Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 28 2018

 "La 'Sele' se lava un poco la cara para decir adiós", "Costa Rica se despide de Rusia 2018 con un empate", "Sele' dice adiós con empate y goles", "La 'Sele' demostró ante Suiza que pudo ser más en Rusia", "Costa Rica se despide con honor", son algunos de los titulares de la prensa costarricense

 "Era un juego para limpiar el honor, ya que no había ninguna posibilidad de avanzar a la siguiente fase

La Tricolor se ganó el aplauso de la afición por su juego en campo, los ticos no esperaron dos veces para reclamar por qué no se jugó así en los duelos ante Serbia y Brasil, los cuales se perdieron y sentenciaron la eliminación tempranera", reseñó 'Diario Extra'

 El medio digital 'CRHoy' señaló que fue un "¡Adiós con dignidad!" y que "La selección de Costa Rica cumplió con su palabra y a pesar de estar eliminados, mostraron actitud, mejor fútbol y empataron 2-2 ante el combinado de Suiza"

 Teletica afirmó que Costa Rica demostró que "pudo ser más" en el Mundial y criticó la "terquedad" del entrenador Óscar Ramírez de plantear muy defensivos los partidos anteriores frente a Serbia y Brasil, saldados con sendas derrotas para los ticos

 "Hoy, con la eliminación firmada, la 'Tricolo'r dejó claro que sí llevó entre sus maletas un boceto ofensivo, un libreto que solo necesitaba de los hombres correctos y la vocación, eso y eliminar las amarras de un planteamiento mediocre", manifestó Teletica

 Todos los medios coincidieron en que la entrada como titulares ante Suiza de los delanteros Daniel Colindres y Joel Campbell, y del defensa Kendall Waston, anotador de un gol, le dieron a Costa Rica otro aire y el volumen ofensivo del que careció ante Serbia y Brasil

 Costa Rica cerró el Mundial de Rusia, el quinto en su historia, con solo un punto, su segundo peor registro tras el de Alemania 2006 cuando perdió los tres compromisos de la fase de grupos frente a Alemania, Ecuador y Polonia

For more infomation >> "Costa Rica se lavó la cara para decir adiós" - Duration: 2:29.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:13.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Dynamic Blue 5Drs - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Dynamic Blue 5Drs - Duration: 0:52.


Peugeot 208 5DRS 1.0 VTI Like 5-DRS (Airco/Cruise control) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 5DRS 1.0 VTI Like 5-DRS (Airco/Cruise control) - Duration: 1:07.


🔴 Ex-Repórter do Gugu DESAPARECE há 6 Meses e o MOTIVO CHOCA a todos - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Ex-Repórter do Gugu DESAPARECE há 6 Meses e o MOTIVO CHOCA a todos - Duration: 1:39.


Chácaras e doenças espirituais - Duration: 14:37.

Chacaras and spiritual diseases

For more infomation >> Chácaras e doenças espirituais - Duration: 14:37.


LIVRO VERMELHO DE CARJ JUNG – A Verdadeira Origem dos SONHOS - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> LIVRO VERMELHO DE CARJ JUNG – A Verdadeira Origem dos SONHOS - Duration: 14:32.



For more infomation >> DERRAMA - VILLA GUILLERMINA | VIDEO OFICIAL - Duration: 3:38.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse All-Terrain 220 D 4MATIC Air Body Control, Comand, Trekhaak, Head-up display, - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse All-Terrain 220 D 4MATIC Air Body Control, Comand, Trekhaak, Head-up display, - Duration: 1:10.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 400 4MATIC PREMIUM PLUS AMG Rijassistentiepakket Plus, Memory pakket, - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 400 4MATIC PREMIUM PLUS AMG Rijassistentiepakket Plus, Memory pakket, - Duration: 1:10.


Brasileira solta palavrão em entrevista e repórter fica sem reação ao vivo na Rússia - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Brasileira solta palavrão em entrevista e repórter fica sem reação ao vivo na Rússia - Duration: 3:58.


"Coreano, hermano, ya eres mexicano": los cánticos de hinchas del Tri tras pase a octavos de final - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> "Coreano, hermano, ya eres mexicano": los cánticos de hinchas del Tri tras pase a octavos de final - Duration: 2:25.


brasile a tutto gas: due gol alla serbia e ora agli ottavi sfidera' il messico - Duration: 5:57.

Una sorpresa al giorno, non esageriamo. Il Brasile non va a casa, il Brasile vince il gruppo

Affronterà il Messico a Samara: è più solido della Germania, lo ha dimostrato stasera, lo dovrà rifare agli ottavi contro la "Tri" che ha aperto la crisi tedesca

Contro la Serbia 2-0, un gol per tempo: il primo sull'asse del Barça Coutinho-Paulinho, il secondo dalla testa di Thiago Silva, leader difensivo ritrovato

E' una delle note più liete di questa prima fase verdeoro. Con lui Coutinho, il primo brasiliano da Pelé nel 1958 a fare gol o assist in ognuna delle prime tre gare

La Serbia saluta: gli ottavi sono volati via con le "aquile" svizzere. Qualcosa è mancato, forse un ulteriore gradino da salire di Milinkovic Savic

La Serbia vive di solidità, di compattezza, il Brasile vive di accelerazioni: quelle di Neymar squassano la struttura serba

Esagera quando cade, quando rotola, quando accentua falli: però visto da vicino (qui allo stadio Spartak si può) è una delizia

La collaborazione con Coutinho è totale, quella con Gabriel Jesus più saltuaria. Arriva dal 9 una palla sporca che potrebbe essere l'1-0: grande Stojkovic

Arriva ancora dal suo "erede" al Barça la palla decisiva. Coutinho la lavora a centrocampo, Jesus porta via i centrali, Paulinho si infila nel buco, Kostic lo perde

La palla è perfetta, l'ex "cinese" ci mette il piede destro in allungo sul portiere in uscita: 1-0

Cou illuminerà anche ad inizio ripresa, mettendo in porta Neymar, ma il tiro è parato

Il 4-3-3 di Tite ha meccanismi che sembrano oliati, anche se ha cambiato natura appena prima del Mondiale

Coutinho parte sulla linea di Casemiro, ma è libero di avanzare e svariare: i verdeoro però "ruotano" di squadra e coprono i buchi

Non si sbilanciano mai, anche se il terzino destro è la riserva (Danilo out) e se quello sinistro esce infortunato dopo 10' (Marcelo sostituito da Filipe Luis)

Quando soffre, e nella ripresa gli succede, è perché perde palloni a metà campo: errori individuali che prova ad assorbire di squadra

La Serbia comunque non è disposta ad andare a casa senza nemmeno provare a fare paura

Matic apre gli alettoni per fare a sportellate, Rukavina inizia a scendere sulla destra, i rossi premono, Milinkovic, piuttosto timido, almeno ci prova

Da un cross del terzino destro nasce l'occasione migliore. Alisson smanaccia male, Mitrovic colpisce a porta vuota, Thiago Silva respinge

Il centrale del Psg in meno di 10' trasforma il match da "assalti serbi fino al 90' e rischio eliminazione" a "avanti il prossimo"

Al 25' sull'angolo di Neymar lascia lì Matic, anticipa MileNkovic e di testa fa 2-0

Finisce lì: il resto è accademia, è la ricerca infruttuosa del gol di Neymar, sono giocate e spettacolo brasiliano

Li vedremo ancora, è una fortuna.

For more infomation >> brasile a tutto gas: due gol alla serbia e ora agli ottavi sfidera' il messico - Duration: 5:57.


Una hispana podría convertirse en la mujer más joven en llegar a la Cámara de Representantes - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Una hispana podría convertirse en la mujer más joven en llegar a la Cámara de Representantes - Duration: 0:30.


Esportividade do aerofólio em alguns carros é perfumaria - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Esportividade do aerofólio em alguns carros é perfumaria - Duration: 1:30.


Noticias Telemundo, 27 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo, 27 de junio de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 11:58.


Joven semidesnudo puso en alerta el aeropuerto de Atlanta tras irrumpir en la pista de aterrizaje - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Joven semidesnudo puso en alerta el aeropuerto de Atlanta tras irrumpir en la pista de aterrizaje - Duration: 0:34.


Agente de ICE saca a empujones a una abogada de inmigración - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Agente de ICE saca a empujones a una abogada de inmigración - Duration: 0:31.


Quarta-feira, 27 de junho - Duration: 9:25.

Sem susto. O Brasil bateu a Sérvia por 2 a 0, avança em 1º e vai pegar o México na próxima fase da Copa

A vitória teve gols de Paulinho e Thiago Silva, e um Neymar sorridente. A Suíça, 2ª colocada na chave, pega a Suécia

Sérvia e Costa Rica deram adeus. Quem vai embora mais cedo também é a Alemanha. A atual campeã do mundo entrou em campo bem diferente da seleção do 7 a 1, deu vexame ao perder da Coreia do Sul e repetiu uma maldição

Quem agradece são os mexicanos. Além da Copa, é notícia também: José Dirceu fora da cadeia e Fachin leva a decisão sobre anular ou não a delação da JBS ao plenário do STF

Nos EUA, um juiz manda o governo Trump reunir crianças separadas dos pais em até 30 dias

Brasil bate a Sérvia, avança em 1º e pega o México nas oitavas (Foto: Reuters/Axel Schmidt) Brasil classificado Logo no começo do jogo decisivo em Moscou, uma baixa: Marcelo deixou o campo com uma lesão na coluna

Paulinho abriu o placar após toque certeiro de Phillippe Coutinho. No 2º tempo, a Sérvia pressionou, mas não foi suficiente para evitar que Thiago Silva ampliasse de cabeça, após assistência de Neymar

Livre das dores no pé, o camisa 10 evoluiu em campo e criou 8 oportunidades de gol

Que venha o México! Brasil se classifica em 1º e enfrentará o México na segunda-feira, às 11hVeja os gols da vitória de 2 a 2 sobre a Sérvia Tite diz estar em paz após vaga nas oitavas e minimiza seca de G

Jesus6 jogos das oitavas estão definidos; simule os confrontos até a final Thiago Silva comemora 2º gol do brasil em cima da Sérvia (Foto: Carl Recine/Reuters) É GOOOLLLL! Gritos, pulos e bebida para o alto

A torcida brasileira vibrou e respirou aliviada com a vitória sobre a Sérvia e a garantia da Seleção na próxima fase

Veja a reação pelo país. Sem ninguém: Jogo do Brasil esvazia locais normalmente cheios de SP; veja fotosTudo parado: Partida causa rush às 14h e recorde de trânsito em SPNeymar de rodinhas, Canarinho Pistola reza: os memes do jogoBar de cidade onde Neymar nasceu dá vodca a cada tombo do atacante Veja o momento em que a torcida pelo país comemora gols do Brasil contra Sérvia Fora de campo, confusão Se em campo Brasil e Sérvia fizeram uma partida sem incidentes, nas arquibancadas do estádio Spartak, em Moscou, teve registro de confusão

Torcedores das duas seleções trocaram agressões. No Brasil, torcedores foram pisoteados no Mineirão durante o jogo

O local teve superlotação, e duas pessoas foram levadas para hospital. Torcedores são pisoteados durante confusão na Esplanada do Mineirão, em Belo Horizonte (Foto: Reprodução/TV Globo) Segundo No outro jogo do grupo do Brasil, a Suíça empatou em 2 a 2 com a Costa Rica e se classificou em 2º lugar

Enfrenta a Suécia no mata-mata. A partida foi movimentada do início ao fim, e os costarriquenhos não facilitaram para os suíços

A Costa Rica foi a última das 32 seleções da Copa a marcar um gol. O jejum acabou no 2º tempo ao empatar o jogo em 1 a 1

A Suíça fez o segundo aos 42', e em pênalti, aos 48', Bryan Ruíz deixou tudo igual de novo

Costa Rica conquista russos, e técnico é aplaudido após empate com a SuíçaTécnico reconhece que Suíça "pode fazer mais" Suíça empata com a Costa Rica e enfrentará a Suécia (Foto: Murad Sezer/Reuters) Drama alemão A atual campeã surpreendeu e se despede da Copa já na primeira fase

A equipe de Joachim Löw teve uma atuação abaixo da média e perdeu da Coreia do Sul por 2 a 0

A queda repetiu uma tradição amaldiçoada: desde 2002, a seleção campeão do mundo sempre é eliminada já na fase de grupos

A única exceção foi o Brasil, em 2006. Löw diz que eliminação da Alemanha foi justa: 'Não merecíamos passar''Não tivemos mesmo espírito de 2014', diz jogador alemãoBrasileiros celebram eliminação alemã; veja memes Löw ficou decepcionado com o desempenho da Alemanha contra a Coreia (Foto: REUTERS/Michael Dalder) Jogo dos classificados Os dois classificados do grupo da Alemanha foram México e Suécia, que se enfrentaram hoje

Os suecos jogaram muito e bateram os mexicanos por 3 a 0. O México só não foi desclassificado por causa da zebra coreana

Apesar de ter tido menos a posse de bola no jogo (65% a 35%), a Suécia foi mais perigosa em todo o jogo

Técnico do México minimiza derrota e exalta classificaçãoZagueiro sueco diz que sentimento é de 'viver um sonho'Multidão de mexicanos festeja em frente à embaixada da Coreia Mexicanos poderiam ter ficado fora, mas zebra coreana garantiu vaga (Foto: REUTERS/Darren Staples) Mais da Copa

Torcedores presos no trânsito de SP assistem a jogo pelo celularTorcida lota diversos pontos do Rio e festeja vitória do BrasilRussos tentam achar brasileiros que deram ingressos para a CopaMexicano recebe cartão amarelo mais rápido da história das CopasThiaguinho lidera os Palpites do G1; compartilhe sua apostaEles se acham a cara dos jogadores; será que são mesmo?'Deu match' na Copa: escolha os jogadores mais bonitos Segundo gol do Brasil faz a torcida vibrar no Rio de Janeiro (Foto: Marcos Serra Lima/G1) O que mais foi notícia

Dirceu em casa A Justiça do DF deu cinco dias para José Dirceu se apresentar ao juiz Sérgio Moro, em Curitiba

Moro decidirá como será o cumprimento de pena em liberdade. O ex-ministro deixou o presídio da Papuda e voltou para casa hoje de manhã, depois de decisão do STF

Bens confiscados de Dirceu não vão para a Fazenda, decide TRF-4Fachin e Gilmar dizem que soltura de Dirceu foi 'normal' O ex-ministro José Dirceu entrando no prédio dele, em Brasília (Foto: Reprodução/TV Globo) Delação da JBS O ministro Luiz Edson Fachin, do STF, autorizou a coleta de provas sobre as delações premiadas de quatro executivos da J&F e afirmou que, após essa fase, a rescisão dos acordos será levada para análise do plenário do tribunal

Desde o ano passado há um impasse sobre as delações. Em setembro de 2017, na reta final do mandato, o então procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, pediu a rescisão das delações por omissão e má-fé de Joesley Batista, Wesley Batista, Ricardo Saud e Francisco de Assis

Ministro quer saber o que PGR fará sobre citação de repasse a Temer Ministro Edson Fachin durante sessão que julga pedido do ex-presidente Lula para evitar prisão (Foto: Carlos Moura/SCO/STF ) Famílias separadas O juiz federal Dana Sabraw, do Tribunal de San Diego, nos EUA, ordenou que o governo Trump reúna menores separados dos pais na fronteira em até 30 dias

Desde que os EUA colocaram em prática a polêmica estratégia de "tolerância zero" contra a imigração ilegal, o governo de Trump separou de seus pais 2

575 menores que atravessaram a fronteira do país com o México. Brasileira separada do filho na fronteira dos EUA reencontra menino2º projeto de lei de imigração é reprovado na Câmara dos EUA Migrante hondurenho e mexicano brincam em abrigo para crianças imigrantes, nos EUA, em foto de sexta-feira (22) (Foto: Daniel Becerril/ Reuters) Mudanças na Suprema Corte O juiz da Suprema Corte americana, Anthony Kennedy, anunciou aposentadoria

Ele completa 82 anos em julho é o segundo mais velho na corte de nove membros. Kennedy foi importante no avanço dos direitos dos gays e reforçou o direito ao aborto

A decisão dá chance a Trump de consolidar conservadorismo no tribunal. O juiz da Suprema Corte dos EUA Anthony Kennedy em foto de 1º de junho de 2017 (Foto: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst/Files) Curtas e rápidas

Dólar turismo fecha em alta e passa dos R$ 4Testemunha diz que mulher não concordou em depor sobre sítioRJ tem 4 policiais baleados em menos de 24h; dois morreramAtingidos por desastre em Mariana criticam acordo com mineradorasMineradora suspende contrato de US$ 1 bi após vazamento em MGConsumo de energia cai em jogo do Brasil e tem pico após partida, diz ONSApple e Samsung fecham acordo para pôr fim a disputa sobre plágio

For more infomation >> Quarta-feira, 27 de junho - Duration: 9:25.


Una decena de estudiantes muere por la imprudencia de un conductor en Guatemala - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Una decena de estudiantes muere por la imprudencia de un conductor en Guatemala - Duration: 0:31.


Denuncian ante las autoridades a una madre por la golpiza que le dio a su hijo de 6 años - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Denuncian ante las autoridades a una madre por la golpiza que le dio a su hijo de 6 años - Duration: 1:35.


Part 2 - Eco Diving In San Andres, Colombia with Coral Restoration Efforts - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Part 2 - Eco Diving In San Andres, Colombia with Coral Restoration Efforts - Duration: 10:10.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:11.


Yuri Seijin Naoko-san - OVA 2 [Legendado-HD] PT-BR - Duration: 28:28.

For more infomation >> Yuri Seijin Naoko-san - OVA 2 [Legendado-HD] PT-BR - Duration: 28:28.


Volvo V70 2.0T R-Edition /dealer onderhouden auto - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T R-Edition /dealer onderhouden auto - Duration: 1:08.


House rejects compromise immigration bill - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> House rejects compromise immigration bill - Duration: 8:24.


警完成財物點算 下一步:徹查來源及羅絲瑪 - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> 警完成財物點算 下一步:徹查來源及羅絲瑪 - Duration: 12:03.


孫鵬狄鶯返台首同框,被曝出售2900萬豪宅救子,鄰居說溜嘴:千萬豪宅賣掉了 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> 孫鵬狄鶯返台首同框,被曝出售2900萬豪宅救子,鄰居說溜嘴:千萬豪宅賣掉了 - Duration: 4:07.


孫鵬、狄鶯返台首同框,被曝出售2900萬豪宅救子,鄰居說溜嘴:千萬豪宅賣掉了! - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 孫鵬、狄鶯返台首同框,被曝出售2900萬豪宅救子,鄰居說溜嘴:千萬豪宅賣掉了! - Duration: 4:08.


趙麗穎恨天高可以理解,天後王菲這雙無底高跟鞋,真的給跪了! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 趙麗穎恨天高可以理解,天後王菲這雙無底高跟鞋,真的給跪了! - Duration: 2:24.


馬蓉在直播平台公開王寶強難以啟齒的照片!網友:委屈馬蓉了! - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 馬蓉在直播平台公開王寶強難以啟齒的照片!網友:委屈馬蓉了! - Duration: 7:36.


"Costa Rica se lavó la cara para decir adiós" - Duration: 2:29.

 "La 'Sele' se lava un poco la cara para decir adiós", "Costa Rica se despide de Rusia 2018 con un empate", "Sele' dice adiós con empate y goles", "La 'Sele' demostró ante Suiza que pudo ser más en Rusia", "Costa Rica se despide con honor", son algunos de los titulares de la prensa costarricense

 "Era un juego para limpiar el honor, ya que no había ninguna posibilidad de avanzar a la siguiente fase

La Tricolor se ganó el aplauso de la afición por su juego en campo, los ticos no esperaron dos veces para reclamar por qué no se jugó así en los duelos ante Serbia y Brasil, los cuales se perdieron y sentenciaron la eliminación tempranera", reseñó 'Diario Extra'

 El medio digital 'CRHoy' señaló que fue un "¡Adiós con dignidad!" y que "La selección de Costa Rica cumplió con su palabra y a pesar de estar eliminados, mostraron actitud, mejor fútbol y empataron 2-2 ante el combinado de Suiza"

 Teletica afirmó que Costa Rica demostró que "pudo ser más" en el Mundial y criticó la "terquedad" del entrenador Óscar Ramírez de plantear muy defensivos los partidos anteriores frente a Serbia y Brasil, saldados con sendas derrotas para los ticos

 "Hoy, con la eliminación firmada, la 'Tricolo'r dejó claro que sí llevó entre sus maletas un boceto ofensivo, un libreto que solo necesitaba de los hombres correctos y la vocación, eso y eliminar las amarras de un planteamiento mediocre", manifestó Teletica

 Todos los medios coincidieron en que la entrada como titulares ante Suiza de los delanteros Daniel Colindres y Joel Campbell, y del defensa Kendall Waston, anotador de un gol, le dieron a Costa Rica otro aire y el volumen ofensivo del que careció ante Serbia y Brasil

 Costa Rica cerró el Mundial de Rusia, el quinto en su historia, con solo un punto, su segundo peor registro tras el de Alemania 2006 cuando perdió los tres compromisos de la fase de grupos frente a Alemania, Ecuador y Polonia

For more infomation >> "Costa Rica se lavó la cara para decir adiós" - Duration: 2:29.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / NAVIGATIE - Duration: 1:13.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Dynamic Blue 5Drs - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Dynamic Blue 5Drs - Duration: 0:52.


Peugeot 208 5DRS 1.0 VTI Like 5-DRS (Airco/Cruise control) - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 5DRS 1.0 VTI Like 5-DRS (Airco/Cruise control) - Duration: 1:07.


Volvo V70 2.0T R-Edition /dealer onderhouden auto - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T R-Edition /dealer onderhouden auto - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Blue 100PK Go! NAVIGATIE CAMERA AIRCO LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Blue 100PK Go! NAVIGATIE CAMERA AIRCO LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:10.


South Korea upsets Germany in final group stage match, but both sides eliminated - Duration: 2:30.

Only one place to start this morning and that's Russia.

As far as World Cup upsets come... they don't get much bigger than what we witnessed on


In a truly remarkable match,...

South Korea beat the reigning World Cup champions Germany two-nil in their final Group F game.

Despite the stunning win, South Korea are out,... but the squad will come home to a

proud nation with their heads held high.

Our man following the World Cup for us,... Lee Seung-jae,... has the details.

The 13th day of the 2018 World Cup was anything but unlucky for South Korea as they produced

one of the biggest World Cup upsets EVER in Kazan.

The Taeguk Warriors, without their captain Ki Sung-yueng ,... played by far their best

game of this year's World Cup,... keeping the Germans at bay for the duration of the

match's 90-plus minutes.

However,... it was in the third minute of stoppage time that world football shook.

South Korea's Kim Young-gwon slotted home a close-range shot that was initially called

off-side,... but upon closer inspection by the video referee,... Kim was deemed onside

and the goal was awarded to South Korea.

The goal sparked desperate scenes from Germany, as they realized they were heading toward

first-round elimination for the first time since 1938, with goalkeeper Manuel Neuer going

on the offense, leaving a gaping hole for Son Heung-min to slot home an easy second

goal in the sixth minute of stoppage time.

Despite the historic win, South Korea will be leaving Russia along with Germany,... but

it's the Germans that finish rock bottom of Group F.

However, the win was bittersweet as the two-nil victory might have been enough for South Korea

to progress had it not been for a surprise three-nil victory by Sweden over Mexico.

The result means Sweden and Mexico are the Group F teams that qualify for the last 16.

South Korea might be out,... but a new star has been born.

Goalkeeper Jo Hyun-woo,... nicknamed Dae-Gea,.. a reference to his club team Daegu FC,.. and

a comparison to star Spanish goalkeeper David De Gea,... made some of the most impressive

saves of the World Cup so far,... including six against Germany.

Jo's heroics between the goalposts have brought him to the attention of several European teams.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea upsets Germany in final group stage match, but both sides eliminated - Duration: 2:30.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping tells Mattis that China won't give up 'even one inch' of territory - Duration: 0:47.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned the United States that China is committed to peace,

but will not give up "even one inch" of territory.

China's state media reports that is what he told visiting U.S. Defense Secretary James

Mattis on Wednesday.

The remarks come amid tensions between the world's two superpowers over what the Pentagon

views as China's militarization of the South China Sea.

U.S. defense officials said that,... while both sides acknowledged points of friction,...

they also sought to focus on their shared goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Mattis is due in Seoul for talks with South Korean officials later today.

For more infomation >> Chinese leader Xi Jinping tells Mattis that China won't give up 'even one inch' of territory - Duration: 0:47.


Absolutely Beautiful Volcanic Phoenix House for Serene Place to Relax - Duration: 4:23.

Absolutely Beautiful Volcanic Phoenix House for Serene Place to Relax

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful Volcanic Phoenix House for Serene Place to Relax - Duration: 4:23.


Health Time in Khmer - Back Pain and Treatment #SuccessReveal - Duration: 10:52.

Health Time in Khmer - Back Pain and Treatment

For more infomation >> Health Time in Khmer - Back Pain and Treatment #SuccessReveal - Duration: 10:52.


Number of newborns in S. Korea hit record low in April 2018 - Duration: 2:21.

South Korea has been struggling with a chronically-low birthrate for many years now.

And despite government efforts,... so far the situation is not getting any better...

in fact it's getting worse.

With fewer than 28-thousand babies born in the whole of South Korea in April,… another

unwanted record has been set.

Ko Roon-hee reports.

Despite the government's efforts, the number of births in Korea hit another record low.

According to a Statistics Korea report released on Wednesday… the number of births fell

8.9 percent on year to 27-thousand-7-hundred in April.

That's the lowest since monthly records were first compiled in 1981.

The number of newborn babies in the January to April period was also at its lowest level--

less than 120-thousand.

Many South Koreans feel there are two main reasons for this chronic problem.

They believe it's too expensive to raise a child and it takes a long time for a person

to get a job and think about marriage.

"Compared to other countries, private education is very expensive in South Korea.

I think a lot of couples don't have enough money even for the two of them... and many

can't afford to pay extra for their children's education."

"Many South Korean women are stressed when they are applying for universities or jobs.

So after they graduate or get employed, many want to enjoy their own time... instead of

getting married or having a child."

In addition to these problems, a social welfare expert says many pregnant women face discrimination

in South Korea.

"When women get pregnant in South Korea, they are discriminated against both at home and

in the workplace.

At home, they have to raise their child on their own without anyone's help.

At work, some are forced to leave their job.

Women have to overcome this discrimination to raise a child, and many give up in the

first place."

The South Korean government has poured more than 71-billion U.S. dollars into solving

the low birthrate over the past decade... including giving cash rewards to people with


Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Number of newborns in S. Korea hit record low in April 2018 - Duration: 2:21.


Touhou players provide a final realistic simulation of life in Gensokyo - Duration: 4:06.

*The concealed four farts*


I can't play under these conditions



I'm literally dying 😂😂👌👌👌💯

Some... someone save me


Listen to the casino one

I'm crying

*gasp* aaaeuuugh

Noooo I died at the end

I'm crying, I can't dodge

ehhhh *laughs*

All right, that's enough of this

Oh Junko~

All these, all this rng micrododging bullshit

It's making me (☆ω☆)

I'm gonna (°ロ°) !



Look at that fucking like one

stupid musical note just going

"I'm on an adventure!"


Compared to shikigami ran cause shikigami ran

is chimp shit that needs to gtfo of my touhou

Oh?! She, she got a laser?!

Chen is farting a laser?



Chen is farting a laseeeer?


Yeah the trail, that she leaves

She's fucking farting a laser why?

Dude I'm gonna N U T 😩

*faint groaning*


I can hardly contain the nut 💦

Lollipop just bombs it right away

This looks like a total gorilla spell card

Wait this does mean...

Wait this run doesn't clear?






What an ass move

Lollipop why did you send that?

Euagh ass

Ooooh hohohahahaha


This is a nice run

This run sucks

Awww hahahaha


Ok Wario


Fucking hell

It's not happening

That's right you little shits I'm gonna have a festival on your behinds you fucking desktop strippers


E-eh eh hello hello?

Hello Sanae?






Sorry, ehehehehe~

For more infomation >> Touhou players provide a final realistic simulation of life in Gensokyo - Duration: 4:06.


动漫斗破苍穹第二季美女排名:小医仙top3,青麟top2,云芝第一吗 - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> 动漫斗破苍穹第二季美女排名:小医仙top3,青麟top2,云芝第一吗 - Duration: 10:01.


Sea of Thieves LIVE! - Duration: 29:52.

For more infomation >> Sea of Thieves LIVE! - Duration: 29:52.


Amazing Beautiful 1959 Vintage Spartan with 2 Bedrooms for sale in Texas - Duration: 3:44.

Amazing Beautiful 1959 Vintage Spartan with 2 Bedrooms for sale in Texas

For more infomation >> Amazing Beautiful 1959 Vintage Spartan with 2 Bedrooms for sale in Texas - Duration: 3:44.


What a long adventure! | Moss | Part 3 - Duration: 30:15.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en. Welcome back to Moss. Let's continue this game

Also, let's continue our adventure with Quill

Not sure which - - Oh, there

Watch out from these caves

What happened?

Let's fight

Are you done?

Now what?

There are four torches. Two more left to go

Oh, it's over. Good

Finally, we're outside

I see the castle

This place is really beautiful

Go over there

I see something

He is talking to me

Ghostface. Yeah, that's me

Wake up

Look. How do we get in?


How do we get there?

I see the lever


I guess we're in the forest again

Oh, I see why... I didn't understand why Quill was looking at something

Never mind

I can't go over the fence

Look over there

This is getting interesting

That's a big one

Let's go back

Ok... Wow...

This game is like... Fairytale and... the futuristic stuff... All together in one

Like the big eye robots... What the hell is that?

We will find out later. Ok, let's stop for now. I will continue this game for the next video

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> What a long adventure! | Moss | Part 3 - Duration: 30:15.


Love,Gay Person - Duration: 0:27.

hi this video is dedicated to my internet friends they've been with me

through a lot thee code names for them are Reese

lemon and Rich our family is always growing and I've known them the longest

but I'm thankful for them and made this to let them know they are wonderful and

constantly helped me improve as a human thank you and I love you guys and this

is like my sixth time recording this cuz I'm like really nervous

For more infomation >> Love,Gay Person - Duration: 0:27.


World Cup 2018: Female journalist SCREAMS at fan after he tries to kiss her live on-air - Duration: 2:26.

 The Brazilian journalist, Julia Guimaraes was preparing before Japan faced Senegal in Yekaterinburg on Sunday when a World Cup fan tried to kiss her

 Guimaraes later revealed a similar incident has happened to her twice while reporting in Russia

 In the footage, Guimaraes prepares to speak to the camera when a man leans in to kiss her on the cheek

 The reporter swiftly leans to her left avoiding the kiss before she shouts at the man

  The man quickly exits the camera frame as Guimaraes continues to scream at him. She said: "Don't do this! Don't do this again, ok? "I don't allow you to do this

 "This is not polite, this is not right. "Never do this to a woman ok? Respect."   A man in the background appears to apologise saying "I'm sorry", following the incident

 The TV Globo and SportTV journalist later commented on the shocking incident on Twitter

 She said: "It's hard to find words. Luckily, I have never experienced that in Brazil! "Here, it has happened twice

Sad! Shameful!"

For more infomation >> World Cup 2018: Female journalist SCREAMS at fan after he tries to kiss her live on-air - Duration: 2:26.


Prepare for the extreme heat to stick around - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Prepare for the extreme heat to stick around - Duration: 1:28.


【UTAU RELEASE+UST】love4eva / loona yyxy 【백정우 Baek Jungwoo (uchuu korean vccv)】 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 【UTAU RELEASE+UST】love4eva / loona yyxy 【백정우 Baek Jungwoo (uchuu korean vccv)】 - Duration: 3:41.


After Red Hen Boots Sanders, a New York Restaurant Stuns With New Sign - Duration: 5:11.

After Red Hen Boots Sanders, a New York Restaurant Stuns With New Sign.

When the Red Hen restaurant in Virginia kicked out White House press secretary Sarah Sanders,

it sparked a new wave of debate and conflict.

Restaurants across the country are jumping on the bigoted bandwagon.

One restaurant in New York has decided to post a message outside of their store.

It has even attracted the attention of Sanders' father.

We know that the real bigots in our society are Democrats.

The ego-driven elitists look down on anyone that disagrees with them.

Their toxic politics give them a sense of superiority.

To them, conservatives are simple-minded, ignorant yokels.

Naturally, they don't believe that our opinions or votes matter.

But these "yokels" shocked the world by electing Donald Trump as president.

Since then, liberals have been in meltdown mode.

They cannot accept that the outspoken and effective businessman is making America great


Across the country, we've seen a shocking level of intolerance and hate from the left.

And it's only continuing.

This weekend a restaurant in Virginia denied service to Sarah Sanders — simply because

she works for the president.

Clearly, it was a form of discrimination.

If restaurants are not allowed to refuse service based on race, gender, or sexuality, why should

they be allowed to if you're conservative or liberal?

The episode has sparked a flurry of debate, discussion, and complaints online.

Millions of Americans were outraged to see a restaurant so disgracefully mistreat a government

official — and a woman.

They were quick to call out the Red Hen for what they did.

Others, on the other hand, applauded the restaurant.

Politicians like Maxine Waters even publicly called for other establishments to discriminate

against conservatives.

She even called for people to "push back" at Trump supporters — a clear call for violence.

One restaurant in New York decided to capitalize on the controversy.

They posted a sign outside with a very clear message of where they stand on the issue.

In fact, it got the attention of Mike Huckabee, who is Sarah Sanders' father.

A restaurant in New York received the praise of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on Tuesday

after posting a sign outside that said Sarah Sanders was "welcome any time."

The father of the White House press secretary, who was booted from a Virginia-based restaurant

on Friday, shared a photo on Twitter of an orange sign posted outside Kipps Restaurant.



The former Arkansas governor mused that the South Wales, N.Y. eatery, "looks like my

kind of place!"

[Source: Fox News]

This is some pretty smart marketing if there ever was any.

Kipps Restaurant is announcing to the country that everyone is welcome at their establishment,

including the White House press secretary.

At a time when other restaurants are joining the Red Hen to discriminate and attack conservatives,

this shop is opening its doors to all.

As word gets around, don't be surprised to find this restaurant will enjoy plenty

of business.

Americans of all stripes will appreciate a place that is willing to put aside hate to

welcome guests.

Thanks to the toxicity of the left, our country is full of anger, hostility, and aggression.

Americans are afraid to show their support for the president, for fear of an angry, liberal


People can't walk into stores wearing MAGA hats or Trump shirts, because of how others

will react.

In fact, after Sarah Sanders left the Red Hen, people followed her to the next restaurant

to heckle her and her family.

He said Monday on "The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan," that after departing

the establishment, his daughter was heckled before a family member stepped in.

"In fact, a little known part of this story, is that after Sarah and her husband left and

the family relocated to a restaurant across the street, the owner of the Red Hen then

organized an effort to go and scream at them from the sidewalk at the other restaurant,"

Huckabee claimed.

The restaurant's co-owner, Stephanie Wilkerson, told The Washington Post that she's "not

a huge fan of confrontation" but "this feels like the moment in our democracy when

people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals."

[Source: Fox News]

Yes, because it is so moral to harass a woman and her family when they are just trying to

have dinner.

This is how deranged Democrats have become.


They have no morals.

They are so filled with anger and hate, they have no problem mistreating total strangers.

The Red Hen's actions were despicable, unprofessional, and un-American.

They deserve the bad press and bad business that has followed.

If you ask me, we need many more restaurants like Kipps.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> After Red Hen Boots Sanders, a New York Restaurant Stuns With New Sign - Duration: 5:11.


#325 easy creative kolam with 13 dots|latest simple sangu rangoli |beautiful lotus muggulu designs - Duration: 3:31.

Daily Rangoli Designs

For more infomation >> #325 easy creative kolam with 13 dots|latest simple sangu rangoli |beautiful lotus muggulu designs - Duration: 3:31.


Jack Depp: 5 Things About Johnny Depp's Son Who Is Reportedly Seriously Ill - Daily News - Duration: 3:15.

Vanessa Paradis skipped a movie premiere because the son she has with Johnny Depp is reportedly unwell

Here's everything you need to know about the low-key 16-year-old.    Sadly Vanessa Paradis, 45, had to skip the Paris premiere of her movie Knife + Heart on June 26

The film's director Yann Gonzalez said the French actress gave it a miss because of her 16-year-old son Jack Depp's "serious health problems

"  The news sounds terrifying for the mom-of-two, who also has a daughter, Lily-Rose, 19, with the actor Johnny Depp, 55

It's not the first time one of their children has been seriously ill. In 2007 Lily-Rose was hospitalized in London for nine days because of kidney failure

Thankfully she has since recovered and has followed her parents into showbiz. But, while we know quite a bit about actress and model Lily-Rose, what about Johnny's youngest child Jack? Here are five things about Vanessa and Johnny's teen son

   1. He is named after his father. Jack – who was born in Paris, France on April 9, 2002 – is technically called John Christopher Depp just like his dad and grandfather

So, although he's known as Jack, he's actually John Depp III.  2. He tends to stay out of the limelight

Even though his mom Vanessa, dad Johnny, and sister Lily-Rose are all actors, models and musicians, little Jack tends to shun publicity

He's rarely photographed by paparazzi and doesn't seem to have a verified social media account

 3. Jack reportedly didn't like his former stepmother Amber Heard, according to numerous media reports

When Johnny's rocky marriage began to fall apart in 2016 sources told TMZ that Jack and Lily-Rose "hated" the actress

 4. Jack loves to play music, just like his dad. Despite the teen's low-key life, Johnny has shared snippets of information about his son throughout the years

According to the Pirates of the Caribbean star, Jack likes drawing and music. "My boy, Jack, has always been a very talented draftsman," he told the Philippine Daily Inquirer in 2014

"He draws really super well. He also plays music very well. He's got a good feel for that

Aside from school plays and things, he hasn't shown any desire to become an actor

Whew."  5. Johnny once told David Letterman his son, then 11, was "simple," but not in a bad way

"My boy Jack is…very simple, low-key, solid," he said on The Late Show with David Letterman in June 2013

"You know, one word texts, 'Yep. Nope, Same.'" Five years later, we're hoping that Jack feels better soon

For more infomation >> Jack Depp: 5 Things About Johnny Depp's Son Who Is Reportedly Seriously Ill - Daily News - Duration: 3:15.


Man in underwear scales LA freeway sign, backflips off - Daily News - Duration: 1:50.

 LOS ANGELES — A man wearing only boxer briefs and tennis shoes snarled rush-hour traffic in downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday after he climbed a busy freeway sign, hung protest posters, danced repeatedly and apparently mocked his would-be rescuers

 Reporters and passers-by shot videos of the man's antics as he climbed around and on the freeway sign, eluding firefighters wearing harnesses and police officers trying to get him down

 The man, who identified himself as "Dephree," did various dances and the strongman pose as traffic backed up for miles on State Route 110

He hung signs that read "Dephree," "Fight pollution, not each other" and "Give a hoot, don't pollute

"  The southbound lanes of the freeway were closed as firefighters placed inflatables underneath the man and extended ladders to him

The traffic snarl spread onto connecting freeways and surface streets and workers in nearby buildings stopped to watch the events unfold

 Cars passing on the other side of the freeway at times honked at the man and one even shouted to police: "Shoot him!"  The standoff ended when the man eventually did a backflip off the freeway sign down to an inflatable below

He was unhurt and quickly arrested.

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