Thursday, June 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 28 2018

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the Madqueen

On today's menu we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 video for you, and today, we're going

to review the character creation that we saw in the privately showed demo this E3

Before I go on, a warning: in exception of the images that are directly extracted from

the Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebook and, obviously, the trailer, no other image is official, I

recreated the character creation with Photoshop using the notes I took during the presentation

of the demo, so it may have some inaccuracies, I apologize for them in advance

The first thing to note about the character creation process is that it has the aspect

of a character sheet of the original pen and paper roleplaying game

It also has some peculiarities that are characteristic of Cyberpunk 2020 that we will describe later

Apart from that, we also know that during this character creation process we won't

be able to choose the class from one of the three playable character classes, that are

the Solo, the Netrunner and the Techie, depending on the decisions that we take during the game,

the gameplay itself is going to take us to a specific class

So, again, no choosing

Which is great because this way people that are not used to Cyberpunk character classes

will have a class adapted to their gameplay, but it won't be a closed system, most of the

skills that our character is going to be able to choose when we advance in the game are

going to be multiclass, so we're going to be able to pick these skills regardless of

the class the game chooses for you

The first step of the character creation is choosing the basic aspects of the character,

so the first screen that we find is the one to choose male or female

According to what we were explained while we were watching it, the gender of the character

will impact in the story beyond being treated with the correct pronoun, it will open possibilities

especially in the social part of the game

And we were shown the image like that, with the pixels

It seems that censoring the images was a decision taken to avoid exploiting the shock value

of character's nudity, as it was literally the first thing we saw in the game

Obviously, apart from the loading screen

Once we chose the gender and before we start customizing the visuals of the character,

and I will follow the case of the demo, that was played with the female character, we're

going to delve deeper into who this character is, and for that, we have the lifepath

Lifepath is a flowchart of, let's call them, "plot complications", designed to help

you give your Cyberpunk character an authentically dark future background

In here you can describe your friends, enemies, origins, family, personal habits or key events

of your life

I'm afraid that during the presentation of the demo we weren't able to see in detail

how this is going to work

I guess we will have some options to choose from in every aspect of the life path, and

the good thing about this is not only that is going to help us in the most RPG centered

aspects of the game, but it will impact on the game

With some luck, the Lifepath we choose will open secondary quests related to our family,

enemies, old grudges that, why not, we may even get the chance to have some revenge,

there are a huge amount of options

The best thing about these little details, that are not little at all, is that it allows

to replay the game several times and always play a different game

From the inside, we go to the outside: customizing the visuals of the character

We can customize the body type, the facial structure and the hair color and hairstyle

I know that some of you expected some sort of sculpting tool to be able to sculpt the

face and the body of the character but, unfortunately, that's not what we saw at the demo, what

we saw was templates to choose from of different ethnicities

Another thing that I missed in this screen when the demo was shown is exotics

All the faces in the template were very human, none of them showed exotic features, so from

the information here we cannot know if we will be able to customize our character with

exotic cyberfashion at the beginning of the game, or if this is an option that we'll

have later in the game

Or even if exotics are not in the game at all, but that would be odd

The thing is that the dev explaining the demo while we were seeing it commented some more

customization options that weren't in the screen at that moment, like hairstyle, or

if they were there I can't remember them because they moved through the customization

screens very quickly, but as what we saw was the pre-alpha it's probable that although

these options are already considered to appear in the character creation process, they weren't

implemented yet

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In the next screen, with our face, body, hairstyle and hair color chosen, now it's time for

decorating the body to achieve the perfect edgerunner look

and we can choose clothing and tattoos

As I mentioned before, I don't know if these tattoos are going to be just regular ink or

we're talking about light tattoos or something more exotic, but the tattoos we saw in the

trailer were static and made of regular ink, so I believe that's what we're going to have

Regarding the clothing, we could see later in the demo that certain garments will have

a bonus in skills, for instance, the jacket that V wears in this picture, that is the

same that she wore in the demo, if I recall correctly gives you +2 to the skill Streetwise,

that is a skill that gives you some extra knowledge on the seedy side of life: it makes

it easier for you to find illegal and contraband hot items, drugs, makes it easier for you

to talk to criminals, or even be friends with them or, if your streetwise pool is high enough

they may even owe you a favor or two

I'm glad we saw that, because this skill depends on the stat COOL that is my favorite

stat of the game and we'll talk about it in a minute

The last screen on the character customization screen is the numbers, because we roleplayers

love numbers, at least when they are associated with skills

Please note that the stats that I put here are the ones that are in the Cyberpunk 2020

sourcebook, it was impossible for me to notice all the information in the screen because

it went away too fast

Of these 7 stats, the only one that I believe is not going be in the game is Attractiveness,

because we have a visual reference here, this is something that should be tied to how you

design your character

Intelligence and reflexes are stats that are quite common to every game, cool is my favorite

stat and it basically rules how cool others think you are, how tough and neat in general

It also measures how well the character stands up to stress, fear, pressure or pain and torture,

so if your idea is to play like a Solo, this is a must for you

The skill I talked about that was related to V's jacket, streetwise, depends on this

stat, so I think is safe to assume that is going to be in the game

Technical Ability is a stat you need if you're playing as a Techie, also useful when you're

a Netrunner, but as a Techie is a must, because it measures how well you relate to hardware

and other technically orientated things

But, a very important thing to note in here, V is a Crystaljock, that is some sort of Netrunner,

but not a netrunner, I will explain this better in next video because is long, and this is

something that V has from the beginning of the game, before choosing class, being a Crystaljok

is something that comes as a basic skill with the character, so even if you are going to

play as a Solo, you may find Technical Ability very useful

On the other hand, let's not forget that this is the Cyberpunk world and everybody

is cybernetically enhanced, so first aid is also ruled by the Technical Ability stat

As I said before, I doubt attractiveness is going to be in the game as a stat and luck

is quite self-explanatory, and then you have empathy

As I explained in past video, or the video before, empathy is a stat that appeared in

the demo as implants had associated a cost in humanity, if you missed the video on how

empathy, humanity, and Cyberpsychosis were implemented in the demo, you'll find the

link in the description

There's another stat from the original pen and paper game that I didn't add here called

Movement Allowance, but this stat is for pen and paper turn-based combat so it would make

no sense in a video game, unless you want to change it for dexterity but I think that

reflexes has this covered

Then the skills, but for the life of me that I didn't have time to take a look at this,

and there are an insane amount of skills in this game, so go figure which ones of them

will make it to the video game version, apart from streetwise and, I can guess, combat sense,

interface, and Medical Tech, but we'll talk about these skills when we talk about the

playable character classes

And these are the customization options we could see in the demo of Cyberpunk 2077, let

me know your thoughts on this

Well, folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do and you'd like us to keep doing it, please consider supporting

us on Patreon

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Character Creation (Recreated with Photoshop) - Duration: 11:47.


Singing with Good Vibrations | #DrDan ⏱ - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Singing with Good Vibrations | #DrDan ⏱ - Duration: 1:47.


Dieta efectiva para reducir el colesterol malo - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Dieta efectiva para reducir el colesterol malo - Duration: 8:11.


Michelle Rips Melania's Style: 'I Never Made Fashion Mistake' — Gets Brutal Surprise - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Michelle Rips Melania's Style: 'I Never Made Fashion Mistake' — Gets Brutal Surprise - Duration: 4:43.


Cómo limpiar tu lavadora por dentro | Allstate En Español - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Cómo limpiar tu lavadora por dentro | Allstate En Español - Duration: 2:48.


Video #5 Por qué necesitas regresar? - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Video #5 Por qué necesitas regresar? - Duration: 1:07.


Super-bevanda alla curcuma: cura l'artrite, combatte dolori e infiammazioni e protegge il cuore - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Super-bevanda alla curcuma: cura l'artrite, combatte dolori e infiammazioni e protegge il cuore - Duration: 7:13.


「車世界」 | スズキ 新型 ソリオ 仕様変更 デュアルカメラブレーキサポート 2018年7月2日発表 - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> 「車世界」 | スズキ 新型 ソリオ 仕様変更 デュアルカメラブレーキサポート 2018年7月2日発表 - Duration: 9:23.


Charly García Hablando a tu Corazón SUB LUCIO62 - Duration: 3:56.

I'm fine. Ok, they want more there goes more

Oh, you can not be happy,

with so many people talking, talking around you

Oh give me your love to me,

I'm talking to you, speaking to your heart.

When you are very lonely

alone on the street

with so many people talking, talking around you

you do not need someone to accompany you

I'm talking to you, speaking to your heart.

Oh, you can not be happy,

with so many people talking, talking around you

Oh give me your love to me,

I'm talking to you, speaking to your heart.

No matter the language or the words

nor the borders that separate our love.

I want you to listen to me and to open

I'm talking to you, speaking to your heart.

Oh, you can not be happy,

Oh give me your love to me,

Oh, you can not be happy,

with so many people talking, talking around you

Oh give me your love to me,

I'm talking to you, talking, thank you very much


For more infomation >> Charly García Hablando a tu Corazón SUB LUCIO62 - Duration: 3:56.


Tras años de misterio, Bryan Adams cuenta la verdad de su relación con Lady Di - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Tras años de misterio, Bryan Adams cuenta la verdad de su relación con Lady Di - Duration: 3:20.


Lo que nadie se atreve a decir del oscuro pasado de Antonio Tejado: te lo contamos - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Lo que nadie se atreve a decir del oscuro pasado de Antonio Tejado: te lo contamos - Duration: 3:30.


Самый толстый в мире еж сел на диету - Duration: 2:29.

 Ежу, который считается самым крупным представителем своего вида, прописали строгую диету и физические упражнения

Об этом пишет BBC News. Животное проживает в питомнике в области Шотландии Абердиншир

Его вес составляет 2,3 килограмма, что превышает норму в четыре раза. Еж по кличке Арбакл, названный в честь американского актера Роско Арбакла по прозвищу Толстяк, едва может ходить и не в состоянии свернуться

 Человек, который обнаружил ежа, рассказал, что обычно подкармливает зверьков, забредающих к его дому

Арбакл, в отличие от сородичей, не спешил уходить. Сотрудники центра утверждают, что процесс похудения будет долгим

«Он, конечно, какое-то время будет сердиться, но мы должны быть непреклонны ради его же блага

В таком состоянии он не выживет в дикой природе», — отметил один из сотрудников. В 2016 году сообщалось о еже по кличке Пухляш (Piggywinkle), которому также прописали диету

Он весил 1,8 килограмма и смог похудеть до нормальных показателей.Больше ада и странных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дна»


For more infomation >> Самый толстый в мире еж сел на диету - Duration: 2:29.


El Supremo confirma el procesamiento de Puigdemont y Junqueras por rebelión - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> El Supremo confirma el procesamiento de Puigdemont y Junqueras por rebelión - Duration: 10:03.


Niña de tres años y su abuelo mueren tras balacera en Ciudad de México - Duration: 1:25.

Una balacera registrada en la colonia Del Valle en la Ciudad de México cobró la vida de una niña de 3 años y su abuelo de 45, esto por las calles Pilares y Juan Sánchez Azcona

Una joven de 22 años también resultó con varias heridas de bala, y junto a la niña y el hombre, se encontraba dentro de un vehículo de la marca Seat, tipo Ibiza

Medios de la Ciudad de México informaron que la niña de 3 años y la mujer de 22, fueron atendidas por paramédicos y llevadas de urgencia a un hospital en la delegación Benito Juárez, donde la madrugada de este jueves murió la infante

El abuelo de la niña perdió la vida en un hospital de la colonia Roma; hasta el momento se desconoce si hay detenidos tras el tiroteo

For more infomation >> Niña de tres años y su abuelo mueren tras balacera en Ciudad de México - Duration: 1:25.


Polvo del Sahara afectará a Q. Roo: habrá más calor - Duration: 2:29.

 Octavio Martínez/SIPSEPLAYA DEL CARMEN, Q. Roo.- En los siguientes días se espera que en la región, llegue el polvo del Sahara que ocasionará que haya menor probabilidad de formación de ciclones tropicales, adelantó Luis Antonio Morales Ocaña, meteorólogo de la Coordinación Municipal de Protección Civil

 Este fenómeno que se origina en África, ocasionará también una mayor concentración de calor en la localidad, además se espera que traiga efectos de cielos rojizos en el atardecer y blancuzcos en el transcurso del día

 También te puede interesar: Cancún siente cambio climático con sargazo y muerte de arrecifes  "El polvo del Sahara ya se observa en lo alto de la atmósfera, y esto como cada año, llega y se vierte en aguas del Océano Atlántico y también arriba a nuestro país

Este polvo aunque no muy compacto, lo podemos visualizar en horas del día con un cielo blanquecino, un sol difuso y este polvo no es otra cosa que las tormentas de arena de África, que debido a las altas temperaturas que se desarrollan ahí y se compactan, se elevan y es donde absorben mucho calor", explicó el especialista

 Al menos, en la siguiente semana, en la cuenca del caribe se descarta a manera de pronóstico la formación de bajas presiones que podrían derivar en ciclones tropicales, sin embargo, en la región este fenómeno podría traer efectos de concentración de calor al producirse un fenómeno de bochorno en el ambiente

 Agregó que esto ocurre cada año y concluye cuando termina la estación de verano.  En los últimos días, en la localidad, el promedio de temperaturas mínimas han sido de 25 grados centígrados, mientras que la máxima es de 31 grados, con sensaciones térmicas de hasta 40 grados

 Morales Ocaña mencionó que estos niveles de calor son apenas el inicio de una temporada que prevén alcance sus puntos más altos en cuanto a ambiente cálido para agosto

Recomendó a la población mantenerse hidratados para evitar complicaciones de salud


For more infomation >> Polvo del Sahara afectará a Q. Roo: habrá más calor - Duration: 2:29.


Vecinos de un barrio de Barcelona boicotean una cena a favor de Puigdemont poniendo el... - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Vecinos de un barrio de Barcelona boicotean una cena a favor de Puigdemont poniendo el... - Duration: 2:53.


The Sojourn: Drift and Drift Gates - Avalon Archives - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> The Sojourn: Drift and Drift Gates - Avalon Archives - Duration: 7:04.


Melania Returns To Texas Border And Infuriates Dems AGAIN With What She Wore This Time - Duration: 5:19.

Melania Returns To Texas Border And Infuriates Dems AGAIN With What She Wore This Time.

No matter what First Lady Melania Trump does, she just can't win with the left and understandably,

I don't think she cares.

The last time she headed to the Texan border with Mexico, she wore a fun, young jacket

that said on the back, "I really don't care, do u?"

She said it was just a jacket and I believe her.

Every time Melania wears heels or an outfit of any sort, the left loses it and spins it

as something nefarious.

It's insane.

This time she went to the border and wore a simple black and white outfit, which infuriated

the Dems all over again.

This time because there was pretty much nothing to criticize.

They wanted something to trash her in the media for.

Melania is always the epitome of class and dresses to the nines.

The left hates her for her beauty, grace, and kindness.

They show it every time they can.

Melania's greatest sin this time was not being part of the media spectacle.

She is in this for the children and she genuinely cares about them.

Something the leftists cannot relate to.

Melania has real compassion for these children and wants to be involved in making sure, they

are taken care of and treated well.

The first lady does not go out of her way to send messages like the left does.

If anything, her original jacket told the media she doesn't care what they think of

her, and I think we can all relate to that.

In a clean cut and simple white slacks and a black blouse, Melania went about visiting

centers where children were housed, after their parents were apprehended at the U.S

Mexican border.

She did not release details on her plans probably to foil attempts, by the vulturistic press

to hound her during her visits.

Her first visit was only a week ago to the border town of McAllen, Texas.

She met with officials there who are dealing with detained families.

She also took time to meet with children and encourage them.

That's what a first lady does and Melania does it very well.

So many things are happening here in the U.S. and internationally, it makes your head spin.

But what does the media focus on?

Melania's wardrobe.

It's just dumb.

The first lady's spokeswoman said it was just a jacket, with no hidden message, but

the left ran with it anyway.

President Trump supported Melania by tweeting that his wife was saying she really doesn't

care about the "fake news" media.

It could have been either one and you know what?

It doesn't matter.

It means nothing in the scheme of things and it just shows how hyper-reactive the media


The media is still ranting over children being separated from their parents at the border.

As I understand it, most if not all of them have been reunited and this blowup is another

piece of fake news.

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered that thousands of migrant children, and parents be reunited

within 30 days, and sooner if the youngster is under 5.

Trump is already doing that and that ruling was pure grandstanding.

And what would a media outrage be without Michelle Obama sticking her nose where it

does not belong?

She was speaking recently at an event in New Orleans, Louisiana.

It was during that talk that Michelle brought up her time, as first lady while taking a

mean jab at Melania.

"I couldn't make those kinds of [fashion] mistakes, I was outstanding," said Michelle.

Time tweeted, "Making mistakes was not an option."

Michelle Obama on the pressure of being "the first."

That is the most arrogant statement I have ever heard from a first lady.

First off, Michelle Obama should be taking fashion lessons from Melania.

I didn't care for Michelle Obama's style at all.

What she said about Melania's fashion choice was just laughable, and is enough to tick

anyone off.

She has a selective memory if she thinks that she ever looked better than Melania Trump.

One simple little message on a jacket sent everyone reeling.

Michelle hardly had that effect on anyone.

I think she's really jealous of Melania… she can't quit talking about Melania and

trashing her.

That's just sad.

And remind me again… did Michelle Obama ever once go to the border?

Nope, she didn't and her husband incarcerated twice as many children as President Trump,

and Obama used cages.

Michelle attacks Melania because she has no legacy as first lady, and she knows Melania

will leave an incredible legacy, when she leaves the White House.

Melania Trump will leave memories of kindness, and a love for children in her wake.

She takes the time to go to the border or to areas hit by calamity and she actually

works with people to help them.

I don't recall ever seeing Michelle Obama do that in the eight years she was in the

White House.

I do remember her saying she was ashamed of her country, and that she hated being in the

White House.

But her meddling in school lunches pales in comparison to the charitable actions by Melania.

Fashion-wise, there is literally no comparison.

Melania is in a whole other category from Michelle.

As far as making mistakes, Michelle made many of them and her attire was right at the top

of the list.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Melania Returns To Texas Border And Infuriates Dems AGAIN With What She Wore This Time - Duration: 5:19.


Box of Toys Learn Sea Animals for Kids Learn Colors Sharks - Duration: 5:02.

Box of Toys Learn Sea Animals for Kids Learn Colors Sharks

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Learn Sea Animals for Kids Learn Colors Sharks - Duration: 5:02.


Liberty Forum - Think Tank Shark Tank, Copenhagen 2018. - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Liberty Forum - Think Tank Shark Tank, Copenhagen 2018. - Duration: 3:45.


Seat Leon 1.0 EcoTSI 115PK Style Business Intense - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.0 EcoTSI 115PK Style Business Intense - Duration: 1:13.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up! Executive - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs Move Up! Executive - Duration: 1:12.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Up! Edition - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Up! Edition - Duration: 1:13.


[ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #181 - Duration: 5:51.

[ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #181

For more infomation >> [ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #181 - Duration: 5:51.


Guelph Talks Food - Plant Communication - Duration: 7:37.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Clarence Swanton

and I want to share with you about plant communication,

why we think it's important, and why we

think it's important in terms of understanding yield loss.

So I want to begin by though when I'm talking about communication

I want to begin thinking about the world wide web.

The world wide web we have integrated intimately into

the quality of our life.

When you think about the world wide web and the

ability to communicate globally

and the demands of business and school on the world wide web.

I think you get a little tense you start to think wow that's

a really busy busy place to be.

But this is how we have evolved in as humans to

communicate through this technology.

Now let me transition you to a much more

quieter scene okay something different.

Here I want you to look at this:

I bet you right away you just kind of ah that's so nice.

Words that you describe that -

you don't think you'd use the word busy, maybe

tranquil, peaceful, refreshing, this types of thing.

But ladies and gentlemen I want you to know that

you just entered the forest wide web of communication.

We know from literature that plants can communicate

and we know that certain trees can communicate.

They may very well say you know look out there's

a human present in the woods, for all we know.

[We] don't know that for sure but it is possible.

Now what do we know for sure? Some cool things

I want to share with you about communication.

Plants didn't evolve legs,

so they have to have a way of talking to each other

and to be able to respond very very quickly.

You might have heard in the literature about talking trees.

These are alders and when an alder plant is attacked it

can actually send out a signal to all the other alders

in the community and

the alder trees, they listen to this,

they read this information, and they actually change their physiology.

In Star Trek terms, shields are up.

We're getting attacked over here, get ready for that onset.

So they actually changed their physiology

when they get this signal.

Plants also have the ability to eavesdrop,

to listen. How cool is that?

To be able to listen to someone else's conversation.

An example of that is if in the literature,

where a tobacco plant was growing very

closely to a sage, and the sage plant was

being defoliated. The sage plant released

a message saying that danger was nearby

through these volatile organic compounds.

The tobacco plant actually understood the language

and it changed its physiology in preparation

for the defoliation as well. Remarkable.

My third example is plants can actually call out for help

and recruit some bodyguards.

Now, when the enemy of my enemy is my friend,

as an expression, plants figured that out a long time ago.

For example a tomato plant is known when it gets

attacked by a caterpillar. You can actually send out

a message to invite the predators of that caterpillar,

thereby reducing its loss of leaves and foliage.

So remarkable differences it's just some

of the things that plants can do.

So, you're having this, through plant communication

we have this exchange of information.

We have the ability to exchange information,

to read that information and to react very very quickly.

The other cool thing about that is it can be within a species

or it can be across a species as well.

We have this tremendous ability to move, to share

this type of information.

The question is that you're probably

waiting for it and for me to get to is

"What does this have to do with agriculture?"

I want to say that I think it has everything to do with this

curve up here this one right here.

This is yield loss. This is duration of

weed interference so and so this is corn.

These are some of the studies that we've

done in the past,

and what you have here there's nothing new

about weeds causing yield loss.

But what we've discovered is that we started to think

about what happens very early in the development of

a seedling stage.

How is it that the plant there when resource competition

for light, water, nutrients is not possible.

But yet the yield potential of those plants are

changing very rapidly.

We calculate that a corn plant can lose yield

at a rate of half a bushel up to 3.3 bushels per day.

That means we can calculate that on a per minute basis.

Think if your livelihood is producing

corn and I tell you that you could lose yield

on a per minute basis, it changes

your perspective on risk management of that crop.

What we find is the question then is,

so we say that it's irreversible, it is quick. So this is

the type of situation that I'm talking about.

This is a corn spike it's just coming out of the ground

These are weed species here and the

question we asked ourselves does that corn plant

at that stage know that that

plant is there? Our research says yes.

Does that weed change the physiology of that plant

at that early stage? Our research says it does.

So very early on it can detect those differences.

Now I want to share with you then the power of

this communication.

You have to appreciate that if I start to sound like

a Baptist minister, I apologize but if you take

one thing away today I want you to think about

the power of communication.

I'm going to show you for the very first time

in the biological world,

where through communication a weed species

will actually kill a crop species.

Never been done before.

This is our example here. This is our control.

This is a tobacco plant. These plants are in separate

chambers they're watered separately there's no contact

whatsoever. This is our surrogate weed species right here.

Here is the tobacco plant

as well just the same as this one. The only difference

here is this plant is going to have a conversation

with those with the weeds right next to it.

Lots of light, the plants are fed independently,

water, so there's no competition

for light, water, and nutrients.

I want you to watch what happens,

particularly with these two plants here.

Watch the difference here. This is how it starts:

This is six hours later:

12 hours later:

48 hours later:

Six days later:

That plant is dead. That plant is... there's nothing left

of that plant, and that's simply by the communication.

So how do we come to terms with it?

How do we understand what was really going on?

Well what we hope to do with our work is

understand those mechanisms of plant

competition, and through doing that we hope

that that if we can understand that

method then we can work towards

better stress tolerance and greater yield

stability in our crops in the future.

With that I want to thank you for listening to my story

Guelph Talks: Food At the University of Guelph

For more infomation >> Guelph Talks Food - Plant Communication - Duration: 7:37.


Kde ve Varech ulovit celebrity? NÁVOD pro lovce podpisů a selfíček - Duration: 4:53.

   Největší šanci na setkání se svým oblíbencem či idolem jsou hned v pátek na zahajovacím ceremoniálu

Od 16. hodin se začnou sjíždět hosté karlovarského festivalu k hotelu Thermal, kde se předvedou v luxusních róbách na červeném koberci, který můžete v přímém přenosu sledovat na Blesk

cz.  Letos českým fanouškům zamává i oscarový režisér Tim Robbins. Ten v sobotu ve 22

30 uvede také v Letním kině svůj film Vykoupení z věznice Shawshank. Očekává se také příjezd hvězdy Stmívání Roberta Pattisona

Kdy ovšem tento „upír" přiletí do Čech, zatím není jisté.   je i letos středem veškerého filmového dění

Autor: Kateřina Moravcová    Na slavné tváře z řad českých celebrity, sportovců, komiků nebo spisovatelů jako například Andreu Verešovou, Aňu Geislerovou, Evu Samkovou, Radka Štěpánka a mnoho dalších budou návštěvníci vídat v u ve Smetanových Sadech kousek od hotelu Thermal

Tam bude živo denně od 10 do 22. hodin.   Autor: INT    Živé besedy o filmech, seriálech a aktuálních či nadcházejících snímcích z české produkce se budou denně konat v Domě ČT na Divadelním náměstí

Letos budou přítomni tvůrci snímků jako např. Dukla 61, seriálu První republika III či Labyrint

Ve večerních hodinách si tu pak posluchači mohou vychutnat každodenní různorodé koncerty živých kapel

   Každý den od 18. hodin si moderátor Libor Bouček bude v , který najdete v parku vedle hotelu Thermal, zvát hvězdné hosty do své talk show

Diváci se mohou těšit na Matěje Rupperta, Davida Gránského, Richarda Genzera, Jitku Schneiderovou, Jakuba Prachaře a další

   K festivalu neodmyslitelně patří karlovarská kolonáda, kde je velká šance potkat slavné osobnosti

Většina z nich se jich tam buď jen prochází, nebo se staví na drink v místních barech či si dají pečenou kachnu ve vyhlášené restauraci Embassy

Na své herecké idoly také můžete čekat před Grandhotelem Pupp, kde jsou z větší části ubytovaní

   Bujaré večírky a mejdany se dennodenně konají v párty stanu Becher´s, který je umístěn vedle Thermalu a rozhodně ho neminete

Je otevřen od 10 do 4 hodin do rána. V loňských letech se tam o pořádný poprask postaral na mol opilý Michal Hrdlička, Tomáš Řepka nebo Tomáš Matonoha

  Becher´s Bar u hotelu Pupp Autor: INT  Kam se ale nedostanete bez pozvánky, jsou doprovodné večírky sponzorů a samozřejmě Becher's bar v Grandhotelu Pupp, kde dny končí všechny VIP hvězdy

  Grandhotel Pupp Autor: INT

For more infomation >> Kde ve Varech ulovit celebrity? NÁVOD pro lovce podpisů a selfíček - Duration: 4:53.


Poláci ženou elitní soudce do penze. Za justiční změny je žaluje Evropská komise - Duration: 0:37.

Evropská komise (EK) zažaluje Polsko u unijního soudu, a to kvůli kontroverznímu zákonu, na jehož základě bude začátkem července nuceno odejít do důchodu asi 40 procent soudců polského nejvyššího soudu

S odvoláním na nejmenované unijní činitele to ve čtvrtek uvedla agentura Reuters

For more infomation >> Poláci ženou elitní soudce do penze. Za justiční změny je žaluje Evropská komise - Duration: 0:37.


Galatasaray'da forma giymiş Sabri Sarıoğlu ve bir dönem Fenerbahçe'de forma giyen Semih Şentürk'e sü - Duration: 2:13.

Gümüşhanespor Sabri Sarıoğlu ve Semih Şentürk'ü istiyor! FUTBOL HABERLERİ  | 28

06.2018 16:33 | 46 dakika önce Galatasaray'da forma giymiş Sabri Sarıoğlu ve bir dönem Fenerbahçe'de forma giyen Semih Şentürk'e sürpriz transfer teklifi! TFF 2

Lig ekiplerinden Gümüşhanespor, Sabri Sarıoğlu ve Semih Şentürk'e transfer teklifi geldi

 Transferde sıcak gelişme. Boşta olan ve herhangi bir takımla anlaşması bulunmayan Sabri Sarıoğlu ve Semih Şentürk aynı takıma mı gidiyor? Teklif geldi, işte detaylar

 Son olarak Göztepe'de forma giyen ve yeni sezon öncesi İzmir ekibiyle yolları ayıran Sabri Sarıoğlu ve Temmuz ayı başında Eskişehirspor'dan ayrılan Semih Şentürk'e aynı takımdan teklif geldi

 TFF 2. Lig ekiplerinden Gümüşhanespor, kadrosunu iki tecrübeli isimle takviye yapmak için harekete geçti

 Karadeniz ekibi, 33 yaşındaki Sabri Sarıoğlu ve 35 yaşındaki Semih Şentürk'ü kadrosuna katmaya hazırlanıyor

 Oyuncuların teklife ne yanıt vereceği ise merak konusu.  (Fotomaç) PARTNERCehennemde 6 gün: Hayatta kalmak için seks yaptım 30 futbolcu ve 6 antrenöre futboldan men Futbol takımı mağarada mahsur kaldı

For more infomation >> Galatasaray'da forma giymiş Sabri Sarıoğlu ve bir dönem Fenerbahçe'de forma giyen Semih Şentürk'e sü - Duration: 2:13.


Obispo Goic emocionado tras su salida: "Yo me pregunto cada día si pude hacer más, si debí hacer más - Duration: 4:37.

SANTIAGO.- "Yo me pregunto cada día si pese a las denuncias que dieron origen a los procesos canónicos que terminaron en duras sanciones en contra de los responsables, y en mi condición de testigo de estos tristes acontecimientos que tienen en crisis a la Iglesia, si pude hacer más, si debí hacer más, qué me falto para entregarme mejor al servicio de todos estos hermanos víctimas sufrientes en todos los períodos de nuestra historia"

Emocionado, reaccionó el ahora obispo emérito de Rancagua, Alejandro Goic, quien esta mañana conoció la noticia de que el Papa Francisco acogió su renuncia, junto con la del obispo de Talca, Horacio Valenzuela

En ese sentido, a través de una conferencia de prensa, Goic señaló que "hoy hemos conocido la aceptación del Papa Francisco a la renuncia que presenté al cumplir los 7 años el año 21

El Santo Padre ha querido que mi hermano obispo Fernando Ramos, asuma como administrador apostólico de esta misma diócesis"

"Ustedes saben que he procurado siempre dar testimonio de aquello que expresa mi lema episcopal: Cristo es mi vida

Por eso es que las dolorosas circunstancias que vive la iglesia diocesana, le imprime un sabor amargo a este momento

Un momento que siempre había esperado poder asumir con la humildad de quien se va a colaborar desde un servicio sencillo mientras la salud lo permita", agregó

Y continuó: Lamentablemente no es así, he expresado a monseñor Ramos que estoy a su plena disposición para ayudar en todo lo que contribuya a esclarecer la verdad respecto de las situaciones que involucran a sacerdotes de Rancagua -caso "La Familia"-

Nunca he eludido los desafíos que se me han propuesto, tampoco las responsabilidades"

Por lo que el presbítero mostró su disposición a cooperar en "todo aquello que el administrador apostólico requiera para que, desde la iglesia diocesana, ofrezcamos a la comunidad y a la opinión pública, las respuestas que con razón nos piden"

Fernando RamosRespecto a la futura gestión de Ramos a la cabeza de la iglesia rancagüina, Goic se mostró confiado de lo que pueda hacer el obispo auxiliar de Santiago

"En estos años he podido conocer a Fernando en diversos servicios. Puedo dar fe de su preocupación por emprender en la iglesia caminos más coherentes con el evangelio"

Por su parte, Ramos manifestó, en la misma instancia, que "la Iglesia Católica en esta diócesis tiene una historia muy rica, y quiero atender de ella para poder servir de mejor forma"

"La iglesia de Rancagua ha estado pasando momentos difíciles. Quiero seguir la ruta para que se clarifiquen aquellas dudas que puedan haber y se puedan responder con claridad estas situaciones u otras", comentó

En esa línea, el administrador apostólico invitó a aquellas personas que quieran denunciar alguna situación "donde haya algún delito, que se sientan libres de acercarse"

"Quiero ponerme al servicio de la verdad, tanto por el cause canónico como los tribunales del estado de Chile

Estamos plenamente dispuestos a colaborar", concluyó Ramos.

For more infomation >> Obispo Goic emocionado tras su salida: "Yo me pregunto cada día si pude hacer más, si debí hacer más - Duration: 4:37.


Michelle Rips Melania's Style: 'I Never Made Fashion Mistake' — Gets Brutal Surprise - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Michelle Rips Melania's Style: 'I Never Made Fashion Mistake' — Gets Brutal Surprise - Duration: 4:43.


I LOVE MEXICO: Our Daily Life in San Miguel de Allende as a Digital Nomad Family - Duration: 11:23.

we are headed to in the park. It is a lovely Sunday and we just saw

really crazy awesome parade

we are here at the park it's so pretty here. it's so relaxing

we've swapped hats. Don't you want to walk through the park?

Then let's go!

oK we've got some awesome fruit and vegetables and oatmeal and now we're

gonna get the tortillas and go home and somebody's getting a little bit

sleepy. All right let's go baby girl

Oh, thought I'd show you what we got. Oatmeal. Watermelon. Tortillas. Valentina.

Tomatoes. Limes, little limes. Tomatillo. Some kind of zucchini-like squash. And all of this was

about five US dollars. What!

This is our second torta. Al pastor con queso. It's got al pastor, cheese, jalapenos, onions,

avocado and there's tomato in there

It is so good

this is easily the best thing we've gotten since we got here

good morning guys, Harper and I are on another morning excursion this time

to a bakery

it is rainy season right now so it rains every day pretty much and the streets

are all wet and we've gotten lots of drips but it makes it so pretty and the

temperature is just perfect. We're gonna go eat our baked goods while we look at

this church


Harper got her donut, chocolate donut, it looks amazing

like this donut looks like a pillow like I could sleep on this donut. Also I've

got a delicious scone, really good

it's got cranberries and I think it's got some orange zest

or lemon--might be lemon

this place is magic it really is. Some people bring their stuff out here to

people-watch but we bring our bakery goods to the square to the pigeon watch

is it beautiful

so we are out for Jesse's Father's Day dinner. He was sick on actual Father's

Day so we are out today and he has requested a burger, so that's what we are

doing and they've got a playground here for the kids while you are eating

look at the amount of guacamole that is on my burger that's a lotta guacamole. Jesse: there's no

shortage of guac in this country. Erin: this burger is as big as my head. Hey so now I

am I'm in the play house with Harper and something I was talking to Jesse about

while we were eating is that it seems like here like kid stuff and adult stuff

isn't as separated as it is in the States. I feel like a lot of times in the States

like if you want to do something that will have a playground it's gotta be

fast food. It's McDonald's or Chick-Fil-A or something like that but here it just it

seems like kid stuff is more incorporated into regular things. I don't

know if it's the truth, if it's true across the board or just happens to be in the

places that we've been to so far but it just feels like like kids are just

expected to be around and I feel like in the States it's

not quite like that. It's been really nice to feel like we can do things that

we want to do and also our kid is going to be welcome to be with us

For more infomation >> I LOVE MEXICO: Our Daily Life in San Miguel de Allende as a Digital Nomad Family - Duration: 11:23.


[Szok] Eva Mendes jest w ciąży z bliźniakami. Znamy imiona i płeć dzieci || LVTszok - Duration: 6:35.

Eva Mendes jest w ciąży z bliźniakami. Znamy imiona i płeć dzieci

Eva Mendes jest w ciąży bliźniaczej.

Czy Eva Mendes znowu jest w ciąży?.

Amerykańskie tabloidy donoszą, że ona i Ryan Gosling wkrótce ponownie zostaną rodzicami i spodziewają się nie jednego, a dwójki dzieci.

Są z tego powodu tak podekscytowani, że podobno nawet wybrali już dla nich imiona.

Gosling i Mendes powitają bliźniaki jeszcze w tym roku.

Okazuje się, że będą rodzicami chłopca i dziewczynki.

Podobno mieli problemy z in vitro, teraz gdy ich cudowne dzieci są w drodze, nie mogą być bardziej zadowoleni.

Są w siódmym niebie.

Zwłaszcza, że zostaną rodzicami bliźniaków – chłopca i dziewczynki.

  Mówią przyjaciołom, że to cud, którego nigdy się nie spodziewali – mówi informator magazynu OK!.

Eva i Ryan są znani z tego, że ich prywatne życie jest wyjątkowo chronione.

Dodajmy, że Eva swoją ostatnią ciążę zachowała w tajemnicy na kilka tygodni przed porodem, a wszystkie objawy ciążowe dobrze maskowała.

Czy tak jest i tym razem? Wiele na to wskazuje.

Eva Mendes miała problemy z zajściem w ciążę.

Informator, na którego powołuje się amerykański magazyn dodaje że na początku czerwca aktorka świętowała te nowiny z dwiema córkami – Esmeraldą i Amandą.

Rodzina została sfotografowana przed restauracją, a Eva podobno „zakryła się" w zielonym swetrze i trzymała Amandę blisko siebie.

Para wiedziała, że mogą mieć pewne problemy z płodnością.

Zwłaszcza biorąc pod uwagę wiek aktorki.

Nie zdawali sobie sprawy z tego jak trudna będzie podróż z in vitro.

Podobno myśleli nawet, żeby przerwać te zabiegi.

Nawet gdy Eva chciała się poddać, Ryan ciągle powtarzał:" Jeszcze tylko jeden".

  Eva od tej pory dziękuje mu, bo wreszcie się udało – dodaje informator OK!   .

Obaj są podekscytowani faktem, że będą rodzicami.

Tak bardzo się cieszą, że podobno zaczęli już wybierać imiona.

Myślą o Vivianie dla dziewczyny i Carlosie dla chłopczyka.

Eva chciałaby uczcić pamięć swojego brata, nazywając jego imieniem swojego syna.

Ryan jest jak najbardziej za tym.

Czy Eva rzeczywiście jest w ciąży? Czas pokaże.

For more infomation >> [Szok] Eva Mendes jest w ciąży z bliźniakami. Znamy imiona i płeć dzieci || LVTszok - Duration: 6:35.


Wiadomość od twórców | Przedstawiamy Burzyciela | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Wiadomość od twórców | Przedstawiamy Burzyciela | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 6:31.


Julia Roberts Finally Says How She Feels About Trump-Supporters Seeing Her Movies – BAD Move! - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Julia Roberts Finally Says How She Feels About Trump-Supporters Seeing Her Movies – BAD Move! - Duration: 9:30.


Det som skjer i Halmstad - Duration: 8:08.

Yes, I'm back in Halmstad at my grandma's place!

It's not been that long since the last time

but certain places you just can't get enough of.

And what are we up to this time around?

I've already been here for one day.

And on my trip down the weather

had some serious mood swings as you saw.

But today...

It seems a bit more stable.

Even though the wind is crazy.

But yes, plans.

Today we're first...

Taking a trip in to town.

That's the library.


Is it zoomed in?

I wish to become better at Swedish

and I thought that a good way

to accomplish that would be

to read some Swedish books.

And I've read a Swedish trilogy in the past

called Engelsfors

so I'll see if I can rent it again.

Now we have accomplished some errands

and some shopping.

And I got me some Swedish reading material.

So just give me a tiny second and I'll see you...

Back home.

I let my hair down during that second.

And so the day's trip to town is done.

I don't quite know what the plans

for the rest of the day will be, but...

Let's do a little montage and see what happens.

Whenever I wear anything on my lips

it stays on for a couple of hours

and then I take it off.

I don't know why.

It just happens.

And so I noticed while going through

some of the footage from earlier today

that before we go out my lips are red

and on the way home they're pale again.

So it's time for a refill.

I bought this cap today by the way

that's why I'm wearing it now.

And so that day went by.

But sorry folks

I'm not ending it here because...

It's the next day and look who's here!

We're possibly going to a museum later

And grandma is not petty with prepping us

through many, many books.

Mjellby Art Museum

"Welcome to the Work Shop"

My piece of art.

Don't you like mine as well?

Yes, I think it's very nice.

Now I've left my marks.

It's windy.

I don't know if it's even possible to hear anything.


And she thinks I'm the weird one.

Ciao ciao!


Now we can end this.

Thank's for now Halmstad

and thanks for now Frösakull and grandma.

And I'll see you soon.

Thank you Martina for coming here.

See you!

For more infomation >> Det som skjer i Halmstad - Duration: 8:08.


Kennedy Retires From Supreme Court, Liberals Freak Over Trump's 'Scalia-Like' Nominee - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Kennedy Retires From Supreme Court, Liberals Freak Over Trump's 'Scalia-Like' Nominee - Duration: 5:51.


Top 10 Superheroes In LEGO The Incredibles - Duration: 11:26.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

This video is brought to you by LEGO: The Incredibles.

This new game by Warner Brothers takes players on an extraordinary fun-filled adventure,

where they'll control their favorite Incredibles characters and team up as a family to conquer

crime and family life.

It's two movies in one game, where you can play through moments from both The Incredibles

and Incredibles 2.

Work together and combine iconic abilities and unique powers to build amazing LEGO structures.

Modify your character's appearance and abilities using the Edna "E" Mode.

And of course, complete action-packed side missions and defeat iconic Super Villains

to rid the city of crime in an exciting open world experience.

Buy it now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

And in celebration of this new game, today we'll be talking about the various Superheroes

found in it!

Since you guys know all about the kids by now, I'll focus on some of the adult superheroes,

so we can all learn something new.

Now get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Superheroes in LEGO The Incredibles!

Number 10: Apogee.

Apogee is the quick-witted, solar-powered superhero seen in The Incredibles.

She has the power of gravity control and levitation, which increased in power as the sun reached

its apogee.

Hence the name.

But sadly, she lost her power when the sun went down, or on cloudy days.

In the movie, we didn't see much of her, we just know she was killed by one of Syndrome's

Omnidroid prototypes.

But there's a lot more to her than that.

Apogee was a member of the Thrilling Three, a fact that embarrasses her to no end in later


While it started out okay, eventually the leader, Gazerbeam, started getting way too

full of himself.

More on him later.

Apogee often bemoans the limitations on her abilities, since she's so dependent on the


She thinks it's frustrating to be out and about but unable to actually do anything.

Unless, as she says, evil breaks out at a tanning salon.

Which makes me think she should totally work a tanning bed into her suit but hey that's

just me.

Number 9: Gamma Jack.

Gamma Jack, AKA Handsome Jack, had the ability to create controlled bursts of radiation.

He could focus this as much as he wanted, so he could just shoot out a wave that burns

people, or could even just straight up disintegrate a nerd.

Unfortunately, as you might assume from his looks, he was a bit of a jerk.

He was a big ladies man and generally tried to save attractive women whenever possible,

ignoring more pressing matters in the name of getting it on.

He also had kind of tyrannical tendencies, believing that Supers were some sort of Master

Race, and not really caring about collateral damage.

Which gives massive Magneto vibes, and led the National Supers Agency to fear that he

would eventually turn villain.

Despite all that, however, he was still a super powerful hero, with Operation Kronos

giving him a threat rating of 7.9, the third most dangerous of all the heroes.

Number 8: Blazestone.

Blazestone is the pyrotechnic superheroine, member of Beta Force, and ex-girlfriend of


Her fire powers give her a bunch of abilities, allowing her to control and shoot fire, and

even use heat to fly through the air.

Sadly, her fire and ice relationship with Frozone didn't go so well, partly because

of conflicting powers and personalities, but also because she wasn't exactly a catch.

Since her powers take care of pretty much every aspect of her heroics, from battle to

transportation, she's kinda judgy of other supers who rely on equipment.

Which is a bit annoying.

But that wasn't her only problem.

She also apparently has trouble remembering what dimension she's in, causing her to

talk super quickly sometimes, only to realize and act all smug about it.

Plus, when she got angry, she had a tendency to, ya know, set things on fire.

Pretty often.

Which Frozone would then have to go put out.

And she's a reformed criminal.

Which isn't ideal.

That said, nothing's as annoying as her stupid fast talking, I don't blame Frozone

for getting out of that one!

Number 7: The Phylange.

The Phylange was a hero from the Golden Age, with the ability to project blasts of sonic

voice fields.

He discovered this when he was selling peanuts at a ballpark, and went on to become a superhero.

Unfortunately, he was kind of a selfish jerk, which caused both fellow heroes and the public

to dislike him.

He was part of the Thrilling Three for a time, alongside Gazerbeam and Apogee, but he eventually

left the group.

He claims it was just a democratic decision, but everybody knows he just didn't get enough

glory thanks to Gazerbeam's self-centeredness.

Sadly, it seems that all his years of screaming have really caught up with him because his

audio file in the DVD for The Incredibles is sounding pretty rough.

Also, back in his heroic days, he worked on a signature yodel.

For a year.

For which Bob made fun of him endlessly, because according to him, Kids cannot look up to a


But clearly, Bob has never heard of a little someone called the yodeling kid.

Number 6: Dynaguy.

Dynaguy was super with the ability to shoot disintegration rays from his forehead, which

could disrupt atomic forces among atoms.

This caused him some problems because he couldn't figure out a way to work Disintegration Ray

into his name, but one day, this GUY, was sitting in a DINER.

And after Fork Man and Spoon Dude didn't work, he thought of it: Diner Guy! (blank grin)

And when he realized that was stupid, he decided he wanted his name to be Dynamic, and he settled

on Dynaguy!

Anyway, Dynaguy was quite a powerful hero, shooting his disintegration rays and using

Ion Propulsion rockets on his arms to fly around.

He was actually one of the original members of the Thrilling Three, but as you can see,

he wore a cape.

And as we know, heroes who worse capes had a bad time.

After his cape snagged the ground on takeoff, he was replaced on the team by Gazerbeam.

And I've mentioned Gazerbeam so many times now, I think it's time to finally talk about


Number 5: Gazerbeam.

Gazerbeam had the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes and wore a visor to help control


Unfortunately, he found when he stared at someone for a while, he sometimes shot lasers

at them.

This caused him to avoid eye contact and not really pay attention to others, leading people

to dislike him, and leading him to be a bit self-centered.

So when he became the leader of the Thrilling Three, his teammates ended up thinking he

was an egotistical jerk.

And you can't really blame them for thinking that.

You just need to look at their team vehicle to know why they felt the way they did.

Because it was a motorcycle, with TWO sidecars.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

All his selfishness makes me want to hate him, but the thing is, he was actually a pretty

good guy.

His secret identity was a lawyer, who worked pro bono in the inner city, and worked for

years to lift the ban on supers.

And in the Incredibles, he actually managed to kill the Omnidroid when he was first recruited,

taking out the X4, but then the 5th iteration was made, and he was defeated.

Thankfully, he was able to leave a note for Mr. Incredible, etching KRONOS into the wall

of a cave, which was the password to Syndrome's database.

Without him, Syndrome may well have won.

So at the end of the day, despite his interpersonal issues, I think he was a pretty good guy.

Number 4: Meta Man.

Meta Man was kind of the Superman of the Incredibles world since he had a bunch of different powers.

Kind of too many powers.

Flight, Super Strength, X-Ray Vision, Magnetic manipulation, teleportation, partial invisibility;

he could even communicate with aquatic mammals.

He was a good friend of Mr. Incredible, largely because they shared the same villain, Baron

Von Ruthless.

His ridiculous amount of power caused him to be seen as the most powerful super of all

time, and apparently, he had some sort of leadership role over all the supers.

Unfortunately, despite his incredible amount of power, he was one of the supers who died

from a wardrobe malfunction.

And no, I don't mean the fun Janet Jackson kind.

I mean the not-fun, getting killed because of your cape kind, in his case snagging it

on the elevator.

Making fun of a superhero trope?

That's Meta, Man…

Get it?

Do… do you get it?

Number 3: Mr. Incredible.

Of course, we need to include Bob Parr, aka Mr. Incredible.

AKA Mr. Inedible according to the folks at the NSA.

We all know Bob as the super strong patriarch of the Parr clan, who settled down into family

life soon after superheroes were outlawed.

But his life before his family was pretty interesting too.

Because he was a superhero.

His files say that he has the maximum strength, endurance, and durability any hero can have,

and that's pretty damn impressive.

Also, I had never realized this before, but according to his files, he has a Danger Sense,

that lets him sense imminent danger, kinda like Spider-Man.

These powers, as well as a strong will, allowed him to become one of the most successful heroes

in the golden age, even getting his own super-campy TV show with Frozone as his sidekick.

He's generally believed to be the second most powerful super of all time, after Meta


But his greatest achievement came at the NSA picnic when he won an eating contest against

Thunderhead by eating 47 boysenberry pies, 8 banana creams, 3 apple-crumbs, and a liter

of mayonnaise.

Mmm, tastes like diabetes.

Number 2: Elastigirl.

Of course, we must touch on Elastigirl.

She was one of the stars of The Incredibles, and arguably THE star of Incredibles 2, and

she has a pretty interesting history in heroics.

As I'm sure you know, Helen Parr had the power of superelasticity.

She can stretch herself to a pretty incredible extent, both to reach far things or even change

her shape, but it isn't limitless.

She's able to stretch until her body is 1 millimeter thick, but she can't go any

further than that.

Because THAT would be ridiculous.

Helen worked really hard at her heroics, a staunch feminist trying to not only make it

in a man's world but excel.

And she definitely did that; she was so successful that she was asked to lead a new super team,

heroes incorporated, but she refused.

But all that feminism didn't stop her from being hella objectified, apparently being

pursued romantically by a bunch of the best supers around.

I wonder why. But eventually, she met Bob, fell in love, and decided that there

were some things in life that were more important than heroics.

Like looooooove.


Number 1: Frozone.

I bet you guys thought I'd forgotten Frozone, didn't ya?

Well, I didn't!

He's the man.

Frozone, AKA Lucius Best, AKA Samuel L. Mothaflippin Jackson, has the ability to generate and manipulate


He can shoot it, he's immune to it, and he can even ride along on top of it.

Look, let's be real, he's a black Iceman.

Not gonna dance around it anymore.

His powers first appeared when he was an infant when he turned his Kool-Aid into a popsicle.

In the golden age, he used his powers to fight crime, or else to act as a human Zamboni in

his spare time.

Even though they never had an official team, Frozone became really tight with Mr. Incredible,

with Lucius acting as Bob's best man at his wedding.

He tried to use his powers to help him win the Winter Olympics, but he was rejected by

the Olympic Committee.

Because that's cheating.


As I said, he dated Blazestone for a time, but after the supers started getting sued,

he settled down with his wife Honey Best.

And she keeps him in line.

Because despite all his ramblings about heroics, and danger, and the greater good, at the end

of the day, she is the greatest good he will ever get.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Thank you once again to Warner Brothers for sponsoring this video.

If you guys are itching to get your Incredibles on, you can buy this game on the main platforms

pretty much anywhere they sell video games.

It looks pretty awesome and has been receiving some rave reviews, which isn't too surprising,

considering how solid LEGO games tend to be.

Also, let me know if you want a part 2, there are actually a lot of great character backstories

in the special features, and I could totally get the second part together!


It's so fun.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Superheroes In LEGO The Incredibles - Duration: 11:26.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6I ACTIVE JOY met airco - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6I ACTIVE JOY met airco - Duration: 1:12.


Which creature combination should I do next? - Duration: 1:02.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel.

So I need your help with something.

I have a list of creature combinations that I could do,

but I don't know which one to choose.

So what I'm gonna do is leave a poll in this video and it's gonna have five creature combinations from the list

that I have and I was wondering if you guys can vote on which one you'd want to see next.

That would really be helpful to me.

Thank you guys for watching the video and I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> Which creature combination should I do next? - Duration: 1:02.


Sickening New Signs Just Went Up All Over Los Angeles With Alarming Warning To Conservatives - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Sickening New Signs Just Went Up All Over Los Angeles With Alarming Warning To Conservatives - Duration: 4:57.


Citroën Nemo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën Nemo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 1:11.


Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Character Creation (Recreated with Photoshop) - Duration: 11:47.

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the Madqueen

On today's menu we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 video for you, and today, we're going

to review the character creation that we saw in the privately showed demo this E3

Before I go on, a warning: in exception of the images that are directly extracted from

the Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebook and, obviously, the trailer, no other image is official, I

recreated the character creation with Photoshop using the notes I took during the presentation

of the demo, so it may have some inaccuracies, I apologize for them in advance

The first thing to note about the character creation process is that it has the aspect

of a character sheet of the original pen and paper roleplaying game

It also has some peculiarities that are characteristic of Cyberpunk 2020 that we will describe later

Apart from that, we also know that during this character creation process we won't

be able to choose the class from one of the three playable character classes, that are

the Solo, the Netrunner and the Techie, depending on the decisions that we take during the game,

the gameplay itself is going to take us to a specific class

So, again, no choosing

Which is great because this way people that are not used to Cyberpunk character classes

will have a class adapted to their gameplay, but it won't be a closed system, most of the

skills that our character is going to be able to choose when we advance in the game are

going to be multiclass, so we're going to be able to pick these skills regardless of

the class the game chooses for you

The first step of the character creation is choosing the basic aspects of the character,

so the first screen that we find is the one to choose male or female

According to what we were explained while we were watching it, the gender of the character

will impact in the story beyond being treated with the correct pronoun, it will open possibilities

especially in the social part of the game

And we were shown the image like that, with the pixels

It seems that censoring the images was a decision taken to avoid exploiting the shock value

of character's nudity, as it was literally the first thing we saw in the game

Obviously, apart from the loading screen

Once we chose the gender and before we start customizing the visuals of the character,

and I will follow the case of the demo, that was played with the female character, we're

going to delve deeper into who this character is, and for that, we have the lifepath

Lifepath is a flowchart of, let's call them, "plot complications", designed to help

you give your Cyberpunk character an authentically dark future background

In here you can describe your friends, enemies, origins, family, personal habits or key events

of your life

I'm afraid that during the presentation of the demo we weren't able to see in detail

how this is going to work

I guess we will have some options to choose from in every aspect of the life path, and

the good thing about this is not only that is going to help us in the most RPG centered

aspects of the game, but it will impact on the game

With some luck, the Lifepath we choose will open secondary quests related to our family,

enemies, old grudges that, why not, we may even get the chance to have some revenge,

there are a huge amount of options

The best thing about these little details, that are not little at all, is that it allows

to replay the game several times and always play a different game

From the inside, we go to the outside: customizing the visuals of the character

We can customize the body type, the facial structure and the hair color and hairstyle

I know that some of you expected some sort of sculpting tool to be able to sculpt the

face and the body of the character but, unfortunately, that's not what we saw at the demo, what

we saw was templates to choose from of different ethnicities

Another thing that I missed in this screen when the demo was shown is exotics

All the faces in the template were very human, none of them showed exotic features, so from

the information here we cannot know if we will be able to customize our character with

exotic cyberfashion at the beginning of the game, or if this is an option that we'll

have later in the game

Or even if exotics are not in the game at all, but that would be odd

The thing is that the dev explaining the demo while we were seeing it commented some more

customization options that weren't in the screen at that moment, like hairstyle, or

if they were there I can't remember them because they moved through the customization

screens very quickly, but as what we saw was the pre-alpha it's probable that although

these options are already considered to appear in the character creation process, they weren't

implemented yet

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of arms and equipment

Militech First line of defense

In the next screen, with our face, body, hairstyle and hair color chosen, now it's time for

decorating the body to achieve the perfect edgerunner look

and we can choose clothing and tattoos

As I mentioned before, I don't know if these tattoos are going to be just regular ink or

we're talking about light tattoos or something more exotic, but the tattoos we saw in the

trailer were static and made of regular ink, so I believe that's what we're going to have

Regarding the clothing, we could see later in the demo that certain garments will have

a bonus in skills, for instance, the jacket that V wears in this picture, that is the

same that she wore in the demo, if I recall correctly gives you +2 to the skill Streetwise,

that is a skill that gives you some extra knowledge on the seedy side of life: it makes

it easier for you to find illegal and contraband hot items, drugs, makes it easier for you

to talk to criminals, or even be friends with them or, if your streetwise pool is high enough

they may even owe you a favor or two

I'm glad we saw that, because this skill depends on the stat COOL that is my favorite

stat of the game and we'll talk about it in a minute

The last screen on the character customization screen is the numbers, because we roleplayers

love numbers, at least when they are associated with skills

Please note that the stats that I put here are the ones that are in the Cyberpunk 2020

sourcebook, it was impossible for me to notice all the information in the screen because

it went away too fast

Of these 7 stats, the only one that I believe is not going be in the game is Attractiveness,

because we have a visual reference here, this is something that should be tied to how you

design your character

Intelligence and reflexes are stats that are quite common to every game, cool is my favorite

stat and it basically rules how cool others think you are, how tough and neat in general

It also measures how well the character stands up to stress, fear, pressure or pain and torture,

so if your idea is to play like a Solo, this is a must for you

The skill I talked about that was related to V's jacket, streetwise, depends on this

stat, so I think is safe to assume that is going to be in the game

Technical Ability is a stat you need if you're playing as a Techie, also useful when you're

a Netrunner, but as a Techie is a must, because it measures how well you relate to hardware

and other technically orientated things

But, a very important thing to note in here, V is a Crystaljock, that is some sort of Netrunner,

but not a netrunner, I will explain this better in next video because is long, and this is

something that V has from the beginning of the game, before choosing class, being a Crystaljok

is something that comes as a basic skill with the character, so even if you are going to

play as a Solo, you may find Technical Ability very useful

On the other hand, let's not forget that this is the Cyberpunk world and everybody

is cybernetically enhanced, so first aid is also ruled by the Technical Ability stat

As I said before, I doubt attractiveness is going to be in the game as a stat and luck

is quite self-explanatory, and then you have empathy

As I explained in past video, or the video before, empathy is a stat that appeared in

the demo as implants had associated a cost in humanity, if you missed the video on how

empathy, humanity, and Cyberpsychosis were implemented in the demo, you'll find the

link in the description

There's another stat from the original pen and paper game that I didn't add here called

Movement Allowance, but this stat is for pen and paper turn-based combat so it would make

no sense in a video game, unless you want to change it for dexterity but I think that

reflexes has this covered

Then the skills, but for the life of me that I didn't have time to take a look at this,

and there are an insane amount of skills in this game, so go figure which ones of them

will make it to the video game version, apart from streetwise and, I can guess, combat sense,

interface, and Medical Tech, but we'll talk about these skills when we talk about the

playable character classes

And these are the customization options we could see in the demo of Cyberpunk 2077, let

me know your thoughts on this

Well, folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do and you'd like us to keep doing it, please consider supporting

us on Patreon

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Character Creation (Recreated with Photoshop) - Duration: 11:47.


✅ Korwin na bazarku w szortach i swetrze. Nie urządził się jeszcze? (ZDJĘCIA) - Duration: 1:11.

 Janusz Korwin Mikke kupił niedawno nowy dom w Otwocku, planując powoli ostatnie lata kariery politycznej. Nieruchomość kosztowała blisko 800 tysięcy złotych, ale zakup nie naruszył wybitnie majątku polityka szacowanego na 8 milionów złotych

 Przypomnijmy: Korwin-Mikke kupił dom za 800 tysięcy złotych! "Przeniosłem się i żyję w nowym domu" (ZDJĘCIA)  W willi Janusz zamieszkał z 32-letnią żoną i dwójką dzieci, ale wygląda na to, że dom wciąż jeszcze nie jest wykończony

Ostatnio Korwin Mikke szukał wnętrzarskich inspiracji na warszawskim bazarku. Trzeba przyznać, że polityk był ubrany naprawdę przyzwoicie: do szortów i swetra wybrał sandały, ale pamiętał, żeby nie łączyć ich ze skarpetami


For more infomation >> ✅ Korwin na bazarku w szortach i swetrze. Nie urządził się jeszcze? (ZDJĘCIA) - Duration: 1:11.


Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Seduction met Stuurbekrachtiging / 1e Eigenaar / 113.000km! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Seduction met Stuurbekrachtiging / 1e Eigenaar / 113.000km! - Duration: 1:11.


Superalimentos del mundo. Parte I - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Superalimentos del mundo. Parte I - Duration: 5:31.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now AIRCO NAP, orginele nederlandse auto elektrisch pakket - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now AIRCO NAP, orginele nederlandse auto elektrisch pakket - Duration: 1:11.



what's going on guys patching here bringing you a brand new video today we

got another killer video for you guys full of information I'm gonna talk about

neil ontology Tron Veatch a nano as well as lots of other news that went on in

the cryptocurrency space but guys before we get start with that if you want to

enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin all you guys have to do is number one be

subscribe to the channel and have your notifications turn on number two give

this video a thumbs up and number three leave a comment down below saying

something related to the video guys we are 22 subscribers away from 18,000

subscribers thank you all so much for hitting the subscribe button if you guys

have it make sure you do hit that button so we can get closer and closer to

18,000 but the first piece of news I have for you guys is the coinbase

founder launches crypto charity platform now this isn't any news directly related

with a cryptocurrency market it's not anything that's gonna make the market go

up or down as you guys can tell actually by the market today we have a lot of

sideways movement so to me that indicates that we don't have any crazy

news going on either in the positive or the negative direction but this is still

cool to see so the coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has launched to give crypto a

new charity platform which will hold and distribute crypto currencies to people

in need it's according to a medium Post published June 27 Armstrong said though

while he believes cryptocurrency said that said that while he believes

cryptocurrency has the potential to create more and more innovation and

change the world the reputation has involves flashy cars and luxury living

flashy cars nice watches luxury living guys when lambo am i right but you while

you can't control what people spend their crypto earnings on Armstrong

believes the Piave the crypto ecosystem can impact the world more by pooling

resources together so others can benefit from an equitable and OBO an open global

financial system so this is a really cool thing to use the cryptocurrency I

think obviously everyone knows everyone here would love to buy Lamborghini I

know most people in the world would love to my Lamborghini Lamborghinis look

really really cool guys don't get me wrong if I have enough money I will

certainly be purchasing a Lamborghini as well and putting a big Bitcoin logo on

it how about that but no but in reality everyone would like a Lamborghini but I

agree that the reputation does involve flashy cars and luxury living which does

throw some people off and attract some people just

some people off I think week if we can mix the flashy cars and luxury living

with actual you know use case of helping people I think that would completely

change the cryptocurrency culture overall and may get a lot more people

involved in the community a lot more people excited about it

I think this could be a step in the right direction now next a piece of news

I have you guys is about Robin Hood so Robin Hood job posting confirms of

rumors trading platform could create its own wallet so guys apparently they have

been looking for people to work for them they have been posting jobs and that has

confirmed the rumor that they are looking to create their own

cryptocurrency wallet so this is really cool they're looking for a crypto

engineer to help develop their crypto wallet this is cool because again Robin

Hood is a system that really it started trading crypto currencies very recently

and we saw that you know it has no fees which is really cool but it it certainly

helped get people who were trading stocks on Robin Hood the possibility to

buy some cryptocurrency and then maybe they'll put in 10% of their portfolio

maybe fifteen maybe twenty percent into cryptocurrency went before they wouldn't

have done so because of the barrier to entry which would mean having to go

through coinbase and then maybe through by Nantz to get the other crypto

currencies they wanted some all coins obviously Robin Hood doesn't have a ton

of cryptocurrencies right now but they certainly are looking at adding more and

now they have their own or they're looking to add their own cryptocurrency

wallet for more safety but also just to join the community and do what you know

they think is right and helping the community grow and doing their part by

securing their own cryptocurrency wall so they can have their Robin Hood

cryptocurrency I think this is really cool to see again more adoption the more

and more we see these big companies start their own you know and not as much

exchange as my exchanges could be one of it having their own wallets having their

own you know blockchain this is all really cool adopting a

certain cryptocurrency this is all really really good news a really good

sign for adoption in my opinion next up isn't almost 9 out of 10 crypto execs

want formalized industry self-regulation this is according to a research does

there's a play there are plenty of ways to work with regulators and legislators

to develop common-sense cryptocurrency laws and

this is what came out of the research that they were doing but guys this is

true although a lot of people are looking for regulation and a lot of

people know that you know Wall Street's not gonna come in and institutional

vests are not gonna come in without regulation I think self-regulation is a

possibility if they can come up with a consensus of how things are going to

work and they can work with the regulators and the legislators to make

sure this is how its finalized this could certainly be a good thing so it's

a mix between you know people because I know a lot of people also don't want

regulation so maybe self-regulation would be the middle ground where

everyone is happy let me know what you guys think is self-regulation a way to

the way to go with cryptocurrency other than just regulation by someone else is

self-regulation the way to go guys let me know what you guys think in the

comments down below I know a lot of you guys you guys like it like regulation

because you know that it could bring in the institutional investors and but a

lot of you guys also I see in the comments do not like regulation so let

me know if you love you guys who do not like some who do not like regulation

would you be okay with self-regulation I would love to hear your guys's answer

down below but guys we look at the cryptocurrency market like I said we had

no game changing news so we're trading sideways for another day and 245 billion

dollar market cap backwards on it's at 42.4%

take a look at the chart things look like they're trading relatively sideways

for the last seven days except for you know pretty much the seventh day ago

when we had that dip but if we trade sideways tomorrow as well they were

pretty much gonna have a straight line of trading for the last week Bitcoin is

still at a hundred and four billion dollar market CAD getting closer and

closer to falling under a hundred billion don't know if that's gonna

happen though ripples 17 billion Bitcoin cash twelve billion it's a OS finally

having a green David though it's not by much whatsoever

tether star number nine I know I know a lot of you guys said tether market

doesn't count guys I know I just think it's funny to see each other in breaking

the top ten since everything else is falling and then we have Tron at number

eleven neo still at number thirteen if you look at twenty four-hour change

though mid throw up a ton of 16 almost 17 percent we see digi byte we seek in

we see waves we see Maiden say if we see Manero is up actually four

percent then we scrolling down we do see Nano and silica two cryptocurrencies

which we are going to be talking about today but first let's go over Neos

O'Neill blockchain tweets another cryptic message crip of the community

telling them to stay tuned so yo and Neal has posted another cryptic message

on Twitter reminding us of the November tweet which sent the community into a

frenzy so pretty much all they did was tweet stay tuned and people are going

crazy trying to figure out what this means a simplified translation of the of

the poster refers to one session and three things in July it may very well be

pointing towards an upcoming event in July with three different announcements

that's not entirely clear as yet this is not the first time Neal team has posted

a message like this in November last year

Neal councilmember Malcolm donor has named posted a challenge to the

community so it's pretty cool guys I'm gonna stick to seeing what this is what

it is that they are going to announce whatever comes out and obviously I'm

gonna keep you guys updated as well could this be what Neal needs to break

into the top ten again to get more momentum flowing more trading volume

more people coming into Neal and seeing the market cap grow overall is this what

it means well Neal is a top 13 coin so I don't doubt that they are actively

making progress they're continuing to make progress even though we are in a

bear market they are continuing to make process lbrahim progress and get things

where they need to be and following the idea they had when they first launched

and continue to grow that idea as well so hope I'm very excited to see when neo

can do guys like I said I will keep you guys up to date but talking about the

neo ecosystem we have news from ontology as well so ontology countdown days to

may net launch I know a lot of you guys are are interested in maintenance

because that does provide an opportunity to make some profit with the prices

going up now obviously when we're in a bear market versus a bull market we will

see a difference in how much the prices go up but even in a bear market we have

seen some crypto currencies do very very well and well ontology is preparing for

the main net launch at the end of June today it is the 28th of June so it is

already getting close to the end of June is already

dudes only a few days left with a market price about halfway down its peak prices

the token swap may prove to be a measure for the project's preparedness so that's

another another very true thing let's see how this works out we've seen a lot

of bigger cryptocurrencies try to launch their main net and have issues so let's

see how ontology is prepared I think they should do fairly well they over

overall so far haven't had many issues going forward but maybe this is going to

be it guys immediately scam threats increase with emails spreading on behalf

of the ontology team now I want to share with this as well because I see scams

all the time in my comments and guys I do my best to delete as many scam

comments as I can but it's impossible for me to get through all them they're

posted all the time and this involves the zelicah airdrop I'm sure you guys

have seen this in the comments tell us the comments about that guys

100% a scam also if you see an account with my name on it asking you to email

them at a certain email don't do that I only have one email and it's Patrick elk

Orsino at that's my only email do not email anything else because

they're asking for money and I'm not gonna ask you guys for money whatsoever

I'm not gonna just ask you guys to send me over some cryptocurrency that's not

how that works not going to happen make sure you guys are staying smart you guys

are not falling for these scams next news we have is about Tron so bindings

in Tron are having a Tron trading competition with 10 million TRX to give

away yes you heard that right bonuses just announced the Tron trading

competition will be conducted during the 29th of June up until the 6th of July

time period Tron recently celebrates Independence Day of course the list of

prize for different ranks is you guys can check it everything out right here

special considerations you guys can pause the video right now and read more

about it but I love the fact that Finance does this this is honestly

something I want to get more involved in it's you can make a good amount of money

now obviously unfortunately this is favor to those who have more money who

have more cryptocurrency those whales this is usually favored to them because

you can see the people winning usually have a lot of Tron or have a ton

trading volume all the time very hard to compete with but definitely something

I'm gonna be checking out more and more cuz Finance has these competitions all

the time every time they launched a new cryptocurrency you know sometimes just

with a random cryptocurrency this time Tron for example love to see these

competition if you guys want to watch me doing more of these competition or try

and get involved in them give this video a thumbs up and well as well and let me

know that that's something you guys want to see I definitely would be interested

in going in and trying to see if we can win the number one spot that'd be a lot

of Tron that I could give away guys so maybe that is a good idea next up is

silica so silica got listed on a new exchange and it said the price spurts on

new Exchange listing well and prices up like two percent I don't know how much

it was down before but we did see silica have a little bit of a green day today

so overall pretty good to see not much news coming out with silica recently so

happy to see that it is listed on a new exchange I want to keep you guys updated

I know a lot of you guys like silica I personally have been invested in silica

for some time I saw some great gains and then now obviously with the bear market

everything is slowly going away but you guys know how that feels because all

crypto currencies are falling and we're all watching our portfolio job that's

why we close up our folio apps and we're not looking at it right I know a lot of

you guys are doing the same strategy just not really looking at your

portfolio because there's no need to look guys but V chains made that lunch

gets support from bit thumb and other small piece of news for you guys but I

know a lot of you guys are invested in bit envy chain as well and now you know

that the main that launch gets support from bit thumb obviously there are a lot

of other exchanges that are going to be supporting as well so make sure you guys

know which exchanges support it why you guys have to do stay up to date with

that situation and lastly Nanoka voted bye-bye Nance as

its as the fastest as you guys see with buy nets acting as its own nano

representative the core team now holds 33 percent of total network voting power

thanks seesee underscore - who is the CEO of violence for helping to secure

the nano network basically nanos been ranked the fastest payment system along

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as a currency it's not trying to do too many things simple project trying to you

know change the financial system and that is what they are currently doing

what everyone wants Bitcoin to be which is you know fast transactions no fees

that is nano that's why I'm still very very bullish on nano but guys let me

know what you guys think in the comments down below if you guys did enjoy this

video don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and also leave a comment so

you guys can enter a chance to win the free Bitcoin giveaway also make sure you

guys are subscribed and you have your notifications turned on so you guys can

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giveaway so you can claim your free Bitcoin guys thank you so much for

watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video



Wzmocnienie włosów, skóry i paznokci: Koktajle - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Wzmocnienie włosów, skóry i paznokci: Koktajle - Duration: 10:31.


Honda CR-V 2.0i ES / Clima / 149dkm NAP / 2de EIG - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i ES / Clima / 149dkm NAP / 2de EIG - Duration: 1:11.


O Mio Babbino Caro | piano accompaniment Free Pianist | CC for translation - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> O Mio Babbino Caro | piano accompaniment Free Pianist | CC for translation - Duration: 1:55.


Installing an Intake - Mini Cooper S F56 - Duration: 9:05.

Whats up guys, after a long time without uploading anything I'm finally doing one.

Sorry about that. Last video I uploaded was about the Challenge Spoiler.

A lot of people commented on that video, telling me to wrap the hole roof black, im still deciding on that, but i think i will

And for todays video, even though I took a long time to film this its finally here.

Im installing a cold air intake!

The intake usually is one of the first mods you do to a car.

It goes intake, downpipe (exhaust) and then a tune.

I did all this in a different order

So its a bit strange, but thats what it is, so lets get started!

The intake im going to br installing today is for a Brazilian company which is called HoxHeim.

Its a more optimized version of the K&N intake

And its the best bang for buck there is.

Its very simple, comes with this box

that substitutes the original one

You'll remove this one, and place the new one here

It seals using this rubber part that meets the hood

You choose what filter you want to use

You can pick a K&N or any other brand to use

And you also choose the color

This aluminum part can be in several colors like: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Black...

Same goes for the K&N filters, you can choose between Red, Blue and silver

This is a part you use to adapt the MAF sensor

Goes right here

Its super easy and takes less than 15 minutes to complete

These are all the tools you'll need for this installation

First thing is, getting rid of the original air intake

You just need to loosen these two screws and it'll come off

next I'll unscrew this then the MAF sensor and finally the bolt thats actually holding the box

After unscrewing all these things you just need to pull out the box and place the new one in

After removing all the bolts, just pull the box upwards.

The whole box comes off, its fixed in place using these two pins underneath

Now installing the new intake

First thing is screwing back the bolt that was holding the box

This bolt won't be used for this intake

Because you removed the support you'll need a new one

So remove this bolt, which is where you'll screw the intake

This part bolts into the hole

Intake box installed and fixed into position.

Now we just need the extension for the MAF sensor and the filter

HoxHeim Intake installed

If you have any questions you can shoot me a DM in Instagram because I usually answer faster

It grabs air from this original intake goes through the filter and into the engine.

This rubber seals off the box from hot air when it meets up with the hood

Some of the optimizations over the K&N filter are the duct entrance and filter position

if you've seen the K&N intake, it has a huge hole for the duct to go through because its sideways

But that means a lot of hot air coming from the engine gets sucked back into the intake

The diagonal position is also better because this filter can suck air through the side and front, instead of only the side in the K&N Intake.

Now lets go out for a spin to hear the diference

Microphone inside engine bay*

Thats why I choose the HoxHeim intake. Its the best bang for buck and it has all these upgrades over the K&N

The link for their Instagram is going to be on the description below where you can order one for yourself

Now for the million dollar question...

Do you make more power after installing a cold air intake?

i think thats the wrong question, I believe it depends on the car the intake and the amount of upgrades your car has

My short answer is no, I don't think you make more power

But for me an intake is more than just power, like you saw on the clips before

Let me do a little pull

Im not sure if you can hear that, but its a lot of fun!

For me thats enough to make it worth it

So if i make more power thats an added bonus

Maybe later ill make a video explaining how it works and why would it make or not make any more power

Thats it for today, i hope you guys liked the video

If you did, hit the like and subscribe button

And until the next one!

Comment below if you used CC, so I can know if I should keep doing them. Thanks ;)

For more infomation >> Installing an Intake - Mini Cooper S F56 - Duration: 9:05.


3 INVESTIMENTOS para fazer AGORA - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 3 INVESTIMENTOS para fazer AGORA - Duration: 2:47.


uganda knucles LSD (o verdadeiro rosto da rainha) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> uganda knucles LSD (o verdadeiro rosto da rainha) - Duration: 2:30.


Xeque-mate: Filipe Luís realiza sonho na cidade que quase o tirou da Copa - Duration: 4:53.

O sonho de estrear na Copa do Mundo durou quase nove anos. Desde que estreou na seleção brasileira, Filipe Luís, lesionado em 2010 e preterido em 2014, perseguia o momento de entrar em campo no torneio mais importante de todos, e, ironia do destino, isso aconteceu na mesma cidade em que tudo quase se tornou um pesadelo há pouco mais de três meses

Substituto de Marcelo, que saiu com dores na região lombar logo no início da vitória por 2 a 0 sobre a Sérvia, o lateral-esquerdo estreou na Copa na mesma Moscou em que quebrou a perna no dia 15 de março, durante goleada do seu Atlético de Madrid por 5 a 1 sobre o Lokomotiv, pela Liga Europa

+ Neymar curte com filho: a quinta-feira de folga da Seleção A lesão sofrida na fíbula da perna esquerda – e recuperada em tempo recorde – não é a única conexão de Filipe Luís com a Rússia

Um dos passatempos favoritos do jogador, sobretudo durante a concentração, é jogar xadrez

Virtualmente, porque não é simples encontrar adversários na Seleção. + Assista ao perfil de Filipe Luís, exibido no "Jornal Nacional" – O xadrez está sempre presente no meu dia a dia, sou competitivo e gosto muito – empolga-se o lateral, que também consegue fazer uma analogia entre sua posição no campo e as estratégias do tabuleiro

– Estou sempre atacando e defendendo. Às vezes tenho que atacar marcando, defender atacando, sempre olhando onde está meu ponta para marcar

No xadrez você precisa sempre estar atento ao ataque do adversário, pensar no que ele está pensando

Isso eu penso bastante. E o nível de concentração é importantíssimo. Se não estiver concentrado no xadrez, você perde, e na Seleção também somos assim

Filipe Luís se prepara antes de receber passe do amigo Fernandinho (Foto: Lucas Figueiredo/CBF) Uma das principais razões para Tite apostar na recuperação da lesão de Filipe Luís e levá-lo à Copa do Mundo, mesmo com a boa temporada do concorrente Alex Sandro, foi justamente essa competitividade

O ódio pela derrota é demonstrado no xadrez, em campo, até nos treinos, e isso, na visão da comissão técnica, eleva o nível das atividades

Para as oitavas de final, contra o México, é possível que o titular Marcelo se recupere em tempo de atuar

Ele fez mais fisioterapia na manhã desta quinta-feira, já em Sochi, na concentração da Seleção, mas, embora seja uma peça importantíssima na engrenagem do lado esquerdo, a comissão técnica ficará tranquila se precisar escalar Filipe Luís

– Sei que suprir quando o Marcelo é praticamente impossível, pela qualidade que ele tem, mas a nossa missão é fazer com que o time não note

Sabemos da importância dele e de todos os jogadores, eles se conhecem há muito tempo, mas temos que estar preparados

O Fagner teve que entrar, o Fernandinho em outros momentos, e isso é o mais importante – disse o camisa 6

A Seleção está de folga nesta quinta-feira, e voltará aos treinamentos na sexta à tarde para iniciar a preparação antes das oitavas de final

O duelo com o México será na segunda-feira, em Samara, às 11h (horário de Brasília)

For more infomation >> Xeque-mate: Filipe Luís realiza sonho na cidade que quase o tirou da Copa - Duration: 4:53.


John Brennan: 'Trump Not Smart Enough To Realize Putin's Playing Him' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> John Brennan: 'Trump Not Smart Enough To Realize Putin's Playing Him' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 6:01.


Wiadomość od twórców | Przedstawiamy Burzyciela | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Wiadomość od twórców | Przedstawiamy Burzyciela | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 6:31.


Mundial 2018. Polska - Japonia: na szczęście koniec [Wiadomości] - Duration: 4:03.

pokonała Japonię 1:0 po golu Jana Bednarka. To nasze pożegnanie z mundialem, czas na zmiany

Jeśli to był mecz o honor, to honor został uratowany, jeśli o dobry humor - humory nadal mamy złe

Polacy grający tylko po to, by móc wreszcie pojechać do domu, pokonali Japonię, która przecież po dwóch seriach była liderem grupy i walczyła o awans do fazy pucharowej

Zrobili to jednak w marnym stylu. Po końcowym gwizdku westchnienie ulgi niosło się od Wołgi pod Kurhan Mamaja - męczarnie skończone, nikt tu za nami płakał nie będzie

Awansowaliśmy na mundial z pierwszego koszyka, a byliśmy blisko całkowitej kompromitacji

Polacy wracają do domu ze wstydem, ale nie muszą chować się po kątach. Dokonali tego, co reprezentacje w 2002 i 2006 roku - wygrali, gdy już mało kogo to interesowało, mecz pocieszenia, na otarcie łez

są najgorsi, myśleliśmy, że będą najlepsi.W 59. minucie debiutujący w reprezentacji w meczu o punkty Rafał Kurzawa podał z rzutu wolnego na nogę Jana Bednarka

Drugi z najmłodszych piłkarzy w kadrze Adama Nawałki nie miał problemów z pokonaniem bramkarza

To mógłby być gol-symbol, że teraz młodzież przejmie stery, że "teraz my" i że "jeszcze nie zginęła"

Gol Bednarka był jednak tylko jednym z kilku krótkich momentów uciszających nudę wiejącą z boiska, a usypiającą melodię grali i młodzi, i starzy

W pierwszej połowie kibice na stadionie próbowali jeszcze znaleźć w oglądaniu meczu trochę radości dopingując reprezentację Rosji, później już głównie gwizdali

W tempie prowadzenia akcji obu drużynom na pewno nie pomagał upał, mecz rozpoczął się o 17 czasu miejscowego, jeszcze dwie godziny wcześniej temperatura w cieniu dochodziła do 40 stopni

Powietrze było tak gęste, że nikt nie zdziwiłby się, gdyby piłka zawisła w powietrzu i nie chciała spaść

Adam Nawałka na trzeci mecz w grupie wystawił trzeci skład i trzecią, inną taktykę

Tym razem udało się wygrać, chociaż częściowo zmazać plamę, dać kibicom lek przeciwbólowy, który pomoże im obejrzeć na spokojnie resztę mundialu w telewizji

Gol Bednarka nie był jedyną groźną sytuacją pod bramką Japończyków, ale Polacy na tym turnieju byli w stanie strzelać gole tylko po rzutach wolnych

Drugą z naszych, wydawało się mocnych, stron przeciwnikom udało się zneutralizować

Po kontratakach strzał Kamila Grosickiego fantastycznie obronił Eiji Kawashima, a kiedy Robert Lewandowski w drugiej połowie doczekał się w końcu podania od kolegi z zespołu, spudłował

Najjaśniejszym elementem gry Polaków były świetne interwencje Łukasza Fabiańskiego, który dostał od trenera nagrodę za to, że głośno nie krzyczał, że to jemu należało się miejsce w pierwszym składzie od początku mundialu

Jakub Błaszczykowski nie rozegrał 101. meczu w reprezentacji, bo nie pozwolili na to Japończycy

Uspokojeni prowadzeniem Kolumbii z Senegalem, które gwarantowało im awans do kolejnej fazy gry, przez ostatnie trzy minuty podawali piłkę na własnej połowie, a Polacy czekali na swojej

Kuba wrócił na ławkę, sędzia zakończył mecz.i to był dla Polski mundial. Bez przekonania, wiary, siły i umiejętności

Mundial rozczarowań, bezbarwny. Jeżeli zwycięstwo nad Japonią miałoby poprawić trochę nastroje i pozwolić uwierzyć kibicom, że polska piłka nie zbiera mułu z dna, to dobrze

Jeżeli miałoby pomóc Zbigniewowi Bońkowi w rozpoczęciu kampanii ratującej Nawałkę, jako selekcjonera, to bardzo źle

Nikt mu już nie uwierzy. Ani kibice, ani piłkarze. 0:1 - Jan Bednarek 59': Eiji Kawashima - Hiroki Sakai, Maya Yoshida, Tomoaki Makino, Yuto Nagatomo - Gotoku Sakai, Gaku Shibasaki, Hotaru Yamaguchi, ashi Usami (65' ashi Inui) - Shinji Okazaki (47' Yuya Osako) - Yoshinori Muto (82' Makoto Hasebe)

: Łukasz Fabiański - Bartosz Bereszyński, Kamil Glik, Jan Bednarek, Artur Jędrzejczyk - Grzegorz Krychowiak, Jacek Góralski - Rafał Kurzawa (79' Sławomir Peszko), Piotr Zieliński (79' Łukasz Teodorczyk), Kamil Grosicki - Robert Lewandowski

 Tomoaki Makino ().  Janny Sikazwe (Zambia).ZOBACZ WIDEO . - . Bramka Bednarka na 1:0! (TVP Sport)

- . Bramka Bednarka na 1:0! (TVP Sport) </form>

For more infomation >> Mundial 2018. Polska - Japonia: na szczęście koniec [Wiadomości] - Duration: 4:03.


The Winchesters vs Jason Voorhees - [ SUPERNATURAL vs FRIDAY THE 13°TH ] PARTE 1 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> The Winchesters vs Jason Voorhees - [ SUPERNATURAL vs FRIDAY THE 13°TH ] PARTE 1 - Duration: 5:25.


Grzegorz Krychowiak smutnym wpisem przeprasza polskich kibiców [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:54.

GRZEGORZ KRYCHOWIAK PRZEPRASZA KIBICÓW ZA PORAŻKĘ POLAKÓW NA MUNDIALU W ROSJI. .Sen o Mundialu w Rosji dla polskiej reprezentacji już się zakończył

Dziś Polacy rozegrali swój ostatni mecz o honor, wygrywając z Japonią 1 – 0. Przypomnijmy, że kadrowicze Adama Nawałki, wracają z Rosji, po rozegraniu trzech pojedynków, z których tylko dzisiejszy wygrali

Ogólnie Polacy podczas mistrzostw świata zdobyli dwie bramki, w tym jedną w meczu z Senegalem zdobył Grzegorz Krychowiak

Grzegorz Krychowiak mimo, że zdobył gola, nie krył swojego ogromnego smutku i rozczarowania Mundialem

Piłkarz umieścił po meczu z Japonią gorzki komentarz, kierując go do polskich kibiców

Zawiedliśmy Was, ale i samych siebie. Jest mi tak samo przykro jak Wam. Rozumiem kibiców, zarówno tych którzy nas krytykowali jak i tych którzy starali się zrozumieć

Jednak dziękuję Wam, bo po raz kolejny pokazaliście że możemy na Was liczyć i że nasi Kibice to ścisła światowa czołówka

Akceptuję krytykę. Zarówno zespołową, jak i indywidualną. Jest jedna rzecz z która nie mogę się zgodzić

Jeżeli ktokolwiek myśli, że każdy z nas nie dał z siebie 200%, jest w błędzie. Każdy z reprezentantów wskoczyłby w ogień za tą kadrę, nie mam co do tego żadnych wątpliwości

Krychowiak na koniec swojego wywodu, pocieszył jednak polskich kibiców, zapewniając ich, że w przyszłym sezonie kadrowicze pokażą na co ich stać

Jest w nas dużo sportowej złości, którą zobaczycie w przyszłym sezonie. Znowu będziecie z nas dumni

Wierzycie w słowa Grzegorza?

For more infomation >> Grzegorz Krychowiak smutnym wpisem przeprasza polskich kibiców [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:54.


Rep. Lamborn Addresses Unrest in Iran - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Rep. Lamborn Addresses Unrest in Iran - Duration: 1:02.


Liberty Forum - Think Tank Shark Tank, Copenhagen 2018. - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Liberty Forum - Think Tank Shark Tank, Copenhagen 2018. - Duration: 3:45.


¿Entierran los avestruces su cabeza ante una situación de peligro? - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> ¿Entierran los avestruces su cabeza ante una situación de peligro? - Duration: 3:33.


Anna Lewandowska kibicuje w meczu Polska-Japonia. Z kim? [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:38.


Choć w meczu z Senegalem udało się nam zdobyć jednego gola, Kolumbia nie zostawiła na nas suchej nitki i z boiska zeszliśmy z wynikiem 3 do 0

Został już tylko mecz o honor z Japonią, który rozpoczął się o 16:00 28 czerwca – później już tylko prosta droga do domu

Nie oznacza to jednak, że z tej lekcji nie zostanie wyciągnięta nauka, a nasi piłkarze w ostatniej potyczce zostali zupełnie sami

Gwiazdy jak zwykle udzielają im wsparcia w social mediach, ale najbardziej zagorzałymi fankami są piękne WAGs

Anna Lewandowska nie mogła odpuścić meczu, w którym gra jej ukochany – nie od dziś wiadomo, że to jego najwierniejsza kibicka

I choć nie udostępniła tym razem żadnego zdjęcia na Instagramie, pojawiło się ono na Instastory

Piękna Lewandowska i jej córka, Klara, w identycznych koszulkach kibicowały polskiej reprezentacji i Robertowi Lewandowskiemu

Towarzyszył im również Krzysztof Jankowski, znany i uwielbiany Jankes z Radio ESKA

Jak myślicie, taki doping wystarczy, by nasi wygrali?

For more infomation >> Anna Lewandowska kibicuje w meczu Polska-Japonia. Z kim? [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:38.


Zbigniew Boniek: myśleliśmy, że dostaliśmy w grupie "kelnerów" [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:46.

Prezes Polskiego Związku Piłki Nożnej, Zbigniew Boniek, po meczu przeciwko Japonii nie przebierał w słowach

- Mówiłem od pół roku, że na mistrzostwa świata trzeba jechać jak na wojnę, ale o tym zapomniano

Myśleliśmy, że dostaliśmy w grupie "kelnerów" - komentował. Polacy z mundialem żegnają się po bardzo słabym występie, którego nie jest w stanie przysłonić wygrana w starciu z Japończykami

Spotkanie z ekipą z Azji kończyło się z resztą w kuriozalny sposób, bowiem zdając sobie sprawę z aktualnego układu tabeli i faktu, że Senegal przy takiej samej liczbie punktów i bilansie bramkowym ma gorszy bilans fair play, w końcówce koncentrowała się ona na obronie wyniku

0:1. - Pierwszy raz widziałem mecz, kiedy drużyna przegrywająca chce przegrać i nie chce dostać żółtej kartki

Im szybciej zapomnimy o tym, co się działo, tym lepiej - mówił Boniek, odnosząc się do postawy Samurajów

Słowa krytyki kierował jednak również pod adresem drużyny Nawałki. - Na tym turnieju sportowo popełniliśmy bardzo dużo błędów i tylko na tej niwie musimy pozostać

Dlaczego tych błędów było tyle, dlaczego zawodnicy byli w tak słabej formie - przeanalizujemy to - mówił

- Wracamy do domu z żalem i smutkiem, bo gdybyśmy grali na swoim normalnym poziomie to mogliśmy wyjść z grupy

Mówiłem że na mistrzostwa trzeba jechać jak na wojnę, ale gdzieśo tych moich słowach zapomniano

Myśleliśmy, że dostaliśmy w grupie "kelnerów" - grzmiał. Za: TVP Źródło: Onet

For more infomation >> Zbigniew Boniek: myśleliśmy, że dostaliśmy w grupie "kelnerów" [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:46.


Mundial 2018: Krychowiak przyznaje: "ZAWIEDLIŚMY WAS, ale i samych ... [Wiadomości] - Duration: 2:10.

Chyba mało kto spodziewał się, że mundial w Rosji skończy się dla nas jeszcze przed tym, zanim na dobre się zacznie

Tradycyjnie rozegraliśmy trzy mecze, z których jako tako dało się oglądać tylko ten ostatni, o honor

Wygraliśmy z Japonią jedną bramką, ale wynik nie zmył zniesmaczenia i krytyki, z którymi kadra spotkała się po dwóch pierwszych spotkaniach

Dostawało się zwłaszcza najgłośniejszym nazwiskom reprezentacji, z którymi kibicie słusznie wiązali największe nadzieje

Tymczasem mundial w wykonaniu Lewandowskiego czy Szczęsnego był, delikatnie mówiąc, rozczarowujący

Przypomnijmy, jak tłumaczył się Lewy: Mundial 2018. Szczery i smutny Lewandowski: "Czuję się odpowiedzialny za porażki, ale nie pod względem osobistym" Lewandowski tłumaczy się z krytycznych słów o kolegach z drużyny: "Zostałem źle zrozumiany" Teraz swoje dementi opublikował Grzegorz Krychowiak, który czekał do końca meczu z Japonią, by na Instagramie przeprosić kibiców za fatalne występy

Piłkarz w zawoalowany sposób przestrzegł jednak, by przy rozliczeniach nie zapominać o zdrowym rozsądku

Krychowiak zapewnił, że wszyscy włożyli w występ na mundialu "200% siebie": Zawiedliśmy Was, ale i samych siebie

Jest mi tak samo przykro jak Wam. Rozumiem kibiców, zarówno tych którzy nas krytykowali, jak i tych którzy starali się zrozumieć - patetycznie zaczął zawodnik

Jednak dziękuję Wam, bo po raz kolejny pokazaliście, że możemy na Was liczyć i że nasi Kibice to ścisła światowa czołówka

Akceptuję krytykę. Zarówno zespołową, jak i indywidualną. Jest jedna rzecz z która nie mogę się zgodzić

Jeżeli ktokolwiek myśli, że każdy z nas nie dał z siebie 200%, jest w błędzie. Każdy z reprezentantów wskoczyłby w ogień za tą kadrę, nie mam co do tego żadnych wątpliwości

Jest w nas dużo sportowej złości, którą zobaczycie w przyszłym sezonie. Znowu będziecie z nas dumni

Też tak myślicie?

For more infomation >> Mundial 2018: Krychowiak przyznaje: "ZAWIEDLIŚMY WAS, ale i samych ... [Wiadomości] - Duration: 2:10.


✅ ŻENUJĄCA sytuacja na koniec meczu Polska-Japonia! Kibice wściekli! Błaszczykowski nie mógł wejść n - Duration: 2:28.

 Za nami mecz Polska-Japonia, który zakończył się wynikiem 1:0. Udało nam się wygrać ostatni mecz " o honor" na tym Mundialu, ale i tak zajmujemy w naszej grupie ostatnie miejsce

Dalej idą - Kolumbia z 1. miejsca i Japonia z 2.miejsca. Japonia w meczu z Polską nie pokazała się zbyt dobrze, ale i tak awansowała dalej

Choć oni i Senegal mają 4 punkty, to Japonia zagra w kolejnej fazie turnieju. Na koniec Japończycy doprowadzili do dziwnej sytuacji, przez którą Kuba Błaszczykowski nie mógł wejść na boisko

Dlaczego? Jak to wyglądało?  Koniec meczu wypadł skandalicznie. Do końca spotkania zostało 5 minut, trener Adam Nawałka chciał wpuścić na boisko Kubę Błaszczykowskiego, który czekał na zmianę, ale nie mogło go niej dojść, bo Japończycy byli przy piłce

Problem w tym, że nasi przeciwnicy zamiast atakować, podawali sobie piłkę na swojej połowie. I tak przez 5 minut! A nasi nie byli skorzy im jej odebrać! W końcu Kamil Grosicki padł na murawę, żeby zmusić sędziego do reakcji, ale sędzia zamiast pozwolić na udzielenie mu pomocy medycznej (wtedy na boisko mógłby wejść Kuba), zdecydował o zakończeniu spotkania

Skąd takie zachowanie ?   Gdy Polska grała z Japonią, Senegal rozgrywał mecz z Kolumbią, który zakończył się zwycięstwem tych drugich

Zarówno Japończycy, jak i Senegal mają po 4 punkty, taki sam bilans bramek, ale Senegal ma więcej żółtych kartek, dlatego to Japonia przechodzi dalej

I dlatego Japończycy nie chcieli rozgrywać piłki w ostatnich minutach, bo bali się utraty gola albo ewentualnych kartek. I tak po tym meczu zostawili po sobie niesmak

 Zobacz: Przed meczem z Japonią polskiej reprezentacji udało się pobić jeden rekord! W liczbie MEMÓW  Kibice byli zażenowani:  Jak to wyglądało? Zobaczcie wideo!  Za nami mecz Polska-Japonia

 Gol dla Polski zdobył Jan Bednarek.

For more infomation >> ✅ ŻENUJĄCA sytuacja na koniec meczu Polska-Japonia! Kibice wściekli! Błaszczykowski nie mógł wejść n - Duration: 2:28.


Get Android P Features on ANY Android - Root - Recents - Ststusbar - Curved Tabs - Duration: 2:26.

What is new Android Operating System?

Android q You are wrong everybody, its android p.

Which is Popsicle, peppermint, pop-tarts, pie, pound cake or pancake?

What is that?

Who care?

Well, in this video we will see how to get the Android P features like status bar, colourful

setting and the famous android P's Recent.

So, that been said, let get in to the video.

Here are the requirements.

You should need root access, that's important.

And then you need Xpossed framework installed.

If you don't know how to install it, just watch the video what appearing right now.

And finally you should need link2sd app. for some reasons.

If you have the entire thing, cool.

Welcome to the tutorial.

First you need to download this zip file from the link which is given below.

And extract it.

You will see the android pify, which is android P's exposed framework module.

Also, you can see the official pixel launcher.

You have to install both the things.

If you are already have the pixel launcher means, please uninstall and then install.

You can't uninstall the system launcher.

So, use link2sd app to uninstall system app.

But, before uninstalling, please, make sure that, you have some other secondary launcher.

That's important.

Because, if you uninstalled the pixel launcher and then you have no other launcher means,

you will have chances to strike in the black screen.

So, Install some other launcher and then uninstall the default pixel launcher.

After that, you need to install the pixel launcher and android pify .and activate the

module in xpossed installer.

And then restart.

That's all.

Now ,you can see the Android P notification panel, recent screen and setting.

Most of the UI will get changed.

That's amazing.

I am trying this on AEX 5.6 Oreo 8.1 And what android you are trying this.

Just let me know.

And before doing anything, just do the TWRP backup, that's important

Thank you for watching, I will see you in my next good one.


For more infomation >> Get Android P Features on ANY Android - Root - Recents - Ststusbar - Curved Tabs - Duration: 2:26.


Confirman homicidio intencional de hermanastro del líder norcoreano - Duration: 3:33.

Compartir  KUALA LUMPUR.- Fiscales de Malasia confirmaron hoy que fue "intencional" el homicidio de Kim Jong-nam, medio hermano del líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un, y que las acusadas fueron entrenadas para usar el mortal agente nervioso VX, que le causó la muerte en 2017

    "El asesinato del distanciado medio hermano del líder de Corea del Norte no fue una broma

Fue un asesinato 'cuidadosamente planeado y ejecutado' usando el veneno prohibido por la ONU VX", afirmaron los fiscales del Alto Tribunal de Sham Alam, ubicado a las afueras de Kuala Lumpur

    La indonesia Siti Aisyah, la vietnemita Doan Thi Huong, y cuatro hombres, quienes todavía están prófugos, han sido acusados por las autoridades malayas del asesinato del medio hermano del líder norcoreano, ocurrido el 13 de febrero de 2017

    Kim Jong-nam falleció luego de que las mujeres le rociaron el rostro con el agente neurotóxico VX, una versión del gas sarín, en la sala de espera de la Terminal 2 del Aeropuerto Internacional de Kuala Lumpur (KLIA2), cuando se disponía a tomar un vuelo hacia Macao, con un pasaporte con el nombre de Kim Chol

    Los fiscales desestimaron los argumentos de la defensa de que las dos mujeres acusadas fueron engañadas y reclutadas para participar en lo que pensaban que eran bromas televisivas y afirmaron que fueron parte de un complot elaborado premeditadamente

    Desde su detención, las dos mujeres se han declarado inocentes y han afirmado que fueron engañadas y que atacaron a Kim Chol creyendo que estaban participando en un programa de bromas de televisión de "cámara oculta"

    "Fue un asesinato cuidadosamente planeado y ejecutado. Las mujeres han sido 'entrenadas' para asegurar su éxito… usaron la fuerza criminal para atacar a Kim", destacaron los fiscales estatales en su conclusión escrita, según un reporte de la agencia informativa Bermana

    Consideraron que la agresividad estuve presente en el ataque a Kim Chol y que no se trató de un "elemento de humor", porque las evidencias en video del Circuito Cerrado de Televisión (CCTV) del aeropuerto mostró que las acusados no se estaban riendo durante, ni después del ataque

    "No fue una broma y sabían lo que estaban haciendo", subrayó el documento presentado este jueves por los fiscales en el juicio, reanudado el miércoles después de un receso de dos meses y de que los abogados de ambos lados presentaron sus propuestas finales

    El juez Azmi Ariffin del Alto Tribunal de Sham Alam emitirá el 16 de agosto su decisión final sobre si las dos mujeres acusadas del homicidio deben ser absueltas o llamadas a la tribuna para defenderse, destacó la agencia oficial de noticias malaya

    De ser declaradas culpables, las acusadas podrían ser condenadas de acuerdo con la Sección 302 del Código Penal de Malasia, que establece la pena de muerte obligatoria al momento de que sea emitida la condena

    DPC       Compartir

For more infomation >> Confirman homicidio intencional de hermanastro del líder norcoreano - Duration: 3:33.


Trwa walka o życie. Amstaff zaatakował dwójkę małych dzieci - Duration: 1:45.

Z doniesień reporterów RMF FM wynika, że do Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka w Warszawie w ciężkim stanie trafiła dwójka małych dzieci pogryzionych przez amstaffa.

Do ataku zwierzęcia doszło w miejscowości Łomia na Mazowszu.

Poszkodowani to ośmiomiesięczna dziewczynka oraz trzyletni chłopiec.

Do tragicznego zdarzenia doszło wczoraj w miejscowości Łomia w powiecie mławskim.

Ze wstępnych ustaleń wynika, że ok.


21.00, biegający po terenie ogrodzonej posesji pies rasy amstaff najpierw zaatakował starsze z dzieci, które spokojnie bawiło się na podwórku.

Następnie zwierzę rzuciło się na kobietę, która trzymała na rękach córkę.

Zarówno 3-letni chłopiec, jak i jego 8-miesięczna siostra z ciężkimi obrażeniami ciała zostali przetransportowani do Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka w Warszawie.

Postępowanie w sprawie tego zdarzenia prowadzi prokuratura.

Pies został zabezpieczony na potrzeby prokuratury i służb weterynaryjnych.

Obydwoje rodzice podczas zdarzenia byli trzeźwi.

Z informacji RMF FM wynika, zwierzę trafiło do rodziny poprzedniego dnia.

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