Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 30 2018

Hello! My name is Ruben Alves, I'm from Robot Ignite Academy, and today

we are going to see how to use remap in a launch file, in roslaunch

for that we are going to use this platform which is the best one if you

want to Learn ROS Really Fast. For that let is starting here a course, let's

say this Robot creation with URDF, which is a good course if you

want to learn how to create your robots in urdf format and see the

results in a simulation, really good. Okay to show how to use the remap in a launch

file first we need the create a launch file, of course, so let's create here for a

package, let's create here with catkin_create_package + the name of our package, which is

going to be tutorial and depends on rospy, Okay we are already have here the

src folder and on the src folder of the tutorial package let's create a

file called publisher and let's give the execution permissions to this file

publisher okay the code is empty, we don't have anything here but we have

here a tutorials from rospy, from, in this tutorial we have here a

publisher so let's just copy this code here this code and let's paste in here

on our publisher, let me maximize here the font size so we can see it better

okay by looking at this file a we can see that we have a rosnode called

rosnode called node_name, that publishes on a topic called topic_name

in this package let's create here our launch folder mkdir launch

mkdir launch and in this launch folder let's get here a file called


let's open here the file it to launch our node let's maximize here this

file is XML format so let me change here the syntax highlighting into XML

XML good okay let's create our launch file and to launch our node we need

this node tag, we have to define the name of our node in this case

let's put the same name node_name name=node_name, the package that the

node is located is the tutorial package and the name of our file is, if you just run this code, let's run, let's run with roslaunch

roslaunch + the name of our tutorial, is the name of our package, and remap_demo.launch

remap_demo.launch we still are not doing any remap... what's wrong here?

this script node name... oh yeah we have to define that /usr/bin/env python

you have to say that our file have to be executed with Python. Okay

here you have. By looking at rosnode info and the name of our node topic_name

topic_name ,ops, node_name, we can see that our node is publishing on the topic

called topic_name, as you can see here , rostopic echo /topic_name

we can see here the message "hello world". To use the remap is really

easy you just have to come here and define a tag called remap and define

the "from" and "to" and we want to remap it they name

topic_name, let's say that the new topic is going to be Iloveyou

good name, no, for the topic? If you just run this code again let's run this code

again okay now if you see in which topic the node is publishing again with rosnode info

rosnode info /node_name we can see that the topic now is Iloveyou is not topic_name

anymore because we did the remap. It's really easy you just put the remap tag, then the

previous name and the new name. So easy, no? Now, rostopic info /iloveyou

rostopic info /iloveyou, yeah, now rostopic echo /iloveyou, I'm sorry for the mistake,

yeah very good. Okay guys this is the video for today I hope you enjoyed the

video, if you like it, please give us a thumbs up and you can also subscribe to

our channel and press the bell for a new video every single day

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> [ROS in 5 mins] 015 - How to use remap in launch files - Duration: 5:44.


10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.

So after a long ass time, and a whole lot of requests, a video on Denzel Curry is finally

here, and today we're gonna be covering his fastest verses.

Real quick, I do wanna give a huge shoutout to the Denzel Curry subreddit, who helped

me find a large amount of the verses in this video.

As a way of thanking them, their community will be linked in the description.

So let's get right into this, this is CDTVProductions, you can join my Amino also linked below to

discuss hip hop with me and other music lovers like yourself, and let's look at the 10

Fastest Denzel Curry Verses.

12 - Narcotics (Verse 1) - 6.9 SPS

This is the one that surprised me the most, because when I first heard it I thought it

was an 8 SPS verse for sure.

I'm not sure what makes it slower than it sounds, but I've counted it repeatedly and

over 10 seconds this is the speed it hits.

Amazing verse though.

11 - Parents (Verse 1) - 7 SPS

A lot of Denzel's Nostalgic 64 project has a very gritty sound to it, and don't get

me wrong that sound is still present here especially with the story Denzel is telling,

but Denzel's lyrics sound kinda tongue in cheek and it adds a nice humorous layer to

the track which helps make it slightly less dark.

Not to mention, he's laying down some facts on this one.

10 - Dark Tournament (Verse 2) - 7 SPS

This track is still pretty damn nice, but you can tell Denzel has came a hell of a long

way since this released.

The fast rapping part is nice, but you can tell it's a little bit more shaky here than

it is nowadays.

There's still great wordplay on it though, and it apparently samples it's instrumental

from an Anime show theme.

I really don't like anime so I have no clue, but if you are a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, then

I'm sure this track will grab your interest.

9 - The Federation (Verse 2) - 7.1 SPS

I hadn't heard this song until I did research for this video, but I honestly think it contains

one of my favourite Denzel verses.

Every single flow he uses on this track is entertaining and all are somewhat rapid whilst

switching it really often.

I actually had to count like 5 different sections of this song because he keeps the pace up

on almost every section of it, it's just great.

It's cool to hear Denzel on such a laid back track as well, as most of his catalogue

is fairly dark in terms of tone.

8 - Lord Vader Kush II (Verse 1) - 7.1 SPS

And here we have the only track on this list from 32 Zel, a project which definitely showcases

Denzel taking on more of a trap influence.

I really love the sound on this project, and this song really encapsulates it's sound.

Spacy melodies, forceful drums and Denzel jumping all over it with his cadences, it's

a combo that I really do love.

Interestingly, I didn't think this track would be faster than songs like Envy Me or

Ultimate, which came from the same project, but by my measurements, this is the fastest

one from the EP.

7 - Flying Nimbus (Verse 3) - 7.2 SPS

The transition from the second verse, which is performed by Lofty305, into the third verse

which you just heard is so good on this track.

We shift gears insanely quickly from Lofty's confident mid tempo flow, to Denzel's rapid

and turbulent flow in the drop of a hat, and the way it shifts is so great.

He absolutely kills it here, and brings a hell of a lot of energy and excitement into

the song.

He does say the word *thot* (whisper) here though, so we might have to copystrike Denzel

for that one.

6 - Always With Me (Verse 2) - 7.2 SPS

Now as you can imagine, Ronny J's production is always a bit hit and miss for me, with

me being the old distortion hating Boi that I am, but when he doesn't use distorted

bass he can make some beats that I absolutely love.

And that is the case with this song.

If there's one thing I can say, it's that he programs his 808s like a master.

On top of this, Aaron Rose comes through with a really great verse on here, and you already

know Curry came through and slaughtered it.

Check this one out if you haven't heard it, it's worth it.

5 - Bloodshed (Verse 1) - 7.2 SPS

This is pretty much the song I can credit with getting me back into Denzel's music,

one day I just decided to listen to the 13 EP, absolutely loved it and then went through

every single other project Denzel has made.

And this song was at the very start of that EP.

It pulled me in right away, that dark, booming bass produced by Eric Dingus (which is a great

name) and Denzel's rapid fire rapping with his frenetic flow really got me intrigued

in what he was gonna do, and he didn't disappoint.

The whole 13 EP is pretty amazing from start to finish in my opinion, but Bloodshed remains

as my top track from the short project.

4 - Unmask (Verse 1) - 7.6 SPS

Here we have a great collab between Denzel Curry, Craig Xen and Ski Mask the Slump God,

who I have also done 2 Fastest verses videos on, and those will be linked in the description


I can definitely see why this one is faster than a lot of the other tracks on here.

On pretty much every bar, Denzel crams as many syllables in as he can, and it makes

sure his verse here always has this kinda velocity to it, it just keeps moving forward.

Everyone on here kills it, brings their own style to the song, and it makes for a brilliant


(Although I won't lie.

Craig Xen kinda terrified me the first time I heard this song.)

3 - Talk That Shit (Verse 1) - 7.7 SPS

Here we have what is probably the most trap flavoured track on the N64 album, with a brash

sound to the instrumental and Curry matches this with his lyrics and vocals.

Interestingly, the hook on this track is actually Denzel quoting and essentially sampling one

of his earlier songs titled Strictly For My Raiderz, which is a song I can recommend if

you haven't heard some of Denzel's really early material.

Lyrically this is a pretty interesting track too, with some of the earlier bars having

a somewhat spiritual vibe to them, and there's also a couple references to other rap songs

thrown in there too.

It's a nice track, and probably one of the hardest ones on N64.

2 - Drogas (Verse 1) - 7.8 SPS

I thought this one would've been number 1 for sure, but it did miss out on that spot

by a small margin.

But goddamn does he come right out with the pace at the very start of his verse.

It's seriously impressive.

This is also probably the most unique track that we have on this list, the beat has a

pretty strange sound to it, and Denzel's vocals are mixed pretty deep into the beat.

It creates a very cool sound.

I'm not gonna lie though, I laughed my ass off when Lofty305 was singing about pussy,

that part of the song was hilarious.

There's like 3 or 4 different rappers on this track that aren't Denzel as well, so

I'd recommend checking this out if you wanna be introduced to some artists you might not

have heard before.

1 - Gettin' Rich (Verse 2) - 8.1 SPS

Here we have yet another track that features both Denzel Curry and Mike Dece (pronounced

Mike Dee-Cee), and I think I've decided I love it whenever these guys collaborate.

The other collab they did was also on this list, that being our number 9 song The Federation,

and I loved that too.

Not to mention, they both were on the previous song Drogas as well.

I think it's just cool hearing Denzel over these more light hearted and airy beats.

He absolutely breezes through it with his flow, and raps fast enough to get him his

first verse that peaks at over 8 syllables per second.

And there you have it, Gettin Rich contains the fastest Denzel Curry verse that he has

laid down

so far.


For more infomation >> 10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.


Ford Fiesta - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta - Duration: 1:12.


Брудальные птыцы. Пилотная серия(0) - Duration: 2:56.

This video is created exclusively for parody purposes. All matches to the characters are random.

Problem 1



Haha, you got it!

Great job!

That's right!

Now, listen to me, you illiterate husband.

I'm calling on Baldy to your house to KICK YOUR ASS

Problem 1



Ha ha, you got it!

Problem 2



Problem 3

I can't believe it you're ****

!@%!+*% %!#*%_!%

A lot of Russian foul language

For more infomation >> Брудальные птыцы. Пилотная серия(0) - Duration: 2:56.


SsangYong MUSSO - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> SsangYong MUSSO - Duration: 1:14.


Seat Ibiza 1.4 STYLE 5DRS 2009 Grijs Airco-Cv-Electr ramen km 119.687 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.4 STYLE 5DRS 2009 Grijs Airco-Cv-Electr ramen km 119.687 - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection (R&Go Navig./Airco/Cruise) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection (R&Go Navig./Airco/Cruise) - Duration: 1:07.


Marmellata di bucce di anguria: gustosa, nutriente e semplice da preparare - Italy 365 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Marmellata di bucce di anguria: gustosa, nutriente e semplice da preparare - Italy 365 - Duration: 3:58.


Uomini e Donne, anticipazioni trono Over: Gemma Galgani e Tina Cipollari hanno fatto davvero pace? - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, anticipazioni trono Over: Gemma Galgani e Tina Cipollari hanno fatto davvero pace? - Duration: 6:37.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 0:52.


Temptation Island 2018, presunta crisi tra Ida e il fidanzato, interviene la Galgani - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Temptation Island 2018, presunta crisi tra Ida e il fidanzato, interviene la Galgani - Duration: 4:01.


Peugeot 508 1.6 e-THP 165pk S&S Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 1.6 e-THP 165pk S&S Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 1:13.


SsangYong Rexton RX 200 e-XDI Quartz Automaat VAN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Rexton RX 200 e-XDI Quartz Automaat VAN - Duration: 0:54.


SsangYong Rexton RX 200 e-XDI Quartz Automaat - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> SsangYong Rexton RX 200 e-XDI Quartz Automaat - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:06.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel - Duration: 1:06.


GOSSIP: Giulia De Lellis sbotta contro i fans: 'Siete pesanti, impiccioni e cattivi' - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> GOSSIP: Giulia De Lellis sbotta contro i fans: 'Siete pesanti, impiccioni e cattivi' - Duration: 5:21.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE PACK PREMIUM 5 Deurs - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE PACK PREMIUM 5 Deurs - Duration: 1:11.


Ex-BBB Breno fica preocupado e mostra nervosismo ao falar sobre casamento com Paula - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Breno fica preocupado e mostra nervosismo ao falar sobre casamento com Paula - Duration: 6:10.


Quem Sabe o próximo pode ser você - INSCREVA-SE - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Quem Sabe o próximo pode ser você - INSCREVA-SE - Duration: 1:45.


SCREAM SAVES THE ROUND! PHOON IS BACK?! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:09.


For more infomation >> SCREAM SAVES THE ROUND! PHOON IS BACK?! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:09.


Previsão Julho 2018 - Gêmeos - GÊMEOS ACEITANDO O QUE VIER - Duration: 2:01.

Let you wallet open because the month starts with a lot of money, which can be a more than

fair reward of a good work or investment, especially around the 12th.

But it seems to me that whatever comes goes straight to pay bills.

I see… you bought too many books!

My Tip: Relax and exercise acceptance.

It's all part of a transformative phase that wants you to develop new skills.

These abilities will be super important to deal with a family or residential matter that

will ask for detachment and organization in the middle of the month.

Speaking of acceptance, you'll find a lot of beliefs buried deep in your head being

challenged by a lot of new ideas.

You even sympathize with these ideas, but your head doesn't believe them.

And then the eclipse of the 27th can show you how these news are important and how much

you need to exercise this acceptance thing.

When in doubt, seek help.

If you don't know how to address the issue, you can find people out there, in groups or

among friends, who can help you with this.

Take note: money coming in: around the 12th; to care for home and family: from the 10th

on; to exercise acceptance: all month.

There's something that you should have accepted on your life: the need to like, share and

subscribe our channel, and also of following us on Facebook, Instagram and our website.


For more infomation >> Previsão Julho 2018 - Gêmeos - GÊMEOS ACEITANDO O QUE VIER - Duration: 2:01.


FLORENCE | Central Market - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> FLORENCE | Central Market - Duration: 9:41.


Previsões Julho 2018 - Leão - LEÃO NO MEIO DOS ECLIPSES - Duration: 2:04.

July has two strong eclipses for you to deal with, and it will be good not to accumulate

much to do, so that you don't get lost.

The beginning of the month is for astral cleaning and a lot of things to take care of at home.

The eclipse of the 12th will come like Croatia over Argentina, because there's a lot of

things that doesn't fit your next personal cycle.

In home and family matters, complaining won't work, because you've got no support, even

from your dog.

Luckily, hard-working Leos will see some money.

And this money will be better applied at home, in health or in some working instrument.

In the second half of the month, it seems like the whole world is against you, and the

boss seems to be like a T-Rex.

My tip: instead of complaining, try to move your hard waist and your dribble, because

only a lot of flexibility can help you.

The eclipse of the 27th may show a creature that is not exactly what you thought – you

won't even need to call for VAR.

Or maybe a relationship or partnership will need a lot more adjustments than you thought.

And here, again, only flexibility can save you.

Take note: powerful astral cleaning: beginning of the month; money coming in: around the

14th; discovering something about someone: second half of the month.

Start training your flexibility liking, sharing and subscribing our channel.

And don't forget to visit our Facebook and Instagram profiles, as well as our website.


For more infomation >> Previsões Julho 2018 - Leão - LEÃO NO MEIO DOS ECLIPSES - Duration: 2:04.


HOT NEWS !!! Segway Europe Will Launches Drift W1 Electric Segway Skates Soon - Duration: 2:07.

Segway Europe has unveiled a brand-new Segway skate design within the type of

the Segway drift w1 e-skates which can quickly be accessible to by though no

costs or availability have been confirmed by Segway, Segway has as soon

as once more used it self balancing expertise to create the Segway drift w1 e-skates

providing a lightweight and simply carried pair of skates which

aren't hooked up to your toes uniquely designed and fashionable Segway drift w1

is made out of high quality supplies the tyres are designed to enhance stability

steering capabilities and mixed with slip resistance on the pads the product

is created for max consolation and enjoyable after curler skates two inline

skates and different enjoyable mobility merchandize previously the Segway drift

w1 is new stylish approach to transfer and have enjoyable in a means that you

just haven't ever earlier then there to face out with East skates which might be

fashionable cool and enjoyable to grasp gliding spinning dancing for doing

methods the probabilities of how the Segway drift w1 can be utilized are

infinite for extra info on the newly unveiled drift w1 Segway skates soar

over to the corporates official website by following the hyperlink beneath as

quickly as extra info is introduced concerning availability and pricing we

are going to maintain your recent is all the time

For more infomation >> HOT NEWS !!! Segway Europe Will Launches Drift W1 Electric Segway Skates Soon - Duration: 2:07.


RIT/NTID 50TH: Workshops! -Tours! -SVP! -Tiger Night Out! - Duration: 4:34.

Right there there is a glass elevator.

It's rectangular and pushed up against...

We went there and discussed this, looked around, took pictures, really researched...

This campus was moved here from downtown in 1968.

Later we're going to go over there and I'll show you the new one.

Happy 50th anniversary, NTID!

We have Deaf and low vision people...

On the internet, YouTube...

SVP '77!

'80! I'm SVP '80!

I know, I LOVE his hair!

You're '86 and you're '87.

What was the SVP sign for your year?

...have natural right to their natural language.

It's great to see everyone. To see all these old faces and make new friends.

All that stuff.

You're SVP '83, right?

What does that stand for?

Communication Services for the Deaf.

Oh, that's cool.

That length sleeve doesn't work on me.

What's important is your benefits.

Yeah, that's what's important.

Is this from Israel?

Investigators will go into your workplace...

...a box?

Yeah, I have a wall...

Just click that.

That's the Student Life Center.

I know your face anywhere!

I think this was you.

No, no it's not mine.

Yes, I was called a "nag" and he was a "kid!"

You'll see when you look at it...



This one is Chuck Baird.

This was made to celebrate the 50th.

If you count, there are 50 people in it.

They have a social work major!

I love seeing all these orange lights from the crowd!

Yeah, all these glow sticks!

Let's celebrate a good time, come on!

People always tell me to stop and I have to wonder if I'm doing something wrong.

Oh, I'll just ignore it.

I love this, it's perfect, come on, this is cool!

Language! Language! Language!

Even if you don't know ASL you can still understand it!

What do hearing ghosts do to scare people?

They shout "BOO!"

What do Deaf ghosts do?

Right, they do this!

For more infomation >> RIT/NTID 50TH: Workshops! -Tours! -SVP! -Tiger Night Out! - Duration: 4:34.


Renault Talisman Estate 130 pk dCi Limousin Automaat | Schuifdak | Full Leder | Pack Winter | Pack E - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman Estate 130 pk dCi Limousin Automaat | Schuifdak | Full Leder | Pack Winter | Pack E - Duration: 1:14.


ChicWrap Ultimate 6pack Kitchen Wrap Dispensers with 3 R... - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> ChicWrap Ultimate 6pack Kitchen Wrap Dispensers with 3 R... - Duration: 11:42.


Renault Captur 90PK TCe Dynamique | Navigatie | Camera | Climate Controle | Cruise Controle | R-Link - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 90PK TCe Dynamique | Navigatie | Camera | Climate Controle | Cruise Controle | R-Link - Duration: 1:12.


Renault Grand Scénic 110pk dCi Bose 5 P. | Half Leder | Full Led Verlichting | R-link Navigatie | D - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic 110pk dCi Bose 5 P. | Half Leder | Full Led Verlichting | R-link Navigatie | D - Duration: 1:07.


Polski punkt widzenia 30.06.2018 - Duration: 22:04.

For more infomation >> Polski punkt widzenia 30.06.2018 - Duration: 22:04.


10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.

So after a long ass time, and a whole lot of requests, a video on Denzel Curry is finally

here, and today we're gonna be covering his fastest verses.

Real quick, I do wanna give a huge shoutout to the Denzel Curry subreddit, who helped

me find a large amount of the verses in this video.

As a way of thanking them, their community will be linked in the description.

So let's get right into this, this is CDTVProductions, you can join my Amino also linked below to

discuss hip hop with me and other music lovers like yourself, and let's look at the 10

Fastest Denzel Curry Verses.

12 - Narcotics (Verse 1) - 6.9 SPS

This is the one that surprised me the most, because when I first heard it I thought it

was an 8 SPS verse for sure.

I'm not sure what makes it slower than it sounds, but I've counted it repeatedly and

over 10 seconds this is the speed it hits.

Amazing verse though.

11 - Parents (Verse 1) - 7 SPS

A lot of Denzel's Nostalgic 64 project has a very gritty sound to it, and don't get

me wrong that sound is still present here especially with the story Denzel is telling,

but Denzel's lyrics sound kinda tongue in cheek and it adds a nice humorous layer to

the track which helps make it slightly less dark.

Not to mention, he's laying down some facts on this one.

10 - Dark Tournament (Verse 2) - 7 SPS

This track is still pretty damn nice, but you can tell Denzel has came a hell of a long

way since this released.

The fast rapping part is nice, but you can tell it's a little bit more shaky here than

it is nowadays.

There's still great wordplay on it though, and it apparently samples it's instrumental

from an Anime show theme.

I really don't like anime so I have no clue, but if you are a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, then

I'm sure this track will grab your interest.

9 - The Federation (Verse 2) - 7.1 SPS

I hadn't heard this song until I did research for this video, but I honestly think it contains

one of my favourite Denzel verses.

Every single flow he uses on this track is entertaining and all are somewhat rapid whilst

switching it really often.

I actually had to count like 5 different sections of this song because he keeps the pace up

on almost every section of it, it's just great.

It's cool to hear Denzel on such a laid back track as well, as most of his catalogue

is fairly dark in terms of tone.

8 - Lord Vader Kush II (Verse 1) - 7.1 SPS

And here we have the only track on this list from 32 Zel, a project which definitely showcases

Denzel taking on more of a trap influence.

I really love the sound on this project, and this song really encapsulates it's sound.

Spacy melodies, forceful drums and Denzel jumping all over it with his cadences, it's

a combo that I really do love.

Interestingly, I didn't think this track would be faster than songs like Envy Me or

Ultimate, which came from the same project, but by my measurements, this is the fastest

one from the EP.

7 - Flying Nimbus (Verse 3) - 7.2 SPS

The transition from the second verse, which is performed by Lofty305, into the third verse

which you just heard is so good on this track.

We shift gears insanely quickly from Lofty's confident mid tempo flow, to Denzel's rapid

and turbulent flow in the drop of a hat, and the way it shifts is so great.

He absolutely kills it here, and brings a hell of a lot of energy and excitement into

the song.

He does say the word *thot* (whisper) here though, so we might have to copystrike Denzel

for that one.

6 - Always With Me (Verse 2) - 7.2 SPS

Now as you can imagine, Ronny J's production is always a bit hit and miss for me, with

me being the old distortion hating Boi that I am, but when he doesn't use distorted

bass he can make some beats that I absolutely love.

And that is the case with this song.

If there's one thing I can say, it's that he programs his 808s like a master.

On top of this, Aaron Rose comes through with a really great verse on here, and you already

know Curry came through and slaughtered it.

Check this one out if you haven't heard it, it's worth it.

5 - Bloodshed (Verse 1) - 7.2 SPS

This is pretty much the song I can credit with getting me back into Denzel's music,

one day I just decided to listen to the 13 EP, absolutely loved it and then went through

every single other project Denzel has made.

And this song was at the very start of that EP.

It pulled me in right away, that dark, booming bass produced by Eric Dingus (which is a great

name) and Denzel's rapid fire rapping with his frenetic flow really got me intrigued

in what he was gonna do, and he didn't disappoint.

The whole 13 EP is pretty amazing from start to finish in my opinion, but Bloodshed remains

as my top track from the short project.

4 - Unmask (Verse 1) - 7.6 SPS

Here we have a great collab between Denzel Curry, Craig Xen and Ski Mask the Slump God,

who I have also done 2 Fastest verses videos on, and those will be linked in the description


I can definitely see why this one is faster than a lot of the other tracks on here.

On pretty much every bar, Denzel crams as many syllables in as he can, and it makes

sure his verse here always has this kinda velocity to it, it just keeps moving forward.

Everyone on here kills it, brings their own style to the song, and it makes for a brilliant


(Although I won't lie.

Craig Xen kinda terrified me the first time I heard this song.)

3 - Talk That Shit (Verse 1) - 7.7 SPS

Here we have what is probably the most trap flavoured track on the N64 album, with a brash

sound to the instrumental and Curry matches this with his lyrics and vocals.

Interestingly, the hook on this track is actually Denzel quoting and essentially sampling one

of his earlier songs titled Strictly For My Raiderz, which is a song I can recommend if

you haven't heard some of Denzel's really early material.

Lyrically this is a pretty interesting track too, with some of the earlier bars having

a somewhat spiritual vibe to them, and there's also a couple references to other rap songs

thrown in there too.

It's a nice track, and probably one of the hardest ones on N64.

2 - Drogas (Verse 1) - 7.8 SPS

I thought this one would've been number 1 for sure, but it did miss out on that spot

by a small margin.

But goddamn does he come right out with the pace at the very start of his verse.

It's seriously impressive.

This is also probably the most unique track that we have on this list, the beat has a

pretty strange sound to it, and Denzel's vocals are mixed pretty deep into the beat.

It creates a very cool sound.

I'm not gonna lie though, I laughed my ass off when Lofty305 was singing about pussy,

that part of the song was hilarious.

There's like 3 or 4 different rappers on this track that aren't Denzel as well, so

I'd recommend checking this out if you wanna be introduced to some artists you might not

have heard before.

1 - Gettin' Rich (Verse 2) - 8.1 SPS

Here we have yet another track that features both Denzel Curry and Mike Dece (pronounced

Mike Dee-Cee), and I think I've decided I love it whenever these guys collaborate.

The other collab they did was also on this list, that being our number 9 song The Federation,

and I loved that too.

Not to mention, they both were on the previous song Drogas as well.

I think it's just cool hearing Denzel over these more light hearted and airy beats.

He absolutely breezes through it with his flow, and raps fast enough to get him his

first verse that peaks at over 8 syllables per second.

And there you have it, Gettin Rich contains the fastest Denzel Curry verse that he has

laid down

so far.


For more infomation >> 10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.


Renault Trafic 125pk DCI T29 L2H1 Dubbel Cabine COMFORT ENERGY | Pack Style | L+R Zijschuifdeur | Pa - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Trafic 125pk DCI T29 L2H1 Dubbel Cabine COMFORT ENERGY | Pack Style | L+R Zijschuifdeur | Pa - Duration: 1:09.


[ROS in 5 mins] 015 - How to use remap in launch files - Duration: 5:44.

Hello! My name is Ruben Alves, I'm from Robot Ignite Academy, and today

we are going to see how to use remap in a launch file, in roslaunch

for that we are going to use this platform which is the best one if you

want to Learn ROS Really Fast. For that let is starting here a course, let's

say this Robot creation with URDF, which is a good course if you

want to learn how to create your robots in urdf format and see the

results in a simulation, really good. Okay to show how to use the remap in a launch

file first we need the create a launch file, of course, so let's create here for a

package, let's create here with catkin_create_package + the name of our package, which is

going to be tutorial and depends on rospy, Okay we are already have here the

src folder and on the src folder of the tutorial package let's create a

file called publisher and let's give the execution permissions to this file

publisher okay the code is empty, we don't have anything here but we have

here a tutorials from rospy, from, in this tutorial we have here a

publisher so let's just copy this code here this code and let's paste in here

on our publisher, let me maximize here the font size so we can see it better

okay by looking at this file a we can see that we have a rosnode called

rosnode called node_name, that publishes on a topic called topic_name

in this package let's create here our launch folder mkdir launch

mkdir launch and in this launch folder let's get here a file called


let's open here the file it to launch our node let's maximize here this

file is XML format so let me change here the syntax highlighting into XML

XML good okay let's create our launch file and to launch our node we need

this node tag, we have to define the name of our node in this case

let's put the same name node_name name=node_name, the package that the

node is located is the tutorial package and the name of our file is, if you just run this code, let's run, let's run with roslaunch

roslaunch + the name of our tutorial, is the name of our package, and remap_demo.launch

remap_demo.launch we still are not doing any remap... what's wrong here?

this script node name... oh yeah we have to define that /usr/bin/env python

you have to say that our file have to be executed with Python. Okay

here you have. By looking at rosnode info and the name of our node topic_name

topic_name ,ops, node_name, we can see that our node is publishing on the topic

called topic_name, as you can see here , rostopic echo /topic_name

we can see here the message "hello world". To use the remap is really

easy you just have to come here and define a tag called remap and define

the "from" and "to" and we want to remap it they name

topic_name, let's say that the new topic is going to be Iloveyou

good name, no, for the topic? If you just run this code again let's run this code

again okay now if you see in which topic the node is publishing again with rosnode info

rosnode info /node_name we can see that the topic now is Iloveyou is not topic_name

anymore because we did the remap. It's really easy you just put the remap tag, then the

previous name and the new name. So easy, no? Now, rostopic info /iloveyou

rostopic info /iloveyou, yeah, now rostopic echo /iloveyou, I'm sorry for the mistake,

yeah very good. Okay guys this is the video for today I hope you enjoyed the

video, if you like it, please give us a thumbs up and you can also subscribe to

our channel and press the bell for a new video every single day

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> [ROS in 5 mins] 015 - How to use remap in launch files - Duration: 5:44.


Ford Fiesta - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta - Duration: 1:12.


Брудальные птыцы. Пилотная серия(0) - Duration: 2:56.

This video is created exclusively for parody purposes. All matches to the characters are random.

Problem 1



Haha, you got it!

Great job!

That's right!

Now, listen to me, you illiterate husband.

I'm calling on Baldy to your house to KICK YOUR ASS

Problem 1



Ha ha, you got it!

Problem 2



Problem 3

I can't believe it you're ****

!@%!+*% %!#*%_!%

A lot of Russian foul language

For more infomation >> Брудальные птыцы. Пилотная серия(0) - Duration: 2:56.


SsangYong MUSSO - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> SsangYong MUSSO - Duration: 1:14.


Seat Ibiza 1.4 STYLE 5DRS 2009 Grijs Airco-Cv-Electr ramen km 119.687 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.4 STYLE 5DRS 2009 Grijs Airco-Cv-Electr ramen km 119.687 - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection (R&Go Navig./Airco/Cruise) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo SCe 70pk Collection (R&Go Navig./Airco/Cruise) - Duration: 1:07.


Why Don't Whales Deafen Themselves? - Duration: 3:50.

Whales and dolphins can make some impressively loud sounds.

For example, blue whales use calls almost 190 decibels in volume to communicate with

one another up to 800 kilometers away.

And the clicks sperm whales use to find and track their prey can be louder than 230 decibels.

But the human eardrum is said to rupture at 150 decibels, and anything above 85 can cause

hearing loss.

So how do whales, which have many of the same ear parts we do, constantly hear such loud

sounds and not go deaf?

Turns out there are a few reasons whales don't deafen themselves.

But the main one is that sound is just very different underwater.

What we call sounds are really pressure waves, and since water is a lot denser than air,

sound waves move through it differently.

So scientists actually use slightly different units when describing sound intensity in air

and in water.

Decibels aren't a simple unit of measurement like a centimeter — they're based on a

ratio that compares a sound pressure to a reference value.

So the number is meaningless unless you know that reference, Ted Cranford, a whale biologist

at San Diego State University, explained to SciShow.

When scientists say a blue whale's call is 188 decibels, they're using the in-water

reference pressure for the ratio: 1 micropascal.

But when they say a jet engine makes a painful, 150 decibel sound, they're using the air

reference pressure of 20 micropascals.

If you do the math, a 188 decibel sound in water works out to about 126 decibels in air.

This comparison isn't completely accurate because of other differences between water

and air, but it can partly explain why whales don't go completely deaf: their calls are

probably more like rock concerts than jet engines.

Except, of course, for the sperm whale.

A sperm whale's clicks are the loudest biologically generated sounds we know of, Cranford said.

They're so loud that they're just about the loudest sound possible in water, before

the pressure would be so high that the water would start to do some strange things like

heat up or even boil.

And how they make such loud noises without going deaf is not as well understood.

[Ode Pah-chee-nee] But there are a few possible explanations,

Aude Pacini, a marine mammalogist from the University of Hawaii, told SciShow.

For one thing, their clicks are directed forward in a very pointed manner, so the sound isn't

traveling towards their ears when it's loudest.

And their ear bones are disconnected from their skull, which means that any vibrating

that happens during sound production doesn't directly rattle their ears like it would for


But perhaps more importantly, like other toothed whales, sperm whales can probably tune out

loud sounds when they know they're coming.

That's something Pacini and her colleagues showed.

When given a warning sound that indicated a loud 170 decibel sound was following, four

different species were able to make some kind of adjustment so the sounds they heard were

13 to 17 decibels lower.

While sperm whales weren't one of the species tested, odds are they can do this, too.

They might also be able to handle such loud sounds because they hear things differently:

that is, they don't rely on their ear canals.

Sperm whales and large baleen whales like blue whales don't have open ear canals that

take in and focus sound—those are plugged with wax.

Instead, the waves first vibrate fatty tissues in their jaw.

Those vibrations are then propagated through a special structure called the acoustic funnel,

which relays the sound information to their ears.

And other bones and tissues may also conduct sound, so basically, they hear with their

entire head.

That, plus the whole being-in-water thing, means we can't apply the same kinds of damage

thresholds we use for our hearing to theirs.

But it's still important that scientists figure out which sounds are damaging and why,

because there's evidence that the noises we're creating underwater can be a problem,

even if they're not that loud.

And while the animals might be able to make extreme sounds without going deaf, they can

still be harmed or confused by the sounds we add to their environment through things

like sonar and boating.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, and special thanks to Ted Cranford and Aude

Pacini for their time and insights!

If you're interested in more weird questions with even weirder answers, just go to

and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Why Don't Whales Deafen Themselves? - Duration: 3:50.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 DIG-T 163 TEKNA - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 DIG-T 163 TEKNA - Duration: 0:55.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T TEKNA | NAVI | STOELVERWARMING | 360º CAMERA - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T TEKNA | NAVI | STOELVERWARMING | 360º CAMERA - Duration: 1:12.


Trump Admin Hides Report Showing That Immigrants Actually BOOST Our Economy - Duration: 4:12.

Donald Trump absolutely hates immigrants, right?

Well except for the illegal ones that he hires to do demolition projects for him in New York

or the ones that show up here on visas to work the summer in Mar-a-Lago, but other than

that he totally hates immigrants.

In fact he hates immigrants to the point where he had his own administration hide, bury a

report showing that guess what?

Immigrants actually contribute more to the U.S. economy than they take away from it.

According to a draft of this report, which was recently leaked to the New York Times,

the Trump administration found that on average immigrates into the United States over a ten

year period created a 63 billion dollar economic boom for this country.

There was a cost to have these people in this country, and then there was the benefit of

how much they contributed.

Overall it was a net gain for this country of 63 billion dollars, so about 6.3 billion

per year in economic benefits brought on by immigrants into this country.

But the Trump administration couldn't have that, right?

They couldn't release that to the public after all the horrible things they've said about

immigrants coming over here and wanting to kill us.

So instead they buried that information and instead released a report that was less than

three pages that only talked about the cost of immigrants in this country and did not

once mention a single pennies worth of benefits that these people bring in.

And those benefits come in many ways.

A lot of them, obviously are coming here to work, so they're paying taxes.

They're paying state taxes, they're paying local taxes, they're contributing money to

local economies by going out and buying things like food, things they need to survive.

And every time they go out there and spend money in the community it gives somebody else

in the community more money to go spend and so on and so forth.

It's the actual only real trickle down that actually works to the tune of 6.3 billion

dollars every single year.

So back to the main point, Donald Trump hates immigrants.

He hates immigrants more than he likes to see the U.S. economy succeed.

How about that?

Because that's the only argument that makes sense when you consider the fact that they

wanna kick everybody out, even though they're contributing more to our economy than they're

taking away from it.

Not to mention the fact when we look at areas that have enacted stricter immigration policies,

for example the state of Georgia several years ago got rid of one of their visa programs

to bring in migrant workers.

And as a result, the state lost billions of dollars in farming revenue, because farmers

couldn't find anybody else willing to go out there and help them tend to their farms and

pick their crops.

We had fruit rotting in trees in the state of Georgia because nobody else wanted to take

those jobs, and since everybody wanted the immigrants gone, there was nobody to do it.

This country can't function without immigrants in this country.

And yes, they should be coming here legally, but that may not always be the case.

Yes, we should keep out horrible people, but we've got enough horrible people here in the

United States that we're not doing anything about either, so why discriminating at this

point, right?

We need immigrants in this country.

We can't function without them and that is a sad reality that this administration has

to accept, but they never will because they still think this is a winning issue for them

in this coming midterm election.

It's not.

It's going to cost them dearly and it's going to cost Trump even more assuming he's still

in office to run again in 2020.

For more infomation >> Trump Admin Hides Report Showing That Immigrants Actually BOOST Our Economy - Duration: 4:12.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE LUSSO Cr. Control, 16" LMV, Navi, BT, Start/Stop - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE LUSSO Cr. Control, 16" LMV, Navi, BT, Start/Stop - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> JOHN KALLIGAN - ОСТАНОВИЛОСЬ ВРЕМЯ (Live) - Duration: 4:12.




Things just got a whole lot worse for Attorney General Jeff Sessions as Fox News' Judge

Andrew Napolitano spoke out to slam him for recusing himself from Robert Mueller's Russia


Napolitano believes that Sessions never should have taken the position if he was planning

to recuse himself.

"Jeff Sessions, in my view, and I say this as a personal friend — we have a lot of

mutual friends and I've known him for years — it pains me to be critical of a friend,

but I have to be intellectually honest," Napolitano began, according to Daily Caller.

"Jeff Sessions shouldn't have accepted the job."

Napolitano went on to say that Sessions should have told President Donald Trump when he was

first nominated for the position that he was "going to be in the middle of this Russia

investigation, as illegitimate as I think it is, and as you know it to be, it's going

to happen, and I'm going to be a witness."

"We have hindsight, and it's 2020.

He didn't do that," Napolitano concluded.

This comes after Trump blasted Sessions in a series of tweets throughout the day on Wednesday:

What do you think about this?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends

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Thank you.

For more infomation >> IT'S OVER JEFF SESSIONS IS OFFICIALLY DONE - Duration: 12:30.




Earlier this week, Meghan Markle's father Thomas Markle Sr. gave a tell-all interview

in which he revealed secrets about Prince Harry's political believes as well as the

future plans he has with his new bride.

Now, a source close to Meghan is saying that the Duchess of Sussex is "devastated"

about her father's latest betrayal and that she does not understand why he gave the interview

in the first place.

"She is trying so hard to fit in and adapt to this very new way of life and she was once

again blindsided by a father who supposedly cares about her and doesn't want to embarrass

her," the source said, according to Daily Star.

"Given the media circus surrounding her father's actions before the wedding, Meghan

had hoped he would have learned his lesson.

She is devastated over this."

"Harry did his best to prepare Meghan for what to expect from the media as a member

of the royal family, but it's impossible," the source continued.

"Her experience as an actress on a popular nighttime soap pales in comparison.

The knives are out and, sadly, some of them appear to be coming from her own family."

Arguably the most damaging part of Thomas' interview came when he opened up about conversations

he had with his son-in-law in which Harry expressed his political opinions.

Telling the public what Harry said is particularly bad since the royal family is supposed to

stay politically neutral.

"I was complaining I didn't like Donald Trump.

He said give Donald Trump a chance, I sort of disagreed with that," Thomas said in

the interview.

"I think he was open to the experiment (of Brexit)."

The British royal family has likely had enough of the embarrassment that the Markle family

has caused them, and Meghan's time in their family may end up being over much sooner than

she thought.

SHARE this story if you think Prince Harry should DIVORCE Meghan Markle!

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your


and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> IT'S ALREADY OVER MEGHAN MARKLE "DEVASTATED" - Duration: 12:30.


🔴 Subnautica | Seamoth & Sunbeam crash | Hardcore mode - Part 3 - Duration: 2:49:46.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Subnautica | Seamoth & Sunbeam crash | Hardcore mode - Part 3 - Duration: 2:49:46.


Strange Things About Bam Margera's Marriages - Duration: 4:00.

Though Jackass star Bam Margera is happily married to wife number two, Nicole Boyd, and

raising their son these days, his love life hasn't always been so blissful.

Way back before Margera officially tied the knot for the first time, with Missy Rothstein

in 2007, he was in a chaotic seven-year relationship with fiancée, Jenn Rivell.

Margera even ended up filing for a protection from abuse order against Rivell, claiming

that post-break up, she broke into his house, vandalized his belongings, and even physically

injured him on one occasion.

But at the time, Margera had already moved on to a relationship with his soon-to-be first

wife, Missy Rothstein.

Sound nuts already?

Here are some other strange things about Bam Margera's marriages.

Romance at the mall

In a January 2007 New York Times profile of Margera and Missy Rothstein, Margera relayed

his unconventional approach to romancing his then-fiancée, saying,

"If it's Valentine's Day, I don't want her to expect flowers from me just because that's

what you're supposed to do.

My Valentine's Day is May 5."

And speaking of romance, Margera proposed at the Cartier store at King of Prussia Mall

after finding a diamond sparkler that fit Rothstein perfectly.

Margera said of the moment,

"I was like, 'Now's the time.'

We just sat there and drank three bottles of Champagne.

Then we forgot to get gas on the way home, and we straight up ran out of gas on Route


Palyboy calling

On The Howard Stern Show in September 2007, the newlyweds revealed how private photos

of Rothstein were leaked on the internet.

Margera said that Palyboy approached him to do the shoot and he couldn't resist.

The spread was only supposed to feature the tame shots, but someone on set leaked some

photos of Rothstein posing fully nude, that had been taken for private use only.

Earlier that year in January, Margera and Rothstein visited The Howard Stern Show to

fling their bedroom door wide open.

"I figured out a way to hump in the car, as I'm driving and she's sitting on top of me

facing the road as well."

And along with humping in Margera's Hummer, Rothstein also confessed that she bought Margera

a "Real Doll" to spice things up.

"I have fantasies about having threesomes, but I don't wanna do that because I know that

it'll ruin everything [...] She totally got me a real doll it's on the way."

After all of that, a caller wanted to know if Rothstein was "turned off" by the brand

Margera famously got on his rear.

"There's a bunch of 'em.

I have a d--- farm on my a--."

Rothstein, of course, didn't mind.

Wedded blowout

Margera and Rothstein's unconventional 2007 nuptials were chronicled on the reality show

Bam's Unholy Union.

After Margera seemingly destroyed his wife's wedding dress with paintballs, the actual

wedding was exactly the kind of manic party you'd expect from any of the Jackass crew

- and even featured a performance by Iggy Pop.

Later, Margera revealed to longtime friend Kat Von D,

"I have $13,000 worth of damages I have to pay for [...] Everybody got so wasted, they

started breaking light fixtures and kicking in the bathroom doors."

But, really...did he expect anything less?

The look of love

Margera and Rothstein commemorated their union with - what else?

- mouth tattoos.

According to The New York Times, the couple did the deed at X-Treme Ink Tattoo Parlor

in their hometown of West Chester, Pennsylvania on the day they signed their marriage license.

Rothstein got the Detroit area code, 313 - the location where they purchased their wedding

bands, and Margera got a heart with the words "Missy Forever"...along with the name "Dr.

J." because, as Margera says of the basketball legend, "He's the man."

The couple split in 2012, but Bam's devotion to Julius Erving is clearly forever.

Take two

Eleven months after his divorce, Margera was walking down the aisle again, this time during

the Random Hero Festival in Reykjavik, Iceland, wearing a classy black hoodie and sunglasses.

Immediately after saying their vows, Margera jumped onstage with his band and played a

set complete with a mosh pit and crowd surfing.

Strange in literally any other circumstance?


Par for the course with Bam Margera?


Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Strange Things About Bam Margera's Marriages - Duration: 4:00.


The Untold Truth Of Popeyes - Duration: 3:48.

In 2017, Restaurant Brands International - which also owns Tim Hortons and Burger King - added

Popeyes to their roster.

And the announcement sent social media into a tailspin, with everyone wondering whether

or not their beloved chicken was changing forever.

But how much do fans really know about Popeyes chicken?

Turns out there's more to this chain than a whole lotta Louisiana lovin'.

Here's the untold truth of Popeyes!

"Did you eat all of my samples?"


"Yes you did."

OK, not that Popeye

The name "Popeye" might conjure up images of spinach-fueled, cartoon muscles, but that's

not the guy the chain was named after.

In 1972, the restaurant got its name from detective Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle in The French


"Alright, Popeye's here!

Get your hands on your heads, get off the bar, and get on the wall!"

But that wasn't the restaurant's original name, either.

Alvin C. Copeland Senior opened the first location under the name Chicken on the Run.

A few months later, after replacing his traditional chicken with a spicy version, he re-opened

as Popeyes.

Buying back the recipes

Many big-name brands have signature recipes, but Popeyes didn't actually own their secret

chicken recipes until 2014.

When Copeland passed away in 2008, Slate reported those proprietary Popeyes recipes became part

of his estate - with Popeyes forking over $3.1 million a year in royalties.

It wasn't until 2014 that the company paid Copeland's estate a whopping $43 million for

full rights to the recipes.

The thing about those chickens

According to Popeyes, the restaurant only sources chickens from suppliers who abide

by guidelines established by the National Chicken Council.

But not everyone is happy with Popeyes' procedures.

In 2018, animal welfare group, Compassion in World Farming, claimed that Popeyes hadn't

been sourcing chickens, cruelty-free.

The group said they wanted Popeyes to switch to sourcing only chickens raised in healthy,

comfortable situations - a promise they said Popeyes refused to make.

An online petition has garnered over 150,000 signatures, but Popeyes has yet to respond

to the protest.

An anti-antibiotic pledge

Watt AgNet reported in 2016 that some fast food chains had pledged to phase out meat

from suppliers that used antibiotics as a growth promoter.

And among the first to step up to the plate were Chick-fil-A, Papa John's Pizza, and Panera


Not making the list?


It wasn't until mid-2017 that Popeyes pledged to be antibiotic free by 2018.

But as of September 2017, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, Popeyes

shareholders were still in the process of petitioning the company to make good on their


You're suing for what?

In November 2016, Mississippi attorney Paul Newton Junior sued Popeyes after allegedly

choking on a piece of chicken because it didn't come with a plastic knife.

According to Fortune, Newton said he even had to undergo emergency surgery to remove

a piece of chicken from his throat.

But The Huffington Post reported he dropped the suit because of "extreme" comments on

social media...liiiiike, whether he had ever eaten chicken - or anything - before, in his


Then, in 2017, a Texas woman filed a lawsuit claiming Popeyes food had poisoned her with

flesh-eating worms.

Karen Goode wanted $1 million in damages, but according to The Washington Post, Gwen

Pearson - of Purdue's entomology department - said of the claim,

"Nothing about this, biologically, is sound."

That secret spice

Ask any die-hard fan what makes Popeyes so good, and they'll probably say it's that spicy

kick in the seasoning.

Todd Wilbur of Top Secret Recipes Unlocked says he's hacked the mystery ingredients of

the Cajun Sparkle Seasoning mix, and claims it's all about that MSG.

Oh, and salt, black pepper, onion powder, dried sage, paprika, and cayenne pepper.

But to really nail that signature blend?

Just go straight to the source!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Popeyes - Duration: 3:48.


Cheesing the levels「Super Mario Odyssey 🌙 Bonus Ep2」 - Duration: 47:44.

For more infomation >> Cheesing the levels「Super Mario Odyssey 🌙 Bonus Ep2」 - Duration: 47:44.




argentina france

world cup 2018

lionel messi

For more infomation >> МЕССИ УХОДИТ ИЗ СБОРНОЙ?.. АРГЕНТИНА - ФРАНЦИЯ - Duration: 2:41.


10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.

So after a long ass time, and a whole lot of requests, a video on Denzel Curry is finally

here, and today we're gonna be covering his fastest verses.

Real quick, I do wanna give a huge shoutout to the Denzel Curry subreddit, who helped

me find a large amount of the verses in this video.

As a way of thanking them, their community will be linked in the description.

So let's get right into this, this is CDTVProductions, you can join my Amino also linked below to

discuss hip hop with me and other music lovers like yourself, and let's look at the 10

Fastest Denzel Curry Verses.

12 - Narcotics (Verse 1) - 6.9 SPS

This is the one that surprised me the most, because when I first heard it I thought it

was an 8 SPS verse for sure.

I'm not sure what makes it slower than it sounds, but I've counted it repeatedly and

over 10 seconds this is the speed it hits.

Amazing verse though.

11 - Parents (Verse 1) - 7 SPS

A lot of Denzel's Nostalgic 64 project has a very gritty sound to it, and don't get

me wrong that sound is still present here especially with the story Denzel is telling,

but Denzel's lyrics sound kinda tongue in cheek and it adds a nice humorous layer to

the track which helps make it slightly less dark.

Not to mention, he's laying down some facts on this one.

10 - Dark Tournament (Verse 2) - 7 SPS

This track is still pretty damn nice, but you can tell Denzel has came a hell of a long

way since this released.

The fast rapping part is nice, but you can tell it's a little bit more shaky here than

it is nowadays.

There's still great wordplay on it though, and it apparently samples it's instrumental

from an Anime show theme.

I really don't like anime so I have no clue, but if you are a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, then

I'm sure this track will grab your interest.

9 - The Federation (Verse 2) - 7.1 SPS

I hadn't heard this song until I did research for this video, but I honestly think it contains

one of my favourite Denzel verses.

Every single flow he uses on this track is entertaining and all are somewhat rapid whilst

switching it really often.

I actually had to count like 5 different sections of this song because he keeps the pace up

on almost every section of it, it's just great.

It's cool to hear Denzel on such a laid back track as well, as most of his catalogue

is fairly dark in terms of tone.

8 - Lord Vader Kush II (Verse 1) - 7.1 SPS

And here we have the only track on this list from 32 Zel, a project which definitely showcases

Denzel taking on more of a trap influence.

I really love the sound on this project, and this song really encapsulates it's sound.

Spacy melodies, forceful drums and Denzel jumping all over it with his cadences, it's

a combo that I really do love.

Interestingly, I didn't think this track would be faster than songs like Envy Me or

Ultimate, which came from the same project, but by my measurements, this is the fastest

one from the EP.

7 - Flying Nimbus (Verse 3) - 7.2 SPS

The transition from the second verse, which is performed by Lofty305, into the third verse

which you just heard is so good on this track.

We shift gears insanely quickly from Lofty's confident mid tempo flow, to Denzel's rapid

and turbulent flow in the drop of a hat, and the way it shifts is so great.

He absolutely kills it here, and brings a hell of a lot of energy and excitement into

the song.

He does say the word *thot* (whisper) here though, so we might have to copystrike Denzel

for that one.

6 - Always With Me (Verse 2) - 7.2 SPS

Now as you can imagine, Ronny J's production is always a bit hit and miss for me, with

me being the old distortion hating Boi that I am, but when he doesn't use distorted

bass he can make some beats that I absolutely love.

And that is the case with this song.

If there's one thing I can say, it's that he programs his 808s like a master.

On top of this, Aaron Rose comes through with a really great verse on here, and you already

know Curry came through and slaughtered it.

Check this one out if you haven't heard it, it's worth it.

5 - Bloodshed (Verse 1) - 7.2 SPS

This is pretty much the song I can credit with getting me back into Denzel's music,

one day I just decided to listen to the 13 EP, absolutely loved it and then went through

every single other project Denzel has made.

And this song was at the very start of that EP.

It pulled me in right away, that dark, booming bass produced by Eric Dingus (which is a great

name) and Denzel's rapid fire rapping with his frenetic flow really got me intrigued

in what he was gonna do, and he didn't disappoint.

The whole 13 EP is pretty amazing from start to finish in my opinion, but Bloodshed remains

as my top track from the short project.

4 - Unmask (Verse 1) - 7.6 SPS

Here we have a great collab between Denzel Curry, Craig Xen and Ski Mask the Slump God,

who I have also done 2 Fastest verses videos on, and those will be linked in the description


I can definitely see why this one is faster than a lot of the other tracks on here.

On pretty much every bar, Denzel crams as many syllables in as he can, and it makes

sure his verse here always has this kinda velocity to it, it just keeps moving forward.

Everyone on here kills it, brings their own style to the song, and it makes for a brilliant


(Although I won't lie.

Craig Xen kinda terrified me the first time I heard this song.)

3 - Talk That Shit (Verse 1) - 7.7 SPS

Here we have what is probably the most trap flavoured track on the N64 album, with a brash

sound to the instrumental and Curry matches this with his lyrics and vocals.

Interestingly, the hook on this track is actually Denzel quoting and essentially sampling one

of his earlier songs titled Strictly For My Raiderz, which is a song I can recommend if

you haven't heard some of Denzel's really early material.

Lyrically this is a pretty interesting track too, with some of the earlier bars having

a somewhat spiritual vibe to them, and there's also a couple references to other rap songs

thrown in there too.

It's a nice track, and probably one of the hardest ones on N64.

2 - Drogas (Verse 1) - 7.8 SPS

I thought this one would've been number 1 for sure, but it did miss out on that spot

by a small margin.

But goddamn does he come right out with the pace at the very start of his verse.

It's seriously impressive.

This is also probably the most unique track that we have on this list, the beat has a

pretty strange sound to it, and Denzel's vocals are mixed pretty deep into the beat.

It creates a very cool sound.

I'm not gonna lie though, I laughed my ass off when Lofty305 was singing about pussy,

that part of the song was hilarious.

There's like 3 or 4 different rappers on this track that aren't Denzel as well, so

I'd recommend checking this out if you wanna be introduced to some artists you might not

have heard before.

1 - Gettin' Rich (Verse 2) - 8.1 SPS

Here we have yet another track that features both Denzel Curry and Mike Dece (pronounced

Mike Dee-Cee), and I think I've decided I love it whenever these guys collaborate.

The other collab they did was also on this list, that being our number 9 song The Federation,

and I loved that too.

Not to mention, they both were on the previous song Drogas as well.

I think it's just cool hearing Denzel over these more light hearted and airy beats.

He absolutely breezes through it with his flow, and raps fast enough to get him his

first verse that peaks at over 8 syllables per second.

And there you have it, Gettin Rich contains the fastest Denzel Curry verse that he has

laid down

so far.


For more infomation >> 10 FASTEST Denzel Curry Verses - Duration: 12:11.


Did you see what Cristiano Ronaldo did to Edinson Cavani after Uruguay star's injury? - Duration: 1:34.

 Cristiano Ronaldo demonstrated his sensitive side with a caring gesture towards Edinson Cavani during Portugal's Round of 16 tie against Uruguay

 The Paris Saint-Germain striker had put Uruguay ahead early on by bundling Luis Suarez's cross home with his face after just seven minutes

 Portugal equalised 10 minutes after half-time through Pepe's header but Cavani restored Uruguay's lead with a sumptuous finish past Fernando Muslera

 Ronaldo endured a frustrating evening in Sochi, but was still kind enough to help a limping Cavani off the field after the 31-year-old picked up an injury

 While some will suggest Ronaldo was just making sure Cavani wasn't time wasting, the tender care shown by the Real Madrid star in these pictures indicate otherwise

 Take a look through the gallery above to see the best pictures as Cristiano Ronaldo helps carry Edinson Cavani off the pitch during Portugal's World Cup clash with Uruguay

For more infomation >> Did you see what Cristiano Ronaldo did to Edinson Cavani after Uruguay star's injury? - Duration: 1:34.


I Speak to You ALL DAY LONG Learn to Recognize Me Beloved - Duration: 16:04.

I Speak to You ALL DAY LONG (Learn to Recognize Me, Beloved)

June 30, 2-18


You have broken through to me.

You ARE communicating with me all day long.

Please, give us the grace to hear and see what You are saying to us.


Well, the Lord approached me right away after prayer, and He said, "It's been a long time

since you've talked about dancing with Me, and some wonder if you still have that relationship

with Me.

Please tell them you do.

"Please tell them that I love to dance with them, sing over them and tenderly rest their

heads over My heart.

Nothing has changed in the way I have approached you, Clare, but you do not share that.

So, it would please Me very much if you would."


What can I say to that??

Oh, dear family, what a sweet gentlemen He is when He wants to dance with His Bride!

I always see myself in a formal gown, in the evening, on a ballroom floor.

There were people milling around tonight as we danced and it reminded me of a scene from

"The Princess Diaries".

If you've seen that movie.

Later, as the music changed to one of the garden songs with an playful tempo.

We were dancing in a spacious garden with islands of flowers all around us.

Jesus so gracefully took my hand and joyfully twirled me around and around to this joyful


And then He played several worship songs and I entered into worship, lifting my hands,

but ever so aware of His Majesty.

And how He comes to us so humbly, but is still the God of all Glory.

When He approaches me, I am smitten by His natural grace and stately demeanor!

And His penetrating eyes.

Yet He is so approachable, so kindly, so intensely taken by a single-minded gaze from His Bride.

I've always struggled with this concept.

One moment, He is my spouse and we are dancing.

And other moments, I am in the midst of those who are lifting hands and worshipping Him.

And then, there is the Presence of Father God.

And a song He that He frequently plays for me, called "Oh, Daddy God", a cover song

by Dominic Chin.

It is so moving!

And it puts me right into His presence in the Throne Room.

Oh, dear ones, don't be afraid to put your songs on shuffle and allow Holy Spirit to

lead you into deeper worship.

You will find a list of songs I use on our web site.

But if they aren't exactly to your taste, it's ok.

That should not be your prerequisite.

Anointing should be what you look for.

Something that touches your heart, even if it sounds like it's for 'old fogies'.

You need to find songs that glorify the Lord that you can sing along with.

I even have a notebook with all the song lyrics in plastic sleeves.

And I use it every time I come into worship, so I can follow along with the words.

Which, by the way, is a good way to develop your vocal cords if you're a singer.

Jesus continued, "What My Father and I enjoy to no end is your sincere worship and gratitude

when you sing from the heart, Clare.

I wish for you all to sing to Me from your hearts!

And this practice of letting Us pick the songs, and the order in which they are played, is

very fruitful.

I long to express My love for all of you in this way.

"I do want to say to every one of you: I am with you all the time.

I am communicating with you all the time.

I am NEVER distant.

This is a lie of the enemy to cause you to feel rejected, so you will look for comfort

from him.

Or things of the world, that do nothing to bring you closer to Me.

And eventually can cause you to turn you away from Me—as has happened in the letter Clare

will put up in another day or two, to help you understand the enemy's tactics.

"When I say 'closer to Me', I mean closer to being able to see and understand Me clearly.

Beloved ones, there is no way you can get 'closer to Me'.

I live in your hearts; we are already SO very close!

What is missing is your ability to hear and see Me.

This is a matter of stillness of heart and mind, and a matter of prayer and training

to perceive My voice from your own, the world's, and the enemy's."

Gosh, guys - we have SO MANY video messages about that!

If you check the playlist on Discernment.

He continued, "If you have given Me your life, repented of your sins, and sought Me

with all your heart—know that I am there.

If you have given Me your heart, I have taken up residence, even as it is written in Scripture:

"If you love me, keep my commands.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with

you forever—the Spirit of truth.

"The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.

But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

Before long, the world will not see me anymore, BUT YOU WILL SEE ME.

Because I live, you also will live.

"On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in


Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.

The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I, TOO, WILL LOVE THEM AND SHOW MYSELF


John 14:15-21

He continued, "Because we are dwelling together, I hear every beat of your heart, every thought

from your mind, every painful loss, and every joyful moment.

Once more: I waste no time trying to get your attention and speak to you.

"Sometimes, it is an outward sign.

Others, it is an inner stirring and a desire that leads you.

"The problem comes when you doubt.

The devils are masters at manipulating Doubt in your minds.

After all, they've been at it for 6,000 years, beginning with Eve.

"Yes, that is good.

Get a picture of Eve.

She doubted My goodness and look where it led her and the rest of humanity?

And look at where her unbelief led Me?

To be crucified on the Cross.

"I dwell in the garden of your hearts, My People.

And if you doubt My word to you, how can you perceive that I am there?

Yet you blame Me and accuse Me of forsaking you!

Don't you see?

It is your unbelief that is blocking you from experiencing Me.

"What does Scripture say is the duty of a Christian?"

And that's in John 6:28.

Then they inquired, "What must we do to perform the works of God?"

Jesus replied, "The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent."

John 6:28-29

"And, My People, this is indeed work, very hard work.

Because the Accuser of the Brethren is hard at work with his devils, night and day, accusing

you to yourselves and accusing you to Me.

And accusing Me to you!

So that you believe the lie that I have rejected you, I am not with you.

"That's a lie!

"Is it not written: (and then He quoted from Revelation 12:7)

Then war broke out in heaven.

Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought


But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads

the whole world astray.

He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and

the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah.

For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night,

has been hurled down.

Revelation 12:7-10

Jesus continued, "Yes, My people, I wrote this for you, so you would know where accusations

come from.

Accusations always, 100% of the time, without any doubts whatsoever, come from Satan and

his demons.

"I never, never, never accuse you.


"I do, however, convict you—and you need to learn to discern the difference between

Accusation and Conviction.

I have spoken on this before, but it's always good to have a refresher.

Conviction happens IN THE HEART.

You feel something isn't quite right, you feel unsettled.

It's an uneasy feeling of compromise, like maybe... you've missed Me.

"Condemnation almost always happens in the head and it starts like this, 'You shouldn't

have done that.

You are bad.

You are stupid and foolish.

What were you thinking?

Now God is angry with you.

You blew it.

Now He won't hear your prayers.

He's rejected you.'

"Now, there is a reaction to those words that DOES happen inside of you, immediately.

So, you must catch it at the outset, because the enemy will try to duplicate that feeling

of conviction, when you are under conviction.

"But the major feeling is condemnation.

Feeling badly about yourself, feeling rejected by God, unable to pray, lack of faith that

you will be heard.

These are all signs of demonic twists to cause you to draw away from Me, to cause you to

give up on seeing or hearing Me, so you will hunger inside for any kind of relationship

to fill the empty place inside.

The place where all your unanswered questions and insecurities land.

"A soul can have an entire warehouse of doubts and questions—and I promise you,

Satan has an answer for every single one.

So, he leads you into the New Age, or Islam, or Eastern Religion, or Secular Humanism—which

has been used to indoctrinate children into error from a very early age.

And these children are now adults in influential positions.

"I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these thoughts DID NOT & NEVER

WILL come from Me.


If you have identified these feeling in yourself, they are from Satan, not Me.

"My reaction to you, doing something you shouldn't have done, is to come to you tenderly

and hold you.

Because I know how badly you feel for betraying My trust or failing in your efforts to please


And when you do embrace me, confession and conviction will come spilling out of your


I will forgive you, and you will finally have peace, along with the resolution not to make

that mistake again.

"Lessons are not easily learned, My precious ones.

Habit patterns tend to dominate your actions, and these habits must be retrained to correspond

with Godly behavior.

And this takes time.

"You are so hard on yourselves when you fail!

I am not that hard on you, because I know how weak you are.

"You can be made stronger by My Grace, but it requires you to NEVER criticize or judge

another soul.

The actions of a soul may be wrong, and it is permitted to disclose that.


In extreme necessity.

But as far as the person goes, never judge them.

You just don't know what kind of pressures they are under or what their thinking is.

I am the only One who knows those things.

"So, to review what I want you to retain, dear ones.

If you feel badly about yourself or that I will no longer hear your prayers, recognize:

this is from the enemy and renounce such lying thoughts.

"Then turn to Me with your whole heart and beg forgiveness.

Ask for the strength not to repeat this sin.

And if you are working with other souls, be sure to return them, and put them back on

the right path.

Otherwise, you will spread error and make the problem of self-condemnation much worse.

"Remember: I dearly love you, each and every one.

You can never be replaced in My heart by anyone else.

And I am always communicating with you.

"Please, learn to hear Me.

Pay attention to a 'heart' rock, lying in your path.

Pay attention to a balloon blowing right into you.

Pay attention to a scrap of paper from a candy bar saying, "Joy".

Pay attention to the song in the supermarket when you're shopping.

Pay attention to the songs I shuffle to speak to your heart.


Pay attention, My dearly Beloved one, and listen very carefully.

Then you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I am truly there with you in your heart, by your side, and forever holding you close to

My heart.

You can never be replaced.

You are one-of-a-kind…

"Oh, bless Me with your love!

The world is dark and cruel.

And I need your love, just as you need Mine."

For more infomation >> I Speak to You ALL DAY LONG Learn to Recognize Me Beloved - Duration: 16:04.


Kendall Jenner Super Expensive Secret Relationship | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:50.






























































For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner Super Expensive Secret Relationship | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:50.


Did you see Paul Pogba's AMAZING gesture to Lionel Messi after France beat Argentina? - Duration: 2:21.

 After an uninspiring run in the group stages, Argentina were lucky to get into the knockout stages of the World Cup

 However, a rampant French side ended the South American side's hopes of making it into the quarter-finals

 Antonine Griezmann fired France ahead with his early spot-kick before Angel Di Maria put them back on level terms just before the break

 And it looked like Argentina's fortunes were changing when Gabriel Mercado diverted a shot from Messi into the back of the net to go 2-1 up after the break

 However, it wasn't long before France bagged an equaliser thanks to Benjamin Pavard's stunning strike

 And 11 minutes later, teenager Kylian Mbappe scored twice in the space of four minutes to make it 4-2

 Despite Sergio Aguero's injury time goal, it wasn't enough to stop Argentina crashing out of the tournament

 And skipper Messi looked devastated at full-time as it meant he once again couldn't get his hands on a trophy on the international stage

 But Manchester United ace Pogba was on hand to console the Barcelona star.  In a classy move by the French midfielder, Pogba was seen hugging Messi after the final whistle

 And fans loved Pogba and Messi's hug. "Fabulous show of respect from Paul Pogba as he consoles Lionel Messi with a hug after France knock Arentina out of the world cup

That's how it's done," one fan wrote. "That Pogba Messi hug was cute," another said

 A third wrote: "Pogba hugs Messi. So cute." 

For more infomation >> Did you see Paul Pogba's AMAZING gesture to Lionel Messi after France beat Argentina? - Duration: 2:21.


Jupiter MAP - Duration: 2:27.

Great planets are spinning

They are far apart in space

To get more light

Planets spin like in a dance

They only see each other from a far

And they blink, giving sings

Night alone is their faithful friend

Day is their master alone in the darkness

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Look, see

Fleeing the Milky Way

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

Wait, don't go away

Fly, love

And me - somehow

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

Wait, don't go away

Fly, love

And me- somehow

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Earth! Earth! I'm Jupiter

You don't sleep, I don't sleep yet

Look, see

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