Monday, February 13, 2017

Youtube daily report w Feb 13 2017

For our fourth day in Saigon, Ms. Van showed us around in her car.

First, we drove to Binh Quoi village for a short break from the urban environment.

Then, we did a driving tour of Chinatown where we saw markets,

Quan Am pagoda,

and St. Xavier Church.

This week we'll show you accessibility info and take a closer look at the places we visited.

For now, enjoy this brief overview of Day 4.

For more infomation >> DAY 4 IN SAIGON | Driving with Ms Van - Duration: 1:32.


Building Your Tomorrow Today

For more infomation >> Building Your Tomorrow Today


NUSR-ET'E GİTTİK ! - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> NUSR-ET'E GİTTİK ! - Duration: 3:18.


Supergirl 2x12 ''Luthors'' Sneak Peek #2 Legendado - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 2x12 ''Luthors'' Sneak Peek #2 Legendado - Duration: 1:20.


Você NÃO vai ficar RICO - Se continuar fazendo essas coisas - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> Você NÃO vai ficar RICO - Se continuar fazendo essas coisas - Duration: 14:34.


Plato - Part 1 - Duration: 6:13.


I'm Professor Paul Tempone and we

continuing our philosophy classes,

and today we will address a theme

also very interesting and comprehensive,

necessary and that will give the whole basis of

philosophy to this day.

Today we will talk about philosophy


Platonic philosophy

Plato, the most important continuer

Socrates's work.

Philosophy gave his first major systematization,

since the investigations of the pioneers philosophers

all aspects

which were the themes of Western thought,

It is not only systematic,

but expressed in the new terms by Plato.

The strength of this synthesis

It is such that virtually everything that philosophy,

from Plato, of course.

It will take as its theme, originates in it.

Is to deepen their thinking,

that is to refute it.

Plato is 28 years old, when his teacher Socrates

He is sentenced to death by

Democratic Court of Athens,

in 399 before our era.

Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth,

not honor the city of gods and

do not settle for what is.

He does not even try to defend himself,

bids farewell serenely friends and dies

taking a cup of hemlock.

poison extracted from a plant growing in

swamps around the city.

As we just saw Plato was Socrates' disciple

and experienced all this passage of Greek democracy,

for Plato, the life of Athens is living proof

than Socrates showed the report,

with your questions,

the false knowledge of men.

Especially, with regard to human values.

As Plato himself says in an autobiographical letter

the Athenian policy, which boasted

the fairest of governments, degenerated drowning in injustice.

"The law and morality were

the point that I corrupted before full

burning to work for the public good,

considering this situation and

seeing that everything was heading to drift,

I ended up stunned. "

Very well,

the condemnation of Socrates summarizes this

state of affairs,

disillusioned, Plato abandons the ideal of

powered political participation

from youth.

then purchase a property on the outskirts of Athens

and there founded, around 387 BC,

a school, the gym.

Where he develops all his studies.

The gym is not a

school institution in the modern sense,

but a kind of brotherhood

that freely discusses issues regarding

such as mathematics, music and astronomy.

In addition to properly philosophical questions.

At the entrance a motto indicates the Pythagorean inspiration:

"Not among those who do not know geometry."

The theory of Plato

Plato makes the city policy crisis

a subject of reflection,

looking for a solid foundation for human behavior,

understanding that such conduct does not

They justify themselves

or opinions related to them.

We must move away from practical life of men,

looking away to another place,

where one can find the truth.

To make it matter of contemplation.

Convinced that the theory itself

can provide criteria

to human actions,

Plato seeks to develop systematic thinking,

coherent, able to face

all the difficulties with its own resources.

Initial moral political problem,

Your inquiry will unfold in

several directions.

All interconnected.

The possibility of theoretical knowledge

which is based in itself

and to ensure its validity only

the strength of its financial statements

is what characterizes the method that Plato

called Dialectic.

Originally this word designated a technical discussion

and in this sense, is cultivated art and taught by the Sophists

The Sophists are first philosophers

the Socratic period.

They said the teachings of philosophers cosmologists were filled

errors and contradictions, and that they had not

useful for the life of the Polis.

They presented themselves as masters of oratory

or rhetoric, proposing to teach

young people the art of persuasion.

But for Plato dialectic is something else.

His model is the Socratic dialogues

whose precise chain of reasoning

impossible rebuttals.

Socrates produced a negative know,

He led his interlocutors to know they knew nothing.

Plato, by contrast, wants to produce a positive to know

dialogues meet this goal,

through statements and objections to them

It will form a consensus, as the conclusions

resulting are incontestable

and do not allow any other solution.

This step mode in step

thought separates

what is apparent and what is essential.

For more infomation >> Plato - Part 1 - Duration: 6:13.


Learn how to choose watermelons at the time of purchase! - Duration: 1:58.

Learn how to choose watermelons at the time of purchase! With these hot days in the summer, we try

fresh food that provides the feeling of freshness. And sure watermelon

meets this regard.

The problem is always time to choose ideal watermelon, so it is tasty. a

farmer indicates 5 ways to hit the purchase.

- Size: The ideal size is the average.

- Sex: Yes watermelon have sex! The elongated, high

and slurries are male. Round, more incredibly low and sweet are female.

- Yellowish stain: Whole watermelon will have a stained region

if it is yellow or orange is good for purchase.

- Far end: The end should be drier. this indicates

What is more mature.

- Dark spots or bee brands: Most watermelons have pollinated brands

bees. These areas are dark and indicate more bees touched the fruit, that is

sweeter be.

For more infomation >> Learn how to choose watermelons at the time of purchase! - Duration: 1:58.


Louis CK - I'm Half Dead - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Louis CK - I'm Half Dead - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 4:46.


Documentário - Banco de Bitcoin - Duration: 1:23:41.

For more infomation >> Documentário - Banco de Bitcoin - Duration: 1:23:41.


Placenta previa - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 3:56.

Placenta previa means "placenta first," because the placenta is the first thing within

the uterine cavity.

In this condition, the placenta implants in the lower uterus, close to or even covering

the uterine opening, called the internal cervical os, and it can therefore easily bleed, which

usually happens after 20 weeks of gestation.

Normally the placenta implants in the upper uterus, and it's unclear why it implants in

the lower uterus.

One hypothesis is that the placenta implants lower down when the endometrium in the upper

uterus is not well vascularized.

In fact, endometrial damage from things like a previous cesarean section, an abortion (which

could be induced or spontaneous), uterine surgery, and multiparity or multiple pregnancies

can decrease vascularization and increase the risk of placenta previa.

In other cases, risk factors for placenta previa include having multiple placentas or

a placenta with a larger than normal surface area, which can both happen with twins or

triplets, as well as maternal age of 35 years or more, intrauterine fibroids, and maternal


Placenta previa is classified by how close the placenta is to the cervical os, it can

be complete where the placenta completely covers the cervical os; partial where the

placenta partially covers the cervical os; or marginal where the edge of the placenta

extends to within 2 cm of the cervical os.

As the pregnancy progresses, the lower uterine segment grows, and if the placenta's in

the lower uterus, this growth disrupts the placental blood vessels, which can cause bleeding.

This usually a sudden onset of painless bright red bleeding that typically happens after

20 weeks gestation.

The amount of bleeding can vary, and it can be intermittent or continuous, sometimes increasing

during labor because of uterine contractions and cervical dilation.

Complications on the maternal end are related to the amount of blood loss, and fetal complications

can include hypoxia and preterm delivery.

Placenta previa is also associated with placenta accreta, which is where the placenta invades

the myometrium and becomes inseparable from the uterine wall.

Placenta previa is often diagnosed during prenatal ultrasounds, but occasionally it's

not recognized until cervical changes during labor cause bleeding to happen.

For treatment or management, the main goal is to plan for and prevent preterm birth,

and to manage maternal bleeding.

Corticosteroids can be sometimes given to help enhance fetal lung maturity.

For minor maternal bleeding, bed rest is usually sufficient, but for major bleeding, blood

products and intravenous fluids might be used to support hemodynamic stability.

In some severe cases, where the maternal hemodynamics are worrisome and the fetal heart rate tracing

shows signs of fetal hypoxia, an immediate cesarean section can be performed.

Alright, as a quick recap, placenta previa describes a placenta that's in the lower

uterus instead of the upper uterus.

The internal cervical os might be covered completely, partially, or marginally, and

this can bleeding that's painless and bright red, and can increase the likelihood of a

preterm delivery and fetal hypoxia.

Thanks for watching, you can help support us by donating on Patreon, subscribing to

our channel, or telling your friends about us on social media.

For more infomation >> Placenta previa - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 3:56.


Como Remover Berne em Animal (Gato) - Duration: 8:24.

Como Remover Berne em Animais Gato

How to Remove Botflies on Animals Cat

it starts to come out without harm ya

pretty calm about it

yeah so far i must not hurt

oh that's gotta feel ya sry is not


look at that I've done through there

like yeah he didn't add more juice for

the count

oh come on outside

yeah or just a number on that we got

paramedic in a backpack

watch out kid

alright that feels that ok i know you're


thank you that's ok what's the percent

on the light

yeah breathe

yeah it's pretty light duty ya givin ya


almost ready

well neither do some more juice and oh

right way about my love sometimes joke

about something like Milan yeah yeah


EU TB shouldn't sit down in there about

how our little bit at a time will be

about you

come on sucker

who wants me to eat this

yes little smaller there with points3

cut it open

okay okay i gotta recharge razorblade

brand-new in the bucket is my wife

screaming growl disclosed me a call okay

he then uses only on working people who

like Andrew oh well when Kelly and ya

insides out basically right Yes No

believe you guys out of rupture

eventually decides little more in there

right by our warm claret eventually but

it's early

what else can we look at the alcohol for

if i give you a smaller strange that out

no but it might be able to belittle the


really yeah my my help you got home

almost almost non-existent you're going

to get office that you're going


no we might become know you know you

want to use these pieces on your

eyebrows I'm warning ya key without the

old yeah yeah

walk your dog how ya been more like wash

yeah so cool

my program poor kitty going to get more

when gap back really quick Syrian

situation sometimes you go go to pretty

good its second I without heart is

pretty calm about it for box must hurt

not yet a favor SI y is that fine i'll

get that done till they're like yeah

he's pretty mad

For more infomation >> Como Remover Berne em Animal (Gato) - Duration: 8:24.


Resident Evil 4 PT 1080p 60fps Chapter 4-2 El Gigante Team - Duration: 30:17.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Resident Evil 4 PT 1080p 60fps Chapter 4-2 El Gigante Team - Duration: 30:17.


Highlights #3 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Highlights #3 - Duration: 2:18.


GWENT - Scoia'Tael Resiliência / Scoia'Tael Resilience (PT-BR + EN sub) [v0.8.60] - Duration: 11:59.

Resilient. That's what today's deck is about. In case you don't know, Resilient is when a unit

stays to the next round. If you wanna see a non-Dwarf Resilient deck, come with me

Hello, hello Gwenters Henrique speaking

First of all, some news, as usual. As you can see, the game is back to Portuguese, and that's because

some of my oldest subscribers complained about the change, and in respect to them, I'm returning it to the way it was

One thing that is good for you to know is that I'll be making some tests like that from time to time,

and I'll be using your feedback to either maintain or discard each one of them

So, today's deck is about Resilient, so our main units are MAHAKAM DEFENDER and YARPEN ZIGRIN

that we can play using the skill of our Leader BROUVER HOOG, that plays a Silver card from your deck

but it's not a dwarf deck, so you won't find a BARCLAY ELS, nor a ZOLTAN CHIVAY

So, we're using 3 ELVEN MERCENARY with 3 FIRST LIGHT so the ELVEN can play it, a Scoia'tael must have combo

A SWALLOW POTION that counter YENNEFER: THE CONJURER. We play it at a Resilient card

and leave that only 1 target for YENNEFER to hit for a long time

ALZUR'S THUNDER, so we can have some control, and COMMANDER'S HORN,

since most of our cards are played at the same row, actually that's why we're using 2 HAWKER HEALER

We have MAHAKAM GUARD, that buffs, and HAWKER SMUGGLER, that is the first one you play

KING OF BEGGARS will play HAWKER HEALER. And we use the three witchers, because that's a meta that

makes a lot of points at round 1. Northern Realms have that combo where one brings the another

and Monsters have the CRONES, so we have to respond to that the best way we can

AGLAIS, so we can reuse the HORN, for instance. SCHIRRU, also to have some control

BEKKER'S TWISTED MIRROR, because it's a meta full of strong units, Mirror makes a gigantic swap

so it can win you a lost game, or even if it's not so useful, you can still play it to activate SCHIRRU

and burn the opponent's strongest card

And as it's a deck with lots of units, SASKIA is very important

So let's go to the game. I'm not first anymore, I'm second, but as it takes too long for it to find a

ranked match, I'll play a casual match, but in Twitch ( I'll pursue that first place live,

probably with that same deck, so go check it out

So our opponent is a Dagon, Monsters, a tough deck,let's see if our own can beat it

So, we're gonna redraw one of the witchers. I think we can redraw a FIRST LIGHT 'cause we want ELVEN MERCENARY to play it

Let's redraw one of the witchers now. And I think it's best if KING OF BEGGARS plays HAWKER HEALER. Redraw.

We hope that ELVEN MERCENARY doesn't play HORN, otherwise our skill will get pretty useless

He makes 24 points. Our witcher can make 19. So we play our YARPEN

And if he pass, 'cause usually Monsters passes after playing a CRONE. This time he didn't

I'll play ELVEN MERCENARY to see what does it play. Ok, it played ALZUR'S THUNDER

Which one did he play again? 'Cause it's good to play ALZUR'S THUNDER on which he played

I'm not sure. I'm gonna hit the Strength: 9 one. It's good to know which CRONE he played, not to kill it, but to weaken it

Well, let's play MAHAKAM DEFENDER, so we start buffing it

Ok, he counters our buff. We play our witchers to make a lot of points. We make it even, actually

Our better option now is to play a SWALLOW POTION and make lots of points with the witchers

Try to save some cards, since we don't have a Resilient, unfortunately

Ok, he plays Vran Warrior. He'll try an All-In. Let's use our KING OF BEGGARS

We too can make a lot of points at this round, even with the lack of Resilients, so no need to worry

Of course, he has the passive effect, he'll keep something and we won't

Ok, he makes a ton more points. I'll play this MAHAKAM GUARD now

Ok, a AVALLAC'H that will get him some advantage. This one would be great for us to bring a MAHAKAM

And that's what I'll try to do. Ok, we have another chance. Good, we got our Resilient, finally

We have some options to buff it. HAWKER HEALER, SASKIA and HORN. Better play our HEALER, and then HORN.

And now we use HORN. We make TONS of point with our HORN, which doesn't double anymore, unfortunately

WOW! What a fantastic DIMERITIUM BOMB he plays now. And there's nothing else we can do now but to pass

That DIMERITIUM BOMB finished our strategy for good. It'd be great for us to get a BEKKER'S TWISTED MIRROR now

It's always better to start with HAWKER SMUGGLER, despite it's not so good at round 2, 'cause there's less cards

But it is the best play we can do right now

I think SCHIRRU wouldn't be a bad idea. He'll probably use his DAGON, or at least pass. Great, his using DAGON

And when SCHIRRU works, OMG, get out of the way. Let's use a Rally to see what we get, it'd be great if...

Ok, it'd be great if it was the other Defender. With that card I don't know if he can beat us

He can. He'll try something else

Well, he plays GRAVE HAG, but unfortunately to him we play SASKIA, that will kill his witch

And he gives up 'cause he knows that without his witch he can't make a good round 3

And we manage to beat a Monsters deck, that is very badass, which by the way was the theme of our last video

And in case you liked this deck, in Gold it only uses BEKKER'S TWISTED MIRROR, that costs 200

The rest are all Legendarys. The most important is AGLAIS, for sure, so I'll give you some options for you to

trade that SCHIRRU and that SASKIA. You can replace them with YENNEFER: THE CONJURER, that is 200 and is very strong

ZOLTAN CHIVAY is not bad in this deck, although is not ideal, but it matches with the deck strategy, and it's 200, so it's good

CIRI also always a great option, and GERALT 12, that comes for free, great alternative as well

So, we have two free options (GERALT and CIRI) and two 200 options (YENNEFER: THE CONJURER and ZOLTAN CHIVAY)

And you'll be well served on Gold

Silver, the only Legendary we use is KING OF BEGGARS. You can always use DECOY that you get on level 20

to bring back HAWKER HEALER, or MAHAKAM GUARD, so you can have more buffs, what is great in this deck

You can also use a SKELLIGE STORM to use Weather either on Ranged or Siege, and it works well

NATURE'S GIFT, in case you have it, is not a bad idea, and even TORUVIEL to play at Melee and buff even more

And if you also use a SCHIRRU, your opponent will have to guess if it's one or another, and that's a good bonus

I know that a lot of people will want to put more MAHAKAM GUARD, it's definetely not bad

You can put it in instead of that HAWKER SMUGGLER, or the extra HAWKER HEALER, if you want

Or even a SWALLOW POTION. Or, if you're hardcore and don't care about having some control,

you can also remove ALZUR'S THUNDER

And who guessed the SECRET CARD was K Barlow. I know, Pedro will complain because he commented earlier

But the rules are: The first one who guess at the official topic, and that was K Barlow

So that's why he's the one whose name is being shown. It's a good practice for when I start to give prizes

And here is the next SECRET CARD. Congratulations to K Barlow for guessing the last one right.

And now, don't forget, the answer only counts if it's given on the official comment "Qual é a Carta Secreta?", ok?

Hope you guys liked this deck. Scoia'tael is my favorite faction and I'm enjoying playing ranked with it

By the way, again, I'm playing at Twitch in my quest to recover my First Place, with a similar deck

So, leave the thumbs up, write at the comments which version of Scoia'tael Resilient deck you use,

or if you play with the Dwarf deck, how is your score

Just reminding that if you are having trouble with Weather, with this deck you can always buff on

your opponents Weather with HAWKER HEALER or COMMANDER'S HORN. Sometimes you don't even

have to remove his Frost. You just buff all units again, 'cause this deck for sure can recuperate the score

That's it, I hope you guys enjoyed it, see you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> GWENT - Scoia'Tael Resiliência / Scoia'Tael Resilience (PT-BR + EN sub) [v0.8.60] - Duration: 11:59.


Be A Lego Hero

For more infomation >> Be A Lego Hero


DAY 4 IN SAIGON | Driving with Ms Van - Duration: 1:32.

For our fourth day in Saigon, Ms. Van showed us around in her car.

First, we drove to Binh Quoi village for a short break from the urban environment.

Then, we did a driving tour of Chinatown where we saw markets,

Quan Am pagoda,

and St. Xavier Church.

This week we'll show you accessibility info and take a closer look at the places we visited.

For now, enjoy this brief overview of Day 4.

For more infomation >> DAY 4 IN SAIGON | Driving with Ms Van - Duration: 1:32.


Watch Do You Believe Free ...

For more infomation >> Watch Do You Believe Free ...


What They Won't Tell You About Game Of War - Duration: 5:53.

Game of War took the world by storm in 2015 with a high-profile Super Bowl commercial

featuring scantily clad supermodel Kate Upton—an advertising gimmick for which developer Machine

Zone reportedly paid $40 million.

Since then, the online strategy game has become one of the top-selling mobile apps in history.

But what's really happening behind the scenes?

Here's what you may not know about Game of War: Fire Age.

Celebrity faces

After spending millions on Kate Upton's eye-catching commercial during Super Bowl XLIX, Machine

Zone went for a change of pace—and a change of face.

The next superstar to appear in a Game of War commercial was none other than pop star

Mariah Carey.

"Time to be heroes, guys."

The dragon-slaying diva spent a total of two seconds on screen but reportedly earned a

seven-figure paycheck.

To be fair, it was still more effort than she put into her New Year's Performance.


"It just don't get any better."

Of course, part of that cash probably to license rights for her song "Hero," which is played

relentlessly during the ad.

Was it as effective as the Kate Upton spot?

It's hard to say, but 2015 was definitely a grand-slam year for Game of War according

to the numbers.


It's not easy for a free game to bring in a cool million a day, but it helps if you

build your entire business model around getting players to buy stuff inside the game.

And if there's one thing Game of War is good at, it's making sure its players have a reason

to drop loads of cash on their virtual kingdoms.

Game of War is what's known as a "freemium" game—it's free to download and play, but

if you really want to have a chance in the game, you need to pay for the premium content.

"With mobile apps, we now have the ability to make games that are boring and stupid.

But, if you pay for incentives, you're rewarded!"


The 'mium' is Latin for 'not really.'"

In fact, Game of War makes it a point to push premium deals at just about every loading


Obviously, not every player—or even most players—will spend money to get in-game

advantages, but there are enough who are willing to do just that to make Game of War one of

the top-grossing mobile apps of our time.

It also helps that gamers are spending way more than the average on this app -- six times

as much, in fact.

According to the stats, whereas ordinary mobile gamers spend about $86.50 to play, Game of

War fans are dropping an average of $550 a year, mostly to rack up on those gold packages

that cost a whopping $99.99 apiece.

"I gotta do it, man."

A heaping heist

Game of War is so addictive that one guy stole $1 million to pay for his playing habits.

Actually, he stole $4.8 million, but he spent $1 million of his lifted loot on Game of War.

Californian Kevin Co reportedly spent seven years – from 2008 to 2015 – embezzling

funds as an accountant for a company specializing in construction equipment.

He used most of the money for big ticket items like cars and sports seats, your standard

embezzlement candy, but somewhere along the way he decided that a free mobile game was

worth $1 million of his hard-stolen money.

There's no record of exactly what he bought in the game, but really, does it matter?

That Precious Golem Ring won't help him in prison.

Critical cuts

For all the money Game of War is raking in for Machine Zone, it may be one of the most

hated games of the past few years.

Critics have pointed out its practically nonexistent gameplay, the massive wait times to do anything

useful, and the circular nature of the entire system—you basically build things so you

can build more things in the future.

But more than anything, most critic reviews call out Game of War as nothing more than

a shameless cash grab.

Basically, if you aren't a big spender, you can spend months building your kingdom just

to be slaughtered by a newcomer with deep pockets.

"Build quickly… or be destroyed quickly."

But for all that hate from on high, Game of War must be doing something right.

On top of raking in more cash than some countries' entire gross domestic products, Game of War

also garnered a respectable rating on the Google Play store from its million-plus reviewers.

As much as critics seem to love hating it, you can't argue with the numbers.

With over 50,000,000 downloads at this point, Game of War is definitely popular.

But how popular is it really?


It's still not top dog

In spite of the tens of millions of dollars Machine Zone has spent to reach the top, Game

of War is still only ranked fourth in top-grossing iPhone games, behind Candy Crush Saga, Pokemon

GO, and Clash Royale.

And that's pretty far behind, too, if you go by the numbers.

Although Game of War pulled in over $1 million a day in 2015, their daily revenue has dropped

to $720,000 while Clash Royale is currently raking in over $2 million each day.

Holy hell.

Real world impact

While Machine Zone started out as a game developer, the company's CEO, Gabriel Leydon, has always

had bigger plans.

He told Bloomberg that Machine Zone is more than just a few hundred guys building a popular

mobile app, saying, "We're a technology company…we're not really a game company."

He certainly seems to be on the right track.

The company rebranded itself as simply 'MZ' in April of 2016, and in May 2016, they signed

a contract with the New Zealand government to use Game of War's technology to improve

the country's public transportation.

Using the system the game incorporates to keep track of millions of players simulataneously,

Leydon's real-world system will track and manage the network structure for an entire


"Soon the entire… entire cities will be networked in one real-time environment, which

will create a level of efficiency that the world hasn't seen yet."

Is that ambition savvy or just plain scary?

You be the judge.

"Krusty wants out!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What They Won't Tell You About Game Of War - Duration: 5:53.


Injustice 2 Swamp Thing Gameplay Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:40.

Swamp Thing?! What an interesting character to add

to Injustice 2!

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 Swamp Thing Gameplay Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:40.


Trump's Security Adviser Flynn under fire - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Trump's Security Adviser Flynn under fire - Duration: 7:01.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 218 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 218 - Duration: 5:53.


Man Reunited With Dog Stranded On Mt.Baldy After Hiking Accident - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Man Reunited With Dog Stranded On Mt.Baldy After Hiking Accident - Duration: 0:44.


Did You Ever Notice These 10 Disney Easter Eggs? - Duration: 6:14.

Who doesn't love an Easter egg?

No, we're not talking about the egg-shaped shells of chocolate goodness that have somehow

come to be a part of celebrating the resurrection of Christ, we're talking about the unexpected

features and references in movies that eagle-eyed viewers enjoy hunting for.Disney definitely

love Easter eggs.

Their movies are littered with countless examples for audiences to spot - and, in this video,

we're going to run you through some of the better examples in your favourite Disney offerings.

So sit back and relax, because you don't even need to try when it comes to finding these

Easter eggs - we've got you covered - and don't forget to subscribe to our channel,

so you can watch more video like this whenever you log on.

Here are ten Easter eggs hidden in your favourite Disney movies.

The Little Mermaid Let's start with a real classic - in every

sense of the word.

1989's The Little Mermaid is a quintessential Disney movie - and it features cameos from

some of Walt Disney's utmost classic Disney mascots.When King Triton assembles a large

crowd of sea-dwelling beings in the movie's opening scenes, none other than Mickey Mouse

himself, Donald Duck and Goofy can be seen amongst the crowd.

But there's also a fun non-Disney cameo in the same scene; Kermit the Frog can be seen

loitering a few rows behind the iconic Disney trio.

The Incredibles One of the best known and most regularly occurring

Disney Pixar Easter eggs is the mentioning of "A113" - whether it be spoken or written

down somewhere within a movie.

It's the number of the classroom at the California Institute of Arts where many of Pixar's

earlier animators learned their trade.A prime example is in 2004's The Incredibles (in which

it is actually mentioned on more than one occasion).

Mirage says to Mr. Incredible "you'll be briefed on your assignment in the conference room

at two.

D Wing, room A-113."

Toy Story 2 Another recurring Easter egg in Disney Pixar

movies is the inclusion of the Pixar corporate mascot, Luxo Jr. - the little desk lamp that

appears on the production logo of every Pixar movie.It has appeared in a number of movies

in various forms, but none were more imaginative than its appearance in 1999's Toy Story 2.

It appears in a scene in which Buzz Lightyear flies back down to Earth.

Luxo J. can be seen in the night sky as a constellation in the vast sea of stars.

Toy Story 3 Ready for some trainspotting?

Good.In the opening sequence of 2010's Toy Story 3, there's a runaway train that can

be seen bearing the number "95".

That number is a reference to the number on Lightning McQueen in the Cars franchise which

is, in turn, a reference to 1995 - the year that the first Toy Story movie was released.

Two Easter eggs for the price of one!

We're spoiling you here!

Cars Having just mentioned the Cars franchise in

a Toy Story entry, it's now time to do the reverse.

In 2006's Cars, there's a race called the Piston Cup - and all of the cars taking part

in said race have tyres of a brand that is a clear reference to a certain Toy Story character.Instead

of being "Goodyear" - like a lot of real world tyres - these tyres are all of the fictional

brand "Lightyear".

This is, of course, taken from the name of Buzz Lightyear - one of the heroes from the

aforementioned Toy Story movies.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame Back to another Disney animated classic now

- it's 1996's The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

The majority of the movie takes place in a single cathedral, which you'd imagine would

restrict the number of cameos Disney could squeeze in - but that's not actually the case

at all!The opening scene alone sneaks in a vendor selling Aladdin's magic carpet, as

well as Belle from Beauty and the Beast out for a walk.

And Pumbaa from The Lion King franchise even makes an appearance in the movie - standing

guard as a stone gargoyle on a Paris building.

Finding Nemo Most of Finding Nemo takes place under the

sea, but there are also some scenes in a dentist's office where the titular fish finds himself

- and there are a couple of Easter eggs in there.

For one, there's a young boy waiting in said dentist's office, and he's reading a comic

with a picture of Mr. Incredible on it.Moreover, as Nemo is looking around said dentist's office

for a way to escape the fish tank he's being kept in, a Buzz Lightyear figure can be seen

lying on the floor in the corner.

Lilo & Stitch Fa Mulan - star of Disney's 1998 movie Mulan

- disguised herself as a man in order to go to war in place of her aging war veteran father.

As a result, she clearly made an impression on the cast of characters in the world of

Lilo & Stitch!The 2002 Disney movie has a couple of Easter eggs, both of which honour

the brave girl.

For one, a poster of Mulan hangs on Lilo's sister Nani's wall.

Second, the family in the movie even walk past a restaurant called "Mulan Wok",

which appears to be quite clearly named after her.

References to a Film That Never Was This one's a little bit different.

Pixar are known for their foreshadowing Easter eggs - by which we mean they like to include

Easter eggs that make reference to their movies that haven't actually been released yet.

In this case, it's a movie that didn't actually end up getting released at all.A shelved production

called Newt was referenced by way of a "Newt Crossing" sign on Andy's door in Toy Story

3, and the witch in 2012's Brave can also be seen holding a newt up when she's concocting

a spell.

Every Pixar Film For our final entry, we get less specific,

as this Easter egg applies to every single Disney Pixar film that was ever made.John

Ratzenberger - yeah, the guy from Cheers and the Coors commercials - has voiced a character

in every Pixar film to date (and will no doubt continue to do so going forward, because Pixar

consider him to be their good luck charm).

His characters have included the likes of Toy Story's Hamm, A Bug's Life's P.T.

Flea, The Incredibles' Underminer and Mack from Cars.

Thanks for watching our video about ten Easter eggs hidden in your favourite Disney movies.

What other fun or interesting Easter eggs can you think of from Disney offerings?

Have your say in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for

more great videos like this one.

For more infomation >> Did You Ever Notice These 10 Disney Easter Eggs? - Duration: 6:14.


Placenta previa - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 3:56.

Placenta previa means "placenta first," because the placenta is the first thing within

the uterine cavity.

In this condition, the placenta implants in the lower uterus, close to or even covering

the uterine opening, called the internal cervical os, and it can therefore easily bleed, which

usually happens after 20 weeks of gestation.

Normally the placenta implants in the upper uterus, and it's unclear why it implants in

the lower uterus.

One hypothesis is that the placenta implants lower down when the endometrium in the upper

uterus is not well vascularized.

In fact, endometrial damage from things like a previous cesarean section, an abortion (which

could be induced or spontaneous), uterine surgery, and multiparity or multiple pregnancies

can decrease vascularization and increase the risk of placenta previa.

In other cases, risk factors for placenta previa include having multiple placentas or

a placenta with a larger than normal surface area, which can both happen with twins or

triplets, as well as maternal age of 35 years or more, intrauterine fibroids, and maternal


Placenta previa is classified by how close the placenta is to the cervical os, it can

be complete where the placenta completely covers the cervical os; partial where the

placenta partially covers the cervical os; or marginal where the edge of the placenta

extends to within 2 cm of the cervical os.

As the pregnancy progresses, the lower uterine segment grows, and if the placenta's in

the lower uterus, this growth disrupts the placental blood vessels, which can cause bleeding.

This usually a sudden onset of painless bright red bleeding that typically happens after

20 weeks gestation.

The amount of bleeding can vary, and it can be intermittent or continuous, sometimes increasing

during labor because of uterine contractions and cervical dilation.

Complications on the maternal end are related to the amount of blood loss, and fetal complications

can include hypoxia and preterm delivery.

Placenta previa is also associated with placenta accreta, which is where the placenta invades

the myometrium and becomes inseparable from the uterine wall.

Placenta previa is often diagnosed during prenatal ultrasounds, but occasionally it's

not recognized until cervical changes during labor cause bleeding to happen.

For treatment or management, the main goal is to plan for and prevent preterm birth,

and to manage maternal bleeding.

Corticosteroids can be sometimes given to help enhance fetal lung maturity.

For minor maternal bleeding, bed rest is usually sufficient, but for major bleeding, blood

products and intravenous fluids might be used to support hemodynamic stability.

In some severe cases, where the maternal hemodynamics are worrisome and the fetal heart rate tracing

shows signs of fetal hypoxia, an immediate cesarean section can be performed.

Alright, as a quick recap, placenta previa describes a placenta that's in the lower

uterus instead of the upper uterus.

The internal cervical os might be covered completely, partially, or marginally, and

this can bleeding that's painless and bright red, and can increase the likelihood of a

preterm delivery and fetal hypoxia.

Thanks for watching, you can help support us by donating on Patreon, subscribing to

our channel, or telling your friends about us on social media.

For more infomation >> Placenta previa - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 3:56.


Dota 2 | Team Secret - MidOne MMR Discussion! | Exclusive Interview - Duration: 2:08.

You recently became the first person to hit 8000mmr on the SEA servers.

How important do you think mmr is at establishing a players worth?

For more infomation >> Dota 2 | Team Secret - MidOne MMR Discussion! | Exclusive Interview - Duration: 2:08.


Why Villains Are Terrible - Fixing General Zod (HD) - Duration: 11:47.

Bad Guys in Superhero movies are...




Craps a better word

Bad guys are crap. Here's why.

Scarface: "So say goodnight to the bad guy!"

I'm the bad guy!

I mean...I'm Neary

It's nearly impossible to tell a great story without a threat.

Joker: "Hi"

And no just for comic book movies

which I'll focus on,

This is for any genre

any medium.

If all you every shot down was a Womp Rat in your T-16

then you're not going to be remembered.

(Even if they are only 2 metres)

But if you destroy the most powerful weapon in the universe

then suddenly you've got yourself a hero.

(Settle down)

A protagonist is only as good as the obstacle he is up against.

Climbing a dangerous mountain

is more impressive than if you climbed a bookshelf!

(What kind of bookshelf?)

But far too many comic book films are suffering

from what I call "Sequel Sell Anemia".

What you've got is a film,

that knows it's part of a larger universe,

and because of that it knows it's hero will survive.

So the filmmakers put all the focus on making you like the hero.

Just so they can sell the next movie.

Leaving the idea of a villain or antagonist

totally bland and anemic,

until they are diluted down to nothing more

than the threat of death (boring)

and the world ending. (double boring!)

So what does a great villain need?

Glad you asked!

(You're talking to yourself again)

There's 3 top qualities.

Number 1

Near impossible to overcome.

They should be a match for the hero,

but without being a direct opposite,

a 'mirror' version.

Should be at least equal to the hero

but preferably better in some way.

And only defeated through a flaw exposed

by the hero's spirit and daring.

NOT because they were weaker and got out-punched!

If a hero only has to use his(or her!) superpowers

to beat the villain, then that's a pile of shite.

There's no character in there.

No growth.

No lesson.

And it means the film was just delaying the easily solved problem

this entire time.

Numero two

Dangerous enough to cause the hero suffering (like the title below already says :)

If a hero starts off rich, and happy

with a loving partner

and everything is just peachy

before they have a bit of a faff about,

and the movie ends with them the same way

(What a prick)

then you've no reason to give a shit.

Sgt. Nicholas Angle: "*PLLLUBBBPPP*... Jog on!"

No one cares if a hero succeeds

it's a nice bonus

but what the audience really cares about

is their struggle.

Steve Rogers: "I can do this all day."

Life can be shit

A real shit

A real shitty, shitty, messy thing

without acts or lines.

Its improv without the witty banter.

Joker: "And I thought my jokes were bad."

And in this mess...

...we need heroes to show us something better.

Either in the world or in ourselves.

Senor Chang: "HA! Gaaaaaayyyyyy"

So seeing someone who was always winning

and always going to win,


Can you say balls?

Because it's balls. (Bollox even!)

Why should we care?

Why would we care?

It's like watching a millionaire winning the lottery.

Our beautiful villain *obligatory Tom Hiddleston shot*

mustn't be just a world threatening identity. (AKA 'a cloud')

They must get so close to winning, that the hero BARELY makes it.

They hero must be physically or emotionally challenged.

His (or her!) world views questioned.

His very perception of right and wrong put to the test.

If our hero doesn't lose something,

then we gain nothing.

Either the hero has to suffer,

or the audiences enjoyment will.

Number 3

They cannot

I repeat


be evil.

No great villain is 100% twisted.

They have to be either a reflection of the main characters story,

or their contrast.

Two sides of the same coin.

They have to have some personality.

Terminator: "Fuck you asshole."

Even those individuals who are sociopathic

have an element of understanding.

*woman crying* Bill Fisk: "And you never believed in me" *Sounds of belt slapping*


Everyone knows Hannibal Lecter is a monster.

A total psychopath.

One of cinemas greatest ever villains.

Yet there's nothing in Silence of the Lambs that turns him into a villain

before the eyes of the audience.

The character's danger is introduced through chilling dialogue alone.

He's cagey but brilliant,

frightening but fascinating,

and, for the most part, harmless.

We see the extreme lenghts everyone goes to

but crucially

We don't SEE him do anything.

Instead he's clever



and kind.

Earning our understanding and affection.

Even when he does commit murder...

...well....well no, we can't empathize with him!

(You psycho)

But, we can understand that desire for freedom.

And appreciate his determination and cunning.

Cleverly, this murder (of an 'innocent') doesn't even happen on screen

so we're not horrified by him, not repulsed.

And even at the end

we understand this... revenge.

Lecter is considered one of the greatest villains

precisely because nothing he does is villainous.

He makes sense.

Even if what he does is awful.

Hannibal: "Thank you"

And the reason it stinks for comic books

is that they've creating fantastic villains since the beginning.


Because of the endless nature of superhero stories,

the soap opera element that prevents a climax,

comics need to stay relatively stagnant.

Which is the basis of their continuity,

and the bane of development.


So death can't be permanent

because a ret-con or a reboot is just around the corner when demographics shift.

But the blessing for the medium

was how it forced writers to created villains.

Spider-man and Batman would always be back next month,

that work was done,

so villains needed to breed like megalomaniacal rabbits.

No other medium on the planet has created

the scale, scope, or variety of villainy that comic books have. (And these are only American examples!)

So why are the movies becoming so pathetic and dull?

Why not challenge the hero?

Make him suffer.

(Yeah! Hit him again! HIT HIM AGAIN!)

(Ya big rich prick)

(Ultron was your fault!)

Yes: superhero films have become a long form story.

But piling on new challenges,

showing greater bravery

and renewed commitment to moral strenght

would only serve to increase a hero's appeal.

Yes: Batman only has one Joker.

But you could challenge his mind,

his morals

his humanity,

with so many of his other villains (See 'Heart of Ice' - Batman:TAS)

Films are more than the sum of their parts

but if you improve any part

you're going to make a better film.


At the end of the day,

with 'Sequel Sell Anemia'

movies are hurting themselves

because a better villain raises the hero

which raises the story

which raises the entertainment.

I know, I sound crazy.

Ultimately superhero films today

are so diseased with making us like the hero,


it screws us out of a satisfying story.

Selling a sequel waters down what filmmakers will risk.

If someone has only one film

they'll put everything they've got into making it and more.

And that passion and commitment

will be 110%.

(That's not a real number)

Translated onto the screen

it creates a story with layers



strong characters

and a well of feeling to transmit to the audience.

If there's any one element that villains need improvement on

it's making them understandable.

Make your villain appealing,

even sympathetic.

Commodus: "I would butcher the whole world, if you would only love me..."

They had lots of chances to a great villain with Zod.

But don't chicken out!

If someone has a good motivation

don't turn him into a villain to make the hero look good by the end.

Don't have him mindlessly evil.

The hero

will look better

if he does the right thing

DESPITE how hard it is.

Zod has motivation,

but not logic behind his actions.

Why threaten Superman's home before trying to kill everyone?

Why not convert him?

Why not slap this machine elsewhere?

Why not attack him as a unit? (Like soldiers are trained to do)

There's dozens of men on that ship that could take him down easily. (at least 11)

He's not understandable.

He wanted to restore Krypton

yet that mutates into hating Earth.

And telling the guy who has lived there his entire life

his plan beforehand?

(How is he a military general?!)

And he's not appealing

and he's not sympathetic.

He's NEARLY a physical match for the hero,

but for all intents he's weaker.

He's had less time with his powers.

And he doesn't make Superman suffer.

There was no connection to Zod

so no believability in Clark's grief at having killed him.

And as for the hero

did he suffer?

Superman finished the fight and got kindness,

a new girlfriend

and a cycle ride down glistening Metropolis streets.

His life is BETTER

after Zod arrived than before.


He personally lost nothing.

So the key was making Zod sympathetic.

Which creates the best villains.

The most dangerous type of villain.

The one we understand.


What if Zod had showcased the murders

the wars, the famines

and all the horrors on Earth?

Show Zod seeing the worst in humanity.

But justifiably so

from his perspective of loving Krypton.

We would have understood this because,

hard as it is to admit

(Not that hard)

we can agree with his perspective

(KNEEL before Zod!)

And that's terrifying and fantastic

it's why we tell the stories we do.

We don't want to see nice and easy

we have a need as people to see something difficult solved.

The mountain most men wouldn't risk finally overcome,

and to see a hero learn a lesson,

and inspire us to do better ourselves.

The best villains are not memorable because of their power levels

because of their cruelty or mad schemes

It doesn't matter what the level of danger is

or how much jeopardy they represent.

It's not even because of their admirable qualities or their cool looks.

It's because the best villains are dark,

very, very dark.

BANE: "I'm necessary evil"

The best villains

make us see our terrifying true selves.

Our darkest aspects.

The failures in our hearts.

Our drive for power.

Our lust of cruelty.

How easy it would be to just take over,

and do things 'right'.

The truly great villain

is dangerous because we understand them and,

as hard as it is to admit,

we agree with them.

And in that bleak moment of hopelessness

when we worry how dark we can be,

fear how hard it is to do the right thing,

when we question humanity *Music rises*

THAT'S when we need our heroes

*Music of hope*

Not to punch things right

or walk away perfect.

We need them to show us compassion.

And ignite hope

teach us strenght

and the will to do the right thing... matter how hard it might be.

THAT'S why good villains matter to great stories.

If Zod showed us the worst in humanity

then the natural response would have been

for Clark to see our best.

*defeated music plays*

Zod talks about a second chance for Krypton

because humanity is so cruel.

And then, when we can almost agree with him,

when we're almost ashamed how easy his reasoning is to follow...

how simple we could all turn into him

follow him

become him

in that DARKEST moment...

*Superman theme*

Jor-el: "Even though you've been raised as a human being, you are not one of them..."


who was feeling the exact same thing as us

Jor-el:" They can be a great people Kal-el, they wish to be..."

Finds a way to keep beleiving.

Keep hoping.

Jor-el: "They only lack the light to show the way..."

To hold onto something the rest of us almost lost

in the dark charm of the villains beliefs.

Jor-el: "For this reason above all, their capacity for good..."

Maybe that rescued child

Jor-el: "...I have sent them you..."

That strange alien from another world

Jor-el: " only son."

Would teach us that

everyone deserves a chance.

Because in the end

heroes don't save us from the villain...

...they save us from ourselves.

Another month another rant over.

Thanks so much for watching guys, I hope you really enjoyed this video.

Leave your comments below about some of your favourite villains

or maybe the best examples you have of being heroes.

And if you want to share us around

or let your friends now this video exists

you go ahead and do that, that would be great.

And if you want to give us a like, or a dislike, or pretty much do anything

you go ahead

be free to do what you want.

You can also check us out at the rant and bollox podcast

But thanks again for watching guys

have a great day!

Erik: "I will bring you hope, old friend."

"And I ask only one thing in return..."

"Don't get in my way."

For more infomation >> Why Villains Are Terrible - Fixing General Zod (HD) - Duration: 11:47.


Sevilla Silver Electroform Curved Wide Hoop Earrings - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Sevilla Silver Electroform Curved Wide Hoop Earrings - Duration: 4:12.


How to get into an exercise routine - AND ACTUALLY STICK TO IT - Duration: 28:10.

Today, we're talking about

how to create a movement plan that you can stick to.

This is Part 5 of our five-part series,

"How to become a person who loooooves to work out."

This is where the rubber really

meets the road, when it comes to creating

your plan from all the information that

I've given you in

Parts 1-4 of this series (see links below this video).

Creating a plan and following through on it.

In part 1, we talk about why

most exercise program set you up for failure.

Part two, we talked about

healing your relationship with movement and your body.

We talked about the

history of your body when it comes to

movement. I gave you a few journaling

exercises in Part 1 & 2,

that will make more sense, and all the pieces will

come together in this video, Part 5 of the series.

In Part 3, we talked about how to shift

the way you SPEAK about exercise.

In Part 4, we talked about how to shift

the way you THINK about exercise.

There are just little tiny mind-shifts that I talk

about in the in the previous videos,

that really get you

thinking about movement in a different way.

If you haven't watched the previous videos in this series,

make sure you go back and watch them, first.

If you're watching this video on my website,

the link to all the previous videos are

right below this video.

Go ahead and watch them, because it will

help you tie all the pieces together,

as we begin to create your movement plan.

That's the biggest thing I want you

to do, before you listen to this call.

It's going to start making sense now.

The first thing you need to do when

it comes to creating a movement plan is

have some sort of

baseline goals.

Make your baseline goals eye-rolling easy.

If you participated in 21-Day Get Moving Challenge,

you know this already.

During the first 4-5 days, we did 10-minutes

of movement. That's it!

You probably even did a little bit more than

10-minutes. Maybe some days you only

did 10-minutes, and that's fine. The whole premise

behind the baseline movement goals,

is that they are eye-rolling easy.

When your baseline goals are eye-rolling easy, you are

more likely to follow through with them.

For more infomation >> How to get into an exercise routine - AND ACTUALLY STICK TO IT - Duration: 28:10.


Practical Method Negative Circle - correction by Master Chen Zhonghua - Duration: 2:59.

Mmm, mmm, mmm... no.

Only here. That's it!



Very good.


An edge... you go here, go that way.

No, no, no, no. Don't push! Go there.

No, no here. Only here.

Aaaa, here, here. That's it.

Now, again...


No, no! No move!

Only here and here.

That's it, that's it!

OK. Do it by yourself...




That's good!

Try this side.


OK. Go.

Mmm, too strong.

No, too strong.

No, no, too strong here.


No, no, no, too strong.

Aaa... Yeah, yeah, yeah! Rotate, rotate!

Stay there.

OK. Good.

Aaa...That's it!

Stay here... here, go down.

No, no. Go down.

That's it!

The hand is too flat.

A little bit down here.


You're here.

Go down here.




Ok. We'll go together, mhm...




For more infomation >> Practical Method Negative Circle - correction by Master Chen Zhonghua - Duration: 2:59.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Lucid Dreaming" (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 3:26.

"Lucid Dreaming" Music by Naive-P Lyrics by Touka Nayuta

I'm always a lost child out there

Because my thoughts blur every time

Then they fly away

The image of a falling sketch

You know I will relinquish it

Then cast it aside

Ambiguous existence

This season of illusions doesn't seem to end

While my right hand holds a sweet cigarette

I plunge into laughter at our meeting

It's like breathing with difficulty after a long time of perversion

The faces I want to forget fill me completely

You're painted with the vivid side of faded colors

I don't want it, stop it!

But no, I won't run away

"ーーI know, shall we dance by the delusion circuit?"

"In that case, I will also be gentler with myself"

"I'm aware of fear, and even though I should run,"

"I don't want to start, I don't want to give up, The End."

The future only I think of has a crooked shape

And then I'll keep running again

However that is my wish

The sloppy memory will never finish cleaning itself

Dirty or not, I'll go see you

The imperfect world will advance in instability

"Will you run away?"

I asked myself before passing by

I cast away the switch

And lay in this messy room of mine

As I open my eyes

I'm not by your side

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Lucid Dreaming" (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 3:26.


the best moment of James Corden's in GRAMMYS 2017 - Duration: 0:41.

It's a dream come true for James Corden to host The GRAMMY Awards. His opening number nearly turned into a nightmare, though. The elevator bringing him on stage got stuck and only brought him halfway up. After having to climb the rest of the way, he then fell down the stairs and lost a shoe. Meanwhile, his backup dancers were already into their full routine.

James attempted to save the number by tap-dancing with only one shoe, but ultimately had to shut the whole thing down. Luckily, the host is also an amazing rapper, because he saved the day by recapping a huge year in music with an epic rap covering everything from Beyoncé and Drake to Sturgill Simpson.

Stream the 2017 GRAMMY Awards on CBS All Access. Watch The Late Late Show weeknights at 12:37am/11:37pm c on CBS and stream full episodes on CBS All Access.

For more infomation >> the best moment of James Corden's in GRAMMYS 2017 - Duration: 0:41.


Abraham Hicks • Stop Impulse from negative vibration place • Esther Hicks Abraham Law of Attraction - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks • Stop Impulse from negative vibration place • Esther Hicks Abraham Law of Attraction - Duration: 12:45.


LA VERGÜENZA DE LOS INVISIBLES, Aún te gustaría ser invisible? por Yolanda Soria - Duration: 1:22:05.

For more infomation >> LA VERGÜENZA DE LOS INVISIBLES, Aún te gustaría ser invisible? por Yolanda Soria - Duration: 1:22:05.


Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) - Duration: 1:22.

Birth defects of the heart, known as congenital heart defects, or CHDs, are birth defects

that can affect the structure of a baby's heart and the way it works. They can affect

how blood flows through the heart and out to the rest of the body. CHDs can vary from

mild, such as a small hole in the heart, to severe, such as missing or poorly formed parts

of the heart. CHDs are the most common birth defect in babies born in the United States.

About one in 100 babies is born with a CHD. The most common type of CHD is a ventricular

septal defect, or VSD, which is a hole in the wall between the lower chambers of the


While some, especially severe, CHDs might be detected during pregnancy, some aren't

detected until after birth or later in life. During pregnancy, an ultrasound at 11 to 13

weeks will look for extra fluid on the baby's neck, which may suggest a CHD. If a CHD is

suspected, your doctor might order a special ultrasound for the heart, called a fetal echocardiogram.

At birth, a CHD might be suspected if the baby has gray or blue skin, fast breathing,

or a heart murmur.

For more infomation >> Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) - Duration: 1:22.


Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X - Duration: 8:48.

Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X

For so many years I had heard reports of a mysterious 9th or 10th planet in deep space

(if you still count Pluto as a planet) commonly referred to as �Planet X� or �Niburu�


Nibiru � meaning the bright star of the crossing).

Mainstream scientists and government agencies were quick to dismiss the possibility of this

unknown planet as sheer �quackery.� But due to some recent findings, those same scientists

are now having to eat a little crow.

The new evidence comes from a pair of respected planetary scientists, Konstantin Batygin and

Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, who prepared

for the inevitable skepticism with detailed analyses of the orbits of other distant objects

and months of computer simulations.

Their findings point to data that something bigger than the size of Earth lurks in our

outer solar system and its gravitational pull is affecting other planets and ultimately

Earth weather.

�If you say, �We have evidence for Planet X,� almost any astronomer will say, �This


These guys are clearly crazy.� I would, too,� Brown says.

�Why is this different?

This is different because this time we�re right.�

But without being able to clearly see this mysterious Planet X through a telescope, will

the rest of the scientific community believe them?

This blog is not another science article.

I�ll leave that to the experts.

I was more curious if, indeed, anything was out there and why so many countries in the

world had suddenly started building large telescopes about 10 years ago to view our

outer solar system.

Even the Vatican invested in two large telescopes, one named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.

Did they know something they weren�t telling us?

Were they taking seriously the biblical prophecies about the 3,600 year return of the planet

called Wormwood aka Planet X?

This celestial �star� was said to have caused the pole shift that brought about the

Great Flood and destroyed many civilizations as well as the dinosaurs centuries ago.

As a sometime remote viewer, who learned the art from Russell Targ who, along with Hal

Puthoff, RIR-130203 headed up the Stanford Research Institute�s (SRI) remote viewing

program for the CIA�s Stargate Project, I knew it was time to take a look at Planet

X for myself.

In the past few years I�ve discovered some rather unexplainable and unusual objects in

space while remote viewing that are clearly not �ours� (read Stargate Journeys and

Consciousness Assisted Technology blogs).

Sometimes you get a treasure trove of info and sometimes nothing.

It was worth a shot, so I sat down meditated and sent my mind to the outer reaches of space

looking for answers to the great mystery of Planet X.

What did I find?

Well, there is indeed a very large object out there.

It�s not a planet, but it looks and behaves much like a planet.

I felt immediately dizzy-headed upon approaching it.

There is a magnetic gravitational flux that feels both expelling and contracting at the

same time.

I�ll let the scientists figure out what this all means, but there is also a deep resonant

sound vibration you can feel, which made me aware that this planet-like object felt both

alive and teeming internally with life.

Sometimes when remote viewing with your mind, there is an all-knowing feeling.

Telepathic awareness kicks in.

I knew then that the object was really a mammoth planetary space vehicle, despite its outward

barren appearance.

While this totally surprised me, it also sparked my intense interest.

I zeroed in on its interior.

It was hollowed out, vast, beyond the size of several large cities and multi-layered.

I found myself inexplicably drawn to a large chamber where I saw giant human-like beings�12-15

feet in stature.

Several of these beings had red hair.

I was aware that I had poked in during a rather heated discussion.

Immediately I felt a sudden sharp mental push as if I had been discovered and psychically

kicked out.

But the odd thing is that whoever had mentally pushed me out, had left a mental imprint behind

that contained a myriad of images and thoughts which I was able to glean some information


Planet X is not a Galactic Federation spaceship, as might be seen in a Star Wars movie.

I got a strong �No� when I mentally inquired.

This is an �ancestor� ship.

I call it this because this race of beings inside have been around longer than prehistoric

man on Earth and they are not strangers to our planet.

They know all about us and once walked our lands.

I got the impression that they don�t think very highly of us.

Despite this, there appears to be factions of their race that are in disagreement about

the best way to interact with Earth humans.

The interesting thing is that they find themselves in a dilemma.

Many of their kind see us as a threat to their survival, much as we would see them to ours.

They, like us, are also on an evolutionary path with regard to service to self vs. service

to others.

There are those of their race that want to help us while others want to destroy us to

save themselves.

It�s clearly a karmic dilemma, and it appears we on Earth are going through the same soul

learning process.

This is why are paths are destined to intersect.

It appears that their planet-like spaceship somehow got locked into a strange orbit (due

to an explosion with some other planet a very long time ago) that doesn�t always allow

full control of their vehicle�s trajectory.

As their orbit comes closer to Earth they know they will be bombarded by the same gravitational

pull that Earth is bound to also experience by coming into close proximity to them.

Some on-board fear annihilation unless they take aggressive action.

Others disagree.

While they appear to have smaller space vehicles that can exit their planetary vehicle at any

time, they don�t want to be trapped on Earth.

Sound fantastic?

I thought so, too, but these are the impressions I received.

Whether they are accurate, is yet to be determined.

I encourage other remote viewers to see what they pick up as well.

Who really knows if our two worlds will eventually collide.

So many have predicted this would happen in 2003, then again in 2012, and now in 2016.

It hasn�t happened yet, and perhaps it never will, but awareness that we are not alone

in the universe is definitely increasing.

The visibility of Planet X will eventually be evident in the skies to all, in time, as

it orbits closer.

Some believe this is why the CIA recently released some of their UFO files, preparing

for Disclosure.

Perhaps Planet X�s ultimate purpose in revealing itself is to awaken us to our true past.

The future is still being written, so I will not get into spreading additional fear about

what will or will not occur.

There�s enough fear in the world already and even if we were on a crash course with

Planet X, not much either side can do about it, so just enjoy life now.

What I find more fascinating is that it appears these beings brought early life to this planet.

They are our ancestors.

Are they the Annunaki race the ancient Sumerian texts refer as the celestial Gods from the

sky who were masters of DNA and genetic manipulation?

Planet X was once big news in the mainstream media in the early 1980�s, then suddenly

all mention of it disappeared.

Those who mentioned it were quickly ridiculed, which tells us they must have been too close

to the truth.

I like to think that everything in the universe is subject to change, and everything is right

on schedule.

Now, at last, appears to be the right time to take a second look at Planet X.

For more infomation >> Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X - Duration: 8:48.


FUNNY AS HELL - Bill Burr Reaction on Hillary Clinton, Hitler, McDonalds... - Duration: 58:45.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> FUNNY AS HELL - Bill Burr Reaction on Hillary Clinton, Hitler, McDonalds... - Duration: 58:45.


Grill time: First time tasting a wagyu steak - Duration: 15:12.

Hi there!

In today's video I am tasting waqyu meat for the first time in my life,

and I'm trying to avoid destroying the meat in a fire of fat.

But first let's set fire to the intro!

Today I'm going to make a different type of video, I'm going to do a bit of cooking.

I was at the supermarket and I went past the meat section, didn't intend to buy anything.

But today they had this Australian Wagyu,

it's insanely expensive and I've never tasted it so I

figured it could be fun to make a steak with this.

So I bought some of it and that's actually what i'm going to do today.

For a side dish I am probably going to have some potatoes.

I am going to make french fries rather, sort of, but in

the oven and I'm trying to put i'm going to try to put the peanut oil on them.

I haven't done that before I want see if I can taste that.

Then I want my gorgonzola sauce, which is awesome,

so for that i'm going to need onions like this, and of course some gorgonzola.

I am using the dolce version which does not has a as sharp as the intenso version.

Of course some heavy cream and I'm going to need some butter for the onions.

Usually I would drink red wine like a zinfandel or something like that.

But I'm going to have a lot of red wine tomorrow, I know that.

I'm going to have a beer instead, a Christmas beer even.

I don't know if I like this one, but I'll try that as well.

Yeah there's nothing else to do than to pour beer and get in the kitchen and get started.

So this is what it looks like when we have it out of the plastic.

I will say that my local butcher, she usually removes a bit of the fat,

Not of it because there's of course a lot of taste in the fat

that she was removed a bit of it and so I'm not paying for too much fat,

but more for meat and this is expensive meat so...

People usually say this should be going on the grill at room temperature,

some people they would be ice Cold, but I seem to have the most luck with room temperature.

so I'm going to put this on the plate and while I prepare everything else.

This is probably the thinnest I would make a steak and depending on where you live in the world,

this might seem like a lot and in other places it seems like a little of thin one.

But much thinner than this, I think they're getting too dry and too hard to make anything really juicy and tender on the grill.

Let's get started on the potatoes.

I'm trying to make some sort of french fries and a as I said I'm going to make them in the oven,

because I don't have a deep fryer and I don't want one then I would use it all the time,

all the time and I don't need any more fat in my life.

right so, these are usually easy to make if you can cut them all to the same size,

because now I am just going to boil them in some water to get some of the starch

and stuff like that out of them.

They usually get more crisper when I started doing that.

And i would need a bit of salt for that as well.

You know what, I think I'm actually going to put them in the big one over here.

So I can use this one for something else.

ok so I'm going to cook them not too long, if they get too much,

they're going to get too soft and i can't

put them in the oven afterwards so I will try to avoid that.

well this is probably around now where I

should go out and fire up ye olde Broil King

So let's head out to the garden.

just want to make sure the potatoes aren't getting too much

no not done yet.

While the grill is warming up,

lets get started with the onions for my Gorgonzola sauce.

I think I don't need anymore than that.

so that these just need to be cut into onion rings,

you don't need to dice them in to little squares or whatever.

Now i'm going to take a look at the potatoes again.

We will have to be careful about those. Yeah, done.

I'm going to put the potatoes on the paper here so I can put them in the oven.

And into the oven they go.

There's some of cleanup work involved after this.

I think they look just about right now, so I have turned down the heat.

Someone would probably ask how much are going to put in here?

Well it's a thirty-eight percent cream here

and you can use lighter but it doesn't taste as good.

That feels about right. regarding to how much Gorgonzola I am going to put in, well,

where it's a matter of taste, how much do you like it.

if you love the taste of Gorgonzola, put in more by all means.

It's not health food, I think we can all agree on that.

I am going to turn it down to low simmer and it's probably going to be reduced somewhat.

I am just adding some pepper.

And the pinch of salt.

Be careful with the salt because the Gorgonzola has a salty taste to it.

Just take a little bit of salt of them do some tastings.

I am going to put this fridge let the sauce sit here for a while.

I'm guessing I am going to give this a minute and a half times four.

so 1 1/2 minute and turn it * 4

Just the right temperature.

Yeah, there's a bit too much fire.

Oh dear, it did start a fire.

Let's put it over here instead.

Well, the temperature is spot on.

so this is it.

I'm am going to try a bit of it without salt an pepper first.


That looks pretty okay.

Now what you just saw, were recorded a few weeks ago

and I got a chance to taste the way meat again,

and do a comparison between my

favorite meat which is a ribeye from corn fed Black Angus from Greater Omaha.

And I'm sorry to say that i actually prefer the Black Angus at least to this

specific brand of wagyu meat.

I do know it wasn't a ribeye, but a ribeye wouldn't make up for it still,

I think it lacks some of it tastes that I enjoy in the corn fed Black Angus cattle.

It DID have a unique texture and and eating it and chewing

it's a different experience.

It feels like it's melting in your mouth or something like that.

But it almost becomes too much for an entire steak,

so perhaps also I should serve it differently if I were to have it again.

it's interesting to try, but in the long run I don't think the experience

is worth the extreme high price compared to the cheap,,,,

air quotes, cheaper,

Black Angus meat

Perhaps I should try the original japanese style or something like that.

That be it so, it has been the only type of wagyu meat I have tested

Oh yeah!

Regarding the oil or fat for the potatoes.

Use duck fat. Thats the answer.

That's all I have for today this was a bit improvised and I do apologize for that,

but and I just wanted to add this to the end of the video for to make it more complete and honest.

Have fun on the interwebs!

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