Friday, June 30, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jun 30 2017

In the glorious history of the US Navy,

one ship is the most decorated;

a ship that rightfully earned its fame

and became an object of admiration and pride for the nation.

USS Enterprise, a Yorktown-class aircraft carrier,

was built to oppose Japanese Hiryu and Soryu.

She took part in the majority of battles in the Pacific Ocean,

was awarded 20 battle stars,

and became the most decorated US ship of World War II.

In World of Warships,

Enterprise is the first Premium aircraft carrier at Tier VIII.

She has normal dimensions for her type and decent propulsive performance,

which allow her to quickly take a safe position on the map.

This gives her captain the opportunity to concentrate on the battle

without being distracted by maneuvering.

A large number of AA guns also help your concentration,

as you can pay less attention to enemy air raids.

Of course, speed, maneuverability,

and good AA defense are necessary,

but the main thing for a carrier is her aircraft.

The American has the biggest hangar at Tier VIII—

96 planes and only one variant of Flight Control,

but a versatile one.

An Enterprise captain has six squadrons at their disposal,

two of each type:

fighters, bombers, and torpedo bombers.

Another interesting peculiarity

of this ship lies in the way her torpedo bomber squadrons attack the enemy.

It's quite unconventional and already familiar to many players

thanks to Japanese carrier Kaga.

If both of your air groups attack one adversary,

they'll have a hard time dodging a strike like this.


some of your torpedoes can miss the target due to the fairly wide spread.

And now for the most interesting part!

Enterprise is the first aircraft carrier

to have bombers armed with armor-piercing bombs!

Take note—this new type of ammunition does not set targets on fire.

Instead, you can penetrate the thin deck armor

of any ship and inflict impressive damage.

You should also know that due to an unusual bombing ellipse,

the most efficient way to attack an enemy is along its hull and not across it.

One successful bombing run from this American

can inflict as much damage as one precise salvo from a battleship.


there's a fly in the ointment—

all the Enterprise's aircraft are Tier VII.

That's why controlling your squadrons

will require much more concentration and attention on your part.

In our game, carriers are the ship type for sophisticated people;

playing with them is like performing an orchestral arrangement alone.

And to astound the enemy with your battle symphony to the core of their soul,

you must skillfully conduct your aircraft past adversaries with improved AA defense.

Attack those who already spent their AA-reinforcing consumables

and catch careless destroyers hiding in the smoke.

Don't forget about reconnaissance either.

Spotting enemies in a timely fashion is very important in every battle.

This way, you'll be most useful to your team and help bring about victory.

Increased profitability and the opportunity to train US commanders quicker

will be a pleasant addition to the Enterprise's unique gameplay.

Enterprise is a ship that will leave no one indifferent.

A spacious hangar,

a versatile set of air groups,

decent AA defense, and new armor-piercing bombs.

That's all you need to continue the "star trek" of the renowned hero.

For more infomation >> World of Warships - Armada: Enterprise - Duration: 4:38.


Pesca em mar com a Savage Gear Fry - Sea fishing with Savage Gear Fry - Duration: 13:44.

Hi guys and welcome to another fishing video

It's weird to be here in a sea fishing video.

But had no conditions, was with 25 to 30 knots of wind

For those who do not know what it is, let's say it's too windy

And despite having the dedcat it was impossible to be doing the introduction there

Even with the deadcat will be tricky

Sorry for being so breathy in the video.

But the new micro picks up everything

But who does fishing in the sea knows that it is difficult to be with all that wind

And try to fish without falling

It's complicated, it's really tiring.

In this video I will do a little different from the videos I have done

When I do a video with a new lure I like to shoot from the launch to the capture

To avoid the possibility of any trick

For me, a photo does not count.

A video with the capture only at the end does not count

Unless there have been other videos with the catch in that lure does not tell me much

As I am using a new lure, as you only saw a single capture but in river

Instead of making a more beautiful and more scenic video in the landscapes

And with cuts in the fight I decided not to do that way

For example with the shrimp in the next video will see cuts in the fights

Because I have already made videos with the shrimp in which you see the attacks in real time

It's not worth it to be showing the fights again because everyone already knows that it works

Now this is a new lure that I will use for the first time in sea

I want you see since the release of the lure

Because there is no cast

In vertical fishing there is no casting

From the time I launch to capture

so nobody think that there are tricks, then in the future I can make cuts because you have already seen that it works

Not to be such a long video


I fish with Fry

I'll show you 15 minutes of fishing.

These 15 minutes were followed, you can tell from the conversation

15 minuts non stop

Several species were caught, two fish at a time

Which demonstrates well the efficacy of the lure

These are the lures

This white lure you will see that it has no tail after a catch

But in Savage Gear and also in some brands they use scent

This makes the fish feel attracted by the smell

so it worked even without a tail

I think is all done

Did you get them in the bottom?


fish on

3d fry


3d fry

3d fry

Let's go catch more?

Fry scoring again

come here

come here

two at same time

the fish and the lure

A horse mackerel on Fry

A horse mackerel and a mackerel

is in the bottom

and fish on

Fry is on fire

they want fish now

fish in every cast

this will make a good video

What's next fish?

Good whiting

Fry on fire


I can´t release this

because of this

So Rui wins

open you box

I am shacking

this is good

my god

I am catching them in the bottom

when this hit the bottom is always one or two fish at a time


this is going good

in 5 minuts

Mackerel, whiting and horse mackerel


and two at a time always

fish on

is aproved the lure


What is coming?

What is coming?

help me here


How are we?

7 minuts

Mackerel, mackerel, whiting

this is a Spider fish

and Stone grouper

I think the lure is aproved

this will hurt me

this is a LRF grip, is very small

let´s begin with this one here

there it is

and now



This is poisonous

For more infomation >> Pesca em mar com a Savage Gear Fry - Sea fishing with Savage Gear Fry - Duration: 13:44.


20 Minutes Card - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> 20 Minutes Card - Duration: 6:34.


Tape Mark 1 - a reconstruction - Duration: 19:07.

It's gone in a loop now

Bompiani orders automated poetry

This program was then turned into punchcards

On the pages of the Bompiani Almanac

A scheme of this program is reproduced

It's a very simple, trivial thing

The idea was to use this machine for poetry

For its combinatorial capacities

Poetry is all made of combinations

In poetry the verses, the syllables, the verses are combined

It is all based also on calculations

All the verses have a number, there are a number of strokes, and so on

So there was an affinity with this work

And then what I liked was not just the combinatorial capacity

Now, all this work made by the computer, I could have done it by hand

It would have taken me a huge amount of extra time

Compared to what the machine did in just a few minutes

And this had the advantage of creating an unpredictable thing

Because if I made all the combinations by hand

I would have known what I was doing

While things I had not imagined emerged from the computer work

So it also came into being a game of coincidence

The game of coincidence is also related to poetry

The surrealists said

Mix verses in a hat

Then pick them randomly

Make a poem built by accidentally combining verses

And this operation had very much to do in my opinion with the history of poetry

It was not an external stretch

I remember when the print of the poems came out

A huge pile of so many large sheets that folded

Here is an extract

There were thousands and thousands of them

In a few minutes it had delivered thousands of different poems

So it was pretty fascinating

Then I've chosen two or three of them like this

Did you do a further recombination or just take a piece?

No, just a piece

I chose a piece I liked most, simply

Because these are one, two, three, four, five and six

I have chosen six [strokes] that interested me more

And this thing was also quite exciting

You must have seen them, there are two photographs that have been shot there

Umberto Eco and musician Luciano Berio attended

they were there?

Yes they were also there

When the result came out of the machine

When the result came out of the machine, yes

<i> filtered white noise for octave thirds </i>

In Brazil there was this movement

Noigandres, the brothers De Campos

One of the most vanguard things since the 1950s

They did what was called concrete poetry

And then I was part of the "Group 63"

It was all my generation that was in controversy

Compared to previous generations

All this is within the discourse of that historic moment

We are in the late 1950s, early 1960s

A big change is taking place, with the economic boom

Italy, an agricultural country, becomes an industrial country

The great migrations from the South

[My generation] has resumed futurism

Which was the first major avant-garde movement

but in the post-war era there was a strong opposition to it

Because they were all considered fascists

So especially the communist party

(Who led the culture) was ostracizing supposed fascists

And at that time we had revalued all the avant-garde movements

We wanted to achieve some sort of rupture

To change the course of Italian poetry and literature

Which we considered out of time and also a somehow washed out

So there have been all these struggles in the 1960s

And I found myself having a great passion

To do ... new things

From which the idea of ​​doing poetry with the computer

Which seemed a bit of a commercial stunt

But for me there were some structural reasons

Because it was consistent with the work of a poet with words

Using this machine to do things

Which you could do without it, but which the machine did in a different, better way

And as we said, these computers were huge

Operated by specialists, and so on

And this thing was done in a bank

Because in fact only banks, or ...

Yes, they were assembled for banks

Yes, this particular kind of computer was

However, all computers at that time

Were either in the hands of entities for scientific research

Like the registry, these very large institutions

... how did the bank's employees experience this thing?

Like an invasion? How did they react?

For what I remember they were also, how to say ... gratified

It was a nice thing

The "OuLiPo", this French movement of the 1960s

lead by this ... the names I do not remember them well ....

Le Lionnais, a French mathematician

Who assembled a group of people

To do this experimental literature

And I think they also used machines

But their purpose was to make artificial products

Which resembled exactly [human elaborations]

Making a poem "in the way of"

A virtual Rimbaud

Yes, yes

I do not find it very meaningful, if not for experimental work

I was interested in doing new things that nobody had ever done

In a completely different way

I've always said it would be interesting

Instead of having fixed images, to do motion pictures

It's something you can do on the computer

But I have never had any ideas for doing such

things in which words move, appear and disappear

this was exactly our question

It seemed weird that in 1961, when computers were unavailable

You have come up with doing this thing

And in the 1980's, when you had a computer at home

You did not think of experimenting directly

Without the intermediary of a company, of IBM, of an engineer

When it was finally possible to do so

No, I did not think of doing visual things

Maybe I tried to do other combinatorial things

Because then, I don't remember what it was called

There was a computer system

With which it was possible to make simple combinations

Some software

I had one of the first [personal] computers

what was it? Olivetti M40?

Series M

Yes, it was one of the first

Because I had attended

(I was in Paris then)

An exhibition at Beaubourg

An exhibition organized by Lyotard

Which was called "les immateriaux"

A display of things coming from computers


And it was very interesting, it also had a nice catalog

Which I sadly do not have anymore

And he [Lyotard] had given it

To a dozen people, writers and philosophers

A computer: he had agreed with Olivetti

And they were among the first, the very first [personal] computers

And then there was a whole system of circulation

Each of us had to write a text and send it to everyone else

And the others [edited and] replied, and so on

The sending did not work that well

We had to then deliver them by hand

It was fun, I re-elaborated the texts that the others sent

A bit like a game

And they were displayed and published in the "immaterial" catalog

It was interesting, I don't know if it is still available, it's definitely in libraries

Well, now there is THE question

That is, what we said when we reconstructed the algorithm

We have speculating about it for some time (and we will never come to a conclusion...)

What does it mean to rebuild something

In some cases it is impossible, or anyway

There are always crucial choices

So there is no specific method, there is no method at all

This has also been explained by archaeologists

And it is understood that in archeology for a time they operated in a way

[For example] if a statue was missing an arm they would fix it

In another period, everything was left as it was

So there is no definitive method to rebuild a work

And in the case of computer art

what would "rebuild" actually mean?

it depends on the concept of restoration

We as computer museums are somewhat borderline

they are computers, so it's relatively recent stuff

the collector's approach is to bring them back as if they were new

The approach of a museum is, for example, to preserve defects as well

That tell the story of who used the piece

And we also go down to the detail of the software

[In the sense of] collecting the software that people wrote with computers

And the stories of these people: why they used those computers and in what contexts

But is the scheme reproduced in the book maybe not good for reconstructing the algorithm?

Yes, that's what we did

But the question we are asking is "what is the work?"

Is the 1961 event?

Or the algorithm? Or the tabulation that came out?

Is it the idea? Or the publication of the literary almanac?

This is our question, what is actually the work?

Is it all these things together?

Well this looks like a theater show

What is the work? The representation or the printed text?

Here it's the same thing to some degree

The representation is the text

The printed text of a theatrical work is the algorithm

of course

what if you remove the delay?

eh, it will go fast

let's try

[keys] Ctrl and Fn are inverted

ah, that's why

damn! it's wonderful

For more infomation >> Tape Mark 1 - a reconstruction - Duration: 19:07.


Learn English MC11 In The Garden CRAZY PAVING - Duration: 0:44. MC11 In The Garden

Look at this PAVING.

It's called CRAZY PAVING because each

piece is a different size, a different shape CRAZY PAVING


For more infomation >> Learn English MC11 In The Garden CRAZY PAVING - Duration: 0:44.


Lunatic-Hai RYUJEHONG's Growl? Lunatic-Hai vs. Conbox Spirit [APEX S3 OPEN MIC] - Duration: 9:13.

APEX S3 OPEN MIC Lunatic-Hai vs. Conbox Spirit

SleepyBear back from restroom

HEAD COACH: Bear, did you poop?


HEAD COACH: hahahahalol~

OPAROCHI: Sleepybear, put on your headset, headset

COACH: You already pooped, so we won, right?

SPEELYBEAR: That's right!

HEAD COACH: Poopy face?

SPEELYBEAR: Hahaha[I don't poop that much in game]

ARCHITECT: Why is it so cold?

STAFF: Are you cold?

COACH: The breeze is cold?

COACH: Should we change the temp?

HEAD COACH: Think of that we are from the desert

STAFF: What?

HEAD COACH: We are from the desert

STAFF: Ah, Okay :)

STAFF: Got it

HEAD COACH: except for Twilight

TWILIGHT: (I'm also cold coach~)

HEAD COACH: What you guys can do is

HEAD COACH: use your fist and hit your teammates' shoulders

HEAD COACH: then your hand will be warm

HEAD COACH: I'm serious...

MIRO: Ah ah, (mic test)

ZUNBA: I should take off my shoes


RYUJEHONG: Did you just curse?

GIDO: Shoes, shoes! (sounds similar to a bad word in Korean)

I know, I was joking~

Watching Player Intro Videos

RYUJEHONG: (Tobi how's my Ana action?)

TOBI: You missed the sleep dart


TOBI: You hit me

RYUJEHONG: Then you play Ana~ (I'll play Widow)


GIDO: (Widow?)



GIDO: You are the best!

RYUJEHONG: What;; got chills...

RYUJEHONG: hahahaha


RYUJEHONG: That sound (I was good with Widow!)

STAFF: Players, get ready to go outside~

HEAD COACH: hey, hey, guys wait!

HEAD COACH: Guys turn around for a bit

HEAD COACH: Keep seated in your chair and turn

HEAD COACH: When we were eating canned tuna and spam

HEAD COACH: they(Lunatic-Hai) were eating steak

HEAD COACH: We worked hard for the last few months, right?

HEAD COACH: Either today's our last day of the season or not

HEAD COACH: Let's just play without regrets, okay?



COACH: Let's go guys!


GIDO: Let's go

RYUJEHONG: Lunatic-Hai!

Lunatic-Hai: Fighting!

RYUJEHONG: Let's go~

GAMSU: Conbox!


GAMSU: That was good

TWILIGHT: Feels good~

ARCHITECH: Feels good~

SLEEPYBEAR: Feels good~

GAMSU: I'm on Soldier!

ESCA: Biotic field used!

MIRO: Genji 1HP!

GIDO: Winston Ulted!

MIRO: Genji half hp

ESCA: Can you guys care me?


ZUNBA: I can't

GAMSU: Nano used

SLEEPYBEAR: Watch out for soldier


GAMSU: Soldier cut soldier cut!

TWILIGHT: Watch Ana anaana

ASHER: Lucio 1hp!


GAMSU: Nice!

TOBI: yoyo Genji has blade! He's also not using it

TOBI: I'm going to keep my sound barrier

RYUJEHONG: That's nice nice

ARCHITECT: Tobi is holding sound barrier

ARCHITECT: to counter my dragon blade


ASHER: On soldier

ASHER: Soldier Down!

SLEEPYBEAR: We have to contest, focus on point!

ARCHITECT: I'm on point, on point!

OPAROCHI: I'm on point

ZUNBA: They are taking the point

TOBI: Lucio Cut!

ESCA: Yeahyeah~

TOBI: Nice!

GIDO: hp1! Genji 1hp!

RYUJEHONG: (spins around)

ZUNBA: Let's do Torbjorn bait play once

TOBI: Ehh.. No no

ZUNBA: No no? We can't do this?

TOBI: Nope!

ZUNBA: Ehh okay okay

RYUJEHONG: don't over do it

RYUJEHONG: From what I saw, if you over do it,

RYUJEHONG: you can lose a winnable one

ZUNBA: I shouldn't over do it

RYUJEHONG:(wanna play with GIDO)

RYUJEHONG: Don't get off-guard! Banggi also!

GIDO: That's not funny...

RYUJEHONG: (slaps)

TOBI: learn your manners

GIDO: It's fun!

RYUJEHONG: Eueu heuhuhuhhut

TWILIGHT: putting him to sleep!

TWILIGHT: don't wake him up!

TWILIGHT: Ah.. why did you wake him up

SLEEPYBEAR: It's okay. It's okay

GIDO: Ana Ana!

RYUJEHONG: I can't get Genji behind

RYUJEHONG: Hey, Genji is alone


SLEEPYBEAR: Hey! Behind!

SLEEPYBEAR: Winston! #@!$

GAMSU: Nice!

OPAROCHI: Winston, Winston behind!

SLEEPYBEAR: Contest payload!


TWILIGHT: Nice! right in front!

ARCHITECT: Get on payload! payload first!

RYUJEHONG: Kill the Genji coming alone from behind

RYUJEHONG: Just now Genji came in alone

RYUJEHONG: I was alone right before

MIRO: Okay

TOBI: Let's defend here, Stop here!

GIDO: Yes fighting!

TOBI: Let's just make it overtime

MIRO: Okay

GIDO: I'm dead

ZUNBA: Contest Miro!

MIRO: I'm on it

TWILIGHT: Get that soldier! Watch soldier!

SLEEPYBEAR: Soldier Soldier Soldier

TWILIGHT: D.Va hacked!


ZUNBA: Ah please! until 0 second!

ZUNBA: just one by one!

MIRO: Wait, contest one more time

ZUNBA: Hey GIDO, contest later

MIRO: GIDO Contest

GIDO: I'm 1hp..! I'm dead

ZUNBA: (It's okay we got one more chance) Nice!

GIDO: Contest! Nice!

ASHER: Stuck!


ASHER: Winston has no HP

SLEEPYBEAR: We can do this!

OPAROCHI: Soldier Lucio Soldier Lucio coming!


ASHER: Lucio Lucio!!

SLEEPYBEAR: Quickly, get'em !

TOBI: Continue contesting!!

ZUNBA: No Please!

MIRO: Aigoo

ZUNBA: Ahhh close


ZUNBA: Noo it ends here

GIDO: D.Va Mech


ZUNBA: It's okay this one

ARCHITECT: Winston Winston!

OPAROCHI: I have ult! come near me!

SLEEPYBEAR: Winston Winston quickly quickly


TOBI: It's okay it's okay

MIRO: Close close*2

GIDO: We did it well

TOBI&ZUNBA: Close one


GIDO: Why am I all nervous all of a sudden?

TOBI: Why nervous~

MIRO: Hey~

ZUNBA: Smash hit his back once Jehong

ESCA: Make it real. Hit him for real

GIDO: Kwah~ Awoo my aim is weird!

ESCA: Jjangdo... lol

TOBI: Jjangdo lol

ESCA: Jjangdo

RYUJEHONG: What's Jjangdo?

ZUNBA: Gido, Gido Zzang(the boss)! muhahahaha

RYUJEHONG: This guy?

ARCHITECT: Is this one round?


GAMSU: single round

ARCHITECT: Pray for University map

ASHER: Please

OPAROCHI: We can win in any map

TWILIGHT: That's right. We can be easy

ARCHITECT: Ah I wish we get University and our Sombra takes bottom heal pack

TOBI: Wow University please University

TOBI: Let's show them that we are the real Sombra

The REAL SOMBRA prepared!

ESCA: but what if I make a mistake?

No way~

CONBOX: University! It's University!

OPAROCHI: It's our map!

MIRO: It's University!


ARCHITECT: They are also liking it right now


TWILIGHT: They will come for bot heal pack

ARCHITECT: This is literally hacking fight

ARCHITECT: Hack will bring about 70% win to the team

TWILIGHT: This one Tracer has to run first to look over

MIRO: What if we lose it?

ESCA: Trust me!

GIDO: I trust you!

MIRO: No, that's not the way you think, what if you lose it?

ESCA: If I lose it,

GIDO: Change Sombra!

TOBI: We have to fight, If we lose it

TOBI: let's go get 75 healpack on left all together

ESCA: Then give up the next one

ESCA: If this doesn't work, let's change after an ult

MIRO: Okay

RYUJEHONG: We can win!

MIRO: This is fun

GIDO: We won * 2

ZUNBA: Please

GIDO: Should I break every glass?

ESCA: Is it left?

ZUNBA: righ..! Ah is it left? IDK

GIDO: It's left left

OPAROCHI: Tracer, run and break

ASHER: Throw shurikens to break glass

OPAROCHI: starting*2 let's focus

OPAROCHI: ASHER, let's do fighting

ASHER: Conbox!

GAMSU: Fighting!

TWILIGHT: break the bottom!

ARCHITECT: It's broken*3!

ESCA: Come quickly*3

ZUNBA: Nice!!

RYUJEHONG: Euahahahah


RYUJEHONG: Kill'em all!

ZUNBA: Not yet

GIDO: Get'em all!

ESCA: Genji behind!

ARCHITECT: Fight fight

GAMSU: Fight Fight let's fight!

TWILIGHT: Tracer hacked!

SLEEPYBEAR: Focus Tracer!

OPAROCHI: Tracer hacked

GIDO: I'm hacked

MIRO: Genji cut!

ESCA: Nice!

ASHER: Where's Soldier?

ARCHITECT: Soldier in the corner!!

ESCA: Nice! Jehong!


RYUJEHONG: I died. Play on point

OPAROCHI: Let's go point

SLEEPYBEAR: Point being taken, come out!

RYUJEHONG: Can we get help bot? Help please?

RYUJEHONG: uhhaha Help? Point!

TOBI: I'm going up going up!


TOBI: TRANSLOCATOR here! come quickly!

GIDO: Nice!

MIRO: ESCA the best!

OPAROCHI: Let's go point! Contesting

ESCA: Soldier our base!!

ZUNBA: Don't know yet!!!

ESCA: Soldier our base!!*2

TOBI: Can't come in!

MIRO: We won!

TOBI: Nice!



RYUJEHONG: Give me five!

GIDO: Okay!!!!

SLEEPYBEAR: close close close

OPAROCHI: It's okay *2

SLEEPYBEAR: Close close

ASHER: I could have contested

SLEEPYBEAR: No, it's okay

MIRO: Ana*3

MIRO: Ana dropped

MIRO: Ana*3!!

GIDO: Ana Ana*2

RYUJEHONG: Res right now!

ZUNBA: Aigoo..

TOBI: (Genji) slashed me

ARCHITECT: Zenyata cut!

GAMSU: Payload *2

ASHER: Winston mis-ulted*2

ARCHITECT: we have to target Winston!

SLEEPYBEAR: checked*3

OPAROCHI: They used Winston and Res

SLEEPYBEAR: Tracer 1hp!

ZUNBA: Backing

TOBI: We can't get highground

TOBI: I will Lucio later!

TOBI: Let's get highground first

ZUNBA: Last last!

SLEEPYBEAR: last attack, focus!

ARCHITECT: Okay Winston no ult *2

SLEEPYBEAR: Contest quickly!

GAMSU: Ehm..

TOBI: I will contest!

MIRO: We can do it

TOBI: Heal me only * 2

ZUNBA: Yaahaaha

TOBI: (Contesting) Heal me only!!!

TOBI: Me only!!!

ZUNBA: Wuhahahaha

GIDO: Live!!!

RYUJEHONG: Wuahhhhhak!

ARCHITECT: Ana cut! Ana cut!!

SLEEPYBEAR: Nice! Still left!

ZUNBA: Wait for me

GIDO: Genji Genji Genji

RYUJEHONG: Wuahhhhhh


ARCHITECT: Ah this..

SLEEPYBEAR: No! Slowly! Focus!

ASHER: We can still do it!

SLEEPYBEAR: It's not over yet!

ZUNBA: Ah Hobbang(Winston shield) ah

GIDO: Lucio cut Lucio cut!

TOBI: We can do it contest!!

SLEEPYBEAR: I'm on it! on it!

SLEEPYBEAR: It's not over yet!

OPAROCHI: I'm on it!

OPAROCHI: I'm about to be cut!

TOBI: Nice!!

TOBI: That nano was good!

ASHER: Ah....

TWILIGHT: It's okay well played

OPAROCHI: We played well today

COACH: Guys we came to the QF this season

COACH: of course it's sad, but we were very close today so don't be disappointed, alright?

COACH: Good job~ (claps)

TOBI: I'm locked here

RYUJEHONG: Stop playing around

YBT: uh? he's on the wall

Caster Jeon: How did he do that?

TheMarine: They are showing us all kinds of weird stuff

YBT: It was Tobi on the wall, now Hanzo...

YBT: How do they find these spots?

TheMarine: Shimada bros on the wall

ESCA: Don't be off-guard MIRO

ZUNBA: Don't get caught off guard

MIRO: I won't I won't!

TOBI: It's okay~

ESCA: Miro off-guard

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For more infomation >> Lunatic-Hai RYUJEHONG's Growl? Lunatic-Hai vs. Conbox Spirit [APEX S3 OPEN MIC] - Duration: 9:13.



Hi guys! Good Afternoon from Tenerife.

Nice to see you again with me Tika in A.siaVlog.

Today's video is a cooking video.

But it's a little bit different than the other cooking video.

Because this video is a collaboration video with VIM

If you don't know what is VIM (Vlogger Indo Mancanegara).

For more infomation >> VIM COLLAB #4 | RECIPE POLLO EN SALMOREJO - Duration: 10:54.


Volvo V70 2.5 R GEARTRONIC - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5 R GEARTRONIC - Duration: 0:59.


Cámara de Representantes aprueba medidas antiinmigrantes | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Cámara de Representantes aprueba medidas antiinmigrantes | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:10.


Represión a opositores en Venezuela se cobra la vida de cinco jóvenes - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Represión a opositores en Venezuela se cobra la vida de cinco jóvenes - Duration: 2:00.


Horse dancing regional Mexican song called rabies - Duration: 2:45.

Horses and more

Click on I like button

Subscribe to the channel

The band kept playing, and the horses kept dancing

What would you like to see in the next videos?

Subscribe now, they are about to release new videos and you do not have to lose them

For more infomation >> Horse dancing regional Mexican song called rabies - Duration: 2:45.


Jefe de las finanzas del Vaticano es acusado de abuso sexual | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Jefe de las finanzas del Vaticano es acusado de abuso sexual | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.


Texas presiona al presidente Trump para eliminar el DACA | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Texas presiona al presidente Trump para eliminar el DACA | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.


El IPhone cumple 10 años con 1,200 millones de aparatos vendidos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> El IPhone cumple 10 años con 1,200 millones de aparatos vendidos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.


Noticias Telemundo, 29 de junio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 17:22.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 29 de junio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 17:22.


Volvo V70 2.5 R GEARTRONIC - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5 R GEARTRONIC - Duration: 0:59.


Honda Civic 2.0 TYPE R GT, ECC, PDC, 19 inch, Alcantara Sportzetels !! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 2.0 TYPE R GT, ECC, PDC, 19 inch, Alcantara Sportzetels !! - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo XC70 2.4 T COMFORT LINE | Automaat | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC70 2.4 T COMFORT LINE | Automaat | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.


LE MATÉRIALISME - Les trucs en "isme" #1 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> LE MATÉRIALISME - Les trucs en "isme" #1 - Duration: 3:06.


isak&even ; jeg skal lage en film om deg - Duration: 1:22.

And bla bla bla.

Bla bla bla?

Good story.

You can have it, make a movie.

I am gonna make a movie about you.


You wanna know what it's called?


The boy who couldn't hold his breath under water.

I hope you liked the video.

I love you.

Sounds like a pompous shit film.

For more infomation >> isak&even ; jeg skal lage en film om deg - Duration: 1:22.


Are tick marks allowed? | IFSC Rules | Audio Fixed - Duration: 1:48.

Hi there. In my post about the results in Navi Mumbai

Anya left a very interesting comment that says

'The Commentators didn't say anything about Petra deliberately chalking up the brush

and then marking the spot of the blind hold inside the crater on Women's 4.

I think the brushers rubbed it back off immediately.

Is marking holds illegal in IFSC World Cups?'

And if you don't know what she's talking about.

On women's 4, during the finals in Navi Mumbai, there was a hold that was inside a big volume

that climbers couldn't see when they were going for it.

So Petra Klingler decided to make a tick mark.

She just took the brush, got some chalk on the brush and made a tick mark.

But before she could try the problem one of the brushers erased the mark.

So the question is 'is it against the rules to make tick marks in these competitions?'.

And the answer is yes.

In fact you get an extra attempt if you do that.

And I think this is in section 7.4.4 of the rulebook.

If you make a tick mark you get an extra attempt.

In this case it didn't matter because Petra didn't send the problem.

But had she climbed the problem she would have gotten an extra attempt.

So now you know, if you climb in one of these competitions you are not allowed to make tick marks

Thanks a lot to Anya for the comment.

And if you are new to the channel make sure you subscribe and I will see you in the next one

Thanks for watching and take care.

For more infomation >> Are tick marks allowed? | IFSC Rules | Audio Fixed - Duration: 1:48.


Trust Him to Answer - Just a Minute! - June 30, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.

Tragically, many people are confused about how prayer works.

Maybe you can identify with this person's question.

I don't understand why some people think that when they pray for something and get

it, it was because of their faith.

And when they don't get what they prayed for it was because of their lack of faith.

Well this is the most common misconception about prayer… that if you have enough faith

you'll get anything you want from God.

Well prayer is not a magic wand or a quick fix, it's merely a conversation with God.

So talk to him.

Tell him about your fears, your pains, your desires, and dreams.

And then trust him to answer according to his will and plan for your life.

This is the kind of prayer that will help you experience the peace of God that passes


For more infomation >> Trust Him to Answer - Just a Minute! - June 30, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


Pesca em mar com a Savage Gear Fry - Sea fishing with Savage Gear Fry - Duration: 13:44.

Hi guys and welcome to another fishing video

It's weird to be here in a sea fishing video.

But had no conditions, was with 25 to 30 knots of wind

For those who do not know what it is, let's say it's too windy

And despite having the dedcat it was impossible to be doing the introduction there

Even with the deadcat will be tricky

Sorry for being so breathy in the video.

But the new micro picks up everything

But who does fishing in the sea knows that it is difficult to be with all that wind

And try to fish without falling

It's complicated, it's really tiring.

In this video I will do a little different from the videos I have done

When I do a video with a new lure I like to shoot from the launch to the capture

To avoid the possibility of any trick

For me, a photo does not count.

A video with the capture only at the end does not count

Unless there have been other videos with the catch in that lure does not tell me much

As I am using a new lure, as you only saw a single capture but in river

Instead of making a more beautiful and more scenic video in the landscapes

And with cuts in the fight I decided not to do that way

For example with the shrimp in the next video will see cuts in the fights

Because I have already made videos with the shrimp in which you see the attacks in real time

It's not worth it to be showing the fights again because everyone already knows that it works

Now this is a new lure that I will use for the first time in sea

I want you see since the release of the lure

Because there is no cast

In vertical fishing there is no casting

From the time I launch to capture

so nobody think that there are tricks, then in the future I can make cuts because you have already seen that it works

Not to be such a long video


I fish with Fry

I'll show you 15 minutes of fishing.

These 15 minutes were followed, you can tell from the conversation

15 minuts non stop

Several species were caught, two fish at a time

Which demonstrates well the efficacy of the lure

These are the lures

This white lure you will see that it has no tail after a catch

But in Savage Gear and also in some brands they use scent

This makes the fish feel attracted by the smell

so it worked even without a tail

I think is all done

Did you get them in the bottom?


fish on

3d fry


3d fry

3d fry

Let's go catch more?

Fry scoring again

come here

come here

two at same time

the fish and the lure

A horse mackerel on Fry

A horse mackerel and a mackerel

is in the bottom

and fish on

Fry is on fire

they want fish now

fish in every cast

this will make a good video

What's next fish?

Good whiting

Fry on fire


I can´t release this

because of this

So Rui wins

open you box

I am shacking

this is good

my god

I am catching them in the bottom

when this hit the bottom is always one or two fish at a time


this is going good

in 5 minuts

Mackerel, whiting and horse mackerel


and two at a time always

fish on

is aproved the lure


What is coming?

What is coming?

help me here


How are we?

7 minuts

Mackerel, mackerel, whiting

this is a Spider fish

and Stone grouper

I think the lure is aproved

this will hurt me

this is a LRF grip, is very small

let´s begin with this one here

there it is

and now



This is poisonous

For more infomation >> Pesca em mar com a Savage Gear Fry - Sea fishing with Savage Gear Fry - Duration: 13:44.


Amsterdam Acrylic Ink Review - Duration: 10:28.

Calligraphy Masters

x Amsterdam ALL Acrylics

Amsterdam Acrylic Ink Review x Milen1st

#CalligraphyMasters #KeepWriting

For more infomation >> Amsterdam Acrylic Ink Review - Duration: 10:28.


Chăn ga gối đệm giá rẻ | Chăn drap Hàn Quốc đẹp họa tiết hoa lan rừng tím T-784 - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Chăn ga gối đệm giá rẻ | Chăn drap Hàn Quốc đẹp họa tiết hoa lan rừng tím T-784 - Duration: 0:30.


PRAI Ageless Lip Line Filler Supersize - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> PRAI Ageless Lip Line Filler Supersize - Duration: 4:32.


Super Mario Odyssey - Fejlesztői napló - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Super Mario Odyssey - Fejlesztői napló - Duration: 4:56.


GIANT Dinosaur Attacks Real Life Dinos Vs T-Rex for Kids Elephant Dinosaurs Short Movie For Children - Duration: 13:51.

GIANT Dinosaur Attacks Real Life Dinos Vs T-Rex for Kids Elephant Dinosaurs Short Movie For Children

For more infomation >> GIANT Dinosaur Attacks Real Life Dinos Vs T-Rex for Kids Elephant Dinosaurs Short Movie For Children - Duration: 13:51.


Zerotech DOBBY VoiceActivated Selfie Pocket Drone - Duration: 15:43.

For more infomation >> Zerotech DOBBY VoiceActivated Selfie Pocket Drone - Duration: 15:43.


Doctor Who finale clue, Peaky Blinders returns & Darth Vader in Guardians of the Galaxy - Duration: 2:08.

Hi, I'm James, and this is your 90-second guide to the biggest TV and entertainment

news stories.

Today's headlines: Doctor Who finale in three words

First look at Peaky Blinders 4

Darth Vader in Guardians of the Galaxy

and Driving School is back!

With the Doctor Who series 10 finale just a day away, Whovians' excitement is at fever

pitch with the sci-fi world desperate to learn Bill's fate and what will become of not

one but two Masters.

Well, guest star Samantha Spiro has given us a tantalising clue.

Speaking exclusively to, she summed up the episode in just three words:

"Emotional, scary and unnerving."

Now if that doesn't sound like classic Doctor Who, we don't know what does!

BBC2 has released a first glimpse of Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby in the upcoming series

4 of Peaky Blinders, set to air later this year.

Despite Tommy and his gang of Birmingham gangsters all being thrown behind bars at the end of

series three, the new picture shows him looking as menacing as ever.

Perhaps a clue that you can't keep a bad man down?

Marvel Boss Kevin Feige has revealed that Darth Vader was almost in the first Guardians

of the Galaxy film.

Feige told Mashable, "We wanted to reveal at a certain point in the movie that Peter

Quill was a human from Earth.

He knocks over his bag and one of the alien characters bends down and picks it up — and

it was a Darth Vader action figure."

In the end the film's director James Gunn convinced him that a Walkman would do the

job better – but it was still very nearly very cool.

Good news if you're a fan of celebrities being really bad at stuff on television!

E4 is rebooting one of the original reality TV formats, classic 90s series Driving School.

20 years after the BBC made a star of Maureen with their televised driving lessons, the

– imaginatively titled – All Star Driving School will see nine celebrities including

Vicky Pattison and Kimberly Wyatt take on an intensive driving course… with the cameras


At last, a new way for b-list celebrities to drive viewers crazy.

That's all from me – but remember, you can get all the latest TV and entertainment

news and views all day, every day, at

For more infomation >> Doctor Who finale clue, Peaky Blinders returns & Darth Vader in Guardians of the Galaxy - Duration: 2:08.


Why All Hair Transplants Involve Scarring, and How Hair Transplants can be Avoided - Duration: 10:05.

Thank you for

your question.

You submitted your question without a photo and you're asking which type of hair transplant

technique is preferable in case you're unhappy with the outcome and you decide to shave your


Well, I can certainly help you understand the philosophy that guides me in counseling

patients with hair loss before we take that step of moving forward with a hair transplant

and this would probably be beneficial to you depending on the degree of your hair loss.

A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial

plastic and reconstructive surgeon. I'm also the founder of TrichoStem™ Hair Regeneration

Centers, a system we developed which evolved from hair transplant surgery which is a non-surgical

solution for men and women with thinning hair. And we treat patients from around the world

with this method. I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years

and I have a lot of experience with hair transplant surgery.

So again, to begin with, let's start, before we move forward with these transplant procedures,

I try to help my patients understand the very critical limitations of transplant surgery

regardless of technique and the importance of doing things to maintain and stabilize

as much as possible or slow down the progression of your current hair loss. You see, depending

on the age of onset and the relative rate of progression, you are, with any transplant

strategy, you are racing with time. And hair transplant is using a limited area of your

scalp which is the permanent zone of hair and essentially, it is the area that never

goes away. Essentially, the bar of hair that you see on a man who has very advanced hair

loss, that is your true permanent hair. When you take that hair and move it to the areas

which are typically where it's needed which is basically the front part of the scalp,

you are dealing with a limited resource. So essentially, there is a limitation right there.

No matter how many times you go to that area, you are going to hit a wall. Now there are

advances now with body hair transplantation for those who are willing to do that. So it

does mean that you do have additional options but it's a very small percentage of patients

who actually go for that.

So when we were doing hair transplant surgery a lot and we wanted to maximize the outcome,

I mean, that's a very key issue. You've already stated that you are prepared in case

you are unhappy. Well, reality is that more than 65% of patients after hair transplant

surgery, based on the International Society or Hair Restoration Surgery survey of its

members, are not fully satisfied with the density after a transplant. And it's not

for lack of quality of work. It's really the challenge of achieving natural looking

volume and density to create a satisfactory result.

So when we were doing this, we were trying to help maximize the yield of grafts and we

were using platelet-rich plasma and Acellular matrix which is a wound healing material.

And a serendipitous result occurred which was thinning hair actually became thicker.

And so what we developed over several years was a treatment called Hair Regeneration.

Now the reason why I'm putting this in the context of your question is that what I figured

out is that most of our patients who are coming for hair transplant consultations were losing

hair. And when we figured out that we can actually help reactivate hair that isn't

currently growing, prolong the growth cycle of hair that's present as well as thicken

thinning hair. Well then, we were able to actually exceed one, if not two transplants,

with the understanding that it's only people who still have hair. If your scalp is smooth

bald, that's not going to happen.

Now, that being understood, we'd also and still suggest to our patients, male, to consider

taking a drug like finasteride to help reduce the DHT levels. And essentially, I developed

over many years of managing people with hair loss a certain awareness of how DHT sensitive

a lot of people are. Basically, my thinking is that when younger people have relatively

rapid progression, they don't have the luxury of time compared to a middle-aged person who

has slow progression. So very often, we'll actually recommend a DHT blocker as well as

Hair Regeneration. So understanding that stabilization and maximizing whatever hair you currently

have with this type of treatment is an option as long as you have hair.

Now when it comes to this question about scarring, if you're going to shave your head, more

than likely, in term of scarring, then probably an FUE versus an FUT or the strip method is

likely to be more acceptable but technically speaking an FUE creates a lot more scar tissue.

And although the intention of FUE is to avoid the strip scar or the linear scar that people

have objected to, essentially if you shave your head, you may still see a lot of the

dots from the FUE surgery. So there is no perfect solution there and you really have

to make sure that you're comfortable with dealing with the realistic issues of the limitations

of transplant before you move forward.

Right now, it's always been, essentially, a race between doctors by promoting different

technologies and claims of being better at XYZ transplant but the limitations are still

there. And invariably, a person who gets one transplant is highly likely to need a second

transplant only a few years later. It's pretty much the trend because people seek

attention for hair loss when they've already lost more than 50% of their hair. And they're

basically going downhill and losing a lot of hair proportionally that needs more coverage

once you've committed to hair transplantation.

So I think the take home message is get a realistic assessment of where you are in terms

of your hair loss. Learn about drugs like finasteride to slow down your progression

as well as technologies like we've developed called Hair Regeneration to help maximize

the coverage of your hair and you might be able to delay needing a transplant. The Hair

Regeneration as a final note, we've been able to establish longevity of 5 years with

our treatment. Of course, there are going to be some exceptions but essentially, our

treatment system where we follow our patients for 5 years has worked out very favorably.

And when it comes to hair loss, 5 years is a big deal.

So again, consider all this, learn more and then start having consultations with doctors

to become comfortable with your decision before you get to the point where you regret doing

it and have to shave your head.

So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.

For more infomation >> Why All Hair Transplants Involve Scarring, and How Hair Transplants can be Avoided - Duration: 10:05.


Wakefield pharmacy offers preventive treatment of Lyme disease - NBC10 29-06-2017 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Wakefield pharmacy offers preventive treatment of Lyme disease - NBC10 29-06-2017 - Duration: 2:54.


Ep 43 - Montenegro - Around Europe on a Motorcycle - Honda Transalp 700 - Duration: 15:43.

I am with my friedn Jonas, from Germany.

We just reached this place while looking for a place to free camp...

It seems this place is quite organized and we are going to pitch out tents next to this restaurant platform...

and we thought we should have a very good dinner for tonight...

We are having fresh river fish, a salad with different sauces and of course some Montenegro beer....

We are in the small village of Zabliak, a few kilometres away from Podgorica, the capital...

We could see that there is castle here on the map, so we though to check it out and maybe camp next to it.

But we found this very small village here and we pitched our tents by the lake.

Today we climbed up to the castle where we can have panoramic view to all the surrounding areas.

We are in Podgorica, the most biring capital of Europe...

There is nothing to do in this city....

But all of a sudden this happened....

Everywhere in Montenegro people will approach you and will be like "Hey hey my friend"

And then he will ask if you need rooms.

And to everyone we say "No because we camp for free" and they leave kinda sad...

I am sorry guys....

... but thats how it works...

We are Durmitor, and we ust found this abandoned place where we are going to camp for tonight.

We are going to put the bikes in so we can hide a little bit better..

We are at the black lake of Durmitor national park...

The lake is surrounded by the mountains of Durmitor.

We are riding around the National park of Durmitor.

Right behind me is the place where Tara canyon starts and passes though all Durmitor and further more.

And there is Tara river as well that passes though the canyon.

It is maintenance day!

We just changed the disk and brake pads on Jonas bike....

And I noticed that my sprockets started to get destroyed a bit uneven....

This is the front one and it got damaged on the side for some reason....

I have another one thought, the rear one is totally ruined.

I am going to change both of them.

We have to climb about 460 steps... reach the mausoleum

At last, we made it...

For more infomation >> Ep 43 - Montenegro - Around Europe on a Motorcycle - Honda Transalp 700 - Duration: 15:43.


World of Warships - Armada: Enterprise - Duration: 4:38.

In the glorious history of the US Navy,

one ship is the most decorated;

a ship that rightfully earned its fame

and became an object of admiration and pride for the nation.

USS Enterprise, a Yorktown-class aircraft carrier,

was built to oppose Japanese Hiryu and Soryu.

She took part in the majority of battles in the Pacific Ocean,

was awarded 20 battle stars,

and became the most decorated US ship of World War II.

In World of Warships,

Enterprise is the first Premium aircraft carrier at Tier VIII.

She has normal dimensions for her type and decent propulsive performance,

which allow her to quickly take a safe position on the map.

This gives her captain the opportunity to concentrate on the battle

without being distracted by maneuvering.

A large number of AA guns also help your concentration,

as you can pay less attention to enemy air raids.

Of course, speed, maneuverability,

and good AA defense are necessary,

but the main thing for a carrier is her aircraft.

The American has the biggest hangar at Tier VIII—

96 planes and only one variant of Flight Control,

but a versatile one.

An Enterprise captain has six squadrons at their disposal,

two of each type:

fighters, bombers, and torpedo bombers.

Another interesting peculiarity

of this ship lies in the way her torpedo bomber squadrons attack the enemy.

It's quite unconventional and already familiar to many players

thanks to Japanese carrier Kaga.

If both of your air groups attack one adversary,

they'll have a hard time dodging a strike like this.


some of your torpedoes can miss the target due to the fairly wide spread.

And now for the most interesting part!

Enterprise is the first aircraft carrier

to have bombers armed with armor-piercing bombs!

Take note—this new type of ammunition does not set targets on fire.

Instead, you can penetrate the thin deck armor

of any ship and inflict impressive damage.

You should also know that due to an unusual bombing ellipse,

the most efficient way to attack an enemy is along its hull and not across it.

One successful bombing run from this American

can inflict as much damage as one precise salvo from a battleship.


there's a fly in the ointment—

all the Enterprise's aircraft are Tier VII.

That's why controlling your squadrons

will require much more concentration and attention on your part.

In our game, carriers are the ship type for sophisticated people;

playing with them is like performing an orchestral arrangement alone.

And to astound the enemy with your battle symphony to the core of their soul,

you must skillfully conduct your aircraft past adversaries with improved AA defense.

Attack those who already spent their AA-reinforcing consumables

and catch careless destroyers hiding in the smoke.

Don't forget about reconnaissance either.

Spotting enemies in a timely fashion is very important in every battle.

This way, you'll be most useful to your team and help bring about victory.

Increased profitability and the opportunity to train US commanders quicker

will be a pleasant addition to the Enterprise's unique gameplay.

Enterprise is a ship that will leave no one indifferent.

A spacious hangar,

a versatile set of air groups,

decent AA defense, and new armor-piercing bombs.

That's all you need to continue the "star trek" of the renowned hero.

For more infomation >> World of Warships - Armada: Enterprise - Duration: 4:38.


Learn English Words - VICEROY - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:24.


one who governs a country, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch

The viceroy traveled to America to oversee one of the thirteen colonies.

A viceroy explained to us that the colony was still under the King's rule.

After he served as viceroy for several years, the man asked to be transferred back to his

home country.

New settlers to the area had to be approved by the ruling viceroy.

When looking for a viceroy, the King wanted someone he could trust to uphold the law.


one who governs a country, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch


one who governs a country, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch


one who governs a country, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - VICEROY - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:24.


#Spiderman VS Scream In Real Life , Scream's Funny Shitty Prank againts Hulk & CaptainAmerica - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> #Spiderman VS Scream In Real Life , Scream's Funny Shitty Prank againts Hulk & CaptainAmerica - Duration: 11:20.


Ben And Titi #E31 Dolphins at Baird Bay - Duration: 5:19.

Ben And Titi Episode 31!

After the seals and the Sea Lions ...

Now the dolphins! I let you enjoy the experience ;-)

Look at this, our dolphin friends

And all this while respecting nature

And respect for animals :)

Titi: "Flipper is my friend!"

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