Friday, March 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 30 2018


I'm Thorben Janssen from with a new Hibernate Tip.

In today's video,

I want to answer the following question:

JPA 2.2 didn't add support for java.time.Duration.

How can I map an attribute of that type with JPA?

Unfortunately, JPA 2.2 only supports

some of the classes of the Date and Time API

and java.time. Duration isn't one of them.

If you are limited to plain JPA,

you need to implement a custom mapping for attributes of type Duration.

As you will see,

that is not as complicated as it might seem.

But before we dive into any details,

please don't forget to subscribe to get new videos every week.

Hibernate supports java.time.Duration as a basic type since version 5.

So, if you are allowed to use proprietary Hibernate features,

you can use entity attributes of type Duration

without any additional mapping annotations.

But if you don't use Hibernate

or if some internal regulations prevent you from using proprietary features,

you need to implement a custom mapping with a simple AttributeConverter.

Within this converter, you need to map the unsupported Duration object

to an object of a supported type.

You can, for example, convert the Duration object

to a long which represents the number of nanoseconds of the duration.

Just be aware that this limits your Duration

to a little bit more than 292 years.

That should be enough for most applications.

If you need to store a longer duration,

you will need to reduce the precision,

for example, persist the number of milliseconds.

The implementation of such a converter is relatively simple.

You just need to implement the

AttributeConverter interface

and annotate the class with a @Converter annotation.

You should set the autoApply attribute of the annotation to true.

This tells your persistence provider

to use the converter for all entity attributes

of type java.time.Duration.

Within the convertToDatabaseColumn method,

you can call the toNanos method of the Duration object

to convert it to a long.

And the convertToEntityAttribute method uses the

of method with ChronoUnits.NANOS

to implement the inverse conversion.

That's all you need to do.

You can now use an attribute of type Duration

in this OnlineCourse entity.

Your persistence provider applies the

DurationConverter automatically

so that you don't need to adapt your entity mapping.

As you can see in the log output,

the DurationConverter gets called

twice to map the videoDuration attribute:

When the entity gets persisted,

the convertToDatabaseColumn method

gets called to map the Duration to a Long object

and when the entity gets read from the database,

the convertToEntityAttribute method gets

called to map the Long

to a Duration object.

OK, that's it for today.

If you want to learn more about Hibernate,

you should join the free Thoughts on Java Library.

It gives you free access to a lot of member-only content

like an ebook about the Java 8 support in Hibernate,

a printable PDF version of this Hibernate Tip,

lots of cheat sheets and a video course.

I'll add the link to it to the video description below.

See you next week for a new Hibernate Tip

and if you like today's video,

please give it thumbs up and subscribe below.


For more infomation >> JPA Tip: How to map a Duration Attribute - Duration: 4:39.


David Hogg Gets Fact-Checked On Air By CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 7:52.

David Hogg Gets Fact-Checked On Air By CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota

tell me about yesterday I've been talking about Saturday David what what

do you think that the outcome was I think the outcome was really a great

start and wait we witnessed on Saturday was really the birth of a revolution

this is just the beginning nobody should be thinking this is the end especially

the politicians that are out there that are supported by the gun lobby and the

NRA that was just an outpouring of support to show the materialization of

what support we have online and do you have evidence Lauren that politicians

are listening definitely just seeing the stuff on Twitter that they've been

talking about Rubio posting his thoughts on what happened I just think it's

definitely working and we're getting politicians attention you know I want to

talk to you about Senator Marco Rubio because my eyes were opened when I was

there you guys have sort of targeted him as somebody who you don't think is doing

enough and who you sort of depict as being callous but you know I had a

chance to talk to Scott beagles mom he of course is your geography teacher who

was killed in the massacre and she said that Marco Rubio behind the scenes has

reached out to her had all sorts of conversations with her talked about how

what they've done so far on Capitol Hill in terms of the fix Nick's act in terms

of the stopped school violence act it's part of the omnibus yes these are low

hanging fruit yes you want more but should you be giving credit for even

these incremental steps David I think it's important to realize that it's good

that we're having these incremental steps but just like we saw in Florida

where we rose the age to 21 you can still purchase a gun at the age of 18 if

it's a private sale and like with many of the laws that were there passing

right now where they tried kind of fixing the Dickey amendment they didn't

give any more funding what they did is they said like you officially can do

research but we just aren't going to fund it and they're leaving a lot of

loopholes in here and trying to seem like they are doing things when in

reality these laws have more holes than Swiss cheese I understand but I guess my

point is is that if you're trying to get everybody together if you're trying to

have solutions do you think it is helpful when you say things like Marco

Rubio is putting you know for a dollar and five cents or whatever your coupon

said that's how much he values students I mean do you think that's on

necessarily provocative no I think it's not enough provide I don't think it's

even provocative enough because I Marco Rubio is still supported by the NRA

which works to ensure not the safety of gun owners and the safety of Americans

everywhere but to ensure that they saw more guns and at the end of the day so

long as he is being paid by the NRA he's not gonna work to fix anything that is

gonna be concrete change he's gonna make laws that get him reelected but actually

don't have any major effect well I mean look I'm not a Marco Rubio spokesperson

but now that I've heard what he's doing behind the scenes he is sponsoring all

of these various bills two of which were part of the Omnibus and so things are

happening and all I'm suggesting is that maybe your ire is misplaced you know

since he is actually trying to work across the aisle yeah I think it's a

great step that he's trying to work across the aisle but I think so long as

he's supported by the NRA no matter what he does there's always going to be

loopholes and anything that he does because we've seen again and again we've

passed gotten legislation in this country and at the end of the day you

can pass as many laws as you want but if those laws are not very strong and they

have so many loopholes that the NRA works so hard to ensure that they have

they aren't going to be strong enough so it's not Lauren

one of our foxnews contributors is Rick Santorum he's a former Pennsylvania

senator he had a suggestion instead of marching for what he thinks that you

kids should do so listen to this how about kids instead of looking to someone

else to solve their problem do something about maybe taking CPR classes or try to

deal with with situations that where there is a violence she would ask you

they took action yeah they took action to ask someone to pass a law they didn't

take action say how do i as an individual deal with this problem how am

I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community what am

I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter what am I going to do those

are the kinds of things where you can take it internally and say here's how

I'm going to deal with this here's how I'm gonna help the situation what's your

response to that I just think it's completely absurd that he's even

thinking about teaching us CPR when we're having gun violence all across

America and even in our schools the fact that

he's saying CPR when my friends are dying on our floor and nothing's being

done about it is just horrible I think he's just using it as a distraction to

get the attention away from guns I have two things to say on that I think it's

important to realize that we there are many programs out there that work to

ensure especially in communities that are heavily affected by gun violence I

saw last night on the news that there's a program in Chicago where they work to

ensure that students are able to respond and administer whatever first day they

can assuming the person's still alive but at the end of the day if you take a

bullet from an ar-15 to the head no amount of CPR is gonna save you because

you're dead by the way he's a CNN contributor I knew him from Fox News but

he is a CNN contributor last I want to ask about how you guys are going after

the NRA you know you know I think the intro thought that we just played there

you said that the NRA is responsible is allowing the slaughter of kids look

again I don't want to be an NRA spokesperson

but obviously they don't want the slaughter of children NRA members have

children themselves people who work at the NRA have their own children do you

think that you are polarizing in saying things like that and maybe it

would help to get the NRA on board with what some of your I think if the NRA was

on board they would actually implement safety and they would actually give

people grants to these schools and not just make it a few grants that you look

into it they're programs to actually ensure ensure just school safety alone

have not been enough what they do what the NRA does from my perspective they

don't teach enough gun safety they don't they were a good organization and many

of the members of the NRA are safe responsible people I've said it again

I'll say it I'll say it now again to men most members of the NRA are safe

responsible gun owners that just want to protect their Second Amendment rights to

own a weapon what the problem is is when the people at the top are paid by the

gun industry to ensure this scare that they scare American citizens and that

they're able to sell more guns and scare more people as a result they don't get

people enough training to own these guns and I want people to understand we are

not trying to take your guns we understand that you have a right to the

Second Amendment and own a firearm we just don't think that if you have a

criminal history history of mental illness or a history of domestic

violence that you should be able to get a weapon I think that's something that

we can all get behind I think a lot of the time people

just misconstrue us and manipulate us into seeming like we're trying to take

your guns and that's what the inner has been doing to where they're trying to

scare people into buying more guns so that they can make more money and scare

more people and I think that just plain wrong well I completely agree with David

I think the main problem is that the people at the top of the NRA are not

showing what most of the members of the inner I want and that's to be a

responsible gun owner but their whole agenda is just selling more guns and I

think that's wrong that they're not representing the people they're supposed

to be representing well look it sounds like you all are going to try to find

some common ground I know you have another event planned for April 20th a

school walkout we will obviously be following you and actually we have town

halls on April 7th that were calling for right now in every congressional

district and if the congressman doesn't show up if they if they can't reschedule

and they just refuse to show up invite their opponent it's as simple as that go

to town hall project org and create your event there there you go a David hog

lauren hog thank you both very much for being with us thank you thank you god

bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> David Hogg Gets Fact-Checked On Air By CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 7:52.




I've just arrived to the airport

I feel so strange recording in public

Just because

People look at me and I look back... is weird

Is weird mostly because they look all the time but well

No big deal

I try to forget that they exist

Im going for a moment to my door to see my boarding time

But because my sit is in the front I am not really worry

I wanted to got to Victoria's Secret

I shouldn't go

But well I can't control my legs, I have no control so let's go

I have.. wait, which one do I have?

I have this one guys

And actually it smell really good

Well, my focus doesn't want to work properly

But this one is the Sheer Love, you can see a bit

It smell really great

Neverthless, the one that I really want and that smells even better

I think is this one

This one smell really good

Okay guys, let's go to my boarding gate. I am starting to feel more comfortable recording

Well If my camera decides to focus whenever I want it , everything would be easier

On my way to Madrid and I want to sleep

No, I don't want to sleep

For the first time I am on a flight sleepless

With my messy hair


Yesterday I arrived in Madrid and I didn't record anything

Because I wanted to record

I went to see my nieces and I wanted to record it but one of them were sick

She has fever

She had 39.9 of fever

She has a strong flu

I think I am getting sick now

but I will try to survive

I am sorry I am really sleepy

I don't know if you can notice on my voice, I am snore

Sleepy and almost constipated so I am leaving


Do you wanna know what?

So my neighbors's dogs, yes there are two of them

My neighbors's gods okay, again have sneaked into my house

And again they have broken what now is, well.. what was.. that

Can you see it?

It was a pillow


That one was one of them

Another one

And on top of everything they just look at you

And that's how they look at you

And I feel sorry for them because the owner

Ties them up and he leaves them alone for a long period of time

And that's why they sneak into my house

And they are not very well educated, no...

And I see them tied up and I can't deal with it, I want them free

And after my disappointment with the dogs, let's go have breakfast because we can't start a day without having breakfast

Do you know the Lidor's chocolates? Focus!

The Lindor chocolate, so I open one up

And I put it in the milk

Cola cao, there is no Cola Cao

There is it!


Today its such a wonderful day in Madrid and I love this light

And I've decided to do some photos for Instagram and some for the blog

And I told myself to stop being lazy

And lets make photos

And I dressed up, I did my hair and now lets make photos

I stopped for a minute to look for my phone because I don't know where is it


and I just want to tell you guys what lipstick I am using now

Its matte

It doesn't move

Its this one, the..

Dance with me

Ok, I tried to focus it on camera but the thing doesn't want to focus

It doesn't wanna focus, it wants to focus on my face

To the stupid people that it says that black people because they have big lips they can't use pinks or reds or yellows or blues

Use whatever the f** you want



I'm gonna keep looking for my phone because I still don't know where is it

I think I am the kind of person that loses her phone inside her own house

So that is constantly normal

And can I call my phone to know where is it?

No, I can't call my phone to know where it is

Because it will for sure be on silent

Good Morning guys, welcome another day to my channel

Well not another day because this blog is already started days ago


Today is the only day I am doing something interesting

How you can see i am at the gym

With the one and only...

And we came to the gym

And we are supposedly doing exercises


She was running and I did something else

And now we are gonna do the upon body

we were warming up and now

Let's loose abdominal fat and arms

Don't worry I won't record you

Good morning guys, the last day we were.. where?

At my house?

I think it was my house

No, with Rocio somewhere

I dont remember


At the gym

You see, she does remember

I don't

Let's see, I wasn't recording this last two days

I was thinking about it but I didn't do it

Mostly because I lost my SD card

But the truth is I was trying to spend quality time with my family and I forgot to record

But today we are with Rocio and Alicia

And she doesn't want to be in the vlog

No problem

I am going to show you her silhouette

Alicia turn around

You just saw her

She doesn't want to be in it

No big deal, right?

And that's it

And today i am hanging out with more people later I will record it and bring you guys with me

Hey guys

I know the other vibe is gone

I am in a shop with another friend

What you guys think of this outfit?

Look at the shoes

Is not yet closed but they are just sandals heels

I really like it, I feel grown up

And I am trying outfits for summer

But I don't like it that much because I feel that both garments are too dark

I am going to try another shirt to see how it looks like

Look how adjust at the top

I like this one better

What do you guys think about this one?

I like this pants

Hey guys

I was...... wait, you are getting used to the fact that I am a terrible vlogger

I was where? In the metro?

Before or after getting lost?

I got lost

I am a mess but whatever

The thing is I am here with my friend


Say hi, say hi


And we came to eat... what was the name of it?



Moching, yes

A place that is called Moching

What zone of Madrid are we?

We are between Tribunal, Gran Vía.... that zone

It is a super cool place


Follow her on instagram

Sara with an H, right?

With H at the end

So, S-A-R-A--H ... no

S- Sara-groh with an H at the end

I will put it somewhere..

We could do a mini haul

We could.. yes its true because we've been in Mango and we bought things, let's see

Show them, show them

We are getting out the basic colors and the basic pants

So we've bought this trousers that are super wide

So wide that this is the size 42

But they look super cool on you

But because they adjust at the waist

I love the fabric and it looks like a skirt

And then the star garment that combines with anything I will wear

Is mustard, super soft

Guys, hit the like bottom if you liked

I loved

Leave a comment if you liked or not, in the description below

And what have you bought Lucy?

Well I just bought a trouser and it's this one

And it's blue and i love it

I already showed you guys, in the changing room

We were in the changing room, now I remember

We are in Tribunal, ar the mango of Fuencarral street. Downstairs you have Mango outlet where you have everything 80%/50%

Guys please look at this cheesecake how cute it is


It is delicious

And the worst of all or the best is that it is with...

Wait a minute


I love Sorbets, I like it even more that regular icecream

If this is not the best, is one of the best cheesecakes I have eaten in my life

And I am an expert

It is so good

Thank you

For more infomation >> STUDENT WEEK VLOG 3 - THE BEST CHEESECAKE EVER / MEJOR TARTA DE QUESO - Madrid - Duration: 12:59.


Move from Stockholm? VLOG - Duration: 13:25.

Hey hey! It's morning. We're leving for preschool soon. Do you know where mommy Joanna is?

With Mama Moo!

We get quite a few questions regarding our profession.

I've just been traveling with work. I'm an engineer. Joanna works in media. She'll be back this evening.

I'm in my hotel room in Sandviken. Behind me is a bed, here's a desk and not much else.

I worked here all day yesterday and I'm on my way to work now. Join me!

Do you want me on cam?

Yes! Oh wow, it's so bright outside. I have Issar with me. He's a great photographer and editor.

Hello! I have a Sony A7S II with a mic and tripod with me.

We're on our way to a preschool here, why?

We're going to film some dance moves with Mama Moo. Can we tell them?

Yes! We can tell them. We're filming for a new YouTube channel with movement songs for kids.

The author of Mama Moo has written them and it's her channel. We're just helping her with the production.

I wont be able to film that much because it's kids dancing. They've agreed to be on the new channel.

Not necessarily on The Swedish Family, but I will film some.

This preschool has a huge backyard. I'm jealous, Alma and Harry are in the middle of the city with a tiny yard.

One of the advantages of living in a smaller town.

Hey! Sorry we're a bit late. But we arrive before the kids. That's good. This is the author Jujja Wieslander.

She's a very cool lady, not sure they can see you in the backlight.

This is lovely Helena. Here we go, Jujja, author of Mama Moo.

I've left the children in preschool. They were happy. It's a fantastic morning and I'm on my way to the office.

The kids have arrived and we're going to start recording.

Don't you want to dance Matilda? I'm going to dance.

We're on our way to eat lunch at a restaurant called Kanalkiosken.

Last night we ate at The Church. I give the place 4/5 points and my hamburger 3 points.

The Church used to be a church and it's now a restaurant. A very cool venue.

We're having lunch in a restaurant that used to be a kiosk.

Look at that pizza!

And I'm not even hungry.

I'm having vegetable lasagna.

He's filming his pizza, with the small camera.

It's important stuff.

I'm hungry, I start.

Bye and thank you!

How many points?

I give 4. The pizza was nice but different.

It was a flabby. My veg lasagna was really good.


Vegetarian food is good. Restaurants usually have one veg dish on the menu and they do that well. It's a tip.

We have Mama Moo with us in the car. But we're done filming with the kids today.

We thought that we would be filming the whole day. But they nailed it in the morning.

So we're driving to Stockholm with our new friend.

What do you think? Live in the country or in the city?

There's positive things with both.

We just had to stop here in Älvkarleby to look at Dragon Gate.

It's windy here, I hope you can hear me. This is a crazy hotel built by a wealthy Chinese man. It went bankrupt.

This is quite an excursion.

Look at this. Let's take a selfie.

It's locked.

I've heard a radio documentary about this place and I've wanted to see it ever since.

There's nothing happening here. The snow is melting, that's it.

It's mad, look in here. Furniture wrapped in plastic.

It's a Chinese ghost town in the middle of nowhere.

It's locked and shut. And I have snow inside my shoes. He's flying with his drone.

Issar has a YouTube channel. I'll post a link in the left corner. His vlogs are really cool.

He's channel is for grown up's. And he does mini documentaries with interesting people.

He's filmed one with me. But I'm not that cool.

It was different when I filmed with you, because I took part more than usual.

We talked about your family channel and what it feels like for you.

We're approaching Stockholm, and it's traffic jam. It's 4:15 PM.

How long do you think we'll be stuck?

Hard to tell, we're in Solna. It can take forever or go pretty smooth.

There are four lanes and they're all blocked. The traffic is slow out of the city as well.

Have you seen my little urban farm in the windowsill?


Let me show you.

Look at that.

It's orange.


Can I see?

The seeds are growing.


Can you hear, mommy!


Wow, dubble camera.

Where have you been?

I've been in Sandviken. But I've been in a traffic jam for the last hour, so boring.

Have you been vloging much?


I've been vloging a lot today.

The kids have eaten. We were just looking at my cultivation.

Hi Hussein!

Hi, I'm tired after school.

Show me your little farm.

I've just started. I've got chili and coriander here.

You'd like to move to the countryside, right?

Yes, I'd love to live in a house this time of year.

Let's answer Question of The Day.

One of the most common questions we get is; Would you like to move? To a house? From Stockholm?

Move to the countryside? Hundreds of viewers have asked this so we wont say any names.

We want to move to a house in the country.

Yes. I can see myself in a smaller town. I want a house with a workshop.

I've fallen in love with Sandviken.

I agree with Axel. I could live in a smaller town.

35,000 people live in Sandviken. They have restaurants, schools and culture.

I have an idea! Let's ask our viewers. Can you advise us where to move? Post a comment!

Good places to live.

My dream is to live in a warm country.

It's Mama Moo.


Mama Moo.

She's small.

You know that I've been dancing her songs with kids today?

How was it?

Great, I had fun. I will show you the channel once it's live. We can dance together.

You know what? Me and Mama Moo took a photo at Dragon Gate.

That's crazy.

I know. But I'm happy I've seen it.

Thank you for watching this video.

Leave a thumb up or down.

Comment and post questions. Take care until next time. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> Move from Stockholm? VLOG - Duration: 13:25.


Efteling introduces: Babies in the Python roller coaster with loops - Duration: 3:11.

The Python roller coaster with loops is almost thirty-seven years old and that means that it was in need of slight renovation.

So that is what we have done, we completely rebuilt the course.

Unfortunately, this meant that the course has been closed to our guests for a few months.

Efteling wouldn't be Efteling if we hadn't added something extra at the time of reopening.

This is a special moment because it has taken us years to find a way

to make it possible for our smallest guests to take a ride in the Python

and today, we can announce that we are the first theme park in the world to have succeeded in doing this...

...we will be allowing babies in the Python roller coaster.

It all started as a bit of a joke

but now, with the new Python roller coaster, we thought wouldn't it be great to be able to give babies their first ride

and it is safe and fun,

and once again, even at such a young age, it makes an everlasting impression.

I think what we are looking forward to most is those wonderful, happy little faces speeding along the roller coaster at 3g-force.

Efteling has very high safety requirements and if you think about it, it's logical that we approached Maxi-Cosi.

Maxi-Cosi was tremendously enthusiastic. They have been manufacturing good, sturdy and safe children's seats for years.

And indeed, they really have produced a beautiful body. Maxi-Cosi's design is entirely in character with Efteling...

...and of course safety. The result is this seat.

When we carried out tests in the Python, we actually did these in the same way crash tests for cars are carried out.

We use a Crash Test Dummy for this. I'll turn it around a bit.

This is the newborn Crash Test Dummy, which has all sorts of measuring sensors in it

which measure, for instance, the tractive force in the child's neck. We have noticed that if we put this dummy

through the Python roller coaster, the forces we measure are actually the same

as those a child encounters while playing.

So as far as safety is concerned, there is nothing to worry about as it's similar to when a child is playing.

It was quite a surprising request, one we hadn't expected.

Therefore, we had to be truly convinced that safety could be guaranteed

and research showed that this was the case, after which it was a definite 'yes' for us.

Yes, it's really cool that the little ones can already go in the Python roller coaster

and that they can experience the true Efteling feeling right from the beginning

I understand that people will say wow, isn't that a bit young and is it suitable for babies?

But ultimately, as a parent you are the one who decides whether it is suitable for your child.

And now, in a time with so much stimuli, so much speed, so many sounds,

I think that it is actually good for children to experience so much stimuli at such an early age.

They would never do something like this if it hadn't been tested well and it really wasn't possible, so we're looking forward to the first ride.

For more infomation >> Efteling introduces: Babies in the Python roller coaster with loops - Duration: 3:11.


Rattlesnake Ledge Trail Hike- North Bend, Washington - Duration: 27:18.

all right well today we are on a trip up a mountain and we are at rattlesnake

recreation area so here's the lake elevation 920 above sea level I believe

we will be taking the route two and we'll be going to the top of the

mountain top of the milk mountain yes I'll show you so we will be exploring

here kind of looks like that so be checking it out all right so we're gonna

go up two miles up and then we possibly might go across the mountain which is

twelve miles but we'll see how I feel all right let's go so I'm down here at

the lake and it's a super pretty Lake there's a lake up here that after I

think it's a river that actually supplies a ton of water to Seattle and

also all over but if you look up there you might be able to see people on the

top of that that Ridge and that's actually where we're going today

the first time I came here I it was really nice but I didn't realize that

there was a trail and a really nice trail with almost probably the best view

payout I've seen anywhere and this water is just super pretty there's logs I'll

knut through here one time and you see these huge stumps under the water which

is really cool yep you can see up there there's actually little people up on

that Ridge so we'll be going up there and checking that out on this

a really nice day

all right well just got on the trail a lot of people here kids are getting out

of school I'm gonna try to get the hill as quick as possible I'm already out of

breath got my pack I'm ready to go all right let's do this

also tomorrow they're doing some type of a race so we'll probably see some

strange running people around so all right let's do it

so the humidity is definitely high I should've probably wore pants but

there's also a ton of mosquitoes so if you come here be ready for some really

muggy hiking and mosquitoes I'm away about 10 minutes in and I'm kind of

feeling it so as you see this huge rock it's probably pushed up here by the

glaciers and once we get to the top you will probably see where the glaciers

actually pushed through the valley and made the valley but 15 minutes in I'm

drenched in sweat so there's a pretty good start to my hike

all right back on the trail we're seeing a lot of nice soil injuries nothing of

the valley yet but I'm still going it's looking pretty good

a lot of very pretty stuff to look at Hannah yeah check this out check this

all right moving along

through those trees you can see with really blue water at brows neck like I

believe we're getting towards the top

probably within 10 minutes we'll be there it's nice out here

nice breeze not too hot little muggy that's okay something along for a while

I know I've said that I'll probably be there in ten minutes a couple of times I

don't know I don't know maybe this time is ten minutes it's getting a little

darker coming up here definitely less people might even be this thin and out

because uh it's round 334 so yeah it's gonna keep going and you'll like the

view though you'll like it

so we are nearing the two mile mark up here you will see once we get up there

you'll see the view and then fine I'll let you know that you can go to the left

and keep going for another 12 miles or just go right up here to the view of

Ralph's neck like yeah so here's the first viewpoint and hopefully the wind

isn't hitting my sneakers too hard here's the first one North Bend and then

over here we'll go to the other one and you can see rattlesnake Lake will go up

I see a really nice view point I've never actually ventured up to the

scaling of the mountain part scaling following the ridge so yeah I'm gonna

take you up here and I'm gonna show you the rattlesnake Lake hopefully the audio

is okay I should have stuck my wind guard on my camera but oh alright let's

go check it out



so we now reach the top and there's a bunch of people up here you price on

some other shots so there's rattlesnake Lake there's a

pretty good walk pretty fun over that weighs iron horse there's the lake it's

really blue the mountains and the clouds and I'll probably get some shots and

just kind of hang out and uh gonna take a break

kind of smells like weed up here


so I got done over there at the viewpoint overlooking brows neck like

yeah I'm going this other way I don't think a lot of people go this way

there's eight miles probably gonna run out of time

it's gonna get dark but I thought maybe there'd be a good view over here I've

never been over here I hope you enjoyed some of the weird shots I got over there

I'm not sure how the shots turned out with the chipmunk so we're on the going

to the east takes that East Point a viewpoint that makes sense and the

forest looks a little different out here

not so sweaty anymore the humidity seems to have gone down and uh yeah alright

here we go so I went up just a little bit further

we were over there earlier over on that peak now there's another peak and the

main difference between this one and that one is it the amount of people

I'm guessing they don't venture up just even a little bit further but this peak

looks a lot nicer my opinion I don't think there's anybody else nope

just get down this starting to look pretty nice up here

so there's rattlesnake Lake North Bend see their mouths eye you can actually

see my car from here and it's weird cuz over there it felt like it was really

big on that rock corner but I mean once I'm over here and looking over there

it's really teeny huh I'm looking over here if you can see that but it says In

loving memory of Darren 1984 - 2006 not really sure what happened but uh I guess

these mountains are our mountains I guess I don't know how why that blacks

there but I guess you could very easily just fall off the edge and I've heard

people tell stories about people that have fallen up here even here so you do

got to be careful very pretty

my advice I would stop I would stop at that viewpoint get you shots of the

mountain and then I would walk up a little further because you come up here

I really attack people so I definitely keep walking up so I'm gonna keep going

a little bit I think I'm almost done here might shoot a little more coming

down but uh just wanted to let you say thanks for watching and definitely leave

a comment let me know if you have any stories of grouse neck leg trail and all

this definitely subscribe like don't dislike please well it's up to you if

you don't like the video what a day to be out here seemed pretty I might even

go swimming later but I don't know all right well I'm out for now I'm gonna

keep going see what I can do before it gets too late and then shoot

down the mountain all right see what we got ahead alright thanks for watching

bye so I actually got my camera in a wider field of view that'd be fun to try

out so everything looks a little more round hopefully it's not too shaky

because it's actually made me turn the stabilization off but but I wanted to

kind of get out was once you get past that other section it's really pretty

isn't that Ted people and it really feels like you're hiking now versus when

you're passing that tunne touristy kind of people with a lot of

kids this is really cool I don't think I'm gonna do the full

eight miles but uh I keep going it's really sunny and

pretty it's not so muddy up at the top pretty nice I'm liking it

like it I want more than back there just hope I don't see a bear I don't know

what to do do I play dead or no so I'm still going up but all of a sudden I

can't really tell where the trail is

think I'm still on it it's gotten quite a bit darker up here and I have really

seen anybody in yeah 15 20 minutes I haven't even passed anybody or seen

anybody I heard anybody I'm not even sure if the

the view appears worth it hope it's worth it I'm gonna do another two miles

or so to the next viewpoint it'd be nice if I could see like CIO or Bellevue

which I'm thinking maybe you can yeah so I reach this part of the woods and I did

see some people maybe 15 minutes ago but I heard like drop noises like drip drip

drip drip drip and it seems like the sky is pretty clear it was a chance of rain

but there was like raindrops she's going drip drip drip kind of weird I don't

know if it's almost like our rainforests went to use to the top where are we so

high that the drops of rain just drop I don't I don't really know how it works I

know conversation works but

I'm thinking once I get a little bit further up I don't see anything I think

we got a book it down the hill because uh I guess eventually it's gonna get

dark I think the sun's gonna set on the other side of the hill so that's gonna

go dark I mean I got a coat and I got light but I don't really feel like going

down the mountain when it's dark

all right seems like I'm getting closer to the cliff again so hopefully

hopefully I made it this was half see it's been fun though definitely like the

second part more than the first part less people this way it's opening up


wow it's weird how it opens up there gets dark again like I thought I was

getting dark back there

so I've made it right here but I started

I think a you know

all right I've gotten pretty far I did 3.4 miles uphill I think now it's

getting too dark I don't think there's anything else to look at unless I wait

here so I think now I'm gonna blast down that mountain it's getting kind of

creepy alright thank you for watching subscribe

so I'm up here back on my recommended place to stop down there well there's my

feet and that way is the the main section where everybody likes to go it's

been a really fun day definitely gonna be sore tomorrow

yeah this place is really pretty right now is really hazy that water looks

really nice that's really like I really wish I was down there and not only about

halfway down but uh yeah it's been fun if if you happen to find my YouTube page

from a note I left leave a comment down below and let me know that you uh that

you saw my note I know tomorrow there's gonna be a lot of people here for some

type of race I'm not really sure what's gonna be but definitely let me know if

you saw my note which I left on a sign

really sore I've already been over here but it's just so pretty yeah it's just

so pretty can't help myself

made it - yeah all right well this is and finally at the bottom after a really

long walk really really long so in our adventure today we went to that we're at

the very peak and if you look you can see people up there little people then

besides from that point we were on the other point over a little bit but yeah

it was really nice today it's really calm I'm really glad to be at the bottom

I don't know if I was really ready for a hike that big I mean physically I mean I

work out and stuff but I don't know battery went out all right whatever that

says thanks for watching hope you enjoy subscribe comment this place is awesome

definitely check it out


For more infomation >> Rattlesnake Ledge Trail Hike- North Bend, Washington - Duration: 27:18.


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Breaking news today⚠️ world war 3_ North Korea news_ China won't help Donald Trump END Kim's regime - Duration: 4:31.

Breaking news Today

welcome to USA breaking news today please subscribe and click notification

box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today North Korea news

this is why China won't help Donald Trump and Kim's regime China could bring

the North Korean regime to its knees within a year

experts believe but the fears about the potential consequences of such action

are what is stopping Chinese president oxygen thing from toppling Kim jong-un

the executive director of independent think-tank mikkel Institute told Sky

News Australia that despite being the biggest worry for North Korea China is

too concerned about causing a humanitarian crisis with impoverished

North Koreans asking for refuge in his country to cut all oil supplies to the

rogue state he said at the end of the day the big thing that North Korea is

worried about is China China can end the North Korean regime anywhere from about

six to nine months by turning off the oil supplies that go into the country

that's what the sword of Damocles hanging over Kim jong-un's head

ultimately is and of course what China is petrified of is a collapsed regime in

tens of millions of impoverished North Koreans flooding into their country and

bringing with them all of the humanitarian crisis that would issue so

China has a real interest in keeping the border erected and keeping the regime in

place all of the global diplomatic efforts for years and years now have all

been focused around this very thing about getting China to lie the law down

to North Korea and say no nukes are too far on Monday Kim jong-un met the

Chinese president on an official visit and agreed to denuclearize the Korean

Peninsula during talks between the leaders the officials in ho news agency

reported the trip which began on Sunday and ended on Wednesday was Kim's first

known journey abroad since he assumed power in 2011 and analysts believe it

may have been used to serve as preparation for upcoming summits with

South Korea and the u.s. Beijing has traditionally been North

Korea's closest ally but ties have been frayed by Kim's pursuit of nuclear

weapons and China's backing of tough UN sanctions in response according to

Xinhua Kim told exei the situation in the region was improving because North

Korea has taken the initiative to ease tensions and put forward proposals for

peace talks Kim said it is our consistent stand to be committed to

denuclearization on the peninsula in accordance with the will of late

President Kim il-sung in late general secretary Kim jong-il he said North

Korea was willing to talk with the US and hold a summit between the two

countries Kim added the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

can be resolved if South Korea and the u.s. respond to our efforts with

goodwill create an atmosphere of peace and stability while taking progressive

and synchronous measures for the realization of peace X I told Kim in

return that both sides had stated repeatedly that their traditional

friendship should be passed on and developed better he said this is a

strategic choice and the only right choice both sides have made based on

history and reality the international and regional structure in the general

situation of China North Korea ties this should not and will not change because

of any single event at a particular time Washington which has been briefed on the

visit by Beijing said its hardline maximum pressure policy was starting to

pay off dot White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Chinese

government contacted the White House earlier on Tuesday to brief us on Kim

jong-un's visit to Beijing the briefing included a personal message from

president xi2 president Trump which has been conveyed to President Trump

the United States remains in close contact with our allies South Korea and

Japan we see this development as further evidence that our campaign of maximum

pressure is creating the appropriate atmosphere for dialogue with North Korea

but president Donald Trump refused to ease pressure on North Korea after he

was briefed about the meeting between the two leaders

the American president tweeted received message last night from xi Jinping of

China that his meeting with Kim jong-un went very well and that Kim looks

forward to his meeting with me in the meantime

and unfortunately maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all cost

thanks for watch please share like comment this video and subscribe channel

for latest news

For more infomation >> Breaking news today⚠️ world war 3_ North Korea news_ China won't help Donald Trump END Kim's regime - Duration: 4:31.


Special Video - Duration: 1:07.

Golden Toothless Here With The Special Video I Promised About A Month Ago And So Without

Further Ado Let's Jump Into It! Also Sorry About My Voice And My Hair , It's

Pretty Late Right Now And I'm Just Really Tired. So Basically I Haven't

Given Up On Recording Videos Yet , I'm Just Really Busy With School And I'm

Taking An Interest In Animation And Music Production

So Yeah That's Taking Up Most Of My Time And I've Also Decided To Upload

Minecraft Videos Also I Will Try To Upload Vlogs At Least Once Or Twice A

Month If I'm Not Too Busy There Will Also Be A Q&A Video If There's Enough

Interest. So Leave Your Questions Down Below In The Comment Section And I Think

That's About It And No I Don't Plan On Doing Voice Gaming Videos Any Time Soon

And I Do Apologize For Not Streaming And Recording My Minecraft Videos With

Screencast-O-Matic It's Not Permanent I'm Just Trying To Fix My Recording

Software Is Acting Up And I Can't Stream Or Record Using It Peace Out And Thanks

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