Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 26 2018

How sure are you that your Facebook profile is set to private? How sure are you that

nobody can snoop in and see information they shouldn't? today on Tech Tip

Tuesday I'm gonna be sharing with you how you can have a security check up of

your Facebook profile to make sure that everything is set to the best security setting that it needs to

hey welcome to another Tech Tip Tuesday my

name's Liron Segev where every Tuesday I share with you tips and tricks to make

you more productive, more efficient, and get more out of your system. If that

sounds cool to you smash that subscribe button and let's get on to today's show

so the first thing we're going to do is change our Facebook password click on

settings click on security and login go to change password click on edit and

here put in a nice new secure password now no "Password" no "Password123" two

not your name and your dad's name and dog's name something secure right

next up let's do a privacy checkup click on the Help button and choose

privacy checkup and now this is gonna go through the systems to see what you have

got set and who can see what for example in your post can everybody see it? public

friends, friends and acquaintances etc etc etc choose the one that you

want and click on next.

Now on your profile you can see your date of birth where do

you work you can see which apps and web sites that you used to connect and login

go through the settings choose the one that suits you and then finish your

check up.

Facebook posts are typically only

between you and your friends but if you do want to make something public that

everyone can see it's simply selec it right here and everyone can see it

You know when people tag you in the photos and you really wish they hadn't?

you don't want them to appear in your timeline? well you can control that as well

click on timeline and tagging review

your tagging options but this one I like is the review option click on edit and

now you can have full control that you can approve post before they appear on

your time line.

The next time you see one of these sponsored posts or an ad on

Facebook what you can do is click those three little dots next to that and then

you have an opportunity to see "why am I seeing this?" what it will do is will tell

you exactly why this particular advertiser chose to target you why would

you be perfect for this? you can also click on manage ad preferences and here

is the gold this is why you've been targeted for specific ads or specific

information. Facebook knows all these signals that you told it about your

interests your hobbies things that you're into now I would go down to where

it says your information and there's no reason to share certain information with

third parties like your job titles your relationship status your education etc

untick all of those and if you head further down you've got an even more

control over your edge settings so you can actually go through and say what

information you want to share versus watch information did not allow me to share

on Facebook you have the ability to like companies and pages and sometimes what

it does it puts your name at the top and saying you've endorsed this page or you

also licked this page well here's the way to disable that. There is no reason for

anyone to know which pages I liked and which company I have endorsed

because it looks like I've actually endorsed that company which is actually not true.

Right as you continue further down hide or add topics this is cool

we've got things like alcohol, parenting pets you can say I don't want to see

these ad for six months and I want to see these ads for one year or I never

ever want to see these ads so a good way to go and enable or disable the air as

you do add or wanna see for what period of time.

we know with Facebook in order to

keep it free we're gonna have to suffer with ads well it might as well be adds that we want.

but I just nice to see that we now have got much more granular control on

the canopy ads then we're gonna be served and what we can opt in and out of

before you go don't forget to smash that subscribe button if you're new here and

share this video with other people so they could keep their Facebook profile

safe and secure and I'll see you next week's episode off Tech Tip Tuesday

cheers for now

For more infomation >> How to secure your Facebook account and make it private - everything you need to know in 2018 - Duration: 4:19.


¡Chiquis Rivera se desnuda en las redes sociales! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> ¡Chiquis Rivera se desnuda en las redes sociales! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:01.


Lobster Mac n' Cheese Grilled Cheese Sandwich 🧀 | Evite Recipes - Duration: 1:09.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Lobster Mac n' Cheese Grilled Cheese Sandwich 🧀 | Evite Recipes - Duration: 1:09.


Uruguay barre a Rusia y termina primera de grupo - Duration: 7:43.

Crónica Directo Previa  A ciegas, sin poder jugar a elegir uruguayos y rusos rival de octavos de final por cuestión de horarios, fue el peso de la camiseta lo que terminó por imponerse

Es decir, Uruguay. Garra, picaresca y ese aire renovador que la envuelve ahora por su pretensión de tener más relación con la pelota

Los volantes Betancur y Torreira son los abanderados de esa transformación estilística que trata de entreverarse con su identidad guerrillera charrúa

Bajo el calor asfixiante del verano siberiano de Samara, Uruguay barrió a Rusia y se aupó a la primera posición del grupo con una victoria incontestable

Los bicampeones del mundo han cerrado la fase de grupos con un pleno de tres triunfos

Dinamita anímica para una selección que ha construido gran parte de su mística con más fe que fútbol

 En plena crecida, Uruguay puede ser temible para cualquiera que se cruce con ella

Si España es segunda de grupo, ya sabe que le espera el mito de una zamarra legendaria que cuenta con la amenaza de Luis Suárez y Cavani como cabeza de área

Los dos batieron a Akinfeev, así que se presentan a los cruces afilados. Si los chicos de Hierro son primeros, les aguarda la complejidad de medirse a los temores arbitrales que siempre generan los cruces con el país organizador

Rusia además tiene como premisa dejarse hasta la última gota de sangre para no desmerecer a la potencia mundial que representa

Y físicamente ha preparado este Mundial para ser un equipo incómodo y veloz.  Sin esa capacidad para escoger contrincante para el primer cruce de las eliminatorias, la única intervención que podían ejercer los dos seleccionadores con un ojo puesto en los octavos sí la ejecutaron

Cherchesov apuntó a dos de sus titulares amonestados, Smolov y Golovkin y oxigenó al veterano Zhirkov

Tabárez, por su parte, sentó a Varela, al Cebolla Rodríguez y a Giménez, este último con problemas musculares

Por los pocos cambios habidos en una y otra selección se intuyó que tanto Tabárez como Cherchesov apostaron por conquistar la primera plaza pese a que el cuadro de cruces por ese lado va más cargado de grandes favoritos

 Enseñó más muestrario Uruguay que Rusia, desinflada por el madrugador gol de Luis Suárez

El tanto fue una maniobra ratonera. En una falta al borde del área, la barrera rusa permitió que dos uruguayos fueran los que taparan el palo de Akinfeev

Un descuido intolerable estando Suárez de por medio. Para cuando este golpeó raso y potente, sus dos compañeros ya habían desaparecido de la muralla y el defensor ruso que trató de tapar el hueco fue arrastrado al suelo en la puja por ganar la posición

Akinfeev, más centrado en tapar un posible lanzamiento por encima de la barrera, se comió sin remedio el trallazo seco

 Entre ese gol y la posterior expulsión de Smolnikov por doble amarilla, Rusia ya pintó poco en el partido

Tanto que Cherchesov sentó a Cheryshev, que había tenido el infortunio de desviar un remate lejano de Laxalt

Hasta esos tres contratiempos definitivos, la selección anfitriona había enseñado su cartesiana disposición táctica, pero no el ritmo vertiginoso con el que se desplegó en sus dos primeros partidos

Sí sacó a relucir en el inicio esa sociedad que han formado el tanque Dzuyba y Cheryshev

Se encuentran y se buscan con naturalidad y armonía. El primero le deja de cabeza con el pecho o con la cabeza todo lo que caza por arriba

El segundo, busca al gigantón en el área con sus roscas.  Con uno menos y dos goles en contra, a Rusia ya sólo le quedó la defensa del orgullo en el segundo acto

Se fue arriba con poco orden y fue escarmentada con unas cuantas contras lideradas por el Cebolla Rodríguez, que entró al campo dispuesto a poner a prueba el cañón que tiene en su pierna izquierda

Akinfeev le desbarató uno de esos zurriagazos y otro astilló el larguero. Cavani, ya sobre la bocina, estuvo más rápido que Suárez para rebañar un despeje de Akinfeev a cabezazo imperial de Godín

Otro que anda envalentonado y con ganas de dar guerra en este Mundial.

For more infomation >> Uruguay barre a Rusia y termina primera de grupo - Duration: 7:43.



in this video i will show you how to delete folders which gives error that this file or

folder in it is used by another program now i will try to delete youtube downloader and

it gives me error so at first you have to check if the content which the folder contain

is running if yes then close it and u can delete this folder easily method two now i

will try to delete Ccleaner and it gives me the error so it is not running in the bottom

so you have to do is right click in the bottom and click task manager here find ccleaner

it is a software as u can see to delete junks files now to close it click end task u can

also close it by right clicking on its icon from here but now it is closed now lets try

to delete the software right click delete and it is deleted to confirm that it is deleted

lets see in the recycle bin and here is ccleaner method three now again i will try to delete

ccleaner and it gives me error so if u do not want to

open task manager another way is to delete this folder is open start and type run r u

n and here type resmon.exe click ok click in the cpu tab here paste the name of that

folder u want to delete i want to delete ccleaner so i will copy its name and paste it here

search sorry search and i will select this all and click end process angain end process

ok if message comes to you now i will close this window and again try to delete ccleaner

delete and it is deleted method four just empty your recycle bin yes and click start

type here modulus temp modulus yes and click on this folder now select these all files

and delete them sometimes these junk files can also cause this error i hope that one

of these method will work for you if none of these methods work for you then u can use

a third party software like revo uninstaller it is a nice software to delete games software

and other junks files ..now close this window as u can see in the video ..now right click

on recycle bin sorry right click on recycle bin and click empty recycle bin yes now try

to delete that folder which is causing problem to you thanks for watching this video like

and subscribe for more videos



How To Duplicate Boxes In Lumber Tycoon 2 June 2018! - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> How To Duplicate Boxes In Lumber Tycoon 2 June 2018! - Duration: 4:57.



that's game to it yeah I've been really worrying about this but like hopefully

legends can help I just don't

religions today we need our help we have a really important question that we need

to ask you guys please you must give us an honest answer your honesty won't hurt

our feelings your honestly one hurts haters but before we are this really

important question we have another urgent matter we have to attend to

I guess I'd pain it's about dating okay the whole pregnancy

oh sorry legends justice dance this like them we had clean a special way to wipe

him up very very special and what's the more specialized you see Papa's been

pranking us hanging slightly so it's time to prank him back we'll get you but

crate that stays put these pads on Papa's big belly they will go quickly we

put these pets looks Donal wake him up or wise will blow the whole fear I think

we should because Papa was up all night working he's been taking this sleeping

medicine please operationally is to remember that and it makes you really

tie it so wait it's gonna work that's what we're gonna do the frenzy

day hey let's go

that was the best prank ever legend that's nice time they actually work out

where I was gonna wipe up okay we love you sorry about that time for an

important chat right before we get let's show the legends all the baby stuff yeah

so over here we have caught the chase table and I've different types of babies

start to make the clock yeah who's the best hangman yeah he's gonna

be to do it like this week or next week because I'm leaving to America and only

one wait and we're gonna have the baby like a month two weeks to new wait who

in a bit wait until we had a baby boy the only bad thing is published the

worst handyman ever wonder he is the rocking-chair

baby crazy all you think about is that baby that's actually true yeah he's the

CAHSEE let me how this makes the baby smarter hmm let's play man it's a play

map that it says makes you baby smaller hole doesn't make sense I'm so excited

to fit all the baby stuff I'm going to America a week and the baby's due and

I'm in America having nine percent chance that I'm probably there be mom's

bet you're gonna see monster I have a baby

well that's gonna be mine I'm just gonna care about looking awesome mom well we

better get on to a serious question hopefully blue leggings can help us out

now it's time to do a really important why don't we just set the camera up over

here cuz my arms gang so yeah I guess that's game do it yeah I've been really

worried about this but like hopefully Legends can help I just don't like the

name of our YouTube channel I just I hate how it's good flavor notes and the

nurse nuts because I feel like it's saying that I understand this my

siblings are just like being there for you I started on The Ellen Show and

you're one of the best skateboarders in the world but I don't like them I'm

saving us and their advances I don't want to change it I do want to change it

because the problem is your voice changed our YouTube 92 times the first

one was save knows then the second one was saving us a nurse now but you're

gonna change your YouTube channel name three times and no more than that that

means we've only go one more change let's our can we should go to North nuts

I'll sure to the north nuts cause that's like representing like every single one

is how about the family nursing well my mother of pepper and the doors not know

we have to home just know it's not so I'll be easy to talk about yeah I kind

of want mama and papa and when you're just changing and then go change the

photo yes if I was just my big head yeah

unlike Wheaties like it was see my biggest but but we can't change

the following words ease into the baby's born

yeah it retains the photo and it's just us for the baby wouldn't like it some

have shamed it when the baby's born please let's in ski tell us what you

think should we just keep our tail names saver nurse and nurse not so should we

change it to like a different name yes make sure you are in the comments cuz

we're having a little bit of trouble and flats cuz Mazen wanted to keep the same

I want to change say wanted to change someone said we call this random um make

sure you stick with the same one we just really just need your honest opinion

because legends aren't perfect but they're honest yeah Oh put me the best

simulator okay now it's time for the cashmere disguises

knuckles and Vanya like every time the cash me knock was a new license I've

been doing tons of my fee just cracks me up biggie

why are you doing I'm just gonna be honest if you know you're terrible at

doing catch up so nice again and you're done anyways and these ways legends make

sure you share this video it helps a lot with our channel and it makes it lets an

army get bigger when we go for the legends that aren't like this yet we

almost forgot the shoutout Sabre far away these shadows do blue whale plays

roblox blue whale play roblox said I love you guys but I don't understand why

did you put saber Norris and the Norris nuts why not just know it's nuts and a

profile pic of all of you would be a lot nicer I totally would you blue whale

play roblox and I don't totally

For more infomation >> SHOULD WE CHANGE THE NAME? OF OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL? (HELP NEEDED!) - Duration: 11:55.


The 5 Secrets of Influential Leaders - Duration: 1:27.

So there's 5 traits the most influential people have.

And this is what I want to go over with you and share with you so you can start to develop

and build your influence.

You just gotta have to work these 5 areas.

So the 5 traits all influential people have is number 1 they have a solid reputation.

2 - they have an enhanced skill-set.

Executive presence.

Superior likeability and the power to persuade.

So what I'm doing here is I'm breaking this down for you so you can sit there and say

"If I want to grow my influence, that's a big word, that's a lot behind it, what are

the specific things I can do?"

Well, these are the 5 things you can start to do.

You want to be perceived as someone who has a high degree of these 5 areas.

And you can take any executive in your company.

Take your CEO, take anyone on the leadership team.

Take a peer of yours.

Take someone famous.

And you can put them through this lense and you can say, "how well do they do all 5 of these?"

And most likely, the more influence they have, the more they're going to be doing these 5.

Now some might be stronger in some areas and weaker in others.

For more infomation >> The 5 Secrets of Influential Leaders - Duration: 1:27.


Energy World - 9 (RDL) - Duration: 12:27.

For more infomation >> Energy World - 9 (RDL) - Duration: 12:27.


Crash Point Hindi Dubbed Full Action Movie | English Dubbed New Movies - Duration: 1:37:19.


For more infomation >> Crash Point Hindi Dubbed Full Action Movie | English Dubbed New Movies - Duration: 1:37:19.


Synonyms in English Grammar – How To Increase Your English Vocabulary - Duration: 5:22.

Synonyms in English Grammar – How To Increase Your English Vocabulary

For more infomation >> Synonyms in English Grammar – How To Increase Your English Vocabulary - Duration: 5:22.


Chán làm màu những vai quần chúng Chị mì Hương Nguyễn quay về công việc Đòi Nợ tv bodoi - Duration: 45:31.

For more infomation >> Chán làm màu những vai quần chúng Chị mì Hương Nguyễn quay về công việc Đòi Nợ tv bodoi - Duration: 45:31.


Remedy [ COVER ] - Duration: 0:54.

oh hi guys its me again the subtitle dude

so emm how's your life

i hope you don't die listening to this

holy crap it's starting lower the volume

this account is most likely to be deleted after like emm who knows when

but yea have fun listeing to a cacat person singing

i hope you don't die

i think i already said that but yea

just to make this fun i decided to put my friends name

so they can go to their mom and be like


ok jk i wont add cuz i think i already did in my previous vids soyea

so yea AHAHHAH i cringe so much listening to this what about you ? :)

okay bye a**holes . im a polite person . i don't curse .

bye bitch .

we out.

For more infomation >> Remedy [ COVER ] - Duration: 0:54.


Dadi Love LIVE Maroantsetra - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> Dadi Love LIVE Maroantsetra - Duration: 12:02.


Buy TVS Bikes Discount 15,000 TK In BD 2018/ TVS Bike Price In Dhaka / Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Buy TVS Bikes Discount 15,000 TK In BD 2018/ TVS Bike Price In Dhaka / Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 12:46.


Klaudia Halejcio będzie mamą?! Co za szczere wyznanie! - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Klaudia Halejcio będzie mamą?! Co za szczere wyznanie! - Duration: 3:13.


sales force in Telugu class 3 - Duration: 2:53.

please subscription to my channel

For more infomation >> sales force in Telugu class 3 - Duration: 2:53.


U&D, Giorgio parla di Gemma Galgani: 'È stata lei a scrivere la parola fine' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> U&D, Giorgio parla di Gemma Galgani: 'È stata lei a scrivere la parola fine' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:59.


Salman Khan vs Shahrukh Khan Comparison - Duration: 5:52.

Salman Khan vs Shahrukh Khan Comparison

For more infomation >> Salman Khan vs Shahrukh Khan Comparison - Duration: 5:52.


Uomini e Donne news, la madre di Sara si scaglia contro Luigi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, la madre di Sara si scaglia contro Luigi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


U&D/ Sara e Luigi sempre in crisi, intanto lei sbotta: 'Basta insulti, sono delusa' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> U&D/ Sara e Luigi sempre in crisi, intanto lei sbotta: 'Basta insulti, sono delusa' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Dog Cane Corso Derrek in the hospital. # Canecorso - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Dog Cane Corso Derrek in the hospital. # Canecorso - Duration: 7:09.


Barbara D'Urso a cena con Alberto del GF 15: 'Un bacio vero ancora no, solo sulle guance'. - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso a cena con Alberto del GF 15: 'Un bacio vero ancora no, solo sulle guance'. - Duration: 3:40.


Gareeb Hindustani Latest Allu Arjun New Hindi Dubbed Action Movie 2018 - Duration: 2:12:55.


For more infomation >> Gareeb Hindustani Latest Allu Arjun New Hindi Dubbed Action Movie 2018 - Duration: 2:12:55.


I Got Transformed Into Demi Lovato | Beauty Evolution | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:29.

I love Demi Lovato because I think she is so real, and she's so genuine,

and she's so authentic,

and I think that she's had a lot of struggles, but she

doesn't shy away from them, and she doesn't try and hide anything,

and I think she is a great example of what it means to be a celebrity,

but still be an authentic person.

My first memory of Demi Lovato is watching "Camp Rock" and being

absolutely enthralled and obsessed with her.

And when she sang the "This Is Me" song in the end and

Joe Jonas was looking at her, and they stopped, and it was just this

big moment, and ever since then, I was obsessed with her and I thought

she had the best voice.

I'm a terrible singer.

I'm a terrible actor, but we kind of have similar features so maybe that counts.

But before we get into it don't forget to subscribe down below.

So this first Demi is from the 2008 "Camp Rock" Premiere.

She's wearing more of a red lip and you can't totally

see it, but she has a dark turquoise eyeliner.

The hair is more of a loose, pulled back bun with some nice side swept bangs.

I have to say I've never had bangs before, but I'm really excited to see what I'm

going to look like with them.


Are you kidding me?



The hair is perfect.

I'm Demi.

I'm 2008 Demi.


This next look is from 2013, and it's from her book signing,

"Staying Strong: 365 Days a Year."

So, she's definitely changing up her look here.

As you can see, I think she's evolving into the Demi

that we all love and know now.

I love it already.

She's experimenting with her blue hair.

We've got a lot more makeup.

She's kind of playing with these coral tones on her eyes, and on her lips

and her cheeks.

I think this is kind of where she's definitely coming into herself,

finding her style.

Yeah? Okay.

I'm truly scared to look.

Oh my god. Okay.


Holy shit. Can I cuss?

The bronziness, the peachy gold, the fake lashes, the color, the hair.

Demi, I'm coming for you baby.

If only I could sing.

The last look we did was from late 2017.

This was during the iHeartRadio's Jingle Ball.

Now, this is a fun performance look.

She's going to go on stage and sing her heart out,

so she has this dramatic smokey eye.

We're seeing a nice matte liquid lipstick, and some heavy contour.

And those lashes, I am into.

We have her nice colored in brows, so they're super dark.

It's a really, really dramatic look. Really fun.

I think this is the most like Demi that we know.

Alright, do I take my thing off?

I'm so excited.


Guys, I'm wrecked. I'm wrecked.

I love it.

This is amazing. This hair.

I'm taking this hair home with me I think.


Guys, I'm 2017 Demi Lovato.

I feel like I've been on an emotional journey today because I've been three

different Demi's, all very different, but now I do feel like I'm the sassy, fun,

sexy Demi.

Love to my fans.

Thank you so much for your support.

Thanks so much for watching this episode of Beauty Evolution.

To subscribe to Reinfery29 click here, and to watch

more videos click here.


For more infomation >> I Got Transformed Into Demi Lovato | Beauty Evolution | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:29.


The Worst Behavior Intervention I've Ever Seen! - Duration: 7:46.

grind away every single day on that goal how can you not accomplishing I went into a

school district and the first thing I saw in the school was a teacher that

looked like this so this is the teachers face so what happened was the learner

who was only about seven eight years old was a female on the autism spectrum and

she had very severe behavior of attacking teacher and scratching her

face anybody ever she doesn't scratch how

about on the arms you see a lot of it nod your head if you saw that yeah not

that bad yeah so I don't know why she's smiling it's creepy okay so whenever

will call her Shelly whenever Shelly was asked to write her

name she would write s H and before she could finish she write SH and she would

just lunge and attack the teacher start scratching a teacher biting her arms and

what would happen was the teacher would go over and push a button a crisis

button and as a result these three guys would come to guys dressed in black I'm

just kidding that's that's not that's not them

it's like the movie men in black and an old guy named they called him crisis

Jack so these three people would rush down after the teacher pushes the button

because the teacher had a crisis she pushed the button the three people come

down the hallway and then she was smile get up and she would run

she was like get excited and go with the three people down like the aisle down to

a timeout or let's call eight a calming right at the end of this I want you to

tell me what's wrong with this picture I want you to tell me so she's happy she

gets up with crisis jack and the two bouncers he then goes down to the to the

calming area and then Shelly what Shelly would defuse by the teacher that crisis

jack would just kind of rub her shoulder and tell her to take a deep breath and

deep breath out and she would do a game on a computer that would calm her down

allegedly okay so then Shelly did not want to go back to the classroom so

crisis jack would require her to pick from a prize box pick one toy and go

back to the classroom so let's go over to that again I want you to I want I

want you to tell me what's wrong with this picture

okay so I now all behavior occurs for four functions who can tell me what they

are escaped attention tangible and sensory beautiful give them a round of

love okay so behavior is very lawful and I'd love

studying human behavior I learned something new every day every time I

think I know more I learned more from that and from the my adviser BF

Skinner's daughter Julie Vargas tremendous mentors and there's so much

to learn but behavior is so lawful behavior is so lawful that if I it's my

prediction in the long run it will be in natural science just like chemistry just

like biology just like engineering behavior analysis is very lawful and

predictable and understandable and it all comes down to the four functions so

I want you guys to tell me the four functions so Shelly's asked to write her

name which action is that escape so she's so the

first problem is she's trying to escape the demand by having physical aggression

whenever she's asked to write her name she would escape by by scratching a

teacher shelley changes she morph she morphs into different people because I

had to find different pictures for for privacy rights three men who she happily

greets and jumps up and goat jumps in their arms and then they escort her down

attention thank you beautiful then when Shelly gets down to the room

and diffuses pixs deep breaths and then when he rubs her back - what's that

sensory nice keep going this is awesome I love this Cruz and she plays the game

what's that tangible stimuli throw out some ideas on what you could do for a

behavior intervention and then I'll tell you what we did what could you do any


yes so maybe you find someone who's not as reinforcing but even one better maybe

you could find maybe you could use crisis jack and the two big guys as a

reward for writing her name right use it as a reward so we flip it around what

else yes exactly so reinforcement for completing the task which instead of

writing partially SH and then having a question what we did is exactly that we

started having her earn air with errorless learning she would write s and

before she had a behavior problem we'd push the button the guys who come down

and before having a behavior problem we would reward it and she would go down so

then we we had a right sh-sh e all without problem behaviors and then

reward by going down with crisis jack any other suggestions so we tackled to

two of the functions or three

you are you from the US where are you it

wow that's awesome is that New England all right I want to get can

I help I don't want to get involved question oh

wow awesome have you ever seen our YouTube channel

okay anyone ever see our YouTube we have all free treated like free scenarios

like this on the YouTube channel so no words set a timer and then if she can

write sh e without a behavior problem then she could go take a break something

like that good and and what was your name that you said earlier from Boston

Shelley Oh Shelley is that you Shelley Shelley

so like Shelley said write your name

For more infomation >> The Worst Behavior Intervention I've Ever Seen! - Duration: 7:46.


I-65 closures - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> I-65 closures - Duration: 1:54.


Jaguar - Unlock & Learn – Episode. 1: The New All-Electric I-PACE • 60fps Limitless Quality - Duration: 5:26.



welcome to unlock and learn today and

get behind the wheel of the new I pace

jag you--is new all-electric SUV but

before I do that I just want to talk

about some of the cool features that

Jaguar has designed and developed to

this car you can have features enabling

you to precondition the interior to your

desired temperature either warm up or

cool it down using the Jaguar remote app

and while it's plugged in it uses

electricity from your power source

instead of using electricity from the

car thereby when you start your journey

you have maximum range available if

you're the active type there is the

Jaguar activity key which is this little

wristband here and the way it works is

that you can leave your key in the car

securely and then you just place that

against the Jay that locks the vehicle

and it deactivates the key so you can

then go off and do your activity and

when you come back you just simply press

the boot release button here place that

against the J and that unlocks the car

and it reactivates the key when you do

have your key on you but you don't have

access to it because your hands might

well be full there is also the gesture

control feature which is by wagging your

foot underneath the rear bumper on

either side will open the boot without

pressing any buttons to reveal a very

generous boot space as you can see

there's plenty of space in the back here

I mean I'm 6 foot tall about 180 meters

tall as loads and loads of knee room and

also to look around if we had the

Perriman roof here and it really really

opens up the space Jagger has coated the

glass in this new technology which

allows for the sun rays to be blocked

when it comes in and that means can take

the Sun blind away and by taking the sun

blown away Jagga has freed up the head

room and it just looks fantastic you've

got this onion disturbed view or looking

out of the car we've got two additional

USB ports along with a 12-volt ports in

the back that means that in total 6 USBs

can be connected and we have your 4 zone

air conditioning and by pushing the

button here you get your rear seat

heating the ipace features technology


smart settings and what it does is it

detects me when I approach the vehicle

using the key as well as my telephone

and as I get in it will move the seat

into our preferred position and if I

like to have the heated seats on in the

morning but not in the evening it can

learn exactly that and with the media if

I like to listen to the radio in the

morning but on the way home I like to

listen to mp3s then it'll also learn

that and I'll pre slate everything so I

don't have to worry about doing a thing

when I get into the car starting a pace

is really straightforward you put your

foot in the brake

we press the stop start button you press

D for Drive let's go have some fun


one of the reason for the IPAs is so

good drivers it has two motors one in

the front and one at the back that

produced combined 400 PS and 696 new

meter torque

now what I've just said might go over

some people's heads but what everyone

understand naught to 100 clams an hour

available in 4.8 seconds


okay but you're probably thinking come

on it's electric car so what's the range

well this car could do 480 kilometers on

a single charge so you've got nothing to

worry about

in fact about 90 percent of the driving

that I do I just use my home charger for

those occasions where do need to go

further afield and use public charging I

plan my route using the app I can send

my route to the vehicle and I'll plan it

on the navigation system and what the

car does is it will see what my stated

charges now and what my predicted stated

charges when I get to my destination and

if it sees I don't have a sufficient

amount of charge that will actually

direct me via public charging stations


the ipace is packed with safety features

for example to help you keep your eyes

on the road that wasn't me

that wasn't me don't worry that was

somebody else Ben wait seriously to help

you keep your eyes on the road you can

beam information up via that you head-up

display such as your speed in navigation

or even your telephone ah

and nearly forgot eight devices can link

up to its 4G Wi-Fi hotspot so what's it

like being in this car well it tips for

me so many boxes is dynamic it's fast

it's also safe but ultimately it's

really calm and Yuri do feel cocoon from

the outside world I've been driving this

car for about four months now

and to be honest II don't get it back


For more infomation >> Jaguar - Unlock & Learn – Episode. 1: The New All-Electric I-PACE • 60fps Limitless Quality - Duration: 5:26.


i got a taste of my future (at vidcon) || mermaidqueenjude [CC] - Duration: 2:26.

I got a taste of my future.

It's amazing how much a year can change everything.

I came to vidcon alone last year, just a babe with a vision.

The vision that I could change the world, that my work could change the world.

A vision that included off-limits conversations, amazing connections, and adventures that I

only dreamed of.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

And it's serendipitous, and it's beautiful.

I had no idea what I was walking into this vidcon, no fucking clue.

But here I am on the other side, and it was bigger and better and brighter than I could've imagined.

You meet people along the way who impact you, who change you, who help shape you.

You meet people who push you, who become a safety net if you fall.

You meet people who take the weight off of your shoulders and remind you that you don't

have to do this alone because you are never alone.

I got to laugh with my friends.

That kind of laughter that goes deep into your soul?

They remind me that the darkness doesn't last forever.

It never lasts forever.

I am still learning to believe and trust that I deserve the opportunities that I am given.

I am learning to accept that I have worked hard to be where I am.

I am working hard to improve my quality of content and my quality of life.

I am working hard to ensure that the Mermaid Kingdom has a place to come home to.

You are always welcome at my table.

We are untangling the knots of our past traumas to secure the net for what happens next.

My dreams don't seem so far away anymore.

The future is ahead of me.

The only person in my way is me.

I will fight.

I will prosper.

I will succeed.

There is enough room at the table for all of us, and I can't wait for all of us to

sit together and watch the sunset.

I got a taste of my future.

She's bright and beautiful and gorgeous.

I got a taste of my future.

She's full of love and light.

I got a taste of my future - she's full of change, empathy and understanding.

I got a taste of my future.

For more infomation >> i got a taste of my future (at vidcon) || mermaidqueenjude [CC] - Duration: 2:26.


Chelsea next manager: Maurizio Sarri waiting on one final detail to be appointed - Duration: 2:45.

 Conte's payoff is now the only hold up in appointing Sarri, who has agreed a two-year contract and the option of a third

 Chelsea have also successfully negotiated Sarri's release from Napoli. But Conte, who is on holiday in Italy, is holding the deal up

 Conte is due £9m for the final year of his contract although Chelsea are hoping to negotiate a better deal after his management of the Diego Costa situation

 Sarri has drawn up a transfer wishlist with Juventus defender Daniele Rugani, 23, expected to be the first arrival

 Dries Mertens is also on Sarri's radar after impressing for Napoli. The Belgium ace is expected to miss the England match on Thursday with a niggle

 Chelsea made Sarri their top target this summer after growing tired of Conte's constant moaning in regards to transfers

 Conte insisted he did not get the players he wanted to defend the title, despite spending big on the likes of Alvaro Morata, Antonio Rudiger, Danny Drinkwater and Tiemoue Bakayo

 Chelsea have been told to make their mind up on Ruben Loftus-Cheek's future, and they could decide to send him out on loan again

 Loftus-Cheek wants to play first team football after forcing his way into the England team while on loan with Crystal Palace

 "Yes, that's the key for me next season regarding where I end up," he said. "I want to play

I want to play as much as I can. "Even this past season I didn't play as much as I would have liked to because of the injuries and stuff

So I still feel I need a proper season of playing – wherever it is. "I'm confident in my ability that I can do well wherever it is

But I'm just not thinking about whether I'm going to play at Chelsea right now. I'm just focused on the tournament


For more infomation >> Chelsea next manager: Maurizio Sarri waiting on one final detail to be appointed - Duration: 2:45.


San Benedetto - Thè (bevuta) - I love you - Cindy Crawford - 15 (25-6-2018) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> San Benedetto - Thè (bevuta) - I love you - Cindy Crawford - 15 (25-6-2018) - Duration: 0:16.


6/26/18 8:19 AM (I-70, Denver, CO 80216, USA) - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> 6/26/18 8:19 AM (I-70, Denver, CO 80216, USA) - Duration: 15:00.


[충격] 이재명 측 "'옥수동 밀회' 주장은 거짓"…김영환·김부선 고발 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> [충격] 이재명 측 "'옥수동 밀회' 주장은 거짓"…김영환·김부선 고발 - Duration: 3:28.


Hyundai Accent 1.5i GS - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Accent 1.5i GS - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai Tucson 2.7I V6 4WD STYLE EERSTE EIGENAAR LET OP KM.STAND ZIE NAP.PAS. - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.7I V6 4WD STYLE EERSTE EIGENAAR LET OP KM.STAND ZIE NAP.PAS. - Duration: 1:04.


I Can't Believe - Duration: 0:15.

I can't believe it

No no no nono no no no nonono no no no no no nono no no nononononono ono no no n onono non o n on

( FOLLOW iT-08864jo. )

For more infomation >> I Can't Believe - Duration: 0:15.



For more infomation >> IRAN: "DOPO GLI S-300 VOGLIAMO ANCHE I CARRI ARMATI T-90" - Duration: 2:34.


Volvo V50 1.8 EDITION I - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.8 EDITION I - Duration: 1:11.


Il Commissario Montalbano 2019, i nuovi episodi: 'Una storia del 43' e 'L'altro capo del filo' IL - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Il Commissario Montalbano 2019, i nuovi episodi: 'Una storia del 43' e 'L'altro capo del filo' IL - Duration: 5:45.


Wakacyjna promocja na telefony i konsole IP Platan - Duration: 1:29.


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For more infomation >> Wakacyjna promocja na telefony i konsole IP Platan - Duration: 1:29.


Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.7 I V8 HEMI Aut. Limited, Leer, Navi *Uniek* - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.7 I V8 HEMI Aut. Limited, Leer, Navi *Uniek* - Duration: 1:12.


本届国会创历史新高!国会90新人首次亮相! - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 本届国会创历史新高!国会90新人首次亮相! - Duration: 4:13.


PLEXUS | Architectural Design | Pavilion | Undergraduate Students - Duration: 4:33.

A blank page is both beautiful and scary but you have to make that first line in

order to see progress you have to capture your thoughts while your mind is

on fire there is no right or wrong you have to not be afraid and let yourself

dive into the creating process we were given the project instructions but

mostly we had the freedom to do whatever we wanted

and the main theme was to create a pavilion a flexible architectural open

space that invites people to come in and spend time in it our way to decrease the

million ways that this project could have gone was to focus mostly on

construction techniques that all the members of the group enjoyed and let

them lead us to the type and shspe of a structure we liked after long hours of

Google and Pinterest haunt and we were all fascinated by minimal surfaces

tensegrities and finding ways to make a hard surface like wood bend

so the first cardboard model was made trying to merge all these techniques

together but of course no one can be satisfied by their first creation

because there are so many ways you think you can improve it and that's what we

did we kept practicing form finding either by making more cardboard models

because having something solid that you can hold and see how it behaves in real

life in lighting and into an environment is highly important or by using digital

means like 3d modeling and specifically the use of grasshopper in rhino that

gave us direct visualization of changes with a click of a button and that was a

major time saver after many trials and errors especially on the stage of

working with wood and not paper anymore started was super frustrating all the

calculations shapes and studies we made with paper till then didn't work on wood

or at least we didn't have the time to make it work and that was a major

turning point for us that moment we had to take a step back actually hundreds of

steps back recharge our battery and then we made a choice we went back back to

the first idea the idea that we when thought was too simple and not enough we

now can proudly present the PLEXUS

plexus is a pavilion created for activities such as reading and relaxing

the initial thinking was to create a structure that will provide both private

and more public areas. This was achieved by creating these perforated curved

surfaces .We wanted to find an easy to construct technique, due to the curvature

and after many hours of testing we were led to use a grid that it will be

created by multiple intersecting stripes of wood ,at every intersection point

there is an opening for the screws to be added by assembling each screw the

desired curvature is gradually created this process results in a

self-supporting construction since all the strains and forces that are required

for the pavilion to stand are given by the core and the ropes

even though plexus is easy to construct in any site and environment it is

important that the ground that it will accommodate it to have smooth and soft

soil in order to function as planned.

Thank you so much for watching.

Please dont forget to Subscribe and hit the Like button, till next time

have a super duper day.

For more infomation >> PLEXUS | Architectural Design | Pavilion | Undergraduate Students - Duration: 4:33.





Valee - Womp Womp ft. Jeremih - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Valee - Womp Womp ft. Jeremih - Duration: 4:21.


🔴 Assistente de Palco do Sbt, ASSUME NAMORO com Cantor Sertanejo e SURPREENDE a todos - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Assistente de Palco do Sbt, ASSUME NAMORO com Cantor Sertanejo e SURPREENDE a todos - Duration: 1:05.


Słodki posmak w ustach - o czym świadczy? - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Słodki posmak w ustach - o czym świadczy? - Duration: 5:28.


Mike Shinoda Explica o Significado da Letra de "Crossing A Line" (Legendado PT-BR -- CC) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Mike Shinoda Explica o Significado da Letra de "Crossing A Line" (Legendado PT-BR -- CC) - Duration: 3:25.


Renato Goes abre o jogo, fala sobre briga com diretor de Deus Salve o Rei e suposta "expulsão" de - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Renato Goes abre o jogo, fala sobre briga com diretor de Deus Salve o Rei e suposta "expulsão" de - Duration: 2:31.


TORCEDOR DE CADA SIGNO ⚽️🇧🇷 Signos na copa da Rússia e suas superstições | DRelacionamentos - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> TORCEDOR DE CADA SIGNO ⚽️🇧🇷 Signos na copa da Rússia e suas superstições | DRelacionamentos - Duration: 5:10.


Depois Deste Vídeo, Você NUNCA MAIS Vai Jogar as CASCAS DE LIMÃO Fora - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Depois Deste Vídeo, Você NUNCA MAIS Vai Jogar as CASCAS DE LIMÃO Fora - Duration: 3:18.


5 Clever Hacks to SKYROCKET Your Mobile Organic Search Traffic - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 5 Clever Hacks to SKYROCKET Your Mobile Organic Search Traffic - Duration: 5:05.


Here's Why Mosquitoes Bite You and Not Others - Duration: 2:16.

Everyone knows that mosquitoes are annoying little insects that like biting and making

marks on us.

The most interesting part is that these bugs seem to like biting some people more than


There are actually some factors that make you more attractive to mosquitoes.

If you've ever heard that, it's because your skin is sweeter, that's actually not wrong.

In today's video we're going to talk about all the reasons mosquitoes like some people

more than others:

Exercising Exercising is the answer to many different

health problems, but in this case, it may be the cause of your problem.

When we exercise, we produce lactic acid, an organic compound that mosquitoes are attracted


Not bathing regularly This one may not be news, but it's not for

the reason you think.

Mosquitoes are attracted to sweat because it smells good to them.

Malaria carrying mosquitoes love it even more.

Some sweet perfumes and scents found in bath gels can have the same effect.

Pregnancy Mosquitoes like carbon dioxide, a gas we exhale

constantly, but pregnant women exhale higher levels of it, making them more susceptible

to mosquito bites.

Drinking Alcohol Just like pregnant women, we exhale higher

levels of carbon dioxide when we drink because the alcohol speeds up our metabolism.

Wearing dark clothes Lots of people believe that this one is a

myth, but there is some truth to this saying.

Mosquitoes have very sensitive heat sensors which are triggered by black clothes since

they absorb more heat.

Type-O blood Even blood types affect whether or not mosquitoes

will bite you.

A study performed in a controlled environment showed that mosquitoes are twice as attracted

to people with Type-O blood than people with Type-A blood.

Mosquitoes can tell due to a chemical we secrete.

For more infomation >> Here's Why Mosquitoes Bite You and Not Others - Duration: 2:16.


Małgorzata Kożuchowska wyjawia skandaliczne kulisy pracy na planie filmy Vegi! - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Małgorzata Kożuchowska wyjawia skandaliczne kulisy pracy na planie filmy Vegi! - Duration: 3:11.


O Sole Mio - Enrico Caruso (Original Version) + Lyrics - Duration: 3:14.

What a wonderful thing a sunny day

The serene air after a thunderstorm

The fresh air, and a party is already going on…

What a wonderful thing a sunny day.

But another sun,

that's brighter still

It's my own sun

that's in your face!

The sun, my own sun

It's in your face! It's in your face!

When night comes and the sun has gone down,

I start feeling blue

I'd stay below your window

When night comes and the sun has gone down.

But another sun,

that's brighter still

It's my own sun

that's in your face!

The sun, my own sun

It's in your face! It's in your face!

For more infomation >> O Sole Mio - Enrico Caruso (Original Version) + Lyrics - Duration: 3:14.


Klaudia Halejcio będzie mamą?! Co za szczere wyznanie! - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Klaudia Halejcio będzie mamą?! Co za szczere wyznanie! - Duration: 3:13.



Dear children, ...

This is the day

May lord give me ...

To thank him ...

For each of you, ...

for those who have converted ...

and accepted my messages, ...

For those who ...

have started ...

on the path of conversion ...

... and holiness.

Rejoice; ...

little children, ...

for God is merciful; ...

he loves you all ...

of his immeasurable love ...

and he guides you ...

towards the path of salvation ...

... through my vein here.

I love you all ...

and I give you my son ...

for him to give you peace.

Thank you for answering ...

... to my call.

That was the message of June 25, 2018 in Medjugorje.

For more infomation >> MEDJUGORJE .. MESSAGE DU 25 JUIN 2018 ... JOUR ANNIVERSAIRE - Duration: 2:29.


Simge - Aşk İle Yanarım - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Simge - Aşk İle Yanarım - Duration: 4:16.


How To: Un/Install Quick Release Wheels - Duration: 3:25.

Knowing how to…

Is there supposed to be another word in there?

Start over.

Knowing how to remove your front and rear wheels is an essential part of bike ownership.

Today, we are going to walk you through that process.

If you're removing the rear wheel, first give your chain some slack by shifting to the smallest gear and chainring.

The next step is releasing the brakes.

Depending on what time of rim brakes you have, there may be a couple ways to do this.

Higher end road bikes have a brake release lever built into the brake that will release brake tension.

For cantilever brakes, squeeze the calipers towards the wheel's rim to release cable tension.

Disconnect the straddle wire cable.

For linear-pull brakes, squeeze the calipers towards the wheel's rim to release cable tension.

Lift the cable out of its link.

For disc brakes, there's nothing extra you need to do because disc brakes rock!

The disc pads are fixed and the disc will move in and out between the fixed pads.

Next, pull the quick release lever open and loosen the adjusting nut if necessary.

You can now guide the wheel out of the dropouts.

You may need to remove the axle completely to guide the wheel out of the dropout's safety tabs.

If you're removing the rear wheel, pull down and back on the rear derailleur to release the cog from the chain.

Now, it's time to reinstall the wheels.

For wheels using a quick release skewer, it's important that the wheel is fully seated in the dropouts.

To make sure this happens, it's easiest to re-install the wheel while the bike is on the ground.

Make sure your quick release lever is in the open position and install the wheel into the dropouts.

Make sure that the wheel is fully seated.

If you have disc brakes, make sure the disc is inserted between the fixed pads.

On the rear wheel, hold the derailleur down and back.

Place the wheel so the chain hooks on to the smallest cog.

Now, close the system by tightening the adjusting nut.

You'll know it's tight enough when you feel some resistance when the quick release lever is about halfway closed.

Fully close the quick release lever.

Make sure the front wheel lever is faces towards the rear of the fork

and the rear wheel lever lines up evenly between the chain and seat stays.

Disc brakes are the exception to this rule.

Front wheel levers should face along the front of the fork.

Rear wheel levers should sit just below the chainstay.

As you can see, if your lever are closed at the correct position,

they don't hit any part of the bike frame or any accessories like racks or fender stays.

It's important that the lever does not contact any other component

because this could prevent the lever from fully closing.

Lastly, check to make sure the wheel tread is facing the right direction and the wheel is fully seated in the dropout.

Re-attach your rim brakes.

Give the brakes a squeeze to make sure that the brake pads line up with the rim and aren't rubbing the wheel.

To make sure the wheel is secure, lift the wheel off the ground and hit it with a solid blow using your hand.

You're good to go if the wheel does not feel loose, move from side to side, or come off.

And that's it, you're ready to ride!

For more information about your bike and its quick release system, consult your owner's manual.

You can also find more information by visiting trekbikes.com or by dropping in to your local Trek retailer.

For more infomation >> How To: Un/Install Quick Release Wheels - Duration: 3:25.


Espinacas, zanahoria y limón: bebida medicinal para eliminar toxinas - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Espinacas, zanahoria y limón: bebida medicinal para eliminar toxinas - Duration: 3:38.


Flagra! Novo Jeep de 7 lugares é visto em testes camuflado - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Flagra! Novo Jeep de 7 lugares é visto em testes camuflado - Duration: 4:06.


¿Qué hago para que le guste ir la escuela? - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué hago para que le guste ir la escuela? - Duration: 3:41.


Buy TVS Bikes Discount 15,000 TK In BD 2018/ TVS Bike Price In Dhaka / Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Buy TVS Bikes Discount 15,000 TK In BD 2018/ TVS Bike Price In Dhaka / Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 12:46.


Opozycja w szoku! Pawłowicz żąda przeprosin od Lewandowskiego - Duration: 3:09.

Krystyna Pawłowicz jest osobą, która nigdy nie przebiera w słowach i środkach.

Tym razem jednak przesadziła do tego stopnia, że nawet opozycja jest w szoku.

Posłanka żąda bowiem przeprosin… od Lewandowskiego!

Mundialowe mecze naszej reprezentacji przynosiły wielkie emocje wszystkim Polakom.

Również Krystyna Pawłowicz dała się porwać footballowemu szaleństwu.

Niestety, naszym rodakom na mistrzostwach świata stanowczo nie poszło.

Wszyscy jesteśmy źli, ale posłanka jest wściekła do tego stopnia, że żąda przeprosin!

Opozycja jest w niemałym szoku po słowach posłanki,

która oświadczyła, że polscy piłkarze przynieśli międzynarodowy wstyd.

Zauważają, że większość jej zachowań i często skandalicznych wypowiedzi, nie są dla Polaków powodem do dumy.

– Jak może mówić o wstydzie osoba, która go nie ma? – pytają internauci.

Krystyna Pawłowicz chce przeprosin

– Jeśli nie ma już żadnych szans na dalszy awans, to jaki jest sens, by zostawać na mundialu dłużej?

Obowiązku chyba nie ma. Mecz z Japonią ma być „walką o honor" ?

Jaki, czyj „honor"? Honor to byłby szybki powrót,

jakieś wspólne przepraszam i zwrot kosztów… – uważa posłanka Prawa i Sprawiedliwości.

Jej zdaniem tylko takie zachowanie jest w stanie uchronić piłkarzy przed całkowitą hańbą.

Jednakże komentarze posłanki spotkały się z bardzo ostrą reakcją internautów.

Ich zdaniem Pawłowicz nie ma racji, a Lewandowski wcale nie powinien przepraszać, mimo, że jest kapitanem drużyny.

„Pani to chyba na piłce się nie zna?! Proszę się zająć czymś, na czym się pani zna",

„To byłby skandal i wstyd na cały świat. Ja wiem, że PiS to lubi robić wiochę,

ale prawdziwi kibice nigdy się na to nie zgodzą.

Ręce opadają po prostu", „Akurat o honorze to politycy powinni się w ogóle nie wypowiadać",

„Żyje pani na tym świecie tyle czasu i nie rozumie, że umów należy dotrzymywać?

Skoro umówiliśmy się na 3 mecze to tyle trzeba rozegrać" – pisali oburzeni. Zgadzacie się z posłanką?

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