Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 27 2018

hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic do this natural laxative at home and tell him

goodbye to constipation so do not go and stay with us until the

end of this video where we will be developing this interesting topic

now we go with the information

Today we will teach you how to make a natural and home stay for constipation

It is super effective constipation is a fairly common evil among its main

causes may be due to the mode of feeding or a deficit in consumption

of water may also be due to lack of fiber in the body or insufficient

physical exercise this problem affects the functioning of the digestive system

producing an irregularity in the intestinal activity

As a result, it manifests itself with the impossibility or difficulty of evacuating

natural and homemade laxative fecal matter for the

constipation ingredients 200 grams of plum rested 200 grams of

dates without pit 1 liter of hot water mode of preparation

wash the dates well and the prunes remove the pit and chop them

fine with a kitchen knife in a pot or clean container incorporates

prunes and dates crushed and rested adds water

when you are warm and cook all this mixture at low temperature until

form a homogeneous mass let cool and store in a clean glass jar and

Airtight keeps in the refrigerator variants of the recipe

You can add serials or make fruit smoothies by adding one or two tablespoons

of this home remedy this can be a creative and

original to consume it another way to treat constipation places 4

prunes in a glass of water and let stand all night a day

next you can eat them during the next morning mode of consumption

It is recommended to consume a spoonful of this jam after breakfast and another

after lunch this is for the purpose of avoiding constipation how

know if I have constipation constipation or constipation is

can detect by observing certain symptoms very

characteristic to know to remain without evacuating stool for more than two days

abdominal pain or intestinal swelling inappetence lack of appetite gas and

belching hard consistency and reduced size in

the feces difficulty and effort at the time of

evacuate has been useful for you this recipe shares this information with your

family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section of this video

subscribe to our channel and give it like this is easy remedies 24 we

we see in a next edition thank you very much




Carlos Vela creó la jugada más importante del Tri en el primer tiempo ante Suecia - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Carlos Vela creó la jugada más importante del Tri en el primer tiempo ante Suecia - Duration: 1:03.


Descubre cómo puede mejorar tu salud al beber más agua cada día - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Descubre cómo puede mejorar tu salud al beber más agua cada día - Duration: 6:49.


¡Mirá lo que hizo Cinthia Fernández por sus hijas! - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> ¡Mirá lo que hizo Cinthia Fernández por sus hijas! - Duration: 2:45.


Brasil sin especular; gana 2-0 y enfrentará a México - Duration: 3:33.

 Brasil no entiende de sorpresas y, con un gol de Paulinho y otro de Thiago Silva, derrotó a Serbia para solventar como líder del grupo E su pase a los octavos de final, donde le aguarda México, en Samara, el próximo lunes

Puede que Neymar no haya encontrado aún la chispa que necesita para ser determinante y que Tite tenga problemas con las lesiones de sus laterales -hoy se añadió Marcelo- pero por el momento es el conjunto más sólido

El único "grande" que sabe a lo que juega, que cuenta con suficiente magia para decantar el resultado de su lado, pero también con el equilibrio que le da Casemiro en el centro del campo y la solidez defensiva que echó en falta en otras épocas

   Espoleada por la eliminación de Alemania, su "bestia negra" cuatro años antes, pero con la precaución que impone un Mundial que no sabe de jerarquías, Brasil supo salir en el Spartak Stadium del laberinto serbio para encontrar el resquicio por el que eludir el campo de minas que dispuso Mladen Krstajic

Con pierna fuerte -a veces demasiado- y tres líneas muy juntas a 20 metros de su portero

Con Coutinho ahogado entre centrocampistas y Neymar encerrado en una banda, Serbia tuvo la sensación de controlar el partido durante gran parte de la primera mitad, sobre todo a raíz de que Gabriel Jesús fallase el primer mano a mano con Vladimir Stojkovic, a los 4 minutos, y Marcelo tuviese que retirarse lesionado poco después

 No creó tampoco problemas a Alisson, porque su juego aéreo murió entre los centrales brasileños y Casemiro barrió cualquier rechace, pero el equipo de Krstajic vivió más de media hora tranquilo

A la espera de su momento.Su idea dependía de su capacidad para evitar el juego a la espalda de sus defensas, de evitar que cualquiera de los artistas brasileños levantase la cabeza

Y eso es casi imposible si está sobre el campo Neymar, que en el 29 habilitó a Gabriel Jesús -de nuevo sin éxito en el último regate- o Coutinho, conocedor de la habilidad de Paulinho para irrumpir desde la segunda línea

 La conexión barcelonista fue la solución. Coutinho intuyó la carrera de Paulinho y le puso un balón tras la defensa rival que éste solo tuvo que levantar ante la salida de StojkovicSerbia reaccionó tras el descanso con una mayor ambición y, aunque ofreció a Brasil la posibilidad de un contragolpe, desaprovechado por Neymar en el 57, creó las primeras dudas en la zaga canarinha

Un apurado despeje de Joao Miranda, hoy capitán, un mal rechace de Alisson a un centro de Antonio Rukavina, que no aprovechó Aleksandr Mitrovic, y otro remate de cabeza del delantero del Fulham que puso en apuros la meta brasileña  Fueron poco más de 5 minutos de zozobra, hasta que Neymar forzó un corner y su saque de esquina lo cabeceó sin oposición Thiago Silva, en el minuto 68

Recuperó Brasil el mando con el gol, fue creando ocasiones, la mayoría desperdiciadas por Neymar y acabó convencida de que, mientras las demás favoritas dudan o, como Alemania, emprenden el camino de regreso, su paso por Moscú no va a ser anecdótico

Prometen volver para la final.

For more infomation >> Brasil sin especular; gana 2-0 y enfrentará a México - Duration: 3:33.


Ex de Martha Julia la acusa de confundir a su hija con un 'nuevo papá' - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Ex de Martha Julia la acusa de confundir a su hija con un 'nuevo papá' - Duration: 3:03.


WATERLOO, de Karl Grüne, 1929 (muda, francés y alemán, subtítulos español) - Duration: 2:02:02.

For more infomation >> WATERLOO, de Karl Grüne, 1929 (muda, francés y alemán, subtítulos español) - Duration: 2:02:02.


El chupón Iglesias pide en la embriagada TV3 barra libre: "No es sensato que haya presos políticos" - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> El chupón Iglesias pide en la embriagada TV3 barra libre: "No es sensato que haya presos políticos" - Duration: 2:51.


Máxima de Holanda, espectacular reina de rojo - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Máxima de Holanda, espectacular reina de rojo - Duration: 2:18.


✅ Virales de WhatsApp: Aduana descarta el ingreso de arroz envenenado a Chile - Duration: 1:52.

  "Me está comentado una amiga que trabaja en Aduanas que llegó un cargamento de arroz y que no pasó las normas de Sanidad porque trae un virus que sólo se ve en Pakistán

El arroz es de allá y el árabe pagó y sobornó para que le sacaran la mercancía y ya lo distribuyeron

El arroz se llama "Dana" y el empaque es azul y dice hecho en Pakistan (sic). Que por favor no lo vayan a comprar esta (sic) muy contaminado 😱… ¡Compartan esta información! con sus familiares y demás personas"

(foto del paquete de arroz) Este mensaje, difundido por WhatsApp en la última semana, fue desmentido por el Servicio Nacional de Aduanas durante esta tarde, luego de que The Clinic se contactara con el organismo para verificar qué había de cierto en la información

 "Revisados nuestros sistemas, podemos confirmar que no existen importaciones de arroz pakistaní de marca 'Dana' que hayan ingresado por nuestros puntos de control marítimos, terrestres o aéreos durante este año", consignó el servicio

 Además, aportó que según la información que han podido recabar, la misma cadena de WhatsApp ha circulado "desde hace meses en países centroamericanos como Panamá y República Dominicana, y que ha obligado a sus autoridades a desmentir la noticia"

For more infomation >> ✅ Virales de WhatsApp: Aduana descarta el ingreso de arroz envenenado a Chile - Duration: 1:52.


No importan las equivocaciones, ni los alaridos:Mirá el insólito video de la hija de González - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> No importan las equivocaciones, ni los alaridos:Mirá el insólito video de la hija de González - Duration: 1:52.


Zagen Zagen (Original Meme) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Zagen Zagen (Original Meme) - Duration: 0:22.


Maradona se descompensó en el encuentro de fútbol Argentina contra Nigeria - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Maradona se descompensó en el encuentro de fútbol Argentina contra Nigeria - Duration: 4:03.


Alemania, eliminada en primera ronda de un Mundial después de 80 años - Duration: 7:33.

 Suecia, México y Corea del Sur dieron la sorpresa más grande, hasta ahora, en el Mundial de Rusia 2018

 Alemania, el actual campeón del mundo, quedó eliminado en primera ronda del torneo: no fue capaz de superar el también llamado 'Grupo de la muerte', el F

   La caída 'teutona' es muy estruendosa por dos motivos: uno, porque el equipo de Joachim Löw era el defensor del título y dos, porque es la primera vez, en 80 años, que los alemanes no superan la primera ronda

  Artículo La maldición del campeón del mundo Rusia 2018 Alemania está eliminada de Rusia 2018; desde la Copa del Mundo de Corea del Sur - Japón 2002, los campeones defensores han tenido infames presentaciones   La caída de un gigante  Alemania llegó a Rusia a disputar su Mundial número 19, de 21 ediciones que se han llevado a cabo

 Arribó como campeón defensor, con 4 títulos a cuestas y con una racha increíble: 80 años y 16 Mundiales seguidos llegando, mínimo, a los cuartos de final

   Desde Suiza 1954 hasta Brasil 2014, la posición más baja que ocuparon los alemanes fue la séptima (Chile 1962 y en EU 1994)

 La última vez que no superaron la primera ronda fue en Francia 1938, edición en la que cayeron con Suiza en los octavos de final (1-1 en el primer partido y 4-2 en un desempate) y se ubicaron décimos

   Antes de ese Mundial, estuvo en Italia 1934, donde fue tercero, tras vencer a Austria 3-2

Sus posiciones en los MundialesLos únicos Mundiales a los que Alemania no asistió fueron Uruguay 1930 y Brasil 1950 y sus buenas actuaciones le han permitido ubicarse en la segunda posición histórica, con 221 puntos, solo superado por Brasil

   Después de los del 34 y el 38, todo había sido éxitos y buenos desempeños. En Suiza 1954, fue campeón, derrotando a Hungría 3-2 en la final

Cuatro años después, en Suecia, fue cuarto, cayendo con Francia 3-6.  Chile 1962 fue una de las ediciones en las que más bajo quedó, con su séptima casilla: cayó en cuartos 0-1 con Yugoslavia

 En Inglaterra 1966, fue subcampeón: el equipo local el ganó en la final 4-2. Artículo Prensa alemana explota después de la eliminación Rusia 2018 El actual Campeón del Mundo quedó eliminado tras caer frente a Corea del Sur  En México 1970 fue tercero, ganándole el duelo a Uruguay (1-0) y en Alemania 1974, siendo local, fue campeón: venció 2-1 a Holanda

 En Argentina 1978, llegó hasta la segunda ronda, que también se disputaba en ese entonces en grupos

Allí fue superado por Holanda e Italia y estuvo por encima de Austria. Su posición final fue la sexta

   Entre España 1982, México 1986 e Italia 1990 llegó hasta la final. En las dos primeras cayó, contra Italia (3-2) y Argentina (3-1), respectivamente

 Y triunfó en la tercera: 1-0 sobre los argentinos.  En EU 1994 y Francia 1998 cayó en cuartos: Bulgaría le ganó 2-1 y Croacia 3-0, respectivamente

 Su posición final en ambas ediciones fue quinta y séptima.  En Corea y Japón 2002 perdió una nueva final: Brasil lo superó 2-0

Y cuatro años después, siendo local nuevamente, fue tercero (derrotó 3-1 a Portugal)

 En Sudáfrica 2010 repitió tercera casilla: superó 3-2 a Uruguay. Y hace 4 años, en Brasil, se coronó campeón, con 1-0 sobre Argentina

Fracaso en Rusia Lo peor para Alemania en Rusia 2018 fue no solo la eliminación: su ubicación final en el grupo fue la última

 Primero quedó Suecia, con 6 puntos y +3 en diferencia de gol. Segundo fue México, con 6 unidades y -1

Tercero fue Corea del Sur, con 3 puntos y +2 y último el cuadro 'teutón', con 3 unidades y -2

Artículo Corea elimina a Alemania y ayuda a México Rusia 2018 Los coreanos derrotan por dos goles a los actuales campeones del mundo y los elimina de Rusia 2018  Sus estadísticas generales fueron: 3 partidos jugados, dos perdidos y uno ganado, 2 goles marcados y 4 recibidos, 4 tarjetas amarillas y 1 roja

 Y hay más: su derrota con México, en la fecha 1 (1-0), fue la primera en 7 partidos jugados contra equipos de la Concacaf en Mundiales

Los 6 anteriores habían sido: 2 contra los mexicanos (un triunfo y un empate), 3 contra Estados Unidos (todos con victoria) y 1 contra Costa Rica (triunfo)

 Además, su caída con Corea del Sur (2-0 en la última jornada) también fue la primera contra rivales asiáticos en 4 encuentros disputados en Mundiales

Los 3 anteriores habían sido: 2 contra los mismos coreanos (triunfos ambos) y 1 frente a Irán (victoria)

Artículo "Corea, hermana, ya eres mexicana" Rusia 2018 Los aficionados mexicanos acudieron a la Embajada de Corea para celebrar, por lo que el embajador Kim Sang-il, salió del edificio y coreó junto con una joven el clásico "Cielito Lindo"; en el Zócalo, levantan en hombros a aficionados coreanos

For more infomation >> Alemania, eliminada en primera ronda de un Mundial después de 80 años - Duration: 7:33.


💓 YOU're in MY HEART FOREVER 💓 I LOVE YOU & HEART BEAT ASMR - Duration: 13:16.

Hello my love!

How are you?

Wow, I don't even know where to start.

You make my heart pound so fast

and I can't even catch my breath.

You give me many "tingles" all over my body

and you're all I think about.

I've never had a love like this before

and I've never felt this way.

I love you so much,

and you don't even know it.

Sometimes I get scared about showing it.

I know you'll find it hard to believe me

if I tell you how much you mean to me.

I've never felt like this before.

I don't know how to pour out my feelings for you now.

I want to find the perfect words to make you realize

how much I need you and love you.

There are no words that I can speak,

no song that I can sing,

and no gesture that I can show,

to prove my love for you,

for the love I have for you has no definition.

How can I describe the sheer joy I feel with the very thought of you?

You causes my heart to beat faster

and my smile to widen.

You have opened my heart and awakened my soul.

Unruly my love

Loves another for a year already

The same walls and flowers,

the same people and poems

The same thoughts and words aloud

Love me, love hot fire

Night and day, heart burning

Love me, love me,

do not fly away

Do not disappear, I beg you.

Love me, love! Love me, love!

I beg you!

I love you, so please know that I always will.

For more infomation >> 💓 YOU're in MY HEART FOREVER 💓 I LOVE YOU & HEART BEAT ASMR - Duration: 13:16.


SR-71과 U-2 - 전략정찰기 | korean army 24h - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> SR-71과 U-2 - 전략정찰기 | korean army 24h - Duration: 11:28.


Assemblymember Chiu Responds to U. S Supreme Court Decision on Reproductive FACT Act - Duration: 2:41.

we are here to talk about the nifflas vs Becerra decision a 5-4 decision

against women against constitutional rights against our Civil Rights

providing pregnant women access to timely and accurate medical information

should not have been a controversial issue these fake health centers are

dangerous to women's health and unfortunately today the slimmest

majority of the Supreme Court gave in to extreme anti choice groups that have

spent millions of dollars to control the lives of women and ban abortion in the

United States and that was the decision decided by one vote today is a stark

reminder that under a Supreme Court with a trump majority reproductive rights are

more vulnerable than ever three years ago when Assemblymember Burke and I

decided to author the reproductive fact Act we didn't think it was going to be a

big deal it's a very simple bill the fact Act helps pregnant women have

access to timely and accurate information about their reproductive

health options since patient needs must come first our law said that if a health

clinic was not a licensed medical facility

there's a one-sentence notice that required that clinic explained that for

a licensed clinic there's a two-sentence notice that briefly describes the range

of public programs available to pregnant women in our state that was it

unfortunately there are fake health centers across America the last estimate

over 2,700 across the country over 370 in our state fake health centers that

try to deceive women with deceptive advertising misleading websites false

information such as information that is in these pamphlets these pamphlets

describe and suggests that if women were to go into a legitimate health clinic

and exercise the right to choose they would be vulnerable to breast cancer

suicide depression and not have children in the future it's been clear in the law

that when it comes to consumers and patients the public has a right to

receive fact-based information we regulate auto body shops we regulate

nail salons we regulate lawyers and doctors we

allow them to lie but somehow in this instance five justices of the US Supreme

Court said this is okay and said that that women don't deserve to receive a

two-line notice explain to them that in the state of California they have a

right to pregnancy services prenatal care or an abortion

For more infomation >> Assemblymember Chiu Responds to U. S Supreme Court Decision on Reproductive FACT Act - Duration: 2:41.


M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Kłótnia u Mostowiaków! Natalka wygarnie Uli co o niej myśli - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Kłótnia u Mostowiaków! Natalka wygarnie Uli co o niej myśli - Duration: 2:07.


🔴 NEW "Playground 1v1 Mode" Is Here! (Fortnite: Battle Royale LIVE Gameplay) - Duration: 5:29:45.

For more infomation >> 🔴 NEW "Playground 1v1 Mode" Is Here! (Fortnite: Battle Royale LIVE Gameplay) - Duration: 5:29:45.


Maxine Waters Got Career-Ending Surprise The Second She Showed Up To Town Hall Meeting - Duration: 4:44.

Violent Maxine Got Career-Ending Surprise The Second She Showed Up To Town Hall Meeting.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters has seemingly filled the position that race-baiter poverty

pimp Al Sharpton once held in society.

As she goes around her area of Inglewood, California holding Town Hall meetings to slander

our president and profit off of political divisiveness, people are becoming wise to

her disguise and are sick of her scandalous antics.

It seems to have caught up with her this past weekend when she got a career-ending surprise

she wasn't expecting the second she showed up.

Waters didn't get her nickname of "Mad Max" for nothing.

She has lost her mind in her neverending pursuit to take down President Donald Trump, including

believing that "mean tweets" is a legitimate reason for his impeachment.

Her loud, nonsensical benders aimed at our president have made her the newest mouthpiece

of the Democratic party for which they are apparently proud of.

However, her absurdness just reached a new, ridiculous level that caught up with her in

the most brutal way at her own event.

Outside the Inglewood High School where her meeting was set to take place, Maxine was

greeted with some not-so-friendly street art by the infamous conservative Sabo who has

had enough of her, along with the rest of us.

The American Mirror reports:

"A bench sign highlighted the Time magazine report this week that President Trump gets

two scoops of ice cream while White House guests receive one."

"'Impeach Trump!' the poster says near Inglewood High School."

"A bus shelter poster blares 'Impeach Maxine Waters' with Waters' face superimposed

over James Brown's mugshot."

"'Race baiter, old & out of touch, poverty pimp,' the poster reads.

"End this abusive marriage by divorcing yourself from the Democratic Party."

The street artist included other clever details to send his clear message, including street

signs he created to look real and added to the corner posts.

Inside the event, Waters' supporters who are as depraved as she is, began getting out

of hand when they realized that there was a Trump supporter in attendance.

This kind of behavior to was the congresswoman attracts and even encourages with racist hate

speeches of blaming anything and everything on white people.

One enraged man began yelling at the conservative in the crowd, "go back to Europe, go back

to England– and Irish, too.

That's where you're going to go back," making no sense and not a valid point, just

ranting and waving at the camera like the racist coward he is.

"I'm not from England," the Trump supporter who was filming the altercation responded.

Before storming away after having been shut down, the Waters supporter got the last word

in by calling the conservative a "pilgrim."

The liberal idiot was clearly upset by having the tables turned on him when fed-up conservatives

took over Waters' racist Town Hall meeting, by showing up in droves to outnumber them.

This was only in addition to the perfectly insulting street art right outside this venue.

Liberals are great at making stupid people famous, which is how Maxine Waters gets so

much face time with the public.

Without any real points to be made politically, "Auntie Maxine," as the left affectionally

calls her, she's made her career off of hating Trump and rallying up idiots to do

the same.

Maxine Waters has become a local hero after the 2016 election where now President Donald

Trump beat the crap out of Crooked Hillary Clinton and her criminal machine.

All Waters has done since then is attack President Trump constantly and with no basis to her


Which of course her Ignorant Liberal fans, who affectionately call her 'Auntie Maxine,'

don't care.

We know all too well facts and truths aren't things that have ever stopped the left.

Just look at the late President Richard Nixon who had to resign for a lot less than Democrat

Presidents Bill Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama did."

It's time for Maxine Waters to find her way out of politics since she does nothing

but incite hate and further the divide.

However, like Sharpton, it's been profitable for her and therefore she's not going anywhere

anytime too soon.

She's been warned by Trump's attorney to stop running her mouth and publicly convicting

him without proof, but can't still can't seem to quit it.

If anyone needs to be impeached it's "Mad Max."

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Maxine Waters Got Career-Ending Surprise The Second She Showed Up To Town Hall Meeting - Duration: 4:44.


Brzo oblikovanje tijela-Med Contour Multipower - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Brzo oblikovanje tijela-Med Contour Multipower - Duration: 0:57.


Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found A 1959 DDO! - Duration: 7:21.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got ourselves another

penny box to hunt this is the second box of my two box pickup from Wells Fargo my

last box actually had nine wheat cents so a pretty good amount - a little better than my

average nothing really old though it actually had a wheat cent ender in it as

well now I've already opened this box obviously I like to do that to make sure

they're circulated coins they are there is no glaring Enders in this box at

least that I can see on this side we'll be checking both sides as I go through them

at the end of the day here's what we're gonna do we're gonna start the hunt

we're gonna start with this roll and work our way around and it looks like

we've got one of those almost out of paper white rolls

all right let's get to hunting alright guys we're on roll number three and I'll

check this wheat cent in a second but I bring you in not for the wheat cent I

bring you in for this 1959 d you guys know I pull out all my 1959's

I haven't been scrutinizing I'm a whole bucket of them that I've got to go

through but in the last couple of months I have been scrutinizing them under the

microscope when I got the microscope... in 1959 this is a confirmed look at a 1959

re punched mint mark D over D alright now that's an MS 65 coin there so it's

in really good shape here's mine under the microscope 1959 D look at the

markers you can see the edge of the the bottom left of the D on both of them

matter of fact I'll just show it to you you can see this marker here as well as

this whole D down here and if you look at this we've got that as well as that I'm

thinking I just found a 1959 D over D repunched mint mark I'm pretty certain

obviously it's not as clean as the MS 65 but it's still in my opinion that's it

let me know your thoughts have I found it? I believe I have so that my friend is

a pretty cool find 1959 d repunched mint mark D over D

while I have you here we found a wheat cent as well in the same roll so let's

take a look at it together and it's a nice 1945 s roll number six

got another wheat cent right here a fifty one Denver roll #8 guys got a

wheat cent right here could be a little old 45 d we'll take it now we got a 45 s

and a 45 D to go along with the 51 D roll ten guys and this box is starting

off pretty hot we're gonna have a fourth wheat cent already and it's a forty six

it's good seeing these in the 40s let's see if we can get them a little bit

older maybe in the 30s or the 20s I'm not complaining though box is staying

hot roll 11 another wheat cent it's only a 57 d this time but it's another

wheat cent very next roll roll 12 another wheat cent and this one's a 34

Philadelphia Wow I'll take it that is already six wheat cents and we

average between six and seven sometimes we get more but that's about what we

average and we're already there twelve rolls in

alright guys roll 24 and we had six wheat cents in the first 12 and now only

one so far in the next 12 but it's a wheat cent it'll be number seven and it's

a 57 D roll 26 back on the wheat cent train here 1945 plane will take it so

now we have an S a D and a plain we completed the 45 year let's look for

more eh, that one looks pretty suspicious it is a wheat cent! 1940

Philadelphia we'll take that as well and that's our second oldest of the box and

that makes three five seven nine already alright let's keep looking alright 34th

roll of the box and we're gonna have our 10th wheat cent it's always good

to get in double digits and this one looks pretty worn 1940 Philadelphia got

some dings on the front but that is now our sixth from the 40s three from the

50s and one for the 30s 10 wheat cents roll 36 guys we're gonna have our 11th

wheat cent here and that looks pretty old as well 46 roll 38 and have wheat

cent number 12

57d same roll another wheat cent 58 d add it to the collection roll 48

everyone we're gonna have our fourteenth wheat cent here 1945 Denver again

alright another from the 40s last for all the box and if you ask you shall

receive I guess cuz we found another wheat penny here 1957 Philadelphia we

will take that coin all day 15 wheat pennies in the box that ties my old

record other than the record-breaking box where I found 23 is there anymore

while I got you here let's just do a quick pan over got some oldies but I don't see any

Wheaties all right we'll finish this up and we'll get you a roundup well that's

embarrassing I guess I didn't notice it but halfway through the roll we have a 44

Philadelphia if there's another one here I'll be really embarrassed all right I

don't think there is this time all right everyone another box of pennies hunted

it was a good box three pounds 2 ounces of copper I mean look at how many 2009's

we got there's not a lot of keepers in there but there's 23 2009's we got two

1959's as well as the 1959 d over d which I'm keeping

aside because I'm going to slab that up and then we got 16 wheat cents we got

six from the 50s nine from the 40s and the find at the box

other than the 59 there is this 1934 Philadelphia oldest of the box that

was a fun hunt hopefully you enjoyed it with me if you did please give the video

a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found A 1959 DDO! - Duration: 7:21.


Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:06.


Secret Service Comes To Sarah Huckabee Sanders' Defense - Duration: 6:14.

BREAKING: Secret Service Just Rushed In To Save Sarah Against Insane Leftists, She Can't

Catch A Break!

In an effort to protect White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders from the

unhinged, and vile attacks she has suffered recently, the White House has made the decision,

that she will now receive temporary Secret Service protection.

As the left continues to ramp up violent rhetoric, and harassment it is only a matter of time

until another Conservative, Republican, or member of the Trump administration is targeted

for violence.

Sanders was recently asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia Sunday

when co-owner, Stephanie Wilkinson asked her to leave due to her disagreement with Sanders'

employer, President Donald Trump.

The restaurant's owner sanctimoniously declared the establishment has to uphold "certain


Evidently, Wilkinson means the standard of resisting President Trump, and in her case

resistance means refusing to serve steak or french fries, or a hen of the reddish variety

something – to an employee of the man they loathe because they are so very "tolerant,"

or something like that.

This was the latest in a series of episodes of heckling or harassment targeting Trump

administration officials, and it kickstarted a national debate on civility in American


It seems to have kickstarted a firestorm of criticisms on both sides of the aisle.

Some in support and others…well, not so much.

Sanders herself addressed the issue head-on as she is known for doing in the Monday press

briefing, stating – "We are allowed to disagree, but we should be able to do so freely

and without fear of harm.

And this goes for all people regardless of politics.

Some have chosen to push hate, and vandalism against the restaurant that I was asked to

leave from.

A Hollywood actor publicly encouraged people to kidnap my children."

It seems that Virginia is not for lovers, but merely lovers of political correctness.

Political correctness, in this case, means that if you disagree with someone's employer,

or their political stance then you must call for deviants to kidnap their children, accost

and berate them in public places, call for violence against them, or in the case of House

Majority Whip Steve Scalise, shoot them.

After Rep. Maxine Waters recently called for the harassment, and refusal of service to

anyone who works in the Trump administration, Scalise made the assertion that civility and

respect would prevail.

In response, people told Scalise, the victim of a political assassination attempt, received

some seriously telling responses.

This political correctness is quickly approaching dangerous, and irrational levels the likes

of which we have never witnessed before in this country.

In the age of social media, anyone can seize an opportunity to publicly take a stand against

President Trump, and know that it could easily become national news, and give them their

15 minutes of fame in the process.

As the 2018 midterm elections grow ever closer, and the left continues to devolve, the right

continues to invigorate their base and bring in rational independents who are sick of the

hatred, violence, and insanity.

A new commercial entitled "The Left in 2018: Unhinged," showcases how the Democratic

Party has been radicalizing.

The ad opens with the voice of Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT-I) speaking.

He states – "A few years ago, ideas that we talked about were thought to be fringe

ideas, radical ideas, extremist ideas — those ideas are now mainstream," over footage

of graffiti that reads "revolution or d***h" and Kathy Griffin holding President Trump's

severed head.

As the ad continues it shows the bullying of White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders,

Johnny Depp talking about assassinating the president, and Madonna talking about blowing

up the White House.

The ad does not mention or specifically endorse any GOP candidates, it simply highlights events

of the last two years in America.

Perhaps we have celebrities like Robert De Niro, Samantha Bee, Michelle Wolf, and Peter

Fonda to thank for leading the leftist mob down this road to what is approaching near


And the mainstream media propaganda mouthpiece enables it all, so much so that the end result

has been that the American public is now beginning to believe that this radically violent behavior

is simply the new normal.

It is not normal.

It is dangerous.

Make no mistake, this is not just about President Trump or even a referendum on Republicans

or Conservatives.

Even if Vice President Mike Pence was president, this would still be happening.

Colleges and universities continue to radicalize students and the cultural Marxists increasingly

turn to violence in an effort to bully their way to public policies.

Hollywood celebrities use their platforms of fame and notoriety to instigate behavior

and the far left mimics them.

Then the media enables it all by broadcasting it far and wide.

One could take notes fom Sanders as she continues to be the adult in the room.

She left the Red Hen without a scene, simply tweeting out after the fact – "Last night

I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and

I politely left.

Her actions say far more about her than about me.

I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will

continue to do so."

Sanders has yet to kick anyone out of the briefing room to "uphold certain standards"

and it is unlikely you will, despite many calling her actions justified if she did so.

And she has yet to take to Twitter to call anyone four-letter words or wish them d**d

or call for the public beating of another human being or the kidnapping of their children

or any number of other vile things recently called for by others.

It seems those that claim to represent "certain standards"- including tolerance, love, and

inclusiveness – should stand up and take notice.

This is what it looks like.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Secret Service Comes To Sarah Huckabee Sanders' Defense - Duration: 6:14.


Uomini e Donne news, la conferma di Luigi: "Con Sara è finita" | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, la conferma di Luigi: "Con Sara è finita" | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Daniele Bossari fotografato con un'altra donna, ma precisa: 'Non ho tradito la Lagerback' - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Daniele Bossari fotografato con un'altra donna, ma precisa: 'Non ho tradito la Lagerback' - Duration: 3:31.


Alberto Mezzetti del GF esce a cena con Barbara D'Urso: "C'è stato un bacio sulla guancia" - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Alberto Mezzetti del GF esce a cena con Barbara D'Urso: "C'è stato un bacio sulla guancia" - Duration: 2:50.


Uomini e Donne, Sara si svela: la crisi con Luigi e vari rumors | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Sara si svela: la crisi con Luigi e vari rumors | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:45.


ヨッシーストーリー #5 『うみといえばクラゲボン』 Yoshi's Story - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> ヨッシーストーリー #5 『うみといえばクラゲボン』 Yoshi's Story - Duration: 12:30.


Man Utd news: Martin O'Neill criticises Nemanja Matic and makes United and Chelsea claim - Duration: 1:31.

 That is the opinion of pundit and Republic of Ireland manager Martin O'Neill. Matic was on the losing side as Brazil won 2-0 to secure their spot in the last-16

 Goals from Paulinho and Thiago Silva sent Serbia packing, with Switzerland joining Brazil in the knockout stages from Group F

 Matic was marking Silva at a corner for his goal but lost him and his mistake proved costly

 And O'Neill was surprised with the error from the Manchester United man. "I'm surprised at Matic because he usually can pick up players well when he's playing for Manchester United or Chelsea before that," he said

 "But he's far, far too tight to Thiago Silva and then loses him in that little race

 "He's just too tight, he should come round a little bit more.  "Thiago Silva, or anyone, is always going to beat him in a race here

 "He is thinking attackingly and Matic is thinking defensively. "It's a poor goal from Serbia's viewpoint

That affectively kills off the game."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Martin O'Neill criticises Nemanja Matic and makes United and Chelsea claim - Duration: 1:31.





ドンキーコングリターンズ3D #10『洗礼!! どうくつエリア』 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Duration: 20:48.

For more infomation >> ドンキーコングリターンズ3D #10『洗礼!! どうくつエリア』 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Duration: 20:48.


mmd PRECIOUS WHEN YOU SMILE MEME (+motion dl) - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> mmd PRECIOUS WHEN YOU SMILE MEME (+motion dl) - Duration: 0:39.


Suiza avanza a Octavos tras empate con Costa Rica - Duration: 2:13.

 La selección nacional de Suiza consiguió, este miércoles, su boleto a los Octavos de Final en la Copa del Mundo Rusia 2018, luego de empatar 2-2 ante el conjunto de Costa Rica en el Estadio Nizhni Nóvgorod

  Ya sin nada por disputar, el combinado tico arrancó la primera parte con mucha intensidad y gestando constantes oportunidades de gol dentro del área suiza; sin embargo, los centroamericanos no pudieron reflejar la superioridad en el marcador

   Tras pasar la media hora de juego el dinamismo del cotejo disminuyó, pero los costarricenses eran los que lucían, aún, mejor en el campo

A pesar de ello, Blerim Džemaili dio la ventaja, al 31', a los europeos con un tiro dentro del área de Navas

  Para el segundo tiempo los papeles se intercambiaron, debido a que 'Los navajos' iniciaron controlando las acciones, aunque fueron los centroamericanos quienes encontraron el fondo de la red; lo cual, sucedió gracias a un cabezazo de Kendall Waston mediante un tiro de esquina (56')

 Josip Drmić anotó el segundo para los europeos al 88', mientras que Bryan Ruiz efectuó lo propio, de penal, al 93' para los ticos

  Suiza calificó a la siguiente ronda del Mundial 2018 como segundo del Grupo E, y se verá las caras en Octavos con Suecia el próximo martes 3 de julio en San Petersburgo

For more infomation >> Suiza avanza a Octavos tras empate con Costa Rica - Duration: 2:13.


Nightcore - I'll Bring The Fire - Duration: 3:08.

It tastes sweet on my lips and I like it,

You're like the kick and the bass, move in the place

You know just what to do to excite me,

With the blink of an eye, you got me high

Fallin' in love with you..

I like it boy, I like you boy,

I can't get enough of you..

I want some more, I want some more

You bring the beat,

And baby I'll bring the fire

You bring the beat,

And I'mma bring it, I'll bring the fire!

Ye-ye-yeah, ye-ye-yeah

I'll bring the fire!

Ye-ye-yeah, ye-ye-yeah

Or let it burn..

Or let it burn

Ye-ye-yeah, ye-ye-yeah

I'll bring the fire!


Or let it burn

I'll bring the fire

Or let it burn

You bring the beat,

And baby I'll bring the fire

You bring the beat,

And I'mma bring it, I'll bring the fire

Can't live without my addiction,

'Till your touch and your kiss live in the place

Obsessed to the point of addiction,

You know just where I am, right by my man

You want me over..

Take me where I stand

Come pull me closer,

Ignite me on command!

And I'll bring the fire!

Ye-ye-yeah, ye-ye-yeah

I'll bring the fire

Ye-ye-yeah, ye-ye-yeah

I'll bring the fire

Or let it burn

Or let it burn

You bring the beat,

And baby I'll bring the fire

You bring the beat,

And I'mma bring it, I'll bring the fire

For more infomation >> Nightcore - I'll Bring The Fire - Duration: 3:08.


One dead in crash on I-70 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> One dead in crash on I-70 - Duration: 0:40.


'I accidentally shot my friend,' teen accused in fatal shooting says - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 'I accidentally shot my friend,' teen accused in fatal shooting says - Duration: 1:48.


Lettuce Grown Four Ways - Duration: 8:39.

My name's Jeb and the music is back

I'm building a wicking bed

I put holes in the support rods to let air in

This has a lot of peat moss in it

I'm making sure the net cup wick has plenty of soil in it

Super Greensand

59 percent Silicon Dioxide derived from Greensand

This Super Greensand is an organic source of silica

I'm going to add it to one of these and find out what happens

Did that one already get that?

Oh I'm putting it in one and not the other

That's how we do a comparison

Right? This one doesn't have any of the green stuff

And this one does

So if this one grows better

Then we know something about that green stuff

If nothing happens, well

Maybe it doesn't do too much

Got to try this with some hydroponics too

The rain isn't going to over fill these totes

Romaine Lettuce

Day 5

Day 10

I'm going to put 20 grams of Super Greensand in one of these (hydroponic totes)

Day 19

Germination was better in the bed with silica

Day 23

My wicking beds are too dry

So the lettuce isn't growing well there

The plants in the hydroponics are spoiled as usual

Except for a little bird damage

This one died because it didn't get a root in the water fast enough


Day 26

This bed closer to us has the Super Greensand

It'll be interesting to see if there is a moisture retention difference between the two

The hydroponic lettuce looks real nice though


Day 40 - I'm top watering both of these now

This one (with the Super Greensand) is doing better though

Day 48

There is quite a bit of pest damage on all of the lettuce

I'm going to measure the usable and unusable and see if there is a difference

Super Greensand Pest Damage 306 grams

Control Pest Damage 420 grams

Super Greensand Harvest 208 grams

Control Harvest 204 grams

All those fancy numbers got me hungry for some yummy lettuce

And no

I didn't make the dressing myself

Share with a Friend!

For more infomation >> Lettuce Grown Four Ways - Duration: 8:39.


Wasted Clamp Restoration - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Wasted Clamp Restoration - Duration: 4:29.


Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found A 1959 DDO! - Duration: 7:21.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and we've got ourselves another

penny box to hunt this is the second box of my two box pickup from Wells Fargo my

last box actually had nine wheat cents so a pretty good amount - a little better than my

average nothing really old though it actually had a wheat cent ender in it as

well now I've already opened this box obviously I like to do that to make sure

they're circulated coins they are there is no glaring Enders in this box at

least that I can see on this side we'll be checking both sides as I go through them

at the end of the day here's what we're gonna do we're gonna start the hunt

we're gonna start with this roll and work our way around and it looks like

we've got one of those almost out of paper white rolls

all right let's get to hunting alright guys we're on roll number three and I'll

check this wheat cent in a second but I bring you in not for the wheat cent I

bring you in for this 1959 d you guys know I pull out all my 1959's

I haven't been scrutinizing I'm a whole bucket of them that I've got to go

through but in the last couple of months I have been scrutinizing them under the

microscope when I got the microscope... in 1959 this is a confirmed look at a 1959

re punched mint mark D over D alright now that's an MS 65 coin there so it's

in really good shape here's mine under the microscope 1959 D look at the

markers you can see the edge of the the bottom left of the D on both of them

matter of fact I'll just show it to you you can see this marker here as well as

this whole D down here and if you look at this we've got that as well as that I'm

thinking I just found a 1959 D over D repunched mint mark I'm pretty certain

obviously it's not as clean as the MS 65 but it's still in my opinion that's it

let me know your thoughts have I found it? I believe I have so that my friend is

a pretty cool find 1959 d repunched mint mark D over D

while I have you here we found a wheat cent as well in the same roll so let's

take a look at it together and it's a nice 1945 s roll number six

got another wheat cent right here a fifty one Denver roll #8 guys got a

wheat cent right here could be a little old 45 d we'll take it now we got a 45 s

and a 45 D to go along with the 51 D roll ten guys and this box is starting

off pretty hot we're gonna have a fourth wheat cent already and it's a forty six

it's good seeing these in the 40s let's see if we can get them a little bit

older maybe in the 30s or the 20s I'm not complaining though box is staying

hot roll 11 another wheat cent it's only a 57 d this time but it's another

wheat cent very next roll roll 12 another wheat cent and this one's a 34

Philadelphia Wow I'll take it that is already six wheat cents and we

average between six and seven sometimes we get more but that's about what we

average and we're already there twelve rolls in

alright guys roll 24 and we had six wheat cents in the first 12 and now only

one so far in the next 12 but it's a wheat cent it'll be number seven and it's

a 57 D roll 26 back on the wheat cent train here 1945 plane will take it so

now we have an S a D and a plain we completed the 45 year let's look for

more eh, that one looks pretty suspicious it is a wheat cent! 1940

Philadelphia we'll take that as well and that's our second oldest of the box and

that makes three five seven nine already alright let's keep looking alright 34th

roll of the box and we're gonna have our 10th wheat cent it's always good

to get in double digits and this one looks pretty worn 1940 Philadelphia got

some dings on the front but that is now our sixth from the 40s three from the

50s and one for the 30s 10 wheat cents roll 36 guys we're gonna have our 11th

wheat cent here and that looks pretty old as well 46 roll 38 and have wheat

cent number 12

57d same roll another wheat cent 58 d add it to the collection roll 48

everyone we're gonna have our fourteenth wheat cent here 1945 Denver again

alright another from the 40s last for all the box and if you ask you shall

receive I guess cuz we found another wheat penny here 1957 Philadelphia we

will take that coin all day 15 wheat pennies in the box that ties my old

record other than the record-breaking box where I found 23 is there anymore

while I got you here let's just do a quick pan over got some oldies but I don't see any

Wheaties all right we'll finish this up and we'll get you a roundup well that's

embarrassing I guess I didn't notice it but halfway through the roll we have a 44

Philadelphia if there's another one here I'll be really embarrassed all right I

don't think there is this time all right everyone another box of pennies hunted

it was a good box three pounds 2 ounces of copper I mean look at how many 2009's

we got there's not a lot of keepers in there but there's 23 2009's we got two

1959's as well as the 1959 d over d which I'm keeping

aside because I'm going to slab that up and then we got 16 wheat cents we got

six from the 50s nine from the 40s and the find at the box

other than the 59 there is this 1934 Philadelphia oldest of the box that

was a fun hunt hopefully you enjoyed it with me if you did please give the video

a thumbs up and as always everyone thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Coin Roll Hunting Pennies - Found A 1959 DDO! - Duration: 7:21.



There are a lot. Of bumps on this road so many cyclists so be careful

and now

Rev matching!

This car is very powerful

I know you drive the car at the moment I am not anxious at all.

Even if I feel a bit like that obviously with the gears you are not perfectly used to the car at the moment. it's obviously natural

But anyway I'm not afraid for the car and I'm not afraid for my



So I transferred this passion to you.

Dad definitely did not transfer me this passion.

Yesterday he complained about the noise of the car and that I was going too fast

This road is not smooth

No not at all

What does that mean? It means that you have a sporty driving style.

No we don't say these things on Youtube.

We have always respected all speed limits

He's stopping for us. Honk and thank you. Did the lady do it on purpose? Yes, see.

The car really pushes me back in my seat. But this is still nothing. I imagine.

I do not want to experiment. Because I always say this, this is a naturally aspirated engine. The more it revs the more power it has.

It is not a motor with a turbo that immediately pushes you back.

At the beginning. This engine needs to rev.

And what do you say of the sound?

For me it's a little too strong. Intrusive?

it's a bit exaggerated for me

Oh no! The person on the bicycle is coming, let me go.

Accelerate in second gear!

Let it rev!

Don't change gears

Now having only driven the car for 10 minutes

what are your impressions?

Well it's a sports car I would never have imagined to drive one

You confront me with so many things in life. And it's a beautiful thing. I'm glad you're happy.

That you get to play with this

What is the most powerful car you've ever driven? This one, 5 liter engine.

For more infomation >> I CAN'T BELIEVE I LET HER DRIVE MY CAR! - Duration: 6:19.


💓 YOU're in MY HEART FOREVER 💓 I LOVE YOU & HEART BEAT ASMR - Duration: 13:16.

Hello my love!

How are you?

Wow, I don't even know where to start.

You make my heart pound so fast

and I can't even catch my breath.

You give me many "tingles" all over my body

and you're all I think about.

I've never had a love like this before

and I've never felt this way.

I love you so much,

and you don't even know it.

Sometimes I get scared about showing it.

I know you'll find it hard to believe me

if I tell you how much you mean to me.

I've never felt like this before.

I don't know how to pour out my feelings for you now.

I want to find the perfect words to make you realize

how much I need you and love you.

There are no words that I can speak,

no song that I can sing,

and no gesture that I can show,

to prove my love for you,

for the love I have for you has no definition.

How can I describe the sheer joy I feel with the very thought of you?

You causes my heart to beat faster

and my smile to widen.

You have opened my heart and awakened my soul.

Unruly my love

Loves another for a year already

The same walls and flowers,

the same people and poems

The same thoughts and words aloud

Love me, love hot fire

Night and day, heart burning

Love me, love me,

do not fly away

Do not disappear, I beg you.

Love me, love! Love me, love!

I beg you!

I love you, so please know that I always will.

For more infomation >> 💓 YOU're in MY HEART FOREVER 💓 I LOVE YOU & HEART BEAT ASMR - Duration: 13:16.


Zagen Zagen (Original Meme) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Zagen Zagen (Original Meme) - Duration: 0:22.


I-TEAM: New lawsuit filed against Riverside Chevrolet - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> I-TEAM: New lawsuit filed against Riverside Chevrolet - Duration: 1:54.


Top 10 Jurassic World Fan Theories - Duration: 10:33.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

We've talked a lot about the Jurassic World franchise recently, and it's been fun going

outside of comic books for a bit.

But one thing that we here at Top 10 Nerd love to do is talk fan theories.

And Jurassic World has quite a few really cool ones.

Now, of course, Fallen Kingdom just came out, so we don't really have too many theories

about that quite yet.

But there are a bunch of neat Theories surrounding the franchise as a whole that is actually

pretty darn interesting.

So let's talk about them, from the totally believable, to the laughably ridiculous.

It should be pretty much spoiler-free for the new film, but if there is one, I'll

warn ya.

If you finish this and want more, check out our video on the Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

Easter Eggs next!

But first, get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Fan Theories About Jurassic World!

Number 10: Indominus Rex wasn't the first hybrid.

In the Jurassic blank movies, that includes both Park and World, all the dinosaurs are

kind of hybrids.

This is because they had to fill in some of the holes in their DNA with frog DNA.

But other than that, most of the dinos are believed to be true to form.

However, some believe that the Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park 3 was truly the first hybrid.

This is for a few reasons.

For one, it didn't look quite like we now believe it would look, but that could just

be the result of creative or scientific differences.

The big kicker though is how it managed to beat out the T Rex in the movie.

Many fans were enraged, claiming that the T Rex should have won, but maybe, just maybe,

the Spino had a little help.

It could be that it was the first attempt at combining DNA, and the aesthetic changes

and extra fighting ability were because it had special DNA powers like Indominus Rex.


Number 9: Karen and Claire Escaped from The Village.

Hey, remember The Village?

That movie where Bryce Dallas Howard and Judy Greer play sisters in a village stuck in the

19th century?

And hey, remember Jurassic world?

Where they're once again playing sisters?

Yeah, that's basically all there is to this theory.

That, and the idea that Ivy spending all her time trapped

in the wrong time, would lead her to be

operations manager for a park filled with dinosaurs, who are trapped in the wrong time.

Which is, admittedly, pretty darn cool.

It's a pretty funny coincidence, and fun to think about, but it's pretty unlikely, especially

considering Ivy, who would become Claire, was actually blind in The Village.

But Claire could definitely see in Jurassic World.

Otherwise, how the damn hell would she have run so well in those heels?

Maybe modern medicine restored her sight, but it's probably more likely that it's just

different characters.

Yeah, this one's pretty stupid, and almost definitely not true, since they've clearly

had time to develop kids and lives and, ya know, the sense of sight in Claire's case,

but it's fun to kick around.

Number 8: The Dino Escape was an Inside Job.

This theory put forth by The Film Theorists, claims that the escape was actually intentional,

with the hopes of convincing the government to finance Velociraptor military research.

And it actually makes sense.

For one, the video theory points out that while the I Rex does have both the ability

to camouflage, and to change its heat signature, it almost certainly couldn't do both at

the same time.

This is because it gains its heat-related abilities from a tree frog, which changes

its heat signature by changing its color so that it reflects more or less heat.

So unless the colors required to blend in heat-wise just happened to cause it to blend

in perfectly with its surroundings, it looks like someone was tampering with the censors.

There's also the question of why they didn't just check for its tracker, instead of going


Well, this all makes more sense if you assume that Dr. Wu was in on it.

This theory states that he intentionally let the Indominus Rex escape so that they would

be forced to use the Velociraptors sooner than planned, and hopefully this would convince

the government to move forward on the project.

Of course, it's not foolproof, you're basically saying "Oh no, this dino we created

escaped because we're incompetent, so let us make even more dinos and train them to


That will go over great!"

But it definitely makes the stupidity of the 4th damn dino escape a bit more palatable.

Number 7: It takes place in the MCU.

Okay, truth be told, this one's totally ridiculous, but on the other hand, superheroes.

Nuff said.

This theory states that Jurassic World actually takes place within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This is based on just one fact, and it's a hell of a stretch: Chris Pratt and Vincent

D'Onofrio are in both.

Pratt, of course, plays Owen Grady in Jurassic World, as well as Peter Quill in the MCU,

and D'Onofrio plays both Vic Hoskins in Jurassic World and Wilson Fisk in Daredevil.

"But Ron," you may ask, "that's so stupid I can't even begin to-" SHHHHHHH.


It's okay.

There's an explanation.


That's right, this theory has the cohones to pull a straight up Prestige on us, and

claims that each character has a twin involved in the Marvel storyline.

Although I gotta say, it DOES explain how Owen manages to do so many insane things,

but that can also be explained away with "because it's a movie".

But really, if it WAS in the MCU, and dinos escaped, I feel like there would be a bunch

of Stark suits showing up to contain everything.

But maybe it's in a different universe…

Number 6: Jurassic World is in the Orange is the New Black Universe.

That's right, move over MCU, this is the true answer.

Fans of OITNB, okay, not calling it THAT anymore, may know where I'm coming from.

There was one actor who played a super similar role in both things: Lauren Lapkus.

In Orange, she played the shy prison guard at an all-female prison who eventually becomes

more hardened.

Hardened enough, in fact, that she was later hired to help oversee Jurassic World.

I know, I know, it's a stretch, but it is a pretty similar position, and the best part



It works so well!

Now, is this actually the case?

Probably not.

She's probably just been typecast because she is so damn adorable in situations like


But it's neat.

Number 5: Jurassic World is Westworld.

One theory states that Jurassic World, and indeed the previous Jurassic Parks, didn't

actually have real dinosaurs.

It states that they were simply robots, that were based on what we THOUGHT dinos looked


You may know that recently, scientists have started to think that many dinosaurs probably

had feathers, casting some doubt on the truthfulness of the dino DNA.

Other past inconsistencies, like the size of the velociraptors, or the acid spitting

of the dilophosaur, have led some people to believe that these are not miracles of genetic

engineering, but rather miracles of robotics.

Kinda like in Westworld.

But the real kicker is that this wouldn't actually be that unheard-of, because the idea

of Westworld was actually an early draft for Jurassic Park, written by Michael Crichton.

Of course, this runs into problems with early storylines, and sick dinosaurs and whatnot,

but it's pretty neat.

However, some take the whole robot thing to new levels, because another theory holds that…

Number 4: Everyone's a robot.

Yep, this one's admittedly super unlikely, but it does go a long way to explain away

some of the paper-thin characters.

One issue that a lot of people had with Jurassic World is that the people just don't really

act like people.

The lovers are so cliché it's like they've been programmed to be a will they won't

they forever, and the boys are sulking through what is undeniably the best freaking vacation

in the whole damn world.

I get it, I was a teenage boy once, I know girls are all you can think about most of

the time but screw you, dinosaurs are better than girls any day.

This leads some people to believe that the whole experience is a fake, that there are

a bunch of robot people around that interact with guests and each other, following a strict

set of protocols.

The kids?

The lovers?

Everyone who's injured in the escape?

Robots, who will just be rebuilt and used in the next escape simulation.

This one's pretty silly, and really this is all just the result of somewhat lazy writing,

but it's fun to imagine.

Number 3: The velociraptors were always on Owen's side.

If you've seen Jurassic World, which I hope you have considering you're watching this

video, you'll remember that a significant plot point involved the realization that the

velociraptors seemed to be working with Indominus Rex, who was acting like their alpha.

However, one theory by Reddit user Dazric claims that they were on Owen's side the whole

dang time.

It states that they initially began attacking, understandably, because the humans were shooting

rockets and stuff.

So they think: Humans are the bad guys.

But after Charlie's first kill, and right before she was blown up by a rocket, she seemed

to be looking for Owen's approval, like she still saw him as the leader.

Then later when Delta comes in while Owen's talking to Hoskins, it's believed that she

attacks Hoskins to defend Owen.

Then when she chases after him and is stopped by the hologram, she wasn't trying to eat

Owen, but to rejoin him.

And in the end, when they seem to change back to Owen's side, it's really that they

never left his side, to begin with.

And why did they help the I Rex?

Because they thought Owen was trying to bring it into the pack, to fight against the humans,

with whom they had seen Owen fighting.

They were just being cool to the new recruit.

Good on them!

Number 2: The Indominus Rex was part human.

When we learned about the Indominus Rex, and how it was an amalgamation of the DNA of numerous


But we don't know all the animals since some were kept secret by Dr. Wu.

And we just don't know where she got the opposable thumbs!

Even their official Tumblr page said that the source of the opposable thumbs was a mystery.

But wonder no more!

One theory states that Dr. Wu put some of his own DNA into the creature, mad scientist

that he is, and that it's his DNA that gave the Indominus Rex her opposable thumbs.

This is definitely the theory that I most believe in and is actually something that

I straight up believe to be true.

It fits so well.

Just don't picture how Wu got his DNA into it.

That would not fit very well.

Number 1: Owen is the kid from the first Jurassic Park.

You remember in the first Jurassic Park when Sam Neil goes off on this little punk and

basically makes him crap his pants out of fear?

Well, this theory believes that those crap filled pants belonged to none other than Owen


In the credits, he was just listed as Volunteer Boy, so there's nothing that says it's

NOT true.

And it totally makes sense, even if there isn't really, like, evidence for it.

The whole speech about showing a little respect to the velociraptor may have really gotten

to him and caused him to train them later in life.

He even has that line with Claire where he's talking about his relationship with the Raptors

and says: On the other hand, it's totally possible that this kid was completely scarred

from this and he hated dinosaurs for the rest of his life, but I much prefer this theory.

As far as I'm concerned, this is canon.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Let me know in the comments which of these you actually believe, or hit me up with your

own theories!

Don't want to miss another video?

Click the bell icon to join the notification squad so you know every time we upload a video!

And if you want a sweet playlist to watch so you can just relax and let the nerdiness

wash over you, check out our Top 10 Alternate Versions playlist on the channel!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Jurassic World Fan Theories - Duration: 10:33.


I-TEAM: Here's who will defend Katrina and Reggie Brown at trial - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> I-TEAM: Here's who will defend Katrina and Reggie Brown at trial - Duration: 2:55.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Tattoo - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Tattoo - Duration: 1:10.


Rośliny pomagają ukoić emocje. - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Rośliny pomagają ukoić emocje. - Duration: 10:04.


Citroën C2 1.1i Ligne Seduction - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.1i Ligne Seduction - Duration: 1:09.


Opel Vectra 2.0i-16V GL 5-DRS TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Vectra 2.0i-16V GL 5-DRS TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:04.


Catching you guys up on a lot... - Duration: 11:23.


For more infomation >> Catching you guys up on a lot... - Duration: 11:23.


Chrysler PT Cruiser 2.0i Touring 5-drs - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Chrysler PT Cruiser 2.0i Touring 5-drs - Duration: 0:49.


Zapalenie nerek - przyczyny, przebieg i leczenie - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Zapalenie nerek - przyczyny, przebieg i leczenie - Duration: 10:46.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI i-Catcher (GLAZEN DAK!!!/Navig./Climate/Cruise) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI i-Catcher (GLAZEN DAK!!!/Navig./Climate/Cruise) - Duration: 1:13.


Experience Michael Jackson - Long Live the King

For more infomation >> Experience Michael Jackson - Long Live the King



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic do this natural laxative at home and tell him

goodbye to constipation so do not go and stay with us until the

end of this video where we will be developing this interesting topic

now we go with the information

Today we will teach you how to make a natural and home stay for constipation

It is super effective constipation is a fairly common evil among its main

causes may be due to the mode of feeding or a deficit in consumption

of water may also be due to lack of fiber in the body or insufficient

physical exercise this problem affects the functioning of the digestive system

producing an irregularity in the intestinal activity

As a result, it manifests itself with the impossibility or difficulty of evacuating

natural and homemade laxative fecal matter for the

constipation ingredients 200 grams of plum rested 200 grams of

dates without pit 1 liter of hot water mode of preparation

wash the dates well and the prunes remove the pit and chop them

fine with a kitchen knife in a pot or clean container incorporates

prunes and dates crushed and rested adds water

when you are warm and cook all this mixture at low temperature until

form a homogeneous mass let cool and store in a clean glass jar and

Airtight keeps in the refrigerator variants of the recipe

You can add serials or make fruit smoothies by adding one or two tablespoons

of this home remedy this can be a creative and

original to consume it another way to treat constipation places 4

prunes in a glass of water and let stand all night a day

next you can eat them during the next morning mode of consumption

It is recommended to consume a spoonful of this jam after breakfast and another

after lunch this is for the purpose of avoiding constipation how

know if I have constipation constipation or constipation is

can detect by observing certain symptoms very

characteristic to know to remain without evacuating stool for more than two days

abdominal pain or intestinal swelling inappetence lack of appetite gas and

belching hard consistency and reduced size in

the feces difficulty and effort at the time of

evacuate has been useful for you this recipe shares this information with your

family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section of this video

subscribe to our channel and give it like this is easy remedies 24 we

we see in a next edition thank you very much




✅ Lewandowski tłumaczy się z krytycznych słów o kolegach z drużyny: "Zostałem źle zrozumiany" - Duration: 3:10.

 W czwartek polska reprezentacja zagra swój ostatni mecz na mistrzostwach świata w piłce nożnej. Dla wszystkich Polaków pierwszy od 12 lat mundial miał być wielkim narodowym świętem, a zakończył się gorzką porażką i gigantycznym kacem moralnym

Najpierw przegraliśmy 2:1 z Senegalem, a później 3:0 z Kolumbią, co całkowicie pogrzebało nasze szanse na wyjście z grupy

Część komentatorów uważa nawet, że powinniśmy zrezygnować z ostatniego meczu z Japonią i "honorowo" wrócić do kraju.  Przypomnijmy: Pawłowicz radzi polskim piłkarzom: "Honor to byłby szybki powrót, wspólne PRZEPRASZAM I ZWROT KOSZTÓW"  Aktualnie trwają gorące dyskusje na temat przyczyn fatalnej formy polskich piłkarzy na mundialu

Pojawiają się zarzuty o zbytnie skupienie się na lansie, a nawet poważniejsze oskarżenia.  Zobacz: Polscy piłkarze pili alkohol na zgrupowaniach przed mundialem? "Trener nic z tym nie zrobił"  Sami piłkarze nie ukrywają, że są załamani takim wynikiem mistrzostw

Szczególnie mocno przeżywa tę sytuację Robert Lewandowski, który na poniedziałkowej konferencji prasowej stwierdził, że "miał niewiele okazji do strzelenia gola"

Sugerował jednocześnie, że nie on jeden odpowiada za porażkę, bo "piłka to sport zespołowy". Można było odnieść wrażenie, że zrzuca winę na pozostałych kolegów

Tak w każdym razie zinterpretował jego wypowiedź niemiecki tabloid Bild.  Popatrzmy, w jakich klubach grają reprezentanci Kolumbii

To pokazuje różnicę pomiędzy obiema jedenastkami. Czuję teraz bezradność. Bo co z tego, że próbujesz, walczysz, ale jest poprzeczka, której nie możesz przeskoczyć

(.) Jestem rozczarowany tym, jak zagraliśmy. Nigdy nie mówiłem, że to może być mój turniej życia. Nie wiem, jakie argumenty za tym przemawiały

Okazji to strzelenia gola miałem niewiele. Czuję się odpowiedzialny za porażki, ale nie pod względem osobistym. Piłka nożna to sport zespołowy

Nic więcej nie mogłem zrobić - bronił się.  Ponoć kolegom z drużyny nie spodobały się jego wypowiedzi. Teraz Lewandowski próbuje się tłumaczyć, mówiąc, że co innego miał na myśli

 Nie miałem zamiaru wypowiadać się źle o kolegach. Nigdy tego nie robię, nie wypowiadam się negatywnie. Zostałem źle zrozumiany

Zawsze stoję za trenerem i piłkarzami tej reprezentacji - zapewnia sportowiec.  Nie od dziś mówi się o tym, że relacje pomiędzy zawodnikami w naszej kadrze nie są najlepsze

Ujawnił to w swojej najnowszej książce Sebastian Staszewski, który twierdzi, że Robert "nie wszystkim pasuje jako kapitan i jest odbierany jako odizolowana gwiazda"

Z pewnością jego ostatnie wypowiedzi nie poprawią stosunków z pozostałymi graczami.  Warto: "Mundial, mundial i po mundialu?"

Zobacz memy po wpadce Niemców na MŚ

For more infomation >> ✅ Lewandowski tłumaczy się z krytycznych słów o kolegach z drużyny: "Zostałem źle zrozumiany" - Duration: 3:10.


Jornais pelo mundo destacam classificação: "O melhor Brasil já assusta" - Duration: 1:09.

Os gols de Sérvia 0 x 2 Brasil pela Copa do Mundo 2018 O Brasil está nas oitavas de final da Copa do Mundo e enfrentará o México na próxima fase

A classificação saiu nesta quarta-feira, na vitória por 2 a 0 sobre a Sérvia, e ganhou repercussão dos jornais internacionais

A repercussão pelo mundo deu destaque à vaga logo na sequência à queda da Alemanha, uma das favoritas ao título

O Brasil avança e se consolida como candidato. Sport, da Espanha O melhor Brasil já assusta Sport Brasil x Sérvia (Foto: Reprodução) Bild, da Alemanha Neymar voa para as oitavas Bild Brasil x Sérvia (Foto: Reprodução) Olé, da Argentina Brasil light Olé Brasil x Sérvia (Foto: Reprodução) L'Equipe, da França Bom para o moral L'Equipe Brasil x Sérvia (Foto: Reprodução) Marca, da Espanha Brasil não falha e é o primeiro Marca Brasil x Sérvia (Foto: Reprodução) As, da Espanha Brasil apresenta a candidatura As Brasil x Sérvia (Foto: Reprodução) Mundo Deportivo, da Espanha Brasil vence com conexão blaugrana Vitória do Brasil no Mundo Deportivo (Foto: Reprodução)

For more infomation >> Jornais pelo mundo destacam classificação: "O melhor Brasil já assusta" - Duration: 1:09.


Lettuce Grown Four Ways - Duration: 8:39.

My name's Jeb and the music is back

I'm building a wicking bed

I put holes in the support rods to let air in

This has a lot of peat moss in it

I'm making sure the net cup wick has plenty of soil in it

Super Greensand

59 percent Silicon Dioxide derived from Greensand

This Super Greensand is an organic source of silica

I'm going to add it to one of these and find out what happens

Did that one already get that?

Oh I'm putting it in one and not the other

That's how we do a comparison

Right? This one doesn't have any of the green stuff

And this one does

So if this one grows better

Then we know something about that green stuff

If nothing happens, well

Maybe it doesn't do too much

Got to try this with some hydroponics too

The rain isn't going to over fill these totes

Romaine Lettuce

Day 5

Day 10

I'm going to put 20 grams of Super Greensand in one of these (hydroponic totes)

Day 19

Germination was better in the bed with silica

Day 23

My wicking beds are too dry

So the lettuce isn't growing well there

The plants in the hydroponics are spoiled as usual

Except for a little bird damage

This one died because it didn't get a root in the water fast enough


Day 26

This bed closer to us has the Super Greensand

It'll be interesting to see if there is a moisture retention difference between the two

The hydroponic lettuce looks real nice though


Day 40 - I'm top watering both of these now

This one (with the Super Greensand) is doing better though

Day 48

There is quite a bit of pest damage on all of the lettuce

I'm going to measure the usable and unusable and see if there is a difference

Super Greensand Pest Damage 306 grams

Control Pest Damage 420 grams

Super Greensand Harvest 208 grams

Control Harvest 204 grams

All those fancy numbers got me hungry for some yummy lettuce

And no

I didn't make the dressing myself

Share with a Friend!

For more infomation >> Lettuce Grown Four Ways - Duration: 8:39.


5 Investigates probe leads to MSP arrests - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 5 Investigates probe leads to MSP arrests - Duration: 2:12.


Uma Única Folha Desta Erva que Está em Seu Jardim Pode Salvar Sua Vida em um Minuto - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Uma Única Folha Desta Erva que Está em Seu Jardim Pode Salvar Sua Vida em um Minuto - Duration: 3:19.


🔴 NEW "Playground 1v1 Mode" Is Here! (Fortnite: Battle Royale LIVE Gameplay) - Duration: 5:29:45.

For more infomation >> 🔴 NEW "Playground 1v1 Mode" Is Here! (Fortnite: Battle Royale LIVE Gameplay) - Duration: 5:29:45.


The legacy of John Ward - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> The legacy of John Ward - Duration: 2:30.


M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Kłótnia u Mostowiaków! Natalka wygarnie Uli co o niej myśli - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Kłótnia u Mostowiaków! Natalka wygarnie Uli co o niej myśli - Duration: 2:07.


Trending: Late Night Kings Unite - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Trending: Late Night Kings Unite - Duration: 1:11.


Ellos NO QUIEREN QUE USTED LO SEPA!!! Vea Aquí el Porqué De Los ADHESIVOS En Las Frutas!!! - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Ellos NO QUIEREN QUE USTED LO SEPA!!! Vea Aquí el Porqué De Los ADHESIVOS En Las Frutas!!! - Duration: 2:37.


Where will you go for Canada day? 溫哥華13個加拿大國慶日必去活動!! - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Where will you go for Canada day? 溫哥華13個加拿大國慶日必去活動!! - Duration: 5:03.


Man Utd news: Martin O'Neill criticises Nemanja Matic and makes United and Chelsea claim - Duration: 1:31.

 That is the opinion of pundit and Republic of Ireland manager Martin O'Neill. Matic was on the losing side as Brazil won 2-0 to secure their spot in the last-16

 Goals from Paulinho and Thiago Silva sent Serbia packing, with Switzerland joining Brazil in the knockout stages from Group F

 Matic was marking Silva at a corner for his goal but lost him and his mistake proved costly

 And O'Neill was surprised with the error from the Manchester United man. "I'm surprised at Matic because he usually can pick up players well when he's playing for Manchester United or Chelsea before that," he said

 "But he's far, far too tight to Thiago Silva and then loses him in that little race

 "He's just too tight, he should come round a little bit more.  "Thiago Silva, or anyone, is always going to beat him in a race here

 "He is thinking attackingly and Matic is thinking defensively. "It's a poor goal from Serbia's viewpoint

That affectively kills off the game."

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Martin O'Neill criticises Nemanja Matic and makes United and Chelsea claim - Duration: 1:31.


Cinco versões legais que poderiam existir entre os hatches compactos - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> Cinco versões legais que poderiam existir entre os hatches compactos - Duration: 8:26.


Pérola e Márcio se beijam - Duration: 3:17.

Parece que #Peromar tem mesmo um ímã entre eles! E quando os dois se encontram, não tem para ninguém! A atração é forte, ainda mais agora que estão começando a se entender mais

"Não fica me olhando assim. O que você quer comigo?", pergunta Pérola (Rayssa Bratillieri)

Pérola conversa com Márcio e não resiste aos encantos do menino (Foto: TV Globo) "Eu sou aquele cara que quando quer o doce, pega o doce", diz Márcio (André Luiz Frambach), firme

Márcio e Pérola no maior climinha! (Foto: TV Globo) Os dois estão no meio da boate e a azaração rola solta! Mas Pérola pede que ele tenha um pouco de paciência

"Preciso de um tempo para mim", diz ela. "Vou respeitar. Quanto tempo?", pergunta o menino

"Cinco segundos", responde a ex-patricinha. Ele conta o tempo nos dedos e os dois emendam um beijão daqueles

Hmmm. Esses dois! Não perca Malhação: Vidas Brasileiras. 28 Jun Quinta-feira Garoto faz uma proposta ao pai

Uma menina flerta com Alex. Alex vê Maria Alice e vai a seu encontro na balada. Heitor e Tito comemoram a possibilidade de adotar Garoto

Flora sugere que Heitor e os netos criem uma banda. Alex chora e Maria Alice o conforta

Marli sugere que Paulo contrate Getúlio. Alex se insinua para Maria Alice e os dois acabam se desentendendo

Getúlio começa a trabalhar no Le Kebek. Flora pede para conversar com Gabriela. Hugo e Alex conhecem Carol e Clarissa

Confira o resumo completo do dia e da semana!

For more infomation >> Pérola e Márcio se beijam - Duration: 3:17.


Brasil sin especular; gana 2-0 y enfrentará a México - Duration: 3:33.

 Brasil no entiende de sorpresas y, con un gol de Paulinho y otro de Thiago Silva, derrotó a Serbia para solventar como líder del grupo E su pase a los octavos de final, donde le aguarda México, en Samara, el próximo lunes

Puede que Neymar no haya encontrado aún la chispa que necesita para ser determinante y que Tite tenga problemas con las lesiones de sus laterales -hoy se añadió Marcelo- pero por el momento es el conjunto más sólido

El único "grande" que sabe a lo que juega, que cuenta con suficiente magia para decantar el resultado de su lado, pero también con el equilibrio que le da Casemiro en el centro del campo y la solidez defensiva que echó en falta en otras épocas

   Espoleada por la eliminación de Alemania, su "bestia negra" cuatro años antes, pero con la precaución que impone un Mundial que no sabe de jerarquías, Brasil supo salir en el Spartak Stadium del laberinto serbio para encontrar el resquicio por el que eludir el campo de minas que dispuso Mladen Krstajic

Con pierna fuerte -a veces demasiado- y tres líneas muy juntas a 20 metros de su portero

Con Coutinho ahogado entre centrocampistas y Neymar encerrado en una banda, Serbia tuvo la sensación de controlar el partido durante gran parte de la primera mitad, sobre todo a raíz de que Gabriel Jesús fallase el primer mano a mano con Vladimir Stojkovic, a los 4 minutos, y Marcelo tuviese que retirarse lesionado poco después

 No creó tampoco problemas a Alisson, porque su juego aéreo murió entre los centrales brasileños y Casemiro barrió cualquier rechace, pero el equipo de Krstajic vivió más de media hora tranquilo

A la espera de su momento.Su idea dependía de su capacidad para evitar el juego a la espalda de sus defensas, de evitar que cualquiera de los artistas brasileños levantase la cabeza

Y eso es casi imposible si está sobre el campo Neymar, que en el 29 habilitó a Gabriel Jesús -de nuevo sin éxito en el último regate- o Coutinho, conocedor de la habilidad de Paulinho para irrumpir desde la segunda línea

 La conexión barcelonista fue la solución. Coutinho intuyó la carrera de Paulinho y le puso un balón tras la defensa rival que éste solo tuvo que levantar ante la salida de StojkovicSerbia reaccionó tras el descanso con una mayor ambición y, aunque ofreció a Brasil la posibilidad de un contragolpe, desaprovechado por Neymar en el 57, creó las primeras dudas en la zaga canarinha

Un apurado despeje de Joao Miranda, hoy capitán, un mal rechace de Alisson a un centro de Antonio Rukavina, que no aprovechó Aleksandr Mitrovic, y otro remate de cabeza del delantero del Fulham que puso en apuros la meta brasileña  Fueron poco más de 5 minutos de zozobra, hasta que Neymar forzó un corner y su saque de esquina lo cabeceó sin oposición Thiago Silva, en el minuto 68

Recuperó Brasil el mando con el gol, fue creando ocasiones, la mayoría desperdiciadas por Neymar y acabó convencida de que, mientras las demás favoritas dudan o, como Alemania, emprenden el camino de regreso, su paso por Moscú no va a ser anecdótico

Prometen volver para la final.

For more infomation >> Brasil sin especular; gana 2-0 y enfrentará a México - Duration: 3:33.


Brzo oblikovanje tijela-Med Contour Multipower - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Brzo oblikovanje tijela-Med Contour Multipower - Duration: 0:57.


Floor that pushes players - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Floor that pushes players - Duration: 6:16.


Tira-dúvidas na íntegra #2 - PARTE 2 (06/03) - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> Tira-dúvidas na íntegra #2 - PARTE 2 (06/03) - Duration: 7:31.


✅ Piłkarski świat w szoku po odpadnięciu Niemców - Duration: 3:03.

Obrońcy tytułu rozpoczęli udział w turnieju w Rosji od porażki z Meksykiem 0:1. Później pokonali Szwecję 2:1, zdobywając zwycięską bramkę w doliczonym czasie drugiej połowy

Mało kto spodziewał się, że mając kwestię awansu w swoich rękach Niemcy nie tylko nie dadzą rady strzelić uważanym za najsłabszych w tej grupie Koreańczykom gola, ale też stracą dwa

– Ten mundial pokazuje, że nie jest tu łatwo nikomu, może z wyjątkiem Belgii i Anglii. Sami doprowadziliśmy do tej sytuacji, przegrywając z Meksykiem w pierwszym meczu

Jest wiele aspektów, które musimy poprawić, ale na razie nie chcę o tym mówić publicznie. Ostatni dobry, przekonujący mecz rozegraliśmy w październiku 2017 roku – ocenił obrońca Mats Hummels

Były reprezentant Niemiec, a obecnie menedżer drużyny narodowej Oliver Bierhoff ma nadzieję, że selekcjoner Joachim Loew nie odejdzie ze stanowiska

– To nie jest właściwy moment na analizy indywidualne. Zakładam, że "Jogi" zostanie – powiedział mistrz Europy z 1996 roku

Sam Loew poinformował, że na razie nie zamierza podejmować żadnych decyzji. – Jest trochę za wcześnie, żeby odpowiadać na takie pytanie

Potrzebujemy kilku godzin, żeby spojrzeć na to z jasnym umysłem – stwierdził szkoleniowiec. Także na Twitterze "zawrzało" po sensacyjnym wyniku meczu w Kazaniu

– Myślę, że to nie był futbol, do którego jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni. "Chemia" na placu gry nie była właściwa –  uważa mistrz świata sprzed czterech lat Christoph Kramer

 – Potrzebuję teraz drinka. albo dwóch – napisał były reprezentant Christoph Metzelder. W mediach społecznościowych często powtarzało się stwierdzenie, że "brakuje słów"

 – Będę potrzebował teraz trochę czasu – dodał koszykarz Dirk Nowitzki. Głos w tej sprawie zabrał także selekcjoner reprezentacji Anglii Gareth Southgate, który przygotowuje się w Kaliningradzie do czwartkowego meczu grupy G z Belgią

– To niesamowite, w tym mundialu niczego nie można być pewnym. Rzadko widzi się Niemców, którzy tak cierpią, ale to pokazuje, że poziom wszystkich innych zespołów jest wysoki – ocenił szkoleniowiec

Swoje słynne powiedzenie o zawsze wygrywających Niemcach zmodyfikował też były reprezentant Anglii Gary Lineker: – Futbol to prosta gra: dwudziestu dwóch mężczyzn biega za piłką przez 90, a na koniec już nie zawsze wygrywają Niemcy

Poprzednia wersja przechodzi do historii – napisał.

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