And I can say that the most common Message I get from new students,
when, you know, I say, Well, how was the meditation? ...
is, Well, my thought was, my mind was really busy. You know, I think a lot.
[LAUGH] You know? And I usually want to say, You and all of us.
Because our minds secrete thoughts, Like our bodies secrete enzymes.
It's just what minds do - they think. It's part of survival,
it's supposed to happen. It ensures survival, it ensures flourishing. So
we're not trying to stop thoughts and we're not trying to control thoughts.
What we are intending is cultivating a wise relationship with thoughts.
I sometimes imagine like an airplane, you know, when it goes through a cloud how,
in the middle of the cloud is like all the whole world is cloud and
just seems like that's the universe. But then when it gets out of the cloud,
the cloud's in the field, but you just sense the vastness of what is.
When we're inside a thought and we forget ourselves, we forget its forgetfulness.
We forget the fullness of awareness. The whole world is shaped by that cloud. So
how can we be aware of thinking?
The classic line is that thinking is a very good servant and a very,
very poor master. It's a good servant because we know it.
If we're traveling, we need a map, we need GPS. Guidance is really, really helpful.
If we want to build a building, we have to visualize it and see what it's going to
look like. If we want to heal a disease, we have to sense the causation and
drug interactions, and what's an integrated approach that's--we have to
think about things. I definitely think a lot before I give these talks.
And then part of me goes, Okay, anything that really matters about this talk is
not going to come through thinking – and then I try to stop thinking.
[LAUGH] It's like I have to have an experience, then try to put it into words.
That's a--I didn't mean to go there. But [LAUGH] we have to,
part of the spiritual path is the wise use of thought.
In other words, we contemplate the Metta meditation, the love and
kindness meditation. It's a reflection on where goodness is.
Compassion is a reflection on where vulnerability is. We use our minds to help
turn us towards the light, but the thoughts aren't the thing itself.
When thoughts are the master... it's because we're caught in obsessing.
We're lost in them, they're driven by fear. They show up as judgment,
and it's a prison. It's like you can sense that your body and
mind is living in something smaller than the truth of who you are.
Thinking then becomes, when it's a master, a prison. I remember some years ago,
working with a student and he was very caught in self-judging thoughts.
And he said that he reminded himself of this tiger,
this regal white tiger that he had visited in the Washington DC National Zoo.
The tiger's name was Mohini. And
Mohini was put in this cage that was like about a 12 by 12 cage with iron bars and
a cement floor. And for years Mohini would just go back and forth, pacing,
pacing. You've seen how it happens in these tigers in cages in a zoo.
And eventually, what happened was the biologists and
staff worked together to create this amazing natural habitat for
her. Several acres had hills and a pond and, you know, a variety of vegetation.
So it was with a lot of excitement and anticipation that the staff brought
Mohini to her new home, but it was too late. Because when the tiger was released,
she immediately sought refuge in a corner of the compound, and
just began pacing the same kind of pacing, 12 feet by 12 feet, back and
forth. And she did that for the rest of her life,
wearing bare this stretch of grass. So perhaps,
the biggest tragedy that we kind of sense in our lives is that freedom is possible.
When we sense this possibility of Loving without holding back and
of really resting in a radiance, an awareness that's very open.
We sense the possibility of presence in the moments, and
we watch each day how we re-contract and play out old patterns.
So the tragedy feeling is, it's possible, but...
we get so habituated. So the key to unlocking the door,
you know, the key to opening us out of that prison is to
begin to bring a mindful attention to the patterns. So
we're not just living in them and playing them out over and
over. So mindfulness of thoughts means being aware of them, not being identified.
And it enables us to realize, and this is the big thing, that thoughts are thoughts,
they're not reality. And the biggest breakthrough, truly,
the biggest breakthrough I see happening at retreats--and it just goes deeper and
deeper--is this recognition: I don't have to believe my thoughts.
I am not my thoughts. In other words, that self that my thoughts is telling me about
is not me. It's the same thing, really. Different expressions of it.
So what we'll do is explore some key skillful means that
help us to become more mindful of thinking. So
we can realize what we are beyond thoughts. And the first is just a very
simple, just to get us kind of deepening our attention to thinking. Again,
I'd like to invite you to close your eyes and let your attention go within.
Take a few breaths, let yourself Feel collected. Come right here.
Just to imagine that you're like a cat by a mouse hole. And you're
going to be counting whatever mice kind of peek out or run out.
You're counting thoughts. And that in the next very short while,
your only job is to notice the thoughts that come and just number them.
So just feel yourself and your body, feel your breath, whatever helps you to know
you're here. And know your intention is to count your thoughts. Okay. Please begin.
Opening your eyes... Come on back.
So let me check with you. How many of you had under 10?
Okay. There's under 10 people here... [LAUGH] How about 10 to 20?
The 10 to 20 zone? 20 to 30?
30 to 40? Over 40?
Over 100? [LAUGH] So just to take a Moment and sense, as you were being
that cat by the mouse hole, what the thoughts actually were?
And how many of you had thoughts that came kind of audio,
like word, words or sound bites. Can I see by hands? I'm just curious.
Okay. How many of, more had kind of images, maybe a background message or
something, but more imagery? Yeah. How many were still shots?
Movie? How many had kind of like a movie? Okay. So some of you noticed that
it could be more in motion kind of like a movie. Sometimes, they're body-based.
You might have noticed that you had a thought, but it was some impression.
But you could really kind of feel the sense of it in your body. And
some you might have noticed that you had kind of sneaky thoughts like, Oh,
it's getting quieter. [AUDIENCE LAUGHTER] Or, Oh,
just the naming of a number is a thought, right? Anybody get caught in that loop?
[LAUGH]Uh-huh. And
sometimes, they're emotionally tangly, like, I'm really not doing this right.
I really don't, you know, or some reaction to it and
then you start sensing that the thought comes with a lot of energy. So
the deal is that thoughts are representations of reality.
They come as, you know, usually images, sound bites,
some combination of it. The most important recognition, and
this is the phrase that I like the best, is that thoughts are real, but
they're not true. And by that, I mean, they're representations of reality.
They really are happening, but they're not the reality itself.
In other words, if you saw a photo of a tree or you had a thought of a tree,
it wouldn't be the actual living tree that you know with its leaves budding, and
turning colors, and falling off, and swaying in the breeze or
still, or the smell of blossoms, or the feeling of the bark. It's not that.
Right? It's a representation. John Audubon said,
If there's a difference between the bird and
what the guidebook says, believe the bird. [LAUGH] You know? [AUDIENCE LAUGHTER] And
some of you know that for many years, I had a favorite t-shirt and
it said: Meditation, it's not what you think. [AUDIENCE LAUGHTER] So
when our minds are very busy, when we're in that incessant dialog,
we tend to conflate thoughts with reality. In other words,
they're not in our mind representations, they're not a map...
They are it. We're believing what's going on in our mind. So,
most styles of meditation begin by saying, Let's get quiet a little, not get
rid of thoughts, but let's do something to collect the attention like the breath.
Like scanning through the body, so that they're not taking over quite so much, so
we can begin to be mindful of the fact that they're even happening. Okay.
So we quiet a little. But then, the next instructions deepen, and this is,
these are instructions for getting mindful of the thoughts themselves. And
the first and major support that
many people find helpful in mindfulness of thinking is to
do a little bit of mental notation or naming. And
you don't have to do a lot, it doesn't have to be like every single thought,
you're naming it. But you'll find that in the moment of naming a thought,
it really loosens the identification with it. Clearly, it's a thought,
not the reality itself. So, you might name the type of thought. Okay.
This is a worry thought. This is a planning thought. This is a remembering.
Okay. You might say, This is a judging thought, or I'm rehearsing again.
A lot of us do a lot of rehearsing, or
I'm figuring out, you know, figuring Out thoughts. Sometimes, so
we're just going to name them. Sometimes fantasizing, daydreaming. But then,
if you'd like, for some of us we have our Top Ten hits, and we know what they are.
It's like we know that we keep recycling, and it might be that your Top Ten,
one of your Top Ten is to do with work, or to do with a struggle with a colleague, or
is to do with a romance or an infatuation that you're having, or to do with dieting.
Or to do with how you appear. Or to do with redecorating or remodeling or
we--we have our Top Ten. Right? So, it's not to get rid of them,
but to know they're happening, that you might say, Okay, you know,
thoughts about sickness. I remember when I was struggling with sickness.
I was constantly trying to figure out what was wrong with me and what would make me
better. So I'd just call it, you know, sick person thinking. You know, just like,
Okay, I'm a sick person trying to figure out my sickness. It helped.
Gives a little bit of space, and then there's a little bit of choice,
which is the whole deal. So the first step is a little bit of this naming.
It's basically recognizing thinking Is happening right now. And
it's a very friendly, soft, non-judging recognition.
If you recognize thinking and you carry with that a really big judgment,
like this is a sign of bad meditatorship or
something like that, you know? [AUDIENCE LAUGHTER] If, in other words,
if you start getting on your own case, all you've done is add another thought,
a judging thought. That's really fear based and
just keeps on fueling reactivity. So, part of the power of mindfulness
is to recognize with really no judgment, just recognize, okay, thinking.
Some of you might remember this wonderful poem by Kaveri Patel.
She writes this, she says, There's a monkey in my mind, swinging on a trapeze,
reaching back to the past, or leaning into the future, never standing still.
Sometimes, I want to kill that monkey... Shoot it square between the eyes,
so I won't have to think anymore, or feel the pain of worry. But
today I thanked her, and she jumped down straight into my lap,
trapeze still swinging as we sat still.
Do you have a sense of the attitude? Because this is what's key.
As we cultivate mindfulness of our thoughts, one part of the attitude
is be friendly. Just be friendly, just happening. Be curious. Okay. Thinking, and
this is another virtual reality I'm creating. Be good humored. There,
I mean, they're really wacky. There's a saying that the mind has no shame.
[LAUGH] You know, it goes anywhere, does everything. So
that's the first part--is this kind of knowing it's happening, naming it.
And the second part, you might call it letting go.
I think of it more as, if you're clutched onto a thought, as relaxing the grip and
just reopening back into our senses. When we're thinking,
we've left our senses. Check it out. When you come back from a thought,
you'll notice that while you were thinking, you weren't in touch with your
body. You weren't hearing the sounds that are actually happening right here.
You weren't feeling whatever mood is going on, you were in a virtual reality.
So we relax the clutch onto the thought, the contraction,
and listen again, and feel in our body again.
Let the senses be your home base. Come back, come back, come back. And
then, and here's a really, really valuable piece...
Notice the difference between any thought and this mysterious,
ever-changing aliveness that's right here.
This presence that's here. Just notice the difference.
When you come back from a thought, sometimes coming back will be really
unpleasant. You'll be having a thought about something's that's really agitating.
And when you kind of let go of the content of thought and come into your body,
you're going to have to actually directly contact the vulnerability and agitation.
So the point isn't that, when you let go of thoughts and come back into presence,
it's all like crystal rainbows of light, you know, and fun and pleasure it's,
it's just whatever was going on. But it's the reality of the moment.
It's the one place where we can begin to discover compassion, and
in the space between the thoughts,
that's the one place where wisdom can really begin to arise.
For more infomation >> Lidiar con los pensamientos (en la vida y en la meditación) - Tara Brach - Duration: 20:25.-------------------------------------------
Tú y Yo - Duration: 55:11.
Entérate todo lo que sucedió en los Premios Grammy 2017 | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:50.
Colgate Optic White® High Impact White™ para Dientes Más Blancos Rápidamente - Duration: 0:16.
¡Juan Gabriel nunca dejó desamparados a sus hijos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:11.
Horóscopo de hoy, 13 de febrero de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:30.
Vento Superbia & Kyddiekafka - Backstreet Girl (Videoclip) - Duration: 3:35.
¿Por qué deportaron a Guadalupe García de Rayos? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:44.
Amir Obe - I Am Def Jam: Amir Obe - Duration: 2:09.
Siempre Niños | Dance Zone Ballet bailó al ritmo de los 80s | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:03.
Esta es la Recomendación Astral para el 13 de febrero | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 0:54.
Crece la angustia entre los hispanos por las redadas | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.
¡Lucha contra el tiempo para evitar una tragedia! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:02.
Las Noticias de la mañana, lunes 13 de enero de 2017 | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:00.
Recetas de cocina: Galletitas para los Enamorados | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:59.
¡La gran represa de Oroville amenaza con desbordarse! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:18.
Javier El Chicharito Hernández enamorado de Camila Sodi | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:25.
¡Marc Anthony se divorció un día antes de San Valentín! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:15.
Artist Zayn Malik Live
Science Finally Says We Should Never Work 40 Hours A Week - Duration: 3:53.
Reason number 1,215 for why science rules: it turns out, we're all putting in way too
much time at our jobs!
Science says: work less!
Hey there working stiffs, Trace here for DNews!
Like many of you out there, I have a full-time job.
And I generally put in 40 hours a week, or a lot more.
But new research out of Australia suggests that I may be putting my health at risk.
The study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine sampled roughly 3,800 men
and 4,000 women to get an idea of how working for a long time would affect their health.
They found that on average, working more than 39 hours per week led to a decline in mental
Researchers think this is because it gives you less time to eat healthy meals and to
take care of yourself.
And there were actually pretty huge differences in how men and women were affected by work.
For men the upper healthy limit was pegged around 43.5 hours, whereas for women it was
closer to 38.
That difference was made even more dramatic when considering that women are often expected
to take care of household, unpaid work in addition to their hourly workload.
Nonetheless, many countries, including the entire European Union, have implemented a
maximum 48-hour work week.
The International Labor Office has released reports detailing how working more than 48-hours
can significantly increase the risk of mental health problems, and working more than 60
hours regularly can even lead to physical problems, especially cardiovascular disease.
Another recent study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked at people
who'd been working for a least ten years, and found that the risk of cardiovascular
disease increases as the number of hours worked per week increases, with the health risk being
lowest between 40 and 45 hours per week.
For those workers who sit all day in an office, the effects can be even worse.
A 2014 study of 4,000 civil servants in the UK found that those who sat more than 25 hours
per week tended to increase their chances of insulin resistance and had higher rates
of "bad" cholesterol.
Both of these are risk factors for diabetes, and the same study found that those who sat
fewer than 12 hours per day actually lowered their risk of diabetes by up to 75%.
A poll of nearly 240,000 US workers found that among those working full-time, more than
one-in-ten had been diagnosed with depression.
Of course, this only shows that people who work full-time might also be depressed, not
that working necessarily causes depression.
Nonetheless, the correlation is worth noting.
And although the original study we looked at recommends an average of 39 hours a week,
that may not be the whole story when it comes to how working affects your health.
It also matters whether or not you take breaks during the day.
Although many countries have laws guaranteeing employees regular breaks, those breaks may
not be frequent enough for maximum productivity.
The brain gets tired when repeatedly stressed.
And in fact, it's possible that the best way to boost your health and productivity
is not to come into work at all! [rimshot], No but seriously.
Working from home is getting more and more popular thanks to the internet and telecommuting,
but it's still not the norm.
A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research looked at call center employees in
China, and their performance when working from home.
They found that on average, the employees worked more minutes per shift, and took more
calls per minute at home, bumping their productivity by about 13% when working from home.
The workers also reported higher work satisfaction.
Not a surprise.
So in the end, the healthiest and most productive solution seems to be working fewer hours,
from home, with plenty of breaks.
So catch me next time on DNews, where I'll be reporting from my house.
Stay tuned!
If you're stuck working long hours, would it help to listen to music?
Do you think that would boost your productivity?
Find out in this video here.
What about you?
Do you feel like you work too much?
Do you listen to music while you work?
Let us know down in the comments, make sure you subscribe for more DNews and thanks for
Shopping as a Size 12 Is Harder Than It Should Be | Racked - Duration: 3:00.
I don't just pick out a thing and try it on, I like it, I don't like it. It's:
So, last-minute shopping.
You know how sometimes you need to buy something last-minute?
You don't know what you're going to wear, and you don't want to deal with it
and then suddenly, it's the day of?
Try doing that if you're over a size 12, because you can't.
I had a red carpet event that I was so excited for,
but life, dogs, everything got in the way,
and I didn't get anything to wear that night.
That morning, as you do, I went out and I really hit the town,
going into store after store trying to find something formal enough
to wear to this red carpet event.
I ended up getting my Tory Burch sweater and skirt.
Thank you, Tory, because I looked adorable,
but it wasn't what I wanted to wear.
I feel, a lot of the time when I'm shopping,
that it's almost just what's going to work
and not necessarily, like, what do I like?
One thing that salespeople really love to do is they love to tell you to
Consistently, I'm handed a size 8 and I'm like
And then we have to have the humiliating exchange
of me taking the 8 back to the fitting room and being like, it doesn't work!
I don't understand why retailers
would put a customer that they're actually making clothes for in that position.
You make those sizes, you sell them online,
but you don't want me to go into the store and be able to buy a sweater?
I don't get it.
You know what else really grinds my gears?
The average-sized woman in this country is a 16,
and you're basically saying to all American women who are this size:
"We don't want your money!"
And it's because they think that a woman who's a size 16
doesn't want to be in fashionable clothes.
They don't think she wants to spend money on clothes.
I want to spend money on clothes.
I'm looking to dump my whole paycheck in your store.
My joy is in handbags because I always have to work around clothes.
Shoes don't fucking fit me because I have a size 12 foot.
I have a wide size 12 foot.
You're not making my shoes, you're not making my clothes,
but here I am with plenty of money and plenty of a sense of style to spend with you,
and you don't want me.
I want you to bump up your sizes.
Just, like, take the 12, cut it up to a 14, cut it up to a 16.
Just let a few more people into the party.
I don't think you're gonna lose clients because you're offering
I don't understand this "you can't sit with us" mentality in fashion anymore.
It's over. We're not doing this anymore.
This isn't 1990s Kate Moss.
And I'm not saying that I want my size for friends to be able to not walk into a store and be able to shop.
I don't want that.
I just want us all to be able to party together.
I want to go to brunch, and then I want to go to a store with my friends and shop.
So, please. Brands, we're waiting for you.
We want it.
Think about it.
Why I Hate Driving At Night - Duration: 5:11.
(marker scratching)
(electronic game chime)
So let's talk about driving.
Yes, deaf people can drive, but this video
is not about the myth of deaf people
not being able to drive.
That's a different video.
This video is going to be three or so reasons
about why I really, really, really hate driving at night
and I'm sure some people can agree with me.
I have driving in my veins.
My dad has been driving for a very long time,
pretty much all his life and I don't mean
oh, I just got my license, now I'm going
to go to Target and I'm going to pick up some things
and then I'm gonna come home.
I mean the guy has been driving for jobs like forever.
He's either driven people, driven merchandise,
and he has been a truck driver for two decades now?
For as long as I've been alive,
so lots of driving experience and I was born with it.
That being said, I really, really hate driving
at night and this is why.
One, it's dark, obviously duh.
But you know what happens when it's dark?
I cannot see things properly.
I rely on my eyeballs during the day
and during the night, and at night
it makes everything so much harder.
I am a thriller and a horror movie buff
so I'm always more paranoid about the fact
that somebody's going to come over
and try to kidnap me, or rob me, or anything like that.
Especially when I'm in like the country roads
and there's no streetlights, there's no houses,
there's no gas stations or anything,
you are just on the back road
and there is nothing, and, ugh, I can't stand it.
And people are reckless, even if you're in the city
people are reckless and they will start walking out
into the road like nobody's business.
Animals walking out into the road like nobody's business.
It's just so much harder to see things
and that frightens me.
Two, when the weather is crappy
that makes it even more difficult.
Crappy weather and darkness, they do not mix at all.
I remember a couple of months ago it was dark,
it was a little bit rainy, and then there was fog.
So when you have all of those plus the streetlights are on,
it makes it so much more difficult to see things, ah!
So I'm just sitting here instead of driving
like I normally would just hm, minding my own business,
turn the radio all the way up
even though I can barely hear it.
And then you know just going, going, going,
but instead when the fog is happening
and then the dark is happening and the rain is happening
and the freakin' streetlights and the traffic lights
are happening, I feel like a very old lady
just you know driving.
So it's so slow.
I, oh god.
In fact, yesterday I made a pit stop at Taco Bell
and I was, you know, going out of the parking lot,
turning right, and I couldn't see this car
that was coming and the streetlights,
the traffic lights made all vision wonky
and I'm just not a fan of that.
But speaking of lights and the thing
that I hate the most about driving at night?
Three, when the car lights, the headlights,
the whatever lights are coming in
from both directions, or really either direction
and it just, I can't see.
So if I'm on the interstate and Bob in front of me
is going so slow because he decided to go 45 on a 65 lane,
okay, then I'm gonna go move over
and you know I'm like okay so we're going to do this.
I'm gonna look in my little mirror here
and then I'm gonna look back
which is very difficult to do because Frank
behind me, of course it's dark so you have
to have your lights on, okay?
But he's blinding me and he's blinding me over here
and I can't see anything over here or over here
or even behind me.
All I can see is big white or yellow light
or even blue light sometimes in my eyeballs,
kind of like this ring light right now, ugh.
And it's the same thing when you're on
a regular road or regular highway
and then you've got Susan coming,
you know the opposite direction?
And then lights just right here.
I cannot, oh, I cannot.
I just really like avoiding driving
at night as much as possible.
If I'm just on the interstate and it's say three
in the morning it's not so bad
except for you know reason number one,
that creepy feeling that just kind of...
Climbs on me and I'm like so paranoid
that if I stop, somebody is going to come over
and you know, pull a Buffy
and just jump on top of my car and try to attack me.
I, mm.
So if you ever need me at night,
you better have a damn good reason
or you better at least have Taco Bell, or coffee.
Those are probably the only reasons
why I'm going to come to you
in the nighttime.
So let me know, which do you prefer driving:
at night time or the day time?
I understand why people like the night time.
There's less traffic that way, but oh gosh.
Oh dear.
If you want to follow me on all of my social media,
links to that will be down below.
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you can do so by pledging on Patreon
where you will get monthly perks
or you can leave a one-time tip on ko-fi.
Both links down below.
I upload every Monday and Thursday unless otherwise stated
and I will see you later, bye.
KEKEC - Film za djecu (Sa Prevodom) (1951) - Duration: 1:27:49.
Benefits of Greek Yogurt - Health benefits of Greek Yogurt - Duration: 5:02.
Greek, or strained, yogurt isn't just a fad.
This dairy product, which is different from regular, sweeter yogurt, has quadrupled in
production from 2008 to 2013.
Greek yogurt makers add an extra step to their process so that excess water, lactose, and
minerals drain out.
What's left is a creamy, rich yogurt with less sugar, more carbs, and a tart taste.
The acidity also makes it easier for your body to absorb other nutrients.
Benefits of Greek Yogurt.
No. 1: Bone Health.
Greek yogurt provides important nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium
and protein, which work together to promote strong, healthy bones.
Unfortunately, many people focus on just calcium and turn to over-the-counter supplements in
order to meet their calcium needs.
However, Greek yogurt provides a complete suite of nutrients not found in calcium tablets
A study of postmenopausal women conducted at Washington University School of Medicine
concluded that taking in calcium directly from dairy foods, as opposed to supplements,
has a more positive impact on bone health.
No. 2: Weight Management.
Numerous studies have also found a link between eating dairy and weight loss.
A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared 300 men and
women who followed either a low-fat, Mediterranean or low-carb diet over a 2-year period.
Regardless of the type of diet they followed, those who ate the most dairy lost approximately
12 pounds more than folks who ate a low amount of dairy foods.
Greek yogurt stands out, among other things, for containing double the amount of protein
compared with traditional yogurt.
Since protein takes the body longer to digest, it can help make you feel and stay full for
This is especially important to help curb your appetite between regular meals when trying
to lose weight.
And when you do get hungry, it is a healthy way to help minimize those extra cravings.
No. 3: Lactose Intolerance.
Lactose intolerance is a sensitivity to the milk sugar called lactose.
The symptoms of lactose intolerance are triggered by the digestive tract and may include bloating,
flatulence and diarrhea.
People with lactose intolerance should, however, keep milk and dairy products in their diet,
according to recommendations by both the National Institutes of Health and National Medical
Further, studies have found that folks with lactose intolerance can tolerate up to 1 cup
of milk at a meal, which is equal to 12 grams of lactose.
It is recommended that those with lactose intolerance start introducing lactose slowly
into the diet and begin with lower lactose-containing foods.
Greek yogurt is a lower lactose food, with a 6-ounce container of nonfat plain Greek
yogurt providing only 4 grams of lactose.
The lower amount of lactose found in Greek yogurt is due to the straining process, making
this rich, creamy food a lactose-intolerant friendly one.
As a bonus, the probiotics found in Greek yogurt also help breakdown the lactose sugar,
making it easier to digest.
No. 4: Digestive Health.
One of the most touted health benefits of Greek yogurt is the probiotics it contains.
These healthy bacteria help promote a healthy gut.
Your digestive tract naturally contains lots of different types of bacteria – some good,
helping you digest food, and some potentially harmful.
Eating Greek yogurt with probiotics helps increase the good bacteria in your gut.
And the more good bacteria you take in, the less room there is for the bad varieties to
Maintaining this healthy balance of friendly bacteria can help with several digestive issues.
For example, it may help keep you regular and fight the bad bacteria that can cause
Probiotics may also be helpful for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal
diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.
No. 5: It's a Source of Vitamin B12.
Like regular yogurt, Greek yogurt is a source of vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that you need to get from your diet.
It's involved in many important functions in your body, including red blood cell production
and the proper function of your nervous system and brain.
Dairy products like yogurt can be an important source of vitamin B12, especially for vegetarians,
who eat dairy.
Like and share this video.
Don't forget to Subscribe my channel for health updates.
Présentation du Gala des DSI 2017 - Par Robert Eusèbe - Duration: 1:03.
Présentation du Gala des DSI 2017 - Par Robert Eusèbe - Duration: 1:09.
Présentation du Gala DSI 2017 - Par Jacky Galicher - Duration: 0:49.
facebook soziale plugins wordpress blog facebook seite - Duration: 4:11.
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The Last Enemy - Death
Kaizen - I Can't Help It - Duration: 3:12.
Call me stupid But the truth is
All these bruises All these scars
That's me
I'm better bleeding Better screaming
I don't mind, this is what I love That's me
So blame my past Blame it on my heart
Blame the fire Burning in my lungs
Hate me, love me Please don't get me wrong
Blame the tears Rolling down your face
Blame yourself for Wanting me to change
Hate me, love me I will stay the same
Cause I can't help it, no no no I can't help it, no no no
Call me reckless Yeah I get it
No excuses for broken arms That's me
Cause I'm tired of sleeping Living easy
Fire trails and false alarms Yeah, that ain't me
So blame my past Blame it on my heart
Blame the fire Burning in my lungs
Hate me, love me Please don't get me wrong
Blame the tears Rolling down your face
Blame yourself for Wanting me to change
Hate me, love me I will stay the same
Cause I can't help it, no no no I can't help it, no no no
Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery During World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR Special - Duration: 7:57.
It's something we take for granted today, reconstructive surgery.
People rebuild, augment, or reduce parts of their bodies by the millions.
100 years ago, though, it was in its infancy, and indeed it was the First World War that
saw the rapid development of modern plastic surgery.
I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to a Great War special episode about plastic surgery and
the First World War.
During the war, weaponry and military technology were leaps and bounds ahead of surgical technology.
This was particularly the case with regard to the faces of soldiers and sailors that
had been damaged by bullets or shrapnel.
If you think about it, trenches protected bodies better than they did heads.
A soldier who peered out over no man's land could well get a facial injury from an enemy
sniper, though exploding shells and shrapnel were the chief causes of facial damage.
A surgeon from New Zealand named Dr. Harold Gillies, eventually Sir Harold Gillies, studied
medicine at Cambridge and was shocked by the facial injuries he saw in the British Army
Medical Corps.
He took the initiative in plastic surgery and eventually set up a specialist hospital
in London.
Although there were plastic surgery techniques that date back 2,000 years, modern plastic
surgery developed and advanced quite rapidly during the war as Gillies and his team of
surgeons performed some 100,000 operations on around 5,000 men.
Multiple surgeries were required back then in the days before antibiotics when skin grafts
and open wounds had a high rate of infection.
Gillies overcame the infection problem by actually moving living tissue from one part
of the body to another, and this process could take years and many surgeries.
One method involved embedding rib cartilage on the forehead, and when that surgery had
healed the cartilage was swung down to form the nose.
The real trick was to keep the tissue connected to the body's bloodstream and immune system,
and allow skin to grow its natural waterproof protection.
This sounds pretty radical, doesn't it?
But perhaps the most revolutionary procedure was the development of the tube pedicle.
This involved forming human tissue into tubes in someplace like the shoulder, and then walking
the tube to the face.
It's anchored at both ends and then you sever one and reconnect it closer and closer
to the face.
This process was invented by Gillies.
It actually looked like the handle on a piece of luggage and the process of moving it was
called "waltzing" the tube pedicle.
Gillies and his team set up their plastic surgery hospital in Sidcup, south east of
London, and Gillies got a war permit to travel around France to study things there like cosmetic
In the public areas near the Sidcup hospital, blue benches were set up where the wounded
men could sit without the public having to look at them, which protected the patients
from the horrified stares.
And mirrors were not provided for patients because many of them would collapse in shock
at the sight of their own faces.
European surgeons from before the war had a strong influence on Gillies and plastic
surgery, as he acknowledged, though he was the first to practice reconstructive techniques
in Britain.
There were plastic facilities on the continent during war, of course, in places like the
center for Maxillofacial surgery in Lyon, Jacques Joseph's Section for facial plastic
surgery at Charité Hospital in Berlin, and the Dusseldorf Hospital for the Facially injured,
and August Lindemann was writing publications hoping to improve the facially injured soldiers'
initial frontline care.
Dr. Gillies and his team took loads of before and after photos, and you can find many such
photos searching on the Internet.
What they document is that a soldier, literally with his face blown off, could years later
have a normal looking face.
Again, plastic surgery was still in its infancy so many soldiers did not get a normal looking
face in the end, nor survive the many surgeries.
One success story was Lieutenant William Spreckley, whose face was damaged at Ypres.
He spent over three years at the hospital, and you can see the process of repairing his
face to a normal looking face over the course of multiple surgeries.
Eventually, people could not even tell his face had been reconstructed, and the older
he got the more natural his face looked.
If, for some reason, a disfigured soldier did not get a good result, he was provided
with a mask.
These were usually made with copper or tin and were held on with straps or attached to
Sculptors and artists achieved notable success forming and painting the masks to approximate
the color of facial skin.
At Third London General Hospital in Wandsworth, Francis Derwent Wood made metal masks in what
became known as "the Tin Noses Shop".
Wood made custom designed masks and prosthetic attachments using prewar portraits of his
American sculptor Anna Coleman Ladd, did pretty much the same thing for French and American
soldiers at her Studio for Portrait Masks in Paris.
Of course, facial expressions were either partly or wholly obscured, though grateful
letters were sent to the makers of the masks because they allowed some soldiers to re-enter
normal life.
And that was a big problem with disfiguring facial wounds, and many of those men had sad
They referred to themselves as "broken gargoyles".
Veterans who came home with a mask would quite likely send their own children running in
fear and revulsion and apparently hospitals for amputees were cheerful in comparison to
the facial reconstruction hospital.
Patients leaving the hospital could face serious difficulty in life.
Many sought employment that allowed them to work out of sight of others.
Marriages could break up.
Single men with disfiguring injuries could be unable to find a mate, and social isolation
and shame for these men often resulted.
It is not without some truth to say that for those with these wounds, perhaps the most
horrible wounds of the war, it was a fate worse than death.
A soldier lost his identity, his pride, perhaps his wife, attractiveness in general, the willingness
to work, play, and socialize with other people.
The face is the home to your feelings, personality, emotions, romantic attachment, age, ethnicity,
identity, communications, and more.
And when war takes away someone's identity, though they survived its battle horrors, you
can really see its true cost.
Alcoholism, isolation, depression, and suicide were the fates of many of these men.
Today, plastic surgeons can quickly work miracles, and there is no question that those miracles
began during the First World War, and many began with Dr. Harold Gillies.
He is very much an unsung hero of the war, and at least there is the consolation that
something good, something very important in our modern world, came out of this war with
all of its slaughter and misery.
"I Wouldn't Serve This Food To A Freakin' Inmate!" - Bar Rescue, Season 5 - Duration: 1:35.
Look at this frickin' place.
Vic: What is that, guys?
That is a foreign substance.
Mystery meat?
That is something that would not get within a foot of my mouth.
- Do you see the layer of whatever that is? - Fat?
It's the layer of fat that comes to the top.
Meaning that container hasn't been changed in days,
and every day at the end of the shift,
you're supposed to transfer one container into the other.
What the hell is doing, there?
He is wearing gloves, though, I'll give him that.
Okay, there we have a little moisture.
Vic: I love water in my meat.
Shawn: In the microwave.
And, who cares if the buns are just sitting on
the stainless steel countertop.
You know? I'm sure it's not dirty.
Oh, nuking the bun.
Oh nothing, he may be wearing gloves,
but he's touching everything that he can possibly touch.
Oh, my God. He's sweating on everything.
Look at the grease running out the back of the vents.
Look how delicious that looks.
Holy ( bleep ).
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I wouldn't serve this food to a frickin' inmate.
You notice the gloves, guys? You see any gloves anywhere?
- What gloves? - I don't see any gloves.
The gloves disappeared somewhere,
but he never washed his hands, but he removed the gloves.
That's a big health hazard.
Oh man. This is illegal as hell.
End of recon, guys. We can't let this food go out of the kitchen
and we can't let these drinks go out of the bar.
-No! -Okay, let's go in, let's shut it down.
Baby Was Born 3 Months Early. My Jaw Dropped Open When I Saw His Phishotos In A Year - Duration: 3:34.
Baby Was Born 3 Months Early. My Jaw Dropped Open When I Saw His Phishotos In A Year
Why I Hate Driving At Night - Duration: 5:11.
(marker scratching)
(electronic game chime)
So let's talk about driving.
Yes, deaf people can drive, but this video
is not about the myth of deaf people
not being able to drive.
That's a different video.
This video is going to be three or so reasons
about why I really, really, really hate driving at night
and I'm sure some people can agree with me.
I have driving in my veins.
My dad has been driving for a very long time,
pretty much all his life and I don't mean
oh, I just got my license, now I'm going
to go to Target and I'm going to pick up some things
and then I'm gonna come home.
I mean the guy has been driving for jobs like forever.
He's either driven people, driven merchandise,
and he has been a truck driver for two decades now?
For as long as I've been alive,
so lots of driving experience and I was born with it.
That being said, I really, really hate driving
at night and this is why.
One, it's dark, obviously duh.
But you know what happens when it's dark?
I cannot see things properly.
I rely on my eyeballs during the day
and during the night, and at night
it makes everything so much harder.
I am a thriller and a horror movie buff
so I'm always more paranoid about the fact
that somebody's going to come over
and try to kidnap me, or rob me, or anything like that.
Especially when I'm in like the country roads
and there's no streetlights, there's no houses,
there's no gas stations or anything,
you are just on the back road
and there is nothing, and, ugh, I can't stand it.
And people are reckless, even if you're in the city
people are reckless and they will start walking out
into the road like nobody's business.
Animals walking out into the road like nobody's business.
It's just so much harder to see things
and that frightens me.
Two, when the weather is crappy
that makes it even more difficult.
Crappy weather and darkness, they do not mix at all.
I remember a couple of months ago it was dark,
it was a little bit rainy, and then there was fog.
So when you have all of those plus the streetlights are on,
it makes it so much more difficult to see things, ah!
So I'm just sitting here instead of driving
like I normally would just hm, minding my own business,
turn the radio all the way up
even though I can barely hear it.
And then you know just going, going, going,
but instead when the fog is happening
and then the dark is happening and the rain is happening
and the freakin' streetlights and the traffic lights
are happening, I feel like a very old lady
just you know driving.
So it's so slow.
I, oh god.
In fact, yesterday I made a pit stop at Taco Bell
and I was, you know, going out of the parking lot,
turning right, and I couldn't see this car
that was coming and the streetlights,
the traffic lights made all vision wonky
and I'm just not a fan of that.
But speaking of lights and the thing
that I hate the most about driving at night?
Three, when the car lights, the headlights,
the whatever lights are coming in
from both directions, or really either direction
and it just, I can't see.
So if I'm on the interstate and Bob in front of me
is going so slow because he decided to go 45 on a 65 lane,
okay, then I'm gonna go move over
and you know I'm like okay so we're going to do this.
I'm gonna look in my little mirror here
and then I'm gonna look back
which is very difficult to do because Frank
behind me, of course it's dark so you have
to have your lights on, okay?
But he's blinding me and he's blinding me over here
and I can't see anything over here or over here
or even behind me.
All I can see is big white or yellow light
or even blue light sometimes in my eyeballs,
kind of like this ring light right now, ugh.
And it's the same thing when you're on
a regular road or regular highway
and then you've got Susan coming,
you know the opposite direction?
And then lights just right here.
I cannot, oh, I cannot.
I just really like avoiding driving
at night as much as possible.
If I'm just on the interstate and it's say three
in the morning it's not so bad
except for you know reason number one,
that creepy feeling that just kind of...
Climbs on me and I'm like so paranoid
that if I stop, somebody is going to come over
and you know, pull a Buffy
and just jump on top of my car and try to attack me.
I, mm.
So if you ever need me at night,
you better have a damn good reason
or you better at least have Taco Bell, or coffee.
Those are probably the only reasons
why I'm going to come to you
in the nighttime.
So let me know, which do you prefer driving:
at night time or the day time?
I understand why people like the night time.
There's less traffic that way, but oh gosh.
Oh dear.
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I upload every Monday and Thursday unless otherwise stated
and I will see you later, bye.
Amir Obe - I Am Def Jam: Amir Obe - Duration: 2:09.
Mail & Thank you ✉️️✉️️ - Duration: 9:09.
I. Can't. Sleep. - Duration: 4:36.
Hey there!
How's it going?
I'm Andrew Lake and for some reason lately I have not been able to fall asleep.
Every single night consistently it takes me until, like, one o'clock in the morning to
actually fall asleep and I don't know what exactly it is, but it's driving me nuts.
So I decided tonight I'm going to try and show you some of the reasons that I can't fall asleep
and some of the things that I'm trying to do to fix that.
Let's get going.
Ugh, it is so hot.
Okay, now I am freezing.
Alright, maybe browsing through social media will help me relax.
Why is no one posting anything?
It's like no one else is on right now.
Well, time to go down the YouTube rabbit hole.
Hey Andrew, remember that scary movie you saw a while ago?
Now is not the time, Brain.
Besides, I'm not scared.
I live somewhere that's really well lit, so it's not like people are gonna be sneaking
around outside.
Plus the external building door, and my apartment door, and my bedroom door are all locked.
Although I do have two windows in my bedroom.
What if someone breaks in through one of those?
Wait, no, I'm not on the first floor.
People below me are in much greater danger.
Unless it's the monster from Stranger Things.
That thing could basically warp into anywhere that it wanted!
Or what about Freddy Kruger?
If I fall asleep at all he's a threat…
I better stay awake, just to be safe.
Alright, maybe if I watch something on Netflix, that'll help me fall asleep.
After all I don't really feel in the mood to get into anything right now.
Come on, Barry!
You're supposed to be in love with Iris!
Who is this Patty person?
I wonder if time travel will ever be possible?
Probably not.
At the very least that violates the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy.
Unless time travel involves reconstructing your body from the matter present around your
But then how do you transfer memory and personality and that kind of thing?
You can't.
Maybe the issue is that I'm looking at this as a three dimensional problem, not a four
dimensional problem.
After all, Einstein's Theory of Relativity basically did away with the idea of a single
unified timeline.
It seems like jumping forward in time might be possible, just not quite in the way people
mean when they say "time travel."
But what about traveling backwards?
That's a lot harder…
There's no way I'm going to remember this all later.
I should write it down.
I am so gonna win a Nobel Prize for this.
I am way too restless to go to sleep right now.
Is it too late to go for a walk?
One o'clock in the morning?
Good enough.
Well, I don't feel sleepy.
Just, cold.
Hey, you know that friend you haven't heard from in a few weeks?
Yeah, so?
Why isn't he talking to you?
I don't know.
But he's never been much of a texter.
He's probably just busy lately.
Unless he's sick of me.
Does he not want to be my friend anymore?
He probably doesn't wanna be my friend.
I can't blame him.
I'm annoying.
If he wants to talk to you, he'll talk to you.
Just give him some space.
Wait for him to text you.
Unless he's dead!
Oh my gosh, I should text him right now and make sure everything's okay.
No, wait, he'll be asleep right now.
Should I text him first thing in the morning?
No, everything is probably fine.
Just leave him alone.
But then you never know.
Something serious could've happened and what kind of friend am I if I don't visit him in
the hospital?
What if I miss his funeral?!
I should look through his social media and make sure everything's okay that way.
No, wait, that's stalking.
That is creepy and wrong.
Don't do that.
Just- Everything is fine.
Give him some space.
Why hasn't he posted anything in the last five weeks??
Fine, if I can't sleep I may as well be productive and make a YouTube video or something.
Obviously none of those things are really
helping me sleep.
But if this video didn't put you to sleep, go ahead and give it a thumbs up and then
leave in the comments below what you do on the nights that you can't sleep.
If you want to check out some of my other content, feel free to check out either of
But that's all that I've got for you so thanks for watching and, until next time, see ya!
Eminem - I'm Back (Lyrics with subtitles) - Duration: 5:11.
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
That's why they call me Slim Shady
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
That's why they call me Slim Shady
(I'm back)
I'm back
(I'm back)
I'm back
I murder a rhyme, one word at a time
You never heard of a mind as perverted as mine
You better get rid of that 9, it ain't gonna help
What good's it gonna do against a man that strangles himself?
I'm waiting for Hell, like hell, shit, I'm anxious as hell
Manson, you're safe in that cell, be thankful it's jail
I used to be my mommy's little angel at twelve
Thirteen I was putting shells in a gauge on a shelf
I used to get punked and bullied on my block
Til I cut a kitten's head off and stuck it in this kid's mailbox
I used to give a fuck, now I could give a fuck les
What do I think of success? It sucks, too much press
I'm stressed, too much cess, depressed, too upset
It's just too much mess, I guess I must just blew up quick (yes)
Grew up quick (no) was raised right
Whatever you say is wrong, whatever I say is right
You think of my name now whenever you say hi
Became a commodity because I'm W-H-I-
-T-E, 'cause MTV was so friendly to me
Can't wait 'til Kim sees me
Now, is it worth it? Look at my life, how is it perfect?
Read my lips, bitch! What, my mouth isn't workin'?
You hear this finger? Oh, it's upside down
Here, let me turn this motherfucker up right now
My Personal Testimony of Church and Churchgoers - Duration: 10:00.
I grew up in a Christian home and I went to a Christian church all my life.
I attended Christian camp, one of which was Hume Lake Christian Camp.
I had a wonderful experience there, and when I graduated high school in 2004, because of
my wonderful experience in church, I thought I should be a youth pastor.
Like the youth pastor who encouraged me, I wanted to encourage other students.
My grandpa encouraged me to become part of a Baptist church, and when I turned 18 I started
working for this church and they hired me as an intern.
I worked there for about 7 years.
I became a professional pastor.
I was licensed as a minister and the people there treated me VERY kindly.
I have NOTHING to say negatively about the people there and how they treated me.
They helped me get my first house, they helped me buy my first truck.
They helped me with so many things in life and I am very thankful for that.
BUT, when I really met Jesus He opened my eyes to the truth, and Jesus was the lover
of my soul.
And He loved me in the way that the people of the church did NOT love me.
The people in the church they did want to help me with buying a house or buying a car,
they did want to help me with buying food…
They did want to help me with those things.
But what people forget is that our soul is eternal!
Jesus showed me that He cares for my eternal destiny.
The people in church, they talked about my eternal destination, but they never told me
that if I don't repent that I will go to HELL.
They NEVER told me that unless I STOP sinning my destiny is the Lake of FIRE.
Jesus was the one who told me those things.
See, the people in church they cared for my flesh, they cared for me outwardly, but they
could NOT care for my soul because THEY DIDN'T KNOW HOW to care for my soul.
Jesus knows how to care for my soul and Jesus knows how to care for YOUR soul.
I don't hold it against them that they didn't teach this to me, because they didn't know,
maybe it was ignorance.
I don't know.
That is for Jesus to judge.
BUT what I DO know is what Jesus has taught me, and when Jesus started speaking to me,
THAT is when many people in the church started to TURN on me.
I lost many of my friends and family members.
They will not say that that they turned on me, they say that I turned on them.
The will say that I deserted them, that I am the one that changed.
And you know what?
It's actually true.
They did not turn on me, I turned to JESUS, and I turned AWAY from them.
It is true, they did NOT change they stayed the same.
I am the one that changed, because Jesus changed me, AND THEY REFUSE TO CHANGE.
It is NOT that I have anything against my old church.
It is not that I hate my family.
I love my family and I love my friends and I love the old church that I was a part of,
And the truth is JESUS HIMSELF.
Jesus is calling people OUT of the Babylon Church, that is, the church that is stuck
in sin.
And the churches of today are stuck in sin.
The message of Jesus is that His people are HOLY and are PURE, that they TURN from their
JESUS IS COMING and those who SAY they are the "church" are NOT ready!
I did NOT have a bad experience in church, my first bad experience were from the people
who were saying that I was not hearing from Jesus, that I was rebelling against God because
I was hearing from the Holy Spirit.
BUT I don't hold that against them.
In other words I do not think that they are crazy for think that I am out of my mind,
because I once saw things the way they see them.
BUT they do NOT see what I see.
The only way you can see the truth is if Jesus opens your eyes.
Most people's eyes are blind, they have never received the Holy Spirit, they cannot
possible see the truth because they have not received the gift of the Holy Spirit.
That was me when I was in church, I loved the church and they loved me.
But I was blind and they were blind.
And two people who are blind can get along, but if one can see and the other is blind,
and the one who can see is telling the other one "YOU CAN BE HEALED!" but the other
one doesn't WANT to be healed, then there's going to be a kind of a, CLASH!
And that is what happens when the children of God start to wake up.
You start to wake up, you start to see the truth.
Other people will say they are NOT blind and there will be a CLASH.
There is a division between the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares.
(Matthew 13) And as Jesus said at the end of the age the wheat and the tares will be
separated by the holy angels, (Matt 13:40-42) and that is what is happening today.
We are living at the end of the age and Jesus is separating the wheat from the tares.
The wheat He is taking into the barn, but the tares He is bundling (Matt 13:30) and
those bundles are called "church denominations", they are bundling them up, the angels are
bundling them up and they are getting ready to cast them into the FIRE.
I encourage you to get unbundled.
It happens by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The church may think that you hate them, but obviously it is a lie.
They may think you are a heretic, but obviously it's for the sake of Jesus.
Jesus was called those same names.
He was called a blasphemer and all sorts of things, and they will also say those same
things about you when your eyes are open to the TRUTH.
It's not because we hate the church, it's not because we had a bad experience, but it
is for Jesus.
Those who are in darkness, like the church of today, they hate the truth because their
deeds are EVIL.
They don' t want to turn, they don't want to change.
They don't want to believe that they are blind.
I encourage you to go to Jesus because He is the one who is the lover of your soul and
He is the one who will open your eyes to the Truth.
I am not special.
I just call on Jesus, and through Jesus I am healed, and I know that if I point you
to Jesus, He will ALSO heal YOU!
It is not by my words that you are healed.
It is not because I am special that my eyes are opened to the truth.
It is by the power of Jesus.
And Jesus will open anyone's eyes IF THEY ARE WILLING.
And He will wash ANYONE clean of their sins and purify them IF THEY ARE WILLING!
Are you willing today to just go to Jesus and be washed clean, to have your eyes opened?
Or are you content with the dead church?
Those who preach sermon after sermon in church, who do Bible study after Bible study and who
say to people; "Oh, you can't give up the fellowship…
You can't leave, you would be cut off from the church… you would wither up and die
without your fellowship…"
If you go to Jesus you will have communion with HIM.
You will commune with HIM and you will have LIFE.
He will give you what you need.
You will never be lonely because you are with the King.
He will never leave you.
He will NEVER forsake you.
I encourage you to BE WITH JESUS.
Don't listen to those who are in church who try to compel you to stay in the dead
Find the LIFE that is in Jesus.
You will see His miracles!
He will become your Father and you will become like His son or His daughter!
He loves YOU and He is waiting for you to COME OUT AND BE SEPARATE!
May the grace of Jesus be with you.
Hyundai i30 1.4i Dynamic 68897 KM ! SUPER STAAT !!! - Duration: 1:15.
Hyundai Tucson 2.0I DYNAMIC /Airco/Cruise/Trekh/16inch/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:09.
BMW 3 Serie 316 I Exe Clima&Cruise,Pdc,Sportinterieur - Duration: 1:21.
Chrysler Voyager 2.4I SE 7-persoons Airco Cruise control Nieuwe APK Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:41.
Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI PRO Navi+BT+Camera ECC-Airco Cr.Control KeylessEntry 17''LMV 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:07.
[Eng Sub] Weekly Radio A.C.E Diary: vol.5 (final) DJ Donghun - Duration: 11:49.
I am A.C.E Diary's DJ Donghun
I'll read the comments from last week
This is the first comment
This is from Seoyeon
I'm curious as to what the other members think of you.
ah it's strange for me to say it myself
but since I promised to answer your questions
I asked the other members through kakaotalk
I'll read what they said
First is Chan
"Donghun is like a trustworthy partner."
"Sometimes he helps me like a teacher~"
"Sometimes he scolds me"
I have to scold him sometimes
"He's trustworthy"
I should be trustworthy too~
"He's like a friend I can be comfortable with"
"But I never need to take care of him like he's younger"
There's no reason for me to be like that right?
our age difference is...
"Anyway Donghun is like my supporter"
That is what he wrote cutely
Next is Jason
"Donghun is exactly his role as the oldest member"
"Though he may be sensitive..."
"He helps us fix small mistakes and takes care of us"
"When we go to the dermatologist together in a taxi"
"He'll pay the 5,000 won taxi fare coolly"
"It would be great for him to be like that in the future too"
that's what Jason wrote
He seems to really like that I paid for him
So everyone if you want Jason to think you are cool, just pay his taxi fare.
Next is Jun
"Should I call Donghun a companion?"
Is that how you use the word companion?
"We share the hard times and the good times"
"Even when others left"
"we were together, he's that kind of person"
"But since his body is a bit weak it makes me want to take care of him."
"The kind of person I'd like to give medicine to"
He wants to give me medicine that's so nice
Next is Wow
"Donghun and I are friends with opposite personalities"
"So it stays in our hearts"
"but we've been through a lot together"
"I can see how sincere Donghun is"
"I feel like I can understand him now"
"He's like a family member I can trust"
"It's been hard for him as the oldest member of our team"
"Now I hope he can worry less"
"I'll work hard too"
Surprisingly Wow wrote a very emotional comment
But it's really nice to see Wow lately
He's more like the oldest now
He's doing well
Still I'll keep taking care of him till the end (my heart~)
The members wrote more seriously than I expected
I wasn't expecting anything but
I'm thankful
I'll read the next comment
This is from Ahn Yeji
"I came after getting the notification!"
"I think Donghun has an interesting way of expressing his affection"
did I express affection?
"I so curious as to what concept A.C.E will have when they debut"
"Can you tell us on your next radio?"
That's what they wrote
I think you will already know by the next episode
If you listen till the end of the episode you'll be able to know
I wasn't able to read too many comments here this week again
but everyone still kept participating
and giving us love
I'm so very thankful
Also I have some news for everyone
During the last few weeks
While doing A.C.E Diary
I've been telling you stories about our members right?
but A.C.E Diary ends this week
I'm finishing it before we debut
Though it's not the end forever
I think there will be a new episode after we debut
(tbh I can't breathe rn)
Still it's good news right
We can still meet through A.C.E Diary
We'll be able to meet through broadcasts too
Don't be too upset
Also many people were curious as to when we would debut
Since it's the thing you are all most curious about
I really want to be able to tell you too
I still can't tell you the exact date yet
but it is coming up soon
I wanted you to know that
Also all of the A.C.E members
are practicing our hardest
I hope you can all wait until then and keep supporting us
Even though there is going to be a break in A.C.E Diary
We will still be giving you updates through Youtube and Instagram
Please leave a lot of comments
We will see them and feel good
Also we recently opened the Official A.C.E weibo
If you search Official A.C.E on Weibo you should find it
Please follow us there
Ah since we are wrapping up another episode
It's regretful
When I was first preparing to do this radio
It was so interesting and fun to be able to tell our stories
I was nervous
And it was a bit burdensome to do it alone
But since this is the last one I feel like I want to do even better
I think I'm a bit greedy
So I had thoughts like 'Should we make it even more fun?'
It was nice to be able to show myself
I wanted to do it comfortably
and I worked hard, like now
So tha people would it was good
and that they could comfortably listen to it
Also we would upload the radio late on purpose
I would record after finishing practice
I would be really late when I got back to the dorm
I was able to record comfortably
Though I wondered if the members were ignoring me
Jun was like that, he really slept
It's a good thing right?
While finishing recording
and while uploading the episodes
and while reading everyone's comments
I felt like I could do better
I thought 'ah I should have told this story'
I always felt regretful
Because of A.C.E Diary
I was able to think a lot over the last few weeks
I thought about this time
It all memories now
and we can relive them
It was a really enjoyable time
So I feel like I'll be able to do better in the future
Do I seem too self centered?
It was so fun to have this time together
I was lacking a lot
but you still listened to A.C.E Diary till the end
Thank you so much
I'll come back next season with an even cooler image
Don't forget about A.C.E Diary while it's on a break okay
ah this is so sad
but we'll still meet again
This has been A.C.E Diary's DJ Donghun
Thank you
2011 Boston Celtics @ New York Knicks - MSG (Part 2) - Duration: 1:00:41.
Learning numbers with vehicles, Vehicles for children, Educational Cartoons - Duration: 10:38.
hi baby being a happy serious wow it's
kind of a chance
four five six seven eight nine
yeah didn't tell her P come on locally
learn about his chance
drought wow if you know
tracking had a few trails and talking
wow maybe one of us you can have a small
the past
how here look at because a skating well
very fact that you can see already
becoming the ground we cannot show the
used to move the latch actually
you can compact
we can see you looking around while
really seen you can help with trails I'm
pretty stars
and here for work
it can happen for the patio so else
moving spring-trap wow we can look to
see you can happen to rely and under
both need it
Anthony we going unless you can have a
fatty shot bro
how here looks like he has released and
a citizen
well daddy faster you can take already
becoming the ground we can show the year
the movie actually
beeping screen traps
wow we can look this weekend happen to
learn and unlearn both crazy
looking for the tracks
yeah i would just be for now we secured
a chance he can carry last month what we
have been inviting good choice guys
we beat them checks
household name in the vehicle yet of
them traps that you can see anything
active people trapped sometimes they
even try floaties
so you can our MP le digo it's really
fun to see action
and here is one of them
you can have a more the fatty so Rose
why you killed
and now stop that he plans to drill
more far going to
we have to east
and we have any rollers we have a chance
we have only chance
EESTI NAISED VÕI BRITISH WOMEN? Q&A (Vlogiminutid Raidiga Ep. 13) - Duration: 11:42.
Winter Book Haul Part 1 | Bought Books - Duration: 7:29.
Hi, it's Maija here with my winter book haul.
And these are all the books that I've
bought since November last year and
all the books that I have currently
checked out from the library. And I will
try to keep this brief so that I
will not have to split it into two parts,
but if it seems like this video will get
too long, this part will be all the bought
books and the next part will be the
library books, but I will just get
started so that I don't have to split up.
So let's start with the physical books - I have only
bought one physical book and that was in
January, so this month, and that was The
Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge. This is a
special edition illustrated by Chris
Riddell, and that was the main reason why I
had to buy this. Chris Riddell's illustrations
are just so magical. I have heard great
things about this book, too, but the illustrations
were the main reason I bought it for
myself instead of reading it from the
library or something. And it wasn't
even that expensive for a hardback, it
was about twelve euros, I think, and at the
bookstore that's the price for most of
the English science fiction and
fantasy paperbacks, so I think that was a
good deal. And I think this is a young adult
book. It tells of a girl who finds her
father's notes and journals, and in
these journals there's a mention, or
mentions, of the lie tree - a tree that will tell
you a truth if you tell it a lie, and the
bigger the lie you tell, the bigger
the truth revealed will be. So, really
excited to read this and see all the cool
illustrations. I have one other physical
book and this one I won in a giveaway from
Libby, her channel is Libby Stephenson, and
she had a giveaway for a signed copy
of Illuminae by Amy Kaufman and Jay
Kristoff, And this is a science fiction
young adult book that got a lot of buzz
on booktube last year, so most of you
probably know about this. So I think
this tells of two kids on a spaceship
with a rogue A.I., but I could be
mistaken - that's the general gist that I've
gotten from other people's videos. And
the story is told in these different sorts of
ways: there are diagrams, there are journals,
I think, there are chat logs, or
memorandums, or things like that. And as
you can see, it is a signed copy. Thank you
so much, Libby, I'm so sorry for the postage
all the way to Finland. Then let's
move on to all the ebooks that I've bought since
November, and that's a lot more than the physical
books. I think I've only bought one of
these at full price and most of them
have been on sale for the Kindle or
then they have been novellas that are not
that expensive to start with. So the first
book I picked up, and this was the one that I
picked up at full price, was Musketeer Space
by Tansy Rayner Roberts. This is a retelling of
The Three Musketeers, but as a space
opera with some of the genders swapped.
I also picked up a novella,
this is Forest of Memory by Mary
Robinette Kowal. This is a science fiction
story about memory. And it's set in the future,
where people can continuously
upload their memories into a cloud, so
they have videos of their memories and
they can always go back and look at them,
and they also have an A.I. in their head.
But the main character, who is an
antiques dealer, gets kidnapped and her
memory recording doesn't work during that time.
I also picked up The Fire's Stone by Tanya
Huff. This is a high fantasy book that I
picked up mostly because I have never
read anything from Tanya Huff. The next book I picked
up was No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished
by Rachel Aaron, and this is the third
book in the Heartstrikers series. I
have all three, I think there are four
out currently. I have picked them up
because when she releases a new one, the
previous one most often goes on sale. So
I've bought three of them from sale, even
though I haven't even read the
first one. But I have read the author's
science fiction books, her Paradox
trilogy that she writes under Rachel
Bach, and those are quite fun, so I thought
these would be as well. And then I picked up
a horror book called Experimental
Film by Gemma Files. I picked this one
up because Thomas from SFF180 did a great
review of it, I will link it for you, go
watch it if you're interested in
horror books. When it came on sale, of course
I had to buy it. Another book that I picked up
on recommendation was The Awesome by Eva
Darrows. And this is about a girl whose
family is monster hunters and it's a young
adult book, and Elizabeth from Books and
Pieces said it's a lot of fun, so that's
why I picked it up. Then I also picked up
Ninefox Gambit when it came on sale, by Yoon
Ha Lee. This is a book that I've only heard good
things about, and I also have it currently
out from the library, but I
wanted to buy my own copy, also. So this is a
science fiction book about a soldier who
gets another consciousness implanted on
her brain. Then there's a couple of
science fiction and fantasy classics
that I got for free. Again, it was Thomas from
SFF180 who said on Twitter that
there were a lot of classic science
fiction and fantasy books for free at
the time for Kindle, so I scoured
the pages and picked up two by Elizabeth
A. Lynn. And the first is The Woman who
Loved the Moon and Other Stories. And
this is a collection of her fantasy and
science fiction short stories, including
The Woman who Loved the Moon, which won
the World Fantasy Award when it came out.
And the other book that I picked from her was a
science fiction novel called A Different
Light, and this is about a main character
who has cancer, and Earth has solved the
problem of cancer, so that if the main
character stays on Earth and takes
medication, he can live for about 20
years, but if he leaves he will live
only for one year or so. But he wants to
leave in order to find his former lover,
the star captain Russell O'Neill. So
Elizabeth A. Lynn was born in 1946 and she
started writing in the 70s, and
Goodreads says that she is particularly
known for being one of the first
writers in science fiction or fantasy
to introduce gay and lesbian characters.
So in the short story collection the
title story, I think, has a lesbian
relationship and the science fiction
novel has a gay relationship. Then
another short story collection, The
Wonders of the Invisible World by
Patricia A. McKillip.
These are her fantasy short stories. This
was a Kindle daily deal and I picked it up. I
have read one novel from Patricia A. McKillip,
and I like her writing style. Then for
Christmas I got from my sister a gift card
for Amazon. So of course I will spend it
on Kindle books, and I picked up two
Kindle books right after Christmas. And
the first one I picked up was Of Sorrow
and Such by Angela Slatter, and this is a fantasy novella about witches
and shapeshifters. I also picked up
another novella, The Lost Child
of Lychford by Paul Cornell. I have read
the first novella in this series, called
The Witches of Lychford, and I really
liked it, and I actually read this one also
already. It was a lot creepier than the first
one, but I still liked the first one more.
So this tells about a trio of witches in a small
town of Lychford. And finally I
have picked up with the gift card money
in January Ursula Le Guin's The Lathe of
Heaven. At the same time as I was in the
store where I picked up The Lie Tree,
I was trying to decide what to buy,
and this was one of the books that I was
wondering about, because I know that our
library doesn't have it in English. But then
I searched for it on Amazon and found out
that the ebook is pretty cheap, so I
picked up the ebook instead. And this is
a science fiction story, I think about
a guy whose dreams can become real. But
I'm not sure. It's Ursula Le Guin. And a lot of people like
this one of hers a lot, so I want to read it.
So those were all the books that I have
bought... umm, I will definitely have to
split this into two parts, so stay tuned
for the next part with all of the
library books that I have currently checked out.
Bye for now!
Top Animal Videos 2017
Easy Chicken Vino Bianco
Pascal Bruckner – O dilema do multiculturalismo - Duration: 2:36.
I'm not very familiar with the Brazilian situation,
because I've been here for a short while,
but I think it has little to do with it,
because we,
in France, adopted the republican model,
which, in principle, is of equality among all citizens.
Every French citizen,
even the ones with foreign origin who are in our territory
must respect the Laws of the Republic.
And there's an essential law, the law of secularity,
in other words, of the separation between Church and State,
which appeared in 1905, after two centuries of violent clashes
between the Republic and the Church.
Now that Islamism became the second larger religion in France,
a certain number of Muslims wish to escape this law
and require Muslims to simply obey
the Quranic rules, which isn't possible in France.
Therefore, that's a source of tension,
but the problem caused by multiculturalism,
which occurs in every country in the world, because now almost every country,
have, in their peripheries,
citizens of multiple origins,
the problem of multiculturalism is the following:
the law is the same for everyone,
whatever their race, their origin, their religion, their gender,
or is it necessary to make separate laws for each community?
The Anglo-Saxon model tends to integral communitarianism,
in other words, the cohabitation between different communities:
the Hindu, the Sikhs, the Chinese,
the Jews, the Muslims. Or, then, instead,
despite the religious and cultural differences,
is there a single law for every citizen?
The French model refuses the communitarian division,
even if this model is being overly contested
and questioned nowadays. I think that
a nation can live with citizens from all over the world
and, nevertheless, have an awareness of its unicity.
Do you even know what's Valentine's Day? - Duration: 2:59.
Jessy, what are you doing for Valentine's Day?
What? Valentine's Day?
Do you even know what's Valentine's Day?
Once upon a time, during Roman times.
Between 13th and 15th February
There was a holiday called
And what's this holiday about?
It was a festival where men sacrificed,
NO, slaughtered
Dogs and goats
And with their skins
they whipped women!
Great, no?
Is this what you want to celebrate?
Since when Jews celebrate
Christians' stuff?
or worse - from pagans?
If there's no Christmas,
There's no Valentine, my dear!
And what's this lie about love nowadays?
Ah, just because they killed a certain St. Valentine,
Now we have to honor him.
And how are we going to honor him?
Let's go to an expensive restaurant,
buy teddy bears
What the fuck does it has to do?
They are making money out of you!
Can't you see?
And where did this stupid idea come from?
From where?
Yes. From the United States
As usual
Don't spread us
Once someone gave me a rose on Valentine's Day
A rose?
On Valentine's?
So original!
Put the rose
up your ASS!
But the ones I like the most are those
who take me see romantic movies.
They don't even see the movie!
All they want is
to go to a dark place
To make out
your hands off me
y dejame ver la película!
Ryan Gosling is much more interesting than you
Do not get me wrong,
It's not that I do not like romantic things,
I love them.
But, I can't stand the hypocrisy
of the world
it's Valentine's Day
So let's put on a "Romantic Man" costume
It's not Purim, my dear.
Because there is nothing worse
than the day after Valentine's,
You sit on the couch,
like this,
Mami, get me a beer!
I'm going to break this beer in your head,
Get up, lazy ass.
aI am not your mom
Where is the romance?
All the Valentine's charm?
It disappeared
Like all Israelis disappear from the streets
On a rainy day
don't be stupid on Valentine's Day,
Be a stupid romantic the rest of the year.
Happy nothing day!
Jessy, what are you doing on Valentine's Day?
Cartão-postal - Duration: 1:17.
Injustice 2 - Trailer de Gameplay - Revelação do Monstro do Pântano - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:35.
Christmas Sock -12 CHRISTMAS CUPCAKES - with only 8 coloured fondant (ENGLISH SUBS) - Duration: 1:17.
Christmas Sock
Cut a circle of green fondant and put it on a frosted cupcake with buttercream, ganache or jam.
make a tube out of red fondant and shape it like a sock. Kind of an ''L'' shape turned to left. Flatten it a bit too.
make the top with white fondant
Cut out little stars with a plunger cutter but if you don't have with the ejector, that's works fine too. Glue them on top of the sock.
I used these sugar snowflakes but you can use what kind of sugar decorations you want. You can also make more stars .
Glue them with a bit of water around the sock.
Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and like the video.
Watch the rest of the series of Christmas Cupcakes.
Odcinek 18: Droga na Krasnojarsk - Marian na świecie: Rosja-Mongolia-Kazachstan - Duration: 22:05.
Cataratas: Edith se livrou da catarata e dos colírios! - Duration: 5:46.
Melanie Martinez- Cake [Fandub Español] [MMD] (Male Cover) - Duration: 3:29.
Your skin is warm like an oven
Your kiss is sugary sweet
Your fingers feel like cotton
When you put your arms around me
I feel like I'm just missing
Something whenever you leave
We've got all the ingredients
Except you loving me
And respectfully
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
You smell just like vanilla
You taste like buttercream
You're filling up my senses
With empty calories
I feel like I'm just missing
Something whenever you leave
We've got all the ingredients
Except you needing me
So respectfully
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
If I am just a piece of cake
I am just a piece of cake
Then, you're just a piece of meat
You're just a piece of meat to me
If I am just a piece of cake
I am just a piece of cake
Then, you're just a piece of meat
You're just a piece of meat to me
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard
While you walk away
With the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back
What's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
The slice of heaven that
I gave
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you
The slice of heaven that
I gave to you last night
KEKEC - Film za djecu (Sa Prevodom) (1951) - Duration: 1:27:49.
Faculty of needlework - Welcome to the channel! - Duration: 1:51.
История Библейского обмана. Евангелие от Иуды, Иисуса Христа. The gospel of Judasс - Duration: 36:21.
MINUTE - The idea - Listen, do you have a minute? -Escucha, ¿Tienes un minuto? - Duration: 1:01.
Minecraft PE| Spleef| parte 1 :D - Duration: 12:25.
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