Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2018

Bali's Mt Agung volcano erupts again, closing Denpasar Airport and leaving flights cancelled

Hundreds of flights to and from the Indonesian holiday island of Bali have been grounded or delayed on the eve of the school holidays as clouds of volcanic ash spew more than two kilometres into the air from the Mt Agung volcano.

The National Disaster Mitigation agency said nearly 450 flights had been cancelled to the island, with about 75,000 passengers affected worldwide.

Airlines are updating their advice and are expected to cancel more flights throughout the day after Denpasar's Ngurah Rai International Airport was closed at 3:00am local time (5:00am AEST) today.

It is not due to reopen until at least 7:00pm local time.

In a tweet, the airport advised people to "stay updated for every information from our official account".

Airlines are waiting to see whether the airport will reopen later tonight.

If that happens, Melbourne Airport spokesman Grant Smith said later flights may be able to go ahead.

"Based on the flight time out of Melbourne, it's possible some flights may still depart today, but we'll have to take our guidance from the airlines once they're notified what's happening on the ground there," he said.

School holidays start for Victoria and Western Australia tomorrow.

Wedding plans thrown into disarray.

Bride-to-be Kartina Curtis is due to be married on a beach in Bali on Wednesday.

Ms Curtis and her groom arrived at Perth Airport this morning with their six-person bridal party, only to find their AirAsia flight had been cancelled.

She said they were still hoping to secure a flight this evening.

"I'm slightly nervous, trying to be optimistic but we haven't had a lot of good news coming from the counter," she said.

"We don't have a plan B, unless they want to have a wedding on the tarmac for us, I'm not sure what we're going to do.

Second-time unlucky for Bali tourist.

Virgin Australia has told the ABC it has cancelled all flights to Denpasar today, as has AirAsia.

Jetstar cancelled several flights overnight and is expected to cancel more this morning.

One Jetstar flight bound for Denpasar from Perth overnight was forced to land in Port Hedland to re-fuel before returning to Perth.

Donna Barwood and her family arrived at Perth airport his morning and told ABC Radio Perth their school holiday plans had been dashed for the second time in months.

"We were due to fly out the beginning of December last year and all flights were cancelled then, and it was the same volcano — it does not like us," she said.

"We're looking at other flights, but unfortunately Jetstar left it so late that all the other flights are now booked.

Friday morning was Perth's coldest for the year and the Hunt family, like many others, was looking to escape to Bali's warmer climate.

Laura Hunt, 12, said she would rather be in Indonesia, but was still happy to be on holidays.

"It was a little annoying because we would rather be in warmth, but it's not too bad," she said.

Her mother Erica said they were luckily able re-schedule their flight to Monday.

"Crossing our fingers big time.

It's a wait-and-see game now," she said.

New destinations for some passengers.

Several passengers decided to change the destination of their holidays.

Melbourne Jetstar passenger Sandra Cannizzaro said she had been given flight points by her airline, and was now heading in a new holiday direction.

"We're looking at Europe, so it's a big change, which has worked in our favour," she said.

Laryssa Johnston said instead of spending 16 days in Bali, her family was now planning to spend 14 days in Hawaii.

"Not much you can do really.

Jetstar has been good, Bali has closed the airport, what do you do?" she said.

Passengers are urged to contact their airlines for up to date advice before heading to the airport.

Authorities closely monitoring volcano.

An alert level for the volcano has not been raised and an exclusion zone around the crater remains at 4 kilometres.

The regional volcanic ash advisory centre in Darwin, Australia, said winds could carry the ash southwest toward Java, Indonesia's most densely populated island.

Meteorologists and pilots will spend today assessing weather conditions and the ash cloud to determine whether the airport will be able to re-open tomorrow morning.

It is just the latest in a series of eruption events which have left thousands of Australian holidaymakers in limbo on the island.

In November, 150,000 local people were evacuated from the mountain and surrounds as volcanic activity intensified.

The local economy is largely dependent on tourism and has been hit hard by the series of eruptions.

Most travel insurance policies for Bali have excluded any volcano-related incidents since it began erupting last year, as it is considered a known risk.

For more infomation >> Bali's Mt Agung volcano erupts again, closing Denpasar Airport and leaving flights cancelled - Duration: 8:17.


최지우 이진욱 결별이유...진실은 무엇입니까? - Show Biz News - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 최지우 이진욱 결별이유...진실은 무엇입니까? - Show Biz News - Duration: 3:33.


Llegan a México tres observadores de OEA - Duration: 2:13.

 Veracruz.- Tres observadores electorales de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) arribaron hoy al Puerto de Veracruz

 Informaron que se trata de un coordinador regional y dos observadores que se desplazarán en distintos puntos de la entidad para atestiguar el proceso electoral del próximo domingo

 Los integrantes de la OEA -adelantaron- acudirán a los municipios de mayor tamaño o donde se han reportado hechos de violencia

 El INE aprobó la participación de 698 observadores electorales en todo el Estado de Veracruz, informó el Vocal del Ejecutivo en la entidad, Josué Cervantes Martínez

 El funcionario indicó que, del total de aprobados, 240 de ellos pertenecen a algunas organizaciones y el resto se registraron con carácter individual

     Cervantes Martínez agregó que a nivel nacional hay más de 700 personas visitantes internacionales que estarán participando en los comicios

 "Van recabando información que les sirve para hacer comparación de cómo es en otros estados, en otros países que tienen elecciones", indicó a medios

For more infomation >> Llegan a México tres observadores de OEA - Duration: 2:13.


spectacular enquitev episodio 2.violento (poner substitulos) - Duration: 21:54.

For more infomation >> spectacular enquitev episodio 2.violento (poner substitulos) - Duration: 21:54.


Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.

Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party

For more infomation >> Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.


La sucesión de Jorge Rodríguez reabre la guerra de 'sanchistas' y 'susanistas'... - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> La sucesión de Jorge Rodríguez reabre la guerra de 'sanchistas' y 'susanistas'... - Duration: 4:47.


El Papa y el diseño inteligente - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> El Papa y el diseño inteligente - Duration: 2:35.


Reseña DERMACOL/ Review DERMACOL - Duration: 5:35.

Hi my dearest, my name is Gabriela David and welcome to my chanel!

Today we will do a review to DERMACOL!

Its a foundation hypoallergenic foundation

And coveres even the tattoos!

This foundation is better for the night makeup

Because for day (makeup) is too much!

And ...yes for mi... I don t like for day makeup

Let s make a demonstration

This is the box

Is very small, but it has 30 grams

This is number 207

You have to use just like 2 grains of rize

Because it covered a lot

I put already my daily cream and the primer

And I will start with the foundation

Look how much I put

I will work by parties

How you ll already seen on my others tutorials


It s tremendous

I think I wont use the brush

I m going to bring the camera closer

You put a little bit and it extends

If you ll put a lot it will look cakey

This foundation you can use like corrector

Cover, cover a lot!

So, now I will put the makeup and I come back!

So my dearest I m back I have my makeup on


The truth is that the foundation is super!

I love it!

Don t forget to use just a little bit, because you ll put a lot

It will look cakey

The first time that I use this foundation I didn t like so much

just because I use a lot


If you put a little bit...yes is OK

And you can mix too, with a liquid foundation

To the Maybelline or...does not matter

To be more liquid

So yes is a very good foundation

Is professional

As well I will try on my tatoos

So my dearest if you enjoy my tutorial don t forget to



To the next tutorial!!

For more infomation >> Reseña DERMACOL/ Review DERMACOL - Duration: 5:35.


Enfrentamiento con 'huachicol' deja un policía muerto en Oaxaca - Duration: 4:05.

 Un enfrentamiento entre fuerzas estatales y una célula de huachicoleros en la carretera federal Transísmica 185 tres muertos, entre ellos un policía, dos heridos y tres detenidos

 El secretario de Seguridad Pública, Raymundo Tuñón, dijo que el grupo Fuerza Especial de Seguridad Oaxaca le dio un golpe fuerte a las bandas delictivas dedicadas al robo de combustible en la región del Istmo de Tehuantepec

 Tras el enfrentamiento, ocurrido a la altura del Barrio de La Soledad, fueron asegurados mil litros de gasolina robada

 Los dos oficiales heridos fueron trasladados a un hospital, para ser atendidos. Tras el informe de la situación, efectivos de la Base de Operaciones Mixtas "Matías Romero", acudió al lugar donde se suscitó la agresión a los policías estatales, que iban a bordo de una patrulla

Más del tema: Decomisan más 5 mil litros de huachicol Detecta gobernación foco rojo por huachicol en GTO Promete Barbosa combatir huachicol en Tecamachalco Asegura Policía Federal 184% más de huachicol  En el lugar quedaron tres cadáveres, dos de ellos de los agresores

Lamento profundamente el deceso de un elemento de la Policía Estatal en la región del Istmo, quien falleció cumpliendo su deber

Reconozco su labor en favor de la seguridad de los oaxaqueños. Mi solidaridad y apoyo a su familia

— Alejandro Murat (@alejandromurat) June 29, 2018  Además de la gasolina, se aseguraron dos camionetas blancas Pick up Avalanche y una camioneta verde de 3

5 toneladas, cargada con cuatro contenedores de mil litros llenos con hidrocarburo

 También se detectó un fusil AK 47 calibre 7.62x39 y dos pistolas presuntamente calibre 9 milímetros

 Al lugar llegó personal del Ejército, la Policía Estatal, la policía municipal y la Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones, que estuvo a cargo del levantamiento de los cadáveres para proceder con las diligencias correspondientes

 La Fiscalía General del Estado inició la carpeta de investigación 2995/mr/2018 por homicidio doloso contra quienes resulten responsables de estos hechos

 El titular del Grupo Fuerza Especial de Seguridad Oaxaca, Raymundo Tuñón, reiteró que el combate a todo tipo de delincuencia es de manera frontal, con el objetivo de resguardar la seguridad, integridad física y derechos fundamentales de la sociedad oaxaqueña

Lamentamos la sensible pérdida del compañero de la Policía Estatal que a las primeras horas de hoy perdiera la vida en el cumplimiento de su deber, sirva el presente para hacer llegar nuestras sinceras condolencias a familiares y amigos, esperando encuentren pronta resignación— Sría. Seg. Púb. Oax. (@SSP_GobOax) June 29, 2018  EB

For more infomation >> Enfrentamiento con 'huachicol' deja un policía muerto en Oaxaca - Duration: 4:05.


Se buscan hombres sin miedo a las agujas para poner de moda el Botox - Duration: 9:57.

(Jason Alden/Bloomberg) En Marina ManLand, cerca del aeropuerto de Los Ángeles, el cirujano plástico Grant Stevens anuncia su práctica con la imagen de un hombre en un sofá de cuero, con una pelota y fumando un cigarro

Parece estar funcionando: Stevens afirma que está "haciendo más cirugías masculinas que nunca en toda mi carrera"

ManLand es emblemático ya que los distribuidores de medicamentos como Botox, Dysport y Xeomin intensifican sus esfuerzos para vender esos cosméticos a los hombres

Ninguno puede ser más prominente que el impulso de Allergan para comercializar lo que los medios han denominado Botox

En abril, el fabricante lanzó anuncios impresos, televisivos y a través de las redes sociales –incluso durante los partidos de béisbol y las finales de la Copa Stanley- en un intento de atraer clientes masculinos

"Hemos tenido campañas en los últimos años, pero no a esta escala", comentaba Bill Meury, director comercial de Allergan

No reveló el tamaño de la inversión, pero dijo que era "significativa". Los hombres son solo una pequeña parte del mercado de la estética médica

Recibieron casi 470.000 inyecciones de toxinas suavizantes de arrugas en 2017, en comparación con más de 7

2 millones en las mujeres, según la Sociedad Estadounidense de Cirujanos Plásticos

Si bien las inyecciones masculinas se han multiplicado casi por cinco desde 2000, están creciendo mucho más lentamente que las inyecciones en las mujeres

Allergan y sus competidores están tratatando de descubrir cómo ganar hombres con mayor rapidez

Galderma de Nestlé Skin Health, que comercializa la inyección rival Dysport a nivel nacional, ha estado apuntando a los hombres durante aproximadamente dos años a través de un sitio específico para hombres

Reporta un aumento del 45 por ciento en los hombres que se inscriben en su programa de fidelidad, superando el crecimiento en las inscripciones de lealtad femeninas

Merz Pharma comercializa sus inyecciones Xeomin a través de folletos y un sitio web que lanzó en 2016

En hombres, los puntos de aplicación son otros y el resultado estético buscado es diferente (Getty) Allergan puede tener una ventaja con el Botox

"Es una marca icónica", dijo Meury en la conferencia de salud Merrill Lynch del Bank of America en mayo

Aún así, es una marca icónica que resuena principalmente entre las mujeres. Una página web creada por Allergan aborda mitos, como la creencia de que el Botox es solo para mujeres

"No, piénselo de nuevo", dice el sitio web, y agrega que el Botox ha sido aprobado para usos cosméticos desde 2002 y que "usted todavía se verá como usted" después de las inyecciones

Brent Saunders de Allergan no es solo el director ejecutivo de la compañía, es un cliente

Poco después de obtener el puesto más alto, sus colegas le sorprendieron en una reunión de ventas y le inyectaron el producto delante de todos

Saunders afirmó que sigue utilizándolo. Alrededor del 10 por ciento de los clientes de Botox son hombres y "ha habido un aumento bastante constante en la cantidad de hombres que lo reciben año tras año", según Meury

La compañía no divulgó más detalles. De media, los clientes masculinos de Botox tienen unos 42 años, aunque algunos están en sus veinte

Es un punto de partida para vender otros productos de la compañía, como su tratamiento de reducción de grasa o su inyección de doble mentón

El medicamento aportó USD 3.17 mil millones en ventas en 2017. Es el best-seller de Allergan y un generador de dinero crítico en un momento en el que la compañía está bajo presión después de que otro fármaco superior perdiera la protección de patentes

Un discurso más riguroso de Botox tiene sentido, según Umer Raffat, un analista de Evercore ISI

En ese sentido agregó que Allergan ha manifestado durante años que aumentaría su enfoque en los hombres

Teniendo en cuenta que sus competidores también se han esforzado en realizar campañas de marketing específicas para hombres, "no hay ninguna razón por la que no deberían estar haciendo esto"

Las acciones de Allergan han aumentado un 5.8 por ciento este año. Lograr que los hombres consideren un tratamiento de Botox es una cosa, llevarlos al consultorio médico es otra

Los hombres "no tienen idea, no tienen conciencia de estos procedimientos estéticos", comenta Terrence Kearney, fundador de una práctica de dermatología en Arlington (Virginia) llamada SkinDC

Alrededor de la mitad de sus pacientes son hombres. Muchos de ellos por el boca a boca o son referidos por otros médicos

"Hasta hace poco, estas compañías no habían invertido ningún esfuerzo en educar a los pacientes masculinos", señaló Kearney

El moderno barrio de Chelsea, en Nueva York, alberga más de 300 galerías de arte, la segunda oficina más grande de Google y el Chelsea Skin & Laser, una práctica de dermatología muy popular entre los hombres

Michael Eidelman, su director médico, ha formado parte de un consejo asesor de Allergan y dijo que está viendo que los hombres llegan a la oficina más seguros y confiados de recibir inyecciones faciales

Uno de sus pacientes de toda la vida, Stephen Hayes, comentó durante una cita reciente que la gente, a menudo, pregunta cómo el hombre de 55 años se evita mirar al espejo

Él ha estado recibiendo inyecciones para suavizar las arrugas durante varios años

"Los amigos varones tal vez me hicieron un par de bromas al respecto, pero muchos de ellos, ahora, están recibiendo el tratamiento", finalizó

For more infomation >> Se buscan hombres sin miedo a las agujas para poner de moda el Botox - Duration: 9:57.


Kontroverzní modelka se vyprsila u Zdi nářků. Židé se bouří: „Hanba!" - Duration: 1:41.

 Není tak divu, že Marisa Papen svými nejnovějšími nahými fotkami pobouřila Židy po celém světě

Zeď nářků je pro ně totiž nejposvátnějším místem na světě.  K nahým fotkám se už stihl vyjádřit například rabín Zdi nářků Šmuel Rabinovič

„Je to zahanbující, závažný a politováníhodný incident. Uráží posvátnost tohoto místa, ale i city návštěvníků," nebral si servítky rabín

 Belgická modelka se ale na své provokativní fotky dívá trochu jinak.  „Bylo mi  jasné, že když se nám podaří vyfotit snímek před Zdí nářků, celá cesta bude mít obrovský úspěch," nechala se slyšet žena, která doslova přitahuje problémy

 Marisa Papen znovu šokuje. Snímek, pod který se podepsal fotograf Mathias Lambrecht, vyšel v belgickém deníku Het Laatste Nieuws

  Sám umělec poté kontroverzní fotografii sdílel na svém Instagramu. 

For more infomation >> Kontroverzní modelka se vyprsila u Zdi nářků. Židé se bouří: „Hanba!" - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> ALBUM REACTION/ILK IZLENIM: DRAKE – SCORPION - Duration: 31:42.


來屆大選伊黨影響力或大增~研究員:非穆斯林要警惕神權治國 - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> 來屆大選伊黨影響力或大增~研究員:非穆斯林要警惕神權治國 - Duration: 8:51.


Видео для детей с игрушками. Про спорт! Мультфильмы - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Видео для детей с игрушками. Про спорт! Мультфильмы - Duration: 4:19.


Bong da VN|Lịch thi đấu U19 Việt Nam tại VCK U19 Đông Nam Á|Mới 1/7-14/7 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Bong da VN|Lịch thi đấu U19 Việt Nam tại VCK U19 Đông Nam Á|Mới 1/7-14/7 - Duration: 3:59.


Photoshop Tutorial | Hướng dẫn làm Banner phiên bản nhiều màu sắc | Part 2 | - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial | Hướng dẫn làm Banner phiên bản nhiều màu sắc | Part 2 | - Duration: 7:03.


THE WONDERKIDS's Korean song cover "바람이 불어오는 곳", superbe chanson coréenne ! Great Korean song! - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> THE WONDERKIDS's Korean song cover "바람이 불어오는 곳", superbe chanson coréenne ! Great Korean song! - Duration: 2:14.


Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.

Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party

For more infomation >> Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.


Cải lương hồ quảng trọn tuồng - Chiếc hổ phù - (Kim Tử Long, Ngọc huyền, Bạch Tuyết....) - Duration: 2:55:46.

For more infomation >> Cải lương hồ quảng trọn tuồng - Chiếc hổ phù - (Kim Tử Long, Ngọc huyền, Bạch Tuyết....) - Duration: 2:55:46.


重磅新聞 I 繼崔永元爆料「陰陽合同」醜聞之後 馮小剛導演正式回應 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 重磅新聞 I 繼崔永元爆料「陰陽合同」醜聞之後 馮小剛導演正式回應 - Duration: 3:04.


try not to laugh falling over in water fails I AFTERMATH - Duration: 15:16.

try not to laugh falling over in water fails AFTERMATH

oh he's gonna put the Swiss roll in. we could all come we got online funny that

guys see what I think yeah that was an accident come on swab this one's okay


a felon he felon he did Republican I ABO I look who's coming guys I'm awfully

sorry is gonna they're gonna grab him they're gonna that's one is gonna bite

him oh my god it's gonna zap him it's gonna zap him they do hurt you they

really do hurt you Bob they are the Queen's swans beautiful

yeah I know

I'll put on this way that's it I'm better brilliantly made my

thing absolutely fantastic that is unbelievable that was that was

that was unbelievable now that was really funny yeah absolutely

I'm really glad to save that bit I am Mooney I'm gonna have to say that bit

give me the hand up can you get this one's coming mate you need some help I'm

definitely gonna make enjoying life on a playlist definitely oh my God he's

coming to it

right okay come on in mom you got to make this more enjoyable oh is this one

hello Swan what a beautiful sight ah wow that is awesome

beautiful this is enjoying life and Rob they are absolutely beautiful absolutely

yeah well hold my camera I'm not gonna slip watch the middle of that because it

does no more no yes

yes absolutely brilliant guys actually brilliant this is my scan you get my

skidmark oh my god yes oh yes rubbish yes so I'm very wet soggy trousers smell

of Swan and here's me clean up yeah yeah care care of it yeah

Oh lovely oh this is nice I'm enjoying this enjoying life with you speaking of

washing up Bowl this isn't your washing up Bowl is it please don't say shit

washing up Bowl if I wash okay what's this fool man and there's soapy feet

well I'll tell you what list of things that I thought might not happen today

this is not on the list it is most definitely not on the list

Dayna wash there that's a super dry shirt as well I think

why not sure why not the green oh I'm sorry yours Oh your stuff will cost you

60 quid yeah ask me replacement shirt it's just my

color what's the brand never heard of it oh thank you very much

you sure black back for me wet clothes not so good and shirt that's what you

get for falling in rivers ei now that's a nasty skid mark their brand is my chef

I would have to be super dry wouldn't it it just would have to be and there's one

of my socks yuck oh dear oh dear oh dear guess what got wet two winning tickets

120 pounds I think one is that is 20 pounds and it got wet I hope I can still

clean it please let me stay clean oh that was a costly fall in the water

oh that's very touch-and-go very very touch-and-go you can see 20 quid to any

English quid and that one if I'm not mistaken as one there

had these ready in my pocket to claim but guess who fell in the water looks

like the money fared quite fair edema tens alright little bit sticky

I've just brought a car and that's my registration document oops

you can still glisten in when the water fivers alright this is a parcel I have

to collect I better be careful with this it's already late enough just about

rescued that here's my cards all stuck together probably stuffed I reckon and

here's my money just by peeling apart all right

whoa that's my leftover car like I thought the car was gonna cost a bit

more than did looks like that's it and a very very wet Sookie wallet what's this

whatever that is that's haddock whoa some sort of receipt I might need oh

well looks like I got lucky that's the only that's the only casualty nice clean

socks mister enjoying life it's checking ho dear oh dear that doesn't look good

at all checking how many marshmallows I think

ah he's finding out the moment I fell in the water here we go here we go here we

go I need to catch all you laughing

I'm donar sound like mr. bean and there we go mr. bean moment what a plonker

Rodney I would have to glitch wouldn't it they're mighty call me anyway

Yomi on camera

that's compassion for you yes you Swiss roll I was worth it that was worth it

you know what I've never got that close to a swan yeah I could have let it eat

out of my hand I didn't want to risk that I did not want to risk that much

because that would have been stupid you idiot

you absolutely idiot but funny idiot Wow let's have a look your reaction

that's why I said Russ bro Rutter a brilliant role knew that was gonna

happen oh my FG oMFG I've never been on a boat

comes you know what everything about YouTube can screw

itself apart from this it's meeting people at decent and doing stupid things

to make people laugh

that's why okay I'm that moment getting to feed a swamp face-to-face well she

got oh yeah you know what I could have done no no I'd rather swim why didn't I

think of that might as well go all the way now and have this when I put a bomb

and come across and I would be dangerous now that would have been bad if I'd

literally you caught me drowning on that on there which it's not far off

there you are you get you get there's no compassion there

excellent Street yeah well yeah pardon the pun shoulda put these in movies was

on huh but in sphere made my day nice

I remind myself of my mind I kind of look a bit like Idiot Abroad you know

now that is good if I'm a Gemini

no compassion you just walk away unbelievable funniest thing I've seen

all day I'm definitely gonna make enjoying life a playlist on my channel

Oh God

excellent comedy gold that was so fun when it yeah

comedy don't you think that was fun that's brilliant I've not had that much

fun for I don't know as a kit as a kid ya don't have that much fun in the know

no one knows that sort of fun that's why yes I don't care what people

say about YouTube if you do this shit it's worth it

For more infomation >> try not to laugh falling over in water fails I AFTERMATH - Duration: 15:16.


Electric car insurance how to get the best price for your Leaf or Zoe 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 6:14.

welcome to this week's vlog on this week's vlog we're going to be discussing

electric car insurance do you need special insurance for electric car how

do you get the cheapest price


so if you like saving money like me and you're a

little bit tight and you try and get the best deal as you possibly can which

probably most of you are if you drive an electric car even if you just drive it

for ECO reasons like me you also like saving money it's a win situation with

electric cars it's a double win for me and car insurance is one of the big

grips we're trying to get a good deal these days in the electric car sometimes

it can be quite difficult with certain insurance companies excluding electric

vehicles and other ones not including battery lease systems and not

understanding the battery lease it was time for me to this year do a little bit

more of an in-depth video on how to get the best deal on your electric car

insurance now I did the normal website comparison stuff as always so I did my

moneySuperMarket check for the best price I possibly could put my reg details

in and it fired out a price now non-protected no claims don't forget

there's two drivers on here Laura's the main driver of the car so

the insurance is in Laura's name i drive vehicles under the trade

insurance but I have to be covered personally for Laura's car there's two

drivers on the policy Laura's a young driver she only got five years driving

experience in five years no claims the price did was £429

as you can see there the price for a non-protected policy

protecting your no claims dropped to £408 there's a little

bit of an excess there with more> than which isn't great now i also had a

renewal quote from quote me happy which was £350 but a

much higher voluntary access on that policy these are high prices in my mind

for an electric car driver electric car drivers we tend to be slower drivers we

drive more economically and we don't tend to have any boy racers by driving

Electric cars yet because they don't make the RS Zoe

but that's another discussion altogether but that we'd drive better so surely

there's a company out there that would provide insurance for us so spent some

time looking for brokers that specialize with schemes for electric cars tried

tried one broker their price was a little bit high it was six seven hundred

pound but I'm not going to mention who it was but it was they were dear

they were dearer than all the other things it was a specialist insurance for

EV cars so you know I was moving on to at least someone who understood

electric cars but I was surprised why it was so much did some more digging around

and came across a company called pluginsure

so I thought yeah they've even got a name for doing electric car insurance

great the other company was just a normal running name not like I said not

going to mention them but pluginsure proper name for electric cars actually

seem to be actively trying to get electric car customers their quote was

well quite a bit cheaper they came back at £296 headers like - yeah £296.37

protected protected now like I said Laura Laura only been

driving five years she's a much younger model than me I was a lucky bugger

um but yeah Laura's much younger than me so she's not got was driving

expensive to get price under £300 with a young driver on on the policy

it's fantastic now I put a link to them down in the description below and I've also

put a number they have an online quote system which is pretty much the

price I've got there is the price it gave me on the online system they also

rang them because it's called a quick quote quick quote so I wasn't sure if it

was just an estimate quote but I thought it would be wrong it under £300

seems too cheap so I rang them spoke to me said no that is the price

they ran a full quote with me and that's the price i got it's a small small firm

there's not a lot there's not a lot of employees definitely put onto the phone

pretty quickly seem very efficient they seems to be running for quite some time

I did some more digging to some other people I know who've got it I've had leaf

owners and i3 owners run some comparison tests and they all said it's

cheaper than what they were getting off off of a insurance company so if you've

got a Nissan Leaf or a Renault Zoe or a BMW i3 or any other electric car give

them a call try and get a quote obviously hybrids and stuff like that

give them a quote see what they come back with and let me know what let me

know in the comments below were they cheaper than you current

insurers have you gone with them have you heard of them before have you used

them before are you already a customer of them a bit and just let us know in

the comments below I'm really really interested even if you'd not with them

you've got other insurance quotes let me know what you're paying around the

market but pluginsure seem to be the cheapest they seem to specialise

electric cars they are a proper FCA regulated company they're using a major

underwriter for the insurance and it's a scheme set off electric car drivers so

thumbs up for me from them they seem to do a really really good job of getting

really good prices let me know let me know in the comments below thanks so

much for watching this week's video don't forget to give it a thumbs up

don't forget to share it subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and also

check out my other videos down there if you're not a patreon supporter consider

supporting me on patreon from as little as a £1 a month it really really does help

helps me buy a new equipment etc and make the channel a little bit better thank you

very much for watching and I'll see you again next week goodbye

For more infomation >> Electric car insurance how to get the best price for your Leaf or Zoe 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 6:14.


I GOT A NEW TATTOO - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> I GOT A NEW TATTOO - Duration: 11:43.


Miraculous ladybug Season 2 Identity Revealed (FANMADE SCENE) - Duration: 2:08.

Pound it!...

Wait!.. Where are you going?!

Please...i won't tell anyone who you are...

I can't..

I'm sorry... its not exactly easy for me either... trust me...

phew... That was a close shade...

Oh well.. tikki, i'm really messed up this time...

Marinette: I didn't mean to hurt him/ Cat noir: What?! this can't be!..

You just over reacted a little... just let it go... tomorrow will be a new day..


What are you doing here? Don't you have like... superhero things to do?....

I swear to myself that i tell you as soon as i saw you...

Claws in..

I'm glad that girl beneath the mask is you marinette...

We a team aren't we?

For more infomation >> Miraculous ladybug Season 2 Identity Revealed (FANMADE SCENE) - Duration: 2:08.



For more infomation >> ALBUM REACTION/ILK IZLENIM: DRAKE – SCORPION - Duration: 31:42.


Tornano i voucher, si parte dall'agricoltura: "Ci saranno i contributi e l'assicurazione" - Duration: 4:21.

 Capisco la voglia del collega Di Maio di limitare il precariato, ma faremo attenzione che con la lotta al precariato, sacrosanta, non si danneggino gli interessi dei lavoratori e delle imprese costringendoli al nero» sostiene Matteo Salvini

Il ministro dell'Interno, nel governo, ha chiaramente deciso prendere le parti delle pmi e dal palco del Festival del lavoro di Milano annuncia che i voucher, che per alcuni settori sono «fondamentali», «sono stati ipocritamente cancellati» e quindi «vanno reintrodotti»

      Il fronte leghista    Mentre Forza Italia tenta il sorpasso sul governo annunciando per mercoledì in Senato la presentazione di una sua proposta di legge, a fare da apripista potrebbe essere l'agricoltura: il ministro Gian Marco Centinaio è infatti già pronto

«Bene ha fatto Salvini a toccare il tema dei voucher – sostiene il responsabile delle Politiche agricole -

Al ministero abbiamo studiato e siamo pronti a reintrodurli perché utili per combattere il lavoro in nero e rendere più efficaci i controlli»

L'obiettivo è «tutelare il settore in nome della trasparenza e lottare contro ogni forma di schiavismo e sfruttamento della manodopera»

Quindi spiega: «Il datore di lavoro potrà beneficiare di prestazioni lavorative in piena legalità e con coperture assicurative in caso d'incidenti, mentre il lavoratore riceverà non solo un compenso esente da tasse ma potrà accumulare i contributi per i trattamenti pensionistici»

   Secondo Coldiretti, che ha subito accolto con favore gli annunci di ieri, il ritorno dei voucher consentirà di recuperare «con trasparenza» circa 50 mila posti di lavoro occasionali sia nelle attività stagionali di raccolta estiva sia durante la vendemmia

       Per il presidente Roberto Moncalvo l'annuncio di Centinaio rappresenta una decisione «importante, fortemente sostenuta dalla Coldiretti dopo che la riforma ha di fatto azzerato questa opportunità in agricoltura per integrare il reddito delle categorie più deboli, ma anche per avvicinare al mondo dell'agricoltura stessa giovani studenti o mantenere attivi anziani pensionati»

La nuova normativa, è opinione corrente di tutte le associazioni imprenditoriali interessate dai buoni lavoro, «è stata un vero flop»

In agricoltura ha fatto crollare del 98% in valore l'uso dei buoni «per effetto in primis di un eccesso di inutile burocrazia, complice la piattaforma informatica creata dall'Inps che non tiene in considerazione le specificità del lavoro nei campi»

Mentre nel settore del commercio e dei servizi, come ha anticipato due settimane fa un'inchiesta de La Stampa, secondo Confesercenti sono state oltre 400 mila le occasioni di lavoro andate perse «rendendo allo stesso tempo praticamente impossibile per le piccole e medie imprese del terziario e del turismo gestire i picchi di lavoro inattesi, che ne caratterizzano risaputamene l'attività»

      Dal boom al flop    I buoni lavoro erano stati introdotti nel 2003 proprio dal governo Berlusconi

Negli anni i vari esecutivi hanno poi ampliato la possibilità di utilizzarli, facendo esplodere il numero dei voucher venduti, passati dai 503 mila del 2009 ai 146 milioni del 2016

Nel 2017, sotto la pressione del referendum promosso dalla Cgil, il governo Gentiloni ha innestato la retromarcia introducendo un «contratto di prestazione occasionale» per le attività svolte dalle imprese e un «libretto famiglia» per i privati

Entrambi però non sono mai decollati. 

For more infomation >> Tornano i voucher, si parte dall'agricoltura: "Ci saranno i contributi e l'assicurazione" - Duration: 4:21.


張柏芝巴黎即將訂婚,謝霆鋒冷嘲熱諷說了9個字,網友:幸好離婚了! - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 張柏芝巴黎即將訂婚,謝霆鋒冷嘲熱諷說了9個字,網友:幸好離婚了! - Duration: 2:10.


【股市血戰】外資認輸 服了愛國幫~~連撤36個交易日,沒想到你們頂得住;終於暫停撤資,破天荒淨買入 2.6億 - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 【股市血戰】外資認輸 服了愛國幫~~連撤36個交易日,沒想到你們頂得住;終於暫停撤資,破天荒淨買入 2.6億 - Duration: 4:35.


Flywheel Bearing - How To - Duration: 6:12.

recently I had trouble starting my bike I tried the Kickstarter but it was jammed

initially I thought the worst but then I had a couple of deep breaths and

then started to fault find the problem which led me to the starter motor and flywheel

to get access remove the ignition cover and put the bolts in order somewhere

where they won't get mixed up because some of them are different lengths

first remove the torque limiter and see if the starter motor turns freely if it

does the problem will more than likely be the free wheel bearing at the back of

the flywheel. Move the piston to the top dead center then remove the copper

washer on the engine locking bolt - screw it back in this will stop the flywheel

from spinning when trying to remove it

the intermediate starting gear and flywheel come off together so remove

the circlip in spacer on the intermediate starting gear now attach

the flywheel puller to the flywheel and remove it

and look at that this is where the bearing rotates on - it has been damaged

and the bearing will also need replacing remove the old flywheel bearing while

using a punch and tapping through the hole in the flywheel then install all

the new parts - Tip put the bearing in the freezer for one and a half hours and

heat the mating part up so the bearing goes in easier

put the freewheel gear in to the bearing to double-check the rotation and I have

put the bearing in the wrong way - so how did this happen in the service repair

manual the picture shows the back of the flywheel

if the flywheel gear installed and the wording that goes with it is very

confusing so how do you tell if the bearing is the right way on my bike

there is an arrow on the flywheel which shows the direction that the bearing

must lock and the other direction the bearing is free to rotate another way to

tell on my bike which is a KTM 350 EXCF is the bearing brand and part number faces

outwards from the back of the flywheel now clean all the parts before they get

installed and this happens in the reverse order from when it was pulled

apart just remember to install the flywheel

and intermediate starting gear together and you might have to slightly rotate

the gear to align it on to the shaft torque all the bolts and install the

copper washer back on the engine locking screw

thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> Flywheel Bearing - How To - Duration: 6:12.


New WhatsApp status video 2018 | funzoa video WhatsApp status | multimedia channel | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> New WhatsApp status video 2018 | funzoa video WhatsApp status | multimedia channel | - Duration: 0:54.


Donald Trump's "unpredictability" a concern for Royal staff as meeting with Queen looms - Duration: 3:24.

Mr Trump is set to meet the Queen during his trip to the UK, which is scheduled to commence on July 13, and US ambassador Robert Wood Johnson has confirmed his trip will include an audience with Britain's Head of State – although Buckingham Palace has not commented

And Mr Fitzwilliams, the former editor of The International Who's Who, said staff close to Her Majesty were certain to be approaching the meeting, which he believes will happen at Windsor Castle, with some trepidation

He said: "They are dealing with somebody who is completely unpredictable and no doubt there is a certain amount of concern about how it will all go

"The actual visit will probably pass off with lots of controversy but no actual problems

   "The security aspect will be gigantic, obviously."The problem with Mr Trump is that you never absolutely know what he is going to do

"I don't think the Queen herself will be concerned _ she's used to meeting a large number of different Presidents, as well as other dignitaries

"There is a story, possibly apocryphal, that when the Ceaușescus visited in 1978, she detested them so much she actually hid behind a bush in the gardens of Buckingham Palace to avoid them

 "She has literally seen every kind of monarch and leader and nothing will phase her

"Nevertheless, I think her staff are probably likely to be looking forward to getting this one out of the way

"Mr Trump's visit is a precursor to his official State visit, the date of which has yet to be fixed

After Prime Minister Theresa May extended the invitation in 2016, a Parliamentary petition was launched which stated: "Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen

" It quickly attracted the 100,000 signatures necessary to be debated in Parliament, with this happening on February 20, 2017, with 1,863,708 people having signed it as of today

With Mr Trump due to arrive in less than three weeks' time, details of his visit remain scarce

It is unclear as to whether he will meet the Royal Princes for example, or Prince Harry's new American wife Meghan Markle, a staunch supporter of Mr Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election

However, widespread protests are anticipated over the New Yorker's controversial immigration policies and comments about women

For more infomation >> Donald Trump's "unpredictability" a concern for Royal staff as meeting with Queen looms - Duration: 3:24.


Creating An Interlinking Chain Using The Divide And Weld Functions In Canvas Workspace - Duration: 9:31.

For more infomation >> Creating An Interlinking Chain Using The Divide And Weld Functions In Canvas Workspace - Duration: 9:31.


장윤정, 첫 번째 청첩장 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 장윤정, 첫 번째 청첩장 - Duration: 2:04.


Haven't played Splatoon 2 in a while. - Duration: 53:37.

For more infomation >> Haven't played Splatoon 2 in a while. - Duration: 53:37.


'스완지와 결별' 기성용, EPL 뉴캐슬과 2년 계약 - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> '스완지와 결별' 기성용, EPL 뉴캐슬과 2년 계약 - Duration: 4:41.


repair Motherboard Cmos battery section practically class | Bangla - Duration: 15:33.

For more infomation >> repair Motherboard Cmos battery section practically class | Bangla - Duration: 15:33.


DIY unicorn notebook - Duration: 2:14.

Do you like this unicorn notebook?

In this video i will show you how to mae your own, step by step.

Hello, I hope you are well? Keep on watching to

see what we used for this DIY unicorn notebook and the step by step tutorial.

If you do not know how to draw a kawaii unicorn follow the link.

Start by cutting out a manes, tail , a horn and a body

out of a foam sheet ( a light color would be best).

You can also use two separate colors.

Use a double sided tape to stick the horn, manes, and tale first.

On the top of these, stick the body and head using double sided tape.

All that is left to do

is to draw the

awaii unicorn eyes

and color in rainbow colours

the tail and manes of your unicorn.

You can also use some glitter for the horn.

Again, if you need a step by step tutorial to learn

how to draw a kawaii unicorn, follow the lin!

You hope you enjoyed this video and you lied the unicorn notebook.

Please subscribe like and share if so!

see you soon!

For more infomation >> DIY unicorn notebook - Duration: 2:14.


鄧紫棋的皮褲我忍了,汪峰的皮褲我忍了,她的皮褲實在是忍不住了! - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> 鄧紫棋的皮褲我忍了,汪峰的皮褲我忍了,她的皮褲實在是忍不住了! - Duration: 4:15.


Copyright Strike Removed by Deleting Video # सच मे ऐसा होता है क्या ? | Community Guideliness Strike - Duration: 10:12.







For more infomation >> Copyright Strike Removed by Deleting Video # सच मे ऐसा होता है क्या ? | Community Guideliness Strike - Duration: 10:12.



For more infomation >> MIOMAS UTERINOS. PRESERVAR O ÚTERO OU NÃO? - Duration: 3:05.


El Papa y el diseño inteligente - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> El Papa y el diseño inteligente - Duration: 2:35.



For more infomation >> 7 CONSELHOS PARA PROTEGER OS MAIS NOVOS DO SOL - Duration: 1:38.


Видео для детей с игрушками. Про спорт! Мультфильмы - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Видео для детей с игрушками. Про спорт! Мультфильмы - Duration: 4:19.


KRÓLIKI – Królik przybywa do domu - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> KRÓLIKI – Królik przybywa do domu - Duration: 3:52.


Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.

Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party

For more infomation >> Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.


Llegan a México tres observadores de OEA - Duration: 2:13.

 Veracruz.- Tres observadores electorales de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) arribaron hoy al Puerto de Veracruz

 Informaron que se trata de un coordinador regional y dos observadores que se desplazarán en distintos puntos de la entidad para atestiguar el proceso electoral del próximo domingo

 Los integrantes de la OEA -adelantaron- acudirán a los municipios de mayor tamaño o donde se han reportado hechos de violencia

 El INE aprobó la participación de 698 observadores electorales en todo el Estado de Veracruz, informó el Vocal del Ejecutivo en la entidad, Josué Cervantes Martínez

 El funcionario indicó que, del total de aprobados, 240 de ellos pertenecen a algunas organizaciones y el resto se registraron con carácter individual

     Cervantes Martínez agregó que a nivel nacional hay más de 700 personas visitantes internacionales que estarán participando en los comicios

 "Van recabando información que les sirve para hacer comparación de cómo es en otros estados, en otros países que tienen elecciones", indicó a medios

For more infomation >> Llegan a México tres observadores de OEA - Duration: 2:13.


DIY unicorn notebook - Duration: 2:14.

Do you like this unicorn notebook?

In this video i will show you how to mae your own, step by step.

Hello, I hope you are well? Keep on watching to

see what we used for this DIY unicorn notebook and the step by step tutorial.

If you do not know how to draw a kawaii unicorn follow the link.

Start by cutting out a manes, tail , a horn and a body

out of a foam sheet ( a light color would be best).

You can also use two separate colors.

Use a double sided tape to stick the horn, manes, and tale first.

On the top of these, stick the body and head using double sided tape.

All that is left to do

is to draw the

awaii unicorn eyes

and color in rainbow colours

the tail and manes of your unicorn.

You can also use some glitter for the horn.

Again, if you need a step by step tutorial to learn

how to draw a kawaii unicorn, follow the lin!

You hope you enjoyed this video and you lied the unicorn notebook.

Please subscribe like and share if so!

see you soon!

For more infomation >> DIY unicorn notebook - Duration: 2:14.


Tornano i voucher, si parte dall'agricoltura: "Ci saranno i contributi e l'assicurazione" - Duration: 4:21.

 Capisco la voglia del collega Di Maio di limitare il precariato, ma faremo attenzione che con la lotta al precariato, sacrosanta, non si danneggino gli interessi dei lavoratori e delle imprese costringendoli al nero» sostiene Matteo Salvini

Il ministro dell'Interno, nel governo, ha chiaramente deciso prendere le parti delle pmi e dal palco del Festival del lavoro di Milano annuncia che i voucher, che per alcuni settori sono «fondamentali», «sono stati ipocritamente cancellati» e quindi «vanno reintrodotti»

      Il fronte leghista    Mentre Forza Italia tenta il sorpasso sul governo annunciando per mercoledì in Senato la presentazione di una sua proposta di legge, a fare da apripista potrebbe essere l'agricoltura: il ministro Gian Marco Centinaio è infatti già pronto

«Bene ha fatto Salvini a toccare il tema dei voucher – sostiene il responsabile delle Politiche agricole -

Al ministero abbiamo studiato e siamo pronti a reintrodurli perché utili per combattere il lavoro in nero e rendere più efficaci i controlli»

L'obiettivo è «tutelare il settore in nome della trasparenza e lottare contro ogni forma di schiavismo e sfruttamento della manodopera»

Quindi spiega: «Il datore di lavoro potrà beneficiare di prestazioni lavorative in piena legalità e con coperture assicurative in caso d'incidenti, mentre il lavoratore riceverà non solo un compenso esente da tasse ma potrà accumulare i contributi per i trattamenti pensionistici»

   Secondo Coldiretti, che ha subito accolto con favore gli annunci di ieri, il ritorno dei voucher consentirà di recuperare «con trasparenza» circa 50 mila posti di lavoro occasionali sia nelle attività stagionali di raccolta estiva sia durante la vendemmia

       Per il presidente Roberto Moncalvo l'annuncio di Centinaio rappresenta una decisione «importante, fortemente sostenuta dalla Coldiretti dopo che la riforma ha di fatto azzerato questa opportunità in agricoltura per integrare il reddito delle categorie più deboli, ma anche per avvicinare al mondo dell'agricoltura stessa giovani studenti o mantenere attivi anziani pensionati»

La nuova normativa, è opinione corrente di tutte le associazioni imprenditoriali interessate dai buoni lavoro, «è stata un vero flop»

In agricoltura ha fatto crollare del 98% in valore l'uso dei buoni «per effetto in primis di un eccesso di inutile burocrazia, complice la piattaforma informatica creata dall'Inps che non tiene in considerazione le specificità del lavoro nei campi»

Mentre nel settore del commercio e dei servizi, come ha anticipato due settimane fa un'inchiesta de La Stampa, secondo Confesercenti sono state oltre 400 mila le occasioni di lavoro andate perse «rendendo allo stesso tempo praticamente impossibile per le piccole e medie imprese del terziario e del turismo gestire i picchi di lavoro inattesi, che ne caratterizzano risaputamene l'attività»

      Dal boom al flop    I buoni lavoro erano stati introdotti nel 2003 proprio dal governo Berlusconi

Negli anni i vari esecutivi hanno poi ampliato la possibilità di utilizzarli, facendo esplodere il numero dei voucher venduti, passati dai 503 mila del 2009 ai 146 milioni del 2016

Nel 2017, sotto la pressione del referendum promosso dalla Cgil, il governo Gentiloni ha innestato la retromarcia introducendo un «contratto di prestazione occasionale» per le attività svolte dalle imprese e un «libretto famiglia» per i privati

Entrambi però non sono mai decollati. 

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