Saturday, October 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 28 2018

A couple weeks ago I was sitting in church and Linda my wife leaned over and she

suggested that we kind of add something to our morning routine and so that's

what we're talking about in this video here and so I'm gonna drop you in on a

conversation that I was having with her and as we just kind of explore some of

the benefits of this that we've gotten out of it and what that might mean for

you and as we're going through this I'd love to hear down in the comment section

what has worked well for you like what you've added to your morning routine

that has helped you better connect with God and just stay really solid as you

move throughout your week so definitely leave us some comments down below with

those and with that let's get to it

so a few weeks ago Linda and I decided to start waking up it's kind of our new

morning routine waking up an hour before we're getting up beforehand and just

kind of giving god that first hour and spending that time praying about our

family but our business about whatever everything there's plenty of need to be

prayed about right and it's been a really good thing for us don't you think

well yeah that's the funny thing about this is I just feel like it's God's

grace is there because neither one of us know naturally would have like that's

what I always wish I would have been doing like I think both of us are like

yeah I wish I were the type of person who'd get up an hour before work and

pray every day I have a friend like that and she's really impressive yeah like

that's who I think we both like strive to be and but I know that when I've

tried to do this in my own strength in the past like it's just failed and I and

then on top of that I felt guilty but like this has been like kind of

effortless right you just came with the idea and suggested it and yeah it's just

like God's grace is they're helping us to do it and I think the point is is that

you know it whatever God's calling you to do is different you know it's in our

cases is we're supposed to do for right now so we're doing it yeah but you know

for somebody else this might not be the thing you know you know and we're taking

this on a week-by-week basis to where we're just going one week at a time I'm

not trying to create some sort of like we're gonna do this the rest of our

lives thing but just do when we get a time finish a week do we want to do it

again and we've done that three times now

the way it affects my days I just don't feel so behind which seems like a minor

thing but for me that was actually really big yeah cuz I felt like I would

wake up and I would be in this frenzy and I just don't feel like that anymore

but it does just feel like things are a little bit more smooth sailing it's also

been good for our kids because as they wake up they see us and we're praying in

our prayer playroom and that we have a little path we walk around the playroom

but it's been good for them because I feel like they're getting to see us

model something that yeah that I want to continue

part of what I like is that we get to spend the morning together

and most of the time you would wake up and

then go straight to work so if you woke up at 5:30 or something you'd rare but

clock just went off and you just were awake you would leave before I even woke up

yeah but the other point of that is you are saying well I'm not going to be

spending that hour and a half at work I'm actually going to be spending it

with God and so instead of investing that into work you're investing it where

it can be multiplied well and there's something about this first fruits

principle in the Bible you know I remember reading somebody who said like

the quote was something to the effect of any first fruits given or multiply it any

first fruits not given or lost or something like that

I'm in this season where I I'm kind of feeling like there's so much copycat

stuff there's so much I'm gonna do this because this person is doing it yeah

yeah it's just really I want to run the opposite direction and I want to avoid

things that everybody else are doing and I want to really try to get clear on

what God is saying in calling me to do and if this has caused me to make a lot

of changes in my life it's caused me to spend a lot less time on social media

almost like completely eliminate it to some extent it's caused me to it's

caused me to just kind of change it's not my season how how I'm evaluating

things that I'm listening to and and watching and learning from and I just

want to be someone who is doing what God has for me to do yeah rather than

anybody else's system anybody else's method or strategy or the thing that he

gave them to do that's working really well but you know I mean

my challenge to you is to pray let's see what God has for you to do and see what that

little thing might be these leading you to do that yeah you know I don't think

it's you know run out and get up an hour early and pray like we're doing right

now but find that thing for you it is yeah yeah maybe it is but don't just do

that because we're doing it but ask God what you should be doing like what you

can do to draw nearer to Him you know and to and to get closer to Him and

spend more time with Him and better connect with Him it just asked that

question it's like heart God hears us when we

pray you know like this is just I think we forget about this sometimes yeah that

like He'll show you and He'll give you some idea you know and anyway

so that's my encouragement to you will leave you with yeah good

so have a great rest of your day and we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> Our New Morning Routine with Jesus - Duration: 6:54.


How NOT to represent DID | Dissociative Identity Disorder - Duration: 7:30.

You're awfully playful

I wasn't planning on filming today but it occurred to me a little video so

I didn't want to let is pass because it's really simple. So… Hi!

In my search about the disorder, to know how many resources we have in

Spanish and how much it is spoken in non psychological media, not in specialized magazines

nor specialized media, like interviews, news web page,

an article in a popular site, etc. To know how much the current

information is being visible, clear and current and how much of the stigma

remains, and I noticed, I noticed a curious pattern. In how it is represented (in a picture) for

an article. For ezample, if we're talking about chocolate, we would use

melted chocolate or chocolate bars pictures... but mostly I'd think of using melted

chocolate to capture… to capture the audience's attention

fast. But when not so informed media wants to represent DID.

with pictures they usually use pictures like these

I believe… I believe people underst this pictures quickly... and that is what

you seek, for it to be quick to grasp. To be able to express what you're talking about with one picture.

However they're not entirely well justified.

A better way to represent DID is like this:

Why? First of all because it's a disorder most diagnosed in females

Like I said in my other video, it is diagnosed about 3 to 6 times more in

females. Did I say 3 to 9? 6 to 9? About that. A lot more in females. A typical DID patient

is actually a middle aged female. Then why a girl? Two reasons.

It represents the dissociated part and represents the cause of DID. It's mainly trauma and

violence. Mostly in early childhood.

Say hello, Kitten

Meowzeen says Hi. "Meow!"

This here well, it represents

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Surely you know the story

Now guess when it was first published...


Not only it is an old tale, but it's also about horror, violence and

there's a fantasy factor and we've learned a lot about the disorder since then.

Actually Dr Jekyll doesn't even have DID. Because Mr Hyde wasn't created from

trauma. I mean he didn't "split" because of trauma, he was split from a potion he made

Spoiler alert.

Think of it like (The incredible) Hulk but instead of

gamma rays and instead of getting bigger he gets shorter. But just as




And (movie) Split... Well I think I'm going to dedicate about three videos talking about Split.

My point is that this "entity" is portrayed as aggressive, wild being

that doesn't think of consequences, like Mr Hyde. And there's not… there's not always an

alter like that. What it always exists and I've verified myself

and asked with a lot of systems is a protective alter. And

this protection is almost always a sacrifice type. Like saying:

"Get out, that I will suffer this in your place". Like "I'll take this so you may never

have to know" Not consciously, it's not a conscious effort.

Why is it important to use

correct imagery to represent DID?"

First. If you're a writer.

who needs pictures to communicate your work will be well justified

Second. You raise

awareness in what this disorder really means

Third. You fight stigma

of the idea that an aggressive man may just have "another personality"

Fourth. Which I believe it's really important. You create empathy for these people

suffering with this disrodrer…. bluh bluh bluh

Create enpathy for the people suffering of

this disorder, who tend to hide in fear of people thinking of them as dangerous

Because people with DID are not usually the perpetator...


abusers, bad people, persecutors,

that may harm, warrr

Actually, we could say they're (DID people) the

epitome of the victims of the worst atrocities

Fifth. You erase the concept of

"crazyness" from your imagery. For me crazyness doesnt describe a behaviour but

describes your lack of understanding of that behavior. Like saying "That dude is crazy!"

You're possibly not understanding what makes him behave like that

If you say someone is crazy you're saying "I don't understand why he's

doing that. Actually there's a beautiful video of a woman from TED talk that

I'll leave around and I'll quote. Let's see if I can imitate her accent because it's awesome.

"A sane reaction to insane circumstances"

It came out awful

"It came out awful"

"It came out all weeird"

A sane reaction to insane circumstances

So now you know, fellow writers and journalists and reporters of curious stuff

content creators… Use accurate and appropriate pictures to

explain this disorder please :)

Anyway I'll be sharing in my channel

many examples, cases, stories that may be useful for you to provide

current, genuine and humanistic information. And please, stop using the case of

Billy Milligan… which was just one case! Just one!

Also I said I was going to

recommend books each video so… talking about Dr

Jekyll and Mr Hyde... I don't really recommend it? It's a quick read

Read it so you can know what is NOT DID. Although some of his experiences

may seem similar?. Anyway is a tale in general culture

You can find it in almost any language and free because it was published in


I believe they're even like pff six movies?

So as this is a quick video

I recommend-not- recommend then a quick tale to read

If you've already read it or watched the movie(s) tell me what you think

I'd say..."Meeeh"

I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of

horror so what can I say? It's interesting… it's interesting the way he...

I think more interesting than this dynamic he has with Hyde is

the amount of effort he makes (i think we can value that) the effort he makes

to hide everyone else that Hyde exists or at least that they're

the same person. And yes, that's a spoiler.

See you in the next video. Plural kisses

Want to know the most beautiful thing about this shirt?

Oh it's not visible

It's not visible

It's not visible!

It's not visible!!!

I think it will be hard to make it visible because it glows

it glows in the dark

It's not visible the screen is too bright

Let's see… if we close the laptop...

AND THE CAMERA WENT OFF! I can't believe I didn't think of it! XD

For more infomation >> How NOT to represent DID | Dissociative Identity Disorder - Duration: 7:30.


[SUB/ESP] #iKON - Video Star~ - Duration: 1:21:03.

For more infomation >> [SUB/ESP] #iKON - Video Star~ - Duration: 1:21:03.


"¿Un abrigo siberiano?": Angela Merkel pone en práctica su ruso - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> "¿Un abrigo siberiano?": Angela Merkel pone en práctica su ruso - Duration: 0:25.


Jennifer Lawrence'in "Özgürleştirici" Çıplak Sahnesi (2 Mart 2018 Röportajı) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lawrence'in "Özgürleştirici" Çıplak Sahnesi (2 Mart 2018 Röportajı) - Duration: 3:56.


49歲伊能靜冒險生三胎,老公的態度和娘家人的態度差距好大! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 49歲伊能靜冒險生三胎,老公的態度和娘家人的態度差距好大! - Duration: 4:40.


Raquel Argandoña confesó su secreto más íntimo en un motel - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Raquel Argandoña confesó su secreto más íntimo en un motel - Duration: 2:20.


"Pacto de sangre": Televidentes notaron error de contenido en homenaje póstumo a Daniela - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> "Pacto de sangre": Televidentes notaron error de contenido en homenaje póstumo a Daniela - Duration: 2:29.


Tatiana Merino hizo fuerte revelación sobre el periodista Rodrigo Herrera - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Tatiana Merino hizo fuerte revelación sobre el periodista Rodrigo Herrera - Duration: 2:48.


野球U―23、日本全勝で決勝へ W杯2次リーグでドミニカ下す - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 野球U―23、日本全勝で決勝へ W杯2次リーグでドミニカ下す - Duration: 1:36.


New Qawwali 2018 - Ajmer Sharif Dargah- Khawaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali - Aayo Re Morey Angna Moinuddin - Duration: 18:03.

Aayo Re Morey Angna Moinuddin

For more infomation >> New Qawwali 2018 - Ajmer Sharif Dargah- Khawaja Garib Nawaz Qawwali - Aayo Re Morey Angna Moinuddin - Duration: 18:03.


【山本昌邦チェック】湘南の優勝は積み重ねてきた「育成」の勝利 - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 【山本昌邦チェック】湘南の優勝は積み重ねてきた「育成」の勝利 - Duration: 3:49.


Halloween Werewolf Makeup Tutorial with Matt Lanter - Duration: 14:18.

hello gorgeous welcome back to my channel I have a special guest tonight

it's me Yamato we're doing a Halloween video tonight and I am not made up yet

because I'm going to do my makeup after I do his makeup so this is kind of like

instead of husband does my makeup it's wife does my makeup people have been

asking for this yeah I think people kept saying can your wife do your makeup and

I don't think I meant this I think they just met a lot yeah drag makeup yes

I don't know why you would request that yeah oh boy we're off to a brilliant

start here brilliant alright so I am going to turn mister

Lanter here into a wolf oh the big bad wolf the big bad wolf yeah good I'm

gonna be riding hood' you're gonna be the big bad wolf we're like a duo oh

wait is the big bad wolf The Three Little Pigs little Little Red Riding

Hood and that's a different wolf I know but it's which one's the big bad wolf

is it the Three Little Pigs are little right they're all big and bad all right

guys let's just get started jump right in it's jump right in so for

this tutorial are you going to like walk us through the steps as I'm applying it

or like am I gonna do that I'll walk you through my emotions okay

look at that you can see some Gray's coming through with that feet you didn't

old okay so that's the difference between men and women because Gray's on

I don't want to stress books in my life distinguished oh my gosh what do you

currently have a girl on your face Lanter I currently have nothing on my

face you were you were made up today you were I wiped it off on set well after I

get done filming I I use a wipe perhaps to I'll wipe with the wipe and it's

usually it's just a little like foundation a little concealer you know

we don't go crazy anyway my face is clean I don't have anything on my face

okay that was a very long answer to get to that answer so we're gonna do a

little of this this is a black makeup cream

Ben Nye and I'm going to draw on what will appear to be hairs but you already

have hair on your face but you got it you gotta do it differently do you like

these flicky how's that feel oh I got some in my eye already Oh pause

well he just there's a bug in here my face is gonna look like he got put on a

grill I do look like my face has been put on a grill do you guys like the

lovely Halloween background that we built lots of time and effort into that

one we have a peanut gallery here I said we can't hear the laughter it's in your

hair it's so greasy Jill

my hair was completely clean but I put some gel in it for you for this tutorial

because I felt like werewolves don't have fluffy clean hair I feel like

they're out in the woods like running around and doing werewolf things howling

at the moon

eating things alright we're we're we're lined up pretty pretty good yep pretty

good cuz I'm taking some matte black shadow and then just fill in around the

perimeter of your face alright like for some shadowing I'm gonna blend it up

towards the directions of the directions direction of the hair so that it kind of

fills it in not gonna lie you're a little garlicky I am what did I

eat I brought tell me clearly garlic you wanna make out so approximately how long

does this werewolf take to apply there mrs. Lancer

well here's the thing miss garlic breath here she is never actually done a

werewolf what I thought you were supposed to be the Guru turn towards me

you were my guinea pig so if this turns out looking really stupid it's my face

the trial writers all right so I already did one side of his nas mm-hmm so we're

gonna start on this side and work our way back up to the eyebrow can you turn

towards me so all I'm doing is taking my brush and making little hair marks flick

marks and I'm not really worrying about the UM how thick they are not because as

you can see I blended it out with some black matte shadow the flicks aren't

thick okay so now I'm gonna do the same thing up into his eyebrow

and just drawing them to look a little bit more fierce

so Angela's gotta be doing makeup for people on Halloween night so if you come

over to our house 20 bucks she'll see your makeup why are you like

selling me like that and trying to do a little side hustle how do you feel about

something like spackle going under there spackle yeah like a little trouble oh

thank you you stop at the Home Depot

shakhter dupe did it did it baby shark dude dude did it did it baby shark did

you really sure so what's the verdict on the spackle the schmutz what this month

you want to smoke thunder my I've you want to smack all I wanted to do like a

little bit of like you know what I think I think less is more with this so we're

gonna forego the schmutz I mean look what you've done go for it

now this is just a slightly over exaggerated version of guyliner so

you're not even on your eyes so it's definitely not

this world got punched in the eyeball each one has their makeup that a lot you

sure are blinking a lot you're literally sticking the sponge

inside of my eyeball on the wet part of my eye

you're literally touching pink to white you're being such a drama queen no I'm

not just making sure that you have less harsh lines that's all I'm doing

I mean chill chill the F out you always want to clean up as you go what why are

you laughing why are you laughing so hard right now if you really a little

bit do baby talk with anything or some sort of cost you eat looks or dry yeah I

need a drink some water I get on you every single day for this how does it

feel tap your lips mind it like you you

can you just like keep your mouth shut for two seconds mm-hmm

and now I'm literally sitting here waiting to get my makeup done what

you're messing me up so bad I just drew outside of your lip

this is semi-permanent so just so that you know what I need to like I need to

touch that taking a little bit of clown white clown white I'm white from Ben Nye

and I'm just gonna I'm just adding a little bit dimension here all right I

don't want it to be too white and some of it's a little bit too white so we'll

go back in and see I don't want you look like a zebra you know what I mean I mean

if you had two parties to go to you can do this and then throw some white on

there and be a zebra for the next party hmm I mean zebra is just a gourmet horse

is the bad joke like I like the idea of or the adding a little bit of white but

like if you could see it plus you wouldn't like it cuz you're gonna be

like it looks like I'm great I like what you did and I like are you doing the

nose it feels like I'm just adding a little salt and pepper in here and I

like that cuz I'm an old werewolf because your distinguished your

distinguished werewolf leader of the pack

I'm a very cultured werewolf I've seen a lot of things in my day

that already had the shadow on it and just loosely blending it out so that

there's nothing like start I don't want stark white I just don't make a little

bit of dimension to your face okay do you feel good about that yeah I do feel

really good about that real good okay I had it a tiny bit of

white - your lips off camera just because I felt like your lips looked so

black so I just wanted to tone them down tight a teensy tiny little tiny bit you

take the white pencil and just

backed away

maryska this is not gonna make the video I hope this is this is prime content a

little bit of weight to be inside of your eyes because I want to make it

super hard for you taking me off to me dare me to just go by like baby wipes

and diapers at Target like this I need you I need you to like get your hair to

like stand up like how do we do that I don't know man hair many may inherit

men's hair your hair alright sit tight don't let the bedbugs bite sleep tight I

know but I changed it done

what else could I possibly do mm-hmm Oh your bangs hmm hopeful don't eat

these it would take a lot for you to actually go through the process of

swallowing them that's not a bottom wants you

there we go I feel like a panting dog

they match my teeth very serious Halloween tutorial and somehow it's

turned into light comedy well they're not gonna sit on teeth I'll just hold on

hold on all night at the party what are you a werewolf era or hillbilly we're

all yeah car drink some beer together it's the best I want to do so if you

want to be scary like me do this tutorial I'm the worst to wear makeup

looks good look oh shoot you're right you've been smoking oh gosh I like can't

even see him like crying I'd like you mean I think we need to wrap this up I

mean all right let's wrap it up your

lipsticks have gone all right all right do the outro so this is the final look

do you think outro oh my god you're long what happened

oh thank you guys so much for watching I don't even know how to sign off right

now ha you got to get that checked out

For more infomation >> Halloween Werewolf Makeup Tutorial with Matt Lanter - Duration: 14:18.


Asexuality & the LGBTQ+ Community: Past, Present, & Future (Wellesley College, 2018) - Duration: 1:27:47.

Okay, I think we're gonna get started. Um, great group! Welcome, everybody. Um, if we've

never met, I do see familiar faces, um, I'm Leah Fygetakis, I'm one of the Assistant Deans

with the Office of Intercultural Education, and your LGBTQIA Adviser. Um, so this program

is part of our October, uh, LGBTQIA History Month, and um, I just wanted to note, I hope

you've seen our lovely spam, and there are um, individual, um, ads for some of the different

programs that we've got, but it's an embarrassment of riches this week! Um, along with today,

tomorrow we have a panel of students who have studied abroad, um, the panel is entitled

Queer Perspectives in Study Abroad, and um, three continents are covered. I think it's

uh, Jordan, uh, Japan, Italy, Germany, and Sweden, and a lot of the students actually

got to do a lot of uh, LGBT work on um, on the study abroad experience. Uh, and on Thursday,

uh, the um, Executive Director of Dignity will be talking on Queer Theology, and then

our exhibit, our photo exhibit will open, which is called Limit--Limitless LGBTQ, um,

African, uh, immigrant narratives, and um, I was working with the student in getting

the photos printed, they are STUNNING. They, they're like, 24 by 36, and um, I really encourage

you to stop by the um, Jewett Sculpture Gallery to take a lot, and even better, if you can

attend the reception on October 24th, uh, that, that would be great. The photographer,

Mikael Owunna, uh, will be there, and he will share some of his own kind of experience,

and what it was like to take the photographs and how he worked with the people that were

in them, and um, it's just uh, a, a--I, I'm really looking forward to, uh, to that. And

finally, um, on Saturday the 27th, there'll be a film called, it's relatively recent,

Happy Birthday Marsha, and it portrays the life of transgender artist and activist Marsha

"Pay It No Mind" Johnson, in the hours before she ignited the 1969 Stonewall Riots. So um,

I hope to see you again at some of these other events. So at this point, I want to just um,

thank our student group, Wildcards, um, if you don't know what it is, Catherine will

tell you. Uh, and um, uh, the committee on lectures and cultural events, uh, these are

kind of the co-sponsors, along with the LGBTQ, uh, office, and bringing this here today.

So at this point, I would like to introduce Catherine Pugh, who will introduce our speaker.

Thanks! Hello! I'm--Thank you! I love you too. Um, most of you know me already, but

I'm uh, I'm the secretary for Wellesley Wildcards, which is our organization on campus for students

who are asexual and/or aromantic, and we do a lot of fun things throughout the semester

like watch movies and eat dinner together and draw memes for each other, so you should

definitely come check us out. Um, if you wanna be added, the Facebook and Google Groups are

both priv--are both private, so you should speak to one of the e-board members if you

would like to be added. That's us! Hi! Very secret. Confidential. So um, yeah, the group's

been around for about four years, and this is the first kind of big open event we've

done, so it's really exciting to see you all here, um, there's often a not--not a lot of

love or attention paid to asexual and/or aromantic people in the community, so it's exciting

to be part of Queer History Month and get to establish our place in the community. And

here to talk more about that is Julie Sondra Decker, author of this book here, that I am

holding, called The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality. And since she

knows more about it than I do, I will let her continue. Thank you very much! Thank you

everyone for having me. Um, so before I get started, um, I will, I wanna let everyone

know there--there's a camera right here that I'm just taping for my uh, YouTube channel.

So um, if you walk in front of the camera and you realize afterwards you don't wanna

be on video, feel free to just let me know and I will edit you out, if you say something

in the room and you realize you don't want your voice on the film, that's fine too, just

let me know. Um, can everyone hear me toward the back? Am I talking loud enough? All right.

OK sign, that's wonderful. Okay, so--there's a request to speak up just a bit. Oh yes?

Okay! I'll try to talk a little bit louder. I don't have a microphone but I, I, I went

to uh, music school, they taught us how to use our diaphragm. So I'll try to reach you.

So I'm here to talk about asexuality and the LGBTQ+ community. Um, past, present, and future.

And uh, I already got an introduction but uh, my name is Julie Sondra Decker. I'm also

known online as swankivy or Ivy because those are my online handles that I've had for a

million years. Or at least since the late nineties. Same thing. Um, so you can call

me any of those, I will answer to them. Um, I'm an asexuality educator, author, blogger,

YouTube personality, and um, speaking YouTube, if you are interested in looking up any of

my videos uh, you can take a card, uh, if you are interested in this, this book here,

I have some information for you if you wanna pick up a flier. One of them's just an info

sheet; one of them is a slightly more fun Asexual Bingo. It's not so fun to go through,

but it's fun to make fun of it, and it has a little bit of information on the bottom

about the book. Uh, so if you wanna pick one of these up, these are free to take. Um, about

me, personally, I am asexual and aromantic, and I'm not gonna assume that everybody here

knows exactly what those mean, for me personally I identify as asexual as a person who doesn't

experience sexual attraction, that's a very common, uh, interpretation of that term, some

people will define it slightly differently, I tend to use that definition, and aromantic,

very similar, I don't experience romantic attraction. I'm not gonna go into a 101-kinda

course about that today because um, I heard somebody wrote a book about it. You can check

it out. Um, but I am going to talk about how we fit into the history and the past, present,

and future of this overall umbrella movement. Before I get started into the meat of this

presentation, I will say there may be a few uh, slightly uncomfortable topics, I'm not

going to be real explicit about any of them, but I may bring up some references to harassment,

coercion, um, it's just--uh, I, I may make reference to depression, and um, some other

difficult subjects to discuss, but I will give individual warnings as they come up as

well. Um, so one more thing, um, regarding feedback. If anybody wants to ask me any questions

after the fact, um, you're welcome to either write on an index cards that most of you,

all of you should have received one, and we'll collect them at the end, and if we, assuming

we have time, I will go through them and um, answer to the best of my ability. Personal

questions are okay. You can ask me my opinion or my experience about something. I'm okay

with talking with ya. Um, but you know, if something is something I don't wanna talk

about in front of a group, you know, I just won't get to the question, and if you find

that I haven't addressed something that you're curious about, you're welcome to e-mail me,

I've got my info on these cards. Um, okay, so let's get into past, present, and future

with a little bit of, um, I'm gonna talk about the history, very briefly, I'm gonna talk

mostly about currently, and um, some of the future, someday. After a sip of water. So

um, some people will say um, where did asexuality come from? Why are people suddenly talking

about this so much, it's just this new orientation that popped out of nowhere. That is not the

case. Um, one of the oldest sexuality studies, this is very outdated these days, but um,

the Kinsey Scale is well known, it's from the 40s, and um, asexuality actually popped

up on the Kinsey Scale. Uh, Kinsey was mostly studying sexuality not as a black and white,

but more of a continuum, um, as to like, how exclusively straight, how exact--how exclusively

gay somebody could be sliding around the scale, but uh, X was asexual people who didn't experience

any of those attractions at all. So uh, we popped up on the model as early as the 40s.

Um, but uh, you know in the, in the 60s and 70s there was a lot of um, sexual revolution

which also of course included LGBTQ slash Queer slash "alternative sexuality," anything

that they could come up with to refer to it, um, we randomly i, invented the term asexual,

throughout the history talking about sexual diversity. "Asexual" kept popping up as like,

yeah, I'm just, I'm just asexual or I'm nonsexual, this, this happened a lot with people who

were trying to find their place, to find their identity, and um, it, if you look around on

posters here and there you'll see it, in literature, you'll see it, in unexpected places. But it

was not organized. It was very sort of piecemeal, you'll see it here and there. Um, I, I have

seen a few published articles on it, "Asexual and Autoerotic Women: Two Invisible Groups"

was an early article, it was published shortly before I was born in 1977, um, in a collection

called The Sexually Oppressed, you can see the no image available Amazon cover, this

is how hard this is to find, I've never seen a copy. It exists, I hear. Um, and uh, this

was an article that examined frequently invisible groups. Um, going on, there was um, there

was a sexuality study, like a sample that was taken, I believe it was in the UK in the

90s, 1994, there was a big sampling of sexual attitudes, and um, what happened with this

group, I believe it was around, um, 18,000 people were surveyed about their, their experiences

and their attitudes, and one percent of that group kept coming up in the data as not experiencing

any of this attraction. And um, it was from this sample that Anthony Bogaert in 2001 wrote

an article saying hey, this one percent, it hasn't been studied. Let's study it. And this

is, this is where that one percent figure, if you've ever read anything about asexuality,

you've probably seen one percent thrown around a lot. This is where it came from, was Anthony

Bogaert, studying it from this older sampling from um, from the UK. Not necessarily that

the UK is representative of everyone, but it's at least some math. It's at least some

research that was done. And Anthony Bogaert has actually gone on to write a book about

it, um, more from a academic standpoint, but um, he, he's frequently contacted as an academic

content--contact, whenever anybody wants to talk about asexuality. Um, so personally,

computers looked like that when I was first starting to uh, explore what this meant to

me. There was no Internet, um, there was--well there was an Internet, but I think it was

mostly for the military. And um, there were certainly no social groups organizing online.

Um, I invented the word "nonsexual" to refer to myself, I just knew I wasn't straight,

and I wasn't sure what I was, but I just felt like I was something that was none of the

above. And so I just kinda invented a word for it. I wasn't particularly broken up about

it. I was just like "yeah this is me, I guess if it changes one day, maybe it'll change

one day," but you know, I wasn't really searching for connection. Um, but at the time it really

wasn't out there to find unless you did it in person. This is a very common story for

people who were in my age group and older. Um, so what would happen is you would seek

connection and you would say "I know I'm not experiencing what I'm 'supposed to' experience,

okay, I'm a woman, so I'm supposed to marry a man and have some children, I know that

doesn't appeal to me, and I definitely am not interested in that life, so uh, where

can I look? What is the alternative, if you're not straight you're gay." So a lot of us have

explored that. A lot of us have said "Maybe I'm this," or "Maybe um, I'm something that

I haven't explored, maybe I will find the answer somewhere where people are more willing

to listen to something that isn't mainstream," and that was usually queer, LGBTQ-friendly

communities. So um, in a documentary called (A)sexual, which I did an interview for this

too but I'm not gonna talk about me. Um, this lady up here, Barb, she described that her

experience of being with a whole bunch of different partners, always just kinda trying

to find someone that would do it for her, and she only mentioned being with same-sex

partners. I don't know if she identified as lesbian, but she only described being with

other women, and she, she frequently just felt like she was missing something. She finally

just said "I give up, this isn't for me." And um, when she discovered asexuality, that's

what she started calling herself. Um, similarly, um, this lady here, Kathy, she did an interview

for the (A)sexual documentary in um, in a scene that was filmed shortly before an asexual

contingent was going to march in a Pride parade for the first time, she, I believe she said

she was in her late 40s, and she had come out as a lesbian in the 80s, um, and she identified

as a lesbian for a very long time, uh, before discovering that she's actually a homoromantic

asexual woman. And she actually said that it was scarier to come out as asexual than

it was to come out as lesbian because she didn't know if she had support and she didn't

have the words for it. It was, it was very um, it was unknown territory. And so she,

she found herself around people half her age trying to organize about this, feeling left

out in a slightly different way, but um, you know, she found her people. And uh, learned

a lot about uh, what kind of language we were using to talk about um, this common experience

we were having. Oh wow the sun is in my eyes. So we're going into the present! Um, what

you see mostly how so much of the organizing started of course online, this is how we do

everything these days. So we're gonna reach out online, say "hey, I'm feeling this, are

you feeling this," can we develop the language, if you have language, you can have a conversation,

you can find other people who are similar to you. Uh, the big name in online organizing

is of course the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, also known as AVEN, it wasn't the

only game in town, especially at the time, there were these Yahoo Groups and mailing

lists and stuff popping up. I, I didn't see some of these and others I did know about.

Um, they didn't have a coherent mission statement really, it was just a bunch of people trying

to figure out who are we and how can we find other people uh, you know, to, to figure out

how to talk about this. And at least find a place that we're understood. Um, there was

a LiveJournal group. Um, uh, LiveJournal still exists, um, and then much later of course,

Tumblr. Tumblr is well known for having a lot of asexual organizing. What happened on

Tumblr, like, and you can say what you want about Tumblr, but I, I kinda live there, I

love Tumblr. And without, without having uh, the connections that I found on Tumblr, I

definitely wouldn't have been able to write the book that I wrote in the form that I did

because I had so much help from willing people who, who despite also being asexual, they

had a very different experience from me, like, how am I gonna write a subchapter about male

asexual people or asexual people of color, asexual people who have disabilities, how

am I gonna write about that with any um, authority if it's not my experience? So I have to ask

somebody what would you want everyone to know about you that's different from, uh, a white

able-bodied cis woman who's asexual. I'm obviously not going to experience the same things. So

that, that was a great place to find other people who are having the same yet different

experiences in asexuality. Um, also, uh, it gave me an opportunity to talk to young people,

because um, that's, that is so important if you're going to continue to do activism as

you get older, because the conversation does change, it's not just about what different

terms we might use, it's about attitudes, it's about nuances, and I'd fall out of touch

with what you guys are talking about at approximately half my age, like, I'm, I'm gonna become irrelevant.

And it's also personally satisfying to me to hear what you guys are, you're very inspiring

to me, um, at college age and younger. It's, it's um, it's not a different world, but it

kind of is. I guess you'll see when you get there. So even though Tumblr full of Discourse

with a capital D, it's very important, um, unfortunately one of the side effects of Tumblr,

which is kind of, it's kind of a blessing and a curse, is that you can find a lot of

content that you didn't come there to see. Um, yes, you know what I mean. So, oh my goodness.

But um, the, the issue I think has been people are suddenly intersecting with populations

that they didn't know about and they're saying, this must've been invented on Tumblr! The

Tumblrinas are over here creating fake identities because they wanna be special. We of course

hear a lot of that in queer community, overall, as well as especially in asexual spaces, that

we're doing this to be special, we're doing this to um, find a label and not have the

risk of being LGBTQ. Um, so what we get a lot of is this objection, why do you think

that you belong here, because there's a perception that we don't belong, that there's something

different about us that we're not, we're not sharing enough of what defines a person as

having an LGBTQ+ identity. Uh, to have any place in this community, that we don't have

anything to add and that we don't have, that we may even make the spaces unsafe, and even

if I disagree at the root level with that idea, I also wanna listen to where it comes

from, and the reasonable perspectives that I've mostly heard is that people fear we're

going to come in with a mainstream perspective that they've had to fight against, and that

we're going to make their spaces all about us. Um, so here's the thing. Going back to

this (A)sexual documentary. Um, there were a lot of objections from people who were some

stripe LGBTQ rainbow. Um, Dan Savage is pictured up there. He, uh, I think he's kinda flipped

on asexuality, he's mostly inclusive now, but in the documentary, he said um, asexual

people, you don't need to march to not do anything. You just need to stay home. Uh,

and he, he also said that as a sex educator and advice-giver, he has heard from so many

people who are deeply conflicted about their kinks or something, that they choose to call

themselves asexual because they are afraid of what it really means to embrace their sexuality,

that it's, it's kind of an "I give up," and that was how he interpreted it. And that's

how a lot of people see it before they, before they learn more about our experiences, but

I think with someone like him, it could also be dangerous because he has a platform, and

then he's telling everybody, you know, hey, these other people who are, they're, they're,

queer-friendly but they're not gonna be ace-friendly if they believe like him. Um, like I said,

I think that he's, he's mostly flipped on this, I, I don't know entirely, but um, some

of the other folks that are pictured here are people who said, um, kinda ignorant things

about the asexual uh, marchers in the pride parade. Um, the, the ladies at the top there

had said "just give us 20 feet, please," they, they were scared of the asexual people that

were marching behind them, and uh, the, the folks in the bottom over there, they were,

they're saying um, you're the only one that took the asexual literature, that's, that's

scary, um, this guy pities our poor soul. He thought he was being recruited. He thought

he was being told to abstain from sex, and I think that, that is a very common attitude

that you hear is that we're recruiting and that we're shaming sex, uh, and that's unfortunate

because um, that's absolutely not what asexuality is about, um, but it still comes from a place

that is legitimate because for a lot of folks who have to struggle to be proud, they've

been told that being asexual would be an ideal situation, that if they would abstain they

would be saved, they would be pure, they would be better. And um, and it's very hard to then

look at us and say oh yes, you're just as queer as I am, um, so I think that's kind

of where that comes from, that's what some of them have communicated to me, uh, unfortunately,

you're still seeing a lot of um, really aggressive invalidation coming from inside the queer

community, and for instance, the Trevor Project reached out to some asexual organizers saying,

um, we are an LGBT crisis line, we help queer young people who need somebody to call if

they're feeling depressed or suicidal, and um, we wanna know, we're getting calls from

people who are asexual and we don't know how to help them, can you help us train our volunteers

on this. When they advertised that they were doing this, some folks spoke up and said,

I don't think you should help them. They're, they don't need to be helped because they're

invading us, they're not really part of, you know, how can you, how can you say I think

you should not help certain depressed people who are in crisis, but, you know, that's,

that's how possessive they felt with this. Um, so what's really common is for certain

stripes especially of the asexual community is to be identified as you're really just

a straight person in disguise. Uh, if you're aromantic, if you're demisexual, graysexual,

those are some terms that I talk about in my book and my video essays. Um, and especially

if you're heteroromantic, um, you tend to be interpreted as you know, you're a straight

person who is trying to get into someplace that you don't belong. Uh, so if any of those

arguments sound familiar, maybe it's because they're said about bisexual people too. Um,

and they've got a letter! So I dunno. Where does that leave us. Um, so if any bisexual

folks um, have ever heard like, hey, you're not, you're not, you don't belong, you're

not queer enough, because you can choose to have a "straight relationship" and other than

your relationship, your identity doesn't matter, you don't belong here, you're probably hearing

a lot of the same things that we've heard. And um, that's actually part of why bisexual

people and asexual people have so much in common, because there is this perception,

and also, incidentally, a lot of us, myself included sometimes, um, have identified as

bisexual in certain context, because we didn't have another box to check. Um, so, if I like

everybody about the same, I guess that's as close as I'm gonna get if I don't have a check

mark. So in the present, we have to recognize that this rainbow flag, I mean, when we're

saying, you know, PRIDE, it, it's, that's, that rainbow does not include anything more

than to say this is the gay pride flag, it should be uh, it does include an awful lot

of other identities that are not specifically named in that flag. But are also often invalidated

like say, some intersex people identify as queer, um, you might if you're pan, if you

are trans, if you are agender, um, there are a lot of identities that um, have been questioned

um, and what I have found unfortunately is that some of the detractors who wanna kick

ace people out, uh, they're also TERFs, they're also exclusionary in other ways, uh, not all

of them, but many of them, they don't just have it out for us, so um, a lot of them are

very possessive about their spaces, and in some cases that's legitimate, because you

need to have safe spaces, sometimes it really is about safety. Um, but it, it can't be rooted

in hatred and it can't be rooted in ignorance. So what I have found in person is most LGBTQ

organizations are inclusive. Um, the Lambda Literary Awards is a, it's an award that is

given out every year to a bunch of um, recognized LGBT, um, books, I got nominated for one in

the LGBT History--or, LGBT, um, Nonfiction category, so an asexual book got nominated

in a category that I didn't fit in the acronym. Um, but they included me, they were like yes,

that makes sense. That makes sense why this is here. So um, a lot of the places that I've

done presentations and included in panels have been LGBT-specific or queer-specific

organizations and conferences. Um, I, I participated in them, was invited to them, felt welcome

in them, and I've been published by several um, publishers or subsections of publishers

that are specific to queer orientations, they didn't say, like, hey, we think you're weird,

but we wanna hear from you. You know, they just treated me like your perspective is welcome

here. And um, that made sense to me, but then, you know, we still see this. You say, you're

a cishet, get outta here. So what does a person who um, may be asexual but feels that they

are inherently queer, um, what do they have to share with a broader community? Um, first

of all, it's a common misconception that asexual people are kinda just straight lite. Because

many asexual people are trans, are nonba--are nonbinary, are uh, same-sex-attracted, um,

have some other, one or more queer identities beyond asexuality, but even just on the strength

of being an asexual person, there are some things that we do share. And uh, the question

is, is it about pride? Um, well, uh, first I wanna throw this up to let you know that

I'm about to share a comment where um, there was some invalidation presented, this was

a comment where someone says please tell me how asexuals are discriminated, well if you

say please tell me, I will tell you. So there's this idea that institutional oppression is

what kinda defines you as having a valid identity within this community, and that, to me, um,

that is confusing, because it suggests that, um, hatred is where identit--identity comes

from. And I don't believe that. Um, so why do we want to be here? And should we let our

identity mostly be about who hates us, how they hate us, what it looks like? Um, so for

asexual people, it's true that the hate and the othering tends to look a little different

sometimes. It's more about invisibility versus hostility. I'm not gonna say there's no hostility

because I've certainly experienced my share of it, um, but a lot of it is based on not

even being seen at all. For instance, if somebody says, "Give me a break, you're never gonna

get beat up coming out of a gay bar," I'm gonna say "I don't have an ace bar to come

out of." So it's, it's a different problem, um, and there can be a difference in how much

danger you might be in, and the violence of the reactions. But it is not necessarily true

across the board that asexuality's just like "Oh, okay, well that's not threatening." It

absolutely is threatening to some people, and I will discuss some ways that that manifests,

and um, I will also say that with asexual people, aromantic people, a lot of the time,

the things that we do experience, if we say "Hey this happened to me," they'll say "That

happened to you 'cause you're a woman. That happened to you 'cause you're trans. That

happened to you 'cause you dress like that." They'll always say that whatever the asexuality

aspect of yourself, that's the least relevant part of what happens. It's never important

to them. Uh, so, what I'm gonna go into next, I'm gonna try to run through it a little quicker

because I'm already at like, halfway through. Um, so the common cause of a lot of our problems

is heteronormativity. This is the big word here. Oh, thank you. We're natural allies

because it all, it all forms from this experience we share of heteronormative attitudes that

shape how we grow up and what is denied to us and what we experience. So what struggles

do we share? Some of this stuff is gonna sound really familiar even if you know nothing about

asexuality but you know anything about being an LGBTQ person. So we know about the marriage

laws. Um, obviously there, relatively recently, nationwide in the United States, there has

been, um, same-sex marriage is legal. Um, obviously, we're still dealing with the aftermath

of, of that being uh, argued about, and the still-existing prejudice of course for same-sex

couples. But did you know that in some states there are still consummation laws? It sounds

archaic. It is true. Um, so people say, if you didn't have sex, you can get an annulment,

that that's like, you don't have a real marriage that's okay to, to um, dissolve this marriage

if you find that your spouse doesn't wanna have sex with you or can't have sex with you.

And some people said like, oh wait, well, isn't that about the babies? It's--it's NEVER

about the babies. Um, whenever you hear that, it's never really about the babies. Um, because

no state permits an annulment on the basis of infertility. You can't annul a marriage,

you can still divorce, but you can't annul a marriage with no fault. Um, just because

you find out that your spouse is infertile. So um, there has also been um, you know, some

discussion of with non-romantic relationships, these are things that um, maybe poly people,

um, same-gender people or if you're perceived to be the same gender, which what I mean is,

you might have a, you might have a so-called straight marriage but one of you might be

trans and some people are saying oh, well that's a, that's a gay marriage, you know,

people are misinterpreting you based on your gender. Um, so, there have been a lot of complications

with these. In the asexual community we deal with a lot of these things, but it's very

broad too, we are not the only people who have had problems for not having uh, a marriage

equivalent for relationships like these. And um, here's something that a lot of people

don't think about with immigration, um, when people who have citizenship in different countries

get married, there's sometimes a perception that one of them is doing it to stay in the

country. And um, they can be questioned, they can be interviewed, they can be um, interrogated,

and they'll take the people in the marriage into separate rooms and they will ask them

questions that supposedly they will answer corroborating each other's answers if they

are really married, and sometimes those questions are explicitly about sex. How often do you

have sex, where do you have sex. And they're allowed to ask these questions on the assumption

that sex is always part of a real marriage, and if you're not having sex, you're probably

not really married. You're a fake marriage. So that exists. Um, job and housing discrimination,

uh, there was a study--there have been some questions about the validity of this study,

which I can't go into detail, but there's a study called "Intergroup Bias Toward Group

X," it's about attitudes toward asexual people. And um, a lot of people on the survey, like

a statistically significant number of people similar to how they answered about how they

felt about um, gay couples and trans people, they were saying that they would discriminate

against asexual people to a similar extent. Uh, in giving them a job or letting them rent

a house. Um, I guess on the assumption that um, you're a weirdo, uh, we don't want your

kind here. Um, so I um, personally I, I wouldn't say this was discrimination, but I recently

had the experience of renting a new house and I'm renting like a three-bedroom house,

but I'm just one person, I don't even have any pets. And the, the people interviewing

me, they, they take my form, and I specified in the e-mail to them, I said I'm just one

adult who I want a guestroom and an office as well as a bedroom, you know, there's nobody

else. And they asked me two MORE times, they said what are your children's names. And who

else is on the lease. And I was getting concerned when they kept saying this, they kept saying

who else is here? Because they couldn't, it blew their mind that a single woman would

want a house by themselves, where's your kids? And I thought maybe they were trying to, that

they were about to accuse me of uh, like hiding another adult so I wouldn't have to pay the

background fee check, um, you know, the money that you have to pay for everybody who lives

there. And uh, you know, they kept asking this question, making it very clear that it

was not expected, that I was afraid that they were gonna deny me based on that. They didn't.

I don't know what was going through their heads, but you know, being treated like it

was really really weird to want a house by myself, uh, you know, that was um, I think

that's a very common attitude, and people with more malicious intent may act on that.

Um, similarly, this is probably not surprising to a lot of you, that some asexual people

report hostile workplace cultures. This kinda data point I'm mostly basing on a story that

I read about an asexual person who had a coworker who was always talking about sex at work,

and she said, can you stop doing that, it makes me really uncomfortable, so the coworker

began on purpose doing it more often, more explicitly. So they took it to the manager,

and the manager blamed the asexual person, said "You don't fit in here, this is just

how we talk here, if you can't handle it, then maybe you're not cut out to work here,"

and they let her go. And um, you know, she was, she was like, "Did I just get fired 'cause

I'm asexual?" So I mean, how can you prove it? Um, so this might be a surprising one.

Adoption denial. Like, why would you deny someone the chance to adopt a child if, just

for being asexual? This was just from this gentleman's talk at the Spotlight on Asexuality,

you can look this up on YouTube if you wanna see the whole thing. But he mentioned an asexual

couple went to a private adoption agency and was looking into adoption, they said, well,

you look like you're a straight man and woman, how come you don't wanna have your own children?

Are you infertile? What's going on? And they said we don't want to have children because

we don't want to have sex with each other. We are asexual. They said, if you're asexual,

you're not fit to be married. And they were denied. Just on the idea that, I guess, there

is an attitude of what marriage is for, and you are, you're not a safe place to raise

children, your household is unacceptable for kids. Um, so moving on, anti-discrimination

law. I don't have a lot to talk about here, because it does change so fast. But um, with

anti-discrimination law, um, what you basically want is for you know, protected status for,

it's illegal to use someone's sexual orientation to discriminate against them, and if they

do it's a hate crime, um, so there's very few uh, state-related uh, policies that mention

asexuality. There are a few, it's kinda interesting that they exist. But nationally there is no,

no protection based on sexual orientation, um, so let's see, moving on to um, the legal

paper that Elizabeth Emens wrote. Um, this was published in Stanford Law Review, Elizabeth

was arguing that as more people of college age are starting to graduate, identifying

as asexual, and going into the workforce, there's gonna be more suits about this, there's

gonna be more discrimination because it, it's existing now, and there's language about it,

so of course, it's gonna happen. So this was a relatively long paper where Elizabeth Emens

talked about the manifestations of that and how it all comes down to compulsory sexuality.

Um, so this'll be a really um, um, it'll be a recognizable one for most of you I think.

Um, so of course we all know this abstinence equals purity idea. Um, there's a pressure

to marry and reproduce, and this last one here where I say celibacy is meaningless if

it's not a challenge, I know someone in the ace community who said like, I was thinking

about being a nun when I was younger, and I went to my mentor and I talked about it,

and said "I think I'll be a perfect nun, I don't even desire sex, so it won't be hard

for me," and they said "well in that case, um, you're not cut out for this life because

it's not a sacrifice for you." You know, that's--what are you giving up if you're not doing this

for God? So um, that was rough, and they didn't wanna be a nun anymore. So um, moving on to

media representation. This is a fun one. I think most of us are very familiar with the

idea that sometimes media representation you're like, "Oh look, it's me! Oh look, they're

making fun of me." So um, we'd love to see more asexual people in the media, but it doesn't

happen without cost. This pictures a character on a Canadian document--or, documentary, this

is on a Canadian um, comedy, I believe. Called Godiva's. The character's name is Martin.

He was heteroromantic asexual. They gave him hormones and he wasn't anymore. So that was

fun. They fixed him. And it was funny. Um, this is Poppy from Huge, she was aromantic

asexual, she called herself asexual by name and she described being aromantic, not relating

to uh, a romantic situation in a movie. She was just kind of a background character, but

she was really cute, she played the ukulele. She was a camp counselor. I liked her. Um.

"I was expecting that to have such a bad end!" Isn't that great? The only sad thing about

that is that she is, it was a one-off line, it was like "representation!" and you know,

it wasn't bad, but it was, you know, they said the word "asexual" and we all went "YES!"

That was enough for us. That's our standard! Um, this one's interesting. This is Gerald

from Shortland Street. This was a soap opera in New Zealand. Um, he was biromantic asexual,

and his entire um, arc was about discovering he's asexual, going through a lot of crap

about it, um, having a realization that this is who he was, going through a relationship

with a woman, and a relationship with a man, um, it was actually really good, but at the

same time it kinda implied at times that uh, it was tied in with his obsessive compulsion

and also possibly with some um, issues with his mom who was very um, she talked about

sex very openly from the time that he was a very young person, so they kinda suggested

maybe he was a little traumatized from that, but that can be some people's reality, so

I didn't think it was in poor taste, it's just I'm not sure what they were trying to

say there. This is a, this is a pretty good one. I liked it. Um, and then like, ugh. Let's

get the groans going. House! Yeah! Anybody see this episode? I like House most of the

time. "It's simultaneously my favorite and my least favorite for just that episode."

Exactly. Yeah. The intersex episode was terrible too. Um, yeah, but if you haven't seen the

episode, House had well, his doctor, Wilson I think, had a, a, uh, a patient saying she

was asexual, she and her husband were both asexual, didn't have sex with each other,

and he was like "Well I'm sure there's a medical reason, and I'll prove to you that there's

a medical reason, 'cause everybody wants sex, unless they're dead, dying, or lying." And

uh, so in short, by the end of the thing, he proved that both of them were wrong. The

man had a pituitary tumor that was causing his asexuality, and the wife was lying to

make the husband feel better that he couldn't satisfy her. So. Yup. They were both not really

asexual. It would have been a really cool twist ending if he had the pituitary tumor

removed and then he's like "No, I still hate sex." That would've been awesome. "Is that

even what pituitary tumors cause?" How medically accurate is it? "It's never lupus!" Wasn't

it lupus once though? "It was lupus ONCE. He was so wrong. Anyway." Yes. So he's wrong.

He's wrong. Mental health. Um, so anybody who knows the basic about mental health probably

knows the DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, this is kinda

the bible of what's a disorder and how you treat it. Um, this is version four, we're

now into version five, it's pretty and purple. Um, they uh, yes, they mention asexuality

in it twice as NOT being a disorder, they're saying you can't, you can't diagnose somebody

as having sexual aversion disorder if, if a self-identification as asexual um, makes

more sense. The problem with that is you have to know, you have to say, like, "Oh no no,

I'm asexual, I don't have this." Otherwise they can, they can say oh, they probably have

this. So um, it's probably not a surprise to anyone in here that homosexuality used

to be medicalized as a mental disorder. And um, it wasn't that long ago, I mean, I believe

it was relatively recently, in my lifetime I think? "73?" Oh was it, 73, that they changed

over to the four? To DSM four? I'm not sure. "I don't know about that." Okay yeah. So that

was slightly before I was born. Well thank goodness. They um, yeah, there's still some

problems with the way they word that, especially since there's this tendency for doctors uh,

professionals who are not always educated about asexuality to project their own prejudices.

Um, did you--wanna say something. "Oh sorry, I was just, I looked up what it was, it was

not removed until 1987." Oh wow. "It was gonna bug me if I didn't look it up." Oh thank you,

neato, thank you. "Sorry to interrupt." It's fine! Oh, I appreciate that, thanks! Um, I'm,

I'm running a little behind I'm sorry. Um, okay, so as I've said professionals are not

always educated, they are humans, I think most of the time, they are. They do, they

do sometimes push "fixes," they say like, they're, they're not really, they don't know

how to ask the right questions sometimes. They will, they will hear what you're saying,

and they'll say, "That's a sexual arousal disorder, you need a libido enhancer." That

happened to one of my friends, it had, it had uh, some profounds on her relationships

and her um, her experience of her body. Um, I, I have also heard about some pretty serious

medical abuse, which I won't go into for privacy issues for the person involved, but sometimes

they will be so intent that this person needs to be um, interested in sex, especially if

it's a man, honestly, that they'll ignore everything else about their health to try

to get them to be sexually active. Um, and they often can't help us except to prescribe,

you know, okay, that one's, that one's the broken one, they have to make that person

want sex more, it's, it's not about what will, what will help compromise-wise to make these

people more compatible with each other. So um, talking about this is obviously an automatic

uh, trigger warning for corrective assault. I'm not gonna be specific. But um, I interviewed

for a, there was a HuffPost Gay Voices did this pretty cool like six-part um, article

series on asexuality. I was in a couple of them. Look it's me! And um, I talked, I talked

about one of my experiences where you know, this guy wanted to kiss me, and I said no,

and he uh, he ended up saying he would settle for a kiss on the cheek, I figured that was

harmless, until he started licking my face like a dog. And it was really gross. So I

got out of the car, and he yelled after me, "I just wanna help you." And I had disclosed

to him over dinner that I was asexual, so that was his way of helping me. Uh, he then

sent me messages for months afterwards saying wanna come over I'm watching porn, and stuff

like that. Um, he also told me you know, I thought we were gonna have sex that night,

and I can tell that you're interested in me and you won't admit it. And you know, gaslighting,

all that fun stuff. Uh, so when I talked about this to the media, the comments filled up

with people who said you know, well, you're selfish that you don't have sex with people.

How dare you. And they were saying well she should, you know, she should have, she should

be in a situation where she has to experience it, and if she doesn't like it, then you know,

she's appropriately punished for not serving the um, the role that she's expected to as

a woman in our society. Um, so we get rape threats and we get denial that we experience

those, so that was fun, and um, this idea that we are, we are depriving our deserving

partners of sex is another really insidious manifestation of compulsory sexuality. Um,

so moving on to another really heavy topic: depression and suicide, um, like I mentioned

earlier, the Trevor Project tries to help with all stripes of the LGBTQ rainbow, uh,

they are ace-inclusive, and you know, we were, we were told by some vocal opponents to this

that we didn't deserve that, we didn't deserve inclusion in this. I'm not sure what they,

what they wanted us to do, especially if you know, we're experiencing um, suicidal ideation,

you know, just, who would have the heart to say you don't deserve help? But um, this all

kinda stems from the disrespect that people who do not serve this heteronormative ideal

will experience, and um, it's a phase, you're trying to be different, all of these, these

are all things that everybody in this community has heard multiple times, um, and there are

a few that are reserved for asexual people I mean, this kinda the mocking of virginity

is a common one, uh, where there's just no nice words for people who don't have sex,

it's always pathetic, and especially for some men who are encouraged to um, define themselves

entirely by their sexual success, they feel emasculated by you know, being told that they're

not really a person, they're not really a man, they're not successful if they can't

get laid. Uh, women of course, mostly "frigid" is usually applied to women. And uh, all this

lovely stuff, robotic, alien, inhuman, lacking vitality, all this fun stuff. The, the invisibility

and the pushback we get when we are visible, that takes work, and it really does sometimes

get underestimated as to how these can affect us, how these can form us into a person who

thinks there's no place for them in the world. Um, so what we learn from this is that we

develop shame, we internalize this oppression, we sometimes will not trust authorities, uh,

in our lives, we'll feel like we have to impress them or we have to serve their ideal, we may

sometimes overcompensate by being very sexual or I'm gonna get married and do what I'm supposed

to do even if I don't want it 'cause that's what I'm being told my role is, um, and these

are all ways that this manifests in our lives. So what are we going to do in the future to

make sure that this is uh, less common for everybody? Uh, I think inclusion by default

is a good idea. Uh, the problem is you know, one of, I actually saw this really recently,

it was, it was kind of a shock to see this all of a sudden, where somebody was saying,

on um, on Tumblr, my favorite place, yes. Um, that um, they were saying hey remember

her, you know, talking about me, um, remember her, oh my gosh, that was just such a cringe-fest.

Um, and they were saying because of activism in the asexual community, we're having all

these um, asexual people storming into our, OUR spaces, and trying to take it over, and

making everything all about them. And I'm like, I . . . I mean, I guess I'm biased,

but I, I've never, I've never seen that? I've mostly seen a lot of asexual people afraid

that they won't be accepted? Um, but there are problematic individuals. And that's what

I think we should address if there is, I'm not gonna say that's never happened, um, there

are individuals who are like, yeah, I am identifying this way and it's empowering me, and now I'm

gonna make everything about myself, but you know, I'm, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna saying

someth--I'm just gonna say it. Um, white able-bodied cisgender gay men are frequently in the spotlight,

they talk over a lot of people, they um, a lot of the activism and resources goes to

them, it doesn't mean that they're bad people, but we don't categorically say we'll let's

kick them out of the club, you know, we're gonna say, if I have an individual in my club

who's of this description who he needs to learn how not to talk over people, et cetera,

you know, you're not gonna say his orientation is a bad thing, we should stop including people

like him, you're gonna say, this person's making the space unsafe. If you have an asexual

or aromantic person who's doing that, that's really awful, and I don't support that, but

address it as a person and not as um, well, all aces are like that person. Uh, I assure

you we're not. Even if some of us are loud. Uh. So-- "You've never been to a Wildcards

meeting." My gosh! Oh gosh, I'm getting a foot cramp right here. Let's see. Okay, so

benefits of inclusion for us, I'm gonna go with um, if we're included, this is what we

can, what we can expect to see. Um, so of course we can learn how to become better allies

to people who are not like us. Being you know, like I was saying earlier about being on Tumblr,

I encountered attitudes that I never, you know, I wasn't opposed to, I wasn't automatically

like "hey this, this is, this is silly and I don't wanna learn about it," but I'd never

thought of that. And when you're in a group of people who share something at the root

with you but they have all these other understandings that you never thought of, you're like, huh,

okay, I can learn to, how do they wanna be supported. So in those group atmospheres you

will learn to be a better ally in many ways. Um, so also avoiding elitism and slurs. You

know, there's a lot of um, stuff you don't, you're not born knowing it, so when you come

into a group where you know, people are saying oh we don't talk about that population this

way, this is why, you know, you wanna, you, you can't figure out how best to talk about

other people if they don't, if you're not listening and they don't tell you. And so

if you put yourself, an asexual person is putting themselves into a group where they're

going to hear these conversations, they're gonna learn more about how we should talk

about each other. Um, similarly, um, this, I have absolutely seen this in the ace community.

I will absolutely admit it. That um, sex non-judgmental positivity, sometimes needs to be learned,

especially for, you know, baby, baby aces, who are like, my manifestation of being proud

of my asexuality is to talk about how, how gross sex is. And you know, sometimes at the

beginning, they're like, they need a place to say like, I think sex is gross, and there's

like, yeah, you do too? Okay, I--you know. That's--okay, you know, but you're also yucking

someone's yum, and that doesn't feel good, especially since you have to acknowledge that

that's what they get from the rest of the world, don't do that. So sometimes we need

a little bit of help and perspective to understand that you know, talking about being better

or purer or something, just plays into all of these stereotypes that nobody wants and

don't help anybody. Um, so, my bullet point here number 4 of "on the shoulders of giants"

is a really important one. In the queer movement we have so many leaders who are inspiring

and amazing. I would love to see the ace community and organizations kind of gravitate toward

some of the ways of leadership that I've seen do amazing in the queer community over the

years. There are so many inspiring figures that you know, I have taken um, lessons from,

and uh, I, I've, I just don't see how we could not succeed if we do a lot of the same things

that they do. Um, so we have, we have a, some great examples ahead of us that we can learn

more about if we're in these groups. Resources, advice, and support, of course, if you're

part of a group uh, you will have friends who understand what it's like to be you, uh,

you may make friends that you can confide in, um, and of course you may have access

to a wonderful library and some zines and you know, or just um, things other people

know that you don't know. And also we start to learn about privilege dynamics. Um, that

was a big one for me. Um, I like, I have been fortunate as to not, I don't remember a whole

lot of uh, epic callouts or anything, but you know I'm trying to learn to listen as

you know, a person who lives with a lot of privilege. You know, I am, you know, an upper-middle-class

white cis woman who you know, a lot of my identities are privileged, and I've, I've

uh, I've had to listen, I've had to be in places where I hear these conversations to

be able to understand how many advantages I have and how not to abuse them, um, and

you know, how to help dismantle some of these uh, these dynamics in ways that um, allow

me to do it following the lead of someone who knows what they're doing. Uh, so, moving

on to benefits of inclusion, 'cause we're not just here to take stuff from the groups

that we're part of. Benefits of inclusion for non-ace and aro-spectrum, LGBTQ folks.

Um, so what you're gonna learn from us if we are in your groups is of course we will

give you resources on understanding us and learning our terminology. Uh, that's kind

of an obvious one, but also relationship models. And you may not know what I mean by this,

but relationship models are really interesting in the ace community 'cause, um, we're a bunch

of nerds, and um, what I mean when I say that is we've had to pick apart what our relationships

are made of, because the givens don't necessarily apply, so when you hear people complaining

that asexual people have a bunch of made-up words, like, of course we're gonna make up

words if we need to talk about things nobody has talked about. Um, and uh, so we come up

with a lot of language that you may not have heard in mainstream circles, and some of them

fit, uh, relationships that you may not even realize are in your circle or even in your

life. For instance, I have a friend who is a uh, cisgender straight woman who is married

to a man, and she said you know, until I read your book, I didn't know what a romantic orientation

is, and I'v realized I'm romantically attracted to women as well as to men, but I just thought

that it wasn't, it couldn't be romance, it couldn't be a ro--I couldn't have a crush

on that woman because I'm not sexually attracted to her. So she realized she spent her whole

life having crushes on women, but because it wasn't coupled with sexual attraction,

she's biromantic but only heterosexual, and she has words for that now, and it, you know,

it, it's not just a word, it's a transformation of understanding who she was, and that's important

to somebody. Even if they're married and in a relationship, it's, it's very important

to know that aspect of who you are. Uh, and there's lots more like that. I promise. Um,

so also the true extent of heteronormativity. Um, it's not just about what happens if you

reject traditional understandings of gender or um, partner choice. Um, heteronormativity

is a little bit bigger than that. Because even as an aromantic woman who does not have

relationships with--romantic relationships with anyone, um, I have still suffered under

heteronormativity with like, why aren't you doing what you're supposed to, as, as a cisgender

woman. Um, what happens to people like me? How do I form a life that's meaningful and

fulfilling, when everybody's telling me I can't be happy in who I am. So um, non-sexual

intimacy is another one. Uh, this is not to say that you have to give up sex to have non-sexual

intimacy, but non-sexual intimacy is really important to um, any kind of relationships

that are intimate in any way, and we sometimes, because we don't really have a choice if we're

not sexually attracted to our partners, uh, beyond trying to cultivate intimacy in ways

that are not necessarily um, common, uh, we have a lot of resources on that, a lot of

experiences to share. And uh, alternatives to sexualized spaces. This is, this is a difficult

one to talk about, because again, um, a lot of people who are, who are same-sex-attracted,

they have been shamed, they have been taught that you can't be proud of who you are and

they want to celebrate that in a place that's safe. And they should be allowed to do that.

But as a result of that, many LGBTQ spaces are very sexualized in a way that makes some

people uncomfortable, and it's not just asexual people, it's some people who just don't want

their, they may not want to be sexual in public, they may not want to witness sexual displays,

um, it doesn't mean like, oh, that person's a prude, they need to get over it, it's just,

some people are not comfortable um, engaging in sexuality in, in those kinds of spaces.

And I think a lot of people in the LGBTQ community would say um, I would like that too, I would

like a place where that's not really gonna be the tone, there needs to be more diversity

in the types of experiences we can have and as, when asexual form groups, a lot of times,

of course, it's not very sexualized, I mean we might, we might make jokes like, like a

lot of us still use a lot of, uh, really uh, colorful language! But uh, at the same time,

you know, you're usually not gonna see somebody um, you know, displaying sexual behavior in

ways that sometimes you'll see it in a Pride float or something like that, and um, you

know, there's, there's, I don't want to say oh there's a time and a place because I feel

like people who are gay should be allowed to have the same opportunities to not be shamed

for their sexuality just like straight people always take for granted, but there should

be alternatives. Um, and finally of course, resources, resources for LGBTQ partners of

aces and aros, because some of you may wanna date us. And um, so imagine that, right? There

are mixed-orientation couples all the time. Uh, there are mixed-orientation groups, and

there are different kinds of partnerships, so resources to understand and get along with

us and to maybe not internalize any kind of feelings of rejection that you may feel from

the person not desiring you sexually, like, there's all kinds of stuff to talk about that

we can help you with if you're interested. So finally, um, the last piece here, this

is very brief, is media art and music. Okay. I love media. Because it's sort of a shortcut

to understanding who we are as people in the world. The--the, you're represented in media,

you're here, everyone knows that there are stories about you. You're real. Someone else

has experienced what you've been through. But um, like I said before, um, sometimes

the words that are used to talk about us are not nice. Um, if you've, if you don't have

nice words for people like you, if words for people like me are "spinster" and heh, and

um, I don't know, I, I can't really be a cat lady, I don't even have cats. But the ideas

about say, women who live by themselves without a romantic partner, nobody seems to see that

as positive. All the stories about us are, we're creepy, we're weird, we're lonely, and

when all the media displays us like that, we internalize that and we say, "I won't be

able to be happy in my adult life if I don't find a partner, or at least I'm not alone."

Uh, so media art and music, um, is more than just um, not being about sex. It doesn't become

an asexual-inclusive piece just because it excludes sex, but that's the closest we have

right now most of the time. So sometimes asexual people are like "I really like this" because

it doesn't depend on, you know, relating to a romantic or a sexual desire to enjoy what's

going on. So like a lot of us will say, you know, I prefer watching children's entertainment

because usually it's not explicit like, that's part of how we, we get our "childish" images,

you know, that it's a thing that children do before we're mature. Um, and you know,

I love cartoons. So it's like, you know, how much music out there is about, like, "I love

bein' alone!" You hear 'em occasionally. They're usually like power ballads about like, "I'm

single and I'm awesome," but they still--huh? Oh my goodness. So our media representation

is often actively harmful or it just leaves us out. If it's, if we're on the screen but

we're fixed with hormones or we're treated like a liar, obviously not just us but everyone

who is in our lives will internalize that about us. It's very powerful. And if we're

not represented, it, it makes us feel like nobody's talking about this, nobody else must

be experiencing it, uh, media is how humanity talks to itself. If we're not in it, we feel

like nobody's talking about us, nobody's talking to us, we're not part of the global conversation,

and that's kind of a tragedy. And so, we're trying to make more of it ourselves, but we

also need people who are not asexual, who are not aromantic, to see these good examples

so that they know we're here too, and they don't accidentally contribute to the erasure

and the terrible messages that we're all hearing every day. And so, this is my last slide.

It has the question mark. I'm ready for any questions if anyone wants to submit some.

Do we have time? Okay. We'll go down the rows and if you wanna pass back the blank cards

too that would be good.

I went five minutes over but that's not too bad.

Oh gosh are we gonna get memes? Oh you are definitely getting memes! So many memes!

We're gonna separate the blanks and the memes.

Should I, should I go ahead and read some of these, and--for those who are staying I can try to answer

I'll try to keep it brief, 'cause I know some people are hungry and some people just want

me to stop talking.

Okay. Um, so this says, "What's your best response to 'it's just a

phase'?" Um, honestly, my best response to that is uh, "Well okay, maybe it, maybe it

is." Um, a lot of times if you acknowledge at first, like, yeah, I might be wrong about

myself. It's not a decision. I didn't decide I'm asexual. But everyone, everyone, including

the person asking you to you know, defend whether it's a phase, their sexuality is their

best guess based on their past and their present. And your past and your present is how you

navigate what you expect to happen in the future with your sexuality. Everybody is going

on um, im--like, incomplete data. You haven't met every person in the world, so you don't

know you can't be attracted to some person you haven't met. That is true for us, that

is true for them. And if it's just a phase, then I'll change what I call myself. But until

or unless that happens, I do expect you to respect what I'm calling myself now, and just

out of you know, basic decent humanity. So thank you! All right. Um, let me see. Uh,

this looks like it says, "Intersection of asexuality and being POC," is that what that

says, I think so. Um, as a white woman I don't have that much to say about it, but I will

say that I talked to a lot of people of color for my book. And um, one thing that um, both

um, primarily the black women and the Latina women who talked to me, they said that it

was difficult sometimes to separate out how much, like, being sexualized as minority,

like, exotic kind of damaging tropes about them, uh, what they're like sexually, they,

they've said you know, "I'll never know who, who I might've been if I hadn't experienced

those, and whether, how much of my asexuality is a reaction to that." Um, so that's frustrating,

but it's also, um, one of the things they said is that because so much of the activism

and so much of the in-person interaction in asexual communities is very white, uh, that

they sometimes feel that they don't belong, there's racism within the communities, I have

seen that, that is true, I've seen racism in ace spaces that really kinda messed me

up when I first saw it, um, and I can't even imagine how bad it must've been for the people

that it was directed at, um, I'm really embarrassed about that on behalf of them. Um, so um, one

thing that they have said is that they risk losing the support of their racial group sometimes,

like their family that they may have very tight uh, ties to, and uh, religious groups

that they may be part of, uh, they feel that they are risking something that they need

in their lives by saying "well, I'm, this is how my orientation is," they, they, they

may feel that um, they're risking a community that they, they can't risk in a, you know,

world that uh, they don't have this other support that a lot of us who have more mainstream

identities, we don't risk as much by coming out. And um, that's one major thing that I've

learned from talking to these folks. Um, from the men, I've, I've seen um, a lot of Asian

men are desexualized a lot? While Asian women are sometimes like, a fetish, and that's really

messed up too. Um, so, some of the folks that I've talked to about that say, um, that their

identities, uh, they may, it made it very difficult to talk in mainstream, what passes

for mainstream ace spaces, uh, because, their special experiences are so isolated, they're

so like, unusual within an unusual group, it's so hard to find somebody else who has

experienced that. Um, so um, I, the first asexual conference, or the first conference

I went to that had an asexual um, group, um, they had an Asian and Pacific Islander uh,

caucus, which is really interesting, obviously I didn't go so I didn't hear what was going

on, but there are occasionally, they will make spaces for people to talk about their,

their, their intersections and how it's affected them. Um, lemme see what else have I got here.

Uh, have I spoken, okay, "Have you spoken to Anthony Bogaert, what is your opinion on

his work?" Um, I have really only seen um, cherry-picked quotes from Anthony Bogaert,

I haven't read his book, and I have not spoken to him, but all I know is we were in, we were

in some of the same stuff, a lot of times he gets interviewed and I get interviewed.

And he wrote a book before me, but it's not from an asexual perspective, and it's from

an academic perspective. I don't know how accurate it is. And I, I know that um, as

an outsider to the community you can still do some good, but he's never gonna quite have

the same goals as we do. Um, so when I wrote my book, I wanted it to be from an asexual

perspective, I think it's particularly valuable because of that, but my book is not a scientific

book at all. So you know, I don't, I don't know sometimes if I should recommend Anthony

Bogaert's book because I haven't personally read it, but mostly I just acknowledge that

he exists and he also I believe has worked with Lori Brotto, who is another common researcher

of asexuality, she seems to be a little bit more active with um, sort of the activism

aspect, I believe she was one of the people who was instrumental in getting asexuality

mentioned in the DSM-5. Um, so I don't, I'm sorry that it's only kind of a partial answer

to your question because I really haven't had a lot of experience with Anthony Bogaert.

There's a few things on here. Let's see. A question: "One argument I've heard against

asexuality is that by separating sexual and romantic attraction, we perpetuate the connection

between homosexuality and hypersexuality, which is harmful. What would be your response

to this?" I'm not sure how homosexuality and hypersexuality is uh, distinguished, like,

how that is hurt more by separating sexual and romantic attraction, but I think what

I've seen is um, let's see. I think we have proof that, that the sexual attraction to

someone can sometimes not manifest with the romantic attraction, but I think that because

most people experience them together, it is still useful to talk about them like they're

uh, intertwined, when they are. Um, I think we also need to acknowledge that some of us

don't experience them that way. Experience it that way. Um, but I don't know if I understand

exactly um, how it perpetuates the connection between homosexuality and hypersexuality.

But maybe it's because um, there is definitely this uh, this perception that especially gay

men are oversexualized, that they're, that if they are given the spotlight they're just

gonna um, use it for deviance or something. I don't know. Um, it's definitely a harmful

idea that homosexuality is hypersexuality, I don't think I quite follow the logic though.

I don't know how to respond to it. I think I would need a little bit more elaboration

from the person who's alleging this. Um, I don't know if I've really come across that

honestly. I've definitely come across the idea that hypersexuality and homosexuality

are linked, which is, you know, harmful. I don't know if I've seen someone make that

connection. Um, the next question here says, "One thing I've noticed is there's a clear

difference between how I experience my sexuality and how my other queer friends experience

their sexuality, because for them it does have a sexual component that I just don't

experience. Often I've wondered if that may justify some of the whole 'your experience

is different, you don't belong here' rhetoric. I was wondering what your thoughts on that,

the difference I mean." Well, here's the thing, like, everybody in the LGBTQ community does

have a different experience. And you can't necessarily say, um, you know, I'm different

from you because I don't experience sexual attraction, and all of you do, but you know,

I'm also a lot of, a lot of people who are gay are also cisgender, a lot of people who

are trans are not gay, or they are gay, you know, you're gonna have different experiences,

they're gonna have different intersections. And um, I don't, I, I think that it is true

that we're not having an experience that they have, but I don't think that means we don't

belong here because you could probably find a reason for a lot of folks that are in LGBTQ

spaces that have one of the letters, uh, you could probably find, say, well, I mean if

you're a trans person and you're a trans person who is frequently misinterpreted as cis, and

you know, a lot of people don't know you're trans, are you, do you still belong here if

you're not experiencing transphobia every day. But of course transphobia still affects

that person, of course that person still wants trans friends. So it's like, um, yes, that

person might have, is definitely gonna have a different experience in the world from somebody

who's more visibly trans or somebody who is not transitioning medically, um, but both

of them are trans people, both of them have important things to gain and contribute to

these groups. Um, I think it would be wrongheaded to identify one aspect of something that most

of us experience and some of us, a minority of us don't, and say well, let's just say

that those people don't belong here. Okay, let's weed out them, and you're a trans person

but you're straight so get out of here, um, you know, there's, there's all of us are gonna

share space with um, people who have at least a few mainstream identities that privilege

them. And I, I think that what we have in common is more important. Um, okay. Let's

see. "In your talk you frequently equate being asexual and not wanting to have sex. Do you

think someone can not experience sexual attraction and also be comfortable for lack of a better

word with having sex?" Yes, absolutely. There are sex-positive, and there sex-desiring asexual

people. Um, actually I would say um, this kinda gets a little bit, um, into another

category of discussion, but in my book I do talk about kinky asexual people and actually

even people who are not asexual who might be kinky, um, they don't necessarily have

to be attracted to the person who's giving them a sexual experience that they desire.

A lot of people say "I like sex, I'm not necessarily into you, but I'll take sex from you 'cause

I like sex." Some asexual people, it's a small, it's a minority, but some asexual people do

that. Some of us, um, enjoy self-stimulation. Some of us are um, willing to compromise?

Maybe we don't necessarily enjoy it, but we enjoy some aspects of what that connection

brings to us. We may not intrinsically enjoy sex but we might be willing to do it for other

reasons that are valuable to us. Hopefully it's not in a coercive situation, 'cause there

is a LOT of that. Um, I definitely don't think that being asexual is about not having sex.

But for me, that was a big part of how I discovered I was asexual, because I didn't want to do

this thing. This thing that nobody else seemed to recognize anyone could ever wanna refuse

if they could get it. And they're, they're just telling me that it, it has to be fear-based

or something, so I kinda formed an identity partly around what I didn't wanna do, and

I only later modified my, my term for myself um, as not experiencing sexual attraction

when I realized it was more accurate. But I also don't wanna have sex. That's true for

me too. And the, the behavior and the orientation being different is, is an important distinction,

um, and so I think with um, being asexual and still wanting to have sex, you, you, it's

not common, it's, it's not, um, it's not vanishingly rare, but one of the dangers of putting a

lot of attention on that is um, that the mainstream will gobble that up and say "Well asexual

people still have sex! They still compromise! You can still have sex with them!" And you

know, you, you see a lot of that in, I've, I've seen some folks discussing the dangers

of emphasizing that too much because it's what is already emphasized in society, that

you're still expected to compromise even if you don't desire it. It's a very complicated

question, it's true. But for some of us it's very hard to parse out how much of our um,

how much of our attraction is um, because it's expected of us. So, um, let's see, did

I go through all the ones on the cards? Um, does anyone else have one? 'Cause I think

I only got these. Um, and if anybody wants to say one, you can too. Um. Mmkay. Well,

um, I don't have any more index cards so, and my computer has gone dark, it's telling

me to shut up. Um, so again, I have some sheets here if you wanna take home an Asexual Bingo

card, if you wanna look at the book it's there, and my card is here. So, um, come grab one

if you want some freebies. And thank you so much for listening to me for like an hour

and a half. Thank you so much for inviting me, it's been a pleasure. Thank you! All right.

For more infomation >> Asexuality & the LGBTQ+ Community: Past, Present, & Future (Wellesley College, 2018) - Duration: 1:27:47.


澳大利亞100億煤炭賣不出去了!中國冷淡一聲:降價也不買! - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 澳大利亞100億煤炭賣不出去了!中國冷淡一聲:降價也不買! - Duration: 5:25.


Margot Robbie "I Tonya" Çekimlerinde Boyun Fıtığı Olmuş (10 Ocak 2018 Röportajı) - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Margot Robbie "I Tonya" Çekimlerinde Boyun Fıtığı Olmuş (10 Ocak 2018 Röportajı) - Duration: 3:39.


又傳來好消息,成飛研發中國第三款隱形戰鬥機 - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> 又傳來好消息,成飛研發中國第三款隱形戰鬥機 - Duration: 6:43.


Canadian Ice Hockey + Port A Fortressress - Duration: 14:32.


For more infomation >> Canadian Ice Hockey + Port A Fortressress - Duration: 14:32.


中亞大國拒絕美國駐軍要求,新基地黃了,俄:終於可以安心睡覺了 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 中亞大國拒絕美國駐軍要求,新基地黃了,俄:終於可以安心睡覺了 - Duration: 5:01.


Steve Aoki ft. BTS (방탄소년단) - 'WASTE IT ON ME' (Cover) by Shayne Orok - Duration: 3:33.

Steve Aoki ft. BTS (방탄소년단) - 'WASTE IT ON ME'

(Cover by Shayne Orok)

(Mix by Curse)

You say love is messed up

You say that it don't work

You don't wanna try, no, no

(You don't wanna try, no, no)

But baby, I'm no stranger

To heartbreak and the pain of

Always being let go

(Always being let go)

And I know there's no making this right, this right

(This right)

And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind

(Your mind)

But we both found each other tonight, tonight

(Oh yeah)

So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time

Waste it on me, waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Tell me, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Baby, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Tell me, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

So we don't gotta go there

Past lovers and warfare

It's just you and me now

(Yeah, yeah)

I don't know your secrets

But I'll pick up the pieces

Pull you close to me now

(Yeah, yeah)

And I know there's no making this right, this right


And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind


But we both found each other tonight, tonight

(Oh yeah)

So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time

Waste it on me, waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Tell me, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Baby, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Tell me, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me) Tell me, why not?

Waste it on me

Don't you think there must be a reason

Yeah, like we had our names

Don't you think we got another season

That comes after spring

I wanna be your summer

I wanna be your wave

Treat me like a comma

And I'll take you to a new phrase

Yeah, come just eat me and throw me away

If I'm not your taste, babe, waste

Waste it on me

And I know there's no making this right, this right

(This right)

And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind


But we both found each other tonight, tonight

(Oh, yeah)

So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time

Waste it on me, waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Tell me, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Baby, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me)

Tell me, why not waste it on me? Waste it on me

(Waste it on me) Tell me, why not?

Tell me, why not waste it on me?

For more infomation >> Steve Aoki ft. BTS (방탄소년단) - 'WASTE IT ON ME' (Cover) by Shayne Orok - Duration: 3:33.


Our New Morning Routine with Jesus - Duration: 6:54.

A couple weeks ago I was sitting in church and Linda my wife leaned over and she

suggested that we kind of add something to our morning routine and so that's

what we're talking about in this video here and so I'm gonna drop you in on a

conversation that I was having with her and as we just kind of explore some of

the benefits of this that we've gotten out of it and what that might mean for

you and as we're going through this I'd love to hear down in the comment section

what has worked well for you like what you've added to your morning routine

that has helped you better connect with God and just stay really solid as you

move throughout your week so definitely leave us some comments down below with

those and with that let's get to it

so a few weeks ago Linda and I decided to start waking up it's kind of our new

morning routine waking up an hour before we're getting up beforehand and just

kind of giving god that first hour and spending that time praying about our

family but our business about whatever everything there's plenty of need to be

prayed about right and it's been a really good thing for us don't you think

well yeah that's the funny thing about this is I just feel like it's God's

grace is there because neither one of us know naturally would have like that's

what I always wish I would have been doing like I think both of us are like

yeah I wish I were the type of person who'd get up an hour before work and

pray every day I have a friend like that and she's really impressive yeah like

that's who I think we both like strive to be and but I know that when I've

tried to do this in my own strength in the past like it's just failed and I and

then on top of that I felt guilty but like this has been like kind of

effortless right you just came with the idea and suggested it and yeah it's just

like God's grace is they're helping us to do it and I think the point is is that

you know it whatever God's calling you to do is different you know it's in our

cases is we're supposed to do for right now so we're doing it yeah but you know

for somebody else this might not be the thing you know you know and we're taking

this on a week-by-week basis to where we're just going one week at a time I'm

not trying to create some sort of like we're gonna do this the rest of our

lives thing but just do when we get a time finish a week do we want to do it

again and we've done that three times now

the way it affects my days I just don't feel so behind which seems like a minor

thing but for me that was actually really big yeah cuz I felt like I would

wake up and I would be in this frenzy and I just don't feel like that anymore

but it does just feel like things are a little bit more smooth sailing it's also

been good for our kids because as they wake up they see us and we're praying in

our prayer playroom and that we have a little path we walk around the playroom

but it's been good for them because I feel like they're getting to see us

model something that yeah that I want to continue

part of what I like is that we get to spend the morning together

and most of the time you would wake up and

then go straight to work so if you woke up at 5:30 or something you'd rare but

clock just went off and you just were awake you would leave before I even woke up

yeah but the other point of that is you are saying well I'm not going to be

spending that hour and a half at work I'm actually going to be spending it

with God and so instead of investing that into work you're investing it where

it can be multiplied well and there's something about this first fruits

principle in the Bible you know I remember reading somebody who said like

the quote was something to the effect of any first fruits given or multiply it any

first fruits not given or lost or something like that

I'm in this season where I I'm kind of feeling like there's so much copycat

stuff there's so much I'm gonna do this because this person is doing it yeah

yeah it's just really I want to run the opposite direction and I want to avoid

things that everybody else are doing and I want to really try to get clear on

what God is saying in calling me to do and if this has caused me to make a lot

of changes in my life it's caused me to spend a lot less time on social media

almost like completely eliminate it to some extent it's caused me to it's

caused me to just kind of change it's not my season how how I'm evaluating

things that I'm listening to and and watching and learning from and I just

want to be someone who is doing what God has for me to do yeah rather than

anybody else's system anybody else's method or strategy or the thing that he

gave them to do that's working really well but you know I mean

my challenge to you is to pray let's see what God has for you to do and see what that

little thing might be these leading you to do that yeah you know I don't think

it's you know run out and get up an hour early and pray like we're doing right

now but find that thing for you it is yeah yeah maybe it is but don't just do

that because we're doing it but ask God what you should be doing like what you

can do to draw nearer to Him you know and to and to get closer to Him and

spend more time with Him and better connect with Him it just asked that

question it's like heart God hears us when we

pray you know like this is just I think we forget about this sometimes yeah that

like He'll show you and He'll give you some idea you know and anyway

so that's my encouragement to you will leave you with yeah good

so have a great rest of your day and we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> Our New Morning Routine with Jesus - Duration: 6:54.


Susana e Cátia | EP. 247 | 27 de Outubro - Duration: 2:32.

- Here it is what you asked me

i believe that i didn't forgot any documents

verify it

- No

seems like everything is here

good work Laura

- Thank you

and do you already know what happened

at Manuel and Maria João's house?

- Yes we already saw it on the Correio Do Sado

and other newspapers are already starting to give the news

- How horrible, poor Tomás's father

that must have been out of desperation

the death of his son was so

- Do you really feel sorry for Guilherme?

- Yes - Don't be ingenuous Laura

that man was a corrupt of the worst

do you know that for more than a year

he was stealing thousands of euros from Manuel?

- Tomás's father? - Yes Tomás's father

he was a corrupt political

who made money on business commissions

and making influence peddling, or you didn't know?

- No i didn't know

in any way i feel sorry

- Because you're stupid

i really don't feel sorry for that man

he paid for what he did to others, we have to be responsible for our actions

- Well

then i'm leaving

- Wait, i didn't finish

- What do you mean?

- Listen to me carefully

because tomorrow

you'll have to do a really important mission

without Manuel or Maria João in the office

you'll have a greater freedom to move

- No Susana i'm not gonna be alone

i really have no way to - Don't interrupt me, don't interrupt me

listen to me until the end

you'll follow my instructions

and you're going to help me sabotage all the operations

of prospecting of Tróia Fenix

- Me?

- Yes you - How do you think i'm gonna do something like that?

- I already told you

you just have to follow my instructions

at a risk

don't worry with the rest, i deal with everything

the only think you have to do

is listen to me carefully

and do what i tell you

For more infomation >> Susana e Cátia | EP. 247 | 27 de Outubro - Duration: 2:32.


The Mookie Show S2, E196( 10-25-18 Game 4) - Duration: 14:51.

For more infomation >> The Mookie Show S2, E196( 10-25-18 Game 4) - Duration: 14:51.


The debut of Earvin Ngapeth and the victorious return of Anderson! "Zenit-Kazan" - "Kuzbass" - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> The debut of Earvin Ngapeth and the victorious return of Anderson! "Zenit-Kazan" - "Kuzbass" - Duration: 6:52.


FAST MODE PAINTING 🎨 - Duration: 6:38.

good morning it is I don't know Wednesday Thursday Friday I don't even

know which is really bad because I should but today I just got off the

phone with the people at accounting services at school and basically my

refund got approved so now it's got the paperwork is going over to registration

and it'll take a few weeks for them to fulfill it but yeah I haven't told the

family yet I'm just telling y'all and it's like 10 o'clock I woke up feeling

like nasty if I haven't really done anything yet but mister hand does not

want to do anything today not even cooperating for me to play I

that Oh terrible we are going to try to paint again I say try because yesterday

it wasn't so successful but and the lighting today is like terrible because

I don't know why it's raining so much cuz it usually doesn't even rain in here

like ever yeah I'm gonna set you guys up and then paint again today

I don't know why but the camera kept this shut oh it's cuz it's running out

of battery so I guess I'll charge the battery and then hopefully when it's

charged there will be more time for me to film tonight before I go to bed cuz I

go to bed like at five o'clock so see you later I forgot about you guys for oh

oh sorry / that's my arm for a really long time

cuz you know if she's home and it is nighttime like past my bedtime

I'll still at volleyball during my bedtime it's only 9 o'clock

see oh but we're going to bed and I'll just start over in the morning

the vlog so this is like it's just me saying good morning and then painting

and then the camera running out of battery and then it it would've eat you

my if I'm the Netherlands heat yeah do you why oh I usually I didn't post about

it on Instagram today either oh good but there's no tomorrow for thought dear

help us all well goodnight goodnight

For more infomation >> FAST MODE PAINTING 🎨 - Duration: 6:38.


49歲伊能靜冒險生三胎,老公的態度和娘家人的態度差距好大! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 49歲伊能靜冒險生三胎,老公的態度和娘家人的態度差距好大! - Duration: 4:40.


[Ray Regulus] 三千likes爆精英秘密, 香港樓市兩兆美元債實相! - Duration: 18:40.

For more infomation >> [Ray Regulus] 三千likes爆精英秘密, 香港樓市兩兆美元債實相! - Duration: 18:40.


Trusting God Devotional – Psalm 46 (WEEK 4) - Duration: 6:17.

Welcome to Week 4 of our Trusting God study - four weeks of finding strength and peace

in the storms of our lives.

I'm Kathryn Shirey of, and I am so glad you're here with us for this

final week of our study.

This week we're diving into Psalm 46.

We're going to talk about the fourth key to trusting God in the storms of our lives, to

be still and know that he is God.

We're going to dive into Psalm 46 to see how we can find that strength and that peace by

being still and knowing he is God.

I'm sure you know verse 10 of Psalm 46, "Be still and know that I am God."

But how well do you know the rest of this Psalm?

We're going to dive in this week and explore all of the verses and all the Psalm has to


Did you know this Psalm is the inspiration for numerous songs, like Stand By Me, and

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God?

We're going to dive in and find all of the rich treasures this Psalm has to offer.

Are you ready?

Will you drop a comment below and just let me know, "I'm ready to go.

Let's do this.

Let's dive into this study."

Let me know you're ready to go, and let's jump in.

In the first part of the Psalm, we are reminded that God is ever-present within you.

Even though we may face trouble, we may face trials, even through catastrophic destruction

of the earth, we need not be afraid because God is with us.

So fix your eyes on God and remember that he is your shelter and your refuge from the


Where do you turn in your times of trouble?

Will you turn to God?

In verses 4 through 7, we are reminded that God will not let you fall.

He will answer in his own way, in his own timing.

It may seem like he's not coming, that he's not answering your prayers; but be assured,

he is, and he will show up at his right timing.

You may walk through the darkest hours of the night, but before the day breaks, God

will come.

He is your strong fortress, and he will provide his help at his right moment.

Will you trust him even through your darkest hours, and trust that he will not let you


In verses 8 through 10, we are reminded that God has power and dominion over the whole


Be still and know that he is God.

It's these memories that we need to call upon in our times of trouble.

We need to be still in the moment to pause, stand firm, and remember who God is, remember

what God has done for you and what God has done throughout time.

Have these stories deeply embedded in your soul so that you can call upon these memories

and know he is God.

What are your go-to reminders of God in your life?

What are the examples you can keep close at hand, those Scriptures, those references,

the stories of God's great power?

Keep them close, be still and know, remember he is God.

In verse 11, we are reminded that God is our might fortress.

He is always with us, our strong fortress, our shelter in the storm.

He will protect you through whatever life brings your way.

Will you turn to him?

Will you turn to him as your source of strength and peace through the storm?

He's waiting and he's willing, and he will be your shelter and your strength and your

peace if you'll turn to him.

I'm so glad you've been joining us here for this study.

Don't forget to grab your study calendar this week as we dive into the specific Scriptures

within Psalm 46 day by day this week, the calendar will provide the verses and the reflection

questions for you each day.

You can also watch for those daily emails from me.

Not in the study yet?

Go sign up, it's free.

Get this calendar from me, along with daily emails and these weekly videos to help you

learn to trust God through the storms of your life.

Want to go deeper in the study?

Go grab the extra study guide, link's down below, this is an extra study guide that goes

with this, that will really make the most of your time with this.

It will provide daily devotionals and study materials to go even deeper in these Scriptures

that we've been going into this month.

So I hope you'll go and take a look at this and dive into this study with us.

So what's been your biggest aha moment as we've gone through this study trusting God?

Will you leave a comment below and tell me what you've learned, what's been the biggest

impact in your life as we've gone through these four weeks together?

I would love to hear from you and hear how this study has been impacting your life and

helping you learn to trust God.

Hey, before you go, go give this video a quick thumbs up, subscribe below for even more encouragement

for your walk with Christ, where I post weekly videos to encourage your prayer life and your

walk with God, and I'd love you to be the first to hear about them.

I thank you so much for joining us on this journey to trusting God, and I'll see you


For more infomation >> Trusting God Devotional – Psalm 46 (WEEK 4) - Duration: 6:17.


আপনার গরীব থাকার কারন || how to become rich || success motivational Video in Bangla - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> আপনার গরীব থাকার কারন || how to become rich || success motivational Video in Bangla - Duration: 3:18.


Jennifer Lawrence'in "Özgürleştirici" Çıplak Sahnesi (2 Mart 2018 Röportajı) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lawrence'in "Özgürleştirici" Çıplak Sahnesi (2 Mart 2018 Röportajı) - Duration: 3:56.


IMMORTAL LION JUG JAKI CENT - Duration: 3:11:41.

For more infomation >> IMMORTAL LION JUG JAKI CENT - Duration: 3:11:41.


塔罗占卜:找到你恋情失败的根本原因,这样下一段才会顺利!准! - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> 塔罗占卜:找到你恋情失败的根本原因,这样下一段才会顺利!准! - Duration: 2:22.


Svatební zvony ve StarDance: Porotce Kuneš požádá o ruku Kloubkovou! - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Svatební zvony ve StarDance: Porotce Kuneš požádá o ruku Kloubkovou! - Duration: 2:35.


Salmos | SALMO 45 - "Ungido de Deus e a Sua Noiva" - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 45 - "Ungido de Deus e a Sua Noiva" - Duration: 2:44.


Susana e Cátia | EP. 247 | 27 de Outubro - Duration: 2:32.

- Here it is what you asked me

i believe that i didn't forgot any documents

verify it

- No

seems like everything is here

good work Laura

- Thank you

and do you already know what happened

at Manuel and Maria João's house?

- Yes we already saw it on the Correio Do Sado

and other newspapers are already starting to give the news

- How horrible, poor Tomás's father

that must have been out of desperation

the death of his son was so

- Do you really feel sorry for Guilherme?

- Yes - Don't be ingenuous Laura

that man was a corrupt of the worst

do you know that for more than a year

he was stealing thousands of euros from Manuel?

- Tomás's father? - Yes Tomás's father

he was a corrupt political

who made money on business commissions

and making influence peddling, or you didn't know?

- No i didn't know

in any way i feel sorry

- Because you're stupid

i really don't feel sorry for that man

he paid for what he did to others, we have to be responsible for our actions

- Well

then i'm leaving

- Wait, i didn't finish

- What do you mean?

- Listen to me carefully

because tomorrow

you'll have to do a really important mission

without Manuel or Maria João in the office

you'll have a greater freedom to move

- No Susana i'm not gonna be alone

i really have no way to - Don't interrupt me, don't interrupt me

listen to me until the end

you'll follow my instructions

and you're going to help me sabotage all the operations

of prospecting of Tróia Fenix

- Me?

- Yes you - How do you think i'm gonna do something like that?

- I already told you

you just have to follow my instructions

at a risk

don't worry with the rest, i deal with everything

the only think you have to do

is listen to me carefully

and do what i tell you

For more infomation >> Susana e Cátia | EP. 247 | 27 de Outubro - Duration: 2:32.


Giulia Costa aproveita festa de Halloween ao lado de misterioso novo namorado - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Giulia Costa aproveita festa de Halloween ao lado de misterioso novo namorado - Duration: 1:55.


Justin Bieber pausará carreira para se dedicar ao casamento com Hailey Baldwin - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber pausará carreira para se dedicar ao casamento com Hailey Baldwin - Duration: 2:40.


Our New Morning Routine with Jesus - Duration: 6:54.

A couple weeks ago I was sitting in church and Linda my wife leaned over and she

suggested that we kind of add something to our morning routine and so that's

what we're talking about in this video here and so I'm gonna drop you in on a

conversation that I was having with her and as we just kind of explore some of

the benefits of this that we've gotten out of it and what that might mean for

you and as we're going through this I'd love to hear down in the comment section

what has worked well for you like what you've added to your morning routine

that has helped you better connect with God and just stay really solid as you

move throughout your week so definitely leave us some comments down below with

those and with that let's get to it

so a few weeks ago Linda and I decided to start waking up it's kind of our new

morning routine waking up an hour before we're getting up beforehand and just

kind of giving god that first hour and spending that time praying about our

family but our business about whatever everything there's plenty of need to be

prayed about right and it's been a really good thing for us don't you think

well yeah that's the funny thing about this is I just feel like it's God's

grace is there because neither one of us know naturally would have like that's

what I always wish I would have been doing like I think both of us are like

yeah I wish I were the type of person who'd get up an hour before work and

pray every day I have a friend like that and she's really impressive yeah like

that's who I think we both like strive to be and but I know that when I've

tried to do this in my own strength in the past like it's just failed and I and

then on top of that I felt guilty but like this has been like kind of

effortless right you just came with the idea and suggested it and yeah it's just

like God's grace is they're helping us to do it and I think the point is is that

you know it whatever God's calling you to do is different you know it's in our

cases is we're supposed to do for right now so we're doing it yeah but you know

for somebody else this might not be the thing you know you know and we're taking

this on a week-by-week basis to where we're just going one week at a time I'm

not trying to create some sort of like we're gonna do this the rest of our

lives thing but just do when we get a time finish a week do we want to do it

again and we've done that three times now

the way it affects my days I just don't feel so behind which seems like a minor

thing but for me that was actually really big yeah cuz I felt like I would

wake up and I would be in this frenzy and I just don't feel like that anymore

but it does just feel like things are a little bit more smooth sailing it's also

been good for our kids because as they wake up they see us and we're praying in

our prayer playroom and that we have a little path we walk around the playroom

but it's been good for them because I feel like they're getting to see us

model something that yeah that I want to continue

part of what I like is that we get to spend the morning together

and most of the time you would wake up and

then go straight to work so if you woke up at 5:30 or something you'd rare but

clock just went off and you just were awake you would leave before I even woke up

yeah but the other point of that is you are saying well I'm not going to be

spending that hour and a half at work I'm actually going to be spending it

with God and so instead of investing that into work you're investing it where

it can be multiplied well and there's something about this first fruits

principle in the Bible you know I remember reading somebody who said like

the quote was something to the effect of any first fruits given or multiply it any

first fruits not given or lost or something like that

I'm in this season where I I'm kind of feeling like there's so much copycat

stuff there's so much I'm gonna do this because this person is doing it yeah

yeah it's just really I want to run the opposite direction and I want to avoid

things that everybody else are doing and I want to really try to get clear on

what God is saying in calling me to do and if this has caused me to make a lot

of changes in my life it's caused me to spend a lot less time on social media

almost like completely eliminate it to some extent it's caused me to it's

caused me to just kind of change it's not my season how how I'm evaluating

things that I'm listening to and and watching and learning from and I just

want to be someone who is doing what God has for me to do yeah rather than

anybody else's system anybody else's method or strategy or the thing that he

gave them to do that's working really well but you know I mean

my challenge to you is to pray let's see what God has for you to do and see what that

little thing might be these leading you to do that yeah you know I don't think

it's you know run out and get up an hour early and pray like we're doing right

now but find that thing for you it is yeah yeah maybe it is but don't just do

that because we're doing it but ask God what you should be doing like what you

can do to draw nearer to Him you know and to and to get closer to Him and

spend more time with Him and better connect with Him it just asked that

question it's like heart God hears us when we

pray you know like this is just I think we forget about this sometimes yeah that

like He'll show you and He'll give you some idea you know and anyway

so that's my encouragement to you will leave you with yeah good

so have a great rest of your day and we'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> Our New Morning Routine with Jesus - Duration: 6:54.


Color of Legend Adidas predator 18.1 |play test - Duration: 6:54.

IG : @sidekickzer

For more infomation >> Color of Legend Adidas predator 18.1 |play test - Duration: 6:54.


Record proíbe elenco de emitir opiniões políticas na web - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Record proíbe elenco de emitir opiniões políticas na web - Duration: 1:50.


Manu Gavassi surpreende ao aderir à moda e posar com biquíni neon em Fernando de Noronha - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Manu Gavassi surpreende ao aderir à moda e posar com biquíni neon em Fernando de Noronha - Duration: 1:39.


Tatiana Merino hizo fuerte revelación sobre el periodista Rodrigo Herrera - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Tatiana Merino hizo fuerte revelación sobre el periodista Rodrigo Herrera - Duration: 2:48.





El suspenso que impacienta a todos los fanáticos de "Pacto de Sangre": ¿Quién es el papá? - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> El suspenso que impacienta a todos los fanáticos de "Pacto de Sangre": ¿Quién es el papá? - Duration: 1:35.


How NOT to represent DID | Dissociative Identity Disorder - Duration: 7:30.

You're awfully playful

I wasn't planning on filming today but it occurred to me a little video so

I didn't want to let is pass because it's really simple. So… Hi!

In my search about the disorder, to know how many resources we have in

Spanish and how much it is spoken in non psychological media, not in specialized magazines

nor specialized media, like interviews, news web page,

an article in a popular site, etc. To know how much the current

information is being visible, clear and current and how much of the stigma

remains, and I noticed, I noticed a curious pattern. In how it is represented (in a picture) for

an article. For ezample, if we're talking about chocolate, we would use

melted chocolate or chocolate bars pictures... but mostly I'd think of using melted

chocolate to capture… to capture the audience's attention

fast. But when not so informed media wants to represent DID.

with pictures they usually use pictures like these

I believe… I believe people underst this pictures quickly... and that is what

you seek, for it to be quick to grasp. To be able to express what you're talking about with one picture.

However they're not entirely well justified.

A better way to represent DID is like this:

Why? First of all because it's a disorder most diagnosed in females

Like I said in my other video, it is diagnosed about 3 to 6 times more in

females. Did I say 3 to 9? 6 to 9? About that. A lot more in females. A typical DID patient

is actually a middle aged female. Then why a girl? Two reasons.

It represents the dissociated part and represents the cause of DID. It's mainly trauma and

violence. Mostly in early childhood.

Say hello, Kitten

Meowzeen says Hi. "Meow!"

This here well, it represents

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Surely you know the story

Now guess when it was first published...


Not only it is an old tale, but it's also about horror, violence and

there's a fantasy factor and we've learned a lot about the disorder since then.

Actually Dr Jekyll doesn't even have DID. Because Mr Hyde wasn't created from

trauma. I mean he didn't "split" because of trauma, he was split from a potion he made

Spoiler alert.

Think of it like (The incredible) Hulk but instead of

gamma rays and instead of getting bigger he gets shorter. But just as




And (movie) Split... Well I think I'm going to dedicate about three videos talking about Split.

My point is that this "entity" is portrayed as aggressive, wild being

that doesn't think of consequences, like Mr Hyde. And there's not… there's not always an

alter like that. What it always exists and I've verified myself

and asked with a lot of systems is a protective alter. And

this protection is almost always a sacrifice type. Like saying:

"Get out, that I will suffer this in your place". Like "I'll take this so you may never

have to know" Not consciously, it's not a conscious effort.

Why is it important to use

correct imagery to represent DID?"

First. If you're a writer.

who needs pictures to communicate your work will be well justified

Second. You raise

awareness in what this disorder really means

Third. You fight stigma

of the idea that an aggressive man may just have "another personality"

Fourth. Which I believe it's really important. You create empathy for these people

suffering with this disrodrer…. bluh bluh bluh

Create enpathy for the people suffering of

this disorder, who tend to hide in fear of people thinking of them as dangerous

Because people with DID are not usually the perpetator...


abusers, bad people, persecutors,

that may harm, warrr

Actually, we could say they're (DID people) the

epitome of the victims of the worst atrocities

Fifth. You erase the concept of

"crazyness" from your imagery. For me crazyness doesnt describe a behaviour but

describes your lack of understanding of that behavior. Like saying "That dude is crazy!"

You're possibly not understanding what makes him behave like that

If you say someone is crazy you're saying "I don't understand why he's

doing that. Actually there's a beautiful video of a woman from TED talk that

I'll leave around and I'll quote. Let's see if I can imitate her accent because it's awesome.

"A sane reaction to insane circumstances"

It came out awful

"It came out awful"

"It came out all weeird"

A sane reaction to insane circumstances

So now you know, fellow writers and journalists and reporters of curious stuff

content creators… Use accurate and appropriate pictures to

explain this disorder please :)

Anyway I'll be sharing in my channel

many examples, cases, stories that may be useful for you to provide

current, genuine and humanistic information. And please, stop using the case of

Billy Milligan… which was just one case! Just one!

Also I said I was going to

recommend books each video so… talking about Dr

Jekyll and Mr Hyde... I don't really recommend it? It's a quick read

Read it so you can know what is NOT DID. Although some of his experiences

may seem similar?. Anyway is a tale in general culture

You can find it in almost any language and free because it was published in


I believe they're even like pff six movies?

So as this is a quick video

I recommend-not- recommend then a quick tale to read

If you've already read it or watched the movie(s) tell me what you think

I'd say..."Meeeh"

I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of

horror so what can I say? It's interesting… it's interesting the way he...

I think more interesting than this dynamic he has with Hyde is

the amount of effort he makes (i think we can value that) the effort he makes

to hide everyone else that Hyde exists or at least that they're

the same person. And yes, that's a spoiler.

See you in the next video. Plural kisses

Want to know the most beautiful thing about this shirt?

Oh it's not visible

It's not visible

It's not visible!

It's not visible!!!

I think it will be hard to make it visible because it glows

it glows in the dark

It's not visible the screen is too bright

Let's see… if we close the laptop...

AND THE CAMERA WENT OFF! I can't believe I didn't think of it! XD

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