Saturday, March 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 31 2018

Let's talk about superstructures. In the Salis world, superstructures are

spontaneously appearing phenomena of large scale. These structures are the

emergent result of the complex interactions the mutant descendants of

our original ancestor, '55.anc', have over time. In this video I'll

be reviewing four specific superstructures which have been discovered so

far. These structures are named: storms, walkers, reefs and nests. But before we

dive into them, let's introduce some concepts. CELLULARITY. In Salis some

superstructures are the result of a single mutant organism running amok in

the world. These are known as unicellular superstructures. However, superstructures

may also consist of many organisms, in some cases thousands of

them, and thus can be considered multicellular superstructures. LIFE. Some

of the super structures do not imply code replication. They are the work of a

single organism, or group of organisms, that has lost its ability to replicate

and simply exists in the world. These are known as abiotic, or non-living super

structures. However, many structures do contain living, replicating code in them.

They are alive and thus are known as biotic, or living superstructures.

METABOLISM. Lastly, some structures contain organisms which carry out a

process I've named metabolism. These are known as metabolic superstructures, as

they consist of metabolic organisms. However, other superstructures contain

organisms that don't metabolize, and thus are considered non-metabolic super

structures. But wait, what exactly is metabolism? We can think of metabolism as

a way for organisms to trade memory space for extra CPUs, by using the memory

block-swap instruction. It also allows organisms, or more accurately code, to be

kept on top of the execution queue for a long period of time,

and then be executed repeatedly by newly generated CPUs. Metabolism is, in my

opinion, one of the most interesting discoveries I've made in Salis. It's a

very powerful, self-preserving exploit that organisms have found through

evolution, all by themselves, and that I never imagined possible when

implementing the Salis instruction set.

OK, let's now talk about the superstructures one-by-one. Let's begin with

the simplest superstructure, one that always appears early on simulations and

that has a profound effect on the early evolution of the world. STORMS. Storms

appear when a mutant organism tries to allocate a memory block of huge size. It

can be caused by a simple mutation that makes the organism decrement the value

on a register that already contains zero on it. In Salis organisms' registers

cannot contain negative values on them. Thus, decrementing a register containing

zero, places the largest 32-bit integer possible (2^32 - 1)

into it. If the organism later tries to allocate a child memory block while

using this register's value as the size parameter, it will attempt to allocate a

memory block over 4GB long. This size is, by obligation, larger than

the size of the world, so the allocation will never be completed as it is

impossible to complete. Even so, the seeker pointer will be sent out to try

and the result will be an ever-growing block of memory, expanding in one

direction or another, until it either hits another block of allocated memory

or reaches the edge of the world. Storms can get very large, especially at

first, when there are large, empty areas of memory. Storms can cause the total

memory allocation of the world to rise quickly to 50% and when that happens,

many organisms die as a result of them being rapidly popped out of the

execution queue. On a brighter note, storms can also help spread organisms

around by temporarily allocating a large area of memory and obligating nearby

organisms to send their seeker pointers further away from their parent's address.

Organisms can then form new colonies far away from their ancestors, spreading

their species around the world. It thus seems that Salisian storms, just like

storms on Earth, act both as a destructive force and a beneficial

seeder of life.

WALKERS. In Salis, organisms are simple computer programs whose only purpose in

life is to copy themselves. Once these organisms are let out in the

world they compete fiercely for memory space and execution time. This

environmental pressure, in the context of natural selection, pushes the organisms

to evolve into smaller, more streamlined forms. Keep in mind that, the smaller an

organism is, the less space it will occupy in memory and the less CPU cycles

it will need to replicate itself. Thus, it is very common to see '55.anc' quickly

evolve into smaller forms. One example of this are parasites, which are

organisms that merely measure themselves and then execute the replication code of

an adjacent organism. However, in Salis parasites tend to become less common

later on, being replaced by more cooperative species that are oftentimes

as short as the parasites themselves, but do not depend of a host organism for

replication. These organisms are called walkers. They are short programs that

merely measure themselves and replicate once in a single direction.

Walkers form huge moving colonies that slowly drift in one direction or another.

Organisms inside these colonies share their code in order to be able to

replicate more than once while saving space and accelerating replication. We

could think of them as 'voluntary hosts' for their sibling organisms. Walker

organisms also sometimes concatenate their measuring locks and dismiss the

arithmetic operations needed to measure themselves individually. With some luck

walkers can bypass large barriers, by continuously trying to allocate on the

other side of it. The larger the number of organisms inside a walking colony, the

higher the chances are of jumping through such barriers. However, the

long-term survival of a walker colony is only ensured by its ability to split.

With a single mutation happening on its allocation gene, an entire colony can

split into two child colonies that will eventually walk away from each other.

Could we consider this multicellular reproduction?

REEFS. Reefs are non-living structures. They

appear spontaneously, and quite commonly, in Salis, and sometimes form huge

barriers of allocated, non-living and non-sensical code. To this day I do not

fully understand how reefs form. However, I do understand the way they can

persist over long periods of time. It is thanks to metabolism. As implied earlier,

metabolism allows non-living code to push itself back to the top of the execution

queue, time and time again, each time generating a new CPU that will run its

instructions. Thanks to metabolism, pieces of code can

stay intact and protected over long periods of time. These code structures

may survive until cosmic rays disintegrate them, a process that may

take millions of generations. Thus, reef barriers are metabolic

structures, they execute continuously for a very long time until they lose their

metabolic ability due to mutation. Even though they are metabolic, reefs do not

replicate. Therefore, reef barriers cannot be considered living structures, instead

being abiotic or dead.

NESTS. Nests are by far the most fascinating superstructure discovered in

Salis so far. They are comprised of metabolic, but living, organisms. These

organisms are able to exploit the power of metabolism while also having the

ability to replicate. I've called these organisms nestlings and together they

form huge static and complex colonies. These colonies contain a central layer, a

zone where nestlings are located along with their metabolic byproducts. This

central layer is surrounded by two reef barriers, one on each side, which seem

to act as protection against external threats. Nestlings have evolved the

ability to metabolize continuously by allocating tiny memory blocks, usually

one byte long, and trading them for new CPUs. These small memory blocks, also

known as metabolites, can be thought of as byproducts of metabolism, waste if you

will, and can be seen filling in the gaps between the actual nestling creatures.

Inside a nest each individual nestling can live for a very long time, just like

reefs do, thanks to their code being safely kept at the top of the execution

queue via metabolism. Thus, most nestlings will live until cosmic rays make them

unable to metabolize anymore. Lastly, thanks to metabolism nestlings are also

free to evolve into longer, more complex forms. Nestlings are almost always larger

than their original ancestor organism, and this, as simple as it sounds, is

actually the first sign of complexification, or enlargement, of a

virtual genome thanks to evolution. This enlargement goes against the more common

trend of shortening and streamlining of organisms in order to allow for more

efficient replication. Wow! We've come a long way. Thanks for staying with me

until the end of the video. I know that for many of you Salis may not be as

eye-catching as other artificial life simulations. There are no robotic agents,

no complex 2D physics, no neural networks and no artificial intelligence. SALIS,

just like Tierra, attempts to fill its ecosystem with creatures that are more

naturally bound to the physical reality of its

underlying system. In this case, the underlying system is a computer and the

creatures, computer programs. One last thing... If you enjoy these kind of videos

and if you would like me to keep working on fun artificial life projects like

Salis, please consider becoming a patron. Link for that in the description. Any

small contribution will be greatly appreciated. Make sure to give this video

a like and subscribe to the channel! I'll be seeing you all, my fellow digital

biologists, very soon.

For more infomation >> Metabolic superstructures - SALIS [ Part V ] - Duration: 13:54.


Five Nights At Freddys 2 Animasyon Türkçe Çeviri (YAMIMASH) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Five Nights At Freddys 2 Animasyon Türkçe Çeviri (YAMIMASH) - Duration: 2:19.


Indie Game First Look: Make Sail | Fair Winds and Following Seas! - Duration: 3:50.

Hello and welcome to a First Look at Make Sail, a physics based boat constructing simulator

with an emphasis on exploration, developed by Popcannibal and released into Steam Early

Access in March 2018.

For disclosure, I received this game for free.

The setup behind the game is a simple one.

Long ago, people gathered around a magical tower with a myriad of chimes which, for a

time, did spread calm and prosperity.

However, as other islands called to them, the people began to remove the chimes and

to sail away, after which the Tower got upset and unleashed a violent storm.

The descendants of these people then attempted to bring the chimes back to the tower but

the force of the storm was too much, sinking the fleet of ships that approached.

As a survivor of the fleet, you awaken in the eye of the storm, desperate to calm the

seas by returning said chimes.

The core loop is simply sailing the seas to the different islands, picking up chimes

and ship parts, and returning said chimes to the tower at the centre of the map.

Doing so will calm the storm a little, increasing the range of the islands that you can explore,

with I presume, the ultimate objective of returning all chimes and resolving the issue.

There isn't much more to the loop which does seem simple as of now, but the core fun

lies in the ship building.

As a physics based game, do expect your usual assortment of bugs and glitches since things

do not fit exactly right together, but I really did enjoy the sailing, modification and rebuilding

of the ships.

The tech behind the physics in this game is pretty impressive, in that there are realistic

feeling systems such as wind drag and lift, a buoyancy system and of course the rudder,

interacting in unique ways that actually make it feel more like sailing a ship

rather than in other games where ships control like cars on water.

For example, pushing the up button doesn't accelerate the ship, but rather raises the


You then have to angle and catch the wind in order to move and of course, flotation

and density of the ship plays an important role.

The game even has a handbook with some common construction tips, such as what to do if your

ship is tipping over, or where is the best location to place your sails.

Of course, physics comes into play as the designs get more complicated, and even more

interesting is in the case of sailing into an obstructions such as rocks, parts of your

ship may get destroyed but there may just be a chance it could still float and work

to some extent.

If you are not into the creative aspect, you do find parts and blueprints for pre-built

ships which do function pretty well, but I do like messing around in these sandboxes

to see what I can make.

Just look at this monstrosity for example, 3 sails, all of the flotation barrels available to me, a vertical

narwhal horn for some reason and a density greater than water which should make it sink

but somehow manages to continue sailing even while tipping forward.

Through a projected 1 year early access period, the devleopers plan to add more parts, islands,

creatures, polish and a New Game + mode, with the objective of making this the best boat

building spectacle.

From what I have played, I really enjoyed the tinkering aspect and the pure physics

based sailing experience, so I'm waiting for a more polished final product.

Anyway, that will do it for the video, thank you for watching.

Be sure to subscribe, follow me on Twitter, follow my Steam Curator and check out the

subreddit to keep up with the best indie games and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Indie Game First Look: Make Sail | Fair Winds and Following Seas! - Duration: 3:50.


Amaşov güllələnən avtoritetdən DANIŞDI: "Rahim Namazov adlı jurnalist olmayıb" - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Amaşov güllələnən avtoritetdən DANIŞDI: "Rahim Namazov adlı jurnalist olmayıb" - Duration: 1:17.


【スーパー耐久 開幕戦】ST-Xクラスはスリーボンド日産自大GT-Rがポールポジション - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 【スーパー耐久 開幕戦】ST-Xクラスはスリーボンド日産自大GT-Rがポールポジション - Duration: 3:28.


Brasil perderia R$ 1,1 bilhão com taxa ao aço - Notícias 24/7 - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> Brasil perderia R$ 1,1 bilhão com taxa ao aço - Notícias 24/7 - Duration: 9:37.


Money. Sex. Greed. Murder.

For more infomation >> Money. Sex. Greed. Murder.


José Sacristán acusa gravemente a Irene Montero e insulta a Podemos - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> José Sacristán acusa gravemente a Irene Montero e insulta a Podemos - Duration: 3:03.


E' morto Luigi De Filippo, aveva 87 anni | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> E' morto Luigi De Filippo, aveva 87 anni | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:31.


Viegas descumpre regra e está eliminado no BBB18, brother lamentou | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Viegas descumpre regra e está eliminado no BBB18, brother lamentou | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:08.


DEU BRANCO - Duration: 4:02.

Today, we're gonna talk about him, the booger man, the Devil!

He is everywhere.

He has so many names!

Satan! Dark Angel!

The wicked one! Red-headed Goblin!

Today, we have here a demon that possessed Murilo's body.

Come in, Murilo.

I smell burning sulfur. It reminds me of the lakes of fire.

Right? Have you taken Murilo's body?

I possessed Murilo's body.


What a sassy devil! What a brash!

What are you doing to Murilo?

I am...

I'm gonna use it.

I forgot my line. Can you remind me?


Satan is confused in face of God's word.

Right? Aren't you confused, Satan?

-Yeah, I'm confused... -Right!

I'll use his body...

-Can you cut? I just... -What do you mean, moron?

Just a second.

-I need to read the script. -We're live on TV!

We can't cut the scene, asshole! Are you trying to screw me over?

What's my line?

What line? Come up with something!

What are you gonna do to Murilo, Satan?

Should I say something bad?

Anything. Say something bad you'd do to him.

Are you gonna use it for the evil?

I'm gonna eat onions!

Ezekiel, can you bring me the sacred text?

There's a sacred there that scares the hell out of Satan.

-Here! -Oh, no! Not that!

This paper... I don't have my glasses on.

Holy shit! It's here.

-I'm gonna do drugs! -That's it!

-He's gonna do drugs! -I'll fill my body with drugs!

-Are you gonna use drugs as Murilo? -As Murilo.

And where it is?

He's so sassy, this one!

What drugs are you gonna do?

You're not helping me here.

Fuck! You must have something on you.

It's in my pocket.

-What is your drug of choice? -I'm gonna use this thing here!

That's it! He's doing drugs in front of everyone!

I'm gonna use it and I'm gonna use it now!

Is it cocaine, Satan?

Look at that!

Oh, my God! He did cocaine!

-Want some? -No!

Take that away from me. I'm a man of God.

He did cocaine!

Are you high, Satan?

-I'm high! -Look at him!

I'm so stoned! Tripper!

-You look like you smoked pot. -"No woman...

-Murilo, you did cocaine! -"No woman, no cry!"

My mouth is dry. I need something like chocolate!

Stop! Stop!

Leave! Leave this body!

Get out! Out of here!

Don't you come back here!

Let's change things a bit.

Let's lighten up the mood.

How about healing energies?

Let's get rid of the destructive vibe Satan brought here.

Let me show you how God's word can heal people.

By the way, it's the only thing that heals.

Com here, Wellerson.

This is Wellerson.

You're supposed to be crippled!

Oh, my legs!

-Hi. You're Claudio, right? -Right!

Your resume says you've been Eshu at the Neopentecostal Church.

Right. For two years. It was so rewarding!

Can you perform as anyone else?

I can do impressions of Lucifer, The Devil in The Disagreement,

and I've taken acting classes.

I can do a Pomba Gira impersonation.

Let me see it.

-Can you show me? -Of course!


Look! Is that you? Is that you, naughty boy?

-Is that you, you naughty creature? -Okay.

We'll get in touch with you.

I can impersonate Alex Trebek.

Something like...

"Before you make your wager, we begin the Devil Final Jeopardy."

For more infomation >> DEU BRANCO - Duration: 4:02.


Fabrizio Frizzi e Rita Dalla Chiesa di nuovo insieme in Tv e (ri)scoppia la complicità - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi e Rita Dalla Chiesa di nuovo insieme in Tv e (ri)scoppia la complicità - Duration: 4:38.


Fabrizio Frizzi con la moglie Carlotta Mantovan e la figlia Stella: sono loro la... - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi con la moglie Carlotta Mantovan e la figlia Stella: sono loro la... - Duration: 6:48.


Rita Dalla Chiesa e Fabrizio Frizzi di nuovo insieme in Tv per un programma tutto loro - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Rita Dalla Chiesa e Fabrizio Frizzi di nuovo insieme in Tv per un programma tutto loro - Duration: 2:36.


BBB18: Kaysar vence a prova e é o novo líder | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar vence a prova e é o novo líder | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:52.


CEO da Dash Dinheiro Digital anuncia nova parceria de negócios - Legendas em Português - Duration: 14:54.

For more infomation >> CEO da Dash Dinheiro Digital anuncia nova parceria de negócios - Legendas em Português - Duration: 14:54.


Máquina de Venda de CHOCOLATES feita com papelão! - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Máquina de Venda de CHOCOLATES feita com papelão! - Duration: 11:23.


Fabrizio Frizzi con la moglie Carlotta e la figlia Stella: è la prima uscita dopo l'ischemia - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi con la moglie Carlotta e la figlia Stella: è la prima uscita dopo l'ischemia - Duration: 1:42.


Tom e Jerry Kids Fun Desenhos Animados Engraçados HD 2018 - Filmes de Desenhos Animados Completos - Duration: 15:12.

For more infomation >> Tom e Jerry Kids Fun Desenhos Animados Engraçados HD 2018 - Filmes de Desenhos Animados Completos - Duration: 15:12.


BURLINGTON Compras em Orlando de BOLSAS e SAPATOS com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 1:02:20.

For more infomation >> BURLINGTON Compras em Orlando de BOLSAS e SAPATOS com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 1:02:20.


La Legión vuelve a triunfar y Podemos e independentistas rabian en las redes - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> La Legión vuelve a triunfar y Podemos e independentistas rabian en las redes - Duration: 7:43.


Rita Dalla Chiesa ad Amici 17: "Frizzi era un ufficiale e gentiluomo" - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Rita Dalla Chiesa ad Amici 17: "Frizzi era un ufficiale e gentiluomo" - Duration: 3:54.


Renault Mégane Scénic 1.6E RN 2e PAASDAG OPEN! - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Scénic 1.6E RN 2e PAASDAG OPEN! - Duration: 0:47.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Coupé 350 CGI ELEGANCE 2e PAASDAG OPEN! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Coupé 350 CGI ELEGANCE 2e PAASDAG OPEN! - Duration: 0:54.


Errori sotto la doccia: quali sono i più comuni? - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Errori sotto la doccia: quali sono i più comuni? - Duration: 5:40.


Uomini e Donne, Clarissa Marchese: il nuovo lavoro a Miami - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Clarissa Marchese: il nuovo lavoro a Miami - Duration: 2:37.


Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR Allure MEGADEAL!!! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR Allure MEGADEAL!!! - Duration: 1:03.


Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk GT-Line (BOSE!!!/R-LINK2/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk GT-Line (BOSE!!!/R-LINK2/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:59.


Renault Talisman Estate TCe 200pk Intens EDC (GLAZEN DAK!!!/R-link2/4-Control) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman Estate TCe 200pk Intens EDC (GLAZEN DAK!!!/R-link2/4-Control) - Duration: 1:00.


Opel Vivaro 1.9 CDTI L1 H1 2 SCHUIFDEUREN!! ELEKTR. R/SP. NAP. - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 1.9 CDTI L1 H1 2 SCHUIFDEUREN!! ELEKTR. R/SP. NAP. - Duration: 0:57.


Volvo V60 bjr 2012 2.4 D5 158kW/215pk 6-bak R-DESIGN CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + SPORTSTOELEN + H - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 bjr 2012 2.4 D5 158kW/215pk 6-bak R-DESIGN CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + SPORTSTOELEN + H - Duration: 0:59.


Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2.0 250PK R-Sport extra inruil! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2.0 250PK R-Sport extra inruil! - Duration: 0:54.


Land Rover Range Rover Velar 2.0 I4 Turbo AWD R-Dynamic SE extra inruil! - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Range Rover Velar 2.0 I4 Turbo AWD R-Dynamic SE extra inruil! - Duration: 0:42.


Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D150 AWD R-Dynamic S 19" LM | Black Pack extra inruil! - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D150 AWD R-Dynamic S 19" LM | Black Pack extra inruil! - Duration: 0:43.


Metabolic superstructures - SALIS [ Part V ] - Duration: 13:54.

Let's talk about superstructures. In the Salis world, superstructures are

spontaneously appearing phenomena of large scale. These structures are the

emergent result of the complex interactions the mutant descendants of

our original ancestor, '55.anc', have over time. In this video I'll

be reviewing four specific superstructures which have been discovered so

far. These structures are named: storms, walkers, reefs and nests. But before we

dive into them, let's introduce some concepts. CELLULARITY. In Salis some

superstructures are the result of a single mutant organism running amok in

the world. These are known as unicellular superstructures. However, superstructures

may also consist of many organisms, in some cases thousands of

them, and thus can be considered multicellular superstructures. LIFE. Some

of the super structures do not imply code replication. They are the work of a

single organism, or group of organisms, that has lost its ability to replicate

and simply exists in the world. These are known as abiotic, or non-living super

structures. However, many structures do contain living, replicating code in them.

They are alive and thus are known as biotic, or living superstructures.

METABOLISM. Lastly, some structures contain organisms which carry out a

process I've named metabolism. These are known as metabolic superstructures, as

they consist of metabolic organisms. However, other superstructures contain

organisms that don't metabolize, and thus are considered non-metabolic super

structures. But wait, what exactly is metabolism? We can think of metabolism as

a way for organisms to trade memory space for extra CPUs, by using the memory

block-swap instruction. It also allows organisms, or more accurately code, to be

kept on top of the execution queue for a long period of time,

and then be executed repeatedly by newly generated CPUs. Metabolism is, in my

opinion, one of the most interesting discoveries I've made in Salis. It's a

very powerful, self-preserving exploit that organisms have found through

evolution, all by themselves, and that I never imagined possible when

implementing the Salis instruction set.

OK, let's now talk about the superstructures one-by-one. Let's begin with

the simplest superstructure, one that always appears early on simulations and

that has a profound effect on the early evolution of the world. STORMS. Storms

appear when a mutant organism tries to allocate a memory block of huge size. It

can be caused by a simple mutation that makes the organism decrement the value

on a register that already contains zero on it. In Salis organisms' registers

cannot contain negative values on them. Thus, decrementing a register containing

zero, places the largest 32-bit integer possible (2^32 - 1)

into it. If the organism later tries to allocate a child memory block while

using this register's value as the size parameter, it will attempt to allocate a

memory block over 4GB long. This size is, by obligation, larger than

the size of the world, so the allocation will never be completed as it is

impossible to complete. Even so, the seeker pointer will be sent out to try

and the result will be an ever-growing block of memory, expanding in one

direction or another, until it either hits another block of allocated memory

or reaches the edge of the world. Storms can get very large, especially at

first, when there are large, empty areas of memory. Storms can cause the total

memory allocation of the world to rise quickly to 50% and when that happens,

many organisms die as a result of them being rapidly popped out of the

execution queue. On a brighter note, storms can also help spread organisms

around by temporarily allocating a large area of memory and obligating nearby

organisms to send their seeker pointers further away from their parent's address.

Organisms can then form new colonies far away from their ancestors, spreading

their species around the world. It thus seems that Salisian storms, just like

storms on Earth, act both as a destructive force and a beneficial

seeder of life.

WALKERS. In Salis, organisms are simple computer programs whose only purpose in

life is to copy themselves. Once these organisms are let out in the

world they compete fiercely for memory space and execution time. This

environmental pressure, in the context of natural selection, pushes the organisms

to evolve into smaller, more streamlined forms. Keep in mind that, the smaller an

organism is, the less space it will occupy in memory and the less CPU cycles

it will need to replicate itself. Thus, it is very common to see '55.anc' quickly

evolve into smaller forms. One example of this are parasites, which are

organisms that merely measure themselves and then execute the replication code of

an adjacent organism. However, in Salis parasites tend to become less common

later on, being replaced by more cooperative species that are oftentimes

as short as the parasites themselves, but do not depend of a host organism for

replication. These organisms are called walkers. They are short programs that

merely measure themselves and replicate once in a single direction.

Walkers form huge moving colonies that slowly drift in one direction or another.

Organisms inside these colonies share their code in order to be able to

replicate more than once while saving space and accelerating replication. We

could think of them as 'voluntary hosts' for their sibling organisms. Walker

organisms also sometimes concatenate their measuring locks and dismiss the

arithmetic operations needed to measure themselves individually. With some luck

walkers can bypass large barriers, by continuously trying to allocate on the

other side of it. The larger the number of organisms inside a walking colony, the

higher the chances are of jumping through such barriers. However, the

long-term survival of a walker colony is only ensured by its ability to split.

With a single mutation happening on its allocation gene, an entire colony can

split into two child colonies that will eventually walk away from each other.

Could we consider this multicellular reproduction?

REEFS. Reefs are non-living structures. They

appear spontaneously, and quite commonly, in Salis, and sometimes form huge

barriers of allocated, non-living and non-sensical code. To this day I do not

fully understand how reefs form. However, I do understand the way they can

persist over long periods of time. It is thanks to metabolism. As implied earlier,

metabolism allows non-living code to push itself back to the top of the execution

queue, time and time again, each time generating a new CPU that will run its

instructions. Thanks to metabolism, pieces of code can

stay intact and protected over long periods of time. These code structures

may survive until cosmic rays disintegrate them, a process that may

take millions of generations. Thus, reef barriers are metabolic

structures, they execute continuously for a very long time until they lose their

metabolic ability due to mutation. Even though they are metabolic, reefs do not

replicate. Therefore, reef barriers cannot be considered living structures, instead

being abiotic or dead.

NESTS. Nests are by far the most fascinating superstructure discovered in

Salis so far. They are comprised of metabolic, but living, organisms. These

organisms are able to exploit the power of metabolism while also having the

ability to replicate. I've called these organisms nestlings and together they

form huge static and complex colonies. These colonies contain a central layer, a

zone where nestlings are located along with their metabolic byproducts. This

central layer is surrounded by two reef barriers, one on each side, which seem

to act as protection against external threats. Nestlings have evolved the

ability to metabolize continuously by allocating tiny memory blocks, usually

one byte long, and trading them for new CPUs. These small memory blocks, also

known as metabolites, can be thought of as byproducts of metabolism, waste if you

will, and can be seen filling in the gaps between the actual nestling creatures.

Inside a nest each individual nestling can live for a very long time, just like

reefs do, thanks to their code being safely kept at the top of the execution

queue via metabolism. Thus, most nestlings will live until cosmic rays make them

unable to metabolize anymore. Lastly, thanks to metabolism nestlings are also

free to evolve into longer, more complex forms. Nestlings are almost always larger

than their original ancestor organism, and this, as simple as it sounds, is

actually the first sign of complexification, or enlargement, of a

virtual genome thanks to evolution. This enlargement goes against the more common

trend of shortening and streamlining of organisms in order to allow for more

efficient replication. Wow! We've come a long way. Thanks for staying with me

until the end of the video. I know that for many of you Salis may not be as

eye-catching as other artificial life simulations. There are no robotic agents,

no complex 2D physics, no neural networks and no artificial intelligence. SALIS,

just like Tierra, attempts to fill its ecosystem with creatures that are more

naturally bound to the physical reality of its

underlying system. In this case, the underlying system is a computer and the

creatures, computer programs. One last thing... If you enjoy these kind of videos

and if you would like me to keep working on fun artificial life projects like

Salis, please consider becoming a patron. Link for that in the description. Any

small contribution will be greatly appreciated. Make sure to give this video

a like and subscribe to the channel! I'll be seeing you all, my fellow digital

biologists, very soon.

For more infomation >> Metabolic superstructures - SALIS [ Part V ] - Duration: 13:54.


Five Nights At Freddys 2 Animasyon Türkçe Çeviri (YAMIMASH) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Five Nights At Freddys 2 Animasyon Türkçe Çeviri (YAMIMASH) - Duration: 2:19.


Indie Game First Look: Make Sail | Fair Winds and Following Seas! - Duration: 3:50.

Hello and welcome to a First Look at Make Sail, a physics based boat constructing simulator

with an emphasis on exploration, developed by Popcannibal and released into Steam Early

Access in March 2018.

For disclosure, I received this game for free.

The setup behind the game is a simple one.

Long ago, people gathered around a magical tower with a myriad of chimes which, for a

time, did spread calm and prosperity.

However, as other islands called to them, the people began to remove the chimes and

to sail away, after which the Tower got upset and unleashed a violent storm.

The descendants of these people then attempted to bring the chimes back to the tower but

the force of the storm was too much, sinking the fleet of ships that approached.

As a survivor of the fleet, you awaken in the eye of the storm, desperate to calm the

seas by returning said chimes.

The core loop is simply sailing the seas to the different islands, picking up chimes

and ship parts, and returning said chimes to the tower at the centre of the map.

Doing so will calm the storm a little, increasing the range of the islands that you can explore,

with I presume, the ultimate objective of returning all chimes and resolving the issue.

There isn't much more to the loop which does seem simple as of now, but the core fun

lies in the ship building.

As a physics based game, do expect your usual assortment of bugs and glitches since things

do not fit exactly right together, but I really did enjoy the sailing, modification and rebuilding

of the ships.

The tech behind the physics in this game is pretty impressive, in that there are realistic

feeling systems such as wind drag and lift, a buoyancy system and of course the rudder,

interacting in unique ways that actually make it feel more like sailing a ship

rather than in other games where ships control like cars on water.

For example, pushing the up button doesn't accelerate the ship, but rather raises the


You then have to angle and catch the wind in order to move and of course, flotation

and density of the ship plays an important role.

The game even has a handbook with some common construction tips, such as what to do if your

ship is tipping over, or where is the best location to place your sails.

Of course, physics comes into play as the designs get more complicated, and even more

interesting is in the case of sailing into an obstructions such as rocks, parts of your

ship may get destroyed but there may just be a chance it could still float and work

to some extent.

If you are not into the creative aspect, you do find parts and blueprints for pre-built

ships which do function pretty well, but I do like messing around in these sandboxes

to see what I can make.

Just look at this monstrosity for example, 3 sails, all of the flotation barrels available to me, a vertical

narwhal horn for some reason and a density greater than water which should make it sink

but somehow manages to continue sailing even while tipping forward.

Through a projected 1 year early access period, the devleopers plan to add more parts, islands,

creatures, polish and a New Game + mode, with the objective of making this the best boat

building spectacle.

From what I have played, I really enjoyed the tinkering aspect and the pure physics

based sailing experience, so I'm waiting for a more polished final product.

Anyway, that will do it for the video, thank you for watching.

Be sure to subscribe, follow me on Twitter, follow my Steam Curator and check out the

subreddit to keep up with the best indie games and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Indie Game First Look: Make Sail | Fair Winds and Following Seas! - Duration: 3:50.


Amaşov güllələnən avtoritetdən DANIŞDI: "Rahim Namazov adlı jurnalist olmayıb" - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Amaşov güllələnən avtoritetdən DANIŞDI: "Rahim Namazov adlı jurnalist olmayıb" - Duration: 1:17.


【スーパー耐久 開幕戦】ST-Xクラスはスリーボンド日産自大GT-Rがポールポジション - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 【スーパー耐久 開幕戦】ST-Xクラスはスリーボンド日産自大GT-Rがポールポジション - Duration: 3:28.


Brasil perderia R$ 1,1 bilhão com taxa ao aço - Notícias 24/7 - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> Brasil perderia R$ 1,1 bilhão com taxa ao aço - Notícias 24/7 - Duration: 9:37.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Strange Things That Don't Make Sense About The Olsen Twins - Duration: 4:36.

It's safe to assume that any hope for a normal life gets dashed for people who become millionaires

before they can even walk, but Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen cranked the dial on their wacky

personal lives way up.

Though they've found massive success in the fashion world, they've also become increasingly


And they don't really smile... but we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Let's dive right in to the peculiar lives of Mary-Kate and Ashley, shall we?

"You got it, dude."

The Heath Ledger connection

It seems to have been forgotten over the years that Mary-Kate was somehow linked with actor

Heath Ledger's passing in 2008.

There was never any suggestion of foul play, but when Ledger's masseuse found him unconscious,

the first person she called was Mary-Kate, twice — instead of 911.

According to the Daily Mail, Mary-Kate's security team arrived at Ledger's apartment at the

same time as the ambulance.

Multiple news sources reported that Mary-Kate refused to talk to federal investigators about

Ledger's death unless she was granted immunity.

Still, her attorney denied she had anything to hide, saying in a statement,

"Mary-Kate Olsen had nothing whatsoever to do with the drugs found in Heath Ledger's

home or his body, and she does not know where he obtained them."

A source told the New York Daily News,

"The U.S. Attorney of the Southern District decided not to serve Olsen with a subpoena."

...which effectively let Olsen off the hook for any further speculation.

Sweating for art

We get that fashion isn't always meant to be functional.

Clearly that's the case for the Olsen twins, who were spotted in May 2017 stepping out

in New York City wearing what appear to be some heavy fall fashions — including a long

wool overcoat and a huge scarf.

As Refinery 29 points out, the twins were photographed walking down, quote, "a piping

hot New York sidewalk in 90-degree weather."

Either the Olsen twins have secretly been cold-blooded this whole time, or sweating

one's face off is about to be the award-winning look of the summer.


Why so serious?

At some point in their lives, the Olsen twins decided that smiling either wasn't cool or

was too off-brand for them, so they basically stopped doing it in public.

And though they rarely do red carpets, this sullen choice has resulted in countless photo-ops

where their expressions say: "We'd love to be anywhere but here."

"We are definitely attracted to that aesthetic."

There's even been zany speculation that they no longer have teeth.The 2017 MET Gala was

no exception.

Not only did the twins show up in their "signature boho-chic looks," but according to Bravo,

they ice-grilled every other megastar there.

Old is the new young

When Mary-Kate started dating Olivier Sarkozy, who is about 17 years older, eyebrows immediately

shot up.

But then they actually went the distance and got married, leading skeptics to reconsider

whether the unlikely pairing was actually a match made in heaven.

Ashley has also been connected to a string of old dudes.

According to W Magazine, she's been linked to visual artist George Condo, nearly 30 years

her senior, as well as the CEO of Oliver Peoples, David Schulte, who is 17 years older.

Ashley also had a romance with art dealer Richard Sachs, nearly 30 years her senior,

from whom she split in March 2017.

Perhaps this is just a demonstration of the fickle fashionistas having "old souls."

Mary-Kate's wedding

There are few details about the notoriously press-shy Mary-Kate's wedding, but like many

things in the eccentric twins' lives, one bizarre tidbit leaked from the nuptials that

left everyone scratching their heads.

A source told Page Six there were:

"...bowls and bowls filled with cigarettes, and everyone smoked the whole night."

Page Six also reported that guests, of which there were only 50, were required to turn

in their cellphones before a cocktail reception and indoor dinner at a private New York residence.

Missing Michelle

Portraying Michelle Tanner on Full House was the starting point for the Olsen twins' fame…

"I've been on Full House forever."

... but when the cast signed on to be in the sequel series, Fuller House, the Olsen twins

were the only ones to decline.

While it's understandable they've taken their lives in a different direction, it doesn't

seem too much to ask for the Olsens to at least make a cameo as a nod to the fans and

co-stars that cemented their lives of leisure and luxury.

The reclusive duo did sort of share their reasons for skipping the reunion.

According to show producer Bob Boyett,

"Ashley said, 'I have not been in front of a camera since I was 17, and I don't feel

comfortable acting,'" and "Mary-Kate said, It would have to be me because Ash doesn't

want to do it.

But the timing is so bad for us."

Amazingly, Full House and Fuller House creator Jeff Franklin didn't consider the snub a burned

bridge, although he did tell Us Weekly that after three years of rebuffed invitations

to join the show, he's done asking.

He added,

"But when somebody rings a doorbell, the girls yell, 'It's always open!' on the show.

So that's kind of how we feel about the Olsen twins.

The door is open."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Strange Things That Don't Make Sense About The Olsen Twins - Duration: 4:36.


Jason Zhang "Don't think of me" (click cc for Eng Sub)张杰 你就不要想起我 - Duration: 5:44.

"Don't think of me" Jason Zhang

Translation: Gloria Wu

I have been lonely for a while now

Feeling like the world is laughing at me

How proud can I be?

I am fragile, alright?

Once I touch you I fall into pieces

Escape after rousing the sleeping iceberg

You always have your methods

A faraway smile

awakens surging waves

I can smell the scent of scorching tears

You love me too

no reason why love cannot flourish

As long as you dare to stay strong

why should we miss our chance?

Night is long and dreams are plenty

Try not to think of me

Then you will know how much it hurts

Our happiness was so precious then

Can you really want to give it up?

A dream just formed

vanishes in the blink of an eye

I hope you can really sleep well

You love me too

no reason why love cannot flourish

As long as you dare to stay strong

why should we miss our chance?

Night is long and dreams are plenty

Try not to think of me

Please don't come back to apologize

Try not to

lose your mind thinking of me

You love me too

No reason why love cannot flourish

As long as you dare to stay strong

why should we miss our chance?

Night is long and dreams are plenty

Try not to think of me

You love me too

No reason why love cannot flourish

As long as you dare to stay strong

why should we miss our chance?

Night is long and dreams are plenty

Try not to think of me

Let the night guard hear how much you love me

Try not to think of me

For more infomation >> Jason Zhang "Don't think of me" (click cc for Eng Sub)张杰 你就不要想起我 - Duration: 5:44.


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK BUSINESS 2e PAASDAG OPEN! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK BUSINESS 2e PAASDAG OPEN! - Duration: 0:58.


Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8T VECTOR / 2e EIGENAAR / CLIMATE CONTROL / CRUISE CONTROL / LEDER / NAVIGATIE / 1 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8T VECTOR / 2e EIGENAAR / CLIMATE CONTROL / CRUISE CONTROL / LEDER / NAVIGATIE / 1 - Duration: 0:54.


Huawei P20 Pro // Mini Review - Better than the Galaxy S9? - Duration: 6:23.

what's up guys Matthew Mona's here and I've been using the Huawei P 20 pro for

48 hours and just got back from France I'm excited to share my mini review with

you but by no means is this a full one that will come in the coming weeks I'm

also going to provide you guys some context I'm gonna be comparing this to

the galaxy s 9 plus I feel context always tells a better story than just

talking about the device by itself now the first thing I want to talk about is

the design I really love the color scheming Holloway went with there's blue

there's pink there's a matte black and there's even a brand new Twilight color

that changes colors depending on the light dimensions are also fantastic this

is a 6.1 inch device and when you have any next to the galaxy s 9 plus it's not

nearly as tall it's also slightly thinner but it's a little bit wider now

if I was to actually say which one's more comfortable in the head I'd have to

give it to the p20 probe the more rounded edges feel more comfortable to

hold and the fact that there's no edge in general just makes it a lot easier to

type on so let's just get the elephant out of the room right away

there's a notch on this device and you guys absolutely know how I feel about

notches I don't like them but there is hope holly has introduced a feature that

allows you to disable the knotch I think it's a great idea

Android 8.0 is just not optimized to handle notches if the application itself

hasn't been optimized things just look really off now here's the weird thing

this is a glass device the back is made out of glass and usually put glass on a

smartphone you usually incorporate wireless charging it's all in the big

flagship devices so I don't understand why it's not on the p20 Pro in fact it

wasn't even on the make 10 pro the only way to get wireless charging on a

high-end flagship device from Huawei is to buy the Porsche mate RS there's no

headphone jack on it which Bobby took away last year so kind of expected but

you'll notice how perfectly symmetrical this device is when you compare it to

the iPhone 10 when you compare it to the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus the ports line

up a lot better I mean you look at the back of the s9 plus the ports are not

centered the headphone jacks a little bit too far one way the USB type-c

connector is also too far one way and the speakers are not lined up now this

is not a big deal this is not gonna stop you from buying

the phone I'm only mentioning this is because it shows how much more details

were always putting into their design another interesting point is the fact

that there's no more fingerprint scanner on the back of the device while we took

it and put it on the front it's there it's comfortable if you can use it to

take you home and it's also really flush with the screen so you kind of don't

feel a bump or an intrusion in it but if you don't like using a fingerprint

scanner there's also face unlock I don't think it's nearly as secure as the one

on the iPhone 10 but my god is it ever fast I did a comparison in my live

stream a few days ago comparing it to the s 9 plus and it completely smokes it

out of the water stereo speakers are still there right on

the earpiece and the bottom of the phone now it's not as good as the S 9 plus or

iPhone 10 in terms of sound quality but still much better than having a mono

speaker in general the display is 6.1 inches it's all that and has a

resolution of 20 to 80 by 1080 so it's not quite q HD but it's F HD plus it

looks fine it's not the best display for an AMOLED panel and it's probably using

one of Samsung's inferior ones it's definitely better than the one on the

pixel 2 XL but obviously not as good as the one on the galaxy s 9 plus when you

compare them both you can see how much brighter how much more vivid how much

deeper the blacks are on the Galaxy device but overall it's still a very

good display the biggest feature of this device is obviously the camera this

thing has a 40 megapixel sensor on it that takes great photos there's a 20

megapixel monochrome sensor so it shoots black and white and when you pair it

with that big 40 megapixel RGB sensor you get some great results but also

there's a telephoto lens and that telephoto lens goes up to three times

zoom that's one more than the galaxy s 9 and iPhone 10 now I don't know if this

is the best camera on the market I haven't done a full comparison yet but

I'm going to but what I do know is nighttime photography is hands-down the

best on this device some of the night shots I took look absolutely insane I've

never seen this good of quality on a smartphone before but Holly does apply a

lot of image processing on their photos just like other manufacturers they

really do bump up the contrast and the vibrancy of the photos and because it's

using artificial intelligence it's able to detect what you're taking a picture

of for example we took a picture of a blue sky the phone detected it and

completely cranked up the Blues in the photo it looked good on the screen but

once we brought it in to post it was just way too oversaturated the next

thing was a video in 1080p there's optical image stabilization electrical

image stabilization and you think called artificial intelligence

image stabilization this is always new technology they're providing three ways

to stabilize the footage in 1080p when walking down the street it looked

absolutely awesome definitely comparable to the pixel two but when you bumped it

up to 4k one of those image stabilization processes were completely

removed in terms of software it's running Android 8.1 which is above the

galaxy s 9 and I'm just hoping that hallway updates their phones a little

bit quicker in the future I mean everything is what you expect it's using

mui 8.1 so if you've used the version from last year it looks a lot like the

iPhone 10 bigger boxy icons you have to enable the app drawer but you do get

Google Assistant when you swipe to the right battery life is absolutely nuts

with this phone four thousand milliamp so I'm easily getting six hours of

screen on time in comparison with the galaxy s 9 plus I'm only getting about

four I have zero issues of battery anxiety I don't have to worry about my

phone need to be topped up throughout the day I can make it from 5 a.m. in the

morning to midnight and still have about 20 to 30% battery life left so here are

my closing thoughts the Huawei P 20 Pro has fantastic performance the keren 970

may not benchmark as high as a snapdragon 845 but in day-to-day use it

runs much better than the galaxy s 9 plus I do love this camera this camera

is amazing it has the possibility of being one of the better cameras of 2018

but more testing has to be done I do like the design I do like the fact that

I can disable the knotch I do wish the dual speakers were slightly a little bit

better I do wish there was wireless charging

and the software is either hit or miss you either love it or hate it but it's

definitely no stock Android so stay tuned for my full review subscribe so

you can be one of the first people to see it let me know what you guys think

of this phone in the comments below hit that like button and subscribe if you

haven't already

For more infomation >> Huawei P20 Pro // Mini Review - Better than the Galaxy S9? - Duration: 6:23.


Renault Grand Scénic 2.0-16V T 7 pers 163pk 6bak,airco,el-pakket,trekh. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic 2.0-16V T 7 pers 163pk 6bak,airco,el-pakket,trekh. - Duration: 1:00.


New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #60 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:21.

Hope you love its!

Hepl me share video if you love its.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #60 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:21.


10 Times Gordon Ramsay Ate EXOTIC FOOD! (Part 2) - Duration: 12:50.

Gordon Ramsay travels the world in search of the best food and the best tastes imaginable,

partly to expand his knowledge of food, but also so we can follow him and explore cuisine


Ramsay's ability to stomach almost anything means he will try all kinds of exotic food,

so much so that we had to make two videos!

Ten just wasn't enough, so don't forget to see part 1 by following the link in the


So, on with part 2!

Wild Boar War

Who doesn't love a barbecue, especially when it's covered in pork!

This dish is special, as you get paid to eat it!

Who wouldn't want that?

Ramsay sets out to hunt some wild boar that are plaguing the American countryside.

With the help of some soldiers, a war is declared on the elusive wild boar - or in this case,

not so elusive.

With a $40 bounty on their heads, these pigs are in the sights of Ramsay and his military

mate, Major Bobby Toon.

It doesn't look good Ramsay.

After finally working out how to fire a gun, Ramsay scores a few bullseyes with the rifle

but just can't get to grips with the handgun.

"Sod the Pistol".

The next morning at 6am they begin their hunt by tracking down a hog by following its poop.

On the floor and on the trees, Ramsay enjoys a good smell before realizing he's sniffing

pig butt.


Ironically, it is Ramsay's bad smell that scares off the hogs so they resort to trapping


Once it has been killed and washed in the creek, they get to butchering it in the wild.

Shoulders, Filet, Tenderloin, Ribs, and Hams - Ramsay cuts them all as Major Bobby Toon

points out the mountain oysters - much to Ramsay's disgust.

After boiling the ribs in a stock, Ramsay makes his own barbecue sauce and grills them

for a squad of hungry American soldiers to devour.

As the British would say, "put more pork on your fork!"

Good riddance to bad hog, eh boys?

Before we move on to more Gordon goodness.

Show your love and hit the subscribe button, and never miss a new video from us here at

Babble Top.

Now Back to the show.

Thai Spicy Sausage

Sausages are a breakfast staple.

Served with eggs, this humble meaty morsel is a favorite across the world.

However, in Thailand, things get a little spicy as you might expect.

When Ramsay visited Chiang Mai, he was told he had to try the local spicy sausage delicacy

- Sai Oua.

This sausage is packed with chilies and herbs galore - and boy can you tell.

After some concerns that Ramsay was there to steal her secret recipes, Auntie Rot was

finally convinced to take him out back and show him how it was made.

Filling a grinder with hundreds of chilies, Ramsay looks nervous as he adds shallots,

garlic, and Thai herbs.

Out come the intestines that need to be filled and Ramsay begins to gag once again.

At this point, Ramsay throws away his notes, much to Auntie Rot's pleasure!

Trying to fill the intestines with the spicy pork filling leaves Ramsay dropping the food

on the floor and Auntie Rot laughing at him from behind.

Poor Ramsay… never again.

A Cuddly Puffin Snack

Ramsay heads to Iceland to try some puffin - much to bird lovers' dismay.

After grilling the local chefs about puffin meat, he decided to go out grill one himself.

Before you get upset, in Iceland puffins are eaten daily.

They are a staple dish, and only the best air fishers can catch them.

Before heading out Ramsay makes a bread that is baked in the volcanic ash underground for

a night - pretty cool!

The next morning Ramsay and Oli head out to practice their air fishing skills.

The first catch is traditionally released, so Ramsay tries to give it a kiss and almost

gets his nose pecked right off!

This lucky bird is soon released, although Ramsay probably wanted to cook it up right

there and then.

It takes Ramsay three hours to catch his first bird.

Talk about staying in the kitchen!

When he finally does, he almost falls off a cliff!

As Ramsay and Oli skin their birds, Oli takes a raw heart and chews it down - and poor Ramsay

follows suit, nicknaming Oli Hannibal under his breath.

Well done Gordon - you're a braver soul than any of us!

When preparing to cook, Ramsay found out his bread was stolen overnight… or maybe he

just forgot where he buried it.

Luckily for him, Oli had a bread at hand and they enjoyed a delicious puffin dinner with

a yogurt cucumber salad and grilled vine tomatoes.

Much better than the raw heart earlier, eh Oli...or was that Hannibal?

Thai Style Oysters - They're Spicy!

Back in Thailand, a topless Ramsay heads out on a boat to catch some oysters.

Hot stuff, Ramsay.

After grabbing a haul of fresh gooey oysters, he heads to a shack to cook.

His fellow chef teaches him how to make a traditional hot and sour soup that is filled

with fish and spices.

Gordon then is instructed to make a paste, mashing together Thai herbs and chili.

"Bang bang until smooth,' she tells him, "More Bang Bang!"

- Ramsay is not here for the bang-bang, auntie, he is here for the food!

Dipping his little finger in, he tastes the spicy dip before coughing again at the spiciness!

Gordon cannot handle his spice it seems!

After shucking some oysters, he enjoys them raw and fresh with the spicy sauce and washes

it down with the hot and sour fish soup.

Not bad for a day at the beach, eh, Gordon?!

Farmed Caviar - Is it as good?

Caviar is one of the finest and most prestigious foods in the entire world.

Ramsay describes them as individual pearls exploding in your mouth - "absolutely delicious"

- calm down Ramsay!

Caviar is, however, a rare ingredient and with sturgeon fish going extinct, Ramsay heads

to Spain to try out farmed caviar - and he is not convinced.

Despite the owner claiming the caviar tastes better, Ramsay needs to try it for himself,

so he heads out to the farm and catches his own.

After grabbing a mother that is almost 20 years old, they give it an ultrasound to check

her eggs.

What a proud mother.

After heading to the operation theatre, the female fish are ready to have the eggs extracted,

and they put Ramsay in charge of the scalpel.

Is that what you ask all the ladies, Gordon?

Naughty boy.

After the eggs are extracted, they are seasoned with salt and left to mature for four months.

One fish can have up to 10,000 British pounds worth of caviar - an incredible haul.

After all that, however, Gordon goes and puts his caviar in a potato salad.

Hmm… interesting choice.

Torpedo Soup

While on a great escape in Malaysia, Ramsay meets with two bikers who love to bike around

and find the most exotic food to eat.

When they visited a small market, they ordered Ramsay a bowl of Torpedo Soup.

The bikers try to subtly tell Ramsay that the torpedo is exactly what he thinks it is…

yep, it's a bull's penis.

Whipping out the elongated penis, Ramsay gets to work.

ouch ouch.

I bet all the ladies tell you that, Gordon!

The story goes that the penis brings strength to the men that eat it and make them last

longer in the sack.

Ramsay surely doesn't need any of this but he was gracious and gave it a try.

Flavored with cloves and cinnamon, the soup was actually delicious.

It's hard to tell what Ramsay is blown away by more, the long bull penis or the delicious


Number One Thailand - Pat Krapao

Back to Thailand, Gordon discovers the real official Thai dish, and it's not Pad Thai.

Mister whiskers throw everything into the wok and gets to work creating arguably the

best Thai dish out there - Pat Krapao.

Sweet and sour, this basil-rich dish is all the rage in Thailand, especially with a fried

egg on top!

Unconvinced, Ramsay tucks in and is pleasantly surprised!

See Gordon, not all exotic food has to be weird, some of it is actually good!

Bird's Nest Soup

Eating exotic doesn't always mean eating cheap.

Flying all the way to Malaysia's Borneo, Gordon admits to NEVER eating a real birds

nest soup!

Call him a fine dining chef…

On the hunt to try it fresh, he meets with a villager from a local tribe that takes him

into the jungle and helps him harvest the nest from a dark cave.

The nests are taken after the birds have left their nests so no chicken kiev and a fried

egg to go with this soup!

Malaysia exports these nests to China, where birds nest soup is said to improve your lifespan

after an ancient Chinese emperor named it 'longevity soup'.

Click like if you want longevity for Ramsay!

Today, these exports are worth five million pounds a year!

That's a sh*t load of birds nests, as Ramsay would say!

Almost falling down into the cave… whoops…

Ramsay begins to think this is not the best ideas when he catches a whiff of bat sh*t

and asks if the taste is worth it!

His guide quickly confirms that, no, he has never eaten bat sh*t - what a donut!

Deeper into the cave and at risk of a bat dropping a fresh one in his mouth, he reverts

back to his good old ways - "I hope this tastes f*cking amazing".

At the top of a 100m high cave, Ramsay and his guides head up a bamboo ladder that he

hopes can hold his weight.

"I hope it can hold 15 stone".

At the top of the ladder, tempers begin to fray as he is greeted by a massive spider.

After all that, he heads back to a shack where an auntie boils the nest in water and adds

some sugar.

You can tell by the look on Ramsay's face that it really wasn't worth all that effort…

So much for a hot and spicy soup.

All he was left with was a bowl of boiled woven bird spit… yum.

"Doesn't make sense".

Ramsay Goes Vegi in India

To end this list, we meet Gordon on his final leg of his Great Escape as he re-visits India

to discover their most popular dishes.

As he visits a vegetarian restaurant, Ramsay sits through a lecture about how eating too

much meat makes you bad-tempered.

Looks like she's right, Gordon!

Ordering the most popular vegetarian dish in India, Gordon better be on his best behavior.

Idili Sambar and Roll Dosa Pancake.

Mixing the idili in a spicy sambar soup, Ramsay begins to have his heart changed about vegetarian


See Gordon, vegetarian food is good for your soul.

But please don't go full-on vegetarian, otherwise, Hell's kitchen may turn into

heaven's kitchen.

Halfway through his dinner, Ramsay is invited to spend a week in a temple, eating only vegetarian

food with a bunch of monks.

Needless to say, we all know what meat-fueled response he gave.

Stuffed Frog in Cambodia

Although Gordon Ramsay can be a bit of a drama queen in the kitchen, he doesn't shy away

from getting down and dirty when out on tour.

When Chef Ramsay heads to the lagoons in Cambodia to hunt frogs, the first thing he sees is

a snakeskin.

Flashbacks to Vietnam maybe Lucky for him, the owner of this snakeskin is long gone.


Frogs are on the menu for dinner tonight, but first, he has to catch one!

His Cambodian hunter friend soon shoots and nabs dozens of frogs that are just begging

to be stuffed.

Killed, gutted and skinned, the frog meat is then finely chopped.

Ramsay does a good job until he is told twice to stop!

Making mends by stuffing the frogs very well, they set to grilling them.

They say the French love frogs, but Cambodians seem to love them more - with a "très bon"

from the dinner guests.

Well done, Gordon!

So, Gordon wows us again with another ten of the most exotic foods he has ever tried.

Is there anything on this list that you would try?

Leave a comment below and tell us about your most exotic meal.

Don't miss out on your chance to win an iPhoneX.

All you have to do is hit that Subscribe button and the notification bell, then click the

description below to increase your odds of winning.

For more infomation >> 10 Times Gordon Ramsay Ate EXOTIC FOOD! (Part 2) - Duration: 12:50.


How to Copy (almost) Any Object - Duration: 18:38.

Hello and welcome back to Switch and Lever!

I'm sure I am not alone in having some precious objects around me which I wish I had more


If only there was a way to copy physical objects in a similar way to sticking it into a copy

machine and hitting print.

Surprisingly, it may not be terribly much more complicated than that.

In this video we will go through the steps involved with scanning a physical object all

the way through holding the copy of it in our hands.

So come on, let's get going!

Comparing copying something flat, like a photo, through a regular copy machine and copying

a physical object is fairly similar.

You first have to scan the object you wish to copy, and secondly you need to print it


First step is scanning.

Various technologies to do 3D scanning have been around for quite some time, but unfortunately

most technologies for highly accurate 3d scanning are very expensive, and require highly specialized


I have used a couple of these methods in the past when scanning my own head, something

which I used to CNC mill my own coin in a previous video on this channel, as well as

done other fun stuff with.

Fortunately for us there have been great advances made in methods which require no specialized

equipment beyond a decent camera.

In this video I will focus on copying two objects, one small, a ring, and one larger,

a mannequin head, each with their own challenges.

The first, and coincidentally free method, as long as you have a camera, is photogrammetry.

Photogrammetry is the technology of constructing 3D geometry from photographs.

We'll use software to analyze photos of our object to be copied, and the software will

measure and match photos with each other until it hopefully understands how the 3D geometry

of our object fits together.

I say hopefully, because it is dependant on having good photos of your object, from every

conceivable angle.

You really want to make sure you're capturing every little nook and cranny, especially so

if your object is intricate.

A rule of thumb is to try to photograph every point of the object from at least three different

angles, to give the software a good chance of triangulating different points on your

object and successfully constructing 3D geometry.

Photogrammetry works great on slightly bigger objects, like this mannequin head, but can

be used on a much larger scale as well.

When you're taking your photos there are some important things to consider though.

Some tips while taking photos of your object Work in good even lighting

Shoot with small aperture (for crisper photos) Make sure your photos are in focus

Avoid reflective objects (as reflections will vary depending on your angle)

Avoid shadowing your object (as that can cause issues with matching photos together)

Once we have our photos, what do we actually do with them?

I mentioned software just a short while ago, and there are a few really good photogrammetry

packages out there.

The most popular one is probably Agisoft PhotoScan, and if you're curious about it they do offer

a 30 day trial, but after that will charge quite an exorbitant amount of money for continued


Autodesk also offers a software called Recap which also has a free trial, and uses cloud

based analysis, but after the trial comes with a monthly subscription cost.

I started the process of scanning with Autodesk ReCap, but soon moved over to a more recent

addition to the photogrammetry scene called 3DF Zephyr.

Luckily enough they offer a completely free version of their software, and it is truly


The free version does have some limitations, like the amount of photos per project is limited

to 50, but for most simpler objects that's going to be more than enough.

If you're interested in diving deeper into different photogrammetry software look at

the Wikipedia article linked in the description, as the selection of software is vast.

The mannequin head that I scanned took quite a few tries to get right, for many reasons.

It's actually easier for the software to scan something that's not completely smooth, something

with more defining features, than what this head was.

The more detail or texture there is the more unique points the software will find.

The plastic of the head was also a bit too reflective to get a good result.

I tried different ways of rectifying that, such as painting the head with a matte primer

and adding sticky dots to give more defining features.

Even though the results were better it still had a lot of issues.

I tried rotating the head on a lazy suzan instead of moving the camera, and tried to

mask the background completely away.

Even though my results left something to be desired, masking is a method which is proven

to work.

Check out Niels Provos' recent video on copying an antique axe head where he successfully

uses this method.

The full video is linked in the description.

Another method to use is to set up an array of cameras around the object, and trigger

them all at once.

This is especially useful with objects which won't stand perfectly still, but on the downside

requires a lot of cameras.

This is being used right now in 3D photobooths, to which you can go, get scanned and have

a miniature copy of yourself made.

Continuing with the head, I even ended up drawing small dots all over, and when that

failed tried connecting them with lines, to create enough points for matching.

Even though quality mostly continued to improve they still were spectacular failures.

In some ways the failures are more interesting than the final result, and you could definitely

use these failed scans for artistic purposes if you were so inclined.

What did end up working was spattering the whole head with both white and black spray

paint, to give a random painted texture over the head.

The results also started getting a lot better once I switched over to using 3DF Zephyr.

It's not immediately visible right here, but up close the detail is quite a lot higher

with 3DF Zephyr compared to Autodesk ReCap.

The mesh is more than ten times more dense.

The results after this process was simply better than I expected going into this!

3DF Zephyr has a fairly easy learning curve.

You drop your photos into the software, and let it match the photos to each other and

calculate what is called a sparse point cloud, which is basically matched points between

the photos.

From this sparse point cloud it will further calculate a dense point cloud, and finally

from this point cloud will create a 3D mesh with your geometry, even with textures if

you so desire.

Prepare to let your computer do quite a lot of heavy lifting, so go and make a coffee

and read a good book while it's computing all the 3D data.

I'm not going into all the little details of how to use the program, but a healthy dose

of experimenting ought to set you on the right path.

If everything went well your geometry should be pretty close to your object.

It's quite likely that the result has some issues though, like holes in the geometry,

or things being completely distorted, sometimes with hilarious results.

For some things, like smaller holes, 3DF Zephyr has tools to fix, for others there's no choice

but going back and taking better photos or spending a lot of time in a 3D modeling software.

In fact, when you're starting out you're probably going to find yourself going back and redoing

the photography several times until you get a result you're happy with and start developing

a method you know works for you and with your equipment.

This is of course not the only thing you can scan using this method, any object that's

roughly the size of a fist and bigger ought to work great, provided you can get around

the object and take photos from multiple angles.

This method has been used extensively to capture architectural features, like this entryway

to where I used to work.

Or this stone step, with every little detail caught.

You don't even need an amazing camera to capture decent results, like this rock nearby where

I used to live, which was put together from just ten photos taken with an iPhone, in just

a few seconds.

Or this face which came from a facade in Stockholm's old city was also captured with an iPhone


If you have access to a remote controlled helicopter you could even do video shoots

of your house from different angles and use the same software to piece it together into

a model of your house.

This house model came from a website called Sketchfab which has a lot of 3d photogrammetry

models available for download from their users.

I highly recommend to check it out, just follow the link in the description of this video.

Once you start seeing the world with 3D scanning eyes you start to realize that the sky is

the limit, and almost anything can be 3D scanned, whether it should be 3D scanned or not.

And with that, I bring you, bread!

Why would you scan bread?

Why wouldn't you scan bread?

The whole reason I actually started this project was because I wanted to copy a very special

object, a plastic ring I've had since I was a kid.

I think I got this (and a few like it) from a chewing gum machine well over 25 years ago.

I loved this ring, but it's made of plastic and my fingers just aren't the size they were

when I was a kid.

To make a long story short, I wanted to copy this, so I once again could wear my childhood


I tried, repeatedly, to use photogrammetry to get this ring scanned.

The reflective surface obviously wouldn't work, but neither did painting it with a gray

primer, and neither did giving it a little structure.

It was time to turn to another method.

Another very popular method of scanning is structured light scanning, where you usually

pass a laser line over an object and use a camera to interpret how that line bends over

the object.

There are more budget variants to use this, even some homebrew hacks where you can build

your own scanner.

At my previous place of employment I was lucky enough to find an old NextEngine 3D scanner

hidden away in a dusty corner and managed to get it up and running again.

This has a few years on it, and newer ones produce a bit better results, mainly due to

better cameras, but this was sufficient for what I needed.

It constructs a point cloud, similarly to what 3DF Zephyr does from photos.

The strength is that you can easily scan once, reposition the item being scanned and scan

again, to get all angles of your item.

Then you can merge all of these in the software.

Bear in mind that this method still has the same limitations as before when it comes to

reflective surfaces, so priming or dusting the object with talcum powder may be a good


NextEngine's 3D scanner is just one such scanner on the market, and it does cost a pretty penny.

However, if you need really high quality meshes using structured light scanning technology

may be the only way to go.

There's a good comparison of different methods on the NextEngine website, which shows what

you can expect from each method.

Unfortunately though they don't really compare it to better photogrammetry methods, like

Agisoft Photoscan, or 3DF Zephyr.

Also, the open source community is working on exciting things in this field, like the

FreeLSS platform, which is essentially an open source, 3D printed, laser line scanner,

based on Raspberry Pi.

All the material you need is open source, so if you want to experiment with it yourself,

do check it out!

You can actually do proper laser 3D scanning as well, using LIDAR sensors and essentially

measuring the time for the laser to bounce from the emitter and back to your sensor.

It's generally not something that's commonly used for the kind of scanning that we're doing

in this video, but is common when measuring elevation and creating topographical maps.

If you want to experiment at least with the source material from such scans a lot of the

earth is available for download in various Digital Elevation Map formats.

With them you can create 3D topographic maps, to use for visualization or similar things

which we will do later in this video.

Back to the ring, and as you can see the result of the scan was still not perfect, but compared

what I got from doing photogrammetry it was like night and day.

The result from the scanner may seem quite rough, but aside from the holes where the

scanner couldn't reach, it is a pretty accurate representation of the original ring, as the

plastic itself isn't all that high definition and has plenty of small bumps and mold lines.

So, there is still plenty of work to be done.

which is mostly true regardless of 3d scanning method.

The more care you take in the scanning the less issues you have to fix afterwards.

Either way there may be noise in the scan, disjointed parts, holes or other geometries

which need to be fixed.

As you can see the skull ring still has some major issues, but most is there.

Using a software package like Zbrush or Sculptris, which allows you to sculpt 3D geometry rather

than use traditional 3d modeling tools you can fix these geometries and smooth the surfaces.

I cleaned up the ring, smoothed some areas and increased the definition in others, until

the ring looked the way I wanted to.

Sure, it was not an exact representation of the plastic ring I wore as a child, but it

definitely shares provenance.

Right now, regardless of which method you used, still all we have is some 3D geometry

in the computer, but I think you can easily figure out how to get it back into the physical


That's right, through the wonders of 3D printing!

First of all let's tackle the head.

Once I had cleaned it up after the scanning I simply pushed it out in ABS plastic on a

Flashforge Dreamer 3D printer, and indeed it came out pretty nice.

Just copying something may be fun, but you could also do more interesting things with


I did some modeling and reprinted the head, making a snazzy USB flash drive from it.

Stupidly I didn't take into account how thin my computer is, but eh such is life.

If you don't have access to a 3D printer yourself there are services, such as Shapeways, which

happily will print your models for you in a variety of materials.

I've used Shapeways plenty of times in the past, so it's no surprise I'm a fan, but I

have no affiliation with them and my endorsement is entirely from my own experience.

In a previous video, making a branding iron, I demoed how you can 3d print steel with Shapeways,

but since we're making a ring something a bit more sparkly is definitely more aprorpriate.

This time around we're printing in silver.

Well, that's kind of a misuse of the term.

Shapeways will actually print it in wax, and then use the wax to cast a silver piece for


The process may not be the cheapest, but it's an entirely custom part, and for that it's

not terribly expensive.

Try going to a jeweler and getting a custom piece like this made and see what it will


Quite frankly, I couldn't be happier.

The ring fits and feels amazing, and while it arrived to my doorstep highly polished

and reflective given a couple of months of use it's tarnished beautifully, and got an

amazing depth to it.

I know wearing a skull ring may be seen as tacky by some, but hey, live and let live


Of course, you can choose to print things out in other metals, or plastics, even colored

or transparent plastic if that catches your fancy more.

Remember the scanned bread from before?

Yep, you could even have a piece of 3d printed bread, though I wouldn't recommend eating

it, even though it is gluten free.

I will actually be giving away this 3d print to one lucky instagram follower, so be sure

to head on over to the Switch & Lever instagram account for more information and rules for

the giveaway.

Come on, you know you want this absolutely unique piece of Switch & Lever memorabilia!

That's really all there is to it, if you have a camera you can start experimenting with

photogrammetry today already.

Download 3DF Zephyr, photograph your favourite thing, sleeping person, an unsuspecting pet,

your house, or whatever else floats your boat, and print and scatter copies of the weirdest

things imaginable all around.

Thank you so much for watching, I really hope you enjoyed this much longer than usual video,

and maybe also learned a thing or two.

Even so, there are plenty of other videos on this channel, why don't you give one or

thirty eight of them a look?

Remember to head on over to instagram and enter the raffle for the 3d printed bread.

You could be the lucky winner!

Until next time!

For more infomation >> How to Copy (almost) Any Object - Duration: 18:38.


[KR] 남사친과 패션위크! Couple School Look to Hera Fashion Week! ft. Edward Avila | Vlog#59 - Duration: 14:36.

For more infomation >> [KR] 남사친과 패션위크! Couple School Look to Hera Fashion Week! ft. Edward Avila | Vlog#59 - Duration: 14:36.


20' Tiny House Sitting On An Iron Eagle Trailer | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 20' Tiny House Sitting On An Iron Eagle Trailer | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.


Sony XB21 Review & VS Sony XB20 - Well, At Least Its Durable - Duration: 8:23.

Just like the Sony XB31, the Sony 21 is a refined version of the previous XB20.

I really like the new design and durability improvements found on the XB31 and XB41.

But unfortunately, I don't think the new design langue carried over very well to the


Don't get me wrong… its still good, but I prefer the looks of the XB20 over the XB21.

The Sony XB21 is the smallest and most affordable speaker in Sony's newest portable bluetooth

speaker line up.

It currently retails for $99.99 and it comes in 4 color ways black blue red or white.

The older Sony XB20 is now going for as low as 70 bucks.

If you want to pick up either of these speakers I'll have a link in the description below

and if you use the link it really helps out the channel.

Personally I would pick up an XB20 before they're gone and I highly suggest you check

out the XB21 cause sony products routinely go on sale so you never know.

Under the hood, the Sony XB21 is rocking very similar internals to the Sony XB20.

They're both using bluetooth 4.2, they both charge via a micro USB cable, and they both

have an AUX jack.

They both also have 1.65 inch diameter transducers and dual passive radiators that shoot out

the front and out the back.

Both of these speakers also feature a light feature on the front, but they look and perform

very differently.

Both the light features on the Sony XB31 and XB41 have been improved from their previous

generations, they're much more vibrant and they look much better.

But on the other hand, I feel the light feature on the XB21 doesn't look nearly as good

as the XB20.

The light feature on the XB20 is much easier to see and it much more dramatic.

Just like the XB31 and XB41, the XB21 now has a fabric outer shell.

But I don't think the XB21 looks as good as its larger brothers, due to its proportions

and how visible the light strip is… it kind of looks like a rectangular baseball to me.

Personally I prefer the pill shaped industrial look the XB20 has with its exposed speakers,

painted metal grill on the front, and soft touch body.

I know looks are completely subjective so comment down below with which design you prefer.

But the XB21's new shape does give it the ability to stand up straight while the XB20

can only be laid flat.

Ok, now that I've ranted about the XB21's design lets talk about its improvements over

the XB20.

In general, Sony's new speakers are way more durable than its older speakers.

The Sony XB20 is just IPX5 rated so a splash over water here and there isn't going to

be a problem.

But you should still take it easy on the XB20… you shouldn't submerge it and I would try

to avoid getting sand in it.

The XB21 on the other hand is IP67 rated, so its dust proof, its water proof and it

also floats and sony also claims that its shock proof as well now.

Having all of this extra durability is always a very welcomed feature for small portable


Battery life is also pretty much the same between these two speakers.

Both of these speakers advertise a battery life of 12 hours but only expect to achieve

that if you're playing music at 50% and with the light feature turned off.

Real work use with the light feature turned on and with the volume set at 80% I was able

to get 6 hours of battery life before the speakers started interrupting the music by

saying please charge every 30 seconds… ok lets get the sound test going!

Unlike the Sony XB30 and Sony XB31 which sound exactly the same in their default settings,

I actually think the Sony XB20 sounds better than the XB21 when they both have the extra

bass feature turned on.

Both of these speakers have the same amount of bass, but I feel the sound is much fuller

and the mids and vocalist are much more pronounced on the XB20 than on the XB21.

And for those who might not be familiar with Sony's Extra Bass line up, these speakers

are on the warmer side so they're going to be better for hip hop, rap or EDM cause

they put a lot of emphasis on the bass.

If you listen to pop, rock, or anything that has an emphasis on vocals then you might think

these speakers sound muddy.

But if you head over to Sony's music center app you will find a sound mode called live


And live sound is different from just having the extra bass feature turned off.

With live sound on turned on the Bass on the XB21 is lowered a little bit, mids and vocalists

get pushed to the front and the treble is increased a little bit.

This is the setting you want to use if you're not listening to a lot of rap.

Unfortunately the XB20 doesn't have this setting but you can always just change the

equalizer settings on either of these speakers through the App.

When listening to a podcast I usually like to turn off the extra bass feature on the


And it super easy you literally just press the extra bass button.

The XB21 doesn't have a dedicated Extra bass button anymore but you can still turn

the feature off by pressing and holding the Play and Minus button at the same until the

power indicator light turns green.

And to turn the extra bass feature back on all you have to do is press and hold the Play

and minus button again until the light turns white again.

Regarding connectivity both of these speakers have the same wireless range of about 50 feet

and they both have surprisingly very little latency when watching video.

Now you can connect up to 100 sony speakers which sony calls wireless party chain, anything

from the XB20 all the way up to the XB90 and they'll all play in sync… and the newer

XB21 connects to the XB20 with no problems.

If you want to learn how to pair these speakers up watch my tutorial.

But if you want to get left and right stereo sound going then you need to have 2 of the

same speakers.

Unfortunately the XB20 and XB21 wont play in stereo mode, only in sync.

Sony's app also allows you to play around with the light feature found on both of these

speakers and you have the same three options.

Theres Rave where the lights will flash to the beat of your music, theres chill where

the lights will gradually blink on and off and theres strobe.

But unlike the larger Sony speakers, the light feature on the XB20 and XB21 doesn't change


And like I mentioned earlier…

I feel the light feature on the older XB20 looks much better than the one

on the XB21.

Personally, I still like the XB20 more than the XB21.

I feel it looks much better than the XB21 and I think it sounds slightly better than

the XB21 right out of the box.

But the XB21 is much more durable than the XB20 which was kind of its achilles heel when

comparing it to

the JBL Flip 4.

The XB21 is ok but I think you're better off getting the XB20 before they're gone

or spend the extra 50 bucks and get the XB31, you cant go wrong

with the XB31.

For more infomation >> Sony XB21 Review & VS Sony XB20 - Well, At Least Its Durable - Duration: 8:23.


Plumber Feels Bump In Water, Sees Tiny Foot Float To Surface. That's When He Starts Pulling - Duration: 3:12.

Plumber Feels Bump In Water, Sees Tiny Foot Float To Surface.

That's When He Starts Pulling

Angelo Mondragon was just planning on spending a relaxing day at the lake with his family.

He had no idea that by the end of the day he would have saved a little girl's life

and thousands would be hailing him a hero.

Angelo, a plumber from Fort Collins, Colorado, was spending the weekend at Windsor Lake with

his family.

He waded out into the water and was about waist deep when he felt something bump against

his leg.

Startled, he kicked at whatever it was, and that's when he saw something the left him

cold – a tiny foot had floated up to the surface of the water.

"It felt like something you normally wouldn't feel in the water," he recalled.

"I did sort of a back kick to bring up whatever it was, and then I saw the bottom of a baby's

foot float up."

Immediately he grabbed the foot and pulled the toddler – a little girl – out of the

water while he screamed for her family and for someone to call 9-1-1.

"I grabbed her and carried her limp body to the shore," he said.

"The girl was already blue.

She wasn't breathing."

Angelo began to perform CPR on the little girl and two off-duty nurses rushed to help

as they waited for emergency crews to arrive.

The little girl, 3-year-old Sitlali Hernandez, was rushed to the children's hospital in


Miraculously, doctors were able to save her.

Angelo was able to visit Sitlali and her grateful parents in the hospital and was happy to see

the little girl in good condition.

He said he is thankful he was in the right place at the right time.

"If I was not in that right spot at the right time, it could have been a search and

rescue mission," Mondragon said.

Since Sitlali's near-drowning, Angelo has made it his mission to ensure something like

this never happens again.

The CDC reports that "from 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional

drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States."

That comes out to about 10 deaths every day.

One in five of those deaths are children 14 years old and younger, and for every child

who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency care for injuries related to near-drowning.

Angelo knows that if Sitlali had been wearing a life vest that day, the situation could

have been much different, so now he is working with local residents and businesses to collect

life vests for those who don't have them or can't afford to buy them.

While a life vest is not a substitute for a parent or guardian's supervision, accidents

do happen, and it could mean the difference between life and death.

Many people have been hailing Angelo a hero for what he did that day, but the humble man

says he just did what he hopes anyone else would do.

"As I told the little girl's mom," he said, "when I saw the baby's toes that

became my baby."

Do you agree that Angelo is a hero?

So share this!

For more infomation >> Plumber Feels Bump In Water, Sees Tiny Foot Float To Surface. That's When He Starts Pulling - Duration: 3:12.


Turning Points and Timing | Felix Zulauf Outtake | Real Vision Video - Duration: 9:46.

Felix Zulauf is one of the true legends of the investment industry and a man I've been

waiting to meet in person for almost a decade.

Over the course of a day in Naples Florida, I was treated to a fascinating look inside

the mind of a man whose made bold calls and demonstrated an uncanny knack of identifying

big turning points in markets and then capitalizing on them.

Not all of what we talked about made it into the final cut of our conversation but that

certainly doesn't mean that what was left out is any less valuable, here's a little

look at what was a truly wonderful conversation.

Market timers tend to be early by 6 months to a year, sometimes more, particularly in

this cycle because as we've talked about, it's been elongated.

But '87 you were early by a matter of days, Japan you were early by almost a matter of

hours and the Telco, dotcom you were right there in 2000.

In terms of spotting turning points coming, but watching for that moment at which to actually

do something about it, are there any particular signs that you look for that make you say


What was it about January 2000 and what was it about September 87, and what was it about

the beginning of 1990 in Japan?

Because there's something going on here that's remarkably close to those turning points.

Well, first of all, it's the fundamental framework when the monetary liquidity situation begins

to tighten you know you are close to a turning point.

And then its a timing question, then you go to your timing tools, that's technical analysis.

So then you do your trend analysis, and you measure the trends.

Will the trends begin to mature, and lose power?

And you work closer to that point where it turns.

You can still make mistakes but that's how I work, the trend and momentum.

You know valuation is crazy at that point.

You see the monetary situation is detereorating, then you go to your technical tools, and trend

and momentum is what I use and then somehow the days before something crazy happens I

always had sort of a gut feeling.

It was always like I had some electricity vibrating in my stomach, you know, and I always...

my wife could confirm that I always told, in all those instances, I told my wife "something

is going to happen.

I can feel it, something is going to happen."

We are getting close, so when you live with the markets and when it means a lot to you,

what you do as a profession, as a job, and analyzing the world and markets then it just

feeds back to you.

And you feel it.

I find this really interesting.

I spoke to Richard Pomboy, Stephanie Pomboy, and Eric Pomboy's father, and he had a similar

experience in '87.

He went to 100% cash the day before it happened, and he said, it was just a gut feeling, that

I knew something was building and something was going on that didn't feel right and for

whatever reason that morning I just came in and I said "there's a crash going to happen."

And he went to 100% cash.

So soon before it happened, that he hadn't had time to tell his investors, so they were

ringing up on the morning of October 19th, 1987 saying "oh my god we're ruined."

And he said, "Well I'm sorry, I didn't have time to tell you but we're 100% in cash, don't


I think that was a Monday, October 19th, and I was actually out, I was delivering a speech

in Southern Germany.

There was a reunion of a big company with their clients and I delivered a speech before

dinner, pre-dinner speech, and I think I opened the speech by saying "This is a speech you

will never forget, not because of what I tell you but because of what's going to happen


And you saw the opening already, you saw the closing on Friday and we didn't have smartphones

at that time but we had those little Reuters machines, the pocket pager things, and I saw

the opening with the delay, I saw the opening, so I said, this is a dinner speech you will

never forget, not because of me but because of what will happen tonight.

And the other morning at breakfast, they all showed up at breakfast, everybody was pale.

White-faced yeah!

It was an interesting experience.

Yeah, it's interesting because when you describe these turning points, the reduction of liquidity,

the trends the momentum the technical analysis, we're there now it feels like to me.We can

see the liquidity in many ways, certainly from the Federal Reserve, it's starting to

be reigned in, even though on a global basis, which I guess is maybe the difference now,

it still feels like it's expanding.

It's very interesting you say that because on January 24th this year I held a webinar

for our clients together with Ed Heiman for his clients and it was just a fireside chat

about what we see going on and what's coming and in that webinar, I said "it feels to me

like '87.

It feels to me like '87, something is in the air."

We have liquidity getting tighter, we have extended markets and something could happen

very short-term.

You have the finance, the secretary of the treasury talking down the dollar just like

then, you have bond yields going up, you have stocks going up and losing momentum, something

is in the air.

And a few days later things started.

So yeah, when you look at that now, but we do have this... the world seems much more

globally connected now than it was back in '87.

Even though it was a global crash, it was a bunch of isolated crashes happening in tandem,

now it feels as though, since the end of QE3 there's an extra 5 trillion dollars of stimulus

that's been applied by the Bank of Japan, People's Bank of China etc and the Swiss National

Bank who are at it like crazy.

When you have that feeling like you had at the end of January, do you feel as though,

the ultimate outcome of that feeling is going to be dissipated now?

Because the money can be injected into the system from anywhere.

I think we are... it's more synchronized today but we are not quite there in the liquidity

tightening cycle where we were in '87.

We are not quite there.

It's not as extreme yet, there is still plenty of liquidity around so I think this was a

warning, a little warning crack.

Market's have rallied after that crack, the NASDAQ and those disruptors are making new

highs but just a few names, the majority of the NASDAQ 100 stocks is not making new highs

so that shows you deteriorating rates.

I think there is going to be a second decline coming into this Spring or so, I do not know

exactly when but I think the downside is bigger, clearly bigger than the upside.

And once that is over I think markets are going to try the upside once again but I do

not know for how long because when you look at the monetary situation, the FED will tighten

and will soak up liquidity, the ECB will stop its QE in September, that's a big change,

I think the Chinese are trying to restructure the financial sector which is slowing down

the credit aggregates so I think they are also tightening.

They have raised interest rates quite a lot of over the last 2 years, so I think there

is some tightening going on in the global arena, but it's smoother, it's gentler it

is spread out because nobody wants to rock the boat.

So until we see some deterioration somewhere in the world economy or the financial system

the strong stocks will try to rally again, and the strong stocks and the strong segments

of the global markets will make new highs.

I doubt that the weak ones will, Europe, for instance, is by far the weakest region, they

will not make new highs I really doubt.

So I think 2019 is probably the situation or the window when liquidity is really tight

and when the fiscal stimulus is slowly abating and then I think we are ready for the big


I think peeking out, sometime in the second half of this year and then down into 2020.

For more infomation >> Turning Points and Timing | Felix Zulauf Outtake | Real Vision Video - Duration: 9:46.


The Everest Tiny House on Wheels for Sale by Titan Tiny Homes - Duration: 1:57.

The Everest Tiny House on Wheels for Sale by Titan Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> The Everest Tiny House on Wheels for Sale by Titan Tiny Homes - Duration: 1:57.


Far Cry 5 Benchmarked - 11 Cards Tested All Settings! - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 Benchmarked - 11 Cards Tested All Settings! - Duration: 15:48.


Alex Jones Son Goes Off The Rail And Just Challgened David Hogg In Bombastic Video! - Duration: 10:29.

Alex Jones Son Goes Off The Rail And Just Challgened David Hogg In Bombastic Video!

Shock talk show host Alex Jones' son, Rex Jones, has now come out to challenge the Parkland

shooting survivor David Hogg on his far left wing narrative against guns, and the second


After having to listen to Hogg and his friends spew left-wing propaganda against guns Jones,

who is only 15-years-old has said he has had enough.

So he challenged David Hogg to a debate about guns, and the way their generation looks at

guns and feels about the second amendment.

This challenge came about when Hogg, in his "can't be touched" status given to him

by the mainstream media actually tweeted about Alex Jones and even referred to him as a "Shit"


This hasn't been the only attack Hogg has made.

and then come out in the real world and try to make a difference.

But for now just sit down, your 10 minutes of fame are up and no one wants to hear your

whiny voice any longer as you attack those who don't agree with you, while your friend

in the media try to convince people you have impunity.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Alex Jones Son Goes Off The Rail And Just Challgened David Hogg In Bombastic Video! - Duration: 10:29.


Chettinad Chicken Curry-Chettinad Chicken Gravy-చెట్టినాడ్ చికెన్ కర్రీ - Duration: 5:12.

In this video i will show how to prepare chicken curry in Chettinad style

In a pan add coriander seeds, cumin seeds, star anise, cinnamon stick, cloves, pepper, dried red chilli, grated coconut and fry them without oil.

In a mixer jar add this fried spices, ginger garlic paste, little salt, chilli powder ,little water and grind them as a paste.

In a bowl add chicken and this paste,curd,lemon juice,little turmeric,mix well and marinate for 1 hour.

In another hot pan add oil,curry leaves,onion paste and fry for 2 min with lid closed.

add little turmeric,marinated chicken ,mix well and cook for 5 min with lid closed on high flame.

now add salt,water required for gravy and cook for another 15 min.on medium flame.

serve this delicious chettinad chicken with rice,roti etc.

For more infomation >> Chettinad Chicken Curry-Chettinad Chicken Gravy-చెట్టినాడ్ చికెన్ కర్రీ - Duration: 5:12.


The Triathlete Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> The Triathlete Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:23.


Best Wild Animals Pranks #2 | Best of Just for Laughs Gags 2018 - Duration: 4:17.

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Hope you have a great time

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