Thursday, December 28, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 28 2017

Rigging products are often subjected to conditions where corrosion may be a

factor. Today, we're going to give you a brief overview of some of the materials

and finishes that are most often used in the manufacturing of rigging fittings,

cable, and chain. Understanding this may aid you in making the best choice for

your application. Many rigging fittings come in two

different material types: stainless steel and carbon steel. The advantages of

stainless steel are more corrosion protection and superior finish. The

advantages of carbon steel are more strength and lower cost. The products

shown here are both half-inch machinery eye bolts. The one on the left is made of

carbon steel and the one on the right is made of type 316 stainless

steel. Note the difference in working load limit and price. When it comes to

stainless steel, there are two types that are used to make rigging products: Type

316 and Type 304. As you can see here, there is no detectable

difference when new. The primary difference between the two is chemistry.

As you can see, Type 316 has more Nickel and Molybdenum than type 304;

and these elements make Type 316 more resistant to corrosion and

chemicals. The presence of those elements also make Type 316 stainless

steel more expensive than type 304. It should be known that type 304 stainless

can pit and rust. So, for that reason in salt water and corrosive environments

Type 316 stainless steel is recommended for greatest service life.

With the exception of a few items, most of all of the stainless steel rigging

products offered on are Type 316 stainless steel. Carbon

steel products are made from several different alloys of steel, and chosen for

their physical properties to match the application. When produced

they are unfinished and subject to rusting. To combat corrosion, these type of products

are Hot Dipped Galvanized, Zinc Plated, Yellow Zinc Chromate Plated, painted or

just coated with the rust inhibiting oil. Of the finishes used to apply to carbon

steel rigging products, Hot Dip galvanizing is the most protective. Hot

Dip Galvanizing is the process of dipping steel into a bath of molten Zinc

which forms a thick chemically bonded layer of zinc on top of the steel. Less

protective than hot dip galvanizing is Zinc Plating. Zinc Plating is the process

of running a steel component through an electrically charged bath where a thin

layer of Zinc bonds to the component. Zinc Plating provides decent corrosion

protection in a nice even finish and a lower cost than hot dip galvanizing. Zinc

Plated products can be used outdoors, but will exhibit signs of rust much sooner

than hot dipped galvanized products. Yellow Zinc Chromate is basically the

same as zinc plating. The difference is the Yellow Chromate added to the Zinc

for tanning purposes. This finish is often used to distinguish Grade 70

transport chain and fittings. Some rigging products are coated or painted

with a variety of colors. In some cases, the coatings are simple enamel type. For

items such as lever and chain hoist components are powder coated. This tail

board block shown here was blast cleaned and sprayed with enamel. The last finish

we'll talk about is referred to as self colored. This is because it has no Zinc

or paint to protect it. However, these parts are blast cleaned after they have

been produced and a rust inhibiting oil is then applied. We hope this video has

cleared up any questions or concerns you might have about the materials and

finishes available in some of our rigging products. If you have any further

questions, please visit our website and check out our knowledge base

and please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more

information on various rigging topics. the best products and prices.

Always in stock.

Shipped Fast.

For more infomation >> Materials and Finishes to Combat Corrosion - Duration: 4:47.


'Se mi baci poi': l'audio segreto di Maria De Filippi che smaschera Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 'Se mi baci poi': l'audio segreto di Maria De Filippi che smaschera Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.


Quantos Imóveis Posso Comprar no Minha Casa Minha Vida? - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Quantos Imóveis Posso Comprar no Minha Casa Minha Vida? - Duration: 1:39.


Social experiment: Ask me why - Chiedimi perché | Alfredo Meschi (sub ITA/ENG) - Duration: 17:18.

<Ask me why>

Alfredo Meschi ASK ME WHY


Awesome, you're the first that's asking!

I see you are tattooed too.

How many do you think they are?

How many Xs? I have no idea.

They represent the number of slaughtered animals.

How often, in your opinion?

I have no idea but I'm going to eat an hamburger.

Take care.


How many Xs for you?


A bit more.

they are 40,000.

And if we were talking about animals, what could they represent?

Uhm, animals who are killed every hour?

It's 40,000 each second.

So every second, around the world, 40,000 sentient beings are murdered.

Just for food, which means no fur coats, no hunting, no vivisection.

When I found out these numbers, official FAO statistics updated every ten years, I made this choice.

I was a hunter, a fisherman. I wasn't born vegan.

It's only about animals for food industry or also for experimentation?

No, just for food.

Just to satisfy our palate, because that's what we're talking about.

Since we do not need to eat other animals to be healthy, we can say it's a matter of taste.

Something far from necessary.

Physically speaking, how are you feeling?

I'm vegan for ethical reasons,

related to my feelings towards animal suffering and injustice

therefore I'm not keen on the nutritional side.

But if you ask me: I feel better.

What makes me feel better is that I don't contribute to this madness anymore.

It would be insane to kill just one animal per second, because we're all people

humans or not.

Just being human doesn't give me the right to take freedom and life from another being.

While I'm eating meat or cheese

I can't picture how they are made.

Even so, when I watch videos about it I don't feel good either,

but the idea just hasn't seeped into my brain yet...

Honestly, I don't know if it springs in the brain or elsewhere.

Talking, communicating, they only go so far

it's not enough to know stuff.

I try to explore other channels, beyond the words.

I like to define myself not an activist, but an "artivist".

Certainly your approach is not aggressive

I think it's correct and fair one.

Ultimately, the purpose is to let people know that 40,000 animals are slaughtered every second.

You could've stayed home, on the couch, or gone for a walk here.

Okay then, thank you!

Bye, thanks.


how is it possible? Are you sure?

The number is correct because it's the number of animals who are killed every second in the world.

But that's a problem because while you reach a certain number of Xs,

the number of killed animals is going to increase anyway.

I hope this number will decrease... anyway being a per second related amount,

even if it grew there wouldn't be such difference.

If it decreases you should remove some of them by laser...

So I guess your diet is...

I'm vegan.

Totally vegan then.


But you know, the human body without the essential proteins of meat...

From the Middle Ages until now, the human population has increased due to growing amount of meat available.

That's science...

Yeah, but in the last years, even science is making some adjustements about proteins

and the famous essential amino acids

that first they were 10, then 11, then...

Yeah but...

You can take some DNA samples from fossils so you can find out the diet related to that particular era.

Then you'll discover we were not hunter-gatherers from the beginning.

We were just gatherers for more than hundreds, thousand, even millions of year.

Then at a certain point hunting began.

Yeah but humans were stuck in the Stone Age for more than two thousand years.

In the last 500 years we had an evolutionary leap, in particular for our brains, as never before.

It's all a matter of perspective.

In my humble opinion you can't call evolution killing 40 thousand living beings per second.

Wait, cows have no self consciousness.

Wrong. Not only do cows have self consciousness,

but also some understimated animals like fish have it.

I remember this movie, titled "The sentence", based on a true story where a judge allows basic human rights to a monkey...

Yeah but a monkey is already a step ahead...

Yes, but pigs are even further ahead compared to dogs in terms of self-awareness.

One may argue that veganism is quite extreme. I believe.

I think quite the opposite. If I feel better without killing any living beings, I don't feel an extremist.

Discussing with some people, this debate started: "Is killing a little lamb equal to killing a child?"

"Is sodomizing your child equal to killing a little lamb to make a soup?" One of them told me: "Yes." Then I just saw red.

Alright, I can tell you my views on the matter. Those who think that way, they bear a lot of hate towards humans...

...that are responsible for lots of things.

Oh responsable, yes.

From an anti-speciesist perspective it has no sense. Because we're animals too.

So if I'm against species discrimination how can I hate humans?

So I understand your skepticism, but you can't dismiss the whole sensory capacity of animals that easily.

I mean... they suffer as we suffer. They feel fear as we feel it.

So we, homo sapiens sapiens, have to realise that there are other living beings treated like

...not even in the worst horror movie.

If you watch "Earthlings", that's worse than any horror movie.

Yeah, that's for sure... we're going to get fined, we must go...

Are you serious? Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Thank you for the chat, bye.

Thank you so much.

That's the number of animals killed in the world for food. In your opinion, how often?

Per day, per day, we kill everyday, you know, how many...

Every second.

Every second?

Forty thousand every second!

The industrialised countries take cows which usually have a life expectancy of 20 years

and exploit them so they just live four, six, five years at the most.

That's all blood. But what they show you in commercials is: "Look kids, drink this milk made with love" and all that bullshit.

The cow always smiles then...

Then they show you children. But what do they have to do with cows exploitation?

I usually don't drink milk. That's not normal. Cow milk is for calves.

Now, if you say "drink a woman milk" people would be grossed out. But cow milk isn't perceived as gross, we're talking about a different animal.

That's an obvious consideration but unfortunately people don't think this way.

Moreover, if you think: "Is there a species that drinks milk from other species?" No, it doesn't.

So why should we go and drink everyone's milk?

I'm vegan but also anti-speciesist.

That's a philosophy that rejects dominance, so in a way all these aspects of industrialization, too.

So I checked out all the numbers that don't add up.

- Deforestation, concreting... - Yeah yeah, it's all related...

So, you know what these 40000 Xs mean?

They also mean 40000 small plastic bottles thrown into the sea. In what timeframe?

Every second.

Every second. What does it mean? That's failure of a whole system.

We should start over, in some other way.

We have to change this system.

Not even change it, but to literally reinvent a new one.

A consciousness revolution. A mindset revolution.

An awakening.

A mindset awakening. We should see milk as a problem, that's what we need.

We should relearn how to think.

By the way, I'm Alfredo.

My pleasure, bye.


An alternative form of protest?

A communication form. They're all real, I swear! Forty thousand animals are killed to sate our palates.


How often, do you think?

Well, around the world..

Every hour?

every minute I guess.

Every second?!

My whole body represents just one second.

Count, forty thousand, eighty thousand, one hundred twenty thousand, one hundred sixty thousand, two hundred thousand, that's the pace.

It's exponential.

If a counter started the moment you stopped here, it would now be already at one million and five hundred thousand, two million animals (killed).

So in your opinion eating meat is wrong because you kill animals.


My grandmother was a working-class woman from Livorno, she lived through the war, she was used to poverty.

So there were no animal products, no meat, fish cheese.

She wasn't vegan, but every meal I ate in my childhood was vegan.

And I enjoyed my grandmother and her cuisine.

But if we consider mother nature and the food chain...

But humans are not omnivores.

I think they are.

Humans can be omnivores.

A herbivore could never adapt.

A herbivore could not, but a frugivore could.

And physiologically speaking we're frugivores, that's what comparative anatomy says.

But it's so deeply rooted in our cultural DNA, tradition, etc etc... (omnivorism)

So what are you hoping to achieve?

When one of my pictures spreads, it ricochets from one page to the other.

It gets ten thousand comments, five thousand comments are insults: "go and ink one more X while I eat my steak".

Two or three thousand comments are like: "Oh, I never thought about that"

and then there's a small percentage that gets my message and decide to take that step they couldn't take before.

Good luck for your adventure.


Thanks. Eat your cake, if you still haven't done it.

Oh the chickpea one?.

Besides, it's vegan!

But it's a choice, I haven't eaten meat in three years. I've been vegan for three years now.

You're vegan.

Yeah yeah, she too, that's why I immediately knew it was related to animals.

Yeah this is a cow from Ippoasi [an animal sanctuary].

I've been there, yeah.

Her name is Earth. Maybe you've seen her, too. It was broken because according to the law if you find an animal without an ear tag it has to be incinerated.

Not just killed, but literally incinerated. It was a gift, it's a great honor, I carry it around everywhere.

All right all right, that's a reminder... what's your name?


My pleasure.

My pleasure.

Thanks, bye.

They're forty thousand! But unfortunately it's not the daily amount, but per second.

Forty thousand every second?

In the whole world. Yeah. It is such a crazy number that I thought "I want to impress just one of those seconds on my skin."

I get it, animals are killed everywhere, every day, even uselessly. It's been a lifetime since last ate meat.

I'm also against any animal slaughter. Furthermore meat is not healthy. But what do you think you'll accomplish?


But I do everything in my power. You and I, in this very moment, simply talking, we're changing the world.

And when you make real, tangible change, is not nothing.

Then, how long it will take to stop this insane oppression, who knows? Maybe it will never happen.

We're destroying ourselves.

Without any doubt. And the vast majority of scientists agree that in 2050 fish stock will be over.

Yeah, I firmly believe so.

And in 2050, comparing sheer weight, there will be more plastic than fish.

Of course. Unbridled consumerism.

Today the only thing you can do is to just stop.


We've caused a worldwide deforestation, we've cemented the whole Italy...

And they keep doing it! The last lung of the Amazon forest, they continue to tear it apart...

I won't live enough to see this disaster, but my grandchildren will, and it will affect them in one way or another.

Alfredo, good luck.

Thanks, you too. Bye.

Bye. You're young, you can change the world!

So, knowing that's an ear tag for cows, what could these tattoos be?

Crosses for dead cows?

Not just cows.

For dead animals.

And why are they dead? Why do we kill forty thousand animals?

To eat them.

That's it, to eat them. And how often do we kill them? In a month or...

Every day.

Every week?

Every second.

Forty, eighty, one hundred twenty.

Three finger snaps and they're already one hundred twenty animals.

If a counter started the moment you stopped here, it would now be already at four, five millions, probably.

So in this moment we're killing those animals…

I see, because they use them to make sausages too, for instance, those are also made from animals

Everything related to our diet. However, it is more correct to talk about taste:

because you can eat, be healthy, grow up, enjoy life, without having to eat animals.

So this is a slaughter of enormous proportions, useless and unjustified.

We are frugivores, all of our organs evolved for millions of years to eat fruit, berries and small grains.

Since we are a highly adaptive species, we can also become omnivores but we can also choose not to.

Or even better, that's our nature: to eat without eating anybody.

It was, I mean... I met people who told me about this.

We also have vegan friends, some classmates, and at first I couldn't understand the reason why.

Now that I learned about all this...I don't know, let's say it moved me.

I really had no idea. I didn't think it would happen.

I also feel very sorry about this. And I feel moved, too, for all the animals that are killed.

I would have thought forty thousand, say, every year. Not every second. It kind of...I don't know.

What if they were one hundred and not forty thousand?

Nothing would change.

It's still killing

You're still killing animals.

We should adjust our eating habits to a more...

...still healthy diet, but without any animal slaughter

Will you think about it?



For more infomation >> Social experiment: Ask me why - Chiedimi perché | Alfredo Meschi (sub ITA/ENG) - Duration: 17:18.


5 health benefits of hazelnuts | Health benefits #8 - Duration: 4:27.

Hello everyone, it's Pierrick. In this video I'm going to show you 5 health benefits of hazelnuts.

The first health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about

is that hazelnuts are a great source of energy.

100 grams of hazelnuts provides almost 700 calories which is

34% of our daily needs in calories.

The second health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about

is that hazelnuts are a great source of fibre and in particular in insoluble fiber.

100 grams of hazelnuts provides 40% of our daily needs in fibre and insoluble fibre

help us to digest quicker.

The third health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about,

is that hazelnuts are good for our muscles because it's a good source of proteins.

So 100 grams of hazelnuts provides 28% of our daily needs in proteins.

The fourth health benefit of hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about

is that they are rich in vitamins including vitamin E. So 100 grams of

hazelnuts provides about 24% of our daily needs in vitamin E.

And vitamin E helps to protect us from oxidative stress and oxidative stress

can develop cancers and Alzheimer's disease. Hazelnuts also are rich in vitamin B6.

100 grams of hazelnuts provides about 24% of our daily needs

in vitamin B6. And vitamin B6 helps us to keep an healthy brain.

The fifth health benefit about hazelnuts I wanted to talk to you about is that they are rich in minerals.

And specifically they are rich in magnesium. Approximately 37% of our daily magnesium needs

is provided with 100 grams of hazelnuts and magnesium is a source of energy.

Magnesium can preserve nervous and muscular balance in our body.

Hazelnuts also are a good source of potassium. 100 grams of hazelnuts provides 27%

of our daily needs in potassium and potassium, unlike sodium, helps us

to lower our blood pressure. Hazelnuts are also a good source of manganese.

100 grams of hazelnuts provides twice of our daily needs in manganese.

And provides about 37% of our daily needs in phosphorus. Manganese

and phosphorus are minerals that help us to maintain healthy bones.

So to resume hazelnuts are a good source of calories. It is an energy booster.

Hazelnuts are also rich in fibre, especially insoluble fibre.

Hazelnuts are also rich in protein, they are also rich in vitamins and particularly

vitamin E and vitamin B6. And nuts are also rich in minerals

They are rich in magnesium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus in particular.

I hope you enjoyed this video, thank you for watching.

Feel free to subscribe to my channel for more videos on nutrition.

And you can support my videos on my patreon page.

See you next time !

For more infomation >> 5 health benefits of hazelnuts | Health benefits #8 - Duration: 4:27.


Kunjungan ke MNC News Center + Wawancara Tasya Syarief - ARFVlog001 - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Kunjungan ke MNC News Center + Wawancara Tasya Syarief - ARFVlog001 - Duration: 5:59.


Accounting+ Launch Trailer

For more infomation >> Accounting+ Launch Trailer


Descre(ve)r - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Descre(ve)r - Duration: 1:26.


Volvo V70 2.0 T5 EDITION R-DESIGN/LEDER/NAVI/XENON/18"/TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0 T5 EDITION R-DESIGN/LEDER/NAVI/XENON/18"/TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:57.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE BUSINESS R Automaat, Clima, Cruise, PDC V+A, Stoelverw. etc ! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE BUSINESS R Automaat, Clima, Cruise, PDC V+A, Stoelverw. etc ! - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo XC60 T5 245pk R-Design - Panoramadak - AUT - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 T5 245pk R-Design - Panoramadak - AUT - Duration: 0:44.



For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 T5 AWD AUT8) R-DESIGN SCAN/INTELLISAFE PRO LINE/KEYLESS/LED - Duration: 1:00.


проверка стрима - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> проверка стрима - Duration: 2:38.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition *Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition *Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.


Lx24 - Дай мне уйти (2017) - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Lx24 - Дай мне уйти (2017) - Duration: 3:27.


How to Earn Kohl's Cash

For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


We don't know why sharks bite people - Duration: 5:19.

I can't really think of any other animal

that gets as much press as sharks.

There are very few animals that have a whole week

of television programming dedicated to them.

In fact, I would argue it's built into our DNA

to like things that are a little scary.

It's been a challenge in terms of getting good science

and good behavior information to the public to show them

that the way they're portrayed in the movies

isn't how sharks actually act.

It's human nature to want to know why sharks bite people

and the simple reality of it is we don't know.

We clearly know they're not interested in eating people

because places like Santa Monica Bay or Waikiki Beach

would be a Costco for sharks.

Southern California is known as a nursery for white sharks

in the Northeast Pacific.

One of the things that we've noted in the last 10 years

is that the number of baby white sharks has been steadily rising.

The reason why we think the white shark population is increasing

is really based on the fact that they've been protected.

These young sharks are using some of the most

heavily populated beaches on the entire West Coast.

We have to learn more about the behavior, so we can

increase that knowledge, and get that knowledge to the public,

so that we can continue to share the waves with the sharks,

and be safe when we do so.

So by using drones, underwater cameras, smart tags,

all these technologies combined together are enabling us

to put together the world around the shark.

This is an acoustic transmitter.

So these are the types that we can dart into a shark's back.

So as a shark's swimming around, if it gets within 500 yards

of one of our underwater receivers, the receiver will log

the time and date that the shark came by.

So all summer long, we've had a lot of activity.

All the sharks that are being sighted are what we call white sharks.

We've got a decent size one down where the helicopters are right now.

Our most successful method so far

has been this dart tagging method

where we either tag sharks from a boat,

or we tag them from a jet ski.

One of the things that we're learning

is that the sharks are getting more savvy.

They're getting more difficult to approach from a boat.

In addition, the visibility in the water here is not very good.

So the sharks only have to go about two feet beneath

the surface, and we no longer spot them.

Got it!

The shark that I did tag, appeared to be clear.

We didn't see any other tags in it, and it was a good tag.

So hopefully we'll get a lot of information from that shark

over the next couple months, and even the next few years.

This is one of the devices that's out listening for sharks all the time.

This is the hydrophone.

This is the actual listening part,

and then the computer part is in here.

So we work closely with many of the lifeguards

in Southern California to develop protocols.

If sharks are over eight feet,

there's a good chance that it is a white shark.

Larger sharks are more likely to approach people

than the smaller ones.

Therefore, if a shark is confirmed shark sighting of over eight feet,

lifeguards may elect to pull people out of the water.

If the water visibility is really poor, and

there are notices of sharks being in the areas,

that's when accidents may happen.

It may be that they're mistaking them for their normal prey

because visibility is poor.

The other possibility is sharks are biting people for defensive reasons.

Every animal has a personal space.

If you get in a shark's personal space,

and you don't even know the sharks are there,

and the sharks are warning, and warning, warning.

Finally it says, "OK, I warned you,"

comes over, takes a bite.

The person leaves the area.

Problem solved for the shark.

So when you consider how many people use the ocean

on a daily basis in Southern California,

and the likelihood of being bitten by a shark

is so infinitesimally small, that it almost seems crazy to worry about.

I always relate your chances of being bit by a shark

is the same likelihood of winning the Powerball.

It's that small.

For more infomation >> We don't know why sharks bite people - Duration: 5:19.


What Happens To Your Mind if You Don't Sleep - Duration: 5:50.

one of the things that can happen when we don't get enough sleep is it changes

our thinking abilities, ability to be able to process information effectively

it can also impair your memory and there's a couple of reasons for both of these effects

as far as the thinking problems and the memory in fact insomnia

increases cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone we think of it it

also contributes to the fight-or-flight response

giving that surge of adrenaline. But and so it is very useful we do need cortisol

but what we don't need is elevated levels of cortisol just kind of sitting

there sitting around. Elevated levels of cortisol can cause memory problems or

trouble trouble retrieving information and this is the same kind of decline in

memory that we see with age-related changes that's that's one of the causes

of age-related or senile dementia we sometimes refer to it as.

So as far as memories go it's the slow-wave sleep that helps

consolidate declarative memories and it's REM sleep that helps

consolidate procedural memories. Now what are these two different types of

memories just for your information. Declarative memories is the ability to

remember facts and things that we've learned in the past such as say a to-do

list. I can at the beginning of my day have this to-do list of things that I

want to do today and then as the day progresses I file back and recall things

oh yeah grocery store pick up dry cleaning these

sorts of things that would be declarative memory procedural memory would be memory

for things like things tasks that you've learned procedures you can think of it

as like riding a bike or even something like learning

Photoshop which is a pretty complex program. But learning things that you

have learned and where there's several steps and after a while those things can

become very rote and it's not an effort to remember how to write a bicycle for

example. So the reason this is important is because when you get less sleep let's

say you only sleep four hours who knows how that's translates into how

much less slow-wave sleep you've gotten and how much less REM you've gotten

you've had less time in the laboratory

forming these memories and this can have really important implications for people

students who are studying staying up late let's pull an all-nighter to

remember these facts and things and perhaps you may

be able to stuff some of it down, but you're really compromising your ability

to really learn and remember when intuitively it seems that if you just

spend more time you'll be able to remember and it actually works against

you. So another quick analogy to illustrate the difference between

procedural memory and declarative memory for those of you who like technology

would be to compare it to the memory in your computer. The computer has two types

of memory the RAM which is random access memory and ROM which is typically what

we think of as the computer's hard drive where things are permanently stored.

So for us our declarative memory would be RAM that's our ability to quickly

remember things keep a lot of things in our head. If you have a computer that has

lots of RAM, gigabyte several gigabytes of RAM you're gonna be able to run a lot

of programs at the same time click here click there have the internet your email

something else going and hardly be slowed down at all if you don't have

enough RAM you're gonna click can have to wait see the hourglass and things

might even freeze on you. So where do we get this RAM well first of all so taking

it to the workplace if you have the kind of job where you really have to be on

your toes for most of the day you've got people asking you questions you've got

to recall things that came up in meetings yesterday and be able to act on

that information etc., you need a lot of RAM. So where do you get the RAM? The RAM

comes in the slow-wave sleep portion so it's that deep sleep

the restorative sleep as far as there's lots of things that happened during that

phase but also consolidating our declarative memory. Then our REM sleep

would be responsible for consolidating the ROM or our ROM, our hard drive that

keeps up with the procedures that become rote for us like the riding of the

bicycle, washing dishes, driving a car things that we hardly give any thought

to because we filed it away as a memory that's in our hard drive that we can

easily draw from. So now that you have an earful about different types of memories

suffice it to say that it's the forming of these memories and enabling us to be

able to think and process and be sharp and on our toes is very dependent on how

much sleep we get. So next lecture is health problems that turn up when you

don't get enough sleep

For more infomation >> What Happens To Your Mind if You Don't Sleep - Duration: 5:50.


MYSTERIOUS Discoveries Science Still Can't Explain! - Duration: 11:48.

From fireballs shooting out of rivers to unexplained sounds in the ocean, here are 10 discoveries

that scientists can't explain.


Zhang Heng's Seismoscope

Zhang Heng was considered the Leonardo Da Vinci of ancient China.

Almost 2,000 years ago he created the first earthquake sensing device.

Somehow, this instrument could sense the inertia of an earthquake long before seismographs

came to be.

It was said to have been possessed by a supernatural force or a Genie that would control it since

nobody knew how it actually worked!

Here comes the fun part, the body of the instrument consisted of a vase with eight mobile dragon

heads, each representing a direction on the compass.

Whenever an earthquake came, the dragon mouth would drop a small ball into a toad's mouth

cast underneath, indicating the direction the seismic wave was travelling.

Over the years, many have tried to replicate the object but even today, nobody knows the

exact mechanism inside the closed vessel.

A few have proposed a simple-pendulum system inside is responsible for this unexplained

function but how it truly works?

Nobody knows!


The Naga Fireballs

Every year, this rare phenomenon is said to occur at the Mekong River, bordering Laos

and Thailand.

Every October on a full moon, people gather on the river banks to watch fiery, red spheres

glowing hundreds of feet into the air.

While there is no clear scientific explanation, these fireballs have inspired myths and legends

for centuries.

Sometimes as many as 800 spheres will rise up out of the water.

The locals believe that the river is inhabited by a Naga, a supernatural and benevolent water

snake that puffs out these fireballs, hence the name.

It also usually happens on the last day of Buddhist Lent, on the 11th full moon of the

year so the serpent may be puffing out these fireballs as a ritual to call back their holy

leader Buddha to descend down to the earth.

The tentative scientific explanation is that the river gives off methane gas that bubbles

to the surface and ignites.

However, the Mekong River does not provide those conditions naturally, and gas does not

burn red and shoot up into the air.

I think we should go and see for ourselves!!!!

What are you guys doing next October??


The Taos Hum

Taos, New Mexico is known for its art galleries, ski resorts, and Native American culture.

But deep down there is a spooky secret.

Some people, but not all, can hear a frequent humming sound, known as "The Taos Hum".

In the early 1990s, the inhabitants of this town were so disturbed that they filed a petition

to Congress.

Congress ordered an investigative study and placed acoustic instruments all around the

town to record any rumbling noise.

Initially, a few disturbances were recorded, but they were falsely mistaken for the local

electromagnetic perturbations.

After that, no sound could ever be detected, and the study was concluded as having inadequate


Joe Mullins from the University of New Mexico, surveyed residents and discovered that about

2% of the population could hear the hum.

An interesting thing however, was that the hum was never reported as being the same sound.

Sometimes it was a buzz, other times it was a whir or clearly a hum.

Many conspiracy theories exist, and some actually believe it was a military experiment conducted

by the agencies.

The hum still remains unexplained.


The Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica Deep down in the dense jungles of Costa Rica,

a very interesting discovery was made in the late 1930s.

A fruit company, while looking for new lands for banana plantations, found perfectly spherical

shaped stone balls, carved to immaculate perfection.

About 300 spheres were found, ranging from a few inches to as much as 7 feet in diameter.

The biggest ones were reported to weigh up to 16 tons, which is so heavy that a modern-day

bulldozer would have a hard time moving it.

Nobody is certain as to who made them, how old they are, or for what purpose they might

have been made.

What's even more mysterious is that the volcanic rock they've been made out of,

does not exist anywhere in the vicinity.

Given the weight of the larger stones, transporting them seems to be virtually impossible for

more primitive civilizations.

A few of the stones have been blasted to see if there was gold or other valuable relics


Others have been rolled around in various locations in Costa Rica for tourists to see.


Tomb of the First Chinese Emperor

Known as one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever, the secret tomb of China's

first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, still remains a mystery.

The tomb was only discovered in the 20th century when farmers digging in the area uncovered

a life-size terracotta warrior.

There are an estimated 6,000-8,000 warriors although just 2,000 have been uncovered.

This world famous terracotta army is just the tip of the iceberg of the tomb of the

first emperor of China.

Most of this tomb is unexplored.

It is estimated that the construction of this tomb took almost 38 years and was completed

after the death of the emperor around 220 B.C. Historians suggest that the tomb consists

of scenic towers and palaces that once housed over a hundred people.

The tomb is also believed to contain many hidden treasures and unique artifacts.

Today it is carpeted by heavy vegetation which makes it look just like a hill to the untrained


The archaeological digging work continues in the area of the terracotta warriors, but

the tomb is said to be filled with booby traps and surrounded by rivers of toxic mercury.

Over 8000 bodies were buried along with the great emperor, including many of his concubines

so he would not be lonely in the afterlife.

Access to this tomb by the general public is forbidden.

At present, technology is not advanced enough to be able to preserve the excavated artifacts

or the underground complex just because of its sheer size.

There are no plans yet to open the tomb.


Paleodictyon Nodosum

There exists a mysterious creature which is believed to create hexagonal burrows on the

ocean floor.

The impressions are so perfect that it seems to be a work of a well-seasoned mathematician

at their best.

Or a honey bee.

The physical anatomy of this creature remains unknown, at least for now, until scientists

can confirm the find with a live specimen.

In 1976 scientists were amazed to see a mysterious creature forming the same pattern.

The animal couldn't be captured but seemed to resemble a known primitive sea-animal,

Paleodictyon Nodosum.

This animal was believed to have gone extinct some 50 million years ago as per the fossil


Only a few computer regenerated graphic images of the creature exist, which are not necessarily


This organism which is just a bit larger than a poker chip, would perhaps be the oldest

living fossil ever.

Right after this, multiple expeditions were launched to find more evidence to determine

if this creature truly existed.

None were able to gather enough evidence but scientists continue to go down to the icy

depths of the Atlantic and keep searching for the creator of the hexagonal works of



The Upsweep

Like the Taos Hum, the Upsweep is another unexplained sound phenomena that has left

scientists pretty confused.

Since 1991, this sound has been detected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

(NOAA) from the mid-Pacific Ocean.

The initial studies speculated that these sounds might be coming from ship vibrations

or large whales, but no evidence could be provided to support these claims.

NOAA explains that the Upsweep is basically sound waves that are able to travel very large


Even from one end of Pacific to another!

The sounds appear to be seasonal, usually peaking in spring and fall.

Another hypothesis suggested that it might be the sound of magma coming in contact with

water on a very large scale, but that probably isn't the case since volcanic eruptions

are very erratic and do not give off a uniform sound like Upsweep.

Different conspiracy theories exist of course that it might be some kind of massive animal

swimming back and forth in the Pacific.

The origin of the sound remains unresolved.

Listen closely, and tell me what you think it might be in the comments below!!!


Godzillus Fossil

If you've seen the Arizona Saguaro Cactus, this next thing will definitely baffle you.

Paleontologists have discovered a massive fossil outside Cincinnati which they're

calling "Godzillus" because of its large size.

The fossil looks like a cactus and may have been up to 9 feet tall.

The fossil slabs, roughly elliptical in shape, have an unusual texture on the surface.

What is more confusing is that this fossil does not fit into any category of known organisms.

The fossil exhibits some properties of a plant but cannot be technically classified as one

since it does not have any photosynthesis - something that is definitely an important

characteristic of plants, as you well know.

The fossil is estimated to date back to roughly 450 million years ago.

It was initially discovered by Ron Fine, an amateur paleontologist.

Scientists are currently studying its attributes, and it may potentially lead to an entirely

new system of classification contrary to what we've been studying in our science classes.


The Placebo Effect

There's more to human psychology and the power of the mind than we actually know.

The placebo effect is the idea that the brain can convince the body that a fake treatment

is the real thing.

Sometimes under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional


This connection between the brain and the body is very difficult to explain.

For example, researchers took a group of patients suffering from high cholesterol and told all

of them about this new drug which they all believed would help lower their cholesterol


The researchers divided the patients into two groups, one that took the actual drug,

and the other taking a pill that contained absolutely nothing, the placebo.

Both groups were individually studied.

As expected, the patients with the actual dose showed greater signs of improvement.

The placebo patients surprisingly also showed lower levels of cholesterol.

This has been done over and over with all kinds of illnesses and diseases and many times

patients taking the placebo often have a reduction in their symptoms.

While placebos cannot actually lower your cholesterol or shrink a tumor, they can make

you feel better.

It is estimated that drugs contribute to about 20% of healing while the rest is done by the

human brain and immune system that directs the body to fight back.

How placebos work is still not quite understood but positive thinking, and self care can actually

help you to physically fight off any ailment.



Sometimes scientists make discoveries that they do not have any explanation for.

Kepler-78b is a celestial planet which shouldn't technically exist in the first place.

It has a density and size that resembles our planet Earth but it circles it's star every

eight and half hours at a distance less than 1 million miles.

It is one of the smallest known orbits and according to theories of planet formation,

theoretically, it is almost impossible for a planet like Kepler-78b to form because of

the extreme heat levels.

It is estimated that Kepler-78b is going to end up inside the star very soon.

The gravitational forces acting on this planet are so high that it is continually being dragged

towards the star.

It is predicted that in almost 3 billion years the pressures on Kepler-78b would rise so

high that it would either burst or merge into its parent star.

The Earth-sized planet with similar density is confusing to scientists because they don't

know how it formed, or how it got to have such a tight orbit and is a complete enigma.

This planet is a doomed world, but interestingly enough, our solar system could have held a

planet like Kepler-78b that may also have been destroyed long ago, without leaving a


Thanks for watching!

Keep an eye out in case these discoveries are eventually solved!

Remember to subscribe and see you next time!!

For more infomation >> MYSTERIOUS Discoveries Science Still Can't Explain! - Duration: 11:48.


Volkswagen T-Roc € 1.834,- voordeel 1.0 TSI 115 pk Style (VSB 16531) Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc € 1.834,- voordeel 1.0 TSI 115 pk Style (VSB 16531) Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:59.


AVA 萌妹子乳搖+天T日常OuO - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> AVA 萌妹子乳搖+天T日常OuO - Duration: 0:52.


Filmmaking and Cinematography Techniques: DUNKIRK - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> Filmmaking and Cinematography Techniques: DUNKIRK - Duration: 13:30.


WH Press Secretary Sanders Just Destroyed CNN - Duration: 23:29.

WH Press Secretary Sanders Just Destroyed CNN

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders promptly unleashed on CNN's

White House correspondent April Ryan.

Secretary Sanders slammed Ryan for making accusations that the President shouldn't

attend the opening of the Civil Rights museum because of his response to the violence that

erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this year.

"There are comments from the NAACP, from black ministers, who are planning on protesting

and boycotting this weekend the President's visit to the Civil Rights Museum.

What say you?" asked Ryan.

"I think that would be very sad.

I think this is something that should bring the country together to celebrate the opening

of this museum and highlighting the Civil Rights movement and the progress that we've

made," responded Sanders.

"I would hope that those individuals would join in that celebration instead of protesting

it, however they have every right to protest it."

Press Secretary Sanders actually moved on to take a question from another reporter after

answering Ryan, but she was abruptly interrupted by the CNN correspondent.

"You don't think it's an insult that he's coming, as we've had issues of Charlottesville,

the back-and-forth, the President couldn't get his statement straight on Charlottesville,"

pressed the reporter.

Sanders was not falling for Ryan's pathetic comment and shot right back at her before

quickly moving on.

"I think he got his statement very clear when he condemned all forms of racism, bigotry,

and violence.

There's no gray-area there and I think he made it very clear what his position is,"

declared the Press Secretary.

Watch Sanders take-on Ryan at 5 minutes and 7 seconds below.

Do you think April Ryan was just trying to make President Trump look bad?

We want to hear your thoughts about this folks!

Please leave a

comment below:

For more infomation >> WH Press Secretary Sanders Just Destroyed CNN - Duration: 23:29.


FINGER PAINT A POT O' GOLD! | Fun Kid Craft Ideas (By Chalk TV) - Duration: 1:42.

-Hey everyone! I'm Eric, your DIY Dad here at BabyLeague, and today we've teamed up

with Chalk TV for some fun arts and crafts that are sure to get your little

and smiling. Today's creation is a lucky Pot of Gold,

so let's get started. -Let's make a Pot of Gold. You will need

black and white construction paper, gold glitter, and red, orange, yellow, green, blue,

and purple paint. Alright, first lay down the white construction paper and cut out

the pot from the black construction paper. Then glue it on to the bottom left

hand corner. Take your finger and dip it into the red paint and with your finger

create a shape of an arch. Next use crazy orange, bright yellow, pretty green,

crystal blue, and beautiful purple. Now for the last step, spread glue all over

the top of your pot and sprinkle some gold glitter on it to jazz it up.

Look your Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow. -That was so much fun. Be sure to

let us know in the comments below how your little one's project turned out. With

any luck, I'm sure it's beautiful. Be sure to give this video a thumbs up, make sure

you guys are subscribed to BabyLeague, and we'll see you next time for some

more fun DIY projects with Chalk TV. Bye!

For more infomation >> FINGER PAINT A POT O' GOLD! | Fun Kid Craft Ideas (By Chalk TV) - Duration: 1:42.


What The Cast Of Downton Abbey Looks Like In Real Life - Duration: 7:55.

Revealing the upstairs-downstairs way of life, Downton Abbey wowed its audience with a dynamic

portrayal of the Crawley family and their help.

But it should come as no surprise that the actors don't look like their characters 24/7.

Here's what the stars of Downton Abbey look like in real life.

Laura Carmichael

Middle sister Lady Edith Crawley was played by Laura Carmichael, And according to the

Radio Times, fans immediately pegged her as the ugly one.

"But I don't want to be invisible, either.

I've had enough of it."

She shared,

"It was really funny opening the newspaper and reading the reviews and going, 'Oh, I'm

playing the ugly one.'

I hadn't thought of that."

But this perception changed over the years, and Carmichael eventually became noted more

for her character's status rather than her looks — even off camera.

She said,

"People ask me to go horse-riding and things.

I have to say, 'I'm not really posh, I don't own a horse, I don't know how to do it.'"

Michelle Dockery

The actress who played Lady Mary Crawley has a similar real-life look to her character.

Carmichael told the Radio Times about fans' obsession with Michelle Dockery's role, saying,

"I've watched people talk to Michelle like she's the queen — she's Lady Mary."

Since the series finale, Dockery's taken on a very different role in the show Good Behavior.

Comparing her new character to Lady Mary, Dockery told Vanity Fair,

"They are very different, and I think it may shock some people, and that's all right.

I don't mind shocking people."

"You came.

To be honest, I wasn't completely sure you would."

"I'm glad to hear it.

I should hate to be predictable."

Hugh Bonneville

Thanks to his character, Robert Crawley, Bonneville will most likely be the Lord of Downton Abbey

for the rest of his life.

"You make it sound very serious."

Since the show's end, he has continued to act, but tells ET Online,

"I'm enjoying semi-retirement, staring at my garden...I just look for characters and

stories that are entertaining and quirky to fill the gap between now and the grave."

"Nothing's the matter.

What should be the matter?"

Joanne Froggatt

"I'm Anna, the head housemaid."

As a lady's maid, Froggatt's character Anna Bates wore little makeup.

The actress explained why, telling Allure,

"Being a lady's'd never want to be seen competing with your employers...They

had to dull down my hair, my face...Just foundation and a tiny bit of blush."

But she had glam plans post-shoot, telling the mag,

"When we finish the series, the first thing I do is go get my spray tan, go get my nails

done, because I don't get to do any of that for six months.

I'm quite a girlie girl myself."

Robert James-Collier

Thomas Barrow, a butler who believed he was better than his fellow company downstairs,

was played by Robert James-Collier

"Your ladyship, may I have the honor of this dance?"

The character and the actor may look very similar, but their outfits of the day are

definitely not.

During an interview with The Guardian, James-Collier came in wearing, "a lumberjack shirt, skinny

jeans and Converse."

The upstairs would be appalled.

Phyllis Logan

Head housekeeper Mrs. Hughes was played by actress Phyllis Logan, whose off-screen style

is quite a bit more modern than her on-screen look.

And while Mrs. Hughes was one for rules, Logan is all about breaking them.

She told the Washington Post,

"Because I came from a small town outside Glasgow, nobody from my school had ever gone

into the acting profession...You joined the bank or became a teacher or whatever you did."

Thankfully, she did what she did.

Otherwise she might have been stuck selling toasters or something.

"What in God's name is it?"

"An electric toaster.

I've given it to myself as a treat."

Jim Carter

Charles Carson was the butler at the Crawley's estate.

"Hello, this is Downton Abbey.

Carson the butler speaking."

And while actor Jim Carter may not wear his hair slicked back like he did on the show,

he's easily spotted as the fan-favorite character.

He told The Telegraph,

"I get recognized quite a lot.

I mean, walking over Westminster Bridge, from the south side to the north side, a Chilean

family who didn't speak any English, an Indian family...and a French family in the space

of 150 yards — that was fairly amazing."

Elizabeth McGovern

The lady of the house, Countess Cora Crawley, was portrayed by Elizabeth McGovern.

And aside from the period-themed outfits, McGovern's on and off-screen looks don't differ


"Mrs. Patmore, is there any aspect of the present day that you can accept without resistance?"

"Oh, my lady.

I wouldn't mind getting rid of my corset."

Commenting on playing an older female character, the 56-year-old actress told The Sun,

"I don't see myself as middle-aged...I feel exactly the same as when I was 18, except

with more confidence and more of a secure grounding under my feet.

I feel better."

Sophie McShera

As Daisy Mason, actress Sophie McShera's transformation into her character meant skipping the makeup

— and being told to not wash her hair.

She described her character to The Standard, saying,

"She's a complete dogsbody, the lowest of the low.

And I have to have all this eczema put on my hands and dirt under my nails when she's

been doing the fires."

"Oh my Lord.

What was this chopped egg supposed to be sprinkled on?"

"Was it the chicken?"

"It was.

Take it upstairs now.

For heaven's sake, get a move on girl!"

However, McShera puts a positive spin on her looks, saying,

"I'd hate to be really beautiful on telly and then have everyone go, 'It's all make-up

and lighting.'"

Lesley Nicol

Actress Lesley Nicol played the ultimate kitchen boss, Mrs. Patmore.

And while the cook of the house would never be found in makeup, Nicol herself shines on

the red carpet.

Though being stuck in a kitchen all day isn't glamorous living, Nicol wouldn't have it any

other way.

She told Parade,

"I wouldn't swap her for the world."

"Is there anything I can do?"


'Cuz I've never felt more relieved in all my life!"


Brendan Coyle

Another dead ringer for his character, Brendan Coyle will always be John Bates to fans.

"But be aware.

Nothing is over, and nothing is done with."

The actor has since gone on to many roles, mainly in film, including the adaptation of

the book Me Before You in 2016.

Maggie Smith

Dame Maggie Smith so completely became her character that she's essentially Violet Crawley


"I'm so looking forward to seeing your mother again.

When I'm with her, I'm reminded of the virtues of The English."

"But isn't she American?"


But she doesn't share everything with the dowager countess.

While Crawley is stone-faced, Smith is warm and congenial.

And candid, revealing to CBS just how much she hated her character's corset.

"I did cheat a bit.

Because I promised that if I sat up, bolt upright, I would look as though I were wearing


Lily James

Budding superstar Lily James saw her career take off once she landed the role of Lady

Rose MacClare.

"You mustn't be so self-conscious."

"A black singer with the daughter of a Marquess in a North Yorkshire town?

Why should we attract any attention?"

"Well, that's their problem.

It doesn't have to be ours."

The actress has since hit the big screen, in films like 2015's Cinderella and 2017's

Baby Driver.

And James' ability to physically disappear into her roles means she's not always instantly

recognizable off-screen.

She told The Independent,

"I look quite different on camera to how I look in the flesh.

Some people have such unique faces or such a strong look that you can't help but notice


I don't think I'm really like that."

Dan Stevens

Actor Dan Stevens famously left Downton Abbey in a blaze of glory when his character, Matthew

Crawley, met an untimely end back in 2012.

"But you can't leave Downton."

"I can't stay.

Not now."

But even after playing the iconic role of Beast in Beauty and the Beast, the actor is

still being hounded by devastated Downton fans.

He told The Mirror,

"I'm still apologizing to people now.

The way Matthew went was out of my hands–but it was rather shocking.

There were some very upset people and I've had to apologize to a lot of ­people over

the past four years."

But hey.

What happens in Downton Abbey bloody stays in Downton Abbey.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> What The Cast Of Downton Abbey Looks Like In Real Life - Duration: 7:55.


PREPPING POWERFOOD WITH JAMIE #3 • Rens Kroes - Duration: 7:02.

Welcome to my party in the kitchen!

Together with...

Jamie Li!

It is so nice that you are here!

Yes, it is so much fun to be here.

So much fun.

I heard that you are good at baking cakes,

and that you really enjoy doing it.

Yes, that is really one of my hobbies.

Do you also bake healthy cakes?

I do not think so.

But I often deviate from recipes.

When the recipe states a specific amount of sugar,

I always add less.

But I still think my cakes are not healthy.

So that is why you wanted to make...

this one!

Then we are going to make that one.

Yes, I always wanted to bake a cake together with you.

We already made two layers of the cake,

which I am going to grab now.

Otherwise we will be here all day.

480 gr. whole wheat spelt flour,

375 gr. coconut blossom sugar,

150 gr. cacoa,

3 tsp baking soda,

3 tsp vanilla,

750 ml almond milk,

11/2 tsp apple cider vinegar.


240 ml coconut oil,

and 450 gr. apple sauce.


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.

Now I am finally allowed to touch your pretty oven.


180, like this.

And then...

We need heat from above and below.

Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix them thoroughly.

Let me grab a bowl.

Wait a second.

So much fun.

Okay, I am going to throw this in there.

Yes! Just like a cocktail.

This is going well.

Very well.

It would take me two days to make this cake.


add all the wet ingredients to another bowl,

then mix these as well.


A new bowl.

Which ingredients do we need?

Oh yes.

What is this?

Almond milk.

Do you like parties?

Yes, I love parties.

And almond milk.

What kind of parties do you go to?

I like throwing parties.

Oh nice!

Like doing the decoration for a children's party.

I also like parties,

in clubs,

and like that.

To dance?

Yes, I always dance.

Are you a fan of parties?


I love parties a lot.

What is your favorite music?

I can say that I have a very good taste but also a very 'wrong' taste in music.

The good taste is for Motown music.

Otis Redding, Lenny Kravitz,

that kind of music.


Then I also have a bit of a 'wrong' side when it comes to music,

for which I am too old as well, I think.

But that is Boef, Ronnie Flex, and...


Why do you think you are too old for that?

Why is it 'wrong'?

Because the lyrics are quite rank sometimes.

Oh yes, maybe.

It is only about how much money they earn.

Oh yes.

But the beat is very nice, right?

The beats are super good.

Plus those songs just make me happy.

That is a good thing, right?

It is perfectly smooth.

Does it look right?

I think it looks great.

Perfectly smooth.

Now it can go in the...

In the oven?

In the oven, right?

We should first grease the pan.

You don't necessarily need to grease it.

I did it, but you do not need to.

Just to be sure.

What is your favorite party recipe?

I love it when my dad makes Vietnamese spring rolls.

Oh, yummy.

I personally love to bake.

Can you put it into the oven?

Yes, all right.

The oven is so hot.

Be careful not to burn yourself.

Yes, you can put it in the middle.

Let's make the...


Yes, the frosting!

What do we need for that?

We need,

375 gr. coconut cream,

75 ml. maple syrup,

Am I pronouncing that right?


Very well.

1 tsp vanilla,

1 1/2 tsp cinnamon.

Let's add this too.

This has to set in the fridge for a while.

Then we are going to drink a cup of tea.

What is your favorite dance song?

Oh gosh.

Party song.

If I am hosting a party and my family is there I like to turn on Surinamese music.

I am not an expert but I just Google 'Lieve Hugo'.

Lieve Hugo?

That is Surinamese music, guaranteed.

Here is the frosting!

A lot of it!



Do we add fruits in between the layers too?


There's fruit over here.


Look how pretty.

And delicious, ofcourse.

Very delicious.

You can top it with the fruits.

Okay, I can do that.

You can!

It is okay if it gets a little messy, right?

Yes, definitely.

I love messy.

Soccer player Messi.

Haha, I knew you were going to say that.

Do you eat a lot of cake?

No, not really, but I could.


Yes, cake on a daily basis.

I also love cookies.

I love eating filled cookies.

Do you also make your own?

No, not really.

I am not good at that.

Let's put this one on top.


Oh yes, we need a little more.

Can we still do that?

I can squeeze them in.

Coconut cream.

Is the cake still too hot?

It is a little warm, but it is okay.

Ah, I cannot wait.

So pretty!

Shall I put this on it too?


All of it?

Yes, all of it!

Is it good?

Super good.

So good.

It is finished!

It is finished.

I am proud, very proud.

Look at it!

And that all within one hour.

It is a shame to cut it.

Yes, but we have to.

Super big slice.

It did not!

Oh it did.

But you like things messy right?


This is totally messy.

Well guys, we are going to enjoy the cake.

My song!

What do you feel?

It has a good swing right?

Super good.

Thank you for watching.

I loved having you here.

It was so much fun!

This cake is super delicious.



See you next time!

For more infomation >> PREPPING POWERFOOD WITH JAMIE #3 • Rens Kroes - Duration: 7:02.


How to Lose the Fear of Being an Idiot - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> How to Lose the Fear of Being an Idiot - Duration: 4:37.


How to get Facebook colour status posts 2017 - Duration: 3:26.

HI Paul here from PRwilson Media. Now back in the day when someone used to post a message

in text it didn't get a lot of engagement . But now you see posts like this with colourful

backgrounds, emojis that sort of thing and you wonder how do you create those? Well I'm

going to walk you through how you do it in this video. Here we go.

OK so you are logged in , click on your newsfeed and where you'd put a post, you've now got

3 options across the top. Make post, photo or video album and live video.

And then below you can see there's numerous different options , I can click on those 3

dots to expand , you can see there's checkin - something you could do for a while, how

are you feeling, tagging other people in it, adding a GIF, adding a sticker , creating

a poll, showing your support for charities. That;s a new one - answer a question , tag


If I click in the box itself you will also get this palette that comes up. Now thats

the background that you've seen in the previous example. So if I click here, immediately it's

filled out a text area and you can say it's my favourite day which is "icecream Friday"

. And let's have a look at what else we can do with the backgground. So you can just instantly

change between different ones you can insert an emoji , smiley face, and that just reverts

back to the standard template.

So you can decide which ones the best one for you let's see if we can add a GIF- no

so you can choose one or the other you can't have both. So let's close that GIF again and

let's just post that.

So it should definitely stamd out more in your newsfeed , and lets just have a look

at a couple of those other remaining options that we looked at there. So , answer a question.

If I had five hours to kill I would....and you add your own answer "Buy more icecream"

and post that

Let's see how that appears - So it starts with the statement so you could say see other

questions it's just a nice engaging way to come up with different topics that your friends

might want to comment on and engage with.

There you go, that's how you create that effect. I've been Paul from PRWilson Media your social

media personal trainer. Now go buy some more icecream! Cheers

For more infomation >> How to get Facebook colour status posts 2017 - Duration: 3:26.


Damnation | Season 1: Amelia Davenport Fights a Sexist Editor | USA Network - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Damnation | Season 1: Amelia Davenport Fights a Sexist Editor | USA Network - Duration: 1:57.


Adorable House Achived Green Building Standard | Great Small House Design - Duration: 1:53.

Adorable House Achived Green Building Standard | Great Small House Design

For more infomation >> Adorable House Achived Green Building Standard | Great Small House Design - Duration: 1:53.


Fantastic Marketplace THOW Tiny House on Wheels For Sale - Duration: 2:16.


For more infomation >> Fantastic Marketplace THOW Tiny House on Wheels For Sale - Duration: 2:16.


10 Unbelievable DIY Projects People Built by Hand! - Duration: 11:57.

For more infomation >> 10 Unbelievable DIY Projects People Built by Hand! - Duration: 11:57.


Steam Winter Sale 2017 | Survival Games - Duration: 4:40.

hello and welcome to low budget gaming and welcome to another steam winter sale

2017 video in this video I'll be looking at some survival games now these are not

survival horror games or survival games with base-building

but like a mixture of everything so I tried to have like a balance between

different types of survival games so yeah let's begin this is also a request

by the way first up we have Ark survival evolved and this I believe recently came

out of early access and overall it's got mixed reviews but recently it's got

mostly positive reviews so that's a good sign

this looks good I've sort of followed it for the last few years since it's been

in alpha and it seems to be getting there so hopefully it's good and this is

60% off down to $23.99 next up a famous game this is don't starve and as you can

see very positive reviews and overwhelmingly positive reviews this is

a very hard game from what I understand I've always been interested in getting

this but somehow never managed to so this is 75% off down to $3.74 pick this up this

looks very good next we have 60 seconds now this is a sort of comedy type game

based on sort of parody of fallout I'm not sure if this a parody is the right

word basically you have 60 seconds to gather supplies as quickly as you can

before a nuke hits and take your family take some items and get down to your

bunker and try and survive as long as possible so that is the objective here

looks interesting this is 50% off town - $4.99 next up is salt which is a pirate

exploration adventure type game and this recently got multiplayer this is an

early access game but as you can see it's got very positive reviews this is

50% off down to $7.49 next we have Ylands ye lands I don't know how to

pronounce this this is a game by Bohemia Interactive the people behind the ARMA

games and I heard about this game at e3 this year and this came out very

recently 6th of December it's in early access but already it's got mostly

positive reviews 20% off down to $12 and this is a sandbox type game where you

can sort of design your own things do custom games etc next up we have

oxygen not included and this is also a game by the people behind don't starve

and basically this is a space colony building game and you have to survive

and use technology and grow your colony in space next up is the long dark

another survival game set in the frozen north I believe Alaska not sure but

another exploration survival type game and I've heard very good reviews of this

one as well 75% off down to $8.74 I'm mostly happy that games like these come

out of early access so that's a plus for me

next is flame in the flood in this game you are basically going down a river on

the raft and you have to gather resources and try and survive so looks

really nice this I believe was in a recent Humble Bundle I forgot to pick it

up but it's definitely something to check out it's not that expensive now

sixty percent off down to $5.99 next is this war of mine a well-known game this

is the anniversary edition 80% off down to $3.99 overwhelmingly positive reviews

you play as a group of civilians trying to survive in the aftermath of a war you

have to gather food medicine and avoid others basically next is something

slightly different this is dying light and this is 55% off down to $17.99 now

this is not the traditional crafting or early access type game this is a more of

a first-person parkour game with crafting crafting for your weapons

basically no base building great gameplay and it also has a expansion

which is quite significant as well combined this is 60% off $23.99 I would

highly recommend this this is playable in co-op as well great game and

definitely worth a look finally we have alien isolation now this

is probably the only survival horror type game I've mentioned but again this

is a survival game very positive reviews I've only heard good things about this

75% off down to $9.99 so that is the list of survival games I deliberately

tried to mix things up and not just have one type of survival and I've got a few

more requests to do hopefully I can do them quickly enough before the sales end

and yeah thank you for watching see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Steam Winter Sale 2017 | Survival Games - Duration: 4:40.


Regal Red Playing Cards by Gamblers Warehouse | Deck Review -Display - Duration: 2:52.

Regal Red Playing Cards by Gamblers Warehouse

For more infomation >> Regal Red Playing Cards by Gamblers Warehouse | Deck Review -Display - Duration: 2:52.


Mini Cooper - Everything You Need to Know | Up To Speed - Duration: 11:23.

- Great Britain, land of the Beatles, Big Ben,

the Queen, Queen.

It's also home to some of the most influential cars

ever made.

Jaguar. Land Rover. Lotus.

But one car stands out above the rest.

Or should I say below.

The most British car of all time.

One so iconic that they didn't change it for 40 years.

It's the best selling icon of British motoring

that changed car design forever.

It's also really cute.

It is the most British thing since the queen herself.

Ello govner. This is everything you need to know.

Ello govner. This is everything you need to know.

To get up to speed.

Oh my God.

This is everything you need to know to get up to speed

on the mini.


The mini was built to answer a question.

Yo. How do we fit the most stuff

in the smallest space possible?

The Morris company wanted a car

that was efficient, roomy,

small enough to conquer London traffic,

and still be fun to blast down in English B roads.

The job was given to Morris engineer Alec Issigonis.

Who had previously worked on the Morris Minor,

another icon of British post war design.

In 1952, Morris and Austin had merged

to create the British motor company.

Issigonis and his team struggled to strike a balance

between a small exterior and a roomy interior

until they had a major breakthrough

that would influence economy cars for decades.

They turned the engine sideways

and made it power the front wheels.

This little tweak changed everything.

The transverse engine mounting

saved room in the engine compartment

which made the cabin bigger.

Front wheel drive eliminated the drive shaft

to the back wheels,

allowing for a flat floor,

making more rear leg room.

Four fully grown adults could fit inside

the impossibly small prototype.

Even more impressive that the capacity was

the cars maneuverability.

The wheels were very close to each corner of the car,

which blessed it with incredibly nimble handling.

Issigonis was so committed to nailing the driving feel,

that Morris converted an air field

into a test track just so they could fine tune

the handling.

Basically they had the top damn test track

a couple of years before James May was born.

Once they had perfected the ride

the prototype was ready for mass production.

While other manufacturers built their cars

on an assembly line,

Morris built their new car on a jig.

Welding every piece of body work together

piece by piece.

The process was slow and meticulous,

but it insured quality fitment all the time.

This commitment to precision in minis

would soon become one of the brand's defining factors.

The mini debuted as the Morris Mini-Minor

and Austin Seven in 1959.

And people went batshit over it.

- Whoa! That sounds so familiar.

- Bat droppings.

- The small stature made it perfect for city driving.

And driving it was fun.

BMC was satisfied with the public's perception of the mini

as the practical family four seater.

But they wanted the little rascal to be something more.

Like when my dad told me I could be so much more

if I just applied myself

instead of just doing the bare minimum like I always do.

Well guess who's on the internet now, dad.

So Morris did what any parent would do

and signed the mini up for some sports.

BMC prepared cars to be entered in the Monte Carlo rally

in 1961.

The race took place in January,

meaning the scrappy little mini has to deal

with icy roads and snow.

All while racing with Ferrari and Lotuses.

The car did okay.

Leading it's class until suffering an accident

that ended the run.

It was never gonna win with 34 horsepower

but while other cars were spinning out on the ice,

the mini's front wheel drive gave it awesome grip

in the crappy conditions.

BMC and Issigonis knew they were onto something with this

cool little front wheel drive racer car.

Good job you little guy.

Good job you little mini.

You did so good in Monte Carlo.

You did so good in Monte Carlo.

I'm very proud of you.

I think he's a natural.

No one saw the potential better than English racing legend

John Cooper.

Why is Cooper such a legend?

Oh well nothing huge,

he and his dad only changed formula one forever

when their mid engine race car won back to back

championships in the late 50's.

Convincing everyone else to go mid engine.

Influencing race and road cars for decades to come.

That's it.

No big deal.

Cooper saw the minis racing in Monte Carlo

and was like,

do you guys really want to win?

I can help you do that.

And Issigonis was like.

Okay chap.

Cooper tuned up the tiny engine to make 70 horsepower

and upgraded the brakes.

The result was the Mini Cooper S.

Ever heard of it?

John Cooper and the gang took the mini back

to Monico 1964

and kicked everyone's (beep)!

Then they went back the next year

and kicked everyone's (beep) again!

The next year they won again!

But they were disqualified because they had

the wrong light bulbs in their headlights.


But mini didn't get discouraged.

They came back the next year and won again.

The repeated success of the Mini Cooper proved

that you didn't need to have hundreds of horsepower

and an Italian name to win races.

You just needed heart.

So many people were inspired by the minis rally outings

that they began to race minis on their own.

Both the mini class leagues and against other sports cars.

The go kart like handling

made it a force to be reckoned with on road courses.

Here's the crazy thing about minis.

They were made for over 40 years with like

a million engine options

and little changes here and there

to make them safer.

But the look hardly changed at all.

To the untrained eye,

the classic mini that rolled off the assembly line

in 2000 would be nearly indistinguishable

from one made in the early 60s.

That's how much people love the mini.

If it isn't broken don't fix it.

Make little changes,

you don't need to reinvent the wheel.

But this doesn't mean there wasn't some experimentation

with the mini formula.

God knows we've all experimented.

Hey Chris.

1960 saw the introduction of the mini van.

Not the mini van, but the mini van.

Which was like any other panel van of the era

but mini.

That same year there was an estate which is British

for station wagon.

The estate even had wood trim

giving it the nickname Woody.

The next year a mini pickup was introduced

with a bed big enough for like a box.

Perhaps the strangest mini ever

was the mini moke.

And I'm not kidding,

this is actually real.

It's an off road version developed for military use.

The British army and Royal Marines took one look

at puny Jeep wannabe and they were like

you know what, mate? We're good.

Lack of military interest not withstanding,

BMC produced the moke anyway

and it became a cult classic.

But by far the coolest mini variant

was the ERA Mini Turbo released in 1989.

This wide bodied performance hatchback

made 100 horsepower and was the only classic mini

to come from the factory with a turbo.

It had a top speed of 115 miles per hour

which actually sounds terrifying.

Have you ever driven a mini?

It's scary.

The car was built by English Racing Automobiles

a company that specialized in building grand pre cars

in the 1930s.

Minis parent company at the time, Rover,

wanted ERA to build a performance based mini

in the spirit of the cooper.

Only 436 ERA Turbos were ever sold

and most of them went to Japan.

So they're super dupes rare.

In 1994, BMW bought the Rover group

and development of a new car started right away.

Rover kept building the classic mini

until BMW sold them to Ford in 2000.

The last classic mini to roll of the line

was built the same way it had been built for decades.

By hand.

In late 2000, BMW rolled out the new mini cooper.

The old king was dead,

but his son had taken the throne.

The mini cooper was unmistakably mini.

With round headlights and a signature white roof.

Yeah it was a little bigger than the old one,

but compared to other cars on the road,

it was still pretty mini.

Many minis - Heh.

Many mini purists weren't completely convinced

it was a proper replacement.

But that didn't matter because the new mini

was an immediate commercial success.

As a tribute to John Cooper

BMW revived the Cooper S name for the sport version.

The Cooper S was powered by super charged 1.6 liter engine

making 160 horsepower.

Giving it a better power to rate ratio

than the original.

These things are rad.

The block is cast iron,

so you can tune the hell out of it

without worrying about blowing it up.

And it handles twisty roads just as well as the old one.

The mini's like yo, dad, I'm bigger than you.

And I'm faster than you.

Which is the opposite of me.

I am smaller and slower than my dad.

Like the mini of old, the brand started introducing

fresh models to expand the brand.

You've the mini convertible of 2005

which is great for California

but not ideal for rainy Britain where it was born.

In 2007, mini introduced a diesel version

which we never got in the states because we never

get diesel cars.

It's like, hey where's the diesel pump?

And the guys like, uh ...

Across town.

And you're like what.

Yeah we don't really import that many diesel cars over here.

So ...

2008 gave us the mini club man,

which was a little longer for more leg room

and had a weird little baby door

on the right side and barn doors in the back.

In 2011, mini unveiled their very first crossover.

The country man.

It had all wheel drive.

More ground clearance,

and was all beefed up like that kid in junior high

who went through puberty over summer break

and beat everyone's (beep) now.

Darrel I know I used to take your lunch money

but can we work this out?

I'm sorry I'm not a bully anymore.

The country man also marked minis return

to the rally scene.

Both in the backwoods and rally cross events

all over the world.

The roided out mini won the brutal the car rally

four fricking times.

Making it one of the toughest rally cars ever.

The variation in the mini line up

established the brand not only as quirky, novelty

but a legitimate family to choose from.

The crown jewel in line up being

the John Cooper works model.

These are the fastest minis you can buy.

With turbo charge engines making 220 horsepower.

They've got functional break ducts in the front

to keep your breaks cool

while you're tearing up the track.

If you thought mini forgot about it's heritage,

you're dead wrong.

These things are real sports cars.

I mean it's British racing green with red stripes.

Those colors don't even match.

It's like Christmas race car.

That's race car as (beep) man.

The mini is truly an icon.

The British love this car.

In 2015, they voted it the most British car of all time.

Beating out the Land Rover, the Jaguar E type,

and the horse and carriage.

No car better encapsulates British sensibility

than this quirky economy car.

All right we obviously missed some things

so feel free to tell us what.

If you have a mini,

let us see them.

Is the new mini really a true mini?

If you're a British girl, hit me up.

Why don't any girls ever message us?

It's all guys.

If you're British, how often do you say pip pip?

Say what's up to the queen for me.

We got some more shows going on.

We're gonna have a science show,

my buddy's Barts hosting it.

It's gonna be really funny.

And really educational.

And as always, like, comment, subscribe,

and share. Cheerio.

For more infomation >> Mini Cooper - Everything You Need to Know | Up To Speed - Duration: 11:23.


New Years Eve Champagne Flute - Duration: 4:16.

Now we're going to decorate up this plain champagne glass that I got at a dollar store

into a really pretty event champagne glass.

So, I have my measuring tool here, and I folded my Bowdabra Bow Wire in half, and I'm just

going to tuck it under to keep it out of the way.

Then I have this piece of ribbon that's going to go around the glass.

So, I'm going to just put that down into the Bowdabra, and I'm basically making sure that

I'm doing it in the middle.

Then what I'm going to do is take my pretty star, and this, I'm doing this sort of thinking

about a New Year's Eve ball, but this could work really well as a wedding decor bow.

So, all I did is I have the wrong side up.

I'm going to fold it back over and I'm going to put the wrong side in here.

And I'm going to just make sure that my loops are even, and they are, they're at 1 1/2"

on each side.

And I'm just going to just put this into my Bowdabra.

And I'll take my Bowdabra wand, just scrunch it down.

And let me just make sure this is all pretty before I tie it off.

Put that through the slipknot, pull it really tight while it's still in the Bowdabra.

I'm going to take it out and put my Bowdabra aside, separate the ends, bring them around

to the back.

I'm going to tie a knot.

And then what I'm going to do is just clip my Bowdabra Bow Wire close to the back of

the silver ribbon.

And I have this piece of glitter silver.

And I'm going to take a glue dot and I'm just going to put a glue dot right here.

And so, I'm going to use that to just hold that piece in place.

And I'm going to take another glue dot, I think, and put that right here.

And I'll just bring that piece over.

And I'm just going to cut it close, or I think I'm going to cut it.

I'm going to cut it -- whoops, I don't want to cut the ribbon right there.

So now, we have our really pretty little bow.

And I'm going to bring this to the front.

And first, actually what I'm going to do is take a glue dot, and I'm going to just put

one right here on the back of my glass.

And I'm going to just bring that around with the glue dot there.

And I'm going to grab another glue dot and I'm going to put it right here so that piece

just sticks -- whoops, it's sticking to the tablecloth.

Okay, that wasn't what I wanted to do.

And I'll have to grab another glue dot from here.

And I'm going to put that right there.

So now I'm going to just trim this and one more glue dot.

And you could definitely use a hot glue gun for this project.

And the next thing that I'm going to do is I have these cute little button adhesives,

and I'm going to put a button here, so it's kind of like a tuxedo, and put another button


And you have a wonderfully decorated champagne glass that you can use for New Year's or a

wedding, anniversary, or any special event.

Please do me a favor and click the subscribe button below, and also, like us at Bowdabra

on Facebook.

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