Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 31 2018

You too, Shiryu?

This will be fun!

Will you fight the Thousand Day War!?

That was the power of my Cosmo!

It's like gazing upon your master!

You will witness the power of my Cosmos!

You shuld have run when you saw me.

Now our cloths are equal!

Virgo cloth, grant me your power!

Now our cloths are equal!

So we'are equal, Gold Saint!

This power... it is for Athena!

We'are fortunate to have such great teachers.

Let's fight bravely for the Master!

My teacher always taught me..

..to keep a cool head in the heat of the battle.

Taste the power of libra Shiryu!

Virgo cloth, grant me your power!

Feel my power! Libra Shiryu!

Let's see what you've got!

Hpm… That's the best you can do…

Gold Cloth! To me!

Now I'll show you what I'm really capable of!

Camus said that it is the will of the Gold Saints that I be protected

Even against you, I won't hold back!

Don't be such a weakling!


Must we truly fight, brother?

Little brother, no time to play nice!

Your gentleness is your weakness!

For more infomation >> ➕Zodiac Brave : Gold saints VS Gold saints (SUB:ENG/ESP) - Duration: 9:35.


"Vamos mal. La justicia a favor de...": ¡Eduardo Feinmann más picante que nunca! - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> "Vamos mal. La justicia a favor de...": ¡Eduardo Feinmann más picante que nunca! - Duration: 5:23.


핫이슈 l 대통령 북한 퍼주기 논란, NLL 무의미해지는 공동어로구역 설정 중국 견제 가능 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l 대통령 북한 퍼주기 논란, NLL 무의미해지는 공동어로구역 설정 중국 견제 가능 - Duration: 6:37.


'Honestidad' 'GH VIP 2018': El público salva a Miriam de la expulsión del próximo jueves - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' 'GH VIP 2018': El público salva a Miriam de la expulsión del próximo jueves - Duration: 2:48.


Socavón se traga una patrulla de tránsito en Toronto - Duration: 1:02.

 Un auto de tránsito de la ciudad de Toronto fue tragado por un enorme socavón que se abrió en una de las principales avenidas de la capital canadiense

  La patrulla fue enviada para evaluar el daño cuando repentinamente fue succionado por el agujero

Las autoridades locales informaron que el chofer salió ileso del incidente y que la unidad será rescatada

  jamj ​ ​

For more infomation >> Socavón se traga una patrulla de tránsito en Toronto - Duration: 1:02.


✅ Jak rozpoznać i leczyć rzadkie choroby genetyczne u dzieci? - Duration: 3:05.

Wydaje nam się, że choroby rzadkie dotykają niewielkiej grupki osób. Tymczasem łącznie cierpi na nie 6 proc

naszego społeczeństwa, czyli ok. 2 mln Polaków! Do najczęściej diagnozowanych zalicza się: fenyloketonurię, hemofilię, mukowiscydozę, zespół Leśniowskiego-Crohna, miastenię, zespół Downa, zespół Pradera-Williego, zespół Marfana, szpiczaka mnogiego, rybią łuskę

Skąd biorą się choroby genetyczne u dzieci? Wszystkie te schorzenia (jest ich 5-8 tys

) mają przewlekły, ciężki przebieg. Często prowadzą też do fizycznego lub umysłowego upośledzenia

Ich przyczyną jest przypadkowa mutacja genowa, której niestety nie jesteśmy w stanie zapobiec ani jej przewidzieć

Niektóre choroby (jak na przykład zespół Downa) można wykryć dzięki badaniom prenatalnym

Inne ujawniają się dopiero po narodzinach dziecka, a jeszcze inne znacznie później, nawet w dorosłości (np

zespół Leśniowskiego-Crohna). Jak leczyć choroby genetyczne u dzieci? Wszystkie choroby rzadkie wymagają leczenia lub (jeśli mają łagodny przebieg) przynajmniej kontroli lekarskiej

Rozwój niektórych z nich można powstrzymać, jeśli wystarczająco wcześnie zostaną zdiagnozowane

Tak jest np. z fenyloketonurią oraz wrodzoną niedoczynnością tarczycy (hipotyreozą)

Jest jednak warunek – leczenie powinno być wdrożone już w pierwszych dniach życia

Dlatego w Polsce wszystkie noworodki objęte są programem badań przesiewowych. W drugiej dobie życia mają pobieraną krew z piętki, którą potem bada się w kierunku fenuloketonurii, wrodzonej niedoczynności tarczycy oraz mukowiscydozy

Nie dotarły do ciebie wyniki tego badania? To nie powód do niepokoju. Wysyła się je tylko w przypadku wykrycia jakichś nieprawidłowości

A i to nie jest wyrok. Aby potwierdzić którąś z tych chorób, konieczne są dalsze znacznie bardziej szczegółowe badania

Czytaj także: 3 najczęstsze problemy zdrowotne u noworodkówJak bezpiecznie podawać dziecku leki?Co powinnaś wiedzieć o leczeniu potówek u malucha? Na podstawie artykułu Agnieszki Czechowskiej z Pani Domu Dołącz do Nas Zostając testerką dostajesz za darmo testowane produkty Zgłoś się do akcji Aby otrzymać za darmo produkty do testów Testuj za darmo Otrzymuj produkty, dziel się opiniami Otrzymaj produkt Przetestuj go i podziel się opinią z innymi użytkownikami Chcę testować

For more infomation >> ✅ Jak rozpoznać i leczyć rzadkie choroby genetyczne u dzieci? - Duration: 3:05.


BMW X5M - tuning 30 000$ / The most expensive tuning BMW? - Duration: 7:17.

TheAutoTop production

Hello from Russia

bmw x5m renegade

For more infomation >> BMW X5M - tuning 30 000$ / The most expensive tuning BMW? - Duration: 7:17.


EAS Austraila X HALLOWEEN 2018 - Duration: 6:44.

this is just ...


thank god your saved from uber eats

thanks EAS

ohh the CRING of this song



For more infomation >> EAS Austraila X HALLOWEEN 2018 - Duration: 6:44.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon - Duration: 0:58.


Noho Station by Christian Krauspe - Duration: 10:56.

Liam was five when I started dating his mom it had been a fairly tough bonding

process he understood that his dad had gone away but couldn't wrap his mind

around the idea of a drunk driving accident just yet

I was just someone who showed up who he didn't want or asked for and didn't

leave and although he was a fairly sweet exuberant kid with me he was quiet and

anxious and when I tried to interact with him he would always shyly bury his

head into his mom's chest I thought maybe something for just me and him

might help turn things around so when I suggested a Lakers game

his mom was ecstatic Liam had posters of Rondo and LeBron covering his walls like

most kids in LA so this seemed like the perfect idea

the plan was simple his mom pretended that Liam had a doctor's appointment

after school but instead would surprise him and meet me at the North Hollywood

subway station ready to go with floor seat tickets a new purple Lakers hat and

a smile when Liam saw me his face dropped a little but after his mom

explained about the game and I showed him his new hat and promised him pizza

and hotdogs his mood picked up right away I can always tell when he was

really happy because his green eyes would go big and bright his mom turned

to go and for the first time he reached up and grabbed my end a security guy

stood outside the entrance to the subway station finishing a cigarette he gave us

a little nod as we approached the escalator which descended down deep

below the busy city streets Liam looked up and saw the pigeons

flying above us who made their homes in the vast concrete tunnel which delivered

us into the underground I looked down at him and pushed his new purple hat too

big for his head down over his green eyes teasing him he laughed as we got

off the long escalator the air became stale warm with body heat and the

slightest hint of garbage a wet cough echoed from somewhere in the station I

bought our fare and headed to the platform

the faces and subway stations all fit the same profile after a while the young

student the elderly woman a couple of wannabe hip hop kids listening to music

solely through an iPhone speaker the young lovers and the young mom trying to

corral a couple children stay close to me

Liam looked up he knew - already next train will be here in just a couple

minutes a homeless man brushed past us with a

phlegm coated hack he was maybe about fifty with rough sunburnt skin and

pastel pink scars on his forehead new skin covering up the wound he smelled

like a mixture of vodka and piss behind him he dragged three garbage bags full

of cans clothes junk who knows what the homeless man took a seat for himself

against the stairwell I did my best to ignore him like a good Angelino I looked

down at Liam Liam was frightened of him I could tell and if I'm being honest I

was probably a little frightened of him as well you excited for LeBron

I asked trying to get his attention what's down there Liam was pointing to

the train tunnel dark and empty that's where the trains come from when our

train comes that's where we'll go all the way downtown out of the corner of my

eye I saw the homeless man scratching his forehead digging in with his dirty

nails trying to get at the new skin underneath

Liam turned pointing to the opposite tunnel what about that way I leaned out

the subway ledge looking that way I'm not sure North Hollywood is the last

stop so I think that way goes to the train yard where they fix anything

that's broken I glanced back over my shoulder the homeless man was looking at

me no he wasn't looking at me he was looking at Liam he stared at Liam his

eyes were watery and dark he scratched his forehead scratched over the fresh

pink scars harder and harder do people live down here Liam asked Oh

No I laughed trying my best to ignore the

homeless men no one lives down here only pigeons I like them I like the pigeons

let's walk further down the platform I tugged at his hand pulling him along

with me my friend Aaron at school says people live down here and they still

kids and bring him here he said they do things to them we stopped walking after

I found a comfortable place away from the homeless man between what must have

been an art school dropout and a fat tourist no people don't take kids and

bring them down here sometimes people don't have places to stay at night like

you and I do sometimes people get down on their luck and need a place to rest

for a few hours so they come down here sometimes people have it really rough

like him like who I looked the homeless man was standing down the platform from

us standing straight ahead and looking at Liam with a little grin across his

sunburnt cheeks it's okay I said our trains gonna be here soon but first

let's see if you and me can sneak up on a pigeon okay

we walked further down the platform away from the groups of people congregating

near the ledges it was stupid of me definitely paranoid I looked back behind

us to see if the homeless man was still there no he wasn't

Christ I thought ahead of us a trio of pigeons pecked at some old french fries

someone spilled on the platform Liam looked up at me and I winked at him

giving him the signal to let go of my hand and try and tiptoe up next to the

birds careful I said actually sounded like my own dad for a moment Liam crept

closer to the pigeons don't be an idiot I thought don't turn around and look

he's not behind you like an idiot I turned and looked the

homeless man stood there 20 feet away his eyes locked on Liam his forehead had

started to spot with blood from the scratching Liam I reached down for him

not taking my eyes off the homeless men what's wrong Liam asked trains coming

come on I pulled him towards the ledge the light from the opposite end of the

tunnel started to get brighter just get on the train don't look back at him get

on the train get on the train get on the train I looked back again he was gone

nothing there except other faces standing gathering for the coming train

I looked down at Liam do you think we should get you a Jersey Liam was gone I

could feel panic well up in my bones the klaxon of the arriving train rang as it

pushed warm air against my face Liam will Liam where'd you go I started to

jog down the platform trying to see everything all at once oh god no please

don't let this be happening Leo the train slowed to a stop and opened its

doors the people waited next to the opening doors as the other passengers

disembarked where did you go Liam please please not now

I heard the cooing of pigeons behind me and squatting down hand out towards the

birds was Liam and his purple Laker Set thank fucking god I sighed people had

started to get on the train I reached down and grabbed his hand quickly

pulling him inside the last train car before the doors closed I let out a deep

breath Jesus we're gonna take a fucking uber home Liam climbed up into an empty

seat while I grabbed the overhead rail I think I'm going to eat at least three

hot dogs coming here Liam looked up at me with his eyes his brown eyes this

wasn't Liam my chest went tight as the train started to pull away from the

platform from the last window of the last train

car I saw Liam bye Liam in the arms of the homeless men

he looked so scared as the homeless man covered his mouth so he couldn't scream

with the other hand the homeless man waved at me

For more infomation >> Noho Station by Christian Krauspe - Duration: 10:56.


Kia cee'd 1.4 TGDI Executiveline 140Pk (DEMO) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.4 TGDI Executiveline 140Pk (DEMO) - Duration: 1:09.


Kia Niro DYNAMICLINE CONNECT 1.6 GDi Hybrid (DEMO) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro DYNAMICLINE CONNECT 1.6 GDi Hybrid (DEMO) - Duration: 1:07.


EAS Australia Season 1 COPMILATION - Duration: 1:05:38.




They need yuuichi Baku danga Tokyo table array bahut Seamus Wendy

Ghost rota Becca Yoshi's entity nanny kuni tomita. Whoa. Hey. Hey Doreen e toxins research Kyoko's

Sugino todo que. Moi Keenan. Jinan Akane Co gorillas

Tokyo Sam acaba, Satana Nagano, Toyama Chiba guma Tochigi Ibaraki Yamanashi

Shizuka hakuna Anita Bedoya do a locust a Kazakh Enoch Reba Lonnie Machin idak recite

Amitabha jibun. Jishin you Orozco - Nina Parra

tippy-toes a bendy gisado and o ever even made a boozer - Arita

Geun-hye box-t sejuani she Sabina wendi-go soccer Oshima's in an Jojo. No programming. No Amagasaki

Wendi-go sudachi. Vos EO Dona moças o con una loca Rica

69 height tsunamis will form and hit countries

Dear boredom a screa a sky to be airships Rizzo a bullshit the Lakota chief Americans of the police said video can watch over

Mr. Balaji

amerikanische cokeman Tecton angriff of Sevilla embezzled of frankfurt mention hamburg owned amp berlin zoo

Honda shots of thought when the lead in them, but often engage parents our children on fantasy

Piece and set a piece anxiety. Peace anxiety kunde. Sorry Kingitanga me Goku rubin. Sorry. Busan

intimated ways a min Vanina gooniac aguas mira

succeeded and sorry chuka hamnida

punishing a young young abundance your geckos riding jungle wooden weak to the

missile nuclear Sonos tattle on travursel. Italia

Ubtv soon Roma Genova, Bologna Napoli and RSO Tutera ojos true un refugio de lids and Oporto Valley. Jaqen, Julia

America correct ladies

kinkier potato in Mesilla tomahto metal mask idea Dora suits cassia Tanis your stay

Hana tango by SHINee Sarita a

- Lacey - Allan Dwan supply parody monopoly cat - extrusion nuclear missile Machado de la unión extreme

exclusion Don the shakadou ton nuclear hunt

You will die within one minute la la la pluma de la terre visibly

Sorry poncho de Santander

mandalas owned a packed

Seleucids expose Asoka Buzzelli muy muy minute

Nova gallipoli flash extender Lumi oblong supremacy lettuce a silicon a chain of elasticity permanent

Es plays Amanda Sharkey via neutralizes all su el diseño para evitar Ezra


Boca eco breezes overdose a sincere cave OCFS ESO

Para poder a careful are parece communica como tres veces Peregrine

fatwa warning red

For more infomation >> EAS Australia Season 1 COPMILATION - Duration: 1:05:38.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDi 177pk GT-Line (DEMO) - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDi 177pk GT-Line (DEMO) - Duration: 1:06.


នឹកខ្លាំងឈឺខ្លាំង - Nek Klang Chher Klang By Jonh Va 「Khmer Original Song」Khmer Song ♫ - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> នឹកខ្លាំងឈឺខ្លាំង - Nek Klang Chher Klang By Jonh Va 「Khmer Original Song」Khmer Song ♫ - Duration: 4:51.


Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Clever - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Clever - Duration: 1:06.


Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TDI GREENLINE (75pk) Airco /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Parrot /Armsteun /Dakrail / - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia Combi 1.2 TDI GREENLINE (75pk) Airco /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Parrot /Armsteun /Dakrail / - Duration: 1:07.


Doji Candlestick & Types Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 14:04.

Doji Candlestick & Types Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi

For more infomation >> Doji Candlestick & Types Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 14:04.


Ogrlice Protiv Buha Za Pse - Najpoznatije Sredstvo Protiv Buha - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Ogrlice Protiv Buha Za Pse - Najpoznatije Sredstvo Protiv Buha - Duration: 1:23.


Kia cee'd 1.6I 135pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6I 135pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:07.


Noho Station by Christian Krauspe - Duration: 10:56.

Liam was five when I started dating his mom it had been a fairly tough bonding

process he understood that his dad had gone away but couldn't wrap his mind

around the idea of a drunk driving accident just yet

I was just someone who showed up who he didn't want or asked for and didn't

leave and although he was a fairly sweet exuberant kid with me he was quiet and

anxious and when I tried to interact with him he would always shyly bury his

head into his mom's chest I thought maybe something for just me and him

might help turn things around so when I suggested a Lakers game

his mom was ecstatic Liam had posters of Rondo and LeBron covering his walls like

most kids in LA so this seemed like the perfect idea

the plan was simple his mom pretended that Liam had a doctor's appointment

after school but instead would surprise him and meet me at the North Hollywood

subway station ready to go with floor seat tickets a new purple Lakers hat and

a smile when Liam saw me his face dropped a little but after his mom

explained about the game and I showed him his new hat and promised him pizza

and hotdogs his mood picked up right away I can always tell when he was

really happy because his green eyes would go big and bright his mom turned

to go and for the first time he reached up and grabbed my end a security guy

stood outside the entrance to the subway station finishing a cigarette he gave us

a little nod as we approached the escalator which descended down deep

below the busy city streets Liam looked up and saw the pigeons

flying above us who made their homes in the vast concrete tunnel which delivered

us into the underground I looked down at him and pushed his new purple hat too

big for his head down over his green eyes teasing him he laughed as we got

off the long escalator the air became stale warm with body heat and the

slightest hint of garbage a wet cough echoed from somewhere in the station I

bought our fare and headed to the platform

the faces and subway stations all fit the same profile after a while the young

student the elderly woman a couple of wannabe hip hop kids listening to music

solely through an iPhone speaker the young lovers and the young mom trying to

corral a couple children stay close to me

Liam looked up he knew - already next train will be here in just a couple

minutes a homeless man brushed past us with a

phlegm coated hack he was maybe about fifty with rough sunburnt skin and

pastel pink scars on his forehead new skin covering up the wound he smelled

like a mixture of vodka and piss behind him he dragged three garbage bags full

of cans clothes junk who knows what the homeless man took a seat for himself

against the stairwell I did my best to ignore him like a good Angelino I looked

down at Liam Liam was frightened of him I could tell and if I'm being honest I

was probably a little frightened of him as well you excited for LeBron

I asked trying to get his attention what's down there Liam was pointing to

the train tunnel dark and empty that's where the trains come from when our

train comes that's where we'll go all the way downtown out of the corner of my

eye I saw the homeless man scratching his forehead digging in with his dirty

nails trying to get at the new skin underneath

Liam turned pointing to the opposite tunnel what about that way I leaned out

the subway ledge looking that way I'm not sure North Hollywood is the last

stop so I think that way goes to the train yard where they fix anything

that's broken I glanced back over my shoulder the homeless man was looking at

me no he wasn't looking at me he was looking at Liam he stared at Liam his

eyes were watery and dark he scratched his forehead scratched over the fresh

pink scars harder and harder do people live down here Liam asked Oh

No I laughed trying my best to ignore the

homeless men no one lives down here only pigeons I like them I like the pigeons

let's walk further down the platform I tugged at his hand pulling him along

with me my friend Aaron at school says people live down here and they still

kids and bring him here he said they do things to them we stopped walking after

I found a comfortable place away from the homeless man between what must have

been an art school dropout and a fat tourist no people don't take kids and

bring them down here sometimes people don't have places to stay at night like

you and I do sometimes people get down on their luck and need a place to rest

for a few hours so they come down here sometimes people have it really rough

like him like who I looked the homeless man was standing down the platform from

us standing straight ahead and looking at Liam with a little grin across his

sunburnt cheeks it's okay I said our trains gonna be here soon but first

let's see if you and me can sneak up on a pigeon okay

we walked further down the platform away from the groups of people congregating

near the ledges it was stupid of me definitely paranoid I looked back behind

us to see if the homeless man was still there no he wasn't

Christ I thought ahead of us a trio of pigeons pecked at some old french fries

someone spilled on the platform Liam looked up at me and I winked at him

giving him the signal to let go of my hand and try and tiptoe up next to the

birds careful I said actually sounded like my own dad for a moment Liam crept

closer to the pigeons don't be an idiot I thought don't turn around and look

he's not behind you like an idiot I turned and looked the

homeless man stood there 20 feet away his eyes locked on Liam his forehead had

started to spot with blood from the scratching Liam I reached down for him

not taking my eyes off the homeless men what's wrong Liam asked trains coming

come on I pulled him towards the ledge the light from the opposite end of the

tunnel started to get brighter just get on the train don't look back at him get

on the train get on the train get on the train I looked back again he was gone

nothing there except other faces standing gathering for the coming train

I looked down at Liam do you think we should get you a Jersey Liam was gone I

could feel panic well up in my bones the klaxon of the arriving train rang as it

pushed warm air against my face Liam will Liam where'd you go I started to

jog down the platform trying to see everything all at once oh god no please

don't let this be happening Leo the train slowed to a stop and opened its

doors the people waited next to the opening doors as the other passengers

disembarked where did you go Liam please please not now

I heard the cooing of pigeons behind me and squatting down hand out towards the

birds was Liam and his purple Laker Set thank fucking god I sighed people had

started to get on the train I reached down and grabbed his hand quickly

pulling him inside the last train car before the doors closed I let out a deep

breath Jesus we're gonna take a fucking uber home Liam climbed up into an empty

seat while I grabbed the overhead rail I think I'm going to eat at least three

hot dogs coming here Liam looked up at me with his eyes his brown eyes this

wasn't Liam my chest went tight as the train started to pull away from the

platform from the last window of the last train

car I saw Liam bye Liam in the arms of the homeless men

he looked so scared as the homeless man covered his mouth so he couldn't scream

with the other hand the homeless man waved at me

For more infomation >> Noho Station by Christian Krauspe - Duration: 10:56.


(SFM) The Candy Invasion - Duration: 0:27.

Think of these thoughts as limitless light, ex-

*knockity knockity*

*luigi's mansion cutscene*

*oh wait is this thomas?*




*y r u still here*

*chicken found a candy*

*brois said bork again*

* b a c o n *

*please get out of my house*

*is this*

*what I think it is?*


*h m m*

*N O M*


For more infomation >> (SFM) The Candy Invasion - Duration: 0:27.


Honda Jazz 1.3 I-VTEC TREND - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 I-VTEC TREND - Duration: 1:05.


✅ Jak rozpoznać i leczyć rzadkie choroby genetyczne u dzieci? - Duration: 3:05.

Wydaje nam się, że choroby rzadkie dotykają niewielkiej grupki osób. Tymczasem łącznie cierpi na nie 6 proc

naszego społeczeństwa, czyli ok. 2 mln Polaków! Do najczęściej diagnozowanych zalicza się: fenyloketonurię, hemofilię, mukowiscydozę, zespół Leśniowskiego-Crohna, miastenię, zespół Downa, zespół Pradera-Williego, zespół Marfana, szpiczaka mnogiego, rybią łuskę

Skąd biorą się choroby genetyczne u dzieci? Wszystkie te schorzenia (jest ich 5-8 tys

) mają przewlekły, ciężki przebieg. Często prowadzą też do fizycznego lub umysłowego upośledzenia

Ich przyczyną jest przypadkowa mutacja genowa, której niestety nie jesteśmy w stanie zapobiec ani jej przewidzieć

Niektóre choroby (jak na przykład zespół Downa) można wykryć dzięki badaniom prenatalnym

Inne ujawniają się dopiero po narodzinach dziecka, a jeszcze inne znacznie później, nawet w dorosłości (np

zespół Leśniowskiego-Crohna). Jak leczyć choroby genetyczne u dzieci? Wszystkie choroby rzadkie wymagają leczenia lub (jeśli mają łagodny przebieg) przynajmniej kontroli lekarskiej

Rozwój niektórych z nich można powstrzymać, jeśli wystarczająco wcześnie zostaną zdiagnozowane

Tak jest np. z fenyloketonurią oraz wrodzoną niedoczynnością tarczycy (hipotyreozą)

Jest jednak warunek – leczenie powinno być wdrożone już w pierwszych dniach życia

Dlatego w Polsce wszystkie noworodki objęte są programem badań przesiewowych. W drugiej dobie życia mają pobieraną krew z piętki, którą potem bada się w kierunku fenuloketonurii, wrodzonej niedoczynności tarczycy oraz mukowiscydozy

Nie dotarły do ciebie wyniki tego badania? To nie powód do niepokoju. Wysyła się je tylko w przypadku wykrycia jakichś nieprawidłowości

A i to nie jest wyrok. Aby potwierdzić którąś z tych chorób, konieczne są dalsze znacznie bardziej szczegółowe badania

Czytaj także: 3 najczęstsze problemy zdrowotne u noworodkówJak bezpiecznie podawać dziecku leki?Co powinnaś wiedzieć o leczeniu potówek u malucha? Na podstawie artykułu Agnieszki Czechowskiej z Pani Domu Dołącz do Nas Zostając testerką dostajesz za darmo testowane produkty Zgłoś się do akcji Aby otrzymać za darmo produkty do testów Testuj za darmo Otrzymuj produkty, dziel się opiniami Otrzymaj produkt Przetestuj go i podziel się opinią z innymi użytkownikami Chcę testować

For more infomation >> ✅ Jak rozpoznać i leczyć rzadkie choroby genetyczne u dzieci? - Duration: 3:05.


Fort Lotawatah Store, Checotah to Okfuskee County, Oklahoma, 10 August 2016, GP050084 - Duration: 26:05.

Exit 264A

Interstate 40 West

10 August 2016

Mile 264

Henryetta 25, Okemah 46, Okla City 113

Exit 262, To US-266, Lotawatah Rd, 1 mile

Exit 262, To US-266, Lotawatah Rd

Fort Lotawatah Store, 107348 Lotawatah Rd, Checotah, OK 74426 (918) 473-6606

Eufaula Lake

Lake Eufaula

Exit 259, OK-150, Lake Eufaula Rd, 1 mile

Lake Eulaula State Park, Exit 259

Exit 259, OK-150, Lake Eufaula Rd.

Interstate 40 West

Hay Rolls

Exit 255, Pierce Rd, 1 mile

Exit 255, Pierce Rd

Rest Area, Next Right

Rest Area, No Facilities

Quilts, Antiques

Exit 247, Tiger Mt. Rd, 1 mile


TI Transportation, San Jose, CA

Exit 247, Tiger Mt. Rd

Freedom Elite RV

Arctic Fox RV 5th Wheel Trailer & boat

RAM 3500

See Henryetta!, Troy Aikmen's Home, Indian Arts & Crafts, Fishing & Hunting, Territorial Museum

Exit 240 A, Turnpike, South, McAlester, Hugo, 2 miles

Exit 240B, Okmulgee, Tulsa, Next Right

Tim Vandiver Memorial Highway

Exits 240A-B, US-62 East, US-75 North, I-40 West Business, Henryetta, Indian Nation Turnpike, 1 mile

Exit 240B, OSU Institute of Technology, Next Right

Exit 240 A, Turnpike, South, McAlester, Hugo, 3/4 mile

Exit 240B, US-62 East, US-75 North, Business I-40 West, Henryetta

Exit 240 A, Turnpike, South, McAlester, Hugo

Cars $2.00, Semis $6.50

Road Construction

Highway Construction

Exit 237


Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc., Thomasville, N.C.

Weleetka 5, Okemah 17, Okla. City 86

Exit 231, US-75 South, Weleetka, 2 miles

Okfuskee County

For more infomation >> Fort Lotawatah Store, Checotah to Okfuskee County, Oklahoma, 10 August 2016, GP050084 - Duration: 26:05.


網友爆料周迅為竇靖童離婚,兩人已同居數月!感覺李亞鵬心態崩了! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 網友爆料周迅為竇靖童離婚,兩人已同居數月!感覺李亞鵬心態崩了! - Duration: 4:04.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I - Duration: 1:10.


Mario and Luigi A new chance full Comic Dub by Bonniefan 3000 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mario and Luigi A new chance full Comic Dub by Bonniefan 3000 - Duration: 1:11.


Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho has given club no choice over January transfer plans - Duration: 2:39.

 Those are the thoughts of ESPN pundit Shaka Hislop. Manchester United have lavished over £300million on new signings since Mourinho took over from Louis van Gaal two years ago

 Under Mourinho this term, United have made a stuttering start, winning just five of their 10 Premier League games and they already trail table toppers Manchester City by nine points

 Mourinho was quick to complain about the quality of his squad during pre-season. Reports emerged earlier this week that Mourinho would be given £100m to splash out on new players in January

 And Hislop thinks United have been backed into a corner. When asked whether he would trust Mourinho with a big transfer warchest, Hislop said: "Personally I wouldn't, but United have backed themselves into a corner where they don't have a choice

 "Either you replace Jose Mourinho sooner or later which will cost a pretty penny

 "Or you back him in a way he wants which at leasts stops him complaining about his squad and lack of spending and support

 "I think Manchester United have given themselves only one choice in that regard." Meanwhile, fellow ESPN pundit Craig Burley seriously doubts whether Mourinho will be supported in the window in the way he wants

 He said: "Why would you go and spend £100m in January when we've sat and talked for donkey's years about you're not going to get the best players in January?  "We can't even guarantee if United are going to be in the Champions League in January because they're in a tight group with [Juventus and] Valencia

 "Who are they pitching to? I don't buy it. Two weeks ago he was getting sacked in 48 hours, that was leaks from the club or Mourinho's people but it was potential

 "Now all of a sudden he's getting £100m in a transfer window you don't tend to spend money? No


For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Jose Mourinho has given club no choice over January transfer plans - Duration: 2:39.


BMW X1 1.8i sDrive - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 1.8i sDrive - Duration: 1:12.


EAS Australia Season 1 COPMILATION - Duration: 1:05:38.




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For more infomation >> EAS Australia Season 1 COPMILATION - Duration: 1:05:38.


Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC TURBO SPORT - AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC TURBO SPORT - AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:06.


Phá Đảo Thế Giới Ảo - Nhạc Phim Anime Hay Nhất | Anime Hành Động Game Cực Hay - Duration: 1:27:49.

For more infomation >> Phá Đảo Thế Giới Ảo - Nhạc Phim Anime Hay Nhất | Anime Hành Động Game Cực Hay - Duration: 1:27:49.


Marshmello - KeEp IT MeLLo (ft. Omar LinX) || FL Studio remake - Duration: 3:12.

Marshmello - KeEp IT MeLLo (ft. Omar LinX)

For more infomation >> Marshmello - KeEp IT MeLLo (ft. Omar LinX) || FL Studio remake - Duration: 3:12.


'할로윈' 앞두고 엄마한테 강제 가오나시 분장 당한(?) 아기의 현실 표정 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> '할로윈' 앞두고 엄마한테 강제 가오나시 분장 당한(?) 아기의 현실 표정 - Duration: 2:36.


Hyundai i30 1.6 GDi BLUE 135PK 5DEURS i-DRIVE COOL PLUS |AIRCO - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.6 GDi BLUE 135PK 5DEURS i-DRIVE COOL PLUS |AIRCO - Duration: 1:10.


Chainz Bond - Duration: 22:26.

For more infomation >> Chainz Bond - Duration: 22:26.


Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool NED AUTO NAP - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool NED AUTO NAP - Duration: 1:10.


Daewoo Matiz 0.8i SE 5-Deurs Stuurbekrachtiging Airbag CentraleVergr. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Daewoo Matiz 0.8i SE 5-Deurs Stuurbekrachtiging Airbag CentraleVergr. - Duration: 1:11.


181028 노기중 ep179 경찰 코스프레 니시노 나나세 자막(O) - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 181028 노기중 ep179 경찰 코스프레 니시노 나나세 자막(O) - Duration: 5:56.


Mãe de Duda Castro faz graves acusações contra Biel - Área VIP - Duration: 2:30.

 Após o conturbado relacionamento de um ano com o cantor Biel, atualmente a jovem Duda Castro conta com o apoio da sua mãe, para lidar com a vida, após o relacionamento com o rapaz

 Na tarde desta terça-feira (30), em entrevista a Gabriel Cartolano, no programa "Fofocalizando", a mãe de Duda acabou expondo detalhes do casamento da filha, até então, desconhecida da mídia

 Ela disse que Biel agredia a filha de forma intensa. Segundo a mulher, Duda sofreu violência doméstica, injúria, lesão corporal, perturbação da tranquilidade e ainda era incitada a se suicidar pelo artista

 Ela ainda disse que Biel estava no comando de uma legião de pessoas, que estavam contra a modelo, entre elas crianças de 9 anos que foram até as redes sociais para atacar Duda

Segundo a mulher, o episódio onde Duda jogou a garrafa no rosto de uma mulher em uma balada, foi articulado por Biel

 "Biel batia nela e não foi só uma vez. Incentivava ela ao suicídio, a Duda estava vivendo em cárcere privado", disparou a mulher

Preso a qualquer momento  Acusado de agressão, pela ex-mulher, o cantor Biel pode ser preso a qualquer momento

Ele está na mira da advogada de Duda Castro, o que determinará se ele será preso ou não, irá depender da investigação que acontecerá nos próximos dias

 "Se ele se recusar a receber a intimação da delegada, nós vamos ter que providenciar uma busca compulsória, uma oitiva, ou seja, a polícia vai ter que buscá-lo e trazer para prestar um depoimento", falou a advogada Maristela Basso, em entrevista ao programa "Tricotando", exibido pela RedeTV!…Saiba mais! Briga na rádio  Recentemente, o polêmico cantor foi o convidado do programa "Pânico na Rádio", transmitido pela Jovem Pan

Na atração, ele acabou discutindo ao vivo com a apresentadora Amanda Ramalho. Durante a discussão, ela relembrou a ficha criminal do rapaz, onde contém casos de assédio sexual e agressão…Leia mais! Confira também:

For more infomation >> Mãe de Duda Castro faz graves acusações contra Biel - Área VIP - Duration: 2:30.


Jorge Javier Vázquez da la cara por Ángel Garó tras su gran enfado en GH VIP - Duration: 6:38.

 Fuego y pirotecnia en la casa de GH VIP. Los ánimos se calientan y dan lugar a fuertes discusiones con un gran protagonista: Ángel Garó

El humorista lleva días siendo el blanco de todas las críticas por sus duras palabras hacia Miriam, pero principalmente hacia Asraf

Su comportamiento ha sido duramente criticado entre los seguidores del reality, llegando muchos a pedir su expulsión

 Sin embargo, a Ángel le ha salido un defensor inesperado: Jorge Javier Vázquez. El presentador se ha mojado a la hora de dar su opinión sobre los incidentes

No era fácil. La discusión protagonizada entre el artista y la peruana queda bastante diluida si la comparamos con las duras palabras que le profesa a Asraf: "chuleta de barrio", "Míster mierda" o "rape sin dientes", fueron algunos de los calificativos

A su vez, el que fuera Míster Universo tampoco se quedó corto: "viejo", "dientes amarillos", "acabado" o "friki"

 La constatación de que Ángel y Makoke se habían bebido la leche de Verdeliss vino a echar más leña al fuego

Miriam y Asraf aprovecharon la ocasión para volver a atacar a Garó. Es ahí onde entra el presentador

Jorge Javier dejó claro desde el primer momento que no está de acuerdo en las formas empleadas por el actor

De hecho, le regaña en pleno directo. No obstante, también le defiende: "es inaceptable que Asraf ataque a Ángel siempre por su físico"

Jorge Javier: "Cuando alguien esté fatal si nos podemos abstener de echar gasolina sería mucho mejor" #GHVIPLímite7 pic

twitter.com/tVOO6g22vh  — Gran Hermano (@ghoficial) October 30, 2018    En otro momento también vino a decir que le puede llegar a comprender, una vez que las provocaciones hacia él han sido constantes

Y en cuanto a la leche "robada" también fue tajante: "se ve perfectamente que tanto Makoke como Ángel lo hicieron sin darse cuenta

" El público abucheó, pero Jorge siguió con su alegato pro Ángel.  El presentador estrella de Telecinco se ha convertido en un sorprendente defensor del humorista gaditano

Eso no implica que no le haya dicho lo que no le ha parecido bien. Ángel fue llamado al confesionario donde pudo ver el vídeo de la discusión

Jorge Javier fue al grano: "¿te ha gustado verte? A mí no". Acto seguido añadió: "también es verdad que nos estás dando momentos maravillosos"

 Estas palabras, junto a los sabios consejos de Vázquez hicieron recapacitar al concursante que volvió al salón para dar un beso y pedir perdón a los compañeros con los que había discutido

Las disculpas fueron aceptadas. Ángel vuelve al salón y besa a Asraf, Miriam y Verdeliss #GHVIPLímite7 pic

twitter.com/ikJyO5qKNq  — Gran Hermano (@ghoficial) October 30, 2018    Miriam, primera salvada de la semana  Los nominados eran tres: Verdeliss, Miriam y El Koala

Como cada martes, uno de los concursantes es salvado por la audiencia. Pocos aventuraban lo que iba a ocurrir

Contra todo pronostico la primera salvada de la semana ha sido Miriam. La ex de Carlos Lozano tuvo una noche de lo más intensa

 A los enfrentamientos con Ángel, se le juntó el hecho de que este martes fuera Hugo Castejón el encargado de hacer el alegato a su favor

Si a esto le añadimos que además la concursante ha obtenido el menor porcentaje de los tres, pues su alegría fue infinita

El próximo jueves se sabrá cual de los nominados se queda en el programa:¿Verdeliss o El Koala? Esa es la cuestión

For more infomation >> Jorge Javier Vázquez da la cara por Ángel Garó tras su gran enfado en GH VIP - Duration: 6:38.


Gopi Enters First Time In Modi House | Saathiya Episode 8 | Giaa Manek Videos - Duration: 3:12.

Gopi And Raashi Entering Modi House

Gopi Is Scared To First Time Enter In Modi House

Gopi:- Raashi Ben Aap Hi Jaake Mil Kar Aayina

Please Raashi Ben

Raashi:- Gopi Agar Tum Yahan Tak Aake Unhe Nahi Milegi To Unhe Buralagega


Then Gopi And Raashi Enter To Modi House

Jai Shree Krishana

Jai Shree Krishna

Raashi:- Kya Hum Andar Aayen

Gopi FIrst Time Enters In Modi House

Raashi:- Gopi Come And Sit

Raashi:- Gopi Daro Mat And Ghar Dekho

Servent Tells Hetal About Gopi And Raashi

Hetal Welcomes Gopi And Raashi

Hetal Gets Happy To See Gopi

Servents Meet Gopi And Gives Blessings To Gopi

Raashi Gets Jealous

Raashi:- Aunty Gopi Ne Aapke Liye Sweet Banaya Hai

Hetal Asks Gopi And Rashi Leave Modi House Soon Before Kokila See Them

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