okay guys keep watching as we unbox he's 14 awesome Dominus Rex toys and set him
up in our Jurassic world oh okay it's great to see you again today I have a
big huge box full of indominus rex toys from jurassic world and once we're done
New 14 Indominus Rex Dinosaur Toys Giant Surprise Box Jurassic World, Jurassic Park Unboxing big dinosaur zoo
with all our indominus rex is wow let's get started okay guys so here we have
our Jurassic world park all set up with all the volcanoes and dead animals and
everything wow this looks like Jurassic world to the fallen Kingdom when the
volcano explodes and all the dinos have to run for their five names
anyways let's bring on the dinos okay Zuber dominance rex our first dinosaur
is the Zoomer and ominous rex i do have full reviews of all of these guys we're
just gonna take a quick look at them today if you do want to check them out
go to my Jurassic world playlist and whichever one of the dinos you want to
check out both the name it there so this guy does roar he zooms all
around he is an awesome limited-edition indominus breath then he also does get
angry he has different boats so if you put him in one of the modes if you put
your arm here or you pull his tail he gets angry and his eyes turned red and
he growls it I mean if you guys go ahead and check out the full unboxing limited
edition indominus rex and our next one is a limited edition indominus rex this
came with the limited edition Jurassic world DVD box set it came with
the indominus rex and the t-rex this one has super cool detail really awesome
check out that box see dominus Rex and this is a totally
different one that was made by a company called flaws they're like they make like
knock-offs they're a company in China really high
super quality knockoffs but the reason I included this it looks exactly like the
indominus rex with different colors I mean take a look at these and tell me
they are not the same dinosaurs Dino
Dino and this one was probably the last indominus rex that was released for
jurassic world wide Hasbro this one is the rampant
rampage in addition indominus rex this one has a wind-up arm if you wind his
arm up here he does move open it close his mouth so I do like this guy this guy
also does have vampire teeth here he opened his mouth all the way you see how
those teeth pop out they almost look like snake
so if you open it all the way the teeth pop off and he also does have an action
feature to push on his body here he has spikes that pop up and then he
roars because spikes that pop up there
so you know a lot of people did not like the hasbro toys but you know what i
think they made some really cool stuff so I do like the hasbro toys and I hope
littell does an even better job I am on set to review the Mattel Toys in
February at the New York Toy Fair and
then we have classic indominus rex i really like this guy he is big his
entire front part of his head here is rubber because when you pull his arm
back he opens his mouth way off anteye roars you can see it makes it look very
realistic because of the rubber action there so the top part of his head is
really similar to the old Kenner dinosaur toys I love the fact how this
guy opens up his mouth oh yeah that's so cool and it's hard to tell but
he does light up red hair on his body also Jurassic world logo like I said I
have full unboxings and with this guy I have a lot of
so check out my Jurassic world place
battled openness okay this guy is one of the weirder looking indominus rex toys
he's a indominus rex armor indominus rex so if you push his tail he does turn his
head and he opens and closes his mouth he's got molded armor that fits on his
back here there's a piece for his head I seem to have misplaced it off you check
out my full unboxing at this guy you can see it opened ooh and
so this is a cool I I think it's a nice twist to the regular yellow Lego
knockoff in domenase right and this next one is really cool too this is a
knockoff yellow indominus rex toy I bought this one on ebay from a seller in
Australia so if you want to go ahead and check that out just like the regular
indominus rex Lego really cool arms move hands turn legs walk into different
positions so once again I do got a full review and unboxing you Bekka
dominus rex Lego calm dragon and then this guy is a really cool one - this guy
ah it's he is called an alien t-rex because it's the alien t-rex
escape you can check out my full Lego stop-motion build of that set it's a
huge set but anyways this is the guy that came with the but this is not a
t-rex this is an indominus rex so I call him the alien indominus rex so he is
very similar to the official Lego one his head moves except he's got these
spikes down the back which almost make him look like a dragon
so I really like the camouflage he has and this guy's got they go and this one
is a knockoff bought it looks exactly like the original Lego indominus rex i
do have him but i have him boxed up right now but this one is pretty much
identical size look everything the only difference is the original one is a
lighter color so once again the hands move the arms move in two different
positions the likes lock in different positions really cool miniature knockoff
let go indominus rex a little miniature knockoff
lego indominus rex so this guy's really cool too you could buy this guy on ebay
or amazon you've got this little guy that came with one of the indominus rex
sets you pull his tail he turns his head and opens his closes his mouth he is
pretty much identical to the armored one but the armored one just has the two
molded pieces that you could put on the back of them but they are pretty much
interchangeable so it is the same dinosaur just different parts battle
and then finally we have this midsize one here the one reason I like this one
is it has this wound here the action feature here and you hit it here it does
spring open you got like a terrible wound on there so it's really good for
battles and stuff like that and he does also have a jumping head so if you push
down on his tail here he lowers his head and he chomps his mom this guy too you
can see some red along here so that must be good over there so another really
cool indominus rex okay guys it's time to set up our Jurassic world park let's
get going okay I did have to go ahead and remove the volcanoes there
so our dinosaurs will fit but we will put the two big rampage ones in the back
there and then we have the two big original ones which I will set up over
here and
and then we have our Zoomer which is gonna zoom in out of the gate
there go ahead and open that guy's Wow and then we have our other like
medium-sized ones which we're just gonna go ahead and set up in here
this guy's gonna go there right in the water
this guy's gonna go back here almost like he's a junior size one and then we
will set this guy up here by the tree and then we have our angle
and set our Lego wants in over here cool also but I don't want to block the ones
in the back there and then we have our dragon one we're gonna set over there
and we have some smaller ones which are gonna go in the front over there we will
have that one sitting down we will have this armor one over here and this tiny
little baby one over there okay guys so there is our 14 awesome indominus rex
toys guys i love making these videos for you guys if you do want to see more fun
videos go ahead click the subscribe button then also click the like button
next to it to be notified when I make new videos I do have over a thousand
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Godzilla King Kong and Power Rangers wow that was awesome and I will see you
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