Saturday, January 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 20 2018

Golden Child drop more 'Miracle' teaser posters for Jibeom and Y

Golden Child drop more Miracle teaser posters for Jibeom and Y.   Golden Child have dropped more Miracle teaser posters for Jibeom and Y!   Following their moving posters, Jibeom and Y are back in the classroom with expressions that remind fans of their crush at school.

 Golden Childs 2nd mini album Miracle drops on January 29 KST.  Stay tuned for updates!.

For more infomation >> Golden Child drop more 'Miracle' teaser posters for Jibeom and Y(News) - Duration: 0:40.


Alivia cualquier dolor de tu bebé con este suave masaje en los pies - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Alivia cualquier dolor de tu bebé con este suave masaje en los pies - Duration: 3:10.


195 UCEM T200 FROM CHOCHOLATA, GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 14:34.

Hello friends, welcome back again

the lock I have for you today is a very interesting lock

is from chocholata and tiet send it to me, thank you very much chocholata and tiet

it's a UCEM lock

of Spanish manufacture

to see if it looks better this way

there you can see

T200 Model

this is the key

As you can see, it has six lower active pins

here are the plugs

and five slider on top

the slider controls a top bar

that fits in them when they are in set

the five slider are out of phase with the pins

and they would be set





and here

the last of them would be in this area

they are not difficult to set

but it's a very funny opening

It has security pins, some very nice spools

we will see then all the pieces in detail

and it's a very nice picking, I really like this lock

it's hard to catch the feeling

It's very, very funny

I have take half apart to facilitate the gutting in the video, to do it more quick

let's try to pick it

and if we get it, we take it apart, and see what it has inside

Let's do it

I have opened it several times

I'm going to use this commercial chinese wrench

this way, and as I already place on top

I think that in this angle is like less I cover the keyway, but

I can not do it any other way

let's see, there it is

I will also use this pick

is a modified Goso flag, I've made the flag slightly smaller

and this hook from a Chinese kit, also modified

to set the sliders

Let's do it

as you see, is closed

from front to back

medium tension at the beginning and then high

to better feel the binding pin

first, second, third nothing

fourth is binding

makes a click

fifth is binding

there it is, make one click

let see, there it is, the lighting goes better

the fourth stop me, I think it's

do not

is the fifth

one click


there it is

I do not know if it was the first or the second, the second is binding

one click

third nothing

fourth nothing

fifth is binding

sixth nothing

the fifth has made a slight click

fourth a light click

let´s see

first is binding

there, makes a click

is still binding


one click on the second

third is binding

it gives a slight counterotation

fourth nothing

fifth nothing

sixth seems set

I go back to the first, first is binding

makes one click

second nothing

third is set

fourth is set

fifth one click

sixth is set

I go back to the first, first nothing

second one click

third is set

fourth has made a slight click

first again

by touching the first one, they drop in a false set

that false set

usually means that the lowers are already set

and only the slider are left, let's go over

no, fourth one click

As we will see later, the spools have T profile


one click

and you have to set them several times

first is set, second is set, third

fourth is set, fifth,

sixth, now, only the sliders are left

to set them it is necessary to decrease the tension

first it is set

second seems set


fourth is binding

there it is, they were all set except the fourth

and it gives the opening

fourth and fifth are usually the sliders that give more problems, but in this case are not. By manipulating the pins, the sliders are touched

and tend to go to set

the slider do not have false gates

with which it is much easier to set them

if they had false gates, the opening would be complicated

I'm going to use the key to take it apart

since it has many pieces

and I do not want to spoil it

Well, let's do it

Well, this would be what is inside, it's a very interesting lock

I like it very much

let's go see by parts

this is the plug

with very complex cuts to place

everything that it has inside

six lower pins

the holes for the slider

that works in this position

to see if I get

place it

there it is

are placed in this position

there is this other piece

that covers the slider

It is placed like this

and here we see

as when moving

leaves or not hollow for top bar

the bar is this

has only one position and

is loaded by these two springs

the two small springs

that are housed on both sides of the bar

here goes one, here goes the other, and they make the bar stick out

very beautiful the lock

I love it

It also has holes for pasive side pins, although in this case it was not any

well, I opened this side because it seemed a bit harder than the other

and now I see why

they have different pins

let's see them more closely

the pins are all standard

except third and fourth that are two spool, torpedo type

on the other side of the lock, there was only one spool in position number four

here are two

they act like a trap, if they are overset, they stuck

and they are very, very well done, I love them

very very well done

very nice, very sharp

I love these pins

the drivers, all are normal except third and fourth that are spools

very very beautiful

I love this type of pins, I love finding this type of pins in commercial locks

T spools

very sharp, with a protruding edge

I do not know if you can see it

but there, this edge excels

and it hooks up really well, that's why I had to pick

after getting the false set, of had to pick third and fourth

until everything was perfectly set and could go to the sliders

the steel springs all the same

and in the slider here is where you could say that they could have done a light one improvement

they only have one position, they do not have false gates

They are five

with false gates they would be more difficult to set

in any case very nice lock

well done in my opinion

has merit and

and very very nice to pick, no doubt

Well, thank you very much tiet and chocholata for send me this lock and give me the opportunity to pick it

and this would have been the opening of UCEM T200, I hope you liked it, that it will be useful

and thank you very much for your time, bye

For more infomation >> 195 UCEM T200 FROM CHOCHOLATA, GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 14:34.


Que Penso - Brooke Ion Navarrete - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Que Penso - Brooke Ion Navarrete - Duration: 5:07.


Sálvame: la nueva 'Casa de tócame Roque' - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Sálvame: la nueva 'Casa de tócame Roque' - Duration: 5:12.


Rally Dakar 2018: Las sensaciones tras haber corrido la carrera más dura del mundo - Fundación AMV - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Rally Dakar 2018: Las sensaciones tras haber corrido la carrera más dura del mundo - Fundación AMV - Duration: 0:46.


BOMBA: El FC Barcelona reserva el dorsal '7' para Griezmann - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> BOMBA: El FC Barcelona reserva el dorsal '7' para Griezmann - Duration: 1:43.


El plan antijeques del Barça para evitar un nuevo 'caso Neymar' - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> El plan antijeques del Barça para evitar un nuevo 'caso Neymar' - Duration: 1:43.


Lexus CT 200h HYBRIDE Automaat, Navi,Camera, Led, ECC, LMV, Full - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Lexus CT 200h HYBRIDE Automaat, Navi,Camera, Led, ECC, LMV, Full - Duration: 0:59.


Remedios caseros para quitar el acné - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Remedios caseros para quitar el acné - Duration: 5:24.


Persona 5 | Shadow Challenge -LostToStardust (Jinx) **PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION** - Duration: 2:52.


Phantom Thieves.

Good job getting this far, or whatever.

My treasure's in the next room if you want it that badly.


Did you think I'd guard it with my life?

Nah, man, I don't like doing stuff that takes too much effort, y'know?

Like, seriously, how you you guys do it?

Runnin' around and…Going through maze-like Palaces…

And fighting all those shadows…Eeugh…

Too much work if you ask me…

Yeah, I decided to stop putting in actual effort a looooong time ago.

'Cause you know what?

No matter how hard I work, and no matter how much effort I put into something, it will

always go unappreciated.

Like, is it that hard it click a button or leave a comment?

If your not gonna put in the effort, why should I?

It's not like I'm the only one it happens to either.

So many talented artists who never catch their break.

So many brilliant scientists who never get the funding they need.

So many hard workers who never move it up in life.[sic]

And then there's you, Phantom Theives.

You work so hard to save people's hearts from corruption, and how are you repaid?

You're called criminals, hunted down by the police and there's the possibility you

could get caught or die at any moment.

He-heh-yeah, no thanks.

Wouldn't you agree that my lifestyle is better?

At least this way, the 'work-to-acknowledgement' ratio is roughly the same.

Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth… jack for shit.

»Player answers


Well then.

If there's anything you can say about you Phantom Thieves, it sure isn't that you

lack conviction.

Hmm, shame.

It's going to be far too much work to wash the bloodstains out…


Well, yeah, I did say I wasn't gonna fight you.

Too much effort, remember?

Though I never did say anything about the other Shadow's living in my palace.


Well, Phantom Thieves?

Come at me with all you've got!

For more infomation >> Persona 5 | Shadow Challenge -LostToStardust (Jinx) **PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION** - Duration: 2:52.


MONUMENT VALLEY 2.5.18 FULL APK Last Version 2018 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> MONUMENT VALLEY 2.5.18 FULL APK Last Version 2018 - Duration: 1:56.


El 'secreto' de Isabel Jiménez al descubierto - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> El 'secreto' de Isabel Jiménez al descubierto - Duration: 4:13.


¡Bruno y Magaly Tienen Su Cita En Las Nubes! I Bruno y Magaly pidieron una cita ¡SIN CÁMARAS! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> ¡Bruno y Magaly Tienen Su Cita En Las Nubes! I Bruno y Magaly pidieron una cita ¡SIN CÁMARAS! - Duration: 1:37.


Gangster Trap Beat

For more infomation >> Gangster Trap Beat


Neprijatelj u kući - epizoda 1, treća najava - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Neprijatelj u kući - epizoda 1, treća najava - Duration: 1:00.


Eric Drops UNFILTERED Response On Dad's 'Racism,' Stuns Millions As He Talks Trump & Color - Duration: 41:10.

Eric Drops UNFILTERED Response On Dad's 'Racism,' Stuns Millions As He Talks Trump

& Color

A video of Eric Trump is rocking news headlines after he was asked to comment on President

Donald Trump's "racism."

Now, the clip has gone viral after Eric's unfiltered response is stunning millions of


President Donald Trump (left), Eric Trump (right) (Photo Credits: YouTube/Donald Trump

Speeches/Mass Tea Party) Eric Trump is not usually one to speak out

of turn or make off-the-cuff remarks without careful thought.

Perhaps that's why a recent comment is getting a lot of attention.

During a recent interview with Fox News, Eric was asked to address the elephant in the room

and respond to the ridiculous accusations coming from Democrats that suggest his father

is a racist.

Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade first opened the conversation about President Trump

by saying, "He said some things about race and that people are calling him a racist for

the last five or six days."

Then, Kilmeade asked, "I know you don't agree with that, but is there anything you

could bring to this conversation that is important?"

Eric didn't waste any time and didn't seem to care about sugar-coating his response.

"My father sees one color," Eric Trump responded.


Before leftists could get themselves worked into a tizzy over Trump's "greed," Eric

elaborated, explaining, "That's all he cares about, he cares about the economy.

He does not see race, he is the least racist person I have ever met in my entire life.

It's total nonsense, and you know what, at the same time they're saying that, they'll

never report that African-American unemployment is the lowest it has ever been, the lowest

it's ever been in this country."

Eric Trump didn't stop there.

He had the floor and was going to drive his point home.

"They won't give him any credit for that, and by the way, he campaigned on that.

But then, they'll go out and call him racist," Eric said, according to ABC News.

Then, he threw his own question back at Brian Kilmeade and the other hosts.

"It's very sad, it's a race to the bottom, they stoop very very low, and the reason they

do this is they don't have their own message.

What is the message on the Democrat side right now?"

he asked.

Eric Trump is right, and his question is valid.

Democrats only have one message right now, and it is "resist Trump."

That isn't serving their constituents or winning over anyone who might be on the fence.

Eric went on to pose a few more very painful questions for liberals in front of the millions

of viewers watching Fox and Friends on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.

"Who are the front-runners?

What do they stand for?" he asked.

"They don't stand for anything, they're being obstructionists they've wasted a tremendous

amount of money.

They come out no matter what he did, if he was to solve cancer tomorrow they would criticize

him for it, I mean, it's very, very sad."

The truth is that liberals are terrified that their great hope took a colossal nosedive

in the last presidential election.

They had all of their eggs in Hillary Clinton's basket, and now, they are divided and leaderless.

President Donald Trump has done more for our country in a year than former President Barack

Obama did in eight.

When it's time for another presidential election, it won't be a difficult choice.

Trump will only have to ask the American people one question to be re-elected, and it was

first made famous by former President Ronald Reagan: "Are you better off than you were

four years ago?"

The only answer to that will be a resounding, "yes," and the rest will be history.

Eric Trump is a credit to his father, and his answer to the accusations of "racism"

against our president was nothing short of epic.

Democrats have "stooped" to name-calling and attempts at labeling because they believe

it "freezes" their target.

This time around, they can't freeze anyone, especially not Donald Trump.

Let's continue to support our President and his efforts to put America first in order

to make her great again.

Green might be the favorite color of every American soon enough, as we see more of it

in our own pockets, thanks to President

Donald Trump.

For more infomation >> Eric Drops UNFILTERED Response On Dad's 'Racism,' Stuns Millions As He Talks Trump & Color - Duration: 41:10.


Christian Anders: Krebs-Drama! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Christian Anders: Krebs-Drama! - Duration: 2:29.


Persona 5 | Shadow Challenge -LostToStardust (Jinx) **PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION** - Duration: 2:52.


Phantom Thieves.

Good job getting this far, or whatever.

My treasure's in the next room if you want it that badly.


Did you think I'd guard it with my life?

Nah, man, I don't like doing stuff that takes too much effort, y'know?

Like, seriously, how you you guys do it?

Runnin' around and…Going through maze-like Palaces…

And fighting all those shadows…Eeugh…

Too much work if you ask me…

Yeah, I decided to stop putting in actual effort a looooong time ago.

'Cause you know what?

No matter how hard I work, and no matter how much effort I put into something, it will

always go unappreciated.

Like, is it that hard it click a button or leave a comment?

If your not gonna put in the effort, why should I?

It's not like I'm the only one it happens to either.

So many talented artists who never catch their break.

So many brilliant scientists who never get the funding they need.

So many hard workers who never move it up in life.[sic]

And then there's you, Phantom Theives.

You work so hard to save people's hearts from corruption, and how are you repaid?

You're called criminals, hunted down by the police and there's the possibility you

could get caught or die at any moment.

He-heh-yeah, no thanks.

Wouldn't you agree that my lifestyle is better?

At least this way, the 'work-to-acknowledgement' ratio is roughly the same.

Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth… jack for shit.

»Player answers


Well then.

If there's anything you can say about you Phantom Thieves, it sure isn't that you

lack conviction.

Hmm, shame.

It's going to be far too much work to wash the bloodstains out…


Well, yeah, I did say I wasn't gonna fight you.

Too much effort, remember?

Though I never did say anything about the other Shadow's living in my palace.


Well, Phantom Thieves?

Come at me with all you've got!

For more infomation >> Persona 5 | Shadow Challenge -LostToStardust (Jinx) **PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION** - Duration: 2:52.


URGENT: After Forcing Gov't Shutdown, 2 DAMNING Videos Surface That Could END SCHUMER'S CAREER - Duration: 4:05.

URGENT: After Forcing Gov't Shutdown, 2 DAMNING Videos Surface That Could END SCHUMER'S


New York Sen. Chuck Schumer led the fight to shut down the government over immigration,

but two videos from the past are coming back to haunt him after his true feelings on the

topic are revealed.

It's no secret that Schumer isn't a fan of the President, but going so far as to shut

down the government over people who aren't even supposed to be here is taking things

too far.

Schumer admitted as much during an interview with ABC back in 2013, when he said such a

move would cause "chaos."

Check it out:

"In 2013 Chuck Schumer argued it would be 'governmental chaos' to shut down government

over amnesty for illegals.

#Hypocrite #DACA #ReleaseTheMemo".

"They are playing with fire," said Schumer, "and we are happy to negotiate, but we don't

want to negotiate with a gun to our heads"

Speaker Boehner comes in and he says, basically, it's sort of like this; someone comes into

your house and takes you wife and kids hostage then says, 'let's negotiate over the price

of your house," explained Schumer.

"You know, we could do the same thing on immigration," he said.

"We believe strongly in immigration reform, so we could say we're shutting down the

government, we're not going to raise the debt ceiling until you pass immigration reform."

"But it would be governmental chaos," he said.

That's interesting to say the least.

It's amazing what five years and a new President will do to these guys, isn't it?

Now, if you find that video hypocritical, wait until you watch the next one, where Schumer

admits even the left's Orwellian language regarding illegals is damaging to our nation,

and that people who enter the country are, in fact, illegal aliens.

The kicker?

He says, verbatim, "illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter

the U.S. legally."

No B.S.

Watch this:

"People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens," he said.

"Illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who enter the U.S. legally."

Here's the best part; Schumer harshly criticized the use of the phrase "undocumented worker"

instead of "illegal aliens," because "we convey a message that their government is

not serious about combatting illegal immigration."

"Which the American people overwhelmingly oppose," added Schumer.

what a change in heart old Upchuck has had, isn't it?

Not too long ago, he opposed both amnesty and open borders, but one he and his party

realized they were basically like free voters, he jumped on that bandwagon fast than people

fell in love with the Dallas Cowboys after they won three consecutive Super Bowls.

Since Facebook has been killing the reach of pages like ours, make sure you spread this

around to show it to all the liberals out there who are calling out opposition to amnesty

and DACA, then let them try to explain why, just five years ago, it wasn't.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> URGENT: After Forcing Gov't Shutdown, 2 DAMNING Videos Surface That Could END SCHUMER'S CAREER - Duration: 4:05.


Opel Corsa RHYTHM 1.2 85PK 5D | CLIMATE | CRUISE - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa RHYTHM 1.2 85PK 5D | CLIMATE | CRUISE - Duration: 1:01.


¡Bruno y Magaly Tienen Su Cita En Las Nubes! I Bruno y Magaly pidieron una cita ¡SIN CÁMARAS! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> ¡Bruno y Magaly Tienen Su Cita En Las Nubes! I Bruno y Magaly pidieron una cita ¡SIN CÁMARAS! - Duration: 1:37.


KOMBINUJ DZIEWCZYNO - LESZCZE zesp (teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info) Konin Sala weselna Eden MZK PGKiM - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> KOMBINUJ DZIEWCZYNO - LESZCZE zesp (teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info) Konin Sala weselna Eden MZK PGKiM - Duration: 3:35.


Opel Corsa 3drs Blackroof Edition 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navi | OPC-Line - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 3drs Blackroof Edition 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navi | OPC-Line - Duration: 0:59.


Opel Corsa 3drs Blackroof Edition 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navi | OPC-Line - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 3drs Blackroof Edition 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navi | OPC-Line - Duration: 0:54.


Drake Type Beat 2018

For more infomation >> Drake Type Beat 2018


I Completed Three Things Off My Bucket List - Duration: 15:24.

(upbeat music)

- Oh my god.

It's the intro.

This is so exciting.

Oh, hi, I'm Megan and recently I completed six items

off my bucket list in six days.

And now I just want to give someone else the opportunity

to live their best lives.

The point isn't to complete your bucket list.

It's just to get a running start.

This week we're gonna go on an adventure with Ryann Graham.

He's a video producer here at BuzzFeed

and the most joyful, smiliest person you will ever meet.

Come on in, Ryann.

- Aw, That was really nice.

I didn't know what you were gonna say.

Did you put your feet in this?

- Not all of 'em.

So, if you were to cross off three things

from your bucket list, what would they be?

- First, I would love to go drag racing.

I'm a bit of a control freak so it would be

really hard for me to be in a passenger seat

going 100 miles an hour and just trusting and letting go.

The second thing I want to do is stay

in an actual haunted house, but I think there's

something about being in something that has

actually experienced tragedy or something scary.

Like, I don't know.

Could you imagine being taken over by a ghost?

- I prefer not to.

- My third thing, not to be confused with drag racing,

is to dress and perform in drag.

That's probably my ultimate bucket list item, honestly.

- I mean, if you're not busy this week

I think we can make that happen.

- Really?

- Drag racing tomorrow?

- Oh, tomorrow?

But we have to finish all these first?

- Oh, yeah, they were very expensive.

- Alright.

More fries.

(upbeat music)

- What a beautiful day to scare the shit outta Ryann.

Today we're at Exotic Racing in Montana

where Ryann with be in the passenger seat

of a vehicle going over 125 miles per hour.

But what he doesn't know

is when he's gonna be taking off.

So, I've told the driver to basically pretend

like he's gonna take some time to show him the buttons.

Let me show you what these things do, and then boom.

He's gonna take off, scare the shit out of Ryann.

'Cause that's what this is all about, right?


Why is this on your bucket list and

why must you do this before you die?

- I'm a little bit of a control freak.

After today, I'm hoping that this feeling of letting go

and trusting bleeds into other areas of my life.

I don't know.

It'll be fun or I'll die.

Either way, what's the worst that could happen?

Stop, you're making me nervous.

Stop it, Megan.

- Let's do it.

- Alright, let's go.

- Do people crash?

- You know, if I told you no I'd be lying.

You ready?

- As ready as I'll ever be.

- So, what we have here in front

of us is a 1.2 mile road course.

- I thought it was gonna be straight away.

- Not at all.

- Whoa!

Okay. Okay.

Okay, okay.

Holy crap!

Oh my god.

I got this. I got this.

- Hang on. Hang on.

- Whoa, we're not, holy shit!

Oh, this is so fun, but so scary.

Oh my god, we're going like 120, 130?


(car horn honks)

(Megan laughs)

- [Megan] He looked horrified.

(camera shutter clicks)

- What did ya think, Ryann?

- That was so fun.

Holy crap, wow!

This was like this coolest thing

I think I've ever done in my life.

It was such a freeing experience.

I had to just be in the car and let it happen.

But if that's how day one was

I can only imagine how day two

and day three are gonna be.

Thank you so much.

- Of course.

Let's go on to day two.

Let's go!

Take the helmet, just take it.

So, Ryann is really jazzed

to stay somewhere haunted tonight,

but what he doesn't know is that I've booked us

the most notoriously haunted room

in the most notoriously haunted boat in America.

The Queen Mary.

- Are we ready to go yet?

- Yep.

- [Megan] Alright, take a step up, up, yep, there you go.

Do you remember saying that being

afraid made you feel alive?

- Yeah. - That's what you're

looking for? - Yes.

- Yeah, okay, just remember that.

- Holy crap.

That's the Queen Mary.

- Why is this on your bucket list?

Why do you want to be haunted so bad?

- Something about being around ghosts and being scared,

that fear is like so thrilling that it makes you feel alive.

Part of me hopes you get possessed so I can be like.

That way I can interact.

- Let's just go take the tour.

- My name is Commodore Everette Hoard.

This ship carried 2.5 million passengers back and forth

across the Atlantic, in war, in peace.

A lot of those guys that went over

on this ship did not come home.

Some of their last memories were scratched

into the hand rails all the way around the top of the ship.

- I don't like that.

I don't like any of this.

- This ship has a wonderful, happy presence about it,

and a lot of people do have experiences.

I hear people talk.

I heard one speak in 2011.

- What did they say to you?

- She said, "I'm so cold.

"I'm so very cold." - Did you get her a blanket?

- [Commodore] We're gonna go to cabin B340.

- [Megan] That's where we're sleeping tonight.

- Oh, good.

If there's anything that will happen,

it'll be in B340.

We're going further and further beneath the sea, now.

- [Ryann] I don't like this.

Are you doing that on purpose?

- [Camera Man] Oh I don't know.

But I was getting a strobing effect

on my camera too and I was just like--

- [Camera Man] Yeah, I didn't realize that's what it was.

- [Ryann] Ooo, was that doing that upstairs?

- [Camera Man] No.

It was just happening by that thing.

- So, you wouldn't stay in this room

is what you're telling me.

- No.

When I would go in there, there were so many reports

of incidents happening in the cabin

that they finally stopped renting it out to people.

People had reported lights turning on and off,

water starting, water stopping.

- No, no, no.

- Oh, did you hear that?

What is that?

- [Megan] Don't. (laughs)

- No. (Megan screams)

- Oh my god, Everette did it.


- The thing is neither of us tried to protect each other.

Is there a number to call if anything happens?

- Not mine.

- Alright, let's go in.

- Okay, um...

- Oh, you're gonna go in there right now?

- Yeah.

- I'm needed on the bridge.

- Okay, bye.

- Ooh, I don't like this.

Oh, okay, okay.

It's just a little creepy.

Oh, that can't be a thing.

That freaked me out.

Is this, okay, I feel like I can stay here.

It don't smell like new.

It smell like death.

- [Megan] What are those doors?

- I don't know.

See now, if something pops out at me, I swear to god.

- [Megan] This is just a (gasps) oh my god.


- I didn't know.

I didn't know what was gonna be in there.

- What?

- No, that was a real noise.

Hold on.

Cause it like, it came from over here.

You mean you don't hear that like knocking?

Megan, stop playing.

No, literally.

Wait, wait, wait.

Okay, maybe, I swear I heard a knock.

- If you fall asleep I'm waking you up.

- Okay, this is home.

This is gonna be home.

- I hate you.

- Alright, crew, so it's just gonna be me and Megan.

- And the ghosts.

- And the ghosts, and all the ghosts.

Like review the footage immediately.

- But don't tell us what you saw.

- Oh my god, no, tell me.

Let's do this.

- [Megan] Do we have to sit on the floor?

- Yeah, what?

You can't do this on the bed.

- [Megan] The floor feels dangerous.

- Come on.

Is anyone in this room with us?

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

- I think you're moving it.

- Are you gonna scare us tonight?

What? Look at you.

(both laughing)

- Dear ghostie, are you living a happy life?

- Stop.

You're doing that. - You're doing that.

You, stop.

You know you're doing that.

- I'm not doing that.

Oh my god.

We're done.

For my mental health we're keeping the light on.

- Let's do this.

- Okay, good night.

- Good night.

(suspenseful music)

- What is it?

- [Megan] I want to scare them.

(knocking at door)

(rapping at door)

Yeah, I think I scared the shit outta them.

- It's funny 'cause we thought we were gonna

find ghosts, but we end up becoming the ghosts instead.

I slept surprisingly well.

It was cool to get to be here

and have those moments of fear and just like

get over and conquer it.

- I'm really glad that you're getting to check

this off your bucket list and I'm really glad

that I never have to come here again.

So, today Ryann is being transformed into a drag queen,

but what I haven't told him is

that he's gonna perform for all of our coworkers tomorrow.

But we'll tell him that later.

Alright, Ryann, I've brought in the one and only,

most wonderful LA queen.

- Anita Procedure!


- Hey, how are you?

- Oh, it's so good to meet you, Ryann.

- It's good to meet you. - Hi, darling.

- Cause I feel like there's so much confidence

- 'Cause I feel like there's so much confidence

you have to have when you're performing drag

and being a drag queen, and I feel like

I don't know if I necessarily have.

I was closeted for so long in my life

that it's a part of me that I feel like

I want to explore and push more.

- Today is part of your drag training.

We are going to be going over walking in heels,

We are gonna be going over walking in heels,

for your performance tomorrow.

- My performance?

- I'll leave you guys to it.

- It's gonna be great.

It's a little kick ball change.

It's a little one two step in front of your coworker, okay?

It's a little one two step in front of your coworkers, okay?

- Alright, let's get to it. Let's get rehearsing, honey.

- Alright, let's get to it.

Let's get rehearsing, honey.

Custom made from Milan.

- I've never like walked walked in heels.


- I've never like walked walked in heels.

- Let's go for it. Let's do a little strut.

- Let's go for it.

Let's do a little strut.

Don't look down, don't look down.

- Oh okay. - Don't second guess it.

(upbeat music)

Yes, bitch.

Don't take out the equipment, girl.

Give it to them.

Give it to them.

Yes, bitch.

Keep going.

I did not tell you to stop.

Okay, so now that you are armed

with all the knowledge you need to pound a runway, honey.

We gotta get you an outfit, girl.

So, let's take a look at our beautiful rack of clothing

that are definitely not from Goodwill

and see what we can find you.

(bright music)

Bring it in.

- Okay. - Hit me.

Move that bus.

- Is this it?

- Oh, bitch, that one is it.

- This is gonna be the perfect outfit

for drag queen Ryann.

- It's got your essence.

- Yes. It does.

The only thing I'm worried about there's just

a whole lot of...

- A little too much essence.

- Yes.

- We are gonna teach you about tucking, girl.

Come with me, come on.

- Okay.

Okay, so how does this work?

- [Anita] Basically, you wanna get your balls in your ass.

- [Ryann] What?

- [Anita] And then your dick between your ass.

You like, you get in there.

- [Ryann] You get in there.

You listen.

You put that down.

- [Anita] And now you're a lady.

She's tucked and ready.

- Yeah. I feel like a lady.

- Okay, so here we are.

We are in the dance studio.

It's time to go over your routine for tomorrow.

Yeah, let's play it.

(party music)

Yes, girl, yes.

That's it, okay.

- I'm gonna do it.

- I believe in you.

You're gonna do it, girl.

- Ya'll, it's five p.m.

So, we're gonna take a break,

meet back tomorrow for your performance.

Let's go home.

- Alright, I'm out of here, girl.

Let's go.

- So, I'm here.

I'm ready to get this face beat.

- [Anita] So, we've kind of been

putting together your look, but how do you feel

about your drag persona, like what kinda girl is she?

- [Ryann] I want it to be someone

who is very confident and very like...

I mean, I don't want to say like bitchy,

but just like, mmm, just very I guess fierce.

- [Anita] Are you a good bitch or a bad bitch?

- [Ryann] Somewhere in between.

(party music)

Okay, eyes are officially closed.

- [Megan] Keep your eyes closed.

- Okay, they're closed.

- Stay there. - Okay.

- Stay there.

- I'm like shaking.

- [Megan] Alright, open 'em.

- Oh my...

(laughs) Yes!


Ooh, yes.

I do look wealthy I'm not gonna lie.

I look fucking good.

(party music)

- I know it's me, but this is like another side of me.

This is Samore.

This is Samore Dollahz, honey.

- [Megan] Is that your drag name?

- Yes. Samore Dollahz.

It came to me in a dream last night.

She's quite wealthy if you didn't know.

She bought this fur just to throw it away.

I am ready to go perform for my coworkers.

I'm gonna go serve the children,

feed them, bless them, really.

(party music)

- Hello, hello, hello, BuzzFeed.

How ya'll doing?

(audience shouts)

Oh, yeah, don't be shy around me.

- How're you feeling

- I'm so nervous but also so excited.

- Good luck.

- I've had the privilege of transforming Ryann

into a motherfucking drag queen, ya'll.

(audience shouts)

It has been so much fun.

So, this is one of the things on his bucket list,

and I am so excited to announce the world wide premiere

of his new persona, Samore Dollahz.

(audience shouts)

(cash register bell dings)

(techno music)

(audience shouts)

♪ Girls on top ♪

♪ Looking hot ♪

♪ Hot hot hot hot ♪

♪ Ooh, tease ♪

♪ Text me ♪

♪ Watch me dance ♪

♪ Watch me move ♪

♪ Push me under ♪

♪ Feel the truth ♪

♪ Higher, higher ♪

♪ Keep just moving higher, higher ♪

♪ Tell me, higher, higher ♪

♪ Keep it moving higher ♪

(audience shouts and applauds)

- [Anita] Work bitch.

Work, work, work, work, work.

- This was one of the coolest things

I've ever done in my life.

I feel like I can do anything.

Like I'm on top of the world.

I feel like I can go on and live my best self

from here on out.

I'm so happy.

Thank you so much.

- Yay! I'm so glad.

Alright, well, go do it.

Go live your best life.

- [Ryann] Okay.

- [Megan] Wait, wait, come back.

(record scratches)

There's a million other people who haven't

even started their bucket list.

And I'm gonna go find them.

We've more work to do people.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> I Completed Three Things Off My Bucket List - Duration: 15:24.


BOOKS I NEED TO *FINALLY* READ IN 2018 | 2018 TBR - Duration: 9:50.

Hi guys. Today I thought I'd talk about my TBR top priority books. That was just not a sentence.

That was kind of like Yoda talk. These are the books that are currently at the top of my priority to get to on my TBR

out of the books that I own because if I did this video with the books that I don't own, it would be

incredibly long. Also I'm desperately trying to stop buying books and

desperately trying to get through my current TBR. So basically these are the

books that I don't necessarily need to get to right here and right now.

There's no rush on reading them but if I don't read them by the end of the year

I'm going to be incredibly mad at myself.

The first book is a book that has been on my TBR for what can only be described as forever

and that is 'Uprooted' by Naomi Novik and I bought this when it was first released. Actually I was given it

for Christmas when it was first released and I have not touched it since because

there was a lot of hype surrounding this book when it first came out

and I ended up getting kind of intimidated by it. So I decide to let

the hype die down and wait it out a bit before I picked it up and I haven't

touched it since and it is now what two years later. When did this come out?

Nope, three years later. It's been three years this book has been sat on my shelf.

Which is probably still the most beautiful book I own and I have not read it and

I've decided that this year I absolutely have to because the hype has definitely

died down now and I can't even remember what this book is about. Which is kind of

exactly what I was hoping would happen but I was just hoping it wasn't gonna

happen three years down the line. All I can remember about this as it is a fantasy.

I think about a wizard, that I think kidnaps a child or something.

I may be completely and utterly wrong but I'm excited to go into this without any

expectations whatsoever about the plot. I still have kind of expectations about

whether or not I will enjoy this. Although since it has been quite a while,

I have now heard both good and bad things. Which is definitely kind of

lowered my expectations a little bit. Which again, was what I was hoping would happen.

I will be so, so mad at myself if I don't pick this up in 2018 because then it will just get beyond ridiculous.

The next book I most definitely need to read before the end of 2018 is 'Crooked Kingdom' by Leigh Bardugo.

And this is the sequel to 'Six of Crows' which I finally read last year. I read it a couple of months ago.

And basically I just don't want to leave this as long to read as I

did reading 'Six of Crows' because I had wanted to read that for

absolutely ages and I kept putting it off and I don't want to keep putting

this off. One because I absolutely loved 'Six of Crows' but also because I feel as

though if I leave it too long, I will end up forgetting what happened in 'Six of Crows'

and I would just lose it and I don't want that to happen.

This is probably the one out of all of the books I have here that I want to get to the soonest.

Simply because I don't want to leave too much time between reading 'Six of Crows' and this.

Next I have 'The Knife of Never Letting Go' by Patrick Ness and

this sounds super interesting. I've always been incredibly intrigued by the

premise of it but the reasons that I want to read it now is because the film

is coming out soon and that it's kind of the main and only reason that I

want to read this as soon as possible because I want to get through it before

the film or at least know what I think about the story before the film and yeah

there is a much more of a reason. Other than I would a read the book before I watch

the movie but it does sound really interesting and I have been very

intrigued by this premise for years. So I've finally got the push to actually pick it up.

The more I'm looking at this outfit in the viewfinder, the more I realise I

look like a character from Rugrats. I just look like a three-year-old. Anyway, that's not the point.

The next book I have is 'Brown Girl Dreaming' by Jacqueline Woodson

and this is a memoir written in verse, following Jacqueline Woodson as she grew

up as a black girl during the 1960s and the 1970s. I just think it sounds

absolutely fantastic. I've only ever read one other book in verse and I keep

meaning to read more of them because I absolutely loved it and this just sounds

like something I should absolutely love and also it has deckled edges, which

instantly makes me fall completely and utterly in love with it. I haven't heard

too many people talking about it but the things that I have heard have been

absolutely superb. So I'm very much looking forward to this and I have a

feeling I will probably be getting to this quite soon because I am very, very excited to pick it up.

Next I would very much like to read 'History Is All You Left Me' by Adam Silvera

because honestly, I've realised how ridiculous it is that I haven't read anything by Adam Silvera yet.

I've been putting off his books because I have heard so many stories about how utterly heartbreaking

and devastating his books are and I am someone that tends to stay clear of

books that are gonna make me incredibly sad and emotional

but I have only heard the most amazing things about his books and about his

writing and I know that I need to stop putting them off because I'm sure I will

absolutely adore them. This is the only one that I own, so this is the one that

I'm gonna pick up and I'm slightly nervous but also very, very excited to

read this and to finally read something that he's written.

I just gotta mentally and emotionally prepare myself first because I have a

feeling if the rumors are true, this book is probably gonna break me somehow.

Next I have 'This Savage Song' by V.E. Schwab, which I know next to nothing about.

Other than it has monsters in it, it is by V.E. Schwab and there is a character in it

called Kate, which is my name. So instantly I want to pick it up.

Those three things are enough for me to want to pick this book up. I read 'Vicious' by V.E. Schwab

last year and it was one of my favourite books of last year and I'm just

desperate to read something else by her and this is the only other book that I

currently own that she's written and I'm just very much intrigued because I

can't remember the last time that I read a book with monsters in it. I read things

with fairies and dragons and fantasy animals but I can't remember the last

time that I read a book with monsters. So I'm very intrigued by this. I've heard

great things and I'm looking forward to picking it up because it sounds like it

could be an incredibly interesting read.

Next I have 'Talking as Fast as I Can: Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls & Everything in Between' by Lauren Graham

and Lauren Graham played Lorelai Gilmore in Gilmore Girls and Gilmore Girls is

one of my favourite TV shows of all time and I'm currently re-watching it for

the first time, since I watched it the first time and I'm basically essentially

gonna read this once I finished it and reward myself for watching far too much

TV because that is how my brain works but I'm really excited to read this

because I absolutely love Lauren Graham. She's just essentially Lorelai Gilmore.

When you watch her in interviews she is basically the same person, which I always

find so interesting and I'm really intrigued to see how she comes across in

her writing and hopefully finding out a little bit of what happened behind the

scenes of Gilmore Girls and just learning a little bit more about Lauren Graham

because she seems like a really lovely person and I'm very much looking

forward to reading this and hopefully I will be able to do it soon but

considering that I am only on season 3, it's going to be a little while.

Next I have the 'Stone Glass' trilogy by Maria V. Snyder, which is the companion

trilogy to the 'Poison Study' trilogy. Which I read back when I started BookTube

and absolutely loved it but that was I think about two years ago.

Maybe more than two years ago and this has been on my TBR for that long.

When I read the first trilogy, I absolutely loved it and wanted to dive

straight into this but I didn't and that was my problem. Aecause then I ended up

kind of forgetting what happened and thinking that I needed to re-read it

before reading this and then I didn't re-read it and two years later this still

has not been read. So I'm hoping that because this is a companion trilogy, I don't

necessarily need to remember absolutely every detail of the first three books.

But I'm very much hoping that I will read this and that I will enjoy it as

much as the first trilogy. Also I'm just really intrigued to see how I will read

it and how I will enjoy it. Considering it is two years later and I've definitely

kind of grown in my reading over those two years. So I'm intrigued to see what I

will think of this and hopefully, fingers crossed, I will actually read it.

I then have 'An Ember In The Ashes' by Sabaa Tahir and I have been wanting to read

this for absolutely ages, as I keep saying with all of these books but this

is one specifically I've been meaning to pick up for so long. I have the first two

books and I don't know why I haven't gotten to them yet but I know that the

third book is coming out in a couple of months I believe, or at least it is

definitely coming out this year. So I feel as though this year will be the

perfect time to start this series and I'm hoping that I will enjoy it as much

as everybody else has done. Despite the fact that I don't really know what it is about.

But the things that I have heard and the vague reviews I've heard

of it have only been incredibly positive and have only very much intrigued me

because I have heard the most fantastic things about this series and about these

characters and this story. I'm looking forward to finally, hopefully picking

this up and also I'm hoping that this might be one that might kick me back

into reading fantasy because I've kind of been going off it a little bit

recently. Which is essentially why all of the books in this TBR are are fantasies

but I've heard great things and I'm looking forward to hopefully, finally

picking this up in 2018. And lastly I have 'Runaways: The Complete Collection, Volume 1.'

Which collects together issues 1 to 18. I had to include a graphic novel

in this because I absolutely love them and I'm definitely hoping that I will

read more of them in 2018. I've heard great things about this. It just seems like so much fun.

And also I'm just very excited to read something from Marvel

where I don't know any of the characters in it because I've read a lot of the

Avengers stuff but I've not read any that is totally new to me. So I'm really

excited to be able to go into a Marvel comic just not knowing any of the

characters in it and I'm hoping that this is one that I'm just gonna be able

to sit through and binge read from start to finish. Also it has just been adapted

into a TV show. So I'm really intrigued to be able to read this and then go

straight on into the TV show. So I'm hoping this is one that I'm going to be

reading very soon. So those are the ten books that I own that are currently

as of right now, the top of my priority to get to this year and I would absolutely

love to know if you have read any of them and what you thought of them and

whether or not you would recommend reading them soon. I'd also genuinely

really love to know which books are on the top of your priority to get to in

2018 and if there is a single book that you are absolutely desperate to finally

read this year. I will leave the links to my Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, Blog

and Snapchat in description box below. So feel free to follow me on any of those

if you would like and I just hope you're having the most wonderful day. Bye!

For more infomation >> BOOKS I NEED TO *FINALLY* READ IN 2018 | 2018 TBR - Duration: 9:50.


What Can I Put HTV On? - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> What Can I Put HTV On? - Duration: 4:35.


Seat Leon I service inspection reset - Duration: 0:31.

Hi! Today I want to quickly show you how to reset the service inspection in

Seat Leon 1st generation. What you need to do is with your ignition turned off

press and hold the trip reset button, turn the ignition on, release the button,

then rotate it a clockwise and the service is reset. You can turn off and turn

back on your ignition to check if the service message is gone from the display.

OK, that's all. Thank you for watching, give me thumbs up if this video helped

you and see you soon.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon I service inspection reset - Duration: 0:31.



For more infomation >> I MISS MY EX PRANK ON BF (GONE WRONG) - Duration: 8:31.


How I feel about the Sony Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 Lens - Duration: 3:17.

Before we get into this video I want to thank you guys for watching, before we

get started and also if you haven't already make sure to check out the sony

a6500 video I made about, talking about why I got that and explain just a little

bit of what's going on. So why did I get a nearly thousand-dollar lens piece of

glass that goes on top of a thousand dollar camera I got it because it's a 55mm

lens as well as F/1.8 on this lens here by Zeiss. I put a little bit

more money into the lens because I really wanted to make sure that I'm

getting a really higher-quality lens than just the basic sony 50mm lens so

I got the 55 by Zeiss it's the prime lens so you can zoom in with it but it

has a very sharp image and it's a very higher quality image coming from this

camera glass so f/1.8 the bokeh on this is insane, but you can go to F/3.5 f/11

f/8 and all those higher F stops and get a little edgy bokeh but in the F/1.8

the bokeh is so round it's the roundest that I have ever seen

on a prime lens that I've I've owned so it's pretty much the only lens but it is

higher quality glass so you are gonna be getting a much better image than the

kind of cheaper side Soniya lenses that you can get for compared to this one for

like four hundred five hundred dollars it's still a hefty amount to spend on a

lens but it is more of a premium glass from Zeiss, so that's why I just

decided to put in that two hundred dollars more or whatever I put down I

forgot how much exactly it cost but it was worth it to me as a creator because

I know that it is going to be a more of a higher quality image that comes from

this lens. Since this lens is a 55mm at a full-frame scale it's

gonna be some around the ballpark of 80mm

with the cropped aps-c sensor so that is all so I've decided that it's not gonna

be a deal-breaker and if you do check out the images in my Instagram I'll link

it down below the images still come out fairly well you do have to be a little

farther back but it doesn't really matter from that much I'm still trying

to take photos from where I would usually take them in they're pretty good

as well I don't have to move that far away to get a similar image to what I

would get with my phone but yet again it is zoomed in way more than it is on my

phone keep in mind that it's gonna be a little more of a crop than 55 millimeter

actually is since it is a full frame lens so that aps-c is gonna crop it just

a little bit but in my opinion it's not that bad I think I could live with it.

I think it's pretty good see you guys in another video hopefully you guys have a

great rest of your day.

For more infomation >> How I feel about the Sony Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 Lens - Duration: 3:17.


Hyundai Getz 1.3i GL Cool,Airco,NAP - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3i GL Cool,Airco,NAP - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën Berlingo 1.4i 600 Professionnel cng aardgas - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.4i 600 Professionnel cng aardgas - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Deal Afn trekhaak. Lmv - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Deal Afn trekhaak. Lmv - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Sport Ann. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Sport Ann. - Duration: 0:59.


Ariana Grande - Baby I - Duration: 3:17.

Ariana Grande - Baby I

Ariana Grande - Baby I

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Baby I - Duration: 3:17.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Trend Safety Sense-Navigatie-Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Trend Safety Sense-Navigatie-Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:54.


Mapa i widoki Petersburga - Duration: 1:12.

... And St. Petersburg is restless.

A merchant is rising, a peddler is coming, A cab stands on the stock exchange,

With a jug of oh hurries,

Under it the snow crunches.

I woke up in the morning a pleasant noise.

The shutters are open; chimney smoke

The column goes back to blue,

And a breadbaker, a German neat, In a paper cap, more than once

I opened his wasisdas...

A magical land!

There in the old years,

Satire the Bold

the lord, Fonvizin, a friend of freedom,

And recalcitrant

Princess Knyazhnin;

There Ozerov unwilling tributes People's tears,


With the young Semyonova shared;

There, our Katenin resurrected Corneille a great genius;

There deduced

caustic Shakhovskoy

His comedies are a noisy swarm,

There Didllo was crowned with glory,

There, there under the senis of the wings

My young days were racing...

The city is magnificent, the city is poor,

Spirit of bondage, slender appearance,

The sky is green and pale,

Boredom, cold and granite.

For more infomation >> Mapa i widoki Petersburga - Duration: 1:12.


TAZanimated - Part 53 [The Adventure Zone MAP] (+ Process) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> TAZanimated - Part 53 [The Adventure Zone MAP] (+ Process) - Duration: 1:11.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Plus | Climat Control | Cruise Control | Radio CD | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Plus | Climat Control | Cruise Control | Radio CD | - Duration: 1:01.


Dominika Ostałowska, Marta z „M jak miłość" zostawiła dziecko i zniknęła bez wieści - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Dominika Ostałowska, Marta z „M jak miłość" zostawiła dziecko i zniknęła bez wieści - Duration: 2:58.


Wielki mural i mecz w Kargowej poświęcony pamięci rok temu gwiazdora "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Wielki mural i mecz w Kargowej poświęcony pamięci rok temu gwiazdora "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:06.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Navigator - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS Navigator - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I Blue | Airco | 5 deurs | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I Blue | Airco | 5 deurs | - Duration: 0:54.


BMW 5 Serie 530 i Touring Executive Panoramadak - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 530 i Touring Executive Panoramadak - Duration: 1:00.


DC Superhero Girls™

For more infomation >> DC Superhero Girls™


Dolores O'Riordan: Sängerin wird am Dienstag beigesetzt - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Dolores O'Riordan: Sängerin wird am Dienstag beigesetzt - Duration: 4:29.


Saiba que cirurgia Fabíola Reipert fez e o seu estado de saúde atual - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Saiba que cirurgia Fabíola Reipert fez e o seu estado de saúde atual - Duration: 3:32.


Da teologia natural à ciência contemporânea - Prof. Bernard Lightman - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Da teologia natural à ciência contemporânea - Prof. Bernard Lightman - Duration: 5:35.


Programa Estágio Heineken 2018 - Lucas Domingos Cardoso - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Programa Estágio Heineken 2018 - Lucas Domingos Cardoso - Duration: 1:57.


Christopher Nolan Retrospective: MY TOP MOMENTS - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Christopher Nolan Retrospective: MY TOP MOMENTS - Duration: 9:21.


Review FuriBee F4 V5 PRO - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Review FuriBee F4 V5 PRO - Duration: 3:39.


Mapa i widoki Petersburga - Duration: 1:12.

... And St. Petersburg is restless.

A merchant is rising, a peddler is coming, A cab stands on the stock exchange,

With a jug of oh hurries,

Under it the snow crunches.

I woke up in the morning a pleasant noise.

The shutters are open; chimney smoke

The column goes back to blue,

And a breadbaker, a German neat, In a paper cap, more than once

I opened his wasisdas...

A magical land!

There in the old years,

Satire the Bold

the lord, Fonvizin, a friend of freedom,

And recalcitrant

Princess Knyazhnin;

There Ozerov unwilling tributes People's tears,


With the young Semyonova shared;

There, our Katenin resurrected Corneille a great genius;

There deduced

caustic Shakhovskoy

His comedies are a noisy swarm,

There Didllo was crowned with glory,

There, there under the senis of the wings

My young days were racing...

The city is magnificent, the city is poor,

Spirit of bondage, slender appearance,

The sky is green and pale,

Boredom, cold and granite.

For more infomation >> Mapa i widoki Petersburga - Duration: 1:12.


Moranbong Band - Living like back then (그때처럼 우리가 살고있는가) - Duration: 3:34.


Are we living like back then?




We will forever live like back then

By the oath on solid foundation defended with our hearts

Day after day like back then


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