Monday, September 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2018

The strength of love

is and always will be the most important in my life

moments, places

and especially people

for me, to be grateful

has been the secret to being happy

love your body, love what you do

and fall in love with who you are is essential

reading for me is therapy

living and feeling the music is one of the most wondeful things

escape from ordinary always has as a result

something good

be happy and at the same time making others happy

knowing exactly what I want

and don't stop until I get it

idealizing has led me to achieve

without forgetting that each person has their own perspective

their own way to see and feel what exists around us

moving, laughing, crying, dancing

screaming, singing, exercising

is part of our lives

the best is to know that we are free

to do what we like , to be with the people we love

to change everything if we are not satisfied

because if freedom weren't possible

then it will be the most requested wish in the world

i just want to say

I have what I have

and I am what I have

For more infomation >> Is and always will be the most important in my life... - Duration: 2:08.


🌳Si tienes esta PLANTA en tu hogar cuídala muy bien, es 1 TESORO y tú no lo sabes - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 🌳Si tienes esta PLANTA en tu hogar cuídala muy bien, es 1 TESORO y tú no lo sabes - Duration: 5:19.


Estos 2 jugos naturales que te ayudaran a mejorar el daño producido por la cirrosis en el hígado - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Estos 2 jugos naturales que te ayudaran a mejorar el daño producido por la cirrosis en el hígado - Duration: 3:08.


Negocios - 11 curiosidades del Emprendimiento en México - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Negocios - 11 curiosidades del Emprendimiento en México - Duration: 3:04.


El apoteósico retorno (a la española) de los príncipes George y Charlotte - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> El apoteósico retorno (a la española) de los príncipes George y Charlotte - Duration: 2:24.


Cómo COMBINAR PANTALÓN NEGRO 🖤 | OUTFITS de moda | 💜 STYLE Black Pants - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Cómo COMBINAR PANTALÓN NEGRO 🖤 | OUTFITS de moda | 💜 STYLE Black Pants - Duration: 3:32.


Sỏi thận ra gần hết chỉ sau 1 tuần nhờ bài thuốc dân gian ai cũng làm được - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Sỏi thận ra gần hết chỉ sau 1 tuần nhờ bài thuốc dân gian ai cũng làm được - Duration: 4:03.


092 Carla & Anke - Duration: 15:30.

[A few months later...]

You aren't really planning on running away?

Yes. That's exactly what I'm doing. Disappearing.

Well, do I have a choice?!

Yes. How about staying here and fighting, proving your innocence?

Fighting the Lahnsteins...

Once you guys have declared somebody guilty, fighting doesn't do any good anymore. You should know that better than anyone!

Bernd, if you flee now, that's effectively an admission of guilt


Hello, you two

Lars! Thanks for making it here so quickly.

No problem

Dad, how did it go?!

Well, at least I wasn't arrested, as you can see

He wants to go into hiding. You absolutely must bring him to his senses!

We'll talk later, okay? I have to get to an appointment at the Holding.

And you, Bernd, don't do anything rash, all right?

What did she mean by that?

Oh, nothing

Based on what you told me on the telephone...

... the allegations against you are flimsy, and the evidence more than questionable

If so... they wouldn't even be bringing charges against my dad

No judge in the world is going to convict on the basis of simple allegations, or a personal organizer that's been tampered with

We'll get you out of this, don't panic

You heard him, everything's going to be okay

The police first have to make a record of Bernd's statements. Things like that can take a while.

But what if they DO want to nail the murder on Dad?

They can't without evidence. Plus which, he voluntarily turned himself in. No actual murderer would do that.

Sorry for just bursting in, but there's bad news

What does that mean?

Where is Dad?

He's being charged with murder

== Is something wrong? == No, everything's fine.

== Nathalie! == Carla!

== Oh, this is ever a surprise, hello! == Hello!

== How great to finally see you again. == Leonard!

What... YOU?

Now you're amazed, aren't you? - We just ran into each other, but Ansgar didn't recognize me.


Ohh, you're Ms. Käppler's niece, you're Nathalie

Yes, sadly, I'm just a servant's kid. It's no surprise I didn't look familiar to you.

Typical. Blinkered, as always, our Ansgar.

== Oh, and then you went from Argentina to Madrid? == For two short years and then, following that, to Barcelona.

Boy, you've really gotten around

Yeah, why do you think I wanted to become a translator? Besides, YOU went to Harvard, and then after that to Chicago.

I can see your aunt must have been keeping you up to speed on everything

Naturally not in every detail

But that you got married, Elke DID tell me that

Is he still a smartass?

Ansgar? You can remember that?

Let's gab about that in the kitchen, later. Like we used to, when we were secretly raiding the pantry.

Or were trying to escape Ansgar

Father, you'll never guess who came to visit


Welcome to Königsbrunn!

Well, it was about time that I swing by again

== Yes, how long since we've seen each other? == Eight years.

Eight years!

You were still just a teenager then, and now... Look at you.

Yes, she's really changed, hm?

== Ms. Käppler, would you please make the preparations for my mother-in-law's departure? == Certainly.

Well, my wife Cécile will be very pleased to get to meet you

== Yes, I'm looking forward to that, as well. == A few things have changed around here lately.

Yes, but I'm certain a few things have remained the same, too

Ansgar is doing everything he can to prove himself to Father. I'm sure he's cooking up the next intrigue.

This fight over the Holding is totally depraved

For me it isn't about power. Take a seat.

I just want to prevent Ansgar from seizing everything for himself

What does Leonard have to say about it?

He's trying to live his life

Just like you

I inherited the urge for freedom from my parents. That's why they fled East Germany.

Unfortunately they had to pay for it with their lives

But thankfully I found a new home here with all of you

You could have stayed at Königsbrunn longer

I wanted to do what my parents had always dreamed of. So, I globetrotted my way around the world.

Yeah, it must be great when dreams come true

Only, unfortunately, I still freak out whenever I get on a plane

Because the balloon went down during your escape?

I woke up at night for years after that, because I... couldn't stop dreaming about it

Hitting the ground...

... my parents dead ...

I was really alone

That didn't change during your travels?

Not really. For instance, I would never give up my freedom for a man.

May I?

This is a really lovely picture

You must have known this woman well

That's Hanna

She was the love of my life

Seriously? I would have never guessed you love women.

I always did a good job of hiding it

Only Leonard knew

To find your true love and then lose her in such a tragic way must be horrible

I'm sure Hanna was a wonderful woman

Yes, you would have gotten along well together

You miss her, hm?

To be honest, I don't understand why you didn't tell your father

I was afraid of disappointing him

Because you're attracted to women?

In the meantime, I've realized that was completely unnecessary

But I lied to him all those years and betrayed his trust. He still hasn't forgiven me.

You could have at least spared yourselves the wedding

I had no other choice!

"It is expected from a von Lahnstein that she project a good image to the public"

Ansgar saw it exactly the same way

== Ansgar? == Yes, he advised me to marry Bernd.

Yeah, but I thought Ansgar couldn't stand Bernd...?

After Hanna's death... in some way he was there for me

But now he's acting like an arrogant asshole again. He claims that as a lesbian I have no chance in the business world.

And which one is the real Ansgar?

Do you think Ansgar is capable of having fed that DVD to Father?

Carla, where are you coming up with that?

I'm sorry! But I've been thinking again about what happened before the wedding.

I thought that whole thing with the DVD was the handiwork of that... Evelyn?

Yes, that's what I thought too. Our breakup was really not particularly pretty. She would have definitely had every reason to take revenge on me.

Yeah, precisely. In contrast to Ansgar, who doesn't even have a motive.

Maybe he does

Before the wedding, Father offered me the reins to the Holding

Yeah, but that interests you as little as it does me, and... Ansgar knew that

Do you think him capable of ruining my wedding so that Father would make him head of the Holding?

== Carla, I don't know! == What do you THINK?

Please, let us talk about this some other time, all right? I really have no mind for this right now.

Don't be upset with me, but Johannes and Cécile need me more right now

I miss her so terribly

Everything reminds me so much of Hanna. Here is where we spent the most wonderful nights.

She was the true love of my life!

How am I supposed to go on living without Hanna?

Are you okay?

So, what do you say?

Whoever sent THAT to your father on the day of your wedding - they must really hate you

Of course it could be Evelyn. She had already tried, once before, to out me at my father's wedding.

But to send your father a compromising DVD? Is that what the revenge of an aggrieved woman looks like?

So you believe, too, there was somebody in the background pulling the strings

As cold-bloodedly as the whole thing was planned! Think about it:

COINCIDENTALLY, shortly before your wedding, Evelyn comes to stay at the pension

And then all the technology had to be put in place, as well

That could have indeed been Ansgar

But even if that's true, you can't prove it

But I know who could provide us with the proof


It's me, Carla. How are you?

Fine. But that's certainly not why you're calling, right?

No. Evelyn, did you out me to my father?

Since when are you having doubts?

After all, you aren't the only person who hates me

So, was it all your plan?

Evelyn, I need to know! Was it you alone, or did someone call you to Düsseldorf?

Evelyn, PLEASE, it is incredibly important for me to find out the truth!

Leave me alone with your goddamn accusations!


Hung up

What did she say?


But silence sometimes speaks a thousand words

== And what are you going to do now? == Find out the truth, come.

Oh, come on!

[Please enter your password]

Password?! Ansgar's password...


There we go

I miss her so terribly

Everything reminds me so much of Hanna. Here is where we spent the most wonderful nights.

How am I supposed to go on living without Hanna?

== She was the true love of my life. == "She was the true love of my life."

For my taste - a mite too melodramatic, but... quite effective


Yes. On your wedding day.

You outed me

Why did you do that?!

Carla, I don't know what your problem is

I thought by outing you I had lifted a great weight from your soul?

You are such a miserable lowlife scum!

And to think I haven't even thanked you yet for your assistance

Yeah, without your stirring tears, the video would have been worth only half as much

That filthy smirk is going to get wiped off your face!

Father will never forgive you this treachery, once he sees the recordings on your laptop

That may be

So, one for you, too? I think we could both really use this right now, hm?


Oh, that's a real shame


Well now, I think the drink would have done YOU more good

He must have been planning the whole thing for a long time

When I wanted to confess to Father about my relationship with Hanna, he talked me out of it

And HE'S the one who pushed me into marrying Bernd, although I hadn't actually decided about it yet

To force your hand!

In order to blow me out of the water on the very day of my wedding

That must have been an utter shock for your father. Ansgar has always had a GREAT sense of timing.

He was playing me for a complete sucker, from start to finish, and I didn't even notice!

Well, how could you? He's your brother! In your place I would have thought he was being loyal too.

And all just because of this struggle for the Holding

He wanted to eliminate me as a competitor, because his career is more important to him than I am

Even though I never would have challenged him for the leadership

Why is he such a sick person?!

== So what are you going to do, having no evidence? == I don't know! First I have to go let off some steam or I'm going to explode!

== Carla! == Yes?

== Have you heard any more from Dad? == No.

== But there must be some way we can help him. == Vanessa, I'm sorry, I can't right now.

Dad is sitting innocent in prison and you don't care?!

Of course I do! But it's not like I can simply conjure up some defense witnesses for him!

And my estimation of Tanja and Ansgar tells me they won't leave us any chance

They've arranged EVERYTHING such that we won't be able to find any way to prove Bernd's innocence

== And so you just want to give up? == No!

We can't leave Dad high and dry right now! He'll end up there for life.

Vanessa, I'm sorry, I can't deal with it right now!

Would you rather be alone?

Never in my life have I felt so betrayed and exploited

I absolutely must open Father's eyes. I want him to find out what Ansgar is capable of.

The question, though, is whether he'll believe you

Yeah, without evidence...

Maybe you should call Evelyn again

I already tried that. She just hung up again.

So Ansgar can deny everything. And then it's just your word against his.

And you want to tell your father, despite that, as soon as he's back?

I'm not sure this would really be a wise time

Ansgar will be prepared for it. And who knows what else he might have up his sleeve?

And in the worst case scenario, YOU'LL come out looking like the liar

== But at least now you know what you've got in Ansgar. == Yes, I do. But who knows what else he's planning.

There's no one right now who can stop Ansgar

Your day will come, Carla

I'm going to make Ansgar pay for this betrayal. He can count on that.

For more infomation >> 092 Carla & Anke - Duration: 15:30.


El rey emérito, don Juan Carlos, vuelve a navegar - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> El rey emérito, don Juan Carlos, vuelve a navegar - Duration: 2:48.


Những bệnh phụ khoa mà chị em phụ nữ hay mắc phải - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Những bệnh phụ khoa mà chị em phụ nữ hay mắc phải - Duration: 4:35.


Tikk sings you all a song!! - Duration: 2:59.

why tf are you even looking at these like bich

*smacks lips*

ey bRrRrRrr

here g'

why tf are you even looking at these like bich

For more infomation >> Tikk sings you all a song!! - Duration: 2:59.


Vì sao giữ sạch sẽ vùng kín vẫn mắc bệnh phụ khoa - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Vì sao giữ sạch sẽ vùng kín vẫn mắc bệnh phụ khoa - Duration: 4:59.


Bà Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh giữ quyền Chủ tịch nước - Duration: 4:23.

Health Network, For Public Health.

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh holds the power of the President

After President Tran Dai Quang's death, Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, the country's vice president, retained the power of the President.

On September 23, 1818, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan,

Signed Announcement No. 317 / TB-UBTVQH14, on the exercise of the President's right to Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh.

According to the content of the notice, according to the statute, the National Assembly Standing Committee announced, Ms. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh,

Vice President of the State, holds the power of the President until the new President is elected by the National Assembly.

Previously, due to serious illness, despite the professors of doctors at home and abroad to save heart,

The leaders of the Party and State are very concerned, but President Tran Dai Quang, died at 10.55pm on 21/9/2018, at the 108th Central Military Hospital.

According to Article 93 of the Constitution of 2013, when the State President can not work for a long time, the State President shall retain the right to the State President.

In case of vacancy of the President, the Vice President shall retain the right of the State President until the new President is elected by the National Assembly.

Ms. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, born on December 25, 1959, native Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam, is a law bachelor, bachelor of history, bachelor Political theory, master building Party.

She has held various positions, the Standing Vice President of the Vietnam Women's Union, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee,

Secretary of the Vinh Long Party Committee, alternate member of the Executive Committee of the 10th Party Central Committee, members of the 11th and 12th Central Committee of the Party Central Committee, 11th and 11th National Assembly delegates.

In the process of participating in revolution and work in the local, Ms. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh has experienced the following positions:

Party secretary of Ben Thanh ward, (District 1, HCMC);

Director of the People's Committee of District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vice Chairman of District 1; Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Women's Union; Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Women's Union.

Later, she was promoted to vice president of the Committee for Population and Children.

In April 2006, at the 10th National Party Congress (2006-2010 term), Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh was elected as an alternate member of the 10th Central Committee.

Since October 2007, she has held the position of Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Women's Union.

By May 2009, according to the decision to mobilize officials of the Politburo, she was Deputy Secretary of the Vinh Long Party Committee, in charge of the Party work.

In October 2010, at the 9th Congress of Vinh Long Provincial Party Committee, (term 2010-2015), she was elected Secretary of the 9th Party Committee.

In March 2015, according to the decision of the Politburo, the assignment of Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh,

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Vinh Long, relinquished the position of Secretary of the Vinh Long Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Office of the Party Central Committee.

In January 2016, at the 12th National Party Congress (2016-2020), she was elected to the 12th Central Committee.


The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Bà Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh giữ quyền Chủ tịch nước - Duration: 4:23.


¿Qué le ha pasado a Kate Middleton? Dos meses desaparecida en mitad de la polémica - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué le ha pasado a Kate Middleton? Dos meses desaparecida en mitad de la polémica - Duration: 6:12.


[SUB ESP] FANCAFE BTS JIN, RM & J-HOPE - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> [SUB ESP] FANCAFE BTS JIN, RM & J-HOPE - Duration: 4:06.


La reina Isabel, la gran ausente en la primera boda gay de un miembro de la realeza - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> La reina Isabel, la gran ausente en la primera boda gay de un miembro de la realeza - Duration: 3:21.


50 Under Stairs Storage Ideas IKEA - Duration: 4:49.

50 under stairs storage ideas ikea

Under stairs storage are clever ways to declutter you home.

In this video we will present 50 under stairs storage ideas ikea that could serve as inspiration

when it comes to making your crib a bit more, functional.

Whether you live in a modern or traditional house, there are plenty of elegant ways below

that can help you keep it clean without much effort.

The space around the stairs can be turned into smart, built-in lockers for storing various


Shelving units are perfect for decorating items you want on display.

The stair steps can be used for drawers, without any guests noticing.

Enjoy the this video and get inspired and be sure to let us know what other creative

shelving ideas did you come up with for optimizing the space around your stairs.

For more infomation >> 50 Under Stairs Storage Ideas IKEA - Duration: 4:49.


Joe Sugg set for Strictly Glitterball thanks to legion of YouTube fans - Duration: 3:38.

Joe Sugg set for Strictly Glitterball thanks to legion of YouTube fans

His first live dance pulled in more than 760,000 views when the BBC uploaded the performances to social media.

The clips of film-maker Joe and dance partner Dianne Buswell in action had registered almost 10 times more than any of his competitors last night.

A telly source said: "Joe is being viewed so much more online than anyone else.

"Clips on the internet do a lot to help promote the show nowadays, and this is a good litmus test to show how popular each star is in their online presence.

Related Articles   Gemma Atkinson strips topless in jaw-dropping bedside snap   Strictly fans to boycott show over Susannah Constantine's pic of daughter after hunting   Ant McPartlin ex plants smacker on Strictly star in 'red lips' snap.

"If even a smattering of these viewers on the net turn into voters on the show, he could go all the way" A telly source "If even a smattering of these viewers on the net turn into voters on the show, he could go all the way." When Joe was announced as a 2018 participant, he was one of the celebrities accused of being "unknown" after their unveiling.

But he has 8.2million subscribers to his YouTube web video channel ThatcherJoe and insiders believe that if "this translates to votes on the show the others have no chance".

And after his amazing dancing with Dianne on the weekend's first live show, fans are clamouring for more from the internet sensation.

One fan wrote: "Joe is definitely the front-runner now.".

Another said: "I wasn't expecting him to be THAT good!" His signing was seen as an attempt by Beeb bosses to attract a younger audience to a show which has traditionally been seen as a housewives' favourite.

Parents up and down the country have been reporting internet-savvy kids tuning in with them to watch Joe.

Even judge Craig Revel Horwood admitted he was "surprised" by the series' second youngest celeb dancer.

The 27-year-old still has a little way to go, scoring 27 out of 40 for his jive with Aussie pro Dianne – trailing Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts and Steps star Faye Tozer, who lead with 32.

In a tweet, Joe said the support he had received "has been unreal".

For more infomation >> Joe Sugg set for Strictly Glitterball thanks to legion of YouTube fans - Duration: 3:38.


Avenatti: New client will go public with Kavanaugh accusations by Wednesday - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Avenatti: New client will go public with Kavanaugh accusations by Wednesday - Duration: 2:49.


5 Things Coca Cola And Pepsi Does To Your Body Side Effects of Cold Drinks - Duration: 3:34.

terms of survival.

It is always better to prevent than to cure

Caffeine, Sugar and Aspartame: These products are invariably present within the sweetened

soft drinks.

Coca Cola and Pepsi have been under lawsuits in some of the developed countries against

Children should be strictly restricted from consuming products with Aspartame.

Furthermore, caffeine and sugar are very addictive leading to another set of diseases like diabetes

and a life-long habit of inducing caffeine in the body.

Kidney Failures: The sweet sugar is definitely not the reason for a failing kidney but the

artificial sweeteners are.

Hence consuming Diet versions of Coca Cola or Pepsi have proved to produce more impairment

than the sweet versions.

Metabolism Level Decreases: A glass of warm water can speed up you metabolic rate but

may taste awful after a workout session.

A can of Coke can surely be tasty but it really decreases the metabolism and helps in destroying

the fat burning enzymes in no time.

Thus a can of either Diet Coke or simple Coca Cola after a rigorous workout or busy day

is strictly not advisable

Obesity and Diabetes: Obesity was never a major problem when Coca Cola or similar products

were not introduced.

But with an advent of these products, a major portion of the population is turning obese

which includes children and teenagers.

Obesity is the root of diseases that affect heart, lungs, and kidney.

Researches have also been proving that obesity may be a cause to trigger cancer cells.

Similarly, patients with diabetes must never touch beverages like Coke or Pepsi since it

increases level of sugar in blood by twofold.

Non-diabetic persons should avoid these drinks in order to keep diabetes away.

Teeth and Bone Damage: The pH level of Coke or Pepsi is 3.2 which are quite high.

This pH level decides the acidic nature of a liquid.

Hence these beverages are acidic in nature and can dissolve bones and enamels very quickly

For more infomation >> 5 Things Coca Cola And Pepsi Does To Your Body Side Effects of Cold Drinks - Duration: 3:34.


ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត រាំវង់ស្គរដៃ បុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ | Noy Vanneth Romvong Pchum Ben - Duration: 1:02:42.

Noy Vanneth Romvong Pchum Ben

For more infomation >> ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត រាំវង់ស្គរដៃ បុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ | Noy Vanneth Romvong Pchum Ben - Duration: 1:02:42.


Bà Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh giữ quyền Chủ tịch nước - Duration: 4:23.

Health Network, For Public Health.

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh holds the power of the President

After President Tran Dai Quang's death, Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, the country's vice president, retained the power of the President.

On September 23, 1818, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan,

Signed Announcement No. 317 / TB-UBTVQH14, on the exercise of the President's right to Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh.

According to the content of the notice, according to the statute, the National Assembly Standing Committee announced, Ms. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh,

Vice President of the State, holds the power of the President until the new President is elected by the National Assembly.

Previously, due to serious illness, despite the professors of doctors at home and abroad to save heart,

The leaders of the Party and State are very concerned, but President Tran Dai Quang, died at 10.55pm on 21/9/2018, at the 108th Central Military Hospital.

According to Article 93 of the Constitution of 2013, when the State President can not work for a long time, the State President shall retain the right to the State President.

In case of vacancy of the President, the Vice President shall retain the right of the State President until the new President is elected by the National Assembly.

Ms. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, born on December 25, 1959, native Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam, is a law bachelor, bachelor of history, bachelor Political theory, master building Party.

She has held various positions, the Standing Vice President of the Vietnam Women's Union, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee,

Secretary of the Vinh Long Party Committee, alternate member of the Executive Committee of the 10th Party Central Committee, members of the 11th and 12th Central Committee of the Party Central Committee, 11th and 11th National Assembly delegates.

In the process of participating in revolution and work in the local, Ms. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh has experienced the following positions:

Party secretary of Ben Thanh ward, (District 1, HCMC);

Director of the People's Committee of District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vice Chairman of District 1; Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Women's Union; Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Women's Union.

Later, she was promoted to vice president of the Committee for Population and Children.

In April 2006, at the 10th National Party Congress (2006-2010 term), Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh was elected as an alternate member of the 10th Central Committee.

Since October 2007, she has held the position of Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Women's Union.

By May 2009, according to the decision to mobilize officials of the Politburo, she was Deputy Secretary of the Vinh Long Party Committee, in charge of the Party work.

In October 2010, at the 9th Congress of Vinh Long Provincial Party Committee, (term 2010-2015), she was elected Secretary of the 9th Party Committee.

In March 2015, according to the decision of the Politburo, the assignment of Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh,

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Vinh Long, relinquished the position of Secretary of the Vinh Long Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Office of the Party Central Committee.

In January 2016, at the 12th National Party Congress (2016-2020), she was elected to the 12th Central Committee.


The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Bà Đặng Thị Ngọc Thịnh giữ quyền Chủ tịch nước - Duration: 4:23.


URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Tere Tukde Khate Hai - Duration: 6:54.

Tere Tukde Khate Hai

For more infomation >> URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Tere Tukde Khate Hai - Duration: 6:54.


I-Team: Bitter Brides Lash Out At No-Show Rental Company - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> I-Team: Bitter Brides Lash Out At No-Show Rental Company - Duration: 2:56.


2 Separate Accidents Shut Down I-79 North - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> 2 Separate Accidents Shut Down I-79 North - Duration: 0:23.


Dashcam catches road rage driver on I-35 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Dashcam catches road rage driver on I-35 - Duration: 2:15.


Bus run #001 (song: Til the day I Die Toby Mac) - Duration: 4:11.

♪ ♪














♪ I'M ALL IN ♪


























♪ I'M ALL IN ♪













































For more infomation >> Bus run #001 (song: Til the day I Die Toby Mac) - Duration: 4:11.


Ang Diyos Mismo, ang Natatangi IV Ang Kabanalan Ng Diyos (I) (Ikalawang Bahagi) - Duration: 38:21.

For more infomation >> Ang Diyos Mismo, ang Natatangi IV Ang Kabanalan Ng Diyos (I) (Ikalawang Bahagi) - Duration: 38:21.


Chelsea news: Didier Drogba sends message to Alvaro Morata and Olivier Giroud - Duration: 2:32.

 Morata scored 11 Premier League goals last season and has managed just one so far in this campaign

 And since joining Chelsea in January, Giroud has scored just five goals in 23 games

 With their struggles in front of goal, the onus has been on Eden Hazard to provide the cutting edge in attack

 But Drogba has backed the Chelsea strike duo to come good. Drogba said: "I hope they will have the same success that I had

 "When I came [to Chelsea] it wasn't easy for me. "I think for strikers it is just a matter of confidence and do you want to improve your game and make yourself more difficult to play against

 "I think that's what they are doing and I hope they will get more success because they deserve it

" Morata came off the bench in Chelsea's goalless draw with West Ham and missed a golden chance to give the Blues all three points

 And after the match, manager Maurizio Sarri said Morata's confidence will only return with goals

 He said: "Alvaro has to gain confidence with one, two three goals. I am not able to give him confidence

 "In this match he had three or four opportunities. He was unlucky. "I hope for him in the future I can help him

But the confidence can come with goals. "Maybe two goals in two matches, I don't know

For the first time in this season he was ready in the box. He was on the ball and was active


For more infomation >> Chelsea news: Didier Drogba sends message to Alvaro Morata and Olivier Giroud - Duration: 2:32.


北約第二軍事強國棄美投俄,嗆聲美國:你就是恐怖主義沼澤製造者 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> 北約第二軍事強國棄美投俄,嗆聲美國:你就是恐怖主義沼澤製造者 - Duration: 7:08.


Fun at NYC Denim Days and a Very Jean Gift Bag Unboxing - Duration: 14:50.

hey everybody so yesterday I went to New York's denim days which is like huge

celebration of denim and I went with one of my favorite people as of most recently I

just have gotten to know her Sam Rosalie actually I don't even think

that's her last name I think that's just her instagram handle so now you know

how well I know her well I I think actually has a really long last name

that starts with a c but I don't know it she works on the Elvis Duran show if

you've ever listened to that and she's hilarious amazing and awesome actually

you can follow her on Instagram I've linked her down below and you should

follow her because she's just the best she's the best anyway I wanted to show

you our experience at denim days this is Sam hello Sam is my friend yes and we are

excessively dressed in denim why are we excessively dressed in denim Sam because

we are physically and emotionally supporting New York denim days festival

which is where we're at right now and basically it's a bunch of denim like a

bunch of denim all the denim all the denim in all of the things you want a

denim comforter here you want denim shoes here if you want basic things like

jackets okay we've got you jeans uh-huh overalls of course this is

denim days a day of denim I got my wristband for denim days

it's not denim this is not on theme so Sam I think I found what I want

to wear to next years denim days I feel not worthy to be in its presence let me show you the Dark Angel of denim

come to rapture your soul with quality construction and durable fabric

I'm buying one of these this is ingenious look at her neck this is real

creepy imma get up close like I'm a vampire okay but it's a bolero attacher

thingy not a bolero I've just done I got really into the word balero

I got bolero in my brain anyway I love it I love it look how cute

their shop is I like this high-class hillbilly that's what I tell people when

I drink diet mountain dew which is every damn day stop staring at my chest

it's called when you complete a look on theme now I'm a hundred percent

committed to this I was like I was like 75 percent in full denim but now now

with the shades I'm living a life of denim I am

What is the likeliness I could pay a man to make a fat version of this because I want it all

I'm making this man say what he said to me again on camera because it made me

cry inside cuz I have a heart go on tell me about these things

everything is designed by my mother you can follow her on instagram @claudiagontovnik

oh loves his mother he loves his mother go on tell me more

all the designs she does then we have a team of single mothers from Colombia that's where we're from

it takes from days this one took two weeks and yeah everything is one of a kind

one size and one design yeah oh my god everything is so cool oh

my god the William Shakespeare clown jacket

here for it okay this is what originally caught my eye from caring comes courage

look at this jumpsuit if I was a size itty bitty I would have that on my body

right now I'd be cloaked in that I want it you need it

hug it's your baby let's be friends forever jumpsuit Sam say what you just

said to me again I feel like I'm continuously shopping through the specials menu at

like a restaurant I want it all and I can't afford it it's all free Sam everything here is free I should just

put a card in my pocket it's the best ever so I just have a question are you

really all about denim like do you ever waiver do you go sometimes I just want to

work with linen we love denim only denim I have a question why aren't you in a denim shirt

you have to you have to change it up a little bit well you do have a nice the

denim necklace here yes for the fringe see this dog she don't need no man she

an independent woman she gonna walk herself I'm gonna do what I want in life

because I can it's my dog given right stop looking at me don't let other

people walk you be your own person so that was what we experienced while at

the festival of jeans the party of dungarees or the delicious decadent bowl

of denim now there is one other thing that I want to cover with you guys see

while we were there we got a gift bag and when I got the gift bag I got a

little nervous right because I'm chubby and let's be real here like most gift

bags at like fashion events that include clothing do not take an account

chubby people so I got this gift bag and we're gonna open it together I have no

clue what's in it it might be super fulfilling or really

disappointing we're gonna find out together oh no organized grief that's what

this kind of is but you know what let's do it so this is the gift bag the first

thing is it comes in this huge Hudson bag it's a lovely little tote that I'm

probably gonna use to just carry things places because it's like if I lose it I

won't feel terrible because I got it for free but it's like a nice bag

so first is okay I didn't even know this could exist but it's a denim backpack

it's actually a really nice backpack this is from novena denim limited I've

never heard of them but it's actually pretty cool it's got amazing like little

pockets it's literally all denim let's see what the inside looks like that's

where I get like needy if it's got a computer slot I'm gonna probably use

this as my new backpack but if it doesn't have a computer slot I'm gonna

have to think it over does not have a computer slot but let me check in this

like this big old front pocket this this might fit a computer if you like it but

isn't that a cool backpack I mean already I got one thing in here that I

can use and will enjoy I think is pretty rad looking so thanks for the denim

backpack denim days okay I don't know when I will use this but it's a denim

soccer ball I think or is it a volleyball um does

anyone here know the difference between a soccer and a volleyball volleyball has

the stripeys clearly I play lots of sports

I'm just real into sports I think it's a soccer ball um I have no idea how I will

use this but it's cool I think I might give it to my niece and nephew or my

goddaughter godson because I think they're gonna enjoy it a lot more than

me unless I take up jean soccer where out of like unless are taking up like

Jean themed soccer which I do not believe exists I mean why would you want

to play in denim actually that could be a really cool editorial shot of like

everybody in denim playing soccer with a denim

football I mean soccer ball and denim goalposts and everything

vogue do it bring it to life you know you want to

next I don't know what this is it's like a bag an oven mitt um I don't know what

this is I don't know what this is it's got the denim Days logo on it but oh I

don't know what it is a bandana you can always use another bandana in your life

I'm here for it a squishy stress toy I feel less stressed does that actually

work because I don't feel any less stressed to be real it just feels like

weird then we have basa cares sustainable denim program I actually

think I picked this up at the event through it in the bag I have my life together I

know there's snacks in the bag because Sam texted me and she's like I ate all

the snacks in the bag on my ride home and I didn't even look so this is miss

Finster's cookie thins cake batter I

mean okay I just rather eat real cake batter be real here

you want to go for it go all the way and this is chocolate chip cookie thins same

thing and then oh this is oh yeah denim beanie and put it on right now I mean

it's gonna look fabulous cuz oh my gosh it actually looks legitimately cool not

the right outfit for it but now I got a beanie bring the brim up a little

bit ah happy about that happy about the beanie happy about the backpack

and the bandana not so bad vitae Coco also delicious I like vita coco

we got a kind bar there's a lot of snacks in here which I appreciate you

know that I appreciate snacks oven-baked parm crisps so these are basically cheese

turned into snacks here for it here for it I actually really like this this is

Crabtree of Evelyn and they gave us some hand therapy I actually real excited

about this because I have like terrible hands and they're always like cracked

and dry so maybe I can fix that with this so that's pretty cool

then we got a pressed by kind bar which is like fruit and stuff ooh what is

what are you what are you it's a smock I know that you would probably supposed to be

wearing this while cooking but I'm gonna just wear this all the time anyway it's a denim

smock I'm gonna come up with a look I have a denim smock and a beanie rock and

roll next oh it's a cute little eyeglass case made out of denim oh and it's like

lined in I really soft fabric this is actually really cute I like this I would

use this for travel I like that I can probably hook it onto my nifty new

backpack and just have a whole theme I thought I was full denim when I was

there and then just realized there's a lot more things that can come in denim I

keep learning new things it's a pop socket fun fact I don't have one of

these and now I do it's from American Airlines next

what are you squad by invested oh it's a lip balm in a little circle we'll have

to try that out another pressed by kind bar and I think this is the best thing

in the entire bag let me see is that it it's the last thing and it's the best

thing it is a patch that says this is stolen

that's my favorite that is my favorite 100% I'm putting that on the backpack so

that was my gift bag from denim days now you've seen everything that I

experienced it denim days what if you have any questions comments whatever you

want if you want to just like put some emojis down there or whatever the

comments are down below there's nothing to really link to in the descriptions

because a lot of these brands at denim days were like one-off creators I did

link to the woman who makes the custom items using single mothers in Colombia I

will say they are very very expensive and that's because it's all done by hand

it's not using machine at all um and I'll link to the denim days website if

you want to check out if it's coming to your city or anything like that

but yeah that is denim days do you feel denim-licious now do you feel Jean-abulous

I should have flipped that around because it would be like denim fabulous

and Jean fantastic I don't know but you get what I'm saying do you feel more

denim right now coz you should have felt a lot of denim with that guys I will

check you later have an amazing rest of your day if you have not subscribed to

my channel do it like I was gonna say same thing again I would say peace

For more infomation >> Fun at NYC Denim Days and a Very Jean Gift Bag Unboxing - Duration: 14:50.


memes I made V1 - Duration: 0:59.



A new record!

Hey, sorry I missed your call,


I'm just calling you back.

To, uhhhhhhhhhh..

Let you know dat I.

I love you.

And I missed you <:(

"Car speeding."

Merry Christmas!


T̵̻̮̠̘̪̦̺̱̼̃̋̆͒̔̔̈́̒͠H̶̭̫̜͇̤̹̜̺̽̀̉̂͋͑̓̐̈̀̀̓Ȃ̴̜̝̣̟̬̯̥͔̫̆N̷̮͎͖͍̦͐́̾ͅÓ̶̜̭̻̺̙̟̻͌̿́̐̆S̶̛͍̗͎͑̚ ̷̨̛̟̮̞̭͈̥͙̹͗͆͋̒͊̂̋̒̀́̓C̸̢̡̧͓̬̤̮̋͒Ạ̴̪̭̤͔̫̤̬̒̃͑̏͌͆Ŕ̵̮͖̑͛̋̀͘



Come out here boy.

Mr Krabs?





Say ByeBye, To Your Licence


"ʞɹoM ʇɐ uǝW Plays, but it's upside down."

For more infomation >> memes I made V1 - Duration: 0:59.


Create Dynamic Product Ads on Facebook To Promote Blogposts | Create Facebook Product Catalogs - Duration: 17:43.

hey everyone this is Viren and welcome

back to my youtube channel for another

marketing tutorial now this is an

extremely interesting one a lot of

people have been asking me to do this

tutorial in this tutorial I'm going to

show you how you can take all your blog

posts so if you're running a blog like

me this is my blog and there are about

40 50 posts here for different subjects

you can collect all your posts and

create dynamic Facebook ads so you will

define one large audience and Facebook

will automatically decide which article

to show to which user based on which

sort of audience that's responding to

your ads this is extremely similar in

fact this is what a lot of e-commerce

sites do as well where they will create

a catalogue of the product which

basically means like an excel sheet

which has a list of all their products

and they will just upload one product

feed to Facebook and then they will

start advertising and a lot of times

what you might have noticed is if you're

searching for a product on Amazon and

you immediately start seeing ads for

similar products from Amazon on Facebook

or Instagram this is exactly what is

happening so you can even use Facebook

pixel to see who is clicking on these

ads and showing them related ads there

are a lot of possibilities but in this

tutorial I'm going to show you how to

basically set this up for a blog that is

what I'm running here so it will be of

great help if you have Facebook pixel

set up I'm gonna go into my ads manager

here and go to pixels click on that this

is the pixel I'd set up for my site now

I'm not gonna show you again how to set

up the pixel however I will link up the

videoed in a card right here you can

click on it and what's that you totally

if you want to set up a pixel this is

not absolutely necessary for this

tutorial for you to do but then

I'd recommend doing it what I'm getting here is a

page view whenever someone opens any

page on my website that is all it is now

in order to get started with this ad

Facebook dynamic ads you will first have

to create a product feed now Facebook by

default does not give an option for

bloggers to create something like this

so what we will do is create a product

feed but for our blog which means that

there'll be a lot of fields like

availability price of the product and

stuff like that and we will just have to

work around that and I'll show you how

so first you need to make a Google sheet

I'm going to show you one that I've

already created this is the one this is

basically a Google sheet you can go to and create a spreadsheet

these are the columns you need to add

I'm going to share the link to this feed

on the description below you can check

it out check out this one that I made

and probably make a copy you need to

give all your blog links an id

this is something I've exported right

out of WordPress so you can do that as

well if you're running your block on

WordPress or or you can just create one


now availability and condition is a

field that facebook requires but since

we are working with blog links and not

exactly products which is gonna write in

stock and new for everything there's a

description there's an image link the

image needs to be big enough for

Facebook to use for ads so do make sure

you follow those guidelines and this is

basically a link to my site where the

image for this post is that this is the

link of the post the post title now

price is something again Facebook

requires you to add to this product

feed but since these are blog posts I've

marked price default as 0 and finally is

something called brand where I've just

mentioned mine

this is the basic set up all of these

field are required there are a lot of

other fields that you can add if you are

actually doing dynamic ads for your

products you can go check it out I'll

leave a link to this on the description

as well where you can see the template

that Facebook advises you to use for

your product feed anyway once this is

done you're gonna go to file and publish

to the web so we need to create a link

to sheet 1 which

is where the blog has been listed and

create a CSV now there are other content

and setting changes there is

automatically republish when changes are

made that's perfect so whenever I add a

new row I make a new post and add to

this sheet it'll automatically get

updated on Facebook so let's just click

on publish are you sure you want to

publish okay and once the publishing is

done you will get this link and you need

to copy this link we'll use this to

import all of these blog posts on

Facebook now next step is go back to

Facebook Ads manager and here let's go

under catalogues which is under assets

here you will first have to select a

category for your catalogue now like I

told you Facebook does not have a

catalogue for blog posts but we are

trying to create one anyways so we're

going to use e-commerce that's the

template we chose and click on next who

owns this catalog you can select either

a business account or personal account

of selected a personal account give this

catalog a name and create catalog

created now we add products to it these

are the options we can use to add feeds

you can either add them manually here or

you can use a data feed which we are

going to do and there's also connect

Facebook pixel so if you had Facebook

pixels connected whenever a pixel got

fired for

a page on my blog it'll automatically

get added to the data feed so unless the

Facebook pixel is fired for a page it

will never get added to the feed but we

which is going to keep it simple we're

going to use use data feeds click on

next do you want to download CSV

template follow the guide we don't need

this because we've already setup one for

ourselves do you want to upload one so

you want to set a schedule where the

feed is automatically updated I'm going

to set a schedule you're going to begin

by adding the data feed URL so we'll

just copy and paste this link from here

now if this is linking to some URL which

is password-protected and needs that

username password you can add that here

but we really don't need to schedule how

how frequently should Facebook go to

this link and fetch new URLs so I

usually make post once every week or

twice every week so I'm just going to

say every Monday

10:00 p.m. choose a name that will help

you find this data field later

and finally set a default currency again

it does not matter to us but I'm gonna

select Indian rupee anywhere and start upload

the data feed uploading is done now

based on the list size and a lot of

other factors this might take a bit of

time but for me at least it got done in

less than a minute let's view the

products this is beautiful as you can

see all my content has been imported and

we can now go right ahead and start

creating ads so let's go into the ads

manager create a new campaign and this

time we're going to select catalog sales

select the catalog click on continue now

let's create an ad set so first of all

you need to select if you are trying to

create an ad for all products or a

specific segment of your product right

now I'm going to leave this at all

products but let me just show you how

you can filter so these are all the four

seven products as you can see and these

are all the different categories with

which you can filter but these have to

be added to the product XML for you to

be able to filter this as you can see I

had just added one brand viren baid if

I had added multiple brands to the CSV

this sheet right here I could have

filtered easily right here but for now

let me just create one for all products

now we need to define an audience so use

info from your pixel or app to create

retargeting audience or define a broad

audience and let Facebook optimize who

sees your product so if your website has

a lot of viewers you can use that info

from your pixel and create retargeting

audience for yourself where you can

select which events you want to include

in this and whenever that event is fired

by a user they get added to this

retargeting audience but for me right

now since my website does not have that

many users I'm going to define a broad

audience and let Facebook optimize who

sees it

there you go i've selected an audience for myself

selected a very broad audience with

the reach of about 2200 to 11,000 people

everyday and the estimated conversion is

7 to 33 that's pretty low

anyway let's go ahead and select

placements so I'm going to edit

placements and I want to show these ads

only on Facebook feed not on Marketplace

Instagram feed sure

not on audience Network and not on

messenger now remember to show these ads

on Facebook the images right here on

your XML need to be at least greater

than 600 into 600 pixels so make sure

that's set in place and now select a

budget I'm gonna select something very

small since I'm just showing you this

tutorial run my ad set continuously

starting today you can set the

optimization for ad delivery as a

conversion event here so so far on the

previous tutorials you've only seen link

clicks and impressions but now we can

actually set this to conversion events

you can select a conversion window now

what is conversion window mean if a user

sees the ad on day one and then ends up

on your website on day six then Facebook

is going to count that conversion as

coming from Facebook so the conversion

window is going to be seven days if you

change this to one day what this means

is that from clicking on the add to the

event actually being triggered the

conversion time has to be less than one

day only then this it gets attributed to

this ad you can also change it to one

day click or view here what it means is

that from seeing the ad or clicking the

ad when the user ends up firing the

conversion event it's going to they're

going to get attributed to this ad so

I'm just going to select a 7 or 1 day

click the event is view content there

are other events here as well now

remember you can only do this if you

have Facebook pixel set up if you

haven't I had a link posted on this

tutorial in off the cards right here you

can check it out now the bid strategy

you can either set a lowest gap or you

can set a target cost how much you're

willing to pay per conversion or the

lowest gap set a cap on how much you're

willing to pay per conversion if you

select bid this means that Facebook will

not charge more than 7,000 per

conversion if you click on course

Facebook is going to try and make the

average cost per conversion at 7,000 but

this is wait why I select my average

conversion is 1 rupee you also get

charged for impressions here and you

don't get charged for conversions the

delivery type is standard and not

accelerated let's click on continue and

now we need to create the ad so you can

select the ad format as carousal single

images or collection I'm gonna stick to

carousal now let's look at the content

for the ad content display options

there's something called show individual

items or show item categories since the

the feed that we sent and had no

categories defined we're going to stick to

show individual items next we write the

ad text let me just quickly add

something here

this is very crappy content to be honest

but I'm just writing anything for now

add a card with a fixed image video

slideshow at the beginning I don't need

that and a call at the end with your

profile picture sure we can do that now

if you have multiple images for each

product on your catalogue on the product

feed then you can select this option

where you can show a slideshow whenever

available but we have just one image

linked with each blog post so I'm just

going to select images the see more URL is just

my blog link the see more display link

will be the headline now

the great thing here is that you can add

from the product feed so the headline is

going to be the product name there you

go the news feed description link is

going to be the description from the

product feed the call to action will

need to change this to open link or you

can also change it to no button what

this means is that there is more space

for content so to be honest I would

prefer this because at least the titles

are going to be visible and you can add

an app link but that is something we

don't need this is again for product

feeds URL parameters of course the

Facebook pixel running is viren baid

click on continue and that's it the ad

is live this is the ad set and this is

the ad we had created


and remember what we had selected facebook

is automatically going to decide which

users should see which kind of blogs but

a more cleaner away with for this would be

to actually add categories as well where

I could have added categories for

social media or Facebook LinkedIn

snapchat different kinds of tutorials

that I have AdWords tutorials

analytics tutorials and then I could have

created separate ads for each of them

would have been a much more cleaner way as

I said in the beginning this is

something you can use for actual product

ads as well if you're running an

e-commerce store if you want a specific

tutorial for that I do let me know in

the comment section below and I'll be

happy to create something where you can

create a product feed from Shopify

or WordPress and link it up with your

Facebook Ads manager and that's about it

for this tutorial I hope I was able to

teach you something new and add value to

you if I did please hit the thumbs up

button comment and let me know and

subscribe to my channel for more

marketing content if you're looking to

have a one-on-one session with me the

best way to reach me is through

Instagram the link is right here thank


For more infomation >> Create Dynamic Product Ads on Facebook To Promote Blogposts | Create Facebook Product Catalogs - Duration: 17:43.


報復來了?以色列軍事顧問被打死,俄特種兵深夜清除行動取得完勝 - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 報復來了?以色列軍事顧問被打死,俄特種兵深夜清除行動取得完勝 - Duration: 5:41.


My Record Collection - Duration: 29:37.

Hey, everyone!

So today, I thought I'd do something a little different, something I really haven't done


Although, it's a theme.

Something I have - I haven't done this before - I've done related things.

But today, I kinda want to take you through my record collection, because I've been collecting

vinyl for a little over a year now.

While I'm pretty thrifty with the way I collect vinyl, and I don't really go out of my way

to like, go through vinyl - go to vinyl shops that much, I do think I've amassed a pretty

good collection in the last couple years.

And I really like what I have and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

And also, there's gonna be a special surprise at the end.

I wonder if it has to do with this box right here.

Let's start with the one we've got up here!

Hayley Kiyoko's Expectations.

I love this album so much.

And she posted this image to twitter, but it kinda - and this is all of the lyrics - a

little packet that comes with it - and when you open it up, It's like, pretty cool, pretty


It's got some lyrics and it's got some images behind it, but then, aah I can't show this

because male and female beauty standards are different, butI think you get the picture.

Also, you can see this image on instagram now, but I literally screamed when I opened

this up, so, there's that.

And like, look, it's like the album - she's there, she's not!

'Cause, cause that's the progression of the album, it's her, like, leaving to be free

- spoiler alert if you haven't listened to the album.

But that's what it is.

Also, I got the Urban Outfitters exclusive one, so it's green - I don't know if you can

see that it's kinda see-through and tie-dye and green, but it is so cool, and I really

like it, and yeah.

I've been listening to this nonstop because 20gayteen, guys.

It's 20gayteen.

You gotta

But, yeah.

This is Expectations by Hayley Kiyoko.

I really love this album.

And if you follow me on Twitter, and -yeah, mostly twitter- you'll probably recognize

some of the albums and the artists I'm gonna talk about, since I tend to hype them up a

lot on the twitters.

'Cause I really enjoy talking about my favorite things.


Next one!

Let's do the teeny-tiny ones first.

These are the first two vinyl little records that I got with my record player for Christmas,

and they were a dollar each and it was a cute little present to go with this really beautiful

lovely gift.

And it's Billy Ocean and Kenny G. Clearly my parents' taste and not mine, but I still

enjoy it and it's still really nice to have something vintage and a little bit older and


So there's that.


Here is something I got on independent record store day.

Indie record store day.

Record store day.

I don't know what it's called, but you know what I'm talking about if you're watching

this video and you're into vinyl.

But this is Snow Patrol's Don't Give In, which is part of their Wildness album.

I don't know if you guys noticed, but I really like Snow Patrol.

But yeah, so this just has two songs off of Wildness, and I was really excited to get

it because the vinyl hadn't released yet - or the album hadn't come out yet for - yeah.

The album hadn't come out yet, so this was a promo little package and while I had already

listened to the songs because I went and saw them in concert beforehand, I just - I needed

something Snow Patrol and physical, and this is my first vinyl from Snow Patrol.

And it's so beautiful.

Also - is it a fun color?

No, it's not a fun color, it's just black, but still looks pretty!

It's really pretty, and look at this gradient!

It's a pretty subtle gradient, on this side it goes from like beige-ish to pinkish, and

on this side it's more pinkish.

I think it's really pretty and I'm just really feeling the aesthetics of this era of Snow


And the music is so good.

More on that later.

I wonder if you guys've solved the mystery of what it is.

This is another little independent record store day one.

It's for the Spongebob Squarepants Musical.

Which my friend Kellie, who you've heard of many times if you haven't seen her, loves.

She loves the Spongebob Squarepants Musical and I was like "I'm at Independent Record

Store Day.

This is in front of me.

I'm gonna get it!"

And it's really cool-looking.

It's clear and it's got this splashy effect.

It has "No Good Control," "The Spongebob Squarepants Theme," and "Just a Simple Sponge," which

is the Panic!

At the Disco song.

I love Panic!, so that was fun to get and was fairly cheap, considering it's an exclusive


And I was like "I'm gonna get it!"

This one is - speaking of Panic! at the Disco, Panic! at the Disco - A Fever You Can't Sweat


I bought this from Urban because I was already buying the Expectations album - 'cause that

green one was an Urban Exclusive - so I was like, I might as well get this.

So I got it.

I really like it.

It's Panic! at the Disco.

You can't go wrong.

I feel like I sound like John Mulaney.

I feel like I have his tone right now.

But that's okay.

It's okay to have his tone.


This one I really like.

It's A Capitol Christmas and it's the Capitol Records Christmas compilation and it is four

massive vinyl records and it has All of the People, all of the classic beautiful Christmas


And it's lovely.

It's got Frank Sinatra singing Have Yourself a Merry Christmas, Nat King Cole the Christmas

Song, oh my god, so many people.

A lot of people I also hadn't heard of, and it was really interesting to kind of research


But like, Ella Fitzgerald, Bing Crosby, it's like, ya can't go wrong.

I got this from Barnes and Noble, actually.

Support your indie bookstores.

But, yeah, I got this from Barnes and Noble around Christmas time, and I was very excited

about it.

And I could, like, share it with my family, which was nice because we are hardcore Christmas


And this one, also - what's really cool about this specific packaging is that it has information

on all of the artists, so if there's someone you hadn't heard of, you could read about

them, which is cool.

I've already actually unboxed this for you guys.

You've seen this one already.

This is the blue La La Land that I got from VNYL when I was subscribed to them.

And I did a few VNYL Unboxings on my channel last year, when I was getting them regularly.

So yeah, this is that.

I really love La La Land, it's a great movie.

Great score, soundtrack.


As you can tell, I kinda like the classic stuff a little bit, or things that kinda feel

classic and jazzy.

But then, but then, but then.

(sings) I stay out to late, got nothin' in my brain, that's what people say.


(Talking) I really really love Taylor Swift.

So, during record store day, I saw that Taylor was doing exclusive clear vinyls of some of

her albums, and don't have her vinyls.

So I was like "Yes.

I'm Doin' It."

And they were quite expensive so I only got two of them.

But, yeah.

Look at it!

It's pink and clear and lovely.

And the other one is white and clear like this - translucent color.

And I really love 1989.

It's like, sonically cohesive, for all you Swifties out there, you know what I'm talking


It's just such a solid album.

And I love Reputation.

I don't have the Reputation vinyl, just 'cause I spent so much money on those tickets that

I can't justify spending more money on Taylor Swift right now.

But this was worth it.

I really love 1989 and it's also my sister's favorite Swift album, and I live with my sister,

so it's nice to share.

It's one of those records I can keep playing even when she comes in.

She doesn't stop me from playing it like she sometimes does with Expectations.

The gay is to strong for her.

But speaking of Taylor, I also got the Fearless Platinum Edition album, which is the album

that really got me hooked on Taylor Swift in the first place.

I remember freshman year of high school, I would listen to Forever and Always (Piano

Version) over and over and over and over again.

It's one of my favorite by Taylor Swift, although my all-time favorite is The Last Time featuring

Gary Lightbody and you guys know why.

It's because the frontman of Snow Patrol is doing a duet with Taylor Swift.

It's amazing.

It's amazing.

But yeah, Fearless Platinum Edition, again, it's like a clear vinyl situation, which is

pretty cool.

Not much that's special about it otherwise, but it's got 2 vinyls again, so four sides.

It's really great, of course, 'cause it's Taylor Swift.

But yeah, this has some of my favorite songs.

Oh, I didn't realize Breathe had the feature on it.

It says "Breathe featuring Colbie Cailat," and on the version that I have in iTunes,

it doesn't say "featuring."



But yeah, the Best Day, which is the song about her mom is on here, and the Way I Loved

You, aaahhh such good songs.

Forever and Always Piano Version, Jump Then Fall, oh so these are the exclusive ones,

these first three that make it the Platinum Edition.

And everything else, yeah everything - oh and Superstar - yeah everything else was on

the original album, I believe.

So, that's cool.

And look, since it's the old one, it still has the MySpace website and it doesn't have

any twitter or anything.


And I got the 87th one, out of 3750 that were exclusive for Record Store Day.

That's cool.

I'm discovering things along with you.


Next one, you guys will like this one.

(sings) I missed you dearly (stops singing) Oh.

That's not a song on here.

Dear Happy is not a song on there.

It's my favorite dodie song, but I love Dodie so much.

Bisexual icon.


Lovely human being.

Also my age and like so much more accomplished than me and I'm so jealous.

But here's a picture of me and her, meeting at one of her concerts in New York.

The concert that she called the Best Gig Ever.

I don't know if she says that at all of her concerts though.

But yeah, it was like her and Tessa Violet and Jon Cozart and Rusty?

Maybe Rusty Clanton was there?

I don't know.

I don't remember.

He's kinda irrelevant.

Although don't tell Dodie that because one of her favorite songs is by Rusty Clanton.

But yeah, it has six songs - it's her EP, You.

Ooh, Secret for the Mad is also one of my favorites.

6/10 is one of my favorites, In the Middle is, the Instrumental one that feels like it's

out of La La Land, all of these are amazing songs.

Yeah, I just really like Dodie.

And oh, the album itself is white, with yellow.

So sometimes when it's spinning, it reminds me of an egg.

Like a sunny-side up egg.

I don't think that's what Dodie was going for, I think she was going for Dodie Yellow,

but egg.


But yeah.

I love her, I love her music.

I love her personality, too.

I really like that she's doing the thing where she's still - she's not ashamed to be a Youtuber

while being a musician.

Y'know, she's both and she's very solidly both and owns both, which I really appreciate

about her.


Yeah. one!

Happy 20GayTeen, guys.

More gay stuff.

Tegan and Sara.

I love them.

They're great.

You guys know who they are.

This is also a white vinyl.

Is that a thing?

And it's got purple in the middle and I love these colors together.

This is like a cream white, which I really like, and it's got that marbling effect.

And yeah, this is a really good album by Tegan and Sara.

I don't know what else to say about it.

I listened to Queery podcast, I started listening to that, which is with Cameron Esposito, and

she interviewed Tegan and Sara individually, and it was so cool.

It was so good.

It was just two great hours of listening to Tegan and Sara talk about...just so many things.

Their career, their queerness, their sisterhood, their family, everything.

Like, everything about it was great.

Their activism.

So even more than their music, listen to this interview.

But I really like having this album.

It's just one of those that's just great to have.

And it's not one I listen to as much, just 'cause, like, it's not as dance-y, but.

What's my favorite song off this again?

I really like Stop Desire.

That's a really dance-y song.

And there's some really cool background around White Knuckles that's really interesting,

so if you're interested in that, go for it.

Look it up.


This one is cool.

This, I also got from Record Store Day.This is Tank and the Bangas.

They were featured on Tiny Desk Concert - NPR's Tiny Desk, and I kinda got obsessed with them

and then I saw this at Record Store Day and I was like YES I need this.

But look, look at this.

This is so cool.

I love this packaging so much.

You open it.


It's got a full design on the inside that you can't see unless you take the album out!

And also the album - the vinyl is the same color as this yellow, this mustard yellow,

which is really nice.

It's a very chill EP.

It's all live.

It was all done live.

And some of it, I think, is freestyle, which is awesome.

But they're like, like the songs are like five to eight minutes long.

And it's just like, it keeps going and going and going and it feels like a modern version

of jazz and I really love it.

And they're awesome.

You should listen to them.

They're amazing.

It's just so much fun to listen to and there's something different happening at every turn.

So cool.

It's like one of those where first you want to sit down and listen but then you start

grooving and you're like dancing by the end of it.

But also feeling things.

And it's really great.

Next one is Marina and the Diamonds, which, I don't listen to this album that much.

I got this off of VNYL, so I got it over a year and a half ago now.

But it's a solid album to have.

And I really love the song Happy.

It's so good.

Yeah, I just really enjoy that song.

It's so heartfelt and it's one of those songs that, like, you listen to in the middle of

the night and you're just like yes.

This is how I feel now, and I can go to sleep now without feeling stressed.

It's a good album.

It's a shame I don't listen to it enough.

We got this piece of trash.


Oh, this is another one I got off of vinyl.

It's not my favorite.

This is the rock album, and Waves and Cloud Nothings are two *albums who did a collaboration.

I don't know, I kinda liked it, but not my favorite thing in the world.

I don't know.

Oh this the one that's like, hip hop-y.

But I just think it's too short.

Honestly, like I just, I think when I first listened to it, I was like "Wait, that's it?

Like, where's the rest of it?"

It kinda feels like an incomplete EP.

Because it's like "Intro, the song, Interlude, another song, outro!" and then the other side

is like, "Instrumental, instrumental," like, it just doesn't feel like enough, which is

a weird thing to say about an album.

But pretty cool.

This is Link Up and Suede.

There is this one, which I also got through VNYL, yeah I think we're approaching the stuff

I don't listen to as much anymore.

But yeah, it was a really, it feels like a super experimental album, and I don't think

I've given this one a fair shot, really, 'cause I think I listened to it when I got the vinyl

and then a little bit after, and then never again.

So I kinda need to give it a better shot.

And also it's by someone who I believe is if not South Asian, Middle Eastern?

So that's pretty cool.

Oooh, this is another Record Store Day one that I got.

It's just like one of those that's awesome to have.

Compton's Most Wanted.

Like, if you like hip hop, like, at all, you have to have this album, basically.

This one has things like Use a Bitch, Compton for Life, Hood Took Me Under, things like


Dead Men Tell No Lies.

So, it's a good one to have.

Aah, we're approaching some more stuff I like.

This is Lady Sings the Blues, Billie Holiday.

I'm obsessed with Billie Holiday.

I love everything about her.

This is (sings) Lady Sings The Blues I can't sing as well as her.

(talks) But yeah, this has some really great songs, and it's nice to listen to straight

through, just like, have a cup of coffee and chill.

And I've started listening to more vinyl as I embroider 'cause, like I said in my last

video, I've been embroidering a lot.

It's becoming a thing.

This is one of those things that's just calming, and you're sewing and you're listening to

this kind of jazz, blues, and it's nice, and speaking of Billie, here's another Billie


This one is Billie Holiday at Storyville.

And I really like these Storyville ones because it's a full live performance, so you hear

the clapping at the beginning and the end, you could hear the introduction at the beginning,

and it's just got some amazing songs.

And live versions of these songs, which is really cool.

So yeah, really great album, again.

It's Billie Holiday.

How much more can you say about Billie Holiday that hasn't already been said before?


Ooh, this is one that was such a steal.

And such a good find.

Star Wars London Philharmonic is the A-side and the B-side is Space Odyssey.

Yeah, including the theme from 2001 a Space Odyssey.

So, it's really cool.

It's, like, the songs we all know and love from Star Wars.

Main title, Imperial Attack, Princess Leia's Theme, which is my favorite.

And it was such a steal, I got this off the street.

And it was in great condition.

And I got it for like 10 bucks.

And it's like a live orchestra doing this.

And it was so cool.

It's so cool that I have this.

I'm obsessed with it, a little bit.

I just think I got so lucky getting it when I did, 'cause you know that it would have

been sold immediately after, too.

I was just like, a little bit early and on the way to class and I just decided to browse

through the records and I saw this one, and I was like, I am getting this.

And then, it was actually the shopkeeper person who was like, Let me show it to you before

you just purchase it.

So he showed it to me and was like "yeah, it's in good condition, you're fine."

And I was like "That is incredibly nice of you."

And I got it for ten bucks.

Like, what a steal.

Some more jazz with Louis Armstrong, which is always great.

Again, it's jazz.

It's Louis Armstrong.

What can I say about Louis Armstrong that hasn't been said?

He's a genius on the trumpet.

And this is another one of those, like, live ones.

I think Black Line Records does these ones.

Like, the Billie Holiday Storyville one and this one is Basin Street Blues.

And it's another live show sort of deal.

And it's really cool.

Yeah, it's recorded in concert, July 1956.

And there's like a Thelonius Monk one, a Miles Davis one, Duke Ellington, that I should get.

I'll get it eventually.

It'll happen.

No worries.

And then my last vinyl in my little vinyl collection is Adele, 21.

I love Adele.

Like, it's Adele.

This also was a gift when I got the record - the record player and the other two vinyls.

And it was also when 25 was just released and I love 25, but like, 21 is how everyone

discovered Adele and fell in love with her and I love Adele.

And I love a lot of these people and a lot of these artists and albums and I'm just really

enjoying the journey of being a record collector, a vinyl record collector.

It's really cool to experience something and, like, be a collector and sort of, learning

more about the art of collecting something.

The only other thing I collect is books, and that I don't really care about the condition

as long as it's new.

And if I have a signed copy or something, that's a different story.

But that's what I do for a living at the moment.

I'm a bookseller.

I work at a bookstore, so it's like one of those things I know about and I buy books

sometimes, and like I have way too many of them.

But this is something new.

This is something I haven't done all my life.

And I've always loved music, so it's really nice to experience a different side of music

and a different side of something that has so much history behind it, which records do.

And also, it makes me feel a little bit hipster, which is mostly a bad thing but sometimes

a good thing.

So yeah, what are your thoughts on these albums?

Are there any suggestions you have?

Anything I should listen to or be on the lookout for to buy next?


I forgot about the surprise.


One last thing before you go.

I have one more album that is the newest thing that I have.

And I haven't opened it yet 'cause I wanted to open it on camera.

And I think some of you already know what it is.

You guys caught the hints at the beginning of the video.

But let's open her up.

I'm so excited for it.

Yeah, so I haven't actually given this vinyl a listen since it came in, but - come on.

Come out!

Come to me my record.

Oh, there's tape here that I could've cut.

I'll be right back.

(clears throat) And I'm back.


There's tape here that I can cut, and then it'll open up easily, which I should have

thought of beforehand.

Yup, there it is.

There it's not.

Okay, here it is.

I'm wondering if you can see it already.

I think you know what it is now!


It's Snow Patrol's Wildness, the full album.

It's blue!

It's so beautiful and ooh, there are four sides, and it's got all of the Wildness songs

and I really love it.

And I'm gonna open her up a little bit.

Let's see - I pressed too hard and it kinda chafed.

Oh no.

Oh well.

If it wasn't gonna happen now, it was gonna happen later because I'm gonna listen the

heck out of this one.

Oh yeah, it's got like a really - it's not a smooth feel.

It's kind of like a matte paper feel, which is interesting.

It's a choice.

Let's see how the vinyls look themselves.

So this is all the lyrics.

And here is one of the vinyls.

It's so blue!

It's so blue.

It's so pretty.

So my favorite song off of this is What If This Is All The Love You'll Ever Get, which

is on side B, it's one of my favorite songs.

I also really love Life on Earth and Youth Written in Fire.

Don't Give In is alright, too.

I'm sure I'll have new favorites as I go on, like I do with all of Snow Patrol's songs.

But if you want to know all of my all-time favorite Snow Patrol songs, or my favorite

lyrics from Snow Patrol songs, definitely check out that video.

Let's see if the other one looks any different.

It'll probably be the same.

Let's see, oh!

No, it's not!

It's white!

Oh I really like that.

This one's white.

It's got side C, which is the deluxe versions of Life on Earth and Don't Give In, which

are acoustic and better, in my opinion.

And then we've got Side D, which is Heal Me Acoustic, What if this is all the Love You'll

Ever Get Acoustic, and Soon Acoustic.


This is awesome.

I'm so happy I got this.

I really love the lyrics of Life on Earth, so I'm really excited that I have the vinyl

for this album now.

And it's my first full Snow Patrol album vinyl, and this era is just the era of Snow Patrol

for me.

Snow Patrol vinyl.

And it was 20 extra dollars to get it signed, so I didn't get it signed by the band, but

Gary Lightbody, Johnny McDaid, Nathan Connolly, Johnny Quinn, if you guys are watching, for

some reason, ummm, hit me up.

Maybe I could send this to you.

Maybe you could sign it.

Maybe something could happen.

I know you guys are super busy touring Europe instead of America, but maybe I'll see you

at one of Ed Sheeran's concert.

I'm still not sure if I'm going, since I've already seen them live and there's only a

finite amount of concert money I have.

But I really want to.

'Cause I like Ed Sheeran.

No matter how much shade I throw him for being super pop.

He's Taylor Swift's best friend and also these guys's best friend.

Like, it's hard for me not to like him.

But yeah, okay.

So I finally opened that.

And I'm gonna give it a listen.

So I will see you guys next time.


Special thanks to Jay Patel, Chris Lawrence, Carl Reimann, John E. Norem, and Shrenik Shah

for being my patrons over the last couple months.

If you would like to support my video work, head on over to my Patreon and check out the


For more infomation >> My Record Collection - Duration: 29:37.


Joey Vantes - Push (ft. Kevmo) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:01.

[Chorus: Joey Vantes] Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge

I'm tryin' not to lose my head Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge

I'm tryin' not to lose my head I'm 'bout to lose my head (I'm about)

I'm 'bout to lose my head I'm 'bout to lose my head (yeah)

I'm 'bout to lose it

[Verse 1: Joey Vantes] Sittin' in my room with the lights off

With my phone dead silent 'cause I might off Hunched overdosing miligrams to fight off

Everybody else is happy, this is mein kampf You don't understand how I've always been

the outcast Only in your circle 'cause you need me for

some quick cash Heard 'bout what you said and how you feel

it's time for outlash Just leave me alone, I hate addition so I

subtract It's like I'm drownin' in my own bath

Every day I think it's my last I need help, yet I hold back

This is more than just a playback

[Chorus: Joey Vantes] Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge

I'm tryin' not to lose my head Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge

I'm tryin' not to lose my head I'm 'bout to lose my head (I'm about)

I'm 'bout to lose my head I'm 'bout to lose my head (yeah)

I'm 'bout to lose it

[Verse 2: Kevmo] I'm about to lose my head

Push me to the edge (ooh) Got some kerosene out here lurking

Please don't mock me Please don't mock my burdens (yeah)

They all see me living on the edge Y'all just probably want to see me dead

Ooh, judge me for what's all up in my head Whoa, hey girl I know you like me even when

I just got some stuff I need to say Aye, yeah I like your taste dripping wallet

Cardi aye

[Chorus: Joey Vantes] Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge

I'm tryin' not to lose my head Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge

I'm tryin' not to lose my head I'm 'bout to lose my head (I'm about)

I'm 'bout to lose my head I'm 'bout to lose my head (yeah)

I'm 'bout to lose it

For more infomation >> Joey Vantes - Push (ft. Kevmo) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:01.


Christian Siriano - Duration: 25:37.

For more infomation >> Christian Siriano - Duration: 25:37.


Phát Quà Trung Thu Và Trao 55 Phần Học Bổng Cho Các Em Học Sinh Nghèo Ở Quê | DÂN MIỀN TÂY - Duration: 27:48.

For more infomation >> Phát Quà Trung Thu Và Trao 55 Phần Học Bổng Cho Các Em Học Sinh Nghèo Ở Quê | DÂN MIỀN TÂY - Duration: 27:48.


Don't Look Back In Anger --- But Look How Far You've Come! - Duration: 6:42.

Don't forget to look back.

No anger like Oasis but see how far you've come.

I'm sorry for making you think of Oasis, why are you thinking about business.

You can get it out of your head. Don't look back in anger.

I heard you say that. You're running your business, you likely have been for a while. If you're anything like me,

you spent quite a lot of time thinking about the business you're trying to build and grow

looking forward to necessary part.

But building your business, that's how you think about what you need to do next

and that's how you keep yourself focused on making sure you do to those things that you're doing mixed.

How can you head towards your goal if you haven't got your goal in mind?

You won't mind and the science is clear. A lot of my teaching about strategy and having a vision

of where you want to go is very clear. You need to know where you want to go you need to think about it some

so you can head there and so you can think about what needs to happen on the way.

And of course, you probably know I'm a business coach for tradies

and you probably know that one of the first things we do is think about where we want to go.

We draw a picture of what business you want to build in the future

and we make a plan of how we're going to get from where we are today to that beautiful thing that you want.

So we're very forward-looking all the time. We spend a lot of time looking forward

thinking about what to do next. I said, we then, we don't think about what we need to do next.

We think about what you need to do next

and I leave you alone to do it while I help you do it or I help you find resources

to help you do it. I'm the coach, I can do anything.

But apart from that, we make a plan for how we're going to get you there and I spend a lot of my time with you

thinking about what you need to be doing and helping you do it.

And this future focus, like I've said is great and it's necessary

if you want to be the person who gets things done and if you want to move towards your goal.

So that's great.

But it can have a negative pernicious effect as well.

When the going gets a bit tough

and your goal that's so motivating at first seems impossibly distant,

it doesn't motivate you like it needs to and it can make the going even tougher.

When you're doing something difficult

or something didn't really go to plan properly or something came out of the blue

and gave you a smack in the face,

then that distant goal isn't helping you much.

A much of the psychology in the literature and some of those smug f*ckers on Facebook

who are already successful, much of what they talked about is breaking goals down so that you've got a goal

three years ago away, that's you're 5 million but this year you goes a million which means that this month

he goals 80,000 all that stuff breaking your goals and that's all valid

and it has effect on your brain of giving you immediate reward when you have some small success

but it really only helps when you are making a bit of progress and sometimes in business,

you don't make any progress for a little while. You get stuck or you get smashed by something

or something happens and then you feel like you stuck and no goals and looking forward

will help you feel better and it helped me get motivated again.

And sometimes what we find ourselves doing in business coaching is having a pause

and looking back and reflecting on how far we've come.

We usually have come a distance. We usually have made progress. We usually have improved the situation

and we look at the strategy and we tick off things that we've achieved and things that we've made better

and we look at the revenue and see if that's increased and we look at the gross margins and see if they're better

and we look at the net profits every month

and see if they're better. I have my clients, if I can plot a graph monthly of revenue,

gross profit and net profit and see if the lines go up and if they're going up,

we can see that we're making that progress.

I ask people to think about how much money there is around and if cash flow feels a bit better.

I get people to think about how many hours a week they're working, whether they feel a bit less

under pressure to work. I ask people to think about how stressed they feel and whether they feel any better.

I'm looking at halfback and thinking about how far you've come.

It's really helpful.

I'm particularly helpful when it's a bit hard.

So let's be honest. If you have ambitious goal like I do, there'll be times when it feels like it's not really working

and you wonder if you should give it up.

Usually you shouldn't

and it's just because you feel bad so a tool like looking back and seeing how far you've come

and realizing that you're on a journey although there's a long way still to go.

You've actually come quite a long way already. It's really helpful in terms of your motivation,

really helpful in terms of renewing your determination to keep pushing on through that difficult bit.

It's worse isn't it if you look around on social media and you see how much better than you everyone else

seems to be doing, "I certainly get that". There seem to be millions

of business coaches out there making loads, more money than me. Driving Ferraris,

traveling around the world, having lovely holidays.

It's important that I do this to myself and look back and see 'how I was a couple of years ago

and where I am now, realised I've made progress and things are better. I'm not worrying too much

about what those other guys are doing'.

So in my experience,

it helps an awful lot

to do that progress check and that really would look.

You don't have to be working with me to do this even though if I'm your coach.

That's precisely what we'll do from time to time.

If you're not working with me, do what I've suggested. Make a plan, write it down, tip things off,

pause and look at the your books and look at how much money you were making a year ago or two years ago.

Think about how hard you're working.

Of course, if you'd like to do it faster or if you'd like to put some structure into how are you growing your business,

then get in touch with me and I'll see if I can help you.

You can book a 10-minute chat and if we like each other from there, or book a full hour before you have to decide

whether you buy any coaching.

I'm going now. See you later and don't look back in anger.

For more infomation >> Don't Look Back In Anger --- But Look How Far You've Come! - Duration: 6:42.


URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Tere Tukde Khate Hai - Duration: 6:54.

Tere Tukde Khate Hai

For more infomation >> URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Tere Tukde Khate Hai - Duration: 6:54.


「到底是老虎還是貓咪?」12星座女友的強勢排行! - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> 「到底是老虎還是貓咪?」12星座女友的強勢排行! - Duration: 10:11.


PUBG Kill Compilation - SCAR + Mini14 + M16A4 + M416 + AKM + Kar98k + Grenade - Duration: 4:27.

Straight up into that window. Watch out in case the grenade fails!

That's 1.

Throwing another grenade up there. (??? the same)

*chipmunk nice*


Behind, behind!

<talking to the enemy squad:> We have hostages, don't come in!

Car coming on the road

<talking to enemy squad:> Well 1 died, but the other 1 is... oh. Sorry.

<talking to enemy squad:> I guess you can come in now.

The dude.. the friend is coming

There's 1 in the house

Come on

Knocked 1

Triple kill, yo

You saw his head Sum. (Yeah, I saw him.) ((Up close here?)) (((??? ran at red)))

He's the 1 I was busy with. (He got knocked, got knocked.)

Yeah, we're spreading, dont know why...


What are you shooting at Sum? (Just finishing.)

There. Further up the road.

??? knocked.

Let's bait him. (Question is which side he'll jump out.)

Top left

Nice bait!

*clung clung*

You saw people around the crate?

Hit him once. (I hit him with the Kar)

Then he doesn't have much HP. He still got behind the edge though.

He's running, he's running!

Knocked him


Someone is running outside

It's his mate!

Fuck! So bad of me.

*satisfied noise*

For more infomation >> PUBG Kill Compilation - SCAR + Mini14 + M16A4 + M416 + AKM + Kar98k + Grenade - Duration: 4:27.


ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត រាំវង់ស្គរដៃ បុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ | Noy Vanneth Romvong Pchum Ben - Duration: 1:02:42.

Noy Vanneth Romvong Pchum Ben

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