Ciao, sono Sarah Knight
autrice del libro Il Magico Potere di Sbattersene il Ca**o
E sono qui per dirti come i tuoi sbattimenti influenzino
il tuo corpo, la tua mente e la tua anima.
Quello che potreste NON aver previsto di guadagnare
dal semplice atto di negare uno sbattimento
è un miglioramento generale della vostra salute
fisica ed emozionale.
Pensate: non avete guadagnato soltanto
tempo, energia e finanze,
ma anche conoscenza di voi stessi, fiducia
e un nuovo gusto infantile per la vita.
Inoltre, vi sarete risparmiati anche un sacco di mal di testa.
Per non parlare di bruciori di stomaco, ansia e nausea.
Avete presente la festa al karaoke da cui vi siete elegantemente defilati?
Pensate ai postumi che vi avrebbe lasciato!
Magari vi sareste tracannati un Margarita dietro l'altro
per tutta la serata solo per trattenervi dallo strangolare Tim
del reparto informatico con il filo del suo stesso microfono.
Al mattino successivo sarebbe stata brutale, credetemi.
Invece se ve ne sbattete?
Niente sonni agitati, niente mal di testa,
niente saliva prosciugata durante la presentazione del mattino,
niente conta dei minuti finché potrete fare di nascosto un riposino
sotto la scrivania durante la pausa pranzo,
niente torcicollo a causa di detto riposino
voglio dire, i vantaggi emersi dall'analisi costi-benefici sono innegabili.
Avete più tempo per fare quello che davvero volete fare dopo il lavoro
stare seduti sul divano in mutande
mangiando crostatine e guardando I guerrieri Ninja.
Avete deciso che guardare I guerrieri Ninja
è più piacevole che cantare il karaoke con Tim del reparto informatico
e avete agito di conseguenza
perché non vi preoccupate più di quello che pensa Tim
o chiunque altro rispetto alle vostre priorità.
La mattina avete più energia da investire
nell'inevitabile sbattimento di radervi senza tagliarvi
Siete ancora in possesso delle finanze che avreste speso in tequila
e in pizza a domicilio ordinata nel cuore della notte
nella (vana) speranza di assorbire tutto quell'alcool.
E ve ne starete indisturbati nella saletta pranzo
mentre i vostri colleghi cercheranno di fare
uno scomodo riposino sotto la loro scrivania.
Quel giorno probabilmente riuscirete a smaltire un sacco di lavoro in più
perché gli altri saranno troppo rintronati per venirvi a scocciare.
For more infomation >> Sbattersene il Ca**o: dire di no fa bene a corpo mente e anima! - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
S. Korea says North's new Pukguksong-2 is upgraded SLBM - Duration: 1:30.
The South Korean military offered its assessment of the North's latest missile.
Kim Hyun-bin brings us the defense officials' take on the level of threat the regime's possible
upgrades poses to the region.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Monday that the mid-range missile North Korea
fired on Sunday, the Pukguksong-2, appears to be an upgraded version of its submarine-launched
ballistic missile.
"This is an upgraded version of the SLBM on land.
North Korea has also developed a launch pad that is capable of conducting a cold launch,
which is used to launch missiles from submarines."
South Korea's defense ministry also affirmed North Korea's claim that a solid fuel engine
was used to launch the missile.
Experts say that compared to liquid fuel, solid fuel engines take less time to fill
and the fuel can be stored for a long period of time in the missile.
They also say that when this type of missile is attached to a mobile launch pad, North
Korea could launch it at any time and from any place, making it harder for Seoul and
Washington to detect the missile before launch.
"There is a reason North Korea prefers solid fuel.
Liquid fuel is difficult to inject and takes a long time.
Solid fuel engines are more combat proficient and it would be hard for Seoul to use the
Kill Chain system to launch a pre-emptive strike ."
North Korea's Pukguksong-2 mid-range missile, launched Sunday, flew 500 kilometers before
landing in the East Sea.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
[ 2 ORE ] Musica Relax Per Dormire New Age - Musica Relax Per Addormentarsi Subito - Duration: 2:06:12.
Szalone eksperymenty №8 [World of Tanks Polska] - Duration: 4:49.
The Vampire Diaries 8x12 ''What Are You'' Inside Legendado - Duration: 2:05.
La scienza dell'amore: cosa succede al cervello quando ti innamori - Duration: 4:09.
Tennis ball machine Wiseball Tênis Pro - Presentation - Duration: 3:25.
Hello, my name is Nilton I am one of the developers of Wiseball Tennis Pro it is a great pleasure
to be able to present it to you.
The Wiseball Tennis Pro is the ideal product for you to improve and train your tennis game,
with it you can practice your backhand and forehand, slow and fast ball returns,
short and long, high and low, practice smash, right slice , Left slice,
right and left volley, do leg work, improve your fitness,
improve the mechanics of your movement, increase the regularity in your returns
and train when there is no partner or a teacher at disposal.
It is a 100% national product, was designed, designed and manufactured in Brazil.
It has high technology and a modern design.
It is robust, quiet, compact and very easy to carry.
It can be used by beginner players, amateurs, professionals, tennis teachers,
can be used in clubs, gyms, condominiums, wherever you have a
tennis court.
It runs the battery, and depending on the model can have a range of up to six hours
of continuous use, it can also be connected to the power supply through a
separate external source supplied.
It comes with a remote control, an automatic bivolt battery charger, a super complete instruction manual
and has a one year warranty.
It has capacity for 125 balls, allows to launch slow or fast balls, up to 130 km / h,
khas adjustments of height, direction and launch interval and you can program
topspin, backspin and flat effects.
It also has the random mode that changes the direction of the throw in a random and automatic way,
forcing the player to move on the court.
Its control panel is easy to operate with light and sound indicators and has
several protection and safety sensors.
Although Wiseball has many features, it is very easy to use.
Simply position it on one side of the court, take out your ball basket, reposition it
face-up, place the balls, make the necessary adjustments on the control panel,
hit the play button and you're done, you can start to train.
Splasher! JUMP and GEYSER | 4 - 5 level - Duration: 11:52.
Palácio da Música recebe o som da Trupe Carnavalesca - Duration: 1:19.
Abraham Hicks • Things that you want come easily by chilling out • Esther Hicks Abraham Best Video - Duration: 13:25.
Insensatez, liberte a sua essência. - Duration: 0:31.
#BOYFRIEND Q&A with Erik Michels (ENG SUBS) || Pieter de Gans - Duration: 12:30.
Hey guys that's a long time ago
Today I'm going to make a video with Erik because you guys asked for it
No that's sh#t
Welcome back, no that's sh*t as well...
Hey! I've been sitting down here for 3 hours already
Well guys that's a long time ago
I'm back again and from now on I'm going to make a video once a week
You guys often asked me to make a video with my boyfriend Erik
So that's what I'm doing
Maybe you could shortly introduce yourself: who you are, what you do
Okay, my name is Erik and I've already been Pieters boyfriend for 4.5 years
I live together with Pieter in Amsterdam
I study medicine at the university of Amsterdam
And I'm going to start with my internships in May
What kind of internship?
It's in internship in which you go from ward to ward
uhmm yea that's it
From now on I'm going to record a video with Erik every month and it can be anything
If you like it give a thumbs up and comment what you would like to see us record
I agree
And because no one actually knows me
Or maybe from Instagram
That's why we did a Q&A so you could get to know me and Pieter a little better
And in two days it's valentine's day
That's why I thought it would be super fun now to make a video with my boyfriend
We asked on Instagram if you guys could sent us your questions
We had a lot of responses
Lots of sex questions in my opinion
Yea a lot
Are we going to answer them all?
Watch until the end to know it
Question number one
Where are you going to live later in life?
I find this a though question
On one hand I really want to life in the city
Because Amsterdam really became my hometown now. I really enjoyed it.
And I know for sure that Pieter wants to life here
But on the other hand I want children later
And I don't see it as a city where you raise children
I would prefer to live at a canal house
Question number two
From RoyBieze and he asks who from the two of you is the biggest shady ass bitch
Ater Roy I think it's you from the two of us
E: Do you think so? P: Yes from the two of us
But if I'm shady I think I'm shady in funny way
Very funny shady
So everyone can see my teeth are whiter
Há gay
Attack him
Nooo save me
E: This really hurts P: Attack him Loki!
No put him away
A question from Ilse: what do you appreciate the most of the other
Character-wise and appearance-wise
Appearance: Pieter is not going to agree
I think Pieter has a really pretty nose
Yes for real
I'm going to explain why
I really like it when someone has something unique
But matches the entire picture
Yes that's what I like and find unique
Character then?
Character uhm..
*Grashoppers sound*
What do I like the best from your character.
I find that quiet difficult
I'm going to cut this long pause
P: If you don't know anything about me, then we skip the question
No I know something, the best thing character-wise
He is still playful, funny, kind
That he can still run around like an idiot through the room
And does childish stuff
Because I'm like that as well. Maybe a bit too much for my age
And I want to share that with someone
Ingrid asks: Ronnie flex or lil kleine (Dutch artists)
It's maybe bad but if you ask me to name one song of ronnie flex. I wouldn't be able too.
So then I say lil kleine
Next question: Who does the dishes
I'm really glad someone asked this question
Because then Pieter can face the truth
Who does the dishes?
No way!
P: I just spent, i'm not going to turn the camera, an hour doing the dishes E: Who does the dishes?
The rule is actually that the one that makes dinner does not have to do the dishes
Erik often makes dinner so then I do the dishes
But sometimes I cook and then he doesn't feel like doing the dishes
Yes but true, but what do you make: microwave lasagna is not a dinner
P: If it makes the plates dirty you have to clean them then E: I disagree
I like making complicated dishes and sometimes that takes like 1.5 hours
and then it sucks to do the dishes because...
because Pieter just wants to lay on the couch
and who is the biggest shady ass bitch of you two
Lokiiiiiiiiii (the cat)
if you had to be an ice cream, which one would you be
Should I answer this one, really easy
I LOVE coconut, ice cream, candy ....
And of course I'm a tropical beauty
Alright we'll cut that scene
We'll leave that scene right there
who is the most social
We're both very social, just you are a little more extrovert
He just called me gay...
And I'm more introvert, but still social
Introvert and social? So you want to say something fun but you don't say anything ..... introvert and social
sometimes, in a group, it's social to be quiet and let others speak
I do that too!
Now you act like I never let anyone else speak
Who is the biggest shady ass bitch?! Pieter...
Which dutch football club do you guys support
Should be easy for you
I support Ajax of course
E: Yes me too since I moved
You have to!
He is forced to ...
I had to stand outside for a week because I supported the enemy team
I've never played football, but I did play Basketball before
For how long have you been together?
He always forgets for how long.....
I know how long it's been...
But I just always have to count
March 30 2012
We always wear a ring, in that ring is the date of when we started dating
No stop! You're in the front the whole time, now I want to be in front!
I'm not even on the screen, MOVE!
next question...
If you just had one trip left, where would you go?
I've never been to Africa
And I would love to go to Africa
Yes me to, but only if we go to south Africa, where it's legal to be gay....
I don't really care, I wouldn't go there to show everyone I'm gay
I would go because I want to see the country
I just don't like the fact that you have to book a room with two beds and such things
Nope Don't like that P: I understand
Would you rather poop cotton candy or burp glitter?
Definitely burps of glitter
You know, when you poop cotton candy, no one will see!
But when you walk around burping glitter... everyone would be amazed
people would think
oh my god, that's so cool!
What's the best moment you two shared together?
I'd say the trips we've made together
We've been to a lot of fun places, there's a question about that as well!
What kind of trips did you make together?
Italy, a few times
We've been to Barcelona
We've been to the United States
Texel (small dutch island) as well
That's about it!
What are your plans for Valentines day
I would love to go on a short trip with you, just for a few nights
That's the first time I hear this
Just a weekend, or midweek
Yes, I would like that too
What's the best date ever for you?
I think the best date would just be a dinner date
Some wine to loosen up
For some good talks, and I just love food!
If you could say one thing to the entire world, what would it be?
I would say; Everyone should act normal!
Just a little more love instead of the violence and complaints towards eachother
What would you do if were gay and you lived in a country where being gay is forbidden?
I would just move out of the country P: Yes, me too
Just get out of that place!
A surprised question of one of your instagram followers:
What are you gay? This is a sad day for all women out there ...
How did you guys meet, and who started flirting with the other?
We met on "Hyves" (dutch Facebook)
I think I was the one who started flirting
Yes, I think so too
Thoughts of having babies in the future?
I really want kids, and so does Pieter
I would love to adopt a chinese girl
I'd put her in a panda suit, with her fat little cheeks
That would be so sweet
And she has to play the piano, and guitar
No guitar, just the piano
What's the weirdest thing you guys ever did while drunk?
If Pieter is drunk, it's impossible to wake him up!
If he asks me to wake him up the next morning...
and then when I try... He just doesn't wake up
A bucket of water, doesn't wake up
I kick him, he doesn't wake up
When I push him out of the bed he just crawls back in
I look like a snapchat filter
Would you rather have toes as fingers, or fingers as toes
I'd rather have fingers as toes
Monkeys have the same, and they can just grab things with their feet
Seems super cool, to just be able to do more with your feet
Grab things... climbing is my thing anyway
Who is the most romantic?
I think Pieter is the most romantic
But I was pretty romantic lately
I made a cute card online and sent it to him ... with all these hearts <3 <3
I'll grab it!
aaawwwwww so sweet
Have you ever experienced that your relationship wasn't accepted by your surroundings?
No, we've actually never experienced that
What was your favourite food when you were little?
cordon blue, I really loved that!
Just a really nice schnitzel with some cheese and ham in there ... yummy
I think maybe just pizza .... or pancakes
I actually really liked pancakes
How old were you when you came out?
and how old were you when you got your first boyfriend?
I came out at 16
and my first boyfriend was at 16
went for it straight away
I came out at 17
first boyfriend at 18
Ben&Jerries or Nutella?
I'll definitely say Ben&Jerries
I absolutely love Ben&Jerries, I used to be addicted to it
I used to eat one of those big cups every week, in just 15 mins!
But now I'm working out so I try to be more healthy
Nutella for me, I don't really eat ice cream that much
No, but you don't eat nutella either...
I used to eat a lot of nutella when I was little E: *mainstream*
Did you ever have a girlfriend?
No, never
I did!
He did
*Erik does a sexy dance*
Next question from william of orange:
Is there competition between the two of you?
I think there is some competition, but mainly from your side
E: I want to be the best in everything P: He wants to be better than me in everything
So probably in a year or so, he'll have taken over youtube from me
And then I'll be left with nothing...
Last question, this is already taking too long!
Describe each other in one word
I always call Pieter mister mouse, because.... well look
He looks like a mouse
And he's wearing grey so..... A grey mouse!!
Did you like us making a video together, give us a thumbs up
And comment ideas for our next videos!
Erik has an instagram page, follow him @erik_michels
Next week I've got a new concept, that's a secret !
You'll just have to watch next week
If you read the subtitles, please let me know what you thought of it. This will decide if I keep making subtitles
黑人忍者 THE NEGRO NINJA (中文字幕) - Duration: 3:01.
Cars 3
Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI R-LINE EDITION - Duration: 0:42.
Volvo V60 T3 R-DESIGN 112KW GEARTRONIC6 - Duration: 0:47.
Renault Trafic 1.6 DCI 95pk Euro 6 T29 L2H1 Schuifdeur L+R - Duration: 1:08.
Cześć! Oto mój pierwszy film! - Duration: 2:24.
Watch Do You Believe Free ...
i can't let go when you still need saving - Duration: 2:11.
Alfa Romeo Giulia 2.0T Super 200pk Automaat - Duration: 1:23.
Opel Zafira 1.4T 140PK Design Edition / Nav / 17" LM / Clima - Duration: 1:42.
I don't know what to call this video... - Duration: 0:30.
Mistake: I will so a voice reveal. Edit: I will do a voice reveal.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140 pk Business+ (Airco/BlueTooth/7-Pers/17" LMV) - Duration: 0:42.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140 pk Business+ (Airco/BlueTooth/7-Pers/17" LMV) - Duration: 0:43.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140 pk Business+ (Airco/BlueTooth/7-Pers/17" LMV) - Duration: 0:41.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T 140 pk Business+ (Airco/BlueTooth/7-Pers/17" LMV) - Duration: 0:42.
False Facts About Star Wars You Always Thought Were True - Duration: 11:15.
Over the past four decades, Stars Wars has become a beloved institution, with fans passing
their love of the franchise on to the next generation, and the next.
But along the way, a lot of misconceptions about the story and characters have been inadvertently
passed along as well.
Here's a look at some false facts about Star Wars you always thought were true.
Stormtroopers are terrible shots
Right from the get-go, Obi-Wan Kenobi hypes the deadly accuracy of the Stormtroopers.
"And these blast points, too accurate for sand people.
Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise."
So it's ironic that later on in A New Hope, the Stormtroopers can't seem to hit the broad
side of a wookiee during the rescue of Princess Leia, leading to decades of fan jokes.
But maybe there's a good reason they couldn't shoot anyone during the Death Star escape:
they were under orders not to.
Princess Leia speculates that the rescue attempt was too easy, as the Empire let them escape
so our heroes would lead the bad guys to the rebel base and destroy it once and for all.
"They let us go.
It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape."
You call that easy?"
"They're tracking us."
Instead of joking about their bad aim, viewers should really be congratulating those Stormtroopers
on their solid improvisational acting abilities!
Luke would never join the Empire
Luke starts off A New Hope telling C-3PO about how much he hates the Empire, so the belief
that Luke is destined to be a true blue Rebel from the start makes sense.
But it's also wrong.
Remember his efforts to leave the farm life behind and go to the Academy instead?
"I was also thinking about our agreement.
About me staying on another season?
And if these new droids do work out I want to transmit my application to the Academy
this year."
Well, that academy Luke is so hot to get into is an Imperial Academy, something made even
clearer in the film's deleted scenes.
Oh, sure, Luke may have eventually ended up switching sides like his pal Biggs.
But it's clear Luke's main goal is just getting off Tatooine, even if it means joining the
Empire to do it.
"Luke, I am your father"
One of the most famous moments in movie history is when Darth Vader shockingly reveals that
he is Luke Skywalker's father at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.
For decades, fans have been quoting the iconic line "Luke, I am your father!"
I am your father."
Heck, even James Earl Jones himself does it.
"When I first saw the dialogue that said, 'Luke, I am your father,' I said to myself,
'He's lying.'"
One problem, though: that's not actually what Vader says.
But it's damn close!
"No...I am your father."
Now you know how Luke felt when he realized everything he ever knew was a lie.
C-3PO was completely golden
When The Force Awakens came out, one of the unresolved mysteries that had fans buzzing
was the question of what happened to C-3PO's arm.
"It is I, C-3PO.
You probably don't recognize me because of the red arm."
But you would also have been justified in asking why his left leg was gold.
Because despite the fact that you were no doubt sure C-3PO was always completely golden
colored, in the original trilogy, his lower right leg was actually silver.
That was never even explained in the films, so if you're waiting for some drawn out, cinematic
backstory behind his new red arm, don't hold your breath.
Boba Fett's first appearance
Everyone knows that from the moment he first appeared in 1980's The Empire Strikes Back,
Boba Fett became a cultural phenomenon.
For someone with so little screen time and so few lines, he has captured the public imagination
enough to be the star of countless comic book, novel, and video game adventures.
One thing, though: he didn't actually make his first appearance in The Empire Strikes
Back, but rather in an animated sequence from the legendarily terrible made-for-TV Star
Wars Holiday Special, which debuted in 1978 — where he teams up with Chewbacca!
Just in case you didn't think Boba Fett could be any more awesome, he debuted while riding
a space dinosaur.
"What is it, Master Luke?"
"I'm not sure."
Kenner later released a special action figure, which became highly sought after on the playground,
driving Boba Fett to cult status before Empire Strikes Back even came out.
Luke's scar
One of the first things that happens to Luke Skywalker in Empire Strikes Back is getting
hit in the face by a Wampa.
While this serves to prove to audiences that the guy with magical powers and a laser sword
is still vulnerable and untrained, many fans over the years have assumed this scene has
an ulterior motive: that it serves to explain the scar Mark Hamill got after a nasty car
Younger fans probably don't even know this, but just before Star Wars first premiered
in 1977, Hamill was involved in a terrible car accident, suffering a fractured nose and
The damage to his face was still visible in Empire Strikes Back, leading many fans to
assume the Wampa attack was designed to explain it away.
According to George Lucas, though, this is not really true.
While they did film a scene showing Luke's face being worked on, Lucas says in the Blu-ray
commentary for Empire he ultimately decided the scars made sense because "some time had
passed, they've been in the Rebellion fighting, that kind of thing, so the change [in his
appearance] was justifiable."
The Wampa scene was just a way "to keep the film suspenseful at the beginning while the
Empire is looking for them."
Conspiracy theory: debunked.
Jedi can't have sex
The idea that Jedi aren't supposed to be, uh, making little Jedis seems pretty hard-coded
into most people's understanding of Star Wars.
After all, wasn't this why Anakin and Padme snuck around, kept their marriage a secret,
and fretted about Padme's pregnancy possibly destroying their careers?
Well, no.
What the Jedi are actually forbidden from doing is forming attachments and getting involved
in long-term relationships.
But casual sex?
Sure, that's cool, something Lucas himself verified in an interview with the BBC, saying,
"Jedi Knights aren't celibate — the thing that is forbidden is attachments — and possessive
Suddenly, Obi-Wan's familiarity with Tatooine's bar full of sexy strangers makes a lot more
You old dog.
Alderaan was not a military target
The primary act meant to cement the Empire's evil in A New Hope is the destruction of Alderaan.
Leia begs Tarkin to not destroy her peaceful planet, insisting that they have no weapons
and that there's no reason to destroy it.
"No, Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons, you can't possibly…"
"You would prefer another target?
A military target?
Then name the system."
She offers up the fake Rebel base location of Dantooine to attack, but Tarkin decides
to destroy the more populated and well-known location of Alderaan to demonstrate the power
of the Empire.
Thus, viewers walk away thinking that the Empire destroyed a planet full of peaceful
space hippies just to make a point.
But that's not true.
Both Leia and her adoptive father, Bail Organa, use Alderaan as a seat of power from which
they operate the Rebellion.
And the comic books and other expanded universe stories expand on this, showing in detail
the Rebellion's ties to Alderaan's military.
Sure, blowing up the entire planet is a bit of an overreaction, but there's no question
Alderaan was indeed a valid military target.
Luke can't fly an X-wing
Many people over the years have wondered how Luke is able to even fly an X-wing at the
end of A New Hope.
How realistic is it that an moisture harvesting farmboy wanders into a high-level military
meeting and is handed control of a deadly war plane?
How realistic is it that he would even know how to fly something it takes others years
to master?
Is there an answer, people wonder, aside from "the Force" or "he's the hero, get over it?"
There is an answer, and it lies with the toy model we see Luke play with earlier in the
This is the T-16 that he has mastered flying, the one he uses to shoot womp rats in Beggar's
Well, it turns out that the T-16 is manufactured by Incom, the same company that makes the
T-65 X-wing.
If Luke has spent years learning how to fly one Incom machine, then it makes sense he
would be able to handle himself in another ship that likely uses very similar controls.
Of course, "he's the hero, get over it" is still a pretty satisfying answer when you
think about it.
Fans always loved Leia
These days, Princess Leia is an absolutely beloved character, a take-charge, badass woman
who rescues others more often than she gets rescued, and who doesn't take crap from anybody.
Both she and the late, great Carrie Fisher are considered feminist icons.
But that actually wasn't the case originally.
According to Fisher herself, many fans originally thought Leia was a straight up "space bitch"
because the only way the writers "knew how to make the character strong was to make her
As a result, the character was deliberately softened in Return of the Jedi to make her
"more feminine, more supportive, more affectionate" so she would appeal more to the young male
audience the movies were catering to — which also explains why they stuck her in that metal
Image problems solved?
Ewoks are cute and harmless
This misconception should be pretty easy to refute simply by watching Return of the Jedi,
yet it's become ingrained in people's minds that Ewoks are just cute, fuzzy little space
Care Bears who exist mainly to sell plush toys to children.
Well, that last part might be true, but the Ewoks are anything but cute and cuddly, despite
what some insipid made-for-TV movies might have you believe.
George Lucas has said that he actually based the Ewoks on the Vietcong.
And remember in Return of the Jedi when they capture our band of heroes?
It's played for laughs, but when C-3PO informs Han Solo that the Ewoks are going to eat him,
he's actually serious.
"What did he say?"
"I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at
a banquet in my honor."
And that casts a different light on the end celebration, where the Ewoks are playing drums
on the helmets of defeated Stormtroopers.
Remember, they viciously killed those Stormtroopers.
Given what we know of Ewok culture, it's very likely those cute little fuzzballs also ate
the Stormtroopers' corpses as well.
Which is one hell of an hors d'oeuvre.
"12 parsecs" was a mistake
One of the most infamous moments in the series came when Han Solo was boasting about the
speed of his ship.
"Fast ship?
You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?"
"Should I have?"
"It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs."
But as many science buffs have pointed out, a parsec is a unit of measuring distance,
not time.
So Han's boast just doesn't make any sense unless he's somehow claiming his ship managed
to actually change the course of the Kessel Run itself.
Turns out that's actually right, as later authors explained that Han used a flying technique
that had him skirt the edges of a black hole to actually distort both time and space, thereby…
Ah, just kidding!
It was obviously a mistake, and no amount of over-explanation and revision by later
writers can put lipstick on this pig.
Sorry, Star Wars fans, but Han was talking out his space-butt.
Want more proof?
A 1976 draft of the screenplay for A New Hope is available online, and it seems to close
the debate pretty definitively.
After Han makes his claim, the screenplay says, "Ben reacts to Solo's stupid attempt
to impress them with obvious misinformation."
As it turns out, George Lucas didn't make the mistake — it's just been Han Solo using
fancy words to impress people all along.
"This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs!"
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The Shady Double Life Of Bill O'Reilly - Duration: 5:35.
Since 1996, Bill O'Reilly has hosted The O'Reilly Factor, which is one of the most popular shows
on Fox News.
A self-professed "straight-talker," O'Reilly claims to operate within a so-called "No-Spin
Zone," which suggests he strives for an objective viewpoint.
What he'd probably prefer you forget is that he's become the story several times, weathering
both personal and professional scandals in the public eye.
For a man who's built a brand on truth-telling, he's certainly got folks asking a few questions.
Let's take a look at the sketchy double life of Bill O'Reilly.
Media bias and...milkshakes?
One of Bill O'Reilly's favorite talking points is to slam the mainstream media for not being objective
In one example of his disgust with modern journalism, O'Reilly ranted on his show about
how unbelievable it was that Rachel Maddow hugged 2016 Democratic presidential candidates
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton after moderating a debate between them, saying:
"We're living in an age where you say 'journalism,' many of the press entities
aren't that anymore.
They're not.
They're just...they're in another business.
It's another business model."
Yet, O'Reilly's personal relationship with Donald Trump never seemed to give him any pause.
After tape of Trump's crude conversation with Billy Bush went public…
"Grab 'em by the p----."
"You can do anything."
...O'Reilly called it just "crude guy talk."
O'Reilly and Trump are such BFFs, they even have a running gag about the number of vanilla
milkshakes O'Reilly has bought for Trump.
O'Reilly even went so far as to leverage Trump's "milkshake debt" in an attempt to convince
Trump to appear on the Fox News Republican debate he was boycotting at the time.
"Would you do me a favor..."
"Look, look, Bill, I'm not."
"You owe me, because I bought you so many vanilla milkshakes."
"What happened...Fox put out…"
"I bought you so many vanilla milkshakes, you owe me."
"It's true."
While the mental image of O'Reilly and Trump drinking one milkshake with two straws is
objectively adorable, isn't that exactly the kind of ethical dilemma O'Reilly was slamming
Rachel Maddow for?
Family feuds
Bill O'Reilly is an outspoken proponent of family values, as well as a sharp critic of
the eroding morality of America.
When talking about disgraced NFL star Ray Rice, whose career ended after he was caught
on tape viciously attacking his wife, O'Reilly called domestic violence a "plague," and suggested
that Rice be "demonized" in order to "send a message that this can't happen in America."
Meanwhile, O'Reilly's own ex-wife alleged in court that he choked her and dragged her
down the stairs, according to court records obtained and published by Gawker.
Reports have also indicated that their teenaged daughter saw this happen, and said as much
to a court-appointed forensic examiner.
For his part, O'Reilly denied it all — and sued his ex.
And that doesn't even touch The New York Times' report in January 2017 that Fox News settled
a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against O'Reilly.
Do as I say, not as I do
Weirdly, O'Reilly collaborated with James Patterson on a kid's book called Give Please
A Chance.
It's aimed at reintroducing manners to young children.
O'Reilly explained, quote:
"James and I believe we can bring that civility and compassion back into the world."
End quote.
Hey, that's pretty nice!
Of course, it'd be even nicer if O'Reilly could follow his own advice and be both civil
and compassionate to the people he works with.
"Hold it, because I don't get to tee off of you.
Give me one damn program he said he'd cut."
"He said he'd cut entitlements…"
"Not entitlements!
"Why are you yelling?
What do you want to yell for?"
"The federal government should be in there.
This is so far out of control."
"I don't disagree with you."
"They took over New Orleans."
"I don't know why you're yelling at me.
I don't disagree with you."
"I'm not, I'm not yelling at you.
I'm yelling in general."
And of course, who could forget this classic clip of Bill treating his coworkers with respect
and kindness:
"We'll do it live!
F--- it!
Do it live!
I can - I'll write it and we'll do it live!
F---ing thing SUCKS!"
And these aren't isolated incidents, either.
O'Reilly is known for his aggressive nature and combative stance toward guests with opposing
viewpoints, who he often yells at and interrupts.
It's undeniably great entertainment if you're into re-living uncomfortable Thanksgiving
table political discussions with your opinionated uncle, but he's probably not the best example
for children on how to be polite.
Not such an "average guy"
Part of what attracts Bill O'Reilly's audience is his seemingly plain and matter-of-fact
speech, a classic value held by working class Americans.
But it's not only a perception.
In his book, The O'Reilly Factor: The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous in
American Life, he touted his "humble beginnings" and "working class upbringing."
He wrote:
"Whatever I have done or will do in this life, I'm working-class Irish American Bill O'Reilly."
Well, maybe.
In describing his hardscrabble life, O'Reilly referenced carpools, eating lunch meat, and
not taking extravagant vacations.
So far, so average, right?
But "working class" might be a bit of a stretch.
The Washington Post interviewed O'Reilly's mother and found that Bill and his sister
"attended private school, and the family sent Bill to Marist College, a private college
in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., as well as the University of London for a year, without financial aid."
Also, O'Reilly himself admitted his father was earning $35,000/year when he retired in
1978, which was "equivalent to $92,000" at the time of the article in 2000.
Look, you can eat all the baloney sandwiches you want.
But private school, Marist, and the University of London ain't so humble, dude.
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Surprising Traits Men Find Attractive - Duration: 7:47.
They say beauty's only skin deep, but there's no denying that those first impressions are
clutch. Ever wonder what men notice? And what they really find most attractive? Well, it
turns out that sometimes it's so hard-wired within us, we don't even realize what we're
looking for… until w e find it.
Blue eyes? Swipe right
A study from the University of Tromso in Norway asked 443 people about the hair and eye color
of their partners. They also showed participants a series of photos in which just the models'
eyes had been manipulated to change color. They found that while women and brown-eyed
men showed no preference over any particular eye color, blue-eyed men overwhelmingly chose
blue-eyed women.
The reason? Genetics. The only way a child can have blue eyes is to be born to two blue-eyed
parents, or to two people who each carry part of the recessive gene for blue eyes. The study's
authors say that, conscious or subconscious, blue-eyed men's preference for blue-eyed women
might be linked to one extra layer of paternity protection.
Random gray hair? Higher age bracket? According to a joint study between psychologists from
the University of St. Andrews and the University of Liverpool, a mature appearance is exactly
what some men are into.
There's a cultural norm for what's considered attractive — that's what makes movie stars
so universally admired. Here, researchers wanted to find out how our personal experiences
helped shape what we find attractive. The study found that men who were born to moms
over 30 were more likely to find older women more attractive when they were looking for
long-term relationships. It's suggested that when looking for a long-term partner, there's
something about the influence of that parent-child relationship that makes us feel secure as
adults. And that's not all.
Mom genes
Studies suggest that parents' influence on what characteristics men find attractive
goes even beyond age. Another study from the University of St. Andrews looked at a phenomenon
known as imprinting — well known to exist in the animal world and, until recently, largely
unexplored in humans.
The study looked at how likely men — and women — will be attracted to certain hair
and eye color in their chosen partners. They found that for men, the best indicator of
preferences was the hair and eye color of their mothers.
Researchers suggest that it's possible that the early connection between mother and son
formed a sort of subconscious bond that suggests safety, familiarity, and comfort linked to
the eye and hair color they knew first.
"Happy Birthday, what do you want for breakfast?" "Privacy"
"Please, don't forget to wash your bottom"
Everyone loves to laugh, but according to a study published in Evolution and Human Behavior,
the sort of humor men and women find attractive is surprisingly different.
"Oh my God...hoowow!"
The study found that while women valued both the ability to be funny and to appreciate
the same sort of things they found funny, men had a different take: they just wanted
someone who's gonna laugh at their jokes. When it came to long-term relationships, it
was even more important for men to find someone who appreciated their sense of humor, while
funny gal-pals were preferred for friendships and short-term relationships.
Angle from above
According to a pair of Australian researchers, one thing that men find surprisingly attractive
is a simple one that anyone can master — the right head tilt.
They manipulated a series of faces to appear as if they were being viewed from different
angles, and volunteers were then asked to rate the attractiveness of those faces. They
found that men were most attracted to faces where women tilted their heads forward enough
that they were looking slightly up. When a man sees a woman who tilts her head forward
and looks up at him, the height difference accents traditional ideas about masculinity
and femininity.
Me, Tarzan
Both men and women find risk-taking super hot in potential mates. Perhaps an obviously
attractive trait to women, surprisingly, men were also attracted to women who were adventurous.
According to a study by the University of Alaska Anchorage, men and women were attracted
to those with hunter-gatherer personality traits. That includes risky activities similar
to what our ancient ancestors would have performed — like skiing, mountain climbing, and whitewater
But it was only ancient risks that were found attractive. Modern risks like driving without
a seat belt or dabbling in drugs? Not so much.
Baby voice
While you might think that a husky voice would be sexier…
"Knock yourselves out"
— Studies have shown that what men are really attracted to is a higher-pitched voice.
"this is my ja-zam!"
According to one study done by University College London, men favored high-pitched voices,
because of the features, figure, and youth they associated with that voice. But when
the voice got too high, the attractiveness declined.
In short, that in order to be most attractive, a voice should be moderately high-pitched
and slightly breathy, all which reportedly signaled that the speaker had a small frame.
But if your voice doesn't rate as "moderately high-pitched," no worries. According to a
study from the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, women talking to a hot guy speak in a higher
pitch without even realizing it.
While ovulation's not exactly a trait, it's linked to things that men find attractive.
"You're all on the same cycle. This is very exciting. Your uterine walls will be shedding
for the next 3 to 5 days." "Nice memorization, did you Google that"?
According to a study in the journal Hormones and Behavior, men were more likely to rate
women as being the most attractive when they were at the most fertile point in the month.
Many studies have shown that as women approach peak fertility, voices pitch higher, body
odor becomes more desirable, and skin and lips may change color — all things men have
traditionally found more attractive.
Baby got back
Think it's the hourglass figure that's most attractive? It depends. According to research
done by professors at the University of Texas, it's your waist and hips that matter.
Professor Devendra Singh found that when women have a waist-to-hip ratio of between .67 and
.8, they're thought to be the most attractive to men. She surveyed men as to what shape
they found most attractive, but researched everything from Miss America contestants to
Playboy models. An overwhelming majority of the men agreed that the most attractive shape
had to do with that magic calculation, no matter what their age group was. From Beyonce
to Kate Moss, it didn't matter how much they weighed — that specific ratio was hottest
of all.
Heart of gold
It's easy to get stuck on looks. But studies have shown that personality traits like kindness,
respectfulness, and optimism really do make you look better. One study done at the University
of Westminster surveyed 2,157 male students — and surprisingly found that there was
no body type or shape they liked best. But when men were supplied with personality traits,
they chose a wider range of body types and sizes, compared to picks based on physical
appearance alone.
Another study from a group of Chinese universities found similar results. They took both men
and women and asked them to rate the attractiveness of a series of faces based only on appearance.
Two weeks later, the same group was given personality traits along with the faces, and
positive traits made faces more attractive. They even gave it a name: the halo effect.
"It doesn't matter what costume I wear, yours or mine. I'm a superhero. That's who
I am."
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Knee Tendonitis Exercises & Stretches - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 7:22.
Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today
I'm gonna show you some stretches and exercises for
knee tendonitis. Let's get started.
So let's start off with some stretches.
We're gonna do a hamstring stretch first.
You can stretch your hamstring a whole
lot of different ways, but how I'm going
to show you today is either with a strap,
you can use a strap, a dog leash if you
have one, a belt, or even a big towel. But
something tight not those resistance
bands. So just take the strap, if you have
one with loops that works really really
well cause you can kind of put it around
your foot here, lie down on the ground,
and I like to keep the other leg bent
because that just take some pressure off
of your back. Then keep your leg as
straight as you can, try not to bend your
knee, and then just pull your leg up with
the strap. So you're not really lifting
it up, you're pulling it up until you
feel a stretch right here through your
hamstrings. If you want more of a stretch,
pull your toes up and that'll kind of
engage those calf muscles too, so you get
a stretch throughout the whole leg. Hold that
stretch for about 30 seconds, and then do
three on each side. Then you're going to
stretch your quad muscles in the front.
You can also stretch those a whole bunch
of different ways, I'm going to show you
how to do it lying on your stomach. So
again taking the stretch strap or the
leash, and then put it around your ankle.
You're gonna roll over onto your stomach, and
take the strap and bring it around your
shoulder here, and just pull as far as
you comfortably can, bringing that heel
towards your bottom. So again holding
that stretch for about 30 seconds.
You should feel the stretch in front of
your leg now, that thigh area, and then
do three of those on each side.
After you do the stretches, you're going
to do some exercises lying down, and
towards the end of the video I'm going
to show you some awesome exercises with
a resistive band standing up so stay
tuned for those. But on the ground you do
a straight leg raise. So again leave one
side propped up so now you have a target
to protect your back a little bit. Keep
that leg nice and straight, pull your
toes up to help lock it out, and then
just come up to about even to the other
side. So don't take it all the way up,
just to about here and slowly come back
down. So you really want to control that
leg and really work those muscles. If you
go fast, you're using momentum and not
the muscles, so make sure you go nice
and slow. So start off with just about 10
and then you can work your way up to 15
20. If those become easy, you can add just
a light ankle weight on there. Then
you're going to roll over onto your side
and do an abduction of your hips. So the
bottom leg can be bent just a little bit,
but you want the body to be in a
straight line. So the top leg in your
upper body should be nice and straight,
you want to keep your legs nice and
straight, again pull your toes up to help
lock out that leg, and when you come up,
you want to kind of lead with your heel.
So it's not coming up with your toes up,
but almost with your heel up and make
sure you go back just a little bit
because some people come forward, but
then you're not working those outer
muscles. So make sure you kick back
behind you and come back down. So again
nice and slow, controlled, toes almost
pointed down, and just start off with
about 10 of those and then you can work
your way up.
Even if you just have the tendonitis on
one side, I do both sides for everything
just to keep both sides working because
sometimes you're compensating a little
bit and the good side gets a little
irritated, over worked, so it's always good
to do both sides. Alright now going to stand
up. So resistance band exercises are
really good for tendonitis
because what you want to do is work
those muscles, but you don't want to
overwork them because that's what's
already happened with the tendonitis. So
using the band's a great way to kind of
get that happy middle ground of working
it, but not working too much.
So now you're going to do a hip
abduction with resistive band, so what
you want to do you want to anchor the
band. You can do that, you can anchor it
on a doorway, you can wrap it around like
a something sturdy, or you can have a
mystery person hold onto it for you, but
if you need a chair or something for
balance go ahead and do that. Don't feel
like you have to do this without holding
on because sometimes that band is going
to be a little more than you think it is.
Keep that leg nice and straight, and the
same thing when you're lying down, you
want to keep your toes forward. A lot of
times people want to kind of turn their legs
like to do this way, but keep the toes
forward and almost go out leading with
your heel, but try to keep that leg
locked out nice and straight. So you're
just going to kick out that way and come
back in again. If you need something to
hold onto,
that's fine because you want to go nice
and controlled slow motion, making sure
you're controlling that band, that band
is not controlling you.
We're going to start off with about 10
of them, and then you can work your way
up from there. If 15, 20, 25 is easy, you can
get a more resistant band. The next one
is going to be extension, so hip
extension, again keep that leg nice and
locked out. Now you're gonna be facing
where the anchor is of the band, and then
lock out that leg pull those toes up and
then just kick back behind you. So if you
get a little off balance, you might
want something to hold on to,
but make sure you keep your leg straight.
You don't have to kick back far, but try
and keep that good slow controlled
motion while you're doing it. Again just
starting off with about ten working your
way up to 20 or 25. And the last exercise,
I really like it's really cool, is called
TKE or terminal knee extension. So this
time you bring the band kind of up
to your knee right here. If you have a
band, spread it out just a little bit
so it's not a right up in that
little pocket
of your knee. What you want to do, this one's a
little tough to figure out, but once you
get it down, it's pretty easy. You want to
keep your foot on the ground but bring
your heel up so your knee bends just a
little bit, and then straighten it out. So
that knee extension. We call a terminal
knee extension, but again really control it,
don't snap it back, make sure you're doing
making those muscles do all the work. So
see my toes stay down. I'm just
kind of lifting my heel and then
bringing it back down to give that knee
extension in there. That's a really good
exercise for that knee tendonitis. So
there you have it, those are your
stretches and exercises for knee
tendonitis. If you have and questions, leave them
in the comment section. To check out more videos go
to And remember, be safe,
don't let Remy keep biting you. Bye Bear. Have fun,
and I hope you feel better soon.
Sneaking into the Tallest building in Hawaii - Duration: 9:25.
A Cancer Destroyer Better Than Chemo By 10 Times Stronger! - Duration: 2:03.
A Cancer Destroyer Better Than Chemo By 10 Times Stronger!
There is a fruit from guyabano/Graviola tree (Sour Sop tree) and is known to be a great
cancer destroyer.
It can be even better 10 times more than Chemo.
And you might wonder why this is unknown.
Because big firms don't want to lose money and make less profit because a medicine is
known out in the open.
The juice soursop can be consumed as a healthy choice but still the taste is just regular.
For those with gardens and yards, plant it right now.
Sadly, billions have died from cancer and the medicine is out there, but hidden from
deep-pocket greedy people.
The tree is called Guyabano/Graviola and it is from Brazil.
In English is soursop and in Spanish is guanabana.
It is a short low tree and the fruit pieces are really large.
It has a whitish pulp that is sweet and used for making juices, sherbet or other sweet
This plant is anti-cancer in benefits and properties.
It also cures other issues and tumors too.
But, this plant is a prevention or cure for already affirmed types of cancer (all of them).
This graviola tree is also good as antimicrobial and antifungal plant, it resolves bacterial
infections and removes worms and parasites.
Also cures depression, anxiety, stress and hypertension.
Basically this plant is easy to be promoted; in the deep forests of the Amazon it grows
and it changed the lives of millions of people with cancer.
- Deadly infections that impair immunity.
- Cancer cells that didn't respond to therapy that caused hair loss, nausea and weight loss.
- Better mood and life outlook and more energy.
- Health and strength.
3 Surprising Problems of Successful People - Duration: 11:23.
Success is awesome
and achieving goals could be one of the greatest feelings in life
but there is a dark side to success that isn't often talked about
and this leads to some very successful people
living very sad lives or, at least,
having mental anguish that they don't know how to deal with,
they don't know where it comes from and the worst thing
is they feel like they shouldn't have it because they're successful.
So this video is for two kinds of people.
First off, it's for you if you are an up-and-comer,
success is coming your way
and I want to help you prepare for some of the negative things
that might come with it that nobody else is talking about.
And the second kind of person
is someone who has already achieved success.
And for you, you may be carrying around mental baggage
that you think is just a normal part of life
and this baggage can be sapping your energy,
making you less happy and making you less fun to be around
but you don't even notice it because you think it's just part of being successful.
It does not have to be it — it does not have to drive you.
I'm going to tell you about three things you can start to put down
today and get rid of that baggage.
So the first one of those things is this —
it's that success invites a comparing mind.
When I first started Charimas On Command,
I had a very simple goal and that was to pay
my rent without having to go again to that full-time day job.
And so that was a pretty set financial goal and that was all that I wanted to do.
When I came across someone who had a much bigger business
or a huge Youtube-following, I wasn't really impacted by it.
It seemed like they were running their race — I was running mine,
They could have their success — I could have mine,
and they really didn't have anything to do with each other
because of course they didn't.
What started to happen when I achieved my goals
is that my brain began looking outwards
and rather than pegging the new success goal to a personal financial goal,
what it did was it started comparing it to other people,
particularly to people on YouTube, and I've watched different channels
and I see some that maybe I thought,
"You know what? That content isn't as good as ours yet they're so much bigger.
We should be beating them.
In fact, we need to beat them. That's what we got to do,"
and so for a while, success to me would look like eclipsing that shadow
and that happened once or twice or three times
and it made me realize something.
First off, it was completely silly because it didn't make me feel any better.
Second off, I was treating Youtube subscribers like this fixed pie
which either they had it or I had it in which we couldn't both share.
Maybe they were appealing to an audience
that really got a lot out of what they were doing — in fact,
I'm sure that was the case but I treated it like,
"No, I needed to be better than them in a very, very fixed way,"
which is of course ridiculous.
And then third, it didn't stop.
As soon as I got one, then I wanted another.
When I beat that one, then I want another.
I just kept looking to the next thing.
There's nothing wrong with striving for more
but when you're comparing yourself to people outside of yourself,
that is a strong indicator that you have a comparing mind
and that, for you, it's become about status and not about giving back to the world
which really is what it was for me and I'm trying to recenter myself here.
So for you, if you identify with comparing mind,
solution to this is to interrupt that comparing mind
and I made another video about this a while ago
with still, clearly, something that I have to keep my eyes on
but it's a great video, it's a solution that works very, very well
and it's longer than I can include in this
so if you want to check that out, click the link in the description.
Second thing that I saw personally from success,
one of the negative side effects, is that
it can become a social crutch and I've seen this in other people,
I've seen this in myself and perhaps the most frustrating for me
because I should have known better.
Back when I was consultant
and I spent my days doing Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint
when somebody asked me, "Charlie, what do you do?"
I didn't really want to say consultant because I wasn't passionate about it
so I would come up with these ridiculous things.
I tell them that I was just passing through town because I was in the circus
or I tell them that I was an astronaut working on the International Space Station —
just insane things that were obviously jokes or that they would get, very quickly, were jokes
and what this did was it started conversation off on a fun banter of note
and so for a couple minutes, we go back and forth, we joke around
and of course, eventually, I would tell them what I did
but I realized what I was doing is I was letting my personality
and my sense of humor carry the weight of showing who I was
and that shifted once I started getting success in Youtube, particulary
because I wanted people to ask me what I did
not so I could be fun or funny or interesting or have a great time with them
but so that I could tell them I have a Youtube channel
because I was very excited and very proud of it at the time
and I still of course am but when people would ask me, "What do you do?"
and I say, "I'm a Youtuber," and they'd say, "Oh, really? What's your channel?"
I'd say, "Charisma On Command," and they'd say, "Oh, cool," and I go, "Yup, it is cool."
That conversation would die.
And that was because I wanted my success to speak for me.
Rather than be fun, funny, outgoing, interesting, engaged, and high-energy,
I just wanted to let that success speak for me
and I tell you I should have known better for two reasons —
one, because, "What do you do?" is one of the first things we talked about
in every single program that we teach
and we talked about how you have to answer in, first, a fun way
and then, second, to reveal your values through it.
So solution here is — I believe there's an article that I will link to
in the description. If not, it's one of the first things we cover on our newsletter
which is constantly what I'm talking about at the end of our videos.
So if you want to join that, I'll make sure that both of those links are in the description.
And the second reason is because I saw this all the time in New York City when I lived there
and I remember one time I was out of the club with a friend of mine who was a girl
and she wanted to talk to this guy who she thought was very handsome.
So she actually walked up, she approached him, they began to talk
and a minute and a half to two minutes later, she came running back.
So I said, "What happened?"
She said, "I asked him his name and what he did
and he immediately gave me his business card from Goldman Sachs
and started talking about his investment portfolio."
And I realize now that that guy I'm sure, he was in Goldman Sachs,
is a smart guy but at some point he wanted his status to speak for him
and he thought, clearly it didn't work as well as he had hoped,
that that would make people like him, particulary women,
and I've seen that that doesn't often work.
There's a stereotype that it does — it does not.
You need to let your personality speak for itself
which, again, I should have known better because I talk about this often
but we can fall into traps that we should see all the time.
So the third difficulty of success is this —
not only can success be a social crutch, it can be an internal happiness crutch.
Before the Youtube channel started to take off,
I had a pretty simple list of things which, I always have known, make me happy
and that's spending time with my friends, get outside in the sun,
get some exercise, eat a good meal — very, very simple things
that are going to make me feel good
and of course one of them was going out and meeting people.
When the Youtube channel started to take off for me,
I was in Colombia so Spanish is spoken there.
I could speak Spanish but it's not as easy for me as English
so making new friends wasn't as easy as it would be for me in English
and so at the time that the channel is taking off,
it's becoming a little bit more difficult for me to socialize and make a bunch of friends
and very, very easy for me to check the stats of my subscribers on my channel
so what began to happen is that I developed—
I mean I must be checking dozens of times a day to see how quickly our subscriber rate was growing.
And I check it over and over again and at the end, there will be 200 subscribers in a day
and that was awesome — 200 was so big.
And as we began to grow, that number would get to 500 and 700 and a thousand per day.
I was blown away by how awesome that was — it made me feel really good
because I wasn't going out and meeting as many people as I was typically used to in the States, for instance.
What happened though is that, again,
the bar just kept getting raised and today, if we get a thousand subscribers a day, I'm bummed
because that's not as much as we should be getting at the level that we're at now
but even more insidious than that is it taught my brain
that when it needed something to make it feel good or to be happy
is not to go hang out with my buddies who of course I still hang out with
or to go out and meet a new person but just to easily check those subscribers
and that of course is the language of Youtube
but if you have a business and you find yourself always checking your KPIs —
I have a friend of mine who confessed that this is him,
if you are an employee and there's some sort of metric
which you find yourself constantly coming back to because it's easier
than the things that create lasting happiness like investing in your relationships —
then that can become a problem because success, truly, at that level becomes addictive.
It's so easy to see, to feel and some of the things that actually make you happy are not.
So you'll find yourself getting attached to those stupid numbers which means nothing
at the expense of your relationships.
The downside of this is that even when I would notice I would have amazing days,
other things would be going on in my life that were firing on all cylinders and was great,
part of me might be bummed because the subscriber count wasn't where I wanted it to be
which is completely ridiculous.
So if you identify with this — with tying yourself to metrics of success in business —
check out, again, that video why you don't feel good enough
but also, add to that, you need to block yourself from checking these metrics too often.
Like if you're checking more than twice a day max, even once or once a week,
you have an issue so what I recommend there is
setting a bet with yourself or a friend that says,
"Every time I check over this amount that I set, I will pay you $20,"
and, very quickly, that's going to help you kick the habit.
So I hope that that helps — three things that you might not see coming
that success can bring or that are already existing in your life.
First off, that comparing mind, social crutches and internal crutches.
Those are huge problems that come from success I don't see people talk about
and I hope now you are prepared to deal with.
First off, I should say apologies that I'm still in this room.
It's Carnival right now in Brazil.
I ordered lights about a month ago, they still haven't gotten here
and I don't know if they will now that Carnival has started because business kind of shuts down.
So apologies that we're still filming in this room — hopefully we'll have a proper studio soon.
If you like this video, not for me but for you,
go ahead and subscribe to this channel.
I promise I'm not going to be checking the stats nearly as much as I used to
but if you found this video helpful and you want to watch more like it,
go ahead — click the subscribe button and you will get them on your homepage.
If you want to leave a comment with any topic you'd like to see me cover
or questions you have on this video, go ahead and drop it in the comments.
And of course, I hope that this had been helpful and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
4 Tips For Empaths - Duration: 4:13.
4 Tips For Empaths
By Dylan Harper
This article is specifically for those people who already know they are Empaths � which
is far more involved than just having empathy. Most of you are not Empaths, lucky you, and
this will likely seem insignificant. That�s ok; I�m writing this for those people who
read a previous article on the subject, and have been asking me to list the tips I referred
to in it. I�m sorry it took so long for me to get around to it.
I�m not going to give background on what an Empath is, other than to say it�s a specific
form of psychism and one that is particularly unpleasant to deal with on an ongoing basis.
There are, however, some tricks that can help one cope with it. They will seem simple and
obvious, but things that are simple and obvious often go unutilized, for some reason. Using
a smudge stick, for example. These can be used for prevention, but are mostly being
listed as a kind of cure, if you will, for when it all starts to really weigh you down.
There are ways to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed by this sort of thing, but if
you�ve only just learned that you�re an Empath, it�s best to start here (energy
clearing). I�ll try to get round to an article on preventing and blocking out negative energy
in the near future.
Take a Clary Sage bath.
This is the single most effective thing you can do to clear all that emotional funk away.
And I do mean bath � a shower doesn�t permeate in the same manner. You don�t need
candles or anything else, just a nice hot bath and some privacy. Give it a good 15 minutes
and you will feel much, much better. I recommend it before going to bed, as you can carry all
that crap through your sleep and still wake up with it, otherwise. If you can�t find
sage bubble bath, it�s ok, anything will work, I just really love the sage.
Wherever you are, stop what you�re doing for 5 minutes and just breathe. You should
be inhaling through the nose and from the diaphragm. Slowly. And then you should be
exhaling slowly, through the lips � don�t just open your mouth and blow it all out.
Pretend you�re blowing on a cup of hot coffee; that�s the kind of blowing you want. Slow
and steady. Imagine that each time you inhale you are drawing all that crap up to the surface,
and then expelling it when you exhale. If you practice, that will be precisely what
you learn to do, eventually. Do not overdo it initially � deep breathing can release
all kinds of emotional junk you weren�t previously cognizant of, and that will just
make you feel worse. Really, really worse. So take it slow until you�re more skilled
at it. A few deep breaths is enough when you�re just learning.
Smudge sticks.
Purifying your environment with a sage smudge stick is pretty good stuff. It stinks, in
my opinion, but a lot of people seem to like the smell. Regardless, it�s not the smell
that matters, but the way the sage clears the air. An Empath should be able to really
feel it as they walk around, it�s fairly tangible, really. It�s good in a pinch,
when you don�t have time to take a sage bath.
Drink something hot.
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate � these will help you feel cleansed from the inside. Do
not, however, use soup or something of that nature for this purpose. Soups will have the
opposite effect, due to the additives, oil, and whatever else they contain
Gov't says import of foot-and-mouth vaccines unavoidable - Duration: 1:50.
Two more suspected cases of foot-and-mouth disease are reported in Korea.
Thankfully, vaccines have proved effective in curbing that strain of the virus... and
the government plans to import more from abroad.
Kim Hyo-sun has more on efforts to contain the viral outbreak.
The government has confirmed that the recent outbreak of the A-type strain of foot-and-mouth
disease can be contained using vaccines.
Vice Minister Lee Jun-won of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said
at a briefing on Monday that the strain of the virus detected at a farm in Yeoncheon,
Gyeonggi-do Province, about 70 kilometers away from the capital, is a match for the
type of vaccine currently used for cows, which covers both type O... and type A.
Lee, however, said that the current inventory would not be enough for the worst-case scenario
where the virus spreads to pigs,... adding that Korea will have no choice but to import
more doses.
According to the agriculture ministry, the country has 990-thousand of the O-plus-A vaccines
and 8-point-3 million of the O-type.
The ministry plans to import some 1-point-6 million of the O-plus-A type, and 3-point-2
million of the O-type virus... starting this week through early March.
Of the past eight outbreaks of the highly contagious disease in the country since 2000,...
almost all involved the O-type strain Only one of them, at cow farms in Pocheon
and Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do Province, involved the A-type.
After the nation's worst outbreak, foot-and-mouth vaccinations became mandatory in 2010.
The O-plus-A vaccine is given to cows, while pigs are given only the O-type,... given that
the A-type strain has never been detected in Korean pigs, something the authorities
hope remains the case this time as well.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
Gov't to invest US$ 47 mil. until 2021 for developing unmanned vehicles - Duration: 1:25.
To better aid efforts in developing technologies related to un-manned vehicles....
Korea's science ministry is increasing spending on projects dedicated to that purpose.
For details on the 5-year plan we turn to Oh Jung-hee.
The Korean government says it will inject over 47 million U.S. dollars through 2021...
to advance the local unmanned vehicle industry.
Having designated the sector as one of the country's key strategic industries,... the
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning announced on Monday its finalized version
of a master plan... to develop drones, self-driving cars, unmanned ships and agricultural machines.
The plan is extended by two years from the initial plan set last year, and calls for
spending 12 million dollars more.
This will allow for more investment in developing a traffic management system for unmanned vehicles...
to monitor the movements of unmanned vehicles at altitudes of less than 150 meters.
Aside from that, the ministry's original plans stay the same.
Until 2019, the ministry is set to spend 18 million dollars on upgrading the performance
of small unmanned vehicles.
Nine million dollars will be spent to develop communication and operation technologies...
and 6 million dollars will go to developing intelligent systems for making unmanned vehicles.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
Why You Need to Take Time Off & What to do with Your Money | #FFLTV Ep 12 - Duration: 22:33.
- Hey good looking people... and the rest of you!
I'm Ryan Daniel Moran.
Today we'll talk about the importance of taking time off.
What to do when you're starting
a business that you have no passion for.
What to do with the money in your bank account.
And we'll look at a multi million dollar
powder drink company.
This one right here.
Play that funky music!
I became an entrepreneur because I wanted to take
a lot of time off.
I know a lot of entrepreneurs
who got into this world because they wanted
to be free and just enjoy their time.
And have passive income.
Which I think we all know is a little bit of a mix back.
Passive income tends to be very active income.
I have one friend in particular,
he actually just moved here to Austin Texas.
We'll be having him on the Freedom Fast lane podcasts soon.
But he is the one guy that I know
that actually takes an incredible amount of time off.
And he said something real interesting.
He said the secret to me being able to take
so much time off is I don't consider myself an entrepreneur,
I just have multi million dollar businesses
that support my lifestyle.
That's interesting.
If you're an entrepreneur there's nothing else
that you can be in the world.
I'm one of those people.
I went to college to be a pastor
and the whole time I was like,
I really just want to be an entrepreneur.
Until one day, one of my professors said,
if you could do anything else but go
into the ministry, please do that.
And I said, thank you very much,
I'm going to be an entrepreneur.
So I thought I was getting into a world
where I was going to have unlimited time off
and total control.
And guess what?
I do.
We all do.
I just happen to be really bad
at being protective of that time.
Most of us as entrepreneurs are exactly that.
We got into this game because we wanted
a better life, we have control over our life now.
But we feel like we're slaves to our business,
because we actually don't give ourselves the structure
to be able to take that time off.
I can work anywhere including in bed
and at the dinner table and while I'm watching TV
and early in the morning and as soon as I wake up
and check in my phone and make sure
the sales are still there.
That is fairly common among most of the entrepreneurs
that I work with.
What I have found is that I am resistant
to the idea of taking time off,
because I'm worried that something terrible
is going to happen.
But by actually dialing it back
and working less, that is when my batteries
start to charge and it is actually
when I find this creative solutions
to the problems that I perceive in my business.
So when I am particularly drained,
as I said that I was on a recent episode
of Freedom Fast Lane TV.
The first thing I know I need to do is take a step back.
Because two things are going to happen.
One, I'm going to look at a problem
and I'm going to feel sharper and clearer
about what the solutions are and what is actually important.
The other thing that is going to happen
is new creative solutions are going to happen,
they're going to come up as a result of me
recharging those batteries.
Whereas when I'm trying to pound my way
through something, that is when there is no
creative energy and it is when you are
at the least capacity to be able to get
the thing that you want done.
So I say let's start working in
the lifestyle that we all say we're working for.
We all say that we want to have lots of time off
and time with our family.
But we'll get there when the money is there.
I promise you the money will get there
if you take regular time for yourself
and for the things that actually matter to you.
There's a part of our brain at the end of the day
that just wants pleasure and to avoid pain.
And when we are grinding all of the time,
we are connecting in our brain
that money and success equals more pain.
We need to retrain that and say,
the more money I make, the better my life gets.
I did a fantastic episode that was absolutely spot on
with one of my mentors, Peter Shalard,
over at the Freedom Fast Lane podcast.
So if you go over to,
it'll pull it up in your podcasting app
or on your computer.
Or you could go over to
and just search for Peter Shalard
and that episode will come up.
He calls himself the shrink for entrepreneurs.
And he says exactly that.
That our brain just wants to be happy
and avoid pain and we as entrepreneurs
are working towards this idea,
while also training our brains
that we're always going to be miserable.
And that's why we sabotage.
And that is why it's so important to be intentional
about the life that you want before your successful.
So you can fill in everything else
around the life you want to enjoy.
Of course I believe the fastest way to get there
is to build a business and to invest the profits.
So let's look at some questions
that'll help you do exactly that.
- [Narrator] Chris Van Loan asks,
how do you choose a product when you don't yet
have a specific passion or niche?
- I am in the rare minority, I think,
that thinks that passion in business is overrated.
I think starting a business just for
the cash flow is totally fine.
In fact, I know a lot of people who do that,
they treat their business like a video game.
If I do this and I do this this result comes out.
I want to gameify this as much as possible.
So they become passionate about playing the game,
even if they're not passionate about
the brand that they're building.
Look, most entrepreneurs, I think,
start businesses for the money or for
the lifestyle that they're going to get.
And the passion seems to come later.
I find it to be a rare exception
that someone actually gets paid to do what they love.
I know that's not popular to say in our little community,
but I don't know that many people
who actually make all their money doing
the thing that they're really excited about.
So have your thing, have your thing that makes money,
have your business that pays for your life
and then go enjoy your passions.
Being in the business that makes you money
will give you the skill sets that you need
if you want to make your passion a business.
I don't know a lot of people have navigated that well.
Meaning, that they have started a business
that they're passionate about,
stayed passionate about it and been
able to operate it like a business.
I know more people who are like,
I'm going to blog about this thing I'm really excited about,
if I make money, great.
And as a result, they get paid to do it,
but it never really becomes a big business.
It might become a legitimate cash flow stream,
but it's not something they can scale or sell.
The thing that you can scale or sell
is the business that you operate like a business.
Which is probably going to involve some things
that you're not necessarily passionate about.
That is totally cool.
If we can divorce the two, if we can divorce
the thing that makes us money
from the thing that we just feel so passionate about,
then we're free to live in both worlds.
So build the thing that makes you cash,
invest it, sell it if you want
and go park that money into other more passive
income streams and develop the thing that recharges you
and gets you excited and gives you passion.
Do that as a gift to the world
and if it makes money, awesome.
Or if there are a lot of people demanding
that you sell something, go ahead and do that
once the cash flow business is already taken care of.
So if you watched the episode of Freedom Fast Lane TV,
where I say, follow the money not the passion,
this was exactly my advice.
We are entrepreneurs that are always looking
to maximize everything,
including our lives and our happiness.
And we start a business that makes money
and then the next thing is, well what do I do
in my personal life that I can make a business
and maximize that.
I think that's the wrong approach.
Double down in what makes money,
double down in what gives you excitement and passion
and freedom and free yourself from
the idea that they have to be the same thing.
They can serve one another, balance one another
and actually support one another,
because as you make the money,
you'll feel good about playing in your passions
and being passionate about something will give you
the energy you need to be at full force in your business.
Now of course there are exceptions to this,
but I don't think that it is necessary
for you to be super excited about your business.
At least the things that you sell.
As long as you are enjoying
the process of being an entrepreneur.
The way that you manage that is simply following the money,
where is the audience, what do they need,
how to I serve them.
Can you be passionate about the difference
that you're making?
Can you be passionate about the growth
that you're enjoying?
Can you be excited about the challenges
that you're learning to navigate
and therefore what you're learning?
Can you be passionate about your customers specifically
and the excitement they get when
they get your product in hand?
Can you be excited and passionate
to see other people using your product?
Can you be passionate about other things
rather than just the product that you're selling?
If so, you're golden.
You're in the clear, go scale that.
The only time that it's a problem,
is if you find it so mundane and boring
that you just can't get yourself
to do the things that grow the business.
That's the sign that you need to exit.
But if you can continue to grow
and you can continue to be excited
about the process, then you don't need
to necessarily be all gung ho
and excited and passionate about
every minor detail of your business.
- [Narrator] Melissa Blackman asks,
I have $50,000 in the bank.
Now what do I do?
- Money in the bank.
Do you want to do something fun here?
Give it all to me.
Put it in a parachute, go sky diving
and yell free bananas for all,
as you plummet towards the earth.
Buy a really crappy house.
Fill a storage unit of old VCRs.
Put a pair of ridiculous rims on an old crappy car.
Get a set of really sweet, oh shoot what are they called?
Get an awesome grill.
Buy an entire church, tickets to Freedom Fast Lane live.
Boost a Facebook video of you saying to your crush,
hey check me out now and buy a lot of traffic.
So there's two answers to this question.
I know that for me, when I hit a certain point
and it actually was $50,000 that was in
the bank account, which was about six months
to a years worth of expenses for me at the time,
that was a new level of freedom for me.
So there is an ROY on freedom
and feeling secure about your financial status.
So if you don't have an emergency fund,
where you really feel like you've got
six to 12 months worth of something
to take care of you in the event of an emergency,
do nothing.
Just put it away and know that you are now
free to go do things that you want
and take a little bit of calculated risk,
because if it all doesn't work out,
you've got a nice fallback option.
That's what I decided to do when I had my first
$50,000 in the bank.
If you're looking to invest $50,000,
I had made the mistake too many times
of saying, I've got money, I'm just going to
throw it all into something.
So I would say incrementally invest in something
that you believe in, whether it's a dividend paying stock,
or it's a real estate investment trust,
or it's a down payment on an investment property
that you want to buy and rent out
for somewhat passive income, these are all things
that are good incremental movement for you to invest in.
But I've made the mistake of trying to diversify
into things that I'm not necessarily good at doing.
So where I would spend the money is on acquiring
a business that supported the rest of your efforts.
If you don't have a business,
put it into a different type of income stream.
But if you're an entrepreneur
and you are building a business,
what can you use that money for
to overall support the health of the company.
Is it in more traffic, is it in sponsoring influencers?
Is it in acquiring a high traffic website
that isn't monetized that can support some of the products
that you're trying to sell?
These are all very very good uses
of funds that might not have that immediate
win that so many people look for,
but it gives you the long term after effects
that really drive business.
$50,000 is just enough to be able to spend
a good amount on traffic, and or acquire
a small property that makes either
a little bit of money or allows you to support
the efforts that you're doing.
Those are the areas of business that I would focus on.
If you don't have a business,
I'd put it into a dividend paying stock
that you're incrementally investing in,
meaning you're not just dumping all the money in there.
Or you're putting it into a real estate transaction
that you are going to finance the rest
and then have the renters pay for it.
So $50,000 probably isn't going to change
any life or business, unless it just frees you up
to be comfortable and take more strategic risk.
So if you're beyond that point,
put it into a business, or a passive income stream.
(upbeat music)
So for today's case study I thought it would be fun
if we look at a brand that I personally buy from.
So this isn't one of our tribe members.
We usually reserve this time to look at one of our tribe
members businesses.
But I thought it would be fun to go outside
and look at a case study that I follow,
because I think there are some nuggets
that will help both our students
and those of you who watch this show,
just because you want to get inspiration
for businesses that you might start.
So today we're looking at Four Sigmatic.
Four Sigmatic sells powdered drinks,
like powdered coffee, powdered hot chocolate right here.
And most of them have some sort of a mushroom blend of them.
So the hot chocolate is hot cocoa with reishi mushroom.
So mushrooms either have cognitive enhancer abilities
or some of them are considered to be immune boosters.
So I don't know if any of that is true,
but that's how they are marketed.
What's interesting about this company
is they do a few things really really well.
And by the way, you'll see me often
drinking their products while we're recording this show.
What they've done really well first is
they have a very clear differentiating factor.
For them it's the mushroom blend,
because it would be one thing for somebody to say,
yeah I drink Four Sigmatic powdered coffee.
Where's the differentiating factor there?
There isn't one.
But if I say I drink Four Sigmatic coffee
because it has a mushroom blend
and that gives me a cognitive kick and helps me focus more.
Ah, now there's just a little bit
of a differentiating factor.
Now let's be real, coffee on its own
is a cognitive enhancer that will give you
a little bit of a bump and help you get more work done.
But the fact that there is some sort of a twist
tells the brain, this is new, this is different
and it can create the impulse purchase.
And it is that impulse purchase
for a very specific reason that creates
raving fans and repeat customers.
As you can see.
So I'm on subscribe and save on Amazon
and I've bought multiple products
just because I use the impulse buy on Amazon
and I went and I bought more,
because I enjoyed the product,
we keep it here at the office,
so everybody can have some mushroom coffee if they want.
So a differentiating factor doesn't need to be
something that sets the world on fire,
it doesn't need to be a big disruptor business.
It can be just enough that peaks curiosity
enough to try it.
The classic story that I like to tell here is Coors lite,
when they came out with their slogan,
triple hops brewed for a maximum freshness.
All beer is triple hops brewed.
There's no differentiating factor there.
The twist though is that you say,
oh it's triple hops brewed I should give that a shot.
I wonder what the flavor of triple hops brewed beer is.
Spoiler alert, you've already had it.
But if you can call out some piece of your product
that is slightly different or that no one
is talking about to create that impulse purchase.
That gives you a product and a business that is different
among all of your competitors.
And that's what so many physical
product sellers are missing.
They're missing that piece that makes them different.
And that differentiation is what creates
the fans that will set you apart
for everything that you do moving forward.
The second thing that this brand does really well,
is their marketing and the aggressiveness
with which they market is spot on.
So I discovered Four Sigmatic as a result
of them being advertised and discussed
on Tim Farris' podcast.
If you haven't read the article,
the Tim Farris effect, go read it
as a case study in how influencer marketing
can have an impact on any business.
This was an article about how Tim Farris
affected a line of mens clothing,
called Mizzen and Main.
But how one influencer made such
an impact in their business that it changed everything.
Four Sigmatic does the same thing
of sponsoring podcasts so influencers
are talking about their brand.
This does a couple of things.
First of all, it aligns a business with a thought leader,
so you have an elevated perception in the market place.
And second, it has the exact same effect
of doing a blast or a give away,
but you do it profitably.
Some people will happily spend $5000 on giving away
product in order to get it out to people
or get their rankings on amazon,
or to get people to buy for a dollar
so that you have them on subscription.
And that's a totally viable strategy.
But I find it so interesting that people are
unwilling to spend the same $5000 to go to
an influencer to talk about your brand
so they're sending actual real customers
that want your product and will subscribe.
So this business has done a really good job
of being aggressive with their marketing
and spending a lot to be able to drive
the collective awareness.
Now I don't know if they're profiting
on that advertising.
But I do know that when you get
a customer and they come back,
it increases the amount of monthly subscribers,
it increases the amount of people talking about it,
like I'm talking about it right now,
it increases the amount of word of mouth,
it increases the amount of other products
that they come back and purchase.
So if you look at it from the lifecycle
of a customer and you're willing
to spend all the upfront profit
that you would get on advertising,
that is when you will have a break through brand.
So that one little clear differentiator
plus aggressive marketing is what has made
Four Sigmatic a multi million dollar business
selling powdered coffee.
I have no idea what their costs are,
I don't know what Four Sigmatic means.
So it's not like their profit margins are huge.
This is like a $16 product.
And it's not like the name is just so good
that it drives people to become customers.
They've just executed well and that's what it takes
to build a multi million dollar business.
If you've been hearing about these kinds
of case studies and you've seen
what we do here on the show and on
the Freedom Fast Lane podcast,
and you're wondering how do I actually
start one of these businesses,
we put new people through a boot camp
that will get you to select, source
and sell your first product so that you have
that first step towards your million dollar business
in process and then we can put you through
our strategy to taking that to a million dollar business.
We do that boot camp with something called
the brand builder boot camp.
You can go over to
to start your path to getting a product like this
that you'll then differentiate and advertise
and ultimately be on the path to a million dollar business.
The older I get and actually the older my daughter gets,
the more I realize how much of a finite amount of time
we have on this planet.
And I realize that for most of my life
I've been saving things for later.
And I've been saving the things that I want to do
until later and I spent a whole lot of time
and energy worrying about things
that were not in my control and trying to
get somewhere that was very illusive.
And I find that the older Ester gets
and the older I get, the more I just want to
enjoy everyday and enjoy every moment
of everyday and realize that all of the things
that I stress about are just more research
and development for the next win,
the next opportunity or the next thing
that I get to enjoy.
Pain is like a piece of navigation guiding you
towards something different that'll lead you
to a different destination.
So as you build your businesses,
as you look at the overall financial strategy
that you will follow, please remember
that you are in this for a certain type
of life that you want to enjoy.
All we have is now.
All we have is the experiences that are in front of us.
Everything else is either a memory or a projection.
So none of that is real.
All you have is today, so take time off with your family.
Enjoy the piece of pizza.
Enjoy the things that are in front of you,
build towards your goals but do them in a way
that gives you more freedom and allows you to enjoy
the process of getting there.
That is what freedom is all about.
That's why we do what we do.
That's why we start businesses
and invest the profits because that's what people
like me actually enjoy doing.
Pursuing opportunities and providing value.
That's what an entrepreneur does,
that's what capitalism gives us,
the freedom to do and that's why what you do matters.
Thanks for watching the show,
we'll see you on the next episode.
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