TERRI: Years ago I heard this phrase, and it changed my life.
He said, somebody in need is waiting on the other side of
your obedience. Then I heard it again, somebody in need is
waiting on the other side of your obedience. I remember
thinking, could somebody seriously be waiting on me
to get my act together, to get serious about my
future? I want you to be thinking about that. Who
could be waiting on you on the other side of your
obedience. Let's talk about getting a vision for your life,
concurring procrastination, and living your dreams.
TERRI: Hi. I'm Terri Savelle Foy. You are watching, Live
Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself, today,
that you'll be captivated and catapulted to live your dreams.
You know, God never meant for you to just settle. To just park
somewhere and just settle there forever. In fact I heard someone
say there's no neutral of God, we are either going forward, or
we're going in reverse. Do you remember this story in Genesis,
where Abraham and his father, Terah, it says that they set out
for Canaan. In other words, they were headed towards Canaan. Now,
Canaan land was the promise land it was the land of abundance,
the land of more than enough. That's where they were headed,
but the Bible says in Genesis 11:31, that Terah, Abraham's
father stopped along the way and settled. He just settled
somewhere, that wasn't where he intended to go, but he just
settled. When you think about that we hear a lot about
Abraham, we don't hear that much about his father, but he just
settled. God never meant for you to park somewhere halfway in
between your destiny, your dream. In fact I read a story
years ago about this mountain climbing resort, in the Swiss
Alps. It says that they cater to young businesses and executives,
and they are trying to build comradery and teamwork, and they
meet at the base of the mountain, they have this pep
talk, they encourage everybody to make it to the top. Let's
take the victory photo, and celebrate our accomplishment.
They said, they all have the pep talk, they put the hiking gear
on, they start climbing up the mountain, and about lunch time
the actually reach about the halfway point, and there's this
amazing alpine restaurant. They go in the restaurant, they take
the hiking gear off, they sit by the fire, they have a hot cup of
coffee, they eat a good lunch. This is what they said, after
they are well fed and full, less than half continue to climb to
the top. They say it's not because it's too difficult, it's
not because they're unable to, it's because they've tasted a
little bit of success, and they think, this is good enough. I'll
just stop right here. God, never meant for you to settle
somewhere. There is so much more that he wants you to experience,
to have, to do, but you have to get your vision back, you have
to get your dreams back. Sometimes, people say to me,
"How do you get started. I don't even know where to start
anymore. It's been so long since I've dreamed. I was reading this
story, or listening to a story, actually about, I believe it was
Will Smith, the actor, you know he is also a producer, he
produces films and someone was over at his house visiting him,
and they said he had this big glass wall, when they walked in
and saw this wall there was like a hundred and fifty little index
cards, all over the wall. Somebody said, "What is all
that?" He said, "That's my next film, I'm working on," he said,
"Those are all my different scenes." He said, "You know
every good movie has good characters, and bad characters,
and conflicts, and victories, ups and downs," and he said, "I
change the cards around, and move around my scenes," the
friend said, "This just looks so confusing." He said, "How do you
even know where to start?" Will Smith said, "That's the easy
part," he said, "You always start with the final scene," he
said, "You decide how you want it to end, and then you work
towards it." It's the same with your future. It's the same with
your dreams. You have to imagine, I always tell people,
imagine it's December the thirty-first of this year, or
maybe even next year. Give yourself a little bit longer,
and just imagine what would need to happen in your life for you
to say this has been the most amazing year of my life.
Whatever it is start writing it down. You have to define what
success means to you, because we both have different ideas of
success. If you are thinking what an amazing year for me
would be I pay off that car. I'm going to pay off that car. Then,
you have to call the bank, find out how much you owe, and write
the vision down. Make it clear. I've heard stories about John F.
Kennedy, when he had a vision to land a man on the moon, to put
the American flag in there, and to bring them back home safely.
He shared that vision. He communicated that vision. This
is the end result, if we achieve this, we've succeeded. They need
a target, right? You have to do the same thing. In fact, I read
where NASA headquarters had this giant wall at their offices with
this picture on there so that every day when people came to
work, they saw the vision. They knew. If we achieve that, we've
succeeded. It wasn't hazy. It wasn't unclear. That was the
vision. I've been told they achieved that two years ahead of
schedule. You need a target. You got to figure out what is that
destination that would cause you to say, this has been the most
amazing year of my life. You've heard that phrase, if you aim at
nothing, you'll hit it every time. Vision keeps you alive. It
keeps you motivated. Have you ever heard, don't be like the
guy whose tombstone read, died at thirty, buried at sixty? In
other words, for thirty years of his life he just existed. God
never meant for you to just exist, or to reach a certain
level of success, and then just park. Apostle Paul said this,
one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and
reaching for those things which are a head. He said, I press
toward the mark. What is the mark? The mark is your goals.
It's your vision. It's your dreams. Number one today, I want
you to have a vision. Think about it. John Maxwell says
thinking precedes achievement. Nobody just stumbles upon
success and then says, wait, how did I get here? The greater your
thinking, the greater your achievement. Your potential. In
fact, Henry Ford, used to say, "Thinking is the hardest work
there is," which is probably the reason so few engage in it. It's
true. It's not exciting to tell someone, "What did you learn
when you watched Terri's broadcast, today? She told me to
think." That's not exciting. But that is where it starts. You
will never achieve any kind of dream if you don't think about
it first. Don't let another year go by without sitting and
processing what is it that God is telling you to get serious
about. Number one is have a vision, give yourself permission
to dream. Think. Thinking precedes achievement. Number two
is get clear on what you want. Get clear on what you want. You
will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your life when you
get clear on your dreams and goals. Have you heard the
phrase, vague goals produce vague results. Don't just say,
I'm going to lose weight. You could lose three pounds and
there you lost your weight. Get clear, say, I weigh, whatever
your perfect weight is, I am so happy weighing a hundred and
fifteen pounds, whatever that means to you. Get clear on what
you want. I read a story about a guy named H.L. Hunt, now he was
the man whose life was the inspiration for the TV show
Dallas, in fact, J.R. Ewing was based on perceptions of this
man, H.L. Well, Hunt. H.L. Hunt, went from this bankrupt cotton
farmer to a multi billionaire, not millionaire, billionaire.
They asked him in a TV interview, they said, "What
would you tell people who want to be financially successful?"
This is what he said, "Only two things are required. Number one,
decide exactly what you want to accomplish. Number two,
determine what price you are willing to pay to get it." Think
about that. Mark Twain said, "I can teach anybody how to get
what they want in life, problem is, I cannot find anybody who
can tell me what they truly want." What do you want?
Think about that. Do you want to be debt free? Do you want
to adopt a baby? Do you want to be a missionary?
Do you want to open a daycare? Do you want to start saving
money? Do you want to open a dance studio? Do you want
to save five thousand dollars, or ten thousand dollars? Don't
just say I want to save money. Be specific about what
your believing God for. I mean, for example, God
has put the nation of France in my heart. I have a degree
in French, (speaks in French). I studied French, and
God put a desire in my heart to impact the nation of France. I'm
always teaching people to write the vision, and make it plain. I
wrote in my dreams and goals notebook, that I'm believing
God that all my books will be translated in French. Is it a
coincidence that all my books are translated in French? This
is the imagine book, Imagine Big book called, Imaginez le grand
Why aren't they in Russian? I'm not against that,
but I never wrote that vision down. See clarity is one of the
single most important keys to success. You have to get clear
on what your believing in God for. In fact, I heard a story
about a lady who was believing in God to lose weight. She said,
I didn't just say, I want to lose weight. She actually went
to the department store, bought a dress, ten sizes too small,
she said, I was so embarrassed I told the sales clerk, "It's for
a friend of mine." She said, I hung that dress up in my closet,
as my clear vision. She wasn't hazy. She wasn't just saying,
I'm going to lose weight, she knew I am going to weight this
amount, and where this size. She said, it didn't happen over
night, but eventually she wore that very dress. Her vision was
clear. It wasn't hazy. Like I said, you will be amazed at what
you can accomplish when you get clear on your dreams and goals.
They did a study at Yale University. Now, this was back
in 1953. They asked the graduating class, they said, how
many of you have a list of your dreams and goals? Three percent
of this graduating class had a list of their dreams and goals,
had their goals in writing. Twenty years later, they went
back and interviewed the class, and discovered, the three
percent that who wrote their goals, had accumulated more
wealth than the ninety-seven percent combined. Think
about that. Whatever God is telling you to do, get
serious about it. Here's a principle, when the vision
is clear, the results will appear. You might want to
hear that again. When the vision is clear, the results
will appear. Watch this and I'll be right back.
ANNOUNCER: Your imagination is a powerful gift from
God, an understanding how to use this gift can dramatically
change your life. That's why Terri is offering you her best
selling book, Imagine Big, along with My Personal Dreams
and Goals-Notebook. In Imagine Big, you'll discover
from God's Word, proven success keys that will enable you to
live the life you've always wanted. Use my personal dreams
and goals notebook to help you stay focused, and organized as
you utilize pictures in your goal setting to get greater
results. Together, this is a must have package for you, or a
loved one, who needs to understand how to make their
dreams a reality, and experience their full potential. Time is
ticking, and you cannot wait for some day to pursue the dreams
God has placed in your heart, so don't delay. Call or go online
to request your copy of Imagine Big, along with My Personal
Dreams and Goals-Notebook. Call toll free 1-800-795-5597, or
visit us online at Terri.com, order now, and get the tools
you need to go from where you are to where you want to be.
TERRI: I heard TD Jakes say one time, who just yelled
this out, he said, "What are you going to do with the
rest of your life?" Then he said it this way, "What
are you going to do with the life you have left," of
course it sounded a lot more powerful than I am
saying, because he was shouting and sweating, and stuff. I love
the bishop. I want you to think about what you are going to do
with the life you have left. God has so much more for you, than
what you currently experience, but for most people, we've
stopped dreaming. I know I did for years of my life, every year
of my life was just a repeat of the year before. Finally, when I
got serious about making progress, not coming to the same
place, next year, at this time. When I finally got serious, and
gave myself permission to dream, everything began to change.
That's why I believe your watching today. I believe God
has spoken to you through this broadcast that he is telling you
personally it's time to wake up. That somebody in need is waiting
on the other side of your obedience. I open the broadcast
with that because I remember hearing that, I was driving to
work, I heard that on a CD, and then the preacher said it,
twice, and I remember just thinking, could somebody
seriously be waiting on me? I don't know what I have to offer.
What could they be waiting on me, and it would stir up in me,
again. Maybe somebody is waiting on me to get my act together. To
get serious. To get disciplined. Who could be waiting on you,
because your vision is going to impact their life. Somebody is
waiting for you to get serious about your future. I started
with number one, was to imagine. You got to see it in here,
before it ever shows up out here. You have to see
yourself preaching on that stage. You have to see
yourself singing to that crowd. You got to see your books
on the bookshelf. See yourself being a realtor, and selling
those houses. See yourself flying those planes. Maybe
you've been called to finance the Gospel. You got to see
yourself sending that gift. You got to see yourself doing
it, before you achieve it. Number two, is write the
vision. If you've studied success books, if you've
attended motivational conferences, every motivational
speaker will tell you you've got to have goals. You got to write
your goals. That's just a principle that every successful
person practices. In fact, I was reading Success Magazine, and
Darren Hardy was talking about how he's interview everybody
from Oprah Winfrey to Steve Jobs, to Jeff Bezos
of Amazon. Jack Dorsey of Twitter. He's interviewed
everybody, and he said they all have two things that they seemed
to practice. Number one, they're committed to consistent goal
setting. In writing. They are committed to it. Number two,
they are committed to continual learning. They're constantly
growing themselves through reading books, and listening to
CD's, but constantly growing. Number two, was write the
vision. Number three is you got to keep it before your eyes.
It's got to be in front of you. There's a principle it's even in
the Word of God, that your life moves toward the dominating
images you keep before your eyes. Now, the key words are,
keep before your eyes. In fact, I remember years ago, when I
mentioned I had a dream to do something in the nation of
France, and I wrote the vision down in my little dream book,
and I said, I'm just a girl from Texas, speaking rusty French. I
don't know anybody in France, but I trust God. That's not all
I did. I put a picture of France in my dream book. I remember I
went out and I actually bought a map of France. I framed it, and
I began speaking over that vision, just praying over the
nation of France. You got to do the same thing. Get the vision
clearly before your eyes. I could see myself ministering all
over the nation. Consequently, today we've ministered in nine
cities across France, every year we go to Paris. Our books are in
French. Your life moves toward the dominating images you keep
before your eyes. It also gives your faith something to target.
Something to believe for. In fact, I remember hearing Joel
Osteen tell a story about his dad, Mr. John Osteen. He said,
years ago when his dad was in the hospital, having open heart
surgery. He said, he told Joel, he said, "Joel, I want you to go
home, and get my tennis shoes," he was a petite man. Osteen's
are little people. He told him, he said, "I want you to go home,
get my tennis shoes," and he said, "I want you to put them in
my hospital room, because that is my faith, that one day I am
going to walk out of this hospital, and I'm going to go
jogging, again." Joel put the tennis shoes in there and of
course that's what he wrapped his faith around, the vision
that I will walk out of here. He lived another twelve years after
open heart surgery. What is your vision? Maybe you have a vision
to sell your house. It's been on the market forever and your
believing in God to sell the house. You know what I did? I
took a picture of our house, I put sold across it, and I put it
in my dream book, and everyday I began speaking to that vision.
When it looked like it was never going to happen, in fact, seven
months went by with no offers, I kept speaking to the vision. No,
Lord, you said, be on to me according to my faith, I'm
believing God, my house is sold. After seven months of no
offers, whatsoever, in one day we got two offers on the house.
They got into a bidding war. The house went up thirty thousand
dollars in one day. I am so convinced whatever you keep
before your eyes it will eventually show up in your life,
but you've got to stay focused. You know, I really want to
challenge you with this. I want you to conquer procrastination.
I'm believing that this broadcast, today, is motivating
you to get serious about it. In fact, it reminds me of that
story, do you remember the story in John Chapter five, where,
it's a story about a guy at the pool of Bethesda. The Bible
talks about how this guy, the pool of Bethesda is where the
invalids would lay, the lame, the weak, the people who were
believing in God to get healed, they would wait for an angel to
come along, put them in the water, and it would stir, and
they would be healed. There was one guy who was laying there,
and they told Jesus, they said, "He's been laying here for
thirty-eight years," Jesus walks up to this invalid who is laying
there, waiting for the angel, and he asked him, he said, "Do
you want to get well?" Now, my thought is why would he need to
ask an invalid, "Do you want to get well?" I think the reason he
asked is because nothing changed in thirty-eight years. Think
about that. In fact, his response was one that was
somewhat of self pity. He said to him, "Every time I try to get
in, somebody always gets a head of me," so he answered in
response with self pity, I try and everybody always gets ahead
of me. Jesus, what could he be saying to you, today? He may be
asking you, are you sure you want to start a church? Are you
sure you want to write a book? Are you sure you want to open up
that dance studio? Are you sure you want to launch a ministry?
Are you sure you want to build that house? Are you sure you
want to teach, or get your degree? Why? Because nothing has
changed in five years, twelve years, seventeen years,
thirty-eight years. Think about that. Jesus ended up giving this
man three commands. Jesus he is known for his compassion,
sweetest man who ever lived. In his heart of compassion do you
know what he said to this man? He said to him three commands,
number one, get up. Number two, pick up that bed. Number three,
walk. Three commands, get up, pick up your bed, and walk. I
want you to think about what God could be saying to you today. He
might be saying, get up, pick up your music, and sing. Get up,
pick up that manuscript, and write. Get up, pick up your
Bible, and preach. Think about, what is God saying to you? Get
up, pick up your resume, and go get that job. Get up, pick up
your wallet, and give, or he could be saying simple things
that are just, you've put them off to the side like, get up,
pick up the life insurance policy, and fill it out. Get up,
go get the oil changed on your car. Get up, pick up your
bottom, get to the gym. In other words, quit talking about it.
Quit waiting for others to come along and encourage you.
Remember how the Bible says that David encouraged himself in the
Lord. I believe God is telling you, it's time to get serious
about your future. Somebody in need is waiting on the other
side of your obedience. A lot of times, we can just kind of put
it off by saying, you know, tomorrow, I'm going to do that.
I'm watching the broadcast, today, and I'm going to make
note of some stuff, but tomorrow I'm going to get real serious
about this. I heard Jimmy Lyon say, tomorrow is the only day in
the year that appeals to a lazy man. I know, I don't like that
either, but I'm telling you it's statements like that, that woke
me up years ago, to say, come on Terri, stop repeating the same
stuff year, after year, after year. Tomorrow is the only day
in the year that appeals to a lazy man. Whatever God is
telling you to do, one way of concurring it is just start
making a list. What are some of the things I need to get done?
Start tackling it. Designate a day to go after that list. Don't
just write the list. You always have to assign a time to go
after it. Somebody in need is waiting for you to get serious.
I want to encourage you to get this book, Imagine Big, this
book has gone all over the world, teaching people how to
dream, and I love getting testimonies from people. I would
love for you to share with me what God is doing in your life.
I mean, everything from people losing seventy-five pounds. A
couple that opened a restaurant. I've had people tell me stories
of getting pregnant. Others who, one lady, she saved a hundred
thousand dollars when she didn't even get started until she was
fifty-seven years old. She got serious about her future. This
will teach you how to start giving yourself permission to
dream, again. I'll teach you how to set goals. I'll talk to you
about how to take action. You cannot just sit around and wait
for something to happen. You got to take action. Anyway, this
book I know it's going to help you, and then the dreams and
goals notebook, this has helped me, personally, this was just
something I made in my own private time, and we decided to
produce it, because I would always tell people, go to the
store, get a three ring binder, and they wouldn't do it, so I
said, okay, I'll provide the binder, but you've got to put
your dreams in here. There's samples in here of how I do it.
I've got scriptures, motivational phrases, and
samples of things, there's stories of Jim Carrey, different
people who've practiced this principle, they may not even
know it comes from the Word of God, but they are getting
results. How much more for someone like you to say, you
know what, I'm going to do what God said to do. He's the one
that told me without a vision I'll parish. He's the one who
said, write the vision, make it plain. I'm going to do this. You
can get the book, and the notebook, or if you want to
invest a little extra into yourself, I encourage you to get
the entire Imagine Big kit. It all comes in this little box,
and it comes with five CD's in addition to the book and the
notebook. Now, these CD's, I'm telling you, someone said it's a
sweet kick in the pants, but it's going to be motivation to
end up somewhere else next year at this time. One CD is called,
Can You Imagine, where I teach you to dream. The second one, is
called, Clutter Clean Out, where I give you a goal to set the
alarm on your phone for twenty minutes, and you start tackling
all the clutter in your life, and in one room at a time. You
don't do the whole house, you focus on one room at a time.
Which room? The one you spend the most time in, and then you
tackle what you can see, you don't start by pulling the
drawers out, and the closet, and the pantry, no, you start with
what you can see. Because when you see your progress, it
motivates you to finish. We talk about getting things organized,
because I believe there's a direct link between
organization, and success. Get organized. One is called, The
Power of Now, all about conquering procrastination. I'll
teach you how, there's some psychological reasons why we
procrastinate on things. One CD is called, You Get What You Ask
For. You could be missing out on somethings in life, because
you're not asking. The Bible says you have not because you
ask not. The last CD is called, How Bad Do You Want What You Say
You Want? It's all about elevating your desire, in fact
there's a story in here about Steven Spielberg that's
hilarious, about how he had such a desire to be a producer, how
he literally broke into Hollywood, you will love this
story. But anyway, I encourage you to get the whole kit,
because the CD's give you something to listen to while you
are cleaning out the clutter, or while you're driving to work. I
read where the average American drives twenty minutes to work,
and twenty minutes back home, every day. Now, after doing that
for five years, that's one thousand, two hundred and fifty
hours in your car, or the equivalent of a college
education. Think about that. If you were to just put a CD in
your car, on your way to work, on your way home, after five
years of doing that, it's like having a college degree. The
Bible says that faith comes by hearing. Every time you hear the
Word, faith comes. I want to encourage you, get serious about
you future. Start making it apart of your daily routine. I
am so convinced, if you'll change your routine, you can
change your whole life. Let me just remind you, don't look at
all the years you've lost, let's look at the years you've got
left, and start living your dreams. It's not too late. You
haven't made too many mistake I believe God is speaking to you,
today. Start living your dreams. Thank you, so much
for watching. I look forward to seeing you next week.
ANNOUNCER: Your imagination is a powerful gift from God, and
understanding how to use this gift, can dramatically change
your life, that's why Terri is offering you her best selling
book, Imagine Big, along with My Personal Dreams and Goals-
Notebook. In Imagine Big, you'll discover from God's Word, proven
success keys that will enable you to live the
life you've always wanted. Use My Personal Dreams and
Goals-Notebook, to help you stay focused, and organized
as you utilize pictures, and your goal setting to get greater
results, together, this is a must have package for you,
or a loved one who needs to understand how to make
their dreams a reality, and experience their full potential.
Time is ticking, and you cannot wait for some day to pursue the
dreams God has placed in your heart. Don't delay. Call or go
online to request your copy of Imagine Big, along with
My Personal Dreams and Goals- Notebook. Call toll
free 1-800-795-5597, or visit us online at terri.com.
Order now, and get the tools you need to go
from where you are to where you want to be.
TERRI: The Next Conference is right around the corner. It's
the number one success training conference based on God's Word
to help leaders grow. Join us on the lake in Rockwall, Texas
January 26-27 for two days of insight that will take your
business, personal life, and ministry to the next level. My
special guess is Keith Craft. He's a pastor and a success
coach who's worked with Zig Ziglar, George Bush Senior, Les
Brown, and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He'll teach you
how to elevate your thinking so you can elevate your life. If
you're ready to go to the next level this is a weekend vital
to your growth. Seats are limited and will
sell out so head over to terri.com/next to register
today so you can connect with influencers, elevate your
thinking, and go to the next level in 2018.
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