Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Sep 26 2018

Welcome to Insider Taipei!


I am Ryu.

And I am Yuma.

We live in Japan, our channel is about introducing Japanese culture

and teaching Japanese.

Now, Yuma and I are backstage at YouTube FanFest Taipei,

and it's time for us to interview the creators.

Let's go!

How does it feel to be part of the first YouTube FanFest here in Taipei?

We hope that the event can get bigger and bigger each year.

We didn't expect that it would be this grand,

or that there would be more than three thousand people out there.

We're nervous to death.

Actually, we started on YouTube.

Because of this platform, a lot more people know our songs.

So it's an honor to be joining this event.

It's 七月半SevenFat!

They have so many fans, Yuma and I are so excited!

So, who wants to answer?

Feel shy! Feel shy! (in Japanese)

Delicious! Delicious! (in Japanese)

The first time, the first time! (in Japanese)

A little bit, a little bit (in Japanese)

Bum bum (heartbeat)

They look alike, don't they?

I'm Taiwan's Ryu!

We really appreciate that YouTube FanFest

is giving us a chance to perform on this stage.

We're really grateful.

I feel a little bit nervous.

We're going to introduce our new theme song.

I'm afraid that if I don't speak, people will think I'm Uncle Tai.

Don't worry, we don't think that. Uncle Tai is old and he needs more rest.

And it's important because he plays a critical part in our performance.

Thanks to you both!

Both? But there's four of us!

This is the very first one!

Being a part of the first YouTube FanFest Taiwan,

being the first set of creators for this event;

I feel so honored even though it's stressful.

I hope that I get to do this again for the upcoming ones! [We feel the same way.]

What should we expect from your performance?

Thanks for watching!

Now we have to go and prepare for our performance!

Hey! If you wanna see more from us,

click on the link below and subscribe!

For more infomation >> #YTFFInsider: Taipei 2018 with RYUUUTV - Duration: 3:42.


[ENG SUB] 2018.09.22 - Gui Gui and Anna SOFINA Commercial - Duration: 0:31.


Light and natural, just like you're born with great skin.

Totally new and evolutionary Ange light and long keep liquid foundation.

No matter what, you'll always look fine and vibrant!

Even until evening, your face won't look oily!

Made up of just ten ingredients!*

Stays vibrant for a long time, looks natural and lively.

Primavista Ange.

Look bright and flawless all the time.

Japan's No. 1 selling makeup brand.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 2018.09.22 - Gui Gui and Anna SOFINA Commercial - Duration: 0:31.


嫦娥超仙下凡...單身狗神巧遇「高鐵露背正妹」!PO文跪求搭訕攻略 網笑:先學單手解扣! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 嫦娥超仙下凡...單身狗神巧遇「高鐵露背正妹」!PO文跪求搭訕攻略 網笑:先學單手解扣! - Duration: 2:54.





Ciro Gomes aos 60 anos, Passa Mal e infelizmente é internado ás pressas e Preocupa a todos - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Ciro Gomes aos 60 anos, Passa Mal e infelizmente é internado ás pressas e Preocupa a todos - Duration: 1:17.





Como surgem os furúnculos - Sintomas, Tratamento e Prevenção - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Como surgem os furúnculos - Sintomas, Tratamento e Prevenção - Duration: 4:42.


Susana e Cátia | EP. 219 | 25 de Setembro - Duration: 3:36.


- I was thinking

i'm being serious

- And since when aren't our conversations serious?

- What's gonna happen now?

now that Manuel has distributed the companies?

- I don't know, i don't work for him anymore

- He can call you again

he's gonna dedicate to petroleum

- Like i don't understand anything of petroleum...

- You were working on that when you were with him

- Yes

and then?

i went with the lesson well studied

i would say what i had to say

i would listen

and then i would report everything to manuel

- You can keep on doing it

- I'm not interested anymore

- Because it's a job that upsets you?

- No

because my professional relationship with Manuel has ended

- And the personal?

the friendship?

the loyalty?

the gratitude?

- The gratitude has already been paid for a long time now

have you seen that there's nothing that we can say

that each other believes?

how does this works?

how do we work?

- Like this

never trusting

always waiting for a betrayal

- But that's not a way to live

nor to be with someone

- It's ours

it's this complications that makes us stay

we need this

- And when that doesn't work anymore?

- We complicate a little bit more

For more infomation >> Susana e Cátia | EP. 219 | 25 de Setembro - Duration: 3:36.


Somos diferentes de você? - Dia Nacional do Surdo - Duration: 7:16.


Am I a person?

Am I a human being?

Do you see me as somebody different?

Maybe have you forgotten me?

Or maybe I am invisible?

Do I take part of this society?

Who I am, for you?

Remember. I am a human, just like you!

I am somebody.

I am here.

We are from all over Brazil and all over the world.

We are everywhere and sometimes you do not even notice.

Each one writing our own stories and learning new things.

Having their own experiences e gaining knowledge.

We are individuals like you and like anybody else.

And just like you all, we have our different personalities.

We feel happy,

We feel sad,

We fall in love,

We have fun,

We have fear,

We hate,

We fell angry,

We suffer,

We feel lonely,

We have feelings

We live in a community, we have our own culture and habits, dealing with our identity.

We are deaf.

We are deaf!

We don´t talk using gestures or mimics.

We are not only people who communicate through hands, we are much more than that.

Libras is my language.

My language.

Libras is our language, it is not a joke.

Why it would be?

People may think Libras is a joke, but it is not.

It has a past, a struggle,

back in the past when the deaf people had their hands tied

and they were forced to speak orally,

punished with candlestick

as they used their hands to talk.

But today things are different, we had overcome some obstacles.

We have the right to use Libras and this is our main goal.

And now we want our place.

We have our culture and our identity.

But we still need to fight for our place in society,

because we want to take part of it as well.

We want to access information, entertainment and get the culture sources.

We want to know what is happening in the world and

to show our own.

We want a future that we are all the same,

with no differences or prejudices. Above all, we are all humans, we are the same.

We want to keep our language, our history, our values.

The world needs more love.

Show your love and receive it back.

Only this way we can make it be a peaceful place with respect and equality.

Love change everything.

I want a better future.

The World needs more empathy.

Imagine what if all in the World were deaf? Think about it.


For more infomation >> Somos diferentes de você? - Dia Nacional do Surdo - Duration: 7:16.


How to Setup OTA Hotel in e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 1:07.

On the Hotel Setup screen, enter your license ID.

Click Next.

Tick MySQL database host.

Then hit the Next button.

Enter your MySQL admin account and password.

Then click Next.

If the details you have entered is incorrect, a reminder will appear, enter the correct details.

Then hit the Next button.

On the Database Configuration page, fill in all the details required.

Then hit the Next button.

Then fill in the details on the Website Configuration page.

Please fill in the fields as it is mandatory.

Please make sure to enter the hotel's check in and check out time.

Then click the Next button.

You will find the OTA Hotel Management Setup Wizard next.

Click the Finish button.

On the Login page, enter your username and password to access your OTA Hotel.

For more infomation >> How to Setup OTA Hotel in e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 1:07.


How to Setup Local Discount in e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 1:13.

Click the Admin tab.

Click Room Rate Setup

Click the Rates List button.

Choose the rate that you would like to add the discount to.

Click the Discounts tab.

Highlight the Add New Discount then hit the Edit button.

Enter the discount code, description and type and how this discount will be applied.

Choose the type as either percentage or amount and then add the Value.

Choose the date range on the calendar.

You can also choose the day of the week when this will be applicable.

Fill in the remaining discount details.

A reminder will then pop up saying "Criteria cannot be used on OTA rates", click OK.

Click OK again on the pop up window.

Hit OK on the reminder window again.

Enter the dates on the Black Out section if you wish to add.

Then hit the Add button.

Repeat the same steps for adding black out dates.

To delete a black out date, highlight the date and click the Del button.

Tick the Active and Exclusive Use, to make the discount active.

Hit the Save button.

Click OK on the pop up screen.

Highlight the discount you have created and then click Edit to view the details.

To delete the discount, highlight it then click Del button.

Then click OK on the Delete? pop up screen.

For more infomation >> How to Setup Local Discount in e-Bridge Cloud - OTA Hotel 3.5 - Duration: 1:13.


Últimas notícia de hoje : REJEIÇÃO A BOLSONARO VAI DE 42% PARA 46% EM UMA SEMANA - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : REJEIÇÃO A BOLSONARO VAI DE 42% PARA 46% EM UMA SEMANA - Duration: 2:03.


Gretchen diz que ainda não viu A Fazenda e faz comentário sobre participante - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Gretchen diz que ainda não viu A Fazenda e faz comentário sobre participante - Duration: 4:00.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : ATRÁS DE HADDAD NO SEGUNDO TURNO, BOLSONARO AGORA ATACA PF NO CASO ADÉLIO - Duration: 2:28.


Donnafugata: Il lancio della web serie - Duration: 0:51.

I'm Josè Rallo from Donnafugata. Together with AcinoNobile, we have prepared 5 stories about

our territory, our grapes, Sicily, native vines and our wines,

which we will taste together. Stay tuned!

For more infomation >> Donnafugata: Il lancio della web serie - Duration: 0:51.


Riquíssimo! Gusttavo Lima volta a ostentar bens e mansão luxuosa do cantor chama atenção - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Riquíssimo! Gusttavo Lima volta a ostentar bens e mansão luxuosa do cantor chama atenção - Duration: 5:18.


Los Reyes se suben el sueldo para el nuevo curso - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Los Reyes se suben el sueldo para el nuevo curso - Duration: 3:35.


Após Anitta, Lexa expõe ataques recebidos nas redes sociais: "As pessoas estão ficando insuportáveis - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Após Anitta, Lexa expõe ataques recebidos nas redes sociais: "As pessoas estão ficando insuportáveis - Duration: 4:06.


Thammy fica parecido com ex-ator da Globo e insinua que ele bate em mulher - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Thammy fica parecido com ex-ator da Globo e insinua que ele bate em mulher - Duration: 8:07.


Nicolas Prattes e Bruno Montaleone estariam se estranhando nos bastidores de O Tempo Não Para - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Nicolas Prattes e Bruno Montaleone estariam se estranhando nos bastidores de O Tempo Não Para - Duration: 4:08.


Últimas notícia de hoje : REJEIÇÃO A BOLSONARO VAI DE 42% PARA 46% EM UMA SEMANA - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : REJEIÇÃO A BOLSONARO VAI DE 42% PARA 46% EM UMA SEMANA - Duration: 1:38.


Sorocaba revela que é de direita, que maioria dos sertanejos votarão no Bolsonaro e defende Nego... - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Sorocaba revela que é de direita, que maioria dos sertanejos votarão no Bolsonaro e defende Nego... - Duration: 3:30.


미 공군은결국 퇴역하게된 A-10 공격기, 한국 인수가능성은? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 미 공군은결국 퇴역하게된 A-10 공격기, 한국 인수가능성은? - Duration: 5:19.


Namorados no passado, resposta de Eliana sobre Luciano Huck para Porchat causa espanto e repercussão - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Namorados no passado, resposta de Eliana sobre Luciano Huck para Porchat causa espanto e repercussão - Duration: 4:23.


Christine Ford is Getting 'Cold Feet' AGAIN - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Christine Ford is Getting 'Cold Feet' AGAIN - Duration: 2:15.


Mitch Says They Have the Votes - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Mitch Says They Have the Votes - Duration: 1:37.


#YTFFInsider: Taipei 2018 with RYUUUTV - Duration: 3:42.

Welcome to Insider Taipei!


I am Ryu.

And I am Yuma.

We live in Japan, our channel is about introducing Japanese culture

and teaching Japanese.

Now, Yuma and I are backstage at YouTube FanFest Taipei,

and it's time for us to interview the creators.

Let's go!

How does it feel to be part of the first YouTube FanFest here in Taipei?

We hope that the event can get bigger and bigger each year.

We didn't expect that it would be this grand,

or that there would be more than three thousand people out there.

We're nervous to death.

Actually, we started on YouTube.

Because of this platform, a lot more people know our songs.

So it's an honor to be joining this event.

It's 七月半SevenFat!

They have so many fans, Yuma and I are so excited!

So, who wants to answer?

Feel shy! Feel shy! (in Japanese)

Delicious! Delicious! (in Japanese)

The first time, the first time! (in Japanese)

A little bit, a little bit (in Japanese)

Bum bum (heartbeat)

They look alike, don't they?

I'm Taiwan's Ryu!

We really appreciate that YouTube FanFest

is giving us a chance to perform on this stage.

We're really grateful.

I feel a little bit nervous.

We're going to introduce our new theme song.

I'm afraid that if I don't speak, people will think I'm Uncle Tai.

Don't worry, we don't think that. Uncle Tai is old and he needs more rest.

And it's important because he plays a critical part in our performance.

Thanks to you both!

Both? But there's four of us!

This is the very first one!

Being a part of the first YouTube FanFest Taiwan,

being the first set of creators for this event;

I feel so honored even though it's stressful.

I hope that I get to do this again for the upcoming ones! [We feel the same way.]

What should we expect from your performance?

Thanks for watching!

Now we have to go and prepare for our performance!

Hey! If you wanna see more from us,

click on the link below and subscribe!

For more infomation >> #YTFFInsider: Taipei 2018 with RYUUUTV - Duration: 3:42.


[ENG SUB] 2018.09.22 - Gui Gui and Anna SOFINA Commercial - Duration: 0:31.


Light and natural, just like you're born with great skin.

Totally new and evolutionary Ange light and long keep liquid foundation.

No matter what, you'll always look fine and vibrant!

Even until evening, your face won't look oily!

Made up of just ten ingredients!*

Stays vibrant for a long time, looks natural and lively.

Primavista Ange.

Look bright and flawless all the time.

Japan's No. 1 selling makeup brand.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 2018.09.22 - Gui Gui and Anna SOFINA Commercial - Duration: 0:31.


嫦娥超仙下凡...單身狗神巧遇「高鐵露背正妹」!PO文跪求搭訕攻略 網笑:先學單手解扣! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 嫦娥超仙下凡...單身狗神巧遇「高鐵露背正妹」!PO文跪求搭訕攻略 網笑:先學單手解扣! - Duration: 2:54.





Transbay Transit Center Crack: What We Know & What We Don't Know - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Transbay Transit Center Crack: What We Know & What We Don't Know - Duration: 3:44.


Preview: What Do You Know About Him? | Season 3 Ep. 2 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Preview: What Do You Know About Him? | Season 3 Ep. 2 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 0:46.


What to do if your IOS Shortcuts Application is Missing On Your iPhone or iPad - Duration: 2:31.

If you don't already have the iOS shortcuts app or it's missing from your

iPhone, here's how you go ahead and get it. Let's start. Inside of the settings

application inside of your iPhone, we're going to scroll down to general and then

we're going to tap on software update now. Obviously, if you haven't already updated

to iOS 12.0, this is your first problem. So make sure here you're seeing

iOS 12.0 or better. Now after that, you could have trouble finding the

application. So number one, we're going to pull our screen to the left, and then

we're going to click on the search bar up in the top and you can see, I've already

been searching for it, but you can search for shortcuts and use that word, and if

you see that application, then it's right there. You can go ahead and tap on it, but

again if it doesn't show up here, there are other reasons for that. So go into

the App Store and you might actually have to download the application. I did,

despite actually having a version of the application on my iPhone before, so go

ahead, type in shortcuts, and then it will say "get" there, you can see again that

I've already downloaded it, but if you haven't, it will say "get" instead of open

on this page, and then you go ahead, tap that, and it will download. Now what's

really interesting is that if you were someone like me who had the Workflow

application, and that's what this was on my iPhone just before iOS 12, that said

Workflow. That application right there, and until I hit that "get", this stayed as

Workflow, and it did not show me the shortcuts application. So if you are

someone who had Workflow before, this is where Shortcuts is hiding for you. So go

ahead, get that downloaded, get it started, and now you should have your shortcuts

application on your iPhone. So beyond this, if you are still having trouble, you

can't get the Shortcuts application, you are going to have to likely connect with

Apple support here, and ask them what's going on. Thanks for watching everyone.

We'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> What to do if your IOS Shortcuts Application is Missing On Your iPhone or iPad - Duration: 2:31.


Queen's Concert | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 0:57.

- [Alex] Queen's Concert, oh.

- Queen's Concert for 400.

- [Alex] This lead singer was given the biggest sendoff

in history at the 1992 tribute concert for AIDS awareness.

Vincent. - Who's Freddie Mercury?

- Yes. - Queen's concert, eight.

- [Alex] Queen stole the show

at this July 1985 worldwide concert.

Vincent again. - What is Live Aid?

- Live Aid, correct.

Vincent, back to you.

- Queen's, 16.

- [Alex] Queen kicked off its 2017 North American tour

in Phoenix and kicked off the concert singing,

we will do this.

Vincent. - What is rock you?

- Rock you, yeah. - Queen's, two.

- [Alex] Named for the prisoner number of this man,

the 46664 campaign started with a Queen concert

in South Africa, Vincent.

- Who's Mandela? - Good.

For more infomation >> Queen's Concert | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 0:57.


Stunning 900 Sq Ft Round Cabin on 1 25 Acres in Tahuya | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 4:30.

Stunning 900 Sq. Ft. Round Cabin on 1.25 Acres in Tahuya | Tiny House Design Ideas

For more infomation >> Stunning 900 Sq Ft Round Cabin on 1 25 Acres in Tahuya | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 4:30.


Deb Guyot 5.45ct Herkimer "Diamond" Quartz Solitaire Wav... - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Deb Guyot 5.45ct Herkimer "Diamond" Quartz Solitaire Wav... - Duration: 4:21.


Traveler's Journey Window Drusy Rose Agate Sterling Silv... - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> Traveler's Journey Window Drusy Rose Agate Sterling Silv... - Duration: 9:12.


Two Feet - Love Is A Bitch (Lux Holm Remix) -OFX Fix- - Duration: 2:38.

I'm flyin', I'm flyin' high like a bird

But my fluttering wings can't keep you from pullin' me down

Your mama, your mama says I'm a fool

And yeah, maybe that's true 'cause I can't stop thinkin' 'bout you

I'm tryin', I'm tryin' not to forget my words

'Cause when I'm around you, I tend to keep changin' my mind

I promised, I promised myself not to slip

back into old habit

'Cause heartbreak is savage and love is a bitch

For more infomation >> Two Feet - Love Is A Bitch (Lux Holm Remix) -OFX Fix- - Duration: 2:38.


Far Cry 1: Walkthrough - River [Level 16] (Realistic Mode) 4K UHD - 60FPS MAX Settings - Duration: 23:26.

Harland Doyle: Ok Jack, you should be able to get down the river by boat pretty fast.

Doyle: The mobile uplink is down-river, and I don't think you wanna swim...

Doyle: Jack, the mercs are searching the river.

Doyle: Be careful... some of their best are out there looking for you.

Doyle: You should be close to the uplink. It's just a little ways off the river itself,

Doyle: but there should be a path.

Doyle: Be careful though, it looks like you can't just 'stroll' in there.

Doyle: Crowe is right on top of your position. I suggest taking him out before he gets to the uplink,

Doyle: and calls in reinfocements...

Doyle: Of course, if you want more guys shooting at you, that's your call...

Dr. Krieger (radio): Hello!

Dr. Krieger (radio): Flaminco, what the devil's going on there!?

Dr. Krieger (radio): Report, REPORT!

Jack Carver: So you're the famous Dr. Krieger?

Dr. Krieger (radio): Who is this...?

Dr. Krieger (radio): Who am I talking to?

Jack: You'll find out soon enough!

Jack: Ok Doyle, I'm at the truck!

Doyle: Connect the PDA to the uplink. I'm transmitting the coordinates to you now!

Valerie Constantine: Jack, come in. Jack!

Jack: Yea?

Valerie: I'm on my way to your position. Doyle told me you uploaded the info,

Valerie: that's some good work!

Valerie: Jack!

Valerie: BINGO...!

Valerie: This is the location of the facility where they manufactured the mutigen.

Valerie: It even looks like he has an arming sequence for a tactical nuke in case they had to cover their tracks...

Valerie: Thanks, Crowe. You just made this real easy...

Jack: Oh yea, I'm sure this is gonna be a lead-pipe cinch.

Valerie: Just keep your eyes on the jungle, Jack... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jack: Now that we've got some time to chat... you can fill me in on a few details.

Valerie: Krieger was a top-researcher at the Defence Department,

Valerie: specialised in genetics. Protocols for human combat enhancements.

Jack: The trigens!

Valerie: Right!

Jack: Where does the CIA fit in?

Valerie: Army intelligence busted Krieger for unapproved human testing.

Valerie: He went private sector.

Valerie: So we sent Doyle in as a lab-assistent to keep tabs on his work...

Jack: So are we here to stop Krieger or save Doyle?

Valerie: I'm here to keep those creatures from getting off this island!

Valerie: I brought you along because I might just need your help...

Jack: SO, I'm just along for the ride?

Valerie: Good boy! Doyle mentioned a mercenary base in this area.

Valerie: Let's pay them a visit!

For more infomation >> Far Cry 1: Walkthrough - River [Level 16] (Realistic Mode) 4K UHD - 60FPS MAX Settings - Duration: 23:26.


Loving Yourself the Way God Does - Duration: 2:27.

I remember this one man, he gave me $30,000 in a really tight time in my

life and he gave me this money. I came to a prayer meeting

and Bill handed me a check for $30,000 and I opened it up and I'm like, thirty

thousand dollars! Like, more money than I had ever seen in my entire life. And it

was like, one of those times when it could have been, you know, three million

dollars I was like, so excited. And we wrote him a nice card and thanked him

but then a really weird thing happened: I tried to stay away from him. You know

just kind of like if he'd come in one door, I would come in the other. If he was

over there, I was over there. And one Sunday morning when Bill was preaching

Bill was kind of going on and on and on and I had to go to the bathroom really bad.

And finally, like at the last minute I run out to the bathroom and I opened the door,

and the man who gave me the money is in the bathroom he doesn't see me. I turn around

I run out of the bathroom and run all the way around the sanctuary, and while I'm running to the

next bathroom you know I'm just barely making it I think to myself, "There's

something wrong with me." You know somebody once said, "Adversity introduces

a man to himself." And I just got introduced to myself. I went home that

night I couldn't sleep, you know I was unconsciously ignorant,

I didn't know that I didn't know, until I opened that bathroom door and I took off

running, and now I was consciously ignorant--now I know that I don't know.

I'm laying in bed all night long and finally about five o'clock in the

morning I decide, well maybe I should pray about it. So I began to pray and I

say to God, "God I think there's something wrong with me," and He says, "Uh-huh."

I say, "Do you know what it is?" He said, "Uh-huh." I said, "Will you tell me?"

He said, "Do you really want to know?" You know, I didn't know if I really wanted to know.

I'm like, denial is a beautiful thing, and finally I said, "Yes, Lord, I really want to know."

He said, "Well, he gave you $30,000." I said, "I know that." He said, "Well the

problem is that you don't love yourself $30,000 worth, and you're

afraid that if he gets to know you he'll be sorry he gave you the money."

I laid there for several minutes and I, just weeping at the revelation that I

actually didn't like myself, and I said to the Lord, "Lord what do I do?"

He said, "Why don't you try this: why don't you try loving you the way I love you?

For more infomation >> Loving Yourself the Way God Does - Duration: 2:27.


《凉生》莫名被撤档,由教主新剧接替,这回真凉了? - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 《凉生》莫名被撤档,由教主新剧接替,这回真凉了? - Duration: 3:41.


胡锡进评《江湖儿女》太负能量 贾樟柯回应:人类的悲欢并不相通 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 胡锡进评《江湖儿女》太负能量 贾樟柯回应:人类的悲欢并不相通 - Duration: 2:50.


A weak mind can never give you success - Duration: 13:04.

Hi dear friends

This is acharya Harish from

Yoga My life Youtube channel

Today I am giving you this video

on human mind

because human's mind is responsible for success

at the same time human mind is

responsible for human failure too

Your mind is planning everything around you .

around you ..

around me...

around we all

Courage is emerging in mind

Mind is becoming friend

same mind is become enemy

Weak mind can never be successful

Can never be successful

Then where is secret of success

is hidden

We will discuss upon it today

we will talk over this topic today

What is relation between success and mind

How our mind makes us successful

Is mind makes us successful

or efforts of our body makes us successful

Body or mind which is responsible

Success is directly proportional to

the strength of our mind

If mind is pure and positive

a lot of opportunities start come to you

and everyone looks

good and fine

The whole World looks like

a friend

The secret of success is

definitely hidden somewhere in our mind

Today if we are failure

its meaning is very simple

to understand that

you didn't discover

what is hidden in

your own mind

secret of your

success is unveiled somewhere

in your mind

everyone want to be successful

Everyone like success

We all love success

But success is not available to

all lives

so what one should do for

his/her success

What method should we adopt

to touch the fascinating


to touch the fascinating


things which one can

attain after success

See greatest obstacle on the

way of our success

is our own mind

Only and only is your own mind

its a saying that

Lose loser mind won victory of mind

it is a very practical quote

In India this quote is

present in Panchatantra


It is a proverb in

English and Hindi literature

that Lose loser mind won victory of mind

Our mind itself is a big block on our way

If you are unsuccessful in any field

I request you to think over it again

See your mind is offering failure to you

I will explain you how and why

this is happening

So first you know your mind

Therefore to be a successful man

first of all we have to work on

own mind

We all have right to be

a successful person

Success is not meant for some

special people it is for everyone

Picture is of Swami Vivekananda

He was a common man

But he become heart beat of people

of the World

He waved our flag over the world.

He worked on mind first

His great mind was so powerful

rarer and the people who have the mind

like mind of swami Vivekananda

We try to follow success of other

successful people without knowing ourselves

We want to be successful like others success

We didn't have our own success plan

We can't define our success

If you want too be successful

You have to disclose your path to yourself

This is necessary

Keep in mind that you mind have

great capacity to make you a successful person

There is no doubt

That's why you have to understand your mind.

You have to understand your thoughts

what thoughts your mind generally have

You have to work on it

What are your thoughts

Positive or negative

We generally have habit to care our body first

If our body is sick we immediately

visit to a doctor

Any disease, common diseases

Like Acidity, constipation

We take immediate action

But mind is full of so many disorders

Why there are negatives thoughts in the mind

How many fears are there in the mind

This was never our focus

But we do not want to share

any disorder of our mind to others

If disorders of body share with a doctor

the why not disorders of mind

We must share disorders of mind

with the concerned person

So disorder of mind should ended

Weak mind never allow you to think better

Weak mind created thoughts of fear

You will be afraid of doing anything

These are symptoms of weak mind

Self confidence will never attained

One losses his confidence

I am not forcing to think positive

without reason

Unless you understand you mind

You will never think positive

One cannot be positive with positive thought

Because thoughts are auto generated in the mind

without development of wisdom

No one can be positive thinker

Fear can not be overcome by just

repeating the positive sentences

Fear is in your mind

and is a auto generated thought from

deep of your mind

fear will be ended


by increased Wisdom

In our childhood we generally

afraid of dark

But on growing when we develop

our wisdom the fear of dark vanished

where; no body knows

Everyone can be a successful person

Any one from any background

from any caste from any race

can be a successful person

Success if meant for all human beings


if your understand your mind

You can be a successful person

there is no doubt on this thought

Your success is hidden in your mind

My success is hidden in mine mind

One has to recognize his/her mind

You have connect yourself

with your own mind

Mind is friend

same mind become your enemy

If you become friend to your mind

the no body on this earth could

stop your success

Success is waiting for your

in your own mind

But you are searching it outside

You have to understand thoughts of your mind

Generally our profession and our mind

works in opposite direction

We have to understand the nature of

our own mind

We have to follow thoughts of our mind

What I am doing is opposite to what

is going on in my mind.

99.9% people are living not synchronized

with their minds.

When you are on your work

Your body is working

and your mind is somewhere else

That some where else wavering of your

mind leads you to a right profession for you

Thats why we have to work on our own mind

The way the crown going

is not the your way

We generally do this mistake

Your neighbor get success on the

way is not your path of success

If your friend is taking admission in

engineering, it doesn't means you too should do that

Because have your mind and your mind

have your path of success

We generally follow others

especially we follow our relatives our cousins

This mistake we ever practice in our life

We forget our intrinsic nature

before selecting our profession

See before choosing your profession

You first start observing your mind

You have to understand what your mind want

By observing your thoughts

You need inspiration from your mind

But your mind should be pure

Observe what your mind most of thinks

The work in which your mind enjoy

Even your body tired but not your mind

Understand that is the work for you

That work can give you success

What is aim of my life?

What should I do?

How should I do?

We generally didn't understand this.

We generally run for what is easily available to us

What others say we start doing

What are neighbor we start doing the same

Bla Bla Bla

We feel ourselves followers

But it is not good for us

Our mind is designed for

a particular success

When you know this secret

on that this question will be

eliminated from your life

that should you do?

This will automatically reveals to you

that what you have to do?

Their is complete secret plan for you

in your mind

Everything is designed for you

within you

within your mind

Its really very strange that success secret

is hidden within us

we are searching it in outside world

Problem is that mind and body

never work together in most

of the cases

When this will happen

then body will obey mind

and at the same time mind will obey body

The life become so easy

You will enjoy each moment of your life

Now their is a synchronization

between mind and body

Now mind is supporting with

same thoughts what the

body is doing

Mind and body become one

Now thing is that how to achieve

this situation of mind and body

in our life

This could be done with the

help of meditation

The secret hidden in your mind

can brought to you with meditation

Without meditation

that secret would not reveals to you.

without meditation


your would not know

the secret of your mind

it si not possible

without meditation

meditation pure the mind

and concentrate the mind

to understand you and to understand

your mind

to connect with your own mind

Yoga Nidra and Tratak practice is beneficial

So today we understood

your success is a path and

this path is hidden soemwhere

in your mind

you have to discover your path

with the help of practice of meditation

Practice of Yoga Nidra

if you want to ask any question regarding

what is told in this video

Please write us in comment box

I would love to reply you

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between you and me

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Thank you for your precious time.

For more infomation >> A weak mind can never give you success - Duration: 13:04.


Top Democrat Lies About DUI On National TV, Costs Democrats The Senate - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Top Democrat Lies About DUI On National TV, Costs Democrats The Senate - Duration: 2:31.


Feinstein Just Confirmed Dems Worst Fears on Christine Ford - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Feinstein Just Confirmed Dems Worst Fears on Christine Ford - Duration: 1:51.


Toronto Real Estate Market Update - Septmeber 2018 - Duration: 4:24.

- Hello Toronto, I'm Chris Cucoch

from Royal LePage Signature Realty,

and this is your Toronto Market Update for September 2018.

Hey guys, and welcome back to By the Numbers.

I'm your host, numbers guy Chris Cucoch.

I did take a little break over the summer and

I didn't get as many videos out to you as I'd like,

but the fall market is here now

and I'm back running full throttle,

so keep an eye on the channel,

'cause I've got some great stuff coming for you this fall.

On my channel we do things like tips and tricks

on how to sell your home, community updates,

and market update reports just like this one.

So if you're new to the channel,

please consider subscribing and when you do

don't forget to ring that bell,

because I'm putting out a new video every single week

and you do not want to miss anything.

In the month of August the average sale price

in the Toronto Real Estate Board was about $756,000.

It's up about 8% over August of last year

and up about 4% just this year alone.

The average price of a home in Toronto

in the month of August was about $785,000.

Which is up about 8% from the same month last year,

and is up around 6% since the beginning of the year.

There were 2,441 sales in August,

and we have about 4,808 active listings.

Which gives us around two months of inventory,

and the average house is on the market for around 24 days.

In the micro-markets, the average price of a

detached home in Toronto was about $1.2 million,

which is up around 5% and we have 2.8 months of inventory.

The price of a semi-detached was $891,000 which is about

flat from last year, but the semi-detached market

remains tight with only 1.4 months of inventory.

The average sale price of a townhouse in August

was $683,000, which is also about flat

from last year's numbers, and we have

around two months of inventory.

And finally, the average price of a condo

was $585,000, which is up 8% from last year,

and we have only 1.6 months of inventory.

Over the last 38 years or so, we have an average

home price increase of about 6.5% in the Toronto area.

Obviously there's been some significant

peaks and valleys during that time,

but the average is always trending back to 6.5%.

Now after last year's craziness,

we are trending back to that general 6.5% area.

In fact, the average over the last five years is about 8%

so if in 2019 we're able to do even a 3% increase,

that'll take us under 7% over the last 6 years which

puts us right in that sweet spot of where we want to be.

This is great news because this correction

could easily have been much more severe than it was.

I'm sure you've seen all the cranes along

the Gardiner and wondered, what does that

mean for the housing in Toronto?

As it turns out, we've got a whole lot

of real estate development going on.

Rider Levett Bucknall released their

quarterly high-rise crane index

this month and Toronto was at the top

by quite a significant margin.

The index essentially counts the number of

high-rise cranes that are currently deployed in each city.

In Q3, Toronto had 97 construction cranes deployed

which if you've driven down the Gardiner recently

you'll see is quite a lot, and it's actually

up nine cranes from Q2 of this year.

The next closest city was Seattle

with only 65 cranes, which is still quite a bit

but nowhere close to what we're doing in Toronto.

This tells us that they're trying to address

the supply side problem that we've been having

in the condominium market for a couple of years now

with all these construction projects.

So far they haven't been able to deliver them

fast enough to keep up with the demand.

It'll be interesting to see what all these

construction projects are able to do

for the market over the next couple of years.

If you'd like to get a 100% free,

no obligation evaluation of your home,

just click the link I've supplied below in the comments.

All you have to do is answer a few simple questions

about your home, click submit, and we'll send you

back a detailed analysis of the value of

your home and what's going on in your neighborhood

that's completed by a real person, not an algorithm.

This is the best and most accurate

home evaluation system on the market right now,

so get yours today.

The question of the day is,

what do you think the biggest issue facing home owners

in Toronto and the GTA is right now?

Let me know in the comments below and

I'll address it in next month's update.

That's all for today guys.

If you liked this video or found it useful,

go ahead and click that like button

and don't forget to share it with a friend

who might also find this helpful.

Thanks for watching By The Numbers

and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Toronto Real Estate Market Update - Septmeber 2018 - Duration: 4:24.


Trump Announces New Welfare Rule, Gives Billions Back To Taxpayers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Trump Announces New Welfare Rule, Gives Billions Back To Taxpayers - Duration: 3:01.


Donald Trump bragged about himself to the United Nations : The UN laughed - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump bragged about himself to the United Nations : The UN laughed - Duration: 0:59.


Royal Automobile Museum in Amman, Jordan - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Royal Automobile Museum in Amman, Jordan - Duration: 9:29.


GOT7 - I am me + Lullaby Spanish Version Reaction - Duration: 10:31.

Today we're going to be reacting to

"Lullaby" the Spanish version

But don't break my stuff

I don't know why I put the full screen cause this is not a video

We've heard this, this is the intro

It can't be real!

My heart



Oh my god

No, don't stop

Oh my goodness

My headphones wait!

Her headphones fell off

Youngjae said "Hablame dulce"

My lord!


"That gives me certainty"




My heart is going crazy

My god!

Eli: They sound so good! Beba: "This is a trap"

Don't close it

Me either

Look, Mark sounds amazing in Spanish

And BamBam too

Someone give him a contract please

Did you hear his rap


My god! Youngjae!

My god~

I honestly feel like I lost my breath

Beba: I'm not kidding Eli: Look! That

"Your hands over me"

And "That gives me certainty" i don;t know BB


And what was that they said earlier on top of what?


Eli: When you're ove- Beba: when you're over me Eli: What?

Eli: Who wrote- Beba: Who wrote the song

Who translated the song

I can't find that part

No, BB's part please repeat it. Leave it here again

Beba: We still have one more to go Eli: Yes we're going to react to "I am me"

So let's do that

Both: Let's do that

Let's die again

Sorry, if we're being extra but we get excited when

There's anything that has to do with Spanish because

Eli: We're Hispanic Beba: And I mean is GOT7

Aw my-

But yeah this is "I am me"

Beba: Handsome! Beautiful! Eli: I love their outfits

This song is beautiful I loved it

I also love how they dressed them they look so

This comeback is perfect

Did you see that?

Yugyeom he's so cute

I have good memories

With him from the concert

I know

Eli: I love this song Beba: Oh, okay!

This thing

Distracts me

What did he do?

Oh my god!

Did you see those body rolls?

Yes, they're killing me

Beba: I can't even breathe Eli: We're calm here (Not really) because

We need to chill

We do

He looks beautiful

Eli: For real Beba: He does for real

He's a man now

He grew up

Eli: I love that part Beba: Me too for real Eli: when I first heard it I was like

I love that dance move too

They go so hard I like that

I'm not-

Beba: Wow, that special effect Eli: I know

Eli: His deep voice you heard~ Beba: I know

I love it

I love it~

This song is so beautiful I love it

We're not as crazy but it's because the song it's a bit more

I want to see them live again

This was- It was perfect~!


How else can I describe them?

They're so beautiful the song is too

I swear ever since I listened to it

Although I haven't heard it since then because I didn't listen to album at all

Because we had to react to this first

I mean I did listen to Youngjae's but

But I did listened to this one live on the V app

I don't know I loved it

It just gives me I don't know is just beautiful

Eli: Is beautiful Beba: I want to read the lyrics because

What they said, what Jackson said


It was beautiful and yeah sorry

This was a roller coaster

First we reacted to "Lullaby"

The MV and the live performance we almost died

On top of that we reacted to the Spanish version

Beba: We went crazy Eli: Exactly and now we're like


And "I am me" I really love that song

Eli: For real Beba: I love it x2

I will definitely buy the album Friday

Eli: Mine has to be on his way Beba: It's probable on his way


I loved it for real

Eli: I loved it Beba: I don't know if I get a poster

I will have to

Do something with this room

Because I have to put up the poster I get (She did lol)


I love them


Thank you for being on this messy roller coaster

Of a reaction

If you enjoyed it don't forget to like, comment, subscribe

And we'll see you in our next one

Bye~ <3

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