Monday, October 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 29 2018

Hello everyone, with today's tutorial

we start a new project, the Nativity crochet

it was a long time since I wanted to do my Nativity crochet

and this year I did it

I asked you if you would like this idea

and many of you have said yes, and so here are the tutorials

in today's tutorial we start with Maria

we make the body, which is composed of a single piece,

the dress and the head

and then we will do arms

the body we learn to do today

is the same that we will use for all the statutes

let's start with Jesus, Joseph and Mary

then, even following your requests,

we add all the other characters of the Nativity

so, write me a lot of messages under the video,

telling me which characters you're going to do first

these figurines are about 8-9cm tall

they are slightly taller than 4 fingers

I used a 2.5mm crochet hook

and I used this yarn, 50% wool, 50% acrylic

I used this, but we can use any yarn,

in the label of this yarn a 4 mm crochet is recommended

but, as we know, when we work an amigurumi

it is recommended to use a smaller crochet

or anyway, the right crochet for you,

to obtain a compact fabric

I used a 50% wool 50% acrylic yarn

and you saw what it is

but we can use whatever yarn we prefer

cotton, wool or acrylic

however I suggest you use a recommended yarn for 4 or 5mm crochet hooks

now stop the chatter and let's start the tutorial

to make the Nativity figurines we need:

the chosen yarn in different colors,

I used a recommended yarn for a 4mm crochet

a little stuffing for cushions, scissors

a 2.5mm crochet and a 3.5mm crochet hook

needle and thread, 2 beads for the eyes

and a thin yarn to embroider the mouth

let's start with the yarn of the primary color, of Maria's dress

let's make a magic ring

round 1: 6sc

and close the magic ring

we weave in a spiral, so I suggest you mark

the beginning of the round with a marker or a thread

round 2: 6inc (12)

round 3: (1sc 1inc)x6 (18)

round 4: (1inc 2sc)x6 (24)

round 5: 24sc in back loop only (BLO) (24)

round 6-15: 24sc (24)

woven some 24-stitch rounds

we leave work aside, and embroider the dress

we use the yarn of the secondary color

and we weave a round of sl st,

using the available thread, of the sc in BLO round

this is the thread we did not weave in the 5th round

we use these threads to weave a round of sl st

after the round, cut the thread and extract the crochet

using a woolen needle, we make the invisible closure

insert the needle in the entire chain of the 1st stitch

and let's go back, inserting the needle in the middle of the last stitch

let's pass the thread inside

in this way we create an additional chain and close the round

we also pass inside the initial thread

and knot it

and this is the result

now we embroider another decoration

2 rounds later

embroider a round of sl st as you show the images

when you weave st st,

do not tighten the stitches, otherwise the work will curl

before closing the round, we cut the thread

and make the invisible closure, as we have learned

we continue to weave the 24sc rounds up to the 15th round

round 16: (2sc 1dec)x6 (18)

we finish the round with 1dec

we close this stitch with the secondary color yarn

we weave the next round with the secondary color

round 17: (1sc 1dec)x6 (12)

we hide the yarn tails through 5 or 6 stitches

round 17: (1sc 1dec)x6 (12)

when the yarn tails are hidden, we cut the pink yarn

in the next round we start to weave the head

then, as before, we close the last stitch

of the round with the yarn of the new color

the skin color

round 18: (1sc 1inc)x6 (18)

and we hide the yarn tails, as before

and cut the blue yarn

finished the 18th round we fill the body with cotton wool

fill well, so that the body has the right shape,

but not too much, the bottom must remain flat,

so the figurine can stand up

round 19: (2sc 1inc)x6 (24)

round 20: (5sc 1inc)x4 (28)

round 21-23: 28sc (28)

round 24: (5sc 1dec)x4 (24)

round 25: (2sc 1dec)x6 (18)

round 26: (1sc 1dec)x6 (12)

finished the round, cut the thread, take out the crochet,

remove the marker

and fill the head with cotton wool

when you are satisfied with the result

with a woolen needle and the tail of yarn,

we close the hole

insert the needle, on the outside thread of all the chains

of the last round of stitches

we pull the thread to close

let's make a knot

we hide the knot

and we hide the thread through the head

the body is ready

we will use the same pattern, with different colors, to make the body of all the characters of the Nativity

Arms: with the color of the skin

in a magic ring, in the 1st round we weave 6sc

round 2-3: 6sc

when we work laps without increases

work tends to curl upwards

remember that this is the reverse side of the work, the straight side is inside

and then gradually, we turn the work on the straight side


in the 4th round we weave with the primary color of the dress

then we close the last stitch of the 3rd round with the new color

round 4: (1sc 1inc)x3 (9)

and when we have hidden the yarn tails, we cut the skin color

we use the yarn tails to stuff the hand

round 5: (2sc 1inc)x3 (12)

round 6-7: 12sc (12)

after the 7th lap we leave the work in suspension

and we make the sleeve decoration

with the secondary color, we weave 1 round of sl st,

as for the dress

between the 1st and 2nd rounds of the sleeve

follow the pictures, explain more than words

at the end of the round, work in such a way as to camouflage the spiral processing step

we close the round with the invisible closure,

as we have learned

we knot and hide the threads

let's start weaving again

round 8: (1sc 1dec)x4 (8)

round 9: 8sc (8)

finished the tour we weave 1sl st

to flatten the spiral processing step

ch 1 a cut a long yarn

the arm is ready, no need to stuff it

we weave another arm following the same pattern

only difference is the embroidery

we embroider the sleeve turning the piece upside down

put the piece with the hand upwards

in this way the embroidery of the 2 sleeves will be mirrored

for today I'll finish the tutorial here

in the next tutorial we learn how to make the veil,

hair and assemble everything

in the meantime I wait for your messages under the video

let me know if you want to do other characters besides Mary Joseph and Jesus

and, if so, what others do you want to do

as always, I thank you for choosing to see this tutorial

I'll wait for you in the next one

I send you a big hug and a kiss


For more infomation >> Nativity Crochet Tutorial - Virgin Mary ( 1st part ) - Duration: 19:19.


Nueva caravana de migrantes sale de El Salvador rumbo a Estados Unidos - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Nueva caravana de migrantes sale de El Salvador rumbo a Estados Unidos - Duration: 2:05.


Enfrentamientos entre migrantes y policías dejan al menos un muerto en la frontera México-Guatemala - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Enfrentamientos entre migrantes y policías dejan al menos un muerto en la frontera México-Guatemala - Duration: 2:26.


Un avión de pasajeros se estrella en el mar minutos después de despegar de aeropuerto en Indonesia - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Un avión de pasajeros se estrella en el mar minutos después de despegar de aeropuerto en Indonesia - Duration: 0:31.


"Todos somos Silvio Báez": nicaragüenses se concentran en Managua para respaldar al obispo auxiliar - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> "Todos somos Silvio Báez": nicaragüenses se concentran en Managua para respaldar al obispo auxiliar - Duration: 2:04.


Así fue la primera aparición pública de Jair Bolsonaro como presidente electo de Brasil - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Así fue la primera aparición pública de Jair Bolsonaro como presidente electo de Brasil - Duration: 2:14.


Allama Shehnshah Naqvi || Jang-e-Safeen Main Moavia Ke Lashkar ke sath Honey Wala Ajeeb Waqia || - Duration: 2:50.

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For more infomation >> Allama Shehnshah Naqvi || Jang-e-Safeen Main Moavia Ke Lashkar ke sath Honey Wala Ajeeb Waqia || - Duration: 2:50.


実車 DS3クロスバック 電気自動車のEテンス登場 パリ・モーターショー - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 実車 DS3クロスバック 電気自動車のEテンス登場 パリ・モーターショー - Duration: 2:07.


How to Change Rates for Specific Days for Non Pooled Rates on e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 1:29.

Click Admin.

Click Room Rates on the left.

Click the Rates List button.

Let us use the Promo Daily 1 Std rate.

You will see on the Pooled Rates section that this rate is not pooled.

Click the Pricing tab.

Choose a period to show the rate details.

Click the Rate tab.

Then click the Close Out button.

Let us choose the rate October 26 to 31.

Choose the room type.

Let us change the rates to 800 for 2 nights on October 26 and 27.

Click the Save button.

Then click OK on the "Save Allocations?" window.

Click the Back button.

Let us check the rates online.

Let us take a look at October 27, 1 night.

Click the Check Availability button.

You will see that the Promo Daily 1 Std rate is 800.

Click the Back button.

Let us check the rate on October 29, 1 night.

Click Check Availability.

You will see that the rate is different for Promo Daily 1 Std.

Let us go back to OTA Hotel, click the Pricing tab.

If we check Period 2 you will see that it has the same rate online, 950.

Click the Rate tab. Then click the Close Out button.

Let us choose October 26 to 31. Then choose the room type.

Click the Reset to Rate Values button.

Press OK on the window "Press to confirm and update to OTA if applicable".

You will see that the rates for October 26 and 27 have been reset.

Click the Save button. Then click OK on the "Save Allocations?" window.

Click the Back button.

Let us go online and check the rate on October 26, 1 night.

Click Check Availability.

You will find that the rate for October 26 is now 980.

Click the Back button.

Let us check October 27, 1 night.

Click Check Availability.

You will find that the rate is also 980.

Let us check October 29, 1 night.

You will find that the rate is 950.

For more infomation >> How to Change Rates for Specific Days for Non Pooled Rates on e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 1:29.


Maltempo: Italia flagellata dalla pioggia e venti di burrasca - Duration: 5:34.

 In queste ore l'Italia è alle prese con il maltempo: nubifragi e venti di burrasca stanno già flagellando numerose regioni del Belpaese, senza risparmiarne nessuna

 Confermando quanto riportato dai modelli matematici, sulla nostra nazione è arrivata una straordinaria perturbazione atlantica [VIDEO], preceduta da intense correnti di vento di scirocco

Le immagini fornite dal satellite sono davvero allarmanti, perché si parla di alluvioni

Nelle prossime ore le piogge arriveranno in forma anche violenta su: Campania, Calabria e Sicilia

I rovesci piuttosto abbondanti cadranno sulla Liguria, sul Piemonte, su tutte le Alpi e sul Triveneto

Per quanto riguarda le precipitazioni nevose, la neve cadrà soltanto al di sopra dei 1600/2000m

 A seguito delle forti piogge sarà possibile avere delle criticità idrogeologiche in molte zone dell'Italia: dal Piemonte alla Lombardia

Dal Trentino meridionale al bellunese, il vicentino e del Friuli. La situazione non sarà migliore su Toscana e Lazio: in particolare su Roma e la sua costa

Allerta rossa in Veneto e FVG: scuole chiuse  A seguito dell'eccezionale ondata di maltempo, in molti comuni compresi tra il Veneto ed il Friuli Venezia Giulia è stata disposta la chiusura delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado

Tale decisione è stata presa dopo la diffusione del bollettino meteorologico da parte della Protezione Civile, che indica uno stato di allerta rossa ovvero la massima

Nelle scorse ore proprio a Cortina in località Fiames,la strada 51 è stata chiusa per circa mezz'ora per permettere ai Vigili del Fuoco di riportare la situazione alla normalità

  Frana nel Crotonese: 4 morti  I disagi del maltempo non stanno risparmiando davvero nessuna regione

Nel Crotonese va segnalata una frana [VIDEO], che ha causato 4 morti. Tre operai ed un imprenditore sono stati travolti durante alcuni lavori di riparazione

La Protezione Civile ha informato che la tragedia è avvenuta per via di un incauto sbancamento del terreno

Allerta arancione sul Lazio  Sul Lazio è stata diramata un'allerta di colore arancione

Il picco delle piogge, dovrebbero interessare il Lazio e la sua Costa proprio nella giornata di lunedì

La Regione ha provveduto a richiamare l'attenzione dei sindaci per attivare i piani di emergenza

Al momento non si parla di scuole chiuse, ma la situazione verrà monitorata nel corso delle prossime ore

Circa cento squadre di soccorso, sono già pronte per intervenire, qualora fosse necessario

Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo

For more infomation >> Maltempo: Italia flagellata dalla pioggia e venti di burrasca - Duration: 5:34.


Hoe werkt het internet? | Het Klokhuis van Vroeger - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Hoe werkt het internet? | Het Klokhuis van Vroeger - Duration: 4:36.


Ladrão leva tiro na perna após tentar assaltar farmácia no DF - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ladrão leva tiro na perna após tentar assaltar farmácia no DF - Duration: 0:57.


A Fazenda: "Vou sair daqui sem família", diz Gabi sobre ficar com João - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: "Vou sair daqui sem família", diz Gabi sobre ficar com João - Duration: 1:50.


Criança que levou choque em bebedouro de prédio segue internada - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Criança que levou choque em bebedouro de prédio segue internada - Duration: 3:00.


Интерьер в стиле лофт ✔️ - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Интерьер в стиле лофт ✔️ - Duration: 4:01.


La ministra in un post su Facebook risponde al sindaco di Melendugno: "Usa maniere da teppistello". - Duration: 9:02.

"Le maniere da teppistello con le quali il sindaco di Melendugno mi intima di non tornare lì non mi fanno paura perché non ho niente da temere"

Lo dice il ministro per il Sud, Barbara Lezzi su Facebook, dopo le proteste dei no Tap

Riferendosi al sindaco di Melendugno Marco Topì, Lezzi ha detto: "Non può dirmi dove andare, a casa mia ci torno quando e come voglio, perché non ho nulla di cui vergognarmi e vado a testa alta"

Dopo le accuse di tradimento degli attivisti No Tap, le tessere elettorali e le bandiere M5s bruciate, la ministra del Sud, che storicamente si era battuta contro la Tap, risponde a muso duro ai movimenti

"Il fuoco non è mai la soluzione, il fuoco e le minacce non sono mai le risposte a niente", ha commentato in serata Salvini

Scende in campo anche il premier Giuseppe Conte in una lettera aperta ai cittadini di Melendugno

Scrive: "Chi sostiene che lo Stato italiano non sopporterebbe alcun costo o costi modesti non dimostra di possedere le più elementari cognizioni giuridiche

Se il governo italiano decidesse adesso, in via arbitraria e unilaterale, di venire meno agli impegni sin qui assunti anche in base a provvedimenti legislativi e regolamentari, rimarrebbe senz'altro esposto alle pretese risarcitorie dei vari soggetti coinvolti nella realizzazione dell'opera e che hanno fatto affidamento su di essa"

"Ho detto l'altro giorno che adesso è arrivato il momento di "metterci la faccia" e lo sto facendo io personalmente, a nome del governo

Mi dispiace, peraltro, che i parlamentari pugliesi siano stati criticati e contestati

Sono reazioni che mi sembrano a dir poco ingenerose. Sono stato personalmente testimone dell'appassionato e infaticabile impegno che hanno profuso, in tutti questi mesi, al fine di mantenere la parola assunta con i propri elettori

Se "colpa" deve essere, attribuitela a me". Secondo Conte "le variabili per poter quantificare l'esatto ammontare dei danni sono molteplici e alcuni dati essenziali sono nella esclusiva sfera di controllo delle società coinvolte nel progetto

E' certo però che, interrompendo il progetto Tap, lo Stato italiano verrebbe coinvolto in un contenzioso lungo e perdente, i cui costi potrebbero aggirarsi, in base a una stima prudenziale, in uno spettro compreso tra i 20 e i 35 miliardi di euro"

"Caro Giuseppe Conte se sostieni che esistano carte nascoste e penali dimostralo

Se invece parli dei costi di un risarcimento erano ben conosciuti da tutti. In primo luogo da quelli che hanno detto che avrebbero chiuso il Tap in due settimane

Fai la persona seria". Così, in un tweet, l'ex ministro dello sviluppo Carlo Calenda risponde al premier Conte

  Dice Lezzi, la cui foto è stata bruciata oggi da alcuni attivisti: "Il Movimento 5 Stelle non ha dato nessuna autorizzazione a Tap, noi ci ritroviamo ora nella condizione di non poter fermare una procedura già chiusa: avviata, svolta e conclusa dal governo precedente"

  A chi gli rimprovera che sapeva tutto sul trattato internazionale dal 2013 Lezzi replica "Certo, l'ho sempre detto e abbiamo cercato l'aiuto di tutti i partiti politici per bloccare quella follia  nel 2013

Abbiamo chiesto l'aiuto di chi oggi si straccia le vesti dicendo che lì il gasdotto non andava fatto" ma "quando era approdato al voto del Parlamento quel trattato, sono stati tutti zitti

Tranne noi che abbiamo detto di no". LO SPECIALE OPERE BLOCCATE DAI 5S Il percorso di Tap, ha ricordato la ministra, "parte molte anni fa e man mano le condizioni cambiano, ma a febbraio 2018 a Melendugno dico durante la campagna elettorale che sarebbe stato difficile fermare Tap perché erano passati ormai anni dalla ratifica del trattato ed erano subentrati dei contratti di acquisto e di vendita del gas che ci sottopongono a costi esorbitanti

Nel trattato si parlava già dell'approdo proprio a San Foca. Perché lì? Non lo sappiamo, c'erano interessi che non conosciamo di Vittorio Potì, zio dell'attuale sindaco che insite che vuole proprio lì l'approdo di Tap", ha aggiunto

"Il Partito Democratico ha messo le mani ovunque e ora parlano. Parla Emiliano che dice di sentirsi tradito

Tradito da cosa e da chi? Tradito dal tuo partito che ha voluto lì quell'approdo e tu ancora sventoli la bandiera del Pd

Dimettiti, in piena contestazione con il tuo partito quel gasdotto e lo ha voluto lì a San Foca", ha aggiunto il ministro

Durante e prima della campagna elettorale sono stata contestata dai NoTap con i quali non ho mai avuto un buon rapporto

Non hanno mai calcato i nostri palchi né condiviso la battaglia con noi e questo è legittimo ma allora sono gli ultimi a poter chiedere le mie dimissioni

Non rispondo di certo a un Gianluca Maggiore", concluso Lezzi riferendosi al portavoce dei No Tap

La Lezzi era stata in prima fila contro la Tap. Il 27 dicembre 2013 gli esponenti del governo, il sottosegretario allo Sviluppo economico Claudio De Vincenti, e l'assessore regionale alla Trasparenza Guglielmo Minervini vennero pesantemente contestati dai comitati

Anche la ministra era in sala e accusò il governatore Nichi Vendola "di fare solo poesia", dal momento che la questione dell'apporodo del gasdotto è materia di comptenenza della Regione

Dall'opposizione Lezzi tuonava: "Il governo - disse il 30 agosto 2014 - prosegue con le sue campagna di menzogne, intorno  al gasdotto e mira ad asservire i cittadini con promesse di sviluppo, occupazione e risparmi in bolletta

La Tap non porterà nuova occupazione".  Il 31 marzo 2017 Lezzi e Di Battista marciarono in corteo, spiegando che l'M5s "è da sempre in prima linea in questa battaglia per difendere il meraviglioso territorio pugliese"

I Cinquestellero fecero il pieno dei voti in Puglia anche dietro la promessa di non realizzarla mai

"E' un'opera inutile e dannosa", disse da neoministra, a giugno, Barbara Lezzi. Poi i mesi sono passati e alla fine il governo ha confermato che l'opera si farà, facendo esplodere un pezzo di base Cinquestelle


For more infomation >> La ministra in un post su Facebook risponde al sindaco di Melendugno: "Usa maniere da teppistello". - Duration: 9:02.


Spoiler L'Allieva 2, terza puntata: Alice dirà la verità su Einardi a Claudio - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Spoiler L'Allieva 2, terza puntata: Alice dirà la verità su Einardi a Claudio - Duration: 8:47.


Cartoon - My Grandson Brought Back My Youth! | AmoMama - Duration: 2:01.

A true discovery! I found out who that very special person was only then I watched it until the end A new man has come into my life and made it better!

My life has significantly changed after 50 years!

Several years ago, a special person came into my life...

And filled it with sense, excitement, and sensations.

He will be here soon...

Meanwhile, let me tell you how he changed me:

I discovered I had some smooth dance moves...

And that I was a talented pastry chef...

And haв a talented stylist hidden away within me...

I rediscovered art

And started to attend a cultural event again

I became a true fan of healthy nutrition!

I realized I have a knack for modern gadgets

And learned to "hang loose" anв simple enjoy myself!

We are going to the theatre today... Here he is!

My handsome grandson brought back my youth!

For more infomation >> Cartoon - My Grandson Brought Back My Youth! | AmoMama - Duration: 2:01.


What is Qigong? - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> What is Qigong? - Duration: 2:18.


Mangio tutti i vegan burger - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Mangio tutti i vegan burger - Duration: 5:47.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


外媒曝李咏葬礼将在纽约举行,亲友和观众哀悼声一片 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 外媒曝李咏葬礼将在纽约举行,亲友和观众哀悼声一片 - Duration: 4:04.


Leicester helicopter crash: Kasper Schmeichel pens heartfelt tribute to dead Foxes owner - Duration: 5:21.

 A tragic incident in the aftermath of the Foxes' Premier League draw with West Ham United saw the Thai businessman's helicopter crash outside of the King Power Stadium

 All five of the onboard crew - including Srivaddhanaprabha, Nursara Suknamai and Kaveporn Punpare, pilot Eric Swaffer and co-pilot Izabela Roza Lechowicz - lost their lives in the crash according to Leicestershire Police

 Tributes have poured in from across the footballing world with none more heartfelt than Schmeichel's, with the keeper thought to have established a strong bond with the 61-year-old

 It has even been claimed by the Daily Mirror that Schmeichel was in tears at the scene and that the distraught Dane did not leave the stadium until around 1

30am - with the match having finished over six hours earlier. Schmeichel had been at Leicester for seven of the eight years that Srivaddhanapraba owned the club - including for their miraculous title win of 2015-16

 And taking to Twitter, the player paid a touching tribute to Srivaddhanapraba for helping him to realise his dreams at Leicester

 He said: "Dear Mr Chairman, I cannot believe this is happening. "I am so totally devastated and heartbroken

I just cannot believe what I saw last night. It just doesn't seem real. "It is difficult to put into words how much you have meant to this football club and to the city of Leicester

We all know about the investment in the football club you and your family have made

But this is about so much more.  "You cared so deeply for not just the club but for the entire community

Your endless contribution to Leicester's hospitals and charities will never be forgotten

You went above and beyond in every aspect. "Never have I ever come across a man like you

So hard working, so dedicated, so passionate, so kind and so generous in the extreme

You had time for everyone. You touched everyone. It didn't matter who it was, you had time for them

I always admired you as a leader, as a father and as a man. "You changed football

Forever! You gave hope to everyone that the impossible was possible, not just to our fans, but to fans all over the world in any sport! Not many people have done that

 "When you signed me back in 2011 you said to me we would be in the Champions League within six years and we would do great things

You inspired me and I believed in you. You made me feel like nothing was impossible

  "Without and your family, all this, everything we did together, everything we achieved would never have happened

You gave me experiences that only happen in fantasy. "You literally made my dreams come true

" Among the other Leicester players to pay tribute to Srivaddhanaprabha included Ben Chilwell, who wrote: "I can't believe it

I am heartbroken to hear that no-one survived the crash yesterday. "Vichai was one of the best people you could wish to meet, making you happy made him happy, he was always smiling and laughing

 "What he did for not just this football club but for Leicester as a city is incredible! He has brought us all together, so now we must stay together as a city and achieve what he knew we could

" The Mirror also claim that Schmeichel and Claude Puel's Leicester squad will be offered counselling to help deal with the horrors of Saturday night - which has left not just the club but the city and the entire footballing world in mourning

 Thousands of shirts, scarves and bouquets of flowers have been left outside the King Power to commemorate the dead

 Leicester have postponed their Carabao Cup clash with Southampton, which was due to take place tomorrow night, after talks with the English Football League

For more infomation >> Leicester helicopter crash: Kasper Schmeichel pens heartfelt tribute to dead Foxes owner - Duration: 5:21.


Abarth 500 1.4 T-Jet Squadra getuned - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Abarth 500 1.4 T-Jet Squadra getuned - Duration: 1:11.


Icky Sticky Bubblegum | Momo Beats Cartoons | Videos For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:38.

Icky Sticky Bubblegum : Momo Beats

For more infomation >> Icky Sticky Bubblegum | Momo Beats Cartoons | Videos For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:38.


Wheels On The Bus | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:30.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The children on the bus will seat and talk

Seat and talk.. Seat and talk..

The children on the bus will seat and talk

All the way to school

The driver on the bus will drive safely

Drive safely Drive safely

The driver on the bus will drive safely

All the way to the school

The sign on the bus mean stop right there

Stop right there Stop right there

The sign on the bus mean stop right there

When we drive around

The light on the bus go blink blink blink

Blink blink blink Blink blink blink

The light on the bus go blink blink blink

When we get to school

The door on the bus will open for us

Open for us Open for us

The door on the bus will open for us

When we get to school

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, Round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

All through the town.

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:30.


Icky Sticky Bubblegum | Momo Beats Video | Song For Kids by Usp Cartoons - Duration: 1:38.

Icky Sticky Bubblegum : Momo Beats

For more infomation >> Icky Sticky Bubblegum | Momo Beats Video | Song For Kids by Usp Cartoons - Duration: 1:38.


★RUN! - HORROR GAME★ Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> ★RUN! - HORROR GAME★ Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 14:48.


Slinky Brand Colorblock Tunic with Skinny Pant Set - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> Slinky Brand Colorblock Tunic with Skinny Pant Set - Duration: 11:17.


Tick Tock | Momo Beats | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoon Song For Kids - Duration: 1:29.

Tick Tock Momo Beats

For more infomation >> Tick Tock | Momo Beats | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoon Song For Kids - Duration: 1:29.


Do you wanna ride? - Be More Chill Animatic - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Do you wanna ride? - Be More Chill Animatic - Duration: 2:20.


How to Start a Bible Study - Duration: 5:50.

Hey guys and welcome back to my channel. I wanted to share with you something

that I've ever recently created in my life it is something that has been on my

heart to create with a small group of people a part of the church that I go to

so I have started a prayer group I've started a Bible group a prayer group

it does look out there anywhere we have hot discussions about God and we it's

pretty much a platform where we can give words knowledge words of prophecy to one

another so I'm super excited about this idea I'm super excited about this

opportunity where I can just be myself I can't be a believer of Christ and I can

feel encouraged to be led by the Holy Spirit and be led by God himself and

in a closed private environment away from the church where you know

sometimes you might not have the opportunity to to speak and to be God's

vessel you know people coming and people going and there's there's always so much

to do at church so so I feel like this is such a great space for for me and I

just wanted to like to just talk to you about some other things that that

happens or some of the things that we speak about so I am really for

intentionality I really for just encouraging a small group of people to

get together fortnightly to talk about anything from the Bible that we don't

understand anything from your day to day fellowship in communication with God the

things that you'd be tackling we're things that you're uncertain about I

love the ability to be vulnerable and create discipleship to create true

modern a day discipleship you know back in the olden'

days I would say how was the Apostles friendship how were the Apostle

friendships and when I think about friendships nowadays like Christian

friendships that believe in God you know it could be really hard to to

differentiate between I guess not insincere but like maybe like un-

authentic relationship where you're saying you're good yeah you'll find

you've had a great week but have you really had a great week

are you struggling with something do you want to talk about something can I pray

with you about something so this is such a perfect floor to do that and so I'll

be sharing more videos about the specifics of how to create a group and

what does God envision for groups what is called a vision before above a group

in modern day Society another thing I love about getting together for for a

prayer and I think I love about getting together with like-minded people is that

they have to be like minded they have to have the same passion and drive as yourself

they want to be able to get closer to God they want to be able to

where they want to be able to they have a desire and a hugger to to hear from

him and to speak to them and to have his presence known and felt in your life so

I think that if you can be in a group like that if you can maybe get involved

at your church or get involved in the congregation that you attend I highly

encourage your heart to be led by God as to where he sees you and as to what area

that he calls you to be in for that season

you know I truly believe that different seasons call for different aspects of us

I believe that different seasons require us to rest different seasons require us

stand up different seasons require more of us at a greater capacity of our

hearts and I think that number one and I think it's very important to ask god

ask the Lord what do you want from me in the season what are you calling me to

do in this season what are you calling me to start or create or establish what is my heart

drawn to right now what do you what are you prompting me to lead towards what sort

sorts of people are you wanting me to hang around what sort of environment are you

calling me to spend more time in so I think these sorts of questions we need

to ask ourselves more rather than wasting our time or sitting in silence

we've got expecting him to talk to us when we're not saying anything to him

we're not speaking to him we're not

speaking to him like he could actually respond to us so I encourage you to stay

true to your calling stay true to the position and that is your season to

actually know what season you're in I think that is pivotal to any person's

faith and any person's relationship with God is to know what season you're in or

where he's calling you to be what he's calling you to do I can't emphasize that

enough I can't emphasize that enough so so I encourage you to comment below as

to what groups God is guiding you to what groups God is guiding you to create

or to be a part of what vision and dream has he planted in you for this season I

leave you with that thought and if you liked the video feel free to subscribe

to hear and to watch more videos like this bye for now

For more infomation >> How to Start a Bible Study - Duration: 5:50.


Cartoon - My Grandson Brought Back My Youth! | AmoMama - Duration: 2:01.

A true discovery! I found out who that very special person was only then I watched it until the end A new man has come into my life and made it better!

My life has significantly changed after 50 years!

Several years ago, a special person came into my life...

And filled it with sense, excitement, and sensations.

He will be here soon...

Meanwhile, let me tell you how he changed me:

I discovered I had some smooth dance moves...

And that I was a talented pastry chef...

And haв a talented stylist hidden away within me...

I rediscovered art

And started to attend a cultural event again

I became a true fan of healthy nutrition!

I realized I have a knack for modern gadgets

And learned to "hang loose" anв simple enjoy myself!

We are going to the theatre today... Here he is!

My handsome grandson brought back my youth!

For more infomation >> Cartoon - My Grandson Brought Back My Youth! | AmoMama - Duration: 2:01.


SIMULACRA: Pipe Dreams - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 4:10.

SIMULACRA: Pipe Dreams - New Best Android iOS Game HQ

For more infomation >> SIMULACRA: Pipe Dreams - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 4:10.


Making cloaks and capes for action figures - Duration: 10:57.

Today we gonna make a cloak for myself...

quick and easy way

We just gona need to pieces of cloth

one for the actual cloak and one for a scarf

also some wire




first check that the piece of cloth have the proper length

also leave extra space on the sides to sew the pockets for the wire pieces

for the bigger piece cut two pieces of wire

now let cut a hole for the head

cut one piece of wire for the scarf

now fold part of the cloth over the wire so we can make a pocket for it

the sew from one side to the other, very close to the wire

now lets add some cuts and tearings

lets make a cut for the sword

make a mark with an exacto knife then cut away from the figure (just to avoid damage)

now lets hunt some decepticons

For more infomation >> Making cloaks and capes for action figures - Duration: 10:57.


Superheroes Toys Dragon Ball Toy vs Toy Avenger Fight Thanos Spiderman Goku,Venom,Vegeta And Minions - Duration: 11:47.

Oh No

what's up

Oh No

I'm gonna take you down

help help help I'm coming what are we waiting for let's do this

don't worry

I'm gonna take you down

don't feel bad when I beat you


to cover come over here

don't feel bad when I beat you


don't feel bad when I beat you don't worry

don't feel bad when I beat you

you don't want to do that don't worry

For more infomation >> Superheroes Toys Dragon Ball Toy vs Toy Avenger Fight Thanos Spiderman Goku,Venom,Vegeta And Minions - Duration: 11:47.


Why won't my baby nap at all? - Duration: 8:30.

Hi, I'm Nicky from Little Ones.

And today I'm going to answer the question,

why won't my baby nap at all.

So, napping is really, really important

for babies and toddlers.

And age dependent, there are a whole bunch of reasons

why your baby isn't napping.

So, for babies between the ages of sort of

zero to three months, they really should

be having quite a lot of nap hours during the day.

By the end of that stage that might be consolidated

into three fairly consistent naps.

Around six months old babies start

to drop down to just two naps a day.

Then somewhere between 12 to 15 months

they drop the second nap and they're left

with just one nap a day.

And we would really expect to see toddlers

keep that consistent nap until they're

about 2 and a half to three years old at least.

So, napping is really, really important.

It's important because it reduces cortisol levels

in your baby or toddler,

which means they're not getting overtired.

Because overtiredness is a key reason that your

baby won't nap.

If they're overtired they've got cortisol,

which is like adrenaline coursing through their body.

It makes them feel more alert,

but they'll be agitated.

It's like having a shot of coffee.

So they're really, really wired.

And they're gonna find it quite hard to unwind,

and switch off, and fall asleep.

So, overtiredness is a reason,

could be a reason that your baby isn't napping.

Equally, undertiredness could be a reason

that your baby isn't napping.

And this would be if they're awake windows were too short

for their age.

So, if you were trying to put your three month old

baby down for a nap 45 minutes to an hour

after they last woke up from their nap,

they're just not tired enough to settle to sleep

because they haven't been awake for long enough.

So that could be a reason that your baby's

not napping either is

because their awake windows aren't right

for their age.

And that will cause undertiredness,

but it can also cause overtiredness.

So making sure that their awake windows are age appropriate

is the first crucial step to getting good naps happening.

The other reason your baby might not be napping that well

is that their sleep environment,

or the environment in which you're putting them

down for a nap isn't sleep inducing.

So it's not conducive to sleep.

And certainly this becomes more of an issue

once your baby's over about eight weeks old

because they're a lot more aware.

They're starting to become more alert and notice

the world around them.

If you're still trying to put your baby

down in their bassinet in the lounge,

or in a bright stimulating room,

suddenly it's not working anymore like it did

when they were two weeks old.

Because they can see, they're not getting influenced

by melatonin, which is caused by the dark.

So the light is stimulating them and telling them

to stay awake.

So we would recommend sleeping your baby for their naps

in a nice dark room, using white noise,

which will help soothe them, and also help

block out any environmental sounds that might

stimulate or wake your baby.

And then, of course, age appropriate,

using a swaddle for your baby as well.

Because while they still have the Moro Reflex

and very wild uncontrolled limbs,

they can resist going to sleep because their arms

are flapping around all over the place.

So, under four or five months we will definitely

recommend swaddling your baby for naps,

as well as for night-time sleep.

The sleep environment plays a big part in whether

your baby is napping or not, and for how long their napping,

the quality of their naps.

Another factor in their napping,

especially for younger babies, and I'm talking about

going to sleep in the first place, is hunger.

Certainly babies that haven't started solids

can definitely resist going to sleep

if they're still genuinely hungry.

So, if you can sort of rule out everything else,

and your baby is still not settling to sleep,

then try and feed them again.

Give them a top up feed,

because it might just be that they are hungry.

Which leads me to my next point about why

babies don't nap.

And I think there's a bit of,

well, what's happened these days is we're

very used to being told it's normal

when we're encountering issues or sleep issues

with our babies.

So, you know, you say to someone,

"oh my baby's not napping.

And they say, oh that's normal.

You know, some babies nap, some babies don't,

all babies are different."

But, actually, like I said, babies need naps.

We're so used to hearing it's normal

that we stop thinking maybe this isn't normal.

And we stop listening to our instincts a bit.

And we stop looking at other reasons for

a baby being really unsettled or not napping.

And you know, not always, but sometimes

some of those reasons are things like they have a

tongue tie, or a cheek, or a lip tie.

They are actually not feeding effectively,

so they are hungry.

Tongue ties can cause babies to take in a lot more

wind when they're feeding.

So, even if they are feeding,

or seem to be feeding okay, you know

maybe they have a whole lot of trapped wind

and it's making them really uncomfortable,

and they're not napping because they're uncomfortable.

Or, maybe a baby has reflux,

and they aren't going to sleep for their naps

because they're in pain from the acid

coming up their windpipe.

So, these are other obviously less common,

but also other reasons that a baby won't nap,

or won't fall asleep for a nap in the first place.

Like I said, I think we're so used to being told

that it's normal that babies don't nap

that we don't think about these as options.

And certainly those would be the last things

that you'd look at once you'd ruled out all the

other stuff I've mentioned.

If your baby is perhaps napping all right in

say, the earlier part in the day,

and they're not napping at all in the later part

of the day, especially if they're around six to eight months

then it could be that they need to drop that

late afternoon nap, and that they've already

actually had too much sleep that day.

And they're genuinely just not needing that last nap.

And so they're resisting that nap as a result.

And that is common during that nap transition

from three naps down to two.

And it can also happen to a toddler

when they're transitioning from two naps

down to one.

So, those are the main reasons that your baby isn't

napping at all.

And the first place that we can start and help you

work out what's going on for your little one

is through our Sleep Programs,

which give you the perfect awake times for your

baby's age, and the ideal nap structure

to be aiming for.

So we can then from there rule out those factors

and help you trouble shoot what else

might be going on.

I hope that's helped those of you who are having

trouble with getting your baby to nap.

Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel

for more baby sleep videos.

For more infomation >> Why won't my baby nap at all? - Duration: 8:30.


李咏生前抗癌暴瘦照曝光,曾被网友误会成吸毒 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 李咏生前抗癌暴瘦照曝光,曾被网友误会成吸毒 - Duration: 4:32.


Big Bro's Chanelle and Ziggy reunited on Loose Women as he confesses: 'I still love her' - Duration: 3:40.

Big Bro's Chanelle and Ziggy reunited on Loose Women as he confesses: 'I still love her'

Loose Women's Andrea McLean, Stacey Solomon, Janet Street-Porter and Saira Khan reunited Big Brother legends Ziggy Lichman and Chanelle Hayes on the show today.

The Loose Women cast members were thrilled to see the pair back together a whopping eleven years after their romance played out on Big Brother.

The pair have seen each other a few times since they left the Big Brother house, as Chanelle admitted: "The first time was #awkward.

Since then it has plateaued out and we have our own lives." But as Chanelle and Ziggy discussed their former romance, fans took to social media to comment on how different the pair looked to when they were on the reality show.

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Ditching her blonde crop, Chanelle sported long brunette locks, while Ziggy had hidden his iconic blonde hair under a cap.

Fans rushed to social media to comment on how different the former couple looked, as one posted: "Wow! Chantelle has CHANGED! Ziggy just looks more mature." Another added: "Ziggy has aged very well since being in the house.".

A third chipped in: "Ziggy is wearing a hat .

I think we can guess why." A fourth wrote: "Chanelle looks sooooo different now." Ziggy told the Loose Women about their relationship: "I don't think we knew whether we were on or off, we genuinely cared for each other, I have no doubt we were in love, but we had people in our ear.".

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When asked if he ghosted her, Chanelle jumped in: "Oh, it was completely ghosting! There was loads behind the scenes." While they admitted some of their recent reunions have been awkward, they revealed they are certainly amicable now.

Ziggy revealed: "I still love her to bits." Loose Women continues tomorrow at 12.30pm on ITV.

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