Monday, October 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 29 2018

(upbeat music)

Are these your lawyers you have with you?

Who are they? (laughter)

My kids. Oh.

You gonna take your hands out of your pockets?

Sorry. Are you cold?

No, just a little nervous. Don't be nervous.

There's no need for you to be nervous.

All right, get her over there where she belongs.

Now, what is her name? Valerie.

Valerie? Hi, Valerie.

And what's this guy's name? Cadence.

You can call him Cay-cay. You're gonna wave to me?

You're gonna wave? (whispering) Cay-Cay.

He don't care about that. He's talking--

All right. You have a parking ticket.

It was on a Chevrolet.

You drive a Chevrolet, don't you?

Most likely, that was my kids' father driving.

How many children do you have?

Three. I see.

I came here to ask for more time to pay it.

Just relax. (whispering) Cadence.

You also have another ticket that goes back to--

it's five years ago, on Dorrance Street,

which was a $100 ticket.

No, my kids' father. All right, that was his--


I didn't know about anything until

she told me when I came here today.

And then you have a third one that goes back

six years ago, on Broadway.

Was that the same situation? Yes.

That ticket was parking 25 feet to a corner.

It was a $30 ticket. It tripled to 90.

(under breath) Wow.

The other ticket was a $100 ticket.

It tripled to 300. (under breath) Oh, geez.

I'm not gonna hold you responsible for

the actions of the father of these children.

Thank you.

Because I'm not gonna embarrass you

by asking you questions, but my sense is

that he's not meeting his obligations as he should be.

Thank you. (sniffles)

Who got the parking ticket on Dorrance Street?

You did? No.

That was him, too?

Yes. (sniffles)

What's your daughter's name?

Valerie. Valerie, come up here.

Come up here. Here?

Come up here. (sniffles)

Stand up, will ya? (clears throat)

How old are you? Seven.

Seven? Okay.

You came to court with your mom this morning--

this evening, rather? Yeah.

And you were hoping that something

good would happen to her today?

Yeah. Okay.

Now, you see, your mom is very unhappy right now.

She's crying, right? Yes.

So, what do you think we can do to make her feel better?

Well, I have-- let me tell you the choices I have.

I can fine her $175

or I can fine her nothing.

So what do you think we can do to make her feel better?

Tell me. Fine her the money, I think.


I don't think she understands.


Let me explain something to you, okay?

I'm gonna ask you once more, now.

And whatever you say, is gonna happen, okay?

I can say to your mom, "I want $175 from you.

"Go in your handbag and give us $175."

Or I can say to her, "You're free to go.

"You don't have to pay anything."

So what do you think I should do?

(whispering) You're free to go.

Free to go. Free to go?

All right. Thank you for helping me out.

I think some day your daughter is gonna be a judge.


She's gonna be one of the judge that people like.

They say, "They fined them." I hear that all the time.

They say to me, "You're too easy."


You're being placed in a situation

that you have no control over, right?

Very much so.

Good luck to you. The matter is dismissed.

Thank you. It means a lot.

Almost every day, I find myself

face-to-face with someone who's in court,

trying to clean up the mess of their ex.

You saw this poor woman.

She has custody of three young children.

They're pulling her in three different directions at once.

And yet, she has the strength of character

to come to court and try to make things right.

She's actually trying to pay.

If anyone deserves a break today, it's her.

And I'm glad her little daughter

was able to come up and help me

find a way to give her a break.

Did you want to sit down?

I have two tickets. I know you do.

But I saw you sitting there and if

it would make it easier for you,

I will allow you to sit down. You don't have to stand.

I just had my left lung removed.

I just had my left lung--

Speak into the mic, please.

That's why I gave it to you--

I just had my left lung removed.

I did go through the red light.

I was going through chemo and--

We're gonna see it. Okay?

We're gonna look at it. I did do it.

All right. Just relax.

Light is yellow-- Light is yellow.

It's red, and she just keeps going.

All right, let's see the other one.

The light is red.

And right through the light.

Yep, I was on my way going to--

You were going to the hospital for treatment.

Yeah. I have $60 on me today.

I'm on disability.

I can't pay the rest until May, 'cause I gotta pay my rent.


Listen, I really sympathize with you.

I really do.

But do something, as far as driving is concerned,

you know, to help yourself.

I know you're preoccupied with other issues.

You know, I know you're not feeling well.

I'm gonna take that into consideration.

I don't wanna add to your problems.

I really don't. Okay?

I'm gonna impose a fine of $40

for both charges.

I only have 60-- It should be $170, okay?

I'm gonna knock it down to 40.

You can pay that, right? I got 60 on me today.

60? I'm not gonna--

I'm gonna leave you $20 for breakfast, okay?

I'm not gonna take all your money.

I'm gonna reduce it to $40, okay?

But help yourself, though, okay?

Yes, sir. All right.

We're all praying for you, so we wish you the best.

Thank you. All right, good luck.

For a lot of people, there really comes a time

when the smart choice is to stop driving.

That's an extremely difficult and emotional decision,

because it means the loss of independence.

But at some point, giving up the keys

is the best thing for the motorist and for the community.

I think that was the case here.

I really tried to subtly suggest it.

I hope she got the message and I really

hope that she's feeling better.

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For more infomation >> Left with his Tickets and Time to Take the Keys - Duration: 7:53.


Top 10 Funniest Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS - Duration: 5:47.

Hello and welcome back friends to another fantastic edition of Top 10 Gaming, Im your

host Johnny Rogers and with the release of Read Dead Redemption 2 some hilarious things

are going down in the game thats why todays list is the Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS

The cinematic mode in particular has given users the ability to create their own western

movie style moments. Although what appears to be a beautiful shot has inadvertently ended

in some hilarious disasters. Along with those cinematic moments we will also be bringing

you some incredible fails in general. Before we get started hit that thumbs up button if

youre loving Red Dead Redemption 2 and let us know in the comments what you love about

the game. With that lets get started shall we.

#10 Platform 9 and ¾ We all remember that incredible scene from

Harry Potter where he runs straight at a wall taking it on faith that he will make it to

the other side. Apparently someone didnt tell this gamer that the consequences in Red Dead

are much much different The incredible part about this fail is that

somehow the white from the horse paints the side of the train, which just makes it even

funnier to witness.

#9 On a Collision Horse This cinematic failure comes to us from Will

Potter on Twitter and results in a shootout. Everything seems clear and the cinematic mode

looks beautiful until - well this happens When the horses collide this gamer goes soaring

off his horse and front flips into an NPC. He promptly says - go to hell and begins shooting

at him. This game is just too realistic.

#8 Cannon Ball This shot is fantastic and it comes to us

courtesy of Jimmy Wong. The cinematic angle takes a birds eye view causing him to run

his horse directly into the middle of another, front flip and from the camera angle look

as though hes about to make a splash into a nearby stream. Until this happens

#7 A Slippery Slope This gamer proves that not all of these fails

have to happen on a horse. While walking around the snowy edges of a mountain the gamer enters

into cinematic mode only to then walk straight off a cliff. I think I laughed way too hard

at this one, it reminds me of going tobogganing without a sled, except with much more dire

consequences. Lets just blame it on a patch of ice he slipped on because walking straight

off is definitely embarrassing.

#6 Hit and Run Driving those horse drawn wagons can be fun

even if theyre a little slow. When I was live streaming this game I managed to run the wagon

off the road several times just from not paying attention for a moment, but this one takes

the cake. The gamer was entering the town and while in cinematic mode he couldnt see

a person walking right in front of him. Resulting in - well a hit and run or gallop - if you

will. Roll the clip

#5 Send it This is by far the furthest Ive seen a gamer

fly from their horse out of all the launches Ive witnessed. He begins gradually picking

up speed on his horse, enters cinematic mode and then runs straight into a giant boulder.

Its horrific and terrific all in one Send it bud!

#4 Horse Fly Now the last one may have been a pretty decent

launch from the horse, but in this odd glitch the gamer AND his horse go sky high after

he takes out a wolf. It looks like the horse uses the deceased wolf as a jumping block

sending the gamer sky high to his ultimate demise in the snowy I love that the game still

says - Mount your horse - at the bottom.

#3 Wrong Button The exciting part about playing a new game

is just getting used to all the controls. I was scared of this initially when live streaming

it because well all of you were watching as I was learning the game first hand. I managed

to get by, but unfortunately for this gamer he found out the hard way that the mount horse

and punch button are two very different things

#2 Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty

had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty

Together again. Picture that nursery rhyme except instead of a wall its a wagon and instead

of an egg is a bunch of gun slinging cowboys I thought this video would have ended with

just them falling off the horse. I certainly did not see the wagon continuing to roll on

top of them. That would be like if the wall straight up fell on Humpty Dumpty.

#1 Snow Angel The fact that this game started in the dead

of winter made me remember how brutal winter is going to be in Canada. This is our number

one spot not because of the gamer taking a bad flop into the snow and making a snow angel,

but because when the camera turns his horse is face first as well

And that has been the Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS. If you enjoyed hit that thumbs up

button, let us know in the comments who you think made a better snow angel - the horse

or Arthur. Click the playlist on the screen if you want more videos like this one and

dont forget to subscribe before you leave so you know when we post new videos. Also

if you havent played the game and want to see a walk through for the beginning we have

a video on our page that Ryan and myself did so make sure to check that out as well. From

Top 10 Gaming, Im Johnny Rogers and until next time take care

For more infomation >> Top 10 Funniest Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS - Duration: 5:47.


Worst Jobs That Will Literally Kill You - Duration: 10:02.

Anyone who's ever worked knows that at some point a job can get stressful, but most of

us get through it and live to fight another day.

The Big Think tells us, echoing a study from the University of Manchester in England, "If

you work in a low-paying job you hate, you are likely more chronically stressed out than

if you were just unemployed."

In that case it's not only the job that causes mental stress, but the fact it pays

little money.

It might be worse at the bottom of the pay-scale when you are being screamed at all day, but

also desperately need the job.

But those at the top of the food chain have their own stresses, and some other jobs just

offer very challenging experiences.

We'll look at the worst, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Jobs that literally

make you kill yourself.

Before we start, we should tell you that we are of course talking about jobs with the

highest suicide rates.

These rates might change year-to-year and statistics will change from source to source,

and which country those sources come from.

That said, there can be no doubt the following occupations see many people taking their own


Construction Worker In the UK at least, we are told that for men

low-paid construction work has the highest suicide rate.

The Office of National Statistics reported that men doing this job are three times more

likely to take their own life than the average UK citizen.

In 2015 the people in this job represented 17 percent of all suicides in the country.

The US report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention also said something

similar, stating that "low paid, manual laborers who face uncertain employment and

typically work on their own are prone to committing suicide."

Farmers In many reports we found, farmers were taking

their lives at a rate higher than people in other professions.

This also fell into low-skilled agricultural work in some reports.

But it's not just the laborers.

The Farm Safety Foundation, which was created to focus on the mental health of farmers in

the UK, said if you harvest crops or rear animals you are in a high suicide bracket

for farming.

It said that changing markets, disease of livestock, failing crops and even Brexit was

taking its toll on farmers.

The charity also added, "In an industry with the poorest safety record of any occupation

in the UK, stress is often a key factor in many of the accidents, injuries and illnesses

taking place on farms."

The CDC in one U.S. report, albeit a few years old, said that agricultural workers, farmers,

fishermen, lumberjacks, had a suicide rate of a staggering 85 per 100,000.

This is compared to the average rate of 21.3.

Factory work A lot of mind-numbing work we may have done

in the past is now automated.

Imagine standing on a conveyor belt production line for eight hours or more?

The UK office of national statistics calls this work "process plant occupations",

but that could mean many jobs.

Still, if your job falls into that category you have much more chance of committing suicide

than the average UK citizen.

The CDC puts "Production and factory workers" high, too, with a suicide rate of 35 per 100,000.

We might remember those stories a few years ago about suicide nets being installed at

Foxconn in China where iPhone components are made and the phones are put together.

The Guardian reported, "Worker after worker threw themselves off the towering dorm buildings,

sometimes in broad daylight, in tragic displays of desperation – and in protest at the work

conditions inside."

It said in one year at one plant, 14 people died from jumping and 20 others had to be

talked down.

Police officers A career website tells us that many cops kill

themselves due to job stress.

This comes from a 2018 article in Men's Health.

It wrote that according to a 2018 study from the Ruderman Family Foundation the number

of cops that killed themselves when the data was compiled was three times more than those

killed in the line of duty.

According to the article, cops killing themselves is just getting worse in the USA.

Long hours, daily stress dealing with danger, and the tough guys don't like to talk about

stress apparently.

The article said this about stressed and depressed cops, "Many are haunted by the pervasive

fear that undergoing treatment will have professional repercussions, such as them being passed over

for promotions or removed from patrol work on the street."

One cop, called Al Hernandez, said that over his 35-year career at the Fresno Police Department

in California, 14 of his colleagues had taken their life.

But that rate seemed high compared with other reports.

A police website we found does say the rate is too high, but 2016 was a good year, as

that year just a few more men died in the line of duty than killed themselves.

Still, police life might not exactly portray Lethal Weapon, as other jobs can be much more


The CDC says people in the category of "Firefighters, police, corrections workers, others in protective

services" have a suicide rate of 31 per 100,000.

Bankers Why are so many bankers killing themselves,

asked the New York Post.

The CDC says stockbrokers are also killing themselves at an unusually high rate.

There are many reports about this, from Hong Kong to New York to London.

"An investment banker at JP Morgan jumped to his death from the roof of the bank's

headquarters in Central yesterday," wrote a Hong Kong newspaper.

"Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police

responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house," wrote the UK media in 2014.

He had hanged himself in an apartment that cost $4,500,000 in 2000.

It's hard right at the top, too.

In 2016 Martin Senn, the former Chief Executive of Zurich Insurance, took his own life after

a takeover bid didn't work out and the company saw some heavy losses.

Soldiers We all handle stress differently, but witnessing

the ravages of war doesn't sit well with even the toughest or most impassive of us.

In fact, the stats are very disturbing if you believe the United States Department of

Veterans Affairs.

It said in 2016, 20 veterans killed themselves every day.

This was 18 percent of suicides in the USA, but military vets only make up 8 percent of

the population.

This is much higher than the average in the USA, and while most of the jobs we have discussed

up until now were filled by males, women in the military kill themselves at a high rate,


According to one Academic research paper we found, the rate has climbed much higher since


U.S. veterans magazine backs that up, stating, "There's clearly a serious issue with

suicides among active duty military service members, veterans and their families, and

it's one that we are passionate about addressing."

This was a quote in the article from a charity that helped U.S. veterans.

Creatives The CDC puts many jobs in one category, those

of "artists, designers, entertainers, athletes, media."

Well, we all know about the tormented artist, and so many of them either doing what Kurt

Cobain did or virtually drinking themselves to death like Amy Winehouse.

According to statistics, if you are in this line of work you are much more likely to commit


The Telegraph tells us that "tortured geniuses" have a much higher chance of killing themselves

than the average dullard.

Whether it's Hunter S. Thompson with a 45.

Caliber handgun or Virginia Woolf walking into a river with stones in her pockets, it

seems that having natural intelligence and hyper-sensitivity can be a hard thing.

Woolf wrote in her suicide note.

"I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate.

So, I am doing what seems the best thing to do."

But it's in the statistics, too, with one report telling us, "For the first time reliable

data has shown that the suicide rate among people working in creative roles is significantly

higher than the national average."

Care workers This is high for both men and women, with

UK statistics telling us care workers are twice as likely to kill themselves as the

average person working in the country.

It depends what kind of care, but reports state that in the UK many people such as physicians

simply burn-out from the number of hours they work.

The Lancet tells us, "The rate of depressive disorders among health-care workers compared

with the general population is alarming."

It's the same in the U.S. according to The Hill.

One article opens with, "As America focuses on one epidemic — the opioid crisis — another

goes entirely ignored."

That's the mental health of care workers.

The article was written by a health care worker in 2018.

Amazingly, she wrote, "I have lost six colleagues to suicide — five physicians and one physician


She wrote that those hardly in the game, the junior doctors, were depressed and suicide


She also said that while the police and military are now realizing suicide is a big problem,

strategies need to be developed to protect health care workers.

We could have added many more jobs to this list, and as we said, stats differ from source

to source and from country to country.

So, why not tell us in the comments another job you think is the most stressful.

Also, be sure to check out our other video Highest Paying Jobs!

Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Worst Jobs That Will Literally Kill You - Duration: 10:02.


Danilo x BKN - Quiere prender - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Danilo x BKN - Quiere prender - Duration: 2:38.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.


Como definir e gerenciar alarmes no iPhone – Suporte da Apple - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Como definir e gerenciar alarmes no iPhone – Suporte da Apple - Duration: 2:21.





Semana de combate ao AVC discute riscos da doença e formas de prevenção - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Semana de combate ao AVC discute riscos da doença e formas de prevenção - Duration: 2:06.


NIGHT RUN: allenamento in notturna con Daniele Vecchioni | VLOG - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> NIGHT RUN: allenamento in notturna con Daniele Vecchioni | VLOG - Duration: 4:24.








Esse é o segredo para deixar as panelas manchadas como novas Saiba Já / Dicas de Saúde - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Esse é o segredo para deixar as panelas manchadas como novas Saiba Já / Dicas de Saúde - Duration: 3:51.


Corona vs Blasi, le parole di Belen Rodriguez spiazzano i fan: 'Fabrizio è mio amico' - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Corona vs Blasi, le parole di Belen Rodriguez spiazzano i fan: 'Fabrizio è mio amico' - Duration: 4:24.


El viaje de las 10 bellezas a la tierra de fantasía de 'The Nutcracker and the Four Realms' | NBL - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> El viaje de las 10 bellezas a la tierra de fantasía de 'The Nutcracker and the Four Realms' | NBL - Duration: 2:04.


Festival de natação movimenta o clube Circuito Militar - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Festival de natação movimenta o clube Circuito Militar - Duration: 1:27.


Xeheun - 'Vibe On' (aúdio) | GIRLKIND (걸카인드) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Xeheun - 'Vibe On' (aúdio) | GIRLKIND (걸카인드) - Duration: 3:45.


Fishing with subscribers - 4K - Duration: 6:38.

hi guys, welcome to another video

let me explain to you, these videos are not only about fishing, it's 45 minutes only

I use this 45 minuts while I am waiting for my wife

to know you, to know my subscribers

all the people who follow me on youtube

so this way I fish with you

we talk

and that is important, so why do I fish for Mullet?

is very simple, we don´t always have the right conditions to fish for Sea Bass

in some day the place is full of fishermen

and Mullet is always catch, I can´t do a video without fish

this is a fishing channel

unless it's a didactic video

it is not very logical to make a video with only subscribers and no fish

so this videos are about that, Mullet is a easy fish to catch

so they make the video enjoyable, I meet subscribers

but there is a part of the video with fishing and that is important too

how are you?

all good

I just arrived two or three minuts ago

fish on

is a small fish but is good to see all the people

one, two subscribers

down there three more

five subscribers come to fish with me, I thank you all

if you want come too, you are all welcome

the goal is to have a good time and have fun

I will not cut the sound

This boy says a lot of bullshit.

all people know him

my video will be censored


did you release?

show to the cam

show to the cam

where is?

go go go

go go

fish on

was hard

now I need to be fast

I´m late

this is bigger

this is bigger


here she is

almost 19:00

look at the size of this one

she is so fat

let´s take the hook and release

there she goes

and done

my day is over, I met lots of people

who come to visit me

was something that I ask on Facebook

to say that it would be 45 minutes to go fishing here

and for anyone who wants to appear and was well received

I just have to thank all the subscribers and see you in next video

For more infomation >> Fishing with subscribers - 4K - Duration: 6:38.


La Esfinge de Baluchistán podría ser algo más que solo una formación de roca natural - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> La Esfinge de Baluchistán podría ser algo más que solo una formación de roca natural - Duration: 5:33.


SAIBA SE AMAR - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> SAIBA SE AMAR - Duration: 2:16.


Daniel Sharman, I Medici 2: dal mio Lorenzo il Magnifico a Lucio Dalla - Duration: 6:02.

what's the idea about real Lorenzo, what of him is inside of you?

Hopefully you are picked as an actor

because there's something that people see in you that sometimes you don't see

yourself but that other people see it and they give a hold on to and they say

"well, this this represents something" so for whatever reason, I don't know why but

though these people said this there's something about me that gives

something of what they want to say of Lorenzo then I come in and I learn about

him and I try and understand it and I've never had a character by which I

understood so much of his actions I wish I was like him you know I wish I was

that thing so it's a pleasure to come and work and do that because you're

playing an idealized version of you you know if I really was more pragmatic than

maybe I would do the things that Lorenzo has done but you know I understand his

his thought process because I I think what he did and his championing

of our is something I believe in very strongly oh you know I just joking with

you about and some you are so ready okay you are very happy to change this person

show you you say very famous about the Teen Wolf etc but now to you say in a

different production this is good for you for a foreign actor I don't think

you ever get caught in any you know the second that you think you've achieved

something or you've done something I think you should you got to move on you

can't ever stay in one place and I don't think it's an actor's job to be worried

about what what you look like or what do you know you just do you're lucky enough

to do service to the to the art form it's just just to work and work and work

and so hopefully you keep being vulnerable you keep being open you keep

doing things and you keep exploring and you keep pushing the boundaries of what

you can do and that's all you can really hope for

- - entering inside the role of Lorenzo you come in Tuscany for two weeks Elia

completely alone you know it's not Sean Bean I I think you know I know it sounds

more dramatic than it really is actually it's just spending time by yourself it's

it's a meditation it's a way of like clearing something I know I was playing

a character it was very different before that I had to clear that and I wanted to

be here and to feel it and you know I don't know if it would like makes any

difference I don't know if it like does anything particularly different to you

but I think there's something important about clearing something out of you and

sitting in something and then and then you can begin to work and then you can

begin to kind of explore but so those weeks were necessary for me but you know

I wouldn't yeah I don't think they were particularly profound they're just what

I was doing at the time

beginning I mean I have physical progression for those things except now

this next season I have far more physical things because I start I start

to get very old and I starts it so that's this season that I'm filming now

is far more preparation in terms of the work and the the idea of playing

something that's older than you and that you know the dexterity of his movement

and all of that stuff so the last time it was less preparation this time it's a

lot more this is classic as question we are working we shall mean at the start

of a game of Thrones do you watch it

work over the show you know like Sean's a hero of mine a husband since I was a

kid so I watched him when I was a very little kid and he's a hero so working

with anybody like eyes it's kind of surreal because you never

really believe your work with some you know people that you've seen as you know

as a kid so it's you know it's hard it's hard to hate him when he's you know Sean

being you know but you kind of forget that and you get in there and suddenly

it becomes very differently the thing about Sean is he can play so

beautifully so you end up for getting all of that and you just play and that's

um that's just that's why he's Sean be you know

I'm lucha da la lucha da said yeah I know I start singing you'll all die and

all the windows will break every bad news and now I love Li too that I listen

to I've become very fascinated by Italian

pop music so yeah last question do I realize it is a Lorentzian Magnifico is

that the start of a modern era is it real history is it true superior like he

I staggered that this story has not been told over and over and over again

because to me every time I read it every time I listen I can't believe that he

isn't you know would known across the world because his story is wonderful and

I hope this this series gets to tell that story

thank you guys

For more infomation >> Daniel Sharman, I Medici 2: dal mio Lorenzo il Magnifico a Lucio Dalla - Duration: 6:02.


TIKFROW - Manifesto3p1 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> TIKFROW - Manifesto3p1 - Duration: 3:16.


#Вышиванки20 Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> #Вышиванки20 Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:41.


Bruno Souza: Mentoria para palestrantes no TDC ! - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Bruno Souza: Mentoria para palestrantes no TDC ! - Duration: 2:00.


#Лилии32 #Цветы для сада и бизнеса от Ольги Шевчук - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> #Лилии32 #Цветы для сада и бизнеса от Ольги Шевчук - Duration: 2:07.


Volvo V90 D4 190pk Automaat INSCRIPTION div.opties - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D4 190pk Automaat INSCRIPTION div.opties - Duration: 1:10.


Left with his Tickets and Time to Take the Keys - Duration: 7:53.

(upbeat music)

Are these your lawyers you have with you?

Who are they? (laughter)

My kids. Oh.

You gonna take your hands out of your pockets?

Sorry. Are you cold?

No, just a little nervous. Don't be nervous.

There's no need for you to be nervous.

All right, get her over there where she belongs.

Now, what is her name? Valerie.

Valerie? Hi, Valerie.

And what's this guy's name? Cadence.

You can call him Cay-cay. You're gonna wave to me?

You're gonna wave? (whispering) Cay-Cay.

He don't care about that. He's talking--

All right. You have a parking ticket.

It was on a Chevrolet.

You drive a Chevrolet, don't you?

Most likely, that was my kids' father driving.

How many children do you have?

Three. I see.

I came here to ask for more time to pay it.

Just relax. (whispering) Cadence.

You also have another ticket that goes back to--

it's five years ago, on Dorrance Street,

which was a $100 ticket.

No, my kids' father. All right, that was his--


I didn't know about anything until

she told me when I came here today.

And then you have a third one that goes back

six years ago, on Broadway.

Was that the same situation? Yes.

That ticket was parking 25 feet to a corner.

It was a $30 ticket. It tripled to 90.

(under breath) Wow.

The other ticket was a $100 ticket.

It tripled to 300. (under breath) Oh, geez.

I'm not gonna hold you responsible for

the actions of the father of these children.

Thank you.

Because I'm not gonna embarrass you

by asking you questions, but my sense is

that he's not meeting his obligations as he should be.

Thank you. (sniffles)

Who got the parking ticket on Dorrance Street?

You did? No.

That was him, too?

Yes. (sniffles)

What's your daughter's name?

Valerie. Valerie, come up here.

Come up here. Here?

Come up here. (sniffles)

Stand up, will ya? (clears throat)

How old are you? Seven.

Seven? Okay.

You came to court with your mom this morning--

this evening, rather? Yeah.

And you were hoping that something

good would happen to her today?

Yeah. Okay.

Now, you see, your mom is very unhappy right now.

She's crying, right? Yes.

So, what do you think we can do to make her feel better?

Well, I have-- let me tell you the choices I have.

I can fine her $175

or I can fine her nothing.

So what do you think we can do to make her feel better?

Tell me. Fine her the money, I think.


I don't think she understands.


Let me explain something to you, okay?

I'm gonna ask you once more, now.

And whatever you say, is gonna happen, okay?

I can say to your mom, "I want $175 from you.

"Go in your handbag and give us $175."

Or I can say to her, "You're free to go.

"You don't have to pay anything."

So what do you think I should do?

(whispering) You're free to go.

Free to go. Free to go?

All right. Thank you for helping me out.

I think some day your daughter is gonna be a judge.


She's gonna be one of the judge that people like.

They say, "They fined them." I hear that all the time.

They say to me, "You're too easy."


You're being placed in a situation

that you have no control over, right?

Very much so.

Good luck to you. The matter is dismissed.

Thank you. It means a lot.

Almost every day, I find myself

face-to-face with someone who's in court,

trying to clean up the mess of their ex.

You saw this poor woman.

She has custody of three young children.

They're pulling her in three different directions at once.

And yet, she has the strength of character

to come to court and try to make things right.

She's actually trying to pay.

If anyone deserves a break today, it's her.

And I'm glad her little daughter

was able to come up and help me

find a way to give her a break.

Did you want to sit down?

I have two tickets. I know you do.

But I saw you sitting there and if

it would make it easier for you,

I will allow you to sit down. You don't have to stand.

I just had my left lung removed.

I just had my left lung--

Speak into the mic, please.

That's why I gave it to you--

I just had my left lung removed.

I did go through the red light.

I was going through chemo and--

We're gonna see it. Okay?

We're gonna look at it. I did do it.

All right. Just relax.

Light is yellow-- Light is yellow.

It's red, and she just keeps going.

All right, let's see the other one.

The light is red.

And right through the light.

Yep, I was on my way going to--

You were going to the hospital for treatment.

Yeah. I have $60 on me today.

I'm on disability.

I can't pay the rest until May, 'cause I gotta pay my rent.


Listen, I really sympathize with you.

I really do.

But do something, as far as driving is concerned,

you know, to help yourself.

I know you're preoccupied with other issues.

You know, I know you're not feeling well.

I'm gonna take that into consideration.

I don't wanna add to your problems.

I really don't. Okay?

I'm gonna impose a fine of $40

for both charges.

I only have 60-- It should be $170, okay?

I'm gonna knock it down to 40.

You can pay that, right? I got 60 on me today.

60? I'm not gonna--

I'm gonna leave you $20 for breakfast, okay?

I'm not gonna take all your money.

I'm gonna reduce it to $40, okay?

But help yourself, though, okay?

Yes, sir. All right.

We're all praying for you, so we wish you the best.

Thank you. All right, good luck.

For a lot of people, there really comes a time

when the smart choice is to stop driving.

That's an extremely difficult and emotional decision,

because it means the loss of independence.

But at some point, giving up the keys

is the best thing for the motorist and for the community.

I think that was the case here.

I really tried to subtly suggest it.

I hope she got the message and I really

hope that she's feeling better.

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For more infomation >> Left with his Tickets and Time to Take the Keys - Duration: 7:53.


Top 10 Funniest Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS - Duration: 5:47.

Hello and welcome back friends to another fantastic edition of Top 10 Gaming, Im your

host Johnny Rogers and with the release of Read Dead Redemption 2 some hilarious things

are going down in the game thats why todays list is the Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS

The cinematic mode in particular has given users the ability to create their own western

movie style moments. Although what appears to be a beautiful shot has inadvertently ended

in some hilarious disasters. Along with those cinematic moments we will also be bringing

you some incredible fails in general. Before we get started hit that thumbs up button if

youre loving Red Dead Redemption 2 and let us know in the comments what you love about

the game. With that lets get started shall we.

#10 Platform 9 and ¾ We all remember that incredible scene from

Harry Potter where he runs straight at a wall taking it on faith that he will make it to

the other side. Apparently someone didnt tell this gamer that the consequences in Red Dead

are much much different The incredible part about this fail is that

somehow the white from the horse paints the side of the train, which just makes it even

funnier to witness.

#9 On a Collision Horse This cinematic failure comes to us from Will

Potter on Twitter and results in a shootout. Everything seems clear and the cinematic mode

looks beautiful until - well this happens When the horses collide this gamer goes soaring

off his horse and front flips into an NPC. He promptly says - go to hell and begins shooting

at him. This game is just too realistic.

#8 Cannon Ball This shot is fantastic and it comes to us

courtesy of Jimmy Wong. The cinematic angle takes a birds eye view causing him to run

his horse directly into the middle of another, front flip and from the camera angle look

as though hes about to make a splash into a nearby stream. Until this happens

#7 A Slippery Slope This gamer proves that not all of these fails

have to happen on a horse. While walking around the snowy edges of a mountain the gamer enters

into cinematic mode only to then walk straight off a cliff. I think I laughed way too hard

at this one, it reminds me of going tobogganing without a sled, except with much more dire

consequences. Lets just blame it on a patch of ice he slipped on because walking straight

off is definitely embarrassing.

#6 Hit and Run Driving those horse drawn wagons can be fun

even if theyre a little slow. When I was live streaming this game I managed to run the wagon

off the road several times just from not paying attention for a moment, but this one takes

the cake. The gamer was entering the town and while in cinematic mode he couldnt see

a person walking right in front of him. Resulting in - well a hit and run or gallop - if you

will. Roll the clip

#5 Send it This is by far the furthest Ive seen a gamer

fly from their horse out of all the launches Ive witnessed. He begins gradually picking

up speed on his horse, enters cinematic mode and then runs straight into a giant boulder.

Its horrific and terrific all in one Send it bud!

#4 Horse Fly Now the last one may have been a pretty decent

launch from the horse, but in this odd glitch the gamer AND his horse go sky high after

he takes out a wolf. It looks like the horse uses the deceased wolf as a jumping block

sending the gamer sky high to his ultimate demise in the snowy I love that the game still

says - Mount your horse - at the bottom.

#3 Wrong Button The exciting part about playing a new game

is just getting used to all the controls. I was scared of this initially when live streaming

it because well all of you were watching as I was learning the game first hand. I managed

to get by, but unfortunately for this gamer he found out the hard way that the mount horse

and punch button are two very different things

#2 Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty

had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty

Together again. Picture that nursery rhyme except instead of a wall its a wagon and instead

of an egg is a bunch of gun slinging cowboys I thought this video would have ended with

just them falling off the horse. I certainly did not see the wagon continuing to roll on

top of them. That would be like if the wall straight up fell on Humpty Dumpty.

#1 Snow Angel The fact that this game started in the dead

of winter made me remember how brutal winter is going to be in Canada. This is our number

one spot not because of the gamer taking a bad flop into the snow and making a snow angel,

but because when the camera turns his horse is face first as well

And that has been the Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS. If you enjoyed hit that thumbs up

button, let us know in the comments who you think made a better snow angel - the horse

or Arthur. Click the playlist on the screen if you want more videos like this one and

dont forget to subscribe before you leave so you know when we post new videos. Also

if you havent played the game and want to see a walk through for the beginning we have

a video on our page that Ryan and myself did so make sure to check that out as well. From

Top 10 Gaming, Im Johnny Rogers and until next time take care

For more infomation >> Top 10 Funniest Red Dead Redemption 2 FAILS - Duration: 5:47.


Worst Jobs That Will Literally Kill You - Duration: 10:02.

Anyone who's ever worked knows that at some point a job can get stressful, but most of

us get through it and live to fight another day.

The Big Think tells us, echoing a study from the University of Manchester in England, "If

you work in a low-paying job you hate, you are likely more chronically stressed out than

if you were just unemployed."

In that case it's not only the job that causes mental stress, but the fact it pays

little money.

It might be worse at the bottom of the pay-scale when you are being screamed at all day, but

also desperately need the job.

But those at the top of the food chain have their own stresses, and some other jobs just

offer very challenging experiences.

We'll look at the worst, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Jobs that literally

make you kill yourself.

Before we start, we should tell you that we are of course talking about jobs with the

highest suicide rates.

These rates might change year-to-year and statistics will change from source to source,

and which country those sources come from.

That said, there can be no doubt the following occupations see many people taking their own


Construction Worker In the UK at least, we are told that for men

low-paid construction work has the highest suicide rate.

The Office of National Statistics reported that men doing this job are three times more

likely to take their own life than the average UK citizen.

In 2015 the people in this job represented 17 percent of all suicides in the country.

The US report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention also said something

similar, stating that "low paid, manual laborers who face uncertain employment and

typically work on their own are prone to committing suicide."

Farmers In many reports we found, farmers were taking

their lives at a rate higher than people in other professions.

This also fell into low-skilled agricultural work in some reports.

But it's not just the laborers.

The Farm Safety Foundation, which was created to focus on the mental health of farmers in

the UK, said if you harvest crops or rear animals you are in a high suicide bracket

for farming.

It said that changing markets, disease of livestock, failing crops and even Brexit was

taking its toll on farmers.

The charity also added, "In an industry with the poorest safety record of any occupation

in the UK, stress is often a key factor in many of the accidents, injuries and illnesses

taking place on farms."

The CDC in one U.S. report, albeit a few years old, said that agricultural workers, farmers,

fishermen, lumberjacks, had a suicide rate of a staggering 85 per 100,000.

This is compared to the average rate of 21.3.

Factory work A lot of mind-numbing work we may have done

in the past is now automated.

Imagine standing on a conveyor belt production line for eight hours or more?

The UK office of national statistics calls this work "process plant occupations",

but that could mean many jobs.

Still, if your job falls into that category you have much more chance of committing suicide

than the average UK citizen.

The CDC puts "Production and factory workers" high, too, with a suicide rate of 35 per 100,000.

We might remember those stories a few years ago about suicide nets being installed at

Foxconn in China where iPhone components are made and the phones are put together.

The Guardian reported, "Worker after worker threw themselves off the towering dorm buildings,

sometimes in broad daylight, in tragic displays of desperation – and in protest at the work

conditions inside."

It said in one year at one plant, 14 people died from jumping and 20 others had to be

talked down.

Police officers A career website tells us that many cops kill

themselves due to job stress.

This comes from a 2018 article in Men's Health.

It wrote that according to a 2018 study from the Ruderman Family Foundation the number

of cops that killed themselves when the data was compiled was three times more than those

killed in the line of duty.

According to the article, cops killing themselves is just getting worse in the USA.

Long hours, daily stress dealing with danger, and the tough guys don't like to talk about

stress apparently.

The article said this about stressed and depressed cops, "Many are haunted by the pervasive

fear that undergoing treatment will have professional repercussions, such as them being passed over

for promotions or removed from patrol work on the street."

One cop, called Al Hernandez, said that over his 35-year career at the Fresno Police Department

in California, 14 of his colleagues had taken their life.

But that rate seemed high compared with other reports.

A police website we found does say the rate is too high, but 2016 was a good year, as

that year just a few more men died in the line of duty than killed themselves.

Still, police life might not exactly portray Lethal Weapon, as other jobs can be much more


The CDC says people in the category of "Firefighters, police, corrections workers, others in protective

services" have a suicide rate of 31 per 100,000.

Bankers Why are so many bankers killing themselves,

asked the New York Post.

The CDC says stockbrokers are also killing themselves at an unusually high rate.

There are many reports about this, from Hong Kong to New York to London.

"An investment banker at JP Morgan jumped to his death from the roof of the bank's

headquarters in Central yesterday," wrote a Hong Kong newspaper.

"Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police

responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house," wrote the UK media in 2014.

He had hanged himself in an apartment that cost $4,500,000 in 2000.

It's hard right at the top, too.

In 2016 Martin Senn, the former Chief Executive of Zurich Insurance, took his own life after

a takeover bid didn't work out and the company saw some heavy losses.

Soldiers We all handle stress differently, but witnessing

the ravages of war doesn't sit well with even the toughest or most impassive of us.

In fact, the stats are very disturbing if you believe the United States Department of

Veterans Affairs.

It said in 2016, 20 veterans killed themselves every day.

This was 18 percent of suicides in the USA, but military vets only make up 8 percent of

the population.

This is much higher than the average in the USA, and while most of the jobs we have discussed

up until now were filled by males, women in the military kill themselves at a high rate,


According to one Academic research paper we found, the rate has climbed much higher since


U.S. veterans magazine backs that up, stating, "There's clearly a serious issue with

suicides among active duty military service members, veterans and their families, and

it's one that we are passionate about addressing."

This was a quote in the article from a charity that helped U.S. veterans.

Creatives The CDC puts many jobs in one category, those

of "artists, designers, entertainers, athletes, media."

Well, we all know about the tormented artist, and so many of them either doing what Kurt

Cobain did or virtually drinking themselves to death like Amy Winehouse.

According to statistics, if you are in this line of work you are much more likely to commit


The Telegraph tells us that "tortured geniuses" have a much higher chance of killing themselves

than the average dullard.

Whether it's Hunter S. Thompson with a 45.

Caliber handgun or Virginia Woolf walking into a river with stones in her pockets, it

seems that having natural intelligence and hyper-sensitivity can be a hard thing.

Woolf wrote in her suicide note.

"I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate.

So, I am doing what seems the best thing to do."

But it's in the statistics, too, with one report telling us, "For the first time reliable

data has shown that the suicide rate among people working in creative roles is significantly

higher than the national average."

Care workers This is high for both men and women, with

UK statistics telling us care workers are twice as likely to kill themselves as the

average person working in the country.

It depends what kind of care, but reports state that in the UK many people such as physicians

simply burn-out from the number of hours they work.

The Lancet tells us, "The rate of depressive disorders among health-care workers compared

with the general population is alarming."

It's the same in the U.S. according to The Hill.

One article opens with, "As America focuses on one epidemic — the opioid crisis — another

goes entirely ignored."

That's the mental health of care workers.

The article was written by a health care worker in 2018.

Amazingly, she wrote, "I have lost six colleagues to suicide — five physicians and one physician


She wrote that those hardly in the game, the junior doctors, were depressed and suicide


She also said that while the police and military are now realizing suicide is a big problem,

strategies need to be developed to protect health care workers.

We could have added many more jobs to this list, and as we said, stats differ from source

to source and from country to country.

So, why not tell us in the comments another job you think is the most stressful.

Also, be sure to check out our other video Highest Paying Jobs!

Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Worst Jobs That Will Literally Kill You - Duration: 10:02.


LiPaz 2.25ct Green Prasiolite Textured Sterling Silver R... - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> LiPaz 2.25ct Green Prasiolite Textured Sterling Silver R... - Duration: 5:42.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT R-SPORTBYKIA | Airco | Slechts 8000 km! | LED | LM velgen | - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT R-SPORTBYKIA | Airco | Slechts 8000 km! | LED | LM velgen | - Duration: 1:04.


Danilo x BKN - Quiere prender - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Danilo x BKN - Quiere prender - Duration: 2:38.


Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i i-Motion Airco/5DRS - Duration: 1:06.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


How to Move On (Apology or Not) | The Truth About Forgiveness - Duration: 3:03.

- Not long ago I was talking to one of my girlfriends

when she brought up someone I've had a hard time forgiving.

Now, even though I've done a ton of work around the issue

as soon as I heard his name my walls went up.

Now, around this time I was also working

on my new meditation album and that's when I knew

that I had to include a track on forgiveness.

So there I was working on the recording

and with each practice session, I felt lighter.

As the old wound continued to heal,

I began to feel these waves of compassion for this person.

I also realized that some of the things

that have been done to me, I've also done to other people.

Yep. I'm not always my best self.

No one is.

So as I was forgiving this person

I also prayed for forgiveness.

It was a big medicine moment.

Well, you'll never guess what happened next.

The guy that I was having a hard time forgiving called me.

That's how the universe works.

I hadn't heard from him in years

but apparently I popped into his head

and he was wondering how I was and wishing me well.

You know what else he did? Apologized.

Isn't that amazing?

But here's the thing.

Apologies don't always happen

but forgiveness is possible and remember,

you're not doing it for them.

You're doing it for you.

You're doing it so you don't have to drag

those shitty feelings around.

And just because you forgive someone

doesn't mean you need to forget or trust them again.


In fact, sometimes it's a good idea not to.

Also, forgiveness doesn't mean you have to do coffee.

You don't.

Now let's take this conversation to the cellular level.

Holding on to old painful wounds

creates inflammation in our bodies.

Rewriting the same stories triggers

the same stress hormones.

So do this for your cells.

Do it for your body.

Do it for your spirit.

Do it because you deserve to be light, bright, and free.

And if this seems impossible,

then just start with the intention to one day forgive.

You may not know how to get there

but your willingness will lead the way.

And to help you further

you can stream my forgiveness meditation either below

or at

So now it's your turn.

Is there someone in your life you want to forgive?

How could forgiving them help you make space

for more positive energy?

And if you have any tips for forgiving, please share.

I hope this helps you live like you mean it,

to feel better, get better, and do better.

Remember to go to

and sign up for my newsletter.

It's filled with tips to help you super charge your life,

plus awesome free goodies.

See you soon.

(upbeat melody)

For more infomation >> How to Move On (Apology or Not) | The Truth About Forgiveness - Duration: 3:03.


Left with his Tickets and Time to Take the Keys - Duration: 7:53.

(upbeat music)

Are these your lawyers you have with you?

Who are they? (laughter)

My kids. Oh.

You gonna take your hands out of your pockets?

Sorry. Are you cold?

No, just a little nervous. Don't be nervous.

There's no need for you to be nervous.

All right, get her over there where she belongs.

Now, what is her name? Valerie.

Valerie? Hi, Valerie.

And what's this guy's name? Cadence.

You can call him Cay-cay. You're gonna wave to me?

You're gonna wave? (whispering) Cay-Cay.

He don't care about that. He's talking--

All right. You have a parking ticket.

It was on a Chevrolet.

You drive a Chevrolet, don't you?

Most likely, that was my kids' father driving.

How many children do you have?

Three. I see.

I came here to ask for more time to pay it.

Just relax. (whispering) Cadence.

You also have another ticket that goes back to--

it's five years ago, on Dorrance Street,

which was a $100 ticket.

No, my kids' father. All right, that was his--


I didn't know about anything until

she told me when I came here today.

And then you have a third one that goes back

six years ago, on Broadway.

Was that the same situation? Yes.

That ticket was parking 25 feet to a corner.

It was a $30 ticket. It tripled to 90.

(under breath) Wow.

The other ticket was a $100 ticket.

It tripled to 300. (under breath) Oh, geez.

I'm not gonna hold you responsible for

the actions of the father of these children.

Thank you.

Because I'm not gonna embarrass you

by asking you questions, but my sense is

that he's not meeting his obligations as he should be.

Thank you. (sniffles)

Who got the parking ticket on Dorrance Street?

You did? No.

That was him, too?

Yes. (sniffles)

What's your daughter's name?

Valerie. Valerie, come up here.

Come up here. Here?

Come up here. (sniffles)

Stand up, will ya? (clears throat)

How old are you? Seven.

Seven? Okay.

You came to court with your mom this morning--

this evening, rather? Yeah.

And you were hoping that something

good would happen to her today?

Yeah. Okay.

Now, you see, your mom is very unhappy right now.

She's crying, right? Yes.

So, what do you think we can do to make her feel better?

Well, I have-- let me tell you the choices I have.

I can fine her $175

or I can fine her nothing.

So what do you think we can do to make her feel better?

Tell me. Fine her the money, I think.


I don't think she understands.


Let me explain something to you, okay?

I'm gonna ask you once more, now.

And whatever you say, is gonna happen, okay?

I can say to your mom, "I want $175 from you.

"Go in your handbag and give us $175."

Or I can say to her, "You're free to go.

"You don't have to pay anything."

So what do you think I should do?

(whispering) You're free to go.

Free to go. Free to go?

All right. Thank you for helping me out.

I think some day your daughter is gonna be a judge.


She's gonna be one of the judge that people like.

They say, "They fined them." I hear that all the time.

They say to me, "You're too easy."


You're being placed in a situation

that you have no control over, right?

Very much so.

Good luck to you. The matter is dismissed.

Thank you. It means a lot.

Almost every day, I find myself

face-to-face with someone who's in court,

trying to clean up the mess of their ex.

You saw this poor woman.

She has custody of three young children.

They're pulling her in three different directions at once.

And yet, she has the strength of character

to come to court and try to make things right.

She's actually trying to pay.

If anyone deserves a break today, it's her.

And I'm glad her little daughter

was able to come up and help me

find a way to give her a break.

Did you want to sit down?

I have two tickets. I know you do.

But I saw you sitting there and if

it would make it easier for you,

I will allow you to sit down. You don't have to stand.

I just had my left lung removed.

I just had my left lung--

Speak into the mic, please.

That's why I gave it to you--

I just had my left lung removed.

I did go through the red light.

I was going through chemo and--

We're gonna see it. Okay?

We're gonna look at it. I did do it.

All right. Just relax.

Light is yellow-- Light is yellow.

It's red, and she just keeps going.

All right, let's see the other one.

The light is red.

And right through the light.

Yep, I was on my way going to--

You were going to the hospital for treatment.

Yeah. I have $60 on me today.

I'm on disability.

I can't pay the rest until May, 'cause I gotta pay my rent.


Listen, I really sympathize with you.

I really do.

But do something, as far as driving is concerned,

you know, to help yourself.

I know you're preoccupied with other issues.

You know, I know you're not feeling well.

I'm gonna take that into consideration.

I don't wanna add to your problems.

I really don't. Okay?

I'm gonna impose a fine of $40

for both charges.

I only have 60-- It should be $170, okay?

I'm gonna knock it down to 40.

You can pay that, right? I got 60 on me today.

60? I'm not gonna--

I'm gonna leave you $20 for breakfast, okay?

I'm not gonna take all your money.

I'm gonna reduce it to $40, okay?

But help yourself, though, okay?

Yes, sir. All right.

We're all praying for you, so we wish you the best.

Thank you. All right, good luck.

For a lot of people, there really comes a time

when the smart choice is to stop driving.

That's an extremely difficult and emotional decision,

because it means the loss of independence.

But at some point, giving up the keys

is the best thing for the motorist and for the community.

I think that was the case here.

I really tried to subtly suggest it.

I hope she got the message and I really

hope that she's feeling better.

All rise and hit subscribe

so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one.

Share these videos and weigh in on the cases.

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For more infomation >> Left with his Tickets and Time to Take the Keys - Duration: 7:53.


フォルクスワーゲン 新型 T-Cross (Tクロス) Bセグメント クロスオーバーSUV 2018年10月25日発表 - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> フォルクスワーゲン 新型 T-Cross (Tクロス) Bセグメント クロスオーバーSUV 2018年10月25日発表 - Duration: 9:05.


Undefeated BBQ Challenge w/ FIVE Barbecue Meats!! - Duration: 7:51.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" and I've got 605 food challenge

wins all around the world! Tonight I'm going for a number 606 as part of my

2018 Summer Tour and I am in Grand Ledge, Michigan which is near Lansing. I'm at

Crossroads Barbecue I'm taking on their Chopping Block Challenge, which is

undefeated and I know why because this thing is massive! So much meat! I've got

to finish in one hour a whole rack of ribs, one pound of beef brisket, one pound

of pulled pork, then we've got 12, or a dozen wings, which the seasoning on here

just smells delicious! We've got 1 pound of their sausage and

then we got a small order of fries but I've got one hour to finish if I fail

it's gonna be 75 dollars do not want to pay that because if I win I'll get the

meal free, I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I'll be the very first person added up

on their Wall of Fame! Let's get this challenge started!

Luckily yesterday's breakfast challenge in Holland wasn't too massive because my

stomach is gonna have to expand tonight but we've got one hour to finish we just

got to get the win lots of people here so cannot disappoint them! 1, 2, 3... Boom!

Alright let's eat some ribs!

The first few pounds are always good!

We're five minutes in, delicious fall off the bone ribs, love these things, but

luckily we're almost done, these are like two or three pounds of

ribs so we're getting all this done, then will move on to the rest, but yeah

delicious ribs!

9 minutes and 50 seconds in that sausage was so juicy! Took that down like a champ!

But now it is time for the dozen wings!

Ooh took way too big of a bite of brisket! Small bites and get it all down

with some of their Carolina sauce.

One thing for sure as I will hit my protein requirements for the day.

Did that in like 20 minutes ago! The table is well sanitized don't worry!

Almost there!

I was the first person to win, so that is the new record! My favorite was the

ribs, but right behind it was that sausage! Lee the owner is about to hand

me my sweet t-shirt that I get for winning! Oh yeah, they made special shirts for Mitch and I

For coming to do the challenge, so I get one for dominating the challenge

Mitch is up after me! Thanks to all the many, many, people as you saw from all the

crowd shots. Thank you guys for watching too!

For more infomation >> Undefeated BBQ Challenge w/ FIVE Barbecue Meats!! - Duration: 7:51.


How This Cat Survived A 32-Story Fall - Duration: 3:16.

Narrator: 32 stories above the streets of New York City,

a cat fell from a window and lived.

After vets treated the cat's chipped tooth

and collapsed lungs,

the feline was sent home two days later.

Cats fall a lot,

and they've gotten really good at it.

Drop a cat upside down, for example,

and it will almost always land on its feet.

That's because cats are extremely flexible.

They can twist their bodies mid-air as they fall.

But landing feet first isn't always the best strategy.

Like if you're falling from 32 stories up.

To figure out how cats manage

that perfect landing every time,

a series of studies looked at

over a 100 cats' falls

from two to 32 stories up.

Comes as no surprise that cats

who fell from the second floor

had fewer injuries

than cats who fell from the sixth floor.

But here is the fascinating part.

Above the seventh story,

the extent of the injuries largely stayed the same,

no matter how high the cats fell.

So, how is that possible?

Well, it all comes down to acrobatics

or lack thereof.

Cats that fell from two to seven stories up

mostly landed feet-first.

Above that, however, cats used a different technique.

Instead of positioning their legs

straight down as they fell,

they splayed out like a parachuter.

And landed belly-first instead.

But this method isn't 100% foolproof.

Chest trauma, like a collapsed lung,

or broken rib is more common with this landing method.

But the risk of breaking a leg is much less.

So, how do cats somehow

subconsciously know how to land?

It has to do with a physics phenomenon

called terminal velocity.

At first, the cat plummets faster and faster under gravity

until she's fallen the equivalent of five stories.

At that point, she hits constant terminal velocity

at 100 kilometers per hour.

She's now in free fall

where air friction counteracts her acceleration

under gravity.

At this point, she's no longer accelerating

and, more importantly,

doesn't feel the pull from gravity.

So, here's what researchers think is happening.

From two to seven stories up,

cats don't have enough time to reach terminal velocity

and prep for landing feet first.

But once they hit terminal velocity,

their instinct changes and they parachute their limbs.

All that said, don't throw your cat out of a window.

I can't believe I have to say this.

Not only is it still very dangerous,

it's not very polite.

Don't throw your cat out the window

just to see all that go down.

Just watch this video again.

Just hit the little replay button.

For more infomation >> How This Cat Survived A 32-Story Fall - Duration: 3:16.


🔴 Assassin's Creed Odyssey | Chill monday stream - Duration: 1:56:01.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Assassin's Creed Odyssey | Chill monday stream - Duration: 1:56:01.


Signs Of Liver Damage That You Must Pay Attention To - Duration: 9:55.

six signs your liver can't stand your

lifestyle any longer

the liver is the largest organ in the

body it also is the heaviest organ the

main function of the liver is to

regulate chemicals in the blood

it also evacuates a product called bile

this helps carry any toxins or waste

away from the liver all the blood that

leaves the stomach and intestines go

through the liver the liver processes

and breaks down the blood and also

creates nutrients for the rest of the


your liver needs to be healthy at all


if it becomes unhealthy you may need to

start changing your lifestyle but before

we get started be sure to subscribe to

our Channel and turn on post

notifications this will allow you to

receive all your updates from your

number-one besties number six your blood

sugar is low according to health line

one of the main responsibilities of your

liver is to maintain your blood sugar

level if your liver has been severely

compromised your blood sugar will begin

to drop your liver processes and

produces glucose after you eat a meal

but if it doesn't have the ability to

release the glucose into the blood your

glucose level will begin to drop this

results in low blood sugar levels which

causes extreme fatigue number five

hormone imbalance your liver also

regulates your sex hormones if your

liver is severely damaged it could

result in an imbalance of testosterone

and estrogen levels this can lead to

serious health problems such as worse

PMS symptoms and low libido do you

recognize any of these signs so far make

sure you stick around until the end

because we'll tell you what you can do

to improve your livers health number

four unexplained mood swings your brain

controls your mood and memory if toxins

begin to enter your brain you could

start experiencing mood swings and even

forget certain things in

many anxiety and depression cases the

liver is severely damaged if you start

to notice unexplained mood swings and

memory loss go speak to a health

professional keep watching for some even

more dangerous signs that your liver

can't stand your lifestyle any longer

number three low immune system many

people don't realize this but your liver

plays a big role in building your immune

system the nutrients that it provides

for your body help fight off infections

it also helps prevent toxins from

infecting your body by releasing them

the Mayo Clinic states that if your

liver cannot do this your immune system

will become weak if you notice that

you're feeling weak or fatigued or if

you keep getting sick

it may be your liver if you feel weak

and also start to show the other

symptoms described in this video you

should consider checking to see if you

have liver damage

number two sleeping disorder have you

ever experienced sleeping beside or near

someone who snores it's annoying and it

can be an absolute pain to deal with in

some cases the reason why a person is

snoring is that the airway they're

trying to breathe through is blocked it

can be blocked for two to three minutes

if you've been told that you're starting

to snore you might want to go to the

doctor and get your liver checked out

why well according to a study conducted

by researchers called managing sleep

disturbances in cirrhosis sleep

disturbances such as insomnia sleep

apnea which can cause snoring and other

sleep disorders are common symptoms

associated with liver cirrhosis the

study also states that sleep

disturbances can negatively affect a

person's life and cognitive functions

and at those who suffer from liver

disease may also experience restless leg

syndrome or obstructive sleep apnea

number one chronic fatigue the Mayo

Clinic states that in addition to having

a weakened immune system if your liver

is damaged you will also experience

chronic fatigue this chronic fatigue can

lead to a lack of sleep lack of energy

and an overall sense of malaise and if

you continue to feel constantly fatigued

and are not getting enough sleep you may

start to notice that your mind seems a

bit foggy you may find that you are

confused and forgetful as well in

addition to this if your liver is being

overworked then you won't be able to

filter blood properly because of this

toxins are left to roam free throughout

your body in some cases these toxins can

make their way to the brain and affect

your sleeping patterns if this occurs

you may experience symptoms such as

memory loss confusion and difficulty

making everyday decisions now that you

know the six reasons why your liver

can't stand your lifestyle anymore here

are ways you can improve the health of

your liver including foods that you

should eat and lifestyle changes you

should make if you want to improve your

liver the first thing you need to do is

reorganize your diet start by adding

fruits and vegetables the liver needs

vitamins and minerals in order to

function properly there is no food that

has more vitamins and minerals than

fruits and vegetables another thing you

should do is eliminate food additives

your liver can filter the additives but

why make your liver work harder than it

already has to give it a break there are

all sorts of different foods that you

can eat that are good for your liver

according to health line grapefruit has

antioxidants which can help protect the

liver these antioxidants can also help

to reduce a condition called hepatic

fibrosis which results in connective

tissue build up in the liver this

condition can result in chronic


you should also incorporate blueberries

and cranberries into your diet which

both contain anthocyanins anthocyanins

are antioxidants which can help keep

your liver healthy and protect it from


Healthline also states that studies

which have been conducted on rats have

found that berries can slow down the

development of scar tissue in the liver

health line also states that grapes have

a number of health benefits which can

reduce inflammation and prevent damage

to your liver in addition to eating

specific foods to improve your liver

health you should also avoid drinking

too much alcohol while small amounts of

alcohol will not affect you if you over

drink or binge drink you could be

causing damage to your liver which can

easily be avoided in many cases the

liver is damaged because people consume

large amounts of alcohol on a regular

basis it's okay to have a couple of

drinks but overloading your liver with

alcohol can severely damage it in some

cases the damage is irreparable the

reason why it affects the liver so much

is that the liver processes it like a

toxin it does this because alcohol can

have a toxic effect on the liver the

easiest solution is to reduce your

alcohol consumption if you can go seek

professional help because you may be

suffering from alcoholism in addition to

maintaining a healthy diet and reducing

your alcohol intake you should also try

to incorporate healthy active living

into your life exercise can help improve

your overall health as well as your

mental health you should also avoid

eating packaged goods as well as sugar

carbonated drinks and refined grains one

last thing you can do to improve your

liver health is reduce the amount of

stress in your life according to dr. axe

your hormones play a big part in your

liver health if you practice different

ways to reduce your stress you can

reduce the inflammatory response caused

by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal

HPA the HPA can change when you're

stressed causing inflammation which can

result in liver damage so try to reduce

your stress and remain positive dr. axe

states that a damaged liver can lead to

anger and frustration if you do think

that you have liver damage don't pen

do what you can do to improve your life

and go get your liver tested to check

and see if you have liver damage if you

are diagnosed with liver damage listen

to your doctor's recommendations and be

prepared to make some pretty big

lifestyle changes if the liver is unable

to convert toxins into waste they just

sit there until the liver is healthy

enough to get rid of them

this can cause severe health problems if

your liver becomes unhealthy it will

begin to fail if your liver is failing

your blood sugar level could drop you

could also suffer from bacterial or

fungal infections as well your brain

could also start to swell if your liver

is failing so if you experience any of

the signs mentioned in this video it

could mean that your liver may not be

able to handle your current lifestyle if

this is the case you may need to make

some changes that can improve your liver

health as well as your overall quality

of life never take your health for

granted now that you know all about the

six signs your liver simply can't stand

your lifestyle any longer what are some

of the ways you incorporate healthy

living into your life to make sure that

your health is in good shape let us know

your health tips in the comments section


enjoyed this video hit the like button

and subscribe to our channel for more

videos like this thanks for watching


For more infomation >> Signs Of Liver Damage That You Must Pay Attention To - Duration: 9:55.


How To Break A Bad Habit (Catholic Speaker Ken Yasinski) - Duration: 4:05.

- Hi, guys, this is Ken Yasinski from Catholic Speaker .com.

Today, let's chat about how to break a bad habit

and three questions we need to ask ourself

to experience change.

(calm music)

Is there an area of your life that needs change?

Maybe it's a habit, maybe you've got a vice,

maybe it's an attitude or a way of thinking

that you know is just not good for you

or it's not good for other people

and so you wanna change that.

Well, here's three questions that we need to ask ourself

before we experience change in life.

First question, number one, do you want to change

because there's a difference

between knowing we should change and wanting to change.

Saint Augustine said, "Lord, give me chastity,

just not yet."

Some people wanna lose 50 pounds but 50 years down the road

or other people, they got a vice

but they're just having too much fun with it

and they just don't wanna kick the habit

and so there's a difference between knowing we should change

and wanting to change.

Now, how can we get that motivation to change?

Well, I would suggest you watch my other video on this

but here's a quick little idea.

Visit your default future.

If you continue down this road,

what is your life gonna look like

five years, 10 years, 50 years down the road?

That might give you a little bit more motivation

to want to change.

Question number two, do you have the ability to change?

Inspiration gets us going but education keeps us growing.

Now, some people think they gotta break the bad habit.

No, you got to grow out of it and to grow out of it,

you have to learn the opposing virtue.

So you got a vice on one side.

You just can't kick the vice.

You have to learn the opposing virtue and learn about it

and then apply strategies to grow out of that vice.

For example, let's say lust.

You have to instead of breaking that habit,

you have to learn on this side the virtue of chastity.

If you struggle with overeating

then you have to learn and acquire

the virtue of moderation and temperance.

Many people hope to change but hope is not a strategy.

You have to acquire the skills and the knowledge set

in order to grow out of the habit.

You see, again, inspiration gets us going

but education keeps us growing.

We grow out of the habit.

Number three, when will you change?

If you want to change and you have the ability to change

then when will you change because if you want to

and have the ability but don't have a date,

all you've got is a dream

but a dream with a date becomes a goal.

You need a date.

Some time later becomes never.

So how do you get it a little bit more solidified?

We can write that date down.

This is the date that you're gonna start working on change

and acquiring those skills.

You can also then tell a friend.

The other thing is this.

If you keep on putting off that date of taking action,

the more likely change will never happen.

The longer we go in one direction,

the harder it is to turn around

because we got momentum going in one direction.

So the best time to turn that U-turn, to make that U-turn,

the best date is today.

The best time for change is right now.

So my friends, if you want to change,

you have the ability to change, pick the date.

Make it today

and hopefully this helps you live the Catholic life.

My name is Ken Yasinski from

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How To Break A Bad Habit (Catholic Speaker Ken Yasinski) - Duration: 4:05.


PAW Patrol's Mighty Pups 🐾 Theme Song Music Video | Nick Jr. - Duration: 0:51.

♪ Mighty pups, mighty pups Are here to save the world ♪

♪ Whenever they are needed When things are looking tough ♪

♪ Ryder and the mighty pups Have the mighty stuff ♪








♪ No job's too big No pup's too small ♪

♪ Mighty pups, they're on a roll ♪

♪ So here we go mighty pups ♪

[music playing]

♪ Mighty Pups ♪

You can find more PAW Patrol weekday mornings on Nickelodeon,

and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

For more infomation >> PAW Patrol's Mighty Pups 🐾 Theme Song Music Video | Nick Jr. - Duration: 0:51.


Granit Xhaka Accepts Mistake He Did On Sunday - Duration: 2:15.

 Granit Xhaka played as a left back on Sunday because Arsenal had an injury crisis which forced Unai Emery to play a midfielder in the defence since both Nacho Monreal and Sead Kolasinac are on the sidelines

Granit Xhaka didn't have a very bad performance against Crystal Palace until he fouled a player in the penalty box hence causing the gunners to concede the second goal

He scored Arsenal's first goal and it was a very beautiful free kick. There has been a lot of debate in the Arsenal fan base groups on whether the referee was right to award the penalty that shattered Arsenal's winning streak

Arsenal midfielder Granit Xhaka has finally opened up on that foul and he admits that it was indeed a penalty because he took down the Crystal Palace player

 "It was a clear penalty. I came too late and I touched him.We can't be happy because for me we have lost two points

If you are 1-0 down and you change the game and come back to lead 2-1 then you must be clever at the end

" Granit Xhaka is quoted by the Mirror. Arsenal fans can't wait to have Sead Kolasinac and Nacho Monreal back because playing people out of position hasn't been a good idea because Unai Emery has tested Xhaka and Lichtsteiner in the left back position but they have all not been good in it because they aren't used to playing there

 Arsenal's next match will be against Blackpool in the Carabao Cup and then later welcome Liverpool at the Emirates Stadium

For more infomation >> Granit Xhaka Accepts Mistake He Did On Sunday - Duration: 2:15.


MERCILESS RUSHDOWN「My Hero: One's Justice 🤕」 - Duration: 49:19.

For more infomation >> MERCILESS RUSHDOWN「My Hero: One's Justice 🤕」 - Duration: 49:19.


If You Think You Are Ugly - Duration: 2:11.

You know, sometimes children say the most unusual things. Recently a teacher told me about a little girl in her science class.

They were studying how

caterpillars become butterflies. And the teacher explained that

caterpillars hatch from eggs and they begin to eat leaves that, in turn, allows them to grow bigger and bigger.

Then, the teacher explained that changes in the caterpillars hormones

caused it to spin a cocoon around itself.

Then, it begins to digest itself, causing it to become this ugly soup-like

substance. And,

finally, at the right time, it turns into a beautiful butterfly.

It breaks through the cocoon and flies away.

Well, when the teacher finished the class, a little girl who struggled with self-worth approached her and thanked her for the day's lesson.

Well, since that rarely happened, the teacher asked why she enjoyed it so much.

"Well," the little girl said, "I think I'm ugly and I don't feel very good about myself,

but you made me realize today that I am just butterfly soup, but in time I will be a beautiful butterfly."

Well, I don't have to tell you that the teacher had tears in her eyes when she told me that story.

But it is true. Many times, we look at ourselves

and think it can't get any worse.

Whether it's in the way we see ourselves or the

situation we are facing,

but I have good news for you: God is working it all for your good.

In fact, the prophet Jeremiah wrote in Jeremiah 29: "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans

for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

So, remember:

caterpillar today,

butterfly tomorrow. Think about it and I will see you next week.

For more infomation >> If You Think You Are Ugly - Duration: 2:11.


Went To An RV Show On Friday And Came Home With A Steam Locomotive - Duration: 11:45.

today we went to an RV show but I ended up buying a locomotive so let's see how

that happened well this is Friday evening and just like every Friday in

the morning we get up a little bit early and head up to Bonita Springs the Mel's

Diner where we have breakfast this morning Debbie had two scrambled eggs

with breakfast potatoes and biscuits and gravy and I had the sausage and cheese

omelet with the breakfast potatoes and sausage and gravy pretty good pretty

typical Friday then after that we went to the Lions Club looked around for a

while and then we headed up to Port Charlotte now they were having an RV

show up there at the Charlotte County Fairgrounds we spent about an hour there

looking at RVs the smaller ones like the vans and

stuff like that and then you know we looked at some used ones that were a

little bit bigger and some of them were a reasonably-priced but we left out of

there empty-handed so on the way back we decided we're gonna take the scenic

route back down route 41 so we're driving down there and we see this big

sign the hobby shop said wow I never seen that place before was KNK hobbies

so we turned around and went up the road and went into the hobby shop and looked

around and they had a lot of remote-control items and way in the back

is where they had all the railroad stuff so we look back in there and see on this

counter a lot of locomotives and boxes and stuff like that and there was one

that caught my eye and we looked around a little bit more went around and looked

at all everything on a shelf and I kept on going back to that one locomotive and

Debbie says well you know it's coming up your birthday and Christmas is coming up

it's actually to 24th and 25th of December and she says well get what you

want and that'll be or birthday and Christmas gift and I

said Wow okay and she surprises me like that all

the time but anyway here's what I got I don't know how well you could see it in

the box but it is HO Baldwin modern 4-4-0

loco DCC sounds Seaboard number 106 I've been looking for a 4-4-0 for some

time wanted to put it up here on on my

railroad and I'm gonna unbox it now and see how it runs by the way I got picked

this up at a train show we went up to Plant City a couple of weeks ago and I

picked these up here these were hand painted the guy said he stripped him all

the way down and repainted him and put his own lettering on it he does a pretty

good job I don't know if I could believe him or not but I'll take his word for it

but that looks pretty good he put some nice couplers on air but he

left the crappy trucks on there so I picked up a boxcar and a caboose a B&O

caboose since I didn't have a B&O caboose I had a beer I had a Western

Maryland which you can see right there and over on the side if you saw my other

videos you could see the Pennsylvania Railroad with a yellow top

caboose over there by the bridge but anyway we're gonna open this up let's

take a look at this thing here let me just put that right there

but it's a Bachmann spectrum DCC sound

all the usual stuff

DCC sound onboard and all the information on it and let me see where's

the thing okay you gotta pull this out here goes that way okay and I have it

upside down when you know it so there's a tender right there - nice little plugs

on there and here's the locomotive it's a four for Oh number 106 now that looks

pretty nice and I'll put this over here and I'll get a better shot of it in a

minute right there and I'll stick the tender right over here I'm not gonna

hook it up yet until I get ready to film that part of it and we got a buck little

bag of goodies right here

an extra set of trucks for the tender and all right we got the leading trucks

on there too okay and we have the whistle the dome another dome for the

whistle another cow catcher and some other parts in here so we got some extra

items to change it around a little bit good anywhere there it is right there so

now it's time to fire up the new locomotive and run it around to layout

it a quick look at it and without power I just set it down on the track looks

pretty nice and shortly we'll be putting some power to it

and firing it up before I put the locomotive on the track I cleaned the

wheels with q-tip and alcohol just to make sure I'm going to pull the two new

pieces of rolling stock that I got at the plant city train show a couple of

weeks ago let's see how this goes and it has a few more sounds than I thought it


For more infomation >> Went To An RV Show On Friday And Came Home With A Steam Locomotive - Duration: 11:45.


Things People Say When You're A Young Mum! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Things People Say When You're A Young Mum! - Duration: 2:13.


The Truth About 7-Eleven's Famous Slurpee - Duration: 4:30.

No matter where in the world you live, you've probably heard of the iconic Slurpee, a time-honored

beverage beloved by millions.

Ready to have your brain frozen, and then have your mind blown?

Get ready to learn the untold truth of 7-Eleven's famous Slurpee.

The Slurpee's story begins in an unlikely place: a Kansas Dairy Queen with a finicky

soda fountain.

It was the late 1950s, and the Dairy Queen's owner, Omar Knedlik, took to storing bottles

of soda in the freezer when his soda fountain malfunctioned.

Whenever he accidentally left the bottles in the freezer a bit too long, sodas would

emerge from the freezer partially frozen.

To Knedlik's surprise, customers were wild about the slushy soda pops and began requesting

them specially.

Inspired, Knedlik cobbled together a machine from a car A/C unit that would churn out semi-frozen,

carbonated beverages.

Then, Knedlik partnered with an engineering firm in Dallas to perfect the design, and

began selling the newly christened ICEE machine to diners, restaurants, gas stations, and

convenience stores.

In 1965, 7-Eleven licensed the ICEE machine from Knedlik and rebranded the drink as the "Slurpee"

7-Eleven ad agency director Bob Stanford was credited with coming up with the name "Slurpee"

based on the noise the drink makes as it's sucked through a straw.

When the Slurpee first hit 7-Eleven stores, it was available in two flavors: Coca-Cola

and cherry.

By the time the 1970s rolled around, the Slurpee had expanded to 27 different flavors.

Some of their names were: For Adults Only, Red Eye, Scooby Doo, Green & Wet, and, uh...Bull


Since the Slurpee's inception, 7-Eleven has ditched some of its more adult-sounding names,

but introduced hundreds of flavors.

In the U.S., some of the most popular flavors are Fanta Wild Cherry, Coca-Cola Classic,

Fanta Banana, Barq's Root Beer, and Mountain Dew.

Slurpees are, and always were, a cool kids drink.

From the beginning, Slurpee marketers targeted kids, teens, and young adults with psychedelic

cup designs and groovy jingles.

The grooviest of all these melodies was arguably "Dance the Slurp," a full-length jingle written

by Tom Merriman, one of America's most influential jingle composers.

It's a lively, two-minute tune that consists of funky brass music and slurping sounds,

punctuated with people occasionally exclaiming, "slurp, slurp!"

The song was released on vinyl 45 in the 1960s and handed out for free at 7-Eleven stores.

Years later, "Dance the Slurp" was remixed by Cut Chemist and DJ Shadow in their 1999

album Brainfreeze.

Today, copies of the original "Dance the Slurp" 45s can fetch a few bucks on eBay.

Remember that dark time in human history when you had spoons and you had straws, but nothing

in between to down a milkshake with?

The Slurpee solved this culinary quandary with the introduction of its signature spoon


The pioneering utensil was developed by Arthur A. Aykanian, an industrial designer who trained

as a mechanical engineer at MIT.

Since the release of the spoon straw, 7-Eleven has introduced additional, limited edition

Slurpee straws, including collectible tongue straws and Deadpool-themed straws.

Kosher is a certain type of food preparation that complies with strict Jewish laws.

Kosher rules can be pretty complex, restricting the way certain foods can be harvested, processed,

and prepared, and forbidding certain products and ingredients all together.

Considering the intricacy of kosher law, you might not have imagined that many Slurpee

flavors would meet the strict Kosher Certification guidelines, but they do — particularly,

Slurpees from kosher-certified brands like Canada Dry, Dr. Pepper, Hawaiian Punch, Squirt,

and Sunkist.

Flavors such as Coca-Cola Classic and watermelon Sour Patch are kosher, but so are plenty of

funkier picks like sugar-free lite pineapple coconut, lime, Eureka!

California, and Sprite 6 by LeBron James.

You may be familiar with 7-Eleven Day, otherwise known as "National Slurpee Day", which falls

on July 11th.

On this magical holiday, 7-Elevens across the U.S. hand out free small Slurpees from

11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

But the fun doesn't stop on July 11th: the chain celebrates the entire week of 7-Eleven

Day with promos on drinks, candy, and treats.

A lesser known, equally awesome Slurpee holiday is Bring Your Own Cup Day.

On this day, customers can fill up their own, any-size cup with Slurpee nectar for a buck-fifty.

In the past, people have gone a little wild on BYO Cup day, emerging from 7-Elevens lugging

everything from water jugs to kiddie pools filled with Slurpees.

Since then, 7-Eleven has introduced some restrictions.

"You can fill any cup of your choice for just a buck-fifty, as long as that cup is safe,

clean, water-tight, and can fit through a 10-inch diameter hole."

Still, on BYO Cup Day, you'll see creative Slurpee fans loading up with everything from

hollowed-out pineapples to Halloween pails.

For more infomation >> The Truth About 7-Eleven's Famous Slurpee - Duration: 4:30.


Xeheun - 'Vibe On' (aúdio) | GIRLKIND (걸카인드) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Xeheun - 'Vibe On' (aúdio) | GIRLKIND (걸카인드) - Duration: 3:45.


How to build a beautiful and reusable training center with Communication Sites - BRK2286 - Duration: 45:16.

For more infomation >> How to build a beautiful and reusable training center with Communication Sites - BRK2286 - Duration: 45:16.


Michelle Trachtenberg Then and Now. Eurotrip Star From A Child To Sexy Woman - Duration: 3:09.

A famous star Michelle Trachtenberg was born in 1985 in New York, a city of opportunities

and big dreams.

She had been dreaming of becoming a movie star and looks like New York made her dream

come true.

She started acting in movies from early years but the biggest popularity she received, was

for a role in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

There she performed an annoying younger sister of the main hero, who simply couldn't leave

fans indifferent.

With the time, she began accepting offers for more serious roles instead of crazy young


So, let's have a closer look how she changed throughout the years of her career.

In 1991, at the age of 6, Michelle debuted on a big screen, having acted in one episode

of the Law and Order.

It was the very beginning for her career that helped to understand how to work with a camera

and stuff around.

The years from 1993 till 1996 were very successful for a young starlet.

She appeared in All my Children and was very suitable, since she was a child herself with

all possible and impossible moods and desires.

Then she acted in The Adventures of Pete and Pete, which was of a surrealistic genre.

It was a story of two brothers, who wanted to understand how everything happens around

them on a daily basis.

All these roles were bit ones and so, real fame and the first major role was in 1996

in a film Harriet the Spy.

It tells a story of a curious girl from a wealthy family, who is searching for treasures.

In 1997, the celebrity appeared in a sci-fi sitcom called Meego.

It is about a spaceship that is going to crash on Earth.

The next two years, from 1998 and up till 1999 were also very busy for the movie star.

She took part in Figure It Out that is a kids panel game show, where she was herself and

didn't have to play as any other character.

During this period, she also acted in Richie Rich's Christmas Wish and Inspector Gadget.

In 2000 the actress participated in Can't Be Heaven project, which was a family comedy.

From 2000 and until 2003, Michelle had been featuring in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

We are sure you have definitely watched it, as it is still a big hit.

It is about slayers that fight against vampires, demons, etc.

Her next great role was in 2004 movie EuroTrip.

From 2008 till 2012 she played a role of Georgina Sparks in very popular TV series Gossip Girl,

where she looked extremely sexy.

At the beginning of the show she was only 23.

All in all, Trachtenberg went from cute little girl to a beautiful woman.

So we wish her more roles and inspiration.

For more infomation >> Michelle Trachtenberg Then and Now. Eurotrip Star From A Child To Sexy Woman - Duration: 3:09.


Drawing Alkanes When Given the Structure Name - Duration: 3:55.

In part one, we covered how to name alkanes when given the structure. So if

you missed that you can find that video here. Now we'll go over how to draw the

structure when given the name. Here's the format of each example name we will go

over. Notice how in each example we always

have a number in front of our substituent followed by the longest

carbon chain. That number tells us which carbon that specific substituent is

located at. We'll always start with drawing the longest carbon chain first

then placing the substituents at the correct locations.

Let's do three different examples that increase in difficulty. Here's example 1

step 1 draw the longest carbon chain. I have a trick on how to draw the correct

carbon chain each time count to 1 less than the number of carbons you want, say

we wanted to draw only 8 carbons if we counted to 8 when drawing so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

7, 8 that actually gives you nine carbons but if we count to 7. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 that

gives us 8 carbons which is what we wanted so we will do the same for this

example since it states octane and we know that's 8 carbons. Step two number the

carbon chain we can number the carbon chain either from left to right or right

to left, I'll number it from left to right. Step 3 place substituents at their

designated numbers. In this case we only have one substituent located at the 4th

carbon on our carbon chain remember propyl has 3 carbons so this is

the structure for 4-propyloctane. Here's example 2 step 1 draw the longest carbon

chain our longest carbon chain is pentane, pent meaning 5 let's draw 5

carbons. Remembering the trick where we count to 1 less than the number of

carbons we want so 1, 2, 3, 4 and we actually drew one, two, three, four, five

carbons. Step two number the carbon chain I'll number the carbon

chain from left to right but you could have numbered it from right to left. Step

3 place substituents at their designated numbers, we have two different

substituents in this case an ethyl group and a methyl group, both groups are

located at the third carbon this is one way we could have drawn the structure. We

could have also drawn the major carbon chain going up first and placed the same

substituents either way both examples have the substituents at carbon three

so they both are correct. Now for our more challenging example, example 3 step

1 draw the longest carbon chain our

longest carbon chain is butane, but meaning 4 so we'll draw 4 carbons so 1, 2,

3 and we drew one two three four carbons. Step two number the carbon chain

I'll number the carbon chain from left to right. Step 3 place substituents at

their designated numbers whenever we have a number then a comma followed by

another number this tells us that there's more than one of the same

substituent. In this case we have four numbers plus the prefix of tetra and

tetra means four so we must have four methyl groups since this is tetramethyl.

Our numbers in front tell us we have two methyl groups on carbon 2 and two methyl

groups on carbon 3 and this is the proper structure. Now if you would like

help on your homework, online tutoring or other helpful resources I have all of

that and more in the description box and remember stay determined you can do this!

For more infomation >> Drawing Alkanes When Given the Structure Name - Duration: 3:55.


[P] 1515. Possibly snowmen - Duration: 0:07.

[Roll Roll]


- Urk!

Snowmen...? Could these be snowmen...?

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