Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2018

- Oh, I'm really sorry about this. - Alright, don't mind.

I was about to crack your head open! Let's drop this first.

I'm so embarassed, really. I was about to hurt you.

But that didn't happen.

I was about to be a trouble for you, for the second time.

Alright, calm down already. Really, I don't mind.

You're coming here often, I think.

- Apparently you, too. - We could say that.

But this track is so mute, so isolated. Not many people around here.

I could accompany you, till the exit of the forest.

- Thanks, no need. - Are you sure?

You look nervous, then there's the thing happened yesterday...

I could go by myself, really, no problem.

Look, it could be better for you with a company.

Do I look that impotent from there? I could protect myself.

- With the rock? - No that was just... with the reflex!

Besides, you can't tell that it wouldn't work.

You're probably right, that could work.

But what really matters is...

that for you to ensure a true security.

So you're saying that I couldn't protect myself, I need somebody else to do it?

So thanks for yesterday, sorry for today, but I think I can take care of my own.

Alright, however you wish.

See you soon, take care.

You have a nice day, too!

For more infomation >> Is someone chasing after Hümeyra? | #Elif762 - Duration: 1:51.


DEUTERONOMIO 13 - La biblia en texto y audio de lectura rápida HD - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> DEUTERONOMIO 13 - La biblia en texto y audio de lectura rápida HD - Duration: 1:58.


Emirhan runs away! | #Elif762 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:39.

- I can barely hear a thing! - Sssh, don't make any sounds!

No, nothing at all.

That little snake is so whiny, you never understand what he says.

He probably asked for something, then the mom said "we don't have any money, go ask from your step dad".

No, before them, you're going be my death cause.

God forbid, aunt Leman. I was just making an assumption.

Don't make any assumptions, young lady.

You were about to give me a stroke.

Who knows, what he is saying to brainwash my dear son.

They turned into a gang!

I didn't understand why mom was so angry at me.

So the guy you told me, what did you talk about?

He said he lost his son, he's been looking for him.

He said I was looking like him. That's why he talked to me.

I told my mom the same things. But she got really angry, she yelled at me.

She doesn't love me anymore. She comes down on me, doesn't sleep with me either.

She is your mother. Why would she stop loving you?

You're upset for no reason.

Then why does she treat me like this? She doesn't love me.

It's the opposite.

She loves you, she thinks about you so much. That's why she does all these.

You're crying over spilt milk.

Your mom should be worrying about you.

Teacher, could I stay with you for a while?

Then I'll find some place else.


Emirhan, son?

Son, where are you?

He's not here.

Emirhan, son!


Or was that Tufan?

No, that couldn't be him. God you forbid!

God, you forbid.

For more infomation >> Emirhan runs away! | #Elif762 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:39.


Why I Do A Radio Show Every Week - Duration: 14:14.

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen and everyone watching I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek!

Now I know right from the start. This isn't probably gonna be the most enticing

video out there, but it's one that I wanted to do through a while.

It's just addressing the question. Well, why do I do a radio show every week?

What why not every two weeks?

That was a terrible joke, but you know, why do I do it?

You know, sometimes you might see in a lot of my videos nowadays. I'll promote the show

I'll say you know, check out the VORW Radio show here or listen on this or that or the other thing

And maybe you listen, maybe you're a regular listener you checked it out

Maybe you said, "I can't stand when he does that!", you know....

"I I want to claw up the walls whenever he even mentions the name of that show" or whatever.

Maybe you didn't even know about it. That's completely fine.

I just wanted to talk about it for a video and just share, share my thoughts on it anyway.

Number one. What is my radio show exactly?

Well, it's a broadcast that I do every week. It is broadcast every Thursday and then there are repeat airings

every Saturday and Sunday.

It's a show. It's called VORW Radio International.

It's also just known as Voice Of The Report Of The Week and it's an hour-long broadcast,

which features my miscellaneous talk and commentary and then I'll play some listener requested music.

It's an hour-long program though and in it. It's not a religious show. It's not a political show.

It's a show where you know, I'll just go on I'll get on the microphone usually at the beginning. I'll talk about whatever's going on.

Sometimes I'll address questions from listeners. I'll talk about philosophical stuff.

Sometimes I'll try to be motivational and I emphasize the word try.

But I'll just I'll just address topics that I wouldn't normally talk about on the YouTube.

Sometimes I'll cover your current events and I'll give my thoughts on them,

sometimes I really won't have a lot to say but it's miscellaneous talk and discussion, for maybe the first

20-25 minutes and then after that I'll just play some listener requests,

give information about the music as well. I try to make it a musical appreciation

hour and try to expose people to more genres and songs and I try to give some background info on the music and

Then I'll just try to shout out whoever, whoever happens to be listening in and that's what it ends up being.

So I always try to define it as a light entertainment program because that's what I think,

genre-wise, it really fills in best. So that's what the show is.

Alright. Well, we know what it is.

How exactly do you broadcast it? You know, I'm just gonna get through like the who what when where why how

type a deal with this. Well, how do I get the show broadcasted? Well, it's a radio show and

I have it broadcast via multiple means. Of course, online, you could find it on SoundCloud

I think that's probably the easiest way for a lot of people to find it

You could just find it and you could listen on-demand on SoundCloud


You could listen in on TuneIn via some of the radio stations that carry it also on the TuneIn app.

But the primary way that I broadcast this show is via shortwave radio

Now I can go on and on and on and on about shortwave radio. So I'm going to keep it short.

No pun intended there. But shortwave radio, It's a broadcast medium that is similar to AM radio

Except the signals can travel extremely far.

I, for instance, you can have a transmitter in Florida and

Let's just say it's on the right frequency and has the right power. You can broadcast it and it can reach an entire continent

with good signal strength from one end to the other.

So using the medium of shortwave

I'm able to get my radio show out to huge huge geographic areas,

have broadcasts that target the entirety of South America,

Europe, all of North America and so on. And shortwave radio in

North America, Western Europe, you know, it may not be the most widely used medium

But just looking at it by the numbers for instance if a broadcast of mine can target


300 million people

Let's say it's able to come in pretty good signal coast-to-coast across the entire US

It can theoretically reach over 300 million people

Now obviously a small percentage of them actually own shortwave radios and an even smaller percentage

are listening to them at the current time.

But you're guaranteed just purely by the numbers to be reaching an audience. And that's the audience that I try to reach in

developed countries but in developing nations

Because of the distance aspect a shortwave radio is still primarily

even used by many individuals to get news

information and entertainment

So I do have multiple broadcasts that are beamed to Cuba

Where internet access may be restricted or might not be the best and also broadcasts that are beamed into Central South America

And even of course across North America for any listeners who may be in very rural areas

Who just might not have the money they might not know how to use a computer

They might not have to be able to afford one all the time. You know, everyone's lifestyle

Conditions where you live it varies so much from place to place and even person to person

Really? I just try to target anyone who listens and shortwave radio is still a medium that has its listeners

Of course in the US whoever Tunes in is whoever tunes in

Be it people who just found an old shortwave radio in the attic and is scanning around and found my show

Hobbyists, amateur radio operators, and people who just have emergency portable radios just spinning the dial

Whoever tunes in I really welcome with open arms!

So I use shortwave radios by primary broadcast means for those reasons

It's also a way to reach an audience that I really wouldn't reach via YouTube

And also shortwave radio is a broadcast medium that absolutely fascinates me

So, of course it's a lot of fun for me to do

just purely from that aspect. So that's how I broadcast the show.

And it goes out via two radio stations

WRMI in Okeechobee, Florida

They have a dozen 100 kilowatt transmitters and lots of huge antennas and that's where most of

my broadcasts are sent out of as well as well as the tune in streams

Also I use radio station

WWCR in Nashville, Tennessee

And they have a good signal. I only use them for one broadcast because their air time is very expensive

but they get a good signal out to a lot of North America and

Their signal makes it even over to the Middle East as well.

But I also in the past I've used radio stations


WINB that's in Pennsylvania, I've used stations in Germany, the UK,

even in Armenia and I think Uzbekistan I had a broadcast to Asia once

going out from there and a station in Bulgaria too, we can't forget about them.

But I have this show broadcast all over the world via shortwave radio as well as the Internet.

Why do I do it? Well, if you say why do you go through all this effort to do this show?

Of course, there's other shows like it out there

Why do you do it? What really motivates me to do this show each and every week is probably two things:

Number one -

Just the aspect again of the broadcast medium and my fascination of shortwave radio,

you know.

It's something that I had wanted to do for a long time

Really ever since I discovered the medium of shortwave back in 2013

I'd wanted to have my own show out there and

Being able to purchase airtime from these brokered stations and finally do it. It's really been a dream of mine

So to be able to fulfill that

That's one reason that drives his show. But the second and most important

reason that I do this show each and every week is the listeners!

It does have a good deal of people who tune in of all backgrounds,

you know, all over the world of all backgrounds you have people who are living in war-torn areas

that listen on their shortwave radios. You have people who are

students, you have people who are doctors, police officers, in the military...

And everyone in between - a wide range of listeners.

And the correspondence that comes in every week is really what motivates me the most to do this show!

I just share my thoughts and play some music but for a lot of people perhaps it provides that


It fills a niche that a lot of people really didn't know I needed to be filled a lot of people they say

You know

It really helps if their anxieties it covers issues and topics that some people struggle with it

some people you know it and you know

it's just something that comforts a lot of people I suppose helps a lot of individuals out and

When I see those messages sometimes I can't believe it. I say well, how can you know, how can this show do that?

You know it

puzzles me sometimes

But I see those messages and that's what inspires me to keep doing this each and every week

So it's really the correspondence and the impact that this show has

Large or small as long as it's impacting even one person out there

That's really good enough to justify it in my opinion to keep it going!

But that's what keeps me motivated and gives me that morale to keep doing it each and every week

It's the impact of this show upon people all over the world. That's just so incredible,

just so wonderful, and really inspirational! On my end that that gives me that motivation to do it every week and

you know go through all the effort it takes to to make this show and then to get it sent out and

Transmit it to those who listen to it

That's why I do this show each and every week because it's something that's truly an enjoyable experience

all around on

One final note a few people might be wondering, you know, that's you know, that's nice

It's it's it's nice to hear about that and all but why don't you just stream it on YouTube?

You know, why don't you just you just do that?

Well two reasons and number one, of course, I think and this is just my personal opinion

It's an audio-only program and I think when it comes down to podcasts and whatnot

it's just it's too things used to be a lots more similar, but just things have changed with the times and

You know to try to label it as such and stream it on YouTube

I think it would just be misleading people so I don't do that. Number one number two

It has its copyright issues which are fine with shortwave and I take care of everything there. But with YouTube that would also

Present some issues and I just don't want to delve into that but perhaps going forward

I may take just the lectures that I give at the beginning of every programme and

I might just go ahead and try and post those maybe in bulk up to YouTube for anyone who's interested

So that might happen going forward

But on a final note, I hope you could check it out

If you're interested again, it's a light entertainment show something that I do every week

It's something that I really look forward to every week. So it's a pleasure to put together and to record the show

I hope you could check it out. You could find it on soundcloud

soundcloud.com again


You could listen in on many shortwave frequencies

And broadcast times and most importantly this broadcast the only way that I'm able to do it because airtime is very expensive

And I don't have the money to keep it going. Is through listeners support and

donations. It's a listener funded program. If you tune in, you like what you hear, chip in, help it out.

It needs your help, you know, to keep it going! And of course when the goal isn't met I make reductions wherever necessary

That's something I don't enjoy doing but if you want to keep it going

Donations are welcome at Patreon at patreon.com/thereportoftheweek

That's patreon.com/thereportoftheweek or via PayPal to the vorwinfo@gmail.com

But that's why I do this radio show every week and it's been a dream of mine since 2014

I briefly got it on the air in


And then I finally got it on the air full time

From 2016 onwards and you know, it's evolved over the years so had its twists and turns its ups and downs

But it it's something incredible

Something that's very special and it's just it's it's truly wonderful

It's almost an honor to do it every week to those who tune in. Ff you ever want to do a show on shortwave,

I mean, I recommend you research it look into the medium look into these radio stations that

sell their airtime. Shortwave needs good programming out there, you know,

It certainly does and it's a way that you could still reach an audience even in 2018.

There's more people listening to shortwave radio than you think. So, you know, it's something that's ever of interest to you

Give it a shot!

You never know where it'll take you! That's why I do my show every week and that's all that I have for you.

Hope you could tune in if you're interested, and this will probably the next video coming up will be a food review.

Thank you for checking out this video. Take care! I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek.

For more infomation >> Why I Do A Radio Show Every Week - Duration: 14:14.


Sargo - Casting into the Surf - Kayak Fishing - 4K 50FPS - Duration: 15:46.

Hello everyone! I'm in the Natural Park of SW Alentejo and Costa Vicentina

I'm casting to where waves crash

It's easy

Cast to where wave crash

Keep the bait into the spume

React to bites immediately

Casting again...

...and another Sargo !

Accurate casting around rocks where waves crash are needed

João's skill is impressive

He stands up to cast and fish

Or instead of casting... simple drop the bait into the waves foam

It's very likely that one Sargo will take the bait immediately after it hits the water, you need to explore...

rock by rock ...

Look! another one...

Fishing ahead of this point is strictly prohibited

The next fishing area starts after Cape Sardão

João is over a shoal of trigger-fish


Trigger-fish bites more near the bedrock.


A Mackerel !

I asked João for crabs to start to use them as live bait

- How many should I keep ?

- You can keep as many as you want

- Tell me one thing..

- May I keep ...

- Keep, keep this ...

- Put them inside, they won't escape...

- Tell me one thing..

- I put...

- I only put...

- Keep more crabs...as many as you want...

Are you catching anything ?

- Some Sargos.. nothing very good... Trigger-fish...

- The smaller fish bites the crab's legs and plays with them...and breaks their legs...

- Let's see If we will start to catch them again...

- I started to use sardine but with sardine... I only caught Mackerels...

-..even into the wave spume near the rocks

- I know the shoals are around the shore

- Should I put line around the crab?

- Yes?

- Look ! with this you will not have Mackerels

- Do you want me to take a you photo with the biggest morning Sargo ?

- Ok!

- Take it from the ice box

In the afternoon despite all our efforts, the Sargos didn´t bite the crabs...

Hope you have enjoyed!

A morning with much fishing activity

...and after slowly decreased...

See you soon !

In the next video!

For more infomation >> Sargo - Casting into the Surf - Kayak Fishing - 4K 50FPS - Duration: 15:46.


MY FIRST MONTH HERE!🇺🇸 | BECAS FAO 2018-19 - Duration: 2:18.

My first month

The first of the ten that I will spend here.

It is strange to get used to what will be your new routine

be constantly surrounded by

unknown faces and places

or to cry

because you miss your family, your friends,

your food...

but I guess this will also be part of the experience

and just it needs time.

But it is much more than this

Time in which I have known myself and

I have learned to value what I have and had

I have met people who in a few weeks

have shown me that I can call them friends

I have enjoyed lots of American moments

or unforgettable experiences

Today, I still do not believe it

It seems like I am living within a dream

What a few months ago surprised me

now it seems a habit

and all this is thanks to

all those who have been by my side

making it possible

I would lie if I told you that it was easy

but I would not change it for anything.

For more infomation >> MY FIRST MONTH HERE!🇺🇸 | BECAS FAO 2018-19 - Duration: 2:18.


Dangerous association! | #Elif762 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:02.

God damn it, pick it up when I call you!

Nope, I can't just sit down and wait here.

I'll go to the firm.

I'll tell him everything, he should know what his mom told me.


- Where are you going to? - I'm going to the firm, aunt Kıymet.

Are you going to complain about the mother, to the son?

No, not like a complaint for sure...

I need to get some off my chest with Kerem.

You won't obtain anything if you proceed this way.

I don't get what you mean, aunt Kıymet.

I'm saying, be smart.

If you want to get a man, you have to earn the mother's respect first.

But I don't know how...

I don't know how to earn mother Macide's respect either.

Would you like me to help you?

I would love that.

Come with me then, let's have a talk with you.

Aunt Kıymet, you won't believe how happy you made me, just with this words!

I want to hug you!

- Thank you, thank you so much! - Don't mention!

For more infomation >> Dangerous association! | #Elif762 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 2:02.


Do this EVERY TIME before you sing! | Vocal Warm Up | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 14:39.

For more infomation >> Do this EVERY TIME before you sing! | Vocal Warm Up | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 14:39.


Comme un S.O.S. (vidéoclip officiel) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Comme un S.O.S. (vidéoclip officiel) - Duration: 3:25.


overSLEPT - Duration: 4:21.

Arriving at Watchpoint Gibraltar

Children, behave!

I'll be watching your backs, but be careful out there!

Escort the payload

Meet up at the payloa-



My aim is true


Hoo, that's a beauty!

Got time for a drink? (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

Who are you?

I'm your huckleberry


Let's go for a walk in the park!


Is it gettin' hot in here?


(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

He-hey come on now~

Do you like me?










D: intensifies

Get ready to take some punishment!:D







I am a butterfly~


I dreamt I was a butterfly!

I AM a butterfly! :3





Stupid monkey! :C


ROARRR (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


A giant gorilla!!! (∿°○°)∿

*pew pew pew*


ROAR!!! :C

Wiiiiinston! Check this out!!




Try me!


no u


Pharah! My daughter!

Sorry, mom...

I'm gay :3



thanks btw

like really, thank you guys ಥ ͜ʖ ಥ

still the cutest brigitte animation by maikuu btw

now look at this awesome fanart:

boop :D


For more infomation >> overSLEPT - Duration: 4:21.


Asia Cup 2018 | Shahid Afridi's unique record equaled by Mohammad Shahzad century IND vs AFG Super 4 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Asia Cup 2018 | Shahid Afridi's unique record equaled by Mohammad Shahzad century IND vs AFG Super 4 - Duration: 2:12.


Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton's First Solo Outing Styles Couldn't Be More Different - Duration: 2:33.

 Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton both aced their first official solo engagements as royals, but when it came to their style choices, they couldn't be more different

 Both royals visited art exhibits in London for their first engagements on their own

Meghan attended the opening of a Pacific art exhibit at the Royal Academy of Art on Tuesday, while Kate visited an art exhibition on behalf of Prince Charles' charity, In Kind Direct, in October 2011

 Kate stepped out for her first official solo engagement on short notice after Prince Charles had to fly to Saudi Arabia to pay respects to the royal family following the death of the Crown Prince

Prince William was unable to attend due to his RAF Search and Rescue commitments

 Kate stunned in a sleeveless aqua dress with silver detailing by Amanda Wakeley, which she paired with Jimmy Choo heels

She wore her hair half up and half down — as she did on her wedding day just five months prior

 Meghan, who has worn a steady stream of black ensembles in recent months, chose to wear a black Givenchy dress with billowing sheer sleeves (her wedding dress designer!) and her go-to black pumps by Aquazzura for the milestone moment

 She kept her long hair straight and sleek and carried a Givenchy clutch.  When it comes to Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton, both women have already made a significant impact on the fashion world

 Known to favor a more low-key look than Kate, Meghan's clearest style inspiration hails from the chic streets of Paris — in particular, the editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris, Emmanuelle Alt

Markle has called the fashion-forward Alt her "spirit animal" and revealed in an interview that her top fashion tip is to messy things up a little — the opposite of Kate's ultra-polished style ethos

"If your outfit is on point, one thing has to be off for you to look perfect," she told U

K's Glamour. 

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton's First Solo Outing Styles Couldn't Be More Different - Duration: 2:33.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI SW GT-Plusline Rijklaar! Zie ook mededelingen a.u.b. - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI SW GT-Plusline Rijklaar! Zie ook mededelingen a.u.b. - Duration: 1:10.


Toddlers, Bees and Honey - The Sims 4 Cake (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 9:12.

16cm/6in cake

Cut into 5 layers.

16cm/6in cake. Cut it into 4 layers.

Italian meringue buttercream

Hokey pokey or Honeycomb

Chocolate sauce

Crumb coat



Second coat


500g melted white compound chocolate

Oil based food colouring Orange

Oil based food colouring Yellow

Bubble wrap

Stick the chocolate to the cake as soon as it starts to set.

I made a smaller cake to show you this step in its entirety,

because the original one was too tall to fit everything on screen.

Be careful with this part, ask for some help in case you need it.


Break some pieces of the chocolate, you can use them to decorate cupcakes.

Floral wire for cakes

To learn how I made these bees watch the video Bees and Beehives Cupcakes.


Choose your Sims and print them on photo paper.

Wooden skewer

Sticky tape

Flags printed out on photo paper.

More sticky tape to avoid the "A" to move.


Thank you for watching.



For more infomation >> Toddlers, Bees and Honey - The Sims 4 Cake (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 9:12.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI 272pk | Led matrix | 7 pers | S-line | Bose | pan dak | - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI 272pk | Led matrix | 7 pers | S-line | Bose | pan dak | - Duration: 1:11.


火箭沈杰龙被指'马屁仙'! 贝雄伟:学人论政,先做好功课。 - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> 火箭沈杰龙被指'马屁仙'! 贝雄伟:学人论政,先做好功课。 - Duration: 7:44.


I Was The Only Black Person In My Class And Lied About Where I Was From - Duration: 2:32.

I grew up in a small village in England. I've lived that my whole life and

growing up I've been surrounded by quite a few other minorities with different

backgrounds. However I went to a predominately white school meaning there

weren't many people of color. In my class I was the only black person as well as

the only Pacific Islander. Obviously people would ask me where I was from.

They would say stuff like, "so what are you? Where are you from?" And I used to lie.

I lied about where I was from because not many people know the country I'm

from. And I thought if I said a more recognizable country I didn't pass my

classmates. I would reply, "oh you know I'm just from southern France." I made people

believe that I was from a country even though I wasn't. I remember feeling so

embarrassed about where my family's from and being so discouraged because I

didn't know anyone else other than my family who were also Pacific Islanders.

I was so ashamed in my family that I used to tell people that my mum was mixed race,

and was half French, which in reality she's not mixed at all. When I got to

secondary school I met new people however I was still the only black person

and was still so embarrassed. I started to step up my game to think of a new excuse

where I was from. I would say to these new people that I had met that I was

Kenyan. But I'm not actually African at all. One day I met this girl who was like me.

She taught me to love my afro, love my skin color, love my background and wherever

I was from. I'm now in my third year of secondary school and I've learned that

it's okay to be different. And I started to embrace my blackness

and my culture. I am a Pacific Islander and I'm now proud to be because that's

what makes me unique. Embrace your culture and embrace your ethnic

background. Because we are all unique and different in our own special ways.

Oh, by the way that girl is now my best friend and I can't thank her enough for

teaching me to love myself.

For more infomation >> I Was The Only Black Person In My Class And Lied About Where I Was From - Duration: 2:32.


Accuser: I saw violence in Bill Cosby - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Accuser: I saw violence in Bill Cosby - Duration: 8:27.


Why I Do A Radio Show Every Week - Duration: 14:14.

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen and everyone watching I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek!

Now I know right from the start. This isn't probably gonna be the most enticing

video out there, but it's one that I wanted to do through a while.

It's just addressing the question. Well, why do I do a radio show every week?

What why not every two weeks?

That was a terrible joke, but you know, why do I do it?

You know, sometimes you might see in a lot of my videos nowadays. I'll promote the show

I'll say you know, check out the VORW Radio show here or listen on this or that or the other thing

And maybe you listen, maybe you're a regular listener you checked it out

Maybe you said, "I can't stand when he does that!", you know....

"I I want to claw up the walls whenever he even mentions the name of that show" or whatever.

Maybe you didn't even know about it. That's completely fine.

I just wanted to talk about it for a video and just share, share my thoughts on it anyway.

Number one. What is my radio show exactly?

Well, it's a broadcast that I do every week. It is broadcast every Thursday and then there are repeat airings

every Saturday and Sunday.

It's a show. It's called VORW Radio International.

It's also just known as Voice Of The Report Of The Week and it's an hour-long broadcast,

which features my miscellaneous talk and commentary and then I'll play some listener requested music.

It's an hour-long program though and in it. It's not a religious show. It's not a political show.

It's a show where you know, I'll just go on I'll get on the microphone usually at the beginning. I'll talk about whatever's going on.

Sometimes I'll address questions from listeners. I'll talk about philosophical stuff.

Sometimes I'll try to be motivational and I emphasize the word try.

But I'll just I'll just address topics that I wouldn't normally talk about on the YouTube.

Sometimes I'll cover your current events and I'll give my thoughts on them,

sometimes I really won't have a lot to say but it's miscellaneous talk and discussion, for maybe the first

20-25 minutes and then after that I'll just play some listener requests,

give information about the music as well. I try to make it a musical appreciation

hour and try to expose people to more genres and songs and I try to give some background info on the music and

Then I'll just try to shout out whoever, whoever happens to be listening in and that's what it ends up being.

So I always try to define it as a light entertainment program because that's what I think,

genre-wise, it really fills in best. So that's what the show is.

Alright. Well, we know what it is.

How exactly do you broadcast it? You know, I'm just gonna get through like the who what when where why how

type a deal with this. Well, how do I get the show broadcasted? Well, it's a radio show and

I have it broadcast via multiple means. Of course, online, you could find it on SoundCloud

I think that's probably the easiest way for a lot of people to find it

You could just find it and you could listen on-demand on SoundCloud


You could listen in on TuneIn via some of the radio stations that carry it also on the TuneIn app.

But the primary way that I broadcast this show is via shortwave radio

Now I can go on and on and on and on about shortwave radio. So I'm going to keep it short.

No pun intended there. But shortwave radio, It's a broadcast medium that is similar to AM radio

Except the signals can travel extremely far.

I, for instance, you can have a transmitter in Florida and

Let's just say it's on the right frequency and has the right power. You can broadcast it and it can reach an entire continent

with good signal strength from one end to the other.

So using the medium of shortwave

I'm able to get my radio show out to huge huge geographic areas,

have broadcasts that target the entirety of South America,

Europe, all of North America and so on. And shortwave radio in

North America, Western Europe, you know, it may not be the most widely used medium

But just looking at it by the numbers for instance if a broadcast of mine can target


300 million people

Let's say it's able to come in pretty good signal coast-to-coast across the entire US

It can theoretically reach over 300 million people

Now obviously a small percentage of them actually own shortwave radios and an even smaller percentage

are listening to them at the current time.

But you're guaranteed just purely by the numbers to be reaching an audience. And that's the audience that I try to reach in

developed countries but in developing nations

Because of the distance aspect a shortwave radio is still primarily

even used by many individuals to get news

information and entertainment

So I do have multiple broadcasts that are beamed to Cuba

Where internet access may be restricted or might not be the best and also broadcasts that are beamed into Central South America

And even of course across North America for any listeners who may be in very rural areas

Who just might not have the money they might not know how to use a computer

They might not have to be able to afford one all the time. You know, everyone's lifestyle

Conditions where you live it varies so much from place to place and even person to person

Really? I just try to target anyone who listens and shortwave radio is still a medium that has its listeners

Of course in the US whoever Tunes in is whoever tunes in

Be it people who just found an old shortwave radio in the attic and is scanning around and found my show

Hobbyists, amateur radio operators, and people who just have emergency portable radios just spinning the dial

Whoever tunes in I really welcome with open arms!

So I use shortwave radios by primary broadcast means for those reasons

It's also a way to reach an audience that I really wouldn't reach via YouTube

And also shortwave radio is a broadcast medium that absolutely fascinates me

So, of course it's a lot of fun for me to do

just purely from that aspect. So that's how I broadcast the show.

And it goes out via two radio stations

WRMI in Okeechobee, Florida

They have a dozen 100 kilowatt transmitters and lots of huge antennas and that's where most of

my broadcasts are sent out of as well as well as the tune in streams

Also I use radio station

WWCR in Nashville, Tennessee

And they have a good signal. I only use them for one broadcast because their air time is very expensive

but they get a good signal out to a lot of North America and

Their signal makes it even over to the Middle East as well.

But I also in the past I've used radio stations


WINB that's in Pennsylvania, I've used stations in Germany, the UK,

even in Armenia and I think Uzbekistan I had a broadcast to Asia once

going out from there and a station in Bulgaria too, we can't forget about them.

But I have this show broadcast all over the world via shortwave radio as well as the Internet.

Why do I do it? Well, if you say why do you go through all this effort to do this show?

Of course, there's other shows like it out there

Why do you do it? What really motivates me to do this show each and every week is probably two things:

Number one -

Just the aspect again of the broadcast medium and my fascination of shortwave radio,

you know.

It's something that I had wanted to do for a long time

Really ever since I discovered the medium of shortwave back in 2013

I'd wanted to have my own show out there and

Being able to purchase airtime from these brokered stations and finally do it. It's really been a dream of mine

So to be able to fulfill that

That's one reason that drives his show. But the second and most important

reason that I do this show each and every week is the listeners!

It does have a good deal of people who tune in of all backgrounds,

you know, all over the world of all backgrounds you have people who are living in war-torn areas

that listen on their shortwave radios. You have people who are

students, you have people who are doctors, police officers, in the military...

And everyone in between - a wide range of listeners.

And the correspondence that comes in every week is really what motivates me the most to do this show!

I just share my thoughts and play some music but for a lot of people perhaps it provides that


It fills a niche that a lot of people really didn't know I needed to be filled a lot of people they say

You know

It really helps if their anxieties it covers issues and topics that some people struggle with it

some people you know it and you know

it's just something that comforts a lot of people I suppose helps a lot of individuals out and

When I see those messages sometimes I can't believe it. I say well, how can you know, how can this show do that?

You know it

puzzles me sometimes

But I see those messages and that's what inspires me to keep doing this each and every week

So it's really the correspondence and the impact that this show has

Large or small as long as it's impacting even one person out there

That's really good enough to justify it in my opinion to keep it going!

But that's what keeps me motivated and gives me that morale to keep doing it each and every week

It's the impact of this show upon people all over the world. That's just so incredible,

just so wonderful, and really inspirational! On my end that that gives me that motivation to do it every week and

you know go through all the effort it takes to to make this show and then to get it sent out and

Transmit it to those who listen to it

That's why I do this show each and every week because it's something that's truly an enjoyable experience

all around on

One final note a few people might be wondering, you know, that's you know, that's nice

It's it's it's nice to hear about that and all but why don't you just stream it on YouTube?

You know, why don't you just you just do that?

Well two reasons and number one, of course, I think and this is just my personal opinion

It's an audio-only program and I think when it comes down to podcasts and whatnot

it's just it's too things used to be a lots more similar, but just things have changed with the times and

You know to try to label it as such and stream it on YouTube

I think it would just be misleading people so I don't do that. Number one number two

It has its copyright issues which are fine with shortwave and I take care of everything there. But with YouTube that would also

Present some issues and I just don't want to delve into that but perhaps going forward

I may take just the lectures that I give at the beginning of every programme and

I might just go ahead and try and post those maybe in bulk up to YouTube for anyone who's interested

So that might happen going forward

But on a final note, I hope you could check it out

If you're interested again, it's a light entertainment show something that I do every week

It's something that I really look forward to every week. So it's a pleasure to put together and to record the show

I hope you could check it out. You could find it on soundcloud

soundcloud.com again


You could listen in on many shortwave frequencies

And broadcast times and most importantly this broadcast the only way that I'm able to do it because airtime is very expensive

And I don't have the money to keep it going. Is through listeners support and

donations. It's a listener funded program. If you tune in, you like what you hear, chip in, help it out.

It needs your help, you know, to keep it going! And of course when the goal isn't met I make reductions wherever necessary

That's something I don't enjoy doing but if you want to keep it going

Donations are welcome at Patreon at patreon.com/thereportoftheweek

That's patreon.com/thereportoftheweek or via PayPal to the vorwinfo@gmail.com

But that's why I do this radio show every week and it's been a dream of mine since 2014

I briefly got it on the air in


And then I finally got it on the air full time

From 2016 onwards and you know, it's evolved over the years so had its twists and turns its ups and downs

But it it's something incredible

Something that's very special and it's just it's it's truly wonderful

It's almost an honor to do it every week to those who tune in. Ff you ever want to do a show on shortwave,

I mean, I recommend you research it look into the medium look into these radio stations that

sell their airtime. Shortwave needs good programming out there, you know,

It certainly does and it's a way that you could still reach an audience even in 2018.

There's more people listening to shortwave radio than you think. So, you know, it's something that's ever of interest to you

Give it a shot!

You never know where it'll take you! That's why I do my show every week and that's all that I have for you.

Hope you could tune in if you're interested, and this will probably the next video coming up will be a food review.

Thank you for checking out this video. Take care! I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek.

For more infomation >> Why I Do A Radio Show Every Week - Duration: 14:14.


Jesus, I Trust in You teaser song - Duration: 2:22.

Jesus, I Trust In You (song teaser) September 25, 2018

Oh, Jesus, I trust in You Oh, my Jesus, I trust in You

I truly do.

I trust in You I trust, I trust in You

When you call Me, I will follow You Where You lead me, You'll bring Me through

You'll bring Me through I trust

in You I trust, I trust in You

When I'm fearful, all alone and blue You send Your angels to guide me through

They guide me through...

I Trust in You....I trust in You

For more infomation >> Jesus, I Trust in You teaser song - Duration: 2:22.


Yvonna Kopacz: I'm A Climate Voter - Duration: 1:22.

Climate change is going to affect my kids.

But there's something I can do about it.

Hello. My name is Yvonna Kopacz-Wright,

and this is why I'm a climate voter.

As a mom, there's nothing more important than the

health and well-being of my children.

That's why I need to do something

about climate change.

I haven't ever been hit by a wildfire, a drought,

or a hurricane.

But I have two kids now,

and I see that climate change

will affect them.

It's taking away a stable future

that belongs to our children.

As a mom, I can't let that happen.

Every parent I know feels the same way.

That's why we're voters this year.

We're showing up at the polls to take action.

I used to think my vote didn't matter,

but voting is the single most powerful thing

I can do.

Be a voter this election.

If everyone does that,

there's no stopping us.

Pledge to vote now at

For more infomation >> Yvonna Kopacz: I'm A Climate Voter - Duration: 1:22.


overSLEPT - Duration: 4:21.

Arriving at Watchpoint Gibraltar

Children, behave!

I'll be watching your backs, but be careful out there!

Escort the payload

Meet up at the payloa-



My aim is true


Hoo, that's a beauty!

Got time for a drink? (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

Who are you?

I'm your huckleberry


Let's go for a walk in the park!


Is it gettin' hot in here?


(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

He-hey come on now~

Do you like me?










D: intensifies

Get ready to take some punishment!:D







I am a butterfly~


I dreamt I was a butterfly!

I AM a butterfly! :3





Stupid monkey! :C


ROARRR (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


A giant gorilla!!! (∿°○°)∿

*pew pew pew*


ROAR!!! :C

Wiiiiinston! Check this out!!




Try me!


no u


Pharah! My daughter!

Sorry, mom...

I'm gay :3



thanks btw

like really, thank you guys ಥ ͜ʖ ಥ

still the cutest brigitte animation by maikuu btw

now look at this awesome fanart:

boop :D


For more infomation >> overSLEPT - Duration: 4:21.


Uwielbiana gwiazda M jak Miłość walczy z chorobą i traumą z dzieciństwa. Smutne! - Duration: 5:56.

 M jak Miłość jest emitowane w Telewizji Polskiej od 2000 roku. Serial wypromował wielu aktorów na ogromne gwiazdy, otwierając im drzwi do wielkiej kariery w polskim show-biznesie

Jedna z nich przestała jednak w ostatnim czasie pojawiać się na czerwonych dywanach i ściankach

Jak się okazało, zmaga się z poważną chorobą oraz traumą z czasów dzieciństwa. M jak Miłość niezmiennie pozostaje jednym z najbardziej popularnych seriali, który przyciąga przed ekrany dziesiątki tysięcy wiernych widzów

Fani interesują się więc nie tylko perypetiami bohaterów, ale także życiem prywatnym występujących w produkcji aktorów, które czasami okazuje się nie być usłane różami

Aktorka M jak Miłość zmaga się z chorobą Dominika Ostałowska, która w M jak Miłość wcielała się w rolę Marty, zmaga się z niedoczynnością tarczycy

Choroba sprawia, że waga artystki często się zmienia, a ona sama decyduje się coraz częściej ukrywać przed fotoreporterami oraz wybierać za duże ubrania w ciemnych barwach

 – Czasami myślę, że ludzie miewają różne nałogi, np. słodycze czy papierosy, a ja nałogowo po prostu choruję! – wyznała w jednym z wywiadów sama Ostałowska

Teresa Lipowska się wygadała! Co na to producenci M jak Miłość?!  Niestety, dolegliwości zdrowotne nie są jedynym problemem artystki

Wciąż ciągnie się za nią bowiem trauma z dzieciństwa, związana z brakiem ojca. Kiedy miała 3 lata, jej rodzice rozstali się  z powodu choroby alkoholowej Ryszarda Ostałowskiego

 W dzieciństwie aktorka rzadko widywała ojca. Po latach dowiedziała się, że pod koniec życia miał żebrać na ulicy, co dodatkowo wstrząsnęło gwiazdą

Z jaką traumą walczy Dominika Ostałowska?  – Nie zdążyłam z nim porozmawiać przed jego śmiercią

(…) Przed problemami uciekał w alkohol. Mama postąpiła słusznie, podejmując decyzję o rozstaniu

Dzięki temu nasze życie było spokojniejsze – wyjawiła aktorka w rozmowie z mediami

 Ostałowska przyznała, że przez wiele lat zmagała się z zaniżonym poczuciem własnej wartości oraz wyobrażeniem na własny temat, które sama sobie wyimaginowała i postawiła za cel

Chociaż w trudnych chwilach wspierała ją nieżyjąca już matka oraz terapeuci, prawdziwą pomocą okazało się wsparcie ze strony syna

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ – Odkopał schowane przeze mnie nagrody i statuetki, przeglądał je i wreszcie spytał: „Dlaczego się tym nie chwalisz?"

(…) Pomyślałam: „Boże, moje dziecko czuje, że jestem niepewna siebie, wciąż przestraszona

Czas się opamiętać. Więc staram się każdego dnia od nowa opamiętywać – powiedziała niezwykle szczerze Ostałowska

 – Chciałabym, żeby umiał odczytywać i rozumieć swoje emocje. Ja się bardzo długo zajmowałam innymi ludźmi

A swoje uczucia zakopywałam – stwierdziła także na temat zadania, jakim jest wychowywania 16-letniego Huberta

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Czy jesteś fanem serialu "M jak Miłość"?Nie (53%, 4 329 głosów)Tak (47%, 3 804 głosów)Liczba głosujących: 8 133 Loading

loading. Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Uwielbiana gwiazda M jak Miłość walczy z chorobą i traumą z dzieciństwa. Smutne! - Duration: 5:56.


One Killed In Box Truck Crash On I-80 In Davis - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> One Killed In Box Truck Crash On I-80 In Davis - Duration: 0:29.



For more infomation >> TAKING HIM TO VISIT THE FAMILY - Duration: 13:52.


How to Get an Expedited Passport | My Story + Tips For Getting a Passport in Less Than 24 Hours - Duration: 8:02.

Hey, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're going to answer the question:

can you get a passport in less than 24 hours?

(light chiming music)

Misplacing your passport is an

extremely stressful situation. It's even worse if you happen to lose it before a

trip. And today, I'm gonna share my experience of doing just that. Before we

get started, if you're new here, I want to welcome you to our channel. Trip Astute

is a travel channel that is focused on sharing ways to make travel easier,

affordable, and more enjoyable. Traveling can be stressful and expensive, so we're

looking for ways to help you maximize your experience through travel tips,

points and miles, and innovative gear. If that sounds interesting to you, please

consider subscribing. We recently took a trip to northern Italy and about two

days before the trip, I started to pack my stuff. One thing that I couldn't seem

to locate was my passport, but I was sure that was somewhere in our apartment

since I recently used it for some footage in a video. It was a Sunday night

and our trip was on Tuesday evening, so you can imagine my horror when I

realized I sent my passport to our last giveaway winner Gonzalo the day before. I

had taken some stock footage of my passport in the backpack and completely

forgot to empty the pocket before sending over the backpack. I immediately

searched online for different options for an expedited passport. The official

State Department website showed some options for an expedited passport, but

none that would meet the time frame that I needed.

I was basically flying in less than 48 hours. A few of the private passport

agencies online advertised that they could get a passport within 48 hours, but there

was no guarantee. I even found one in LA that offered a 24 hour turnaround time

but at a cost of $500. Feeling pretty desperate but determined, I decided I

probably needed to try the 24 hour expedited service. But before submitting

an application, I thought I would look up reviews of the agency online.

Interestingly enough, I found a bunch of Yelp reviews that mentioned that it was

a waste of money since you could get an expedited passport in less than a day

from the local passport agency for less than half the cost.

Reviewers mentioned that it cost around $200 and required you to show up

early to the passport agency at the Federal Building in Los Angeles. I

thought I'd give it a shot. Long story short, I got to the State

Department Passport Agency at 5:45 a.m. and got a walk-in appointment. The agency

doesn't open until 7 a.m. but I was able to still get seen and it seemed like

everyone who showed up early was able to get in as well. After submitting

everything and paying $205, which was around 10 a.m., I was told to come

back at 3 p.m. for my new passport. So I drove back to the Federal Building at 3

p.m. and got my passport. I was exhausted but I was so happy that I didn't have to

change or cancel any of our travel plans. I have to say that I know a lot of

government services often get a bad rap for being inefficient, disorganized, and

unfriendly. However, I found that everyone who worked at the Passport Agency to be

very professional, friendly, and helpful. Even the security guard who showed up

early in the morning helped us to navigate through the process in an

orderly manner. Of course, this was my experience at the LA Federal Building,

but I imagine it's probably similar in other Passport Agency offices across the

US. So, getting back to the original question, can you get a passport in less

than 24 hours? The answer is yes, especially if you live in a large city

and can get to an official government Passport Agency office.

There are about 27 of them in the country, so it's likely that there's one

near you. I'll include a link in the video description with the full list. Keep

in mind that this is different than your local post office which can also process

a passport application but not in an expedited manner. Through this process, I

definitely learned some things so I thought I'd share some tips if you

happen to find yourself in a similar situation. 1. Do your research: As

I mentioned earlier, the official State Department website does not show an

option for an expedited passport within 24 hours. Had I not seen people mention

it on Yelp, I probably would have paid some private agency $500 to do it.

Also, if you do decide to go the route of a private agency, make sure you check the

reviews to make sure that the service is legit. 2. Time frame for passports:

I didn't realize that the passport agency prioritized passports based on

departure date. While I wouldn't suggest waiting for the last possible minute to

request a new passport, like I did, I did notice that a few people were turned

away since their departure date was more than

72 hours away. They were told that it would take a while to get a new passport

under the regular service but could be expedited for a fee only if the departure

day was less than 72 hours. It doesn't really make sense, but just know that

getting a new passport if your departure date falls between three days to a week

can be a challenge. 3. Determine your situation. Since I knew

where my passport was but couldn't get to it, I assumed that it wasn't

officially lost. I thought it might be easier for the State Department to just

create a duplicate passport. But I learned that if your passport is

inaccessible, then it's officially misplaced and you need to request a new

one. 4. Fill out documents in

advance: As with the previous tip, make sure you understand what forms you need

based on your situation. I filled out the basic form but I didn't fill out the

official loss statement for my old passport. Since I didn't think it was

actually lost, this actually added more time to the process when I was at the

passport agency since I had to fill out the form and go through the line again.

5. Have passport photos available: You'll need to provide two

passport photos with your application. I had a bunch of photos made a few years

ago and I generally advise carrying a few when traveling in case you need them

for a lost or stolen passport, or even a visa. Having them available meant that I

didn't have to scramble to find a place to get them at the last minute.

6. Bring multiple forms of IDs: I suggest bringing any official IDs that

you might have. Surprisingly, I even had an old expired passport that I brought

with me and they said that it was the best form of ID to bring. I also brought

the passport card for my lost passport, driver's license, military ID, and Global

Entry card. 7. Be ready for various payment methods: The Passport

Agency accepted credit cards, but I brought cash, my debit card, and my

checkbook just to be safe. You don't want to delay your application

in the event that their credit card terminal is down. 8. Request a

larger passport: There's no extra fee or wait to get a larger passport. I highly

suggest getting the larger passport so you have more space for stamps and visas.

Some visas require an empty page and I've heard stories of some passport

control officials requiring completely blank pages for

stamps. It's better to have the extra pages for your travels, especially since

it doesn't cost anything extra. 9. Determine whether you want or need

a passport card: I'm a bit torn about this one. I got one with my last passport

and it functions as a federal ID. I know some people use it as their carry

passport when walking around in a foreign country while keeping their real

passport in the safe. I think that's a good idea, but I still carry a photocopy

of my passport since I worry that the foreign officials might not recognize a

passport card. Also, in case you're wondering, you can only use a passport

card in lieu of your regular passport in certain countries and situations. We'll

do a separate video on it in the future. 10. Get to the passport agency

early: I thought I was going to be the first person in line when I got to the

passport office at 5:45 a.m. on a Monday morning. Though I was like the 20th

person in line. If you can't make an appointment online, I suggest getting

there at least one or one and a half hours early just to be safe. Have you

ever misplaced your passport before your trip? Let us know in the comment section

below. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please give us a thumbs up and

consider sharing the video with others who might benefit or enjoy our content.

Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> How to Get an Expedited Passport | My Story + Tips For Getting a Passport in Less Than 24 Hours - Duration: 8:02.


BREAKING: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3-10 Years In State Prison - Duration: 54:27.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3-10 Years In State Prison - Duration: 54:27.


Woman Claims Drinking Pee EVERYDAY Cures Diseases - Duration: 5:11.

an apple a day it's supposed to keep the

doctor away but one woman says drinking

a cup of her own urine is the secret to

keeping her healthy kids I hope I don't

have to remind you but I'm just gonna

get it out of the way right off the bat

do not I repeat do not drink pee on that

note I'm not in any way recommending

that you drink pee but I will provide

some pretty interesting facts to you in

this video about how urine has improved

the health of a woman what is good this

is inform overload where we keep you up

to date with everything happening on the

Internet I'm Charlotte O'Brien if this

is your first time here smash the

subscribe button or should I say mash

the subscribe button so the fans on I

are called potatoes don't ask me why I

didn't pick the nickname they did so

match the subscribe to join the potato

squad you should also follow us on

Instagram where links are posted down

below Kaylee Oakley is 33 years old and

she has a pretty strange daily ritual

most of us start our day with a nice

little cup of coffee maybe tea or matcha

but Kaylee starts her day with a glass

of her own pee and what's more is she

wants everyone to know that she starts

her day with a glass of her own pee

because she says it has given her

surprising medical benefits in fact she

says she's never felt better

every morning Kaylee collects her urine

in a glass but she says that she

collects mid-flow urine not the urine

that comes out right away or like at the

end I can't believe I talked about the

for a living but apparently the first

and last parts of the stream can contain

toxins and sediment drinking pee has

supposedly boosted her low immune system

given her more energy and cleared up her

acne before Kaylee started drinking pee

she said she would be in bed for days at

a time

Kaylee was diagnosed with a low immune

system when she was 4 years old her low

immune system really started to take a

toll on her as she got older and she

would constantly experience tiredness

and pain in her muscles then at age 15

Kaylee was diagnosed with Hashimoto's

disease which is an autoimmune condition

that causes an underactive thyroid and

also fibromyalgia which causes chronic


so when Kaylee took on a new regime that

consisted of a raw vegan diet yoga and

drinking pee she started to feel better

almost immediately Kaylee said drinking

urine can't harm you and she views it as

medicine she was quoted saying we don't

think twice about taking drugs bought

over the counter with side effects yet

urine has no side effects and it works

really well

Kaylee also says that urine has helped

clear up her skin when she was talking

about the skin bed

it's Kalei said that there are a lot of

expensive skin brands out there that

contain urea which is excreted in urine

so she sees it as she's gotten a really

expensive skin product for free okay so

me being the fact checker that I am yes

I check facts are you really that

surprised I actually looked up the whole

urea thing and turns out Kayleigh is

right urea is also known as carbamide a

waste by-product produced when your body

produces protein there's actually such a

thing as urine therapy where you use pee

as like a toner for those who aren't big

on skin care you're supposed to clean

your face in three steps cleanser toner

and then moisturizer

apparently the ancient Egyptians Romans

and Greeks as well as the Aztecs

practice gyro therapy where they use

their own urine to maintain health and

enhance beauty gyro therapy has been

used in the past to treat everything

from acne to cancer French women in the

17th century also used to take pee baths

to beautify their skin I guess that's

why the French love their perfume isn't

it and yeah Kayleigh is right there are

a lot of skin products that do contain

urea because it relieves dryness and


remember that thing where you're

supposed to pee on a jellyfish sting

Monica from friends anybody yeah so

Kaylee puts urine on a cotton ball pops

it on her skin and then jumps in the

shower so I'm gonna answer the question

you're all thinking right now one of the


what does pee taste like according to

Kaylee it doesn't taste like much it's

salty and you can taste some minerals

Kaylee's pee also might taste that way

because she has a raw vegan diet and

maybe she also doesn't eat asparagus am

i right too far it can't be too far I'm

talking about a woman drinking pee all

the bad jokes are fair game alright so

all of these claims are pretty

thought-provoking not gonna lie like I'm

not gonna go to the bathroom and rub pee

on my face just yet so what do actual

medical experts say about drinking pee

according to a zlin Piggott dietitian

and spokesperson from the British

Dietetic Association there is no

evidence or advice which would encourage

anybody to drink their own urine the

body in particular the kidneys does an

effective job at removing toxins and

excretes urine

therefore drinking pee is not beneficial

and could potentially be harmful and

could cause infection alright I'm gonna

go with the expert on this one guys and

I think you should too that is enough

gross information for one day it's time

to respond to some of your comments Los

Angeles native said your mom is a woman

as far as I know you are correct

Katherine mode said Charlotte are we

still potatoes I would say that there is

a very good chance that you are still

potatoes yes Sheila Mahmood said you are

the potato Queen so where's your crown

here ceramic gaming said did you just

wink at me sorry I love you but as

friends Oh Walter Frey said hey I'm not

gonna sugarcoat it or make anything up I

want likes give me likes well all right

since you asked so nicely here's a like

and a feature welcome to the in screen

this means the video is over don't you

worry though there's a playlist let's

click up on the screen right now that's

right over there

and obviously if you enjoyed your time

here I know the video is about pee and

drinking pee but okay so if you learn

something today smash the thumbs up

subscribe and notification bell and I

will see you in a future IO video

For more infomation >> Woman Claims Drinking Pee EVERYDAY Cures Diseases - Duration: 5:11.


Your Rivers Need You - Duration: 6:12.

It's ours.

The river is ours, so if it is ours it's

also our responsibility. I've got I've got three children and seven

grandchildren, and I will have great-grandchildren and

great-great-grandchildren. I want those generations to see what I've seen and

this river, it's ours because we live here, but it also belongs to you.

It belongs to all of us and now the people from outside have become interested in

helping us keep it beautiful.


I'm Joe Bowen from the little town of Bowen Kentucky which is just a few miles

from the Red River Gorge.


It's a magical place and once you go there no one has to explain to you that

it's magic, you feel it and you may not even know why but you know you are in a

very magical place. Everything in the Red River is in a state of change.

This baby is alive, this baby is alive, it is changing. It is changing the animal life

it is changing the forest, it's changing the weeds and the grass and the

flowers, it's changing everything and it even changes its color. It's magical it's

unbelievable. In the early sixties the Corps of Engineers was looking at the

possibility of building a damn on the Red River. So I was originally for the

dam and I'm glad today I'm glad that they didn't dam the Red River that I

love so well.


One of my classmates called me, they said we heard you were in town and

William O Douglas is going to be in the gorge tomorrow and we would like for you to be

there and do a rebuttal speech or talk for the dam and against Douglas.

William O Douglas?! That's a celebrity, (laughs) he kind of overwhelmed me because I knew

who he was and that was the only, still is the only Supreme Court Justice

I've ever met. I was only 23 - 24 years old and I did that.

I think we oppose the

Wild Rivers designation and a lot of other things, a lot of times we don't

trust our government and we feel like that we know better than our government

does, but we need to realize that we are the governor. It's ours. It is what we

make it, and we should be totally involved in that process because it is

ours and we are the government. We are the government, not somebody else. So it's

our responsibility and if we want something for those great great great

great grandchildren down the road, we better be taking care of them now.

If it gets designated as a wild river it doesn't happen overnight, but you stopped

the pollution and I've changed doing 75 years of living, I've changed my attitude

about the Red River. It has changed, I wanted to see it dammed up I wanted to

water-ski on it. But I don't have to water-ski on it now.

It's like you watch, you watch it become a wild river, but it it's been contaminated and then

through a very slow process you watch the magic happen and then you fall in love

with it more than you ever did before because now it's more appealing. As a kid

as a teenager we didn't have the large animals here, but as a result

of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act over a long period of years, it's taken quite a

few years, but now we have these large animals here and the elk is almost here

it's two counties east of us but it will be here in a few more years it'll

be in our county.

I've got 8 acres of 70 to 100 year old trees on my property here, and I've had several

lumber companies come here and try to buy. No, I want my children to know what a

hundred year old tree looks like. I want to be able to stand on it, or climb

it if they want to, or put a swing on it. So the same thing with this river, I want my

grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great great great I want them to see

this river the way I saw it.

For more infomation >> Your Rivers Need You - Duration: 6:12.


The Finger Family Song LEARN WITH NURSERY RHYMES - Daddy Finger Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 2:37.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger where are you?

Here I am, here I am, whats up with you

Mommy finger, mommy finger where are you?

Here I am, here I am, what's up with you

Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, whats up with you?

Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, whats up wit you

Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, whats up with you?

For more infomation >> The Finger Family Song LEARN WITH NURSERY RHYMES - Daddy Finger Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 2:37.


Ryan Eggold Talks About His Leading Role In 'New Amsterdam' | TODAY - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Ryan Eggold Talks About His Leading Role In 'New Amsterdam' | TODAY - Duration: 3:53.


Republicans Will Regret Blocking An FBI Investigation Into Kavanaugh - Duration: 3:50.

The Republican Party bet all of their chips on Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed for the

United States Supreme Court.

That was a major gamble and, as of right now, it's looking like it's going to be a major

loss for the Republican Party.

Specifically, they're decision to not call for an FBI investigation into the accusations

against Kavanaugh.

They actively blocked repeated calls for an FBI investigation.

Now, as many people have pointed out in the last few days, if Kavanaugh was, in fact,

innocent, and he wanted to clear his name, why would he, and the Republicans, oppose

an FBI investigation?

Because if he did nothing wrong, there would be nothing the FBI could find that would make

him look bad.

So they would exonerate him, clear his name, put everything to rest, then he could sail

through confirmation without a care in the world.

Other than the four times he committed perjury, which is, obviously, another issue at this


But nonetheless, if you're innocent, why run away from an investigation?

Why block an investigation?

I mean, same thing applies for Donald Trump with Robert Mueller.

Why are you trying to shut it down, if you know you did nothing wrong?

The answer, in both cases, is because, obviously, they did something wrong.

You don't fear an investigation unless you know that there's something they're going

to find.

Republicans picked this hill to make their last stand, to block this FBI investigation

into their Supreme Court nominee.

This is the hill they're going to die on.

This is what they took their last stand for and it failed miserably.

Not only do a majority of Americans not approve of Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed for the

US Supreme Court.

And not only have multiple former allies of Kavanaugh, who originally said there's no

way he could have done that.

They're now saying, "I retract my original statement and I change it to, yes, he could

have absolutely done that."

Kavanaugh's losing allies.

Republicans are losing the support of the public, as is, Kavanaugh, and it's going to

cost them dearly in the midterms.

There is no way around it now.

Republicans, like I said, they've bet everything on getting Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court.

And everything they've tried to do has backfired miserably.

They're out there, right now, whining about civility and Democrats not giving their candidate

a fair hearing.

When did this happen?

Merrick Garland.

How about then?

THat's when it happened.

When you idiots refused to even give him a hearing, so do you dare whine about civility,

or breaking practice, or changing the way things work.

When you morons are the ones who started it.

The Democrats aren't even doing that.

Neil Gorsuch went through without a fight.

It's just that this guy, because more, and more, and more, and more women come out saying

that he attempted to rape them.

Yeah, maybe, we've got a few problems with that, as every normal human being should.

But that's the hill you chose to die on.

That's what you wanted to run on in the midterms.

Good luck with that.

I don't think it's going to go over very well with the voters.

I don't think Brett Kavanaugh is ever going to make it to the Supreme Court and, if he

does, he's not going to serve on there very long.

Because Democrats are already talking about the fact that, if Republicans somehow manage

to confirm this guy, when we take power again, we're just going to launch the investigations


Then impeach him, remove him from the Supreme Court.

Then, after that, it's time to move onto Trump.

Those are your only options Republicans.

This is a mess you created and, now, you've got to live with it.

For more infomation >> Republicans Will Regret Blocking An FBI Investigation Into Kavanaugh - Duration: 3:50.


UN Audience Chuckles At Trump, Not Laughing After POTUS Delivers 'Nasty Surprise' - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> UN Audience Chuckles At Trump, Not Laughing After POTUS Delivers 'Nasty Surprise' - Duration: 3:56.


Kavanaugh's Two Young Daughters Suffered Horrifying Attack Overnight, Hel-l To Pay! - Duration: 5:56.

As if the American left could not go any lower, they have once again proven they can always

do better and go lower than ever before.

Since Liberals are seeing false accusations from over 35 years ago are not sticking to

Kavanaugh they have now taken to a different kind of persuasion for him to quit.

Threatening his family.

Great American Politics is reporting that the wife and daughters of Supreme Court nominee

Brett Kavanaugh have been receiving a huge amount of death threats in the past few days.

One person even told Mrs. Kavanaugh to put a bullet in her husband's skull and that

may you, your husband and kids all burn in hell.

"My condolences to you for being married to a rapist.

Although you probably deserve it," one email read.

Of course, all this is brought on by the Democrat Party, their lapdog media and even their so-called

has been celebrities who have nothing better to do but attack.

Leftist actor Jim Carrey is even chiming in now.

Republicans always look out for each other.

Christine Blasey is a far left wing activist who spent all weekend deleting her social

media accounts.

I did not name her because that would not have been nice, but this is straight activism

on her part Donald Trump is now inciting civil unrest

at his rallies, threatening the safety of our citizens.

A real President does not do this.

A real congress would not allow him to The messages were delivered to federal law

enforcement which is tracking an uptick in threats against Judge Kavanaugh and his family.

The messages were sent to Mrs. Kavanaugh's work email address.

The U.S. Marshals Service is currently pursuing the matter.

The Kavanaugh family has drawn intense media attention since Ford's accusations were

publicized in The Washington Post.

Mrs. Kavanaugh delivered cupcakes to a gaggle of reporters stationed outside their home

on Tuesday.

Per our CBS News cameraman at Kavanaugh's house, his wife handed out cupcakes from Sprinkles

to any of the photogs and producers who wanted them.

The best part about all this is that none of it is sticking.

The left used so many dirty tricks to get rid of candidate Mitt Romney back in 2012

that they taught the right to fight and not give in to their tantrums.

Kavanaugh will be seated as a Supreme Court judge and the leftists will have nothing to

say about it.

Sure, they will scream impeachment and all that, but no one is ever listening or cares

about what they say anymore.

After 2012 and 2016 the left wing tantrums are just amusing to watch and nothing else.

Here is more on what is causing all this made up anti-Kavanaugh narrative via CNN:

"Christine Blasey Ford said in a letter Tuesday that she wants an FBI investigation

into her allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before

the Senate holds a hearing on her allegations.

The letter, obtained by CNN, capped off a day of uncertainty around the planned hearing

for Monday morning, which Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley had said

he would hold to hear from both Ford and Kavanaugh, who denies the allegations.

Ford's attorney Lisa Banks told Anderson Cooper on "CNN's Anderson Cooper 360"

that Ford will talk with the committee but added, "She is not prepared to talk with

them at a hearing on Monday."

"She will talk with the committee," Banks said.

"She is not prepared to talk with them at a hearing on Monday.

This just came out 48 hours ago."

"Asking her to come forward in four or five days and sit before the Judiciary Committee

on national TV is not a fair process.

If they care about doing the right thing here and treating this seriously as they have said,

then they will do the right thing and they will properly investigate this, and she will

work with them in that investigation and also to share her story with the committee,"

Banks said Tuesday night.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday evening that Republicans still had

not heard from Ford or her attorney regarding an invitation to testify before the Senate

Judiciary Committee next week.

Republican sources on Capitol Hill say it's uncertain if the hearing scheduled for next

Monday to address the accusation against Kavanaugh will occur.

Grassley, an Iowa Republican, had said Tuesday morning that he had yet to hear back from

Ford, who says Kavanaugh sexually and physically assaulted her while they were both in high


Grassley told Hugh Hewitt on his radio show that Ford has not

For more infomation >> Kavanaugh's Two Young Daughters Suffered Horrifying Attack Overnight, Hel-l To Pay! - Duration: 5:56.


A Day in the Life of MLS Star and SNHU student Auston Trusty - Duration: 5:21.

Making avocado toast. If anybody wants lessons, tell them come to me.

Yeah avocado toast, that's the stuff. Probably looks so nasty

Don't judge me. Everyone watching is gonna be like what the heck. Get that slow-mo. (Laughs) Looks so good.

I'm Auston Trusty. I'm a player at the Philadelphia Union and I'm part of the

Southern New Hampshire University.

You guys sit so far from the TV.

There'll be three tables right here, ya'll will sit right here and I'll sit by myself so I can watch TV and then I don't

have my contacts in, so I can't sit that far. This is my daily cereal spot.

Based on my routine I arrive to the stadium I mainly just go eat, kind of chill just kind of relax.

That's kind of my personality, kind of how I want to work my day.

During training kind of just warmed up, did passing, kind of got into

some drills and having a couple days off recently after a couple wins

getting the rust off a little bit. Kind of ended off with a scrimmage

get our mental side back. Can I sign your ball? Yeah.

There's still some fans who

actually stayed on the field, so I went went out of the way to greet them and

say hi and just make sure like they feel welcome.

My sweat is on it. My bad. Can I have a picture? Yea. Thank you!

It wasn't too long ago for me wanting to be one of these guys to sign my stuff, you know so I always

think of that, to take that into account. I want to make their days best as possible.

Hi! How are you?

Good practice. Thank you. You want a picture? Yes.

I had an amazing opportunity to go take some time with my little buddy Dylan who

has childhood cancer. Can I sign your ball? Yeah. Yeah, your marker my marker?

Doesn't matter? No. Okay. You can sign right here. Right there? Alright.

I just wanted to make sure I made his day so special and kind of make him feel like

on cloud nine, you know?

We've got a scheduled lift for that day and you're

very tired coming out of practice and when you go in the annex you just want

to like kind of sit and kind of chill, but also you got to get the mind situated again,

like I gotta be able to do my lifts and I gotta be able to like

actually focus on doing it well.

One more, one more.


Yo, get out of my face man. Give me a hug. Come on now.

Yo, get out of here.

Trusty, it's your birthday? It was. How many licks? Get him guys.

Team on three. One, two, three, team! Happy birthday to you!

So, after the lift that's when I usually do my homework and I kind of take the

time and find the right place, so when we sat down kind of got situated, got my laptop.

When are you coming to SNHU? Next year? Yeah.

My buddy, Mark is actually in SNHU too,

he's doing schoolwork, as well. He's taking two classes.

I just wanted to take my talents to the Southern New Hampshire University. Say it again, say it again.

A couple other guys on the team are doing it as well, but it's good to have one of them come and be conversating,

because they're in the same situation as me.

I'm extremely humble and very

thankful about being part of the SNHU family and MLS family and just them being

able to collaborate, it's very amazing and I appreciate every single day.

Anybody ever says would you want to do SNHU, even for the guys from that Union Academy;

yeah I absolutely say, like yeah absolutely do it. If you're willing to go pro and you

can go pro MLS and SNHU will back you up.

My junior year I had an

opportunity to take a full ride at North Carolina to play soccer and become a

college athlete. Everyone in my family has done that too, but shortly after

the Union came in and offered me a deal and education is very important that's

why having SNHU would be a factor in everything combined; it's a no-brainer, like why not?

Let me let you finish your homework. Sounds good, I'll catch you bro.

I want to go to SNHU to get my degree. It depends, hopefully I don't have a game that day

or practice, we probably have practice, but maybe we could

figure out something I can go get my degree there and actually get the

diploma handed me. Then I can get my whole gown on that would be pretty sick.

I actually had one more thing to do with the day. What I did was I went to the

photo shoot and the topic of the photo shoot was introducing the new product

line of the MLS / Evening Collab. So what I want you to do basically you see that

ledge? I'm just gonna; you'll you stand on it,

basically I'm gonna try to get the neon lights behind you.

Should I pull on it? Yeah.

Am I laughing? Just laugh and

just, you're relaxing, you're just standing on a ledge. Like this? Yeah.

That was really fun and kind of a cool experience to be able

to do photo shoots like that. Do you want any shots with your girlfriend?

Why not? Yeah, sure. We're already here.

After the photo shoot, went home and kind of chilled with

my family for a little bit, ate dinner and kind of chill with them after that and

kind of just settling down for the night, actually thinking about what I did

throughout the day and how amazing it was and how an awesome day was and

honestly, just knock out, you just sleep and onto the next day.

For more infomation >> A Day in the Life of MLS Star and SNHU student Auston Trusty - Duration: 5:21.


Fantasy Football Start 'Em, Sit 'Em: Week 4 Predictions | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:56.

Fantasy Football Start 'Em, Sit 'Em: Week 4 Predictions | Heavy.com

For the past several weeks of my fantasy football start/sit predictions, I have done my best to calm worried fantasy owners whose team has not performed up to expectations.

If your team is still underperforming heading into Week 4, it might be time to hit the gas pedal by shaking up your roster.

If you are 1-2 or 0-3, it is not a time to panic, but you would be wise to explore your waiver wire and trade options to improve your team.

The other key to turning things around is making the correct lineup decisions.

Hopefully, we are navigating the muddy fantasy waters together, and your team is off to a hot start.

As we mentioned last week, a helpful exercise when you are setting your lineup is to target games where there should be a lot of scoring.

This is also a solid strategy for those you that also play on DraftKings or FanDuel.

Based on the Vegas over-under numbers, here are a few games that are expected to be full of fantasy starts for Week 4.

The Falcons host the Bengals, and Vegas is expecting over 50 points in the game.

Falcons players are going to be must-starts more weeks than not based on their banged-up defense.

Atlanta is going to try to outscore teams given the attrition their defense has suffered.

This week, they face a Bengals defense that is giving up a lot of points.

As an aside, be sure to pick up Calvin Ridley if he is available on your waiver wire.

These last two weeks are not a fluke, as he is one of the few rookie wide receivers that should be fantasy relevant for the whole season.

The Saints offense appears to be back to its old form.

If you selected Drew Brees as your quarterback, you are a happy fantasy owner.

The Saints-Giants game is another fantasy-friendly matchup.

The two primetime games are also expected to be shootouts.

The Steelers take on the Ravens on Sunday Night Football, and both offenses have started strong.

Finally, Patrick Mahomes looks to finish his hot streak on Monday Night Football against the Broncos.

It is not an ideal matchup against the Denver defense, but the Chiefs offense has been matchup proof through the first month of the season.

One word of wisdom, we are getting to a time in the fantasy season where it is okay to bench players you used an early draft pick on.

If David Johnson is on your team, it is logical to bench him for a running back who is performing better this season.

The same can be said for other "studs" who have performed more like duds so far in 2018.

There is still time for these players to turn things around and can be inserted back into your lineup at that time.

Thanks to everyone who has been reaching out on Twitter with your fantasy questions.

It is great interacting each week.

As always, keep sending your questions my way @JonDAdams.

We do our best to highlight the most stressful lineup decisions each week but are unable to get to every player.

Twitter is a great way for us to discuss your particular team.

Click the next arrow to see my fantasy football predictions for Week 4 with the latest edition of Start/Sit.

For more infomation >> Fantasy Football Start 'Em, Sit 'Em: Week 4 Predictions | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:56.


Sentire o ascoltare? Udire o origliare? Significato e uso! - Learn Italian verbs! - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Sentire o ascoltare? Udire o origliare? Significato e uso! - Learn Italian verbs! - Duration: 5:55.


Pesca embarcada fundeada em Vila Praia de Ancora - 4K - Duration: 5:30.

hi and welcome to this fishing video, in this video I will be fishing from boat

and I will try to fish for any fish in the bottom

I will try the most noble fish like Diplodus sargus and Iwill try to avoid Trisopterus luscus

and my goal is to fish to any specie of fish

I will be fishing with a 125 grams sinker

and two hooks

I could fish with three but I prefer to use only two

this hook is a bit above the sinker

bacause I want this hook near the bottom and this hook here above

but in a way this hook don´t touch the first hook knot

that way they do not wrap up and we do not waste time

the bait will be shrimp, clamshell and maybe sardine

when we fish with sardine normally is in the last hook

sardine is to catch bigger fish

and usually is in the bottom hook

this is a Trisopterus luscus

and can not be released because of decompression

look the eyes

this fish will be someone dinner

this we can release

this is a Pagellus bogaraveo

and release

is Pagellus bogaraveo

For more infomation >> Pesca embarcada fundeada em Vila Praia de Ancora - 4K - Duration: 5:30.


Últimas notícia de hoje : GGN ANALISA BOLSONARO SOB O EFEITO DO #ELENÃO - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : GGN ANALISA BOLSONARO SOB O EFEITO DO #ELENÃO - Duration: 2:02.


E se olharmos para as afinidades ao invés das diferenças? | Episódio 2 | Meia Palavra - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> E se olharmos para as afinidades ao invés das diferenças? | Episódio 2 | Meia Palavra - Duration: 5:48.


FIRST MEETING - Kroměříž part. 1 | Vlog- Exchange Diary| #5 - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> FIRST MEETING - Kroměříž part. 1 | Vlog- Exchange Diary| #5 - Duration: 6:11.


Cuca quer contar com Robinho no Santos em 2019 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Cuca quer contar com Robinho no Santos em 2019 - Duration: 3:05.


BREAKING: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3-10 Years In State Prison - Duration: 54:27.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3-10 Years In State Prison - Duration: 54:27.


Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison For Sexual Assault | NBC News - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison For Sexual Assault | NBC News - Duration: 4:45.


Why I Do A Radio Show Every Week - Duration: 14:14.

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen and everyone watching I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek!

Now I know right from the start. This isn't probably gonna be the most enticing

video out there, but it's one that I wanted to do through a while.

It's just addressing the question. Well, why do I do a radio show every week?

What why not every two weeks?

That was a terrible joke, but you know, why do I do it?

You know, sometimes you might see in a lot of my videos nowadays. I'll promote the show

I'll say you know, check out the VORW Radio show here or listen on this or that or the other thing

And maybe you listen, maybe you're a regular listener you checked it out

Maybe you said, "I can't stand when he does that!", you know....

"I I want to claw up the walls whenever he even mentions the name of that show" or whatever.

Maybe you didn't even know about it. That's completely fine.

I just wanted to talk about it for a video and just share, share my thoughts on it anyway.

Number one. What is my radio show exactly?

Well, it's a broadcast that I do every week. It is broadcast every Thursday and then there are repeat airings

every Saturday and Sunday.

It's a show. It's called VORW Radio International.

It's also just known as Voice Of The Report Of The Week and it's an hour-long broadcast,

which features my miscellaneous talk and commentary and then I'll play some listener requested music.

It's an hour-long program though and in it. It's not a religious show. It's not a political show.

It's a show where you know, I'll just go on I'll get on the microphone usually at the beginning. I'll talk about whatever's going on.

Sometimes I'll address questions from listeners. I'll talk about philosophical stuff.

Sometimes I'll try to be motivational and I emphasize the word try.

But I'll just I'll just address topics that I wouldn't normally talk about on the YouTube.

Sometimes I'll cover your current events and I'll give my thoughts on them,

sometimes I really won't have a lot to say but it's miscellaneous talk and discussion, for maybe the first

20-25 minutes and then after that I'll just play some listener requests,

give information about the music as well. I try to make it a musical appreciation

hour and try to expose people to more genres and songs and I try to give some background info on the music and

Then I'll just try to shout out whoever, whoever happens to be listening in and that's what it ends up being.

So I always try to define it as a light entertainment program because that's what I think,

genre-wise, it really fills in best. So that's what the show is.

Alright. Well, we know what it is.

How exactly do you broadcast it? You know, I'm just gonna get through like the who what when where why how

type a deal with this. Well, how do I get the show broadcasted? Well, it's a radio show and

I have it broadcast via multiple means. Of course, online, you could find it on SoundCloud

I think that's probably the easiest way for a lot of people to find it

You could just find it and you could listen on-demand on SoundCloud


You could listen in on TuneIn via some of the radio stations that carry it also on the TuneIn app.

But the primary way that I broadcast this show is via shortwave radio

Now I can go on and on and on and on about shortwave radio. So I'm going to keep it short.

No pun intended there. But shortwave radio, It's a broadcast medium that is similar to AM radio

Except the signals can travel extremely far.

I, for instance, you can have a transmitter in Florida and

Let's just say it's on the right frequency and has the right power. You can broadcast it and it can reach an entire continent

with good signal strength from one end to the other.

So using the medium of shortwave

I'm able to get my radio show out to huge huge geographic areas,

have broadcasts that target the entirety of South America,

Europe, all of North America and so on. And shortwave radio in

North America, Western Europe, you know, it may not be the most widely used medium

But just looking at it by the numbers for instance if a broadcast of mine can target


300 million people

Let's say it's able to come in pretty good signal coast-to-coast across the entire US

It can theoretically reach over 300 million people

Now obviously a small percentage of them actually own shortwave radios and an even smaller percentage

are listening to them at the current time.

But you're guaranteed just purely by the numbers to be reaching an audience. And that's the audience that I try to reach in

developed countries but in developing nations

Because of the distance aspect a shortwave radio is still primarily

even used by many individuals to get news

information and entertainment

So I do have multiple broadcasts that are beamed to Cuba

Where internet access may be restricted or might not be the best and also broadcasts that are beamed into Central South America

And even of course across North America for any listeners who may be in very rural areas

Who just might not have the money they might not know how to use a computer

They might not have to be able to afford one all the time. You know, everyone's lifestyle

Conditions where you live it varies so much from place to place and even person to person

Really? I just try to target anyone who listens and shortwave radio is still a medium that has its listeners

Of course in the US whoever Tunes in is whoever tunes in

Be it people who just found an old shortwave radio in the attic and is scanning around and found my show

Hobbyists, amateur radio operators, and people who just have emergency portable radios just spinning the dial

Whoever tunes in I really welcome with open arms!

So I use shortwave radios by primary broadcast means for those reasons

It's also a way to reach an audience that I really wouldn't reach via YouTube

And also shortwave radio is a broadcast medium that absolutely fascinates me

So, of course it's a lot of fun for me to do

just purely from that aspect. So that's how I broadcast the show.

And it goes out via two radio stations

WRMI in Okeechobee, Florida

They have a dozen 100 kilowatt transmitters and lots of huge antennas and that's where most of

my broadcasts are sent out of as well as well as the tune in streams

Also I use radio station

WWCR in Nashville, Tennessee

And they have a good signal. I only use them for one broadcast because their air time is very expensive

but they get a good signal out to a lot of North America and

Their signal makes it even over to the Middle East as well.

But I also in the past I've used radio stations


WINB that's in Pennsylvania, I've used stations in Germany, the UK,

even in Armenia and I think Uzbekistan I had a broadcast to Asia once

going out from there and a station in Bulgaria too, we can't forget about them.

But I have this show broadcast all over the world via shortwave radio as well as the Internet.

Why do I do it? Well, if you say why do you go through all this effort to do this show?

Of course, there's other shows like it out there

Why do you do it? What really motivates me to do this show each and every week is probably two things:

Number one -

Just the aspect again of the broadcast medium and my fascination of shortwave radio,

you know.

It's something that I had wanted to do for a long time

Really ever since I discovered the medium of shortwave back in 2013

I'd wanted to have my own show out there and

Being able to purchase airtime from these brokered stations and finally do it. It's really been a dream of mine

So to be able to fulfill that

That's one reason that drives his show. But the second and most important

reason that I do this show each and every week is the listeners!

It does have a good deal of people who tune in of all backgrounds,

you know, all over the world of all backgrounds you have people who are living in war-torn areas

that listen on their shortwave radios. You have people who are

students, you have people who are doctors, police officers, in the military...

And everyone in between - a wide range of listeners.

And the correspondence that comes in every week is really what motivates me the most to do this show!

I just share my thoughts and play some music but for a lot of people perhaps it provides that


It fills a niche that a lot of people really didn't know I needed to be filled a lot of people they say

You know

It really helps if their anxieties it covers issues and topics that some people struggle with it

some people you know it and you know

it's just something that comforts a lot of people I suppose helps a lot of individuals out and

When I see those messages sometimes I can't believe it. I say well, how can you know, how can this show do that?

You know it

puzzles me sometimes

But I see those messages and that's what inspires me to keep doing this each and every week

So it's really the correspondence and the impact that this show has

Large or small as long as it's impacting even one person out there

That's really good enough to justify it in my opinion to keep it going!

But that's what keeps me motivated and gives me that morale to keep doing it each and every week

It's the impact of this show upon people all over the world. That's just so incredible,

just so wonderful, and really inspirational! On my end that that gives me that motivation to do it every week and

you know go through all the effort it takes to to make this show and then to get it sent out and

Transmit it to those who listen to it

That's why I do this show each and every week because it's something that's truly an enjoyable experience

all around on

One final note a few people might be wondering, you know, that's you know, that's nice

It's it's it's nice to hear about that and all but why don't you just stream it on YouTube?

You know, why don't you just you just do that?

Well two reasons and number one, of course, I think and this is just my personal opinion

It's an audio-only program and I think when it comes down to podcasts and whatnot

it's just it's too things used to be a lots more similar, but just things have changed with the times and

You know to try to label it as such and stream it on YouTube

I think it would just be misleading people so I don't do that. Number one number two

It has its copyright issues which are fine with shortwave and I take care of everything there. But with YouTube that would also

Present some issues and I just don't want to delve into that but perhaps going forward

I may take just the lectures that I give at the beginning of every programme and

I might just go ahead and try and post those maybe in bulk up to YouTube for anyone who's interested

So that might happen going forward

But on a final note, I hope you could check it out

If you're interested again, it's a light entertainment show something that I do every week

It's something that I really look forward to every week. So it's a pleasure to put together and to record the show

I hope you could check it out. You could find it on soundcloud

soundcloud.com again


You could listen in on many shortwave frequencies

And broadcast times and most importantly this broadcast the only way that I'm able to do it because airtime is very expensive

And I don't have the money to keep it going. Is through listeners support and

donations. It's a listener funded program. If you tune in, you like what you hear, chip in, help it out.

It needs your help, you know, to keep it going! And of course when the goal isn't met I make reductions wherever necessary

That's something I don't enjoy doing but if you want to keep it going

Donations are welcome at Patreon at patreon.com/thereportoftheweek

That's patreon.com/thereportoftheweek or via PayPal to the vorwinfo@gmail.com

But that's why I do this radio show every week and it's been a dream of mine since 2014

I briefly got it on the air in


And then I finally got it on the air full time

From 2016 onwards and you know, it's evolved over the years so had its twists and turns its ups and downs

But it it's something incredible

Something that's very special and it's just it's it's truly wonderful

It's almost an honor to do it every week to those who tune in. Ff you ever want to do a show on shortwave,

I mean, I recommend you research it look into the medium look into these radio stations that

sell their airtime. Shortwave needs good programming out there, you know,

It certainly does and it's a way that you could still reach an audience even in 2018.

There's more people listening to shortwave radio than you think. So, you know, it's something that's ever of interest to you

Give it a shot!

You never know where it'll take you! That's why I do my show every week and that's all that I have for you.

Hope you could tune in if you're interested, and this will probably the next video coming up will be a food review.

Thank you for checking out this video. Take care! I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek.

For more infomation >> Why I Do A Radio Show Every Week - Duration: 14:14.


Your Rivers Need You - Duration: 6:12.

It's ours.

The river is ours, so if it is ours it's

also our responsibility. I've got I've got three children and seven

grandchildren, and I will have great-grandchildren and

great-great-grandchildren. I want those generations to see what I've seen and

this river, it's ours because we live here, but it also belongs to you.

It belongs to all of us and now the people from outside have become interested in

helping us keep it beautiful.


I'm Joe Bowen from the little town of Bowen Kentucky which is just a few miles

from the Red River Gorge.


It's a magical place and once you go there no one has to explain to you that

it's magic, you feel it and you may not even know why but you know you are in a

very magical place. Everything in the Red River is in a state of change.

This baby is alive, this baby is alive, it is changing. It is changing the animal life

it is changing the forest, it's changing the weeds and the grass and the

flowers, it's changing everything and it even changes its color. It's magical it's

unbelievable. In the early sixties the Corps of Engineers was looking at the

possibility of building a damn on the Red River. So I was originally for the

dam and I'm glad today I'm glad that they didn't dam the Red River that I

love so well.


One of my classmates called me, they said we heard you were in town and

William O Douglas is going to be in the gorge tomorrow and we would like for you to be

there and do a rebuttal speech or talk for the dam and against Douglas.

William O Douglas?! That's a celebrity, (laughs) he kind of overwhelmed me because I knew

who he was and that was the only, still is the only Supreme Court Justice

I've ever met. I was only 23 - 24 years old and I did that.

I think we oppose the

Wild Rivers designation and a lot of other things, a lot of times we don't

trust our government and we feel like that we know better than our government

does, but we need to realize that we are the governor. It's ours. It is what we

make it, and we should be totally involved in that process because it is

ours and we are the government. We are the government, not somebody else. So it's

our responsibility and if we want something for those great great great

great grandchildren down the road, we better be taking care of them now.

If it gets designated as a wild river it doesn't happen overnight, but you stopped

the pollution and I've changed doing 75 years of living, I've changed my attitude

about the Red River. It has changed, I wanted to see it dammed up I wanted to

water-ski on it. But I don't have to water-ski on it now.

It's like you watch, you watch it become a wild river, but it it's been contaminated and then

through a very slow process you watch the magic happen and then you fall in love

with it more than you ever did before because now it's more appealing. As a kid

as a teenager we didn't have the large animals here, but as a result

of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act over a long period of years, it's taken quite a

few years, but now we have these large animals here and the elk is almost here

it's two counties east of us but it will be here in a few more years it'll

be in our county.

I've got 8 acres of 70 to 100 year old trees on my property here, and I've had several

lumber companies come here and try to buy. No, I want my children to know what a

hundred year old tree looks like. I want to be able to stand on it, or climb

it if they want to, or put a swing on it. So the same thing with this river, I want my

grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great great great I want them to see

this river the way I saw it.

For more infomation >> Your Rivers Need You - Duration: 6:12.


'Life's Very Short': Why Tim Tebow Wants To Encourage Others | TODAY - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 'Life's Very Short': Why Tim Tebow Wants To Encourage Others | TODAY - Duration: 4:23.


Sargo - Casting into the Surf - Kayak Fishing - 4K 50FPS - Duration: 15:46.

Hello everyone! I'm in the Natural Park of SW Alentejo and Costa Vicentina

I'm casting to where waves crash

It's easy

Cast to where wave crash

Keep the bait into the spume

React to bites immediately

Casting again...

...and another Sargo !

Accurate casting around rocks where waves crash are needed

João's skill is impressive

He stands up to cast and fish

Or instead of casting... simple drop the bait into the waves foam

It's very likely that one Sargo will take the bait immediately after it hits the water, you need to explore...

rock by rock ...

Look! another one...

Fishing ahead of this point is strictly prohibited

The next fishing area starts after Cape Sardão

João is over a shoal of trigger-fish


Trigger-fish bites more near the bedrock.


A Mackerel !

I asked João for crabs to start to use them as live bait

- How many should I keep ?

- You can keep as many as you want

- Tell me one thing..

- May I keep ...

- Keep, keep this ...

- Put them inside, they won't escape...

- Tell me one thing..

- I put...

- I only put...

- Keep more crabs...as many as you want...

Are you catching anything ?

- Some Sargos.. nothing very good... Trigger-fish...

- The smaller fish bites the crab's legs and plays with them...and breaks their legs...

- Let's see If we will start to catch them again...

- I started to use sardine but with sardine... I only caught Mackerels...

-..even into the wave spume near the rocks

- I know the shoals are around the shore

- Should I put line around the crab?

- Yes?

- Look ! with this you will not have Mackerels

- Do you want me to take a you photo with the biggest morning Sargo ?

- Ok!

- Take it from the ice box

In the afternoon despite all our efforts, the Sargos didn´t bite the crabs...

Hope you have enjoyed!

A morning with much fishing activity

...and after slowly decreased...

See you soon !

In the next video!

For more infomation >> Sargo - Casting into the Surf - Kayak Fishing - 4K 50FPS - Duration: 15:46.


Modric é melhor do mundo com menor apelo comercial desde 1999 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Modric é melhor do mundo com menor apelo comercial desde 1999 - Duration: 1:21.


Ryan Eggold Talks About His Leading Role In 'New Amsterdam' | TODAY - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Ryan Eggold Talks About His Leading Role In 'New Amsterdam' | TODAY - Duration: 3:53.


A Second Chance - Duration: 2:53.

David Ned (DN): How did you get to that point where you said,

I'm gonna rob a bank?

Darius Monroe (DM): What was happening at my house

was that things weren't going well in terms of the finances.

My parents were working all the time.

And once they told me that we were in like $25-30,000 of debt

I was thinking, How am I going to help?

Because nobody else is going to come save the day.

And so one day on TV, there was this guy

who had robbed this bank.

And I was struck by how easy it seemed.

DN: Did you really think you was gonna get away with this?

DM: I literally thought no one would ever find out.

It took almost four weeks before I was arrested

and then sent to prison.

DN: How many years they was giving you?

DM: Five.

DN: Five years.

DM: Mm-hmm.

When I got out, I wanted to apologize to the people

who were inside the bank.

And when I spoke to you it was the first time I got

to truly understand the seriousness of what I did.

DN: When you came into the bank,

you made us all lay on the floor.

Can you imagine laying on the floor and all you hear

is that shotgun, clack clack?

Everything in me was shaking.

And I kept saying to myself, "It's over."

I used to think I wasn't scared of nothing.

They used to call me "Brave Dave."

I figured if anybody tried to rob me, I said,

"Well they gonna have to take my life to get my money.

I done work too hard for it."

DM: Mm-hmm.

DN: So that was hard for me because I had to

come to grips with that.

And one thing that helped me when you came by and asked me

to forgive you, years later, I thought about my son.

He could have been put in jail,

because he's been through some stuff.

But should he ever turn his life around, I would like that

somebody he may have taken advantage of would

give him a second chance.

DM: It has been incredible to be given a second, third,

fourth shot and, having you be a part, has given me hope.

DN: I'm really proud of you.

And uh, I don't know if you've got a good relationship

with your dad.

But, if you don't, he's the one that missed out on a great son.

And I'm here to do whatever it is I need to do, 17 years later,

to help you be a great young man.

For more infomation >> A Second Chance - Duration: 2:53.


Do this EVERY TIME before you sing! | Vocal Warm Up | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 14:39.

For more infomation >> Do this EVERY TIME before you sing! | Vocal Warm Up | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 14:39.


18++Chikubi ni piasu o shita onna / Woman with Pierced Nipples\ 乳环女/乳首にピアスをした女 1983/乳环女 - Duration: 1:09:23.

Any resemblance to people,

living or dead, is purely coincidental.

A NIKKATSU Production

You understand?

Anything you want.




- It was OK? - Sorry

I'm used to it.

Come to think of it,

did you find it?

My wallet?

No. Your lost love.

How is she?

Are you busy?

Irokawa Clinic




The chart, doctor.

You're here for a piercing?

Stay clothed.

It's for a piercing?

Yes, my breasts.

To be exact, on my nipples.


This is all for the same woman?

Number 8 needle.

The rings.

Who is it?

I rent the third floor.

- There are still roses tonight. - Thanks.

I bother you every day.

Good evening.

Aïe !

Come here.

Come into the cage.

- Hello. - You're late.

What's this? Roses?

I had too many.

- You want to cut them a bit? - Yes.

That's too bad.

- OK, let's go. - Thanks.

Mettez ça. **

Hello. Irokawa Clinic.

Yes, it's me.

Mr. Gondo?

The roses...

I see.

What's with you?

You're not well?

They came to get me.

- The ambulance? - That's it!

You found your wallet?

Better than that!


I'd like to invite you somewhere.

Do you have time tonight?


It doesn't matter where I saw you.

Love can blossom

in any conditions.

A chocolate?


I want to get out.


It's impossible on the highway.

It's important.

Behave yourself, miss.

Please. I need to go to the bathroom.

What are you doing?

Let me go!






Not there!

Not there!


No! 83 00:19:14,120 --> 00:19:16,714 Hello. A delivery for you.

Good bye.

I knew you'd come.

I'd like an explanation.

Excuse me?

Tonight, I'd like to give you a proper invitation.

I couldn't the other day.

It's OK at my place?


Or would you prefer a public restroom?

You have a lot of bottles.

I collect fine wines.

- You do archery? - It's my favourite sport.

You have animals?

Yes, I have a cat.

And you tie it up?

I love cats.

They're very gentle animals.

Where is she?

Somewhere where she wants to be.

I understand.

Your ex-wife took it with her.


No, let go.

This mess is here on purpose.


Women are afraid of beds

which seem ready to be used.


Make love to me the regular way. 113 00:26:30,880 --> 00:26:34,759 - I don't want to go to work. - I'll come by and get you.

Please get in.

What's wrong? 116 00:27:00,840 --> 00:27:02,353 I'll call a doctor.

No need.


I can't get any better.

I prefer to stay here..

I'm very sick.

I know.

Take at least an aspirin.

I'll go buy some.


You don't want any?

I don't want any aspirin.

Give me some roses instead.

If that's what you want.

I called the clinic

to let them know you can't make it.

You, you're going to be late.

The light outside doesn't bother you?

To help you.

I bought you this mask.

Good idea.

Let me put it on you.

I'm entirely at your service.

I'm your humble servant.

Even if I give you orders?

I'll obey every order you give me,


Then, don't go into the office today.

The office?

Where is your office?


Near the Assembly?

What kind of work do you do?

Do you know

What kind of work do you do?

What are you talking about?


That's not you.

Stop reading.

You're not cured yet.

Don't worry about it. 157 00:31:12,840 --> 00:31:15,513 - I'm completely better. - No.

- Not completely - Let me read!

You are ....

- There. - You're bad.

But I was bored.

In that case...

And now?

You're bad! 165 00:31:45,000 --> 00:31:47,514 Sleep a bit. Take care.

Screw me.

A wine shower!

You threw out my glass?


Hurry up!

My dear.

It pulls out easily.

Try it.

But I could run away from here.

That would be find with me.

It's going to be expensive to feed you.

I'll try something


I'm clumsy.

You didn't listen to me.

I hate it when it hurts me.

Two hundred roses?

To take with you?

Or for delivery?


But her address has changed

The woman is at your home?

Who is it?

I'm bringing your roses.

You're in there?

Open the door!

I'm bringing your roses.

Open up!


Bonjour !

Ça pique.

You've taken on the color of the wine.

My dear...

My dear...

- You liked that last bottle? - An excellent year!

I'll win the next golf tournament.

Oh really?

One has to try.

You're right.

I shoot well on the green.

But daily practice

isn't my strong point.

I'm no longer good at distances.

So, I've changed caddies.

At our age, we lost vitality.

That's true.

There's no need to go chasing butterflies.

But your getting the ball in the holes - that's better.

May I take off this dress now?

Stay dressed.

Let me look at you.

But I'm tired.



I don't have any more eggs.



I'm not being polite to you. 224 00:43:32,360 --> 00:43:35,477 There. All done, miss.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror

in the bathroom.

It's not true! You're a pro.

Get on your knees.

I want to piss. 230 00:44:17,200 --> 00:44:20,556 We have to go out. Okay, aim well.

I won't have the time to fix my make-up.

Guide me with your hands.

Hold close to me.

There are stairs.

Who are we meeting?

You'll see.






- How nice to see you! - For me as well!

You are beautiful as always

How stylish!

It was delicious.

You ate well?

Please excuse me.

I'll pay.

What has gotten into you?

Stop crying.

What's wrong with you then?

You don't have to tell me.

What did I say to you?

Repeat it.

"I want to piss."

Go down alone.

End of Mr. Nice Guy.


I'm going out for a moment.

I'll leave you alone.

Take care.


If you want,

you can leave.

Take advantage of my absence

to leave.


To you.

Fine, until this evening.



we're going to a club.

Okay? 274 00:53:03,920 --> 00:53:06,593 - You come here often? - Yes, often.

What is it?

Mr. Gondo, you have no more bottles left.

Déjà ?

I didn't pay attention.

I'll have to restock the cellar.

Is there a bathroom down there?

No, it's our cellar.

You heard me?

The customers are always wrong.

This bar has a great wine steward.

He takes care of our bottles.

They are brought to us by our customers themselves.

There are only fine wines here.

Each customer brings one or two bottles.

And we keep them for years.


and now...

fetch me my bottle.

You're getting it?

- This is the second bottle? - Perhaps.

I'm not sure.

In any case, it's a fine wine.

We can't see anything.

There's no light.

How will you find your bottle?

Stay with me.

Look at the ceiling.

What is it?

It's the sky.

That is Neptune.

He is the God of Wine.

Subconscious and dualistic.

That's the star that affects human instincts.

It seems like a summer festival.

It reminds me of my childhood.

I saw something.

Turn on the light.

I want some light!

You want to see?

You understand?


I don't want to...



You'll like this cage.


Look at me.


I don't want to look.

I can always leave.

But I know that you will come back.

You will come back.

I'm sure.

Don't stop

Keep on!


I'm waiting!

Watch closely.

We'll serve you.


I don't want to die.

Untie me!

I had a good time with you.


Don't leave me.

Love me again!

In my opinion,

the piercing would have looked better in your ears.

We're waiting for you, miss.

Put me in your cellar.

I want to become your bottle.

Producer: Naoya Narita

Photography: Yoshihiro Yamazaki

Sets: Heihachiro Watanabe


Jun Izumi (Satsuki)

Nagatoshi Sakamoto (The man, Gondo)

Nami Matsukawa (The woman in the cage)

A film of Shogoro Nishimura

Adaptation: Fabrice Arduini

Subtitling: Vdm


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