Saturday, January 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jan 20 2018

okay guys keep watching as we unbox he's 14 awesome Dominus Rex toys and set him

up in our Jurassic world oh okay it's great to see you again today I have a

big huge box full of indominus rex toys from jurassic world and once we're done

New 14 Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing big dinosaur zoo

with all our indominus rex is wow let's get started okay guys so here we have

our Jurassic world park all set up with all the volcanoes and dead animals and

everything wow this looks like Jurassic world to the fallen Kingdom when the

volcano explodes and all the dinos have to run for their five names

anyways let's bring on the dinos okay Zuber dominance rex our first dinosaur

is the Zoomer and ominous rex i do have full reviews of all of these guys we're

just gonna take a quick look at them today if you do want to check them out

go to my Jurassic world playlist and whichever one of the dinos you want to

check out both the name it there so this guy does roar he zooms all

around he is an awesome limited-edition indominus breath then he also does get

angry he has different boats so if you put him in one of the modes if you put

your arm here or you pull his tail he gets angry and his eyes turned red and

he growls it I mean if you guys go ahead and check out the full unboxing limited

edition indominus rex and our next one is a limited edition indominus rex this

came with the limited edition Jurassic world DVD box set it came with

the indominus rex and the t-rex this one has super cool detail really awesome

check out that box see dominus Rex and this is a totally

different one that was made by a company called flaws they're like they make like

knock-offs they're a company in China really high

super quality knockoffs but the reason I included this it looks exactly like the

indominus rex with different colors I mean take a look at these and tell me

they are not the same dinosaurs Dino

Dino and this one was probably the last indominus rex that was released for

jurassic world wide Hasbro this one is the rampant

rampage in addition indominus rex this one has a wind-up arm if you wind his

arm up here he does move open it close his mouth so I do like this guy this guy

also does have vampire teeth here he opened his mouth all the way you see how

those teeth pop out they almost look like snake

so if you open it all the way the teeth pop off and he also does have an action

feature to push on his body here he has spikes that pop up and then he

roars because spikes that pop up there

so you know a lot of people did not like the hasbro toys but you know what i

think they made some really cool stuff so I do like the hasbro toys and I hope

littell does an even better job I am on set to review the Mattel Toys in

February at the New York Toy Fair and

then we have classic indominus rex i really like this guy he is big his

entire front part of his head here is rubber because when you pull his arm

back he opens his mouth way off anteye roars you can see it makes it look very

realistic because of the rubber action there so the top part of his head is

really similar to the old Kenner dinosaur toys I love the fact how this

guy opens up his mouth oh yeah that's so cool and it's hard to tell but

he does light up red hair on his body also Jurassic world logo like I said I

have full unboxings and with this guy I have a lot of

so check out my Jurassic world place

battled openness okay this guy is one of the weirder looking indominus rex toys

he's a indominus rex armor indominus rex so if you push his tail he does turn his

head and he opens and closes his mouth he's got molded armor that fits on his

back here there's a piece for his head I seem to have misplaced it off you check

out my full unboxing at this guy you can see it opened ooh and

so this is a cool I I think it's a nice twist to the regular yellow Lego

knockoff in domenase right and this next one is really cool too this is a

knockoff yellow indominus rex toy I bought this one on ebay from a seller in

Australia so if you want to go ahead and check that out just like the regular

indominus rex Lego really cool arms move hands turn legs walk into different

positions so once again I do got a full review and unboxing you Bekka

dominus rex Lego calm dragon and then this guy is a really cool one - this guy

ah it's he is called an alien t-rex because it's the alien t-rex

escape you can check out my full Lego stop-motion build of that set it's a

huge set but anyways this is the guy that came with the but this is not a

t-rex this is an indominus rex so I call him the alien indominus rex so he is

very similar to the official Lego one his head moves except he's got these

spikes down the back which almost make him look like a dragon

so I really like the camouflage he has and this guy's got they go and this one

is a knockoff bought it looks exactly like the original Lego indominus rex i

do have him but i have him boxed up right now but this one is pretty much

identical size look everything the only difference is the original one is a

lighter color so once again the hands move the arms move in two different

positions the likes lock in different positions really cool miniature knockoff

let go indominus rex a little miniature knockoff

lego indominus rex so this guy's really cool too you could buy this guy on ebay

or amazon you've got this little guy that came with one of the indominus rex

sets you pull his tail he turns his head and opens his closes his mouth he is

pretty much identical to the armored one but the armored one just has the two

molded pieces that you could put on the back of them but they are pretty much

interchangeable so it is the same dinosaur just different parts battle

and then finally we have this midsize one here the one reason I like this one

is it has this wound here the action feature here and you hit it here it does

spring open you got like a terrible wound on there so it's really good for

battles and stuff like that and he does also have a jumping head so if you push

down on his tail here he lowers his head and he chomps his mom this guy too you

can see some red along here so that must be good over there so another really

cool indominus rex okay guys it's time to set up our Jurassic world park let's

get going okay I did have to go ahead and remove the volcanoes there

so our dinosaurs will fit but we will put the two big rampage ones in the back

there and then we have the two big original ones which I will set up over

here and

and then we have our Zoomer which is gonna zoom in out of the gate

there go ahead and open that guy's Wow and then we have our other like

medium-sized ones which we're just gonna go ahead and set up in here

this guy's gonna go there right in the water

this guy's gonna go back here almost like he's a junior size one and then we

will set this guy up here by the tree and then we have our angle

and set our Lego wants in over here cool also but I don't want to block the ones

in the back there and then we have our dragon one we're gonna set over there

and we have some smaller ones which are gonna go in the front over there we will

have that one sitting down we will have this armor one over here and this tiny

little baby one over there okay guys so there is our 14 awesome indominus rex

toys guys i love making these videos for you guys if you do want to see more fun

videos go ahead click the subscribe button then also click the like button

next to it to be notified when I make new videos I do have over a thousand

videos majority are Jurassic world Jurassic Park

Godzilla King Kong and Power Rangers wow that was awesome and I will see you

click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a

lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 14 Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing - Duration: 13:35.


OUKITEL MIX 2 REVIEW AND TEST - Duration: 15:25.

For more infomation >> OUKITEL MIX 2 REVIEW AND TEST - Duration: 15:25.


5 Sexy Women in Games - Duration: 3:12.

Geeky Gaming

Hey Geeks, it's Andrea and we are going to talk about something super important today.

And probably a few more times because this is something that I can talk a lot about.

There are so many beautiful women in video games and I think we should just get together

regularly and share some of our favorites.

So here are 5 of some super sexy women in video games.

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw If you were going to play as a character running

around fighting zombies, why not do it in a cheerleading outfit while sucking on lollipops

and wielding a chainsaw?

Sounds like a good time to me.

Juliet is a bit crazy and if she loves you enough just might saw your head off so you

don't become a zombie.

That's real love, man.


Bayonetta from Bayonetta If you love a woman with long, flowing hair

wearing high boots and tight revealing jumpsuits you probably have a little crush on Bayonetta.

Well the hair thing is a little more complicated than that, but once you throw in those glasses,

be still my beating heart.

I could watch this woman fight demons all day long.


Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Lara Croft is likely the reason for some 90s

guys to be sent into puberty just a bit early.

She has been doing her thing for over 20 years.

She has changed looks a lot in those 20 years, but one thing is always consistent, her aesthetically

pleasing face and.. other assets.

Like her super sexy brain, which for me just sets her over the top.

There is nothing sexier than a big ol brain.


Ada Wong from Resident Evil There is one thing all of these women have

in common, they can kick some major ass and look damn good while doing it.

Ada Wong is no exception.

She is a secret agent who will steal your heart before you know it.

And then kick your ass as some weird way of seduction.

All without ruining her red dress.


Widowmaker from Overwatch Okay there are a lot of gorgeous women in

Overwatch, so you can really pick any of them here.

There is something really special about Widowmaker though.

Not only is the character herself super gorgeous, and she knows it, but being able to be a great

sniper in a video game is damn sexy.

At least to me.

Especially Overwatch just because I freaking love Overwatch.

Anyway in the game itself she is definitely the most provocative.

With her outfits and her poses.

Now to just get over how cold her skin would be to the touch.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

Let me know some of your favorite sexy ladies from games in the comments below.

Maybe you'll see them in future videos.

If you are new, please do me a favor and hit the subscribe button.

Share GG videos with your Geeky friends on social media and anywhere really and get them

to come hang out with us to.

Alright Geeks, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Sexy Women in Games - Duration: 3:12.


【ピアノ弾き語り】変わらないもの/奥華子(時をかける少女挿入歌) by ふるのーと (cover) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 【ピアノ弾き語り】変わらないもの/奥華子(時をかける少女挿入歌) by ふるのーと (cover) - Duration: 2:01.


Volvo V70 2.0T R-EDITION 203PK Leer-Navi-Xenon-PDC-Trekhaak-LMV - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T R-EDITION 203PK Leer-Navi-Xenon-PDC-Trekhaak-LMV - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai HB20 R spec Limited chega ao mercado por R$ 65 mil - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Hyundai HB20 R spec Limited chega ao mercado por R$ 65 mil - Duration: 1:46.


Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:05.





Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


'Loredana e Al Bano non si sono lasciati': la versione di Signoretti | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 'Loredana e Al Bano non si sono lasciati': la versione di Signoretti | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:43.


Uomini e donne :la scelta di Paolo: la svolta fuori dalla trasmissione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne :la scelta di Paolo: la svolta fuori dalla trasmissione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Uomini e donne: Gemma Galgani e il messaggio postato sul suo profilo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne: Gemma Galgani e il messaggio postato sul suo profilo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


WhatsApp como evitar que te vean conectado o cual fue la ultima vez en Android e iOS - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> WhatsApp como evitar que te vean conectado o cual fue la ultima vez en Android e iOS - Duration: 5:18.


Uomini e donne, Tina e Giorgio amanti? L'incontro segreto della coppia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Tina e Giorgio amanti? L'incontro segreto della coppia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM - New York City (Christmas in New York #5) - Duration: 5:17.

Merry Christmas!

These murdered Mufasa, Simba's dad

OK, enough with the protagonism of my sister, it's time to take control back

Remind that on my channel you can find other videos from the States

but since some weeks I'm back in Italy and the first thing I did was to book another flight to go in a new country

If you want to know which one, follow my Instagram profile (link in description)

On Instagram I usually post a lot of wonderful photo, so follow me is a good thing

I remind you that leave a like to the video is free, subscribe the channel is free, comment is free and even send a space shuttle in the space with this video is free

Ok maybe not the last one, but if you want to, you're welcome

see you on the next video, or photo... whatever you want. Bye!

For more infomation >> NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM - New York City (Christmas in New York #5) - Duration: 5:17.


The Kira Justice - "ESCOLHAS" (Música feita em LIVE) │ TV size - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> The Kira Justice - "ESCOLHAS" (Música feita em LIVE) │ TV size - Duration: 1:52.



For more infomation >> MOTIVACIONAL GAMER: SUPERAÇÃO E ENTUSIASMO - Duration: 5:04.


Bruna Marquezine canta música tema de reconciliação com Neymar e agita a web | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine canta música tema de reconciliação com Neymar e agita a web | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 3:50.


Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI FEEL 5 deurs airco - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI FEEL 5 deurs airco - Duration: 1:23.


Como vender mais e aumentar o faturamento - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Como vender mais e aumentar o faturamento - Duration: 5:50.


Uomini e donne ultimissime,Tina e Giorgio fidanzati di nascosto? La ... - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne ultimissime,Tina e Giorgio fidanzati di nascosto? La ... - Duration: 4:03.


Neymar dá parabéns carinhoso para Bruna Marquezine e quebra a web | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Neymar dá parabéns carinhoso para Bruna Marquezine e quebra a web | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 3:48.


Gemma Galgani disperata dopo la scoperta shock su Giorgio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani disperata dopo la scoperta shock su Giorgio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Record toma decisão sobre Domingo Show e Geraldo Luís é o último a saber - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Record toma decisão sobre Domingo Show e Geraldo Luís é o último a saber - Duration: 3:17.


A busca pelo leite Cru / The search for raw milk - Duration: 4:46.

Hi everybody Welcome to Batistenha, I'm Joselito and I'm Iva.

Well, today Batistenha will leave Batista Homestead and we're going to a

farm near the town of Lawrence in New Jersey. To search for raw milk,

to make butter and mozzarella. So stay with us,

follow us in this journey.

We're getting here on the farm.

So people look at it, we have a chicken here. Other here this is a farm

Let's see what we have here,

a kitten. A sheep, as usual there is a black sheep.

The kitten is here rubbing himself at us.

Bunny, look this one without ears They came here to greet us. So

We're going to go in here and get the milk.

Okay, look here,

There are several products but they do not have milk. They do not have raw milk, so it was a misunderstand.

People we finally found our fresh milk we were looking for.

We had to go beyond what we had been thinking,

we had to drive about an hour.

We're one hour from home in the State of Pennsylvania. And we found

on this farm, is that they here in PA can sell milk

in natura. So we got and I want to take the opportunity to

send a hug to Tânia Almeida, our friend there in Union

New Jersey. I also mean to say that we bought the 10 gallons of milk

that you asked for, not ten, just one. We bought one for you.

Then that's it. guys, after driving almost

an hour by looking for this milk, the milk in natura. We got here at

State of Pennsylvania. So now let's go back.

Thank you for joining us here in this day trip from Batistenha Homestead.

I'm Joselito and I'm Iva. If you do not has signed up for the channel, sign up and leave us

Your like there for us.

For more infomation >> A busca pelo leite Cru / The search for raw milk - Duration: 4:46.


Hài Vô Cùng - Chuyện Tình Cục Cức Thúi - GATE TV - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Hài Vô Cùng - Chuyện Tình Cục Cức Thúi - GATE TV - Duration: 1:52.


Plants vs zombies animated Chapter 16 ☀️Animation 2017☀️PARODY - Duration: 3:19.

Chapter 16

what's going on?

where I am?

you became a zombie

I returned you to normal

you are very strong

thank you for helping me plant of life

Sunflower is tired

Crazy Dave take it home

very well I will take it to the house

I will defeat the zombies !!

sunflower rests

you are very brave

I will defeat the zombies !!

I defeated the zombies !!

rest plants !!!

recover your energies

It can not be, I lost !!

What I can do?

send all the zombies, increase the defense

Very well, I will send many zombies

we will attack below!

we will defeat Crazy Dave!

Very well, go once and defeat them

you woke up sunflower!

how are you?

Crazy Dave !!

you went back to normal !!

It can not be, many zombies come

I have to defeat them!

I have to defend the house

can not be!!

the plants are up, dig!

what is happening?


to be continue


For more infomation >> Plants vs zombies animated Chapter 16 ☀️Animation 2017☀️PARODY - Duration: 3:19.


5 remédios à base de plantas que ajudam a expulsar o muco - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> 5 remédios à base de plantas que ajudam a expulsar o muco - Duration: 11:37.


UeD over registrazione del 17/1: Giorgio rifiuta Gemma per ... - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> UeD over registrazione del 17/1: Giorgio rifiuta Gemma per ... - Duration: 4:29.


CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...

For more infomation >> CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...


Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:04.


WhatsApp como evitar que te vean conectado o cual fue la ultima vez en Android e iOS - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> WhatsApp como evitar que te vean conectado o cual fue la ultima vez en Android e iOS - Duration: 5:18.


New 14 Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing - Duration: 13:35.

okay guys keep watching as we unbox he's 14 awesome Dominus Rex toys and set him

up in our Jurassic world oh okay it's great to see you again today I have a

big huge box full of indominus rex toys from jurassic world and once we're done

New 14 Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing big dinosaur zoo

with all our indominus rex is wow let's get started okay guys so here we have

our Jurassic world park all set up with all the volcanoes and dead animals and

everything wow this looks like Jurassic world to the fallen Kingdom when the

volcano explodes and all the dinos have to run for their five names

anyways let's bring on the dinos okay Zuber dominance rex our first dinosaur

is the Zoomer and ominous rex i do have full reviews of all of these guys we're

just gonna take a quick look at them today if you do want to check them out

go to my Jurassic world playlist and whichever one of the dinos you want to

check out both the name it there so this guy does roar he zooms all

around he is an awesome limited-edition indominus breath then he also does get

angry he has different boats so if you put him in one of the modes if you put

your arm here or you pull his tail he gets angry and his eyes turned red and

he growls it I mean if you guys go ahead and check out the full unboxing limited

edition indominus rex and our next one is a limited edition indominus rex this

came with the limited edition Jurassic world DVD box set it came with

the indominus rex and the t-rex this one has super cool detail really awesome

check out that box see dominus Rex and this is a totally

different one that was made by a company called flaws they're like they make like

knock-offs they're a company in China really high

super quality knockoffs but the reason I included this it looks exactly like the

indominus rex with different colors I mean take a look at these and tell me

they are not the same dinosaurs Dino

Dino and this one was probably the last indominus rex that was released for

jurassic world wide Hasbro this one is the rampant

rampage in addition indominus rex this one has a wind-up arm if you wind his

arm up here he does move open it close his mouth so I do like this guy this guy

also does have vampire teeth here he opened his mouth all the way you see how

those teeth pop out they almost look like snake

so if you open it all the way the teeth pop off and he also does have an action

feature to push on his body here he has spikes that pop up and then he

roars because spikes that pop up there

so you know a lot of people did not like the hasbro toys but you know what i

think they made some really cool stuff so I do like the hasbro toys and I hope

littell does an even better job I am on set to review the Mattel Toys in

February at the New York Toy Fair and

then we have classic indominus rex i really like this guy he is big his

entire front part of his head here is rubber because when you pull his arm

back he opens his mouth way off anteye roars you can see it makes it look very

realistic because of the rubber action there so the top part of his head is

really similar to the old Kenner dinosaur toys I love the fact how this

guy opens up his mouth oh yeah that's so cool and it's hard to tell but

he does light up red hair on his body also Jurassic world logo like I said I

have full unboxings and with this guy I have a lot of

so check out my Jurassic world place

battled openness okay this guy is one of the weirder looking indominus rex toys

he's a indominus rex armor indominus rex so if you push his tail he does turn his

head and he opens and closes his mouth he's got molded armor that fits on his

back here there's a piece for his head I seem to have misplaced it off you check

out my full unboxing at this guy you can see it opened ooh and

so this is a cool I I think it's a nice twist to the regular yellow Lego

knockoff in domenase right and this next one is really cool too this is a

knockoff yellow indominus rex toy I bought this one on ebay from a seller in

Australia so if you want to go ahead and check that out just like the regular

indominus rex Lego really cool arms move hands turn legs walk into different

positions so once again I do got a full review and unboxing you Bekka

dominus rex Lego calm dragon and then this guy is a really cool one - this guy

ah it's he is called an alien t-rex because it's the alien t-rex

escape you can check out my full Lego stop-motion build of that set it's a

huge set but anyways this is the guy that came with the but this is not a

t-rex this is an indominus rex so I call him the alien indominus rex so he is

very similar to the official Lego one his head moves except he's got these

spikes down the back which almost make him look like a dragon

so I really like the camouflage he has and this guy's got they go and this one

is a knockoff bought it looks exactly like the original Lego indominus rex i

do have him but i have him boxed up right now but this one is pretty much

identical size look everything the only difference is the original one is a

lighter color so once again the hands move the arms move in two different

positions the likes lock in different positions really cool miniature knockoff

let go indominus rex a little miniature knockoff

lego indominus rex so this guy's really cool too you could buy this guy on ebay

or amazon you've got this little guy that came with one of the indominus rex

sets you pull his tail he turns his head and opens his closes his mouth he is

pretty much identical to the armored one but the armored one just has the two

molded pieces that you could put on the back of them but they are pretty much

interchangeable so it is the same dinosaur just different parts battle

and then finally we have this midsize one here the one reason I like this one

is it has this wound here the action feature here and you hit it here it does

spring open you got like a terrible wound on there so it's really good for

battles and stuff like that and he does also have a jumping head so if you push

down on his tail here he lowers his head and he chomps his mom this guy too you

can see some red along here so that must be good over there so another really

cool indominus rex okay guys it's time to set up our Jurassic world park let's

get going okay I did have to go ahead and remove the volcanoes there

so our dinosaurs will fit but we will put the two big rampage ones in the back

there and then we have the two big original ones which I will set up over

here and

and then we have our Zoomer which is gonna zoom in out of the gate

there go ahead and open that guy's Wow and then we have our other like

medium-sized ones which we're just gonna go ahead and set up in here

this guy's gonna go there right in the water

this guy's gonna go back here almost like he's a junior size one and then we

will set this guy up here by the tree and then we have our angle

and set our Lego wants in over here cool also but I don't want to block the ones

in the back there and then we have our dragon one we're gonna set over there

and we have some smaller ones which are gonna go in the front over there we will

have that one sitting down we will have this armor one over here and this tiny

little baby one over there okay guys so there is our 14 awesome indominus rex

toys guys i love making these videos for you guys if you do want to see more fun

videos go ahead click the subscribe button then also click the like button

next to it to be notified when I make new videos I do have over a thousand

videos majority are Jurassic world Jurassic Park

Godzilla King Kong and Power Rangers wow that was awesome and I will see you

click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell

button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a

lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 14 Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing - Duration: 13:35.


OUKITEL MIX 2 REVIEW AND TEST - Duration: 15:25.

For more infomation >> OUKITEL MIX 2 REVIEW AND TEST - Duration: 15:25.


5 Sexy Women in Games - Duration: 3:12.

Geeky Gaming

Hey Geeks, it's Andrea and we are going to talk about something super important today.

And probably a few more times because this is something that I can talk a lot about.

There are so many beautiful women in video games and I think we should just get together

regularly and share some of our favorites.

So here are 5 of some super sexy women in video games.

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw If you were going to play as a character running

around fighting zombies, why not do it in a cheerleading outfit while sucking on lollipops

and wielding a chainsaw?

Sounds like a good time to me.

Juliet is a bit crazy and if she loves you enough just might saw your head off so you

don't become a zombie.

That's real love, man.


Bayonetta from Bayonetta If you love a woman with long, flowing hair

wearing high boots and tight revealing jumpsuits you probably have a little crush on Bayonetta.

Well the hair thing is a little more complicated than that, but once you throw in those glasses,

be still my beating heart.

I could watch this woman fight demons all day long.


Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Lara Croft is likely the reason for some 90s

guys to be sent into puberty just a bit early.

She has been doing her thing for over 20 years.

She has changed looks a lot in those 20 years, but one thing is always consistent, her aesthetically

pleasing face and.. other assets.

Like her super sexy brain, which for me just sets her over the top.

There is nothing sexier than a big ol brain.


Ada Wong from Resident Evil There is one thing all of these women have

in common, they can kick some major ass and look damn good while doing it.

Ada Wong is no exception.

She is a secret agent who will steal your heart before you know it.

And then kick your ass as some weird way of seduction.

All without ruining her red dress.


Widowmaker from Overwatch Okay there are a lot of gorgeous women in

Overwatch, so you can really pick any of them here.

There is something really special about Widowmaker though.

Not only is the character herself super gorgeous, and she knows it, but being able to be a great

sniper in a video game is damn sexy.

At least to me.

Especially Overwatch just because I freaking love Overwatch.

Anyway in the game itself she is definitely the most provocative.

With her outfits and her poses.

Now to just get over how cold her skin would be to the touch.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

Let me know some of your favorite sexy ladies from games in the comments below.

Maybe you'll see them in future videos.

If you are new, please do me a favor and hit the subscribe button.

Share GG videos with your Geeky friends on social media and anywhere really and get them

to come hang out with us to.

Alright Geeks, I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Sexy Women in Games - Duration: 3:12.


【ピアノ弾き語り】変わらないもの/奥華子(時をかける少女挿入歌) by ふるのーと (cover) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 【ピアノ弾き語り】変わらないもの/奥華子(時をかける少女挿入歌) by ふるのーと (cover) - Duration: 2:01.


Volvo V70 2.0T R-EDITION 203PK Leer-Navi-Xenon-PDC-Trekhaak-LMV - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T R-EDITION 203PK Leer-Navi-Xenon-PDC-Trekhaak-LMV - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai HB20 R spec Limited chega ao mercado por R$ 65 mil - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Hyundai HB20 R spec Limited chega ao mercado por R$ 65 mil - Duration: 1:46.


Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:05.





iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


DSDS-Mousse T: Ist das sein "DSDS"-Ende? - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> DSDS-Mousse T: Ist das sein "DSDS"-Ende? - Duration: 6:29.


Another Period Season 3 "Same S**t, Another Period" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Another Period Season 3 "Same S**t, Another Period" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:29.


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Veloce Distinctive - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Veloce Distinctive - Duration: 0:48.


Hyundai Kona Fashion 1.0 T-GDi smart navigation - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona Fashion 1.0 T-GDi smart navigation - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Tekna Glassroof Navi - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Tekna Glassroof Navi - Duration: 0:58.


No Food, No Utopia: How Will Floating Cities Survive? - Duration: 8:30.

The pilot project is quite modest.

So before we go out and build huge floating structures for hundreds and thousands of people

we're building a small pilot which will be about the size if you can imagine a soccer

field—It's around 7500 square meters.

The engineers are saying it shouldn't be a single platform, it should be multiple smaller


So maybe 12 platforms of 625 square meters.

So imagine a platform 25 meters by 25 meters next to another one with connecting bridges.

And the reason for smaller structures is that we're going to be inside the reef, within

the lagoon of an island.

And what you don't want is to cast a shadow on the bottom of the lagoon that will obviously

impact photosynthesis which means we'll have a problem with the environment.

So we needed smaller platforms in order for light to penetrate and we need deep lagoons.

So we had to literally do an inventory of all of the depths of the lagoons around the

main islands we're interested in.

We found certain lagoons and the engineers are telling us and environmental consultants

are saying that between 25 to 30 meters of depth we will be very—we won't have an

impact on the light situation.

So that's one of the elements of location.

Now in terms of size, because it's a pilot we don't anticipate being able to be completely

self-sustaining on food.

We can be completely autonomous on energy, on fresh water, completely recycle our gray

and black water, do all of that and deal with our trash.

What we're not going to be able to do on the pilot is be 100 percent self-sustaining

for food.

But we do have a food group that's involved in trying to look at these technologies and

what we can do.

And we're looking at all sorts of stuff.

I mean there's one thing that kind of came out of a laboratory in Hawaii from NEL, the

National Energy Laboratory in Hawaii.

They call it "cold ag", cold agriculture.

What it is is you put a pipe, a small pipe maybe 500 to 900 meters deep.

You bring in cold, deep ocean water—so it's similar to the sea water air conditioning


There's been two of them put—the first two have been put into resorts in French Polynesia

so those are installed and working.

The difference here is that you run the cold water through copper pipes, so small little

capillaries that you bury under soil.

So the air in French Polynesia is very humid and warmer, so when that warm moist air hits

these tiny capillaries, even under the ground, what happens is obviously you get condensation

and moisture around those tubes.

And what you do then is you plant cold weather plants, you know, fruits, vegetables, strawberries,

raspberries, and the roots actually will go down to these tubes and they'll pick up

the moisture.

So you've got a system that uses very little energy to create fresh water for your agriculture,

and it seems that the vegetables are tricked by the temperature at the root and not the

temperature at the leaves.

So you basically get the sunlight from the tropical environment but you get the cold—the

fruit, you know, the strawberry thinks it's in Maine but suddenly it's producing very


So this is not new technology.

This has been tested now for many years.

It's one of the technologies we're looking at to have some vegetables on the seastead


We're looking at algae.

There's a number of consumable algae out there.

I'm not the expert on our team but we do have a full team of food experts that are

trying to see what we're going to be eating onboard the seastead.

We are not going to be bringing cows and cattle onto the platform.

It's very expensive in terms of real estate.

So there's all sorts of strategies about what exactly could we eat as alternatives

to meat.

Is it lab grown meat?

That's a huge leap in technology that's fairly recent where you can grow actual meat.

We're not talking about tofu.

Actual meat cells grown in laboratories.

So one of the aspects that I love about this project is exactly that is that it brings

a number of experts from diverse fields together on a common project.

And the fact that it's geographically, that it's real, we can all collaborate in this

one place in this one spot for the same goal, I think is a great catalyst for change.

So on the food side I would say that our aim is that once we get past the pilot and we

get into bigger size units that we would be completely autonomous.

We have to figure out what do we do for sugars—you know, are we going to be growing beets or

sugar cane to get sugar?

The salt, obviously we have no problem.

We may have an excess of salt.


Fresh water, we're in a region that gets very well irrigated, we get a lot of rain

so there's strategies where all the roofs off the seasteads would be used for catchment,

so water catchment.

We have technologies also that we're looking at—very, very innovative brand-new technologies

that are still in the lab—for getting, for desal-ing with low energy.

The big cost, of course, is de-sal, and the other issue is brine.

If you have a large concentration of very briny liquid, what do you do with it?

We cannot possibly just put it back into the lagoon.

It would sink and you can literally create these pools of brine at the bottom of a lagoon,

which is obviously unacceptable.

So we have to figure out how to deal with all of these cycles.

So on food there's a lot of work to be done.

We've talked to companies that are doing vertical farming with UV.

So they're saying okay, you've got limited space, let's go vertical.

So I mean we're talking to companies that have containers that can produce, you know,

we've heard some figures of a million pounds of food per acre per year.

So very innovative stuff.

It's UV lighting at the right wavelength.

I've heard of some NASA micro, you know, nanotech which you spray on the leaves of

whatever you're growing and they create like microprisms that change the wavelength

of the light to match – I mean just some out of the box.

This is stuff that NASA's been using I believe on the space station and things like that.

So the technology is out there, I believe, for us to be able to use the energy from the

ocean and nutrients.

And don't forget the oceans are full of nutrients.

But the objective is not that we're just going to be on board a seastead eating fish

all the time.

I mean that's the staple for Polynesians, we've been doing this for a thousand years

now—I assume our guests and our friends, international friends would like a more varied


So I'm sure we're going to be looking at some innovations in the food space.

For more infomation >> No Food, No Utopia: How Will Floating Cities Survive? - Duration: 8:30.


Hyundai Kona 1.0T Comfort/smart navi(demo) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0T Comfort/smart navi(demo) - Duration: 0:55.


Things Every Woman Should Avoid When Washing Her Hair - Duration: 5:09.

Most people wash their hair several times a week and probably don't think much of it,

but it turns out, they may be doing it the wrong way.

If you've been suffering from consecutive bad hair days, your shampooing habits may

be the reason — but don't fret.

Here are some things to watch out for when you're taking care of those shiny locks.

Bottoms up

It's not easy to wash a head full of tangled hair, so most people brush it out before washing.

But according to Fernando Salas, brushing from top to bottom — the way most people

are taught — is actually not the right way to go about it.

He suggests adopting the "bottoms up" method, which is combing your hair in smaller pieces,

starting at the bottom and working your way up toward your scalp.

He explained,

"When you comb hair from the bottom up, you are working with less surface area to untangle

at one time.

Working in smaller sections like this is key.

When you try to comb from the top down, think of how much hair you are attempting to pull

a comb through at one time."

Hot water

According to hair expert Sophia Porter, when it comes to washing your hair, most women

need to cool it — literally.

She explained,

"Women should try their best to avoid using hot water while washing because this strips

the hair of its natural oils and fades color tremendously."

Stephanie Johnson of Fusion Studio in Dallas revealed that avoiding hot water is especially

important for women with color treated hair, saying,

"The more hot the water, the more nutrients and color will be compromised.

The cuticle is your protection, so protect it.

Hot water on fine, damaged, or compromised follicles will be more damaging to [the cuticle]

and hair.

Rinse conditioners in cooler temperatures."

However, you don't need to use cold water all the time.

Washing in warm water is best for getting the gunk out of your hair… but then cool

it down to rinse, sealing in moisture and adding shine.

Hair type

Different hair types can have different cleansing needs.

For oily hair, applying shampoo before wetting the hair can actually get rid of build up

more effectively.

Johnson said that paying attention to the condition of your scalp is also important

and it comes up with her clients all of the time.

She added,

"I just recently shared a tip with a lady who asked why her sensitive, dry, and flaky

scalp wasn't clearing up.

She was using clarifying shampoos that were adding to the problem and her scalp was out

of balance.

Professional products for your needs make a difference."

It's not just the condition of your hair and scalp, but also the length that should determine

how you wash your hair, according to celebrity hair stylist Brandon Martinez, who revealed,

"A big mistake most women make, especially when it comes to having long hair, is that

they are not using a leave-in detangler after they wash."

Color can be another factor.

Blondes especially need to pay attention to what shampoos they use and integrate a purple

shampoo into their routine to cut the brass and keep that ashy blonde color.

Wet hair

All wet hair is delicate, and treating it harshly can cause breakage as well as a multitude

of other problems.

Even if you don't have color-treated hair, Martinez is still a big proponent of the Wet

brush and explained that women with long hair especially need to take extra care when their

hair is wet.

He advised,

"Women [with long hair] must use a leave-in conditioner and then a Wet brush, to prevent


[If they don't, it can] lead to excess hair being pulled out."

He also added that teenage girls especially need to use detangler because,

"...[They] are bad at brushing their hair out anyway.

Their hair is changing from child hair to adult hair, and I always find this hair easily


Martinez also noted that putting your hair into a ponytail while it's wet is a major

no-no, since wet hair is extra heavy, causing unnecessary breakage and pulling.

Color care

Color-treated hair needs to be treated differently than regular hair.

It can also require different products and tools.

Martinez explained,

"Color-treated hair is extra sensitive to pulling which leads to breakage.

Using a really good leave in conditioner and a Wet [detangling] brush, which every woman

should have, will prevent breakage and unwanted tangling."

Johnson says that women with colored hair in particular need to make sure they are buying

the right products.

She has noticed that many women take the wrong approach, spending significant amounts of

money on getting their color done, then spending as little as possible on the products they


It's just as important to invest in quality aftercare products.

Rinsing improperly

Rinsing might be the last step, but it's not the least important one.

Doug Martucci, creative director of PRORITUALS explained,

"A common hair myth is that you should rinse out all of the conditioner.

Never do this.

Rinsing all of the conditioner until your hair is squeaky clean is defeating the purpose

of the conditioner.

Conditioner provides slip and protection to the hair.

If you're worried about being greasy rinse the scalp well, and leave that slippery feeling

on the ends."

But when it comes to shampooing, the opposite is true.

You should always rinse it off completely.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Things Every Woman Should Avoid When Washing Her Hair - Duration: 5:09.


Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Republican Congressman Makes Shocking Claim About Who Helped Las Vegas Shooter - Duration: 4:04.


Introduce 3 Fathers And 3 Mothers of Shahid Kapoor - Duration: 3:36.

Introduce 3 Fathers And 3 Mothers of Shahid Kapoor

For more infomation >> Introduce 3 Fathers And 3 Mothers of Shahid Kapoor - Duration: 3:36.


Fast Radio Bursts Probably Aren't Aliens, BUT We Haven't Ruled It Out - Duration: 2:53.

We human beings diligently scan the night sky hoping to find something new, and every

now and then keeping an open ear pays off.

In 2007 astronomers detected a sudden blast of radio waves that lasted just a few milliseconds

and dubbed it a Fast Radio Burst.

Since then they've found about two dozen more, but one in particular has them intrigued.

Speaking of being intrigued though, have you visited our friend Simon at Today I Found


If you're watching Seeker you obviously like learning new things, so definitely check

out Simon's channel -- Today I Found Out -- because that is what it's all about!

There's a link in the description to this video about the dogs we launched into space,


Okay, back to the fast radio bursts.

The source is called FRB 121102, so called because it was first observed on November

second, 2012.

The reason FRB 121102 is special is because sometimes it repeats, the only Fast Radio

Burst we've found that does so.

Knowing that it pipes up from time to time, astronomers have paid close attention to FRB

121102's patch of sky, and sure enough on August 26, 2017, they detected 15 MORE bursts,

bringing the total number to over 150.

No one's sure exactly what causes these fast radio bursts.

It's possible they're generated by a young and fast spinning neutron star with an intense

magnetic field.

Or maybe, just maybe, it's aliens and they're sending out a hailing frequency and we're

gonna be best friends and go on kickass adventures.

*jumping freeze frame* on take 3

I'm sorry I just get really excited when something might be aliens.

But in truth it's a pretty distant possibility.

Like, really distant.

Since FRB 121102 repeats we've been able to figure out where it's coming from, a

dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away.

That means if it IS aliens, they sent the signal 3 billion years ago, when life on Earth

was just single celled organisms.

Any reply wouldn't get back to them for another 3 billion years.

If these aliens haven't died out, they've probably forgotten they even called.

I bet they moved on with their lives, got married, started a family, evolved into completely

different life forms with 60 tentacles, that sort of thing.

Fast radio bursts may be more common than we thought, with some astronomers estimating

that one goes off somewhere in the universe every second.

So either they're just some as-yet-unexplained and totally mundane phenomenon, or there are

a lot of life forms out there trying to reach out and touch someone with their 60 gelatinous


Either way, we'll keep listening to find out.

Remember to subscribe to Seeker for more videos and to check out Simon on Today I Found Out

to learn why we sent dogs into space!

It had to be ruff for them.

You know?

That was horrible.

With all this talk about aliens we can't forget that an asteroid flew through our solar

system and of course, some people thought IT was aliens too.

But it wasn't.

This video explains why. Thanks again for watching.

For more infomation >> Fast Radio Bursts Probably Aren't Aliens, BUT We Haven't Ruled It Out - Duration: 2:53.


Republican Senator Sends "Cease And Desist" Letters To Constituents To Shut Them Up - Duration: 2:48.

Republican senator Tom Cotton believes that it's a little unfair that his constituents

are asking him questions.

Recently, it was revealed by the Arkansas Times that activists in the state of Arkansas,

who have been calling and showing up at Tom Cotton's state office asking questions about

policy, about his constant indefensible defense of Donald Trump.

They're just asking why.

They want answers.

So, the response from Tom Cotton's office was to send cease and desist letters to these

people asking legitimate questions, so that they legally could not come to the office.

They couldn't call.

They couldn't fax.

They couldn't email.

Tom Cotton, a guy who believes he's about to be the next head of the CIA, the same guy

who committed borderline treason by writing a letter to Iranian officials telling them

to reject the Iran agreement that Barack Obama put into place.

This guy is so cowardly that he won't even take phone calls at his office, that he doesn't

even have to talk to, from his own constituents.

Now in the last year, specifically during the entire repeal Obamacare thing, when Republicans

thought it would be a good idea to hold these town halls with which they got just bombarded

by angry people, we've seen Republicans run and hide.

They don't want to face their voters.

They don't want to face the people back home, because they know that their positions, and

their defense of Donald Trump is indefensible.

They understand that their policies are hugely unpopular, and that includes the recently

passed tax cut package.

People don't want it, because they understand they get nothing out of it, and that the entire

thing was a massive giveaway for corporations, just like the repeal of Obamacare that they

tried to shove through.

So now they're running and hiding, and this action by Tom Cotton to send cease and desist

letters to these people, saying that you legally can't call my office anymore, that is by far

the most cowardly move we have seen from any Republican senator since Donald Trump took

office, and that includes standing on top of your office and taking pictures of all

the people outside angry at you, as Darrell Issa from the House of Representatives did


in 2017.

For more infomation >> Republican Senator Sends "Cease And Desist" Letters To Constituents To Shut Them Up - Duration: 2:48.


The Missing Cheetos Mystery! SuperHeroKids Comic In Real Life - Duration: 8:17.

I'm so excited for vacation!

Woah! Look at this place!

Woah! Look Batman!

Woah! Look at the lake!

Let's go swimming Batman!

Let me get my suit.

Hey! Where did our luggage go?

Come on!

Your move

There's nothing like a good game of chess before we start swimming.

Your move.

What where'd they go? Superman did you move them?

I didn't.

What? Where did the chess pieces go?

Hmmm, this is weird. Let's go kayaking!


I'll get it.

Got it! Huh?

Where'd the kayak go?

Why is everything going missing?

Let's go play on the bouncy house.

Oh I accidentally dropped the ball.

I'll get it first!

I got it!

Oh man.

What? Where did it go?

What are we supposed to do? Everything's gone!

This is no coincidence.

Someone's been stealing our stuff


We need to be detectives and figure this out!

What's that orange thing?

A Cheetoh.

Just like the ones that got stolen.

Look! A trail!

That's where it started and then it comes along and goes over there.

The trail stops here, where did they go?

Our chess piece .

Hey look a door! Let's check it. Maybe our stuff is in it

It's locked.

I don't see anything.

You all missing a queen?

Who are you?

Y'all been getting stuff stolen haven't you?


All of our stuff has been going missing. We are trying to figure out who took it.


Looks like the stealing shark is back.

The stealing shark?

Marley Finn, the stealing shark.

She lives in the waters around here.

It goes around stealing all the people's playthings.

Do you want to get your stuff back?

You've got to find the sharks lair.

Look there she is!

Marley Finn

Where? I don't see...



What is it?

It's a card.

Marley Finn!

Where did she go? She was just here!

This is getting spooky.

Hey look a sign!

Shark lair

We need to go look maybe our stuff is down there.

I don't know it seems kind of fishy.

Here I come stuff!


Did you find anything?

There's nothing under here. I found a clam though.

Maybe someone is trying to distract us and dress up like a shark so we can't find our stuff.

Huh? What's that?

I don't know that door looks a little creepy.

Let's get to the bottom of this

Wait wait what oh?

Oh my goodness!

It's just room!

Our chips and chess pieces!

Our suitcases!

The canoe!

Man, whoever this is has been stealing a lot of superhero stuff.

Hey! My sword!

Hang on a second.

Wait for me!

Wait a second, isn't this the...

The old lady!

Oh no!

What, what?

Oh no!

Marley Finn is actually Harley Quinn!

So, you guys found my hideout.

You were the old lady and the shark?

I was trying to get you off my trail with the shark story.

But you guys are too smart. I guess we have to settle this the old fashioned way.

Let's do this.

Stealing doesn't pay!

I would've gotten to keep that stuff too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

Hi there kids!

Do you all like tee shirts?

Because I've got tee shirts!

I like tee shirts, I like tee shirts!

Thank you!

Woah! Wow!


They're so super they're magical!


Uh oh!


SuperHeroKids Tee Shirts!

They're so super they're magical!

Link in the description below.

For more infomation >> The Missing Cheetos Mystery! SuperHeroKids Comic In Real Life - Duration: 8:17.


What You May Not Know About Resident Evil - Duration: 6:06.

Over the past two decades, the history of the Resident Evil franchise has taken almost

as many twist and turns in the real world as there are in the games.

Numerous titles entered production, but few saw the light of day.

The series also endured criticism from both concerned parents and federal courts, and

of course, fans complained about the weaker entries of the series.

But like one of its undead foes, Resident Evil just won't stay down.

Here are a few things that even die-hard fans might not know about Resident Evil.

Sweet Home

If you haven't heard of Sweet Home, that's okay.

The 1989 Famicom game, based on a horror film of the same name, never made it out of Japan,

but you've definitely seen some familiar pieces of it.

Resident Evil started as a remake, or possibly a sequel, and many of the game's standard

features made their way into its more famous younger sibling.

Like Resident Evil, Sweet Home has multiple player characters — but while Chris Redfield

and Jill Valentine adventure separately, Sweet Home asks players to manage the entire party

at once.

Both games take place in giant mansions, and Resident Evil's punishing inventory system

is a copy of Sweet Home's.

Even the infamous door-opening animations came from similar transitions.

None of that is an accident.

In 1993, Sweet Home director Tokuro Fujiwara called game designer Shinji Mikami into his

office and said he wanted a horror game using the systems from Sweet Home.

Mikami went to work, and while he was worried about how well a horror-themed game would

sell, he shouldn't have been concerned: Capcom sold almost three million copies of Resident

Evil, and a new hit was born.

Resident of Evil Creek

It's pretty safe to say that Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr., a federal judge, isn't much of a gamer…

especially after he attempted to rule that video games aren't entitled to the protections

of the first amendment.

The decision came during a 2002 case during which the Interactive Digital Software Association

took St. Louis County to court over a local ordinance that required anyone under the age

of 17 to receive parental consent before playing violent or otherwise adult video games, claiming

the law violated the First Amendment.

St. Louis — and Limbaugh — disagreed, arguing that "video games have more in common

with board games and sports than they do with motion pictures," and aren't protected.


Of course, given that Limbaugh couldn't even get the names of two of the four games right,

the entire ruling is suspect.

One was referred to as "Mortal Combat," with a C, and while that's understandable,

"Resident of Evil Creek" seems pretty weird.

Besides, a separate case that both predated and outranked Limbaugh's decision had already

classified video games as free speech, a ruling upheld by the Supreme Court in 2011.

Devil May Cry

While the first three Resident Evil titles were horror survival games that rewarded patience,

caution, and careful inventory management, Resident Evil 4 moved the series into action


Leon Kennedy is faster and more coordinated than his predecessors, and can even target

enemies' specific body parts.

The game focuses more on combat than puzzles, and comes with context-sensitive "finishing

moves" that let Leon decimate his foes in creative, gory fashion.

But it was almost a whole lot weirder.

When originally charged with creating the next installment, director Kamiya Hideki and

writer Noboru Sugimura decided to make a slick and stylish action game with a seemingly "invulnerable"


Like previous Resident Evil games, biotechnology played a big role in the plot, but so did

Gothic architecture.

Ultimately, series producer Mikami decided that the new direction took the game too far

from Resident Evil's roots, and convinced Capcom's executives to make the game its own


Hideki transformed the hero from a sci-fi superhuman into a demon-powered warrior, christened

him Dante, and Devil May Cry was born.

Hacked leaderboards

Resident Evil games tend to go through lengthy, complicated development cycles with many dead


As a result, there are a handful of near-complete Resident Evil games out there that people

never got to play.

There's an ugly but surprisingly complete Game Boy Color edition of the original Resident

Evil, at least three different Resident Evil 4 prototypes, and the original version of

Resident Evil 2, which fans call R.E. 1 point 5… and dedicated fans want to play all of


They let Capcom know, too.

In RE 5's competitive "Mercenaries" mode, a global leaderboard tracks the top

scores from around the world.

When players figured out how to hack the board and post the highest possible scores, they

used the platform to deliver Capcom a more or less comprehensible message: "Release RE1dot5.

We were waiting it for 15 years."

Meat monsters

If you thought those fleshy bad guys in Resident Evil 7 looked gross on-screen, just wait until

you see what they looked like in real life.

In order to make sure the game's army of creepy crawlies looked as realistic as possible,

the developers at Capcom made models out of actual meat.

That's right: that goopy monstrosity looks realistic because it's actually been built

out of animal flesh.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead.

Time for supper.

We shouldn't be too surprised.

Capcom sold edible meat sculptures that looked like human body parts from a Resident Evil-themed

pop-up shop in 2012 to benefit a real-life charity called the Limbless Association.

Of course, it was a pretty good marketing stunt, too.

"This reflects the game perfectly.

It's gruesome and horrific, as is the game."

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For more infomation >> What You May Not Know About Resident Evil - Duration: 6:06.


Old Movie Romance | WhoHaha - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Old Movie Romance | WhoHaha - Duration: 3:39.


Mikko's First Week (+pre-birth) ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 11:05.

(cat meows) ♪♪♪

[JE] Hello

[JI] So made it to the hospital.

I'm gonna try and film. We're not supposed to here.

I don't know if we can or not,

so I don't know if we'll get any other footage or not.

But we'll try.... we'll film on the sly, okay.

Nothing's happened so far.

Just got my clothes on and waiting for the nurse.

Kind of nervous.

[JE] Yeah, we're nervous, but excited and it will be fine.

Everything will work out.

[JI] So right now I'm signing left-handed because of this.

So anyways, I got my IV

and I'm on the monitors

and they checked me

and she said I was 2 centimeters... still... woo.

50% effaced, which is weird

because before my doctor said I was 90% so whatever.

So we'll see.

She said a few different things we need to do

but our doula should be coming soon.

But umm yeah that's about it.

Just chilling out now watching TV and waiting for the doctor.

It's not our doctor but we'll see.

Alright, hopefully it gets going soon!

[JE] Hello... hey so still in the hospital.

It's almost 1pm and still nothing has happened.

No contractions... well they're sporadic contractions but nothing worth while.

So just kind of chilling out and seeing how it goes.

But seems to be okay.

You can tell them how you feel?

[JI] I feel fine unfortunately.

Seems like the membrane sweep didn't do much

so probably gonna have to start Mesoproxl... I think that's how you spell it.

Anyways, it's a pill that's suppose to help ripen or efface your cervix.

So probably gonna have to do that next.

Trying to avoid medicine, but oh well.

Anyways, that's about it!

I don't know when they're gonna give me that

but we're just chilling for now.

[JE] Hello, here is the new update.

[JI] So... it's been a while since we last updated.

I've been having more, severe contractions a lot more

but maybe every 4 minutes or 5 minutes or something like that.

3 to 5 minutes

But a lot more serious now.

My water broke, so I've been leaking.

Not too bad, but I've definitely been leaking for sure.

My blood pressure seems to be okay.

My blood work before and everything was okay

but.... woo contraction.

But they said everything is fine.

It went up to 140s and then it went back down to 116 or something. I don't know.

But anyways, feeling that.

More contractions. They're definitely hurting now.

Like right now.

But anyways, everything's going pretty well.

I'm trying to rest but that's not really working.

So whatever.

Doula left, so that's fine.

But that's about it, things are going.


Hello... yeah!

Yes, right now I'm playing with the new camera.

Looks like the battery is okay.

Anyways, this is Mikko, yup.

He's very fussy... very.

Right now I'm trying a few things because

the two of us have not gotten much sleep.

Right now he's four or five days old

but eating and all of that is just not been going that great to be totally honest.

It's been really hard.

Anyways, today in about two hours or so

we have a doctor's appointment, his first doctor's appointment.

After the birth story this will make a lot more sense.

But that might take some time because there's a lot of work involved in that.

It was very traumatic, let's just say that.

But anyways, he is sleeping right now.

So I'm just gonna play with the camera and then it's feeding time. Bye!


Hello, hopefully this setting is better.

I don't know.

The other one was not for movies.

So anyways.... still here.

I'm gonna change and feed him soon.

Like I said, we have to go to the doctor.

Sorry I'm looking at the viewfinder, I'm not used to this.

So I'm sorry this vlog is gonna be really bad just FYI.

But be patient with me and Mikko and Jenna and everything.

So anyways, I better get going. See you after the doctor.


So right now we are heading off to the pediatrician.

First appointment (sighs).

We shall see what happens.

Hopefully we arrive on time because first time.

I forgot I had to pump and we need to get ready and all of that but whatever.

Hopefully we arrive on time or not too late.

Hopefully they have an interpreter because obviously

I called yesterday and hopefully we get one

because my brain is like the worst ever.

All of the questions and everything with me would seriously,

I cannot interpret properly most of the time.

I'm not awful, but I really prefer not to.

Hopefully Mikko is doing okay

and he hasn't lost too much weight.

I've kind of not been doing so great with the feeding so hopefully he's okay.

Hello, I know...

I think the last one was a few days ago... Tuesday.

Now it's Friday.

This vlog's gonna be very random because

this week has been really, really hard to be totally honest.

I just don't feel like filming much and... it's sad.

I want to film more of Mikko but...

anyways I can explain more later.

Right now we're going to another pediatrician appointment.

We had one Tuesday, Thursday, and now a different doctor,

the ENT, ear, nose, throat doctor.

We shall see.

There's a possibility he has a tongue tie or other issue. We're not sure.

Kind of hopefully this will be helpful with breastfeeding problems we've been having.

I mean he's fine. He's growing fine.

But just in general we've been having some problems, so we shall see.

There's a lot to do, so hopefully we left with enough time.

Also, we have the diaper bag,

cause on Thursday when we went to the pediatirician

we totally forgot the diaper bag. Like duh!

But anyways, you know new parents, parents...

I'm not sure the sign yet.

Just be patient with us.

It's gonna be a very random video, okay.

So now you can see Mikko!


[JE] Hello, good morning!

It is Sunday...

and he is a week and two days old.

Soon it will be his first Liverpool game.

He's probably gonna sleep most of the time but that's okay.

So cute!

We have Falkor over here who wants to snuggle which is fine.

So just chilling out.

I think the two of us pretty much got our routine set.

We kind of know what we're doing and things are going.

Making small changes to see what works with him best as he grows

and I think he's doing good.

Very tiring and...

you know it's been a crazy week.

But I think we're doing good.

[JI] Yeah, to be honest

the vlog this week is just very random.

I will explain a lot more with the birth story which will be much later.

The birth story will probably take a long time.

Hopefully I'll get the 1 week update soon.

Hopefully I'll film that today.

I want to try and do that weekly if possible for a little bit.

Like I said it's very random because there's not much going on the first week.

But you'll figure out more later.

But I'm feeling better.

This week's been really rough for me and for her.

But a lot mentally for me.

So hopefully as time goes,

things will get better and maybe

we'll film a few more snippets for the rest of the day

but if I don't,

then hopefully you enjoyed the video. We'll see.


For more infomation >> Mikko's First Week (+pre-birth) ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 11:05.


The Battle of Stiklestad 1030 AD - Duration: 10:57.

This video is sponsored by Vikings: War of Clans.

If you enjoy top-down strategy games set in a time when Vikings ruled the world,

then you should check out Vikings: War of Clans!

Build settlements, command heroes and craft items to conquer your enemies.

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and not only will you be supporting our channel but you'll also begin with a protection shield

and an additional 200 gold to aid you in your conquest.

Our story begins during the first years of the second millennium.

For the last two hundred years settlements throughout Europe

live in constant fear of being ravaged by two groups of ruthless pagan raiders;

Hungarians, who assaulted the European interior, and the Norsemen, attacking mostly along the coasts.

But it wasn't only a mindless plunder.

By the beginning of the 11th century the Vikings were already deeply involved in the local politics

of the weakened Western duchies and kingdoms and more often became concerned with trade than raiding.

But, since our channel is not really about trading, we'll focus on the latter one,

which didn't just cease in a matter of days.

It's the year 1008 and the Norse raiding party under famous Thorkell the Tall plunders the coasts of the Eastern Baltic.

Among his men is 13 years old Olaf Haraldsson, one of the descendants of the first King of Norway,

forging his own way to wealth and respect.

It was initially a rough journey, as on one occasion,

Olaf's party was ambushed and decimated by Finnic tribesmen in southern Finland,

but over the next few years they're luck improved ravaging the English coasts and entrenching themselves in local politics.

King Aethelred eventually paid a huge amount to be rid of them,

but ironically a couple of years later Olaf assisted the English king in his fight

against the Danish invasion of Sweyn Forkbeard and his son Canute.

In 1013 Olaf found himself plundering the coasts of the western Iberian Peninsula,

possibly on his way to the Mediterranean.

There's a story, that Olaf dreamt about a powerful man urging him to forsake his plans

and sail back home in order to become the king of all Norway, for all time.

Obviously this could be allegory, but Olaf apparently followed these instructions and set sail back north.

He wintered at the court of Duke Richard of Normandy.

Olaf's kinsmen in northern France settled there two generations earlier

and now were westernized Christian warriors and scholars.

There, young Olaf was impressed by stories about mighty Charlemagne; of his deeds and how he build the Frankish Empire.

These stories left a long lasting impression on the young man

and in early 1014 Olaf was baptised in Rouen cathedral.

Soon, he departed Normandy and set sail back to Norway.

The country was divided between various local chieftains,

but the most powerful were the Jarls of Lade, formally retainers of the Danish king.

But at the time of Olaf's arrival in Norway, king Sweyn Forkbeard of Denmark was already dead

and his son Canute ascended to the throne.

Olaf saw this as an opportunity and offered Canute's his help to regain control of England.

While Olaf's contribution to Canute's reclaiming of the English throne remains unclear,

the success of the latter eased Olaf's way to the throne in Norway,

as his most influential opponent, Jarl Erik of Lade was appointed Earl of Northumbria by King Canute.

Thus, in 1015 Olaf took this advantage and crowned himself as King of Norway.

In the following years Olaf made efforts to consolidate his rule over various petty rulers across the country,

showing his ability as a commander and politician.

But aside from his desire for power,

Olaf as an ardent Christian wanted to enforce the new faith among the Norsemen.

The thing was, that while faith in Jesus already reached many settlements in coastal Norway,

the more remote inlands still worshipped old Norse gods.

Yet Olaf was ruthless and determined,

he let the sword pave way for the cross, coercing his people to the new faith.

In 1024 Olaf convoked a moot, in which he declared Christianity the official faith in Norway.

This was an unpopular decision, which made him new enemies.

What's more, Olaf's further decisions to refit the existing laws to „Christian law"

and strengthen control over local lords using men from his own guard,

garnered serious opposition among the nobles of Norway.

Yet King Olaf's reforms and harsh Christianisation methods couldn't spark enough fire to threaten his position.

The real danger to his rule was located abroad.

Canute Sweynsson, King of Denmark and England, was well informed regarding Olaf's doings in Norway

and perceived him as just a mere tributary king and a subordinate.

He dispatched a letter to Olaf, reminding him of his position and urging him to recognize Knut's supremacy.

Unsurprisingly, Olaf refused to do so,

possibly hoping that Canute would actually be too busy with affairs in England and Denmark

to even bother with Norway.

But he was wrong.

In 1026 Canute sent a large fleet to deal with Olaf and his ally, the King of Sweden,

but the naval clash that followed was largely inconclusive, with considerable losses on both sides.

Subsequently, Canute learned about Olaf's internal problems and began supporting his opposition,

buying them with promises and treasuries.

He also turned the Jarl of Lade against their king,

and just after his pilgrimage to Rome, Canute set sail to Norway.

Olaf had no means left to maintain his fight against Canute

and with vanishing support from his own nobles, he was forced to flee into exile.

Olaf sought refuge in Sweden and then within the court of Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise in Novgorod.

Soon, after appointing Hakon (the last Lade jarl) as Earl of Norway,

Canute sailed back to England.

Hakon's appointment wasn't the most fortunate, as he drowned at sea in 1029.

Olaf learned about Canute's departure and Hakon's death and perceived this as an excellent opportunity to reclaim his kingdom.

In early 1030 he arrived in Sweden with his most loyal followers,

where he was reinforced by Swedish Vikings who, ironically, were still predominantly heathen.

Olaf's force reached Trondelag in the summer of the same year and headed to the Verdal plain 70 kilometres to the north of Nidaros .

Although Norwegian sagas indicate that Olaf gathered several thousands of men,

it's more likely that his host consisted of more meagre numbers.

They set a camp on slightly elevated terrain near the town of Stiklestad.

Olaf probably assumed he would be able to gather a significant following in Norway once the news of his landing had spread,

but we'll never find out if this would've actually happened,

as in the last days of July a hostile army entered the plain.

The King's return caused two influential chieftains Kalf Arnason and Thorir Hund to challenge Olaf,

and defend Canute's status quo in Norway.

Their troops were probably less hardened, but of far superior numbers,

forming an army more than twice the size of Olaf's, but still counting no more than a few thousand men.

Olaf didn't have a viable battle plan, and most likely was surprised by the size of the army he was going to face.

The hill they camped on wasn't reinforced by any field defences, and Olaf's only hope to win the battle

was to do the unexpected and strike downhill at the enemy's superior numbers.

Both sides clashed at the base of the hill forming two shieldwalls

striving to gain an upper hand in the melee fighting.

The battle was long and bloody. Many men on both sides died,

but Olaf's forces, despite trying to hold their ground fiercely, was gradually pushed back.

As the deathtoll rose, Olaf's inferior numbers were gradually worn by casualties

and could no longer repel the enemy.

Eventually, according to lore, having been wounded three times,

King Olaf fell dead against a large rock.

His troops scattered, leaving the victorious Kalf and Thorir's army on the battlefield.

The abrupt end of Olaf's campaign left Canute as the undisputed king of Norway.

Yet in the following years,

the harsh reign of Canute's son who was summoned to Norway to rule as his father's deputy

made the Norwegian nobles realize,

that during Olaf's reign their positions were not nearly as eroded as they were under the later Danish rule.

One of the significant signs that Olaf's popularity grew immensely after his death,

was that his son Magnus ascended the throne five years later

and was supported by Kalf Arnason, his father's opponent near Stiklestad.

Olaf's reburial a year later supposedly revealed that his body had remained preserved, untouched by time.

This marked the way to his canonization by Bishop of Nidaros shortly thereafter.

The king's heroic last stand at Stiklestad and his efforts, though often brutal, to Christianise Norway

bolstered his popularity in the country long after his death.

The cult of king martyr was additionally sanctioned by the Norwegian church,

and over the years he became regarded as Norway's patron,

serving as an important nation-building figure in the emerging Norwegian state.

For more infomation >> The Battle of Stiklestad 1030 AD - Duration: 10:57.


500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Log Cabin In Hayward, Wisconsin | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:04.

500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Log Cabin In Hayward, Wisconsin

For more infomation >> 500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Log Cabin In Hayward, Wisconsin | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:04.


A Word from the Lord - Duration: 3:51.

A child of God wants to, and hears from his Father. He hears from God. Jesus said:

"My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me."

Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the

mouth of God. A true child of God wants to hear from God Himself, wants to

hear from Jesus Christ all the time because He is a disciple, he is a

follower of Jesus, and he lives from every word that proceeds from the mouth

of Jesus. Many believers I think that God speaks through the Bible, or through

their pastor or through other people, they have not been taught to listen to

Jesus. To them Jesus is not real. They do not know Him and they do not listen to

Him. They do not follow Him, but Jesus wants to speak to each and every one who

comes to Him, who accepts Him as Lord and Master. We have to wait on Jesus, trust

Him, listen to Him and He will speak to us, in all circumstances, at any time, but

we must be tuned in and attentive waiting on Him.

Recently I was in hospital. I was very sick lying in ICU and Jesus spoke to me.

He told me things about the future. He said to me that I've got much work to do.

Even though I was sick to death and twice I almost died, He had a purpose

with me while I was in hospital. I could witness for Him to many people whom

otherwise I would never have reached. It is all in God's plan. We have to be tuned

in to Jesus, trusting Him, in all circumstances. Waiting on Him,

listening, and He will speak to us. He will guide us and He will use us for his

kingdom and we will bear fruit that brings glory unto Him. If we do not hear

His voice, if we do not listen, if we do not follow Him, if we do not remain in

Him, we cannot bear fruit for the kingdom of God because then we don't know Him

and he will say to many believers:"Go away I never knew you you workers of

iniquity" because they didn't listen to Him. They went their own way, they

followed their own mind they listened to other people. They never received a word

from the Lord. The Lord is speaking to you now. If you will just listen

you will hear. Trust Him, wait on Him and listen. He will speak in your spirit and

you will hear Him loud and clear. Jesus speaks to His sheep

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real. I am here to introduce you to Jesus

Christ so that you can know Him and follow Him and have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> A Word from the Lord - Duration: 3:51.


Beautiful Man Cave Container Conversion Home With Modern Type Features - Duration: 2:08.


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