to make it once in five times.
(Chanwoo is trying to cut a deal for her.)
I'm trying. That's what you want, isn't it?
- Yes. / - Right.
When I was in second grade,
I was once ill-treated by my teacher.
She suddenly asked me what was the capital of the US.
I said Washington and my rival said New York.
- I was right. / - Right.
But she said New York was the real capital.
What is that?
- That's nonsense. / - She hated me.
- So... / - Listen.
- What's important is that / - She's interrupting.
it happened exactly 43 years ago.
I still remember that teacher's name.
- I remember how she treated me. / - Right.
- It was so unfair. So I understand her. / - Right.
(You can't forget about being maltreated.)
Since when did you think that she resents you?
One time, I left school early
and went to Grandma's house.
She said I was pretending to be sick.
- Did she think you were lying? / - Yes.
Was there another one?
A couple of months ago,
I went to ride see-saw with my sister and her friends.
She suddenly got off the seesaw.
- You dropped suddenly. / - You dropped.
Yes. So I bumped my tummy into the handle
- and I got hospitalized for a week. / - Goodness.
But my grandma didn't visit me
and she said I got hurt because I'm naughty.
Why didn't you visit her in the hospital?
- She was in the hospital for a week. / - Yes.
- She stayed for a week. / - Please use the mic.
- Please talk to the mic. / - I don't remember it.
(I don't need the mic because I don't remember.)
This is not a hearing, madam.
Why do you keep avoiding every question?
- I was sick recently. / - Stop avoiding my questions.
(You're too mean!)
Let's forget about the time when she was hospitalized.
Then why did you tell her to stop pretending
to be sick when she was actually sick?
I don't remember that either.
- Goodness! / - Gosh.
- She's unbelievable. / - Goodness.
What's wrong with you?
Let's talk to her sister at this point.
When I Was Taken To A Silent Movie - Duration: 4:39.
I got a story for you. And guess what? I'm not in trouble in this one.
[swoosh] I'm about 11 years old, okay
in the 6th grade this time. And you know how it is when you're a kid.
You got your "A" friends and your "B" friends, right?
There's the kids that you want to hang out with all the time and there's the kids that you
kind of hang out with when the other ones ain't around? So, this is one of the kids
from the "B" list. He lived close to me and stuff and we would hang out
from time to time after school and whatnot. And
we were hanging out there one day and his parents said, "Hey, there's a movie,
The 3 Musketeers, is going to be playing at the Cos Cob Library in
Greenwich. Do you guys want to go? And I guess at the time there was a
"3 Musketeers" movie I think with Paul McCartney or somebody like that was in it
and I was like, "Ooh, that'd be fun. I like The Beatles. This will be great. Yeah, yeah, yeah."
So we get in the car and we go down to the Cos Cob
Library and we sit down. It's not like a movie
theater or anything. We're just sort of watching on folding chairs in this room.
And they start the movie. And the projector sound.
And I'm waiting...
And there's nothing. There's no talking...
just the sound of the projector. There's not even music.
Apparently it was like a "3 Musketeers" movie from
about 1934. And the thing was completely
silent. And I was sitting there going,
"Woah, boy." And I can't even imagine what this
kid's parents must of been --- "Well, jeez, you know, we paid the dollar
to get in or whatever it was, you know,
we understand there's a blind kid with us but what are we going to do? We want to see the movie.
You know, I just sat there and listened to a projector go and it just
took forever. It was just reel after reel
after reel of [projector noise].
That's all it was.
I remember going home after that and waking up the next morning and telling my parents
what I'd been up to the night before. And then it just became
one of those stories the old man, you know, people would be over the house,
the old man, "Hey, tell these people about the movie you saw last weekend.
Come on. It's great. Tell them about the movie." And that became one of those
giant stories that every time company would come around I would
have tell the story of the time I went to see a silent movie.
[laughs] I don't think I even knew that kind
of thing existed... you know, the silent movie.
Because when I would tell the story the next day, the old man's friends would say,
"What about the piano? Wasn't there any nice piano music for you to listen to?"
I said, "No. Just the projector sound."
Maybe that's what pianos used to sound like in those days.
The next weekend they wanted to go to the Museum of Modern Art
in Manhattan and I said, "Nah, I'm not going on that one."
Although, you know what's funny... I used to go on that stuff.
Like in school, you go on field trips and stuff and you go to museums and all this
art galleries and junk like that in school. But I used to go
because being in a room with stuff I can't touch was still better than
being in class. We went on a Circle Line
Ferry one time for a school field trip. And it's all to look at Manhattan
and you travel around the entire island and stuff.
You know, it was nice. It was a nice day in the sunshine. It was better
than school. I went on all those field trips. I went to this
one school just for my sophmore year of high school. I didn't like it very much.
One of the things that we used to do on Wednesdays was go to this
art institute and they'd talk about paintings.
And I remember just sitting on the floor going, "Ah, man,
is this over yet?" Even that was better than class.
We used to have these things called 'film strips' right?
I don't even know what it was but there was a cassette that would play with it
and there's a little 'bong' that told you to advance the thing to the
next picture. I guess they were like slide. But those were okay
because the stories were always sort of decent and I always like to hear the
different noises they used to tell the teacher to advance the film strip for you.
So, those weren't too bad. And the movies that
they'd show in school. You know, they had things like 'You Are There' and all this other kind of
stuff. You know, the other nice thing about that was I could put my head
on the desk because I didn't have to watch the movie. I could just, you know...
catch a couple Z's.
And they ask me questions about the movie and I'm screwed.
They had this other thing when I was in school called the overhead projector.
And it was this transparency paper
and they just put in on some machine and then it would put this image
on a screen, I guess, for the whole class to look at.
That was just another opportunity for me to get a little nap.
It was that and writing
on the board. Those were the two things...
but writing on the board meant the lights were on. When the films and film strips
and the overhead projector --- the lights were all off, so...
I always felt a little better about it, you know. Take a little nap then in the dark.
Come to think of it, though. Those overhead projector things were always silent too.
[laughs] So, here's the thing...
If your kid hangs around with a blind kid, just think a little bit
before you do an activity. Right? "Hey, we've got "The Artist"
on BluRay. Wanna come over?" "Ah, no thanks."
[music plays] This is the Blind Film Critic
and for "3 Musketeers" I'm going to give it zero out of
four eyes open. Next time I'll try a Snickers!
Hello, everyone. I'm Yeongsook [Hello Counselor / 2017.02.13] - Duration: 13:21.
It looks like Yeongsook's friends are here too.
- Let's meet them. Hello. / - Her friends...
Her friends seem quite special too.
(Yeongsook and her friends)
How did you guys meet?
I went on a group blind date.
Everyone was feeling awkward since it was a blind date.
Then some girl showed up suddenly out of nowhere
and said, "Hello, everyone. I'm Yeongsook."
- She wasn't supposed to be there? / - Not at all.
She wasn't? Did she just show up, then?
Yeongsook showed up out of nowhere.
Then she started livening up the atmosphere.
- I thought it was odd, / - She was like an event host
but later found out the person who set it up sent her.
The one who arranged the blind date.
She went a little overboard,
which made all the guys on the blind date
bail on us.
All the girls there became friends, though.
We got so excited among ourselves
and ended up going clubbing that day.
(They partied it up.)
- You've been friends since then? / - Yes.
- We've been friends for 7 years now. / - Wow, 7 years?
- I love her personality. / - What about you?
I really want to know how she met Yeongsook.
- She piques my curiosity the most. / - She looks
like she could be Yeongsook.
- The name suits her face. / - People probably
- assumed so due to her outfit. / - Those who have
"Yeong" in their names tend to be full-figured.
I'm Gwanghoon's wife.
(She is Yeongsook's friend and Gwanghoon's wife.)
- She's his wife. / - I see, she's his wife.
Yeongsook and my wife met through work.
- We got married... / - Because of Yeongsook?
- Was she like a matchmaker? / - Yes, she was.
The two of them hang out often
and random guys end up joining them on many occasions.
Hence, I have no choice but to...
- You get anxious. / - Yes. I end up joining them, too.
That's why I keep spending time with Yeongsook.
I can understand why your husband gets anxious.
He shouldn't be worried
because we tend not to cross the line.
- We don't do anything bad... / - You tend not to?
- Do you cross the line sometimes? / - Exactly.
And it's not like we hang out with guys all the time.
We just like to hang out with people we randomly meet.
We don't meet guys often.
You must enjoy it.
That's what your outfit is telling me.
You must have a party to go to after this.
Your outfit is surely eye-catching.
You should just trust your wife.
She's saying you shouldn't worry. Just trust her.
When Yeongsook drinks, she becomes
at least ten times more hyper than usual.
She drinks with people whom she doesn't know
- and even goes for a second round. / - To drink more?
Yes, she'd drink more with them. And all of a sudden,
you'd see her sleeping on one of their laps.
- Gosh. / - Because she's drunk?
- Yes, she'd be drunk. / - Yeongsook does that?
It was a random guy she just met.
He looked at me, looking all flustered.
I've been thrown into such uncomfortable situations
many times because of her.
How do such situations get sorted out?
She creates those situations
and just leaves.
I'm usually the one who has to clean up the mess,
which can be very embarrassing and annoying.
It makes me want to swear at times.
How many days in a week does she drink?
About seven days.
(She drinks seven days a week.)
- She drinks every day. / - Every single day.
Yes, I think she drinks every day.
That's not alcohol, is it?
I wasn't going to drink yesterday
but I ended up drinking because of my friends.
I had to go to church today, so...
To pray after drinking last night?
Do you dance even at the church?
- I'm in the dance team. / - Pardon?
- I'm in the dance team. / - Come again?
She's a member of the dance team.
(She cannot hide her talent.)
As you know, the church is a sacred place.
I asked the pastor to tie my hips down.
(Please tie my hips down!)
She asked to have her hips tied down.
My gosh, did you dance with your hips to a hymn?
- I try to restrain the urge. / - She's trying.
Does it come out here and there?
- It comes out full on. / - Show us.
- I've got peace like a river / - I can dance to this.
(Her groove knows no bounds.)
Did you actually dance like that at your church?
Yes. So...
I try to keep myself in check.
Do other members of the church complain?
Yes, they complain a lot as it's a renowned church.
As her acquaintance, I'm very embarrassed right now.
(He has transcended everything.)
Why don't you date anyone?
- Pardon? / - Why are you single?
I always end up getting dumped.
- She gets dumped. / - My gosh.
Guys usually go missing in action.
(The reason is simple but sad.)
Once, I got so puzzled by it
and asked my close guy friend.
The guy clearly read my message
but he didn't reply. So I asked my friend about it
and he said, "He just doesn't like you."
So I was like, "Why can't he just say that?"
I asked my friend why he doesn't give me a closure.
He said, "He doesn't even want to bother."
So after learning my lesson,
I stopped calling him.
Why didn't you know? It's pretty obvious to me.
You could try setting her up with a nice guy.
She could focus on him
- and you guys can all become friends. / - Right.
I have thought about it
but I have to think from the guy's perspective too.
I can't help but hesitate setting her up with guys.
Even when she's with her boyfriend, she'd hang out
- with people at other tables. / - Guys hate that.
Can she not focus on her boyfriend?
That's not true. I'd brag about my boyfriend to people.
I'd be like, "This is my boyfriend. Isn't he handsome?"
(She probably shouldn't do that.)
- Will he like it? / - He'll be embarrassed.
Why do you always have to talk to strangers?
Please be honest. Isn't it your drunken habit?
Not at all. I do it when I'm sober.
- Seriously? / - I black out when I get drunk.
I'd just want to brag about my lovely boyfriend.
Gwanghoon is hesitant about setting you up with guys.
I can be a great girlfriend.
I'm a good cook and I can be very caring.
I don't really know why he's hesitant.
How do you not know?
If that's the case, I'm wondering
if you can try to tame the urge to talk to strangers.
I actually have a friend who hates it.
She absolutely hates it when I talk to strangers,
so I'm tight-lipped when I'm with her.
- To be considerate of your friend? / - Yes.
That's why I hold myself back. I feel so bad, though.
I feel apologetic as I don't get to greet everyone.
Even when I take a taxi,
I feel sad if I don't get to share my energy.
- With fellow Koreans. / - That's how you feel.
Yes, I feel so sorry.
When I get off, I always say, "This was Yeongsook."
- "This was Yeongsook." / - Alternately...
(She has to introduce herself to everyone she sees.)
It's great that you want to share your energy,
but there must be times when you want to be comforted.
What do you do in such times of stress?
To tell you the truth, I don't get stressed out easily.
I just don't want to waste my precious time.
I want to go out and help others,
- spread love and share my energy. / - Spread energy.
I love it. Only those who have felt it would know.
When I console people's hearts
and offer them advice, they break into tears...
and say, "Yeongsook, I'm so happy to have met you."
Hearing that gives me indescribable joy.
In other words, you love being around people.
- It makes me happy. / - You must dislike being alone.
To be honest, I'm rarely alone.
My only alone time is the two hours of sleep I get.
- I'm too busy meeting people. / - You're so busy.
- Do you only get two hours of sleep a day? / - Yes.
- Don't you get tired? / - It's actually three hours.
Have you ever fainted from fatigue
or gone to the emergency room?
- You get so little sleep. / - Exactly.
I actually went to the emergency room recently.
- Why? What happened? / - I had been busy
giving my energy to my friends since that morning.
All of a sudden, my field of vision narrowed down
and I felt like I saw some stuff passing by.
Then I couldn't breathe.
So what did you do? Did you go to a hospital?
I went into the emergency room but nothing was wrong.
Like you just said, continuous sleep deprivation
can cause sudden difficulty in breathing.
It's called dysautonomia.
You can feel dizzy and nauseous too.
Did you have shortness of breath?
You were probably panting without being aware of it.
You should sleep more since it already happened to you.
- Esther is sincerely concerned. / - Yes, I am.
Right. She seems very energetic
and people around her love her so much
but there's a side that is concerning us.
That's why we're saying this. Let me ask the wife.
Since you two are very close,
I'm sure you get worried about Yeongsook.
Once, we were walking together
and saw a bunch of big, scary-looking guys.
They were talking loudly using abusive language.
Yeongsook went up to them all of a sudden and said,
"Why are you guys being so loud? What are your names?"
They talked it through, so it got sorted out
but I do get anxious and worried in such situations.
How do you muster up courage to be that gutsy?
- They had kind eyes. / - Pardon?
She said they had kind eyes.
I still keep in touch with one of them.
We met four years ago at Gangnam Station.
I'm grateful that nothing bad has happened to me yet.
What will you do if you run into someone who's evil?
I think she's very warm-hearted and considerate.
Your two closest friends are worried about you, though.
How do you feel about trying to listen to them more?
- Right. / - That hurts my feelings the most.
My friends tell me to think about how they feel
but I want them to try to be more understanding.
I make people smile and laugh
and there are some who feel happy because of me.
I hope my friends can be more understanding
and take that into consideration.
It is impressive. She approaches people first.
It's almost like what the enlightened used to do.
She doesn't hesitate to approach others first.
- She does give off an enlightened vibe. / - Exactly.
We're even talking about how enlightened you seem.
We want good people like you to live long lives.
If you continue to meet 30 people a day,
you'll ruin your health. Cut it down to 25 a day now,
then to 20 people a day 2 years from now.
- That way... / - Esther, this is a variety show.
Gosh, you make everyone feel bored.
- You two will have another fight. / - Probably.
- "How can you talk to me like that?" / - All right.
To be able to continue
giving advice to those who really need your help,
- you should take care of your health. / - Yes.
Esther is right. Please say a few words to Yeongsook.
I admire how joyful and cheerful you are
but it'd be great if you can try to be less hyper
and nosy so that you can focus more on yourself.
That's what I want from Yeongsook.
- All right. Thank you. / - He's a good friend.
Okay. We had two guests for today's show.
Do you not think it's a worry?
No. There's a condition called hypomania,
which is a mild case of mania.
- Is that what she has? / - Hypomania isn't
really an illness, so please don't get the wrong idea.
It's actually the most ideal type of personality.
- Really? / - Yes. It's because
those who are hypomanic are always happy.
- They're pleasant. / - They must be optimistic too.
Yes. All psychiatrists say that mania must be treated
- but when it comes to hypomania, / - It's good.
they highly praise it. I can certainly tolerate this.
- Esther thinks it's a worry. / - We think differently.
- What? / - She chose O.
- I was going to press X, / - What happened?
but as I mentioned earlier, she might have
a hard time later in life if she doesn't set a goal.
- She might feel that way. / - It may feel futile.
- Yes, that's what I think. / - She is hypomanic.
With a little bit of counseling, she can have
the most ideal type of personality anyone would want.
She has a lot of potential.
Stop saying that she needs to get it treated.
I'm just trying to help her out here.
- A professional... / - Why do you two keep fighting?
- We're just... / - I'm saying that
you shouldn't worry. With a little bit of help...
There are times that you two agree, right?
- Of course. / - Yes, certainly.
(I'll just figure it out myself.)
Press the button if you empathize with this worry.
(What does the audience think?)
- In five, four, / - In five, four.
- three, two, one. / - three, two, one.
- Stop. / - Time is up.
Don't you think that saying hi first is a good thing?
- Yes, it's great. / - Saying hello first is awesome.
Koreans remain on their guard and get awkward
- when strangers say hello to them. / - That's right.
We should be open like Yeongsook and say hello back.
- A little smile goes a long way. / - Definitely.
Yeongsook, please say a few words to your friends.
Thanks so much for worrying about me.
I'm realizing how much you guys love me.
I'll be sure to give back the love, so please
trust me and be patient with me.
Let's be happy together for the rest of our lives.
I love you all.
- Yeongsook, / - "This was Yeongsook."
say hello to everyone who's watching this now.
Hello, everyone. I'm Yeongsook.
How do you do?
I'm not a bad person. My name is Yeongsook.
I'll continue to say hello to you, my fellow Koreans.
Let's be happy together.
- Thank you. / - Great.
All right. Please show us the result.
"Hello, I'm Yeongsook".
The last digit.
Nice. The lucky number, seven.
- Will it get more than 100 votes? / - 77?
- It got 67 votes. / - 67 votes in total.
(The story got 67 votes.)
- Thank you for joining us. / - Thank you.
That makes "Daughter, Please Stop" today's winner.
The winner will receive a prize. Congratulations.
3 Surprising Problems of Successful People - Duration: 11:23.
Success is awesome
and achieving goals could be one of the greatest feelings in life
but there is a dark side to success that isn't often talked about
and this leads to some very successful people
living very sad lives or, at least,
having mental anguish that they don't know how to deal with,
they don't know where it comes from and the worst thing
is they feel like they shouldn't have it because they're successful.
So this video is for two kinds of people.
First off, it's for you if you are an up-and-comer,
success is coming your way
and I want to help you prepare for some of the negative things
that might come with it that nobody else is talking about.
And the second kind of person
is someone who has already achieved success.
And for you, you may be carrying around mental baggage
that you think is just a normal part of life
and this baggage can be sapping your energy,
making you less happy and making you less fun to be around
but you don't even notice it because you think it's just part of being successful.
It does not have to be it — it does not have to drive you.
I'm going to tell you about three things you can start to put down
today and get rid of that baggage.
So the first one of those things is this —
it's that success invites a comparing mind.
When I first started Charimas On Command,
I had a very simple goal and that was to pay
my rent without having to go again to that full-time day job.
And so that was a pretty set financial goal and that was all that I wanted to do.
When I came across someone who had a much bigger business
or a huge Youtube-following, I wasn't really impacted by it.
It seemed like they were running their race — I was running mine,
They could have their success — I could have mine,
and they really didn't have anything to do with each other
because of course they didn't.
What started to happen when I achieved my goals
is that my brain began looking outwards
and rather than pegging the new success goal to a personal financial goal,
what it did was it started comparing it to other people,
particularly to people on YouTube, and I've watched different channels
and I see some that maybe I thought,
"You know what? That content isn't as good as ours yet they're so much bigger.
We should be beating them.
In fact, we need to beat them. That's what we got to do,"
and so for a while, success to me would look like eclipsing that shadow
and that happened once or twice or three times
and it made me realize something.
First off, it was completely silly because it didn't make me feel any better.
Second off, I was treating Youtube subscribers like this fixed pie
which either they had it or I had it in which we couldn't both share.
Maybe they were appealing to an audience
that really got a lot out of what they were doing — in fact,
I'm sure that was the case but I treated it like,
"No, I needed to be better than them in a very, very fixed way,"
which is of course ridiculous.
And then third, it didn't stop.
As soon as I got one, then I wanted another.
When I beat that one, then I want another.
I just kept looking to the next thing.
There's nothing wrong with striving for more
but when you're comparing yourself to people outside of yourself,
that is a strong indicator that you have a comparing mind
and that, for you, it's become about status and not about giving back to the world
which really is what it was for me and I'm trying to recenter myself here.
So for you, if you identify with comparing mind,
solution to this is to interrupt that comparing mind
and I made another video about this a while ago
with still, clearly, something that I have to keep my eyes on
but it's a great video, it's a solution that works very, very well
and it's longer than I can include in this
so if you want to check that out, click the link in the description.
Second thing that I saw personally from success,
one of the negative side effects, is that
it can become a social crutch and I've seen this in other people,
I've seen this in myself and perhaps the most frustrating for me
because I should have known better.
Back when I was consultant
and I spent my days doing Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint
when somebody asked me, "Charlie, what do you do?"
I didn't really want to say consultant because I wasn't passionate about it
so I would come up with these ridiculous things.
I tell them that I was just passing through town because I was in the circus
or I tell them that I was an astronaut working on the International Space Station —
just insane things that were obviously jokes or that they would get, very quickly, were jokes
and what this did was it started conversation off on a fun banter of note
and so for a couple minutes, we go back and forth, we joke around
and of course, eventually, I would tell them what I did
but I realized what I was doing is I was letting my personality
and my sense of humor carry the weight of showing who I was
and that shifted once I started getting success in Youtube, particulary
because I wanted people to ask me what I did
not so I could be fun or funny or interesting or have a great time with them
but so that I could tell them I have a Youtube channel
because I was very excited and very proud of it at the time
and I still of course am but when people would ask me, "What do you do?"
and I say, "I'm a Youtuber," and they'd say, "Oh, really? What's your channel?"
I'd say, "Charisma On Command," and they'd say, "Oh, cool," and I go, "Yup, it is cool."
That conversation would die.
And that was because I wanted my success to speak for me.
Rather than be fun, funny, outgoing, interesting, engaged, and high-energy,
I just wanted to let that success speak for me
and I tell you I should have known better for two reasons —
one, because, "What do you do?" is one of the first things we talked about
in every single program that we teach
and we talked about how you have to answer in, first, a fun way
and then, second, to reveal your values through it.
So solution here is — I believe there's an article that I will link to
in the description. If not, it's one of the first things we cover on our newsletter
which is constantly what I'm talking about at the end of our videos.
So if you want to join that, I'll make sure that both of those links are in the description.
And the second reason is because I saw this all the time in New York City when I lived there
and I remember one time I was out of the club with a friend of mine who was a girl
and she wanted to talk to this guy who she thought was very handsome.
So she actually walked up, she approached him, they began to talk
and a minute and a half to two minutes later, she came running back.
So I said, "What happened?"
She said, "I asked him his name and what he did
and he immediately gave me his business card from Goldman Sachs
and started talking about his investment portfolio."
And I realize now that that guy I'm sure, he was in Goldman Sachs,
is a smart guy but at some point he wanted his status to speak for him
and he thought, clearly it didn't work as well as he had hoped,
that that would make people like him, particulary women,
and I've seen that that doesn't often work.
There's a stereotype that it does — it does not.
You need to let your personality speak for itself
which, again, I should have known better because I talk about this often
but we can fall into traps that we should see all the time.
So the third difficulty of success is this —
not only can success be a social crutch, it can be an internal happiness crutch.
Before the Youtube channel started to take off,
I had a pretty simple list of things which, I always have known, make me happy
and that's spending time with my friends, get outside in the sun,
get some exercise, eat a good meal — very, very simple things
that are going to make me feel good
and of course one of them was going out and meeting people.
When the Youtube channel started to take off for me,
I was in Colombia so Spanish is spoken there.
I could speak Spanish but it's not as easy for me as English
so making new friends wasn't as easy as it would be for me in English
and so at the time that the channel is taking off,
it's becoming a little bit more difficult for me to socialize and make a bunch of friends
and very, very easy for me to check the stats of my subscribers on my channel
so what began to happen is that I developed—
I mean I must be checking dozens of times a day to see how quickly our subscriber rate was growing.
And I check it over and over again and at the end, there will be 200 subscribers in a day
and that was awesome — 200 was so big.
And as we began to grow, that number would get to 500 and 700 and a thousand per day.
I was blown away by how awesome that was — it made me feel really good
because I wasn't going out and meeting as many people as I was typically used to in the States, for instance.
What happened though is that, again,
the bar just kept getting raised and today, if we get a thousand subscribers a day, I'm bummed
because that's not as much as we should be getting at the level that we're at now
but even more insidious than that is it taught my brain
that when it needed something to make it feel good or to be happy
is not to go hang out with my buddies who of course I still hang out with
or to go out and meet a new person but just to easily check those subscribers
and that of course is the language of Youtube
but if you have a business and you find yourself always checking your KPIs —
I have a friend of mine who confessed that this is him,
if you are an employee and there's some sort of metric
which you find yourself constantly coming back to because it's easier
than the things that create lasting happiness like investing in your relationships —
then that can become a problem because success, truly, at that level becomes addictive.
It's so easy to see, to feel and some of the things that actually make you happy are not.
So you'll find yourself getting attached to those stupid numbers which means nothing
at the expense of your relationships.
The downside of this is that even when I would notice I would have amazing days,
other things would be going on in my life that were firing on all cylinders and was great,
part of me might be bummed because the subscriber count wasn't where I wanted it to be
which is completely ridiculous.
So if you identify with this — with tying yourself to metrics of success in business —
check out, again, that video why you don't feel good enough
but also, add to that, you need to block yourself from checking these metrics too often.
Like if you're checking more than twice a day max, even once or once a week,
you have an issue so what I recommend there is
setting a bet with yourself or a friend that says,
"Every time I check over this amount that I set, I will pay you $20,"
and, very quickly, that's going to help you kick the habit.
So I hope that that helps — three things that you might not see coming
that success can bring or that are already existing in your life.
First off, that comparing mind, social crutches and internal crutches.
Those are huge problems that come from success I don't see people talk about
and I hope now you are prepared to deal with.
First off, I should say apologies that I'm still in this room.
It's Carnival right now in Brazil.
I ordered lights about a month ago, they still haven't gotten here
and I don't know if they will now that Carnival has started because business kind of shuts down.
So apologies that we're still filming in this room — hopefully we'll have a proper studio soon.
If you like this video, not for me but for you,
go ahead and subscribe to this channel.
I promise I'm not going to be checking the stats nearly as much as I used to
but if you found this video helpful and you want to watch more like it,
go ahead — click the subscribe button and you will get them on your homepage.
If you want to leave a comment with any topic you'd like to see me cover
or questions you have on this video, go ahead and drop it in the comments.
And of course, I hope that this had been helpful and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
Our ancient world continues to become more mysterious by the day, as 10,000 year old
rock paintings depicting possible extraterrestrials and UFOs have been found in Chhattisgarh,
These can be added to the long list of mysterious and unexplained �ancient art� that seems
to lend to the belief that our ancient world and the people who lived at that time had
contact with beings that did not originate from this planet.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings depict extraterrestrials.
The Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek the help of
NASA and ISRO for research regarding the paintings.
�The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from
other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers.
Extensive research is needed for further findings.
Chhattisgarh presently doesn�t have any such expert who could give clarity on the
The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years.
The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear
The nose and mouth are missing, and in a few pictures they are even shown wearing spacesuits.
We can�t refuse the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy
such things.� � JR Bhagat
According to the times of India:
�There are several beliefs among locals in these villages.
While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about
�rohela people� -the small sized ones -who used to land from the sky in a round
shaped flying object and take away one or two persons in the village who never returned.�
Antiquity is filled with stories of beings, materials and flying objects that, according
to modern day thinking, should not have existed.
For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, they would know that a large amount of evidence
exists today to turn those �mythical stories,� (as we interpret them) into stories of a possible
ancient reality.
To see more examples of that.
A couple of years ago, With Prime Minister Narendra Modi in attendance (as seen in the
picture) as well as various other prestigious scientists from all over the world, the Indian
Science Congress is probably the last place you would expect a presentation regarding
ancient flying machines that could traverse the Solar System.
For the first time in the history of the congress, a presentation was given outlining the depiction
of these ancient flying �space ships.� You can read more about that in an article
we published about it here.
Every single year this topic seems to be gaining more and more attention.
Here are some of the pictures that were found:
More Ancient Art
Ancient cave paintings depicting possible UFOs and extraterrestrials have been found
all over the globe.
This one (one of the earliest known forms of human art) is from the French cave of Pech
In the paintings within this cave there are several objects that resemble flying saucers.
The paintings here are approximately 20,000 years old, and of course we can never really
know what the true meaning of the painting is, but it is interesting nonetheless.
This is a cave painting found in Kimberley, Australia.
They were painted by the native Aborigines approximately 5,000 years ago.
These are depictions of what they called Wandijina, or sky beings.
In their tradition these beings were part of the beginning of creation, and had great
power of nature.
The first thing I took from this were the large heads, a common theme among today�s
purported extraterrestrial visitations.
There are paintings like this all over the world.
Just like there are many ancient pyramids built all over the world by different civilizations
at different times that had no contact with each other, these cave paintings share the
same anomaly.
These are petroglyphs discovered in Utah, in the Barrier Canyon, which depict a number
of tall beings with similar shaped heads as to the ones in Australia.
There are also similar beings painted on rocks in Utah�s Sego Canyon.
This is a cave painting found in Kimberley, Australia.
They were painted by the native Aborigines approximately 5,000 years ago.
These are depictions of what they called Wandijina, or sky beings.
In their tradition these beings were part of the beginning of creation, and had great
power of nature.
The first thing I took from this were the large heads, a common theme among today�s
purported extraterrestrial visitations.
Below are some more examples of UFO and ET depictions throughout history:
�The Crucifixion� hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo,
Yugoslavia, it was painted in 1350.
This image is from the 12th century manuscripts �Annales Laurissenses.�
From the French book �Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs� by Jackques Legrand, 1338
�The Miracle of the Snow� by Masolino Da Panicale circa 1400 from Florence, Italy
This image is from the 12th century manuscripts �Annales Laurissenses�
Broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates many flaming and �large black globes�
that were reported to have appeared in the skies over Basel, Switzerland in 1586.
This one is from the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library, Switzerland.
�The Madonna with Saint Giovanninoz� painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists
the artist as unknown
There is strong evidence to suggest that today, we are currently being visited by intelligent
extraterrestrial life.
For more information and CE articles on UFOs and Extraterrestrial, please click HERE
UFO�s In Antiquity
Sightings of strange objects in the sky have been recorded for a very long time.
For example, in 217 BC �at Arpi round shields (parmas) were seen in the sky� (Liv. 22.1.9;
Orosius 4.15).
A parma was a small round shield made of iron, bronze, and other metals.
According to NASA, �we do not know whether the luster of these devices (and not just
their shape) was intended to be an element of the description.
Mock suns are an unlikely explanation, since in the Roman prodigy lists these were routinely
described as �double suns� or �triple suns� (i.e. two mock suns on either side
of the real one).�
Another example would be the picture above, known as the �Golden orb� phenomenon seen
at Spoletium, Umbria, Italy in 91 BC (from Jaques Vallee, Chris Aubeck: Wonders in the
The one below is from August 7, 1566.
At dawn, many citizens of Basel (Switzerland) reported seeing many spheres for several hours
In 173 BC �at Lanuvium a spectacle of a great fleet was said to have been seen in
the sky� (Liv. 42.2.4).
In 104 BC, �the people of Ameria and Tuder observed objects in the sky rushing together
from east and west, those from the west being routed.� In 100 BC, �a round shield (clipeus),
burning and emitting sparks, ran across the sky from west to east, at sunset.� Thus
Pliny (Nat. 2.100), although Obsequens (45) called the phenomenon �a circular object,
like a round shield.�
The Ramayana is a Veda epic that dates back to the fourth/fifth century, B.C. (Mahabharata
In one passage, a vimana is described as a �chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial
and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky,
and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.� (Dolan,
UFOs For the 21st Century Mind.
New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014) (source 2)(Daniken, Erich.
Chariots of The Gods.
New York: Berkley Books, 1970).
Vimanas are also described in the Mahabharata, another ancient text.
In this case, measurements are given for one of the vimanas.
It�s described as having twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels, approximately
20 to 25 feet in circumference, about seven feet in diameter.
�They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets.� The Mahabharata and
various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, �powered by winged lighting�it
was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.�
This is something that�s been documented by several different cultures from around
the world up to the present day.
And although many of today�s sightings can be explained by modern day conventional science,
a large portion, not small, remain a complete anomaly.
Below is a video of Dr. Jacques Vall�e, whose latest work includes a recently published
analysis of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity t0 1879 before the development of the modern
day industry.
That was published in his book Wonders of the Sky.
Vall�e co-developed the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA.
He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where he helped
create ARPANET, a technology that became the foundation for the modern day internet.
He also supports the extraterrestrial hypothesis as one explanation for the UFO phenomenon,
meaning that some of these UFOs are indeed intelligently controlled, remotely or not,
by extraterrestrial beings.
One of his many published papers, written in the late 90s, appeared in the Journal of
Scientific Exploration.
Titled �Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Aerial Objects
With Defined Luminosity Characteristics,� (source)(source) it offers a comprehensive
look at the oddities military pilots encounter when they are ordered to intercept one of
these UFOs.
(Related CE Article: Here�s What Happens When A UFO Is Tracked On Military Radar).
HERE is another video of him speaking on the UFO phenomenon at the Global Competitiveness
Forum in 2011.
Here is a video of him giving a TEDx talk in Brussels.
Why I Applied - Taylor - Duration: 1:14.
My name is Taylor and I'm in my third year of the Professional Communication program.
I applied to Professional Communication because out of all the schools that I applied to,
this was the only one that didn't make me choose between business and creativity and media.
So I get the best of both worlds.
In my program, you actually don't have to have too many required courses, so I get to
choose a lot of my own courses and that allowed me to do two minors, I have a lot of flexibility
when it comes to that so I'm getting to try a lot of different faculties, different program courses.
So I'm not just doing what you would think of for Communications, so I get to choose
between Business, or I'm doing Graphic Communications courses, or I'm doing RTA courses, and
I get to try a little bit of everything before I graduate and figure out what I really like.
So a student should come to Ryerson because it is the most diverse range of programs.
We offer not only in-school opportunities, but outside of school we connect students
with different sorts of businesses in order to get them real life experience and that
gives you the best of both worlds with hands-on and actual theory knowledge.
I Told My Dad That I Am An Addict - And Have Been For Five Years - Duration: 1:36.
- When I first told my parents, it was hard. It was leading up to it.
I mean, I went to church with my mom about a week and a half before I really came
clean with everybody. And I nodded out in church, and I felt asleep.
And we were there for five seconds, and I was so doped up that,
you know, I passed out and I just kept nodding out. So she sat me down that day,
and she asked me. She said she was worried. You know,
was I having issues? Was I on a new medicine?
You know, my parents never wanted to push me. They never wanted to push me into my
emotions because I had so many issues as a child. They would kind of tiptoe around me
and they'd ask me things in a certain way without directly coming at me because they
didn't want me to get angry. So they knew something was up, but I actually had to go
to my father. And I sat at my father's office the first time
that I came to them and let them know what was going on.
You know, I walked in, I worked with my dad at the time, I walked in.
I shut the door. He had no idea what was coming, and I just laid it all out.
I laid it all out on the line. You know, it just kind of smacked him across the
face. I told him I was an addict. I told him I'd been an addict for five years.
I told him the amount of drugs I was using. I told him that I was using at
work, the job that he allowed me. And he told me to...you know,
he just put me out on administrative leave right away. They were
going to get me help. And it really kind of
opened it up to the fact that I was very blessed to have that.
You know, I was appreciative in that moment that I had parents that were
willing to just drop everything and help me. So it was hard for me to come clean,
and it was hard for me to really let them know that their fears were true,
that I was using. But it was also a very big sense of relief realizing that they
were there for me.
[PL] Świat rządzony przez liczby- moja historia i przemyślenia (english subtitles) - Duration: 12:38.
Hi, welcome back! Today as you can see by the title ("World ruled by numbers - my story and thoughts") I'm going to talk about weight, numbers and why there's no point in weighing yourself, why it doesn't make sense.
Let's start with saying I used to have a huge problem with weighing. I did it every day and it was my obsession. Every day in a morning, on an empty stomach, I was weighing myself and my weight simply affected my mood for the rest of the day.
If it was lower, I was happy, if it was the same, I wanted it to be lower, if I weighed more I was mad and tended to argue with everyone. On the other hand, when I lost some weight I were in a great mood and it was awful.
I was in this vicious cycle, I couldn't live a day without weighing but at the same time I remained reasonable and did it only once a day, I've never believed how can you do it couple times a day.
I knew the only "real weight" is the morning one. To be honest, at that time I knew nothing about and didn't understand that water may be staying in your body in a wrong way. There're many factors affecting one's weight and it may change by 2-3kg between two days.
But today I'm not going to talk about it, today's video is going to be about why you shouldn't weigh yourself, why it doesn't make sense, how bothering yourself with numbers leads to nowhere, only to unhealthy obsessions and endeavoring to imaginary ideals which aren't possible to achieve.
To substantiate this video, I'm going to refer to my own experience. I haven't told you my ED story yet, but there's going to be a separate video about it soon.
Today I'll present my "weight story" how it looked like for me, why I stopped weighing myself a year ago, why I don't believe in what the scale shows and even if I believe it I just don't care and know there are more important things to focus on.
My story began somewhere about 2014, actually in 2013. I'm not growing anymore, so my height was the same as now - 174cm (~5'8) and I weighed 71kg. I was training handball, but then stopped and got scared that I'd gain weight because of it, if I don't work out I'll become fat, so I decided to once for all lose weight.
I was dreaming about that for my whole life, I've always been slightly overweight, I was a chubby kid, I've always wanted to be slim so I decided to lose weight. I'm not going to talk about what I did and how it looked like, I want to focus on my weight.
At the very beginning, in a nutshell, I lost 13-14kg and weighed approximately 58kg, my weight have been changing between 58-60kg but as I weighed myself everyday I knew it's my stable weight.
I've been looking like this for two years till the end of 2015 when I decided to overcome EDs and gain weight. It was a turning point, I also had some hormonal problems, but decided to end it once for all and gain some weight.
I thought I was ready for it but at the same time I feared it a little and panicked I'd get unbelievably fat. When I decided to gain weight I also said I'd stop weighing myself.
I have to say that at the beginning, this feeling after more than 2 years of weighing myself every day, expect for some holiday trips when need to weigh was tempting, was such a relief.
Realization you don't have to do it, you don't have to face this conviction in the form of a number on a scale was amazing, it made me free, I felt 100 times better.
I stopped weighing myself more or less in February 2016, so I haven't been doing it for almost a year.
Two days ago, 7th of February 2017, a year later, I weighed myself and shockingly I saw the number of 73 kg. I only tell you those numbers to show you how weighing yourself doesn't make sense and you shouldn't focus on it. I weigh more than before my EDs with the same height.
I was shocked but at the same time I grew up to the decision of weighing myself after a year and I didn't care about this number at all, it didn't change anything in my life, I still love my body, I've been working on it for months.
I honestly think, and actually everyone in my closest surroundings thinks, that I look 100 times better than 4 years ago when I started losing weight.
My weight emerged differently, some of it are muscles now, I work out more, I've been training handball but I've been eating terribly, I've been eating lots of fast food, I used to go to McDonalds, eat Double Meal and then also McFlurry.
I could go home after handball training, eat huge ciabatta with some garnish, mayo and stuff, my way of eating was a nightmare.
Now I eat healthier, I'm on plant-based diet, I eat as much as I want, I don't restrict myself and I gained weight but it've been staying the same for a long time.
I stopped putting on weight in May/June and for a half of the year I'm not gaining weight anymore, at least my figure doesn't change, because I don't know for sure how much I weighed in May or June.
I look the same as I did half of the year ago, I've been only working on my butt a little and it grew up, but my figure mostly haven't changed, weight - maybe, I don't know.
As I said, I weighed myself for the first time two days ago after a year of not doing it and I don't plan to do it again soon, the next time will probably when I see the doctor or I don't know, it's not interesting for me.
I could see even 90 or 100kg, but till I look and feel great, I honestly don't care about the number and I recommend you the same, your weight shouldn't be your determinant, size also.
Ewa Chodakowska (polish personal trainer) for example says you shouldn't weight yourself, you should measure yourself. I think that that it's also wrong and of course, there are people who can do it in a reasonable way but lots of people can't deal with it and get obsessed with weighing or measuring theirselves, or counting calories.
Today we're talking about the numbers, so calories are worth mentioning, counting them also doesn't make sense. Of course, to gain or lose weight you have to consume specific amount of calories....
but the truth is if you eat what you want, don't overeat and keep the balance, you won't gain weight, unless you have some hormonal problems, for example with thyroid, your weight may change despite the lack of changes in diet.
There's no point in restricting yourself as it comes to numbers, life is not based on numbers, it's better to focus on other things.
I talked about that in the video about period, the link it's going to be up there. I said there that we should focus on more important things, not only on how we look, how much we weigh and how tall we are, but mainly focus on health, well-being and nice things like relationships with others, dreams, passions...
not only to like this or that person. This is my message for you today. I hope my experience and story with weight showed you this isn't so adequate. I weighed myself only once so I don't know, maybe water stayed in my body and I normally weigh for example 1kg less.
Remember that muscles and fat weigh the same, but muscles occupy less space, so now, when I have more muscles, my body looks different and people weighing the same amount as I do can look totally different with similar height.
Your weight may suggest you something different then the real image of your body, so it'd be the best to throw it way and don't worry about it, it's not really important if you achieve intended effect, the most important thing is for you to feel well with your body and love it and don't stress what you eat, eat what you want ant what gives you energy, lets you live well, free and happy.
Thank you so much for watching this video, I hope you liked it. Sorry for my cats in the background, they're sleeping there and I didn't want to turn them out so they stayed with us but I think they didn't disturbed you so much, words are important there, not the visuals.
If you liked it give this video thumbs up. Should you have some questions as it comes to appearance, counting calories, diet and other stuff, write a comment down below, I'll try to reply everyone or maybe I'll film other video connected to this topic, I definitely will so maybe you'll find answer there.
Thank you for watching and see you in the next video.
The Rehabs Wouldn't Take Me - I Had To Quit By Myself - Duration: 0:59.
Once I've told them, my parents had instantly tried to get me help.
They want to put me in rehab, and the biggest issue that I was,
the rehab wouldn't take me. Rehab told me I had...and I'm talking about every
different rehab from here to god-knows-where. I called every different
state around here trying to get in rehab, and they told me that I had to continue to
use, continue to fail outpatient enough times where I was
recommended to inpatient. My response then was, "If I continue to use,
I'm going to die." And they told me that there are people out there a lot worse
than me, and that I had to just tough it out. I had to go to outpatient, because
they couldn't find the spot you know, in inpatient for me because of my insurance.
I'd like Blue Cross Blue Shield at the time. I had great insurance, but the
insurance companies just didn't want to pay for my rehabilitation. So, my parents,
actually my father, let me locked myself in you know, my room at his house.
I didn't live with him at the time, and I moved back in with him, and I locked
myself in the room for 10 days, and I cold turkey withdrawaled, you know,
and I got through with myself because the rehabs wouldn't...they wouldn't take me.
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Peugeot 207 1.4i VTI Color-line 5 drs airco elec. ramen - Duration: 0:59.
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Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I DYNAMIC Panoramadak - Duration: 1:14.
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Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI I-VISION - Duration: 1:09.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-CITE Yellow Frizz! - Duration: 1:31.
Citroën C3 1.4I LIGNE AMBIANCE,AIRCO, CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:16.
Toyota Avensis Touring Sports 1.8 VVT-I LEASE PRO - Duration: 1:28.
Lil Yachty x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat "Disco" I Prod. BlinkinBeatz - Duration: 4:12.
lil yachty type beat lil yachty type beat free lil yachty type beat 2017 lil yachty type beat 2016 lil uzi vert type beat lil uzi vert type beat free lil uzi vert type beat 2016 lil uzi vert type beat 2017 lil uzi vert type beat instrumental instrumental instrumentals type beat 2016 free beat type beat blinkinbeatz lil yachty x lil uzi vert type beat lil uzi vert x lil yachty type beat lil yachty lil uzi vert type beat 2017 produced by blinkin beatz blinkin beatz
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V - Duration: 0:42.
Best Thug LIFE Compilations ...
Propósito: o que você, enquanto alma, veio fazer? - Duration: 1:11.
Easy DIY GIFT ideas - Duration: 5:04.
Hello everyone today I will compiled four
ideas we have already seen
The first is:
with two balloons make a ball
They can be filled with flour or dough
we press well, we make a knot and cut
to hide the knot put another balloon
We decorate with permanent markers
The next idea is to decorate a sheath
Eva rubber use
first we put a rubber band around the mobile Eva
and then we put Eva foamy rubber or stuck
Now we different emoji and decorate
The next idea is an anti stress charm for mobile
we going to do with a sponge
and with permanent markers
We use acrylic paint and then
We use permanent markers
The last idea is very cool, we
to vessels using permanent paint and acrylic paint
We will emoji and Minion
Powerless 1x03 ''Sinking Day'' Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:15.
Episodio #1127 Grasas y aceites que causan cancer - Duration: 10:17.
Xinxastar - "Arlequina" (prod. MadDogg) / [Videoclipe Oficial] - Na Tela [Ep. 1] - Duration: 3:48.
NEWS ALERT , President Donald Trump Latest News Today 2/12/17 , Kellyanne Conway , White House news - Duration: 11:23.
Shakespeare Vida e Obra #2 - Chegada a Londres, Referências e Carreira - Duration: 10:26.
Last Blood Battle Royal 09/21/91 - Duration: 18:48.
The Weeping Widow | Shooting In The Wild - Duration: 2:49.
Hymn - Lead, kindly Light (Piano with Chinese lyrics) 慈光歌 - Duration: 4:37.
Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th'encircling gloom;
Lead thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home;
Lead Thou me on!
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene one step enough for me.
I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou
Shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path; but now,
Lead thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.
So long thy power hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on.
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone.
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!
Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th'encircling gloom;
Lead thou me on!
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