Monday, February 13, 2017

Youtube daily report w Feb 13 2017

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Who can say how this began

A lovely journey through time

Who can say how this began

A lovely journey through time

You and I, we've become one

Nobody can tell how

In the mist of these words

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Life had joy, life had sorrows

A dozen tears, and a seam of smiles

Life had joy, life had sorrows

A dozen tears, and a seam of smiles

Then you smiled again, and I forgot the void

And life blossomed

in the mist of your words

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Isn't this how two hearts fall in love

Isn't this how sweet songs bloom

Isn't this how two hearts fall in love

Isn't this how sweet songs bloom

You fell for me, and I fell for you

All too quick

in the mist of these words

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

There we


whispering through the night

For more infomation >> Firkan - Guftagu (Official Video) - Duration: 4:27.


Unlimited Stack Hack to the End of the Map | Raft - Duration: 10:35.

hey everyone my name is new afternoon

welcome to my Channel today we're

hacking raft and its really simple just

all you have to do is going to cheat

engine change a few values around and

find them and then just change them

it's really that simple they're all four

bytes are all integers it's really easy

to find them if you're having trouble

than just look at like any of my other

like 50 videos and you'll know exactly

what I mean

so if you don't know how to do work to

engine or anything like that go look at

my video that i did like a week ago two

weeks ago three weeks ago four weeks ago

every monday for the past six months

have just go look at that and not be

fine but that's what we're doing today

today today we're going to see if

there's an end-of-the-world yeah we're

gonna see how far can we go till we get

to the end of the world can is there an

end because in unity all you can do is

you can make maps bigger you can make

maps huge but you can't make them

infinite and if you make them too big

then performance starts to drop but if

you make them too small you can reach

the end of the world

so today we're going to the end of the

world more epic than sounds all right so

it's gonna do it

first off we're going to need materials

so right now i have like almost a

thousand would a thousand rope

let's see for yeah that should actually

give me about five hundred blocks out

there now i can get 500 blocks out there

but there's gonna be there's gonna be a

catch I need water and food so i have to


want more water so i'm going to craft a

couple more cups and what I'm going to

do is I'm going to get more cups

ok so that stuff is done I'm drink one

there we go now we have a limited water

now we need is unlimited food so i'm

gonna go ahead and do something that's

renewable like this macro yeah okay got

that now could grab that cook all right

you're eating my stuff right let's go


no no macro we have for you thinking for

now so we have one of those

go ahead and get myself some food and

i'll be back alright and we're back so

yeah I have limited supplies of water

food and boards and ropes so let's start

building this way I was I was gonna plan

on building that's all the way out there

but net means that have to build for a

time and I can't just like just walk

this way

so yeah I'm going to walk straight this

way hand ups and i'm just going to keep

walking until I get to the end of the

world or until I run out of boards

whichever comes first

so yeah i'll be back in like when I'm

done with all these boards which may be

sooner than expected

is that the edge of the map

I don't know I feel like we're getting

closer to the edge of the map

yes yes yes up i think we reached it so

it is approximately so we started out

with a thousand and took about seven

hundred so half of that 700 300 so i

would i would assume the map is like 600

x 600 and yeah that's the end he

originally we can keep on going but this

is the because unity just allows us to

continue to go out to the end but yeah

if I was to fall onto here i'm not sure

if I would float so for the sake of


um I'm going to drop purport identity

don't don't don't don't attended the

data tentative dad I don't tested

yeah now we're especially falling and

wow I don't even use up all my water and

food so if you make about 500 rope and

700 and you get gather about 700 board

which is really simple to do the stack

limit is only 10 though I think like

yeah let's tack limit for all this stuff

is 10 unless you do like fatch

let's call so you would sort of 500 you

need 50 stacks of rope 50 stacks of

boards that would definitely be one long

thing but to get around that I believe

whenever you gather 10 resources it

triggers a function to call but that

function isn't called whenever you

gather resources above 10 so developers

if you ever have a bug where people are

able to grab and I think I'm freaking

out now but if you ever have a bug where

people are gathering resources so fast

that it it counts as twice not sure how

you do your resource gathering but if

you ever wanted to do gathering in

groups rather than individuals to save

on performance

let's say you have a lot of batch coming

in you might gather like how I think

minecraft does it it gather similar

blocks together and then has a counter

that goes up and then you add the

counter rather than individual items and

that might be faster for for resource

gathering but then on top of that when

you want to split out into stacks you

want to make sure that anything above 10

still get split into stacks and gets the

split into the appropriate amount of

stacks which is a little bit more

programming than just on the fly if it's

equal to 10 split out but I think it's

definitely worth it and getting hungry

now so I'm just going to drink a little

get a little and yeah I'm pretty sure RZ

so here here's a fun thought I'm just

freaking out

I was just freaking out if if it's an

accelerated growth with no maximum i

might fall through the top of the map

again because the z axis or the y axis i

think the wise up and down so if the y

axis goes down past the negative amount

it all transport you back to the top of

the map and then you start going back

down again

on top of that you might have have a

solution for that but that's what would

happen in normal integer math you'd be

teleported to top and then you just keep

going down so I could actually like look

down eventually and like see my base

appear and then like flash above me

depending on how fast this goes but

anyways that is that is raft hacked that

is the end of the map

yeah so thank you all so much for

watching I hope you enjoyed this video

if you want it i'm freaking out now if

you wanted to see more videos like this

where i experiment with the edge of

space with the edge of games definitely

go ahead and subscribe and to support me

for finding new things go comment in the

comment button and I'll definitely look

into what other games i can exploit and

hopefully help out the developers tool

to if they if they watch this video so

that they can make their games better

and more bulletproof to people like me

alright so thank you all so much for

watching good luck and farewell

For more infomation >> Unlimited Stack Hack to the End of the Map | Raft - Duration: 10:35.


Hypothesis Testing - Introductory Statistics - Duration: 5:00.

In this video we'll take a look at null

and alternative hypotheses.

Now the null hypothesis means there's no

effect, or nothing happened,

or there's no difference. The null

hypothesis is often represented by H Sub

zero. And it makes a statement about the

population, not the sample. So in other

words we put population values or

symbols in our null hypothesis. Now the

alternative hypothesis is really the

opposite. It states or it means that

there was an effect, or something

happened, or there was a difference.

The alternative hypothesis is often

represented by H sub 1 or H sub A,

and it also makes a statement about the

population, not the sample. So if we take

a look at these two side-by-side, once

again, in review, the null is stated by H sub 0

the alternative is H sub 1 or H sub A. The

null basically states

nothing happened, and look at the

opposite here, the alternative states

something happened. Or the null can state

no effect, the alternative states there

was an effect. And, finally, the null can

state no difference effectively, and the

alternative would state the opposite,

there was a difference.

And once again both hypotheses refer

to the population.

Let's go ahead and take a look at an

example using the Pearson correlation or

Pearson's r.

Now correlation measures the degree of the

linear relationship, if there's any at

all, between two variables, and it's known

as Pearson's r.

Let's go and take a look at the null and

alternative hypotheses for correlation,

or fir Pearson's r here. In words the

null would state there is not a

relationship between the two variables

in the population. The alternative would

state the opposite: it would state there

is a relationship between the two

variables in the population.

Notice how the null states no effect, or

there's no relationship, whereas the

alternative states there is an effect, or

there is a relationship. Using symbols we

could say the following: the null, and

that little thing that looks like a p

there, that stands for rho, and it's the

correlation in the population. So we

would say null rho x,y equals 0 and then

the alternative would say rho x,y does

not equal zero. Or, in other words, the

null would state there's no correlation

between x and y, two variables in the

population, whereas the alternative would state

there is a correlation between the two

variables, x and y, in the population. And 0

here means no relationship in

correlation. So when the null says it's

equal to 0, it's saying there's no

relationship. When the alternative says

it's not equal to 0, it stating there is

a relationship. So, in review, the null

states there's no effect or zero relationship,

whereas the alternative states there is

an effect, or a non-zero relationship. Now

hypotheses need to be mutually exclusive

and exhaustive. Exclusive means there's

no overlap between the null and the

alternative. And if you look at our two

statements up above, where it says

rho x,y equals 0, and

rho x,y does not equal zero, notice

that those do not overlap at all, equals

and not equals

are completely non overlapping. It's

either 0, which is the null in that case,

or it's not zero, which is the


So they're completely exclusive, they do

not overlap.

And then exhaustive means they must

cover, or exhaust, all possibilities, the

null and alternative when taken together.

And notice that they do, as every

possible value for Pearson's r is either

0 or not 0, so it does exhaust all

possibilities. So once again its

exclusive, because they don't overlap, and

it's exhaustive, because they cover all


Now notice how

the alternative has a not equal sign,

implying that the alternative hypothesis

can be either greater than zero, or less

than zero, or in other words correlation

can be positive or negative.

This is known as a two-tailed test, since

the alternative hypothesis consists of

two possibilities, either greater than

zero or less than zero.

Alternatively, one-tailed tests can also

be used in hypothesis testing, and we'll

examine one-tailed tests in another


OK, that's it. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Hypothesis Testing - Introductory Statistics - Duration: 5:00.


"YOU SAY, I SLAY!" EP. #4 - Viewers Suggest "CLASS SETUPS" (Black Ops 3 Multiplayer) - Duration: 3:26:47.

For more infomation >> "YOU SAY, I SLAY!" EP. #4 - Viewers Suggest "CLASS SETUPS" (Black Ops 3 Multiplayer) - Duration: 3:26:47.


Nightcore - This Love, This Hate【Hollywood Undead】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.

In a time of need only few can see what's wrong

millions tend to crawl but only those who choose can make it through this all,

only few can sing like lions 'cause we sing until we're gone

and we've got each others backs until we're back where we belong,

a woman held my shield and through the battle we did wrong,

a man who taught me wisdom through the static we recall,

and maybe when we' re gone our names will echo through the stars,

every start's got it's ending even when we've learned to rise above it all,

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

I see you so please stay strong I'll sing you one last song and then I'm gone

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

And we once also had a story too you can see that good men only come in few.

Even in our greatest moments we may win or we may lose

every song's got it's rules, you've got to learn to make it through.

Maybe one day we can choose how it feels to be a woman or a man

without rules but burried underneath there's a picture glued.

So when my body burns in ashes only sing the truth

Let these words strengthen all your views because these words were meant for you

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

An' now I'm floatin' right above my coffin as it closes I look down

I see sigh as she's cryin on my moma's shoulder.

I look up into the sky as the gates to heaven open somethin's wrong

is this destiny or am I goin' home, what will happen to my soul will I come back

I don't know, will you meet me when its over let me know,

You can meet me here in heaven don't you ever let me go

This love this hate is burning me away

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

This love this hate is burning me away

For more infomation >> Nightcore - This Love, This Hate【Hollywood Undead】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.


Evim Evim Güzel Evim | Subnautica | Bölüm 8 - Duration: 23:31.

For more infomation >> Evim Evim Güzel Evim | Subnautica | Bölüm 8 - Duration: 23:31.


Colouring - Symmetry - Live

For more infomation >> Colouring - Symmetry - Live


Siempre Niños | Madre e hijo se llevan $2500 jugando en Siempre Niños | Entretenimiento - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Siempre Niños | Madre e hijo se llevan $2500 jugando en Siempre Niños | Entretenimiento - Duration: 8:49.


Searching for Sound: MITYA explores Tatarstan (E.06) / "Эчпочфанк" Мити Бурмистрова (6 Серия) - Duration: 5:11.

*music is playing MITYA - 1 Life is Not Enough

"ECHPOCHFUNK" - a made-up word that consists of "echpochmak" (Tatar national dish) and "funk" (music style)

*MITYA - Easily is playing

To Paris from Mamadysh


Zuri village, Mamadysh district

I want to collect lot's of LIVE recordings with all the roughnesses, fills

maybe some detuned old instruments

I want listener to put on the headphones

and imagine the place, where everything is recorded

I want him to experience the connection of music and visuals in your mind.

*Pitrau - tatar-kryashen traditional holiday

Can you play this melody again solo?

Yuri Gordeev, accordionist

Keryashen Mony ensemble. Zainsk district.


We can easily lost and forget lot's of songs

Because their authors are quite old

Lot's of melodies and lyrics are changed or transformed


Mitya, nice to greet you

I want to know about the Nagaybaks people

*tells a beautiful story about Nagaybaks, Cossacks and Paris

our ancestry took part in a campaign with Napoleon

they've made it through whole Europe to Paris

song about how cool Paris is

Chishmylek ensemble, Paris village, Nagaybak district

I'd love to cement some fragment of that music and to put it through my own filter to create something new

Chishmyale ensemble, Sarsaz-Bagryazh village

Excuse me, can I record the drums only?

That exact rhythm you played

Girl, help us too

OK, right now I'm at Mamadysh style Glastonbury

Thousands of stages

The only difference is that instead of Tame Impala and LCD Soundsystem

we can experience Ramil Arslanov and Guzel Ibragimova

Anyways, the amount of fun is the same.

Let's find the food court.

Barbecue time.

For more infomation >> Searching for Sound: MITYA explores Tatarstan (E.06) / "Эчпочфанк" Мити Бурмистрова (6 Серия) - Duration: 5:11.


Sher e Pakistan Molana Manzoor Ahmed Topic Imam Azam kon - Duration: 1:01:34.

For more infomation >> Sher e Pakistan Molana Manzoor Ahmed Topic Imam Azam kon - Duration: 1:01:34.


d.E x Angeleti - Tretas e Atritos (Prod. Big Eddy) - WebVideo - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> d.E x Angeleti - Tretas e Atritos (Prod. Big Eddy) - WebVideo - Duration: 3:18.


Montagem BSS Pyroline CON D e Pyroline CON S - Instalação - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Montagem BSS Pyroline CON D e Pyroline CON S - Instalação - Duration: 5:32.


Sociedade dos Poetas Livres (SPL) - "SP ALIEN" - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Sociedade dos Poetas Livres (SPL) - "SP ALIEN" - Duration: 5:36.


PEU - D[ES]caso (Prod. O'Neil) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> PEU - D[ES]caso (Prod. O'Neil) - Duration: 3:26.


BLOODY BOOBS - Survival Horror con Tette Insanguinate! - Gameplay ITA / Let's Play - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> BLOODY BOOBS - Survival Horror con Tette Insanguinate! - Gameplay ITA / Let's Play - Duration: 7:39.


Conheça os novos interiores da nossa frota de Médio Curso - Duration: 1:28.

It's never too much to want more.

And we have given our aircraft more.

Our A319, A320 and A321 aircraft are being completely retrofitted.

Because it is never too much to want to innovate,

we invested in design with leading Portuguese companies,

leather specialists and designers who were responsible for the entire cabin.

In Economy Plus and Executive class,

there is now more space between the seats

greater reclining

and seats that are even more comfortable.

But there's more.

In these classes, there will be new tablet holders

and power sockets,

so everyone can enjoy their favourite entertainment.

A unique experience,

ensuring a full service with meal included,

either in Economy and Economy Plus classes

or in Business Class.

It's never too much to want more.

Especially when more is the best.

Welcome aboard the New TAP.

For more infomation >> Conheça os novos interiores da nossa frota de Médio Curso - Duration: 1:28.


Snake Painting Colors and Numbers - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Snake Painting Colors and Numbers - Duration: 3:15.


Ex-Trim - Hellfie (Audio w Lirycs) - Duration: 3:15.

Hellfie - Eng Subtitles

I'll burn you alive, because you suck Thinking of you make me get the typhus

I'm the cration of your deep web In decomposition

I curse you since the day When you didn't mind your fucking business

Don't touch me i'll brake your arms You'll get the same of al the others

And you know why

I get an hellfie of you While i Wring your neck

I'll rip you to bits You son of a bich

I get an hellfie of you While i Wring your neck

I'll rip you to bits You son of a bich

I get an hellfie of you

First of all you're nothing That's why i kill you

You're drowing in you're awakening Now tell what's the best

Are you lucky? I don't think so Be asse i hate you while i see you

I'm out of control While i place the noose around your neck

That's the sound of the Broken neck

And you know why

I get an hellfie of you While i Wring your neck

I'll rip you to bits You son of a bich

I get an hellfie of you While i Wring your neck

I'll rip you to bits You son of a bich

I get an hellfie of you

For more infomation >> Ex-Trim - Hellfie (Audio w Lirycs) - Duration: 3:15.


Project Winora Trekking Bike dismantle dismantle completely Vlog Style DIY! - Duration: 15:44.

Hey guys, it goes on.

First remove the rusted handlebars and then the rest.

Fuck, the handlebar is totally festgerostet and does not go out ..............

A bit wd40 and turn and pull.

The handlebar comes out :)

Well look.

I'll show you the rust.

Here you can see it.

These rubber grips are best to get as of with brake cleaner.

It is best to use a long flat screwdriver.

Press a little and then spray the brake cleaner.

Then pull the handle.

The handles can also be fitted with brake cleaners, it evaporates completely.

Be careful not to pierce through the handle.

Here the handle is closed.

Handlebar cone locked.

Hopefully the saddle is not rusted.

What I find really cool is the bowden cable through the frame.

I would like to continue.

Cut off here.

Only the inner cable remains in the frame.

So that you can easily pull new cables through.

Steering head bearing is also broken.

Continue in the bike holder.

Cable also fixed.


....all rusted.

Check taillight yet!

Now try to pull the light cable out of the guide!

But the light cable remains in the frame.

Fuck rusted screws ..........

We're going to get him out of there, too.

I hope he goes out.

Not to be squeamish.

More than can go broken anyway.

Remove dynamo.

I hope the steering head bearing is not broken.

32-wrench, the special tool linked in the info box.

Top normal wrench.

Oppose, solve, done.

The jammed disc with a pipe wrench in position rotate.

Shit where's my wrench.

One should also make the eyes on.

Rotate carefully.


Now fork out.

Wow, the steering head bearing looks really good.

Unscrew bearing shells with a mandrel.

Here once shown from above.

So you should see everything.

Wash with hot water and dishwashing frame.

High pressure cleaner has no sense here because the dirt is too tight.

Now I get even worse with my wife because of the towel.

Except for a pair of quirks, the frame is still really OK.

Shall we paint him or not?

You decide.

Write in Comments #original or #paint & a color code.

What is most common in the comments is made.

We'll see next Vlog DIY, friends!

For more infomation >> Project Winora Trekking Bike dismantle dismantle completely Vlog Style DIY! - Duration: 15:44.


AIKIDO - Philippe Dorée Sensei - Duration: 6:25.

My name is Philippe Dorée

I am 47 years old

I'm French

I've been in Brazil for 20 years

and practicing Aikido for 22 years

I started Aikido in 1994, in France

at Tamura school

I trained for 2 years, until 1996

And on this date I emigrated to Brazil

When I arrived in Brazil, I trained for 10 years in the "Federação Paulista de Aikido", FEPAI

And since 2009 I'm with Sensei Christian Tissier

The moment I choose Tissier Sensei as a teacher

I requested a personal interview with him

during a trip I made to France

He was very cordial

We talked

I submitted my request to be his student

And we talked for almost 1 hour

in the end he said: "No problem"

"I accept you as a student"

And that's how our story started

Every year I go to France Dedicating 1 month just to train

Getting acquainted with the techniques, of course

But since I'm also an instructor here in Brazil

I also try to learn about didactics

And the pedagogy of how classes are taught

I really don't want to learn just one layer of information

I want to know the whole structure

What kind of behavior What kind of content

you need to pass on in classes

You don't do a class for children in the same way as you do for adults

You don't make a class for beginners in the same way you would do for advanced

I have been imbuing all this

I think it's a set

And when Sensei Tissier is close by For example, in South America

I make plans to meet him

Participate in the events and seminars that he organizes in South America

I had the possibility to build a personal space

Where I could express a little more of my sensibility

and also search for answers

The need to open a Dojo was encouraged by the fact that I wanted to learn more

My family name, Dorée, in French

in a literal translation means "golden"

I searched for a translation of my name to Japanese

And "Kiniro" in Japanese means "gold color"

Then: the golden dojo

Not too complicated

In the last few years, what I've realized

Is that there is a great diversity

appearing in Brazil

Practitioners who stand out

For example when I take part in seminars

In different seminars

Not necessarily organized by our own federation or group

on the contrary I have seen practitioners training in Brazil

with Yamada Sensei...

Seki Shihan

And I meet these people in Chile for example

During the Tissier Sensei seminar

There is a certain...


That is promising

Because Aikido can develop more and more

My coming to Brazil?

I met my wife in France

She was taking a French course

And through the language we get to know each other

We stayed in touch for about 2 years

With multiple trips both ways

After so many trips we had to make a decision

I would say that the most passionate decided

I decided to leave everything behind to accompany my wife in Brazil

For more infomation >> AIKIDO - Philippe Dorée Sensei - Duration: 6:25.


[Eng Sub] 170213 Huang Jingyu miaopai post (For valentine's day) - Duration: 0:35.

[Giving you a little flower]


It has been a long time since I've seen you guys

Once again, it's the once in a year...

I can't get through it (the day) no matter how

valentine's day


Wishing everyone a happy valentine's day

giving you a little flower

And the weirdest thing that I encounter during valentine's day is...



whenever it's valentine's day

I have no lover...

What about you guys?

Tell me your weird encounters/experience

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] 170213 Huang Jingyu miaopai post (For valentine's day) - Duration: 0:35.



For more infomation >> O QUE VOCÊ GANHA NÃO INTERESSA - Duration: 4:23.


ヤマハのクラビノーバと、DX-7で、コブクロの「蕾」の伴奏を、弾きました。 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> ヤマハのクラビノーバと、DX-7で、コブクロの「蕾」の伴奏を、弾きました。 - Duration: 3:33.


She Walks in Beauty - Duration: 2:07.

She walks in beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens o'er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express,

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent!

For more infomation >> She Walks in Beauty - Duration: 2:07.


5 Tricks Google Translate, you have to try (2017) - Duration: 3:40.


see you again in this simple channel

I will share tricks Google Translate that you may not know

if you do not already have this application, please download the PlayStore

Okay, first tricks that you can translate an article using the camera in Google Translate app

way is to click the camera icon

then point the camera to the words you are going to translate

as an example the original words

click the eye icon on the right side flash lamp icon

The second trick, you can translate the words using voice

way is to click on the microphone icon and say the sentence would you translate

The third trick, you can translate the writing on the screen with Android

way is to click icons such as writing

then write the words you are going to translate

as an example

The fourth trick, you can translate an article directly from the app chat

as an example I will translate the writing on the application WhatsApp

way is click on the upper left corner

click settings

click "Tap to translate"

as an example I will open the application WhatsApp

click and hold the words to be translated

click the copy icon

click the Google translate icon

This is the translation of those words

click copy

Next, paste here

You do not have to commute to open the Google translate

fifth trick, you can use Google translate offline

do not have to always be online

way is click on the upper left corner

click the offline translation

download the appropriate language of your country

for example Indonesian

click download

when the download is complete, you do not have to always be online when you want to translate something in Android

like that, trick from Google translate

hopefully can be useful to you

Do not forget to subscribe on my channel

for further tips and tricks

thank you

For more infomation >> 5 Tricks Google Translate, you have to try (2017) - Duration: 3:40.


Not Secret Skin Whitening Cream is now too fee Million Just Lose Money Away - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Not Secret Skin Whitening Cream is now too fee Million Just Lose Money Away - Duration: 11:18.


Welche Mitbestimmungsrechte habe ich als Betriebsrat? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Welche Mitbestimmungsrechte habe ich als Betriebsrat? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 5:25.


Cars 3

For more infomation >> Cars 3


Firkan - Guftagu (Official Video) - Duration: 4:27.

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Who can say how this began

A lovely journey through time

Who can say how this began

A lovely journey through time

You and I, we've become one

Nobody can tell how

In the mist of these words

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Life had joy, life had sorrows

A dozen tears, and a seam of smiles

Life had joy, life had sorrows

A dozen tears, and a seam of smiles

Then you smiled again, and I forgot the void

And life blossomed

in the mist of your words

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Isn't this how two hearts fall in love

Isn't this how sweet songs bloom

Isn't this how two hearts fall in love

Isn't this how sweet songs bloom

You fell for me, and I fell for you

All too quick

in the mist of these words

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

As we whisper through the night

Look, there's the morning again

As we whisper through the night

Is this magic, or is it something else

There we


whispering through the night

For more infomation >> Firkan - Guftagu (Official Video) - Duration: 4:27.


Unlimited Stack Hack to the End of the Map | Raft - Duration: 10:35.

hey everyone my name is new afternoon

welcome to my Channel today we're

hacking raft and its really simple just

all you have to do is going to cheat

engine change a few values around and

find them and then just change them

it's really that simple they're all four

bytes are all integers it's really easy

to find them if you're having trouble

than just look at like any of my other

like 50 videos and you'll know exactly

what I mean

so if you don't know how to do work to

engine or anything like that go look at

my video that i did like a week ago two

weeks ago three weeks ago four weeks ago

every monday for the past six months

have just go look at that and not be

fine but that's what we're doing today

today today we're going to see if

there's an end-of-the-world yeah we're

gonna see how far can we go till we get

to the end of the world can is there an

end because in unity all you can do is

you can make maps bigger you can make

maps huge but you can't make them

infinite and if you make them too big

then performance starts to drop but if

you make them too small you can reach

the end of the world

so today we're going to the end of the

world more epic than sounds all right so

it's gonna do it

first off we're going to need materials

so right now i have like almost a

thousand would a thousand rope

let's see for yeah that should actually

give me about five hundred blocks out

there now i can get 500 blocks out there

but there's gonna be there's gonna be a

catch I need water and food so i have to


want more water so i'm going to craft a

couple more cups and what I'm going to

do is I'm going to get more cups

ok so that stuff is done I'm drink one

there we go now we have a limited water

now we need is unlimited food so i'm

gonna go ahead and do something that's

renewable like this macro yeah okay got

that now could grab that cook all right

you're eating my stuff right let's go


no no macro we have for you thinking for

now so we have one of those

go ahead and get myself some food and

i'll be back alright and we're back so

yeah I have limited supplies of water

food and boards and ropes so let's start

building this way I was I was gonna plan

on building that's all the way out there

but net means that have to build for a

time and I can't just like just walk

this way

so yeah I'm going to walk straight this

way hand ups and i'm just going to keep

walking until I get to the end of the

world or until I run out of boards

whichever comes first

so yeah i'll be back in like when I'm

done with all these boards which may be

sooner than expected

is that the edge of the map

I don't know I feel like we're getting

closer to the edge of the map

yes yes yes up i think we reached it so

it is approximately so we started out

with a thousand and took about seven

hundred so half of that 700 300 so i

would i would assume the map is like 600

x 600 and yeah that's the end he

originally we can keep on going but this

is the because unity just allows us to

continue to go out to the end but yeah

if I was to fall onto here i'm not sure

if I would float so for the sake of


um I'm going to drop purport identity

don't don't don't don't attended the

data tentative dad I don't tested

yeah now we're especially falling and

wow I don't even use up all my water and

food so if you make about 500 rope and

700 and you get gather about 700 board

which is really simple to do the stack

limit is only 10 though I think like

yeah let's tack limit for all this stuff

is 10 unless you do like fatch

let's call so you would sort of 500 you

need 50 stacks of rope 50 stacks of

boards that would definitely be one long

thing but to get around that I believe

whenever you gather 10 resources it

triggers a function to call but that

function isn't called whenever you

gather resources above 10 so developers

if you ever have a bug where people are

able to grab and I think I'm freaking

out now but if you ever have a bug where

people are gathering resources so fast

that it it counts as twice not sure how

you do your resource gathering but if

you ever wanted to do gathering in

groups rather than individuals to save

on performance

let's say you have a lot of batch coming

in you might gather like how I think

minecraft does it it gather similar

blocks together and then has a counter

that goes up and then you add the

counter rather than individual items and

that might be faster for for resource

gathering but then on top of that when

you want to split out into stacks you

want to make sure that anything above 10

still get split into stacks and gets the

split into the appropriate amount of

stacks which is a little bit more

programming than just on the fly if it's

equal to 10 split out but I think it's

definitely worth it and getting hungry

now so I'm just going to drink a little

get a little and yeah I'm pretty sure RZ

so here here's a fun thought I'm just

freaking out

I was just freaking out if if it's an

accelerated growth with no maximum i

might fall through the top of the map

again because the z axis or the y axis i

think the wise up and down so if the y

axis goes down past the negative amount

it all transport you back to the top of

the map and then you start going back

down again

on top of that you might have have a

solution for that but that's what would

happen in normal integer math you'd be

teleported to top and then you just keep

going down so I could actually like look

down eventually and like see my base

appear and then like flash above me

depending on how fast this goes but

anyways that is that is raft hacked that

is the end of the map

yeah so thank you all so much for

watching I hope you enjoyed this video

if you want it i'm freaking out now if

you wanted to see more videos like this

where i experiment with the edge of

space with the edge of games definitely

go ahead and subscribe and to support me

for finding new things go comment in the

comment button and I'll definitely look

into what other games i can exploit and

hopefully help out the developers tool

to if they if they watch this video so

that they can make their games better

and more bulletproof to people like me

alright so thank you all so much for

watching good luck and farewell

For more infomation >> Unlimited Stack Hack to the End of the Map | Raft - Duration: 10:35.


Hypothesis Testing - Introductory Statistics - Duration: 5:00.

In this video we'll take a look at null

and alternative hypotheses.

Now the null hypothesis means there's no

effect, or nothing happened,

or there's no difference. The null

hypothesis is often represented by H Sub

zero. And it makes a statement about the

population, not the sample. So in other

words we put population values or

symbols in our null hypothesis. Now the

alternative hypothesis is really the

opposite. It states or it means that

there was an effect, or something

happened, or there was a difference.

The alternative hypothesis is often

represented by H sub 1 or H sub A,

and it also makes a statement about the

population, not the sample. So if we take

a look at these two side-by-side, once

again, in review, the null is stated by H sub 0

the alternative is H sub 1 or H sub A. The

null basically states

nothing happened, and look at the

opposite here, the alternative states

something happened. Or the null can state

no effect, the alternative states there

was an effect. And, finally, the null can

state no difference effectively, and the

alternative would state the opposite,

there was a difference.

And once again both hypotheses refer

to the population.

Let's go ahead and take a look at an

example using the Pearson correlation or

Pearson's r.

Now correlation measures the degree of the

linear relationship, if there's any at

all, between two variables, and it's known

as Pearson's r.

Let's go and take a look at the null and

alternative hypotheses for correlation,

or fir Pearson's r here. In words the

null would state there is not a

relationship between the two variables

in the population. The alternative would

state the opposite: it would state there

is a relationship between the two

variables in the population.

Notice how the null states no effect, or

there's no relationship, whereas the

alternative states there is an effect, or

there is a relationship. Using symbols we

could say the following: the null, and

that little thing that looks like a p

there, that stands for rho, and it's the

correlation in the population. So we

would say null rho x,y equals 0 and then

the alternative would say rho x,y does

not equal zero. Or, in other words, the

null would state there's no correlation

between x and y, two variables in the

population, whereas the alternative would state

there is a correlation between the two

variables, x and y, in the population. And 0

here means no relationship in

correlation. So when the null says it's

equal to 0, it's saying there's no

relationship. When the alternative says

it's not equal to 0, it stating there is

a relationship. So, in review, the null

states there's no effect or zero relationship,

whereas the alternative states there is

an effect, or a non-zero relationship. Now

hypotheses need to be mutually exclusive

and exhaustive. Exclusive means there's

no overlap between the null and the

alternative. And if you look at our two

statements up above, where it says

rho x,y equals 0, and

rho x,y does not equal zero, notice

that those do not overlap at all, equals

and not equals

are completely non overlapping. It's

either 0, which is the null in that case,

or it's not zero, which is the


So they're completely exclusive, they do

not overlap.

And then exhaustive means they must

cover, or exhaust, all possibilities, the

null and alternative when taken together.

And notice that they do, as every

possible value for Pearson's r is either

0 or not 0, so it does exhaust all

possibilities. So once again its

exclusive, because they don't overlap, and

it's exhaustive, because they cover all


Now notice how

the alternative has a not equal sign,

implying that the alternative hypothesis

can be either greater than zero, or less

than zero, or in other words correlation

can be positive or negative.

This is known as a two-tailed test, since

the alternative hypothesis consists of

two possibilities, either greater than

zero or less than zero.

Alternatively, one-tailed tests can also

be used in hypothesis testing, and we'll

examine one-tailed tests in another


OK, that's it. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Hypothesis Testing - Introductory Statistics - Duration: 5:00.


"YOU SAY, I SLAY!" EP. #4 - Viewers Suggest "CLASS SETUPS" (Black Ops 3 Multiplayer) - Duration: 3:26:47.

For more infomation >> "YOU SAY, I SLAY!" EP. #4 - Viewers Suggest "CLASS SETUPS" (Black Ops 3 Multiplayer) - Duration: 3:26:47.


Nightcore - This Love, This Hate【Hollywood Undead】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.

In a time of need only few can see what's wrong

millions tend to crawl but only those who choose can make it through this all,

only few can sing like lions 'cause we sing until we're gone

and we've got each others backs until we're back where we belong,

a woman held my shield and through the battle we did wrong,

a man who taught me wisdom through the static we recall,

and maybe when we' re gone our names will echo through the stars,

every start's got it's ending even when we've learned to rise above it all,

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

I see you so please stay strong I'll sing you one last song and then I'm gone

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

And we once also had a story too you can see that good men only come in few.

Even in our greatest moments we may win or we may lose

every song's got it's rules, you've got to learn to make it through.

Maybe one day we can choose how it feels to be a woman or a man

without rules but burried underneath there's a picture glued.

So when my body burns in ashes only sing the truth

Let these words strengthen all your views because these words were meant for you

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

An' now I'm floatin' right above my coffin as it closes I look down

I see sigh as she's cryin on my moma's shoulder.

I look up into the sky as the gates to heaven open somethin's wrong

is this destiny or am I goin' home, what will happen to my soul will I come back

I don't know, will you meet me when its over let me know,

You can meet me here in heaven don't you ever let me go

This love this hate is burning me away

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

This love this hate is burning me away

For more infomation >> Nightcore - This Love, This Hate【Hollywood Undead】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.


Evim Evim Güzel Evim | Subnautica | Bölüm 8 - Duration: 23:31.

For more infomation >> Evim Evim Güzel Evim | Subnautica | Bölüm 8 - Duration: 23:31.


Watch Do You Believe Free ...

For more infomation >> Watch Do You Believe Free ...


Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDi DSG DC L2 T-EDITION Navigatie/Trekhaak/PDC/LMV/31.027 Km!! - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDi DSG DC L2 T-EDITION Navigatie/Trekhaak/PDC/LMV/31.027 Km!! - Duration: 1:48.


How To Be Successful - Duration: 2:26.

This is going to be a good one.

Hey welcome back to The Bootstrap Boutique where beginners build businesses.

I am glad you're here because today I want to share something with you that I thought

was pretty freakin profound.

I was reading something on the internet, I don't remember what it was, but whatever it

was there was a quote in it that struck me as enough that I actually wrote it down in

my notebook and that is this: You can't make yourself successful, only other people can

make you succeed.

So, unattributed quote, source unknown, google, no help.

But if you think about it is so true.

What is the most important thing in business?


Who buys your product?

Other people.

Other people make you successful.

If you want to be a speaker, who listens to you speak?

Other people.

Other people make you successful.

If you want to write a book, how do you get on the best sellers list?

By other people reading your book.

Other people make you successful.

This is why it is so important to invest in others, because I've said it so many times

you guys, you get out of life what you put in.

When you support people, they may not buy from you, they may not be your market, but

they will be your advocate.

They will go out and they will tell other people about about you, about your products

and those other people will buy from you.

I'd like for ya'll to do me a favor.

Think about somebody in your life that's helped you, that has lifted you up and tell them

"thank you."

You can send an email, it can be a phone call, you can write an actual note.

We're still allowed to do that.

But there is someone in your life that is helping to make you a success so go and tell

them thank you for being supportive and for being that person in your life.

You know what?

Do me another favor too.

Build someone else up.

Go to the craft fair and buy a handmade good.

That new kid that's fresh out of college at your company, take them out to lunch and see

if there is a way that you can mentor them.

Send an encouraging tweet to somebody that you think needs it, we build people up in

big and small ways and they all matter.

Because yes, other people will make you successful, but when you make other people successful,

you are making yourself a success also.

Short video this week but I hope it's given you a lot to think about.

Thumbs up on the video if you find it encouraging , leave me a comment down below and let me

know who you thank and who you are going to build up this week.

And I will talk to you next time.

Take care!

For more infomation >> How To Be Successful - Duration: 2:26.


How to Trick Yourself Into Drinking More Water Every Day - Drinking Water Benefits - Health Tips - Duration: 4:01.

How to Trick Yourself Into Drinking More Water Every Day | Drinking Water Benefits - Health Tips |

For more infomation >> How to Trick Yourself Into Drinking More Water Every Day - Drinking Water Benefits - Health Tips - Duration: 4:01.


Nightcore - This Love, This Hate【Hollywood Undead】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.

In a time of need only few can see what's wrong

millions tend to crawl but only those who choose can make it through this all,

only few can sing like lions 'cause we sing until we're gone

and we've got each others backs until we're back where we belong,

a woman held my shield and through the battle we did wrong,

a man who taught me wisdom through the static we recall,

and maybe when we' re gone our names will echo through the stars,

every start's got it's ending even when we've learned to rise above it all,

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

I see you so please stay strong I'll sing you one last song and then I'm gone

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

And we once also had a story too you can see that good men only come in few.

Even in our greatest moments we may win or we may lose

every song's got it's rules, you've got to learn to make it through.

Maybe one day we can choose how it feels to be a woman or a man

without rules but burried underneath there's a picture glued.

So when my body burns in ashes only sing the truth

Let these words strengthen all your views because these words were meant for you

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

An' now I'm floatin' right above my coffin as it closes I look down

I see sigh as she's cryin on my moma's shoulder.

I look up into the sky as the gates to heaven open somethin's wrong

is this destiny or am I goin' home, what will happen to my soul will I come back

I don't know, will you meet me when its over let me know,

You can meet me here in heaven don't you ever let me go

This love this hate is burning me away

These lies are leading me astray its too much for me to stay

I don't wanna live this destiny it goes on endlessly

This love this hate is burning me away

For more infomation >> Nightcore - This Love, This Hate【Hollywood Undead】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 3:16.


Drunk Owner Is Running Bar Into Ground - Bar Rescue, Season 5 - Duration: 2:12.

I have never paid for my own liquor.

- Champagne wishes and caviar dreams. - Man: Thank you, Sean.

I have yet to ever be able to pay for rent or pay back the 10K.

Announcer: Instead of paying rent,

he drinks away any potential profits.

If this bar closed, I am on the hook for $35,000.

You need to slow down.

I'm babysitting and bartending.

Dude, ( bleep ) I get to ( bleep ) drink all I want.

Announcer: Sean's drunken behavior

is causing the decline of the bar.

He's driving customers away.

I'm the owner. Get the ( bleep ) out of here, ( bleep ).

- Yes. - Get the ( bleep ) out of here.

Hey dude, ( bleep ) you, bro.

Just ( bleep ) go home.

Announcer: He's losing his staff.

Go get your ( bleep ), go the ( bleep ) home, you're ( bleep ) fired.

If I could sprinkle dirt on you, you're ( bleep ) done.

Say goodbye to the last bartender that knows how to make a Old Fashioned.

Hey, if she wasn't pretty, I would never have hired her.

You need to drink some water.

I'm still here, because I care about Sean.

I care about this bar and when he's not drinking,

I see so much potential in this place.

But, Sean definitely needs to get his ( bleep ) together.

We're losing customers.

Sean: My mom helps me out tremendously with the bar.

She helps me clean.

She might grab groceries that we need.

You worked at bars and restaurants for a long time.

You've been very focused, and you work a lot.

I feel like you deserve everything good.

If the bar failed, my son would be devastated.

Announcer: Now, after 13 months of not paying his lease,

his landlord has finally had enough.

Sean has five weeks to pay in full

or the bar will be shut down for good.

Sean has agreed to pull back the doors, bust open the books,

and make a call for help to "Bar Rescue."

-I have no idea what I'm going to do if this place fails.

For more infomation >> Drunk Owner Is Running Bar Into Ground - Bar Rescue, Season 5 - Duration: 2:12.


Personality Split? Ariel Review - Duration: 4:26.

Look at those pointy ears.... Oh Greetings Dot Masters!

Today we will be discussing the beautiful Ariel and her many abilities.

I'm pretty sure she's bipolar, because she's got 2 completely different transformations.

She's got the good girl Ariel in goddess form, who will not only do the chores at home,

but also will provide strong support for all the heroes on your team.

However, we also have evil girl Ariel, aka hunter form.

Here she turns into a wild beast and will destroy anything in her path.

Perhaps we shouldn't upset her...

Regardless of which form she in in, she will use a varoety of marks on her enemies that have different effects.

So let's review all of her abilities.

Her ultimate ability Moon Field has 2 different effects depending on which transformation she is in.

In Goddess mode, she summons moonlight on the battlefield.

This will reduce the enemy's armor and magic resistance, and will also burn their power gauge.

In Hunter mode she will ninja jump into the air pretending she is Legolas, and rain arrows on the enemy!

If the enemy has already been marked with the Hunter marker, then they will be dealt a dread effect.

I warned you not to make her upset!

One of Ariel's key abilities is to switch beween goddess and hunter forms.

You can transform by tapping on her avatar.

When you switch to hunter form, it will knock back any nearby enemies,

and if the enemy was marked with a Hunter's mark, they will also be stunned.

When you switch to Goddess mode, she will fire an arrow that will immobilize the enemy.

If the enemy had a Goddess mark, they will be stunned as well.

Ariel's 3rd ability Sacred Ray is very powerful.

While in Goddess mode, she will summon a beam of moonlight on her target.

If her target was an ally, it will give them HP and power regeneration.

However, if it was an enemy, it will do the exact opposite.

In Hunter mode, Sacred Ray will call an arrow from the sky to hit enemies in range while also adding the Hunter Mark.

Now for her Moon Curse ability.

If she is in Goddess mode, she will lock onto a target enemy with a curse.

Each time that enemy uses an ability or normal attack, the curse will burn that hero's power.

Once that curse has been triggered twice, or the enemy casts their ultimate ability,

the curse will explode, and deal damage to nearby enemies while adding the Hunter mark.

If she is in Hunter mode, she will shoot an arrow at all enemy targets in range, dealing damage and

if the enemy is marked, they will get an addtional 50% damage.

Her awakened ability is called Magic Explosion.

In Goddess mode, her normal attack changes into an AoE damage blast,

along with a 30% increase in damage.

In Hunter mode, her nomal attack will become linked arrows that have a 20% increase in magic attack.

For a free hero, Ariel is an awesome teammate.

She is both a support hero, but is also capable of lots of damage in hunter form.

Players should take note of her Hunter form ultimate,

as it is one of the most powerful burst damage abilities in the game.

In the non-automatic game modes where you can fully control her abilities,

you can really take adavantage of her vast array of skills.

With that said, we recommend using her in in a Domination team.

So if you like this hero, please leave a comment below, and tell us what you think!

Thanks again for watching this video and until next time, game on!

For more infomation >> Personality Split? Ariel Review - Duration: 4:26.


Copy of Free Recharge Apps For Android [TELUGU] - Duration: 9:33.

Click on the link given below in the description to get signup bonus friends

Click on the link given below in the description to get signup bonus friends

Click on the link given below in the description to get signup bonus friends

Click on the link given below in the description to get signup bonus friends

For more infomation >> Copy of Free Recharge Apps For Android [TELUGU] - Duration: 9:33.


The Doctors Didn't Inform My Parents About The Long Term Effects Of My Prescription Drugs - Duration: 0:46.

My parents were very, very good parents. They did everything that they could to try

to get me the help that they felt was necessary. At the time, I'm 26 now,

at the time you know when I was 10, 11, 12-years-old, the addiction aspect wasn't

in the picture like it is now. The doctors weren't telling the parents,

"Hey, this may create, you know, behaviors of addiction." You know when they started

prescribing me a little bit more powerful drugs like Benzodiazepines,

when I was starting to get Xanax and whatnot at a young age, they really didn't

tell my parents. My parents didn't know. You know, they thought that they were

giving their child his medicine, you know? They trusted the doctor and what the

doctor was saying with very little-to-no information on the long term effects of,

you know, just changing the behavior of a child to be dependent on a substance.

For more infomation >> The Doctors Didn't Inform My Parents About The Long Term Effects Of My Prescription Drugs - Duration: 0:46.


Audi A4 1.8 TFSI Pro Line - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.8 TFSI Pro Line - Duration: 0:43.


10 Bizarre Aircraft We Love, and the Stories Behind Them - Duration: 4:51.

It's easy to love these funny-looking planes just for their sheer weirdness.

But many of them were built to prove a point or to advance the science of aerodynamics.

10 Bizarre Aircraft We Love, and the Stories Behind Them:


Sikorsky X-Wing The Sikorsky X-Wing was built to combine the

speed and propulsive mechanisms of a jet with the vertical takeoff abilities of a helicopter.

Unfortunately, the program was cancelled in 1988, a long time after and far, far away

from the first successful X-Wing.


Grumman X-29 In 1984, the Grumman X-29 proved that the

underlying lifting properties of jet wing wouldn't be compromised even if the wings

were angled in reverse.


Alexander Lippisch's Aerodyne To look at Alexander Lippisch's Aerodyne is

to be baffled at how engineers managed to get such a crazy thing off the ground.

And it's far from alone in the gallery of bizarrely shaped aircraft we've seen over

the years.

From balance-driven helicopters to inflatable airplanes, even a cursory tour through the

history of aviation reveals some strange beasts that look little like the jet shape we're

all accustomed to.


Scaled Composites Model 281 Proteus Burt Rutan designed the thin, tandem-wing

Scaled Composites Model 281 Proteus, first flown in the late 1990s, to investigate the

use of aircraft as high altitude telecommunications relays.

Thanks to its efficient design, this model was able to fly at 65,000 feet for over 18



Blohm & Voss BV 141 The Blohm & Voss BV 141 is a stark reminder

that symmetry is not required for a flying machine.

This WWII-era German wonder was designed as reconnaissance aircraft, and while few dozen

were built and flown, it lost out to the the equally odd-looking Focke-Wulf Fw 189 and

never reached full production.


Rutan Model 202 Boomerang The Rutan Model 202 Boomerang is asymmetrical

for an entirely different reason.

This 1996 aircraft was built to still be controllable in the event of an engine failure for either

of its twin engines.


McDonnell XF-85 Goblin The McDonnell XF-85 Goblin was built soon

after WWII as a so-called "parasite fighter," meaning it was built to be deployed from the

bomb bay of a larger plane, the B-36.

In the December 1948 PopMech, General Hoyt S. Vandenburg outlined how the little plane

fit into America's new Air Force.

But, in 1949, the U.S. scraped the Goblin alongside other parasite fighter projects,

and focused instead on developing methods for airborne refueling.


Hughes H-4 Hercules "Spruce Goose" A 200-ton monstrosity, the H-4 Hercules was

nicknamed the Spruce Goose because of its wooden frame.

The heavy transport aircraft is the largest fixed-winged seaplane ever built, and was

designed by filmmaker and business magnate Howard Hughes.

Only one was every built; today it sits in a museum in Oregon.


For Scientific Discovery: AeroJelly Rarely does a researcher invent an entirely

new method of flying.

But 2014 November, at New York University, applied mathematician Leif Ristroph did just


Ristroph's naturally stable flying machine, the AeroJelly, is only slightly larger than

your hand, and pumps its four flapping wings like a flying jellyfish.

"My lab is interested in studying air dynamics and flapping wing flight," says Ristroph,

"and I was trying to design something that was stable without any sort of feedback."


And Because You Just Can: de Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle

The balance-driven de Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle was built with the dual hope of flying single-man

reconnaissance missions and building the greatest Bond-villain chair of all time.

A pair of crashes grounded the idea, but the dream lived on.

For more infomation >> 10 Bizarre Aircraft We Love, and the Stories Behind Them - Duration: 4:51.



Fascinating, right?

It raped my butt!

Why?!Why there?!Why there again?!

I had this ffff-

Why weren't you pressed fffff-

No!No!No man!

Damn my faith!

My heart...

It can't stop beating fast...


For more infomation >> LEGACYOFKAISER RAGE OF! THEATRHYTHM DRAGON QUEST #3 - Duration: 5:09.


Does Paratuberculosis in Meat Trigger Type 1 Diabetes? - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Does Paratuberculosis in Meat Trigger Type 1 Diabetes? - Duration: 5:00.


PEU - D[ES]caso (Prod. O'Neil) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> PEU - D[ES]caso (Prod. O'Neil) - Duration: 3:26.


[Overwatch] Overwatch In 150 Seconds: Hanzo - Duration: 2:28.

Funtastic Gaming Community lolQ! Please subscribe!

Today's hero, the center of attention in all games, for better or for worse!

Overwatch In 150 Seconds: Hanzo

Hanzo is the eldest son of the Shimada family, a clan of assassins established for centuries.

When his father, the head of the family, died,

Hanzo's life changed drastically.

Bearing responsibility as the family's new head,

Hanzo was forced to kill his brother Genji with his own sword.

Heartbroken from guilt, Hanzo abandoned his sword and clan, and now wanders around the world.

Hanzo's sword is on display at Hanamura Point B.

Every year on the anniversary of Genji's death, Hanzo breaks into his home Shimada Castle

and lights an incense to honor his brother.

But Genji, presumed to be dead, was reborn as a cyborg,

Hanzo is very disturbed by Genji's change,

and states to Genji that it is too late.

Hanzo: You are mistaken, brother. I am beyond redemption.

Together with the previous Genji episode, we told the tragedy of the two brothers.

Because of their story and concepts, Hanzo and Genji are very popular.

But in-game, compared to his brother, Hanzo's reputation is far from that.

Part of that's how difficult of a team comp he creates.

But, given the right team, I believe Hanzo to be a strong hero.

Hanzo, the very icon of trolling.

How can he get rid of his infamy?!

For more infomation >> [Overwatch] Overwatch In 150 Seconds: Hanzo - Duration: 2:28.


SOUTH-KOREA Welcomes TRUMP In His Own Words - Duration: 3:15.

This is South-Korea.

The best Korea in the world.

The other one is totally fake, let me tell ya.

So fake in fact, that we didn't a wall,

We built an entire DMZ to keep them out.

You should call us about your Mexican problem.

A lot of people tell us, we're like China.

But we're totally different, absolutely different.

Believe me.

You're gonna love it here.

The government is even more corrupt than you are.

We already have the Daewoo Trump tower in Seoul.

So it saves you time, by saving you money,

By not having to pay cheap workers.

We know you're having trouble reading English.

So we came up with a solution.

No English writing!


You guys have a psycho.

We have PSY, which is easier to pronounce so,

It's better.

This guys is unbelievable.

He's got Gangnam Style, which is a tremendous style.

It's the best, simply the best of all styles.

We know you like to watch television all day,

And let me tell ya, we have the best tv shows in the world.

We have Descendants of the Sun,

Which is about the war in Urk.

Seriously that country Urk, total disaster.

We should ban them.

We also have a bunch of half naked teenage girls dancing in groups on television.

All the time.

You would totally love it.

We have Twice, who love you so much,

They put the first letter of your name in the title of their song.


We have Black Pink, which is 2NE1 with new members.

We have Seventeen, but I don't know if you wanna grab them by the Boom Boom.

South Korea is totally winning with music right now.


There's so many artists out there right now,

There's gotta be at least one of them, who would totally come and sing at your next inauguration


We know it's gotta be America first.

But we just wanna ask,

How about

South Korea second?

What's up guys?

I made this video in response to all of the videos that have been popping up on the web,

Produced by different tv shows or whatever.

Introducing Donald Trump to their respective countries.

And of course the Dutch were actually the first to start this.

So I thought, me being Dutch, and us being so good at these

Satirical parody videos,

I thought I would do one for South Korea, since my channel is about South Korean culture.

This is by no means meant to be offensive to South Korea in any way.

If anything, this is me writing a love letter in a weird way to South Korea.

Cuz I really love the country.

But I guess this was more meant to be satirical towards the new American president,

Because, let's just say, he's not my favorite.

If you liked it, give me a thumps up, write a comment

Share it with your friends, subscribe to this channel if you haven't already,

And then I will see you with the next video, bye!

For more infomation >> SOUTH-KOREA Welcomes TRUMP In His Own Words - Duration: 3:15.


Kamui Gakupo- A Doll's Voice [Türkçe Altyazılı] - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Kamui Gakupo- A Doll's Voice [Türkçe Altyazılı] - Duration: 3:21.


Does anyone know how to fix this glitch on roblox studio?? - Duration: 0:09.

For more infomation >> Does anyone know how to fix this glitch on roblox studio?? - Duration: 0:09.


Pokemon Did You Know?! Part 4 - Duration: 3:22.

Hello how are you guys doing today my name is black tarzan and today we are going to

be talking about the top 6 facts about pokemon!

Coming Up!

Guys before I start off the video I would just like to everyone watching this video

right now to subscribe to my youtube channel!

Join the black tarzan army today!

Polar Opposites.

In the anime, it's clear that Pikachu and Meowth are on completely opposite sides.

This is intentional, and is based on the animals that they were created to look like: a mouse

and a cat.

Another hint at this is that their Pokedex numbers (25 and 52) are exact opposites.

Shadow Of A Doubt.

Speaking of opposites, there's another Pokemon duo that is thought by many to be exact opposites.

Gengar is the shadow Pokemon, and many believe that he earned that name because he's actually

Clefable's shaow come to life.

The two Pokemon look very similar, and their (original) Ghost/Normal typings ensure that

neither can ever touch eachother, much like a person and his shadow.

Famous Pikachu.

Pokemon Yellow gave players the opportunity to play the game in a similar style to how

the anime unfolded, which involved starting with a special Pikachu that followed you around.

If the Pikachu from Pokemon Yellow is uploaded to Pokemon Stadium, then it becomes even more

like the anime.

The uploaded Pikachu is voiced by Ash's Pikachu's atual voice actor Ikue Ohtani and has unique

sound effects.

Celebrity Pokemon.

There are two Pokemon in the game that are actually based on real Hollywood celebrities.

The punching Pokemon Hitmonchan is based on Jackie Chan, and the kicking Pokemon Hitmonlee

is based on Bruce Lee.

Do It for The Vine?

Tangela is just a clump of vines.

That's why gamers were shocked that it couldn't learn the move Vine Whip until generation


Make A Splash.

Splash is widely known as the most useless move in the entire game.

Made famous by Magikarp, the move expanded to be known by numerous Pokemon including

Hoppip, Spoink, and Buneary.

Gamers were confused about why non-Water types would know the move, and why the move was

typed as Normal.

The answer comes from the fact that in Japan it's called "Hop," and that's how it's really

meant to be interpreted.

Definitely be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel called black tarzan.

I would greatly appreciate if you took the time to show your support for my channel,

by hitting that red subscribe button below this video.

It would honestly mean the world to me!

My name is black tarzan.

Thank you so much for watching.

I really appreciate it!


For more infomation >> Pokemon Did You Know?! Part 4 - Duration: 3:22.


Hypothesis Testing - Introductory Statistics - Duration: 5:00.

In this video we'll take a look at null

and alternative hypotheses.

Now the null hypothesis means there's no

effect, or nothing happened,

or there's no difference. The null

hypothesis is often represented by H Sub

zero. And it makes a statement about the

population, not the sample. So in other

words we put population values or

symbols in our null hypothesis. Now the

alternative hypothesis is really the

opposite. It states or it means that

there was an effect, or something

happened, or there was a difference.

The alternative hypothesis is often

represented by H sub 1 or H sub A,

and it also makes a statement about the

population, not the sample. So if we take

a look at these two side-by-side, once

again, in review, the null is stated by H sub 0

the alternative is H sub 1 or H sub A. The

null basically states

nothing happened, and look at the

opposite here, the alternative states

something happened. Or the null can state

no effect, the alternative states there

was an effect. And, finally, the null can

state no difference effectively, and the

alternative would state the opposite,

there was a difference.

And once again both hypotheses refer

to the population.

Let's go ahead and take a look at an

example using the Pearson correlation or

Pearson's r.

Now correlation measures the degree of the

linear relationship, if there's any at

all, between two variables, and it's known

as Pearson's r.

Let's go and take a look at the null and

alternative hypotheses for correlation,

or fir Pearson's r here. In words the

null would state there is not a

relationship between the two variables

in the population. The alternative would

state the opposite: it would state there

is a relationship between the two

variables in the population.

Notice how the null states no effect, or

there's no relationship, whereas the

alternative states there is an effect, or

there is a relationship. Using symbols we

could say the following: the null, and

that little thing that looks like a p

there, that stands for rho, and it's the

correlation in the population. So we

would say null rho x,y equals 0 and then

the alternative would say rho x,y does

not equal zero. Or, in other words, the

null would state there's no correlation

between x and y, two variables in the

population, whereas the alternative would state

there is a correlation between the two

variables, x and y, in the population. And 0

here means no relationship in

correlation. So when the null says it's

equal to 0, it's saying there's no

relationship. When the alternative says

it's not equal to 0, it stating there is

a relationship. So, in review, the null

states there's no effect or zero relationship,

whereas the alternative states there is

an effect, or a non-zero relationship. Now

hypotheses need to be mutually exclusive

and exhaustive. Exclusive means there's

no overlap between the null and the

alternative. And if you look at our two

statements up above, where it says

rho x,y equals 0, and

rho x,y does not equal zero, notice

that those do not overlap at all, equals

and not equals

are completely non overlapping. It's

either 0, which is the null in that case,

or it's not zero, which is the


So they're completely exclusive, they do

not overlap.

And then exhaustive means they must

cover, or exhaust, all possibilities, the

null and alternative when taken together.

And notice that they do, as every

possible value for Pearson's r is either

0 or not 0, so it does exhaust all

possibilities. So once again its

exclusive, because they don't overlap, and

it's exhaustive, because they cover all


Now notice how

the alternative has a not equal sign,

implying that the alternative hypothesis

can be either greater than zero, or less

than zero, or in other words correlation

can be positive or negative.

This is known as a two-tailed test, since

the alternative hypothesis consists of

two possibilities, either greater than

zero or less than zero.

Alternatively, one-tailed tests can also

be used in hypothesis testing, and we'll

examine one-tailed tests in another


OK, that's it. Thanks for watching.

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