Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 27 2018














Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Aprende los Colores con Helado y Gato #D | Aprende Los Colores Para Niños en Español - Duration: 2:37.


Así se distanciaron Luis Miguel y Palazuelos, según bioserie - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Así se distanciaron Luis Miguel y Palazuelos, según bioserie - Duration: 2:52.


El árbol diferente. Un libro para trabajar la autoestima. - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> El árbol diferente. Un libro para trabajar la autoestima. - Duration: 0:31.


Terelu Campos destapa el testimonio que deja a su compañero al borde del abismo - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Terelu Campos destapa el testimonio que deja a su compañero al borde del abismo - Duration: 2:15.


Les fans de Johnny Hallyday ont été déçus d'une statue de leur idole - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Les fans de Johnny Hallyday ont été déçus d'une statue de leur idole - Duration: 1:11.


✅ Falla otra vez simulacro del PREP-Edomex - Duration: 1:27.

 Edomex.- A cinco días de los comicios, representantes de diversas fuerzas políticas en el Instituto Electoral del Estado de México (IEEM) se quejaron de las fallas que presentó el tercer simulacro del PREP en la entidad

 De acuerdo con Ricardo Moreno, representante de Morena, y Alfonso Álvarez Bravo, del PAN, uno de los problemas es el partidismo que podría influir en las decisiones y el actuar de los Capacitadores Asistentes Electorales (CAE)

 En los errores técnicos, detallaron que durante el tercer simulacro este fin de semana, los CAE pudieron enviar al sistema actas de casillas que corresponden al ejercicio electoral pasado

 "Había 40 actas que el sistema debió haber rechazado porque estaban identificadas con etiquetas distintas que el sistema debía recibir para ese día e incluso se nos explicó, que esas actas, esas etiquetas correspondían a la casilla contigua del ejercicio inmediato anterior", dijo Moreno

For more infomation >> ✅ Falla otra vez simulacro del PREP-Edomex - Duration: 1:27.


Caso de Éxito Gonzalo de la Campa de - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Caso de Éxito Gonzalo de la Campa de - Duration: 3:10.


Sylvie Vartan ne dit pas non à une « négociation » avec Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan ne dit pas non à une « négociation » avec Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 1:44.


Algunas diferencias fundamentales entre la fe en la ciencia y la fe en la religión (y II) - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Algunas diferencias fundamentales entre la fe en la ciencia y la fe en la religión (y II) - Duration: 5:03.


Millonario ruso se proclama líder de Asgardia, nación en el espacio - Duration: 3:49.

 MADRID, España. El multimillonario ruso y científico experto en cohetes Igor Ashurbeyli ha dado un nuevo paso promocional en su futura nación espacial independiente, Asgardia  En una ceremonia celebrada en el antiguo palacio imperial vienés de Hofburg, Ashurbeyli ha sido proclamado Jefe de Estado de Asgardia durante un periodo de cinco años por sus instituciones

El evento autofinanciado incluyó una presentación coral del himno de la nación, un juramento oficial y un mensaje de video del cosmonauta ruso Oleg Artemiev en la Estación Espacial Internacional

 "Este día ciertamente se registrará en los anales de los eventos más importantes en la historia de la humanidad", dijo Ashurbeyli en su discurso inaugural este 26 de junio

"Así hemos establecido todas las ramas del gobierno. Por lo tanto, puedo declarar con confianza que Asgardia, la primera nación espacial de la Humanidad unida, ha nacido "

Según Ashurbeyli, el espacio es la única vía que le queda a la Humanidad para escapar de la degradación ambiental y una carrera armamentista incesante

 Ashurbeyli lanzó en octubre de 2016 esta propuesta pionera para constituir una nación en el espacio, con el objetivo declarado de "abrir el acceso a la tecnología espacial, proteger la Tierra de amenazas cósmicas y fomentar la paz"

'Asgardia', el primer Estado en el espacio       Apodada Asgardia, en reconocimiento a uno de los mundos míticos habitados por los dioses nórdicos, sus impulsores dicen que la "nueva nación" con el tiempo se convertirá en un miembro de las Naciones Unidas, y su objetivo será plantear el debate sobre las cuestiones legales de la actividad en el espacio

 De acuerdo con el sitio web del proyecto, Asgardia "ofrecerá una plataforma independiente, exenta de las restricciones de las leyes de un país en la Tierra

Se convertirá en un lugar en órbita que es verdaderamente 'tierra de nadie'".  Por el momento, cualquiera puede convertirse en ciudadano de Asgardia

Pero Ashurbeyli ha dicho que quiere atraer a las mentes más creativas del mundo, y eventualmente establecer una prueba de cociente intelectual obligatoria para los posibles asgardianos

 Más de 200.000 personas ya se han registrado a través del sitio web de la nación, aunque Ashurbeyli quiere reclutar una población total de alrededor de 150 millones en los próximos 10 años

 Asgardia tiene como objetivo poner una serie de satélites en órbita. El primero fue lanzado con éxito por la empresa Orbital ATK el 12 de noviembre de 2017, un cubeSat de almacenamiento de datos precargado con datos de ciudadanos del pretendido estado, una constitución y representaciones de sus símbolos

 Su objetivo final es establecer una colonia orbital, dentro de 25 años, según su líder

   Abordar los problemas de nuestro planeta desde el espacio exterior Los 12 estadios de Rusia 2018 vistos desde el espacio Nicolás Copérnico visionario del espacio           

For more infomation >> Millonario ruso se proclama líder de Asgardia, nación en el espacio - Duration: 3:49.


Encuesta en Facebook: Arrasa Morena en 4 de 9 entidades; disputa 2 con PAN - Duration: 5:57.

Simpatizantes de Morena en Acapulco, Guerrero Son Puebla y Veracruz las entidades en las que la elección se prevé cerrada entre los candidatos postulados por las alianzas que encabezan Morena y PAN

 México.- El Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena) obtendría cuatro de las nueve gubernaturas que se renovarán el próximo 1 de julio con intenciones de voto que rebasan el 40 por ciento, señala la encuesta México Elige-SDPnoticias

 Chiapas, Ciudad de México, Morelos y Tabasco son las entidades en las que el voto se decantaría por los candidatos del partido fundado por Andrés Manuel López Obrador; mientras que Acción Nacional se haría claramente con Guanajuato; Movimiento Ciudadano con Jalisco, y el Revolucionario Institucional con Yucatán

 Mientras que la elección en Puebla y Veracruz se prevé cerrada entre los candidatos postulados por las alianzas que encabezan Morena y PAN

Chiapas    Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, abanderado por la coalición Juntos Haremos Historia, registra una intención de voto del 42

5 por ciento, es decir, 22 puntos de ventaja sobre Roberto Albores Gleason, de la alianza Todos por Chiapas

  Ciudad de México    En la capital del país el voto favorece a Claudia Sheinbaum con un 42

7 por ciento, 20 puntos por encima de los candidatos Alejandra Barrales y Mikel Arriola, quienes ostentan 22

1 y 21.7 por ciento, respectivamente.   Morelos    Cuauhtémoc Blanco, exalcalde de Cuernavaca, cuenta con un apoyo del 40

7 por ciento, mientras que su más cercano adversario, Víctor Manuel Caballero Solano, suma solo 14

3 por ciento.   Tabasco    De los candidatos postulados por la coalición Juntos Haremos Historia es Adán Augusto López quien obtiene un extraordinario 52

2 por ciento de la intención de voto, apoyo muy por encima del obtenido por la priista Georgina Trujillo o el frentista Gerardo Guadiano Rovirosa, 20

6 por ciento y 16.1 por ciento, respectivamente.   Veracruz    La de Veracruz es quizá la elección más cerrada de las 9 entidades que se disputan este domingo 1 de julio

Mientras que Cuitláhuac García obtiene 38 por ciento de la intención de voto, por Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez se decanta un 37

3 por ciento. De acuerdo con México Elige el margen de error para la entidad es de +/- 2

2 por ciento.   Guanajuato    Es Diego Sinhué quien daría una victoria indudable en la elección de gobernador de 2018 a Acción Nacional al concentrar un 45

6 por ciento de la intención de voto, 21 puntos por encima de su más cercano adversario: el expanista y hoy morenista Ricardo Sheffield Padilla

  Puebla    Martha Erika Alonso (PAN) y Miguel Barbosa Huerta (Morena) disputan la elección en Puebla, y aunque los números favorecen a la esposa del exgobernador Rafael Moreno Valle la diferencia entre ambos candidatos es de 6

7 por ciento.   Jalisco    Enrique Alfaro al fin conseguiría para Movimiento Ciudadano -partido que en Jalisco se aventuró sin el resto de los que integran la coalición Por México al Frente-, la gubernatura con una ventaja de 14 puntos sobre el morenista Carlos Lomelí  y 15 sobre el priista Miguel Castro Reynoso

  Yucatán    Mauricio Sahui Rivero (38.1%) obtendría el próximo 1 de julio una agónica victoria para el Revolucionario Institucional con un margen muy corto sobre el panista Mauricio Vila Dosal (32

7%), toda vez que el candidato de Morena, Joaquín Díaz Mena, fue una sorpresa, que al cierre de las campaña suma un 24

8 por ciento de la intención de voto.  

For more infomation >> Encuesta en Facebook: Arrasa Morena en 4 de 9 entidades; disputa 2 con PAN - Duration: 5:57.


Le vieux MacDonald a une ferme | Comptines | KiiYii - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Le vieux MacDonald a une ferme | Comptines | KiiYii - Duration: 1:49.


Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes

For more infomation >> Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes


關之琳的童年照,李嘉欣的童年照,劉嘉玲的童年照,差距一目了然 - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> 關之琳的童年照,李嘉欣的童年照,劉嘉玲的童年照,差距一目了然 - Duration: 6:48.


Игрушки для детей! Помощь Маши. Мультики 2018 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Игрушки для детей! Помощь Маши. Мультики 2018 - Duration: 5:08.


"그냥 우리가 뛸까?"…역대급 '짤' 이영표-안정환-박지성이 주고 받은 대화 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> "그냥 우리가 뛸까?"…역대급 '짤' 이영표-안정환-박지성이 주고 받은 대화 - Duration: 2:20.


Birthday Song for Aastha - Happy Birthday Song for Aastha - Duration: 1:14.

Birthday Song for Aastha

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Aastha - Happy Birthday Song for Aastha - Duration: 1:14.


Washington DC day trip | Tourist attractions | Best way to visit DC - Duration: 15:26.

Mr Rusheb dropped me here

This is a local bus terminal

I am going to take a bus for the nearest Metro station

Today I was supposed to get up early

around 6 am

but yesterday night I slept quite late

because while transferring the videos from my camera to the laptop

I was how poor the quality of audio was!

I expected GoPro 6 to be much better than my old GoPro 4

but this GoPro 6 has 2 inbuilt microphones...

They are so wierd

The audio was so poor

I don't think I should trust GoPro 6 audio for making videos

Thats why now I am using an external mic

This is Boya M1 mic

Though that is also a big hassle

GoPro's adapter to connect the external mic with the camera is so bulky

Now he is going to drop me somewhere

From there I will catch a bus and then metro to reach Washington DC

Its 8:30 am

A lot of viewers said that they don't understand the numbers in Hindi, so I should atleast speak them in English

Though considering Non-Hindi speaking viewers, I put English subtitles in every video

Overthere is a bus terminal

When I was making the video there, someone came and asked me to stop

For more infomation >> Washington DC day trip | Tourist attractions | Best way to visit DC - Duration: 15:26.


#HuaweiCreators - Episode I: Subset - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> #HuaweiCreators - Episode I: Subset - Duration: 1:24.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X - Duration: 1:10.



For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE EXECUTIVE DEALERONDERH. NAVI. CLIMATE C. CRUISE C. - Duration: 1:06.


Best Withdraw Method - Paypal and Payoneer Comparison 2018 - Duration: 11:18.

In This video we will compare Paypal and Payoneer

Which is better in receiving money / payments from international clients or legit sites that pays money

Is this your first time here and you want to earn extra income online?

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Websites / clients / freelance jobs from other countries

They do not send your money or payment from their bank to your bank

or Paymaya or Gcash ( for filipinos)

they cannot do that - so we need a third party

Paypal and Payoneer are the usual mode of payments of international clients

From your Paypal or Payoneer then to your bank accounts or debit cards

On this video we will make actual comparison on Paypal and Payoneer

Payoneer and Paypal has pros and cons

I am suggesting Payoneer to freelancers those who are getting their income Monthly or Weekly

I am suggesting Paypal to those

Those who do not have stable income

like extra income online websites - like postloop or those sites that pays just "extra money"

But if you are receiving a little bit high salary / monthly

On my opinion payoneer is better for you

On this video Payoneer for me has 2 big Pros

And Paypal has 4 light Pros for me

Number 1 Pros of Payoneer for me is that you will receive better / higher end money to you hands / bank account - better than paypal

Why you will receive higher in Payoneer? First is the Payoneer got higher or better FOREX

Example - your 1 dollar in payoneer is 52 Pesos In paypal your 1 dollars might be 51.9 Pesos

Number 2 reason is transaction fee

Because in Paypal the higher the amount (Money / salary )you receive from your international client - The transaction fees become bigger too

Payoneer has fixed transaction fee - Depends on your client -

In Freeeup transaction fee is fixed 3 dollars - Later I will show the actual computation

Freeeup - is my number 1 recommended freelance marketplace

Or this is where you will find clients for your freelance jobs or for your freelance skills

Because here in freeeup " what you ask - Is what you get"

Example - if I ask 14 dollars per hour - I will get 14 dollars per hour

There are no fees - Like Upwork fees - or other Freelance site fees

I requested from freeeup to make my 400$ salary divided into 2

200$ to Payoneer and 200$to Paypal

In Paypal - 2% of the total amount sent to you - that is transaction fee of paypal

example your salary from freeeup is 1000$

You will receive your salary in Paypal less 20$ because that is 2% of 1000$

Thats a big sum of money - around 1000 Philippine Peso

If your salary is 1000$ - Then the total money you will receive in your paypal is 980$

Payoneer - since their transaction fee with freeeup is fixed 3$

So in payoneer - your salary 1000$ - the amount you will receive in your account is 997$

So -the difference in transaction fee is a little bit high too

Plus add the factor of actual conversion (FOREX)

Payoneer got better foreign exchange

This is the actual comparison - 200 dollars sent to Paypal and 200 dollars sent to Payoneer

as you will see - the amount I receive from freeeup here is 196 $

Because 2% of 200$ is 4$- so the amount i receive in paypal is 196$

In Payoneer

The amount I receive in Payoneer is 197$ because

200$ less 3$ Fixed transaction fee of Freeeup to Payoneer so 197$

Just from the transaction fees - You will receive higher amount of money in your Payoneer account - because of their fix transaction fee

but there is an exception here - if your weekly or monthly salary is a bit small

for example 50$ or 100$ because - 2$ of those amount is a little bit smaller like 1$ or 2$ transaction fees ( in paypal)

transaction fee of paypal

but if your salary is around 200$ or 150$ - its better to use payoneer

because you will suffer from the 2% transaction fee of paypal

because salary in online jobs or freelance jobs

Clients are sending it as Payment and not as send to family and friends

because there are no fees when sending to family and friends

but - send or pay for goods or services - theres a fee for that in Paypal

- Upon receiving 196$ and 197$ - Payoneer is already higher 1$

If your salary is 1000$ so the difference will be around 10$+ or 500 pesos to 1000 pesos

Because of fees

I made a small mistake in withdrawing my money - I should have used both BDO bank account

In Payoneer I used BDO

I used gcash in paypal

In paypal ( last year ) to BDO (Bank) I was charged 250 Pesos (5$)

so supposedly 196$ last year will still be deducted by 250 pesos(5$)

but that was last year

One of my viewers told me that charge of BDO ( bank) as of today is just 1$ or 50 pesos

So 196$ - 50 pesos or 1 dollar = 195$ will arive to your bank account

But I am not 100percent sure about that 50 pesos charge of BDO - because I havent tried that again

Because right now I am using Gcash on my paypal

In Payoneer

I withdraw 197$

As you can see here 197$ and the total amount is 10,064 Pesos

As you can see on my bank account record - it arrive 10064 Pesos without any charge

April 20 on Bank statement - I requested it from payoneer april 19

it was transferred to my bank account the day after I requested the transfer

Payoneer to BDO ( bank) there was no charge

You can see on your screen the actual amount - That I already have on my bank accounts / gcash

Actual money that's on my possession already

As you can see here that I got higher amount of money - When I used Payoneer

the difference will be higher if your money or income is bigger

like my 1000$ sample - Payoneer will be far more better

I will now say some pros of Paypal - Paypal is partnered with GCASH(APP available for Filipinos)

Paypal to gcash is instant

If I withdraw through GCASH or Paypal to gcash- I will receive the money real time

So that is one pros of Paypal - it is partnered with gcash

First of all it is very easy to get gcash

and it is instant

But right now there are lots of complaints with gcash transactions

On my personal experience, I haven't had failed transaction using paypal to gcash

Lots of my viewers are telling me that

They withdraw their money from paypal - the amount was deducted from Paypal but didn't arrived or appear in their GCASH

Right now - I received a lot of same complains like that

I think those are new users that are having those problems

Right now I am not suggesting that

Although that money that was deducted to your paypal account - will automatically return to your paypal account ( if the transaction was not succesful)

so there is just a problem ( sometimes) with paypal to gcash

Another one is you can connect your paymaya( virtual debit card in Philippines) to your paypal

And you can transfer your money there as long as your Paymaya is VISA card

thats another one - because Paymaya is a little bit easy to get - and FREE

- In Payoneer - the only option to withdraw your money is just BANK ACCOUNT - no other methods to withdraw your money

In paypal you can also use bank account

but - there is a charge of 50Pesos (1$) but it depends on the bank

Another Pros of Payoneer for me is the Sign up Bonus Money

If you register in the description of this video

you will receive 35$ Bonus

I only received 25$ bonus as you can see - but on your case you will receive 35$

this is somehow a big consideration for me

35$ is almost 1500 Pesos

you might say that it is just small - but....

For me - Small amount is better than nothing

because in Paypal even you already had10,000$ Transaction already

you will not receive any cash bonus from paypal

Here in payoneer you will receive a bonus

To know how to receive the 35$ please watch my first video on how to register in Payoneer

here are other Pros of Paypal for me

In paypal the minimum withdraw is a little bit low - 10$ Only

as you can see you cannot withdraw 5$ - they are not showing it but their minimum withdraw is 10$

50$ is the minimum withdraw in Payoneer - a little bit high

this is the reason why I am suggesting this to freelancers

those who get income monthly or weekly

for my viewers who only get extra income online from sites

from postloop - those who can get 5 to 10 dollars per week only

It is better for them to use Paypal

Those whose income is a little bit small per week or month - Paypal is the right option for you

Because it is easier for you to reach their 10$ minimum payout

or minimum withdraw of paypal

And another pros of paypal is

There are more sites that pays via Paypal

like Insta GC

They payment option is paypal - they do not have Payoneer option

Payoneer is for Major Freelance websites like Upwork, Fiverr and Freeeup

Gotranscript - those major websites - have payoneer as mode of payment

But those small websites like instaGC , Postloop

Mostly their mode of payment is Paypal

There are more websites that Pays via Paypal

but most freelance websites have Paypal and Payoneer payout option

Last but not the least pros of Paypal for me is

You can use Paypal for shopping online

You can also use paypal to send money to your friends

not unlike with payoneer

because Payoneer's number 1 function is to receive payments from clients

like from freeeup to Payoneer to your Bank account

So that is Payoneer's number 1 function

to receive payments from the online jobs that you worked for -

That is my personal opinion

You might have different priority

Example - you are only getting your income from small websites like postloop / global test market

if you are receiving small amounts of money - Paypal is better for you

but if you are a freelancer working on Freeeup , Upwork or Fiverr

that per month you are receiving 500$ 600$ to 1000$

Payoneer is better for that - or for freelancers

Because you will get higher amount - in the end

I already showed you the actual comparison of 200$

If your income is more stable and high then choose payoneer

for freelancers

but it is still your own choice. You can choose both

I do have both Payoneer and paypal

My freelance job - I used Payoneer

I am using my Paypal to receive small amounts - like from KO Trivia

I am sending them to my paypal

Ko trivia doesnt have payoneer payout option

those sites that do not pay via payoneer - I am sending them to my paypal account

but it depends on your priority

For me the most important thing is the end money or cash on hand I will receive

like the 200 $ - the money that will end up on my hands

If I will use Payoneer - instead of Paypal

that is the most important thing to me - you might have a different priority

your priority might be the instant transfer of Paypal to Gcash -

by the way if you withdraw

In paypal when I withdraw(last year) - Paypal to BDO - 3days before I received the money

or 2days

In payoneer it depends - most of the time 1 day to 2 days

the longest time before I received the money was 4 days - there was a holiday that time

it depends - and it is your own decision

Thank you for watching - See you next time

For more infomation >> Best Withdraw Method - Paypal and Payoneer Comparison 2018 - Duration: 11:18.


M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Pożegnanie Barbary i Marka przed wyjazdem z Grabiny - Duration: 4:26.

Wzruszające chwile w "M jak miłość"! Marek Mostowiak (Kacper Kuszewski) razem z żoną Ewą (Dominika Kluźniak) znikną z serialu "M jak miłość" po wakacjach 2018.

Zanim jednak tak się stanie, to nadejdzie trudny czas pożegnań z rodziną i przyjaciółmi.

Serialowa Barbara (Teresa Lipowska) z "M jak miłość" zdradziła szczegóły tego wydarzenia.

Co wydarzy się w nowych odcinkach "M jak miłość"?

Odejście Marka Mostowiaka z serialu "M jak miłość" to dramat dla widzów oraz dla serialowej rodziny.

W nowych odcinkach po wakacjach 2018 jeden z głównych boahterów wyjedzie wraz z żoną Ewą z Polski i (jak twierdzi Kacper kuszewski) raczej już nigdy nie powróci do Grabiny.

Rezygnacja aktora z roli oznacza bolesne pożegnania z rodziną oraz przyjaciółmi.

Najtrudniejsze w "M jak miłość" będzie jednak pożegnanie się z serialową mamą Barbarą.

Co się wydarzy w "M jak miłość"? Teresa Lipowska wyznała w jednym z ostatnich wywiadów.

- Ja już to nagrałam.

Co prawda jeszcze tego widzowie nie widzieli.

Po prostu mówi mi o tym, że mają wyjazd wspólny z Ewą, a ja z łezką w oku mówię, że "No trudno, będę tutaj czekała na was" - powiedziała Teresa Lipowska portalowi

Dlaczego Marek z "M jak miłość" wyjedzie z Grabiny? Wszystko wskazuje na to, że przyczyną będzie karczemna kłótnia z Ulą (Iga Krefft).

Mostowiakowi bardzo nie spodoba się to, że rzuciła Janka (Tomas Kollarik) i wybrała namiętny związek z przestępcą Bartkiem (Arkadiusz Smoleński), bratem Andrzejka (Tomasz Oświeciński).

For more infomation >> M jak miłość po wakacjach 2018. Pożegnanie Barbary i Marka przed wyjazdem z Grabiny - Duration: 4:26.


Systemfel i kunskapsfabriken - om urholkning av ersättningsbeloppen till högre utbildning - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Systemfel i kunskapsfabriken - om urholkning av ersättningsbeloppen till högre utbildning - Duration: 2:01.


Citroën C2 VTR 1.4i Ligne Ambiance NETTE AUTO - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 VTR 1.4i Ligne Ambiance NETTE AUTO - Duration: 1:05.


DIY Patriotic Firecracker Centerpiece - Duration: 6:28.

Now we're going to make this really fun firework-inspired centerpiece.

So, I'm going to start by taking my Mini Bowdabra and my Bowdabra Bow Wire, and I'm

just going to fold it in half.

And then I'm going to take this hex nut and just string that onto my wire.

And now that my wire's folded in half and I have the nut right here, I'm just going

to tuck everything under my Mini Bowdabra so it stays out of the way, but there's

nothing that's connecting to it, it's just right there.

Then I'm going to take my silver Scrunchie Ribbon and I'm just going to scrunch it.

And I'll take my wand and I'm just going to make sure everything's packed down in


So now, I'm going to take these little chenille stems, which I've already cut.

And I have some that are a little shiny.

Take my Bowdabra wand, scrunch everything down.

Now I'm going to take my Bowdabra Bow Wire and I'm just going to pull these through

my slipknot.

And I'm going to take the nut here and just hold it as I hold my bow down, and I'm going

to pull it tight so my hex nut will be right in the middle of my bow.

So, now what I'm going to do though, just because I really want it to be down and flat,

I just pull my Bowdabra Bow Wire through and now I bring everything to the back, straighten

that out there, and just tie a knot.

I'm going to fluff my bow.

And I'm just going to put this aside.

So, this time, I'm going to take my gold.

Again, I'm going to take my wire and I'm going to put it through my hex nut, fold my

wire in half, and just put it underneath the Bowdabra.

And take my Bowdabra scrunchie ribbon.

And I'm just going to scrunch that down there, pull this back through my wire and

do the same thing I did last time.

I'm just going to pull it all through so that nut ends up right close to the bow.

And then I'm going to take my wire and just put it through the hex nut, bring it back

around, put it through one more time so it stays flat on the front of my bow.

Then I'm going to just bring it around to the back, tie a knot, fluff out my bow.

And I'm going to put this aside as well.

Then I have this really pretty fabric.

So, what I'm going to do is take this water bottle, let's make sure I line this up right,

and I've just got these little glue strips that I put on here.

Align the bottle there.

And I'm going to take another glue strip and just put that here and put another one


And then I'm just going to roll this up here.

Then I'm going to go to the top and I'm just going to take a glue dot this time.

I'm just going to kind of fold this in and put a glue dot here and then put another one


Just put that aside.

Then I'm going to come back and cut the ends off of my wire.

Or actually, I have a better idea.

I think I'm just going to tie this around my bottle to give it a little extra.

And I'm just going to kind of clip this to give it a little bit of the firecracker

kind of look.

And then I'm going to do the same thing to this one.

And I'm going to just put the bottle aside.

And I'm going to take a piece of my gold Bowdabra Bow Wire.

And I have these really cute little stars that I actually cut off of a patriotic garland.

So, I'm going to just stick a glue dot right here and put them together.

And then just glue dot the back here, put it onto my Bowdabra Bow Wire, take this back

over here.

And I'm just going to pull this down here through my Bowdabra Bow Wire.

And now you have this really cute firecracker centerpiece.

Please do me a favor and click the Subscribe button below, and also, like us at Bowdabra

on Facebook.

For more infomation >> DIY Patriotic Firecracker Centerpiece - Duration: 6:28.


【馬來西亞】拒絕伊黨所推薦議長人選~吉大臣:他不是州議員 - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> 【馬來西亞】拒絕伊黨所推薦議長人選~吉大臣:他不是州議員 - Duration: 8:00.


Photoshop- How to Create Cartoon Effect - Tamil Tutorial - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Photoshop- How to Create Cartoon Effect - Tamil Tutorial - Duration: 5:31.


綜合報導《最新更新》納吉夫婦【誰都不告了】撤回5宗誹謗案 - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> 綜合報導《最新更新》納吉夫婦【誰都不告了】撤回5宗誹謗案 - Duration: 8:49.


影/姚文智首場造勢晚會 陳菊:白色力量讓大家失望了 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 影/姚文智首場造勢晚會 陳菊:白色力量讓大家失望了 - Duration: 6:13.


【馬來西亞】安華又不是內閣成員~首相:他要說什麽就讓他講 - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> 【馬來西亞】安華又不是內閣成員~首相:他要說什麽就讓他講 - Duration: 8:11.


Staying on the Leading Edge of PPC Platforms - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Staying on the Leading Edge of PPC Platforms - Duration: 3:52.


Clarena Immun Balance Line | Kosmetyki probiotyczne - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Clarena Immun Balance Line | Kosmetyki probiotyczne - Duration: 0:41.


얼굴에 커피 끼얹고 쓰레기통 뚜껑' 던지며 대낮에 '난투극' 벌인 여성들 영상 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 얼굴에 커피 끼얹고 쓰레기통 뚜껑' 던지며 대낮에 '난투극' 벌인 여성들 영상 - Duration: 3:53.


Že je Karla ze seriálu Ulice nevýrazná a nudná? Podívejte se na jejíšílenou proměnu! - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Že je Karla ze seriálu Ulice nevýrazná a nudná? Podívejte se na jejíšílenou proměnu! - Duration: 1:17.


Wojna! Magdalena Korzeniowska Nie Odpuści Niewiernemu Mężowi! - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Wojna! Magdalena Korzeniowska Nie Odpuści Niewiernemu Mężowi! - Duration: 4:30.


Think Small! - Duration: 42:14.

For more infomation >> Think Small! - Duration: 42:14.


Hajj o Umrah,Saee Kay Msayl by Dr Farhat Hashmi سعی کے مسائل - Duration: 34:09.

Hajj o Umrah Talbiyah Kay AlfazTalbiyah Kay Masaail by Dr Farhat Hashmi تلبیہ کے مسائل

Hajj o Umrah,Muktlf Muqam Pr Krny Ki Duayn by Farhat Hashmi مختلف دعائیں

Yajooj Majooj Kon hyn by Dr Farhat Hashmi یاجوج ماجوج کون ہیں؟

Ayatul Kursi ki Fazeelat by Dr Farhat Hashmi آیت الکرسی کی فضیلت

Sadqh Awr Dua By Dr Farhat Hashm صدقہ اور دعا

For more infomation >> Hajj o Umrah,Saee Kay Msayl by Dr Farhat Hashmi سعی کے مسائل - Duration: 34:09.


El viejo McDonald tiene una granja | Parte 3 | Canciones infantiles | LittleBabyBum - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> El viejo McDonald tiene una granja | Parte 3 | Canciones infantiles | LittleBabyBum - Duration: 2:14.


[中字] 金秘書為何那樣6集花絮:初吻(X) 冰壺(O) 幕後花絮 '微笑該出發了!!' - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> [中字] 金秘書為何那樣6集花絮:初吻(X) 冰壺(O) 幕後花絮 '微笑該出發了!!' - Duration: 2:59.


Игрушки для детей! Помощь Маши. Мультики 2018 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Игрушки для детей! Помощь Маши. Мультики 2018 - Duration: 5:08.


Takhle ve skutečnosti vypadá podvodník z Chyť mě, když to dokážeš:Neuvěříte - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Takhle ve skutečnosti vypadá podvodník z Chyť mě, když to dokážeš:Neuvěříte - Duration: 1:59.


Vražda Milady Horákové: V den její popravy nastoupí vláda opřenáo komunisty - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Vražda Milady Horákové: V den její popravy nastoupí vláda opřenáo komunisty - Duration: 1:17.


Luan Santana fala sobre programa na Globo e revela como ficará sua carreira musical - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Luan Santana fala sobre programa na Globo e revela como ficará sua carreira musical - Duration: 3:56.


Povești din Istanbul | PARALEL EP. 3 | Istanbul - Duration: 18:40.

From the series " how do you cross the street in Istanbul"?

- Are we going to survive, man? - Man, I don`t know.

Hi! I am Ariel and every time I travel I feel like I have just arrived in a parallel universe, in a culture that I couldn't have even imagined before.

I am fascinated by this concept of "parallel reality" that each of us has, especially if we live our lives in very different geographical areas.

This time I got to a place which felt overwhelming since the first minute I arrived: Constantinople, now known as Istanbul.

Istanbul is a very big city. Istanbul is a city with an official population of 15 million people,

but unofficially it is supposed to easily overcome the entire population of Romania.

By 1500 Istanbul was considered the busiest city in the world, but 300 years later in 1800 London somehow got more crowded than Istanbul

If you ask me, and this year I have traveled to London and Istanbul, it`s definitely more crowded here,

there are more people on the streets, there is more agitation, I think.

But what makes this city very special is not necessarily the number of people who live there,

but the fact that the city is situated on two continents.

Part of Istanbul is facing Europe, and the other part is facing Asia. Istanbul becomes a gateway to these different worlds.

From the first few minutes of walking on the streets I felt atypical, weird, overly watched.

This is the prayer or the call to prayer. This is what woke me up at 4PM.

You can hear it from every corner of the city. And people start praying wherever they are.

Among the first observations I would mention that Istanbul streets are full of men who walk in big groups.

Men who always wear flip-flops and who are very comfortable with one and other, they are rubbing each other's backs,

they respect each other, like they are part of a fraternity.

The other thing I noticed is that you don`t really see women on the streets.

I would allow myself to say that out of about every 10 people I counted on the streets just one or two were women.

There are two kinds of women: the locals - they are religious, have their head covered and the tourists, lost and always part of a group.

After a while I managed to ignore the fact that everybody is looking at me, so I took the camera out and I started filming whatever I saw around me.

And in this direction, I looked up at the buildings and noticed that everywhere there were a lot, a lot and a lot of Turkish flags.

There, there, there and there, even on this boat.

Actually we can say that the number of flags is equivalent with the numbers of annoying cats which exist on the streets of Istanbul

always begging for food and rubbing against you. They are in big number, everywhere!

A lot of the times I thought that locals were trying to talk to me, when I was passing by them on the streets.

They were mumbling random stuff or they were intentionally whispering something behind my back. I still don`t what happened there.

But this happened to me a lot. I was thinking that somebody was talking to me, I would turn my head around and actually nobody was there.

After the first 24-48 hours of walking alone through Istanbul the general feeling was the feeling of vulnerability.

Not fear, I wasn't afraid to walk on the streets, not afraid of the people around me, or afraid of the armed soldiers around me,

although Turkey is in an alert state since last year. But I felt vulnerable.

There were many reasons for that, but probably the main reason was that I couldn't communicate with the people.

English is a rarity among Turkish people. When you have to speak with somebody who doesn't speak your language

Usually they will continue to speak in their language and will try to express themselves non-verbally.

It`s interesting when a Turkish person who doesn`t know English doesn`t like something or looks at you in a specific way

that seemed a little scary to me.

Istanbul gave me this feeling of a bee hive. It made me feel small.

It made me feel like every person living in Istanbul has this instinct of survival much more advanced than the people who live in Bucharest or other cities I have visited.

There are too many people, so it`s hard to find a job, and if you have a job, there is a lot of work and it`s mostly physically work

Another thing that I noticed is that people cross the street everywhere, not on the pedestrian crossing and not when the pedestrian light is green.

The drivers have a great respect for the pedestrians, and they are not hit by cars, even though they are crossing illegal.

The scouters are going on the sidewalk, there is a very, very very great chaos perfectly organized

Let's just go

You don't even have to run around here

In the few days spent in Istanbul I can say that I learned to cross the street without fear when seeing cars coming towards me.

Everybody does that there.

There was even a moment when I annoyed a local that was standing behind me because I did not cross the street and somehow I made him bypass me.

The point is that you have to cross if not, you will not survive. The stake is high!

By chance we found a neighborhood called Karakoy that was full of hipsterish terraces. We named this place The Hipsters' Hood.

Actually I read on the internet that it is considered a hipsterish place.

You could see people with tattoos and colorful hair and somehow I wasn't that special among those people,

but despite all this, the waiter, a young guy, a 100% religious, was absolutely fascinated by my hair.

He simply hadn't seen hair like mine even though he was working there. So even in this cool and touristic neighborhood it`s really easy to stand out.

I only knew two or three people in Istanbul

Bike Polo players, so I saw them, played some bike polo where I did not think I would ever play

I told them that I was filming and then asked them to take care of me because I felt a little bit vulnerable in their city

I don`t know people in Istanbul but I know an American guy who lives here and he plays polo.

Cycle polo is a team sport, similar to traditional polo, except that bicycles are used instead of horses. There is a big community of bike polo players

This is how I know James, an American who lives here.

And now Thursday night, less than 12 hours since I arrived, I have the opportunity to play bike polo in Istanbul

This is how you create the teams in polo.

The central bazaar is fascinating. It's huge. People sell a lot of stuff from anything to anything.

There is no way you cannot find something. People live here. Sleep here. Eat here. Work here. They do whatever they can there. Their life is that bazaar.

- Let`s buy some fake money - Yeah, buy some fake money

Walking through the bazaar and around the bazaar, because Istanbul is somehow a big bazaar,

constantly everybody is selling something I had this feeling of a living organism.

There are people who work for other people, there are the merchants who sell for the regular people,

and then there are the merchants who work for the other merchants.

There are people who are selling food for the merchants and tea. It`s a business branched under another business, under another business.

It`s fascinating.

- So that's the way you sell tobacco in here, right? - Yeah

I wonder if you can actually map this place and learn it by heart You can`t, there is no way.

- We should have gotten in here early, it`squite some so chaotic.

And now we are back in here. It's a maze.

Storage space. This is a building full of stuff

There is a difference between visiting Istanbul and this bazaar with somebody who speaks Turkish and who has been living here for quite some time.

Completely different, I am walking with a smile on my face The best part is that I am talking with him in English,

and people think that we are tourists and then he says something in perfect Turkish and people are shocked.

He also has some serious negotiations skills. He`s good at everything.

I didn't use that much the public transport, but when I finally did I was fascinated by the contrast between cheap and old things,

that defines the city and the style and technology being used there.

I have never seen such a large number of smart phones in the possession of people who are selling stuff in the market wearing flip flops

This contrast is really fascinating for me

Other random info: if you want to go from the Asian side to go to the European side, via Uber the ride will cost you 50-60 Turkish pounds

And 1 Turkish pounds is just slighter weak than 1 leu, so it's about 50-60 lei.

Talking about tourists, we can say that there are not so many tourists on the street. In the past two years, Turkey has lost 10% of their tourists.

Tourists, overall, seem to me to be very few, even in tourist areas.

Not to mention the places not that touristic, where I was walking alone and which were really creepy

When I crossed the Asian side of Istanbul I felt, ironically, more comfortable, somehow closer to Europe.

People look different, they dress differently, the technology is different, everything is more modern and more European.

We arrived in the east part of the city, the Asian side and here the people are different.

And from what I understood from the locals, that is the area that is now in trend, most people want to move on that side of Istanbul

now and here is where the coolest and biggest events are happening.

Here the vulnerability vanished, the strange looks disappeared, and even mosques seemed no longer present

New followers!

These people saw me with my camera and they started talking with me, and they wanted to see where they can see what we are filming,

because they are also vloggers

They don't understand English nor Romanian, just Turkish but they still want to watch it.

Look, it's a yellow tram!

In Turkey, the army is still mandatory. After you turn 18, you have to join the army. You are allowed to postpone up to when you turn 28,

if you want to study or travel, but as soon you are 28 they will take you by force.

Nowadays, people don't want to join the army anymore so there are few options to avoid it.

There is a fine of 7,000 euros that the rich pay to escape the army. Most of the people cannot afford to pay this.

But those who do not can't afford it must hide or flee. It`s complicated to leave the country because the Turkish people need visas.

It's not so easy to leave the country especially if you leave your family behind.

But one of the most interesting ways to get rid of the army is to declare you are homosexual.

But then you have to prove this by offering the authorities a video with you making love to another man.

You will then be checked by a doctor and a psychologist, you will be considered ill, you will be considered a shame

and you will receive the pink certificate, the one that allows you to get get out of your military duties.

What is really sad is the fact that people who are not actually gay use this method just to avoid the army.

I believe, frankly, that it is impossible to explore a city like Istanbul in just 4 days.

You need 4 days of shock and maybe, then, you can understand something of what's out there, in that culture.

It's a strange, atypical world, physically close to my Romania, but in many ways very distant from my reality at home.

I always had the feeling that maybe my perspective is a little too dark, and I see things in a negative way.

But no, I don't think it`s me, there are just two parallel worlds.

There is a saying that it's very hard not to love a person after you find out their story. I think this sums up my relationship with Istanbul.

It`s not that I don`t like it there, it`s just that I don't know the whole story, so it`s hard for me to judge it.

So, I am realizing that everything I said until now comes after 4 days of wandering and talking with a few people

and seeing too little of what Istanbul and Turkey has to offer.

In the end, I want to tell you that one of the nicest moments in Istanbul was when I realized that I can negotiate with a Turkish guy who didn't know English.

He only knew how to count. And I managed to negotiate, to take the price down a little bit.

I felt that I am part of his society. That I respect him and he respects me back.

I felt that we were making a good deal and we were smiling at each other.

For more infomation >> Povești din Istanbul | PARALEL EP. 3 | Istanbul - Duration: 18:40.


A Girl's Heart is Complicated - Duration: 23:53.

For more infomation >> A Girl's Heart is Complicated - Duration: 23:53.


John Michael Watts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:01.

John Michael Watts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

John Michael Watts has been identified as the veteran who set himself on fire in front of the Georgia State Capitol today.

Before he was taken to the hospital with severe burns, he said that he had done the horrific act to protest his treatment by the VA.

Here is what we know so far about Watts and what happened.

John Michael Watts Had Fireworks & Homemade Incendiary Devices Strapped to Him.

The George Bureau of Investigation identified the veteran as John Michael Watts.

They had delayed identification until family had been notified.

The veteran walked up to the state Capitol building with homemade incendiary devices and fireworks strapped to him, WSBTV reported.

He then poured a liquid, likely gasoline, on himself and set himself on fire.

He was the only person injured.

The 58-Year-Old Veteran Has Burns on About 90 Percent of His Body.

A state trooper used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames, but not before the man was seriously injured.

The veteran, who is a 58-year-old from Mabelton, has burns on 85 to 90 percent of his body.

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Watts does not have a current address.

AJC reported that Watts was a veteran with the Air Force.

A Sign on Watts' Car Had a Name & Phone Number on It.

Watts' car was parked near the Capitol building.

It had a large sign on the windshield with a name and phone number written on the sign, WSBTV reported.

Officials asked that no one call the number because they were concerned it might be connected to an incendiary device.

People in the area were asked to move about a block away from the capitol while police searched the car.

Watts Was Protesting His Treatment by the VA.

Watts was able to speak enough to say that he was protesting his treatment by the VA, just before he was taken to the hospital.

Around 10:45 a.

, he parked his Nissan Sentra on Washington Street and started walking toward the Capitol building, AJC reported.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has 1,700 clinics and hospitals.

A 51-year-old veteran set himself on fire and died in March 2016 in New Jersey.

The staff had not ensured he received adequate mental health care, The New York Times reported.

Michael Owens, a Marine Corps veteran in Georgia, told The New York Times that many veterans have said the state VA is not responsive to them.

"Being a disgruntled veteran is something that I hear a lot throughout our veteran community here in Atlanta.".

A Press Conference Was Happening Nearby When Watts Set Himself on Fire.

Watts' horrific actions got quick attention from the media because a press conference was already happening nearby when he set himself on fire.

The sound of the explosion could be heard during a news conference that was being held about Georgia's new hands-free law, Fox 5 reported.

This is a developing story.

For more infomation >> John Michael Watts: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:01.


পাদ অপরাধী | Oporadhi By Talking Tom | Angela Funny Video - Duration: 2:34.

Subscribe Please

For more infomation >> পাদ অপরাধী | Oporadhi By Talking Tom | Angela Funny Video - Duration: 2:34.


就算有钱也买不到!罗斯玛【战包】大起底! - Duration: 1:32.

 (吉隆坡27日讯)继爱马仕后,前首相纳吉夫妇再让大马人认识 一个世界级的奢华名牌,那就是一般人根本买不到的毕扬(Bija )。  据全国商业罪案调查部总监拿督斯里阿马星透露,在这总 值估计超过11亿令吉的现金和财物当中,名牌包包除了售价已让很 大马人嘴巴呈"o"字形的爱马仕以外,名牌包包中还包括一个定制 牌Bijan

 "这是一个价格非常名贵的品牌,而且并没有对外公开出售,一 人根本买不到。"  《星洲网》为大家整理了毕扬(Bijan 这品牌的介绍:    世界奢华品牌之一,其特调的香水被列为 界十大著名香水品牌第一位,也是市场上气味最浓烈、价格最昂贵的 每盎司(1盎司等于28.41毫升)售价300美元(约900令 ),在香水界有"液体钻石"、"宴会指定香水"等美誉,也是世界 族的指定香水

 毕扬总部设在美国加州比佛利山庄(Beverly Hill ),在罗迪欧大道420号开设的毕扬精品店,是全球少数采用会员 的高端商店,只限预约、受邀或受承认的名流才可以进入,极力维护 客购物的私密性

 毕扬精品店设计极尽奢华,大理石地板、精雕细琢的艺术品、 晶吊灯及巨大的落地窗户,都让人目炫神迷。  该精品店也被称为 世界上单次消费额最高的专卖店",根据美国专门报道知名人士和好 坞艺人花边新闻的网站消息,该精品店的最低消费是10万美元(约 0万令吉),即每名通过预约上门的客户,都会购买至少41万令吉 货品

   毕扬由已故同名的服装设计师─伊朗籍的毕扬所创办,始自 976年;而有"液体钻石"称誉的毕扬香水,则彼德伯姆在198 年调制,特色为中空的环形香水瓶。  毕扬专卖店最低价的货品 袜子,售100美元(约400令吉)、一条领带售1200美元( 3600令吉)、一套西装索价2万5000令吉(约7万5000 吉)

   客户群从政治领袖到艺人,包括美国前总统雷根、奥巴马 英国前首相布莱尔、俄罗斯总统车普京、艺人如汤姆克鲁斯、阿诺舒 辛力加、球星麦克佐登、名牌设计师佐治阿曼尼、奥斯卡德拉伦塔等 都是毕扬的忠实客户群

 由于是私人定制款,没有公开发售,因此无法找到定制女性手提 售价。

For more infomation >> 就算有钱也买不到!罗斯玛【战包】大起底! - Duration: 1:32.


"Arriva Caronte". Meteo: temperature infernali, poi la 'sorpresa' - Duration: 4:21.

        Dimenticato ormai dal luglio 2017 - quando infuocò l' per tantissimi giorni - anche quest'anno 'Caronte' torna a infiammare l', ma non per molto

Nel weekend di sabato 30 giugno e domenica 1 luglio, l'alta pressione africana conquisterà il nostro Paese, portando due giornate soleggiate e molto calde, fanno sapere gli esperto del sito 'iLMeteo

it'. Le temperature saliranno vertiginosamente oltre i 30°C nella giornata di sabato, oltre i 33°C domenica come Bologna (36°C), Firenze (35°C), Roma (33°C) ma anche Milano, Padova e Taranto; fino a 40°C invece si potranno toccare nelle zone interne di Sicilia e Sardegna"

"L'ondata di caldo africano non durerà molto al Nord - sottolineano gli esperti - infatti da martedì 3 luglio i primi temporali potranno bagnare le Alpi, le Prealpi e localmente il Nordest mentre mercoledì 4 invaderanno quasi tutto il Nord

Centro-Sud protetto dall'alta pressione ancora per qualche giorno, poi nel weekend del 7-8 luglio ci sarà il colpo di grazia"

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Lo sbalzo termico provocato da Caronte sarà notevole, anche con 10/15 gradi in più rispetto agli attuali

Passeremo, infatti, da temperature sotto media, a valori ben oltre la norma del periodo, con picchi anche di 40°C

Ma il caldo non durerà molto. Le principali tendenze per la metà del mese di luglio vedranno infatti un nuovo brusco stop all'estate, con rischio di fenomeni estremi come forti piogge, forti venti e grandinate

Le temperature si abbasserebbero nuovamente di colpo. Secondo quanto riportato dal sito IlMeteo

it il trend potrebbe essere proprio questo, con le incursioni atlantiche protagoniste tanto quanto gli anticicloni

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) ''A partire dal weekend di sabato 7 e domenica 8, - si legge sul sito IlMeteo

it - un nucleo di maltempo si sgancerà dal mare del Nord, punterà al Golfo di Biscaglia, alla Francia e poi alla Germania e vagherà un po' impazzito sull'Europa centrale, risucchiando aria più temperata dalla Spagna verso l' e il Mediterraneo, innescando così sulle nostre regioni piogge e temporali anche di forte intensità associati a grandine: dapprima sulle regioni settentrionali e sulla Sardegna, poi anche sulle regioni centrali anche a Roma, si scateneranno pure nubifragi e il rischio delle cosiddette bombe d'acqua non sarà poi così remoto''

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) I prossimi due mesi potrebbero essere senza eccessive anomalie termiche, quindi potrebbe sì fare caldo ma con soltanto 0

5/1°C in più rispetto alla media di riferimento, ma non su tutta : si prevede infatti che soltanto la Puglia, la Basilicata e il Friuli Venezia Giulia possano essere lievemente più calde rispetto al resto del Paese

Gli ultimi aggiornamenti delle tendenze stagionali infatti sono in controtendenza con questa consuetudine e pare che per settembre e ottobre i valori termici potranno risultare addirittura di 1-2°C sopra la media del periodo, o anche poco di più sulle regioni adriatiche


For more infomation >> "Arriva Caronte". Meteo: temperature infernali, poi la 'sorpresa' - Duration: 4:21.


Migranti, nave Maersk a Pozzallo. Salvini: "Abbiamo cuore buono" - Duration: 6:21.

Si è conclusa nella notte la situazione di stallo dei 108 migranti, tutti uomini tranne una donna e due bambini, a bordo della Alexander Maersk, la nave danese ferma da venerdì scorso davanti alle coste del Ragusano (LO SPECIALE MIGRANTI)

La portacontainer ha attraccato nel porto di Pozzallo poco dopo la mezzanotte (FOTO) e subito dopo sono cominciate le operazioni di sbarco

"Abbiamo il cuore buono a differenza di Macron", ha così commentato il ministro dell'Interno, Matteo Salvini, che poi puntualizza: "Le Ong non toccheranno mai più un porto italiano"

Iprofughi, soccorsi nei giorni scorsi nel Mediterraneo, verranno trasferiti nell'hotspot di Pozzallo per l'identificazione

Imigranti della Maersk, tutti in buone condizioni di salute, prima di essere trasferiti sul cargo danese erano stati tratti in salvo dalla Lifeline, la nave della Ong tedesca bloccata da giovedì scorso al largo di Malta con altri 234 migranti, al centro di un braccio di ferro tra gli stati europei su chi debba accoglierli

(SKY TG24 A BORDO DELLA LIFELINE) Il via libera del Viminale all'ingresso della Maersk nel porto di Pozzallo è arrivato ieri sera dopo diversi appelli, tra cui quello del sindaco della città, Roberto Ammatuna, preoccupato tra le altre cose dalle cattive condizioni meteo, e quello del Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone detenute o private della libertà personale, Mauro Palma, che in una lettera al Comandante generale della Guardia Costiera aveva chiesto "urgenti informazioni sugli ordini impartiti relativamente alla impossibilità di approdo della nave container" sostenendo che i migranti a bordo "si trovano di fatto private della libertà personale"

Il primo cittadino di Pozzallo, dopo l'ok del Viminale, ha ringraziato il ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini "per avere accettato la richiesta umanitaria"

(LE NAVI DELLE ONG SENZA APPRODO) Tra i motivi che hanno spinto il sindaco di Pozzallo a chiedere l'autorizzazione all'approdo della Maersk c'è stato anche il fatto che l'arrivo in porto ha permesso il ricongiungimento di una famiglia sudanese che si era dovuta separare dopo l'evacuazione sanitaria dalla nave avvenuta sabato mattina, con una ragazzina di 8 anni fortemente disidratata ricoverata in ospedale per una gastroenterite

Insieme a lei erano scesi dalla nave la madre e la sorellina di due anni mentre a bordo erano rimasti il padre e un fratello di 4 anni

"Avevo promesso a quella bimba che presto le avrei riportato il suo fratellino e adesso l'ho accontentata", ha detto il medico marittimo di Pozzallo, Vincenzo Morello. (LA NUOVA BOZZA DEL VERTICE UE) Resta invece ancora in alto mare la nave della Ong Lifeline, senza che all'orizzonte si intraveda una soluzione per i 234 migranti salvati davanti alla Libia giovedì scorso

L'imbarcazione dell'organizzazione tedesca ha passato un'altra notte in mare senza sapere dove approdare, mentre il vicepremier Salvini ha ribadito ieri che "è una nave fuorilegge e non sarà un porto italiano ad accoglierla"

Parole smorzate però dal suo omologo, Luigi Di Maio: "Se Spagna, Francia o Malta non aprono i porti alla nave, la farà entrare l'Italia", ma poi sarà "sequestrata"

Lunedì Alex Steier, rappresentante della Ong tedesca, aveva annunciato la volontà di chiedere accoglienza a Parigi, ma poi ha dovuto far retromarcia proprio a causa del maltempo

Un'ipotesi che ha aperto l'ennesimo scontro a distanza tra la Francia e Salvini, secondo cui visto che "i francesi a parole sono i più buoni di tutta l'Unione sarebbe un bel gesto quello dell'apertura del porto di Marsiglia a questa nave"..

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