Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 28 2018

Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures

In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first

time here and you're interesting learning had a straight razor shave go

ahead and hit that Subscribe button then click on the Bell next to it to be

notified when I upload videos that way you won't miss a thing

I do Shave Of The Day videos on Wednesdays and Sundays so stop by and

check them out now into night shave I'm using my Gold Dollar 66 oh yeah yeah

this is hollow ground Chinese razor not expensive at all but

it will hold an edge alright and for soap tonight Stubble Trubble Up and Adam

this is with a whisper of cool which is menthol however it is just a whisper

and this is marvelous this to me the scent is more like a mocha cappuccino

which I really like that is good and I've had that soap blooming me so we're gonna pour off that

bloom water okay and put it on has a pre-shave yeah hopefully you are well and the

world is treating you good and you're having a good week yeah welcome to the

Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day midweek shave

yep hump day that's it now for our brush tonight we are going to use the Semogue

Owners Club again yeah it is turn out to be a fine brush yeah

so we're gonna get that loaded up and like I say I hope you're having a good

week and you're well and you're in high spirits are you in high spirits yeah

hopefully things are going your way and maybe we got spring coming I don't

know we'll see we'll see I think our next storm here is supposed to be rain

which is good that really means spring all around here anyway yep

so hopefully that will work out and we wouldn't have snow that's it how about you where

you are what's your weather like are you

getting really nice weather or are you getting some seasonal weather let's say

it that way yeah so hopefully whatever kind of weather you're getting you are

being able to sail through it fine yep now we're going to just clean off around

bowl and but most of that on the brush like normal and rest of this goes right on the face yep just like that

yeah there we go okay now that soap is a brown color

however no and it looks like coffee really and however it doesn't come out

pretty well maybe an off-white so it's not pure

white kind of a cream color like that's nice what a marvelous scent this has

I really enjoy this one you know I was feel a little tired and I was thinking

wow what am I gonna do and then I saw this soap and I've gone oh yeah we're

gonna have a nice Up and Adam coffee base shave yes we are hmm which

is good yeah and now I do Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first to

third Friday every month which I do shave related videos okay

not necessarily shave videos and you can in the comments put your questions

comments suggestions and ideas for upcoming Straight Razor Edge Friday

Specials and we will get to them and I need your help so you just go ahead and

put them in the comments for me if you have a question or you have the

suggestion or an idea let's do it okay because that's what we do here yeah

and you click right up here now to see a complete shave beginning to end all the

bits and pieces all the steps and you check that out if you're interested

yeah so let's do this

you know here it is probably 50's or so you know which for us is not alright so

now this is past one which is mainly going to be with the grain let's do it

oh yeah here we go nice looking good

oh yeah check that out in a great yep

yeah there we go now also this upcoming Friday yeah I've got a Bonus Straight

Razor Edge Friday Special coming at you and this one is actually going to be a

channel update I want to talk to you about some things and we're gonna have a

good time so hopefully you'll stop by this Friday

for a Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special because this one's off schedule

all right

I want to I want to see you okay does this going to be important that

you're here because I need to talk to you all right

this Friday yeah I think you're gonna lie here

and the channel update

then you get me that nice this is fine so wonderful scent I really like this

yeah there we go pass one complete that's it

looking good feeling good let's get washed off see how we did though I think

it's good oh yeah good beard reduction nice okay

now pass two let's get her a lather on

and this does like say have a little menthol in it so I can feel it a bit on

that first pass this pass should be even better and more so hopefully that would

be interesting yeah

yeah why you say you know if you're watching one of these videos and you

have a question just put it down on the comments you'll believe me there is no

such thing as a stupid question alright that question that the only way

you can have a stupid question is you have a question and you don't ask it

that's not smart go ahead and ask put it in the comments

it'll be fine you know we're not going to give you a hard time or anything

we'll give you an answer

oh yeah what is that kicking it up very nice

there we go okay now this is past two which is primarily going to be against

the grain on my neck right here one across this way and my cheeks like that

and we're going to just do it

okay now switch hands and we're gonna be getting this other side

here we go

nice yep nice

here we go get in there yeah now finish this off

nice nice yeah man let's get that washed up see how again oh yeah there we go

hey really good check that out nice okay now time for the half pass now if you

haven't seen the half pass revealed it's right here go ahead and click on that

card and that will give you more detail one while I'm do it but basically I'm

I'm just doing a cross against the grain sorry against the grain mainly well my jawline

in my neck that's what this is and this is how I do it this isn't what works the

best for me I haven't found anything else that actually does this as good and

works for me okay so you may find this helpful and you may not but that's okay you know as long

as you have an open mind you'll be fine yeah not a big deal you know there's so

many different people out there for me different faces so many different beard

types you know know what works for you yeah that's the best all right let's do


all right I don't care what anybody says this is a fine shaver especially for

beginning razor it's nice

you'll do everything you needed to do so if you're thinking about straight razor

shaving Gold Dollar is not a bad place to start you know either that it is ZY

and you don't have $200 in through the razor or more really from the beginning

you know you could actually use something like this Gold Dollar 66 and

learn how to straight razor shave and then step up into a more expensive razor

nice very good alright let's finish this off there we go another shave and

the books yep that's it that's what I'm talking

about right there yep all right now let's get that cleaned

off see how we did mmm oh nice and you absolutely can get a good shave from a

Gold Dollar without a doubt

Alum everywhere that is astringent and antiseptic at the same time which is a

good thing right after shave now for aftershave Thayers the lavender yeah

we're doing it yeah good stuff really is it's got a fantastic scent and of course

we put that everywhere yep here we go nice yeah yeah kind of for a cologney

thing but this is a balm what cologne balm no not really but I do like

my balms and this is Spice Island so this is a sweet and spicy bay rum which

is going to be nice with that Up and Adam it is all right here we go mmm what

a fine scent really is there you go

now you can look right up here to see a comparison between couple of soaps all

right and that would be the Arko and Derby soaps all right

kind of interesting and I'd show you how to lather them so that's a good one

thank you so much really appreciate you and all you do for me you can click

right over here to see my latest video click down here on the video specially

picked out for you click over here on me Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this video

with your friends have a Great Shave and a Good Day and I will see you next time

on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day #OVS, GD66 Straight Razor Shave, Stubble Trubble, #SOTD - Duration: 25:50.


最新【独家】重磅消息!他身在国阵,他是唯一一个敢敢提出反对的人!他痛批国阵反假新闻却保护贪污丑闻的人???快看!他的每句话,让国阵无地自容了! - Duration: 12:09.

For more infomation >> 最新【独家】重磅消息!他身在国阵,他是唯一一个敢敢提出反对的人!他痛批国阵反假新闻却保护贪污丑闻的人???快看!他的每句话,让国阵无地自容了! - Duration: 12:09.


Whistle blower Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime - Duration: 15:17.

Whistle-blower: Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's Russia investigation has come under fire repeatedly

for political bias.

Now a whistleblower who once worked for Mueller claims the special prosecutor is more than

just biased.

According to an exclusive report from Big League Politics, former FBI agent Chuck Marler

says Mueller lied to the Senate in 2005 when questioned about an FBI surveillance program.

Marler says that "Mueller and certain members of FBI Management deceived the Senate Select

Committee on Intelligence in 2005 and they intimidated and bullied the U.S. Office of

Personnel Management from 2005 through 2008."

Marler told Big League Politics that because of Mueller's response then, "since Mueller

has taken over as Special Counsel, I've been concerned about him continuing that behavior."

Another Day, Another Scandal

Marler worked for the FBI's Special Surveillance Group (SSG); Mueller was the FBI director

at the time.

As the secretive program rapidly grew in scope after 9/11, the agents involved asked for

"better protection, better compensation and more clear duties defined through Congress."

According to Marler, Mueller and FBI management were "continually notified" that the agency

was growing "way beyond the scope of their operational plan" and the agent's safety

was at risk.

But when FBI management didn't respond, the agents took their case to Congress.

Marler says that two FBI employees wrote a letter, sending it to each member of the Senate

Select Committee on Intelligence.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) notified the agents that she had received the letter,

and of Mueller's response.

Big League Politics reports:

The two employees involved in the SSCI letter were informed by staff at Senator Hutchison's

Office of Mueller's response to the letter which the two employees knew the response

was not truthful.

They sent another, less detailed letter to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

The OPM opened a routine investigation in response; but once the the OPM officer assigned

to the case initiated an investigation, she found herself threatened by the FBI with arrest

– simply for doing her job.

Former agent Marler says the SSG agents who initially sent the letter were threatened

with "arrest, imprisonment, raids of their residences and loss of their job."

All of the agents involved were "overtly and covertly punished, then and to this day."

Mueller's Corruption Runs Deep

Marler spoke out to Big League Politics because of their ties to Judicial Watch, a conservative

watchdog group; the former agent hopes to shine a light on the dirty backroom deals

Mueller was involved in and the threats that the FBI, under Mueller, leveled at those trying

to do their jobs.

How does Marler know about it?

He was one of the agents involved.

"I know the OPM Officer, the FBI employees and their supervisor because obviously, I

was one of the four employees," he wrote.

He says the corruption "of certain members of the FBI management" eventually led him

to quit and start his own business.

Marler doesn't expect that the evidence will be easy to uncover, but he goes on to

say that he "pray[s] Mueller will answer


his actions.

For more infomation >> Whistle blower Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime - Duration: 15:17.


Caruso é humilhado pela Família Lima e Kaysar e é eliminado do BBB18 com alta rejeição - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Caruso é humilhado pela Família Lima e Kaysar e é eliminado do BBB18 com alta rejeição - Duration: 3:58.


Ex-BBB, Paulinha detona Tiago Leifert e faz elogios a Pedro Bial | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB, Paulinha detona Tiago Leifert e faz elogios a Pedro Bial | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:57.


ライバルを超えたか!? 日産 セレナ e-POWER 試乗でわかった長所と短所 - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> ライバルを超えたか!? 日産 セレナ e-POWER 試乗でわかった長所と短所 - Duration: 10:35.


Il linfodrenaggio e la cellulite - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Il linfodrenaggio e la cellulite - Duration: 0:47.


Fabrizio Frizzi e quel progetto de I Migliori Anni insieme a Conti e Clerici - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi e quel progetto de I Migliori Anni insieme a Conti e Clerici - Duration: 3:11.


O Outro Lado: fantasiada, Nádia trai Odair com 'Pônei', e descobre segredo, veja - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado: fantasiada, Nádia trai Odair com 'Pônei', e descobre segredo, veja - Duration: 4:21.


7 remédios caseiros para combater os fungos nas unhas dos pés e das mãos - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> 7 remédios caseiros para combater os fungos nas unhas dos pés e das mãos - Duration: 7:38.


Marquezine aparece quase sem nada em foto e beleza impressiona internautas - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Marquezine aparece quase sem nada em foto e beleza impressiona internautas - Duration: 5:21.


Bruna Marquezine faz topless e publica foto sem nada: 'Maravilhosa' - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine faz topless e publica foto sem nada: 'Maravilhosa' - Duration: 4:32.


KARAOKE | Đừng Vì Anh Phải Khóc | Phan Ngọc Luân - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Đừng Vì Anh Phải Khóc | Phan Ngọc Luân - Duration: 3:53.


Questo sciroppo all'aglio è 10 volte più potente della penicillina:disintossica e... - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Questo sciroppo all'aglio è 10 volte più potente della penicillina:disintossica e... - Duration: 4:32.


Castello Clonato di Rovasenda - Exploration inside the castle built out of spite [URBEX] - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Castello Clonato di Rovasenda - Exploration inside the castle built out of spite [URBEX] - Duration: 8:52.


Former lieutenant governor Tsutsui backs Hanabusa over Ige - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Former lieutenant governor Tsutsui backs Hanabusa over Ige - Duration: 2:18.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- MoneroV is doing it right while Fluffy Pony is not! Bitmain Ethereum Classic? - Duration: 20:01.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is March the 27th 2018 strong hand

long-term thinking you gotta be patient dudes

alright blockchain Center thank you down in Melbourne Australia for sending this

to me Martin I'm representing you tonight baby hey check out the links

section below if you want to get your treasurer ledger nano t-shirts all that

good things all those good things discount codes are below my

cryptocurrency addresses are also listed below and the link to the show that I

just posted like a half-hour ago is below - super secret show that I'm not

even promoting other than right this second alright I also want to thank

Bitcoin to the moon comm he had another blog post about the video that I

mentioned them in last night so check that out also check out the links to the

Denver event that's coming up in the Los Angeles event if you want to get tickets

to those that I will be speaking out Los Angeles April 17th Denver April 25th

wow that's all coming up so soon and again this Saturday there will be no

show because of Passover but usually I put I post a new show here every single

day oh my god the pros and the cons of having an own leadership team for your

altcoin okay there there definitely a lot of cons we'll get into them in a

second I mean some of the pros are you know there's some there's some

interesting personalities out there honest people like Charlie Lee you're

like well Charlie's also I want to get behind

litecoin or you know this team seems really professional I know them they're

all smart I want to get behind them but then we have certain personalities that

are controversial and obviously if you all the coins but Bitcoin have people

that can be tracked down and arrested in blackmailed that's not good but then

some other cons are like when you have really outspoken type of guys and to a

point where part of the community gets annoyed at those outspoken developers

outspoken I mean faces of the of that coin and they decide to fork off and

good luck to them to the people who want to fork off

I'm all for all sorts of friendly Forks whatever you want to do crypt of

dividends whatever you want to call them and we have a situation and this has

been mentioned here before um fluffy pony who is um obviously now spoken in

the vision well guide that a lot of people like the lead developer of

mineiro he he's a he's a big personality on Twitter and he likes to use the term

scam and I remember back when tone days was doing the scam series and tone told

me you know fluffy is gonna do the one for - and I knew before like anyone knew

and I said to him this is gonna be the most popular show ever because this is

insane at the time it did become it was tones most popular show ever at that

time it I was correct because people in - um and there are these big competitors

back then at least and all of a sudden you have the guy that's the face of

Manero just going all-out against - and it's it's controversial and he doesn't

shy away from that type of thing and calling - a scam and because everything

is scammed because a lot of things a scam and we've got all these old-school

cryptocurrency guys who really abused the word scam

because bit connect now that's a scam you can't say that Manero V is big

connect I mean people get Manero V for free

people get be private for free the whole big connect thing was you buy into this

you buy into this and it was a total Ponzi scheme set up from the start it

was unsustainable so a lot of people you know they they seek fluffy pony making

these comments about various you know a lot of it's been about my narrow v

lately and it all goes back to you know if he wasn't so outspoken if he wasn't

so controversial there would be no Manero V and there you know there it

doesn't exist yet there'd be no plans for Manero V to be born on April 5th I

mean that's part of the reason these guys are doing it because they're tired

of fluffy pony and that's their prerogative but what we what I saw today

on Twitter is just a reminder of I mean he can alienate a lot of people in

cryptocurrency and a lot of people point to characters like him and say you know

this is the problem with the cryptocurrency it doesn't seem very

professional it's it's immature at times it's I mean faces of a coin of a

financial instrument just yelling scam he's the boy who cried wolf type of

thing where you're calling everything a scam until when then when there's a real

scam no one believes you anymore because he caught everything a scam so Giuseppe

Studio was involved in this tweet storm and I linked to Giuseppe's I tweet and

basically someone had tweeted an article out about Manero how it wasn't as

private as people thought it should be and that be private was an interesting

alternative and you know I'm not gonna get into the technical details or

whatever and fluffy pony immediately he commented on it

on the article and that's his prerogative say you know this are you

know meaning like the article or whatever which is fine but then he says

and by the way be private is a scam and Giuseppe took the high road and he just

replied in a very professional firm manner and it shows you the difference

you know that Giuseppe is a representative of the be private team

he took a firm professional stance and he said you know if you have questions

you know come to me fluffy pony but you know fluffy pony

continued you know with his like you know balls to the walls it wall it's

it's a scam it's a stamp it's a scam it's a scam type of thing

that's what that's his line that's what his little carrot his character is about

and it is a character almost and it's not a character that I mean you want to

be the main person behind one of the biggest cryptocurrencies on earth Manero

is like it's a little character of some sort that just yells scam scam scam and

this is why we have Manero fee this is why I'm excited about Manero v2c like

broken these guys do a professional job handling Manero because there's a lot of

people have different complaints about Manero maybe they're gonna take in a

different direction they've been totally professional about the whole thing okay

they've been attacked by fluffy pony and the people who just likes to eat you

like to yell scam scam and scam just because you don't like a project doesn't

mean it's a scam people there's professional ways of addressing it come

up with some arguments okay don't just yell bad words at people and call it a

scam the meaning of the words and there's so many people in the space that

are guilty of this and one of the sad things about this is that a lot of

people that yell scam are veterans of the space and they should know better

they should know better because they've been around they've seen what's

collapsed big connect and they seen what has it so if you don't like a project

you know attack it professionally from the roots

and and just be professional about it is what I recommend and it's better for the

entire space because if you're if you're going to be unprofessional if there's

going to be blowback toward you and Manero V is the blowback toward toward

fluffy pony and good luck to the guys at mineiro B I'm excited about it and I

want them to do well I have an arrow obviously fur because people have given

it to me I look forward to this mineiro B thing and you'll coincidentally today

Manero V comes out with incredible news so while on the Monaro side you have

their main guy ripping on be private for some reason you know because some guy

had a tweet that mentioned be private in it that showed an article that had some

controversial things about Manero in it so here here is the the Monaro v-- news

is you know that the major exchange hit BTC is going to you know I didn't even

quote the I didn't quote the tweet I link to the tweet they're going to carry

manera V they're gonna sell manera v hit BTC and I think they're also going to

split your Manero that's on there so if and I don't recommend you keep your

coins on an exchange but they the Monaro V people told all of you be patient they

delayed their day of being born the split day until April the 30th and the

reason was was they're trying to line up exchanges well they just lined up hit

BTC to do everything to sell it and to split it so good for them

good luck to them that's why you got to be patient with these type of projects

okay there and again a lot of people jump on the on the scam train because

they're not patient people they're like you know if it's going down in value

it's a scam B privates going down in value so it's a scam I mean there's no

logic or patience behind a lot of these accusations and

it's just you know and it's for people that should know better it's real a lot

of these scam accusations are from smart people who should know better and so I

think this is my challenge to everyone out there you know I'm trying to be as

respectable as possible before you throw the word around just just think about

what you're saying because you know what everyone knows I am NOT a big fan of be

cash I don't like the confusing fusion that it causes okay because certain

people over there want to make it out to be the real Bitcoin or everyone it's

just a crypt of dividend but here's something we all have to say as

professionals be cash isn't it's an unfriendly Fork but that doesn't make it

a scam be cash is not a scam you don't have to buy it you don't you got it for

free it's not set up to collapse the guys that are in it they're people

building businesses Lori and Gambhir off is building a freaking business based on

it okay and you might not like Laureen I like it he's my friend

okay but he's not building something on a scam it's it's a real block it's just

Bitcoin it's a different Bitcoin that's trying to bridge some people are trying

to make it out to be the real Bitcoin it's not but it's not a scam either so

the word is thrown around so much it's using abuse and I'm not here promoting

be cast at all you guys all understand that I'm trying to make a point here

about what's going on with we you know what if you really believe if you really

believe bitcoin is the one okay that one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin bitcoin is

the next Bitcoin you don't need to call anything any altcoin that's not a stamp

a scam okay you don't need a call and if you think your coin if your you think

your altcoin is the best all corn on there it's the best privacy coin on

you don't have to call its competitors or its Forks scams if you really feel

that it because people are going to start to wonder about your confidence in

what you're talking about if you gotta use just coughing scams I

mean their gut they're gonna wonder if you've got questions yourself about your

underlying asset all right everyone I haven't said pound

that like button yet but do pound that like button and if you're in the chat we

can do the super chat you can ask me questions about this I'm sure I'm sure a

lot of you have uh some interesting questions but I'm alright I wish I

quoted them in there but yeah good job and arab' April 30th will see the

old-school guys on friendly Forks I mentioned that all right

maneet rigs i thought of money tricks today when I saw this toward a mr. tweet

it says bit picked name may be calling the bluff of aetherium transition to

proof of mistake bit Maine by cow and howl on are all developing and will soon

be selling aetherium Asics here is one article ok I'd link to that tweet below

everything that I talked about is linked to below by the way in the in the notes

section below but you know what I thought of money tricks was with money

tricks is on this week in Bitcoin he said then maybe you know what maybe

aetherium is still going to go proof of work ok me proof of yeah proof of steak

excuse me and that if you're in classic which is proof of work is gonna stay

proof of work and that all of this there's behind-the-scenes stuff that's

going to help aetherium classic then maybe bit may knows something that

everyone else doesn't know that a lot of stuff is going to transition the

etherium classic while aetherium goes proof of proof of steak that you know

this is why bit Maine is they're not calling a bluff they're they're you know

building their developing for they're developing these

a64 aetherium classic that there's going to be a massive move to hearing classics

we talked that money Triggs was the first person to bring such theories up

I'm reminded by it again because we're hearing that you know for some reason

even though aetherium is supposed to be going proof of mistake that that these

uh that the the bit main and all these guys are working on a theory I'm a six

ok so what we'll see all right what else do we have here Oh Andreas Antonopoulos

he says one more faulty comparison of paper wallets and hardware wallet

security paper wallets are not more secure than Hardware wallets you need to

generate them securely and that's almost impossible Wow so there you go guys

another reason I like Hardware while it's over paper wallets I'm not a paper

wallet dude and it's not that easy to extract your big point from them finally

finally this is the end the Bitcoin part of the show the end the cryptocurrency

part of the show I want to talk about the meat aisle video maker human he came

out with this video I think it was today that's his best video ever and you don't

have to be a man you don't have to be a mate al to learn from this video he

actually mentions a venture in Midtown on its eventually if you're watching

this you should watch this video that I'm linking to below but he meant he

talks about how there are no quick fixes in life and that you have to have the

real okay you have to have the will you just can't say slogans you just can't

say you're a mint hour or whatever I mean you got to live it you got it you

got to really go your own way and that's go your own way in life be independent

not just don't come up with sayings about being independent actually be

independent live an independent lifestyle self-discipline is freedom

think about that people self discipline discipline is freedom if you

can be strict with yourself if you can get into a pattern where you get

yourself healthy where you get your mind right where you're you're not you can't

you don't succumb to peer pressure you're just a truly independent person

because your discipline your self-discipline I mean that is freedom

and it's just everything that he was saying about independence all reminded

me of my own way of life and that is to be in motion and just don't say be in

motion actually get out there network with people whether it be on the

internet get into business ventures buy Bitcoin so okay and that's not easy

stuff it's not a quick fix because it's not a quick thing to just do it you

gotta save money to get that Bitcoin alright so do you guys have the will do

you have the will to change do you have the will to to be a better person

cuz if if you don't then yep you shouldn't be in the cryptocurrency game

if you don't have the will I mean this is not all about talking and about

getting the arguments and about calling things scams it's about it's about doing

it's not living vicariously through others it's uh you know it's it's this

uh it's this new what is it uh-oh in the independence baby it's it depend on here

it is it is it is lat yeah late at night definitely all right that's enough

you're inspired hopefully get out there do something make yourself a better

person pound that like button i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister this

rotmeister someone just did something in the super chat hang on Henry law said

each Midtown should have at least 10 bitcoins you know I said something like

that a long time ago at this point each should try to have one shoot for one

because that's the one Bitcoin show remember start start out with one then

you can move on to ten and Henry law you were freaking awesome I'll see you guys

in the chat bye-bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- MoneroV is doing it right while Fluffy Pony is not! Bitmain Ethereum Classic? - Duration: 20:01.


5 tratamentos caseiros para alisar o cabelo naturalmente - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> 5 tratamentos caseiros para alisar o cabelo naturalmente - Duration: 8:16.


Filippo Nardi al Trono Over UeD? La risposta dell'ex naufrago - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Filippo Nardi al Trono Over UeD? La risposta dell'ex naufrago - Duration: 3:41.


Far Cry 5 Walkthrough Gameplay Series Part 2 - Intro And More (PS4 Pro) - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 Walkthrough Gameplay Series Part 2 - Intro And More (PS4 Pro) - Duration: 5:51.


Tutti i capigruppo eletti alla Camera e al Senato - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Tutti i capigruppo eletti alla Camera e al Senato - Duration: 4:13.


Isis Valverde abre mão de maquiagem e exibe beleza natural: 'Só amor'. Foto! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Isis Valverde abre mão de maquiagem e exibe beleza natural: 'Só amor'. Foto! - Duration: 4:33.


¿Cómo curar una herida para que no deje cicatriz? - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo curar una herida para que no deje cicatriz? - Duration: 6:28.


Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day #OVS, GD66 Straight Razor Shave, Stubble Trubble, #SOTD - Duration: 25:50.

Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures

In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first

time here and you're interesting learning had a straight razor shave go

ahead and hit that Subscribe button then click on the Bell next to it to be

notified when I upload videos that way you won't miss a thing

I do Shave Of The Day videos on Wednesdays and Sundays so stop by and

check them out now into night shave I'm using my Gold Dollar 66 oh yeah yeah

this is hollow ground Chinese razor not expensive at all but

it will hold an edge alright and for soap tonight Stubble Trubble Up and Adam

this is with a whisper of cool which is menthol however it is just a whisper

and this is marvelous this to me the scent is more like a mocha cappuccino

which I really like that is good and I've had that soap blooming me so we're gonna pour off that

bloom water okay and put it on has a pre-shave yeah hopefully you are well and the

world is treating you good and you're having a good week yeah welcome to the

Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day midweek shave

yep hump day that's it now for our brush tonight we are going to use the Semogue

Owners Club again yeah it is turn out to be a fine brush yeah

so we're gonna get that loaded up and like I say I hope you're having a good

week and you're well and you're in high spirits are you in high spirits yeah

hopefully things are going your way and maybe we got spring coming I don't

know we'll see we'll see I think our next storm here is supposed to be rain

which is good that really means spring all around here anyway yep

so hopefully that will work out and we wouldn't have snow that's it how about you where

you are what's your weather like are you

getting really nice weather or are you getting some seasonal weather let's say

it that way yeah so hopefully whatever kind of weather you're getting you are

being able to sail through it fine yep now we're going to just clean off around

bowl and but most of that on the brush like normal and rest of this goes right on the face yep just like that

yeah there we go okay now that soap is a brown color

however no and it looks like coffee really and however it doesn't come out

pretty well maybe an off-white so it's not pure

white kind of a cream color like that's nice what a marvelous scent this has

I really enjoy this one you know I was feel a little tired and I was thinking

wow what am I gonna do and then I saw this soap and I've gone oh yeah we're

gonna have a nice Up and Adam coffee base shave yes we are hmm which

is good yeah and now I do Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first to

third Friday every month which I do shave related videos okay

not necessarily shave videos and you can in the comments put your questions

comments suggestions and ideas for upcoming Straight Razor Edge Friday

Specials and we will get to them and I need your help so you just go ahead and

put them in the comments for me if you have a question or you have the

suggestion or an idea let's do it okay because that's what we do here yeah

and you click right up here now to see a complete shave beginning to end all the

bits and pieces all the steps and you check that out if you're interested

yeah so let's do this

you know here it is probably 50's or so you know which for us is not alright so

now this is past one which is mainly going to be with the grain let's do it

oh yeah here we go nice looking good

oh yeah check that out in a great yep

yeah there we go now also this upcoming Friday yeah I've got a Bonus Straight

Razor Edge Friday Special coming at you and this one is actually going to be a

channel update I want to talk to you about some things and we're gonna have a

good time so hopefully you'll stop by this Friday

for a Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special because this one's off schedule

all right

I want to I want to see you okay does this going to be important that

you're here because I need to talk to you all right

this Friday yeah I think you're gonna lie here

and the channel update

then you get me that nice this is fine so wonderful scent I really like this

yeah there we go pass one complete that's it

looking good feeling good let's get washed off see how we did though I think

it's good oh yeah good beard reduction nice okay

now pass two let's get her a lather on

and this does like say have a little menthol in it so I can feel it a bit on

that first pass this pass should be even better and more so hopefully that would

be interesting yeah

yeah why you say you know if you're watching one of these videos and you

have a question just put it down on the comments you'll believe me there is no

such thing as a stupid question alright that question that the only way

you can have a stupid question is you have a question and you don't ask it

that's not smart go ahead and ask put it in the comments

it'll be fine you know we're not going to give you a hard time or anything

we'll give you an answer

oh yeah what is that kicking it up very nice

there we go okay now this is past two which is primarily going to be against

the grain on my neck right here one across this way and my cheeks like that

and we're going to just do it

okay now switch hands and we're gonna be getting this other side

here we go

nice yep nice

here we go get in there yeah now finish this off

nice nice yeah man let's get that washed up see how again oh yeah there we go

hey really good check that out nice okay now time for the half pass now if you

haven't seen the half pass revealed it's right here go ahead and click on that

card and that will give you more detail one while I'm do it but basically I'm

I'm just doing a cross against the grain sorry against the grain mainly well my jawline

in my neck that's what this is and this is how I do it this isn't what works the

best for me I haven't found anything else that actually does this as good and

works for me okay so you may find this helpful and you may not but that's okay you know as long

as you have an open mind you'll be fine yeah not a big deal you know there's so

many different people out there for me different faces so many different beard

types you know know what works for you yeah that's the best all right let's do


all right I don't care what anybody says this is a fine shaver especially for

beginning razor it's nice

you'll do everything you needed to do so if you're thinking about straight razor

shaving Gold Dollar is not a bad place to start you know either that it is ZY

and you don't have $200 in through the razor or more really from the beginning

you know you could actually use something like this Gold Dollar 66 and

learn how to straight razor shave and then step up into a more expensive razor

nice very good alright let's finish this off there we go another shave and

the books yep that's it that's what I'm talking

about right there yep all right now let's get that cleaned

off see how we did mmm oh nice and you absolutely can get a good shave from a

Gold Dollar without a doubt

Alum everywhere that is astringent and antiseptic at the same time which is a

good thing right after shave now for aftershave Thayers the lavender yeah

we're doing it yeah good stuff really is it's got a fantastic scent and of course

we put that everywhere yep here we go nice yeah yeah kind of for a cologney

thing but this is a balm what cologne balm no not really but I do like

my balms and this is Spice Island so this is a sweet and spicy bay rum which

is going to be nice with that Up and Adam it is all right here we go mmm what

a fine scent really is there you go

now you can look right up here to see a comparison between couple of soaps all

right and that would be the Arko and Derby soaps all right

kind of interesting and I'd show you how to lather them so that's a good one

thank you so much really appreciate you and all you do for me you can click

right over here to see my latest video click down here on the video specially

picked out for you click over here on me Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this video

with your friends have a Great Shave and a Good Day and I will see you next time

on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day #OVS, GD66 Straight Razor Shave, Stubble Trubble, #SOTD - Duration: 25:50.


最新【独家】重磅消息!他身在国阵,他是唯一一个敢敢提出反对的人!他痛批国阵反假新闻却保护贪污丑闻的人???快看!他的每句话,让国阵无地自容了! - Duration: 12:09.

For more infomation >> 最新【独家】重磅消息!他身在国阵,他是唯一一个敢敢提出反对的人!他痛批国阵反假新闻却保护贪污丑闻的人???快看!他的每句话,让国阵无地自容了! - Duration: 12:09.


Whistle blower Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime - Duration: 15:17.

Whistle-blower: Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's Russia investigation has come under fire repeatedly

for political bias.

Now a whistleblower who once worked for Mueller claims the special prosecutor is more than

just biased.

According to an exclusive report from Big League Politics, former FBI agent Chuck Marler

says Mueller lied to the Senate in 2005 when questioned about an FBI surveillance program.

Marler says that "Mueller and certain members of FBI Management deceived the Senate Select

Committee on Intelligence in 2005 and they intimidated and bullied the U.S. Office of

Personnel Management from 2005 through 2008."

Marler told Big League Politics that because of Mueller's response then, "since Mueller

has taken over as Special Counsel, I've been concerned about him continuing that behavior."

Another Day, Another Scandal

Marler worked for the FBI's Special Surveillance Group (SSG); Mueller was the FBI director

at the time.

As the secretive program rapidly grew in scope after 9/11, the agents involved asked for

"better protection, better compensation and more clear duties defined through Congress."

According to Marler, Mueller and FBI management were "continually notified" that the agency

was growing "way beyond the scope of their operational plan" and the agent's safety

was at risk.

But when FBI management didn't respond, the agents took their case to Congress.

Marler says that two FBI employees wrote a letter, sending it to each member of the Senate

Select Committee on Intelligence.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) notified the agents that she had received the letter,

and of Mueller's response.

Big League Politics reports:

The two employees involved in the SSCI letter were informed by staff at Senator Hutchison's

Office of Mueller's response to the letter which the two employees knew the response

was not truthful.

They sent another, less detailed letter to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

The OPM opened a routine investigation in response; but once the the OPM officer assigned

to the case initiated an investigation, she found herself threatened by the FBI with arrest

– simply for doing her job.

Former agent Marler says the SSG agents who initially sent the letter were threatened

with "arrest, imprisonment, raids of their residences and loss of their job."

All of the agents involved were "overtly and covertly punished, then and to this day."

Mueller's Corruption Runs Deep

Marler spoke out to Big League Politics because of their ties to Judicial Watch, a conservative

watchdog group; the former agent hopes to shine a light on the dirty backroom deals

Mueller was involved in and the threats that the FBI, under Mueller, leveled at those trying

to do their jobs.

How does Marler know about it?

He was one of the agents involved.

"I know the OPM Officer, the FBI employees and their supervisor because obviously, I

was one of the four employees," he wrote.

He says the corruption "of certain members of the FBI management" eventually led him

to quit and start his own business.

Marler doesn't expect that the evidence will be easy to uncover, but he goes on to

say that he "pray[s] Mueller will answer


his actions.

For more infomation >> Whistle blower Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime - Duration: 15:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


XXXTENTACION - moonlight (Lyrics) KT Remix - Duration: 2:10.

Hi, glad you're here ❤️

XXXTENTACION moonlight Remix Lyrics

XXXTENTACION moonlight Lyrics

For more infomation >> XXXTENTACION - moonlight (Lyrics) KT Remix - Duration: 2:10.


Lincoln Aviator Production Preview — Cars.com - Duration: 3:10.

we're here at the 2018 New York Auto Show to check out the latest creation

from Lincoln The Aviator is 3-row SUV now a finalized version of The Aviator

isn't quite ready yet so what we're seeing here is what Lincoln calls a

production preview but they did also tell us that the styling and the things

that we see here are very very close to what we're gonna see on the production

car just with some slight changes to things like the side mirrors and

potentially the wheels now one of our favorite styling elements on the Aviator

is this grille now we've seen this girl before on other Lincoln models in the

same shape however what they've done is they've reversed the mesh to give it

more of a three-dimensional look and it sits very upright it gives the front of

the car so I'm distinctiveness from the rest of the lineup and I think that a

person who looks fantastic I'm also a big fan of this paint color which is

called flight blue and that kind of keeps with the aviation motif that we

have for the whole styling of the vehicle now one other thing that I very

much like is this belt line here this chrome strip makes it easy to see that

it runs very horizontally flat all the way from the front to the back of the

car and this does two things one it makes the car as a whole up here

a little bit lower and two it allows you to have these very large windows in the

first second and third rows and what that does is it allows more light into

the cabin it makes it feel more airy and spacious for occupants now on the

interior the same sort of caveat supply this is a pre-production model so there

could be some changes and materials however the overall design should stay

pretty much the same which is a good thing it is a very very calm very

peaceful interior the Aviator also borrows some of the best features of the

navigator interior that we liked including this 10 inch screen in the

center console one other thing that it also grabbed is these 30 Way powered

perfect position seats with massage function and Lincoln actually says that

on the aviator they change the massage pattern to make it more soothing now

Lincoln is calling the aviator a medium-sized SUV and will actually have

three rows of seating for up to seven occupants now as we mentioned before

this really big glass scene around the second and third rows give us some of

the best back seat visibility of any SUV that I've been in and something that I'd

really appreciate on a longer trip being able to see out of the car helps it to

feel more spacious I mean Lincoln also says a six foot two

passenger should be able to fit easily in the second row one claim that we

can't check though Lincoln says a six foot passenger will actually be able to

fit in the third row but they're not letting anyone back there the good news

is though that there will be easy access on the second row both on the passenger

and I recite so both sides will actually

tilt forward and slide out so you can get into the third row easily though

final details on the Aviator are a little bit hard to come by there are a

few things that we know from Lincoln that are worth mentioning the first is

power trains now the standard power train will be a twin turbocharged engine

of some kind but the exciting option will be that they will actually pile in

a plug-in hybrid system on top of that to give you some electrification if you

want it the second thing that I actually really am looking forward to is the

Aviator will come with a forward facing camera and what it will do is it will

read the road between seven to ten meters ahead of you so we'll check out

things like potholes brakes on the road and it will actually change the adaptive

suspension to smooth out the ride as you go over them now we don't have an exact

on sale date for the Aviator yet we all we know is that it will go into

production sometime next year and on sale sometime in 2019


For more infomation >> Lincoln Aviator Production Preview — Cars.com - Duration: 3:10.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- MoneroV is doing it right while Fluffy Pony is not! Bitmain Ethereum Classic? - Duration: 20:01.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is March the 27th 2018 strong hand

long-term thinking you gotta be patient dudes

alright blockchain Center thank you down in Melbourne Australia for sending this

to me Martin I'm representing you tonight baby hey check out the links

section below if you want to get your treasurer ledger nano t-shirts all that

good things all those good things discount codes are below my

cryptocurrency addresses are also listed below and the link to the show that I

just posted like a half-hour ago is below - super secret show that I'm not

even promoting other than right this second alright I also want to thank

Bitcoin to the moon comm he had another blog post about the video that I

mentioned them in last night so check that out also check out the links to the

Denver event that's coming up in the Los Angeles event if you want to get tickets

to those that I will be speaking out Los Angeles April 17th Denver April 25th

wow that's all coming up so soon and again this Saturday there will be no

show because of Passover but usually I put I post a new show here every single

day oh my god the pros and the cons of having an own leadership team for your

altcoin okay there there definitely a lot of cons we'll get into them in a

second I mean some of the pros are you know there's some there's some

interesting personalities out there honest people like Charlie Lee you're

like well Charlie's also I want to get behind

litecoin or you know this team seems really professional I know them they're

all smart I want to get behind them but then we have certain personalities that

are controversial and obviously if you all the coins but Bitcoin have people

that can be tracked down and arrested in blackmailed that's not good but then

some other cons are like when you have really outspoken type of guys and to a

point where part of the community gets annoyed at those outspoken developers

outspoken I mean faces of the of that coin and they decide to fork off and

good luck to them to the people who want to fork off

I'm all for all sorts of friendly Forks whatever you want to do crypt of

dividends whatever you want to call them and we have a situation and this has

been mentioned here before um fluffy pony who is um obviously now spoken in

the vision well guide that a lot of people like the lead developer of

mineiro he he's a he's a big personality on Twitter and he likes to use the term

scam and I remember back when tone days was doing the scam series and tone told

me you know fluffy is gonna do the one for - and I knew before like anyone knew

and I said to him this is gonna be the most popular show ever because this is

insane at the time it did become it was tones most popular show ever at that

time it I was correct because people in - um and there are these big competitors

back then at least and all of a sudden you have the guy that's the face of

Manero just going all-out against - and it's it's controversial and he doesn't

shy away from that type of thing and calling - a scam and because everything

is scammed because a lot of things a scam and we've got all these old-school

cryptocurrency guys who really abused the word scam

because bit connect now that's a scam you can't say that Manero V is big

connect I mean people get Manero V for free

people get be private for free the whole big connect thing was you buy into this

you buy into this and it was a total Ponzi scheme set up from the start it

was unsustainable so a lot of people you know they they seek fluffy pony making

these comments about various you know a lot of it's been about my narrow v

lately and it all goes back to you know if he wasn't so outspoken if he wasn't

so controversial there would be no Manero V and there you know there it

doesn't exist yet there'd be no plans for Manero V to be born on April 5th I

mean that's part of the reason these guys are doing it because they're tired

of fluffy pony and that's their prerogative but what we what I saw today

on Twitter is just a reminder of I mean he can alienate a lot of people in

cryptocurrency and a lot of people point to characters like him and say you know

this is the problem with the cryptocurrency it doesn't seem very

professional it's it's immature at times it's I mean faces of a coin of a

financial instrument just yelling scam he's the boy who cried wolf type of

thing where you're calling everything a scam until when then when there's a real

scam no one believes you anymore because he caught everything a scam so Giuseppe

Studio was involved in this tweet storm and I linked to Giuseppe's I tweet and

basically someone had tweeted an article out about Manero how it wasn't as

private as people thought it should be and that be private was an interesting

alternative and you know I'm not gonna get into the technical details or

whatever and fluffy pony immediately he commented on it

on the article and that's his prerogative say you know this are you

know meaning like the article or whatever which is fine but then he says

and by the way be private is a scam and Giuseppe took the high road and he just

replied in a very professional firm manner and it shows you the difference

you know that Giuseppe is a representative of the be private team

he took a firm professional stance and he said you know if you have questions

you know come to me fluffy pony but you know fluffy pony

continued you know with his like you know balls to the walls it wall it's

it's a scam it's a stamp it's a scam it's a scam type of thing

that's what that's his line that's what his little carrot his character is about

and it is a character almost and it's not a character that I mean you want to

be the main person behind one of the biggest cryptocurrencies on earth Manero

is like it's a little character of some sort that just yells scam scam scam and

this is why we have Manero fee this is why I'm excited about Manero v2c like

broken these guys do a professional job handling Manero because there's a lot of

people have different complaints about Manero maybe they're gonna take in a

different direction they've been totally professional about the whole thing okay

they've been attacked by fluffy pony and the people who just likes to eat you

like to yell scam scam and scam just because you don't like a project doesn't

mean it's a scam people there's professional ways of addressing it come

up with some arguments okay don't just yell bad words at people and call it a

scam the meaning of the words and there's so many people in the space that

are guilty of this and one of the sad things about this is that a lot of

people that yell scam are veterans of the space and they should know better

they should know better because they've been around they've seen what's

collapsed big connect and they seen what has it so if you don't like a project

you know attack it professionally from the roots

and and just be professional about it is what I recommend and it's better for the

entire space because if you're if you're going to be unprofessional if there's

going to be blowback toward you and Manero V is the blowback toward toward

fluffy pony and good luck to the guys at mineiro B I'm excited about it and I

want them to do well I have an arrow obviously fur because people have given

it to me I look forward to this mineiro B thing and you'll coincidentally today

Manero V comes out with incredible news so while on the Monaro side you have

their main guy ripping on be private for some reason you know because some guy

had a tweet that mentioned be private in it that showed an article that had some

controversial things about Manero in it so here here is the the Monaro v-- news

is you know that the major exchange hit BTC is going to you know I didn't even

quote the I didn't quote the tweet I link to the tweet they're going to carry

manera V they're gonna sell manera v hit BTC and I think they're also going to

split your Manero that's on there so if and I don't recommend you keep your

coins on an exchange but they the Monaro V people told all of you be patient they

delayed their day of being born the split day until April the 30th and the

reason was was they're trying to line up exchanges well they just lined up hit

BTC to do everything to sell it and to split it so good for them

good luck to them that's why you got to be patient with these type of projects

okay there and again a lot of people jump on the on the scam train because

they're not patient people they're like you know if it's going down in value

it's a scam B privates going down in value so it's a scam I mean there's no

logic or patience behind a lot of these accusations and

it's just you know and it's for people that should know better it's real a lot

of these scam accusations are from smart people who should know better and so I

think this is my challenge to everyone out there you know I'm trying to be as

respectable as possible before you throw the word around just just think about

what you're saying because you know what everyone knows I am NOT a big fan of be

cash I don't like the confusing fusion that it causes okay because certain

people over there want to make it out to be the real Bitcoin or everyone it's

just a crypt of dividend but here's something we all have to say as

professionals be cash isn't it's an unfriendly Fork but that doesn't make it

a scam be cash is not a scam you don't have to buy it you don't you got it for

free it's not set up to collapse the guys that are in it they're people

building businesses Lori and Gambhir off is building a freaking business based on

it okay and you might not like Laureen I like it he's my friend

okay but he's not building something on a scam it's it's a real block it's just

Bitcoin it's a different Bitcoin that's trying to bridge some people are trying

to make it out to be the real Bitcoin it's not but it's not a scam either so

the word is thrown around so much it's using abuse and I'm not here promoting

be cast at all you guys all understand that I'm trying to make a point here

about what's going on with we you know what if you really believe if you really

believe bitcoin is the one okay that one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin bitcoin is

the next Bitcoin you don't need to call anything any altcoin that's not a stamp

a scam okay you don't need a call and if you think your coin if your you think

your altcoin is the best all corn on there it's the best privacy coin on

you don't have to call its competitors or its Forks scams if you really feel

that it because people are going to start to wonder about your confidence in

what you're talking about if you gotta use just coughing scams I

mean their gut they're gonna wonder if you've got questions yourself about your

underlying asset all right everyone I haven't said pound

that like button yet but do pound that like button and if you're in the chat we

can do the super chat you can ask me questions about this I'm sure I'm sure a

lot of you have uh some interesting questions but I'm alright I wish I

quoted them in there but yeah good job and arab' April 30th will see the

old-school guys on friendly Forks I mentioned that all right

maneet rigs i thought of money tricks today when I saw this toward a mr. tweet

it says bit picked name may be calling the bluff of aetherium transition to

proof of mistake bit Maine by cow and howl on are all developing and will soon

be selling aetherium Asics here is one article ok I'd link to that tweet below

everything that I talked about is linked to below by the way in the in the notes

section below but you know what I thought of money tricks was with money

tricks is on this week in Bitcoin he said then maybe you know what maybe

aetherium is still going to go proof of work ok me proof of yeah proof of steak

excuse me and that if you're in classic which is proof of work is gonna stay

proof of work and that all of this there's behind-the-scenes stuff that's

going to help aetherium classic then maybe bit may knows something that

everyone else doesn't know that a lot of stuff is going to transition the

etherium classic while aetherium goes proof of proof of steak that you know

this is why bit Maine is they're not calling a bluff they're they're you know

building their developing for they're developing these

a64 aetherium classic that there's going to be a massive move to hearing classics

we talked that money Triggs was the first person to bring such theories up

I'm reminded by it again because we're hearing that you know for some reason

even though aetherium is supposed to be going proof of mistake that that these

uh that the the bit main and all these guys are working on a theory I'm a six

ok so what we'll see all right what else do we have here Oh Andreas Antonopoulos

he says one more faulty comparison of paper wallets and hardware wallet

security paper wallets are not more secure than Hardware wallets you need to

generate them securely and that's almost impossible Wow so there you go guys

another reason I like Hardware while it's over paper wallets I'm not a paper

wallet dude and it's not that easy to extract your big point from them finally

finally this is the end the Bitcoin part of the show the end the cryptocurrency

part of the show I want to talk about the meat aisle video maker human he came

out with this video I think it was today that's his best video ever and you don't

have to be a man you don't have to be a mate al to learn from this video he

actually mentions a venture in Midtown on its eventually if you're watching

this you should watch this video that I'm linking to below but he meant he

talks about how there are no quick fixes in life and that you have to have the

real okay you have to have the will you just can't say slogans you just can't

say you're a mint hour or whatever I mean you got to live it you got it you

got to really go your own way and that's go your own way in life be independent

not just don't come up with sayings about being independent actually be

independent live an independent lifestyle self-discipline is freedom

think about that people self discipline discipline is freedom if you

can be strict with yourself if you can get into a pattern where you get

yourself healthy where you get your mind right where you're you're not you can't

you don't succumb to peer pressure you're just a truly independent person

because your discipline your self-discipline I mean that is freedom

and it's just everything that he was saying about independence all reminded

me of my own way of life and that is to be in motion and just don't say be in

motion actually get out there network with people whether it be on the

internet get into business ventures buy Bitcoin so okay and that's not easy

stuff it's not a quick fix because it's not a quick thing to just do it you

gotta save money to get that Bitcoin alright so do you guys have the will do

you have the will to change do you have the will to to be a better person

cuz if if you don't then yep you shouldn't be in the cryptocurrency game

if you don't have the will I mean this is not all about talking and about

getting the arguments and about calling things scams it's about it's about doing

it's not living vicariously through others it's uh you know it's it's this

uh it's this new what is it uh-oh in the independence baby it's it depend on here

it is it is it is lat yeah late at night definitely all right that's enough

you're inspired hopefully get out there do something make yourself a better

person pound that like button i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister this

rotmeister someone just did something in the super chat hang on Henry law said

each Midtown should have at least 10 bitcoins you know I said something like

that a long time ago at this point each should try to have one shoot for one

because that's the one Bitcoin show remember start start out with one then

you can move on to ten and Henry law you were freaking awesome I'll see you guys

in the chat bye-bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- MoneroV is doing it right while Fluffy Pony is not! Bitmain Ethereum Classic? - Duration: 20:01.


Whistle blower Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime - Duration: 15:17.

Whistle-blower: Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's Russia investigation has come under fire repeatedly

for political bias.

Now a whistleblower who once worked for Mueller claims the special prosecutor is more than

just biased.

According to an exclusive report from Big League Politics, former FBI agent Chuck Marler

says Mueller lied to the Senate in 2005 when questioned about an FBI surveillance program.

Marler says that "Mueller and certain members of FBI Management deceived the Senate Select

Committee on Intelligence in 2005 and they intimidated and bullied the U.S. Office of

Personnel Management from 2005 through 2008."

Marler told Big League Politics that because of Mueller's response then, "since Mueller

has taken over as Special Counsel, I've been concerned about him continuing that behavior."

Another Day, Another Scandal

Marler worked for the FBI's Special Surveillance Group (SSG); Mueller was the FBI director

at the time.

As the secretive program rapidly grew in scope after 9/11, the agents involved asked for

"better protection, better compensation and more clear duties defined through Congress."

According to Marler, Mueller and FBI management were "continually notified" that the agency

was growing "way beyond the scope of their operational plan" and the agent's safety

was at risk.

But when FBI management didn't respond, the agents took their case to Congress.

Marler says that two FBI employees wrote a letter, sending it to each member of the Senate

Select Committee on Intelligence.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) notified the agents that she had received the letter,

and of Mueller's response.

Big League Politics reports:

The two employees involved in the SSCI letter were informed by staff at Senator Hutchison's

Office of Mueller's response to the letter which the two employees knew the response

was not truthful.

They sent another, less detailed letter to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

The OPM opened a routine investigation in response; but once the the OPM officer assigned

to the case initiated an investigation, she found herself threatened by the FBI with arrest

– simply for doing her job.

Former agent Marler says the SSG agents who initially sent the letter were threatened

with "arrest, imprisonment, raids of their residences and loss of their job."

All of the agents involved were "overtly and covertly punished, then and to this day."

Mueller's Corruption Runs Deep

Marler spoke out to Big League Politics because of their ties to Judicial Watch, a conservative

watchdog group; the former agent hopes to shine a light on the dirty backroom deals

Mueller was involved in and the threats that the FBI, under Mueller, leveled at those trying

to do their jobs.

How does Marler know about it?

He was one of the agents involved.

"I know the OPM Officer, the FBI employees and their supervisor because obviously, I

was one of the four employees," he wrote.

He says the corruption "of certain members of the FBI management" eventually led him

to quit and start his own business.

Marler doesn't expect that the evidence will be easy to uncover, but he goes on to

say that he "pray[s] Mueller will answer


his actions.

For more infomation >> Whistle blower Robert Mueller Lied To The Senate – That's A Crime - Duration: 15:17.


My mom watched some of these intro templates... - Duration: 7:16.

All original video's links!

For more infomation >> My mom watched some of these intro templates... - Duration: 7:16.


陳零九 Nine Chen【禾必 Secret】網劇「幸福,近在咫尺」插曲 Official Music Video - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 陳零九 Nine Chen【禾必 Secret】網劇「幸福,近在咫尺」插曲 Official Music Video - Duration: 5:05.


Lazy Kids & Ghost Halloween Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Childrens - Duration: 4:02.


For more infomation >> Lazy Kids & Ghost Halloween Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes & Learn Colors for Childrens - Duration: 4:02.


Speedball Sketching project Calligraphy/lettering set Review - Duration: 11:39.

So here is the lettering set ..

It was really very hard to open it though

and the struggle continues ...

So here are all the contents ..

This is the Instruction Paper with Alot of Informations As you can see ..

Sketching techniques

CopperPlate Script and Spencerian Script

Ideas for Florishes !

Information About all the nibs they have available !

and other Informative things as Well !

Moving on to the Two Nib holders ..

and Six Pointed nibs!

Before using the nibs I clean them with Alcohol Pads but You can Rubbing Alcohol as well

You can Use hot water or other things as well .. We just have to make sure that they dont have any protective oils on them !

Be careful while cleaning them as they are very fragile !

After this clean them with Clean water and Dry them off with Tissues or paper towel

Now I am putting A small nib in the smaller nib holder .. You will figure out on your own which one fits in which holder :)

just giving you a Closer veiw of the holder

I am using Winsor and newton Calligraphy Ink

I dip the nib deep enough to fill the little hole on top of the nib

As you can see here .. the hole is all covered

I am using Strathmore Watercolor Paper for this

Now I am just writing the number of the nib to see how it writes and flows

The ink ran out so fast

An upward Stroke and a downward stroke

it is really nice !

lets write a whole word now !

Smooth !

now lets move on to the next one !

you see that Ink blob !

I was struggling to write with this one really ..

the first one was way better

its my first time writing number so excuse me please :P

this one was just ok ..

this one is a fine liner .. look at the thin strokes !

this is for sketching and fine details ..

Great for small details and tiny letters !

Now the next nibs are for the longer nib holder

it has a bigger hole

beautiful nib ..

Flows well

this is a Medium Size ..

Perfect for Lettering !

I really like this one !

now this one didn't fit well in the original holder so I had to use one of my own holders !

Too Flexible !

very Flexible and flowyy

good for bouncy letters !

I really liked writing with this .. So smooth and Flexible really ..

the largest nib ..

Reminds me of Pumpkin lol

its kinda stiff

thats a tough guy lol

but I Think it would be the best for Calligraphy :D

So thats it .. I loved the nibs except for number 108 .. it was kinda ok ..

but if you want to get them for sketching and Modern Calligraphy .. Definately reccomanded !

this one's my favourite .. number 56 !

Its perfect for Modern Calligraphy !

I was actually looking for a reveiw for this set but I didnt find it anywhere soo ..

I thought It would be useful for those who are thinking about getting it right?

I hope it was useful !

if you found it useful .. Give it a thumbs up :D

and do subscribe !

For more infomation >> Speedball Sketching project Calligraphy/lettering set Review - Duration: 11:39.


Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day #OVS, GD66 Straight Razor Shave, Stubble Trubble, #SOTD - Duration: 25:50.

Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures

In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first

time here and you're interesting learning had a straight razor shave go

ahead and hit that Subscribe button then click on the Bell next to it to be

notified when I upload videos that way you won't miss a thing

I do Shave Of The Day videos on Wednesdays and Sundays so stop by and

check them out now into night shave I'm using my Gold Dollar 66 oh yeah yeah

this is hollow ground Chinese razor not expensive at all but

it will hold an edge alright and for soap tonight Stubble Trubble Up and Adam

this is with a whisper of cool which is menthol however it is just a whisper

and this is marvelous this to me the scent is more like a mocha cappuccino

which I really like that is good and I've had that soap blooming me so we're gonna pour off that

bloom water okay and put it on has a pre-shave yeah hopefully you are well and the

world is treating you good and you're having a good week yeah welcome to the

Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day midweek shave

yep hump day that's it now for our brush tonight we are going to use the Semogue

Owners Club again yeah it is turn out to be a fine brush yeah

so we're gonna get that loaded up and like I say I hope you're having a good

week and you're well and you're in high spirits are you in high spirits yeah

hopefully things are going your way and maybe we got spring coming I don't

know we'll see we'll see I think our next storm here is supposed to be rain

which is good that really means spring all around here anyway yep

so hopefully that will work out and we wouldn't have snow that's it how about you where

you are what's your weather like are you

getting really nice weather or are you getting some seasonal weather let's say

it that way yeah so hopefully whatever kind of weather you're getting you are

being able to sail through it fine yep now we're going to just clean off around

bowl and but most of that on the brush like normal and rest of this goes right on the face yep just like that

yeah there we go okay now that soap is a brown color

however no and it looks like coffee really and however it doesn't come out

pretty well maybe an off-white so it's not pure

white kind of a cream color like that's nice what a marvelous scent this has

I really enjoy this one you know I was feel a little tired and I was thinking

wow what am I gonna do and then I saw this soap and I've gone oh yeah we're

gonna have a nice Up and Adam coffee base shave yes we are hmm which

is good yeah and now I do Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first to

third Friday every month which I do shave related videos okay

not necessarily shave videos and you can in the comments put your questions

comments suggestions and ideas for upcoming Straight Razor Edge Friday

Specials and we will get to them and I need your help so you just go ahead and

put them in the comments for me if you have a question or you have the

suggestion or an idea let's do it okay because that's what we do here yeah

and you click right up here now to see a complete shave beginning to end all the

bits and pieces all the steps and you check that out if you're interested

yeah so let's do this

you know here it is probably 50's or so you know which for us is not alright so

now this is past one which is mainly going to be with the grain let's do it

oh yeah here we go nice looking good

oh yeah check that out in a great yep

yeah there we go now also this upcoming Friday yeah I've got a Bonus Straight

Razor Edge Friday Special coming at you and this one is actually going to be a

channel update I want to talk to you about some things and we're gonna have a

good time so hopefully you'll stop by this Friday

for a Bonus Straight Razor Edge Friday Special because this one's off schedule

all right

I want to I want to see you okay does this going to be important that

you're here because I need to talk to you all right

this Friday yeah I think you're gonna lie here

and the channel update

then you get me that nice this is fine so wonderful scent I really like this

yeah there we go pass one complete that's it

looking good feeling good let's get washed off see how we did though I think

it's good oh yeah good beard reduction nice okay

now pass two let's get her a lather on

and this does like say have a little menthol in it so I can feel it a bit on

that first pass this pass should be even better and more so hopefully that would

be interesting yeah

yeah why you say you know if you're watching one of these videos and you

have a question just put it down on the comments you'll believe me there is no

such thing as a stupid question alright that question that the only way

you can have a stupid question is you have a question and you don't ask it

that's not smart go ahead and ask put it in the comments

it'll be fine you know we're not going to give you a hard time or anything

we'll give you an answer

oh yeah what is that kicking it up very nice

there we go okay now this is past two which is primarily going to be against

the grain on my neck right here one across this way and my cheeks like that

and we're going to just do it

okay now switch hands and we're gonna be getting this other side

here we go

nice yep nice

here we go get in there yeah now finish this off

nice nice yeah man let's get that washed up see how again oh yeah there we go

hey really good check that out nice okay now time for the half pass now if you

haven't seen the half pass revealed it's right here go ahead and click on that

card and that will give you more detail one while I'm do it but basically I'm

I'm just doing a cross against the grain sorry against the grain mainly well my jawline

in my neck that's what this is and this is how I do it this isn't what works the

best for me I haven't found anything else that actually does this as good and

works for me okay so you may find this helpful and you may not but that's okay you know as long

as you have an open mind you'll be fine yeah not a big deal you know there's so

many different people out there for me different faces so many different beard

types you know know what works for you yeah that's the best all right let's do


all right I don't care what anybody says this is a fine shaver especially for

beginning razor it's nice

you'll do everything you needed to do so if you're thinking about straight razor

shaving Gold Dollar is not a bad place to start you know either that it is ZY

and you don't have $200 in through the razor or more really from the beginning

you know you could actually use something like this Gold Dollar 66 and

learn how to straight razor shave and then step up into a more expensive razor

nice very good alright let's finish this off there we go another shave and

the books yep that's it that's what I'm talking

about right there yep all right now let's get that cleaned

off see how we did mmm oh nice and you absolutely can get a good shave from a

Gold Dollar without a doubt

Alum everywhere that is astringent and antiseptic at the same time which is a

good thing right after shave now for aftershave Thayers the lavender yeah

we're doing it yeah good stuff really is it's got a fantastic scent and of course

we put that everywhere yep here we go nice yeah yeah kind of for a cologney

thing but this is a balm what cologne balm no not really but I do like

my balms and this is Spice Island so this is a sweet and spicy bay rum which

is going to be nice with that Up and Adam it is all right here we go mmm what

a fine scent really is there you go

now you can look right up here to see a comparison between couple of soaps all

right and that would be the Arko and Derby soaps all right

kind of interesting and I'd show you how to lather them so that's a good one

thank you so much really appreciate you and all you do for me you can click

right over here to see my latest video click down here on the video specially

picked out for you click over here on me Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this video

with your friends have a Great Shave and a Good Day and I will see you next time

on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day #OVS, GD66 Straight Razor Shave, Stubble Trubble, #SOTD - Duration: 25:50.


ECMAScript 2018, JavaScript event loop, Puppeteer: FrontEnd news (28 Mar'18) - Duration: 5:17.


Let's talk today about ECMAScript 2018, JavaScript event loop and Puppeteer.

I'm Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the Frontend development.

If this is your first time here, you wanna learn Frontend and JavaScript, start now by

subscribing and don't forget to turn on the subtitles.

[Music playing]

The feature set of ECMAScript 2018 was finalized during the latest TC39 meeting in January.

It includes: - Async iterators and generators

- Object rest and spread properties - Promise.prototype.finally

- Various RegExp features Every single one of the new ES2018 language

features is available by default in V8 v6.4 and Chrome 64.

And by the way TC39 now has got own official logo

The WebKit team from Apple have released a Speedometer 2.0: a Benchmark for Modern Webapp


Now it supports mostly all modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries, understands ES2015

syntax, TypeScript and Babel.

Last December Nicolás Bevacqua gave a presentation about Modular Design - at Code Europe.

This blog post namely "A Guide to Modular Design Thinking" contains a transcript of

that presentation.

Have a look.

Tim Nolet has posted an article with a provocative title "Running untrusted JavaScript as a SaaS

is hard".

The services like JSFiddle or CodePen face with such challenge.The author has proposed

a multi-layered approach to solve the untrusted JavaScript code issue.

So, running untrusted code is a security nightmare, but it can be done.

[Music playing]

If you're using React, you've probably heard about High Order Components at least


In this short tutorial you can learn about How to write a High Order Components in 3

easy steps.

Let me grab your attention to Jake Archibald's talk "In the Loop".

This report is one of the best event loop's illustration I have ever seen.

Want to get your head around CSS Grid once and for all?

Enjoy this 7 minute introduction with code and diagrams

Dan Abramov presented "Future-Fetcher" at JS Conf Asia.

New concepts are coming directly into React that could make Redux obsolete.

Wes Bos has prepared a short demo of the "Context API" usage.

[Music playing]

Gergely Nemeth has posted an article "Building Secure JavaScript Applications".

In this article he shares some tips and best practices, covering XSS, CSRF, passwords,

and auth.

"The "Blur Up" Technique for Loading Background Images".

Here, Emil Björklund explores a performance technique using one of the more forgotten

filter effects - the filter function - as well as recreating it with SVG.

He adopts a transition with blur effect for progressively-enhanced background images.

Right now, only WebKit can animate the sharper image in.

If you're looking for a perfect tool for testing your API, then pay attention to an article

"7 Helpful HTTP Tools Worth Knowing About" by Kristopher Sandoval.

You'll find here the comparison within cURL, http-console, HTTPie, http-prompt, jq, Postman,

Paw and Insomnia.

The last but not least point for today is an article titled "Automatic visual diffing

with Puppeteer".

In this article Monica describes how to set up Puppeteer to automate both taking screenshots

of your project and comparing them.

The set of tools for this purpose consists of Mocha, Chai, Pixelmatch, Polyserve and

of course of Pappeteer itself.

[Music playing]

If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the

channel and watch other episodes.

Thanks for watching and stay curious.

For more infomation >> ECMAScript 2018, JavaScript event loop, Puppeteer: FrontEnd news (28 Mar'18) - Duration: 5:17.


秋名山车手再聚!周杰伦、余文乐开AE86香港合体! - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 秋名山车手再聚!周杰伦、余文乐开AE86香港合体! - Duration: 3:04.



For more infomation >> Đợi Duyên !- TẤT CẢ ĐỀU TÙY DUYÊN HÃY NHẸ NHÀNG AN NHIÊN VỚI CUỘC ĐỜI RỒI TA SẼ HẠNH PHÚC - Duration: 12:12.


Rules Of Survival PC HACK Treonin 5.0 Mới Nhất 28 03 2018 / Chung Dx - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Rules Of Survival PC HACK Treonin 5.0 Mới Nhất 28 03 2018 / Chung Dx - Duration: 7:28.


Tucker Carlson Tonight 03/28/18 12AM | March 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 30:57.

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Tonight 03/28/18 12AM | March 28, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 30:57.


টেলি-তারকারা আগে যেমন ছিলেন - আর এখন যেমন । old and current look of popular television stars - Duration: 1:18.

Old and current look of popular television stars

For more infomation >> টেলি-তারকারা আগে যেমন ছিলেন - আর এখন যেমন । old and current look of popular television stars - Duration: 1:18.


Far Cry 5 Walkthrough Gameplay Series Part 2 - Intro And More (PS4 Pro) - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 Walkthrough Gameplay Series Part 2 - Intro And More (PS4 Pro) - Duration: 5:51.


How To Get 1000 YouTube Subscribers quickly 2018 | 100% Real SUBS - Duration: 14:32.

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