Saturday, December 31, 2016

Youtube daily report w Dec 31 2016

The votes are in and your top 10 indie games of 2016 have been decided.

We want to thank all of you guys for taking part and making this very special video possible.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 indie games of 2016 as chosen by you.

Our top 10 begins with Salt and Sanctuary, and what is unabashedly a 2D version of Dark Souls.

Name a component of the famous series and you'll probably find it in Salt and Sanctuary.

Souls and bonfires are rebranded as salt and sanctuaries respectively, deaths are aplenty,

your character is highly customisable, and well, the list goes on.

Still, despite its mimicry, Salt and Sanctuary is different enough to provide a complimentary

rather than repetitive experience to the Souls series.

It's quite easy to downplay the 2D factor, but it does change the dynamic.

Having never been interested in the Souls series, the platforming of Salt and Sanctuary

invited us to test the Souls formula.

Some other changes include new abilities that let you access previously unreachable areas,

customisation quirks such as the Chef class, and of course, the art.

We also appreciate how the game never bogs you down with exposition or narrative detail.

Action comes first, and then everything else unfolds from it—a sign of a game that knows

exactly what its identity is.

With just one developer, graphics from the last century and little pre-release hype,

Stardew Valley defied the odds and became indie gaming's surprise hit of 2016.

In two months, it sold over a million copies on Steam and generated enough demand for the

realisation of console ports.

Like Salt and Sanctuary with Dark Souls, it is too easy to say that Stardew Valley is

another Harvest Moon.

Yes, it is the same game, and yes, it is streamlined—removing some of Harvest Moon's tedium.

But it is naïve to think that Stardew's appeal is confined to just that.

There's the narrative of escaping the city for the simple, outdoorsy and communal life

of the country.

Then there's the endearing passion of developer Eric Barone, who not only spent four years

making the game, but churned out bug-fixing patches each of the first 5 days after launch.

It's a game made with love and it shows by how easily it rewards your efforts and

draws you into its world.

Whilst the first two games on this list closely follow their inspirations, Abzu travels down

its own stream.

It takes some inspiration from Journey—considering that creative director Matt Nava was also

the artist behind Journey, it's only natural.

What is perhaps a bigger influence on the game, is that it's an artist-led project.

The visuals are stunning, and in our opinion it's the best looking indie game of 2016.

The music is also astounding.

Always at a cinematic quality, it is Abzu's emotional conductor, taking you through the


This immaculate presentation is the driving force of Abzu, immersing you deep underwater

and kindling a desire to discover all its secrets and beautiful worlds.

It quite literally picks you up in its current of loveliness, and in such a gentle way that

you don't even notice.

Adding to that feeling of calm, is the absence of any threats like predators, oxygen loss,

or time-bound missions.

Abzu wants you to take your time and revel in its gorgeousness, like swimming through

rainbows of fish.

It emphasises the present moment, absorbing and enjoying it all.

On another note, an underrated feature of Abzu is its movement.

Both simple and fluid, you feel the pressure and all the movements of the ocean.

In fact, if you dive to the seabed where the ocean pressure is greatest, you move slower.

All up, Abzu transcends beauty and delivers a tranquil and fascinating journey through

a mysterious ocean.

In February, SUPERHOT stopped time and turned an action-styled shooter into a methodical

puzzle game.

After playing the beta, we saw the promise of the time moves only when you do mechanic,

but were also concerned if it would hold up over a full-length game.

Alas, the full version erased those fears, adding new weapons and setups, and never repeating

throughout its 6-hour duration.

In fact, SUPERHOT's unique take on time is the bedrock on which everything else is


For instance, it creates its own unqiue unspoken rules of survival, like taking out enemies

first and being able to stay out in the open because you can dodge bullets.

Having the power to control time, makes you feel like you're a step ahead of everyone,

and that if you do die, which happens a lot, it was of your own doing.

It's critical that SUPERHOT makes you embrace death like that because it is through failing

that the game teaches you all its idiosyncrasies and patterns.

From finish to end, SUPERHOT provides a fresh and enthralling maze of bullets for you to

dissect and navigate.

Having hit early access in early 2015, and then released in full back in January, Darkest

Dungeon feels like it's been around forever.

Nevertheless, we're not complaining, it's one of our favourite games of the year, and

we're glad that you guys voted it into this video.

The game's defining characteristic is stress.

Crawling through the horror-filled dungeons, one of your dungeoneers may tip over the edge

from say, witnessing a teammate's death or not having enough light.

In this scenario, they will most likely go insane and develop an affliction.

This could be masochism, paranoia and so on.

What it means is they will be more prone to death, do more stress damage to the rest of

your team and make your mission even more perilous.

Stress can be managed back at the town via prayer, booze or other vices.

Stress can also cause characters to have quirks like combat penalties or harmful fascinations

with things like gore.

These can also be cured at the town, but at greater cost.

Essentially, this focus on mental health adds an extra layer of character management to

the game.

It also makes the flawed heroes more compelling, recognising their experiences in the dungeons

and crafting a narrative around it.

I'd even name my heroes after their quirks.

For instance, my claustrophobic jester was called Tunnels and my gambling Highwayman,


There are 15 different character classes, whose different skillsets bring much variety

to team formation and combat strategy.

Figuring out which classes you like best, and complement one another is half the fun.

Darkest Dungeon is an intense game, and that's an understatement.

It tasks you with managing the stress levels of a band of misfit dungeoneers, all the while

raising your own stress levels in the process.

Now into the top 5, Firewatch is the first game in this video to hit 600 votes.

Now being made into a film, Firewitch has become synonymous with its highly divisive


Here at Indieformer, we were split on it—Laurence liked it and I thought it was a letdown—reflecting

the public sentiment.

But it is ultimately one aspect of an overall fantastic game.

Above all else, Firewatch is a radio mediated relationship between new fire lookout Henry

and his supervisor Delilah.

So many components make it engrossing, but it starts with the superb writing that handles

humour as well as it does moments of terror and unease.

On top of that, the brilliant work of voice actors Rich Sommers and Cissy Jones bring

the script and characters to life.

Players got to choose Henry's replies to Delilah—choices that never affected the

events of the story, only the course of the conversation.

However, you still cared about your decisions because the game made you care about Henry

and Delilah.

The interplay between the two feels so real, and in fact there is a sense of realism that

permeates throughout Firewatch.

For example, we loved how the trigger on the gamepad was used as the control for the radio,

mimicking the radio's push-to-talk button.

It's a little detail, but one of many that makes the Firewatch experience.

Going back and playing the game now, we realised how quickly the intro established the character

of Henry and the game's mood.

A sad piano and guitar strum in the background, as the tragedy of Henry's romantic past

is told on his way to the lookout tower.

From the word go, you are emotionally hooked.

Firewatch is one of the best made games of 2016, and if you haven't played it yet,

we implore you to do so.

We were a little surprised to find Enter the Gungeon this high in the standings, but it

is probably 2016's best roguelike and a very deserving game.

Thinking back, what stands out most about Gungeon is its personality.

From kicking over tables to create cover to having gun-wielding bullets as enemies, the

game has this fun and silly nature that's highly infectious.

Just try and play it without smiling—it's not easy.

The bullet hell gameplay stands up to genre heavyweights like Isaac and Nuclear Throne.

Although, it still feels distinct, with its unique enemies and obstacles creating its

own rhythm of blasting, dodging and hiding on the run.

The game is a very polished arcade shooter, with aiming, enemy spawns and projectiles

all feeling hard but never unfair.

Ultimately, this is Gungeon's bread and butter—if you can shoot your foes and dodge

their fire, you'll go far.

But in saying that, there is a lot of variety borrowed from Gungeon's roguelike influence.

There are a ton of different guns and items, adding both mystery and discovery to every


Finding a shotgun that'll shoot teddy bears which turn enemies against one another, is

what keeps you coming back again and again.

Cheeky, challenging and always changing, Enter the Gungeon is a very entertaining dungeon


At the number 3 spot we have the game that took 10 years to make—Owlboy.

With the likes of Abzu and Firewatch, we've already looked at some games with great production


Unlike them, Owlboy dabbles in the realm of 2D, but it is no less magnificent in appearance.

In November, we harped on about its magical soundtrack that elicited the nostalgia of

Shovel Knight and Disney.

We praised its art too, but having played it more since then, we've realised that

every area has been individually designed.

Whereas other games may copy tile sets, artist Simon Andersen has hand-made every background

dot by dot.

Learning about that level of dedication, it is no wonder that the game took so long to


The game itself is a metroidvania platformer, and it too is the product of much refinement.

The game ebbs and flows at all the right times and you're never inundated with new systems

or made bored by the same old stuff.

Furthermore, the action is seamlessly tied into the games events, allowing you to be

easily swept up into the narrative's stream.

Owlboy is a delightful love letter to pixels that should be played for its art and music


Rather incredibly, not one, but two games finished in equal first place with 773 votes

a piece.

As you can tell, one of those is Inside.

You can probably guess the other game too, but let's not say anything just yet.

As for Inside, it's such an immense game that it's hard to know where to start.

The shorthand version, is that it's the spiritual successor to developer Playdead's

earlier title Limbo—another atmospheric puzzle platformer about a nameless boy.

To be honest, I don't know if a game has gripped me from the very start like INSIDE

did back in July.

Tumbling down from a mound of rocks, you begin with a push of momentum, feeling the immediacy

of the need to run.

In the background, trucks hum and lights search, threatening to expose your cover of darkness,

and letting you feel the terror of the little boy.

The suspense builds up, and masked men chase you with the light of their torches, then

a rabid hound blitzes toward you through a lake.

It's dreadful, but heart-poundingly thrilling.

Unfortunately, as the levels become complex, the suspense of these chases is drowned out

by the interruption of dying and having to restart.

Though the puzzles tend to be more advanced than in Limbo, I found I enjoyed INSIDE most

when it was simple in it's design.

I remember noticing a flock of baby chicks follow me towards a barn very early in the

game, and regarding it as a nice but rather innocuous occurrence.

Minutes later, I was in the barn, stuck on a puzzle, when I heard their chirping.

I followed their noise to the barn door, and let them in to discover that they were vital

to solving the puzzle.

That incident was also significant because I had to put the chicks through a machine

and, given the nature of the game, to what I thought would be their deaths.

Seeing them fly out the other end of the machine safe and alive brought me a rare moment of

relief from the grimness of INSIDE's world.

Short yet impactful, INSIDE is a worthy spiritual successor to Limbo.

Sharing the honours with Inside as the number 1 indie game of 2016 as chosen by you, is

Hyper Light Drifter.

The path to this point wasn't always easy for Hyper Light Drifter.

After receiving funding from Kickstarter, multiple setbacks delayed the planned June

2014 release.

Even this year, the year of its release, it had to cancel its PS Vita and Wii U ports.

The upside to everything however, is that we did get to play Hyper Light Drifter this

year and it was pretty fantastic.

With its pixels, dungeons and maps the game feels incredibly retro, yet at the same time,

its gap-clearing dashes, and environmental storytelling make it feel modern.

It can seem weird at times, but that is Hyper Light Drifter—a unique mix of old and new.

The same can be said of its rhythm.

Combat is a ferocious onslaught – a true masterclass in crowd control – but the journey

to the next battle is typically slower and filled with side rooms to explore.

The intersection of the two makes the game balanced and gives it great flow.

By now, you may be sick of us talking about the music of videogames, but we have to talk

about Hyper Light Drifter's soundtrack.

The work of composer Disasterpiece, its mellow synths instil peaceful contemplation as easily

as they do worrying dread, and match the 80's styled art.

A lot of the game's incredible atmosphere must be credited to the music.

Ultimately, Hyper Light Drifter is a flat-out doozy, and both it and Inside are very deserving

of being called 2016's best indie game.

Thankyou to everyone who watched us throughout the year.

We'll see you in 2017 here on Indieformer.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Indie Games of 2016 - Duration: 16:58.


[korean asmr](Marshmallow Real Eating sound,tingle,REAL MUKBANG ENG SUB) - Duration: 38:04.

Please keep earphones or headset on.

hello. this is suna ASMR

Today, the video is eating marshmallows.

I have eaten a lot yesterday and a little left.

this price is 2$

Start Eating!

!*This video will play twice.*!

This video is over. Now the video is playing again.

For more infomation >> [korean asmr](Marshmallow Real Eating sound,tingle,REAL MUKBANG ENG SUB) - Duration: 38:04.


For more infomation >>


Migrate AS/400 Apps

For more infomation >> Migrate AS/400 Apps


Betoniera per bambini. Betoniera Cartoni. Camion scavatrice trattore Macchine per bambini di 7 anni - Duration: 3:54.

Hello everyone!

They are the able-andy!

I am very interested in different tools, cars and all that concerns them.

Today I'm going to a construction site with my new convertible.

There, we will see the big construction machines.

I hope I will find a lot of interesting information about!

So, let's go my friends!

There it is!

Guardate- are building now!

The cranes are raising large blocks take the points indicated.

In addition to the construction site we also see big machines, also they help those in construction.

Let's give them a closer look.

This is a truck - his body is made to be filled and transport the materials


Look here!

is an excavator.

He can dig the earth with his shovel.

For example, to build something you need them a hole for its foundation.

And the other is a roller, is used to make the asphalt of the road.

With its heavy steel roller compresses and compact the road surface.

Look at this guy!

A cement truck!

Carrying concrete.

It was my dream to discover all concrete mixer.

And the driver of this truck has consented to show us and help us understand how

it works.

Yay !!

So - this truck consists of front wheels and back and then goes the platform.

Below you can see a large tank of benzina.Un special mechanism of rotation and the drum

They are installed on the platform.

You can also see the tank for water used to make the concrete mix.

Behind the basket there are tools to load and withdraw the concrete.

Then there is a cabin with large windows, you can also see the orange lights on

its roof.

When the driver turns on the lights in the street warns other drivers to pay attention

, Because the concrete mixer bringing a great load is heavy. (More serious voice and mature)


Because this truck has this name?

- Concrete mixer?

and how it works?

We'll find out now!

So my friends!

Before we put the sand and then the concrete in the drum.

Then the basket begins to spin mixing sand and cement with water from a tank


The workers fill the hole while the solution He prepares.

That hole appeared in the street during the work construction.

Then first workers fill hole with earth and rubble.

After that fill it with concrete fresh.

Evvaii !!

Ready !!

The road is adjusted !!

Well done!!

ok, I have to go now.

We say thank you for the help and the driver salutimo concrete mixer.

If you do not want to miss any new cartoon, subscribe to our channel.

You can also click "I like it".

Now continueò my trip, good trip, Guided safe!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Betoniera per bambini. Betoniera Cartoni. Camion scavatrice trattore Macchine per bambini di 7 anni - Duration: 3:54.


Can I Program Dials and Buttons? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:25.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Can I program my dials and buttons to do certain different characteristics?

Absolutely, but we have to go into the menu first, so we go into menu and you're

going to go into your custom menu setting and scroll down to where it says

custom function number two, others and now you can actually go ahead and

reprogram your dials and buttons to have different designated functions.

That's pretty impressive, that way you can set it up to your liking.

For more infomation >> Can I Program Dials and Buttons? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:25.


Karol Sevilla - Nada Fue un Error (TŁUMACZENIE)(nic nie było błędem) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Karol Sevilla - Nada Fue un Error (TŁUMACZENIE)(nic nie było błędem) - Duration: 3:09.


Robocar POLI Coloring Roy. Cartoon - Coloring 16 series. Video for kids - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Robocar POLI Coloring Roy. Cartoon - Coloring 16 series. Video for kids - Duration: 2:03.


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! - Duration: 2:55.

Hello friends!

You are on the channel "Visiting Alice and Yegor!"

and we want to congratulate you on the coming New Year!

congratulate our friends, subscribers, well, just all, all

Happy New Year!

I wish that the New Year ?!

happiness, health, gifts

success, fulfillment of all desires

everyone to be happy, healthy, smiling and happy!

so that everyone had a great Christmas mood,

all dreams and desires fulfilled in the coming year!

financial well-being!

Santa Claus to give gifts to all that you have in mind!

Alice, even New Year's dance you dance!

in general, all you all the best!

good Christmas mood!

good gifts, health, happiness

and good luck!

All that we wish that all you have celebrated the New Year!

Subscribe to channel "Visiting Alice and Yegor!"

Leave comments, place the thumbs up

and we are going to swim, dive, swim, sunbathe and warm!

All the while, yet!

For more infomation >> HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! - Duration: 2:55.


Does The Canon M5 Have Focus Peaking? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:30.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Yes, they thought of how many of us out there like to work on manual focus so

we're going to go into the menu and we're going to go into the fourth folder

and look at your setting for focused peak settings and you can actually

activate it here and you can pick high or low level in the color and you can

actually choose the color that you prefer, so, if you want to do yellow set

it up and you notice how it changes to yellow

when it's in focus.

That's pretty impressive.

For more infomation >> Does The Canon M5 Have Focus Peaking? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:30.


What Material Is The Canon EOS M5 Made Of? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:18.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Is it made out of magnesium or plastic?

Well, they don't use the term plastic, it's a polycarbonate, very well put


Honestly that's the reason why they can make this camera just a little

bit shy of 22 ounces in this combination with the 15-45 very sturdy, feels

great in the hand but it's not magnesium Alloy, that way you also have the

capability of working with Wi-Fi and their new Bluetooth connection.

For more infomation >> What Material Is The Canon EOS M5 Made Of? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:18.


【MUKBANG】 The End Of The Year Luxury ! 50 Sushi, Broiled Eel Over Rice...etc, 7625kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 5:55.

Hey yall its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (change font size color and transparency via options menu)

guys, the end of the year is just around the corner (change font size color and transparency via options menu)

how was 2016 for you all? well what I'm going to eat today has nothing to do with my 2016

but its something that I was craving So, Today! tadaa 50 pieces of sushi

tuna in sauce over rice, eel bowl and 3 pieces of fatty tuna and some miso soup is what we've got here

K, today I kind of wanted to go all out the last meal of the year is a time to feast.

and I, too, will also feast! itadakimasu

looks delish I love sushi K, so this is the 50 pieces of sushi. it looks amazing

seafood always looks so colorful and here we've got a bowl of tuna there is a runny egg in the middle

a bowl of eel!!! I love eel this dish is real popular in the summer but the eel

served in the summer doesn't taste as good and so I belive they started pushing it in the summer to keep up the

sales during the summer slump... these Eel taste way better in the winter...... I think.... ~just my thoughts~

fatty tuna... its such a nice color of pink it almost looks like ham lets start with the sushi....

oh jeeez.... which shall I start off with? I dunno...

lets kick it off with fatty tuna

OMG look at how much fat is on it

there's so much fat on this fatty tuna and its so thick ... so good

I just can't get enough ahh I love this Eel and the sauce as well

this rice that is covered in sauce is also the best

the meat is so plump and there is a nice layer of fat in the skin I love eating fatty things

Flame broiled salmon

salmnon is so fatty its so good the taste of the salmon is enhanced by being flame kissed


..... ahh I just had the fatty tuna

well... normal tuna has its good points as well

nice protein-like goodness


flounder. its got a nice meaty bite to it. its so delish being that it has a very firm texture

sea urchin I love sea urchin as well

the flavor of urchin is so wonderful egg


everything in here is seafood yet each one has a unique flavor sushi is so awesome

tuna bowl and now I'll break open the runny/poached egg

ahh its so runny seafood and egg yolk are a great combo

the egg makes this dish so mild tasting


its so firm, chewy and fresh

salmon roe

they pop in your mouth and are so delish

the last fatty tuna

thats the last of the eel bowl

all done

everyone! do you know which piece I'm saving for last? right now we have squid, salmon, flounder, clam

shrimp and roe, urchin, eel, and egg left which one shall it be?

the person who correctly gets it might have good luck come to them next year.... lol

I just ate a squid right now

last up is flounder

all done gochisosamadeshita

its the end of the year afterall... everyone please finish it with a big meal

and I hope to eat many delish things next year thank you for all that you've done for me this year

I'm so glad to be able to continue everyday making youtube videos and I hope next year to have even more fun

and to be able to make more and more fun videos for you all to watch

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 The End Of The Year Luxury ! 50 Sushi, Broiled Eel Over Rice...etc, 7625kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 5:55.


Does the Canon M5 Have Touchscreen? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:27.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have a touchscreen?

Yes, a nice large 3.2 inch, notice how I can actually

touch focus wherever I choose, so I can go ahead and pick where I want it to

focus and I can angle it, so notice how I can actually move the screen to the

corresponding angle that I prefer.

Plus, it gives me access to my menu so I can do

anything that I choose to in the menu.

It could all be changed with the

Touchscreen, so yes, Canon did a great job with their new 3.2 inch touchscreen.

For more infomation >> Does the Canon M5 Have Touchscreen? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:27.


Does The Canon M5 Have HDMI Out for Recording Video? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:04.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have clean HDMI out for Recording?

No, I'm afraid not, they gave you micro HDMI to HDMI but that's just for

playback purposes that does not allow you to record through here.

For more infomation >> Does The Canon M5 Have HDMI Out for Recording Video? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:04.


How To Turn Off Shutter Button Beeping Sound | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:25.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does this bother you?

Beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep-beep … Well, you can get

rid of the beep.

Go into the menu, go to the tool setting and we're going to go to

the third folder, click on where it says beep and turn it off.

So now, I actually have to turn it off,

there we go.

So now the beep is gone, now, it still has a shutter noise you can't

get rid of that it doesn't get completely silent but you did get rid of

that noisy beep, the beep is gone.

For more infomation >> How To Turn Off Shutter Button Beeping Sound | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:25.


Does The Canon M5 Have Creative Mode? | Canon M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:31.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have a creative mode?

Yes, they did, this has been really popular on some of their point-and-shoots.

It's the, on the dial, it's a little diagram with the camera and the star in

the top.

Turn it on and now you can go ahead and choose which mode you want to

Do, you want to change your color tone, Saturation, contrast, brightness and you

can even change the blurring of the background where you want it blurred or

not and again the beauty of it is that I can do it with the touchscreen, so you

can see the effect right away.

Nice feature, they made it really simple to be much more creative with the EOS M5.

For more infomation >> Does The Canon M5 Have Creative Mode? | Canon M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:31.


S.Pellegrino® Water

For more infomation >> S.Pellegrino® Water


Love FouseyTube?

For more infomation >> Love FouseyTube?


Volvo V40 2.0 D2 R-DESIGN BUSINESS Panorama, Harman Kardon a - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 D2 R-DESIGN BUSINESS Panorama, Harman Kardon a - Duration: 1:24.


Top 10 Indie Games of 2016 - Duration: 16:58.

The votes are in and your top 10 indie games of 2016 have been decided.

We want to thank all of you guys for taking part and making this very special video possible.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 indie games of 2016 as chosen by you.

Our top 10 begins with Salt and Sanctuary, and what is unabashedly a 2D version of Dark Souls.

Name a component of the famous series and you'll probably find it in Salt and Sanctuary.

Souls and bonfires are rebranded as salt and sanctuaries respectively, deaths are aplenty,

your character is highly customisable, and well, the list goes on.

Still, despite its mimicry, Salt and Sanctuary is different enough to provide a complimentary

rather than repetitive experience to the Souls series.

It's quite easy to downplay the 2D factor, but it does change the dynamic.

Having never been interested in the Souls series, the platforming of Salt and Sanctuary

invited us to test the Souls formula.

Some other changes include new abilities that let you access previously unreachable areas,

customisation quirks such as the Chef class, and of course, the art.

We also appreciate how the game never bogs you down with exposition or narrative detail.

Action comes first, and then everything else unfolds from it—a sign of a game that knows

exactly what its identity is.

With just one developer, graphics from the last century and little pre-release hype,

Stardew Valley defied the odds and became indie gaming's surprise hit of 2016.

In two months, it sold over a million copies on Steam and generated enough demand for the

realisation of console ports.

Like Salt and Sanctuary with Dark Souls, it is too easy to say that Stardew Valley is

another Harvest Moon.

Yes, it is the same game, and yes, it is streamlined—removing some of Harvest Moon's tedium.

But it is naïve to think that Stardew's appeal is confined to just that.

There's the narrative of escaping the city for the simple, outdoorsy and communal life

of the country.

Then there's the endearing passion of developer Eric Barone, who not only spent four years

making the game, but churned out bug-fixing patches each of the first 5 days after launch.

It's a game made with love and it shows by how easily it rewards your efforts and

draws you into its world.

Whilst the first two games on this list closely follow their inspirations, Abzu travels down

its own stream.

It takes some inspiration from Journey—considering that creative director Matt Nava was also

the artist behind Journey, it's only natural.

What is perhaps a bigger influence on the game, is that it's an artist-led project.

The visuals are stunning, and in our opinion it's the best looking indie game of 2016.

The music is also astounding.

Always at a cinematic quality, it is Abzu's emotional conductor, taking you through the


This immaculate presentation is the driving force of Abzu, immersing you deep underwater

and kindling a desire to discover all its secrets and beautiful worlds.

It quite literally picks you up in its current of loveliness, and in such a gentle way that

you don't even notice.

Adding to that feeling of calm, is the absence of any threats like predators, oxygen loss,

or time-bound missions.

Abzu wants you to take your time and revel in its gorgeousness, like swimming through

rainbows of fish.

It emphasises the present moment, absorbing and enjoying it all.

On another note, an underrated feature of Abzu is its movement.

Both simple and fluid, you feel the pressure and all the movements of the ocean.

In fact, if you dive to the seabed where the ocean pressure is greatest, you move slower.

All up, Abzu transcends beauty and delivers a tranquil and fascinating journey through

a mysterious ocean.

In February, SUPERHOT stopped time and turned an action-styled shooter into a methodical

puzzle game.

After playing the beta, we saw the promise of the time moves only when you do mechanic,

but were also concerned if it would hold up over a full-length game.

Alas, the full version erased those fears, adding new weapons and setups, and never repeating

throughout its 6-hour duration.

In fact, SUPERHOT's unique take on time is the bedrock on which everything else is


For instance, it creates its own unqiue unspoken rules of survival, like taking out enemies

first and being able to stay out in the open because you can dodge bullets.

Having the power to control time, makes you feel like you're a step ahead of everyone,

and that if you do die, which happens a lot, it was of your own doing.

It's critical that SUPERHOT makes you embrace death like that because it is through failing

that the game teaches you all its idiosyncrasies and patterns.

From finish to end, SUPERHOT provides a fresh and enthralling maze of bullets for you to

dissect and navigate.

Having hit early access in early 2015, and then released in full back in January, Darkest

Dungeon feels like it's been around forever.

Nevertheless, we're not complaining, it's one of our favourite games of the year, and

we're glad that you guys voted it into this video.

The game's defining characteristic is stress.

Crawling through the horror-filled dungeons, one of your dungeoneers may tip over the edge

from say, witnessing a teammate's death or not having enough light.

In this scenario, they will most likely go insane and develop an affliction.

This could be masochism, paranoia and so on.

What it means is they will be more prone to death, do more stress damage to the rest of

your team and make your mission even more perilous.

Stress can be managed back at the town via prayer, booze or other vices.

Stress can also cause characters to have quirks like combat penalties or harmful fascinations

with things like gore.

These can also be cured at the town, but at greater cost.

Essentially, this focus on mental health adds an extra layer of character management to

the game.

It also makes the flawed heroes more compelling, recognising their experiences in the dungeons

and crafting a narrative around it.

I'd even name my heroes after their quirks.

For instance, my claustrophobic jester was called Tunnels and my gambling Highwayman,


There are 15 different character classes, whose different skillsets bring much variety

to team formation and combat strategy.

Figuring out which classes you like best, and complement one another is half the fun.

Darkest Dungeon is an intense game, and that's an understatement.

It tasks you with managing the stress levels of a band of misfit dungeoneers, all the while

raising your own stress levels in the process.

Now into the top 5, Firewatch is the first game in this video to hit 600 votes.

Now being made into a film, Firewitch has become synonymous with its highly divisive


Here at Indieformer, we were split on it—Laurence liked it and I thought it was a letdown—reflecting

the public sentiment.

But it is ultimately one aspect of an overall fantastic game.

Above all else, Firewatch is a radio mediated relationship between new fire lookout Henry

and his supervisor Delilah.

So many components make it engrossing, but it starts with the superb writing that handles

humour as well as it does moments of terror and unease.

On top of that, the brilliant work of voice actors Rich Sommers and Cissy Jones bring

the script and characters to life.

Players got to choose Henry's replies to Delilah—choices that never affected the

events of the story, only the course of the conversation.

However, you still cared about your decisions because the game made you care about Henry

and Delilah.

The interplay between the two feels so real, and in fact there is a sense of realism that

permeates throughout Firewatch.

For example, we loved how the trigger on the gamepad was used as the control for the radio,

mimicking the radio's push-to-talk button.

It's a little detail, but one of many that makes the Firewatch experience.

Going back and playing the game now, we realised how quickly the intro established the character

of Henry and the game's mood.

A sad piano and guitar strum in the background, as the tragedy of Henry's romantic past

is told on his way to the lookout tower.

From the word go, you are emotionally hooked.

Firewatch is one of the best made games of 2016, and if you haven't played it yet,

we implore you to do so.

We were a little surprised to find Enter the Gungeon this high in the standings, but it

is probably 2016's best roguelike and a very deserving game.

Thinking back, what stands out most about Gungeon is its personality.

From kicking over tables to create cover to having gun-wielding bullets as enemies, the

game has this fun and silly nature that's highly infectious.

Just try and play it without smiling—it's not easy.

The bullet hell gameplay stands up to genre heavyweights like Isaac and Nuclear Throne.

Although, it still feels distinct, with its unique enemies and obstacles creating its

own rhythm of blasting, dodging and hiding on the run.

The game is a very polished arcade shooter, with aiming, enemy spawns and projectiles

all feeling hard but never unfair.

Ultimately, this is Gungeon's bread and butter—if you can shoot your foes and dodge

their fire, you'll go far.

But in saying that, there is a lot of variety borrowed from Gungeon's roguelike influence.

There are a ton of different guns and items, adding both mystery and discovery to every


Finding a shotgun that'll shoot teddy bears which turn enemies against one another, is

what keeps you coming back again and again.

Cheeky, challenging and always changing, Enter the Gungeon is a very entertaining dungeon


At the number 3 spot we have the game that took 10 years to make—Owlboy.

With the likes of Abzu and Firewatch, we've already looked at some games with great production


Unlike them, Owlboy dabbles in the realm of 2D, but it is no less magnificent in appearance.

In November, we harped on about its magical soundtrack that elicited the nostalgia of

Shovel Knight and Disney.

We praised its art too, but having played it more since then, we've realised that

every area has been individually designed.

Whereas other games may copy tile sets, artist Simon Andersen has hand-made every background

dot by dot.

Learning about that level of dedication, it is no wonder that the game took so long to


The game itself is a metroidvania platformer, and it too is the product of much refinement.

The game ebbs and flows at all the right times and you're never inundated with new systems

or made bored by the same old stuff.

Furthermore, the action is seamlessly tied into the games events, allowing you to be

easily swept up into the narrative's stream.

Owlboy is a delightful love letter to pixels that should be played for its art and music


Rather incredibly, not one, but two games finished in equal first place with 773 votes

a piece.

As you can tell, one of those is Inside.

You can probably guess the other game too, but let's not say anything just yet.

As for Inside, it's such an immense game that it's hard to know where to start.

The shorthand version, is that it's the spiritual successor to developer Playdead's

earlier title Limbo—another atmospheric puzzle platformer about a nameless boy.

To be honest, I don't know if a game has gripped me from the very start like INSIDE

did back in July.

Tumbling down from a mound of rocks, you begin with a push of momentum, feeling the immediacy

of the need to run.

In the background, trucks hum and lights search, threatening to expose your cover of darkness,

and letting you feel the terror of the little boy.

The suspense builds up, and masked men chase you with the light of their torches, then

a rabid hound blitzes toward you through a lake.

It's dreadful, but heart-poundingly thrilling.

Unfortunately, as the levels become complex, the suspense of these chases is drowned out

by the interruption of dying and having to restart.

Though the puzzles tend to be more advanced than in Limbo, I found I enjoyed INSIDE most

when it was simple in it's design.

I remember noticing a flock of baby chicks follow me towards a barn very early in the

game, and regarding it as a nice but rather innocuous occurrence.

Minutes later, I was in the barn, stuck on a puzzle, when I heard their chirping.

I followed their noise to the barn door, and let them in to discover that they were vital

to solving the puzzle.

That incident was also significant because I had to put the chicks through a machine

and, given the nature of the game, to what I thought would be their deaths.

Seeing them fly out the other end of the machine safe and alive brought me a rare moment of

relief from the grimness of INSIDE's world.

Short yet impactful, INSIDE is a worthy spiritual successor to Limbo.

Sharing the honours with Inside as the number 1 indie game of 2016 as chosen by you, is

Hyper Light Drifter.

The path to this point wasn't always easy for Hyper Light Drifter.

After receiving funding from Kickstarter, multiple setbacks delayed the planned June

2014 release.

Even this year, the year of its release, it had to cancel its PS Vita and Wii U ports.

The upside to everything however, is that we did get to play Hyper Light Drifter this

year and it was pretty fantastic.

With its pixels, dungeons and maps the game feels incredibly retro, yet at the same time,

its gap-clearing dashes, and environmental storytelling make it feel modern.

It can seem weird at times, but that is Hyper Light Drifter—a unique mix of old and new.

The same can be said of its rhythm.

Combat is a ferocious onslaught – a true masterclass in crowd control – but the journey

to the next battle is typically slower and filled with side rooms to explore.

The intersection of the two makes the game balanced and gives it great flow.

By now, you may be sick of us talking about the music of videogames, but we have to talk

about Hyper Light Drifter's soundtrack.

The work of composer Disasterpiece, its mellow synths instil peaceful contemplation as easily

as they do worrying dread, and match the 80's styled art.

A lot of the game's incredible atmosphere must be credited to the music.

Ultimately, Hyper Light Drifter is a flat-out doozy, and both it and Inside are very deserving

of being called 2016's best indie game.

Thankyou to everyone who watched us throughout the year.

We'll see you in 2017 here on Indieformer.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Indie Games of 2016 - Duration: 16:58.


[korean asmr](Marshmallow Real Eating sound,tingle,REAL MUKBANG ENG SUB) - Duration: 38:04.

Please keep earphones or headset on.

hello. this is suna ASMR

Today, the video is eating marshmallows.

I have eaten a lot yesterday and a little left.

this price is 2$

Start Eating!

!*This video will play twice.*!

This video is over. Now the video is playing again.

For more infomation >> [korean asmr](Marshmallow Real Eating sound,tingle,REAL MUKBANG ENG SUB) - Duration: 38:04.


'La La Land' Movie

For more infomation >> 'La La Land' Movie


The Bye Bye Man

For more infomation >> The Bye Bye Man


Opel Astra 1.6CDTI 81KW SP.T. COSMO * NAVI *CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6CDTI 81KW SP.T. COSMO * NAVI *CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 1:49.


Japanese Reacts To Sarah Geronimo's ASAP Performances - 日本人がサラ・ヘロニモのASAPを見てみた! - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> Japanese Reacts To Sarah Geronimo's ASAP Performances - 日本人がサラ・ヘロニモのASAPを見てみた! - Duration: 12:01.


UPIN IPIN SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2017 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> UPIN IPIN SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2017 - Duration: 0:26.


Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [Lyrics on screen + subtitles] | No Copyright Free Music - Duration: 3:35.

Hold me close 'til I get up. Time is barely on our side.

I don't want to waste what's left. The storms we chase are leading us.

And love is all we'll ever trust yeah. No I don't want to waste what's left.

And on and on we'll go. Through the wastelands through the highways.

To my shadow to the sunrays. And on and on we'll go.

Through the wastelands through the highways. And on and on we'll go.

On we'll go.

Finding life along the way. Melodies we hadn't played.

No I don't want no rest. Echoing around these walls.

Fighting to create a song. I don't want to miss a beat.

And on and on we'll go. Through the wastelands through the highways. To my shadow to the sun rays.

And on and on we'll go. Through the wastelands through the highways. And on and on we'll go.

And we'll grow in number. Fueled by thunder, see the horizon. Turn us into thousands.

And we'll grow in number. Fueled by thunder, see the horizon. Turn us into thousands.

And on and on we'll go. Through the wastelands through the highways. To my shadow to the sunrays.

And on and on we'll go. Through the wastelands through the highways. And on and on we'll go.

For more infomation >> Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [Lyrics on screen + subtitles] | No Copyright Free Music - Duration: 3:35.


De'Longhi Flat Panel Digital Ceramic Tower Heater - Duration: 13:28.

For more infomation >> De'Longhi Flat Panel Digital Ceramic Tower Heater - Duration: 13:28.


哈囉鄰居 歌曲 - 單獨與你 | Hello Neighbor Song - Alone With You | Rockit Gaming - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 哈囉鄰居 歌曲 - 單獨與你 | Hello Neighbor Song - Alone With You | Rockit Gaming - Duration: 3:59.


5 Unbelievable Animals That Saved People's Lives - Duration: 4:00.

The MAGNUM presents: 5 Amazing Stories of True Animal Heroes Saving People from Certain

Death Winnie the Wonder Cat

"Winnie the Wonder Cat" sprang into action when the house filled with carbon monoxide.

The mother says Winnie started meowing and scratching her to get her to wake up.

When she did, she was barely able to call 911 and delusional when the police arrived.

Winnie's owner said "If it wasn't for Winnie, screaming and hollering and carrying

on, we wouldn't be here today."

The family thinks the carbon monoxide came from a broken gas powered sump pump in their

basement, and officials said if the cat had waited another 5 minutes, the outcome would

have been horrible and most likely a coroner case instead.

Toby the Golden Retriever Toby, a 2-year-old golden retriever, saw his

owner choking on a piece of fruit and began jumping up and down on the woman's chest.

The dog's owner believes the dog was trying to perform the Heimlich maneuver and saved

her life.

Debbie Parkhurst, 45, said she was eating an apple at her home when a piece lodged in

her throat.

She attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself but it didn't work.

After she began beating on her chest, she said Toby noticed and got involved.

The next thing she knew, Toby was up on his hind feet with his front paws on her shoulders.

He pushed her to the ground, and once she was on her back, he began jumping up and down

on her chest.

That's when the apple dislodged and Toby started licking her face to keep her from

passing out Mila the Beluga Whale

A 26-year-old diver was taking part in a free diving contest without breathing equipment

among the whales in a tank of water more than 20 feet deep and chilled to Arctic temperatures.

When she tried to return to the surface, she found her legs crippled by cramp from the

freezing cold.

At that point Mila the beluga started pushing the diver to the top of the pool with her

leg in Mila's mouth.

Thankfully belugas, which live in the Arctic and sub-Arctic and feed on small fish and

squid, have only small teeth and the diver was uninjured.

Officials said she's a sensitive animal who works closely with humans and that the

diver owes Mila her life.

The diver, reliving the moment, agreed that she thought it was over for her until she

felt a force pushing her up from the bottom.

Kilo the Pit Bull Justin Becker and his girlfriend were returning

home from running errands when they heard a knock at the door.

A man dressed as a FedEx delivery man told Becker his scanner wasn't working and asked

if he could go inside and grab a pen to sign for the package.

Just minutes later this would turn into a home invasion robbery attempt, shots would

be fired, Kilo — Becker's 12-year-old pit bull — would go after the thug and take

a bullet to the head to save his owner.

The bullet ricocheted off the skull and went straight down and exited at the neck.

Miraculously, after veterinary care, Kilo was up and going for walks just three days

after being shot.

Kerry the Horse Fiona Boyd, a 40-year-old mother of two, was

alone at home on her family farm at Chapmanton, near Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire, when

she heard the cries of a young calf in distress.

When she went outside, she saw the calf had become separated from its mother and could

not find her among the other cows in the herd.

She decided to move the calf and its mother into a shed together, but as she approached

the calf, its mother finally heard its distressed cries and charged at Boyd, knocking her to

the ground and stampeding over her.

As she scrambled for cover, she saw her 15-year-old chestnut mare Kerry, who was grazing nearby,

kicking wildly at the cow.

As the horse hit at the cow, Boyd managed to crawl 20 feet to safety under an electric


Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> 5 Unbelievable Animals That Saved People's Lives - Duration: 4:00.


【MUKBANG】 The End Of The Year Luxury ! 50 Sushi, Broiled Eel Over Rice...etc, 7625kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 5:55.

Hey yall its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (change font size color and transparency via options menu)

guys, the end of the year is just around the corner (change font size color and transparency via options menu)

how was 2016 for you all? well what I'm going to eat today has nothing to do with my 2016

but its something that I was craving So, Today! tadaa 50 pieces of sushi

tuna in sauce over rice, eel bowl and 3 pieces of fatty tuna and some miso soup is what we've got here

K, today I kind of wanted to go all out the last meal of the year is a time to feast.

and I, too, will also feast! itadakimasu

looks delish I love sushi K, so this is the 50 pieces of sushi. it looks amazing

seafood always looks so colorful and here we've got a bowl of tuna there is a runny egg in the middle

a bowl of eel!!! I love eel this dish is real popular in the summer but the eel

served in the summer doesn't taste as good and so I belive they started pushing it in the summer to keep up the

sales during the summer slump... these Eel taste way better in the winter...... I think.... ~just my thoughts~

fatty tuna... its such a nice color of pink it almost looks like ham lets start with the sushi....

oh jeeez.... which shall I start off with? I dunno...

lets kick it off with fatty tuna

OMG look at how much fat is on it

there's so much fat on this fatty tuna and its so thick ... so good

I just can't get enough ahh I love this Eel and the sauce as well

this rice that is covered in sauce is also the best

the meat is so plump and there is a nice layer of fat in the skin I love eating fatty things

Flame broiled salmon

salmnon is so fatty its so good the taste of the salmon is enhanced by being flame kissed


..... ahh I just had the fatty tuna

well... normal tuna has its good points as well

nice protein-like goodness


flounder. its got a nice meaty bite to it. its so delish being that it has a very firm texture

sea urchin I love sea urchin as well

the flavor of urchin is so wonderful egg


everything in here is seafood yet each one has a unique flavor sushi is so awesome

tuna bowl and now I'll break open the runny/poached egg

ahh its so runny seafood and egg yolk are a great combo

the egg makes this dish so mild tasting


its so firm, chewy and fresh

salmon roe

they pop in your mouth and are so delish

the last fatty tuna

thats the last of the eel bowl

all done

everyone! do you know which piece I'm saving for last? right now we have squid, salmon, flounder, clam

shrimp and roe, urchin, eel, and egg left which one shall it be?

the person who correctly gets it might have good luck come to them next year.... lol

I just ate a squid right now

last up is flounder

all done gochisosamadeshita

its the end of the year afterall... everyone please finish it with a big meal

and I hope to eat many delish things next year thank you for all that you've done for me this year

I'm so glad to be able to continue everyday making youtube videos and I hope next year to have even more fun

and to be able to make more and more fun videos for you all to watch

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 The End Of The Year Luxury ! 50 Sushi, Broiled Eel Over Rice...etc, 7625kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 5:55.


Does The Canon M5 Have Built-In Flash? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:29.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have a built-in flash?

Well, yes it does a lot of people thought that this camera wasn't going to have

one and there it is right there.

it does have a small built-in flash, the guide number is like 18 so it's there to

help you out but the beauty of it is that it does have an external hot shoe so

you can work with some of the more popular flashes out there.

Here I have the new Canon speedlite 430ex III RT, mounts in there and it works

fully as one.

Notice how it fires perfectly and it has no issue with focusing and with

using the full TTL when it fires.

For more infomation >> Does The Canon M5 Have Built-In Flash? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:29.


Star Wars Elite Series First Order Tie Fighter Pilot Die-Cast Action Figure Unboxing Review - Duration: 10:01.

Hey guys its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today I have for you the hard to find,

STAR WARS ELITE SERIES 6'' First Order Tie Fighter Pilot diecast metal action figure.

this series is exclusive to disney store and is taken from STAR WARS EPISODE 7 THE FORCE

AWAKENS and possibly a sneak peak into what we may be able to expect going to the new

toy line for EPISODE VIII (8) In collaboration with Lucasfilm Disney Store is proud to present

the star wars elite series.

a premium line of actrion figure toys featuring iconic characters from the expansive world

of star wars.

this exclusive collection is meticulously engineered and crafted with star wars fans

in mind.

Potential first order pilots are identified as children and given the rigorous training

they are tested ruthlessley throughout their careers to ensure their refleces visual acuity

and coordination measure up elite special forces fighter pilot bears red flashes on

their helmets and report to the upper ranks of the first order heirarchy.

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!

Links *****

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About Me ********

Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,

Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to in depth Action Figure reviews of Star

Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.

I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!

My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where

we do Disney Store Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!

I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!

I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!

I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star Trek too!

I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!

I am

a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I attend a lot of conventions across the UK

come and say hello!

I always answer comments from fans so feel free to ask anything in

the comment section!

So don�t forget to subscribe!

- *New content uploaded daily!

My Equipment *************

Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240

Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000

Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD

Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset

Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below;

#starwars #eliteseries #actionfigures #toys #disneystore #forceawakens #RogueOne #StarWarsVIII

#diecast #unboxing #StarWarsForceAwakens #toy

Star Wars Elite Series First Order Tie Fighter

Pilot Die-Cast Action Figure Unboxing Review

star wars,star wars VIII,star wars episode 8,force awakens,supersorrell,disney store

exclusive,action figure,diecast,metal,die cast,first order,first order tie fighter pilot,first

order tie fighter pilot elite series,star wars toys,star wars action figures,star wars

action figures review,star wars elite series,star wars elite series premium,rogue one,star wars

elite series first order tie fighter pilot,tie fighter pilot,unboxing,review,toys,action


For more infomation >> Star Wars Elite Series First Order Tie Fighter Pilot Die-Cast Action Figure Unboxing Review - Duration: 10:01.


Brutally Honest Makeover - Duration: 43:03.

For more infomation >> Brutally Honest Makeover - Duration: 43:03.


Does the Canon M5 Have Touchscreen? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:27.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have a touchscreen?

Yes, a nice large 3.2 inch, notice how I can actually

touch focus wherever I choose, so I can go ahead and pick where I want it to

focus and I can angle it, so notice how I can actually move the screen to the

corresponding angle that I prefer.

Plus, it gives me access to my menu so I can do

anything that I choose to in the menu.

It could all be changed with the

Touchscreen, so yes, Canon did a great job with their new 3.2 inch touchscreen.

For more infomation >> Does the Canon M5 Have Touchscreen? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:27.


Does The Canon M5 Have HDMI Out for Recording Video? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:04.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have clean HDMI out for Recording?

No, I'm afraid not, they gave you micro HDMI to HDMI but that's just for

playback purposes that does not allow you to record through here.

For more infomation >> Does The Canon M5 Have HDMI Out for Recording Video? | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:04.


The Mystery of Anna Maria Island - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> The Mystery of Anna Maria Island - Duration: 42:35.


Canon M5 Auto Exposure Bracketing | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:36.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have auto exposure bracketing?

Absolutely, we'll go into the menu setting and we're going to go into the camera

and we're going to switch down to the fourth folder and that's your auto

exposure bracketing and here you can actually change up to three stops

difference for three images, notice how I can actually set the amount of distance

by the amount of the exposure whether I want one negative or positive and I can

change the amount that I want, I can choose

however I set it, hit OK and that way it'll take multiple images and gives you

auto bracketing.

For more infomation >> Canon M5 Auto Exposure Bracketing | Canon EOS M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:36.


Does The Canon M5 Have Creative Mode? | Canon M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:31.

Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja showrooms and here is one of the most

frequently asked questions about the EOS M5.

If this video helps you out remember to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to the channel for future frequently asked questions

such as this and to share with fellow photographers and videographers.

And don't forget, when Miami visit Digital

Goja showrooms.

Digital Goja showrooms has one of the nation's largest in-store

selection of authorized Canon cameras and lenses.

Does it have a creative mode?

Yes, they did, this has been really popular on some of their point-and-shoots.

It's the, on the dial, it's a little diagram with the camera and the star in

the top.

Turn it on and now you can go ahead and choose which mode you want to

Do, you want to change your color tone, Saturation, contrast, brightness and you

can even change the blurring of the background where you want it blurred or

not and again the beauty of it is that I can do it with the touchscreen, so you

can see the effect right away.

Nice feature, they made it really simple to be much more creative with the EOS M5.

For more infomation >> Does The Canon M5 Have Creative Mode? | Canon M5 FAQ Video - Duration: 1:31.


Make money with - Duration: 5:27.

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