Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Youtube daily report w Jan 31 2017

Hello and welcome to Rote Couch Express.

We're here at the Stahl booth at the 2016 SPS IPC Drives trade fair

with Wolfgang Möller, Product Manager at Stahl.

Hello, Mr Möller!


You're exhibiting a safety switch here at the trade fair.

What are its special features?

Yes – we're showing off our safety switch which comes in two series,

one in a plastic enclosure

and one in a stainless steel enclosure.

Additionally, this safety switch is certified and tested according to the new international EN 62626 standard

and can therefore be used by our customers not only in Germany, but all over the world.

What makes it stand out from the competition?

Our safety switch comes with the option to have either a black handle

or a red and yellow handle.

We have a single rotary actuator

which the customer can use to switch all contacts on or off, including the auxiliary contacts.

Additionally, if the operator or user has switched this switch off,

they can use three padlocks to secure it against being switched back on.

Unlike a normal load switch,

the cover of this switch cannot be removed when it is in the switched-off position.

This means that employees who are working on a system and have switched the switch off

can be sure that the system cannot run.

Where is it intended to be used?

In most cases, the switch is used for maintenance and repair work.

Take the following example:

A customer needs to change a filter in an hazardous area in a chemical plant, or another kind of plant.

In order to do this,

if they do not have a safety switch, they will have to employ an electrician to switch the entire plant off.

With a safety switch, they can switch everything off on-site, close and secure the switch,

and then work in a safe voltage-free state

– with no possible risk of injury or death.

After carrying out their work, they simply remove the locks and switch the switch back on.

Thank you for speaking to us.

And thank you for stopping by. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> Safety Switches by R. STAHL – Talking point at the SPS 2016 - Duration: 2:25.


Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8 LINEAR - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8 LINEAR - Duration: 1:21.


Five Little Monkeys

For more infomation >> Five Little Monkeys


Amatsuki × 96Neko - MKDR (Mousou - Kanshou - Daishou - Renmei) - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Amatsuki × 96Neko - MKDR (Mousou - Kanshou - Daishou - Renmei) - Duration: 4:29.



For more infomation >> AMERICAN TRY TO GUESS PROVERBS IN PORTUGUESE. - Duration: 7:48.


Powerless (NBC) ''Company Motto'' Promo HD | Nova Série com Vanessa Hudgens Legendado - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Powerless (NBC) ''Company Motto'' Promo HD | Nova Série com Vanessa Hudgens Legendado - Duration: 0:16.


Come Cantare come Jessie J - How to Sing like Jessie J - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Come Cantare come Jessie J - How to Sing like Jessie J - Duration: 6:19.


Startup Budapest: Absorice rivoluziona il mondo delle proteine in polvere - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Startup Budapest: Absorice rivoluziona il mondo delle proteine in polvere - Duration: 2:30.


Introducing the inflight Video VIP Lounge! - Duration: 10:59.

Hey guys it's Noel here, welcome along to Tech Tuesday at inflight Video!

So this week's video is slightly different to the normal tech Tuesdays I've been doing

in the past and that's because this week I'm talking to you all about a new site

that I have set up for inflight video that I'm really hoping you guys are gonna be

able to get behind to help support inflight video but also to get some fantastic extra

features for you while you enjoy the full flight videos.

so firstly what is the inflight video VIP lounge well let me explain that to you.

The VIP lounge is an area I've created on inflightvideo.tv which is essentially a concept

I've come up with over the last year or so to give you a more immersive experience

for those of you who'd like this.

For example I've been asked about flight maps and airshow maps and I've been working

on that to integrate that into this solution.

Also things like flight schedules, people ask what our flight schedules are and how

you can go about tracking them online and all of that is going to be included in the

inflight video VIP lounge.

I'm just going to show you through the website, show you the features I've put together,

and hopefully it's something that will be useful to watch.

So this is the inflight VIP Lounge website and the URL as you can see at the top is members.inflightvideo.tv.

when you log in you are presented with this page here with a few tabs along the top and

most of these are only available to people who have registered.

So if we go to the full flight videos button at the top here you will see a list of all

of my existing full flight videos that I have released all over YouTube and the links down

the right hand side to click watch and sit and watch the videos just takes you to the

YouTube page, this is open to everybody who comes onto this page, this page doesn't

require a login the other ones do so I'll talk you through those as well.

The early access button, now this is a feature that I really wanted to bring to people who

are supporting inflight video not only the Patrons that are so awesome and support me

every single month but also people who are doing things that are doing things for inflight

video for example we have some people that create full flight videos for us, we have

partners who provide us with thumbnail images that we use, this is to give something back

to them but also to give something to you guys who would like to support inflight video

a little bit more.

So as part of the package for the inflight video VIP lounge you also get this here which

is early access to all of my upcoming videos and I'm giving you a sneak preview as well

to those guys who have not signed up for this so you'll see the next few flights we have

coming up, essentially you can click any of these and watch them in full.

I release them on to here as soon as I've uploaded them to YouTube when I've finished

filming them you may know that when I film a video it doesn't always go onto YouTube

straight away it takes a few weeks to get it edited, descriptions sorted, tags, translations,

everything else for you, get it all scheduled in that takes a few weeks normally but with

the videos as soon as they are uploaded to YouTube they go straight onto here onto the

early access tab so you can watch them as soon as I film then I'll give you an idea

of the timescale some of these were filmed just a couple of days ago and I've uploaded

them already so if you have access to the VIP lounge you can see all of the early access

videos on here.

The next feature I'm gonna show you I'm really excited about and I hope you guys will

be too.

This is the flight maps tab and this isn't just the flight maps as you have been seeing

them on the videos that I create I have gone through and for most of my videos for at least

the last couple of years' worth of my videos I've created animated flight maps for them.

I won't talk to you much but I'll show you exactly what it is.

So if we go here we'll find a video for example this is the Flybe Manchester to Aberdeen

flight I released last week.

And if we click on this button here we are taken to this site this is a site called CloudAhoy

who I've partnered with and I'm creating some flight maps for you guys on here.

If I click on start debrief right just there, we'll minimize this, but if I hit the play

button there you can see that we have this, let me mute this, I'll just mute that so

you can hear me talking.

I'll turn me off as well.

So we have the full flight here with the flight map and the glass cockpit display here at

the front and you can see here we have the video here on the left hand side that you

can flick through and see all the parts of the video, we also have on the right hand

side a really handy flight map.

This is a real time flight map of the flight that you're watching.

This particular part of the flight we are over the borders of Scotland here and we're

at 24,000ft as you can see down here on the right hand side, the speed that we're going,

the heading we're following and all sorts of things like this I am really excited about

this and I've been working on this for a long time, I'm really pleased to be able

to announce this for you guys.

The glass cockpit display also you can see it shows you what the pilots would be seeing

at that moment in time if it wasn't quite so cloudy, if we skip ahead a little bit when

we're overhead the Scottish countryside you can see here the clouds have cleared a

little bit below and we are coming up to this sort of area here near Braemar in eastern

Scotland and at this point we're descending through 12,000ft as we watch it on the video.

I am really excited about this and it's something I've been quite addicted to watch

my own video which I don't normally do very often so it's been great fun to watch them

through this and I really hope you're going to enjoy this feature as well.

So for every single video going forward now I'm going to be creating this full immersive

flight map experience for you with information about the flight and everything so you can

see all of this in this manner if you want to.

It's a more immersive experience for you, I know seeing just the video on its own sometimes

can be a little bit tedious with clouds for hours on end and I know that a lot of people

would love to know exactly where they were in the flight as if they are on the flight

themselves and with this functionality I'm really excited that I can actually show this

to you guys now as I've been working on it for so long and trying to keep it a secret,

so I really hope you enjoy this.

So let's close that then so this is the flights that I've got this for at the moment

it's all of my flights going back for the last year or so, I think the first one I did

with this was the American Airlines flights over to the states in 2015, the nice long

8 and a half hour one there on the 777 that's the first flight I have this set up for and

every single subsequent flight since then.

This is gonna be quite cool I think and I hope you guys appreciate this functionality

as well.

So one thing I will be adding on here as well as we go forward is the ability to get notifications

as and when we depart on a flight we are filming.

At the moment you can see you can track the flight through here, but the plan is to send

out SMS notifications, notifications to your mobile device as and when we start filming

flights so you can go on straight away and track the flight we're on.

That's something I'm working on, it's quite complicated, a lot of technologies there

to get my head around and how we send these push notifications to you, and it's also

whether or not you guys want the ability to get these notifications I know that it could

be quite frustrating on some of these days we have 3 or 4 flights going out on some days

around the world so it could be a little bit intrusive, I'm trying to work out the best

way I can do that so it doesn't annoy you guys too much and so that it creates the best

experience for everybody as well

So that's at the moment all the features we have here for the inflight video VIP lounge

and I'm really excited that I can show this to you now, I've been holding it back for

quite a while I've been developing the site, so it's something that I'm really excited

to be able to share with you.


So how do you get access to this?

As I said before the site is at members.inflightvideo.tv, the URL is in the description below this video

so you can take a look at that.

Our Patreon supporters get this included when they support us on Patreon and that's just

as a thank you for being such awesome supporters, we really do appreciate you guys for all you

do, all the support, the feedback it is absolutely phenomenal and we really cannot thank you

enough for that.

What I want to do as well is open this to you as well to those who maybe don't support

me on Patreon.

So at the moment the cost for anybody who is not a Patreon supporter is just 5 dollars

a month and I'm really hoping for that 5 dollars you're getting a lot of value for

money in terms of the feature you get here compared to YouTube, and just to be clear

again our videos on YouTube are not changing in the slightest, they're still coming out

every week just as we do already, the aim is just to create that more immersive experience

for those of you that really want it.

You get a 2 day trial I just want to give you guys a bit of a free trial on it when

you sign up so you can have a look and play around, see what you think, the link to that

is just in the description below, members.inflightvideo.tv, and when you get to the page you get two options,

register and login, if you've registered already or are a Patreon supporter you have

access just to login, if you would like to register you can just hit that register button

and create an account at inflight video VIP lounge and get access to all of the features

and more.

So one more thing before I go I want to say thank you to all of my amazing supporters

on Patreon you guys are incredible, you support us in the work that we do, with your donations

every month, your feedback that you give to us here at inflight video we cannot thank

you guys enough you are absolutely amazing thank you so much for all of the support you

give us So guys one last thing I just want to say

thank you so much for watching today's video, really do appreciate it, I hope you find it

useful talking about the inflight video VIP lounge we are introduction now and I hope

you will enjoy the extra features that we have in there and go ahead and give it a go,

see what you think!

If you have any questions of feedback I'd love to hear them, otherwise if you could

click like, share, subscribe and everything else that makes you so awesome I say this

every week I know but I really do appreciate every single one of you and all of your feedback.

Guys, thanks very much and I'll speak to you next week!

For more infomation >> Introducing the inflight Video VIP Lounge! - Duration: 10:59.


Introdução a Nex: Anjo da Morte - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Introdução a Nex: Anjo da Morte - Duration: 0:49.


ENFP Advice - How To Succeed in Your Business or Career - Duration: 15:49.

So if you are an ENFP there's a very

good chance that you have the tendency

let's say the habit of changing

direction and not necessarily

acknowledging your change in direction

doing this way too often often this is

called shiny object syndrome right you

start on something when you see

something that looks better or maybe

this wasn't as easy as you thought it

was you change the next thing and the

next thing but what Sen FPS do that's a

little different than a lot of other

people is we don't really acknowledge

we're quitting or we're changing

directions we do it all very suddenly

and we just the way our minds basically

process things we gradually change and

we kind of think that we're doing what

we plan to do but if you look back six

months or a year you realize that you've

got totally off course and you're not

really doing what you meant to be doing

now the problem with this i made other

videos on dabbling in the dangers of

dabbling is that it really eats away

your chances of success and the reason

is that we're out there competing in a

world of INTJs of infj the people who

are pretty focused and dialed in and

what they're doing and consistent and so

here we are changing directions every

few weeks every few minutes every few

months whatever it is

how are we going to compete with other

people who are basically focused in

doing one thing now I know why this has

been such a challenge for me in the past

and it's really because we get excited

about stuff we like newness is enfps we

like things that are novel we like

variety we like new challenges that

first part of a project is a lot more

exciting than the end part right the

little details and so what that ends up

doing is it ends up pulling us into all

these different things that if we don't

have the right systems in place maybe

have the right outlook ends up spending

a lot of time starting things and never

really getting a lot accomplished i'm

sure if you were to search for like ENFP

blogs you're going to find the highest

number of blogs started and not finished

if any and he grew up on the internet

and that's again

as we like this starting but I want to

go through some things that have really

helped me learn to finish things and

you're new to my channel if you haven't

watched my videos are you don't know my

story I well I started out doing a bunch

of different entrepreneurial things when

I came out of school and most recently

was working as a freelancer i use

freelancing to help me travel the world

I lived in I guess this country number 7

now I've lived in and I along the way

started writing books i published about

11-12 there's one I don't really want to

count so if they have published 11 books

at this point I built the coaching

practice i have online training courses

and that so I figured out how to finish

things and follow through and despite

probably hearing the advice that you got

to get a partner to do what you need to

have your someone else to be the

finisher that is good advice but I've

done it without having that partner

figuring out to do it myself

the first thing that really helped me

figure this out was changing my

perception of time and so if you study

NLP or you're familiar with tony robbins

i did my coaching training with him and

he has a concept of time basically and

how we all have different perceptions of

time for some people

a minute is a long time for other people

a week is nothing a year is nothing you

know you have people you meet and if

you're an ENFP this probably isn't you

who had the same job for 10 years 20

years and to them I years nothing I have

a friend who's very much like this where

we talk about trip planning you know I'm

like oh we're going to come visit me in

Europe and he's planning two years ahead

like it's 2016 now he's talking about

2018 we might plan a trip i plan my trip

like a month in advance maybe maybe 24

something big and you know so we have

different perceptions of time and how

long something is an ENFP as we tend to

have a mergency in our behavior right

where we like to do things quickly we

want results now and that is good in

many ways as part of our strength part

of what allows us to really drive

projects and initiating there's other

personality types who will take a year

to start their business

an ENFP might started in a week on a

hunt right and just go for which is


the problem is is this perception that

things should be quick often leads us to

not really stay the course and changes

sort of our sense of success so for

three months into something or six

months into something we start to think

oh yeah we fail this isn't working

because we haven't got the kind of

results we have expected because we're

optimists where I deal is we expect good

things to happen and so because of this

we end up changing her mind or sinking

okay this isn't work let's try something

different and the reality is that

especially in the new world now in terms

of the internet things take a long time

now you might think this is a

contradiction right isn't the internet

about making these quick and easy

the internet is about making kind of

consumers and quick and easy but if you

want to be successful in a lot of things

like you want to build a youtube channel

or a blog or some kind of successful

take a podcast where you stand out to

people it takes a long time to break

through that noise because you know if

you're living in a small town and you

start doing public speaking well you're

probably the only person doing public

speaking so it's pretty easy to get a

following right away if you come on

youtube and you start making videos

it might be a year before you get any

real traction because there's so many

people and you're competing with the

whole world and so there's something

that I learned around this topic that

really helped me get stuck with me

it's something i have in my email like I

have this tree email course I teach that

I have a whole email around it is its

element in motorcycle school so I went

to this really cool school for getting

my motorcycle license where they used

all these military analogies and all

this stuff and it was that

slow is smooth and smooth is fast so we

know people and they said especially

guys are really bad with this we have

this urgency and when you're riding a

motorbike you try to like force it and

that's not the right way that makes a

terrible writer and that really slow

subtle movement make you smooth and by

being smooth you're actually fast so if

you look at the best racers that the

people who are the fastest they're

actually the people who have slow smooth

movements and so I start applying this

to thinking about my life is that rather

than thinking about one week at a time

you know like these short things I need

successfully success thinking

longer-term and having more of a

drawn-out goal

ok year out and realizing that it will

take time to get there

I have some friends have done very well

in terms of like i'll use YouTube

because we're on youtube in terms of

their YouTube channels and getting a lot

of success and what's been cool as I've

watched them from the beginning and put

in months and months of work with no

results and just keep going and I know

if that was me I would quit right i

would think all this YouTube thing is

not working and I've actually done that

in the past where i put up some videos

and sort of quit and not really done

anything with it and it was seen how

much work actually needs to go into

succeed would change my sense of time

which is help me basically be more

patient and have a longer timeframe and

so in terms of applying this the first

thing is just to actively think about it

I noticed you may be lame advice but

just start processing that way of

thinking you know k slow is smooth

smooth is fast and thinking that ok

really i don't need to be successful or

achieve whatever it is you're trying to

achieve in a month you know if it

happened in six months or a year or two

years that would be pretty good and so

kind of focusing on that longer-term and

just keep it in my it takes time to get

there and reminding yourself of that so

if you spend a week working really hard

on something and you don't get any


you're not going to be as disappointed

because you're

coming in with the mental frame that

this is going to be hard and when you

come in with that mental frame you're

not as disappointed

it's just you know high expectations /

optimistic views lead to huge

disappointment lead to quitting so if

you can reframe that and think okay

in a way it's actually more optimistic

because what you're thinking is ok if i

put in a year of hard work i know it

will be successful so i'm going to put

in that time and I'm not going to change

my emotions and react to every bad day

or or negative event that happened i'm

going to more focus on the long-term the

bigger picture one thing that can help

with this is having some form of

accountability in terms of your goals

and your planning i mentioned this

earlier in the video enfps we are very

good at basically lying to herself BS in

ourselves about why we're changing


I've talked about in other videos the

aspect of like lying to ourselves about

eating dark chocolate or drinking a

bottle of wine like all those

antioxidants it's good for us but you

really just want to drink the wine right

but you find ways to justify it in FPS

are masters of doing this with

everything if we want to change

direction we can always find a way to do

it even if it's not the right thing to


so if we commit to starting a business

we start working on it working on it and

something bad happens that makes us feel

bad and we just emotionally want to quit

we can find a dozen ways to justify that

only the economy changed oh I had this

job offer this is whatever but really

we're changing our minds or quitting we

let ourselves down and so I would

encourage you to set kind of concrete

destinations you could call them gold

you call destinations like where you

want to get to what you want to do and

when you set that write it down and

maybe share it with some people and hold

yourself to that say this is where I

want to go if I start to lie to myself

and change direction and say wait maybe

I should go here instead maybe I should

do this just being aware that that is a

lie right you're lying to yourself about

it and you're letting your emotions kind

of take over and so whatever you write


I also encourage you not to do it on a

whim the way I CFPB's tend to do so

write down your your destination and

then let it sit for a week kind of think

about it really commit to it and in

committing to it

commit to it right so if you just

scribble something down on a piece of

paper one day on a win

you're probably not that likely to

really commit to it and stick to it

because you just emotionally made that

decision so try to make something really

concrete and then stick with that and

that's going to help a lot with actually

changing your perception of time and

just staying on course with it

ok so back to this perception of time


one of the things that happens with

enfps with our sense of urgency with our

desire to make things happen quick and

this is what I've seen in my own life

and I've seen it i coached enfps at work

within FPS 11 is a business coach and

stuff which is really interesting

because you see your own bad habits in

them and it makes it so clear and as

probably really helped me as much as in

some ways help the client so when you

try to go in these little Springs what

can happen if you don't have a unified

kind of vision of where you're going to

is that you'll go this way and then that

way and then this way and that way and

then back this way and you kind of end

up back where you started and I got

clarity with this with myself when i SAT

back and looked at a couple years of my

business where i was busy and I didn't

achieve some things I did grow you know

the business in some ways but I look

back and realize it because i kept

changing directions in terms of like my

marketing strategy in different aspects

of where i wanted to focus the business

I don't really get that much done that

at the end of say two years I look back

and I really kind of mapped out like

what that actually do and it wasn't come

on focus back on the face autofocus it

wasn't actually that impressive in terms

of what i was able to do because i kept

changing directions and every time you

change direction you reset your progress

at least to some extent

not fully and so by doing sort of a

three-month Sprint let's try this

marketing approach okay i don't really

follow their let's try this

nothing really comes of it and that kind

of kicked me in the ass where I just

realized that I'd in some ways wasted

all this time because i didn't just

focus in one area and just keep going

and that was a wake-up call kind of a

shock to my system which really helped

solidify this so keep that in mind is if

you kind of zigzag you keep changing

directions you do sprints and they're

not part of a unified vision like

something you're trying to move towards

that you may find yourself in the same

place a couple years from now and maybe

if you look back now over the last

couple years that might you know

resonate with you where you realize that

you've been doing the same thing that I

was doing so one last little tip and

then when the video here and that's just

that you are an ENFP and you have this

need for variety you know the ENFP way

right where you want excitement you like

newness maybe find other ways to meet it

aside from your career or your business

so whether that's playing extreme sports

are going traveling more or whatever it

is for you that will give you excitement

when you meet that need for excitement

in other places you might not need it in

your business so or career whatever I

talk about business because it's kind of

my world but this applies for all areas

of of your life really

if you don't intentionally proactively

meet your need for excitement and for

newness newness is important for us

right we like novelty new thing if

you're not meeting that need in some way

then you'll unconsciously meet it

through probably more destructive ways

right so you can choose to do things

that are novel that will bring

´excitement´ and be in charge or you

can leave it to your unconscious your

ENFP need for excitement and then you'll

end up doing things that could be

damaging self-sabotage like getting big

fights with your partner or always

switching who you're dating or changing

your business direction all the time

because you need that newness and you're

not meeting that need elsewhere so I

really encourage you to proactively meet

that need for newness rather than just

let it happen to you

cool awesome thanks for bearing with me

for this video

here and that you've enjoyed it you know

subscribe like the video leave a comment

especially I think if you are an ENFP

I'd love to hear your story you know

does this resonate with you have you

been through this you know I've as I

said I coach some enfps and I'm one

myself and I'm fairly a self-reflective

guy but i'd love to learn more and kind

of if you if you've had the same

experience and that kind of thing it

would be great to share it with with all

of us here

cool thanks for watching see you in

another video

For more infomation >> ENFP Advice - How To Succeed in Your Business or Career - Duration: 15:49.


Eike Batista presta depoimento à Lava Jato após primeira noite na prisão - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Eike Batista presta depoimento à Lava Jato após primeira noite na prisão - Duration: 6:47.


Benjamin Fulford January 30, 2017 - Duration: 12:24.

For more infomation >> Benjamin Fulford January 30, 2017 - Duration: 12:24.


Frozen Elsa a ROBOT! Spiderman Joker Prank Snow White Poison Ivy Superheroes In Real Life - Duration: 11:56.

What Frozen Elsa Is a Robot

Thanks For Watching Superheroes

For more infomation >> Frozen Elsa a ROBOT! Spiderman Joker Prank Snow White Poison Ivy Superheroes In Real Life - Duration: 11:56.


Roberto Conterno / Vignaiolo in Langa Parte 1 - Duration: 5:33.

A winemaker in Langhe

Barrels and Cellar

This is the cellar

As you can see we only have big barrels

some smaller and some bigger, some older and some newer

the older ones are more or less 50 years old

while these ones are the newer ones

a couple of years old

the older barrels are Slovenian oak

these ones... It is more than 17 years that we work with Stockinger from Austria

How have the barrels changed in the recent years?

Actually almost nothing has changed here

Even the origin of the oak for us is not so important...

...because it does not impart the tannins of the wood

The wood is important for the micro oxygenation

but there's no transfer of elements and flavours like tannins and others from the staves to the wine

So all the tannins in the wine come from the grape variety and the land

We've never been interested in trying the small barrels (barriques) even as an experiment

Here the capacity of a barrel is only related to logistical issues

Tradition and Modernity: in which category of producers do you think you belong?

Basically we do not belong to one group or another

we make our own way

Beyond that it is always a good thing when each person tries to find their own way and philosophy

first of all because there's space for everyone

and everyone create their own niche market

and I don't see this as a negative thing

I'm not a person who takes part in controversy

everyone is entitled to their own choice

each action creates its own reaction... that's it...

I make my choices regardless of what others do

I make choices in which I believe

And it's easy for me to defend them, because I believe in them...

I do not follow a - i'ts kind of a bad word - a 'Trend'

So I don't have any problems

But these are just my personal choices

What do you think of viticulture in the US?

Regarding the US I go there more or less once a year

And while I'm there I try to visit cellars and wine regions

From Washington State, Oregon and obviously California

'The most interesting region?'

In my opinion there's no region more interesting than another

there are interesting winemakers ' more than interesting regions'

But overall we like to find something interesting and unique in any winemaker or wine

'And did you find them in Napa?'

In all winemakers you find something interesting

Something interesting does not necessarily mean a good thing

It can mean a bad thing

The origin of the winery

The winery is called Giacomo Conterno who was my grandfather

But he was not the first one

But he was the first one that bottled it with a label and a brand


The first labels are from 1924

Almost a hundred years ago

'You can still drink the 1936, right?'

I have recently drank a 1945...

but it was a bit oxidized

But a year ago I had another 1945

and that one was perfect

It depends, from bottle to bottle

But beyond that, when I open a bottle of '45 or '47...

I go beyond the liquid inside it

for me it is a significant emotion

Thinking about my grandfather in 1945...

and at that time they didn't just have a few things, the had nothing

with a great land and great grape variety he was able to make something exceptional

And surely he couldn't think that 70 years later someone would have opened that bottle

For more infomation >> Roberto Conterno / Vignaiolo in Langa Parte 1 - Duration: 5:33.


"Rock Dog" Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> "Rock Dog" Movie Trailer


Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...

For more infomation >> Kirby Buckets: Warped - Disn...


Star Trek: D'deridex Class Romulan Warbird - Spacedock - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: D'deridex Class Romulan Warbird - Spacedock - Duration: 4:27.


Safety Switches by R. STAHL – Talking point at the SPS 2016 - Duration: 2:25.

Hello and welcome to Rote Couch Express.

We're here at the Stahl booth at the 2016 SPS IPC Drives trade fair

with Wolfgang Möller, Product Manager at Stahl.

Hello, Mr Möller!


You're exhibiting a safety switch here at the trade fair.

What are its special features?

Yes – we're showing off our safety switch which comes in two series,

one in a plastic enclosure

and one in a stainless steel enclosure.

Additionally, this safety switch is certified and tested according to the new international EN 62626 standard

and can therefore be used by our customers not only in Germany, but all over the world.

What makes it stand out from the competition?

Our safety switch comes with the option to have either a black handle

or a red and yellow handle.

We have a single rotary actuator

which the customer can use to switch all contacts on or off, including the auxiliary contacts.

Additionally, if the operator or user has switched this switch off,

they can use three padlocks to secure it against being switched back on.

Unlike a normal load switch,

the cover of this switch cannot be removed when it is in the switched-off position.

This means that employees who are working on a system and have switched the switch off

can be sure that the system cannot run.

Where is it intended to be used?

In most cases, the switch is used for maintenance and repair work.

Take the following example:

A customer needs to change a filter in an hazardous area in a chemical plant, or another kind of plant.

In order to do this,

if they do not have a safety switch, they will have to employ an electrician to switch the entire plant off.

With a safety switch, they can switch everything off on-site, close and secure the switch,

and then work in a safe voltage-free state

– with no possible risk of injury or death.

After carrying out their work, they simply remove the locks and switch the switch back on.

Thank you for speaking to us.

And thank you for stopping by. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> Safety Switches by R. STAHL – Talking point at the SPS 2016 - Duration: 2:25.


Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8 LINEAR - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8 LINEAR - Duration: 1:21.


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


That Moment When You Wake Up to Pee and Can't Fall Back to Sleep | Chris Masterjohn Lite - Duration: 4:41.

Do you ever wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning, go to pee,

go back to bed, and then you just can't fall

asleep even though you don't want to be up for another

several hours? Well then this video

is for you. Hi. I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn

of ChrisMasterjohnPhD.com and

you're watching Chris Masterjohn Lite, where the name

of the game is "Details? Shmetails. Just tell

me what works!" I think there's a few things

going on here. Number one. You may not be eating enough

carbohydrate. Your body has the

task of maintaining your blood sugar high enough through the

night when you're sleeping and that's the hardest time to

maintain your blood sugar up because

that's the longest you ever go

between meals.

So sometimes you haven't eaten enough carbohydrate

and your body just doesn't have it stored up

and when that happens your body kicks into a

stress response that allows you to turn other

things that aren't carbohydrate like protein

into carbohydrate so that you

can keep your blood sugar balanced.

Now when that happens that stress response

can make it hard to stay asleep,

or fall back to sleep, and can also make

make you have to pee.

So if you're not eating enough carbohydrate

if you don't know whether you're eating enough carbohydrate,

I would say if you're a sedentary person,

start with a hundred grams. If you're already eating that,

start increasing it. You can go in small

increments but if you're highly active you might need several

hundred more grams per day than that. Now I'm not

saying that everyone has to eat that much. I'm just saying that if

you have this problem, try increasing carbohydrate

in increments and see if it helps.

Now, the next thing to consider is

say you woke up for whatever reason whether it was carbohydrate,

or you drank too much alcohol or too much water

or you didn't eat enough food, whatever the case may be, say you've

woken up. How do you get back to sleep?

What I think one of the problems may be that you

wake up and you use a flashlight to get to the bathroom

or you turn on the light and you turn on the bathroom light

and, boom! Blue light's going into your

eyes and telling your brain it's time to wake up.

Well, how do you

get around that? It's the same principle

that I've talked about in previous videos that allows you to fall

asleep in the first place and that's blocking the blue light.

So number one, I have

this nightlight in my bathroom that I got

from lowbluelights.com and this is the primary

light that I use in the bathroom during the night or in the early morning.

Number two, lowbluelights.com also has

this special flashlight that you could use to get to the bathroom

or you could just put on your

blue-blocking glasses in the bathroom. So for example

you got your Swannies on and then

you can use your phone's flashlight or whatever you prefer

to get to the bathroom, and just make sure that you continue blocking the

blue light until you get back to sleep

Now say you did all that and you still can't sleep?

Well, I think there's a third thing that often comes into play and that's

you're thinking about what you gotta

do for the next day. Now I'm sure this varies

from person to person, but if

I'm up at 4 o'clock in the morning,

within seconds of waking up I'm probably

thinking about what I need to do for the whole rest of the day.

I need to stop thinking about that to get back to sleep

and you can find whatever works for

you in order to find the right distraction

but personally I feel that a video

game is highly effective. Keep in mind that

if you're going to play a video game, that's blue light.

So you got to keep the blue-blocking glasses on.

Now. Mike Hawk had commented on my YouTube channel

last time I talked about video games and sleep and said

"dont play battlefield that

game can make u rage so hard."

So whatever game it is, it shouldn't be something

that stimulates your emotions. Personally I find

Tetris to be perfect for this because it's

kind of meditative and all you ever

do is just increase your numbers of lines

so there's nothing super curious or fascinating

that you might run into that'll surprise you

or make you interested or something like that.

All right I hope this was helpful.

Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn of ChrisMasterjohnPhD.com.

You've been watching Chris Masterjohn Lite,

and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> That Moment When You Wake Up to Pee and Can't Fall Back to Sleep | Chris Masterjohn Lite - Duration: 4:41.


Hold me so I don't unravel - Duration: 0:56.

If I was having a panic attack, I think, for me, what helps is touch.

And I know that doesn't help for everybody because, like...and also,

you have to feel it out. I think maybe asking me, like, "Do you need a hug right

now? Can I hold you?" Most likely I'll say yes, because that really...

I mean, like, when somebody...when I feel held, that really helps, and I want,

I need that. Because sometimes a panic attack will feel like I'm like spazzing

out and my whole body is like, you know, getting away from me. And so, if

somebody's holding me, I feel safe and I feel like I'm okay. And that helps me

relax. So that would be the first thing. And then, I think that would be enough.

I think, probably, if someone were to hold me, I would calm down to a point where I'd

be okay.

For more infomation >> Hold me so I don't unravel - Duration: 0:56.


Chateau Cantara 928 T - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Chateau Cantara 928 T - Duration: 1:17.


Opel Meriva 1.4T 140PK Cosmo Clima / Bluetooth / Trekhaak - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4T 140PK Cosmo Clima / Bluetooth / Trekhaak - Duration: 1:45.


Opel Astra 1.0T 105PK 5-DRS Edition / 17" LM / Navi / Clima - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0T 105PK 5-DRS Edition / 17" LM / Navi / Clima - Duration: 1:41.


GNC #CourageToChange - Duration: 0:31.

Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't change.

That is what life is.


It's not some magic trick.

It's your will.

Your thoughts become your words become your actions

become your reality.

Change is your destiny.

Now go chase it.

For more infomation >> GNC #CourageToChange - Duration: 0:31.


Opel Astra Wagon 1.6I GL Leuke stationwagen met een APK t/m 6-2017 650,- Euro - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Wagon 1.6I GL Leuke stationwagen met een APK t/m 6-2017 650,- Euro - Duration: 1:38.


The Untold Truth Of The Trump Kids - Duration: 7:45.

In 1990, Donald Trump told Playboy Magazine that "statistically" his children had a "very

bad shot" because "children of successful people are generally very, very troubled,

not successful.

They don't have the right shtick."

However, he's since groomed his three eldest, Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric, to hold executive

positions within his business empire, and his daughter Tiffany is poised to earn her

law degree, while his youngest son Barron and his mother Melania hold down the penthouse

fort in New York.

They haven't become the Kardashians just yet.

But are they keeping up with their father's expectations?

Here's the untold truth of the Trump kids.

The spoils

Barron might drive his very own kiddie Mercedes-Benz around his $100 million NYC penthouse, but

Donald Jr. told People that he and the rest of the Trump kids were "spoiled the right

way" in that they were "spoiled with great experiences, great surroundings, and incredible

environments that really allowed [them] to see other incredible people and really try

to emulate that."

Donald Jr. also told Forbes that while it might appear that they're coasting on their

dad's coat tails, Poppa Donald instructed them to learn the tricks of the trade along

the way as well.

He said, "My father's logic from the beginning was if you're going to have someone dig a

ditch for you, you'd better know how to do it yourself.

So here's your shovel.

Start digging."

The upbringing

Donald Jr. has also said that he didn't have a "'let's go play catch in the backyard' sort

of father-son relationship."

"We always went to job sites with him.

We'd be in his office playing with trucks as a six-year-old while he's negotiating deals

with presidents of major companies."

Donald Jr. was born in 1977 to mother Ivana, Donald's first wife.

With five kids of his own by the time he was in his late 30s, Donald Jr. works as executive

vice president at the Trump Organization, managing the existing properties portfolio.

He certainly didn't have a typical growing up experience, as he spent summers with his

grandfather Milos and learned to speak Czech fluently.

Plus, you know, he was born into untold wealth from the start.

The standards

Trump's second child Ivanka was born in 1981 and has claimed that her siblings' success

can be attributed to the fact that they never fell into bad habits, telling GQ, "I look

at my brothers and myself and I'm, like, really proud of the fact that nobody's, like, totally

f—ed up.

Nobody's a drug addict, nobody's driving around chasing women, snorting coke.

There's something amazing about that.

And you know, this isn't to pat myself on the back, but I could be a lot worse."

She attributes the Trump kids living "within some realm of reality" to her parents, whom

she told New York Magazine were "pretty tough" on them.

The former model has three children of her own and works as executive vice president

of the Trump Organization, overseeing hotels, and founded her own lifestyle brand.

She also founded her online forum and authored her book on "women who work" after appearing

on The Apprentice.

In her words, she received "a flood of letters from young women asking for guidance."

Since her father's election, Ivanka has moved to Washington D.C.

While her reps have indicated she'll have no official role in the administration, she

has committed to speaking up for those issues she's passionate about, such as child care.

Her husband, Jared Kushner, on the other hand, was officially appointed into a presidential

advisor position.

The role models

Trump's second son Eric has admitted that his older brother Donald Jr. had a big hand

in raising him and that he considers him to have been a "mentor."

He told The New York Times, "In a way, he raised me.

My father, I love and I appreciate, but he always worked 24 hours a day."

Eric, born to Donald and Ivana in 1984, was eight years old when his parents divorced.

When his mother gained full custody of all three children, she sent them to boarding

schools to escape the media blitz.

He told The Washington Post that he understood the decision to send them away, saying, "My

parents were so solid at keeping us away from it … And I think boarding school was their

subtle way of also doing that."

Eric has been married since 2014 and is also executive vice president of Trump Organization,

focusing on company assets involving golf and wine.

The alums

The Trump family has a special allegiance to the University of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Tiffany all graduated from that institution, while

Eric bucked tradition and instead opted for Georgetown.

He graduated in 2006 and serves on the school's board.

Only time will tell as to where young Barron will ultimately enroll, but chances are, he'll

be cheering for the Quakers like almost all of his siblings before him.

Charity work

The Trump kids might be best known for their participation in the family's financial dynasty,

but they've also done some good deeds over the years as well.

Donald Jr. has worked as an ambassador to Operation Smile, which provides reconstructive

services to children with deformities across the world, and Eric founded the Eric Trump

Foundation in 2006 to help raise money for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, reportedly

raising as much as $30 million for the organization.

He has claimed to be very hands-on about his involvement with the charity, visiting its

hospital locations on a regular basis.

He said of those visits, "Each time is more special than the last…

You develop amazing relationships with the parents and the children, many who weren't

given a chance at life by other hospitals — it truly puts life in perspective and

will completely change you as a person."

The businesses

Just outside Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump Winery sits on a sprawling 1,300-acre estate.

And Eric has been in charge of all of it since its opening in 2011, an interest, he said,

which stems from the his feelings that wine "is sexy" and "luxurious."

He and wife Lara kicked off their wedding celebration with a tasting at the winery in


The outcast

Tiffany Trump has been one of the least visible of Trump's children throughout Trump's presidential

bid, and that's in part to do with the fact that she was raised across the country with

her mother, Trump's second wife, Marla Maples.

Tiffany was born in 1993 and raised in California with her mother from the age of four after

Maples and Trump officially divorced in 1999.

While Tiffany remained on the west coast with her mother, she did keep touch with her siblings

all the while, but grew up largely without her father.

As Maples herself told The New York Times, "She'd like to get to know her father better

and spend time with him like his other children did: by going to his office and watching him


Maples said Tiffany felt "wounded" by being depicted as the "forgotten Trump" during his


The good news is, she can finally fulfill that dream of having a "slumber party in the

White House" now.

The minor

There's a reason Barron Trump's rare appearances on the campaign circuit were so heavily scrutinized

and subject to memes: He didn't really want any part of it.

A source close to Trump's transition team revealed that the election process was "difficult"

for the then-10-year-old child and that his mother Melania took it upon herself to try

and keep the "disruption to a minimum."

As the only son to Trump and Melania, Donald's third wife, Barron was born in 2006 to immense

riches and luxury.

He was famously photographed in his gilded suite, fit with a gold-trimmed stroller no

less, and is expected to remain in his penthouse until he finishes fourth grade in 2017.

To get a sense of just how pampered the kid is, Melania revealed that he's routinely covered

in her skincare line's Caviar Complex C6 every night after his bath and said, "He's not a

sweatpants child.

He doesn't mind putting on a [suit] and he likes to dress up in a tie sometimes like

Daddy … "I call him 'Mini-Donald."

The wedding estate

Trump's luxe Palm Beach, Florida estate called Mar-a-Lago has played host to several of his

children's weddings, including Donald Jr.'s marriage to Vanessa in 2005, Ivanka's nuptials

with Kushner in 2009, and Eric's wedding to Lara in 2014.

The trophies

Donald Jr. and Eric Trump stoked the ire of animal rights activists by appearing in photos

while posing next to a dead elephant, kudu, civet cat, and waterbuck while on a big game

safari hunt in Zimbabwe.

Donald Jr. spoke out in response to the backlash and earned even more criticism for his rationale.

"Nah listen, I still hunt, I've always been a hunter.

It's something that I've done for a long time.

In Africa, and people who haven't been there don't see it, like, over there an elephant

villages for weeks, and it all gets used.

Nothing gets wasted in Africa."

The abodes

Most of the Trump kids live in — where else? Trump properties.

Ivanka revealed that she chose to reside in the $10 million Trump Park Avenue penthouse

but that she still has to pay a mortgage for the place.

She added that she did negotiate its price with her father, saying, "He'd be disappointed

if I didn't."

Meanwhile, Eric and his wife Lara live in a $2 million apartment at Trump Parc East,

and while Donald Jr. has reportedly moved across town to a non-Trump tower, and Tiffany

is currently touring Harvard University, Barron, who occupies an entire floor in Trump Tower,

has yet to chip in for rent.

Thanks for watching!

Click The List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of The Trump Kids - Duration: 7:45.


Are We Living in a Simulation? – 8-Bit Philosophy - Duration: 5:12.

Suppose, dear viewer, that everything you own: your NES collection, your youth sports

participation trophies and all of your wonderful memories are merely fabrications -- 1s and

0s of binary code in an advanced computer simulation.

It may sound like science fiction, but is it actually possible?

According to the inventor and CEO Elon Musk, it's not only possible, it's almost certain.

Bollocks, you say?


Although Musk has made this simulation theory mainstream, it was proposed over 15 years

ago by Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom in his essay, aptly titled: "Are you living

in a computer simulation?"

Bostrom argues that at least one of the following three statements is true:

According to Bostrom, if future humans don't go extinct, and don't opt out of super simulations,

than you, dear viewer, are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.

Bostrom's thesis rests on the concept of ancestor simulations – the idea that humans

will one day be able to recreate their own history in perfect detail.

Perhaps future humans would want pop on a VR headset and see what London was like in

the 21st or 17th century, or take a trip to 12th century Mongolia and meet Genghis Khan


They would be so detailed that the simulated humans would, for all purposes, think that

their lives were real.

With enough computing power, simulated people may eventually run their own simulations,

and their simulations may run their own simulations -- like Russian nesting dolls.

When Elon Musk says that there is a billions in one chance that we are not living in a

computer simulation he does have math on his side.

Let's say that your next-door neighbor will create a simulation of you next Tuesday.

If they are replaying last week in order to better figure out a way to ask you out, it

would mean that there is a 50/50 shot that you are a simulated being created for your

neighbor's enjoyment.

If this idea is expanded to the totality of humanity things get a little scarier.

It only takes one future person to create one replica of our reality, let's call it

the "Party Like It's 2017.exe," to make the odds that you are living in that simulation

1 in 2.

If, in the future, someone creates 3 different versions of "Party Like It's 2017",

then our odds of living in that simulation is 3 in 4 – 75%.

Minecraft has sold over 100 million copies in our own world.

If in the future "Party Like It's 2017" were as popular as this, your chances of living

in a simulation today would be 100 million to 1, a 99.999% chance of living in a fictitious


Given enough time: say thousands of years, billions of people could own 2017 simulations

and it would mean that you would have a billions in one chance of living in base reality: or

the really real world.

Odds are you exist in one of the billions of 2017 simulations.

Musk believes that with any real amount of technical progress, widespread simulations

like this are inevitable.

For Bostrom, it isn't simulation or bust though— Bostrom believes people may very

well be able to create ancestor simulations and choose not to.

If you're hoping you are real, this possibility is your only saving grace.

But does it really matter?

Will the fact that our universe is simulated make it any more or less meaningful?

What do you think dear viewer, would the truth of an other-worldly creator bring you solace,

or would we be obliged to make like Neo, and bring it all crashing down?

For more infomation >> Are We Living in a Simulation? – 8-Bit Philosophy - Duration: 5:12.


Archerfish Says..."I Spit in Your Face!" | Deep Look - Duration: 3:36.

Life began in the water.

It looked across the boundary between wet and dry, and saw… dinner.

Some species evolved legs from their fins and became land animals.

Others, like this archerfish, found a way to bridge the distance between water and land...

while still staying wet.

Archerfish spit water in a high-pressure stream through the air, knocking prey from its perch.

Pretty clever, right?

They live in the estuaries of Southeast Asia, where mangrove trees stand knee deep in brackish


It's the perfect arena for a deadly game of hide and seek.

But this fish has more than just good aim.

Depending on the distance to its target, the archerfish can calibrate, changing the shape

and speed of its spit.

A series of experiments at Wake Forest University measured the force of that spit on impact.

The spitball on the left has further to go, but it still packs the same punch.

That's because its tail end catches up to the front on contact.

Like an archer pulling a bowstring, the fish judges the distance, makes a few calculations,

then lets it fly.

You might say it's using water as a weapon.

But wait a minute…

That kind of sounds like tool use, which among scientists who study evolution is a big deal.

Because we used to think that you needed a big, complicated brain -- more like a human

brain -- to use tools.

And like all fish, this archer has no neocortex, that outer layer of the brain, where functions

like higher reasoning and memory live.

In other words, this fish has less of a brain than we do, but in a way, it's incredibly

smart. But how smart?

That's what one Oxford scientist wanted to know.

She asked: Can an archerfish tell one human face from another?

In her lab, she trained an archerfish to expect food whenever it spat at the image of this

one face.

See, facial recognition is another of those abilities you're supposed to need a neocortex


When she showed the fish a series of other faces...Nothing.

But when that familiar face appeared?


In spite of its tiny brain, it knew the face.

We humans have used our brains as the baseline for intelligence -- if you don't have our

hardware, you can't do what we can do.

But that idea is evolving.

The archerfish and many other animals... it turns out, have found their own ways to be


Are you a better shot than an archerfish?

Try hitting a beer bottle with a snowball from about 50 feet away and you'll see.

And check out this episode about some other animals that manipulate water to survive.

They carry a breathing bubble around with them, like little scuba divers.

Thanks for watching Deep Look!

Subscribe, and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Archerfish Says..."I Spit in Your Face!" | Deep Look - Duration: 3:36.


Christopher Reeve's Son Doesn't Look Like This Anymore - Duration: 3:25.

Superman actor Christopher Reeve's youngest son, William Reeve, turned 24 in 2016, and

is paving his own way as a broadcaster and activist, honoring the lives of his late mother

and father.

The spitting image of his dad, Christopher Reeve's son is all grown up.

Orphaned at 13

Despite losing both parents by age 13, Will Reeve managed to grow up with a good head

on his shoulders.

Less than a year after his father's passing in 2004, Will's mother, Dana, got the news

that she had lung cancer, and spent her remaining days making sure that Will would be well cared

for in her absence.

She died in 2006, and according to People, Will then lived with childhood friends.

Though Will had relatives and two half-siblings from his father's previous relationship with

model Gae Exton, as well as other blood relatives, his mother wanted him to stay in the familiar

environment of Bedford, New York.

Years later, this decision seems to have been the right one.

He's a sports analyst

Will earned degrees in English and American literature from Middlebury College in Vermont

in 2014, before cutting his teeth in the field as a production assistant at Good Morning


Will later landed a reporting gig with ESPN, and has served as a member of the popular

SportsCenter team since early 2015.

In addition to his role as an ESPN contributor, Will also hosts a weekly hockey show for MSG


He told Page Six he grew up on the ice, saying,

"Some of my fondest memories come from sitting along the glass with my mom and dad, learning

to love hockey and forging a deep bond with my parents, and the sport, that still exists


In fact, his father reportedly attended one of Will's hockey games the day before he died.

Will told The Wrap,

"My dad and I had a huge bond and shared a love of sports.

I hope [my parents] would be proud and say, 'Great job,' no matter what.

Then my dad would probably tell me to straighten my tie!"

He honors his late parents with activism

Will has worked tirelessly to raise money and awareness for the Christopher and Dana

Reeve Foundation, which pursues cures for spinal cord injuries, but he stopped short

of running a marathon for the cause because he was afraid of not being able to finish

the 26.2-mile course.

Will told the Today show in 2016,

"I'd always said that I'd do it next year, mainly because I didn't think I could do it.

I didn't want to embarrass myself or look like a fool, but I realized that's not the


I'm not running for me."

Will elaborated on his philanthropy, telling the New York Post,

"My folks instilled great values in me.

One of the things they taught me from an early age is that when you're doing something, you'd

better go all the way."

After that epiphany of sorts, Reeve laced up his sneaks and ran the New York City Marathon

in November 2016 with a goal to raise $35,000 for the foundation, finishing the race in

4 hours and 36 minutes and surpassing his fundraising goal.

Even Superman's kids had to eat broccoli and go to bed

While some young people can't wait to spread their wings and rebel against their upbringing,

Will has remained firmly rooted to the simple things in life and is close to his half-siblings.

In 2013, the trio made headlines when they attended a gala together to benefit his parents'


Like Will, half-siblings Alexandra and Matthew have pursued careers outside of showbiz.

How has Will remained so humble despite his parents' fame?

Will told ABC,

"They were just my parents.

They were the people who told me to turn off the TV, to eat my broccoli, to go to bed.

I understood that not every child experiences then going to the grocery store and then seeing

their dad on the magazine in the checkout aisle."

When you think about it, being a good dad is a pretty superheroic task after all.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Christopher Reeve's Son Doesn't Look Like This Anymore - Duration: 3:25.


7 Weird Acts of Self Love - Duration: 3:53.

Black Fly Presents Weird Acts of Self Love

Number One: You don't have to wait for a fiance to have your perfect wedding.

Yasmin Eleby proved this, by marrying herself after not finding the perfect husband after

reaching 40.

Friends and family of Eleby all attended this one woman marriage in January, 2015.

There was a cake, flowers and ten bridesmaids.

The only thing missing was the husband to be!

Okay, it's not a legal marriage.

But according to Eleby it was more of a metaphoric wedding; a lesson to all that you have to

love yourself.

Number Two: Masanobu Sato is a master and a legend when it comes to loving yourself.

He found himself as a world record holder after masturbating for almost 10 hours straight!

Unfortunately for Masanobu, Guinness has not awarded him an official record (and probably

want nothing to do with it) - but he has a firm grasp on multiple champions (yes, they

exist) and isn't stopping soon!

Number Three: Guinness has, however, awarded "The Rock" a record for self love - but no,

not for Masanobu's form of it.

Mr Johnson has the award for most selfies taken in 3 minutes.

At the premiere of motion picture "San Andreas", he took 105 selfies.

According to the superstar, all that selfie taken was a big workout for his stacked arms.

Though maybe he should hire Masanobu as his next personal trainer.

Number Four: You don't need to told that dictators are totally in love with themselves.

That's obvious enough.

But the Turkmanistan leader takes it to another level.

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov recent had sculptors make a giant statue of him riding a horse...

covered in gold!

It sits atop a huge cliff in Ashgabat, the capital city.

However, the leader states that it is for truly humble purposes; to give the people

of the country the hope and strength to go on.

He has told media outlets that he only wants to serve the citizens.

Number Five: Hollywood actor Shia LeBouf loves himself so much he has made it an artform;


And then he took it one step further.

The actor rented out a theatre screen for 3 whole days.

He then streamed his reactions on the internet while he watched every film he has ever acted


Number Six: New York baseball star Alex Rodriguez has a bit of an ego.


Neither were we.

But an ex-girlfriend of the baseball player states that the extend of his self-love is

strange, if not all out bonkers.

He reportedly has TWO paintings of himself, depicting him as a centaur - one of which

hangs above his bed!

Safe to say, the unnamed woman was not too impressed.

Number Seven: We all know that one person who is obsessed with taking photos.

But nothing can compare to the video of this woman attempting to get the perfect selfie.

The video went viral and received a million views, most likely more than the amount of

likes she got for the photo anyway!

Thank You for watching yet another amazing video!

Please do subscribe for many more!

For more infomation >> 7 Weird Acts of Self Love - Duration: 3:53.


Question of the Day: Random Facts - Duration: 3:53.




























For more infomation >> Question of the Day: Random Facts - Duration: 3:53.


Korean gov't unveils final version of state-authored history textbook - Duration: 1:58.

Revising History textbooks has been a controversial topic here in Korea since the government announced

its plan to re-take control of the process.

After gathering opinions and conducting a thorough review, the final version has been


Kim Hyesung outlines some of the changes made.

The education ministry unveiled the final version of its state-authored history textbook

Tuesday amid an ongoing debate over its interpretation of modern history.

"Last November, we posted a draft of the textbook online in order to collect public opinion

and, after a thorough review, we've reflected some of the opinions in the final version."

One of the major changes is the inclusion of some of the limitations of the late President

Park Chung-hee's Saemaul Undong movement, an initiative that played a big role in modernizing

Korea's rural economy in the 1970s.

There are also more details on Japan's colonial rule over Korea, including its wartime sexual


As for the contentious issue of whether to mark August 15th, 1948, as the foundation

date of the "Republic of Korea"... or the "government,"... the education ministry said

it will describe it as the foundation date.

Progressive historians have long said that this view downplays the significance of independence

movements that took place under the Japanese colonization of Korea, as well as the establishment

of Korea's provisional government in Shanghai in 1919.

To reflect the various opinions on the subject, the education ministry said that, starting

in 2018, schools can use either description of the date.

More specifically, it said schools will be able to use either the new state-authored

textbooks or textbooks written by private publishers, and that the latter could contain

either description of August 15th.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean gov't unveils final version of state-authored history textbook - Duration: 1:58.


The Real Reason Marvel Changed How The Avengers Looked - Duration: 10:12.

Comic books aren't like real life — they're so much cooler.

Lifting characters from comics and adapting them to the big screen is a complicated process.

And for Marvel, that meant a redesign of some pretty iconic characters.

The impact of the Avengers is a lot greater if you think they could actually show up on

the evening news, but getting them from all their brightly-colored comic book glory to

living, breathing characters took some heavy revision.

It was, however, totally worth it.

Here's why Marvel changed how the Avengers looked when they brought them to the movies.


Sharp-eyed viewers will notice that in Avengers, Age of Ultron, and Civil War, Jeremy Renner's

Hawkeye sports some gear that pays tribute to the character's original comic look with

its purple coloring, but without getting quite so crazy.

Of course, it's thankfully missing some traditional details: when Renner went on stage at Wizard

World Chicago's MCU panel, one optimistic young fan asked if he was going to get to

wear a mask.

He confirmed that the answer was a resounding "no."

And here's why it's for the best.

If Marvel had kept Clint Barton's original look … just, no.

It's not clear what's worse: the purple-on-purple outfit, or that mask.

That mask.

Look at it!

Even still, his comic costume sort of made sense.

The character's parents died when he was a kid.

But when it came time to stay in the orphanage, he said, "nuts to this" and joined the circus


And, without question, this get-up belongs in the circus.

Marvel was going for a serious feel with The Avengers, after all, and this one just had

to go in its entirely.

Good thing.

Of course, they could've gone a step further and given him, oh, you know, a gun, too.

"The city is flying.

We're fighting an army of robots.

And I have a bow and arrow.

None of this makes sense."

Captain America

When it came to getting down to the business of war, Marvel Studios made the right moves

with Captain America.

They kept the iconic red, white, and blue, but opted for something a little more serious.

It makes sense, because soldiers on either side wouldn't take him seriously if he'd kept

his comics look.

Actor Chris Evans was well aware of the positive changes, too, telling Empire, "Given the fact

that his costume is red, white, and blue, and it's tight, it could be kind of flash

and over the top … they've done a really good job of making it look really cool."

What's not so cool?

The original costume from the comics.

Sure, it's a classic, but it's fitting that Cap only wears it when he's parading on-stage

like a doofus, hawking war bonds.

The movie treats it like a joke, because it pretty much is.

So what if Cap had worn the original comics outfit into the field?

Well, he might feel a little silly with such a brightly colored costume as he charged into


And those little wings on the side of his head couldn't have offered much tactical advantage,


Definitely better to clip them.


The original costume for Thor, Marvel's resident Norse god of thunder, was pretty dang cool.

It was also — to put it simply — completely unfilmable.

And the first time Thor made it to television in 1988's The Incredible Hulk Returns proves

this to be true, since they didn't even bother trying to come close:

"No Thor let's save him, give me the hammer."

"Give me the hammer!"

"You want a fight?

You'll get one!"

But by 2007, Marvel redesigned his outfit in the comics.

And that's more or less what made it to the silver screen in 2011's Thor movie.

It's pretty much perfect, right?

Only it's missing one thing...where's his helmet?

The helmet made a brief appearance in the first movie, and then it's never seen again.

That's mostly because Thor actor Chris Hemsworth really, really hated it.

He told IGN in 2013:

"It's just incredibly uncomfortable.

And the amount of times it would fall off and like the bridge would be smashing me in

the nose or the wings to the helmet in one of the fight scenes was getting clipped off…"

And you know?

That's okay.

Because, let's face it: no one really looks badass when they're wearing a hat with wings,

as we've already proved with Captain America.

That goes double for the helmet Thor used to wear in the comics before his redesign,


It looks like he's wearing a flying Hershey's Kiss.

That may work for Peter Jackson and his army of orc-food, but that's just not gonna fly

with Thor.

It's a case where you can draw things that you can't easily translate into the real world.

Thor's hat is one of those things that just didn't work.


When Ant-Man made it to the big screen, they threw away his silly comic costume, giving

him an updated, redesigned costume that was made in the best possible way ever — with

real, honest-to-goodness science.

The movie-making geniuses over at Marvel consulted with a very real-world genius, Dr. Spiros

Michalakis from the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter at Caltech.

According to the good doctor, when you look at the problems of shrinking a full-sized

human to ant-sized, you're messing with all kinds of laws.

Like density: if Paul Rudd really was compacted to the size of an ant, he'd about the same

density as a white dwarf star.

"Bringing him in!"

"Sorry about this."

And there's more.

From breathing oxygen molecules too big for your tiny body to process, to a smaller body

that generates too much heat, there are lots of reasons why comic book Ant-Man's outfit

just wouldn't cut it.

Enter the new Ant-Man suit, with a totally closed design.

That's a radical departure from...this thing.

The big, silver dome, the little microphone for speaking to ants, and those antennae.

Oh, lord — the antennae.


Movie Falcon's military badassery is another major departure from the comics, and it's

right in line with the updated costume Marvel went with.

Falcon got decked out in military garb, functional-looking wings, and Redwing became a drone, rather

than the feathers-and-blood bird he was in the comics.

The comic book version of Sam Wilson is almost nothing like the movies, and that's a good


That weird red-and-white spandex he wears?

That mask?

That yellow triangle that looks like a bullseye for the middle of his face?

There's no real rationale that exists to justify that outfit.

Maybe it's supposed to make him more aerodynamic?

Or just looking more like some kinda...bird person?

"It has been a challenging mating season for Bird Person."

"Then it's time to get your beak wet tonight, playa.

Go have some fun out there, Bird Person."

But according to actor Anthony Mackie, he's actually been campaigning to bring back the


He told Rolling Stone:

"I worked so hard to get my body in shape that I wanted to show it off.

But [Marvel] decided that they wanted Falcon to be more of a military character, which

I'm not complaining about, because my gear looks dope and I get to kick a lot of ass.

Ever since I got in good shape, though, I'm all about spandex."

So, if you're one of those people that wants to see Falcon in all his supertight glory,

Mackie's working on it.

And he doesn't seem like the type to give up easily.


Even before actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson was officially, completely signed to play Quicksilver

in Avengers: Age of Ultron, there was some discussion about which parts of the character's

signature look would stay, and which would go.

According to early conversations, what Quicksilver was going to look like was a part of the negotiations

with 20th Century Fox, who has its own version of the character appearing in the X-Men franchise.

There had to be a lot of careful stepping around this one, after all, to keep from mentioning

or using anything that would get them in trouble with Fox.

Given Marvel's dedication to making the Avengers people who could exist in the real world — at

least sort of — Quicksilver got some revisions away from his comic book counterpart, who

would look more than a little creepy in real life.

The hair?

Straight up white.

The outfit?

Blue spandex with a boring lightning bolt going diagonally across the chest, like a

sash or something.

Comic book Quicksilver looks like some kind of hall monitor on meth or something.

Scarlet Witch

When it comes to translating female comic book characters to the big screen, movie studios

have an uphill challenge.

Based on our research, a large contingent of female superheroes think a magic, strapless,

pointy bathing suit is absolutely the way to go when you're fighting evil.

It goes without saying that rushing into battle in a bathing suit isn't the most practical

option — which is why Marvel Studios went and revamped the outfits for Scarlet Witch

in Age of Ultron and Civil War.

And that's an unbelievably good thing, because there's pretty much no options for Scarlet

Witch that they could have lifted from the comics and successfully translated to the


What Scarlet Witch wears in the comics is pretty bonkers.

She has, for some inexplicable reason, always been drawn wearing a pointed picture frame

around her face.

And then, of course, there's the low-cut bathing suit...situation.

Fortunately for actress Elizabeth Olsen, Marvel's plans to completely revamp Scarlet Witch in

the movies have been in place from the beginning.

While appearing on Late Night with Seth Myers, Olsen herself explained her initial meeting

with Age of Ultron director Joss Whedon:

"He said, there's this character Scarlet Witch that I'm interested in for you to play.

And then he said when you go home and Google her, just now that you'll never ever have

to wear what she wears in the comics."

While a certain segment of the comic book reading population might be pretty pleased

to see Elizabeth Olsen wear whatever this is, Marvel Studios had the good sense to completely

ignore them.


According to Vision himself, actor Paul Bettany, part of the problem Marvel faced was in making

him look exotic against an already out-there cast of characters.

More than six months of back-and-forth went into finding the right colors for Vision.

Vision first showed up in the comics in 1968, and over the years he's had a couple different

variations to his look.

Eventually Vision went from his sort of "lemonade-and-cucumbers" look to more of a beige, "I spilled country

gravy on myself" look.

And really, white on white is not that great of a fashion choice.

But most of them were, for some reason, variations on a bright yellow-and-green outfit, cape,

and bright red face.

Fortunately, when it came time to film, the Vision's skin tone changed, going from bright

red to what makeup department designer Jeremy Woodhead described as "purple-pinky red".

Considering how Vision in the comics has traditionally looked more or less like a goofy crying clown

with a yellow cape, there's really only one word to describe the filmmakers' changes to

bring the character into reality: Marvelous.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Marvel Changed How The Avengers Looked - Duration: 10:12.


The Most Powerful Affirmation You'll Ever Need - Duration: 9:08.

Are affirmations working for you? Stay


this is Damon Cart from NLP Gym. The

most powerful affirmation you'll ever


if you haven't already please click

subscribe to this YouTube channel to get

these videos on a regular basis

you may be wondering why i'm doing a

video on affirmations after i have done a

few videos and written a few blogs

basically criticizing the use of

affirmations are basically saying they

don't really work. My stance is that just

saying something over and over in front

of a mirror isn't going to make you

believe it if you don't already believe

it and if you already believe it then

what would be the point of standing in front

of a mirror and repeating the same thing over

and over again

this brings us to an interesting

question how do we go about believing

something to begin with

did that just happen because we have our

beliefs and we don't

normally consciously create a belief it

just sort of happens. What affirmations

seek to do is to get you to believe

something that you don't already believe

all generalizations that you make comes

from grouping together experiences and

categorizing them are giving them a

certain meaning and generalizations and

beliefs are really the same thing when

you come to believe something you take a

group of experiences that share certain

commonalities that you identified and

group them together and make meaning of

them a category you give it a category

which is how you're making sense of it

are making meaning of it and then you

have a generalization or then you have a

belief so you're just saying things over

and over these affirmations and they're

not connected to your actual experiences

and you're just repeating words over and

over with nothing to grab onto or no

experiences to latch onto to actually

create that category create that meaning

that's creating the generalization or

belief. Another problem with

affirmations is sometimes the more you

tell yourself something that you don't

believe the part of you that doesn't

believe it creates a stronger opposition

to what you're saying so you're saying

something that you want to believe

there's a part of me that's going to go

up true and the one that you say that

and when you create a stronger stronger

polarity of part of you wanted to

believe it and part of you denying that

it's true

so you're actually creating a stronger

opposition a good example of this is

have you ever had a political political

argument with someone and more you state

your case the more that person opposes

the one that person pushes right back at

you push they push back harder it's

basically the same thing

there's always exceptions to rules and

my rule that affirmation don't work

there is no exception

don't let that time you break up too

much just recently I've been learning

more about affirmations and discovering

some new possibilities the new ways of

looking at applications that might

actually make them work and it really

depends on crafting the affirmation and

that's what we're doing this I ran smack

into an affirmation that really has

changed my understanding of affirmations

that little a hole and here goes

you are enough are if you're saying

about yourself or in front of mirror I

am enough sounds really simple and

that's what makes it so hard we create

affirmations and we use affirmations we

practice affirmations because we feel

that we are not something that you want

to be or who we want to be so we

practice these affirmations try

did you convince ourselves that we are

that and by convincing herself that we

will start to behave that way are we

will become that person or we will get

those things that you want and I used to

create complex applications with all the

juicy words and now I'm thinking wow

this is going to be the best information

because it's got so much loaded into it

and actually that turned out to be the

problem take an affirmation like I am

happy healthy successful and why's that

sounds like a good information

it's loaded with really good words that

most people value and it seems to cover

all the bases but here's the problem if

you don't have any direct criteria and

define that criteria for each one of

those things

what does it mean to be healthy for you

what kind withheld are you looking for

mental physical if it's both that how

would you know that you have that house

how would you know that you even possess

it and the same thing with successful

and why

how do you really have all these things

nailed down you do you really know what

they are and have a sensory experience

since of these words and if you don't

know experience for you to latch onto

the word therefore when you say a

sentence like that it's likely not to

trigger the feelings likely not to

trigger the sensory sensation what that

is like to do have these qualities and

you don't have if you're not clear the


how do you know what you're really

aiming at that's what would happen is

you're just treating these works you're

creating a sentence and the words are

pretty empty and even if it did trigger

all those things unless you had all the

criteria laid out for those four values

you know exactly what it is you're

looking for and you have sensory

experiences for all four of them that is

a lot in one sentence to you know a

trigger for different experiences and 17

just really unlikely that you will go

through that process by repeating that

sentence over and over which again just

makes it in a meeting with an indie

sentence which would like to be enough

with it like to walk into any situation

and feel like you're enough even if it's

a new situation you've never been in

would feel like it would be like to face

any challenge knowing that you're enough

even if you don't overcome the challenge

you're still enough still alive

you're still a worthy human being what

is it like it's your lowest moment to

still know that you're enough i've been

using this affirmation for multiple

contexts multiple challenges and in my

lowest moments and I have believed me an


just like everybody else in my lowest

moment I think of myself as bad as this

gets as bad as I feel I'm enough maybe a

more than enough maybe I'm for more than

enough but for right now I'm just going

to start with being enough try it out

ask yourself those questions of course

we want to be more than enough

everybody does we want to be

overachievers we want to we want you

know not to cross the finish line we

want to come in first place for right

now that would just start with being


what's it like when you know you're

enough does that sound too simple just

saying I'm enough? If it does

good try it on and let me know how to

work for you

Check out my website NLP-Gym.com

follow me on Facebook for real-time

updates on upcoming workshops like the

one we have with multi-millionaire Dr.

L. Michael Hall teaching Inside-Out Wealth

here in santa cruz March 31st through

april second also i hold free practice

sessions most saturday morning here in

santa cruz if you like this video please

click like right down here and leave a

comment or question i will get back to

you taking to the end of this video so

you can see how you can get your hands on a free NLP online

training take care

For more infomation >> The Most Powerful Affirmation You'll Ever Need - Duration: 9:08.


Top 10 Movie Scenes Where Actors Couldn't Stop Laughing - Duration: 9:23.

Welcome to Top10Archive!

The art of acting revolves heavily around perfection, but that perfection is not always

easily obtained.

Actors, in case you've forgotten, are real people, and if there's anything we have learned

about people, it's that they love to laugh.

For this installment, we're showcasing that love for laughter and jovial good times with

the top 10 scenes where the performers were too busy enjoying themselves to stick to the



Bottle Slip (Life) So the 1999 comedy-classic Life, starring

Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence, may not have been a box office smash, but the two

actors definitely had a good time filming it.

During one scene, the pair of criminals are forced to stand atop beer bottles.

As the two bicker back and forth, Lawrence loses balance and gets his toe caught.

When he exclaims that his toe slipped into one of the bottles, Murphy couldn't help

but laugh.

Rather than reshoot the scene's toe-slip and laughter, the scene made it into the final



Dancing with Price (The Abominable Dr. Phibes) Vincent Price is known for being a master

of horror, which often hides his shining, incredible personality.

The Abominable Dr. Phibes may have been pegged as a British horror film directed by Robert

Fuest, but Price's performance as the titular Dr. Phibes instilled enough comedy for the

movie to go through a minor identity crisis.

During a scene that has Price and co-star Virginia North dancing together, Price's performance

is so over-the-top campy that North has an incredibly hard time keeping a straight face.

Though her smile is briefly visible in the film, her positioning on camera was moved

to behind Price because she couldn't stop chuckling.


Cracking Up Goldblum (Transylvania 6-5000) Jeff Goldblum's impeccable acting skills

were put to the test in this campy horror-comedy, which had him paired up with former Seinfeld

alumni Michael Richards, Ed Begley Jr. and then-spouse Gina Davis.

As poised as Goldblum and Begley often appear in their films, being matched with Richards

proved to be a bit too much for their overt professionalism.

As the hotel bellboy, Richards was allowed to improvise portions of his role and he used

this opportunity to break his co-stars.

Though he was known to crack up his fellow actors throughout the movie, one scene, which

puts Goldblum and Begley at a dining room table with Richards between them, shows the

two straight-faced leading men having a hard time not enjoying their co-star's antics.


Hill vs. Bernthal (The Wolf of Wall Street) While there's no doubt that DiCaprio stole

the show in Martin Scorsese's adaptation of The Wolf of Wall Street, co-stars Jonah

Hill and short-term The Walking Dead star Jon Bernthal had their moments of genius.

One of them just so happens to be because Bernthal was unable to curb real laughter

during an outbreak from the big-toothed Hill.

As the two argue back and forth over whether Bernthal's character, Brad, owes Hill's character,

Donnie Azoff, Hill seems to slip in an unexpected comment on Bernthal's use of a certain 4-letter


For a brief moment, Bernthal broke character and covered his mouth to avoid ruining the

fluidity of the scene.


The Cowardly Lion (The Wizard of Oz)

In The Wizard of Oz, the Cowardly Lion is everything but frightening.

In fact, Bert Lahr's portrayal of the furry beast is definitely more on the comedic side,

so we can't really blame Judy Garland for having an issue keeping a straight face during

her first encounter.

After thwacking the beast on the nose, Lahr launches into a crying-fit, one that forces

Garland to use Toto to cover her face momentarily.

Watch close enough and you can see the crook of a smile as Dorothy struggles not to burst

out laughing at her new cowardly friend.

In fact, Judy had the "giggles" so bad on set, that she frustrated the production crew.

During this scene in particular, Garland had such a hard time containing herself, that

director Victor Fleming pulled her aside on set and slapped her across the face, and demanded

she finish the scene.

The very next take, she nailed it… kind of.


Around the Campfire (Easy Rider) Throw marijuana into the mix of three actors

gathered around a campfire and chances are you'll catch a few natural giggles here and


Though Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, and Peter Fonda are bona fide professionals, their

high state threatened to turn a campfire scene in Easy Rider into a grown man giggle-fest.

As Nicholson and Hopper go back and forth over the existence of aliens and other conspiracies,

the two share a couple of candid chuckles that were apparently not meant to be a part

of the scene.


The Lineup (The Usual Suspects) There's not much that's funny about a lineup

of suspects of a murder case, but that didn't stop Stephen Baldwin, Benicio del Toro, Kevin

Pollak, Kevin Spacey, and Gabriel Byrne from finding some form of humor in the lineup scene

in The Usual Suspects.

You'll notice throughout the scene that several of the actors - Pollak, del Toro, and Baldwin

specifically - have a hard time keeping a straight face.

During filming, the actors were fed questions off-camera and were meant to improvise their


The problem was that most answers were met with a slew of laughter that continued from

one take to the next.

Of course, there's also a small rumor flying around that del Torro had a bit of a gas issue

that day.


Laughter of the Pink Panther (The Return of the Pink Panther)

As the incompetent Inspector Clouseau, Peter Sellers has no problem drawing out laughter

from the movie's viewers.

In fact, the British actor, who is known for wanting to break his fellow stars, proved

to be so funny on the set of The Return of the Pink Panther that co-star Catherine Schell,

playing Lady Claudine Litton, couldn't stop laughing.

In two different scenes which made the final cut, Schell is seen trying to stifle her laughter

and, at one point, almost choking on her drink.

The scenes weren't cut from the film as they further conveyed the fact that Schell's

character sees Clouseau as an amusing buffoon.


The Warm-Up (Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues) We can't really blame Christina Applegate

for not being able to hold her composure during Ron Burgundy's warm ups in Anchorman 2: The

Legend Continues.

Will Ferrell's portrayal of the mustachioed anchorman turned Burgundy into a classic comedic

character, and his continued antics in the follow-up continued to delight everyone - including

his co-stars.

As Burgundy preps for his news segment beside Applegate's Veronica Corningstone, his vocal

warm-ups are a tirade of phonetic exercises and high pitched screams that completely throw

his co-anchor off.

Applegate can't help but let out a few laughs and even seems to try to hide her face with

her hair as she composes herself.

There are several versions of the scene, each one showing the difficulties of not cracking

up around Ferrell.


Robin Williams' Improv (Good Will Hunting) When Williams steps in front of the camera,

there is no telling what's going to happen.

The late comic was a genius in his own right and aimed to make people laugh and feel good,

even if the movie is meant to take on a more serious tone.

During a one-on-one scene with a much younger Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting, Williams

throws in an unexpected monologue that sends Damon into a squealing fit of laughter.

In the middle of a therapy session, Williams takes a golden opportunity to improvise during

a moment of silence, divulging his wife's nervous gaseous habits.

Initially, it doesn't look as if Damon is going to take the bait, but before long, he's

drawn into his co-star's humor just as much as the audience.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Movie Scenes Where Actors Couldn't Stop Laughing - Duration: 9:23.


Miss Universe 2017 - FUNNIEST MOMENT Steve Harvey & Pia Wurtzbach - Coronation Night ANNOUNCEMENT - Duration: 1:07.

#6 Need specs? When it was time to announce the new Miss Universe, Pia did Steve a favor and gave him a pair of glasses. Just to make sure he didn't announce the wrong name for the second year in a row.

#7 Getting it right He did it. Steve got through the whole show without any blunders and Miss France was rightfully crowned as this year's Miss Universe winner. That said, Steve closed the show like this: "I'm Steve Harvey and I got it right!" Yup, you deserve that moment, Steve.

For more infomation >> Miss Universe 2017 - FUNNIEST MOMENT Steve Harvey & Pia Wurtzbach - Coronation Night ANNOUNCEMENT - Duration: 1:07.


2 amazing sites you will enjoy it(LINK IN DESCRIPTION) - Duration: 3:37.

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For more infomation >> 2 amazing sites you will enjoy it(LINK IN DESCRIPTION) - Duration: 3:37.


Local study uses electrotherapy to treat patients with mild forms of dementia - Duration: 2:37.

Nearly all types of brain degenerative diseases have long been thought as incurable as they're

associated with aging.

However, a local team of researchers unveiled a viable treatment method.

Kim Ji-yeon sheds light on their continued efforts to find a cure for patients with advanced

forms of dementia.

A research team conducted a preliminary study that aims to find a cure for patients with

mild cognitive impairment and those with mild forms of dementia.

The study involves having electrical stimulation into a patient's frontal lobe... which is

in charge of motor function, problem solving and spontaneity.

It uses direct currents, with electricity flowing in one direction from the right side

to the left side of the frontal lobe.

The current completes its course by stimulating the whole brain arriving at the brain's main

cerebral cortex.

"The team eventually hopes to expand the study to include research on more advanced forms

of dementia like Alzheimer's disease."

Sixteen patients aged between 65 and 85 years... including Na Yoon-hee... who was diagnosed

with mild cognitive impairment four years ago... were selected for the study.

Na doesn't exhibit disability in memory, communication and motor skills... but without proper treatment

patients like Na are at high risks of more advanced forms of dementia.

"It's tingling but it's tolerable.

After the treatment, my headaches subside."

Each session lasts around 30 minutes.

Electromagnetic levels and frequency of the treatment are adjustable depending on the

severity of the patients' conditions.

If the symptoms get better, the sessions can be reduced to one to two times a week instead

of the usual three times a week.

"Up until now, drug prescriptions to treat dementia were aimed at slowing down the symptoms

rather than focus on fully tackling the degenerative disease.

But this electrotherapy opens up a new opportunity for patients to fully recover as the study

shows patients' conditions can be improved."

One caveat is that patients should regularly visit the hospital to undergo the electrotherapy

on a near-daily basis.

The team is trying to address this by working with a local startup to come up with portable


The team is also working on expanding the preliminary study by offering the therapy

on hundreds of patients,... prior to the application of the study on patients with more advanced

forms of dementia.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

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