Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 29 2018

hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

We will talk about the following topic what is the use of cilantro discover all its

incredible properties so do not go and stay with us until the

end of this video where we will be developing this interesting topic

now we go with the information

and coriander is an herb with multiple properties for health

from combating anemia through reducing menstrual cramps to

detoxify the blood or heal the mouth fires you've surely used this

spice in more than one dish and you recognize it for its flavor and aroma

characteristic you knew that you have a lot of benefits find out why

serves cilantro in the following video interesting facts about cilantro

is present in dishes from all over the world especially in Spain

mexico north of africa south america middle east and south asia its leaves are

they sting and sprinkle in many recipes besides in thailand its root is consumed

also called culantro and pebre is a plant that belongs to the group of

aromatic due to its captivating and delightful concentrated perfume if

well it is difficult to indicate what is the origin of coriander the experts claim

that comes from the east of Europe in this area many plants grow

wild archaeologists have found remains of the cultivation of this herb in the

tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs there are also vestiges of their use in the

ancient greece where it was much sought after to create perfumes the Romans what

introduced to the west of the continent and then from England it traveled to the USA and it

expanded through Latin America cilantro properties have time to listen

All the advantages of this delicious seasoning are really

many benefits is anti-inflammatory and relieves the symptoms of arthritis

antibacterial properties and prevents the proliferation of salmonella virus

in food serves to increase the levels of

'good' cholesterol and reduce the bad or HDL and DL respectively relieves

Stomach gas and prevents flatulence reduces infections of the

urinary tract relieves nausea improves symptoms and changes of

temperament caused by hormonal cycles menstruation reduces the

menstrual cramps and pains is a good source of iron fibers and magnesium

helps fight anemia relieves diarrhea especially when it is caused by

a microbial infection promotes liver health reduces inflammation is

a source of antioxidant detoxifies the blood and the body in general

stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands secretes insulin and

reduces blood sugar levels is antiseptic and antifungal so that

It is used to treat infections caused by fungi and this also improves the

immune system is a potent expectorant eliminates

phlegm and mucus relieves conjunctivitis the redness of the

eyes and macular degeneration reduces any stomach upset eliminates the

bad breath reduces fats on the internal walls of veins and

arteries cures oral fires prevents oral ulcers is a

potent aphrodisiac in conjunction with cinnamon cardamom clove and

ginger helps to lose weight cures measles relieves the symptoms of

hemorrhoids cilantro alone has contraindications for women in

three situations in your life when you want to get pregnant could

reducing the possibility of generating when they are pregnant can increase

options for having an abortion when they are breastfeeding their child is not

they still know the consequences of this plant in babies cilantro in the

kitchen how it is used and preserved now that you know all the properties that it has

this aromatic plant will undoubtedly want to go running to buy it and have it

always at your disposal in the kitchen in most cases you use the

Coriander seed when ripe and dry is a condiment that serves to

many dishes because it gives them flavor and soft and sweet aroma there are two types

of cilantro that we can use in Moroccan coriander gastronomy is the most

easy to get the seeds are brown color has a diameter of 15

millimeters and you can easily grind it you get a fine powder cilantro

Indian the size is similar to the previous one but what changes is the color in this

case is lighter or yellow the flavor is softer they are usually toasted before

grind to intensify its aroma the discarded seeds are ground or

whole should be kept in a glass jar away from light the

insects and moisture in this way can be kept in good condition during

longer coriander seeds are used in a lot of recipes

to provide a sweet and light flavor some of the options are products of

bakery and pastries such as cookies and bread desserts and dairy

compotes because it combines perfectly with the acid fruits candies if you

They eat sugary dishes with pork or lamb to provide you with a

more intense aroma stews of rice or pasta beet salads cabbages and

spinach sausages such as sausages and salami combined with cumin canned and

marinades meatballs typical moroccan food sauces combination of several

Indian spices liqueurs like the contract and the Benedictine aromatize chocolates

the leaves are used in soups and salads in india and mexico if you have decided to

Growing cilantro at home Congratulations will be simple is an annual herb grows

up to the meter high and you need a good amount of sun in terms of water

prefers moist soil but not flooded many choose to have it in a pot

in the kitchen and take some leaves when they are going to use it to cook

you had an idea of ​​all this share this information with your family and friends

in your social networks do not forget to leave us your opinion in the

comments section subscribe to our channel and give it like this is

remedies easy '24 see you in a next edition thank you




Creando Outfits Con La Ropa De Mi Esposo 🦄 Bessy Dressy - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Creando Outfits Con La Ropa De Mi Esposo 🦄 Bessy Dressy - Duration: 7:13.


El plan de Iglesias para acabar con Teresa Rodríguez en venganza por el chalet Noticias De Hoy - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> El plan de Iglesias para acabar con Teresa Rodríguez en venganza por el chalet Noticias De Hoy - Duration: 2:52.


Peninsula Clean Energy: energía más limpia a menos costo - Duration: 0:31.

As a local restaurant owner,

Manuel brings great energy to the community

Like Manuel, you've got great energy too!

As a resident of San Mateo County,

you are now being supplied cleaner energy at lower rates

from Peninsula Clean Energy

And with this county program, your discounts automatically continue

For more information, visit

For more infomation >> Peninsula Clean Energy: energía más limpia a menos costo - Duration: 0:31.


Empresas que sobresalen (Jim Collins) - resumen animado - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> Empresas que sobresalen (Jim Collins) - resumen animado - Duration: 12:16.


1997 Mercedes E-class 4MATIC w210 FL promo video - Duration: 4:48.



not always a mercedes benz

driver a well-developed road and

expect optimal driving conditions

he can, however, expect him

mercedes benz technically mature and

comfortable systems for a safe and secure

mastered driving dynamics available

like this completely new

developed allrad concept for the



the goal of this new development was the

comfort and the characteristic of the

to receive two-wheel drive vehicle

goal was as little as possible

different parts compared to the

base model to use and thus the

price attractive

the reduction of the possible

wear parts additionally increase the

Lifespan and reduces the

maintenance costs


the end result of the development

safest four-wheel vehicle in the world

his segment

with definite controllability also in

cross areas


But first and foremost, the new company should

Sure you give the freedom and freedom

comfortable to go where you want to go

whatever that she is leading her to

arrive relaxed

You can get that from a Mercedes Benz

expect with 4matic


the standard electronic

Traction system regulates instabilities

at every speed

that for the special requirements of the

four-wheel drive modified landing gear

owns opposite the two-wheeled

e class a greater ground clearance


et ass is activated if one or

several of the drive wheels due to

low roadway adhesion due to tears

Sensors on all four wheels and one

Rapid electronics detect at any time

the current state

here are the essential elements of the new

company tick the permanent four-wheel drive

even with adapted front axle and

changed driveline and the to

basic equipment includes de modified

ets to front and rear axle


active security associated with

sovereign driving pleasure in every situation

the goal was the result the new one

4matic in the e class


until 10

For more infomation >> 1997 Mercedes E-class 4MATIC w210 FL promo video - Duration: 4:48.


Las 10 Cosas Que Traen Mala Suerte En La Casa, La # 5 y 8 te Dejarán Sorprendida y LO SABRÁS PORQUÉ - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Las 10 Cosas Que Traen Mala Suerte En La Casa, La # 5 y 8 te Dejarán Sorprendida y LO SABRÁS PORQUÉ - Duration: 3:06.


Live With Lee: Discover Kentucky At Natural Bridge - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Live With Lee: Discover Kentucky At Natural Bridge - Duration: 3:04.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LULLABY for Babies to go to Sleep Kids | Lullabies Baby | LULLABY songs - Duration: 3:00:32.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LULLABY for Babies to go to Sleep Kids | Lullabies Baby | LULLABY songs

For more infomation >> Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LULLABY for Babies to go to Sleep Kids | Lullabies Baby | LULLABY songs - Duration: 3:00:32.


Arma tu look con ChapStick Classic - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> Arma tu look con ChapStick Classic - Duration: 0:07.


✅ Sandra Bullock maman : rares confidences de l'actrice sur ses enfants - Duration: 2:08.

 Le 11 mai 2018, Sandra Bullock s'était confiée sur son combat concernant l'adoption et les enfants en famille d'accueil dans les colonnes d'InStyle

En fonction de sa propre expérience, elle-même maman de deux enfants adoptés, Louis 8 ans et Laila 6 ans, l'actrice expliquait le parcours du combattant auquel elle a dû faire face

Une lutte acharnée qu'elle ne regrette évidemment pas: "Il y a eu beaucoup de jackpots dans ma vie

Le premier grâce à Speed. Mais le plus important est l'arrivée de mes enfants qui m'ont fait comprendre que ma vie avait un sens" explique ce vendredi 29 juin la maman de 53 ans dans les colonnes du magazine Public

Sandra Bullock : Une maman présente Depuis qu'elle a adopté ses deux enfants, l'héroïne de "La proposition" fait passer sa petite famille avant sa carrière professionnelle

Désormais, ses priorités ne sont plus les mêmes : "Mes enfants Laila et Louis sont jeunes

Je dois être en mesure de payer leur école jusqu'à ce que je devienne impotente" confie celle qui est actuellement à l'affiche d'"Ocean's 8" : "La vie n'a pas toujours été tendre avec moi, mais mes enfants sont des pépites

Et j'ai une chance de folle car, contrairement à des millions de mamans, moi, je peux les voir grandir"

Visiblement Sandra Bullock semble épanouie dans son nouveau train de vie.  Par Florence Epandi

For more infomation >> ✅ Sandra Bullock maman : rares confidences de l'actrice sur ses enfants - Duration: 2:08.


Colocan cámara de video a un perro callejero y descubren esto - Duration: 2:13.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.  El abandono animal se ha convertido en una problemática social, política y de salud en diversas partes del mundo

 El fenómeno del perro callejero se sufre en todo el mundo.   Diariamente cientos de perros y gatos son echados a la calle o abandonados a su suerte en bosques, basureros, callejones y en el mejor de los casos, centros antirrábicos

 De acuerdo con cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, tan sólo en Brasil hay más de 30 millones de animales abandonados que viven en las calles sufriendo todo tipo de abusos y maltratos, además de propagar enfermedades

   Las grandes ciudades son los sitios donde más se observa este abandono, ya que los diferentes tipos de unidades habitacionales y espacios de vivienda obligan a los humanos a deshacerse de aquellos seres de compañía que fueron adquiridos durante una temporada decembrina, como regalo o por simple moda

 Es por ello que la organización World For All lanzó una iniciativa que busca sensibilizar a las personas para no abandonar a perros y gatos, mostrándoles la cruel realidad de la calle

Y acabar con el tema del perro callejero.   El proyecto consistió en colocar una cámara de video a un perro en situación de abandono en la ciudad de Mumbai, India, capturando todos los riesgos y tipos de violencia los que se enfrentan diariamente mientras buscan sobrevivir

 Basureros y agua de alcantarillas y charcos son su fuente de comida, a la par que reciben insultos, patadas y pedradas por parte de los pobladores que los alejan de sus comercios y casas

      Contenido relacionado  Denuncian a paseadora de perros en Polanco que maltrata a los canes #VIDEO             Prepara croqueta anticonceptiva para perros de la calle       

For more infomation >> Colocan cámara de video a un perro callejero y descubren esto - Duration: 2:13.


SER FAN DEL KPOP EN CHILE/ Lo que tienes que pagar... - Duration: 11:17.

Hi friends!

We are in a place

Called GAM

There are a lot of guys that dance Kpop all the weekends

I was waiting just dance

but thet are selling a lot of things about Kpop too

And I went to look

They sell some photos of BTS

And some things with photos of BlackPink and other groups

That's why I'm a little surprised and nervous

We are in Santiago Center because we are looking for K-pop fans

They always dance near here, we are in "Universidad Católica" metro

We walked a little more and found a big suprise...

We found a type of convention about K-pop

Here they sell many things related to the K-pop

There are dolls, posters, badges, albums, a lot of things

Join us to see more things about K-pop in Chile

Let's go!

Oh! I'm very nervous!

Why do you like K-pop?

It's a different style

it shows you different things than american pop shows to you

I like Kpop because the language, really

and the videos.

The culture is very interesting.

Korean culture really catches my attention...

although sometimes it's very conservative.

And the music is a unique style.

The k-pop is very different from the rest.

The dances are very original, the songs can be of different types and people will like it.

The dances are very flashy and the songs have a lot of meaning.

Because the music style and because they danced and sang...

in that time I liked to dance and sing so it catched my attention.

Because the people that practice K-pop have a lot of talent.

It combines rap, dance and singing, so it's very artistic.

As it is said in many interviews more than music is a way of life

then we learn many things from other cultures

And finally they become their own

Like you see here this happen every Saturday

so it's something that really moves masses.

What is your favourite k-pop band?



Monsta X, because I love them all and they are all perfect


Monsta X, I feel is a very special band, individually as a group and as a person

One of my favourite band is Shinee

they are very happy, they have very difficult choreographies, they play a great role in my life.

My favourite band is EXO

I didn't like them before but there was a time when I thought them very different from the other groups.




Because we dance like them, that is the reason why we dance of them.

We think that the group has a lot of talent.

Being many members and having different types of style makes it more complete.

What do people think that you like K-pop?

Many times it was seen before, because now it's not so much, like a taboo

Always in the past it looked like a taboo, they see people who likes Asian like something weird.

Nowadays it looks like something more widespread. Many people like it, it's a boom.

People like it more and don't see us as weirdos.

It happens to me that I'm working and my colleagues always ask me "what are you do? What are you do?" and I had to tell them that I dance K-pop.

They are super curious, they always ask me "and what is it about? What kind of thing is it?"

I tell them it is music. and at least they are super open.

Most think you're weird.

In school they bother me, they say "ohh you like those Chinese".

Sometimes, I feel uncomfortable when they tell me those things

Before it looked worse than now

now thanks a particular group has become more popular and it doesn't look so weird anymore

Before in Primary school they bothered me a lot because I liked it K-pop

but now for me it's super natural that my parents see me dancing in the house…

My brother…

There are many people who support you, for example my parents will always see us at events, we have friends.

It's a very beautiful family that is formed here.

Now if you like K-pop is more normal

but in those times when I went in the primary school even the teachers discriminated me, they called me "the Chinese".

Even the teachers said to you "she is weird", but now it's much more normal and I like that a lot

because there is not as much discrimination as before.

What do you think about Korean fashion?

I like Korean fashion a lot, it catches my attention. I think is too formal but have a casual side too. It's super varied.

Clothes and fashion are very cute; people look ordered not like here.

Is casual and elegant that's why catch the attention is very varied and you can dress like you want

and finally you will always look good.

I like more guy's fashion than Women fashion. It's more elegant and more formal. So that's cute.

Korean fashion is a tendency in Chile and it's a trend that is followed in many countries

so to me is very comfortable.

It's something that you see a lot here is the clothes that we bring that always tries to look like how Koreans dress.

It's cool!

How much money do you spend on K-pop?

A lot of money

You want to have everything although it's expensive and you can't get it easily.

This brings concerts here then it's quite the money, for example now soon comes the concert of Monsta X

and that I spent was almost 400,000 chilean pesos.

Only the posters are 45,000 Chilean pesos

and badges would be like 20,000 Chilean pesos.

I actually have a lot of special NCT albums, and each time that they introduce new one would be approximately 20,000 Chilean pesos.

I have a store where I sell albums

and approximately the people…

for example now with the launch of the BTS album a girl spent 66,000 Chilean pesos on albums.

The albums that are here are more expensive because they are brought to the country

the shipping charge and customs. You don't pay the album you pay to bring it here, you pay double what the album costs…

Everything Official clothes, light sticks. Everything costs three times what it's worth in Korea

but still we do the impossible to get everything.

How much money do you spend on your group?

The most are in different groups, not only in one,

the money that they spend is the double or triple, is a difficult theme

When you dance like them you try to do everything similar to them.

I in a group have spent 70,000 Chilean pesos.

I spent a lot of money in clothes you have to have everything from the shoes the jacket.

I spent like 70,000 Chilean pesos.

There are 35,000 40,000 Chilean pesos that we spend monthly

Depends, because for the group we spend money in the clothes,

from 5,000 Chilean pesos until 40,000 Chilean pesos.

Obviously you have to count the money that you spent for the bus,

also when we come to rehearse we spend money from our pocket to eat.

When I come here I have to pay the ticket, the lunch, the costumes, pay for registration at the events.

We are an international couple… What do you think about this type of relationship?

Ooooow so cute!


Love is love

Maybe sometimes is shocking to be with a person who has a different culture

because the ways of expressing themselves are very different

for example I like very much to watch Kdramas so the attitude of the main characters are very distant

instead here we are like very ... "hello!" hug and kiss, then it can be shocking

but it's pretty nice because finally two cultures come together can complement each other very well.

I have seen many Koreans who don't want to be with Latinos, they don't take risks.

But I feel it's very good- to have an international relationship- because mix cultures are good.

I feel Koreans are closed mind to be with foreign people

if you -Dean- are with a Chilean, for example, it's great because they- Koreans- are opening their minds to new cultures to new ways of life.

I love international relationship I feel it's super nice that despite the cultural barrier and the language issue that don't stop you to love each other

then I think it's very beautiful that there are such relationships that there is no type of impediment

no inconvenience and that there is only love.

I watched videos of other youtubers where they ask to Koreans guys about Latinas and they generally prefer the Koreans girls

it's very nice to be an interracial couple, because there is no nationality barrier

If you want to be together, if you want to be apart, but it's better to be look very cute together

I don't have any problems with interracial couples.

Do you like to have a Korean boyfriend?

For my part, I really want it

Everyone who likes Kpop would like to have a Korean boyfriend

to anyone you ask is going to tell you will say "yes"

We are talking about Kpop So... Where is the dance?

How do you say I'm so impressed?

"I'm impressed"

I'm so impressed

Thank you!!!

oh very good

Thank you!

So thank you very much

¡Thanks for watching! and please subscribe!!!

For more infomation >> SER FAN DEL KPOP EN CHILE/ Lo que tienes que pagar... - Duration: 11:17.


Belgique : un enfant de huit ans, doté d'un QI exceptionnel, obtient son bac - Duration: 2:29.

 Laurent devrait être en CE2. Mais ce garçon de huit, originaire d'Ostende (Belgique) a déjà décroché son diplôme d'études secondaires, l'équivalent de notre baccalauréat, rapporte la RTBF, jeudi 28 juin

Laurent est doté d'un QI exceptionnel de 145, bien au-delà du seuil 130, à partir duquel on considère une personne comme surdouée

 Selon son père, dès le plus jeune âge, leur fils s'ennuyait avec les autres enfants

 "Pour lui, c'était difficile de jouer avec les autres. Il regardait comment cela se passait

Il faisait les choses différemment. Il ne savait pas quoi faire des jouets", a-t-il développé

 Maintenant qu'il a son diplôme en poche, Laurent ne compte pas en rester là. Dans une conférence de presse, il a indiqué qu'il voulait commencer des études d'ingénieur

"Ma matière préférée, ce sont les mathématiques, détaille-t-il. Parce que c'est très vaste

Il y a la statistique, la géométrie, l'algèbre. Il y a plusieurs directions.", a-t-il détaillé

Mais avant cela, il va s'accorder deux mois de vacances.  Sujets associésSociétéEducation

For more infomation >> Belgique : un enfant de huit ans, doté d'un QI exceptionnel, obtient son bac - Duration: 2:29.


✅ Mel B sollicite un ami pour "tuer" son ex-mari, il la dénonce en justice - Duration: 2:49.

 Enième mauvais coup de pub pour Mel B. Selon les informations rapportées le 27 juin 2018 par le site The Blast, un homme accuse aujourd'hui la chanteuse de 43 ans de l'avoir sollicité pour "nuire" à son ex-mari, Stephen Belafonte

   L'homme en question serait un "ami commun" de l'ancien couple. Dans une déposition récemment enregistrée auprès de la justice, Derek Craig Daniel explique avoir croisé la Spice Girl le 28 février dernier dans un restaurant de Los Angeles

Après l'avoir salué, la star anglaise aurait ensuite entamé une conversation pour dénigrer son ancien compagnon, expliquant à Derek Craig Daniel à quel point "Stephen [était] une personne horrible"

   C'est après que les choses se seraient gâtées. "Elle n'a pas cessé de me répéter que tout le monde, y compris elle, se porterait bien mieux si Stephen était en prison ou mort

Je me souviens très distinctement de Melanie répétant à quel point elle serait mieux si Stephen était mort. J'ai trouvé ses déclarations alarmantes et il était évident pour moi que Melanie me sollicitait, soit pour causer du mal à Stephen, soit pour trouver quelqu'un qui l'aiderait à lui causer du mal", a déclaré Derek Craig Daniel

Le témoin a conclu sa déposition en affirmant qu'il n'avait rapporté ces échanges à Stephen Belafonte qu'"il y a quelques semaines"

Allers-retours incessants au tribunal  Le 4 juin, Stephen Belafonte avait été vu au tribunal de Los Angeles pour déterminer qui de lui ou de Mel B aurait la propriété de leur demeure d'Hollywood, un détail qui n'a toujours pas été réglé

Dans la foulée, le producteur de 43 ans avait demandé une ordonnance restrictive à l'encontre de son ex-épouse, affirmant qu'elle le menaçait et qu'elle était capable de payer quelqu'un pour le faire enfermer ou le tuer

"J'ai peur de ce que Mel B fera ensuite et quel mal supplémentaire elle va me causer. Rien ne l'empêchera d'essayer de me détruire", avait-il déclaré dans un document consulté par le Daily Mail

   De son côté, Mel B a obtenu une ordonnance restrictive pour se protéger de celui qui lui demande également une pension alimentaire plus conséquente

Stephen Belafonte lui a par ailleurs réclamé 1 million de dollars pour régler ses frais de justice.  Le couple s'était marié en 2007 et est parent d'une petite Madison (6 ans)

For more infomation >> ✅ Mel B sollicite un ami pour "tuer" son ex-mari, il la dénonce en justice - Duration: 2:49.


GBI called to an officer-involved shooting in downtown Atlanta - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> GBI called to an officer-involved shooting in downtown Atlanta - Duration: 0:20.


TWC9: Azure IoT Edge Goes GA, Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3, Windows 95 Phone Concepts and more - Duration: 5:33.

welcome back to another episode of this week on Channel nine I'm your host

Christina Warren senior cloud developer advocates and it's the end of June which

means that summer is about to start in Seattle

but before I get busy at various barbecues let's dive into this week's

top dev news first up azure IOT edge has reached

general availability globally meaning that it's ready for enterprise grade and

scaled deployments. Azure IoT Edge was introduced just over a year ago and

in that time there have been lots of updates to the service some of the big

changes include the fact that IOT edge is open source and available on github

which is awesome as well as support for the moby container management system a

new more simplified developer experience and security enhancements over on the

IOT show here on channel 9 olivier runs through some of the latest changes and

shows how you can configure and provision an IOT edge device in this

case a Raspberry Pi with zero touch check out the video and the link in the

show notes for more information on IOT edge also on channel 9 this week John

Papa sits down with Craig shoemaker on the latest episode of 5 things to talk

about service workers and John is a leader on the CDA team so that's a good

segue where it's my attempt to segue into an article

another one of my CDA colleagues Anthony Chu has written for code magazine

Anthony offers up a great tutorial for how to build a real-time application

with core signal are a signal R on core is one of the new

supported features of core 2.1 and we touched on it a bit a few weeks

ago what I really appreciate about Anthony's tutorial is that he takes the

time to explain the differences between signal R and core signal

R anyway it's a great article so check it out

if you're a user of as research you're going to love the next bit of news

autocomplete and Azure search is now in public preview answering one of the most

popular user voice requests the feature has a few different supported modes

including one term to term and one term with context and there is also fuzzy

matching support for those methods too in the show notes is a link to a blog

post about this public preview which links to a tutorial and the SDK and API

documentation speaking of things in preview visual

studio 2017 version 15.8 preview 3 is now available this update includes

performance improvements updated javascript and typescript tooling and

mobile development improvements that we will be talking about in a couple of

minutes on the performance side one of the big features is faster project

reloads and the team says that the project unload and reload that used to

take more than a minute can now be done in just a few seconds anyway there is

lots of improvements and updates so check them out and if you're ready to

try it for yourself get the preview today speaking of Visual

Studio 2017 the xamarin team has a new blog post showing off what's new in

xamarin Android designer there's a lot of new stuff from new Android resource

subsystem - a revamped property panel to support for new Android features in

Android Orio including custom fonts and adaptive font resizing and the post also

shows off some of the features of what you can expect when Visual Studio 2017

15.8 ships which we talked about earlier so check that out now switching gears a

bit I want to highlight some of the cool stories happening around tech with some

throwback Flair first Kevin Scott Microsoft's CTO has a new podcast called

behind the tech where he talks to tech luminaries about their tech stories and

the first episode is out now and it's with Anders hallsburg the father of

c-sharp and typescript and the similar face to channel 9 fans hearing about how

Anders got into writing tools for developers is really fascinating and

this podcast is worth a listen so check it out there are links to Google Play

and iTunes in the show notes Anders a story starts in the 70s and 80s which

was a great time for computing and back in the 80s the BBC had a computer

literacy project which included video content as well as programmes for the

BBC microcomputer and this was all focused on teaching viewers at home how

to code and what's really cool is that a team at the BBC has built an archive of

all those videos and programs using open source that anybody can access and it's

really neat to be able to kind of revisit the past so check out that link

in the show notes and speaking of revisiting the past Microsoft released a

new version of the much-loved intellimouse recently dubbed the

Microsoft classic intellimouse this new mouse has some modern updates it's

higher dpi for instance but it keeps the same classic design from 2003 and

there's a really great QA and the show notes with Simon dears Li the device's

Director of Microsoft on the new Mouse and why they decided to bring it back

and now it's time for my Pick of the Week

and since I decided to go retro this week check out my shirts I had to give a

shout-out to this amazing Windows 95 phone concept video that I discovered

thanks to my friend Andrew at Gizmodo and the video reimagines but a modern

phone running Windows 95 would look like and honestly between like the mocked up

images and then the remix Windows 95 theme which I'd like want to be my

ringtone this is something that I actually want to exist so check that out

but turn the sound up because the the music is amazing let me know your

favorite Windows 95 theme pack in the comments don't forget to Like and

subscribe our YouTube channel and I'll see you next week

For more infomation >> TWC9: Azure IoT Edge Goes GA, Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Preview 3, Windows 95 Phone Concepts and more - Duration: 5:33.


Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI 110pk 5D Comfortline Navigatie - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI 110pk 5D Comfortline Navigatie - Duration: 1:10.


Colocan cámara de video a un perro callejero y descubren esto - Duration: 2:13.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.  El abandono animal se ha convertido en una problemática social, política y de salud en diversas partes del mundo

 El fenómeno del perro callejero se sufre en todo el mundo.   Diariamente cientos de perros y gatos son echados a la calle o abandonados a su suerte en bosques, basureros, callejones y en el mejor de los casos, centros antirrábicos

 De acuerdo con cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, tan sólo en Brasil hay más de 30 millones de animales abandonados que viven en las calles sufriendo todo tipo de abusos y maltratos, además de propagar enfermedades

   Las grandes ciudades son los sitios donde más se observa este abandono, ya que los diferentes tipos de unidades habitacionales y espacios de vivienda obligan a los humanos a deshacerse de aquellos seres de compañía que fueron adquiridos durante una temporada decembrina, como regalo o por simple moda

 Es por ello que la organización World For All lanzó una iniciativa que busca sensibilizar a las personas para no abandonar a perros y gatos, mostrándoles la cruel realidad de la calle

Y acabar con el tema del perro callejero.   El proyecto consistió en colocar una cámara de video a un perro en situación de abandono en la ciudad de Mumbai, India, capturando todos los riesgos y tipos de violencia los que se enfrentan diariamente mientras buscan sobrevivir

 Basureros y agua de alcantarillas y charcos son su fuente de comida, a la par que reciben insultos, patadas y pedradas por parte de los pobladores que los alejan de sus comercios y casas

      Contenido relacionado  Denuncian a paseadora de perros en Polanco que maltrata a los canes #VIDEO             Prepara croqueta anticonceptiva para perros de la calle       

For more infomation >> Colocan cámara de video a un perro callejero y descubren esto - Duration: 2:13.


ヨッシーストーリー #6 『オバケのおしろ』 Yoshi's Story - Duration: 27:39.

For more infomation >> ヨッシーストーリー #6 『オバケのおしろ』 Yoshi's Story - Duration: 27:39.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:08.


The Gentlemen of the Jungle P U C First Year English - Duration: 11:41.

Please like, share and subscribe my videos,

Please like, share and subscribe my videos,

Please like, share and subscribe my videos,

Please like, share and subscribe my videos,

For more infomation >> The Gentlemen of the Jungle P U C First Year English - Duration: 11:41.


ドンキーコングリターンズ3D #12『フォレストエリア』 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Duration: 19:01.

For more infomation >> ドンキーコングリターンズ3D #12『フォレストエリア』 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Duration: 19:01.


'I Don't Want To Impose' Official Highlight | American Woman | Paramount Network - Duration: 1:33.

- I think we're good together.

- I think we're real good together.


- Greg?

- Alan!


- I thought that was you. (laughs)

How are you?

- Great, yeah, just great.

Uh, Kathleen, this is my friend Alan.

Alan, this is Kathleen. - [Kathleen] Hi.

- [Greg] Alan and I used to work at the mail room

at William Morris.

- [Kathleen] Oh, so you're old friends?

- Ugh, seems like a million years ago.

- Now he's a big time agent.

- The biggest.

Very nice to meet you, Kathleen.

- Likewise, Alan.

(Greg chuckles)

- What have you been up to, Greg?

Are you still at Paramount?

- No, no I left.

We've actually started our own casting agency.

- Really, the two of you?

That's exciting.

I'd love to hear more about that.

We should have dinner and catch up.

- That's a wonderful idea.

We're having some friends over tonight.

You should join us.

- Oh, well thank you,

but I wasn't fishing for an invitation,

and I don't wanna impose.

- Yeah, babe, I mean none of your friends

work in the business.

It might not be a good mix.

- Nonsense.

I'm sure Alan can talk about other things

besides being an agent.

I insist, and I don't take no for an answer.

(Greg chuckles)

- Yeah, I can see that.

You look good.

- Oh, thanks.

Yeah, you too.

- My address.

Seven p.m. work for you?

- Yeah, I'll see you then.

For more infomation >> 'I Don't Want To Impose' Official Highlight | American Woman | Paramount Network - Duration: 1:33.


How to avoid I-65 closures - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> How to avoid I-65 closures - Duration: 2:39.


Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-MOTION/ AIRCO - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-MOTION/ AIRCO - Duration: 1:03.


'Orange Juice Casting' Official Highlight | American Woman | Paramount Network - Duration: 1:47.

- Mm mm, only Tropic Coast Orange Juice has

that great taste, tastes like sunshine.

- Thanks, hon.

- Great job.

- None of these girls are right.

I want a little girl who looks like she loves orange juice.

I want a kid who's sweet, wholesome.

Why the hell can't you do that.

- We can, and we will.

Who is next?

- (sighs)

Where are all the other girls, Claire?

- Annette was the last one.

- What?

- Rosen's getting impatient.

- There was no one left.

- What? - What about Amy?

- Her mom called, she's sick.

- Would you like to feed my pets, ma'am?

Oh these darling birds.

They're my only friends.

I love them.

- Stop being such a spaz.

- Jessica.

Hi, honey.

You like orange juice, don't you?

- I love it; I even had it in my cereal this morning.

- Would you like to go with Uncle Greg,

and say that to the nice man in there?


- What are you doing?

- I think we should let Jessica read.

- What? She's not an actress.

- She's exactly what Rosen wants, wholesome and sweet.

- Uh, uh, uh. (loud thud) Ow.

- I have a good feeling about this, honey, trust me.

I think we should give her a shot.

- But what if she takes it?

- We won't be any worse off than we already are.

- Okay.

Jessica, why don't you come with me?

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> 'Orange Juice Casting' Official Highlight | American Woman | Paramount Network - Duration: 1:47.


Check Out The LipSense and Gloss I have in stock!!! - Duration: 1:55.


For more infomation >> Check Out The LipSense and Gloss I have in stock!!! - Duration: 1:55.


Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i GLS - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i GLS - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai i30 1.4i i-Drive Cool Airco | 5Drs | Apk - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.4i i-Drive Cool Airco | 5Drs | Apk - Duration: 0:52.


Let me make you proud + reprise (French | DVD) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Let me make you proud + reprise (French | DVD) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:57.


Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Prestige 5 deurs trekhaak - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Prestige 5 deurs trekhaak - Duration: 1:04.


Hyundai i20 1.4i Dynamic 5drs./Airco/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek.Ramen/C.V./PDC/Radio.CD/APK:15-2-2019 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.4i Dynamic 5drs./Airco/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek.Ramen/C.V./PDC/Radio.CD/APK:15-2-2019 - Duration: 1:11.


If you TP to "here," you can get these blocks! - Minecraft PE - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> If you TP to "here," you can get these blocks! - Minecraft PE - Duration: 2:31.


Bouncers Share Secrets About Getting Into Bars - Duration: 4:33.

- I would safely say, yeah,

my bull(beeping) detector is pretty good by now.


(upbeat music)

Telltale signs of an underage person,

typically you get the person who is very edgy

when they show up and they really don't know

exactly how things work,

and they're kind of just anxious for no reason,

and then, of course, they hesitantly hand your their ID,

and they kind of just sit there and smile.

- Oh, their body language.

Most people are pretty good at lying,

but their body isn't.

- When they're walking up,

they're, uh, here, and no eye contact.

Usually, I find that people will stand up straight

and they're like, yes, that's me,

and they'll look at the card,

whereas the other one will be like,

hey, yo, and kind of look away,

so I mean, those are just some of the signs.

(upbeat music)

- There's certain things on one ID that's real

that you won't find on a fake ID,

and vice versa.

- Some of the things we look for,

when we're looking for a fake ID

would definitely be laminated pieces of plastic

or pieces of paper that have absolutely zero traits

of an actual ID.

- Most IDs do have a special actual tag

that you can see in certain lighting.

- Here in California is if you have a light,

you have the California bear outlined in the back,

and if you hold it up,

you can see that outline,

whereas the fakes tend to not have it.

(upbeat music)

Well, actually, at my first job, in 2011, a couple,

either blatantly not recognizing their surroundings,

or deliberately not caring,

and starting to get it on while other people are around,

so I had to politely tell them,

"Hey, look, this is not the spot for that.

"I feel you, have a good time.

"Just move it on, take it elsewhere."

- I've seen a lot of people hook up.

Pretty much wherever they can it in,

seen that on, I would say, an everyday basis.

It's not really crazy anymore.

It's just the norm to me now.

(upbeat music)

- Starting a fight, and probably stripping,

just getting naked.

- Undermining the fact that we're here,

and we're doing a job, and we're here to do a job,

and making sure that you're allowing us to do so.

- Get out of line, and try to be aggressive with you

for no reason.

It does happen.

You get macho people,

whether it's women or men,

who just have a bad attitude,

and wanna take it out on you.

- Someone not having their forms of ID like they should,

and just trying to talk me up.

Oh, you're so handsome!

You're so cute!

It's like, um, appreciate the compliment,

but you know, I still need that form of ID,

if you don't mind.

- Honestly, pet names and things like that

are probably the easiest way to piss me off.

Oh, things like big boy, big John.



- First impressions, coming up to the door,

it'll always make a huge statement.

- Being polite.

You actually don't have to say much to a bouncer.

Just make sure you have your ID card.

- Probably just being prepared and not having

a bunch of assholes that you're with.

- Don't be getting out of line.

Just have a good time,

and don't be destructive or disruptive

and causing a scene.

(upbeat music)

- The best excuse I've ever gotten

for forgetting an ID was definitely

they said their dog ate it,

which we all know is a crock of shit.

- Literally the worst excuse you could say

is I forgot my ID.

There's no excuses for forgetting it.

Just bring it.

(jazz music)

Most likely not, but depending on the situation,

every situation is different,

and sometimes, it can be reevaluated

and possibly be let back in,

but in most instances, if you're escorted out,

you're not coming back in.

(upbeat music)

I would say the bull(beeping) detector that I have

is pretty on par, and you'd be lucky

if you get away with something.

- I would safely say, yeah, my bull(beeping) detector

is pretty good by now.


- I'm working on it!

I'm working on it,

but I'd like to think it's pretty good,

probably about a B+, A-,

but that's why we got my other security officer,

who's here for to help me,

when I may miss a certain thing,

they're here to pick me back up.

(jazz music)

- You could get to the front of the line,

as long as you had a pretty good standing relationship

with the person that was actually at the door.

- I plead the 5th on that.


- Any way to get to the front of the line

is if you know the owner.

That would pretty much be the only thing.

Everyone else is treated the exact same way here.

(upbeat music)

- For me, one of the best parts of the job

is the fact that I get to be around music,

people, I do like to dance and sing myself,

so being around the environment

is always good for me.

- Getting to meet new people in here,

and having them kind of trust in you

as a security guy, to say they that trust

that you're there to protect them,

you're gonna do the right things.

- Definitely the social interaction part of it,

making sure that you're meeting plenty of people

from all around the world,

but also being a part of keeping them safe, as well.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Bouncers Share Secrets About Getting Into Bars - Duration: 4:33.


XXXTENTACION - If We Fight//Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Edit///Must Watch - Duration: 1:28.

【If we fight】

【Let the walls we built so high】

【Have It Fall Low】

【Fallen So Low】

【If we fight】

【Let the walls we built so high】

【Have It Fall Low】

【Oh oh】

【If we fight】

【Let the walls we built so high】

【Have It Fall Low】

【Fallen So Low】



I Messed That Up...

For more infomation >> XXXTENTACION - If We Fight//Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Edit///Must Watch - Duration: 1:28.


Prince Harry stays silent on where he took Meghan Markle for honeymoon– but it wasn't HERE - Duration: 2:52.

 Media and royal experts were expecting the newlyweds to fly to Namibia after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's wedding at St George's Chapel in Windsor

 But Harry confessed during the Queen's Young Leaders Awards Ceremony on Tuesday they didn't fly to Namibia for their special occasion

 Speaking Mavis Elias, a philanthropist from Namibia, who asked if he visited his country for the honeymoon, Prince Harry said: "No, we didn't go to Namibia

" But he didn't want to disclose where he took the Duchess to, as he added: "I'm not going to say where

"   Namibia was seen as favoured location for the couple's honeymoon by many given Harry's love for the country

 The sixth-in-line had already visited the country in 2006 with his ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy, then on an Army tour in 2008 and later in 2015 to carry out works on conservation projects

 Meghan and Harry have a strong connection with Africa, as they celebrated the Duchess' birthday in Botswana, which neighbours Namibia, in August 2017 – just a few months before sharing the news of their engagement with the world

 And the main stone in Meghan's engagement ring comes from Botswana and was sourced by his then-fiancee

  Harry later said of the trip: "Going on holiday together in the middle of nowhere and sharing a tent together and all that kind of stuff

 "It was fantastic." Prince Harry previously said he can be "free" in Africa. On a previous trip to Namibia taken on July 2015, coinciding with Princess Charlotte's christening, in a bid to help anti-poaching efforts in Namibia he said: "I've come all the way to Africa to be free

I'm taking my bedroll and I'm sleeping by the fire." The Young Leaders Awards is a ceremony created in 2014 honouring outstanding young people who with their work made lasting changes in their communities across the Commonwealth

 Hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace, the programme gives grants to help these individuals learn new skills and enter employment


For more infomation >> Prince Harry stays silent on where he took Meghan Markle for honeymoon– but it wasn't HERE - Duration: 2:52.


How to Tie A Bow Tie in About 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:34.

in today's edition I'm going to try and teach you how to tie the bow tie with

your bowtie hanging even on each side to begin to tie it like you tie your shoe

and pull it close to your neck now take this top portion here and throw

it over your shoulder now take this bottom portion and form a

bow again take your bottom portion and form above now take this top portion put

it down the middle of your bow as you can see down the middle now take each

side of your bow put them together and pull theirs now on the back you form a

loop now take the bottom portion and push it through that loop and pull it to

the other side forming another bow as you can see it begin to form now now

take both ends and shape it hopefully in the mirror you can see this for me

better than what I'm doing freestyle now so shape your bow tie by pulling on both


you can make it even that way

now that you've formed your bowtie

For more infomation >> How to Tie A Bow Tie in About 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:34.


Advanced routing - Cockos Reaper DAW - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Advanced routing - Cockos Reaper DAW - Duration: 2:50.


Gang Up Challenge Dance Compilation #ganguplikedee - Duration: 5:01.

Gang Up Challenge Dance Compilation #ganguplikedee

For more infomation >> Gang Up Challenge Dance Compilation #ganguplikedee - Duration: 5:01.


Fursuit unboxing! Unboxing Piru (turn on cc) - Duration: 4:49.

Hello, it's time for fursuit unboxing :,D

How do you open this :,)

(dunno what my friend is saying here)

yeah, wait


friend: You need to defeat it. it is an evil box

Tape is my enemy

jesus christ..

I just need to-

Friend: OO Trash baag~



They are big

Friend: Big pawbss :3

Big pawbs

aww so soft

The head, the head it's time for the head~

Are u ready

Friend: Aww so cute!

Time to try it on.

Aw yee boii

Aah fuck

Friend: only see the half of your body

Friend:This gonna look so great, you need to come to Torucon

I need a balaclava in this jesus christ


Friend: bai bai :,D

Okay.. Thanks for watching :,,D

For more infomation >> Fursuit unboxing! Unboxing Piru (turn on cc) - Duration: 4:49.


Zlatan Ibrahimovic Drawing | speed drawing - Duration: 2:48.

now it looks pretty horrible, so i'll try to cover it up with colored pencils.

For more infomation >> Zlatan Ibrahimovic Drawing | speed drawing - Duration: 2:48.



Hey James, why is he's in the garden?

Hi, Dave, let me plug somewhere so we can go deeper cross the street. Oh my god, that's so much bubble wrap

Is that the bubble right? Look at that?

Ya know there could be bored. This is a really good idea

It's just amazing what like this and like impossible hundred views can get to ya in my mind

That should be good

Gorilla Tape we can't take it off

Give me that part right there that's epic see big. It's a big belt

Dude, what are we doing? I feel like this was better in your head and how it actually

You're not even gonna like move around yeah, you need to like stand up

Yeah, Oh like this

The poppy won't keep off. It's like I'll put it back on. I'm converting to Islam Allah will guide me. No offense. I

Am just certain that there are individuals of the Islam that follow the Islamic


We're driving really fast with our friends covered in bubble wrap in the back

Any seatbelt, you know, we needed more Alex in the vlog. So this was our solution

Yeah, I

broke something


Today is just not a normal car. All right, we're doing it with mr. Alex book ask me some questions


Breakup which rather be alone

No fracture Oh

Far away from your birthplace

St. Vincent Hospital exactly 25 minutes a day

You're not gonna have an asthma attack and I don't even have asthma how many keys Robin I'm moving in

Paris or London? Um, no the parents don't like people with disgusting teeth. Alex were this

It will protect me

Tell people I would tell people

As I'm getting the as I'm figuring out that I got the lottery. What do you do for a living? I?

Am look at this shit. Fuck. This is signal celebrities. You wish was your sister

The first thing you do when you open your eyes in the morning

Would you rather walk funny or talk funny walk Tunney funny I guess it's talk funny. Oh


This is bad. We're gonna do a race me and James we're gonna spend twenty times

It's just fun and then we're gonna try to run as far as we can

Spend forty times you're spitting around forty times and go

Get you guys at the counter Mike not counting. So is this supposed to be a challenge or what?

Brendan you're really bad at this

Is it it's so cold like just keep going deeper

That's why it says no swimming literally right? I might want to get out


For more infomation >> CREATING NEW YOUTUBE CHALLENGES - Duration: 5:52.


Como nos cuidar com o uso excessivo do celular - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Como nos cuidar com o uso excessivo do celular - Duration: 2:08.


Uma Única Folha de Goiaba Faz MÁGICA em Seu Corpo! Os Resultados são Comprovados! - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uma Única Folha de Goiaba Faz MÁGICA em Seu Corpo! Os Resultados são Comprovados! - Duration: 3:30.


Como usar o período de inverno para reformar o jardim. - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Como usar o período de inverno para reformar o jardim. - Duration: 1:30.


Kriegsland 2.4 - Duration: 13:31.

Today, I'm going to test Kriegsland 2.4, GAA1992's preferred version number. He created this Wolfenstein

mod for Doom together with Yukes Von Faust.

I wasn't updating myself in Kriegsland for a good time, but I'll try to mention the most important

changelog items that I noticed and my impressions on how is this WAD doing in general.

Several of the sprites pickups, especially the ammunition and health ones, were enhanced.

I'm here on Heretic E1M1 to Map 01, the first Heretic's mission that I converted to Doom II.

The map's download is in the description as well.

Some sounds have been replaced, added, or adjusted.

These footsteps sounds, for example, are new, but only a complete mongoloid would thinks this

is essential in a mod such as Kriegsland. Good thing it can be deactivated.

I mean, step sounds are something exclusively "aesthetic" that end up being annoying eventually.

If the protagonist were a heavy robot or a giant dragon, okay, this would fit the mod's

theme, but that is not Kriegsland's case.

I went now to one of my favorite Doom II maps, 31, to show a bit more of this version.

By the way, this level is all about Wolfenstein, even its name.

I think I saw new weapons, but I may be mistaken. I know they have been rebalanced, corrected, etc.

Another thing I noticed was new animations and effects, like the knife and barrels exploding ones

It didn't happen in this match, but there is a beeping sound

for when you are with low health which is good, but it also makes the screen blink

as if you were taking shot, which is bad. This effect should be changed to not confuse people.

Well, it turned out that there isn't much more to say. What I want to do is to try is a deathmatch later...

It looks like Kriegsland is going the right way. It's getting pretty popular in the community as well.

GAA1992 and Yukes Von Faust are doing a fine job on this PWAD.

There are more Kriegsland videos on this channel, with more info and stuff about older versions that are

still absolutely relevant for you to know this mod even more. To download this PWAD, just

take a look at the description, where you can always have more info about the contents of the videos etc.

I was almost forgetting to mention that this flamethrower is sensational. Look at this spectacle.

For more infomation >> Kriegsland 2.4 - Duration: 13:31.


Como funciona o registro de monocomando. - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Como funciona o registro de monocomando. - Duration: 2:36.


Infezione causata dagli orecchini: non farti prendere dal panico! Con questi suggerimenti ... - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Infezione causata dagli orecchini: non farti prendere dal panico! Con questi suggerimenti ... - Duration: 4:20.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

We will talk about the following topic what is the use of cilantro discover all its

incredible properties so do not go and stay with us until the

end of this video where we will be developing this interesting topic

now we go with the information

and coriander is an herb with multiple properties for health

from combating anemia through reducing menstrual cramps to

detoxify the blood or heal the mouth fires you've surely used this

spice in more than one dish and you recognize it for its flavor and aroma

characteristic you knew that you have a lot of benefits find out why

serves cilantro in the following video interesting facts about cilantro

is present in dishes from all over the world especially in Spain

mexico north of africa south america middle east and south asia its leaves are

they sting and sprinkle in many recipes besides in thailand its root is consumed

also called culantro and pebre is a plant that belongs to the group of

aromatic due to its captivating and delightful concentrated perfume if

well it is difficult to indicate what is the origin of coriander the experts claim

that comes from the east of Europe in this area many plants grow

wild archaeologists have found remains of the cultivation of this herb in the

tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs there are also vestiges of their use in the

ancient greece where it was much sought after to create perfumes the Romans what

introduced to the west of the continent and then from England it traveled to the USA and it

expanded through Latin America cilantro properties have time to listen

All the advantages of this delicious seasoning are really

many benefits is anti-inflammatory and relieves the symptoms of arthritis

antibacterial properties and prevents the proliferation of salmonella virus

in food serves to increase the levels of

'good' cholesterol and reduce the bad or HDL and DL respectively relieves

Stomach gas and prevents flatulence reduces infections of the

urinary tract relieves nausea improves symptoms and changes of

temperament caused by hormonal cycles menstruation reduces the

menstrual cramps and pains is a good source of iron fibers and magnesium

helps fight anemia relieves diarrhea especially when it is caused by

a microbial infection promotes liver health reduces inflammation is

a source of antioxidant detoxifies the blood and the body in general

stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands secretes insulin and

reduces blood sugar levels is antiseptic and antifungal so that

It is used to treat infections caused by fungi and this also improves the

immune system is a potent expectorant eliminates

phlegm and mucus relieves conjunctivitis the redness of the

eyes and macular degeneration reduces any stomach upset eliminates the

bad breath reduces fats on the internal walls of veins and

arteries cures oral fires prevents oral ulcers is a

potent aphrodisiac in conjunction with cinnamon cardamom clove and

ginger helps to lose weight cures measles relieves the symptoms of

hemorrhoids cilantro alone has contraindications for women in

three situations in your life when you want to get pregnant could

reducing the possibility of generating when they are pregnant can increase

options for having an abortion when they are breastfeeding their child is not

they still know the consequences of this plant in babies cilantro in the

kitchen how it is used and preserved now that you know all the properties that it has

this aromatic plant will undoubtedly want to go running to buy it and have it

always at your disposal in the kitchen in most cases you use the

Coriander seed when ripe and dry is a condiment that serves to

many dishes because it gives them flavor and soft and sweet aroma there are two types

of cilantro that we can use in Moroccan coriander gastronomy is the most

easy to get the seeds are brown color has a diameter of 15

millimeters and you can easily grind it you get a fine powder cilantro

Indian the size is similar to the previous one but what changes is the color in this

case is lighter or yellow the flavor is softer they are usually toasted before

grind to intensify its aroma the discarded seeds are ground or

whole should be kept in a glass jar away from light the

insects and moisture in this way can be kept in good condition during

longer coriander seeds are used in a lot of recipes

to provide a sweet and light flavor some of the options are products of

bakery and pastries such as cookies and bread desserts and dairy

compotes because it combines perfectly with the acid fruits candies if you

They eat sugary dishes with pork or lamb to provide you with a

more intense aroma stews of rice or pasta beet salads cabbages and

spinach sausages such as sausages and salami combined with cumin canned and

marinades meatballs typical moroccan food sauces combination of several

Indian spices liqueurs like the contract and the Benedictine aromatize chocolates

the leaves are used in soups and salads in india and mexico if you have decided to

Growing cilantro at home Congratulations will be simple is an annual herb grows

up to the meter high and you need a good amount of sun in terms of water

prefers moist soil but not flooded many choose to have it in a pot

in the kitchen and take some leaves when they are going to use it to cook

you had an idea of ​​all this share this information with your family and friends

in your social networks do not forget to leave us your opinion in the

comments section subscribe to our channel and give it like this is

remedies easy '24 see you in a next edition thank you




Moraes nega liberdade a Lula e arquiva pedido da defesa para enviar caso à Segunda Turma do STF - Duration: 0:53.

O ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, negou nesta sexta-feira (29) o novo pedido de liberdade apresentado pela defesa do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

Na mesma decisão, Moraes arquivou o pedido dos advogados para que o caso fosse analisado pela Segunda Turma do tribunal, não pelo plenário da Corte

For more infomation >> Moraes nega liberdade a Lula e arquiva pedido da defesa para enviar caso à Segunda Turma do STF - Duration: 0:53.


Melhor Investimento de Tempo para Resultado em Família: comece hoje mesmo. - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Melhor Investimento de Tempo para Resultado em Família: comece hoje mesmo. - Duration: 2:07.


Tira-dúvidas na íntegra #4 - PARTE 1 (20/03) - Duration: 39:10.

For more infomation >> Tira-dúvidas na íntegra #4 - PARTE 1 (20/03) - Duration: 39:10.


Milford resident to receive Carnegie Medal for bravery - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Milford resident to receive Carnegie Medal for bravery - Duration: 0:42.


What was Adam Sandler doing wearing a VCU shirt in a Montreal wedding shoot? - Duration: 3:27.

(Courtesy of Mlle Sana Photography; Photographer: Sana Belgot, Assistant: Maggie Blakney) Adam Sandler, star of the now-20-year-old comedy "The Wedding Singer," was a wedding (photo shoot) crasher last Sunday in Montreal, much to the delight of the bride and groom

Sana Belgot of Mlle Sana Photography was preparing to take photos of the happy couple at the Le Mount Stephen hotel when the bride spotted Sandler, who was in town to film the Netflix comedy "Murder Mystery

" He was wearing red shorts and a white VCU basketball T-shirt. "She was so excited and just waved to him," Belgot said

"He walked over by himself, just to be next to them and to congratulate them. He was very friendly and easy to talk to

" "We told him we're huge fans, we love his work, we've watched all his films," the groom, Kevin Goldstein, told the BBC while on his honeymoon in Italy

"He replied, 'Good, I'll take some photos then. Mazel tov!' My wife invited him to the wedding

He couldn't make it, but she was ecstatic, absolutely over the moon." Belgot, who has done weddings in France and Montreal for the last five years, said Sunday marked the first time a celebrity became part of one of her shoots

After making sure it was okay with the bride and groom, she posted several of the photos with Sandler to Instagram

The story went viral after one of the wedding guests posted a photo of Sandler and the couple on Reddit

So, why was Sandler, a Brooklyn native who attended Tisch School of the Arts, rocking a VCU shirt? In April, Sandler performed at the Altria Theater in Richmond as part of his stand-up comedy tour

Ahead of his visit, Sandler asked his reps to contact VCU director of operations Jimmy Martelli about making the Rams' practice facility available for some pre-show pick-up basketball

Martelli made it happen and Sandler showed up with a few friends. They played three games with VCU student manager Tyrone Green and graduate assistant Zack Freesman before Sandler headed to his show, possibly with some VCU swag to remember his trip by

Read more on the D.C. Sports Bog: Katie Ledecky has had a subscription to National Geographic for years

Now she's on the cover. What is optimism? Jeopardy host Alex Trebek is high on the Redskins in 2018

Shaquille O'Neal and Florida Georgia Line will perform during all-star week at Nats Park 'Lynda, we found fountains!': Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom get wet at the Bellagio

For more infomation >> What was Adam Sandler doing wearing a VCU shirt in a Montreal wedding shoot? - Duration: 3:27.


✅ Silvio Santos trabalha de graça para os outros e rejeita R$ 45 milhões de empresa - Duration: 2:41.

 Patricia Abravanel, filha de Silvio Santos surpreendeu a todos com uma revelação sobre o dono do SBT no quadro Jogo dos Pontinhos

No programa que vai ao ar no próximo domingo (1º), será revelado que ele chegou a recusar nada menos que R$ 45 milhões para fazer uma propaganda

+   Ao falar sobre o salário de Fausto Silva na Globo, R$ 5 milhões mensais, Patricia destacou: "Mas ele faz um monte de propaganda no programa dele

Você quer fazer só propaganda de graça. Os outros oferecem dinheiro e você não quer pegar"

No entanto, o que mais gerou revolta foi outra situação.  Repercutiu entre os integrantes do quadro o fato de Silvio Santos gostar de fazer propaganda gratuita de diversas empresas ao longo das edições do seu programa, como já aconteceu com a Netflix há alguns anos

Lívia Andrade fez questão de fazer essa ressalva e soltou o verbo.  "Ele faz um monte de propaganda no programa dele

Você quer fazer só propaganda de graça. Os outros oferecem dinheiro e você não quer pegar", destacou a loira

Nesse momento, Patricia Abravanel surpreendeu com a revelação da proposta recebida

 "Já ofereceram para ele R$ 45 milhões para fazer propaganda de um negócio e ele não quis! R$ 45 milhões para fazer lá um minutinho de propaganda e ele falou 'não!'", disse

Silvio, por sua vez, explicou: "Não é que eu não quis. Eu só faço propaganda dos meus negócios, mais nada"

 "Não faço propaganda para ninguém, pode pagar o que quiser que eu não faço. Eu fazia quando eu era pobre

Depois que eu fiquei rico, acabou, não faço mais. Quem mais me pagou foi o Bradesco

O Bradesco me pagou uma nota alta", finalizou.

For more infomation >> ✅ Silvio Santos trabalha de graça para os outros e rejeita R$ 45 milhões de empresa - Duration: 2:41.


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LULLABY for Babies to go to Sleep Kids | Lullabies Baby | LULLABY songs - Duration: 3:00:32.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LULLABY for Babies to go to Sleep Kids | Lullabies Baby | LULLABY songs

For more infomation >> Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LULLABY for Babies to go to Sleep Kids | Lullabies Baby | LULLABY songs - Duration: 3:00:32.


M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Iza w szpitalu z matką Marcina. Obudzi się ze śpiączki! - Duration: 3:26.

Czy Iza (Adriana Kalska) z "M jak miłość" przeżyje?

To pytanie zadawać sobie będą widzowie w nowym sezonie "M jak miłość" po wakacjach 2018 gdy ciężko ranna Iza trafi do szpitala po tragicznym wypadku i zapadnie w śpiączkę.

Chociaż Artur (Tomasz Ciachorowski) oskarży Marcina (Mikołaj Roznerski) o to, że zabił Izę to już teraz wiemy, że nie będzie kolejnej śmierci w serialu.

Mało tego - Iza obudzi się ze śpiączki, a dowodem jest zdjęcie ze szpitala z Aleksandrą (Małgorzata Pieczyńska), mamą Marcina.

Dalsze losy Izy Lewińskiej w "M jak miłość" oficjalnie pozostają tajemnicą.

Wiadomo, że po porwaniu przez Artura dojdzie do wypadku, po którym Iza trafi do szpitala, a Skalski oskarży Marcina o jej śmierć.

Z zdjęć aktorów na Facebooku czy Instagramie oraz z wywiadów,

w których gwiazdy komentują nowy sezon "M jak miłość" po wakacyjnej przerwie wyłania się pewien obraz wydarzeń.

Iza będzie ciężko ranna, zapadnie w śpiączkę, ale wybudzi się i najpewniej straci pamięć.

O amnezji Izy mówił Tomasz Ciachorowski w rozmowie z

Akttor wspomniał, że wszystkie podłości Artura mogą być zapomnianie.

Tomasz Ciachorowski w najnowszym wywiadzie przyznał, że wszystkie jego czyny będą zapomnienie.

- Mogą pójść w niepamięć, dosłownie w niepamięć.

Też jeszcze do końca nie wiem, co scenarzyści zaplanowali dla Izy i Artra.

Ale jak widzowie wiedzą, Iza trafi do szpitala i ja będę obwiniać za tę sytuację Marcina - przyznał.

Także Mikołaj Roznerski w wywiadzie dla "Super Expressu" potwierdził, że Iza znajdzie się o krok od śmierci.

- Marcin i Ania zamieszkali razem.

Jest Szymek, jest córeczka Maja, Iza w śpiączce.

Natomiast relacja Marcina z Izą i Anią jest skomplikowana.

Stworzyli taki dziwny trójkąt i zobaczymy co z tego będzie - ujawnił.

Nowa czołówka "M jak miłość" to jednak najlepszy dowód na to, że Iza nie umrze.

Adriana Kalska pojawiła się na nagraniach u boku Mikołaja Roznerskiego i Marii Pawłowskiej.

Poza tym Małgorzata Pieczyńska pokazała na Facebooku zdjęcie z Izą ze szpitala, na którym widać, że powoli dochodzi do siebie.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Iza w szpitalu z matką Marcina. Obudzi się ze śpiączki! - Duration: 3:26.


HOT NEWS !!! PiP Mode For YouTube Is Rolling Out More Widely In The U.S. - Duration: 2:03.

Google added picture-in-picture mode support for Android smartphones back in

2017 with the release of android oreo for a long time only the premium version

of YouTube supported the feature which means you had to pay for it last month

some people started noticing that the feature was available for them even

though they weren't using a paid service today we've noticed that pip for u2 is

rolling out more widely some of our own writers noted that picture-in-picture

mode started working for them today though we should note that only our

writers located in the United States could confirm that pip was working it's

common practice for Google to gradually roll out some features and it seems that

picture-in-picture mode support is definitely one of them from the looks of

it the feature is rolling out via a server-side switch as our writers with

the feature noted that they're using different versions of the application a

toggle for the picture-in-picture mode feature also appeared in the YouTube

settings it comes with a little instruction about how to use the feature

you can test it pretty easily after making sure that you've toggled

picture-in-picture mode in both the YouTube app and system settings just

open up a video and tap on the home button if you don't see the pip toggle

in YouTube settings that means that you haven't received the feature yet

For more infomation >> HOT NEWS !!! PiP Mode For YouTube Is Rolling Out More Widely In The U.S. - Duration: 2:03.


Vittorio Feltri, il durissimo consiglio a Berlusconi: "Lo vorrei ridare per morto. Ma.. o fai così o - Duration: 10:13.

 Osservo le fotografie di Silvio Berlusconi a Merano, con l' aperitivo e Francesca Pascale, in ordine alfabetico, entrambi biondi

Lo trovo fresco come una rosa. Beato lui. Lo segnalano però irritato per il diluvio di consigli che da dentro e da fuori Forza Italia gli allungano

Ha inventato un Partito e l' ha portato in tre mesi scarsi al governo: si reagisce male quando i cavalli di ritorno nitriscono lezioni dall' ospizio o giovani pischelli mettono il parruccone dei maestri di vita

Lo capisco. Nel mio piccolo, ho fatto risorgere qualche (giornale) morto, e ne ho persino creato uno che non chiamo figlio, come Oriana Fallaci vezzeggiava i suoi libri, perché mi bastano e avanzano quelli di carne, ossa e purtroppo cervello

In un caso e nell' altro, quelli che capivano tutto di giornalismo, hanno aspettato che mi allontanassi un attimo per provare a stecchirli

 Stessa cosa è capitata a Berlusconi. Appena qualche guaio di salute o di tribunale lo ha distolto dalla sua creatura politica, gliel' hanno quasi ammazzata

Va così dal '94. Cancro e giudici uniti nella lotta per farlo schiattare. Invano

Il Cavaliere si è preso costantemente delle rivincite. Ha attraversato deserti politici ed esistenziali (il letto invece quello mai, bravo), e quando pareva secco, il vecchio tronco ha buttato fiori

Anche stavolta?Ammetto, negli scorsi mesi, l' ho dato per politicamente morto. Confesso però nostalgia

Ho voglia di ridarlo per morto.Dopo di che verrà lui al mio funerale (eviti lacrime di coccodrillo, ma pure le barzellette)

 Dicevo della nostalgia. Mi è tornata leggendo una lettera aperta firmata Andrea Ruggieri e indirizzatagli dalla prima pagina del Foglio

A Ruggieri lo scorso anno, quando non era ancora deputato, e mi fu segnalato come oscuro cortigiano da cerchietto magico, dedicai righe velenose, attribuendogli le chiavi di Arcore

Sbagliavo. Ho scoperto che erano e sono altri i cerberi che vigilano e filtrano, tuttavia so per esperienza che se Silvio li ha messi lì ha la sua brava convenienza, dunque evito di discutere la composizione della guardia del pretorio

Ciascuno cerca di sopravvivere come può alla rottura di scatole.  Lo invito però a rileggere Ruggieri

Era ben piazzato nella Rai, ha accettato di entrare in Forza Italia, e ora dal gruppo parlamentare constata quello che è visibile a occhio nudo da chiunque viva in Italia, e non abbia aspirazioni a mungere la mammella del Berlusca che tanti ingrati ha beneficato

Egli dice in pratica che Forza Italia non c' è più. Non c' è più perché non c' è Berlusconi

È come se l' essere stato battuto in casa propria, cioè nel centrodestra, l' avesse demoralizzato, avviluppato in una crisalide di delusione propria e di compatimento di badanti d' ambo i sessi che lo avvolgono in asciugamani profumati da sauna tirolese

 Libero pochi giorni fa ha ospitato un' analisi sullo stato del centrodestra vergata, anzi buttata giù al computer vorticosamente, com' è solito fare Renato Farina, che spiega come e perché esista una necessità della sua presenza nell' arengario della politica

 Non di Forza Italia, ma di Berlusconi. Forza Italia senza il Cavaliere è inesistente

Con lui sarà di certo determinante allorché, più prima che dopo, si scioglierà l' innaturale concrezione alchemica tra 5 Stelle e Lega

Adesso di Forza Italia resta un gruppazzo sovradimensionato in Parlamento, perché fuori di lì essa si è ridotta all' 8-9 per cento

 Vale l' 8-9 per cento in quanto Berlusconi si è autoridotto all' 8 per cento, assecondando chi gli vuole infilare le babbucce per spartirsi o vendere il meschino bottino

Come il Milan, senza Berlusconi, Forza Italia la escludono perfino dalla coppa Uefa

 RISTRUTTURAZIONE Ruggieri dice: Berlusconi non deve ristrutturare Forza Italia, inserendo comitati di qua e coordinatori multipli di là, direttori e capi settori, per lo più pescati tra i vecchi arnesi o le nuove gnocche

Deve semplicemente risorgere. Ristrutturare se stesso. Riprendersi la memoria di se stesso, e non fermarsi alla constatazione dei suoi acciacchi

 Sicuro che non abbia niente da dire, se non mandare tiepidi comunicati, con lievi parole europeiste, e flebili dinieghi sul reddito di cittadinanza? Noi dal Berlusca ci spettiamo che ribalti il corso dell' euro, restando nell' Unione per carità, ma spezzando le reni, non alla Grecia come ha fatto la Germania, bensì alla troika che ci ha imposto Monti

E che appoggi la ribellione contro le angherie e le rapine ai danni dei pensionati, che dovrebbero spolparsi per garantire la grana ai lazzaroni in flanella

È una ciofeca assistenzialista che merita il suo vomito in pubblico.  OBITORIO FORZISTA Si metta intorno della gente che non abbia timore di inimicarsi Salvini e s' incazzi nera per la criminale idea di Giggino Di Maio di tagliare le pensioni sopra i 4mila euro, «così smetteranno di viaggiare con lo yacht»

Oggi mi si riferisce che Forza Italia si dibatte tra due linee di pensierini persino più patetici di quelli della sinistra

Ruggieri li denuncia entrambi come roba da vestibolo dell' obitorio. Il più comodo per chi lo propugna prevede l' assorbimento di Forza Italia nella Lega

Con l' ambizione di cambiare cacicco ma di mantenere il posto. Altri, che suppongono di essere sgraditi a Salvini, prevedono di conservarsi il posticino e spartizioni extra-parlamentari grazie a un 8 per cento, comunque garantito dal marchio del vecchio in disarmo

 Ci sarebbero poi i nostalgici del Nazareno. Ma quel patto è arci-morto per la sventura di entrambi i firmatari: l' unione di due forze che affogano avrebbe il solo merito di annegarle prima, e potrebbe anche essere un' idea

Io viceversa credo come Ruggieri in uno choc, un colpo di genio.  I versi di Mogol musicati da Battisti dicono: «Mi ritorni in mente»

E tu sei quello lì, caro Berlusca. Uno che si tira su e tira su la sua gente. Quale sia l' idea, non lo dico, mica sono Berlusconi

Se lo fossi, mi sarei fatto più soldi e bionde, e oggi mi godrei gli uni e le altre

E se Silvio fosse al mio posto, visto come il circo mi tratta, si ritirerebbe a Bergamo

Berlusconi invece è con la politica tale e quale il sottoscritto con il giornalismo

Finché provano ad ammazzarmi, non muoio.  di Vittorio Feltri

For more infomation >> Vittorio Feltri, il durissimo consiglio a Berlusconi: "Lo vorrei ridare per morto. Ma.. o fai così o - Duration: 10:13.


History of soil science - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> History of soil science - Duration: 3:13.


Colocan cámara de video a un perro callejero y descubren esto - Duration: 2:13.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.  El abandono animal se ha convertido en una problemática social, política y de salud en diversas partes del mundo

 El fenómeno del perro callejero se sufre en todo el mundo.   Diariamente cientos de perros y gatos son echados a la calle o abandonados a su suerte en bosques, basureros, callejones y en el mejor de los casos, centros antirrábicos

 De acuerdo con cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, tan sólo en Brasil hay más de 30 millones de animales abandonados que viven en las calles sufriendo todo tipo de abusos y maltratos, además de propagar enfermedades

   Las grandes ciudades son los sitios donde más se observa este abandono, ya que los diferentes tipos de unidades habitacionales y espacios de vivienda obligan a los humanos a deshacerse de aquellos seres de compañía que fueron adquiridos durante una temporada decembrina, como regalo o por simple moda

 Es por ello que la organización World For All lanzó una iniciativa que busca sensibilizar a las personas para no abandonar a perros y gatos, mostrándoles la cruel realidad de la calle

Y acabar con el tema del perro callejero.   El proyecto consistió en colocar una cámara de video a un perro en situación de abandono en la ciudad de Mumbai, India, capturando todos los riesgos y tipos de violencia los que se enfrentan diariamente mientras buscan sobrevivir

 Basureros y agua de alcantarillas y charcos son su fuente de comida, a la par que reciben insultos, patadas y pedradas por parte de los pobladores que los alejan de sus comercios y casas

      Contenido relacionado  Denuncian a paseadora de perros en Polanco que maltrata a los canes #VIDEO             Prepara croqueta anticonceptiva para perros de la calle       

For more infomation >> Colocan cámara de video a un perro callejero y descubren esto - Duration: 2:13.


[L'analisi] 'Il trionfo del populismo? Colpa della sinistra. Ha sbagliato in economia e sbaglia suim - Duration: 10:45.

La sinistra occidentale è in crisi e lo si può constatare continuamente. Da più parti ci si lamenta del trionfo del populismo che coinvolge l'America e il Vecchio Continente

La constatazione è onnipresente sui media. Tuttavia è ancora labile l'analisi politica, sociologica ed economica che aiuti a comprenderne a fondo le cause per uscire dal pantano

Nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi si evita di dire che la sinistra ha colpe immense, perché rinnegando spesso se stessa e i suoi principi fondamentali, ha creato i presupposti della propria sconfitta

Può essere utile, al fine di rafforzare questa considerazione, soffermarsi sulle riflessioni del decano dei progressisti statunitensi Michael Walzer, filosofo e politologo dell'Università di Princeton

 A suo avviso la sinistra ha da rimproverarsi colpe fondamentali, in tema di politica economica e perfino riguardo alle strategie su fenomeno delle migrazioni

Michael Walzer L'ascesa dei populisti come Trump, per esempio, "è nata da temi interni come gli effetti negativi di neoliberismo e globalizzazione, e dal fallimento dei democratici nel rispondere alle sofferenze dei lavoratori, a lungo base del partito", spiega in una intervista a La Stampa l'intellettuale

Inoltre ha fatto errori imperdonabili nella politica internazionale. Obama ne ha sicuramente commesso in Siria lasciando troppo spazio alla Russia

Il suo errore inoltre "ha lasciato aperta la porta all'Isis" alimentando i flussi migratori e le spinte alla chiusura interna che hanno condotto a scelte come quella della Brexit

Insomma i progressisti non hanno compreso la problematica migratoria e organizzazioni come la Ue hanno fallito nella gestione dei rifugiati che "dovevano essere distribuiti tra i vari governi"

L'Unione si è divisa ed ora tiene vertici per arginare l'emergenza. Secondo il filosofo "i Paesi hanno diritto a limitare gli arrivi

La sinistra avrebbe dovuto sostenere queste cose". Ha poi tralasciato di percorrere un'altra strada su cui le proprie convinzioni avrebbero dovuto condurla

Quella di aiutare i potenziali migranti nei loro luoghi d'origine, cosa da fare quando non si è disposti a farlo nei Paesi dove poi inevitabilmente si dirigono

E i motivi per attuare questa politica, osserva lo studioso, si riducono fondamentalmente a due: solidarietà e stabilità internazionale

Questa presa di posizione non c'è stata e ciò ha aperto spazi enormi alla demagogia radicale

Perfino alla ipocrisia di certi imprenditori che in realtà vogliono i migranti illegali

Vogliono lavoratori da utilizzare per un tozzo di pane nei campi, o da sfruttare in certe attività artigianali o industriali a basso costo se non in nero

Vale per l'America, dove si parla di circa dodici milioni di illegali di questo tipo, e vale in certe zone d'Europa compresa l'Italia

Esponenti del mondo "populista" Intanto negli Stati Uniti gli operai hanno votato Trump

Perché? Può servire un esempio: "I proprietari delle fabbriche dell'acciaio non hanno fatto gli investimenti per l'adeguamento tecnologico, i tedeschi ci hanno superato, e le aziende hanno chiuso"

Licenziato i dipendenti. Il problema allora non è l'immigrazione ma la sofferenza delle classi lavoratrici

E da questo punto di vista la sinistra è stata estremamente incapace di teorizzare e proporre soluzioni

Hanno abbracciato il neoliberismo lasciandosi trascinare nei suoi turbini finanziari e nelle sue imposizioni fatte di sacrifici e austerità, di cancellazione di diritti fondamentali

Di occhi puntati solo ai bilanci e agli utili e non alle prerogative dell'uomo e delle famiglie

E' questo l'errore commesso da Obama e da Hillary Clinton, ma è anche una constatazione che ben si attaglia all'Italia, dove i governi finora avevano abbracciato spensieratamente quelle tendenze imperanti

I democratici in sostanza hanno adottato una "versione della globalizzazione che non rispondeva ai bisogni dei lavoratori", osserva Walzer

La sinistra (americana e internazionale) doveva – a suo avviso – sostenere per esempio i sindacati in Cina per alzare il suo costo del lavoro", non dire ai lavoratori occidentali che dovevano rinunciare ai loro diritti per competere con i cinesi

Questo ha prodotto il malessere che ha condotto la classe operaia in Occidente a ripudiare la sinistra, vista di sovente come traditrice, per cercare soluzioni alternative e speranze altrove

"Il nostro globalismo non doveva essere il Nafta – afferma il filosofo – ma un coordinamento con i lavoratori di tutti i Paesi per ottenere una globalizzazione diversa"

Più improntata ai diritti umani e meno allo sfruttamento selvaggio. Questo assuefarsi alla globalizzazione così com'era, presupponendo fosse inevitabile e necessario lasciarsi trascinare nel vortice, ha accomunato Obama come Clinton, Renzi come Prodi, Blair e Hollande come Schroeder

In un certo senso nota l'intellettuale, "l'ortodossia economica ha detto ai democratici di seguire questa strada, e così è stato fatto"

La sinistra si è "lasciata persuadere, mancando di immaginazione". Si potrebbe dire che si è trasformata in qualcosa d'altro

Ma cosa dovrebbe fare in definitiva la sinistra adesso per rinascere? Stando a Walzer "occorre trovare un'alternativa al neoliberismo, parlare alle classi disagiate, farle sentire tutelate, non cedere su identità e diritti, essere realisti su politica estera e sicurezza"

In relazione ai migranti attivarsi per risolvere i problemi, magari tornando a cercare le soluzioni alla radice, ma al contempo "accettare il principio che gli arrivi vanno controllati"

Gestiti. Sul tema dell'immigrazione gli occidentali non possono starsene con le mani in mano, sono gli unici che possono intervenire

Per fermare i massacri, creare condizioni di vivibilità e ricostruire. Altrimenti non ci si può meravigliare dell'inevitabile: dell'arrivo delle maree umane composte da chi scappa da quei luoghi

Per Walzer "bisogna inoltre combattere efficacemente il terrorismo, evitando come accade qualche volta di giustificarlo (da sinistra), evitando di definire tutto l'Islam estremista, dando ossigeno all'islamofobia che serpeggia nei nostri Paesi"

La lezione del filosofo della Princeton University sembra essenzialmente semplice ma efficace

Bisogna in definitiva, e semplicemente, tornare a fare la sinistra, riorganizzarsi in nuove aggregazioni sulla base di programmi condivisi, difendere quelli che prima si era sempre difesi, riappropriarsi degli antichi valori, lottare per mantenere i diritti e conquistarne di nuovi, non agire per convincere la gente a rinunciarvi in nome della flessibilità, della competizione e della voracità del mercato

Agire in base a un progetto complessivo, di società migliore e realizzabile. Questo dovrebbe fare la sinistra, sempre che ci sia ancora la volontà e il tempo

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