Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 30 2017

Last weekend I took my little brother out for a milkshake and he said something interesting

"if I were rich I would just tip them 100 dollars."


I think any sentence that has the structure "If I had more of something then I would help

others is a weird sentiment for 2 reasons: 1.

It completely disregards anything you could do right now in your current situation to

help someone.


The focus isn't then on helping someone else or putting anything good into the world, but

on gaining more of something for yourself, getting more of what you think you need to

even begin helping someone.

We know that the middle and lower classes give a greater percentage of their wealth

to charitable causes when compared to upper-class households so we know that there are people

who already doing more with less.

Now, this channel, in its current form exists to help my brother navigate life and to teach

him how to person.

So, how do you avoid falling into the idea that if you had more you would do more - or

at least do something.

First, do what you can now.

When we went to get milkshakes I had Zach put some money into the tip jar.

It wasn't 100 dollars, but it was what we could afford to tip.

There are things you can do to help your community every day:

- if you see garbage on the ground, pick it up

- Say something nice to the people around you

- Donate toys and clothes that you no longer use

There is lots you can do to help the people around you live better lives.

And if your focus is on helping people, instead of getting something in order to help people,

I promise you you'll get more done and make a bigger impact on your community.

People always want more of what they idolize - so if we idolize money because we could

help people instead of working to help people then we will never get around to the act of

helping people.

Down in the comments tell me something you've done to help someone today.

And if you want to help me you can subscribe, watch my last video, or support me on patreon.

I'll see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> If I Were Rich... #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:17.


Vlog 02 | Meet Up (event by 1more) Ft. All About Technologies & dhananjay bhosale YT | WTV!!! - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Vlog 02 | Meet Up (event by 1more) Ft. All About Technologies & dhananjay bhosale YT | WTV!!! - Duration: 6:25.


How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 3 -customize Template- [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:45.

Please Subscribe Our Channel

For more infomation >> How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 3 -customize Template- [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:45.


4 DUMB THINGS WE SAY (that prevent our growth) - Duration: 18:32.

Hey everybody, it's Brendon Burchard, and today I'm talking about the four dumb things

we say that prevents our own personal growth and professional excellence.

Look, we all have internal thoughts that sometimes slow us down.

I'm sure you know that sometimes you have negative thinking.

Sometimes, you say things to yourself that justifies bad behavior or laziness or distraction.

We all do.

So, there's no judgment to this except that yes, it's kind of dumb.

We say certain things that we just culturally get used to saying that we never really explore

and those things hurt our personal development.

So, what I want to do is dig down into these four things we say because they are dumb and

I know once you hear a little logic behind them, you will say, "It's not worth saying

that to myself anymore because it's not a true story" and it's only holding you


Okay, so first and foremost, before we go, I want you to think about a big dream of yours.

Something that you really care about, something you really want to make happen or a goal that

you also have had for a while and you've been trying to do it but it's just not working

out well.

Maybe, you're telling yourself one of these four dumb things, okay.

So, to start off, the first one with you, I'm going to move this aside and here it


I hear this one all the time.

Brendon, I've tried everything.

Whenever I hear that, I know I'm talking with a crazy person.

I'm just teasing.

Here's what I know.

People often, when they hear a new idea, or you say, "Hey, have you thought about chasing

that dream or pursuing your goal".

They say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've tried everything."

And because they tried one, two, three, maybe, four things, they say, "Didn't work for


That's not right for me.

That's not possible for me" and those aren't true stories.

As a high-performance coach, often when I sit down with people, I talk about their dreams,

they often say this to me, "Well Brendon, I've already tried everything."

And so, I say to them, "Oh great, then show me the list."

And they go, "What do you mean?"

I say, "Show me the list."

They say, "What do you mean?"

I say, "Well, if you tried everything then of course you would have had to keep a detailed

list of what you tried, when you tried it, what results you got, what worked and what

didn't work.

If you didn't have a list like that, you couldn't ensure things that were like mutually


And if you couldn't tell things that were mutually exclusive, then you wouldn't know

you tried everything.

So, have you ever told yourself that?

"I've already tried everything.

It didn't work."

Think about how many times in your life you give up to soon.

You're at like that 10-yard line, the touchdown's right there but you're like, "Well, I've

tried everything.

I guess it's not working."

And you back off.

You know, we know from the psychology of success it's those who persevere longer than others

and maintain more resiliency in the face of challenge that succeed more.

So, if you ever hear yourselves saying, "I tried everything", know that's a big,

bad story you're telling yourself and say, "No, I haven't tried everything.

Let me get some advice.

Let me ask some more people.

Let me start keeping a trail of what I have tried so I can say, 'Already did that.

Already did that' but I did this but I didn't do it in that way."

There's a lot of new things you can keep trying to keep getting ahead.

Don't give up on your goals and your dreams just because you tried four or five things.

It's very true that often you're closer than you think my friend.

The second big thing, walk with me, is a big one.

A huge one and this one people say to me all the time.

"Sure, that works for him or that works for her but that wouldn't work for me."

Have you ever said that?


You have this big goal or dream.

You see your mentor, you see your dreams.

They are doing it but you're like, "Oh, that wouldn't work for me because that's

not my style" or "I'm not like that" or "She has this and he has that" and

we false compare ourselves to others and we think they're so special.

We, still in this culture today, we still pretend that there are some people who just

have 'it' and other people don't have 'it'.


We think, "Oh well, he's just naturally good at that.

She's just born to be that."

But in everything that we study, those who achieve high performance in their life, they

trained, they conditioned, they practiced, they sucked at first but they were okay with


They were cool with not being good and then, they just kept getting better and better and

better and better and better.

And now, you watch them today and you're like, "Oh wow, I could never be like that"

but the reality is you could.

You just got to put in the miles.

I share that with you just knowing how I started my career.

I used to say that too.

I looked at these people on television or these big YouTubers.

I'd see these people on big stages motivating people and I thought, "Well, I'm not like

that" because me, I'm more of an introverted person in general when I started this career

and I've had to learn to be more and more extroverted to be good at all of this.

But I'd say, "Well, I'm not like that."

And the reality was, I wasn't like that but I had a mission and I had a dream and

you should never make your mission or your dream bow down to your current limited strengths.

Instead, you should say, "If that's what I want, how could I rise up into that?

How could I train?

What knowledge, skill, ability do I need to learn and start learning right now so that

I could have that dream my friend?"

Because you deserve it.

So, stop telling yourself you can't have it.

I get it all the time, "Well, sure that works for Brendon on video."

I'm like, "What?

Works for Brendon on video?"

Like I came out of the womb like, "Hi guys, I'm Brendon Burchard."

Like, no.

This took me forever.

I'm doing this extemporaneous in our new office.

I don't know how it's going to go either.

I just trust in that process and you know, for me, my first video that I ever did was

so horrible.

Okay, my first year of videos, they were terrible, they were awful, they were uncomfortable.

Some of you still don't even like what I'm doing now.

That's fine.

It's okay.

I just know that I'm always trying to get better and better and better and grow into

the person who I know deserves that dream, who earns that dream.

No one you're looking to, none of your heroes just came out of the womb and by natural birthright

or innate talent got there.

They usually outworked their peers.

They usually showed up more often.

They usually were more strategic in getting a good peer group around them to support them,

to champion on, to push them.

Notice I didn't say, they had a better peer group.

They knew that was important, so they developed it because we often say, "Well yeah, that

strategy works for him because he's got a big community" or "That strategy works

for her because she's charismatic".

No, if there's a strategy, you can deploy it.

You can work the same thing.

Would you get the same results as someone who has 10 more years of experience as you?

Probably not.

They put on some more miles but look, no matter how small you start, start something that


It's the great Zig Ziglar who taught us, right?

You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to become great.

Never look at people and say, "Well sure, she can.

I can't."

Because that's defeatist.

It is wrong and it is holding you back my friend.

Let's go on.

That's number one and two and here we go.

I think this one is a huge one and it kills people's lives all the time.

The third big dumb thing people say is, "You just don't understand."

And then, they quit.

Just like that.

When they say, "I've tried everything."

They quit.

"Well, she can do it, sure."

They quit.

And then they say, "Well, they don't understand me.

You don't understand me."

And then, they quit.

Here's the thing.

If you think people can't understand your journey, then your ego has gotten the best

of you.

And I do say that with all due respect but there's 7 billion people alive on the planet

right now.

Somebody, not only has gone through what you're going through, somebody is going through what

you are going through.

To have any imagination that people can't understand you is a false story that ego says

that, "I'm so special."

And either, "I'm so special because I'm so great" or "I'm so special because

I'm so diminished and so hurt" and these stories are stories we tell ourselves and

it ends up dividing us from people.

It builds a wall to protect ourselves because we don't want to be vulnerable or we're

bitter because we have tried to communicate to people that maybe our communication style

wasn't so good.

That was the case for me.

In college, many of you know, I was depressed and suicidal after the breakup with the first

woman I ever loved.

And I thought, "Lots of people", I thought, "They can't understand me.

They've never had their heart broken like this, not like this".

And I told myself the story and I kept saying, "Well, they don't understand".

So, I wouldn't tell my friends because I thought, "Well, they haven't been through

a breakup like this".

So, I didn't tell them.

Everybody can understand a broken heart.

I've had to sit down with parents who lost their children to cancer and say to them,

"I understand this is difficult" and they'd say, "Well, you don't understand, Brendon.

You don't have a child who has been lost to cancer."

But we don't have to go through the exact same things to have human empathy and caring.

See, by you not telling people what you really feel, what happen is, they're not able to

ask the questions to see what support your need.

You're right, maybe, they can't help you but they can understand and find someone who

could help you.

The more that you hold back, the more that you're going to be in trouble.

When it comes to personal growth, in silence, that's where suffering is.

Soon as you say, "They don't understand", that's when you stop communicating.

That's when you stop trying.

That's when you wave everybody away.

Because you know what people say.

When you say, "You don't understand", you know what you're less likely to do?

Raise your hand and ask for help because you go, "Well, they don't understand."

So now, you're just … "Nobody can understand.

I'm not going to try anymore.

Screw them.

They won't listen anyway."

And you go into your little silo and all of a sudden, you're not living life fully connected

with other people who are the ones who could help you in the first place.

Sometimes, in our own belief that we are so special or so hurt or even so good or so skilled

and we think, "Well, they don't understand us", whether you say that as a CEO, "My

team doesn't understand me" or you say it as a spouse, "Well, my spouse doesn't

understand me" or you say it to your family, "My family doesn't understand me", that's

just ego.

Everybody can understand you.

Now, you need to develop better communication style to help them understand.

That's what I had to do.

After I realized that maybe, people could understand my depression, my heartache.

I realized, "You know what?

Maybe, I need to learn how to communicate in a different way so they could understand

how what was going on in my life is really affecting me" and so, I could communicate

in a better way what I needed for some help.

That's all.

Sometimes, we just have to learn to communicate more what we're going through with people

to be more explicit, not drop hints but just say, "This is what I'm going through and

this is what I need help on."

And you know what?

If you tell people that consistently, often enough with an open mindset, you will find

you get more help in the world.

So, here we are three things so far.

I've tried everything, Brendon.

Sure, that works for them, Brendon, but not for me.

And you don't understand, Brendon."

These things hurt your personal growth and then, there is one more big one.

And this one I hate it.


This is the one.

I don't have many pet peeves in my entire life.

I've been coaching professionally for 10 years now and I've been deeply immersed

in the research and psychology, personal development, neuroscience and behavioral economics and

everything I can get my hand on to understand the human condition.

This one, I'm not going to lie.

I can't understand it.

I hate it.

When people say this to me, and they say this all the time on my Facebook post, on my YouTube


I have to go, "Calm down…" because it's so obnoxious and I see it steal so many people's


Here's what they say though.

"Brendon sure, easier said than done."

Perhaps, the dumbest reason ever not to try something.


That's what people say, "Easier said than done."

Sure, so I will say something like, "Hey, you know what?

Be more kind to your loved ones."

And someone will post, "Easier said than done."

I'm like, "So, you're not going to try?"

Hey, you know what?

Try to develop a morning routine where you take five minutes for yourself.

"Easier said than done.

I have children."

I will say, "Hey, you know what?

Try to set goals that are a little harder."

"Easier said than done, people can be disappointed."

Easier said than done is a defeatist statement and it's also kind of dumb and here's

why I say it's dumb.

Think about this, easier said than done.

What isn't easier said than done?


Everything is easier said than done.

"Gee honey, I'm going to go get that ice cream in the fridge."

Easier said than done".

That'd be accurate.

"I'm going to pick up that paperclip".

Easier said than done.

Everything is easier said than done.

So, it's a stupid universal thing that we say but we often stop after it and that's

what I don't want you to do.

So, with all these things in mind, I know I'm playing fun a little bit that these

things are dumb but here's what I would like to share with you.

If you're struggling and you're trying to get ahead, examine them.

Do you ever find yourselves saying, "I've tried everything.

That works for her.

You don't understand.

Or easier said than done."

Because what would happen in your life if you'd just flipped it around a little bit?

What would happen instead of saying "I've tried everything", you said, "What else

could I try that would help me feel fully engaged and more likely to progress?"

That's all.

"What else could I try that would help me be fully engaged and progressed?

What else?"

And start keeping that list.

What if, instead of saying, "Sure, she can do that.

Works for her but wouldn't work for me."

What if, instead you said, "You know what?

I see that working for somebody else, let me try that and practice and get better and

better and better and better."

What if instead of saying, "You don't understand", what if you said, "Hey, I'm

struggling right now.

I'm wondering if I could share something out.

I'd love to see if you could understand or could give me some advice right now"

and you enter the situation with humility.

And what if, instead of saying, "Oh, that's easier said than done", you said, "Let

me try that because I bet that might be effective."

Look, we can all be pessimists in life.

It's easy to be that today.

There's a lot of negativity.

There's a lot of just disturbing information out online.

We see it every day.

It's why I spend so much time and my team spends so much time delivering to you guys

great personal development as much as we can and I appreciate all of your support of my

books, my online courses.

Our five million people here on Facebook, our unbelievable community on YouTube, our

blog readers and everybody who sees us out at the seminars or maybe, you will see me

out on tour one day.

This year, I will be out on the road quite a bit but we do all of that exactly to counter

this negative thinking.

So, I'd love for you to just take a few moments, maybe, tonight and just ask yourself,

"Are there some things I've been telling myself in my head that have been holding me


And what if I flipped them?"

Often, we will say to ourselves, "What if this negative thing happens?"

What if we asked, "What if this positive thing happens?"

I know that sounds so silly and you might as well say, "Well, Brendon, you're just

teaching positive thinking" but I would be honored if that's what you thought I

was doing.

I think, I don't know how do you feel about it right now.

I think the world needs a little bit of a positive thinking.

I think people need a little bit of that belief in themselves.

I think they need to believe that they can keep at it, keep going.

I think right now, we all need a reminder sometimes, you know what?

You're stronger than you think and the future holds good things for you.

I appreciate you being here.

I look forward to seeing you out on the road.

Until then, go every single day of your life.

Remember, that you can think more positively.

Remember, that the world is an abundant place.

Remember, that other people need you to rise and lead right about now.

And if you remember those things, you can live, The Charged Life.

For more infomation >> 4 DUMB THINGS WE SAY (that prevent our growth) - Duration: 18:32.


If I Were Rich... #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:17.

Last weekend I took my little brother out for a milkshake and he said something interesting

"if I were rich I would just tip them 100 dollars."


I think any sentence that has the structure "If I had more of something then I would help

others is a weird sentiment for 2 reasons: 1.

It completely disregards anything you could do right now in your current situation to

help someone.


The focus isn't then on helping someone else or putting anything good into the world, but

on gaining more of something for yourself, getting more of what you think you need to

even begin helping someone.

We know that the middle and lower classes give a greater percentage of their wealth

to charitable causes when compared to upper-class households so we know that there are people

who already doing more with less.

Now, this channel, in its current form exists to help my brother navigate life and to teach

him how to person.

So, how do you avoid falling into the idea that if you had more you would do more - or

at least do something.

First, do what you can now.

When we went to get milkshakes I had Zach put some money into the tip jar.

It wasn't 100 dollars, but it was what we could afford to tip.

There are things you can do to help your community every day:

- if you see garbage on the ground, pick it up

- Say something nice to the people around you

- Donate toys and clothes that you no longer use

There is lots you can do to help the people around you live better lives.

And if your focus is on helping people, instead of getting something in order to help people,

I promise you you'll get more done and make a bigger impact on your community.

People always want more of what they idolize - so if we idolize money because we could

help people instead of working to help people then we will never get around to the act of

helping people.

Down in the comments tell me something you've done to help someone today.

And if you want to help me you can subscribe, watch my last video, or support me on patreon.

I'll see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> If I Were Rich... #WithCaptions - Duration: 2:17.


Miraculous Ladybug/Ladybug's New Powers! ( Turn On Captions ) - Duration: 0:34.

Ladybug's New Powers!

Pearl Of The Sea: Breathe And Move Underwater!

Stone Of The Sun: Flying Powers

Stone Of The Moon: Fly And Breath In Space

Pearl Of The Mysteries: Infinite Lucky Charms

Pearl Of The Heart: Cure The Akumatized

For more infomation >> Miraculous Ladybug/Ladybug's New Powers! ( Turn On Captions ) - Duration: 0:34.


My Motivational Wall - Vision Board How To - Duration: 6:38.

Mazie ..





Intro Music Begins .. No Comentary

Music Stops Abrupty

HELLO!!! My party people!!

Today, in an awesome, awesome day!

Why? Because I said so thats wight .. right .. wight .. right? Right!

Ha! Right Mazie? Is today an awesome day?

Today in an awesome dayyyy!

Because I said so!

And she's so cute! Yes she is!

I don't know if that got you riled up but that got her riled up!

Awesome Day!!

Now she got hair everywhere.

((Mazie Collar clinks across the screen))

She is going to sit right here and watch me the whole time.

Make. The. Best. Of. The day!

Another reason why today is awesome, look at my hair! Look at my hair!

Doin my thing, like a chicken wing.

So today what am I getting done?

What everyone calls it is a "Vision Wall"

Now, according to Google .. Now wait hold on cause I looked it up.

Where did my phone go?

Do do do ..

So, according to Google what is a vision board?

It is a tool used to help clarify concrete and maintain focus on a specific life goal.

Literally, a vision board is an sort of board in which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do, or have in your life.

That's kinda like a motivational board, right?

So, I am in the process of redoing my room.

Obviously, look at the wall behind me.

There ain't nothing, not-hin! I got some lights .. which are beautiful.

And I got that, thing

I am in the process of redoing my room to help me have more of a balance in life.

And one of the things that I want to do its turn one of my walls into a vision board.

But it ain't a board, it's a wall!

it is a vision wall!

To give me, uh inspiration I am redoing this wall

Picture it now, I am envisioning my vision board .. wall.

It's gonna be grand, it's gonna be good.

Alright so here we go with this vision board ya'll.

Ha Ha

Music Begins .. No Commentary

And here is what it looks like when it's all done!

I Love it! I think it turned out great.

The first thing i did with this process was i picked out a color scheme.

of course, i went with black and white to go with my room.

And then I went on Pinterest. I knew there were a couple of directions Wanted to go.

One being fitness. Another been relationships.

And a third being overall what I have wanted to do in my life like taking motorcycle lessons.

I Googled black and white pictures of the following themes.

And found pictures that i thought were inspiring, reminded me of things I want to do this year,

Of places I want to go, of people I like spending time with, and overall jut motivating me everyday to just get up and get my day a going!

And go somewhere with my life!

As you can see here the pictures range from Converse chucks: stay to my classic self.

To the YouTube Channel, thus the reason for this video!

To different inspiring quotes, you can see the elderly woman kissing the hand reminding myself to send more time with my grandparents.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Everything from continuing to play volleyball, lift weights.

And trying new things like Yoga and even trying something like a silks rope class

That's my motivational wall guys! Thanks for watching and Iwill see you next time!

Do things that make you happy! Do things that you Love. To. Do.

And you'll have a good day.

And when you have good day, the people around you have a good day!

An then it all spreads! Like wild fire. Like Wild Fire!

Makes me so happy! Makes me so happy!

For more infomation >> My Motivational Wall - Vision Board How To - Duration: 6:38.


How Far They'll Go Edmonton Oilers 2017 Playoffs Song - Duration: 2:28.

♫ I've been cheering for the Edmonton Oilers ♫

♫ Long as I can remember ♫

♫ Never really knowing why ♫

♫ And I wish, they would push to make the playoffs ♫

♫ But fall short every season ♫

♫ No matter how hard they try ♫

♫ Every pass they make ♫

♫ Every shot they take ♫

♫ Every goal they score ♫

♫ Every game they win ♫

♫ Rogers Place will show Oilers need to go ♫

♫ To the post season ♫

♫ See the line that he drives to the net ♫

♫ And it goes in ♫

♫ And no one knows how far they'll go ♫

♫ If McDavid could lead his team back to glory ♫

♫ One day we'll know ♫

♫ If they go there's just no telling how far they'll go ♫

♫ Well, I know everybody on the roster ♫

♫ Seems so happy on the roster ♫

♫ It's all Chiarelli's design ♫

♫ And I know everybody on the roster ♫

♫ Has a role on the roster ♫

♫ So maybe I can roll with mine ♫

♫ I can cheer with pride I can make us strong ♫

♫ I'll be satisfied if they play real hard ♫

♫ But the fan inside sings a bigger song ♫

♫ Bring home Lord Stanley ♫

♫ See the line that he drives to the net and it goes in ♫

♫ And now I know, how far they'll go ♫

♫ If McDavid can lead his team back to glory ♫

♫ One day we'll know ♫

♫ How it feels to win if they just get in ♫

♫ See the line that he drives to the net and it goes in ♫

♫ And now I know how far they'll go ♫

♫ If McDavid can lead his team back to glory ♫

♫ One day we'll know ♫

♫ How far they'll go ♫

[crowd cheering]

For more infomation >> How Far They'll Go Edmonton Oilers 2017 Playoffs Song - Duration: 2:28.


Gen Chem II - Lec 15 - Dr Claw practicing in front of the camera. - Duration: 3:47.

Check check


It's been almost one year since our previous lecture,

and I felt I needed to practice in front of the camera a little bit.

So, by the way, this is a new chalkboard,

and I'm on a new island, at a new college, Maui College.

Not one chalkboard on the entire island.

I had to ship this one, or have it shipped,

all the way over from the mainland, from somewhere and it took forever.

Anyway, I'm very happy to have the chalkboard now.

And I had a lot of fun putting this one together for you.

So...this lecture has something to do with reaction mechanisms.

I'm gonna try and explain this board to you.

Some words here...

some kind of definition of what a reaction mechanism is.

Ooh...nice colors.

Uh, step one, step two, something to do with chemistry, I guess.

Nice little bubbly thing.

I like doing the bubbly things.

This looks pretty cool right here.

Nice shapes...boxes.

Um, break apart, and whatever that has to do with.

Ooh...people carrying boxes.

So I like boxes, and I like drawing boxes, so I drew a lot of boxes for you.

This has something to do with chemistry.

So, we'll figure out what that is sooner or later I hope.

Another little bubbly thing.

Here we go.

Here's some chemicals.

Uh, chemical formulas... looks like some molecules right there.

Isomerization of difluorocyclobutane... pfft...whatever that means.

Some more chemicals.

A lot of words over there.

So, we'll have to figure that out sooner or later as well.

Okay... unimolecular...seriously?

Um, okay.

This is pretty neat-looking.

A graph.

Couple of bumps.

This actually has something to do with chemistry as well...hehe.

Very cool...Dr Claw.

Now my wife, Alicia, actually drew Dr Claw for us.

And to give you a little bit of background information,

uh, Dr Claw is named after my old cat Claw,

who was with me the entire time that I studied chemistry.

And remembering all those late nights studying,

soaking in that information, sometimes I got a little burned out,

and I wondered whether it was either me or Claw

who had actually learned about chemistry.

So it was kind of hard to discern that sometimes.

Therefore, we're kind of one in the same here.

Okay, Dr Claw...Claw.

Anyway, it looks like Dr Claw has something to say.

Might be kind of important.

Looks like this is pretty important.

It's got a thick border around it.

So that probably means something about chemistry too.

Anyway, I hope you learned a little bit of something.

I look forward to the real thing.


For more infomation >> Gen Chem II - Lec 15 - Dr Claw practicing in front of the camera. - Duration: 3:47.


Your kids will love this : Sweet Chicken with Cashew Nuts - Duration: 5:25.

Hello, Ive been waiting since morning for a catch, but still nothing

Its nearly lunch already , so lets change the menu abit

I have here, chicken breast which I have sliced and marinated with rice flour and some salt

I will fry this lightly and after that I will show you

the simple ingredients to add to this recipe to make your kids love it

I have fried the chicken pieces and its done quite fast

this is because I sliced the chicken breast and coated it with flour earlier , so frying it doesnt take long

Lets get to the cooking part, ill add some small onions first

I thought we were making fish today, but ended up with chicken instead

OK , so here I have onions cut in cube, and whole garlic

i will pause here, cause the boat was too noisy

onions are ready , ill add cinnamon sticks and a star anise

I have already added salt to the flour earlier

If you have noticed, I didn't add any hot spices into this dish

next will be cashew nuts,kids will love cashew nuts with this dish

it would enhance the taste of the cashew nuts if you can roast em' first

the beauty of this dish for me personally

curry leaves, ample of them , makes everything so aromatic

the more curry leaves the better the taste of your food

looks like all the ingredients are nearly cooked, time for the next ingredient

im adding evaporated milk ( not condensed milk , sorry for that )

now let it cook , and it smells so good

kids love this, trust me , I have seen it happen many times

no pepper , nothing in here is spicy

next, Im adding the fried chicken pieces

just to coat it , nothing more

if you could imagine the taste , surely you would try it at home

lets see if those guys are successful with the fishing

the evaporated milk that I added in earlier has now thicken up

once you reached this stage , add in 2 to 3 spoon full of condensed milk

lets just stop there, dont want it to be too sweet

stir this till it thickens

now that all our ingredients have combined

it gives that aromatic and superb flavor to the chicken , that is what the kids love

lastly a dash of salt, not too much

since I added some salt to the chicken pieces before frying it

let say you got attracted to the dish , but you find it too sweet

just grab some black pepper or chilies , put them in and enjoy them your way

for now I dont have any kids to taste the dish , only some brothers

I came here to do some good old fishing

our sweet chicken is ready

Is it too sweet ?

Actually this dish is specially for kids

superb !!

For more infomation >> Your kids will love this : Sweet Chicken with Cashew Nuts - Duration: 5:25.


The 6 Pillars of Money Management - Pillar #3 - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> The 6 Pillars of Money Management - Pillar #3 - Duration: 4:45.


[Eng Sub] [開箱] 打到骨折 | 春夏歐美必備敗家守則 | March Sale Shopping Haul - Duration: 9:08.

Hey guys, this is Abby.

I'm gonna share with you guys what I bought in March.

" I should chop my hands off"

Check it out

First, it's a military green dress.

It's long, short, not long not short?…..

A casual dress that's not long but not short either?!

This casual dress is nice because it's soft and there's soft cotton in the inner layer.

And military green is a dark color.

So it will cover everything…

During grocery shopping,

you won't need to worry about whether you look chubby...underwear lines are showing…etc

So this is a great find!

Plus, guess how much it is?

This is really cheap, originally it was $70 CAD something.

But it now only $24 CAD after discount!

How can I say no?

I really love comfy clothes because I'm lazy......"PIG"

So, I prefer grab and go clothes

Besides, no one really cares what you wear at school, right?

Next, The second one is……this…

This is so pretty!

Can you see the shinny part and the embroidery part?

I really love military green

And I think military green is the new black!

When I first saw this, I'm like "omg this is the such a low-key piece

Ugh… low key? Is it ?

Anyways, I think it is…and with some designs"

When there's some design on the cloth

you just need some simple short or jeans, than it's good to go

Isn't it so convenient?

Than, to be honest, this piece is not cheap,

but originally it costs around $325 CAD,

but after discount, it's $99.

Though it is not the cheapest option, but I really love Tory Burch.

Their stuffs are in the higher end, but their quality is guaranteed.

So… yeah nice!

Next, it's from Zara.

I really like Zara, but I don't buy their stuffs often.

The reason is because first, I hate trying on clothes because I'm too lazy

And it's always crowded at Vancouver's Zara during the weekend.

It takes forever to get a changing room.

I have demophobia lol

But when I passed by Zara that day, there's no one there.

So I bought this.

Its material is pretty stiff, it is not afraid of getting dirty

and it looks expensive.

But this is not expensive at all, it's 45 CAD..45.5CAD

"I have some problems with reading numbers lol"


So it's not expensive at all

Than, there's design at the shoulder part

there's design at the cuff too

There's a knot there!

So this dress can be a low key piece,

than if you pair with white shoes


It's really simple but with details

It's something I really like

So you have to buy it

"Lots of excuses on spending money….."

In fact, $45.90 isn't that expensive when comparing to other clothes in the US or in Canada

When you are gonna go clubbing….


Will it look like what grandmas wear? Haha

If you going for a dinner(informal dates),

this dress will be your best choice.


Next, I got this from men's department in Nordstrom

Personally, I think it should be in women's department

There's a V cutting design......

don't you think that looks like what women wear?

It looks kind of like Japan .."Janpese accent?"

… Japanese when men wear it.

And there's embroidery at the back See that?

That looks so girly!

When I saw it, I kinda hesitated.

Because it's a bit expensive

But it looks so good on me.

I can never imagine a man's shirt (not comfy clothes)

can fit so well on me

Most importantly,

the sales said "you look like super model [I'm Dreaming…] walking on the runway."

Come on, when I heard something like this,I'll take out my wallet and pay lol

And its material is comfy,

and there are details at the neckband.

It's double sided sewed.

But it's kinda expensive to be honest

But it's really pretty...

Next, I got this at Nordstrom

I shared about this denim in my last video.

The special part about this.. is the design at the ankle part.

It's white based with gold zipper.

It's a light washed denim.

It's from Frame.

I never thought on spending lots of money on a pair of jeans.


When I tried this on… Actually…I was attracted by its ankle part.

Than when I tired this on…. OMG…

Although I knew that the mirrors in the fitting are "lying mirrors"

they all make you look like you are a super model.

But I thought…. OMG why do I look so skinny?

"dreaming again"

I have to buy it

It is short from the front and long from the back at the ankle part

So you will not only look skinny but also look taller

I never really see any pair of jeans that's so well structured,

and doesn't loose its shape after wear

I really love this denim

You have to get this

Next, it's gonna be about what I bought in Aritiza.

Aritizia is a Canadian brand,

and it is my favorite brand.

This is a ….. common/normal…really common t-shirt.

But it is not only comfy but also it is not so expensive.

It's $40 CAD

But Aritiza's quality is nice, their clothes can last forever

It's stretchy and see through

So it's a perfect fit for summer

This is comfy and you will look skinny in it

It's not because it's a black t-shirt

but because of the material.

The material is hard but soft, in between.

So it's a perfect shirt when you want to look skinner.

At the same time, the t-shirt is not thin,

so it won't get damaged easily when washed for a few times.

So this is a nice t-shirt.

BTW, if you guys come to Canada,

Roots is not your only choice.

Aritzia is a great choice too.

I really think that.. although their stuffs are a bit expensive,

but their quality is better than that of Zara's

and you won't find your "identical outfit twins" on the street

" I'm so excited"

"This is not sponsored. Lol"

Next, it's the skort.

The design in the front will make your legs look skinner

It's skirt in the front and short at the back

You can't really see underwear's line at the back.

Sometimes, you are sure that this size is your size,

but it always shows the underwear line.

"Just like…tying ham lol"

The material is really nice

You can't compare the quality between this and the stuffs from Forever 21.

Because your focus will be at the pointy part of the front skirt,

so you won't be able to see the [diameter?] of your thigh

When people see the pointy part,

they will be like "OMG, you are so skinny"

If you are someone like me, who has thicker thigh, than you have to choose wisely on your short or skort.

This short is also from Aritizia.

It's an awesome piece because it's super soft.

Than, the material is thick,

so you don't have to worry about the back will be getting thinner after wear.

and/or worry about your underwear will be visible lol

This is perfect for summer because it is not as dark as black,

so it won't makes you feel like the temperature is 100 degrees lol

So this, white t-shirt, white shoes, ready to go

Worth on buying

Next, it's something that looks like curtain lol

This is something that I really like

You can wear a v neck underneath , silk material top…etc along with this…

It COVERS UP every part of your body that you think it's not skinny enough ...

You will feel like there's wind blowing when walking


It's really soft so it will create the wavy look

So I think this is awesome~~

Also, the material won't prickle your skin

It's very rare that you will be wearing the same clothes as random strangers on the street

....if you buy the clothes from Aritiza

You can definitely see the quality of the material

So it is worth buying

And I think there's another color [water blue?] too, but it looks really "Forever 21".

So I don't think it's worth it pay $60 for that color

when you can get something similar from Forever 21 for $20 .

So, that's it.

If you like my video,

please give me a thumbs up and/or subscribe to my channel.

See the circular thing with my face in it? Just click it!

See you next time! Bye~

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] [開箱] 打到骨折 | 春夏歐美必備敗家守則 | March Sale Shopping Haul - Duration: 9:08.


Ewangeliarz OP - 30 marca 2017 - (J 5, 31-47) - Duration: 1:52.


You can recognize a good relationship

if people like to talk about it.

Of course they do not just share it with everyone spontaneously

but if you would ask them 'Hey guys, how did you meet?'

'What do you like most about him?'

'What do you admire in him?'

'What do you love most about her?'

'Why are you both happy together? What helps you to improve your relationship?'

then all these questions will soon open a bag full of tales and stories.

Naturally, if you are ready to hear them out,

if it is not just a shallow, superficial curiosity.

And it is really fascinating to read Gospel in such a way,

and see how Jesus talks about His relationship with the Father.

St. John´s gospel is the best place to start.

It is worth to read this Book

only following this perspective.

To discover

Jesus´ loving passion,

the passion He talks about

and introduces me intro the inner relationship of the Holy Trinity,

with the Father and the Holy Spirit.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 30 marca 2017 - (J 5, 31-47) - Duration: 1:52.


How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 3 -customize Template- [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:45.

Please Subscribe Our Channel

For more infomation >> How To Create A Blogger Blog Tutorial 3 -customize Template- [Complete Beginner Training] Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:45.


Dr. Burke, How Can I Prevent Diabetes From Affecting My Eyes? - Duration: 3:14.

- Dr. Burke how can I prevent diabetes

from affecting my eyes?

♫ Invaluable insights

♫ Gain valuable insights


- Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness

in the United States of people under the age of 60,

and the second leading cause of blindness in the United States

of people over the age of 60.

12,000 to 24,000 new cases of blindness

each year are associated with diabetic retinopathy.

You don't have to be one of these statistics

if you keep tight control over your blood sugar

or glucose levels by:

1. Monitor changes in your vision.

Annual eye exams are important with a dilation,

taking note of any vision changes

that you may be experiencing.

2. Keep your A1C level under 7%.

A1C is a test of your blood sugar levels

to determine how well controlled your blood sugar is.

The goal is usually to keep it under 7%.

Control blood pressure is number three.

People with diabetes have a greater chance

of having high blood pressure,

which can cause ocular vascular damage

or damage to the blood vessels within the eye.

Keep your blood pressure under 120/80,

and this will decrease the chances of vision impairment.

Always consider these eight principles to follow

in controlling both diabetes and blood pressure.


What you take into your body is important

in either raising your blood sugar or lowering it.

I generally recommend more of a plant-based diet

to control and stabilize your blood sugar.

Exercise acts like insulin and takes the sugar

out of your bloodstream and enters it into the cell.

Drinking enough water is vital.

The recommended dosage of water is generally

half your body weight in ounces and that's per day.

Sunshine takes the cholesterol and changes it

into vitamin D so that it's beneficial to you.

Temperance in all things.

Air. Proper air is important.

Getting fresh air instead of being inside of a building.

Rest is vital.

Getting the proper amount of rest per night,

eight hours, will help decrease the stress levels as well

as help in controlling your blood pressure and diabetes.

Above all, trust in God, putting all your burdens on Him

and not taking it on yourself.

Thank you, once again, for your questions


♫ Invaluable insights

♫ Gain valuable insights


For more infomation >> Dr. Burke, How Can I Prevent Diabetes From Affecting My Eyes? - Duration: 3:14.


Purest form of freedom - Duration: 2:31.


For more infomation >> Purest form of freedom - Duration: 2:31.


Microsoft Just Made A Major Update to Xbox One.Unboxing & Setup: Microsoft box XOne 1TB.Microsoft's - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Just Made A Major Update to Xbox One.Unboxing & Setup: Microsoft box XOne 1TB.Microsoft's - Duration: 1:06.


Vlog 02 | Meet Up (event by 1more) Ft. All About Technologies & dhananjay bhosale YT | WTV!!! - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Vlog 02 | Meet Up (event by 1more) Ft. All About Technologies & dhananjay bhosale YT | WTV!!! - Duration: 6:25.


inaDRAWER® - Melbourne Home Show 2017 - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> inaDRAWER® - Melbourne Home Show 2017 - Duration: 0:49.


Soak Chia Seeds To Supercharge Their Metabolism, Weight Loss ! - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> Soak Chia Seeds To Supercharge Their Metabolism, Weight Loss ! - Duration: 14:44.


Ewangeliarz OP - 30 marca 2017 - (J 5, 31-47) - Duration: 1:52.


You can recognize a good relationship

if people like to talk about it.

Of course they do not just share it with everyone spontaneously

but if you would ask them 'Hey guys, how did you meet?'

'What do you like most about him?'

'What do you admire in him?'

'What do you love most about her?'

'Why are you both happy together? What helps you to improve your relationship?'

then all these questions will soon open a bag full of tales and stories.

Naturally, if you are ready to hear them out,

if it is not just a shallow, superficial curiosity.

And it is really fascinating to read Gospel in such a way,

and see how Jesus talks about His relationship with the Father.

St. John´s gospel is the best place to start.

It is worth to read this Book

only following this perspective.

To discover

Jesus´ loving passion,

the passion He talks about

and introduces me intro the inner relationship of the Holy Trinity,

with the Father and the Holy Spirit.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 30 marca 2017 - (J 5, 31-47) - Duration: 1:52.


BIMOUD - LAGRIMA 28 (Prod. LaPildora 💊) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> BIMOUD - LAGRIMA 28 (Prod. LaPildora 💊) - Duration: 3:30.


スマホの音質が劇的アップ Bluetooth接続の North Crown NC-300 イヤホン - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> スマホの音質が劇的アップ Bluetooth接続の North Crown NC-300 イヤホン - Duration: 4:55.


ACTUALIZACIÓN de la ENERGÍA cuál es él ese necesita ser cambiado - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> ACTUALIZACIÓN de la ENERGÍA cuál es él ese necesita ser cambiado - Duration: 5:25.


Ziemia Obiecana [#13] Chwała Boga [PL\ENG] - Duration: 4:54.

The Glory of God

Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ!

My dear Brothers and Sisters! In our retreat journey,

I will have a honor of speaking in the last five episodes.

Today we continue on the manna.

Please, note that when God gives "bread from heaven", He also reveals His glory.

The presence of God causes the change and not a given place.

In our life, we cannot ignore or avoid existing problems.

They follow us.

They usually are originating in us, not at a place or in others.

The root of the problem is hidden in our hearts.

God while revealing His mercy, can change the human heart.

God's love is His glory and His holiness.

His love differs significantly from ours.

His love has no limits, totally complete, purest and totally unselfish.

The Hebrew word "kadosh" used in the Bible means not only "holy", but also "other."

God is quite different from human beings.

When a person is confronted with the God's holiness,

he sees himself as unworthy man,

because he is a miser toward God; he resists to give away to God his heart.

Jews spoke about the impotence of seeing the holiness of God.

In one of the songs, Neocatechumenal community sings: "before Him cover up his face."

The Jews believed that whoever sees God must die.

True encountering of God changes us;

"old man"-sinner dies in us and with God's grace, the "new man" filled with His grace is being born.

After his encounter of God, Moses came out with the beaming face,

because he spoke with God face to face.

Away from our homeland, we experience the revelation of God's glory, the beauty of His love, especially in difficult times.

God reveals His Mercy through our experience of community,

through healing within a prayer group, at the charismatic forum.

Last year in November, took place the retreat led by Fr. Bashobory.

This time was for me a 7-day-blessing full of miracles.

Before this retreat, in October we started in our parish Renewal in the Holy Spirit.

At this time I made a decision to invite the Lord Jesus permanently into my life.

And then I found an announcement in the parish bulletin about Renewal in the Holy Spirit: "Who wants to get closer to God, should participate in this program".

And I started.

After we have finished Renewal in the Holy Spirit,

it was mid-January, two years after my tragic experiences,

I started to sleep without sleep pills.

This tremendous change gave me a lot to think about.

It was clearly a miracle.

Before, I was convinced that till the end of my life, I will need sleep pills and suddenly this happened.

It is for me an obvious touch of Jesus.

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