Friday, January 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 7 2017

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And the most important thing is that you have a great day

For more infomation >> funny fails - funny video - vines compilation - funny vines - Duration: 4:44.


Trump insiste en que México pagará el muro aunque le pide los fondos a los contribuyentes estadounid - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Trump insiste en que México pagará el muro aunque le pide los fondos a los contribuyentes estadounid - Duration: 2:04.


Trump no cree que Rusia haya intervenido en las elecciones a pesar de los informes de inteligencia - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Trump no cree que Rusia haya intervenido en las elecciones a pesar de los informes de inteligencia - Duration: 2:02.


Despertar Contigo | Pablo perdona a Maia por ocultarle que es el padre de Bernarda - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Despertar Contigo | Pablo perdona a Maia por ocultarle que es el padre de Bernarda - Duration: 2:06.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live



For more infomation >> Silence


How to answer "how are you?" in Spanish - Duration: 4:59.

Hola, que tal?

In Spanish there are many ways to answer

to the question: how are you?

Do you know which ones?

The first thing you need to know is

that the question how are you in Spanish is

but really, you don't need to say

"tu" or "usted"

because in Spanish

we conjugate the verbs depending on the person.

So, if you say...

There are standard ways to answer to the question

como estas?

You can say:


mas o menos

or mal.

for some reason English speakers think

That "asi asi" is another way to answer

but really, nobody says "asi asi"...


Hi Julie, how are you?

"asi asi". Thanks.

"asi asi?"

OK, bye.

So, the next time you want to say "so-so"

simply say: "mas o menos".

another thing you need to know

is that in Spanish we use two verbs to express how we feel

We are gonna use "estar" to talk about temporary situations.

"I'm sick"

The verb "tener" expresses possession

but we also use it

to talk about things that we feel.

Now, in English it might not make much sense to say

"I have hunger"

but in Spanish, we use it and it's totally fine.

Some expressions you can use with the verb "estar" are...

to respond to the question "como estas?" are...

You can also say:

Remember that in Spanish we don't really

necessary use the person in the sentence

So you can say: "yo estoy enfermo"

or "estoy enfermo".

Some expressions you can use in Spanish with the verb "tener"

Tengo frio!

Tengo calor!

To finish it is always nice and polite to ask the same question

back to the person who is talking to us

So if you don't wanna sound too repetitive

and you want to avoid saying "como estas?" again

you can always say...

So, let's take a look at what we just learned

Today we learned many things

We also learned the standard ways to respond

to the question como estas?

Never say: "asi asi"

Nobody says that.

Well, that's it for today's lesson

If you liked the video, give it a thumbs up.

and subscribe to our channel.

Also, in the box below

you are going to find the link for you to practice more.

and remeber, if you are gonna learn a language...

Why not Spanish?


For more infomation >> How to answer "how are you?" in Spanish - Duration: 4:59.


Khim Sokheng - The Root of Success | Success Reveal - Duration: 31:50.

Khim Sokheng

Mr. Khim Sokheng will talk about:

The Root of Success in LIFE

click subscribe for more videos :)

For more infomation >> Khim Sokheng - The Root of Success | Success Reveal - Duration: 31:50.



we're excited to announce two missions

of discovery these missions will help us

learn about the infancy of our solar

system a period just 10 million years

after the birth of our son the first

mission is called Lucy Lucy will visit

six diverse bodies known as Trojans

these trojans orbit the Sun in swarms in

front of and behind Jupiter trap by

Jupiter's gravity we know very little

about these objects they may be captured

asteroids comets or even Kuiper belt

objects the second mission is called

psyche psyche will take us to a very

large and rare asteroid made of metal 16

psyche is the asteroid it is made of

metallic iron and nickel much like the

Earth's core

scientists believe that psyche may be

exposed core of a planet that was once

the size of Mars but it lost its outer

rocky layers due to a series of violent

collisions Lucy launches and 20 21 and

psyche in 2023 come along for the ride

and follow these and other planetary

missions on throughout the only

person around it doesn't have TV

coverage of the food

and that man they got the black up now

and you're gonna be the one getting a TV

picture now haven't failed yet we are

getting here

baby pictures with him out

qty all


For more infomation >> BRAND NEW NASA'S DISCOVERY MISSION BY 2021 AND 2023 EXPLAINED - Duration: 2:02.



by taking our sense of sight far beyond

the realm of our forebears imagination

these wonderful instruments the

telescope's open the way to a deeper and

more perfect understanding of nature

for millennia mankind gazed out into the

mesmerizing night sky without

recognizing the stars of our own Milky

Way galaxy as other sons all the

billions of sister galaxies making up

the rest of our universe

or that we are merely punctuation in the

universe is 13.7 billion year long story

with only our eyes as observing tools we

had no means of finding solar systems

around other stars or of determining

whether life exists elsewhere in the


today we're well on our way to

unraveling many of the mysteries of the

universe living in what may be the most

remarkable age of astronomical discovery

i'm dr. jay and i will be your guide to

the telescope that amazing instrument

that proved to be mankind's gateway to

the universe

for centuries ago in 1609 a man walked

out into the fields near his home he

pointed his homemade telescope at the

moon the planets and the stars

his name was Galileo Galilei

astronomy would never be the same again

today 400 years after galileo first

pointed a telescope to the skies

astronomers use giant mirrors on remote

mountaintops to survey the heavens

telescopes collect faint chirps and

whispers from outer space scientists

have even launched telescopes into Earth

orbit high above the disturbing effects

of our atmosphere

and you has been breathtaking

however Gallio did not in fact invented

the telescope that credit goes to hunt

slipper hey slightly obscure Dutch

German spectacle maker but i'm flipping

hey never use this telescope to look at

the stars instead he thought his new

invention would may benefit seafarers

and soldiers little hey came from

middleburg then a large trading City in

the fledgling dutch republic

in 1608 that they found that when

viewing a distant object through a

convex and concave lens the object would

be magnified if the two lenses were

placed at just the right distance from

one another

the telescope was born

in September 1608 with a revealed his

new invention to prince maurice of the

Netherlands he could not have chosen a

more advantageous moment because at that

time the Netherlands were embroiled in

the eighty years war with Spain

the new spyglass could magnify objects

and so it could reveal enemy ships and

troops that were too distant to be seen

by the unaided eye a very useful

invention indeed but the Dutch

government never granted little hey

Peyton for his telescope the reason was

that other merchants also claimed the

invention especially for his competitor

sorry as Johnson the dispute was never

resolved and to this day the true

origins of the telescope remain shrouded

in mystery Italian astronomer galileo

galilei the father of modern physics

heard about the telescope and decided to

build his own

about 10 months ago I report to reach my

ears that the certain flamming had

constructed the spyglass by means of

which visible objects so very distance

from the eye of the observer wear this

think we seen as if nearby

Galileo was the greatest scientists of

his time he was also a strong supporter

of the new worldview advocated by the

Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

who proposed that the earth orbiting the

Sun instead of the other way around

based on what he had heard of the dutch

telescope Galileo constructed his own

instruments they were of much better


finally sparing neither labor no

expenses that i succeeded in

constructing for myself so excellent an

instrument that object seen by means of

it appeared nearly 1,000 times larger

than when regarded without natural


it was time to train the telescope on

the heavens

I have been led to the opinion and

conviction that the surface of the moon

is not smooth uniform and precisely

spherical as a great number of

philosophers believe it to be but he's

an even graph and full of cavities and

prominence ease being nothing like the

face of the earth

a landscape of craters mountains and

valleys the world like our own a few

weeks later in january 1610 Kelly looked

at Jupiter close to the planet he saw

for prix of light that changed their

position on the sky

night after night along with Jupiter it

was like a slow cosmic ballet of

satellites orbiting the planet these

four prix of light would come to be

known as the Galilean moons of jupiter

what else did Galileo discover the

phases of Venus just like the moon venus

waxes and wanes from Crescent too full

and back again strange appendages on

either side of Saturn dark spots on the

face of the Son and of course starts

thousands of them maybe even millions

each too faint to be seen by the naked

eye it was as if mankind had suddenly

thrown off its blindfold there was a

whole universe to discover out there

news about the telescope spread across

Europe like wildfire in Prague at the

court of Emperor Rudolph the second

Johannes Kepler improved the design of

the instrument in Antwerp Dutch

cartographer Michelle Phan language and

produced the first reliable maps of the

Moon showing what he believed to be

continents and oceans and johannes

hevelius a wealthy brewer in Poland

built huge telescopes at his observatory

and dancing this Observatory was so

large that it covered three rooftops but

the best instruments of the time were

probably constructed by christian

curtains in the netherlands in 1655

Puritans discovered Titan the largest

moon of Saturn a few years later his

observations revealed Saturn's ring

system something Galileo had never

understood and last but not least hoods

saw dark markings and bright polar caps

on Mars could there be life on this

remote alien world the question occupies

astronomers to this day the earliest

telescopes will refracting telescopes

that used lenses to collect and bring

together the Starlight later the lenses

were replaced with mirrors this

reflecting telescope was first built

barnacles ookie and later refined by

Isaac Newton now in the late 18th

century the largest mirrors in the world

were cast by william herschel an

organist turned astronomer who worked

with his sister Caroline

in the house in bath in England the

Herschel's poured red-hot molten metal

into a mold and when the whole thing had

cooled off they would polish the surface

so that it would reflect starlight

during the course of his life special

built more than 400 telescopes

the largest of these was so huge that he

needed for servants to operate all the

various ropes wheels and pulleys that

were required to track the motions of

the stars across the night sky which is

of course course by the Earth's rotation

now her she was like a surveyor he

scanned the heavens and catalogued

hundreds of new nebulae and binary stars

he also discovered that the Milky Way

must be a flat disk and even measured

the motion of the solar system through

that disk by observing the relative

motions of the stars and the planets and

then on the thirteenth of march in 1781

he discovered a new planet Uranus it was

over 200 years until masses voyager 2

spacecraft gave astronomers their first

close-up look of this distant world in

the lush and fertile country side of

central island William Parsons the third

Earl of Ross built the largest telescope

of the 19th century with a metal mirror

a whopping 1.8 meters across the giant

telescope became known as the Leviathan

off parsons town on occasional clear

moonless nights the Earl's sat at the IP

and sailed on a journey through the


to the Orion Nebula now known to be a

stellar nursery onto the mysterious Crab

Nebula the remnant of a supernova

explosion whirlpool nebula Lord Ross was

the first to note its majestic spiral

shape a galaxy like our own with

intricate clouds of dark dust and

glowing gas billions of individual stars

and who knows maybe even planets like


the telescope had become our vessel to

explore the universe

at night your eyes at that to the dark

your pupils widen to let more light into

your eyes as a result you can see dimmer

objects and fainter stars now imagine

you had pupils 1-meter cross you look

pretty strange but you'd also have

supernatural eyesight and that's what

telescopes do for you

a telescope is like a funnel

its main lens or mirror collect the

starlight and brings it all together

into your eye

the bigger the lens or the mirror of a

telescope the faint of the objects you

can see so sighs really is everything

but how big can you make a telescope

well actually not too big if it's a

retractor the starlight has to pass

through the main length and so you can

only support it around the edge now she

make the lens too big it becomes too

heavy and it starts deforming under its

own weight

that means that the image will be

distorted the largest refractor in

history was completed in 1897 at York's

observer outside Chicago

its main lens was just over one meter

across but it's too was an incredible 18

metres long with the completion of the

Yerkes telescope the builders of

refracting telescopes have pretty much

reached a limit you want bigger

telescopes think mirrors in a reflecting

telescope the star light bounces off the

mirror instead of passing through a

length that means that you can make the

mirror a lot thinner than a lens and you

can support it from the back

the result is that you can build a lot

larger mirrors and lenses big mirrors

came to Southern California a century


back then mount wilson was a remote peak

in the wilderness of the San Gabriel

Mountains the sky was clear and the

nights were dark

here George Ellery Hale first built a

1.5 meter telescope smaller than Lord

Ross's retired Leviathan it was a much

better quality and at a much better site

to hail talk local businessman John

hooker into financing a 2.5 meter

instrument terms of glass and riveted

steel will hold up Mount Wilson the

hooker telescope was completed in 1970

it would remain the largest telescope in

the world for 30 years a big piece of

cosmic artillery ready to attack the

universe and attack it did along with

incredible size of the new telescope

came transformations in the way the

image was viewed astronomers no longer

peered through the eyepiece of the new

giant but instead collected the light on

photographic plates for hours on end

never before had anyone period so far

into the cosmos spiral nebulae turn out

to be brimming with individual stars

could they be sprawling stellar systems

like our own Milky Way and Andromeda

nebula edwin hubble discovered a

particular type of star that changes its

brightness with clock like precision

from his observations how was able to

reduce the distance to Andromeda almost

a million light-years spiral nebulae

like Andromeda

we're clearly individual galaxies in

their own right but that wasn't the only

incredible thing most of these galaxies

were found to be moving away from the

Milky Way at Mount Wilson double

discovered that the nearby galaxies are

receding at small velocities whereas the

distant galaxies are moving away at a

much faster pace the conclusion the

universe was expanding the hotel scope

at giving scientists the most profound

astronomical discovery of the 20th

century thanks to the telescope we have

traced the history of the universe a

little less than 14 billion years ago

the universe was born in a huge

explosion of time and space matter and

energy called the Big Bang tiny quantum

ripples grew into dense patches in the

primordial brew from these galaxies

condensed a stunning variety of sizes

and shapes

nuclear fusion in the cause of stars

produce new Adams carbon oxygen iron


supernova explosions blew these heavy

elements back into space raw material

for the formation of new stars and


someday somewhere somehow simple organic

molecules evolved into living organisms

life is one miracle in an ever-evolving

universe we are Stardust it's a grand

vision and a sweeping story brought to

us through telescopic observations

imagine without the telescope we would

know about just six planets one moon and

a few thousand stars astronomy would

still be in its infancy like buried

treasures the outpost of the universe

have back into the adventurous from

immemorial times princesses and

potentates political or industrial

equally with men of science have felt

the lure of the Uncharted Seas of space

and through their provision of

instrumental means the sphere of

exploration has rapidly widened

George Ellery Hale had one final dream

to build a telescope twice as large as

the previous record-holder meet the

grand old lady of twentieth-century

astronomy a five-metre Hale telescope at

Palomar Mountain over 500 tons of moving

weight yet so precisely balanced that it

moves gracefully as a ballerina

it's 40-ton mirror reveal stars 40

million times fainter than the eye can

see completed in 1948 the Hale telescope

gave us unsurpassed views of planets

star clusters nebulae and galaxies

giant Jupiter with its many moons the

stunning flame nebula

Faye twists of gas in the Orion Nebula

but could we go bigger still

well socket astronomers tried in the

late nineteen seventies I up in the

caucasus mountains they both the bolshoy

telescope as a mutiny sporting a primary

mirror six meters in diameter but it

never really lived up to its


it was simply too big too expensive and

too difficult so did telescope builders

have to give up at that point they have

to bury their dreams of even bigger

instruments at the history of the

telescope come to a premature end

well of course not today we have 10

meter telescopes in operation and even

bigger ones are on the drawing board

what was the solution new technologies

just as modern cars don't look like a

model t ford anymore so our present-day

telescopes radically different from the

classic predecessors like the 5-meter

Hale telescope for one thing the amounts

are much smaller the old-style mount is

an equatorial one where one of the axes

is always mounted parallel to the

Earth's rotation axis in order to keep

track of the skies motion the telescope

simply has to rotate around this axis at

the same speed with which the Earth

rotates easy but space hungry the

modern-day altitude as mount a much more

compact with amount like that the

telescope is pointed much like a cannon

one simply chooses the bearing choose

the altitude and off you go

the problem is to keep track of the

skies motion the telescope pretty much

has to rotate around both axes and at

varying speeds essentially this only

became possible once telescopes were

computer-controlled a small amount is

cheaper to build moreover it fits into a

smaller dome which reduces the costs

even further and it improves the image

quality take the twin keck telescopes on

the why for example although their

10-meter mirrors are twice as large as

the one of the Hale telescope they

nevertheless fit into smaller domes and

the one on palomar mountain

telescope mirrors have evolved to they

used to be thick and heavy now they're

thin and lightweight mirror shells that

can be many meters wide are cast in

giant rotating ovens and they are still

less than 20 centimeters thick an

intricate support structure prevents the

thin mirror from cracking under its own

weight computer-controlled pistons and

actuators also help to keep the mirror

in perfect shape this system is called

active optics the idea is to compensate

and to correct any deformations of the

main mirror caused by gravity the wind

or temperature changes now within mirror

also ways much less that means that its

whole supporting structure including the

amount can also be a lot trimmer and

lighter and cheaper now here's the 3.6

meter new technology telescope built by

European astronomers in the late

nineteen eighties it served as a testbed

for many of the new technologies and

telescope building and even its

enclosure has nothing in common with

traditional telescope domes the new

technology telescope was a great success

it was time to break the six meter

barrier monarchia observatories sits on

the highest point in the Pacific 4200

meters above sea level

on the beaches of Hawaii tourists enjoy

the Sun and the surface but high above


astronomers face chilling temperatures

and altitude sickness in their quest to

unravel the mysteries of the universe

the keck telescopes are among the

largest in the world that mirrors are 10

meters across and wafer-thin tiled like

a bathroom floor they consist of 36

hexagonal segments each control to

nanometer precision these are true

Giants devoted to observing the heavens

the cathedrals of science night for

Mountain keya the cat telescopes begin

collecting photons from the far reaches

of the cosmos that when mirrors

combining to be effectively larger than

all earlier telescopes what will be

tonight's catch

a pair of colliding galaxies billions of

light-years away a dying star gasping

its last breath into a planetary nebula

or maybe an extrasolar planet that might

Harbor life

on cerro paranal in the Chilean Atacama

Desert the driest place on earth we find

by far the biggest astronomy machine

ever built the European very large


the VLT is really for telescopes in one

each sporting an 8.2 me to mirror and

two career

Mellie part yet one native mapuche names

for the Sun the Moon the Southern Cross

and Venus huge mirrors were cast in

Germany polished in France ship to Chile

and then slowly transported across the

desert at sunset the telescope

enclosures open up

star light rains down on the VLT merits

new discoveries are made a laser pieces

the night sky the projecting artificial

star into the atmosphere 90 kilometers

above our heads away from sensors

measure how the Styles image is

distorted by the atmospheric turbulence

then fast computers tell a flexible

mirror of how it has to deform itself in

order to correct the distortion in


I'm twinkling the stars this is called

adaptive optics and it's the big magic

trick of present-day astronomy without

it our view of the universe would look

blood by the atmosphere but with it our

images are razor-sharp the other piece

of optical wizardry is known as

interferometry the ideas to take the

light from two separate telescopes and

to bring it together in a single point

for preserving the relative shifts

between the light waves if it is done

precisely no result is that the two

telescopes act as if they were part of a

single colossal mirror as large as the

distance between them in effect

interferometry use your telescope eagle

like vision it allows smaller telescopes

to review the level of detail that would

otherwise only be visible with a much

darker telescope between keck telescopes

on Mauna Kea regularly team up as an

interferometer in the case of the realty

or four telescopes can work together in

addition several smaller auxiliary

telescopes can also join the ranks in

order to sharpen up the view even more

other big telescopes can be found all

over the globe subaru and Gemini North

on mountain archaea Gemini's south and

the Magellan telescopes in Chile the

large binocular telescope in Arizona

they are constructed at the best

available sites high and dry clear and

dark their eyes are as large as swimming

pools all kitted out with adaptive

optics to counteract the blurring

effects of the atmosphere and sometimes

they can have the resolution of a

virtual betterment thanks to


actual sizes and school

shapes of some stars a cool planet

orbiting a brown dwarf giant stars

whirling around the core of our Milky

Way galaxy governed by the gravity of a

supermassive black hole we've come quite

away since Galileo's day

five years ago when Galileo Galilei we

wanted to show others what he saw

through his telescope he had to make


the pockmarked face of the moon

the dance of the Jovian satellite

sunspots all the stars in Orion he took

his drawings & publish them in a small

book the starry messenger that was the

only way you could share his discoveries

with others for well over two centuries

astronomers also had to be artists

viewing through there I pieces in a

detailed drawings of what they saw the

stark landscape of the Moon a storm in

the atmosphere of Jupiter the subtle

view of gas in it is nebulae and

sometimes they all were interpreted what

they saw dark linear features on the

surface of Mars were thought to be canal

suggesting civilized life on the surface

of the red planet we now know that the

canals were an optical illusion

what astronomers really needed was an

objective way to record the light

collected by the telescope's without the

information first having to pass through

their brains and they're drawing pads

photography came to the rescue

the first the karyotype of the moon was

made in 1840 by Henry Draper photography

was less than 15 years old but

astronomers have already seized on its

revolutionary possibilities so how did

photography work well the sensitive

emulsion on a photographic plate

contained small grains of silver halide

expose them to light and they turned


the result was negative image of the sky

with dark stars on a light background

but the real bonus was that the

photographic plate can be exposed for

hours on end when you take in the night

sky with your own eyes once they're dark

adapted you don't see more and more

stars just by looking longer but with a

photographic plate you can do just that

you can collect and add up the light

over ours are men so a longer exposure

reveals more and more stars

and more and more and then some in the

nineteen fifties Schmidt telescope at

the palomar observatory was used to

photograph the entire northern sky

almost 2,000 photographic plates each

exposed for nearly an hour a treasure

trove of discovery photography had

turned observational astronomy into a

true science objective measurable and

reproducible but Silva was slow

you have to be patient the digital

revolution changed all that silicon

replace silver pixels replace grains

even in consumer cameras we no longer

use photographic film instead images are

recorded on a light-sensitive chip a

charge-coupled device or CCD short

professional see cds are extremely

efficient and to make them even more

sensitive they are cooled down to well

below freezing using liquid nitrogen

almost every photon is registered as a

result exposure times can be much


what the palomar observatory Sky Survey

achieved in an hour

accd can now do in a few short minutes

using a smaller telescope the silicon

revolution is far from over

astronomers have built huge ccd cameras

with hundreds of millions of pixels and

more to come

the big advantage of digital images is

that they're well digital they're all

set and ready to be worked on with

computers astronomers use specialized

software to process their observations

of the sky stretching or contrast

enhancing reveals the faintest features

of navy or galaxies color-coding

enhances and brings out the structures

that would otherwise be difficult to see

moreover by combining multiple images of

the same object that were taken through

different color filters one can produce

spectacular composites that blur the

boundary between science and art you too

can benefit from digital astronomy has

never been so easy to dig up and enjoy

the amazing images of the cosmos

pictures of the universe are always just

a mouse click away

robotic telescopes equipped with

sensitive electronic detectors are

keeping watch over the sky right now the

sloan telescope in New Mexico has

photographed and cataloged over a

hundred million celestial objects

measure distances to a million galaxies

and discovered a hundred thousand new


but one survey is not enough the

universe is an ever-changing place i see

comments come and go

leaving scattered debris in their way

asteroid zip by

distant planets orbit their mother stars

temporarily blocking part of the star's

light supernovas explode while elsewhere

new stars are born

pulsars flash gamma-ray bursts detonate

black hole secrete

to keep track of these grand plays of

nature astronomers want to carry out all

sky surveys every year or every month or

twice a week at least that's the

ambitious goal of the large synoptic

survey telescope if completed in 2015

it's three gigapixel camera will open up

a webcam window on the universe more

than fulfilling astronomers dreams this

reflecting telescope will photograph

almost the entire sky every three nights

when you listen to your favorite piece

of music your ears pick up on a very

wide range of frequencies from the

deepest rumblings of the base to the

very highest pitch vibrations

now imagine your ears were only

sensitive to a very limited range of

frequencies this out and most of the

good stuff but that's essentially the

situations that astronomers are in our

eyes only sensitive to a very narrow

range of light frequencies visible light

but we are completely blind to all other

forms of electromagnetic radiation

however there are many objects in the

universe that do emit radiation at other

parts of the electromagnetic spectrum

for example in the nineteen thirties it

was discovered by accident that there

are radio waves coming from the depths

of space some of these ways have the

same frequency as your favorite radio

station but there are much weaker and of

course there's nothing to listen to in

order to tune into the radio universe

you need some sort of receiver radio

telescope fall but the longest

wavelength a radio telescope is just a

dish much like the main mirror of an

optical telescope but because radio

waves are so much longer than visible

light ways the surface of a dish doesn't

have to be nearly as smooth as the

surface of a mirror and that's the

reason why it's so much easier to build

a large radio-telescope than it is to

build a large optical telescope also at

radio wavelengths it is much easier to

do interferometry that is to increase

the level of detail that can be seen by

combining the light from two separate

telescopes as if they were part of a

single giant dish

The Very Large Array in New Mexico for

example consists of 27 separate antennas

each measuring 25 meters across

now each antenna can be moved around

individually and in its most extended

configuration the virtual dish mimicked

by the array measures 36 kilometres


so what does the universe look like in

the radio

well four star our Sun shines very

brightly at radio wavelengths so does

the center of our Milky Way galaxy but

there's more fossils are very dense

stellar corpses that emit radio waves

only into a very narrow beam in addition

they rotate at speeds of up to several

hundred revolutions per second so in

effect apostle looks like a rotating

radial lighthouse and what we see from

them is a very regular and fast sequence

of very short radio pulses and the name

the radio source known as Cassiopeia A

is in fact the remnant of a supernova

that exploded in the 17th century

Centaurus A Cygnus a and Virg away are

all giant galaxies that poor a huge

amounts of radio waves each galaxy is

powered by a massive black hole at its

center some of these radio galaxies and

quasars are so powerful that their

signals can still be detected from a

distance of ten billion light-years and

then there's the faint relatively short

wavelength radio hits that fills the

entire universe

this is known as the cosmic microwave

background and it is the echo of the Big

back the very afterglow of the hot

beginnings of the universe

each and every part of the spectrum has

his own story to tell at millimetre and

submillimetre wavelengths astronomers

study the formation of galaxies in the

early universe and the origin of stars

and planets in our own Milky Way but

most of this radiation is blocked by

water vapor in our atmosphere to observe

it you need to go high and dry to land a

chat or for example at five kilometers

above sea level this surrealistic

plateau in more than chili is the

construction site of Alma the Atacama

Large millimeter/submillimeter in 2014

Alma will be the largest astronomical

observatory ever built

64 and tenants each weighing 100 tons

will work in unison giant trucks will

spread them out over an area as large as

London to increase the detail of the

image or bring them close together to

provide a wider view each move will be

made with millimeter precision many

objects in the universe also glow in the

infrared discovered by William Herschel

infrared radiation is often also called

heat radiation because it is emitted by

all relatively warm objects including


you may be more familiar with infrared

radiation than you think because on

earth this kind of radiation is used by

night vision goggles and cameras but to

detect the faint infrared glow from

distant objects astronomers need very

sensitive detectors cool down to just a

few degrees above absolute zero in order

to suppress their own heat radiation

today mostly optical telescopes are also

equipped with infrared cameras they

allow you to see right thru a cosmic

dust cloud revealing the newborn stars

inside something that just cannot be

seen in the optical for example take

this optical image of the famous stellar

nursery in Orion but look how different

it is when seen through the eyes of an

infrared camera being able to see

infrared is also very helpful when

studying the most distant galaxies the

newborn stars in a young galaxies shine

very brightly in the ultraviolet but

then this ultraviolet light has to

travel for billions of years across the

expanding universe the expansion

stretches the light ways so that when

they are received by us they've been

shifted all the way into the

near-infrared this stylish instrument is

the magic telescope on La Palma it

searches the sky for cosmic gamma rays

the most energetic form of radiation in


lucky for us the lethal gamma rays are

blocked by the Earth's atmosphere but

they do leave behind footprints for

astronomers to study after hitting the

atmosphere they produce cascades of

energetic particles these in turn caused

a faint glow that magic can see and hear

the plga observatory in Argentina it

doesn't even look like a telescope plga

consists of 1600 detectives spread over

three thousand square kilometers they

catch the particle fallout of cosmic

rays from distant supernovas and black

holes and what about neutrino detectives

built in deep mines or beneath the

surface of the ocean or in the Antarctic

ice could you call those telescopes

well why not after all they do observe

the universe even if they don't capture

data from the electromagnetic spectrum

neutrinos are elusive particles that are

produced in the Sun and supernova

explosions they were even produced in

the Big Bang itself

unlike other elementary particles

neutrinos can pass through regular

matter travel near the speed of light

and have no electric charge

although these particles may be

difficult to study they are plentiful

each second more than 50 trillion

electron neutrinos from the Sun passed

through you finally astronomers and

physicists have joined forces to build

gravitational wave detectors these

telescopes do not observe radiation or

catch particles instead they measure

tiny ripples in the very structure of

space-time a concept predicted by Albert

Einstein's theory of relativity

with a stunning variety of instruments

astronomers have opened up the full

spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

and have even ventured beyond but some

observations simply can't be done from

the ground the answer space telescopes

the Hubble Space Telescope it's by far

the most famous telescope in history and

for good reason

Hubble has revolutionized so many fields

in astronomy by modern standards doubles

mirror is actually quite small

it only measures about 2.4 meters across

but its location is literally out of

this world

high above the blurring effects of the

atmosphere it has an exceptionally sharp

view of the universe

what small double can see ultraviolet

and me infrared light this light just

cannot be seen by ground-based

telescopes because it is blocked by the

atmosphere cameras and spectrographs

some as big as a telephone booth dissect

and register the light from distant

cosmic shores just like any ground-based

telescope bubble is upgraded from time

to time

spacewalking astronauts carryout

servicing missions broken parts get

refurbished and all the instruments get

replaced with newer and state-of-the-art

technology Hubble has become the

powerhouse of observational astronomy

and it has transformed our understanding

of the cosmos with its keen eyesight

Hubble observed seasonal changes on Mars

a cometary impact on Jupiter

an edge on viewer Saturn's rings

and even the surface of tiny computer

it revealed the life cycle starts from

their very birth and baby days in the

nursery of dust-laden clouds of gas all

the way to their final farewell as

delicate nebula slowly blown into space

by dying stars or as Titanic supernova

explosions that almost outshine their

home galaxy deep in the Orion Nebula

double even saw the breeding ground of

new solar systems dusty disks around

newborn stars that may soon condensed

into planets the Space Telescope studied

thousands of individual stars in giant

globular clusters the oldest stellar

families in the universe and galaxies of


never before had astronomers seen so

much detail majestic spirals absorbing

dust lanes violent collisions

extremely long exposures of blank

regions of sky even revealed thousands

of faint galaxies billions of

light-years away photons that were

emitted when the universe was still

young a window into the distant past

shedding new light on the ever-evolving

cosmos double is not the only telescope

in space

this is NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope

launched in august 2003 in a way it is

Hubble's equivalent for the infrared

Spitzer has a mirror that is only 85

centimeters across but the telescope is

hiding behind a heat shield that

protects it from the sum and it's

detectors are tucked away in a jeweler

filled with liquid helium here the

detectors are cooled down to just a few

degrees above absolute zero making them

very very sensitive Spitzer has revealed

the dusty universe dark opaque clouds of

dust blowing infrared when heated from

within shockwaves from galaxy collisions

sweep up dust and telltale rings entitle

features new sites for ubiquitous star


dust is also produced in the aftermath

of the stars death Spitzer found that

planetary nebulae and supernova remnants

are laden with dust particles the

prerequisite building blocks of future

planets and other infrared wavelengths

Spitzer can also see right thru a dust

cloud revealing the stars inside hidden

in the dark cause finally the Space

Telescope spectrographs have studied the

atmospheres of extrasolar planets gas

giants like Jupiter that race around

their parent stars in just a few days so

what about x-rays and gamma rays

well they're completely blocked by the

Earth's atmosphere and so without space

telescopes astronomers will be totally

blind to these energetic forms of

radiation x-ray and gamma-ray space

telescopes reveal the hot energetic and

violent universe of galaxy clusters

black holes supernova explosions and

galaxy collisions

they're very hard to build though

energetic radiation passes right through

a conventional mirror x-rays can only be

focused with nested mirror shells made

of pure gold and gamma rays are studied

with sophisticated pinhole cameras are

stacked scintillators that give a brief

flashes of normal light when struck by a

gamma-ray photon in the nineteen

nineties NASA operated the constant

gamma ray observatory at the time it was

the largest and most massive scientific

satellite ever launched a fully-fledged

physics lab in space in 2008 Compton was

succeeded by glassed the gallery large

area space telescope it will study

everything in a high-energy universe

from Dark Matter two pulsars meanwhile

astronomers have to x-ray telescopes in


NASA's Chandra x-ray observatory and

ESA's xmm-newton observatory are both

studying the hottest places in the


this is what the sky looks like with

x-ray vision

extended features are clouds of gas

heated to millions of degrees by shock

waves in supernova remnants the bright

point sources are x-ray binaries neutron

stars or black holes that sucking matter

from a companion star this hot infalling

gas emits x-rays

likewise x-ray telescopes reveal

supermassive black holes in the cause of

distant galaxies matter that spirals

inward gets hot enough to glow in x-rays

just before it plunges into the black

hole and out of sight hot but tenuous

gas also fills the space between

individual galaxies in a cluster

sometimes this intracluster gas is

shocked and heated even more by

colliding and merging galaxies clusters

you more exciting are gamma ray bursts

the most energetic events in the


these are catastrophic terminal

explosions of very massive rapidly

spinning stars in less than a second

they release more energy than the Sun

does in 10 billion years Hubble Spitzer

chandra xmm-newton and glass are all

versatile Giants but some space

telescopes are much smaller and have

much more focused missions take a role

for example this French satellite is

devoted to stellar seismology and the

study of extrasolar planets or nasa's

swift satellite a combined x-ray and

gamma-ray observatory designed to

unravel the mysteries of gamma-ray

bursts and then there's w map the

Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe in

just over two years in space it had

already map the cosmic background

radiation to unprecedented detail w map

of cosmologists the best view yet of one

of the earliest phases of the universe

more than 13 billion years ago

opening up the space frontier has been

one of the most exciting developments in

the history of the telescope so what's


in Arizona the first mirror has been

cast for the giant Magellan telescope

this huge instrument will be built at

the last Campanas Observatory in Chile

it's seven mirrors each well over eight

meters across will be arranged like the

petals of a flower and together they

will capture more than four times the

amount of light any current telescope

can catch the Californian thirty meter

telescope plan for 2015 is more like a

giant version of keck hundreds of

individual segments makeup one enormous

mirror as tall as a six-story apartment

in your plans already for a European

extremely large telescope at 42 meters

in diameter its mirror will be as large

as an Olympic swimming pool twice the

surface area of the thirty meter

telescope these future monsters

optimized for infrared observations will

all be outfitted with sensitive

instruments and adaptive optics they

should reveal the very first generation

of galaxies and stars in the history of

the universe

moreover they may provide us with the

first true picture of a planet in

another solar system for radio

astronomers 42 meters peanuts they hook

up many smaller instruments to

synthesize a much larger receiver in the

Netherlands the low-frequency array so

far is under construction

fiber optics will connect 30,000

antennas to a central supercomputer

novel design has no moving parts but it

cannot observe in eight different

directions simultaneously loaf our

technology will probably find its way

into the Square Kilometre Array which is

now talking the witness of radio


the International array will be built in

Australia or south africa large dish

antennas and small receivers will team

up to provide incredibly detailed views

of the radio sky and with a total

collecting area of one square kilometer

the new array will be by far the most

sensitive radio instrument ever

constructed evolving galaxies half

quasars blinking pulse ox no single

source of radio waves will be safe from

the spine eyes of the Square Kilometre

Array the instrument will even look for

possible radio signals from

extraterrestrial civilizations and what

about space

well after its fifth and final servicing

mission the Hubble Space Telescope will

be on active duty until 2013 so around

that time

its successor will be launched

meet the James Webb Space Telescope a

space infrared Observatory named after a

former naza administrator once in space

it's 6.5 need a segmented mirror unfolds

like a blooming flower 17 times as

sensitive as Hubble's a large sunshade

keeps the optics and the low-temperature

instruments in permanent shadow allowing

them to operate near a whopping minus

233 degrees Celsius the James Webb Space

Telescope won't orbit the Earth instead

it will be parked 1.5 million kilometers

from our planet in a wide orbit around

the sun off a century ago the Hale

telescope on palomar mountain was the

largest in history now an even bigger

one will be flying into the depths of

space we can only speculate about the

exciting discoveries it will make stay


meanwhile creative engineers come up

with revolutionary designs for new

telescopes all the time in Canada

scientists have built the so-called

liquid mirror telescope in this kind of

telescope the star light is reflected

not by a solid mirror but rather by the

curved surface of a rotating reservoir

of liquid mercury

because of their design mercury

telescopes can only look straight up but

their advantages is that they're

relatively cheap and easy to build radio

astronomers want to put the local like a

rail small antennas onto the surface of

the moon as far away as possible from

terrestrial sources of interference who

knows one day there might even be a big

optical telescope on the far side of the

Moon using space telescopes and

occulting discs x-ray astronomers hope

to improve their eyesight tremendously

in the future they may even succeed in

imaging the very edge of a black hole

interferometers launched into the

darkness of space may provide a novel

answer right now

Nasser is considering a project called

the terrestrial planet finder and in

Europe scientists are designing the

Darwin ra6 Space Telescope's orbit the

Sun and formation lasers control their

mutual distances to the nearest

nanometer together they have incredible

resolving power canceling out the light

from overbearing stars so scientists can

actually see earth-like planets around

other stars next astronomers must study

the light reflected by the planet is

Carrie is the spectroscopic fingerprint

of the planet's atmosphere who knows in

15 years time we may detect the

signatures of oxygen methane and ozone

the signposts of life the universe is

full of surprises

the sky never cease to impress no wonder

that hundreds of thousands of amateur

astronomers across the globe go out

every clear night to marvel at the

cosmos their telescopes are much better

than the instruments used by Galileo the

digital images even surpass the

photographic images taken by

professionals just a few decades ago

astronomers quest for cosmic

understanding the telescopic exploration

of the universe is only 400 years old

there's still a lot of uncharted

territory out there

we've come a long way since Galileo

began charting the heavens with his

telescope for centuries ago today we

still observe the universe with

telescopes for earth but in the

limitless regions of space the seed of

humanity lines in our seemingly endless

supply of ingenuity and curiosity we

have just begun answering some of the

greatest questions concede we have

charted over 300 planets around other

stars in our own Milky Way and located

organic molecules on planets around

far-flung stars these incredible

discoveries may seem like there's any

human exploration but the best is

undoubted yet to come

you too can join the discovery look up

then one







For more infomation >> EYES ON THE SKY - SPACE DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 1:00:06.


Peugeot 208 5-DEURS OXYGO 1.2VTI 82 PK ZEER NETTE AUTO! - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 5-DEURS OXYGO 1.2VTI 82 PK ZEER NETTE AUTO! - Duration: 1:54.


Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 PK 5-DEURs PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 PK 5-DEURs PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:43.


Sandford Fleming, kdo byl a co vynalezl | Sir Sandford Fleming 190 narozeniny Google Doodle - Duration: 2:02.

Google doodle slaví Sandford


výročí narození Fleming o

Ledna 2017 sedmého vyvěšením

Google krásné místní na svých internetových stránkách

to bylo Irsko v roce 1876, kdy byla chyba

vytištěna v jízdním řádu věc Sandford

Fleming chybět jeho vlakem, ale pryč

Čas, jak ho známe

historicky regiony používá sluneční čas

nastavit své vlastní hodiny to funguje docela dobře

dokud řetězy přišel k potřebě

Standardizovaný času vznikly což nás přivádí

dozadu, aby Fleminga po jeho minul

trénovat bouchnutí kanadský vynálezce a

inženýr skotské narození navrhla

celosvětový standard čas po setkání

Královská kanadská institut na februari

osm 1879 on obhajoval pro dělení

svět do 24 časových pásem počínaje

Greenwich Meridian a prostor na 15

Stupeň Intervaly jeho návrh povolila

Mezinárodní nultý poledník

Konference který svolal v roce 1884 a

se zúčastnilo 25 národů to bylo tady

že Fleming systému mezinárodního

byla přijata standardní čas bouchání bylo

také známý pro pomoc stavět

Mezikontinentální železnice, sloužící jako

hlavní inženýr kanadské Pacifik

Železniční a design a Kanada je první

Postage Stamp tečky dnešní doodle

Odráží Fleminga odkaz na takovém


výročí jeho narození

For more infomation >> Sandford Fleming, kdo byl a co vynalezl | Sir Sandford Fleming 190 narozeniny Google Doodle - Duration: 2:02.


The Mick on FOX

For more infomation >> The Mick on FOX


Purple Path for America Post ...

For more infomation >> Purple Path for America Post ...


"If I Knew." - Duration: 2:42.

if i knew the box

where the smiles were kept,

no matter how large the key

or strong the bolt,

I would try so hard,

'Twould open,

I know, for me ;

Then over the land

and sea broadcast

I'd scatter the smiles to play,

That the children's faces might hold them fast

For many and many a day.

If i knew a box

that was large enough

To hold all the frowns I meet,

I would gather them, every one,

from nursery,


and street ;

Then, folding,

and holding,

I'd pack them in

And turn the monster key,

And hire a giant

to drop the box

To the depths

of the deep,

deep sea.

For more infomation >> "If I Knew." - Duration: 2:42.


i got to tell sirdiddlysquats. - Duration: 0:31.

guys got to tell S.D.S

also known sirdiddlysquats

like comment and sub


lets end this.

you can skip it at 0:20

For more infomation >> i got to tell sirdiddlysquats. - Duration: 0:31.


Hyundai ix20 1.4 CRDI I-CATCHER - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4 CRDI I-CATCHER - Duration: 1:34.


Chile UFO - footage has hidden images - Duration: 5:24.

Hidden images in pixelation begin at :59 mark

Video contrast and color were increased and gamma reduced...

Head and shoulders of a politician?

Are those letters? "Kop"?

She's looking at you

Footage needs further study

For more infomation >> Chile UFO - footage has hidden images - Duration: 5:24.


glitch.mp4 - Duration: 0:08.

For more infomation >> glitch.mp4 - Duration: 0:08.


TB casting call voice auditions - Guard 1 and 3 [RE-DONE] - Duration: 1:37.

-Hmmm... Safe. Safe. Sa-

-(annoyed) Hey! NO time to sleep! We don't know when they'll attack again!

-(angry) Our pack trusts us in this, how dare you being so incompetent with this!

-(cautious) It's coming from there.

-(calling) Fight them off!

-How is it going here?


-Listen, brat! If you're not willing to do your job here I'll... *surprised gasp*

-Quiet! Listen!

-Give the call! Attack! They aren't allowed to reach the woods!

For more infomation >> TB casting call voice auditions - Guard 1 and 3 [RE-DONE] - Duration: 1:37.


[aph german brothers] mep // ich muss immer an dich denken - Duration: 3:33.

I'm telling me it's alright

it doesn't hurt that much anymore

it's fine

it's alright

I'm going serial nights through the bars

with my guys and enjoying myself

it's fine

it's alright

'' we could stay friends '' you've said

and I told you '' that's fine ... ''

it's fine really !

and I'm driving in the nights wide awake alone through the streets

since you've been gone I can't sleep

nothing's alright

nothing alright

I'm going crazy at the thought where you'll sleep this night

I'm going nuts at the question next to whom you will lay

I always have think about you

it doesn't matter who's touching me

I hope you will think about me

if somebody's seducing you

I didn't cried since a few days

I can handle it alone pretty well

it's alright

what should be the matter

I'm sleeping on the couch alone

I can't stand it in our bed

it's fine

I can do this too

and In the morning I'm boiling coffee

yet once again two of cups by mistake

it's ok - was per incident

and it's almost like prison in flat

just because the other half of the bed is still yours

nothing's alright

nothing alright

I'm going crazy at the thought where you'll sleep this night

I'm going nuts at the question next to whom you will lay

I always have think about you

it doesn't matter who's touching me

I hope you will think about me

if somebody's seducing you

and I'm driving in the nights wide awake alone through the streets

since you've been gone I can't sleep

nothing's fine

nothing alright

and it's almost like prison in flat

just because the other half of the bed is still yours

nothing's fine

nothing's alright

I'm going crazy at the thought where you'll sleep this night

I'm going nuts at the question next to whom you will lay

I always have think about you

it doesn't matter who's touching me

I hope you will think about me

if somebody's seducing you

For more infomation >> [aph german brothers] mep // ich muss immer an dich denken - Duration: 3:33.


What is time - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> What is time - Duration: 3:21.


How to Create a Video Tutorial from 2008/2009 - Duration: 6:25.

What's up you cum-filled Oreos?

Welcome to 2017, the first video!

I have a new years resolution and that is to be more aggressive because clearly I wasn't

aggressive enough from the last year.

This time, I'm not gonna hold back, I'm gonna be merciless!

But before we do any of the Satanic bullshit that we usually do, let's go over how to create

a tutorial from 2008.

Now I know what you're thinking:

How the hell does this relate to Satanism?

Well, some of you want to be teachers in the future and you will want to create lessons,

so I think that this is a great basis for that type of bullshit.

Here are the materials that you need:

Windows XP.

A YouTube account that has a really corny username (you will need to include letters

and arbitrary numbers at the end of the username).


Slow typing skills (make sure to correct yourself a lot when you're typing).

Unregistered Hypercam 2.

One of these three songs: Paralyzer.


Everybody hits the floor.

And Dreamscape.

A video editing software that can render 240p (preferably movie maker).

And the ability to create video titles with caps.

Remember guys, before you create a tutorial, you will need to have an idea in mind.

For the first step, you will need to turn on your computer to your Windows XP operating


Now unfortunately, I do not have a computer that has Windows XP in it (I know boo hoo).

So you're going to have to follow me regardless.

You will need to create a YouTube account with a really cheesy nickname.

I've included some examples right here that you can use.

After creating your YouTube username, you'll need to download everything.

Let's start by downloading Unregistered Hypercam 2.

Remember, do not get the full version, use the free version because you're a broke motherfucker.

I'm going to play part of the songs and you will need to choose which one that you would

want to put in your tutorial.

Step #5, we will now begin the creation of the tutorial.

Open up Notepad and Unregistered Hypercam 2.

So you will need to slowly introduce yourself and restate the title of the video because

apparently no one can read it.

Now I don't know what topic you chose, but I'm going to list some examples that you can


Upon choosing your topic, you will need to teach your audience about it.

I shouldn't do your fucking job, you communist Jew taking advantage of the welfare system.

After you're done creating the video tutorial, you will need to use a video editing software

to edit it.

It's preferable to use Movie Maker, but no one will notice, so it doesn't matter.

After you're done rendering your video, or actually sorry.

After you're done exporting your video, you will need to upload it to YouTube.

You will need to create your title in caps so that you can bother the fuck out of everyone.

If you follow everything that I just told you, it should look a little something like this.

I am now going to play some legitimate examples of tutorials that were made back in 2008 or

2009 or something like that.

If you want to watch the videos in full, you will need to go the description below.

Sayonara and have a bad day!

For more infomation >> How to Create a Video Tutorial from 2008/2009 - Duration: 6:25.


Gianor UFO 216 watt LED grow light unboxing (actual usage 65 watt) - Duration: 3:24.

Hi this is Peter Stanley. I just bought this

LED grow light

It's the uh. Here's the box

I got it from Amazon. I think it's the Gianor brand

it's marketed as a 216 watt

it's got 72 3 watt leds

but the actual usage is supposed to be around 65 watts

and it's full spectrum

I don't have in front of me the

breakdown, but it's

looks like it's pretty well balanced

there's no book or anything, it's just the

the light

power adapter

and uh

something to hang it with

so these should just uh

I have a plan to use this

first time around with

I want to make an improved version of my

low pressure aeroponics system

and put that in a

small 2' x 2' grow tent

with this light

see how well it does

looks pretty good

let's plug it up to see how it looks. i'm going to try not to

actually stare at it

with my eyes but

just want to

do a quick test

[fan sound]

it's got a little fan

it's bright


I'll show this when I get it

setup with my actual


I just wanted to take that out of the box and show it

and check it out

again, this is Peter Stanley

hope you enjoyed that

this is the

216 watt

but really 65 watt led

full spectrum


hope you liked that

please like, comment, subscribe

and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Gianor UFO 216 watt LED grow light unboxing (actual usage 65 watt) - Duration: 3:24.


Steven Universe - Island Adventure - Invisible Monster (Australian Censor) - Duration: 0:15.

Go Sadie!

For more infomation >> Steven Universe - Island Adventure - Invisible Monster (Australian Censor) - Duration: 0:15.


Volunteer is giving back from his wheelchair - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Volunteer is giving back from his wheelchair - Duration: 2:20.


Victory cross country tour/test ride - Duration: 5:23.

Victory cross country tour test ride. This was the third bike Me (DTD) & my wife (Bubbles) went on that day. At of all the Victory motorcycle we rode that day, this was my least favorite. I really did not like the Trunk on this bike It really made riding at load speeds difficult. At higher speeds though there was no issues. Still a very comfortable & smooth ride. I do suggest if you are interested in cruisers you should definitely look at the Victory Line up.

For more infomation >> Victory cross country tour/test ride - Duration: 5:23.


Fate/Grand Order Full Translated - Prologue Part 1 - Duration: 11:08.

----Base Sequence: Human Genome, Confirmed ----Spiritual Attribute: Neutral Good, Confirmed

Welcome to the "Resource Center of the Future of Humanity" This is Chaldea Security Organization

Fingerprint, Vocal Cord, DNA Authentication Clear Measuring magic circuit..... Complete

Matched to the registered name. You are acknowledge as a member of a primate.

Nice to meet you. You are the last visitor today.

Please, have a good time

Sorry. It will take 180 seconds to complete the entry procedure

In the mean time, please enjoy Battle Simulation

Regulation: Senior Contracted Servants: Saber, Lancer, Archer

The score will not recorded

Please, feel free to enjoy it as you please

Heroic Spirit Summoning System, FATE, Activating Please, Have a good experience as a Master for 180 seconds

Fou...? Kyuu....Kyuu?

Fou! Fu-, Fou!

(....Just now, felt like something licked my cheek....)


............Um. Senpai, it's not morning and not night yet, so please wake up

(Where am I.....?)

Yes. It's a simple question. It won't be hard to answer.

We are at the passage from the front gate to the control room Roughly speaking, it's right in front of Chaldea front gate

.....Ahem. Well then. Senpai, can I ask you a question?

It looks like you were resting, but sleeping in the passage is a bit... Are you a person that can't sleep unless you lie on a hard floor?

(Was I sleeping here?)

Yes, peacefully. You were sleeping so soundly, you barely aware of the surrounding

Fou! Kyu-,Kyuu!

...How thoughtless of me I haven't introduce you yet, Fou

This squirell-like animal is Fou It has the special right to roam around Chaldea

I was guided by Fou and found Senpai sleeping soundly here

Fou. Nkyu, Fou!

There he goes again As you can see, he goes wherever he pleases

(....What a mysterious creature)

it seems he's taken a liking to you, Senpai Yes. He rarely approach anyone beside me,

Congratulations. You've just become Fou's second caretaker in Chaldea

Ah, there you are Mashu It's bad for you to move around without notice....

Oops, It looks like you have another guest And you are.... I know, you are the newcomer assigned today

I'm Leff Lynor. I'm one of the engineers who is working here

Your name is....?

Hm, Ritsuka Fujimaru. 48 people with aptitude were assembled, and you are the last person

Welcome to Chaldea

You seem to be a common recruit, how long is the training period? A year? Half-year? or maybe the shortest, 3 months?

(....I'll leave it to your imagination)

Oh, did you develop such competitive sense this soon? Concealing information from your rivals?

Professor Leff. Fujimaru's training period is just in the level of several hours. He's just being shy

Oh. Is that.... Aah, there was a commoner recruitment system adopted urgently to match the number

You are one them I'm sorry. I wasn't giving it a thought before questioning

Please don't be disappointed. All of you are necessary for this mission

38 people from distinguished families of mages, 10 from talented commoner... And somehow we managed to gather 48 master candidate

What a great year Because in this year of 2015, all people with aptitude for Spiritron Dive are gathered here in Chaldea

If you have anything to ask, please don't hesitate to ask me or Mashu.... Oh

By the way, what were you talking with him? It's not like you. Were you acquainted with him some time ago?

No, this is the first time we met. I accidentally found him sleeping in this area

Sleeping...? He was sleeping here?

Ah. You received a simulation at the entrance, didn't you? The spiritron dive can affect the brain if you are not used to it.

After simulation, you were released from the gate without awakening the outer layer of consciousness and walked to this area It's some sort of sleepwalking. Then Mashu approach you as soon as you fell

Although I don't see any abnormalities, I would like to send you to medical office just in case, but.....

Sorry, please endure it a bit. The director's briefing will begin soon. You really should hurry to attend it


The director is The director. The one who's in charge of Chaldea, the CO of this mission

You are a newcomer from common recruits, but have you seen only the pamphlet?

It seems like that. The director's profile is not open to the public.

There is no way Senpai would know The director. Only a magician from a family with more than 100 years of history that shows respect to the name of Animusphere

True enough. Whether he know the director or not, as long as there is no effect to his work as a master, there will be no problem

But, it is also not good to be marked because of something trivial. If you want a quiet workplace from this day onwards, hurry up

In five minutes, there will be a briefing by the director at the central control room. It's a little bit of performance for you The New Age

Professor Leff, am I allowed to participate in the briefing too?

Hm? Well, if it's only standing in the corner it won't be a problem, but.... Why?

I thought that I should guide him to the control room. There is a possibility he will fall asleep again on the way.

....If I leave you alone Director will definitely scold me.... As a result I have to be present as well

Nevertheless, if Mashu want to do so I have no complaint. Is that alright with you, Fujimaru?

If you have no other question I will head to the control room. Do you have anything to ask?

(By the way, why she called me "Senpai")


Ah, don't worry about it. For her, everyone of your age are Senpai

But, it's unusual for you to speak so bluntly No, it's probably the first time

Now I felt curious about it too. Mashu, what about him that makes him your Senpai?

Why....? Fujimaru is--- the most human among the people I have ever met

Hm. Then, in other words?

I do not feel any threat from him. So there is no reason to be hostile.

Indeed, that's important! All the People in Chaldea have one or two quirks,.

I agree with Mashu's Opinion. I think I can build a good relationship with you, Fujimaru

....If Professor Leff likes you, then you are the type that Director's hates the most.

..............Um. How about boycotting the briefing by locking ourselves inside the toilet

And then you will be marked much more closely by the director. Let's leave everything to luck for this fight

Fujimaru, let's just jump into the mouth of a tiger. Nothing to worry about. She's a charming person, after you get used to it

This is the central control room. Your number is..... Single digit, the front row

There, you can sit on the vacant chair in the front row. .....Senpai? You don't look too good

(.....Sleepy.....I'm very sleepy....)

It's the after-effect of the simulator. I'd like to take you to the medical office right away....


It's better to avoid idle-talk. The briefing have started already

It's not exactly on time but, it looks like everyone is here.

Welcome to Chaldea Security Organization. My name is Olga Marie Animusphere

You are selected from many countries or discovered with rare----

Are you all right, Senpai?

(....Did I fell asleep?)

Whether it was asleep or not, it seems like REM Sleeping....

Anyway, you seem to have completely awoken by the director's slap

Senpai, since you were removed removed from the first mission, now I'm going to show you your roo--- Kya!?


(There's a squirrel on your face......!)

N, no, it's alright, it's always like this.

Fou will attack my face, then goes around my back and finally he seems want to settle down on the shoulder

(Was it you who gave him the name?)

That's right. There's no particular reason but the name Fou came like a second nature

However, you know instantly know about the name. You also have quite sharp intuition

Fou. Ku-, Fou! Fou!

Hmmm. Apparently Fou has already accepted you as his kind

But, is it okay for an animal like a squirrel to have a human rival....

(Am I considered a rival?)

Well, it's Fou we're talking about, tomorrow he probably will forget about that But, that's that

Actually, we're already at the destination Senpai, this is you private room.

(What team are you in?)

For the First Mission, I'm in Team A That's why I must return soon.

Fou you will watch Senpai for me. Now I can put my mind at ease

So, this is it. If we're lucky we will meet again.

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order Full Translated - Prologue Part 1 - Duration: 11:08.


Is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Still Good? - IMPLANTgames - Duration: 30:47.

Is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 still good?

After the massive success of 1991's Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega quickly began work on a


Eventually, this led to the Japanese developed Sonic CD for the Sega CD released in 1993,

and the topic of today's video, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, developed in America and released

in 1992.

Creating a sequel to one of the most surprising success stories in gaming history was no small

feat; however Sega knocked it out of the park.

Most publications declared the game even better than the first and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 would

go on to sell over 6 million copies worldwide.

This success allowed Sega to remain at the top of the home console market for yet another

season, further frustrating the folks over at Nintendo, and further cementing the legacy

of the 16-bit wars.

Unfortunately, as I noted in my Sonic 1 review, thanks to Sonic's rocky transition into

the third dimension, some, uh, quality inconsistencies, and gaming trends shifting away from the once

dominant platforming genre, Sonic the Hedgehog just doesn't have the same impact he once


This has led to a shift in the way a new generation of gamers perceives the original Sonic the

Hedgehog trilogy.

With a lack of nostalgia for the series due to the aforementioned issues; gamers and critics,

don't view Sonic's origins with the same fondness I myself, have.

This brings us to the topic of today's video.

If I take a step back from my nostalgia and really look at Sonic the Hedgehog 2, will

I find a game that is starting to show its age?

Is there a reason Sonic the Hedgehog 2 isn't viewed as fondly as say Super Mario Bros.?

Or is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 still a revolutionary title that no longer receives the respect

it deserves?

It's a tough question for sure, but I'm ready to tackle it, so, let's dive in.

Like the first game, the story here is pretty basic.

Sonic has befriended a two-tailed fox named Tails, Eggman is once again seeking the chaos

emeralds to fuel his latest gadget to take over the world, a floating space station called

the Death Egg, clearly inspired by the Death Star from Star Wars, and it's up to Sonic

to the foil the mad doctor's plans, yet again.

There are two heroes, one villain, a weapon of mass destruction, and I couldn't ask

for anything more from a 16-bit plot.

Also like the first game, each area in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is called a zone, and each

zone is divided into levels called acts.

For a majority of the game, there are 2 acts per zone, instead of 3 acts like the first

game, but each zone still ends with a boss battle against Eggman.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, the structure of the adventure hasn't changed much.

With that, let's take a look at the new zones Sonic Team came up with.

First up is Emerald Hill Zone.

In what would become a tradition for the series, this is a lush green world with a water filled

backdrop and a low difficulty level.

In addition to featuring quite a few loops, Emerald Hill Zone introduces a corkscrew of

sorts, further developing the crisp 3D look of the franchise and enhancing Sonic's sensation

of speed, like a roller coaster.

After clearing the bright island world, Sonic arrives at Chemical Plant Zone.

Here, the developers seemed hell bent on showing how quickly they could move sprites on the

screen, with ton of blistering sections showing off how much speed Sonic the Hedgehog possesses.

A new spring type is also introduced, which allows Sonic to keep running while being bounced,

instead of having to break momentum while jumping on a traditional spring.

With the Chemical Plant behind him, Sonic then finds himself back in nature with Aquatic

Ruin Zone.

New gimmicks include some booby trapped trees which shoot out arrows as the player passes

them, along with some collapsing ruins.

You'll also notice there is some water here as well, but I'll get to that in a bit.

Next up on Sonic's quest is Casino Night Zone, which seems to be inspired by Las Vegas.

A ton of new gimmicks are introduced here, including pinball flippers, working slot machines,

and springs that have to be charged up to use.

These acts feel drastically different than the rest of the game, with massive wide open

areas allowing Sonic to bounce off bumpers and other obstacles, much like a pinball machine.

After clearing the Casino, Sonic finds himself back in nature in Hill Top Zone.

As expected, new gameplay mechanics are continuing to be introduced.

First up are some chairlifts that take Sonic on a high speed ride to new areas of the levels.

Next, there are a ton of earthquakes which either raise the lava level, or cause the

land to rise.

Finally, there are new collapsible sections the player can break through.

The see-saws from Sonic 1 also return here.

With the Hill Tops behind him, Sonic makes his way underground to the Mystic Caves.

The most notable addition here are special vines Sonic must grab onto, which then open

up gates required to progress through the levels.

Thankfully, the developers resisted the urge to add mine carts, which is commendable.

Next up is Oil Ocean, another man made area.

New mechanics like fans blowing Sonic upwards, balloons shooting Sonic across the stage,

and elevators are added.

Slides and fans pushing against Sonic are carried over from the first game.

But as the game winds down we can see the level design slowly changing from press the

D-Pad and hang on, into something a bit more intricate.

This change is really ramped up in Metropolis Zone.

This Zone is also made up of 3 acts and is the only Zone to feature this many.

The developers really threw the kitchen sink at this zone, dumping out their bag of tricks

including horizontal bumpers, springs in the form of relief valves, spinning tumblers,

threaded bolts, along with plenty of platforms activated by buttons and warp pipes.

The next two levels are one offs, featuring just single acts.

Sky Chase has Tails flying up to Eggman's flying fortress, with Sonic riding on the

wings avoiding obstacles.

Wing Fortress is then Sonic's journey through Eggman's fortress, before encountering the

madman himself.

Items like this launcher and hooks helping Sonic move vertically are also introduced


The last act is Death Egg Zone, featuring the game's final boss, but I'll save further

discussion for the spoiler section.

As we can see, while Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has about the same amount of acts as the first,

there are many more environments to race through and a ton of new gimmicks and wrinkles added

to the gameplay.

The result is an adventure which feels far bigger than the first game, despite having

just an additional act, which I really do like.

The structure has also changed quite a bit.

Where in Sonic 1 there were two distinct zone types; some were speed focused with non-linear

branching path level design, and others were strictly linear with few branching paths and

a drastically reduced speed, instead focusing on Sonic's platforming prowess.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, that distinction is mostly blurred.

Nearly every act blends together speed sections with platforming, and you can't draw a clear

line in the sand on which is which.

There is an exception with Wing Fortress Zone, but generally speaking, Sonic the Hedgehog

2 feels like a more cohesive adventure from beginning to end, rather than offering a disjointed


For many, this is a nice improvement over the original game.

It's also worth mentioning the water levels are handled differently.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 1, the three acts of Labyrinth Zone all take place underwater,

and there is no way to avoid these slowed down segments.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the underwater sections can be avoided completely.

In Chemical Plant Act 2, there is a secret alternate path allowing you to avoid the underwater


While this alternate route is not obvious, I did notice as a kid a hole in the ceiling

near the end of the act, and found this path without the use of a strategy guide or the

internet, so it's not too obscure.

Aquatic Ruin offers a similar solution.

If you aren't a fan of the underwater segments, you can stay on the high path of the level

and avoid it altogether.

This does involve some tricky jumps, and some awareness of moving platforms, but the reward

for superior play is total water avoidance.

I do appreciate how Sonic Team seemed to listen to someone and offered ways to avoid the underwater

gimmick for those folks who despise it.

Speaking of alternate paths, the biggest change in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is the addition of

a spin dash.

By holding the down button, and then pressing the action button, Sonic can charge up and

hit full speed without having to build up momentum.

This really opens the levels up to exploits, like the secret area in Chemical Plant Zone.

It also speeds up the overall pace of the game and helps Sonic the Hedgehog 2 feel like

a much faster game overall.

Other than the addition of the spin dash, little if anything has changed with the controls.

This of course is a good thing.

Just like the original, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 features some truly amazing controls.

Sonic has the perfect amount of momentum, allowing you to maintain a slower speed during

technical platforming sections, as well as race at Mach speed during the games numerous

scripted moments.

There really isn't much else to say about controlling Sonic.

The controls are still among the best ever found in a platformer, with precise jumping,

good mid-air maneuverability, and a smoothness which is tough to put into words.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 feels awesome, and that's all there is to it.


However, some of the lesser qualities have also been carried over into Sonic the Hedgehog


Enemy placement is still less than ideal at times.

Even as soon as the first enemy presented, this is apparent.

This monkey for example drops a coconut as you get near.

Your instinct it to jump into the enemy and take it out, as jumping into enemies is a

staple of the series.

Sonic turns into an indestructible ball after all.

But you get hit by a coconut before you reach him, which feels extremely cheap.

Again, this is the very first enemy encounter, presented seconds after the adventure begins.

Of course you do learn to treat the monkeys with caution thanks to this experience, and

the ring loss is minimal.

But Sonic the Hedgehog is about speed and slowing down can occasionally feel unnatural.

Whether this cautious approach is a good thing or a bad thing is certainly open to personal

preference and is arguably subjective.

What isn't subjective is how springs will guide you straight into an enemy.

On plenty of occasions a spring will launch you straight into danger which is both unfair,

and incredibly annoying.

While the levels themselves do an awesome job flowing, allowing a player to maintain

maximum speed once an ideal path through a level has been learned, this flow is occasionally

completely ruined thanks to poor enemy placement.

Even more baffling is how other things are thoughtfully designed in a great way, with

perfectly placed objects preventing Sonic from speeding into unforeseen obstacles.

In the beginning of Act 2 of Metropolis Zone for example, a button stops you from speeding

straight into the lava pit.

This is great, as the character usually moves faster than one can react, and the well placed

button stops the player from losing rings when following the obvious path of the level.

Hill Top Zone is also well designed; with numerous instances of boulders stopping your

momentum when it's time to stop being fast, and to start platforming.

Even as early as Chemical Plant Zone, a platform stops you from running into a spider's grip,

letting you know, "hey, we are presenting new enemy behavior, take notice."

I just wish there was a more consistent consideration like this, as I feel it would have really

elevated Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Another thing the original Sonic the Hedgehog did was give you a visual clue as to what

part of an enemy could be hit.

As long as you avoided the spiked end of a badnik, you were in good shape, with the exception

of the bomb enemy, which had to be avoided altogether.

This care in badnik design is less consistent in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Both the Monkeys and the Seahorses launch projectiles in an obnoxious way.

Your instinct is to jump at the enemy, because Sonic.

However, the safest way to take out these two enemies is from underneath, safely away

from their attacks.

This means memorizing enemy placement as Sonic moves so damn fast, or stopping underneath

them, breaking the flow of the game.

Of course one could argue there is nothing inherently wrong with this, having different

badniks with different weaknesses offers a bit of depth to the otherwise simple gameplay.

However, both the octopus and the crab enemies have some hit detection inconsistencies.

At times, jumping on the octopus from the top will result in damage if he is about to

start firing.

This can create some surprise moments where you think you're doing fine, only to lose

all of your rings.

The crab's body appears vulnerable when his claw is extended.

However, you have to jump over him when his claw is extended.

If you happen to hit his body, which has no spikes or anything to suggest this maneuver

is ill-advised, you lose your rings.

These guys are almost always on ledges as well, where Sonic has minimal momentum and

cannot clear the enemy.

It's annoying and seems to serve no other purpose than to frustrate the player.

But worst of all are the star fish.

These enemies lie dormant, and then spring to life if you get too close.

After a few moments of flashing, they launch projectiles in five different directions.

Not only are the activation points inconsistent, sometimes coming to life, and sometimes not,

they are placed in locations where it's nearly impossible, if not impossible, to avoid

their attack.

You are going to take a hit and there is nothing you can do about it.

This absolutely ruins Metropolis Zone and you really have to wonder if these were placed

with any care at all, or were simply scattered about without regard to their interaction

with the level or the player.

As a whole, I'd argue the enemy placement feels more rushed and sloppy than the original


Not a deal breaker in my opinion, but certainly not on the same level as a certain other series.

On the flip side, some things are considerably improved.

The spike behavior is much better.

The questionable spike glitch is no more, and landing on a spike during the invincibility

period does not result in death.

While Sonic the Hedgehog 2 does have a few random spikes popping out of the ground to

surprise the player, these instances are far fewer and I welcome the restraint.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't enjoy a good platforming challenge,

trust me.

But Sonic the Hedgehog is not your typical platformer.

The main gimmick of speed means the gameplay structure cannot be typical; it needs to take

into account Sonic's unique abilities and traits.

When the level structure doesn't match Sonic's capabilities, I find myself feeling less than


The enemy placement and level design is even more important in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 because

rings are more important than ever.

Like always, collecting 100 rings will earn you an extra life.

This is incentive enough to play with some caution, and will certainly reward players

who have memorized the levels, but this is also how you earn continues.

Like its predecessor, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 does not offer unlimited continues.

However, the way you earn continues has been drastically improved.

In Sonic 1 you could only earn continues by collecting 50 rings in a bonus stage.

With the random nature of those bonus stages, and not all of them having enough rings in

the first place, earning even 1 or 2 continues would be pretty tough for the newcomers that

would need them in the first place.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, you can earn a continue by scoring 10,000 points in a given act.

If you happen to have at least 100 rings when you finish the act, you are guaranteed to

earn the 10,000 points necessary.

This means newcomers to the game could reasonably earn a few continues with a cautious play

style while learning the ropes.

While some would argue this still isn't the best approach to the problem, especially

considering unlimited continues was the norm at the time, and there is some trial and error

to the game's design.

I do commend the developers for improving the system.

Also improved is how you earn chances at a chaos emerald.

In Sonic 1 you needed to have 50 rings at the conclusion of the level, in addition to

jumping into a large bonus ring.

This gave you limited chances to actually attempt the special stages, which awarded

the chaos emeralds.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, you still need 50 rings.

However, instead of waiting to reach the end of the level, you now need 50 rings when touching

a checkpoint.

If you have enough, some stars will appear above the checkpoint.

Just jump into the stars to be whisked away.

This means you have dozens of chances at nabbing the 7 chaos emeralds, instead of 10 chances

to grab 6, like in the original.

Again, a nice improvement.

The special stages themselves are a mixed bag.

These feel more like tech demos than anything, with a simulated 3D half pipe.

The goal is to nab the set number of rings required to progress, while avoiding bombs.

The concept isn't awful, though not terribly interesting either, but the execution is at

times poor.

It can be very difficult to see what is ahead, specifically with elevation changes and blind


It really is a game of trial and error, along with a heavy dose of memorization.

There simply isn't enough time to react, and memorization is mandatory for the final


While I do appreciate having a ton of chances to repeat these over and over to obtain emeralds,

it's far from what I would consider fun.

After nabbing an emerald, or failing, you are brought back to the level, but your ring

counter is reset to 0.

This means you really don't have a shot at gaining 100 rings for an extra life, nor

do you have enough rings to get the 10,000 points necessary for a continue.

In short, going for chaos emeralds should be treated as an optional goal, and a newcomer

should avoid them altogether and instead focus on extra lives and continues.

By sacrificing extra lives and continues, the goal of collecting all seven chaos emeralds

is a tough challenge best reserved for players who have mastered the game.

And in this regard, the whole side quest is handled reasonably well.

It is optional after all.

And just to get a few nitpicks out of the way, which sort of cement the fact this may

have been rushed to meet a holiday deadline: the ring placement in this section is a little

sloppy, the instruction manual incorrectly states you get a continue for every 100,000

points, and Tail's Tails don't flash when he gets hit, only his body.

In this context, I do not feel talking about enemy placement is being nitpicky.

Now, I have been somewhat negative up to this point.

For as much as I enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog 2, even an old jaded gamer like myself can

see the game is far from perfect.

However, once you get past some of Sonic's lesser points, there is an awesome game lurking

beneath the surface.


After some trial and error, you will start to learn the nuances of the game and find


Monkeys are always in trees for example, so act accordingly when you see a tree.

Same goes for these annoying mantis enemies.

They will launch an attack once you get close, so you must jump the moment you spot one,

or stop progressing towards it, if possible.

The adventure can be smooth sailing once you learn the ins and outs the game, whether you

find the challenge is fair or not, and reaching the end of the game shouldn't be too big

of a deal.

And the journey to the end offers significantly more high points than low points.

I love the fact Sonic the Hedgehog 2 offers a ton of new gadgets and gimmicks over the

original game, and I really appreciate how these are introduced in every single zone.

This prevents Sonic the Hedgehog 2 from ever feeling stale, as new challenges are constantly

presented to keep you engaged in the adventure.

The difficulty curve feels excellent as well, with the early zones being a relatively pain

free experience, and the final zones really testing your mettle.

In addition to the overall game having a better cohesion in terms of platforming and speed,

I also find the boss fights to be far more interesting.

Basically, each follows a similar pattern where you take a shot at Eggman, and then

dodge his response.

The attacks can vary from avoiding chemicals, dodging spikes, or simply jumping over him.

Repeat the process 8 times and you win.

But they can each be defeated quicker once you get the patterns down.

If you time things correctly, you can almost always get in two hits instead of one, before

Eggman retaliates, allowing you to defeat each boss in half the time, once you learn

the mechanics.

Better still, on the bosses who come out of the lava, oil, or what have you; you can get

in 4 or more attacks before Eggman starts his assault.

Though if you time it wrong you may be sacrificing rings, eschewing your chances at earning a


Still, the option is there for those who don't need one.

While perhaps not the greatest examples of good boss design, I do appreciate how there

are patterns to be learned, and then exploited once you've developed the appropriate skill.

This is greatly preferred over the trial and error segments found elsewhere in the game.

Alright, so I think I've explained the highs and lows of actually playing Sonic the Hedgehog

2, so let's now dive into beating Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

The conclusion of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is made up of three boss fights.

The first occurs at the end of Wing Fortress, with Sonic having to take down a laser contraption

devised by Eggman.

After this, Eggman abandon's his flying fortress and heads for his Death Egg.

Tails assists Sonic in reaching Eggman's escape vehicle, and then Sonic arrives in

space to again take down the doctor.

But first, you have to defeat Mecha Sonic.

This is straightforward enough, and just like before, once you learn the pattern you can

get in double hits quickening the process.

After this, is the third and final boss encounter, against Dr. Robotnik himself.

Eggman is in a giant mech suit which looks badass, and the only weakness is the top portion.

But if you try to jump into it, you'll likely hit his pointy fingers and die.

This would probably be a good time to mention there are no rings in Death Egg Zone, you

have to defeat both Mecha Sonic as well and Dr. Robotnik, flawlessly.

Needless to say, unless you built up a stockpile of lives and continues, it's pretty easy

to get a game over here.

Dr. Robotnik is easy enough to take down once you learn his weakness.

But his weakness is not particularly obvious in my opinion.

The best time to get in a hit is during the brief moment when he lands a jump, where his

knees buckle and the top half is easily in reach and away from those dangerous fingers.

Complete this process 12 times, flawlessly of course, and the game comes to a conclusion.

From here you'll receive one of two different endings.

In the bad ending, the pilot of the Tornado will rescue whichever character you are playing,

as they fall from space.

In the good ending, achieved by tirelessly collecting all 7 chaos emeralds, will have

Super Sonic fly down from space, but not needing to be rescued by the Tornado as Super Sonic

can fly.

This ending makes Tails kind of useless, and many feel the good ending is the worse of

the two.

In either case, after defeating Eggman, and watching the cutscenes, the game is over and

the credits roll.

As you've no doubt noticed, Sonic the Hedgehog can be played with Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles.

As best as I can tell, there is little or no difference between Sonic or Tails, both

feature the same acceleration, speed, and jumping capabilities.

Tails cannot fly either, a feature not yet implemented for the character.

So basically, the change is cosmetic.

It's still a cool addition to play as someone else besides Sonic, but I

feel there is a real missed opportunity here.

Especially since Tails cannot transform after collecting the 7 chaos emeralds.

Locking the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 cartridge onto a Sonic & Knuckles cartridge however,

allows Knuckles to be playable, and this is a different experience.

First, Knuckles has reduced acceleration and a noticeably lower jump height.

This means certain rings are not accessible to the echidna.

However, Knuckles has the ability glide as well as climb walls.

This makes certain areas of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 easier for Knuckles, such as the underwater

section in Chemical Plant Zone.

There are a couple of extra lives hidden in the game as well, which is a thoughtful touch.

The gliding can be extra handy during boss battles, as Knuckles can hit Eggman, and then

glide past while Eggman is taking damage, rather than ricocheting off.

On the other hand, the somewhat iffy boss of Metropolis Zone is made more challenging

with Knuckles' reduced jump height.

Even better are gameplay tweaks making the overall adventure more balanced, especially

for newcomers.

First, Knuckles retains his rings when returning from a special stage.

This means a player less familiar with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 can go for the Chaos emeralds,

without jeopardizing their ability to rack up extra lives and continues.

This also allows you to have more chances at nabbing emeralds, as you're more likely

to have the 50 rings needed to enter them in the first place.

Whether these changes enhance the experience, or make the game too easy is subjective for

sure, but I do appreciate how the developers went above and beyond, and actually tweaked

things like this.

With the gameplay out of the way, let's take a look at Sonic the Hedgehog 2's overall


Like before, the graphics are quite beautiful.

While the speed of the title is impressive for sure, the art direction is absolutely


Each and every zone has a completely different color palette, helping them all stand out

from one another.

And not only this, the attention to detail is outstanding.

From the foliage in the outdoor levels, to the animated bits in the industrial levels,

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 features a ton of little touches I really appreciate.

Be it lights that change colors, leaves dropping from bushes when the player runs past, Tails

doing a somersault on springs or even the patterns found in the chain link of Metropolis

Zone, the game is simply jaw dropping from beginning to end.

I also appreciate the increased use of parallax scrolling.

While this was occasionally used in Sonic 1, it's used much more vigorously in Sonic

2, and nearly every zone features multiple scrolling layers.

This not only looks cool, but combined with the expert use of color, really helps the

foreground feel distinct from the background, making it much easier to understand each level's


And then there is the soundtrack.

Somehow, Dreams Come True managed to create melodies and compositions topping their original

efforts in terms of depth and complexity.

And the sound engineers at Sega did an awesome job turning these creations into amazing chiptunes

using the Sega Genesis sound hardware.

The result is simply sensational, with clear sounding synthesized instruments and virtually

no Genesis twang.

Some of my favorite pieces of Sonic music ever are found in this cartridge, including

the upbeat Emerald Hill Zone, the infinitely catchy Chemical Plant zone, the funky Oil

Ocean, and the moody tones of Mystic Cave.

Each and every track is as colorful and diverse as the graphics and set-pieces, and all of

them are truly memorable.

So, with all of that out of the way, we arrive at the question asked at the beginning of

the video, is Sonic the Hedgehog 2, still good?

First and foremost, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is not a perfect game, and I'm not afraid to

admit it.

The enemy placement, their behavior in relation to the flow of the level, and the inconsistent

nature of their hit boxes are at times unfair.

Sonic 2's inconsistencies work their way into the gameplay as well, such as these bumpers

in Metropolis Zone, which usually send you upwards and on your way.

But other times, they will just sort of drop you downwards onto an enemy, due to no fault

of your own.

Or these pillars in Aquatic Ruin, which will crush you without warning, or push you forward,

depending on something.

These moments definitely wipe away some of Sonic 2's luster.

Enemy placement isn't the only blemish either, with some unavoidable springs simply sending

Sonic backwards for no reason, again ruining the flow.

And one cannot forget the final checkpoint in Mystic Cave Act 2, which contains no collectable

rings when you respawn at it.

Instead, you're forced to face the boss fight without rings, something I found frustrating

as a kid.

This section in Casino Night Act 2 would also frustrate me as a kid, with the bumpers placed

in such a way making progressing forward a real nightmare for my 10 year old self.

However, once you get past the learning curve, as well as the trial-and-error, Sonic the

Hedgehog 2 offers an immensely rewarding experience.

First, once you start to learn the ideal path through an act, you can really fly through

some of these and start to appreciate how good some of the levels really are.

At times, the structure really does fit perfectly with the speed and jumping, and these moments

are where Sonic 2 truly shines.

And when Sonic 2 shines, it offers an exciting experience unlike almost anything else out


Next, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is filled with secrets.

Even after nearly 25 years, I still found a couple extra life monitors while recording

footage that I had never before seen in my life.

Stuff like this is really awesome, and combined with the challenge presented, Sonic the Hedgehog

2 offers some seriously high replayability, both in terms of searching for secrets, as

well as speed running.

When combined with the super tight controls, the end result is a game that is still exceptionally

fun to play.

From racing around as quickly as possible, to exploring the limits of the physics engine,

to locating a wealth of hidden extra lives, and power-ups strategically placed to speed

up the gameplay, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 improves upon the first game in nearly every objective


Featuring better graphics, a better soundtrack, more diversity, superior continue system,

more chances at chaos emeralds, better egg-mobiles, and a smoothed out gameplay philosophy.

A second player can even control Tails, offering co-operative play, sort of.

There is a competitive 2-player mode as well, but it doesn't work with the Framemeister.

To put it simply, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 really is a fun experience, perfectly blending tight

platforming and with an exhilarating pace offering an amusement park level of enjoyment

and spectacle.

While the initial few playthroughs might offer some occasional hiccups, after getting past

the game's learning curve, it's easy to see why many consider this their favorite

Sonic game.

The game succeeds where it matters most, at running and jumping at breakneck speeds.

So yeah, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is still a good game, and I have no qualms declaring it a

great game, and in my opinion, a classic.

For more infomation >> Is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Still Good? - IMPLANTgames - Duration: 30:47.


Famicom Disk System Mini & Monitor Unboxing Review Nintendo Japanese NES Classic Edition Onlap 1101F - Duration: 5:19.

It's been a few months since the Famicom Mini, and its English counterpart, the NES

Mini were released to the world.

Since then a few cottage industries have popped up, and no I'm not talking about resellers!

Theres been guidebooks, portable monitors, and even a mini Disk System.

And, in this episode we will take a look at all three

Lets start off with the guidebooks.

There have actually been quite a few released since last November, but I want to take a

look at 3 specifically.

The first one is called the "Family Computer Complete Guide" and covers extensively all

1,252 official Japanese Famicom releases from 1983 to 1994.

It also covers each peripheral and accessory that was made for the Famicom, and includes

the release date and original price information for everything in the book.

They also show promotional materials like flyers and magazines.

There are a lot of things in here that I've honestly never seen or heard about before.

So for any die-hard Famicom collector, its a must GET!!

It also comes in a small size, even though its 300 pages, so its perfect for reading

at school or work.

The next one is called "We <3

Famicom Mini Club" It covers the 30 games included in the Famicom Mini but it also has

fun articles like the "Famicom Academy Awards" where they rank the best characters that appeared

on the Famicom They break it down into categories, just like the Oscars, best hero, best villain

and so on.

They also have different people writing about their favorite Famicom game memories as well

as more pictures of cool, rare stuff we'd all like to have.

The last one I'll talk about is from Famitsu, the most popular gaming magazine in Japan

that has been around since 1986.

Again, it covers each of the 30 games really well.

It talks about the NES mini as well.

And I can tell you, I have not seen ANY NES Minis in Japan yet, so for the locals here,

it might be something neat to see.

The issue is full of reviews, interviews and little call backs to the 8-bit days throughout.

The thing that sets this magazine apart from the others though, is they include perfect

sized cut out paper so that you can build your own scale model Famicom Mini cartridges,

Disk System, disks, and Famicom Basic Keyboard!

Lets see how they look!

Not bad for what they are.

Ok, but that's just a paper.

There is an actual Mini Famicom Disk System that came out on January 1st, 2017.

Now before you get too excited, NO, it doesn't connect to the Famicom Mini and play different


What it is though, is a storage box for your TV And power cables.

It fits perfectly under the Famicom Mini and while it didn't really come with a box, it

did come wrapped in a paper that is reminiscent of the Disk System box.

Here it is all together side by side with the full sized and mini versions.

Lets take a quick timeout and when we come back, I'll should you how to make your Famicom

Mini a full portable game system!

This awesome looking red and white Famicom themed monitor is from a company called GeChic

its the On-lap1101F.

They have a few models with that number but the F stands for Famicom and it really matches

the system very well.

The machine has inputs for power, HDMI, Display Port and VGA on one side, and controls on

the other side.

It comes with a power cable and HDMI cable, that connects to the Famicom Mini and if you

happen to have a battery pack, you can turn it into a full portable system!

The screen size is 11.6 inches and if you're playing on the go, its a good size for upclose


The screen is clear and the speakers can get pretty loud.

Unfortunately there's no info about an NES themed one, but if your in Japan in 2017,

you can pick up these items along with a Famicom mini and they'll go great in your game room.

For more infomation >> Famicom Disk System Mini & Monitor Unboxing Review Nintendo Japanese NES Classic Edition Onlap 1101F - Duration: 5:19.


Preview - "The Chozen One" [Sfm] - Duration: 0:23.

Main: Hmmm...

Steve: Hey, You!

Main: Huh... What?

Steve: Yeah You, The Chozen One!?

Main: Wait What, Chozen One?

Steve: Yeah, You!

You're Mine!

Main: Why...

Steve: Because I Found You!

Main: Oh...

Main: Uuuh.?. Don't Worry Man I'm Yours, But Why The Death Threat?

Steve: Because If I Can't Have The Chozen One... *Puts Sword Back In Holster* No One Can.

For more infomation >> Preview - "The Chozen One" [Sfm] - Duration: 0:23.


Biserka Mašić na vratima svoje učionice - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Biserka Mašić na vratima svoje učionice - Duration: 0:40.


Biserka Mašić - Imam nove cipele, ali ne mogu da hodam - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Biserka Mašić - Imam nove cipele, ali ne mogu da hodam - Duration: 0:45.


Natalie Morales on (AH 01 06 2017) - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Natalie Morales on (AH 01 06 2017) - Duration: 2:02.


Sambueza se mudó a Toluca, pero dejó estos golazos en el América - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Sambueza se mudó a Toluca, pero dejó estos golazos en el América - Duration: 3:36.


A LOIRA DO BANHEIRO ( Lendas ) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> A LOIRA DO BANHEIRO ( Lendas ) - Duration: 3:11.


"If I Knew." - Duration: 2:42.

if i knew the box

where the smiles were kept,

no matter how large the key

or strong the bolt,

I would try so hard,

'Twould open,

I know, for me ;

Then over the land

and sea broadcast

I'd scatter the smiles to play,

That the children's faces might hold them fast

For many and many a day.

If i knew a box

that was large enough

To hold all the frowns I meet,

I would gather them, every one,

from nursery,


and street ;

Then, folding,

and holding,

I'd pack them in

And turn the monster key,

And hire a giant

to drop the box

To the depths

of the deep,

deep sea.

For more infomation >> "If I Knew." - Duration: 2:42.


MASSACRE EM RORAIMA (PCC x CV) - Jornal Nacional (06/01/2011) - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> MASSACRE EM RORAIMA (PCC x CV) - Jornal Nacional (06/01/2011) - Duration: 8:00.


Sandford Fleming wai I A aha whakaaro ia Tā Sandford Fleming Birthday 190th Google Doodle - Duration: 2:02.

Kei te whakanui google tuhituhi noa Sandford

huritau huritau 190th o Fleming runga

January whitu 2017 na roto i te tuku i te

google ataahua rohe i runga i tona whārangi kāinga

ko reira Airana i roto i te 1876, no te he hape

tāngia i roto i te take wātaka Sandford

Fleming ki te mahue te remu o tona engari atu ki

wa ta tatou i ite i te reira

mua rohe whakamahia te wā solar ki

whakaturia ratou ake karaka mahi i te reira pai nui

tae noa mai mekameka haere i roto i te hinaaro no te

whakatika wā paerewa e hopoi mai ia tatou

hoki ki Fleming e whai ake nei i tana ngaro

te whakangungu slamming te ihi Kānata me

whakaarohia kaipūkaha o whanau Kotimana he

wā paerewa ao i muri i te whakaminenga o

te Royal Canadian Institute i runga i February

waru 1879 taunaki ia mo wehewehe i te

ao ki 24 rohe wā timata i

te Greenwich Meridian me wāhi ki 15

tohu wā hoatu tona tono te ara

ki te afa ti'ao Pirimia International

amuiraa i huihui i roto i 1884 me

I tae e 25 nga iwi ko reira konei

e te pūnaha Fleming o te ao

ko slamming tangohia wā paerewa i

mohiotia hoki mo te tautururaa hanga i te

tereina Intercontinental taviniraa ei

tino kaipūkaha o te Kiwa Canadian

tereina me te hoahoa, me Canada o te tuatahi

mēra ira pane tuhituhi noa o tenei ra

whakaata legacy o Fleming i runga i tenei i te

huritau 190th o tona whanautanga

For more infomation >> Sandford Fleming wai I A aha whakaaro ia Tā Sandford Fleming Birthday 190th Google Doodle - Duration: 2:02.


What is time - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> What is time - Duration: 3:21.


[aph german brothers] mep // ich muss immer an dich denken - Duration: 3:33.

I'm telling me it's alright

it doesn't hurt that much anymore

it's fine

it's alright

I'm going serial nights through the bars

with my guys and enjoying myself

it's fine

it's alright

'' we could stay friends '' you've said

and I told you '' that's fine ... ''

it's fine really !

and I'm driving in the nights wide awake alone through the streets

since you've been gone I can't sleep

nothing's alright

nothing alright

I'm going crazy at the thought where you'll sleep this night

I'm going nuts at the question next to whom you will lay

I always have think about you

it doesn't matter who's touching me

I hope you will think about me

if somebody's seducing you

I didn't cried since a few days

I can handle it alone pretty well

it's alright

what should be the matter

I'm sleeping on the couch alone

I can't stand it in our bed

it's fine

I can do this too

and In the morning I'm boiling coffee

yet once again two of cups by mistake

it's ok - was per incident

and it's almost like prison in flat

just because the other half of the bed is still yours

nothing's alright

nothing alright

I'm going crazy at the thought where you'll sleep this night

I'm going nuts at the question next to whom you will lay

I always have think about you

it doesn't matter who's touching me

I hope you will think about me

if somebody's seducing you

and I'm driving in the nights wide awake alone through the streets

since you've been gone I can't sleep

nothing's fine

nothing alright

and it's almost like prison in flat

just because the other half of the bed is still yours

nothing's fine

nothing's alright

I'm going crazy at the thought where you'll sleep this night

I'm going nuts at the question next to whom you will lay

I always have think about you

it doesn't matter who's touching me

I hope you will think about me

if somebody's seducing you

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