Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Youtube daily report w May 31 2017

Did you still wanna go to California?

You told me that you wanna see the world

I know you're here with me

Though I can't see your face

I really need you right now (you right)

Really need, really need you right now

Tryna find a muse right now (muse right)

All the muse that I find in you right now

Cigarettes in my pocket

Better than light up

What about then last week with you

Now you're gone and someday

I hope you return to me

Return to me

We've got problems I know this

Every second I notice

Your subtle movements to your kiss

All my nightmares have turned bliss

I really need you right now (you right)

Really need, really need you right now

Tryna find a muse right now (muse right)

All the muse that I find in you right now

Cigarettes in my pocket

Better than light up

What about then last week with you

Now you're gone and someday

I hope you return to me

Return to me

For more infomation >> Edgar Sandoval Jr - Muse (B3RROR Remix) - Duration: 2:28.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique luxe R-LINK 90PK NAVIGATIE PDC ACHTER LED TEL VOORBEREIDING CRUISE - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique luxe R-LINK 90PK NAVIGATIE PDC ACHTER LED TEL VOORBEREIDING CRUISE - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo V40 1.6 T4 R-DESIGN 1 8 0 PK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 T4 R-DESIGN 1 8 0 PK - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Captur TCE 90 DYNAMIQUE | R-LINK | CLIMATE | CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCE 90 DYNAMIQUE | R-LINK | CLIMATE | CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.


Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA - Duration: 14:30.

Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA


Coke released Tab Clear just to screw over Pepsi

Tab Clear was a clear version of Tab cola, released during a dark period of the '90s

when soft drink manufacturers thought people would prefer clear cola instead of the healthy

shade of brown we all know and love.

Tab Clear was notable for its remarkably short lifespan, being on shelves for only a few

months before being abruptly discontinued.

As it turns out, this was a deliberate move on behalf of the cola giant to screw over

Pepsi, the Ken to their Ryu.

You see, Coke wanted to torpedo sales of Crystal Pepsi and realized that they could do so by

releasing a similar drink that sucked.

Specifically, Coke had data showing that the public (at the time) wasn't all that interested

in diet soft drinks, so they decided to make a clear version of Tab (a diet cola).

The idea was that the public, after seeing Tab Clear being marketed as a sugar-free soda,

would similarly assume that Crystal Pepsi was also a diet drink, and it worked.

Within six months of Tab Clear's release, both drinks were discontinued.

In other words, Coke once invented an entirely new drink just to dunk on Pepsi after realizing

the former had spent millions of dollars trying to create a new product they couldn't be

bothered to try and compete with.

Say what you want, that's some dedicated corporate penis-waving right there.


The MagiCan, or the Coke can that smelled like a fart

Coke, like many companies, has utilized giveaways in the past to try and raise sales or promote

a new product and, for the most part, they go off without a hitch.

The release of the MagiCan was not one of those times.

In a nutshell, Coke launched a campaign which involved hiding money inside of random cans

of their product.

To prevent the money from getting soaked in brown sugar liquid, Coke invented and patented

a special kind of can that sported a small reservoir where the money would be stored,

and a mechanism that would eject the money as soon as the can was opened.

The rest of the can was filled with a chloride solution (that smelled like a suspiciously

eggy farts) to give it the same weight as a regular can.

From this description alone, you can probably guess where this is going.

The shield separating the fart-water in thousands of cans failed, meaning countless Coke fans

ended up with money that smelled like farts.

Also, one kid drank some and was rushed to the hospital.

He was fine, but the media reported on the story as if he died (a rumor that persists

to this day), leading to Coke having to enter damage control mode.

Bizarrely, Coke never marked which cans contained money (so that people couldn't cheat), so

they didn't actually know which ones had the chloride solution, meaning they had to

recall every can they'd released for several weeks.


That time they tried to sell tap water to the British public

Ask a spokesperson from Coke to tell you about Dasani water before it gets bottled, and you

could be led to believe that they filter pure glacier water through an angel's silk underwear

and pump it full of unicorn farts, with the long-winded explanation they'd likely offer.

Ask a chemist, on the other hand, and they'll tell you that Dasani is just tap water the

company filters an extra time, puts in a bottle, and sells for a 20,000% markup.

While this tactic apparently works just fine in the States, when Coke tried to launch Dasani

in the UK in 2004, things didn't exactly go to plan.

For one, the public didn't exactly appreciate that the company was trying to sell public

water to the public.

When Coke tried to claim that their special filtration process made Dasani purer than

tap water, the people in charge of British tap water tested it and found that their filtration

process didn't do anything, except increase the amount of the carcinogen bromate it contained.

Which surprised the testers, since British tap water doesn't contain even a trace amount

of this chemical, meaning Coke's special filtration process somehow managed to increase

the amount of potentially cancer-causing chemicals in ordinary tap water by infinity percent.

As a final blunder, the company tried to market Dasani as being "full of spunk" without

running a cursory Urban Dictionary check on the word, which would have informed them that

in the UK, spunk is slang for sperm.


Coke Zero is marketed at men, because Coke accidentally made Diet Coke a girl's drink

As discussed in a previous entry, there was a time when Joe Public wasn't all that interested

in diet or low-sugar drinks.

What we didn't mention, however, is that pretty much the entire reason this is the

case is because Coke spent decades marketing diet soda to only 50% of the population.

Specifically, Coke has spent years marketing Diet Coke as a "

girl's drink," so much so that when diet soda started to gain popularity in the 2010s

when people realized that "not dying of diabetes" is pretty sweet, they had to invent

a new drink to sell to men.

That drink was, of course, Coke Zero, a low-calorie soda Coke specifically tried to market without

ever using the word "diet," because their company had spent years telling customers

only women bought diet soda.

Essentially, Coke backed themselves into a corner by so aggressively targeting women

with Diet Coke that they had to create basically the same drink again, and spend millions telling

men it's okay to drink it.

Hey, speaking of diet soda…


Funding scientists to say Coke doesn't cause obesity

If you asked 100 nutritionists if cutting sugary drinks out of your diet would help

with losing weight or improving your overall health, 99 of them would say "well, yeah."

Statistically, though, 1 would tell you that sugary drinks had nothing to do with obesity,

because they were being paid by Coke to say so.

Yep, despite the link between a poor diet and being unhealthily overweight being so

clear you could read the paper through it, Coke decided to try and muddy the waters just

a little by paying scientists to downplay the role diet plays in obesity.

Said scientists, after cashing their checks from Coke, eventually released a statement

saying that exercise was more important than diet when it came to the issue of obesity.

Insinuating that a poor, presumably Coke-filled diet can be counteracted by exercise.

While no expert is going to argue that exercise doesn't play a key role in health, diet

is way more important when it comes to maintaining a healthy body weight, at least according

to every nutrition expert not being funded by a company with a vested interest in convincing

people of the opposite.

For anyone who wants a more vicersal example of the role Coke specifically plays in the

obesity problem, just remember that they once…


Released an ad of obnoxious white people handing Coke to indigenous Mexican people

The people of Mexico have a love/hate relationship with Coca-Cola.

On the one hand, the country consumes more of the product than even Americans.

On the other, it's been directly linked to the country's rising obesity rates to

the point they actually managed to approve a tax on sugary drinks.

Meanwhile, in America they can't even limit the size of soda cups, so you know that Mexico

had to be pretty desperate.

It's hard to explain just how popular soda is in Mexico, so we'll just quote a few

statistics to give you some idea.

According to pediatricians, 80% of two years olds and 10% of newborns are bottle-fed some

kind of soda and the average adult drinks 36 gallons of the stuff every single year.

Unsurprisingly, this love of soda has led to a sharp spike in obesity rates in Mexico,

with doctors and health officials squarely pointing a significant portion of the blame

at the aggressive marketing of soda to the populace by companies like Coke.

Apparently the only part of the previous two paragraphs Coke executives noticed was the

part saying Mexico loves it some cola, which is presumably why the released an ad of painfully

obnoxious looking white people handing out bottles of Coke to an indigenous Mexican community.

Amazingly, Coke remained totally oblivious to the potential offense an ad showing pristine

white teenagers handing out bottles of a substance that is literally killing millions of its

people with smiles on their face could cause in that country until someone pointed it out.

On the subject of marketing a product that's terrible for you…


Coke once openly admitted Vitaminwater is terrible for you

Few words in tandem could seem more innocent than "Vitaminwater."

Neither word is dangerous, and when they're put together they sound downright awesome,

like "kitten party" or "chicken nugget."

According to Coke, though, you're an idiot if you think that a product called "VITAMINwater"

is in anyway good for you.

Just to be clear, Coke once said, in open court, that "no consumer could reasonably

be misled into thinking Vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."

You know, that product that claimed it could help cure cancer before Coke bought it in


Despite Coke admitting that Vitaminwater is a terrible, awful drink with no discernable

health benefits, the company continues to market it as being chock-full of awesome body

healing nutrients and vitamins because apparently a reasonable consumer expects to be lied to

just, like, all of the time, which…

well, sounds fairly accurate.


That time Coke kind of called Nazi Germany "The Good Old Times" in an ad

As we've discussed in detail before, a number of companies are guilty of aiding, or at least

supporting, the Third Reich during WW2 by selling them products and services while they

committed numerous heinous atrocities.

Among them was Coca-Cola who, due to an embargo on the usual syrup used to create their flagship

drink, added orange syrup instead, creating Fanta.

Nowadays, Fanta is one of Coke's most popular products and for the most part the company

is incredibly coy when it comes to mentioning that the product was invented so their company

could continue to turn a profit in Nazi Germany.

Except, of course, for that time in 2015 they published an ad for Fanta celebrating the

75th anniversary of its creation in Germany, with a tagline reading "Bring the Good Old

Times Back."

Now here's the part that gets weird: it's already pretty insulting to the average consumer

that Coke assumed nobody would be able to subtract 75 from 2015 and realize that Fanta

was invented when Hitler was in power, but the company released this ad IN GERMANY.

A Coke spokesperson quickly tried to quell the fires of controversy by stating that their

product may have been invented in Nazi-era Germany, but it certainly didn't have anything

to do with Hitler or the Nazis.

No, they just took Nazi money and then quietly pocketed all of the profits at the end of

the war, which is much better.


Paying a company to take over people's Facebook statuses, with predictable results

Countless companies have tried to utilize social media or teenage lingo in a sad, desperate

attempt to appear "hip" and it's inevitably a cringe-worthy disaster that leaves a worse

taste in everyone's mouth than a 4-day old Big Mac.

Which is presumably why, in 2010, Coke outsourced a social media advertising campaign to a company

who specialized in it.

By which we mean everyone who worked there was an immature jackass.

Basically the company Coke hired, Lean Mean Fighting Machine, was asked to run a campaign

on behalf of the Dr. Pepper brand where they'd post embarrassing Facebook statuses on behalf

of volunteers who'd be entered into a draw for a chance to win $1,000.

The theme of the campaign was "what's the worst that could happen?" and it's

moments like this for which irony was invented.

Soon after the campaign started, Lean Mean Fighting Machine began posting statuses on

behalf of bored Dr. Pepper fans, as side-splittingly hilarious as "What's wrong with peeing

in the shower?" and "I watched 2 girls one cup and felt hungry afterwards."

If you say you're not familiar with why that last one is an issue, hello to the spouse

or work colleague you're reading this with.

When an unsuspecting mother of one teenage girl who'd entered the contest googled "two

girls one cup" to see what it was, mommy blogs across the net went into meltdown and

Coke was forced to apologize for something they absolutely should have seen coming.


New Coke

Of course New Coke is on this list.

It's the marketing decision Coke has never stopped being made fun of for, even though

New Coke was better in every conceivable way.

Wait, what?

Now, the story of New Coke most people reading this are familiar with is that in the '80s,

Coke toyed with the idea of changing the formula of their iconic soda, it failed, and they

were forced to bring old Coke back.

There's a lot of conspiracy theories about New Coke being a ploy to replace the sugar

with high fructose corn syrup, or that it was a deliberate effort to reinvigorate the

brand, both of which aren't true.

In reality, Coke just wanted to make a better version of their product and they succeeded.

New Coke won in blind taste tests and was somewhat better for you than original Coke,

since the recipe was based on that of Diet Coke.

The problem, though, as is often the case in the world of business, was entitled customers.

Early blind taste tests were often sabotaged by single, angry customers who took offense

to the idea of Coke's taste being changed even if they personally preferred New Coke

and when New Coke was released, small groups of angry fans kicked up a fuss and generally

acted like spoiled children who were having their toys taken away.

The backlash was so fierce for New Coke (which, remember, beat out original Coke in every

single taste test conducted by the company) that Coke had to hire a professional psychiatrist

to listen in on calls from angry Coke fans to see if they could figure out what the deal


The psychiatrist checked out after a day and told Coke executives the only time he'd

seen people so distraught before was when they were dealing with the death of a family


Faced with overwhelming negative press from the change, Coke killed the new flavor that

everyone preferred and brought back the original formula as Coke Classic.

This of course led to an explosion of sales for Coke and record profits for that quarter.

So to recap: in the '80s, Coke tried to introduce a better tasting, healthier version

of Coca-Cola and were forced to recall it because customers insisted on only drinking

the worse version.

Man, with that in mind we can't really complain when they treat us like idiots, can we?

For more infomation >> Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA - Duration: 14:30.


The Archotek Project | NEW DINOS - Anatosaurus and Parasaurolophus | #2 [Early Access] - Duration: 10:50.

There is Sovicka!

The roar sounds like a trumpet. Or a cow. :D

We're almost there!

Wow! I can attack with my tail ^0^

This tree is fantastic. I don't know why it shines o.o

It's a beautiful tree ^0^

This map is not too big.

We're looking for something to eat. :)

We are a nice group of dinos ^0^

There are nests! :O

Now they are mine xD

*Slow motion*

All the skins are nice, I don't know what to choose :'D

I like this one ^-^

I'm back! ^0^

What are you doing?!

She scares me. D:

Our dead bodies. :3

That face is sooo DERP!

We're back at the nest. Again.

Someone is there 0,0

There are a lot of people here. xD

Dino toy skin!

WOW! There are the skulls.

Angelka is T-Rex! :'D

She wants to eat us. 0v0

Poor dino toy :(

We are herbivores, but we can eat the meat :D

I'm a cannibal :O

Sovicka wants revenge!

Revenge is complete!

Angelka is back.

For more infomation >> The Archotek Project | NEW DINOS - Anatosaurus and Parasaurolophus | #2 [Early Access] - Duration: 10:50.


Mercedes-Benz GT AMG GT R - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GT AMG GT R - Duration: 1:03.


SEITHÈN #4100 - KARMA FT. MC IGU (PROD. SEITHÈN) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> SEITHÈN #4100 - KARMA FT. MC IGU (PROD. SEITHÈN) - Duration: 2:45.


ログレス【ガチャ】リニューアル!?龍脈の宝刀当たったけど…【剣と魔法のログレス 狐の嫁入り】 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> ログレス【ガチャ】リニューアル!?龍脈の宝刀当たったけど…【剣と魔法のログレス 狐の嫁入り】 - Duration: 8:32.


Trump Calls For Senate 'Nuclear Option' To Avoid Shutdown, Claims Dems Would Do It - Duration: 1:40.

Trump Calls For Senate 'Nuclear Option' To Avoid Shutdown, Claims "Dems Would Do It"

by Tyler Durden

In the latest in a series of breathless tweets, President Trump tweeted on Tuesday calling

for the Senate to end the filibuster and allow legislation to pass with a simple majority,

saying it would allow his agenda to pass �fast and easy.�

�The U.S. Senate should switch to 51 votes, immediately, and get Healthcare and TAX CUTS

approved, fast and easy.

Dems would do it, no doubt!�

As The Hill details, Trump called earlier this month for the end of the filibuster,

which essentially requires 60 votes for a bill to pass the Senate.

"The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need

60 votes in the Senate which are not there!

We either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%.

Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in September to fix mess!" he wrote at the time.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) shot down Trump�s call at the time, saying

�that will not happen.�

And 60 Senators write a month ago saying they do not support the 'nuclear option'...

We suspect Schumer will be quick to respond to Trump's tweet.

For more infomation >> Trump Calls For Senate 'Nuclear Option' To Avoid Shutdown, Claims Dems Would Do It - Duration: 1:40.


Ultimas News! Palmeiras faz ultimo treino e viaja para enfrentar o Internacional. GE 31/05/2017 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Ultimas News! Palmeiras faz ultimo treino e viaja para enfrentar o Internacional. GE 31/05/2017 - Duration: 1:39.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC ECC | CRUISE | TEL - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC ECC | CRUISE | TEL - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 e Limousine Lease Edition 15% Bijtelling - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 e Limousine Lease Edition 15% Bijtelling - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat Avantgarde - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat Avantgarde - Duration: 0:44.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 63 AMG 4MATIC, Zeer Compleet, 665 Pk, 1111 Nm koppel Getuned, Unieke A - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 63 AMG 4MATIC, Zeer Compleet, 665 Pk, 1111 Nm koppel Getuned, Unieke A - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 0:54.


Menopausa, finocchio contro vampate e insonnia - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Menopausa, finocchio contro vampate e insonnia - Duration: 2:30.



For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC SPORTLEDER NAVI AIRCO LMV PDC - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI COLLECTION 5-DRS AIRCO ECC CRUISE PDC TREKHAAK * 2 JAAR GARANTIE* - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 5008 1.6 E-HDI STYLE 5P. Autom.NL auto! Leer/nav/climate . - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 5008 1.6 E-HDI STYLE 5P. Autom.NL auto! Leer/nav/climate . - Duration: 0:54.


Eleições diretas ou indiretas para presidente? - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Eleições diretas ou indiretas para presidente? - Duration: 1:52.


Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE NL auto! Nav/climate/PDC . - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE NL auto! Nav/climate/PDC . - Duration: 1:00.


Albano Carrisi confessa A 71anni faccio ancora lamore ma non vi dico con chi E su Romina Power - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Albano Carrisi confessa A 71anni faccio ancora lamore ma non vi dico con chi E su Romina Power - Duration: 3:10.


#raissaandatalextakebrasil Day 2 - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> #raissaandatalextakebrasil Day 2 - Duration: 7:34.



For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.6 Metal RS SPORTPAKKET 135 PK CLIMATE CTR TEL VOORBEREIDING BLUETOOTH LMV 17 INCH 1E E - Duration: 0:57.


SEITHÈN #4100 - KARMA FT. MC IGU (PROD. SEITHÈN) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> SEITHÈN #4100 - KARMA FT. MC IGU (PROD. SEITHÈN) - Duration: 2:45.


Quero Conhecer Jesus (O Meu Amado é o Mais Belo) - Kaique Alves (Cover Alessandro Vilas Boas) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Quero Conhecer Jesus (O Meu Amado é o Mais Belo) - Kaique Alves (Cover Alessandro Vilas Boas) - Duration: 2:37.


Simulating Honey Coiling | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 4:00.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

This episode is about simulating a beautiful phenomenon in nature, the buckling and coiling

effect of honey.


This effect is due to the high viscosity of materials like honey, which means that they

are highly resistant against deformation.

Water, however, is much less viscous as it is held together by weaker intermolecular

forces, therefore it is easier to deform, making it so easy to pour it into a glass.

We had an earlier episode on honey buckling, and as every seasoned Fellow Scholar already

knows, the link is available in the video description.

One key difference of this work is that the older solution was built upon a Lagrangian

approach, which means that the simulation consists of computing the velocities and the

pressure that acts on these particles.

It is a particle-based simulation.

Here, a solution is proposed for the Eulerian approach, which means that we do not compute

these quantities everywhere in the continuum of space, but we use a fine 3D grid, and we

compute these quantities only in these gridpoints.

No particles to be seen anywhere.

There are mathematical techniques to try to guess what happens between these individual

gridpoints, and this process is referred to as interpolation.

So normally, in this grid-based approach, if we wish to simulate such a buckling effect,

we'll be sorely disappointed because what we will see is that the surface details rapidly

disappear due to the inaccuracies in the simulation.

The reason for this is that the classical grid-based simulators utilize a technique

that mathematicians like to call operator splitting.

This means that we solve these fluid equations by taking care of advection, pressure, and

viscosity separately.

Separate quantities, separate solutions.

This is great, because it eases the computational complexity of the problem, however, we have

to pay a price for it in the form of newly introduced inaccuracies.

For instance, some kinetic and shear forces are significantly dampened, which leads to

a loss of detail for buckling effects with traditional techniques.

This paper introduces a new way of efficiently solving these operators together in a way

that these coupling effects are retained in the simulation.

The final solution not only looks stable, but is mathematically proven to work well

for a variety of cases, and it also takes into consideration collisions with other solid

objects correctly.

I absolutely love this, and anyone who is in the middle of creating a new movie with

some fluid action going on has to be all over this new technique.

And, the paper is absolutely amazing.

It contains crystal clear writing, many paragraphs are so tight that I'd find it almost impossible

to cut even one word from them, yet it is still digestible and absolutely beautifully


Make sure to have a look, as always, the link is available in the video description.

These amazing papers are stories that need to be told to everyone.

Not only to experts.

To everyone.

And before creating these videos, I always try my best to be in contact with the authors

of these works.

And nowadays, many of them are telling me that they were really surprised by the influx

of views they got after they were showcased in the series.

Writing papers that are featured in Two Minute Papers takes a ridiculous amount of hard work,

and after that, the researchers make them available for everyone free of charge.

And now, I am so glad to see them get more and more recognition for their hard work.

Absolutely amazing.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Simulating Honey Coiling | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 4:00.


Top 10 Amazing Lip Art 2017 💋💄 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation May 2017 🔷 Best Makeup Ideas - Duration: 11:24.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Amazing Lip Art 2017 💋💄 Lipstick Tutorial Compilation May 2017 🔷 Best Makeup Ideas - Duration: 11:24.


New box... unboxing Jordan 3´s Grey wolf/ on feet - Duration: 1:41.

What´s up guys?

Here we have a new box

The latest news this month


Let´s go to what it matters

because im anxious

Before everything, i´ve got this pair used, the box its not the original

But, i was looking for this pair for a long time

So i have take the risk

They looked to be in a very good condition

and here we have

The jordan grey wolf

Jordan 3´s

apparently they are

It is noted that they were used, they need to be cleaned but aparently the are in a nice condition

I wanted this pair for a long time now... the last time they were released was in 2014

I don´t know what do you think about it, give your opinion on the comments, subscribe, like it and share it

Im gonna put the on feet in a moment

For more infomation >> New box... unboxing Jordan 3´s Grey wolf/ on feet - Duration: 1:41.


Edgar Sandoval Jr - Muse (B3RROR Remix) - Duration: 2:28.

Did you still wanna go to California?

You told me that you wanna see the world

I know you're here with me

Though I can't see your face

I really need you right now (you right)

Really need, really need you right now

Tryna find a muse right now (muse right)

All the muse that I find in you right now

Cigarettes in my pocket

Better than light up

What about then last week with you

Now you're gone and someday

I hope you return to me

Return to me

We've got problems I know this

Every second I notice

Your subtle movements to your kiss

All my nightmares have turned bliss

I really need you right now (you right)

Really need, really need you right now

Tryna find a muse right now (muse right)

All the muse that I find in you right now

Cigarettes in my pocket

Better than light up

What about then last week with you

Now you're gone and someday

I hope you return to me

Return to me

For more infomation >> Edgar Sandoval Jr - Muse (B3RROR Remix) - Duration: 2:28.


Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique luxe R-LINK 90PK NAVIGATIE PDC ACHTER LED TEL VOORBEREIDING CRUISE - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Dynamique luxe R-LINK 90PK NAVIGATIE PDC ACHTER LED TEL VOORBEREIDING CRUISE - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo V40 1.6 T4 R-DESIGN 1 8 0 PK - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 T4 R-DESIGN 1 8 0 PK - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Captur TCE 90 DYNAMIQUE | R-LINK | CLIMATE | CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCE 90 DYNAMIQUE | R-LINK | CLIMATE | CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.


Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA - Duration: 14:30.

Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA


Coke released Tab Clear just to screw over Pepsi

Tab Clear was a clear version of Tab cola, released during a dark period of the '90s

when soft drink manufacturers thought people would prefer clear cola instead of the healthy

shade of brown we all know and love.

Tab Clear was notable for its remarkably short lifespan, being on shelves for only a few

months before being abruptly discontinued.

As it turns out, this was a deliberate move on behalf of the cola giant to screw over

Pepsi, the Ken to their Ryu.

You see, Coke wanted to torpedo sales of Crystal Pepsi and realized that they could do so by

releasing a similar drink that sucked.

Specifically, Coke had data showing that the public (at the time) wasn't all that interested

in diet soft drinks, so they decided to make a clear version of Tab (a diet cola).

The idea was that the public, after seeing Tab Clear being marketed as a sugar-free soda,

would similarly assume that Crystal Pepsi was also a diet drink, and it worked.

Within six months of Tab Clear's release, both drinks were discontinued.

In other words, Coke once invented an entirely new drink just to dunk on Pepsi after realizing

the former had spent millions of dollars trying to create a new product they couldn't be

bothered to try and compete with.

Say what you want, that's some dedicated corporate penis-waving right there.


The MagiCan, or the Coke can that smelled like a fart

Coke, like many companies, has utilized giveaways in the past to try and raise sales or promote

a new product and, for the most part, they go off without a hitch.

The release of the MagiCan was not one of those times.

In a nutshell, Coke launched a campaign which involved hiding money inside of random cans

of their product.

To prevent the money from getting soaked in brown sugar liquid, Coke invented and patented

a special kind of can that sported a small reservoir where the money would be stored,

and a mechanism that would eject the money as soon as the can was opened.

The rest of the can was filled with a chloride solution (that smelled like a suspiciously

eggy farts) to give it the same weight as a regular can.

From this description alone, you can probably guess where this is going.

The shield separating the fart-water in thousands of cans failed, meaning countless Coke fans

ended up with money that smelled like farts.

Also, one kid drank some and was rushed to the hospital.

He was fine, but the media reported on the story as if he died (a rumor that persists

to this day), leading to Coke having to enter damage control mode.

Bizarrely, Coke never marked which cans contained money (so that people couldn't cheat), so

they didn't actually know which ones had the chloride solution, meaning they had to

recall every can they'd released for several weeks.


That time they tried to sell tap water to the British public

Ask a spokesperson from Coke to tell you about Dasani water before it gets bottled, and you

could be led to believe that they filter pure glacier water through an angel's silk underwear

and pump it full of unicorn farts, with the long-winded explanation they'd likely offer.

Ask a chemist, on the other hand, and they'll tell you that Dasani is just tap water the

company filters an extra time, puts in a bottle, and sells for a 20,000% markup.

While this tactic apparently works just fine in the States, when Coke tried to launch Dasani

in the UK in 2004, things didn't exactly go to plan.

For one, the public didn't exactly appreciate that the company was trying to sell public

water to the public.

When Coke tried to claim that their special filtration process made Dasani purer than

tap water, the people in charge of British tap water tested it and found that their filtration

process didn't do anything, except increase the amount of the carcinogen bromate it contained.

Which surprised the testers, since British tap water doesn't contain even a trace amount

of this chemical, meaning Coke's special filtration process somehow managed to increase

the amount of potentially cancer-causing chemicals in ordinary tap water by infinity percent.

As a final blunder, the company tried to market Dasani as being "full of spunk" without

running a cursory Urban Dictionary check on the word, which would have informed them that

in the UK, spunk is slang for sperm.


Coke Zero is marketed at men, because Coke accidentally made Diet Coke a girl's drink

As discussed in a previous entry, there was a time when Joe Public wasn't all that interested

in diet or low-sugar drinks.

What we didn't mention, however, is that pretty much the entire reason this is the

case is because Coke spent decades marketing diet soda to only 50% of the population.

Specifically, Coke has spent years marketing Diet Coke as a "

girl's drink," so much so that when diet soda started to gain popularity in the 2010s

when people realized that "not dying of diabetes" is pretty sweet, they had to invent

a new drink to sell to men.

That drink was, of course, Coke Zero, a low-calorie soda Coke specifically tried to market without

ever using the word "diet," because their company had spent years telling customers

only women bought diet soda.

Essentially, Coke backed themselves into a corner by so aggressively targeting women

with Diet Coke that they had to create basically the same drink again, and spend millions telling

men it's okay to drink it.

Hey, speaking of diet soda…


Funding scientists to say Coke doesn't cause obesity

If you asked 100 nutritionists if cutting sugary drinks out of your diet would help

with losing weight or improving your overall health, 99 of them would say "well, yeah."

Statistically, though, 1 would tell you that sugary drinks had nothing to do with obesity,

because they were being paid by Coke to say so.

Yep, despite the link between a poor diet and being unhealthily overweight being so

clear you could read the paper through it, Coke decided to try and muddy the waters just

a little by paying scientists to downplay the role diet plays in obesity.

Said scientists, after cashing their checks from Coke, eventually released a statement

saying that exercise was more important than diet when it came to the issue of obesity.

Insinuating that a poor, presumably Coke-filled diet can be counteracted by exercise.

While no expert is going to argue that exercise doesn't play a key role in health, diet

is way more important when it comes to maintaining a healthy body weight, at least according

to every nutrition expert not being funded by a company with a vested interest in convincing

people of the opposite.

For anyone who wants a more vicersal example of the role Coke specifically plays in the

obesity problem, just remember that they once…


Released an ad of obnoxious white people handing Coke to indigenous Mexican people

The people of Mexico have a love/hate relationship with Coca-Cola.

On the one hand, the country consumes more of the product than even Americans.

On the other, it's been directly linked to the country's rising obesity rates to

the point they actually managed to approve a tax on sugary drinks.

Meanwhile, in America they can't even limit the size of soda cups, so you know that Mexico

had to be pretty desperate.

It's hard to explain just how popular soda is in Mexico, so we'll just quote a few

statistics to give you some idea.

According to pediatricians, 80% of two years olds and 10% of newborns are bottle-fed some

kind of soda and the average adult drinks 36 gallons of the stuff every single year.

Unsurprisingly, this love of soda has led to a sharp spike in obesity rates in Mexico,

with doctors and health officials squarely pointing a significant portion of the blame

at the aggressive marketing of soda to the populace by companies like Coke.

Apparently the only part of the previous two paragraphs Coke executives noticed was the

part saying Mexico loves it some cola, which is presumably why the released an ad of painfully

obnoxious looking white people handing out bottles of Coke to an indigenous Mexican community.

Amazingly, Coke remained totally oblivious to the potential offense an ad showing pristine

white teenagers handing out bottles of a substance that is literally killing millions of its

people with smiles on their face could cause in that country until someone pointed it out.

On the subject of marketing a product that's terrible for you…


Coke once openly admitted Vitaminwater is terrible for you

Few words in tandem could seem more innocent than "Vitaminwater."

Neither word is dangerous, and when they're put together they sound downright awesome,

like "kitten party" or "chicken nugget."

According to Coke, though, you're an idiot if you think that a product called "VITAMINwater"

is in anyway good for you.

Just to be clear, Coke once said, in open court, that "no consumer could reasonably

be misled into thinking Vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."

You know, that product that claimed it could help cure cancer before Coke bought it in


Despite Coke admitting that Vitaminwater is a terrible, awful drink with no discernable

health benefits, the company continues to market it as being chock-full of awesome body

healing nutrients and vitamins because apparently a reasonable consumer expects to be lied to

just, like, all of the time, which…

well, sounds fairly accurate.


That time Coke kind of called Nazi Germany "The Good Old Times" in an ad

As we've discussed in detail before, a number of companies are guilty of aiding, or at least

supporting, the Third Reich during WW2 by selling them products and services while they

committed numerous heinous atrocities.

Among them was Coca-Cola who, due to an embargo on the usual syrup used to create their flagship

drink, added orange syrup instead, creating Fanta.

Nowadays, Fanta is one of Coke's most popular products and for the most part the company

is incredibly coy when it comes to mentioning that the product was invented so their company

could continue to turn a profit in Nazi Germany.

Except, of course, for that time in 2015 they published an ad for Fanta celebrating the

75th anniversary of its creation in Germany, with a tagline reading "Bring the Good Old

Times Back."

Now here's the part that gets weird: it's already pretty insulting to the average consumer

that Coke assumed nobody would be able to subtract 75 from 2015 and realize that Fanta

was invented when Hitler was in power, but the company released this ad IN GERMANY.

A Coke spokesperson quickly tried to quell the fires of controversy by stating that their

product may have been invented in Nazi-era Germany, but it certainly didn't have anything

to do with Hitler or the Nazis.

No, they just took Nazi money and then quietly pocketed all of the profits at the end of

the war, which is much better.


Paying a company to take over people's Facebook statuses, with predictable results

Countless companies have tried to utilize social media or teenage lingo in a sad, desperate

attempt to appear "hip" and it's inevitably a cringe-worthy disaster that leaves a worse

taste in everyone's mouth than a 4-day old Big Mac.

Which is presumably why, in 2010, Coke outsourced a social media advertising campaign to a company

who specialized in it.

By which we mean everyone who worked there was an immature jackass.

Basically the company Coke hired, Lean Mean Fighting Machine, was asked to run a campaign

on behalf of the Dr. Pepper brand where they'd post embarrassing Facebook statuses on behalf

of volunteers who'd be entered into a draw for a chance to win $1,000.

The theme of the campaign was "what's the worst that could happen?" and it's

moments like this for which irony was invented.

Soon after the campaign started, Lean Mean Fighting Machine began posting statuses on

behalf of bored Dr. Pepper fans, as side-splittingly hilarious as "What's wrong with peeing

in the shower?" and "I watched 2 girls one cup and felt hungry afterwards."

If you say you're not familiar with why that last one is an issue, hello to the spouse

or work colleague you're reading this with.

When an unsuspecting mother of one teenage girl who'd entered the contest googled "two

girls one cup" to see what it was, mommy blogs across the net went into meltdown and

Coke was forced to apologize for something they absolutely should have seen coming.


New Coke

Of course New Coke is on this list.

It's the marketing decision Coke has never stopped being made fun of for, even though

New Coke was better in every conceivable way.

Wait, what?

Now, the story of New Coke most people reading this are familiar with is that in the '80s,

Coke toyed with the idea of changing the formula of their iconic soda, it failed, and they

were forced to bring old Coke back.

There's a lot of conspiracy theories about New Coke being a ploy to replace the sugar

with high fructose corn syrup, or that it was a deliberate effort to reinvigorate the

brand, both of which aren't true.

In reality, Coke just wanted to make a better version of their product and they succeeded.

New Coke won in blind taste tests and was somewhat better for you than original Coke,

since the recipe was based on that of Diet Coke.

The problem, though, as is often the case in the world of business, was entitled customers.

Early blind taste tests were often sabotaged by single, angry customers who took offense

to the idea of Coke's taste being changed even if they personally preferred New Coke

and when New Coke was released, small groups of angry fans kicked up a fuss and generally

acted like spoiled children who were having their toys taken away.

The backlash was so fierce for New Coke (which, remember, beat out original Coke in every

single taste test conducted by the company) that Coke had to hire a professional psychiatrist

to listen in on calls from angry Coke fans to see if they could figure out what the deal


The psychiatrist checked out after a day and told Coke executives the only time he'd

seen people so distraught before was when they were dealing with the death of a family


Faced with overwhelming negative press from the change, Coke killed the new flavor that

everyone preferred and brought back the original formula as Coke Classic.

This of course led to an explosion of sales for Coke and record profits for that quarter.

So to recap: in the '80s, Coke tried to introduce a better tasting, healthier version

of Coca-Cola and were forced to recall it because customers insisted on only drinking

the worse version.

Man, with that in mind we can't really complain when they treat us like idiots, can we?

For more infomation >> Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA - Duration: 14:30.


The Archotek Project | NEW DINOS - Anatosaurus and Parasaurolophus | #2 [Early Access] - Duration: 10:50.

There is Sovicka!

The roar sounds like a trumpet. Or a cow. :D

We're almost there!

Wow! I can attack with my tail ^0^

This tree is fantastic. I don't know why it shines o.o

It's a beautiful tree ^0^

This map is not too big.

We're looking for something to eat. :)

We are a nice group of dinos ^0^

There are nests! :O

Now they are mine xD

*Slow motion*

All the skins are nice, I don't know what to choose :'D

I like this one ^-^

I'm back! ^0^

What are you doing?!

She scares me. D:

Our dead bodies. :3

That face is sooo DERP!

We're back at the nest. Again.

Someone is there 0,0

There are a lot of people here. xD

Dino toy skin!

WOW! There are the skulls.

Angelka is T-Rex! :'D

She wants to eat us. 0v0

Poor dino toy :(

We are herbivores, but we can eat the meat :D

I'm a cannibal :O

Sovicka wants revenge!

Revenge is complete!

Angelka is back.

For more infomation >> The Archotek Project | NEW DINOS - Anatosaurus and Parasaurolophus | #2 [Early Access] - Duration: 10:50.


Mercedes-Benz GT AMG GT R - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GT AMG GT R - Duration: 1:03.


ログレス【ガチャ】リニューアル!?龍脈の宝刀当たったけど…【剣と魔法のログレス 狐の嫁入り】 - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> ログレス【ガチャ】リニューアル!?龍脈の宝刀当たったけど…【剣と魔法のログレス 狐の嫁入り】 - Duration: 8:32.


SEITHÈN #4100 - KARMA FT. MC IGU (PROD. SEITHÈN) - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> SEITHÈN #4100 - KARMA FT. MC IGU (PROD. SEITHÈN) - Duration: 2:45.


Trump Calls For Senate 'Nuclear Option' To Avoid Shutdown, Claims Dems Would Do It - Duration: 1:40.

Trump Calls For Senate 'Nuclear Option' To Avoid Shutdown, Claims "Dems Would Do It"

by Tyler Durden

In the latest in a series of breathless tweets, President Trump tweeted on Tuesday calling

for the Senate to end the filibuster and allow legislation to pass with a simple majority,

saying it would allow his agenda to pass �fast and easy.�

�The U.S. Senate should switch to 51 votes, immediately, and get Healthcare and TAX CUTS

approved, fast and easy.

Dems would do it, no doubt!�

As The Hill details, Trump called earlier this month for the end of the filibuster,

which essentially requires 60 votes for a bill to pass the Senate.

"The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need

60 votes in the Senate which are not there!

We either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%.

Our country needs a good 'shutdown' in September to fix mess!" he wrote at the time.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) shot down Trump�s call at the time, saying

�that will not happen.�

And 60 Senators write a month ago saying they do not support the 'nuclear option'...

We suspect Schumer will be quick to respond to Trump's tweet.

For more infomation >> Trump Calls For Senate 'Nuclear Option' To Avoid Shutdown, Claims Dems Would Do It - Duration: 1:40.


DON'T LOOK AT ME, I'M HIDEOUS | Hot Date - Duration: 10:11.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome to a hot date I don't know how

this is gonna work out but oh hi hi there I am Doris and I can't read that

fast you probably have a cool name what is it okay so this is obviously a dating

simulator where I guess I'm Jap JC bean that's weird that's my cat's name little

JC bean oh what a coincidence okay and I tell me a bit about yourself mr.

pug this is pug oh well my name is Doris

professionally I'm a midwife but I've also a kid I'm also a cancer so I'm

pretty into skipping ropes - oh we're basically whip anyone here with my eyes

closed and I rode my own spin class I guess that's me did that cover it uh no

um what do you do for fun I don't know DJ in probs you're gonna

tell me yours now aren't you not like I give a damn

um my what my what I do for fun you I ha ha ha I do you for fun

wow I'm learning so much about you would what what oh oh I see what is your

favorite giddy what's your favorite deity I take worshiping for pretty

seriously look this is my serious face

are you someone who likes to listen to jazz records Oh baby now you're speaking

my language I have a poster of sonny Roland's in my

bathroom oh my god do you jazz double bass baby yeah I'm all about the sax I'm

a trumpet blow now I like jazz jazz is okay I really do I actually got some

inspiration for a new outro song to jazz recently then you anyway I'm all about

the sax that's just what I need want to be in my band let's change the world

together just to jazz mavericks against mall uh

have you ever been to space what I did test space travel what is your favorite

now what do you know what annoys you what annoys you miss this bug this is

Doris home jeez this is a vast expanse of inquiry and endless plain a

possibility top of the list the wind the unpopularity of flairs council tax

pipsqueaks in the gym that's me happy endings and they're the ones I'm

prepared to share you don't like happy endings oh okay

I'll take it I guess uh-oh at last Saved by the Bell I had a great time you

gross leave well fine in oh it's totally different

person hey hey hey nice to meet you my name is flowers and you are i'm doo-doo

brains that's cute doodoo brains hey doodoo

brains yo I could say the same to you ha ha ha could i I don't understand

Straight Talk yes uh no that's what I was hoping it'd make this as awkward as

possible have you ever ran a half-marathon have you thought about

changing your name to Francois

absolutely ok what would your superhero power be

superhero let me think it would have to be something that fits my personality

with some leniency for emotional depth in the side stories I guess did you

metric effeminate in clouds of fake words I can't read all right

okay well do you believe in minotaurs well obviously I do I thought it was

pretty evident Sala hide it I don't hide it I'm not ashamed what was sorry she's

shameful stare making this awkward awkward silence hahaha

let's roll our eyes and everything are you a fan of well John since you asked

so nicely it's actually a beautiful question I'm touched

I adore turning things down for what it's up it's okay have you ever read uh

on the road have you ever read on the road I want you to know that I'm

disgusted by that question oh you know no way dude American post-war

counterculture ain't me just man into state are you familiar with a bow and

arrow to ghetto boys a work of Moorea

entire the entire works of Shakespeare looks to do brains I once protested

about Shakespeare you maniac why do you like me

oh you a hundred percent yes but I'm could abusive fooled me what is your

ideal starting Pokemon I've always gone for Pikachu wait can you pick that at

the start on pokemon yellow yes but

screw you is screw Professor Oak hahaha I think you need a timeout mr.

Snorlax control yourself a lot oh no it's over and we're just

getting to know each other all yay she liked me I had a great time I'm sure you

did I made great company full of yourself much hey do people call me oh

hey dude people call me Nigel what up what's your name adjust my chair I need

a new chair dude this thing is up and down what's your name my name is uh Bork

your mom is work your mom a fake um is Bork your mom a fake name if you give

out dates mind one's okay you look lovely

I do really fancy that where'd you grow up

what's it to you maybe I didn't maybe I was always this age maybe it was self

salford have you ever read a Clockwork Orange typical hate is a strong word

I've reserved it for dystopian codpiece ultraviolence Wow okay it's actually

really good book but you have to have like just just have a dictionary ready

when you read that one what is your favorite color let's see I'm gonna say

pale miles is what even is that is that like is that like my face color I don't

know it's pale something do you have a happy place

my happy place is within deep in the end annals of I consciousness it's a place

it's a state of mind snap out of the hippie gosh you people are all the same

yeah well quit oppressing me man let me live my life

Oh okay would you live in Zanzibar definitely not so I actually came

is close to doing it once and then I realized I don't hate myself hmm

okay do you have a bucket list I have each of those things separately I'm yet

to unite the two I'm not very adventurous and it's probably best to

get to be under ambitious that's my mantra okay

writing the sweet waves of thunder ambition okay are you local

why are you blending and following me home and carving your name into my hedge

maybe but maybe alrighty then it's me this as weird as possible do you believe

in ghosts it's not there do you believe in a thing called love well yeah why

wouldn't I is there a reason I shouldn't just

listen to the rhythm of my heart it's not there oh uh you stupid idiot do you

really mean that I thought we had something going I guess not no that's

just how I show my affection do oh that's it that's time

uh let's meet up again farewell vork your mom I hardly knew deep okay hey

Jeanie people call me Neil what up what's your name I'm gonna go ahead to

the episode okay that was hot date the speed-dating bad this this thing to

speak oh my god oh that was awkward anyway I hope you guys enjoy watching me

speed date with a bunch of pugs who had really diverse personalities if you guys

did enjoy make sure you slap that like button underneath the video and until

next time I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> DON'T LOOK AT ME, I'M HIDEOUS | Hot Date - Duration: 10:11.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI First Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI First Edition - Duration: 1:00.


Suzuki BALENO 1.2 5D M/T DUALJET CLUB - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki BALENO 1.2 5D M/T DUALJET CLUB - Duration: 1:06.


Renault Grand Espace 2.0 16V T 170 PK CELSIUM 6-PERS | NAVI | XENON | CLIMATE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Espace 2.0 16V T 170 PK CELSIUM 6-PERS | NAVI | XENON | CLIMATE - Duration: 0:58.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Go! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Go! - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Cascada 1.6T 170pk Leer Navi Camera 19" Agr Ecc Pdc2 Tel. Elekt Kap Cosmo €42.000 nieuw! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Cascada 1.6T 170pk Leer Navi Camera 19" Agr Ecc Pdc2 Tel. Elekt Kap Cosmo €42.000 nieuw! - Duration: 1:02.


Zenlar €$£ The Soul Papaz - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Zenlar €$£ The Soul Papaz - Duration: 4:26.


#raissaandatalextakebrasil Day 2 - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> #raissaandatalextakebrasil Day 2 - Duration: 7:34.


The String - A story of how I found my soulmate || short film (turn on the subs) - Duration: 6:40.

I didn't have that damn string from the very beginning

The Red String that connects soulmates

Your parents probably already told you about them!

You are the only person that can see your own string.

And they are the only clue which tells you where your soulmate currently is!

Some people dedicate their whole lives trying to find their loved one

Even starting as kids!

Others ignore them and wait for the adulthood.

It is also common knowledge that-


But... I don't have string...

That's me! Blanka. A girl that probably doesn't have a soulmate

After what happened in the kindergarten, no one else found out about it except my parents

Kids from the kindergarten kind of teased me about it but other then that I lead a pretty normal life.

Although I have to admit, I did feel jealous seeing my classmates talking about their future soulmates.

I just sat there.

I studied.

Took photos.

Or... lied. Talking about soulmates with them.

I was just... minding my own buisness.


Hey! I really liked your pictures! Will you post more?

O! Thank you so much! I did my best haha ;; I really appreciate this!


Ok sorry, I just really love your stuff sO mUCH AA

Me? Having fans? Impossible :O

My name is Blanka! What's yours?

Out of nowhere Jamie appeared in my life!

I haven't gotten along so well with anyone til now!


After a while I decided to tell him the truth...

I have to tell you something.

Oooh sounds spooky What is it?

I don't have The String.

omg omg omg what am i doing omg omg

Oh! He responded!!!




what what (is this real life is this a fantasy (thats not what she said but whatever))


Ok! This is happeni- oh god uhm




I think you're my soulmate????


I couldn't believe it...

Oh-kay! I guess I have a soulmate all of a sudden!

cOOL I jusT have a soulmate???????


What if he's lying....

What if he's some sort of a pedophile...

What should I do????

aH SCREW IT YOLO (im sorry)

Worst case scenario...

I'll just have to call the cops

Weeks passed by... we were talking all the time!

Do you know what the most beautiful thing in the world is?


You ;))))))

It was... one of the happiest periods of my life...

I was thinking about Jamie all the time...

But all of a sudden...

We stopped talking

I wrote some messages but got no responses for more then a week which was odd

(Jamie? You haven't responded for 2 days now.) (Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?) (It's been 2 weeks. If it's because of me I'm sorry...)

Please... at least let me know you're alive...


Jamie responded


I'm sorry I was gone... something happened

What happened? I was so worried!

I'm going overseas for 2 years.

I didn't even have the chance too meet you. I want to see you in person.

I'm coming to see you as soon as possible.

You can't. You live on the other side of the country, and I'm leaving tomorrow.

I'm sorry I haven't said anything before... I was scared...

We'll see eachother in 2 years! We'll message eachother til then.

I love you Blanka. I'm sorry.

This is some sort of a joke...

It's a joke, it's a lie... it's...

This can't be happening right now...

Let's go




The String

Thank you for watching <3 btw jamie went overseas but they stayed in touch and got married when they grew up

so this has a happy ending :'))

For more infomation >> The String - A story of how I found my soulmate || short film (turn on the subs) - Duration: 6:40.


Logan Lucky Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:27.

Jimmy, I'm just gonna say it:

I gotta let you go.

You were just fired.

I was let go for liability reasons involving insurance.

The one-armed bartender!

You need to show him a little respect.

Charlotte Motor Speedway.

I know how they move the money.

The only guy who knows anything about blowing up real bank vaults

is Joe bang.

I am incarcerated.

Yeah, we got a plan to get you out.

The Coca-Cola 600 is the biggest race of the year.

We need a computer whiz.

I know everything there is to know about computers, okay?

All the Twitters, I know 'em.

Welcome to the Coca-Cola 600.

How many yards away is the vault?

20 yards, I don't think 30.

Is it 20 or is it 30?

We are dealing with science here!

They're gonna know what we want them to know.

My life of crime is over.

That is massively stupid!

It's been handled.

Oh, this is gonna be good.

That looks like it hurt.

I want everything on Jimmy, Logan.

I'm about to get naked. I said no peaking.

I said no peaking!

You Logans must be

as simple-minded as people say.

People say that?!

Would you give in my arm, please?

Is it this one?

For more infomation >> Logan Lucky Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:27.


First Ever PC GamePlay!! - Duration: 4:39.

Sorry for the poor audio, in the next upload, i'm going to change the settings a bit so you can hear me better.

Anyways this is just going to be a video of me completing some levels on the computer for the first time. If you want to add me as a friend, my game name is Bsmooth12.

For more infomation >> First Ever PC GamePlay!! - Duration: 4:39.


Bass Fishing Memorial Day Weekend - Duration: 5:18.

Nice little largie. Got some kind of growth on them there.

Another little largie.

Little spot.

Another little spot.

Today is Memorial Day weekend. It's ten o'clock so I'm gonna get off the lake now I I assume it's about to get pretty crazy. It was

supposed to rain all day today but it turned out pretty nice.

So, I caught those what two two large mouths, two spots small. All small no big

deal. I have some news this might be the last time you see me fishing in this boat.

I sold my boat, this one we're standing in right now. For a another Lowe 198,

that's a series, Stinger 198 150 horsepower.

Tt is FLW, it meets all the FLW requirements for a

bass fishing boat for the co-angler and myself. It has tons and tons of storage,

center storage. It's great for the co-angler, has little side pocket for the

co-angler rods. Of course i'm not going to be a boater for a while in the

tournaments. I'm going to go ahead and you know, soak up all the information I

can. Anyways, I hope you had a fun and safe Memorial Day and we'll see you next


For more infomation >> Bass Fishing Memorial Day Weekend - Duration: 5:18.


Legendary Rings in 7.2.5 - Soul of the Free Talent - Duration: 4:49.


I'm Hazel, and this is a look at the new Legendary Rings coming to each class in the upcoming

patch 7.2.5.

After the patch releases on what is almost certainly gonna be June 13th, you'll have

two new legendaries on your potential Golden Loot Table.

One of them is spec specific, while the other is your new Soul of the ClassOrderHallTitle


All of these rings come loaded with Crit, Haste and Mastery, a socket and an equip effect

that grants you one of your talents.

That frees you up to choose one of the remaining two talents on that row and run around with

2 of the 3 active.

The talent it grants you swaps based on your current spec, so you only need 1 ring per


This might turn out to be really good on your main spec, and even if it doesn't it's a really

solid first or second legendary to wear in any offspec you feel like dabbling in.

All legendaries that drop for you in 7.2.5 will drop at item level 970.

You can upgrade any existing legendaries to match through a new Titan Essence quest.

The Death Knight ring is called Soul of the Deathlord, and as we go through these you're

going to notice a running theme with the names.

It grants Blood DK's Foul Bulwark, Frost DK's Gathering Storm and Unholy gets Bursting Sores.

I'm not intimate enough with most classes to make specific commentary on what you should

pick as your second, but I'll put the row that each talent comes from up on the screen

with the free talent highlighted.

That way if this is your main class, you can start thinking about whether the ring is going

to be important for you and which talent you're going to take if it is.

Demon Hunters get Soul of the Slayer.

It grants Havoc Demon Hunters their First Blood talent.

Vengeance Demon Hunters will get access to Fallout, freeing them up to pick Feast of

Souls or Burning Alive as well.

Druids will get Soul of the Archdruid.

Handily enough, it grants you Soul of the Forest in all four specs.

That means that in any Druid spec, you could prance around with both Soul of the Forest

and Incarnation, or there's a third spec-specific choice on that row also.

Soul of the Forest is a solid choice for any Druid, so being able to bust out the third

option without giving up your Soul is going to be pretty valuable.

Hunters get the Soul of the Huntmaster.

It will grant Beast Mastery Hunters their Bestial Fury talent, giving them a flat damage

increase to Bestial Wrath.

Marks Hunters get Lock and Load for free Aimed Shot procs while Survival Hunters gain Serpent


For the most part the talents benefited by these rings are decent to great throughput

talents, meaning the rings will be good for most people.

Mages get Soul of the Archmage.

Arcane mages will gain Temporal Flux, Fire gets Flame On and Frost gets Frozen Touch.

I really like that they chose to make these talent legendaries Rings- on top of being

universally useful, they do not take up a pesky tier slot.

Monks get Soul of the Grandmaster.

Brewmaster tanks will gain Mystic Vitality, Mistweavers get Mist Wrap while Windwalkers

gain their Chi Orbit.

I love my Healing Elixir on my Brewmaster so I'm excited to get to play with it without

giving up my Magic damage stagger.

Paladins get the Soul of the Highlord.

Holy and Ret Paladins will both gain Divine Purpose, while Prot Pally tanks get Holy Shield.

The Soul of the X title formula makes me kind of curious as to which specific Highlord or

Archmage we're wearing the soul of.

Is it ours?

Priests get the Soul of the High Priest.

Discipline gets Twist of Fate, and it's worth noting that in 7.2.5 Twist of Fate has moved.

There's not going to be any doubling up on Twist and Power Infusion, as fun as that would


Holy Priests get Surge of Light, and Shadow gets Twist of Fate as well.

As a Shadow Priest Twist of Fate has been mandatory since they came up with it, so I'm

really excited to try out the other options on this tier.

I had to actually look up what they did.

Fortress of the Mind in particular seems like it's going to be strong.

Rogues get the Soul of the Shadowblade.

This one doesn't change based on which Rogue spec you are: it always grants Vigor, and

your other options are always Deeper Strategem and Anticipation.

That's both easy to remember and a strong damage legendary that should be good all around.

Shamans get the Soul of the Farseer.

Elemental and Resto Shamans both gain Echo of the Elements, while Enhancements gain Tempest.

I know a couple of shamans and I'm not convinced that any one of them has a soul, so I'm not

100% sold on the name.

Warlocks get the Soul of the Netherlord.

Affliction locks are granted Death's Embrace, which is a completely new talent that's been

put on the final tier.

Demonology locks gain Grimoire of Synergy, and Destro gets Eradication.

Affliction locks are getting a bit of a talent tree update so if you main Aff and you haven't

looked through it yet, you should.

Head over to and check out the talent calculator.

Last but not least, warriors get the Soul of the Battlelord.

Arms warriors gain Deadly Calm, Fury gains Massacre and Prot Warrior tanks get access

to Vengeance.

We're only two ish weeks out from patch day, so dust off your keyboards and wishlist the

legendaries you're going to be looking for going into Tomb.

Check out the spec-specific legendaries coming to Healers, Tanks, Melee and Ranged DPS in

videos on my channel.

Thanks for watching!

Let me know what you think, please consider leaving a like if you liked it and have a

wonderful, wonderful day.


For more infomation >> Legendary Rings in 7.2.5 - Soul of the Free Talent - Duration: 4:49.


(VOSTFR) ASTRO (아스트로) - 4th Mini Album 'Dream Part.01' JACKET MAKING FILM - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> (VOSTFR) ASTRO (아스트로) - 4th Mini Album 'Dream Part.01' JACKET MAKING FILM - Duration: 4:28.


What Really Caused Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams' Breakup - Duration: 5:45.

Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling were one of Hollywood's most iconic young couples both

on and off the screen.

After playing Allie and Noah in The Notebook, they dated off-camera and were a storybook

romance come-to-life for years.

So what really happened to end this seemingly perfect relationship?

Grab your notebook — the list of reasons may surprise you.

Mutual surrender

Gosling and McAdams have discussed their relationship pretty openly, but they haven't been too open

about their breakup.

The couple managed to keep those dirty details under wraps.

Still, without elaborating too much, Gosling did hint to GQ that their split was ultimately


He explained:

"The only thing I remember is we both went down swingin' and we called it a draw."

"Are you saying you want to break it off?"

"I'm saying we see how it goes later on."

Fan Fiction

The Notebook was one of the most popular movies of 2004.

So, naturally, when fans found out that Allie and Noah were dating in real life, they almost

couldn't handle the cuteness.

In fact, to this day, there are some fans out there who have a hard time separating

Allie and Noah from Rachel and Ryan.

And they're still wishing and praying that the swoon-worthy couple will get back together.

"Noah, just wait a minute, we're not really breaking up are we?

C'mon, this is just a fight we're having and tomorrow it'll be like it never happened,


Unfortunately, the adoration of all-things McGosling may have put too much pressure and

strain on the couple's high-profile relationship.

Even Gosling noted that fans were downright pissed at him when they found out about the

break-up in 2007.

He told GQ:

"Women are mad at me.

A girl came up to me on the street and she almost smacked me.

Like, 'How could you?

How could you let a girl like that go?'


I lost you once, I think I can do it again.

Ever thought that's what you really wanted?"

"I feel like I want to give people hugs, they seem so sad.

Rachel and I should be the ones getting hugs!

Instead, we're consoling everybody else."

Rocky beginnings

Unlike their characters in The Notebook, Gosling and McAdams' relationship wasn't exactly love

at first sight.

In fact, it was quite the opposite.

The film's director, Nick Cassavetes, told VH1 that the actors got along so badly on

set that Gosling wanted another actress to take the place of McAdams to rehearse his


"We're already fighting!"

"Well, that's what we do.

We fight!

You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you're being

a pain in the ass!

Cassavetes told VH1:

"They were really not getting along one day on set.

Really not.

And Ryan came to me, and he says, 'Nick come here.

'Would you take her out of here and bring in another actress to read off camera with


He says, 'I can't.

I can't do it with her.

I'm just not getting anything from this.'"

Cassavetes forced his actors to yell it out — which helped them move forward.

"If you leave here, I hate you!"

"Have you been paying attention to anything that's been happening?"

"I guess not, I think I must have misread all those signals."

"I guess you did!"

It didn't solve all their problems, but it made filming bearable.

And it later paved the road to romance for the two stars.

Soulmate mismatch

Like plenty of temporary romances, Gosling and McAdams most likely broke up simply because

they weren't "the one" for each other.

But they're not down for the count.

McAdams has rebounded pretty nicely, being linked to handsome hunks like Jake Gyllenhaal,

Taylor Kitsch and most recently screenwriter Jamie Linden.

Gosling has since found true love by way of Eva Mendes, whom he met on the set of The

Place Beyond the Pines in 2011, and with whom he has two daughters.

Gosling told Hello!:

"I know that I'm with the person I'm supposed to be with,"

He says the one thing he looks for in a female partner is "that she's Eva Mendes.

There's nothing else I'm looking for."

Showbiz Pressure

Gosling opened up to the UK newspaper, The Times, about his breakups with McAdams and

Sandra Bullock.

He blamed the limelight for getting in the way of the relationships with his two "greatest


Gosling told The Times:

"When both people are in showbusiness, it's too much show-business.

It takes all of the light, so nothing else can grow."

Now that he's in a serious relationship with actress Mendes, only time will tell if their

love can withstand the glitz and glamour of showbiz.

Gosling's Success

After The Notebook hit theaters in 2004, Gosling became one of the most sought-after hunks

in Hollywood.

And only a couple years later, he received an Academy Award nomination for the indie

drama Half-Nelson.

With that level of superstardom, it can be tough to have much of a relationship with

anyone or anything besides your career.

In fact, even Gosling himself admitted to The Times in 2011 that he was "in a committed

relationship with film.

I'm giving as much to it as a marriage."

Baby Mama Drama

According to OK!

Magazine, Gosling and McAdams' split was fueled in part by McAdams not being ready to have


Although those rumors were never confirmed, Gosling has expressed on at least one occasion

his desire to settle down and raise a family.

Celebuzz reported Gosling saying:

"I'd like to be making babies but I'm not, so I'm making movies.

When someone comes along I don't think I'll be able to do both but I'm fine with that.

I'll make movies until I make babies."

"Is this true?

You're a daddy for a second time?"

"I am."


Ironically, People Magazine reported that McAdams' split from actor Michael Sheen in

2013 because he wasn't ready to settle down and have a family with her.

So maybe it was just a matter of finding the right person to parent with.

"What do you want?"

"What do you want?"

"It's not that simple."

"What. Do. You. Want?!"

Friends 'til the end

The end of Gosling and McAdams' relationship wasn't a messy Hollywood breakup splattered

all over magazine covers.

In fact, after they parted ways, Gosling had nothing but nice things to say about his former


Gosling told GQ:

"People do Rachel and me a disservice by assuming we were anything like the people in that movie.

Rachel and my love story is a hell of a lot more romantic than that."

The two have reportedly remained friends after their breakup.

In fact, rumors have also swirled that the two have stayed connected through phone calls.

According to the Daily Mail, McAdams allegedly called Gosling multiple times for advice to

get over her breakup with Michael Sheen.

She also reportedly called him to congratulate him on becoming a father, which allegedly

caused tension between Gosling and Mendes.

But Gosling feels a loyalty to his former co-star and friend.

So, perhaps fans of The Notebook may one day get a Gosling-McAdams movie reunion after


Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> What Really Caused Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams' Breakup - Duration: 5:45.


How To Harmonize - You Waited by Travis Greene - Duration: 10:38.

yeah of you guys thank you for sticking around it - thus far that in my stool by

the way it all squeaky. I need to tighten it.

sorry Heather. Squeaky da

First we're going to start as always with the melody.

And You....You waited for me....just for me

Ohh...You, You waited for me....just for me

You waited for me....just for me

Ohhh....You, You waited for me....just for me

You waited for me....just for me

Ohhh....You, You waited for me....just for me

Where would I be, if You left me God

Where would I be, if You left me God.

Claudette switches to the melody.


that's entire thing right so then we'll move on to. Let's do Heather's part next.


We harmonize that last part of the verse yeah. so this is a demonstration gonna go so far to go

You've shown so patiently You've shown so patiently.

so okay pop quiz. Which one of us is singing the melody on this part??

Whoever answers correctly will do a song for you yeah we will do a cover song

just for you and you gotta be the first one. So did we get everything?

I mean the song is pretty much a lot of octave singing and some harmony here

and there and there is actually a question we got like that in email

recently. If you're on a praise team or sing in a group where there's a lot of

octaves... it's not the end of the road you can always do harmony. Listen to

songs like this song like Travis Greene you'll see how you can fill in the gaps

with harmony you don't have to like if you're a male and a female constantly

sing you know the octave notes the female can sing harmony to the male

who's doing the lead or the male can sing harmony to the female who's doing the lead.

Another great song is "The Prayer." Listen to Donnie McClurkin/Yolanda Adams

version or you can listen to the Josh Groban/Celine Dion version.

Beautiful harmony... adding color to the song so yeah this is a great song to

practice with if you're stuck singing octaves all the time.'s a great start though. Then you branch out

from the octaves. Pretty much you're just singing the

melody of the song... yeah that's why I said it's a great start. You always start with the melody.

find your way to the high hill and go over the bridge.

Well guys we hope you enjoyed this wonderful video. If you liked it, which I

hope, we hope you did.

of people have been wanting us to do this video and we just found out through

our home girl who sent us this text message that Travis Greene.

right here it is like Travis Greene like totally was talking about us on like Instagram

not only covered intentional but they gave us a tutorial on how to harmonize

the song talk about true talent amazing voices ladies.

love them! This is nice! So someone was like I'm still waiting for

their cover of "You Waited" and he was like

same ..hint..hint

So this video was for all of you guys but thanks to everyone who waited for this song yeah

For more infomation >> How To Harmonize - You Waited by Travis Greene - Duration: 10:38.


How To Change The Battery Tray - 87 Suburban #4 - Duration: 9:03.

Here's your old one.

That's the one I vcauumed out.

We can set that aside.

Here's the new one.

I guess we should see how well they match.

This one seems to, oh, because that's on there...

Because remember this, this part broke off.


And this will move to the other one.


But for the most part, they look the same, right?

Yeah, except this one has a hole here and there's no hole here.

And same here.

Not sure if that's important.

No idea.

You can see the hole down there?


Right there.

Um hmm.

So because this fender here is on a slope a little bit,

that's what we're trying to match.

I think it'll work.

For more infomation >> How To Change The Battery Tray - 87 Suburban #4 - Duration: 9:03.


Good Communication 101: Mirroring, Jargon, Hifalutin Words | Alan Alda - Duration: 7:26.

Jargon gets a bad reputation for good reasons.

But there's something good about jargon, and I think it should be explored because jargon

hangs on, I think, in our speech because it has a usefulness.

When people in the same profession have a word that stands for five pages of written

knowledge, why say five pages of stuff when you can say one word?

And if the other person understands it exactly the way you understand it then jargon has


The trouble is we develop such specialized words that they're not understood by people

with just a little distance from our expertise.

For instance, even show business, which you wouldn't expect to have a technical jargon—or

you might not expect it—even show business has it, movie making.

"Take this gobo and put it on the Century over there, and hurry up because this is the

martini shot.

And while you're at it bring me a half-apple."

That's not understood to most people and it's crystal clear to somebody who's been on a

movie set for a while.

I guess I have to explain it or people will be writing you letters saying "what does

all that mean?"

A gobo is a thing that blocks out light.

A Century is a Century stand made by the Century Company many decades ago, and their name is

on the stand.

It's the stand that holds up a light or a gobo.

The martini shot is the last shot of the day before you go home and have a martini.

And a half-apple is a box half the size of an apple-box that you can put things on, like

people who are too short.

That's jargon for a movie set.

But jargon has another evil use aside from separating us from one another, and that is

that when we want to use it to make ourselves look really smart, "I'm smart I talk like

this, you can't really talk like this so you're not as smart as me."

A lot of us do this unconsciously, and it's not necessary.

We get more done if we open ourselves up.

It's really fun to be on the verge of saying something that is probably not going to be

understood by the other person and to say, "wait a second, how can I say this in really

plain language?"

And if we do that sometimes we learn more about the jargon than we thought we knew.

We humanize it, we reduce it to the simplest concepts—what are the concepts that really

matter in this?—And then the jargon sometimes gets cleaned off and polished of some of the

luster of hifalutin-ness that doesn't help the jargon be helpful.

Choice of words does matter.

It matters a lot.

But I think that it's important to remember that if all we do is get the right words in

our head, and the right order of words, and think that that's going to make all by itself

good communication, I think we're missing the boat.

Because really, effective communication is not just because I have something perfect

to say to you.

It really occurs when you understand and internalize what I have to say and are able to make it

your own, to remember it, and that kind of thing.

Here's an interesting example of that.

One of our medical students who we were training to communicate better was on rounds with a

supervising M.D. and the doctor who was in charge was talking to a patient, and he had

to explain to her that she had incurable cancer and she was going to die.

And he was talking to her, and as he was telling her all this really hard-to-take information

she wasn't asking questions and you could tell by the look on her face, or at least

the medical student could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't understanding


She was just listening with kind of a blank expression.

And the lead doctor says, "Okay so I'll talk to you later," or whatever he said and left,

and the young medical student said, "Do you mind if I stay for a few minutes with her

and talk to her?"

And he was given permission to do that.

So now he sat down right opposite her and took her hand in his, and he started to say

many of the same things that the other doctor had said but he didn't use the same words.

So the words changed.

He didn't say "metastasis", he talked in simpler terms but he was making contact

with her, he was looking in her eyes, he was opening himself up to her as he talked to


And little by little she started to cry and she started to ask questions, and finally

she understood she was going to die and he helped her through that understanding.

He helped her get that understanding because she wasn't protected against this barrage

of impersonal communication that the other doctor had been giving her.

And what he said, what this young the doctor said to us—this medical student—was that

it brought him back to one of our basic exercises.

It was a mirroring exercise where he had to mirror the movements of another person.

And when that happens, well, you get in-sync, and he said, "I was mirroring her and she

began to mirror me—because she helped me be a better doctor, because she responded

with tears to what I was saying, which let me know she really understood me."

He was so moved by the experience that he began to cry himself in the experience.

And I don't think he was crying because he felt her pain at the awareness that she was

going to die.

I think he was moved because this connection had taken place, and he realized that the

movement he had made during the workshops to be able to make this kind of contact with

another person was a profound experience, and he said that he would never forget the

experience and how it came from the simple mirroring exercise.

So that was a wonderful experience for us to hear about, because it was a personal way

of letting us know that people can be changed by this.

For more infomation >> Good Communication 101: Mirroring, Jargon, Hifalutin Words | Alan Alda - Duration: 7:26.


M.O.N.T (몬트) INTERVIEW - Duration: 4:52.

Hello, everyone! We are MONT!

Good morning (in Polish)

My name is Narachan

Good morning, my name is Roda

Good morning, my name is Bitsaeon

Again this time, Polish fans have given us a few questions so we are now going to answer them.

First question

Who needs the most time to wake up?

Why don't we point the person?

Let's go! 3,2,1!

How could you say it's me?

Roda takes the most time

Next question is...

Who sings for the longest time?

1,2,3! The main vocal Bitsaeon has sung for the longest time and I guess that's why he is good at singing.

Because I am the main vocal...


Okay, then! Oh, this is quite difficult to answer

It is a difficult question.

It's so difficult... 3, 2, 1!

Oh, it's me? Why?

Because you eat a lot

So many, many

So many, many!

Do I..? I don't agree with that though anyway Let's move to the next question.

This is an individual question.

Bitseon question time start!

What is your favourite cartoon and movie?

I personally like the Marvel movie series such as the Avengers, Spiderman.

I also like the Marvel movies a lot

and X-man.

Alright, then next question!

So now Roda question time

Speak some Chinese to your fans


Hello everyone!

You like our group M.O.N.T

We also love you, we love your country and thank you!

Thank you!

Okay good!

Now it's my turn

I used to be in another team and I was the youngest one and I guess they want to know how I would feel to be a leader now.

Very good! Very Very happy because I am the King. I am the king of Mont! I can do whatever I want

Then next question

How were you feeling before the release of 'Sorry'?

I was partly excited and partly afraid of it.

I was also a bit afraid but I was mostly excited about it.

I was only excited

Were you?

I was only excited because it was our first album.

It's time for the final question.

It's a bit too early but we'd love to perform in Poland so please invite and help us.

Yes, nothing is certain but we'd love to perform in Poland so we would appreciate if you invited us.

Okay then let's end it here and Let's say goodbye.

We are M.O.N.T! Thank you!

Poland, we love you!

I love you

For more infomation >> M.O.N.T (몬트) INTERVIEW - Duration: 4:52.


Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA - Duration: 14:30.

Top 10 CRAZY Marketing Decisions by COCA-COLA


Coke released Tab Clear just to screw over Pepsi

Tab Clear was a clear version of Tab cola, released during a dark period of the '90s

when soft drink manufacturers thought people would prefer clear cola instead of the healthy

shade of brown we all know and love.

Tab Clear was notable for its remarkably short lifespan, being on shelves for only a few

months before being abruptly discontinued.

As it turns out, this was a deliberate move on behalf of the cola giant to screw over

Pepsi, the Ken to their Ryu.

You see, Coke wanted to torpedo sales of Crystal Pepsi and realized that they could do so by

releasing a similar drink that sucked.

Specifically, Coke had data showing that the public (at the time) wasn't all that interested

in diet soft drinks, so they decided to make a clear version of Tab (a diet cola).

The idea was that the public, after seeing Tab Clear being marketed as a sugar-free soda,

would similarly assume that Crystal Pepsi was also a diet drink, and it worked.

Within six months of Tab Clear's release, both drinks were discontinued.

In other words, Coke once invented an entirely new drink just to dunk on Pepsi after realizing

the former had spent millions of dollars trying to create a new product they couldn't be

bothered to try and compete with.

Say what you want, that's some dedicated corporate penis-waving right there.


The MagiCan, or the Coke can that smelled like a fart

Coke, like many companies, has utilized giveaways in the past to try and raise sales or promote

a new product and, for the most part, they go off without a hitch.

The release of the MagiCan was not one of those times.

In a nutshell, Coke launched a campaign which involved hiding money inside of random cans

of their product.

To prevent the money from getting soaked in brown sugar liquid, Coke invented and patented

a special kind of can that sported a small reservoir where the money would be stored,

and a mechanism that would eject the money as soon as the can was opened.

The rest of the can was filled with a chloride solution (that smelled like a suspiciously

eggy farts) to give it the same weight as a regular can.

From this description alone, you can probably guess where this is going.

The shield separating the fart-water in thousands of cans failed, meaning countless Coke fans

ended up with money that smelled like farts.

Also, one kid drank some and was rushed to the hospital.

He was fine, but the media reported on the story as if he died (a rumor that persists

to this day), leading to Coke having to enter damage control mode.

Bizarrely, Coke never marked which cans contained money (so that people couldn't cheat), so

they didn't actually know which ones had the chloride solution, meaning they had to

recall every can they'd released for several weeks.


That time they tried to sell tap water to the British public

Ask a spokesperson from Coke to tell you about Dasani water before it gets bottled, and you

could be led to believe that they filter pure glacier water through an angel's silk underwear

and pump it full of unicorn farts, with the long-winded explanation they'd likely offer.

Ask a chemist, on the other hand, and they'll tell you that Dasani is just tap water the

company filters an extra time, puts in a bottle, and sells for a 20,000% markup.

While this tactic apparently works just fine in the States, when Coke tried to launch Dasani

in the UK in 2004, things didn't exactly go to plan.

For one, the public didn't exactly appreciate that the company was trying to sell public

water to the public.

When Coke tried to claim that their special filtration process made Dasani purer than

tap water, the people in charge of British tap water tested it and found that their filtration

process didn't do anything, except increase the amount of the carcinogen bromate it contained.

Which surprised the testers, since British tap water doesn't contain even a trace amount

of this chemical, meaning Coke's special filtration process somehow managed to increase

the amount of potentially cancer-causing chemicals in ordinary tap water by infinity percent.

As a final blunder, the company tried to market Dasani as being "full of spunk" without

running a cursory Urban Dictionary check on the word, which would have informed them that

in the UK, spunk is slang for sperm.


Coke Zero is marketed at men, because Coke accidentally made Diet Coke a girl's drink

As discussed in a previous entry, there was a time when Joe Public wasn't all that interested

in diet or low-sugar drinks.

What we didn't mention, however, is that pretty much the entire reason this is the

case is because Coke spent decades marketing diet soda to only 50% of the population.

Specifically, Coke has spent years marketing Diet Coke as a "

girl's drink," so much so that when diet soda started to gain popularity in the 2010s

when people realized that "not dying of diabetes" is pretty sweet, they had to invent

a new drink to sell to men.

That drink was, of course, Coke Zero, a low-calorie soda Coke specifically tried to market without

ever using the word "diet," because their company had spent years telling customers

only women bought diet soda.

Essentially, Coke backed themselves into a corner by so aggressively targeting women

with Diet Coke that they had to create basically the same drink again, and spend millions telling

men it's okay to drink it.

Hey, speaking of diet soda…


Funding scientists to say Coke doesn't cause obesity

If you asked 100 nutritionists if cutting sugary drinks out of your diet would help

with losing weight or improving your overall health, 99 of them would say "well, yeah."

Statistically, though, 1 would tell you that sugary drinks had nothing to do with obesity,

because they were being paid by Coke to say so.

Yep, despite the link between a poor diet and being unhealthily overweight being so

clear you could read the paper through it, Coke decided to try and muddy the waters just

a little by paying scientists to downplay the role diet plays in obesity.

Said scientists, after cashing their checks from Coke, eventually released a statement

saying that exercise was more important than diet when it came to the issue of obesity.

Insinuating that a poor, presumably Coke-filled diet can be counteracted by exercise.

While no expert is going to argue that exercise doesn't play a key role in health, diet

is way more important when it comes to maintaining a healthy body weight, at least according

to every nutrition expert not being funded by a company with a vested interest in convincing

people of the opposite.

For anyone who wants a more vicersal example of the role Coke specifically plays in the

obesity problem, just remember that they once…


Released an ad of obnoxious white people handing Coke to indigenous Mexican people

The people of Mexico have a love/hate relationship with Coca-Cola.

On the one hand, the country consumes more of the product than even Americans.

On the other, it's been directly linked to the country's rising obesity rates to

the point they actually managed to approve a tax on sugary drinks.

Meanwhile, in America they can't even limit the size of soda cups, so you know that Mexico

had to be pretty desperate.

It's hard to explain just how popular soda is in Mexico, so we'll just quote a few

statistics to give you some idea.

According to pediatricians, 80% of two years olds and 10% of newborns are bottle-fed some

kind of soda and the average adult drinks 36 gallons of the stuff every single year.

Unsurprisingly, this love of soda has led to a sharp spike in obesity rates in Mexico,

with doctors and health officials squarely pointing a significant portion of the blame

at the aggressive marketing of soda to the populace by companies like Coke.

Apparently the only part of the previous two paragraphs Coke executives noticed was the

part saying Mexico loves it some cola, which is presumably why the released an ad of painfully

obnoxious looking white people handing out bottles of Coke to an indigenous Mexican community.

Amazingly, Coke remained totally oblivious to the potential offense an ad showing pristine

white teenagers handing out bottles of a substance that is literally killing millions of its

people with smiles on their face could cause in that country until someone pointed it out.

On the subject of marketing a product that's terrible for you…


Coke once openly admitted Vitaminwater is terrible for you

Few words in tandem could seem more innocent than "Vitaminwater."

Neither word is dangerous, and when they're put together they sound downright awesome,

like "kitten party" or "chicken nugget."

According to Coke, though, you're an idiot if you think that a product called "VITAMINwater"

is in anyway good for you.

Just to be clear, Coke once said, in open court, that "no consumer could reasonably

be misled into thinking Vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."

You know, that product that claimed it could help cure cancer before Coke bought it in


Despite Coke admitting that Vitaminwater is a terrible, awful drink with no discernable

health benefits, the company continues to market it as being chock-full of awesome body

healing nutrients and vitamins because apparently a reasonable consumer expects to be lied to

just, like, all of the time, which…

well, sounds fairly accurate.


That time Coke kind of called Nazi Germany "The Good Old Times" in an ad

As we've discussed in detail before, a number of companies are guilty of aiding, or at least

supporting, the Third Reich during WW2 by selling them products and services while they

committed numerous heinous atrocities.

Among them was Coca-Cola who, due to an embargo on the usual syrup used to create their flagship

drink, added orange syrup instead, creating Fanta.

Nowadays, Fanta is one of Coke's most popular products and for the most part the company

is incredibly coy when it comes to mentioning that the product was invented so their company

could continue to turn a profit in Nazi Germany.

Except, of course, for that time in 2015 they published an ad for Fanta celebrating the

75th anniversary of its creation in Germany, with a tagline reading "Bring the Good Old

Times Back."

Now here's the part that gets weird: it's already pretty insulting to the average consumer

that Coke assumed nobody would be able to subtract 75 from 2015 and realize that Fanta

was invented when Hitler was in power, but the company released this ad IN GERMANY.

A Coke spokesperson quickly tried to quell the fires of controversy by stating that their

product may have been invented in Nazi-era Germany, but it certainly didn't have anything

to do with Hitler or the Nazis.

No, they just took Nazi money and then quietly pocketed all of the profits at the end of

the war, which is much better.


Paying a company to take over people's Facebook statuses, with predictable results

Countless companies have tried to utilize social media or teenage lingo in a sad, desperate

attempt to appear "hip" and it's inevitably a cringe-worthy disaster that leaves a worse

taste in everyone's mouth than a 4-day old Big Mac.

Which is presumably why, in 2010, Coke outsourced a social media advertising campaign to a company

who specialized in it.

By which we mean everyone who worked there was an immature jackass.

Basically the company Coke hired, Lean Mean Fighting Machine, was asked to run a campaign

on behalf of the Dr. Pepper brand where they'd post embarrassing Facebook statuses on behalf

of volunteers who'd be entered into a draw for a chance to win $1,000.

The theme of the campaign was "what's the worst that could happen?" and it's

moments like this for which irony was invented.

Soon after the campaign started, Lean Mean Fighting Machine began posting statuses on

behalf of bored Dr. Pepper fans, as side-splittingly hilarious as "What's wrong with peeing

in the shower?" and "I watched 2 girls one cup and felt hungry afterwards."

If you say you're not familiar with why that last one is an issue, hello to the spouse

or work colleague you're reading this with.

When an unsuspecting mother of one teenage girl who'd entered the contest googled "two

girls one cup" to see what it was, mommy blogs across the net went into meltdown and

Coke was forced to apologize for something they absolutely should have seen coming.


New Coke

Of course New Coke is on this list.

It's the marketing decision Coke has never stopped being made fun of for, even though

New Coke was better in every conceivable way.

Wait, what?

Now, the story of New Coke most people reading this are familiar with is that in the '80s,

Coke toyed with the idea of changing the formula of their iconic soda, it failed, and they

were forced to bring old Coke back.

There's a lot of conspiracy theories about New Coke being a ploy to replace the sugar

with high fructose corn syrup, or that it was a deliberate effort to reinvigorate the

brand, both of which aren't true.

In reality, Coke just wanted to make a better version of their product and they succeeded.

New Coke won in blind taste tests and was somewhat better for you than original Coke,

since the recipe was based on that of Diet Coke.

The problem, though, as is often the case in the world of business, was entitled customers.

Early blind taste tests were often sabotaged by single, angry customers who took offense

to the idea of Coke's taste being changed even if they personally preferred New Coke

and when New Coke was released, small groups of angry fans kicked up a fuss and generally

acted like spoiled children who were having their toys taken away.

The backlash was so fierce for New Coke (which, remember, beat out original Coke in every

single taste test conducted by the company) that Coke had to hire a professional psychiatrist

to listen in on calls from angry Coke fans to see if they could figure out what the deal


The psychiatrist checked out after a day and told Coke executives the only time he'd

seen people so distraught before was when they were dealing with the death of a family


Faced with overwhelming negative press from the change, Coke killed the new flavor that

everyone preferred and brought back the original formula as Coke Classic.

This of course led to an explosion of sales for Coke and record profits for that quarter.

So to recap: in the '80s, Coke tried to introduce a better tasting, healthier version

of Coca-Cola and were forced to recall it because customers insisted on only drinking

the worse version.

Man, with that in mind we can't really complain when they treat us like idiots, can we?

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