Monday, February 5, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 5 2018

Hey Abbi J here and today in this video I am sharing with you the 5 things that

can be holding you back from your success. Now I get that there can be a

lot of things holding us back from achieving our goals, from being shy, to

not wanting to put ourselves out there, but these 5 things that I've narrowed

down for you are the most common complaints that I've heard about people

who are struggling to achieve their goals. And I think you'll be shocked the

last one is the biggest kicker for all of us Millennials. So keep watching this

video and see which of these five things you'll need to get out of your life if

you want to make this year your best year ever.

So let's get going.

And the first thing that we need to make sure that we are

getting out of our lives, is consistently sleeping in. Now I want to clarify here

that it's okay to sleep in every now and then. Especially on vacations when you're

giving yourself a break, after you've worked super hard. But to be sleeping in

day after day, you are missing the most valuable part of your day which is the

morning. Our mornings are when we can be undisturbed and when we can get stuff

done. So if you are consistently sleeping in, you're setting your day to be just a

little bit off and you are robbing yourself of the time that you need to

truly make a difference in your life. The second thing that we need to make sure

we are routing out of our lives is criticism criticizing ourselves.

Particularly I have always struggled with this one. In our society it's so

natural to criticize ourselves and it's almost welcome. We feel like, oh if we

want to be really humble and really awesome, we're gonna criticize ourselves

and we're never as great as we think we are. Well you know what? That is holding

you back. We are what we think about constantly every day and when we

consistently have these negative thoughts about ourselves and what we're

trying to accomplish then we're our own worst enemy and we're

holding ourselves back. So practice the art of when you have a negative thought

pop in your head of, "man you can't do that. You're never gonna accomplish that.

You look so silly." Well replace it with a positive thought. The third thing

that a lot of people are failing to do that really holds them back, is failing

to plan your day. This is huge and this should take place at the very least the

night before the next day that you have planned out your day and what you're

going to accomplish. Why this is so important is because if we don't really

take hold of our days and hold of our lives and determine what we find to be

important and what we find to be very relevant to our success and what we need

to accomplish in the day, other things, other good things, that might not be the

best thing for us, will still our time and fill our days if we let it. So when

you have a planned schedule of what you're going to accomplish and this

doesn't have to be every minute of every day but just the general idea of, I knew

to accomplish these four things, well then you're going to be way more likely

to accomplish those things and move yourself forward instead of thinking to

yourself, "oh man I wanted to do something today but I can't remember." And we

remember it right before we're gonna go to bed and it's too late. So make sure

you're taking the time the day before at least to plan out your day. The fourth

thing that we need to be sure that we are very conscious of and aware of is

when we ignore our bodies. Now I get that sacrificing our sleep, sacrificing some

of our time, or some of the time that we take to you know really take care of

ourselves and take a minute and take a break we kind of throw that out the

window when we're thinking about our goals and we're really trying to push

for like a tight deadline or something. And that's okay every now and then but

to be consistently ignoring your body and ignoring that you're so tired and

that you're so stressed and that you just physically can't go on is a really

bad sign. Because if we don't take time now to take care of our bodies, to eat

right, to give ourselves the rest that we need, to take that moment and have a

break, you know you've been pushing so hard it's fine to take a day that's a

lazy day but do not ignore your body because your body will force you to take

time by getting sick, by hurting yourself, by emotionally not being well, make sure

that you are listening to all parts of your body; emotional, mental, physicalm

spiritual and that you are feeling rejuvenated and if you need to take them

and refuel that fuel. And the last thing that we need to stop doing is checking

our phones so often. Now I know how it hurts. It hurts to hear

that one, especially as a millennial, but when we are consistently checking our

phones we're being distracted. Now I'm not saying that our phone social media

or anything like that is an evil actually, it's a wonderful part of our

society if we use it right, but when we are consistently you know what not

present with people because we're on our phones or we miss class because we're

checking our phone we might be physically in the class but our minds on

Facebook. Our min is somewhere way out, thinking about what our friends are

doing, then we are missing so much of what's around us and we're getting

distracted from our goals. So give this video a nice thumbs up, of course

subscribe to my channel, because I videos every single week about the things that

you need to know to have the cutting edge on how you are going to achieve

your amazing goals.

For more infomation >> 5 Things Stopping Your Success - Duration: 5:25.


Ливерпуль - Тоттенхэм 2-2. ЧТО ЭТО БЫЛО? - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Ливерпуль - Тоттенхэм 2-2. ЧТО ЭТО БЫЛО? - Duration: 6:01.


Solo A Star Wars Story Trailer REACTION - Duration: 4:58.

So I thought that last night's teaser

for this full trailer, during the Super Bowl

was surprisingly good!

For more infomation >> Solo A Star Wars Story Trailer REACTION - Duration: 4:58.


Кукурудзу з яким ФАО купити - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Кукурудзу з яким ФАО купити - Duration: 2:32.


5 Ways To Eliminate Behaviors That Are Killing Your Spirit - Duration: 6:21.

5 Ways To Eliminate Behaviors That Are Killing Your Spirit

By consciousreminder

In this world of ups and downs and highs and lows, how often have you stopped feeling good

about yourself?

Do you ever think everyone is doing better than you?

And some mornings you might even find yourself wondering why you should bother getting up.

You know doing something will make you feel better, but you just don�t know what that


And before too long you find yourself in a downward spiral; you don�t know how to get

back on track and it�s killing your spirit.

It doesn�t matter if it�s your business success, financial success, or relationship

success, once that spiral of negativity and despondency begins so does the negative, critical

voice in your head that just won�t shut up.

It makes it nigh impossible to step into the mindset that keeps you UP when life is bringing

you DOWN.

And worse, any self-esteem you had begins to swirl its way down the drain of despair.

So what should you do?

You can�t simply sit there pondering the unfairness of life while your doubts and fears

continue to wreak havoc.

Instead, let�s eradicate the behavior that�s responsible for killing your spirit.


THE BIGGEST HURDLE You want to live in such a way that you get

whatever it is you truly need.


Yet, a huge part of your life is spent imagining the worst that can happen and the consequences

that lead to more misery and less success in the areas that are important to you.

It�s time you stepped back from your fears and worries, and realize that one of the biggest

hurdles to overcome is not what you fear but the very fact that you are afraid.

Being afraid leads you to take actions that you would never take were you occupying a

mindset of confidence and the expectancy of something great happening.

Sometimes you just have to feel scared and take action anyway.

It�ll either work or it won�t.

That�s how you grow.


FORGET JUSTIFICATION You are a force to be reckoned with and you

don�t deserve to allow your setbacks, regrets or mistakes to punish you forever.

Give yourself a break and remember that one of the challenges of pursuing the life that

you want is that there is simply no competition.

Your life will never get better because somebody else failed.

Nor will it get worse because somebody else succeeded.

It�s critical for your long-term happiness that you see contentment and success only

in personal terms.

The choices you make today will guide you towards your future.

Don�t fear judgment from others.

There�s no need to justify yourself�you will be living with the future you create.

It�s up to them to create their own.


SWITCH YOUR MANUFACTURING UNIT Everyone has a fantastic manufacturing unit,

chugging along merrily�well not always merrily�sometimes it�s chugging along miserably.

It�s this manufacturing unit that we use to create suffering in our life.

It�s called a mind!

And the biggest problem is that when it has no direction from you, it changes directions

every moment.

Imagine if you walked somewhere and kept changing your direction every couple of steps, the

chances of you getting to where you wanted to go would be�well remote�unless it happened


And living life accidentally with all that entails makes no sense when you can live it

on purpose.


KEEP THESE POINTS IN MIND You want to eradicate the behavior that kills

your spirit, don�t you?



Be conscious of what you�re thinking.

Your future is being created with the thoughts you�re thinking right now.


Change your reactions to any current experiences that aren�t going your way.

If you�re struggling with money, or career or within a relationship; if you�re sick

or looking for a job or a lasting love, don�t waste your time fighting against anything,

or feeling sorry for yourself.



Set up a daily �inner creating� time, free from the usual demands and distractions

of life.

This is where you begin to switch your manufacturing unit away from misery and towards gladness.

This is the place where you fan the inner sparks of possibility into the full-blown

fires of success.


Wait for it to happen.

You might doubt that anything is changing.

You may feel discouraged and you can be sure your old mindset will try to fool you by insisting

nothing will happen.

Don�t listen.

Reality is a process, a continuous happening, always changing.

And your newly created thoughts and ideas, if persisted in, will become your new reality.

Your life will change naturally, you will change naturally, so relax and enjoy your

creating time.



Do your best to beautify the words you speak to yourself, and fill your inner world with

light, love, and joyfulness.

And as you elevate your inner game you are creating a firm connection of heart, mind,

and spirit in your world.

And don�t allow anyone or anything to rob you of your inner joy.

Be your own best friend, be true to yourself and your desires.

You�ll discover life will respond in kind.

It�s what it does!

The creation of something new in your world can�t be accomplished by the intellect alone,

but by the peace and expectations, you carry within.

A peaceful life stems from a peaceful heart.

Practice compassion towards yourself and others, and you will soon see that glimmer of a new

world ahead of you.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Eliminate Behaviors That Are Killing Your Spirit - Duration: 6:21.


FRIENDLIEST Sea Creatures Around The World! - Duration: 11:32.

From hanging out with divers to swimming along ships, here are 10 of the friendliest sea

creatures there are!


Sea Lions

Sea Lions have long been associated with friendly interactions with humans, so much so that

they form a large part of Peruvian culture- having been worshipped by the people there

and depicted in numerous artworks.

They are highly intelligent animals, which means they can learn tricks to entertain crowds,

and are quite curious so they will often swim up alongside humans and play with them in

the water.

They are also used by the US military to assist SCUBA diving teams look for underwater mines

and, in some instances, detain divers who have accessed restricted areas until authorities

can arrive.

Sea lions and dolphins are used as combat marine units and sea lions especially, have

excellent eyesight.

Sea lions are hardy, smart, and trainable and they have the added advantage that they

are amphibious and can easily hand things to their handlers.

This all makes Sea Lions sound like gentle creatures, but it's important to know that

sea lions have another side to them.

If they aren't treated well or respectfully, they can become quite aggressive.

This can also happen with male Sea Lions because they are very territorial during mating season.

If it looks like you're bothering one then stay away but, if not, they are one of the

friendliest sea creatures you'll ever meet.


Beluga Whale

Beluga Whales are native to the Arctic and sub-arctic, and are uniquely adapted to the

cold waters.

They are white in color, don't have a dorsal fin, and have an enlarged head, which contains

an organ called a melon that is used for echolocation.

Beluga's were actually the first type of whale to be kept in captivity, with the first

being shown at Barnum's museum in New York in 1861.

To this day they are still the most commonly seen animal in marine parks across North America,

Europe and Asia- mainly because they are much smaller than other species of whale and easier

to contain.

They are also a hit with visitors because of their unusual colour and wide range of

facial expressions.

They are really curious about the people who visit them, and often perform in shows with

trainers who they develop deep bonds with.

Since 1992 it has been forbidden to capture Belugas in Canada because of concerns for

the population numbers in the wild, so now most of them come from Russia.

They are so popular that each one can cost as much as 100,000 dollars.

Whale watching tours are a great way to see them in their natural habitat, but it's

important for the boat not to get too close to them because of the way it can interrupt

their daily activities.

Quite often they enjoy interacting with the boats so much that they get distracted from

things like feeding, social interaction with their own species, and breeding.

They get so caught up in the moment, they forget what they're supposed to be doing!!


Whale Shark

You might not think a shark with a five-foot-wide mouth and more than 3,000 teeth would be the

friendliest of creatures, but whale sharks are the most gentle of all shark species.

They pose no threat to humans at all, and are usually pretty welcoming to those who

want to swim alongside them.

Despite their huge mouth, their throats are only the width of a US quarter, and they only

eat tiny micro-organisms.

Their average speed through the water is about 3 miles per hour, so they are easy to keep

up with, and in a lot of tourist areas they are used to the presence of humans in the

water, and don't really seem to be bothered.

Cancun is one of the best places to swim with these giants of the ocean, where you'll

really feel small next to a 65-foot-long and 12 ton fish.

There really is nothing quite like being surrounded by a few of them, and the experience draws

tourists from all over the world.

If you visit "Las Afueras" you'll even have a chance to be amongst a feeding frenzy

of hundreds of them, which is a spectacular feat of nature.



Manatees, or sea cows, are also known as gentle giants, and it's clear to see why.

They are fully aquatic and feed mainly on plant life that they sift from the water.

They can grow to up to 13-feet-long, weigh about 1,300 pounds, and push their way through

the water with their paddle like limbs.

These slow moving, calm creatures, also have an insatiable curiosity of humans, and seek

out human activity for sources of warmth.

Underwater discharge pipes are, as a result, a popular spot for them to congregate because

they are a good source of heat in the cool waters where they live.

When they see divers in the water, their curiosity gets the better of them and they simply have

to go up and swim with you, or at least see what you are doing!

The Crystal River in Florida is one of the places where you can get in the water with

a manatee, and it's become a big tourist attraction for people who want a chance to

get up close with these loving creatures.

They are so friendly to humans that the number of visitors is now concerning locals who feel

that the habitats are being threatened.

In 2013, for example, 16% of Florida's manatee population died off because of a red tide

algae bloom, so it's important that the perfect balance be found to allow humans and

manatees to coexist.



As one of the most intelligent animals on the planet, it's no surprise that Dolphins

and Humans can develop close bonds.

Whether it be helping people catch fish in Brazil, rescuing stranded swimmers, or gliding

alongside boats and playing in the wake- they find us as interesting as we find them.

They have also been seen to cautiously approach pregnant women, because they can hear two

heartbeats and, in captivity, they are very effective in therapeutic treatments because

of their friendliness and closeness.

This isn't just a recent thing, either.

Frescoes of Dolphins in the ancient city of Knossos in Crete show that this affinity between

our two species has been going on for thousands of years.

A study that was conducted at the University of Kyoto looked at why dolphins, in particular,

are great companions to humans.

They found that they see the world in a similar way to us, and even go about solving problems

in a similar way.

Their echolocation is key as this is what tells them where we are and that we are living


Some species are noted in scientific literature as going out of their way to seek social encounters

with humans because they are naturally inquisitive by nature.

It doesn't mean that they are always going to be cute and cuddly, but compared to other

creatures, the dolphin can be considered quite friendly.


Pacific Gray Whale

Pacific Gray Whales are some of the most awe-inspiring creatures you will ever see and, it turns

out, they are incredibly friendly towards humans.

Their migration is the longest of any mammal on earth- over 10,000 miles- and during this

time as many as 20,000 of them can be seen swimming together.

It's one of the most stunning sight in nature, but despite their huge size, they are gentle

aquatic giants.

Very little is known about these majestic beasts, especially when it comes to how they


It's possible to get up close to them yourself in places like Baja in Mexico.

There, they are known for swimming to passing boats and putting on a show for people.

Sometimes you might even see a mother and her calf up close- showing no fear of proximity

to humans.

Over the course of history this has often been to their detriment as humans have hunted

the gray whales for hundreds of years.

The fact that they are so friendly would have made them an easy target.

Now the gray whale is protected by the International Whaling Commission.


Manta Rays

Manta Rays are graceful creatures that glide through the ocean, and can be very inquisitive

and friendly towards humans.

Some people even call them they puppy dogs of the sea!

The first thing to know is that Manta Rays do not have stingers like Sting Rays do, so

they pose no threat to humans at all.

The danger is actually the other way around because they have protective membranes that

can fall off if touched, so if you do ever swim alongside one it's important not to

hold onto it.

Studies have shown that mantas may actually be self aware and recognize themselves in

a mirror.

They have the biggest brain of any fish and capable of learning and problem solving.

They were once thought to be very dangerous, but the increased popularity of diving around

reefs has brought more people in proximity with them.

They are often hunted for their cartilage which is used in Chinese medicine and females

will only have a new pup every few years so they are critically endangered in many places.

Often you will hear stories of Manta Rays swimming circles around divers, giving the

sense that they are the ones being watched rather than the other way around!

It's a very peaceful experience if you're ever lucky enough to swim with them in the

wild- something that you can do if you go to protected marine sanctuaries in Hawaii,

Fiji, Thailand, or Australia.


Hammerhead Sharks

The last type of animal you might expect to see on this list is a shark, but some species

are actually quite friendly towards humans.

Even though the feeling is rarely mutual.

Hammerheads are very rarely aggressive, and quite enjoy investigating divers in the water.

They are possibly the most unusually shaped sharks ever, the shape of their head is thought

to be a way to increase their sensory perception while hunting for prey.

Luckily, they don't consider humans to be food, though, and much prefer a diet of fish,

squid, octopus, and stingrays.

In Hawaii, sharks are considered to be gods of the sea, and Hammerheads are not considered

to be man eaters.

They are one of the most respected creatures of the ocean, known as an aumakua, and play

an important part in local culture- with many believing that they protect them from the

dangerous shark species.

Sadly, due to overfishing for their fins to make soup, Hammerheads are now an endangered

species, and the fishing of them worldwide is heavily regulated.


Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles are some of Earth's oldest creatures and have been around for more than 150 million


There are seven species that live in the sea and now three species are considered to be

critically endangered.

Human activity has a major impact on the habitats of sea turtles- whether it be pollution, fishing,

artificial lights, or the way we build on the coast- but despite this, if you are ever

to encounter a sea turtle in the wild, you're in for a magical experience.

There are many YouTube videos of divers gaining a sea turtle's trust and interacting with

them in the wild.

The largest species, the leatherback can grow up to 6.5 feet long, so they are often much

larger than humans when in the water, and they eat a diet of plants and small marine


They don't see humans as a threat as long as you don't start chasing them around.

In most cases they won't even acknowledge our presence because we're of no concern

to them.

If you're lucky, they will take interest in you though, and will swim up against you

or let you swim alongside them, or very rarely scratch their neck.



Porpoises are small-toothed whales that are closely related to dolphins, and they share

large similarities in behavior and temperament.

They tend to be a little smaller and the 6 different species live in waters all over

the world, and some can survive in both fresh and saltwater.

Unlike dolphins, though, porpoises do not do very well in captivity and struggle to

survive without the freedom of the ocean.

They love to approach boats and surfers, and there have been a number of reports of porpoises

actually saving people.

In 2010, Dick Van Dyke, from Mary Poppins, was surfing when he apparently fell asleep.

Rather than drifting further out and being lost at sea, he was supposedly rescued by

a family of porpoises who nudged him back towards the shore.

He said he woke up out of sight of land, and surrounded by fins.

Initially fearing for the worst, he soon realized that they were there to help him, and pushed

him all the way back to land.

There are many stories like these that show that porpoises have a greater understanding

of their surroundings than we may think, and a great deal of compassion for other species.

Too bad we as humans can't say the same.

Thanks for watching!

Let us know about your experience with friendly sea creatures in the comments below!!

Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!!!

For more infomation >> FRIENDLIEST Sea Creatures Around The World! - Duration: 11:32.


Program To Make Hip Hop Beats - Make Your Own Beats Software - Duration: 3:51.

Program To Make Hip Hop Beats - Make Your Own Beats Software

Hi, so you want to make beats, but are you like this guy

He spends endless amounts of time trying to create those trunk rattling beats hip-hop is known for problem is

Only thing his beats end up rattling are nerves

This dude spends hours in FL Studio

You know making a classic, but it all turns tragic when he shows off his beats to his friends and nobody seems impressed

Sound familiar

Shion worst thing is he tries to find out some way he can learn to make professional beats quickly

But he has no luck any information. He finds is either outdated or just garbage

He's seconds people tell me the man is just something that takes years to learn

But what if there was a way this young producer could learn to make some awesome hip-hop beats quickly?

He's ready to learn to make the type of music that has people jumping on couches in the club

Not along with the beat wherever they are

But how can you do that without spending thousands of dollars on equipment to take some years to learn?

Well now he can and you can too

Introducing beat generals would be generals you have access to detailed high-quality

FL Studio video tutorials on top of that you're getting

Professional studio quality drum sounds that make your beats come to life

That's not all though the videos are categorized based on experience with beginner intermediate and advanced sections

From the absolute basics all the way up to creating awesome beats from scratch

Plus everything in between so no matter your experience level you can and will make it happen

With beat generals you can learn at your own pace while keeping current with the newest styles and techniques

All in just one place and to top it all off beat generals keeps it fresh

New videos are guaranteed each and every month

So there's always more to learn to keep your beats getting better and always sounding new enough to date

beat generals stop wasting time

Start making beats


Introducing be generous with be generals you have access to detailed high-quality

FL studio video tutorials on top of that you're getting

Professional studio quality drum sounds that make your beats come to life

That's not all though the videos are categorized based on experience with beginner intermediate and advanced sections

From the absolute basics all the way up to creating awesome beats from scratch plus everything in between

So no matter your experience level, you can and will make it happen

With beat generals you can learn at your own pace while keeping current with the newest styles and techniques

All in just one place and atop it all along be generals keeps it fresh

New videos are guaranteed each and every month

So there's always more to learn to keep your beats getting better and always sounding new and up to date

beat generals stop wasting time start making beats

For more infomation >> Program To Make Hip Hop Beats - Make Your Own Beats Software - Duration: 3:51.


Bipolar Disorder and Self Harm - Duration: 2:21.

What's up, y'all? It's Hannah.

Self-harm and bipolar disorder.

Self-harm is not a symptom of bipolar disorder, necessarily.

However, I think a lot of people, like myself,

who live with bipolar disorder, do struggle with self-harm.

Which, it's basically like taking your emotional pain out on your body -

which is something I talked about last week when it came to eating disorders.

So please subscribe to my YouTube channel and check that out.

I think it's really present when you're going through those bipolar symptoms or you're depressed

when you're very, very young.

I know, for me, it started towards the end of high school and went into college.

It was a way for me to physically see the pain that was going on inside.

And one thing that I want to be clear about is:

this was never intent for suicide.

This was never intent to get attention

In fact, nobody really knows about this.

No one's ever seen my scars.

And some of them are still there.

I use them as a reminder of where I've been,

my struggles.

That empowers me today.

And I know a lot of people have struggled with self-harm

that live with bipolar disorder, that live with anxiety and depression.

And I really want to hear your story, your experience, and your coping skills.

A couple of years ago, when I was learning about self-harm and really starting my blog,

I found this incredible movement, initiative, coping skill,

that is basically coloring instead of cutting.

Using a marker instead of a razor.

And all of these people, basically, when they get that feeling,

they designed something in the spot that they want to self-harm.

And I thought this was brilliant.

It's a way of taking your emotional pain out.

Not in a way that it can damage you, like I did.

But in a way that it creates art and makes you feel beautiful.

I really look forward to seeing what you have to say.

And I will see you next week.


For more infomation >> Bipolar Disorder and Self Harm - Duration: 2:21.


10 Things You Do Every Day That Are Bad For Your Health - Duration: 4:00.

10 Everyday Common things that Harms Your Health

No one starts the day intending to be unhealthy

For the most part the majority of us tries to make good meal choices

exercise daily to keep fit and healthy

But sometimes as good as our intentions are

we unknowingly do things that can potentially harm our health

and promotes worsen conditions


Millions of people love wearing this simple pair of shoes every day

but Crocs do not provide a very necessary stability for the heel

An unfixed heel can lead to many different problems

such as toe deformities

the formation of calluses

and foot pain

It's crucial for any footwear to have a very solid shank

so that you don't feel any discomfort while walking

2. Antibacterial soap

The antiseptic used in antibacterial soap

to 0.1-0.3%.

However, the harm is so much bigger

triclosan weakens the immune system

and makes our body resist the absorption of antibiotics

It also can cause a hormonal imbalance and muscular dystrophy

Research shows that any bacteria can be washed off your hands

with a simple soap

3. Crossing your legs

Crossing your legs puts you at risk for a blood clot

since it compresses the veins in your knee and raises your blood pressure significantly

It also puts a lot of undue stress on your hip joints

4. Using the toilet

Do you know sitting on the toilet position is incorrect?

With a 90-degree angle in your hips

the natural passage of the intestines is disrupted

and practically sealed off

In the worst case, it may lead to irritable bowels,

constipation, hemorrhoids, and even colon cancer

The natural position of a 45-degree angle in the hips

is better for your health

5. Standing with straight knees

When you stand completely straight instead of slightly bent

you put a lot of pressure on the joints of your knees

The muscles around the joint don't get used and all the force is borne by the joint

Instead, it is better to stand with your knees slightly bent

6. Sleeping on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst sleep position

since it tilts your head backward a little

and leads to pain in your upper extremities

Ideally, you should sleep on your back, but if you're not comfortable that way

then sleep on your side

7. Nonstick cookware

The per-fluorinated chemicals used to create the nonstick cover

on your frying pan are not so dangerous by themselves

However, when the temperature exceeds 230ºC

the frying surface extracts a certain amount of the volatile substances

Danish researchers found that

the presence of these poisonous chemicals in human blood

can lead to the formation of cancer cells

8. Holding your pee

It makes a worsen situation that your body lets you

know when it has to go

and while it may not be possible for you to go immediately

try to avoid holding your pee for long periods of time

since you could contract a urinary tract infection

Women especially are at a much higher risk of this

9. Hunching over phone

When you hunch over a computer or cell phone

your neck leans forward, causing stiffness or pain in your neck

With cell phones

you also tend to hang your neck, causing a syndrome that has been dubbed text neck

Instead, make it a point to sit straight, and adjust your chair

so that you don't need to hunch

10. Slouching in a chair

If you've been working for long periods

when you're tired, you tend to slouch in your chair

This may feel more comfortable and it requires less effort on your part

but it is actually harmful for your lower back

This position puts a lot of strain on your lower back

since it has to support the weight of your entire torso

when it is not meant to do so

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For more infomation >> 10 Things You Do Every Day That Are Bad For Your Health - Duration: 4:00.


Find a Niche for Your Amazon Affiliate Site - 3 Easy Ways - Duration: 5:18.

I'm gonna go over three ways that you

could pick a niche now this is one of

the most common questions I get it will

be oriented around Amazon affiliate

sites that's just what I'm into so it is

the most common question that I get and

it can be confusing because basically if

you start looking around you see so many

different ideas so many different niches

and there's so many different products

so it could be overwhelming to figure

out what to focus on now I will say that

you don't have to follow your passion

exactly but it's nice if you have some

level of interest in the niche that you

pick so if all else is equal and you

have three different ideas you don't

care about two of them but one of them

you actually have some of the products

well you should probably pick the one

that you have some interest in because

it's just going to be easier to push

through the times when it's difficult

and it will get hard when you're

building a site when you're trying to do

link building when you're trying to add

more content it's going to be a little

difficult and it's great if you do have

some interest now again you don't have

to be obsessed with the topic or be an

expert in the niche but even if you have

like a mild amount of interest on an

intellectual level that's good enough so

let's get into the three ways that you

can find a niche idea the first one is

kind of a no-brainer but a lot of people

miss this go to Amazon and start

browsing around in different category

areas you'll find many many

subcategories and in fact if you just

head over to Amazon and click on like

sporting goods and outdoor equipment

you'll be able to find tons of products

probably some obscure niches that you

didn't even know existed yet that there

are thousands and thousands of products

available on Amazon so that's one of the

best ways to figure out just some niches

out there and again if you're interested

in some of these topics you can go down

a rabbit hole and find some really

interesting products and keywords that

are associated with the niche the second

way is a similar idea but it's in real

life so go down to a large like discount

store or just a retail shop so in the US

there are stores like Walmart Target and

even hardware stores like Home Depot or

Lowe's if you just are browsing and

looking at some of the products in the

various departments go in there people

will think you're crazy but go in there

with a notebook and start writing stuff

down or if you're a little more timid

you don't want to look like you're

taking notes you can just take notes on

your phone and just write down the

products and as you're walking down the

aisles you can just like read the labels

for the aisles the signs for the aisles

and you can see you know outdoor

products there's groceries although that

may not be the best sort of niche to go

after but you can you know look at the

different products that are available in

the grocery section or toys or whatever

right so there are hundreds of different

options if you just browse through a

store and if you're looking for specific

type products now one thing to keep in

mind you may walk down an aisle and see

I don't know like light bulbs or

something like that and it doesn't

necessarily mean you should start a

Mitch site on light bulbs but if you

think about a more I guess one category

level up so you're not looking at the

light bulb section and starting a niche

site on light bulbs but if you're

looking at the overall lighting section

well that's more interesting so lighting

solutions is a much bigger niche and

probably a lot of products around that

now if you pair that together with like

a smart home idea so you have lighting

and smart home well there's a lot of

products you can cover with that

probably enough for a whole niche site

and the third idea is to just browse

around Google some different sites maybe

go to a larger site like the wire cutter

or top ten reviews and start looking at

the products that they are reviewing

they will often have the categories

spelled out for you and then again you

could just browse around and see what

types of products what types of

categories they are targeting

the advantage with going and looking at

an existing site especially a large site

it's already making money you know that

niche is profitable you know people are

reading the reviews maybe even see how

many comments certain reviews have and

you'll have a really good idea if that

is a popular detriment so I hope that

was helpful if you want to get a

checklist of these ideas and a little

more detail for each one of them go to

niche site project comm slash 3 you'll

just have to enter your name and email

address and then you can download it

straight away

thanks again I'm Doug Huntington and

we'll see you in the next video oh yeah

do you have any ideas for finding niches

let me know in the comments below really

interested about what ideas you have


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