Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 29 2018

Master of Evil, Squid of Darkness

Octopus of Inferno and Hell

Dead he lies bleeding, in eternal siesta

Counting two Tera-Sheep

When death dies Thy time shall be

To unleash upon us Plankton and Death

So hear the voice of your COLF

Summoning Thee

Waiting for the Call of Cthulhu!





Cthulhu, the Ancient, bringer of Bills

Lord of Telecom R'lyeh

Appear in your subscribers' dreams

Advertising tariffs, of Pain and Convenience

Send the world your Death SMS

Forwarding animated doomsday GIFs

When Thy Kingdom rises once again

Hire us first

In the mighty Call Center of Cthulhu!



The number you dialed is ...


For more infomation >> Nanowar Of Steel - The Call Of Cthulhu - Duration: 4:20.


Toys R Us sees its last customers - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Toys R Us sees its last customers - Duration: 1:24.


#重生是一秒鐘還是整個過程?(感情聖化要理問答36) - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> #重生是一秒鐘還是整個過程?(感情聖化要理問答36) - Duration: 3:47.


La Disponibilidad, Virtud-Fundamento Espiritual por David R Hawkins - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> La Disponibilidad, Virtud-Fundamento Espiritual por David R Hawkins - Duration: 3:20.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:06.


VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105pk Comfortline 5drs - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105pk Comfortline 5drs - Duration: 1:13.


Škoda Citigo 1.0 Greentech Fresh 5drs - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Škoda Citigo 1.0 Greentech Fresh 5drs - Duration: 1:05.


Kia Picanto 1.0 LXE 5DRS / 99.000 KM NAP / VERBRUIK 1 op 19 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 LXE 5DRS / 99.000 KM NAP / VERBRUIK 1 op 19 - Duration: 1:05.


Peugeot 206 1.4-16V GENTRY 5drs Climate Control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206 1.4-16V GENTRY 5drs Climate Control - Duration: 1:12.


Reciclagem na decoração tudo com CD`s,e mais (7 dicas). - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Reciclagem na decoração tudo com CD`s,e mais (7 dicas). - Duration: 10:09.



For more infomation >> ISSO É O QUE ACONTECE COM SEU CORPO QUANDO VOCÊ COME PIPOCA - Duration: 2:34.


Citroën DS4 1.6 E-HDI BUSINESS - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS4 1.6 E-HDI BUSINESS - Duration: 1:10.


fabio rocha - JUNHO, mês do Orgulho Gay. E o Orgulho Heterosexual? - Duration: 10:22.

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ.

June is now designated by many countries/governmental entities (like Canada) as Pride month.

"Pride" refers to pride of being gay, lesbian, transgender, non-binary, etc.

Why so much focus on our sexuality?!

Everything is oversexualized (marketing, ads and so on). Our current western culture changed a lot: all that boys want is to 'hit' girls and all what girls want is to 'hit' boys...

So much focus on our sexuality, which is something so beautiful and sacred given to us by God.

Our sexuality is only one facet (among many) of our being. Thus, choosing to self-identify according to our sexual attractions is not a way in which we can reflect the fullness of who we are as persons

and this is why the Catholic Church calls us not to self-identify according to merely our sexuality which is still very important regardless of our inclinations might actually be.

Our sexuality is important. The Church doesn't classify sex as bad. Far from the truth.

We are more than that! We are more than just being lesbian, gay, straight, whatever. We are more than that!

The Catholic Church invites us to self-identify as persons (as a whole) and better yet, as beloved children of God.

Knowing that we're beloved children of God should make us feel amazing, different. We have God as a Father, Someone who loves us unconditionally. He loves us always despite our sins.

The Church makes a distinction between someone's desires and someone's actions. We can't control our desires, and so they shouldn't be central to our identity.

You also can't say someone is sinning just because they have certain desires, like a man finding another man attractive or a woman finding another woman attractive.

This is not sinful. Desires are not sinful. We can't control these impulses. Our sexual inclinations are not sinful.

Now, our actions do define us and we can be held accountable for them. We can judge actions: some are good and some are bad. We will be judged by God for them (cf. Rm 2:6; 2 Cor 5:10).

This week I had a conversation with someone (I'll not mention the person's name) that said to me, "Pope Francis changed the attitude of the Church towards the homosexuals, he even said we can't judge them".

I think I clarified this remark of the Pope in another video. We need to see the context of what he meant by "who am I to judge [they]?".

This phrase is one of the most phrases people remember that the Pope said. He was referring to an homosexual who seeks God. In this concrete situation, he said "Who am I to judge?".

He's referring to a person who has same-sex inclinations but who seeks after God to live a holy life. Hence, how can he judge such a person?

Imagine someone who has strong desires to be with someone of the same gender and throughout his lifetime he falls into sin. But every time he falls, he "gets up", he looks to God and asks for help.

God forgives everyone who is really repented and has the commitment not to sin again. God embraces everyone who turns to Him after falling into sin.

So, how can the Pope judge such a person?

The Pope didn't change the Church's attitude. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a general manual that has been in the church for a long time, and in the most recent edition (written by Pope St. John Paul II in 1992)

already exhorts the faithful to love and accept the homosexuals, that we shouldn't diminish in any way their human dignity and we shouldn't discriminate them.

This is in the Catechism. Now, in the conversation I had with someone (the same one I mentioned moments ago), I had to clarify what the Church means by "accepting homosexuals".

Many think that accepting means "Oh you're gay? You have a gay lifestyle? It's ok, that's all fine."

That's not what "accepting" means. We have to accept THE PERSON. As the old saying in the Church goes, "Love the sinner, hate the sin".

God has the same attitude. God loves everyone (and we're all sinners), but He doesn't tolerate sin.

So, to accept the other means to have compassion, it means to embrace that person, it means that you need to encourage her to get closer to God, it means to love that person.

You cannot say that every single action of them are good. As I've mention before, desires and actions are two different things.

Maybe some of you are asking, "Can a Catholic attend a Pride parade or event"?

This is very simple, brothers and sisters: Homosexual behavior is a sin; Showing support for any sin is to be complicit in that sin; To be complicit in that sin is itself sinful.

Therefore, we arrive at the conclusion that a Catholic cannot attend such events that promotes the gay agenda and gender ideology.

Leftists just wants to promote sexual profligacy.

You know what's funny? Many designated June as the Pride Month and the involved people in these manifestations preach (and even shout) "ACCEPTANCE, APPROVAL, TOLERANCE, RESPECT, DIVERSITY, LOVE, EQUALITY"...

I'd love to see if someone had to courage and the approval to set forth a parade about Straight or Heterosexual Pride.

I'd love to see people's reactions towards this. Gays preach acceptance, respect, tolerance... I'd love to see how would they react. For sure we would see a lot of hypocrisy.

I've seen many times in the internet pro-choice (abortion) manifestations... "People have to ACCEPT our views, there shouldn't be any DISCRIMINATION against us".

Then when they pass by a church, they start vandalizing it. And if someone approaches that, even kindly, and say something that is contrary to their views, they will fight you, insult you, spit on you.

I've seen this multiple times.

It's all bullsh*t. They all want to be accepted but they don't accept others, specially those who disagree with them. Where's the tolerance?

Another thing: why a parade for gay pride? Why so much focus on your sexuality in public? Why focus on our sexual inclinations so much?

Does it really make sense to you organizing a parade for heterosexual inclination?... "AH, I'm straight! I'm going to organize a parade! Hey guys who are straight, come and join me! Heterosexuality is spectacular!"

What's so special? What's so spectacular?

So much more out there to celebrate but we have to celebrate and make a big deal about this facet of ours? Kinda sad...

I hope this video have enlightened you. I encourage anyone who wants to try to organize a Heterosexuality Pride parade, I'd love just to see people's reactions, not actually make the parade happen for real.

I want to leave you what the Church says about homosexuality, I'll leave paragraphs of the Catechism below this video, read them carefully later.

You should know what the Church really thinks about this issue, what's Her attitude towards people with same-sex attractions. By knowing this, we can accept people in a better way.

Remember, the other is your brother or sister in Christ. Love your neighbour. Truth is always side-to-side with love, thus if you love someone, you want that person to be in the right path, to do what is pleasing to God.

If you love, sometimes you have to re-direct, correct the other. You have to say the truth to them, even if this goes against their beliefs. If you're a Christian, you want them to go towards Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

See you next week, God willing.

For more infomation >> fabio rocha - JUNHO, mês do Orgulho Gay. E o Orgulho Heterosexual? - Duration: 10:22.


Il microbiota degli adolescenti sovrappeso è diverso dagli altri giovani. E richiede terapie adatte - Duration: 3:01.

 Negli adolescenti obesi, la flora batterica ha delle caratteristiche peculiari, diverse rispetto a quelle del microbiota dei loro coetanei normopeso e degli adulti obesi

Questi profili, se meglio compresi, potrebbero aprire la strada a una nuova prospettiva nel trattamento di questa condizione

          La scoperta viene dall'Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù di Roma., analizza la composizione della popolazione batterica intestinale in adulti e adolescenti e la confronta in relazione all'obesità e all'età

      Negli adolescenti obesi, i ricercatori hanno osservato una variabilità microbica che si perde negli adulti, rendendo meno efficaci gli interventi terapeutici

Inoltre, gli autori hanno trovato differenze nel microbiota degli obesi rispetto a quello dei coetanei normopeso: nei primi è stato infatti evidenziato uno spiccato aumento di alcuni microbi marcatori (Faecalibacterium prausnitzii e Actinomyces), mentre ne mancano quasi totalmente degli altri (Parabacteroides, Rikenellaceae, Bacteroides caccae, Barnesiellaceae e Oscillospira)

      Oltre alla differente composizione microbica, sono state scoperte anche differenti funzioni metaboliche: negli obesi sono, infatti, aumentati i metaboliti coinvolti nella biosintesi degli acidi biliari primari e degli steroidi, nel metabolismo di alcuni zuccheri e nella gluconeogenesi (la sintesi biochimica di glucosio a partire da sostanze non zuccherine)

      CHE COSA INTENDIAMO CON MICROBIOTA INTESTINALE    Il microbiota intestinale, comunemente chiamato flora batterica, è composto da miliardi di batteri

Il suo ruolo nell'obesità non è certo nuovo. Già nel 2013, mostrava come il trapianto in due topolini normopeso del microbiota di due donne adulte, due gemelle solo una delle quali obesa, aveva come conseguenza il rapido aumento di peso dell'animale trapiantato con il microbiota di quest'ultima, nonostante una dieta povera di grassi

      Da qui viene l'idea di individuare marcatori batterici dell'obesità, possibili target di terapie con probiotici specifici, scelti su misura per la patologia e anche per l'età dei pazienti

      «L'assegnazione di nuovi marcatori batterici dell'obesità nel paziente adolescente può aprire nuove strade per il ripristino delle condizioni di equilibrio compromesse dall'obesità – spiega la dottoressa Lorenza Putignani, responsabile di parassitologia dell'Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù - Questo può essere realizzato attraverso un'alimentazione funzionale e una terapia microbica che faccia uso di probiotici specifici scelti su misura per la patologia e per l'età del pazienti»


For more infomation >> Il microbiota degli adolescenti sovrappeso è diverso dagli altri giovani. E richiede terapie adatte - Duration: 3:01.


¡Tipos de KAGUNE y sus características! | NotiAnime! - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> ¡Tipos de KAGUNE y sus características! | NotiAnime! - Duration: 12:06.


Horóscopo Capricornio Predicciones 2018 Dejas Atrás Gente Tóxica - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Horóscopo Capricornio Predicciones 2018 Dejas Atrás Gente Tóxica - Duration: 7:33.


[ENG subs] Korea to Russia Ferry Tour - Eurasia Campervan Trip Episode 1 - Duration: 13:59.

Hi everyone, it's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.

Can you guess where I am?

Look behind me.

I finally leaving for our Eurasia campervan trip.

Today the dream finally becomes reality.

For Mark too.

What we've been dreaming about

What we've been always looking forward to

We said we wished to travel around the world in a campervan.

We're keeping our word and making this happen.

Where are you?

Good morning everyone.

Today we finally..

Wait, not today but yesterday

We left Donghae port

and we're on our way to Vladivostok, Russia aboard the ferry.

We were so tired yesterday we did film anything.

The place we slept is

the DBS cruise ferry.

We boarded yesterday at 2 in the afternoon.

And now it's 6am.

I better take this outside.

I'm not the only one sleeping here.

There's Mark and some other people.

Another gentleman just walked in.

So I quietly stepped outside.

"It's breakfast time"

"Please wake up", they announced.

So people are up early.

I'm...oh, it's Mark.

Guy, now I'm going to show you around the ferry.

This place is..

Sorry guys!

While editing I realized I needed to tell you something.

So I'm inserting it here.

We're still on our Eurasia trip.

But we couldn't upload while we were traveling.

From now we hope to upload twice a week.

But at least one a week.

Because we were moving around so much

We just has so little time.

If you want to know earlier what we're up to

You can check our Instagram or Naver Blog.

Right now I'm about to give a tour of the ferry.

While editing I can see that there is quite a lot of information.

But for YouTube a lot will be edited out.

If you need more details

We'll upload the full tour on Naver TV.

You can find the link in the description below.

Sorry for interrupting the video.

Let get back to it.

Take a look behind me.

Right now I'm on the first floor.

The first floor has first class, second class, and economy class.

Men's and Women's showers.

And if you go out these doors

Open the doors and go out.

Come out side and wow!

Right now we're on the way to Russia.

Not sure where we are exactly.

My GPS isn't working now.

But we are on the way to Russia now.

There's a walk way in this direction

A restaurant is there.

You have to go out the doors and around.

Walk along here.

"Restaurant this way".

Just up these stairs

Sign says "Restaurant Buffet".

I have something to say about the restaurant later.

Now I'll take you to the second floor.

There is a bunch of stuff on the second floor.

Right next to me

Duty free shop.

And another one here.

An information desk here.

You ask them questions

Like what time will we arrive or when are meals served.

In case you get sea sick, there have medicine here.

And next to that

A simple convenience store.

Some instant noodles and crackers.

Next to the store they sell ice cream.

For water and hot water they have two dispensers.

Right here it says "water".

Right here.

And here is Zesta Bar.

You can also order food here.

Beer and coffee.

And also food like this.

Zesta Bar is my favorite place here

on this cruise because..

Hi Iya.


You have this great view.

You can sit down and look outside.

The person I said hi to

is Iya from Russia.

I meat here on this cruise.

I was going to end the second floor tour here

But there's one more place.

A place for entertainment and fun.

Go out this way and I'll show you something cool.

Open the door.

Here you can see this wall

What this place is..

It's a night club!

It's early now so the doors are closed.

It's noisy right?

I'll tell you about it inside.

I showed you the night club earlier.

When it get's dark the place opens up.

They announce it on the loud speaker when it opens.

The employees of the club play the drums

They put on a little show every so often.

I was curious so I went there last night.

It was fun!

Oh.. and the prices of the drinks

For example, draft beer was 5,000 won ($4.50)

Cocktails like Jack and Coke were 7,000 won ($6.30)

So it wasn't really expensive.

I had imagined it would be more expensive on a cruise.

But it wasn't so expensive.


Now I just came up to

The fourth and last floor.

The fourth floor is

if you look here

it's all

sleeping berths.

Let me show you the view outside the third floor.


Oh it's so pretty!

Outside on the third floor

you can go up one more level.

Yesterday, when we were departing Donghae port

the view from this top level

was really amazing.

Now we're at the top.

You can see it right.

There's a boat.

Over there is the bridge.

It's blocked off so I can't go there.

And the steps are also blocked off.

Take a look.

Isn't it pretty!

I'm all alone.

It's so cold and cloudy

so there isn't anyone outside right now.

Oh that's right.

I didn't give you a tour of our cabin.


There's a sink as you walk in.

If you need to use the bathroom

you can use the shared bathrooms outside.

We're sleeping on the top bunks.

That's Mark's bed

And that's my bed.

You can see it's covered in bags.

but we slept really well.

Between there is a curtain

Close them and you can have some privacy.

Let me close them for you.

Close them like this when you are sleeping

or if you just need a little private time for yourself.


So the number of beds


total of eight.

And one chair.

Fire extinguisher.

Life jackets over there.

Let's go outside.

Bye... have a nice lunch.


I'm off to have lunch alone.

I said bye-bye to Mark.

It's lunch for one today.

I'm eating alone

The reason is

well I should explain.

They give meal tickets per car.

One each for breakfast, lunch and dinner.. per car.

They told use we could purchase additional meal tickets at the information desk on the second floor.

So once aboard we went to the information desk

They said we couldn't.

We couldn't buy additional meal tickets.

So last night for dinner we used two tickets to eat together.

We had three so Mark and I used two of them.

So we have only one left

So I'm using the last one so I can film and show you what it's like here.

Mark is at Zesta Bar eating something else.

The food there is good as well.

If I eat quickly

I can find Mark and steal some of his food.

"We have an announcement about our arrival in Russia."

"The arrival time is 1pm."

"We will disembark one hour after arrival."

"For your safety please do not leave your luggage in the lobby."

"Until you further notice, please stay in your cabins."

We've arrived.

Just came out after eating.

I'm greeting by this beautiful view.

I'm going to meet up with Mark now.

Ate everything in 14 minutes.

Hi Iya.

Did you eat?

I just ordered a little while ago

because I was just taking some b-roll outside.

I'm done eating but Mark hasn't started his lunch yet.

Aren't you hungry?

I'm hungry.

Ms. Kim, the one who boarded with us, gave this to me.


For more infomation >> [ENG subs] Korea to Russia Ferry Tour - Eurasia Campervan Trip Episode 1 - Duration: 13:59.


João Amoêdo define Christian Lohbauer como seu Vice-Presidente - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> João Amoêdo define Christian Lohbauer como seu Vice-Presidente - Duration: 2:05.


Como TIRAR Pedras da Vesicula, Rins em Minutos Sem Cirurgia ➜ RECEITA CASEIRA - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Como TIRAR Pedras da Vesicula, Rins em Minutos Sem Cirurgia ➜ RECEITA CASEIRA - Duration: 2:22.


Fugge nei boschi per salvare la sua vita: la coraggiosa storia della mucca Bonnie - Duration: 3:33.

 Quando aveva solo quattro mesi, la vita della mucca Bonnie è cambiata completamente

Nata in una fattoria della periferia di New York, nell'estate del 2017, il bovino è fuggito dopo aver sentito il sordo rumore dei camion

Aveva capito subito che sarebbe stato separato da sua madre e sarebbe morto in un macello

Così, si era rifugiato nella foresta.             Nonostante i mesi passassero, alcune persone avevano visto che l'animale era ancora lì e hanno iniziato a riprenderlo con delle telecamere

Una scelta che si rivelò decisiva perché si scoprì che Bonnie non era sola, ma si era unita con una famiglia di cervi

«Da quando ha perso sua mamma- ha detto a The Dodo Meredith Turner-Smith, specialista delle relazioni con i media per Farm Sanctuary - Bonnie è stata accettata e mangia, corre, e dorme insieme alla sua nuova famiglia

È come se fosse un nuovo Bambi».      Bonnie e uno dei suoi compagni cervi          LEGGI ANCHE       Il salvataggio    Con l'arrivo dell'inverno, i soccorritori della Farm Sanctuary sapevano che la mucca non era nel suo habitat naturale e non sarebbe sopravvissuta al freddo e alla neve

Così hanno deciso di prenderla e portarla in salvo. «Dato che era troppo rischioso catturarla senza mezzi nei boschi - continua Turner-Smith - abbiamo deciso di rinchiuderla in un recinto»

            LEGGI ANCHE       A tranquillizzare la mucca durante l'operazione è stata Becky, una vicina della fattoria di Bonnie, che l'ha sfamata per vari giorni e poi conquistato la sua simpatia

Ora l'animale è al Farm Sanctuary dove corre felice per i campi e si è fatta nuovi amici

«Adesso Bonnie vuole trascorrere la sua vita in pace - conclude Turner-Smith - circondata da umani premurosi e una mandria amorevole di compagni della sua stessa specie»

 Bonnie al Farm Sanctuary       *****AVVISO AI LETTORI******  Segui le news di LaZampa

it su e su  *********************************

For more infomation >> Fugge nei boschi per salvare la sua vita: la coraggiosa storia della mucca Bonnie - Duration: 3:33.


Perché passeggiare per Scopello | - Duration: 1:01.

Scopello is a little village not so far from Castellammare del Golfo and the beach of Guidaloca.

Its ancient baglio is the main point of the residential area,

where hotels and restaurants take place, and also a beautiful coastline

with towers of the 16th century and some sea stacks.

Taste the famous "pani cunzatu", the local "sfincione" and the "cassatelle" with ricotta:

they will seal your relaxing day at the beach.

For more infomation >> Perché passeggiare per Scopello | - Duration: 1:01.


8 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Hair - Duration: 5:05.

In day-to-day stress, we do not have time to do anything that requires a lot of dedication

or that it takes too long to do.

That is why we have created faster and more simple to do things, but also less

healthy and quite harmful to the our health, including the health of our


We do this without realizing it.

But the truth is that many of our habits are damaging the structure of the

hair, leaving them very fragile and dull.

In today's video you will meet 8 errors common hairs that damage your hair and you probably

did not know:

Take a hot bath

When it's cold, who wants it? wash your hair in warm or cold water?


However, hot water creates oiliness on your scalp, it dries out the

hair and leaves the hair more shivering and brittle, the edges.

Use the dryer too hot

Like bath water, the dryer does not It must be too hot.

The heat dries the hair strands faster, but it brings an immensity of problems in the long


It destroys the hair strands, coming to burn them, even if this is difficult

to see with the naked eye.

Be very careful with the air temperature of your dryer!

Set to cool air mode, will help to close the cuticles of the wires and also

will give a smoother, smoother and brighter finish.

If you can, let your hair dry naturally.

Leave conditioner residues in the hair

The conditioner penetrates the deep scales of the hair, which were initially opened

shampoo, with the aim of caring for and revitalizing whole capillary structure.

After penetrating the scales of the hair, the conditioner will also close them


For this reason, if the conditioner is not well removed, the scales will not close

as it was supposed to and this will end up spoiling their wires.

Apply conditioner to the hair root

Avoid getting conditioner at the root of the hair.

This will clog the capillary bulbs that control all hair growth, and in turn,

this will prevent the nutrients that are in the root of the hair reach the tips.

It's also no use putting too much of conditioner in your hair.

This will not make him more soft.

Add enough spread.

Rubbing hair in towel

When drying the hair on the towel, do not apply too much force or rub too much.

Treat hair carefully and without damaging it.

Do not rub your hair in order to prevent it will break and become more and more crimped.

Remove only excess water from the locks, pressing the hair against the cloth, gently.

To comb the hair still wet

If you have to do this, apply before a cream on his hair so he did not

break so easily, and do it all very gently.

But if you can avoid it, avoid it.

Brushing the hair still wet is breaking of hair strands, to be sure.

Hold the hair still wet

Do not lock your hair when it is still wet.

If you do, your scalp gets hot. and wet and this will make the wires

break more easily.

Do not forget also that the pressure and the weight of hair stuck back, breaks

even more hair.

Do not cut

It is important that you cut your hair with regularity.

The hair needs to be renewed to be healthy and grow faster, unlike

than you can think.

Moreover, after three months the tips begin to glean and break easily.

Do you have any of the habits on this list?

Avoid these routines and you will be left with your hair full of life!

For more infomation >> 8 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Hair - Duration: 5:05.


Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTI L1H1 SPORT - NAVI - CRUISE CONTROLE - SIDEBARS - TREKHAAK EX. B.T.W - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTI L1H1 SPORT - NAVI - CRUISE CONTROLE - SIDEBARS - TREKHAAK EX. B.T.W - Duration: 0:53.


Fãs de Pabllo Vittar, calma! Na última quinta-feira (28), rolou o São João da Thay, evento criado pe - Duration: 5:25.

 Fãs de , calma! Na última quinta-feira (28), rolou o São João da Thay, evento criado pela influencer Thaynara OG em São Luís do Maranhão para arrecadar fundos para a APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais) e que contou com a presença de muitos famosos

 +  Entre eles, . A artista realizou o sonho de se casar, pelo menos de brincadeira

 Mas não foi um casamento junino tradicional, já que ela estava acompanhada por dois noivos

 +  Pabllo entrou na zoeira com Thaynara OG, anfitriã da festa, e , que interpretou o garimpeiro Xodó em O Outro Lado do Paraíso, novela da Globo que fez bastante sucesso na audiência

 O evento de São João ainda contou com participações de famosos como Erika Januza, Bruno Lopes e Preta Gil

 Vale lembrar que Pabllo está vivendo um romance de verdade. Segundo a Revista QUEM, o novo affair que conquistou o coração dela seria um empresário árabe

 "Estou vivendo uma fase bem tranquila do coração. Conheci uma pessoa bem legal, mas não é nada sério

Estou curtindo, a gente está se conhecendo. Essa viagem para fora rendeu muita coisa (risos)", confessou durante entrevista para o veículo

   Com o fim da novela O Outro Lado do Paraíso onde interpretava o garimpeiro Xodó,  agora é só cuidados e carinhos com o filho, Caio

 Nesta quarta-feira, 16 de maio, o artista publicou uma foto ao lado do garoto de 2 anos e se derreteu

 "Essa mãozinha sincera e amiga tem o poder de curar tudo que agita o meu coração

Te amo, meu príncipe", escreveu ele.    Além de ator, Anderson é formado em Administração de Empresas e pós-graduado em Gestão Pública

Filho de uma artista plástica e um historiador, o galã trabalhou durante muitos anos nos negócios da família em sua cidade natal, Taguatinga, Distrito Federal

Quando decidiu investir na carreira artística, se mudou para o Rio de Janeiro, onde fez alguns trabalhos como modelo e freelas como motorista de Uber

+  Na reta final da trama de Walcyr Carrasco, Anderson fez questão de agradecer a oportunidade e revelou um dos seus maiores medos

"Até o meio da novela, meu medo era morrer. Mas, quando vi que eu casei, pensei: 'Bem, então tem uma história de amor

Vai dar uma melhorada'. O medo até diminuiu. E agora, chegando ao último capítulo, está ótimo!", declarou o ator ao Gshow, ele que também trabalha como modelo

 Como se não bastasse, Tomazini contracenou nas últimas semanas diretamente com a atriz Fernanda Montenegro, a vidente Mercedes na novela

"Num intervalo de gravações eu fiquei conversando com a Fernanda. Imagina você ter a chance ali de vinte minutos de ficar conversando 'borracha' com a Fernanda Montenegro!", comentou ele

For more infomation >> Fãs de Pabllo Vittar, calma! Na última quinta-feira (28), rolou o São João da Thay, evento criado pe - Duration: 5:25.


IntrepiDan Episode 23 - 200 MILES!!! And Where The Dream Was Born. - Duration: 6:42.

Gastrointestinal tip from intrepidDan. I hope you enjoyed it the camera's falling! OH GA!

Well at least nobody was around to see that! I can't believe they let me out

here on the trail. This is ridiculous.

Okay guys this is Dan with intrepidDan and we are at Clingmans Dome starting off

headed to the north side of the Smokies and as you can see it's a little bit

different day out here today cloudy lots of moisture in the air. We're not gonna

go to Clingmans Dome because the views were much better up there when we left the

other day so we're just gonna head on out and head out cutting up the trail

heading north see you down the trail!

This is the trail that I just came up coming northbound between Clingmans Dome

and Newfound Gap but check this out here. These uprooted trees are massive and the

route intricacy at the base when you're looking underneath them is just

incredible to see. Well guys I don't know if you can see through the trees there,

but it is starting to clear up just a tad. This is my makeshift tripod

here it's not working really well...there we go. So guys I want to grab some water

this is kind of in the category of this is the most disgusting water I've had so

far. I don't know if you can see the color on that? Ya can't see through

it. It's brown. I put some propel fluid down there and some

Mio drops umm Dasani drops actually. If this has any nasty taste to it hopefully

that will at least cover it up. Using my Katadyn water filter which by the way I

know that everybody's out everybody off here's carrying Sawyer's... I love this thing.

I loved it until now. The water looks like it's kind of clear though coming

out of it so that's a good sign. There's so much crap in this water.

It's just forcing it to go slow. Okay guys this is gonna take a while I'm

turning the video off.

Definitely glad cleared up!

Up there! Blue skies and sunshine!


Here's a hiker tip for ya! Don't put blackberries and raspberries in grape bags because

they have holes in them


Well guys I know I'm getting close to Newfound Gap for couple reasons.

I hear cars above me and here's like a big honkin' retaining wall! Bet'cha

Newfound Gap is right up there!


Aright guys we made it! WOO HOO!

So on today's trek so far we have passed the 200 mile mark. I didn't film it

because this is kind of a special area for me this is where I first got the

dream to do the Appalachian Trail. So this little sign right here is what got me

thinking about Mount Katahdin, Maine and the Appalachian Trail. So this is where it

all started probably 35-40 years ago. I'd be up here playing on the rocks playing

on the stairs going up there sitting on the ledge standing on the ledge.

I remember seeing that sign walking up the trail couple hundred feet being sternly

told by my mother to get back here. So this is where it all began.

Kind of a sentimental day. 200 miles and I feel like guy have come home.

And the great ladies that I just took a picture of that you'll see have set up

they set up trail magic here once every year and this is one of the folks

that's responsible for it. Tell us a little bit about where you're from and what you do.

We are a widows group we're called Noah's Ark Ministry and we one of

our members husband died on the trail and so she was doing this and his memory.

And when she shared it with our group we said we want to do that so we've been

doing it for five years. We come up one weekend a month and I mean one weekend a

year in April and just are so blessed. Oh that's great!

Well thank you so much for what you're doing for hikers. SURE! Oh, thank you.

We wish you Godspeed and have a great trip! Thank you that's so great, again

you'll hear me say it time and time again...the amazing thing about the trail

the the views...what you see behind me that's stunningly amazing they're


The most amazing thing about the trail is the people.

Okay guys we are on the verge of completing our hike for the day all the

way from Clingmans Dome through Newfound Gap and we are headed to Icewater

Spring Shelter. We have 1.3 miles to go. We already come 1.7 from Newfound Gap

then I don't know how many from up at Clingmans Dome but at any rate we are

headed that-a-way!

Thanks for joining us. And we'll see you on the trail!

For more infomation >> IntrepiDan Episode 23 - 200 MILES!!! And Where The Dream Was Born. - Duration: 6:42.


VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.


VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:06.


Skoda Superb - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Skoda Superb - Duration: 1:12.


Reminaing Toys "R" Us Stores Closing Friday - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Reminaing Toys "R" Us Stores Closing Friday - Duration: 0:36.


Many nostalgic on closing day for Toys R Us - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Many nostalgic on closing day for Toys R Us - Duration: 3:01.


Farewell: Toys "R" Us closing its doors - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Farewell: Toys "R" Us closing its doors - Duration: 0:25.


Nanowar Of Steel - The Call Of Cthulhu - Duration: 4:20.

Master of Evil, Squid of Darkness

Octopus of Inferno and Hell

Dead he lies bleeding, in eternal siesta

Counting two Tera-Sheep

When death dies Thy time shall be

To unleash upon us Plankton and Death

So hear the voice of your COLF

Summoning Thee

Waiting for the Call of Cthulhu!





Cthulhu, the Ancient, bringer of Bills

Lord of Telecom R'lyeh

Appear in your subscribers' dreams

Advertising tariffs, of Pain and Convenience

Send the world your Death SMS

Forwarding animated doomsday GIFs

When Thy Kingdom rises once again

Hire us first

In the mighty Call Center of Cthulhu!



The number you dialed is ...


For more infomation >> Nanowar Of Steel - The Call Of Cthulhu - Duration: 4:20.


Toys R Us sees its last customers - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Toys R Us sees its last customers - Duration: 1:24.


#重生是一秒鐘還是整個過程?(感情聖化要理問答36) - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> #重生是一秒鐘還是整個過程?(感情聖化要理問答36) - Duration: 3:47.


La Disponibilidad, Virtud-Fundamento Espiritual por David R Hawkins - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> La Disponibilidad, Virtud-Fundamento Espiritual por David R Hawkins - Duration: 3:20.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:06.


VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW Touran - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105pk Comfortline 5drs - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 105pk Comfortline 5drs - Duration: 1:13.


Škoda Citigo 1.0 Greentech Fresh 5drs - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Škoda Citigo 1.0 Greentech Fresh 5drs - Duration: 1:05.


Kia Picanto 1.0 LXE 5DRS / 99.000 KM NAP / VERBRUIK 1 op 19 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 LXE 5DRS / 99.000 KM NAP / VERBRUIK 1 op 19 - Duration: 1:05.


Peugeot 206 1.4-16V GENTRY 5drs Climate Control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206 1.4-16V GENTRY 5drs Climate Control - Duration: 1:12.


LDV Maxus 2.5 CRD 2.8T SWB HR 3 zits - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> LDV Maxus 2.5 CRD 2.8T SWB HR 3 zits - Duration: 1:11.


Oh Snape with Voldemort and Severus: Snake Milk - Duration: 4:21.



Fidget spinner.

I don't understand these.

How do they work?

It's like this.


Watch this.

First try, right here.



That's why you're the Dark Lord.


[whispering]: Oh Snape.


Oh, Snape.

[crowd]: Oh Snape!

Can you please move its head?

She just wants to have some contact with you.

Some contact?

She had plenty of contact last night when I had to milk her.

[rock music]

You know, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure

I shall show these Mudbloods how to milk a snake.

[Deep voice]: Careful.

She's in the pits.

The key is...

I can't believe there are glands here.


It's kind of like chopsticks.

I like to think of the snake as a--

[chopsticks plays]

Fortune cookie.

And I like to afterwards just show this snake respect.

You whisper to it in snake language.



Parseltongue. Tongue.

[breaking glass]

Oh my gosh.

I can't believe you just said that.

Parseltongue, you whisper, "I thank you for your milk."

[whispering in Parseltoungue]

I thank you for your milk, may your days be long.

[whispering in Parseltongue]


[oriental music plays]

Snake language.

And then three bows.

Mom, I'm filming.

Your mom's alive?

She's still-- Yes, she's alive.

She came over last Saturday.

I never thought of you as having parents.

I need to go, I'm sorry.

That was your mom that came over?

Yes, the one you hit on twice?

I regret it now!

Ask her if she--

did she say anything about...

No, she didn't.

All right.

Leave it alone.

No, I'm fine, whatever.

All right, I'll talk to you later.

Bye Mom, thank you.

Bye Mrs... [whispers] Snape.

Do you know how many hours it takes

to produce this much milk from a snake?



Snape: 70 hours.

Oh, good.

I'm-- I want to.


You just drank two hours of work.

So worth it.

Let me show you how a man drinks his snake milk.


[rock music]


Don't like the sound that just came out of me.


and you're the next Arnold Schwarzenecker.

Business idea!

[electronic music]

Oh my goodness.


Snake milk formula.

Mothers will eat this up,

or should I say...

That's deceptive, though.

Look at this.

There's a hole in the side of my robe

and it's not a pocket.

Not all holes are pockets.

Yeah, wisely put, Severus.

Words to live by.

I'll write that in my journal.

Ask her if she wants some.

No, that would be like eating your own eggs or something.


I-- you know what's good though--


--is chocolate snake milk.

Chocolate snake milk?

Or strawberry snake milk.


Apparently I haven't lived.

I've just had blueberry snake mlik.

Yeah, well that's alright.

[whispering in Parseltongue]

Look at you go!

I've been working on it.

I'm taking Rosetta Stone.

So good, right?

Their newest language is snake language.


[glass breaking]

Thank you for watching.

Please share, subscribe, and like.

Post your questions that you might have for us

in the comments below.

Perhaps we will ask-- [buzzer] or answer, rather.

We could ask them too.

Perhaps we will answer them next time.

We should ask them next time.

Let me-- we're cutting this part out.

Time turn.

Zoot zoot zoot.

For more infomation >> Oh Snape with Voldemort and Severus: Snake Milk - Duration: 4:21.


🔴 Late night Subnautica with Housukoira | Hardcore mode - Part 2 - Duration: 2:12:25.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Late night Subnautica with Housukoira | Hardcore mode - Part 2 - Duration: 2:12:25.


Toyota Yaris 1.4 D-4D-F BUSINESS PLUS Fabrieksgarantie t/m 2019 A.Camera/Nav/Cruise - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.4 D-4D-F BUSINESS PLUS Fabrieksgarantie t/m 2019 A.Camera/Nav/Cruise - Duration: 1:12.


'You Couldn't Be Managing This Worse If You Tried,' Dr. Phil Tells Couple Trying To Regain Custod… - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 'You Couldn't Be Managing This Worse If You Tried,' Dr. Phil Tells Couple Trying To Regain Custod… - Duration: 3:37.


Why Trump shouldn't privatize the post office - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Why Trump shouldn't privatize the post office - Duration: 3:53.


Trump shouldn't pull US out of WTO: Ben Stein - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Trump shouldn't pull US out of WTO: Ben Stein - Duration: 3:44.


DIYプロジェクトで仕上げたい日産フェアレディZ S30!いつになったら乗れるのか…とりあえずエンジンルームを掃除!スティーブ的視点 Datsun S30 240Z DIY Project - Duration: 11:26.

Hi Everyone! I'm Steve.

I'm trying to not make excuses, but...

I really need to make some progress on my 240Z project.

This project has been stopped dead for quite a while now.

I bought this car well over a year ago now...

and I just haven't had a lot of time to work on it.

After getting the car, I drove it just once...

after I got home I pulled the engine apart to clean it up...

and that is how it has sat since then!

This is such a nice car is deserves to be out on the road again!

Excuses won't complete this car...

so little by little I am determined to get it done!!

Way back when, I already cleaned up some of the parts....

I took all the rust off this header and painted it nice!

I didn't film the clean up of this, sorry...

I simply used a wire wheel to get the rust off and then used high heat paint to make it look nice again!

In order to really clean up an engine compartment, its best to disassemble everything.

Parts like this fuel delivery line are hard to clean on the car.

The manifold and carbs are much easier to deal with removed from the car.

I am going to rebuild and paint these carbs myself too!

The car is so nice but under the hood did not look good.

It was very original and in need of a clean up for sure!

This is the manifold and dual Hitachi carb assembly for the 240Z.

This assembly is immediately noticeable when opening the hood...

so it really needs to look good!!

With the assembly off the car we can make it look great!!!

It needs to be degreased first...

I will unbolt the carbs from the manifold...

With the carburetors removed, it will be even easier to clean up and paint too.

This is what the manifold looks like with the carbs.

I guess I can remove this pipe too...

but I'm gonna leave it for now.

These emission/smog (?) components sit on top of the manifold and I removed them too.

I'm pretty sure these are emission control related components...

Everything first needs a good degreasing.

then time for paint.

I used a brush/sponge and engine cleaner to get the oil and grease off...

the result is very nice!

But not nice enough.... painting will take care of that!

I masked it off like this in order to paint.

I probably should mask off the openings too...

Now its time to paint...

obviously I didn't want paint to go on the areas I masked off...

This is the factory air cleaner assembly...

This is the factory blue color.

I would leave it this color but honestly I don't like the way it looks...

That's why I decided to paint it black...

Not a normal black but something a little different...

Wrinkle Finish black.

This is the wrinkle black paint.

Not sure if this product is in Japan or not... Wrinkle Plus.

Its not a smooth finish, but more of a wrinkly/bumpy finish.

This is my first time using this product.

It can be used on a variety of parts like valve covers too...

I thought it would make this air clean box look really good!

Next, its time to clean up this nasty old radiator.

Look at the years of dead bugs!!!

What kind of bug is that???

Check out this guy!

This radiator looks horrible and needs a good clean up!

But first we gotta get the peeling paint off...

and then repaint.

This radiator cannot go back into the car looking like this.

Let's clean it up!

The peeling paint comes off really quickly and easily.

With this softer wire wheel its quick.

You gotta get the old paint off in order for the new paint to adhere well.

This is a nylon type "wire"wheel... its softer than a normal wheel.

The bristles are firm but softer than wire.

I found a great way to use this wheel on this radiator too!!

You don't want to apply much pressure, but...

if you go lightly over the surface...

The dead bugs start flying again!!!!!!

They're flying again!!!

DIY can be a lot of fun like this sometimes too!!!!

The process of cleaning up a radiator also means cleaning up all the crushed fins.

These crushed fins bother me...

But there is fairly easy way to correct this problem.

Get a wide set of tweezers.

With tweezers you can carefully fix the crushed fins.

Using the tweezers, you want to gently grab and straighten the crushed fin.

It takes time and patience but you need to gently pull and twist the crushed fin back into shape.

Watch how I'm doing it...

I'm gonna stop here but...

the process is pushing, pulling, twisting gently...

It's already much better, but to perfect it...

you need to grab the fin and pull straight up to flatten and straighten the fin.

Grab and pull...

Pulling is the key to straightening the fin.

It's never gonna be perfect, but it is much better than it was!

What do you think?

The more time I spend the better it will look.

But it's already much better than before.

Wow, the results are much better than it was.

It doesn't even look like the same radiator anymore...

The real bad places are still a little noticeable, but...

it's much better!!

Let's do the other side too.

This side isn't as bad but it has some issues too.

It does have some pretty bad spots....

It is worse than I thought...

It's bad, but if I spend about 20 minutes or so...

tweezers and


(20 minutes later) How does it look now?

Some areas are just too far gone to completely fix...

But in comparison to before...

its a lot better!!!!!

Now its time to paint!!

For more infomation >> DIYプロジェクトで仕上げたい日産フェアレディZ S30!いつになったら乗れるのか…とりあえずエンジンルームを掃除!スティーブ的視点 Datsun S30 240Z DIY Project - Duration: 11:26.


Local boxer arrested for attacking his mother on Detroit;s west side - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Local boxer arrested for attacking his mother on Detroit;s west side - Duration: 2:02.


Dem Congresswoman Has Finally Been Arrested And It's Not Pretty – Nobody Is Above The Law! - Duration: 6:39.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Democratic Congresswoman from Seattle, Washington and an all-around

Marxist, protested the president's "zero tolerance" immigration policies yesterday

on Capitol Hill.

It was some kind of women's march and she was arrested with approximately 575 of her


The protesters marched from the Department of Justice to the Hart Senate building, where

they sat and chanted in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience, which led to the arrest

of about 600 women.

They were charged with unlawfully demonstrating inside the atrium of the Hart Senate Office

Building in Washington D.C.

Almost two thousand women showed up to protest and included in their ranks were Democratic

Senators and other politicians looking to push an open borders agenda.

They chanted "WE CARE" and "ABOLISH ICE."

Abolishing ICE has become the new favorite talking point of the left.

It's part of the communist agenda along with doing away with police officers and prisons.

The protesters are demanding that Congress act to end Trump's policies that criminalize

and detain undocumented immigrants and separate detained families.

Democratic Sens. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Kirsten Gillibrand

of New York and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut were also at the protest to support those

going after President Trump and his policies.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth showed up in her wheelchair with her daughter in her lap.

Nothing like using your newborn as a piece of political propaganda for a cause.

The protesters have their fur up over the separation of families at the border, which

as far as I know isn't even an issue anymore.

Trump has reunited families as of last weekend.

Now, the cause du jour is the call for not imprisoning families as a whole… let them

all go.

See how that works?


Open borders and no one is an illegal alien anymore.

But, as of right now, we are not prosecuting families that come over.

I think they are just sending them back which works for me.

The left has ignored President Trump's actions and are engaging in grandstanding and massive

lying to further politics on their side.

All the lawsuits, judicial orders and protests are over a non-issue here.

Jayapal said she was arrested at the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.

It was not a pretty sight.

She said she was protesting the "inhumane and cruel" immigration policies of President


"I was just arrested with 500+ women and @WomensMarch to say @RealDonaldTrump's cruel

zero-tolerance policy will not continue.

Not in our country.

Not in our name.

June 30 we're putting ourselves in the street again."

No one is above the law and the women who were arrested were being disorderly and making

a scene.

They broke the law and were busted for it.

Jayapal had it coming.

She is an extreme leftist and enjoys being provocative.

Of course, she was arrested, processed and released right on the spot.

They almost always are.

The rally was organized by the Women's March and the Center for Popular Democracy.

The women sat in the building in protest of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' and President

Trump's "zero tolerance" policy that maintains a hard line on illegal border crossings.

"I'm proud to have been arrested with them," Jayapal said.

They were arrested for illegally demonstrating in a government building and charged with

crowding and obstructing others.

It took place inside the atrium of the federal building as part of the #WomenDisobey protest,

according to CNN.

Demonstrators reportedly wore Mylar blankets, similar to ones given to children detained

at the border.

"They want to create a big moment up here on Capitol Hill the day that many lawmakers

will wrap up their legislative work and head home without addressing the family separation

issue," CNN correspondent Sunlen Serfaty reported.

Crowds from the "Women Disobey" march disrupted traffic in the streets of Washington

earlier in the day.

Not long after being released, Rep. Jayapal gave an interview about the protest, saying

women were sitting and chanting in the Hart building, "drawing attention to the tragic

situation [of] children who are in cages, separated from their parents, parents who

are seeking asylum, who are in prison."

Jayapal said the demands are simple: They want Trump to reverse the zero-tolerance policy,

free the children who have been detained and reunite them with their parents, and allow

the parents to seek asylum in accordance with due process laws.

She's not in control or in a position to demand anything of the president and she's


"I'm just so proud of these women who understand what a serious moment we're in

and what a cruel and inhumane and intolerable and unAmerican thing we are doing thanks to

the Trump administration," Jayapal continued.

Jayapal has previously visited immigrant mothers who were brought to a federal prison in Seattle,

some of whom have been separated from their children.

Even after a federal judge ordered this week that the administration reunite the families,

she says it has yet to happen: "When I was in the federal prison, I saw a slip of paper

that a mother handed to me that had her name, her identification number, and then supposedly

her kids, except she said, 'These are not my children.'

So we know that the Trump administration has no idea which kids belong with which parents

and where they are."

That is not true and she knows it.

"We have a lot to do, and this is still a crisis of extreme proportions," Jayapal


"As a member of Congress, it's a shame that this government, my government, is doing

this to children…

I think it is a really beautiful thing that people are allowing themselves to feel so

deeply the tragedy of what we're doing.

And that is what's turning them out, so I'm just grateful to people who refuse to

let this d*e and who are keeping it at the forefront even with all the important issues

we have in front of us."

It's this kind of dishonesty from leftists such as Jayapal that is ripping this country


And that's what they want.

She should have been put behind bars to cool off and consider her actions, but there were

too many to arrest.

Still, this is the sort of thing that leads to unrest, chaos and violence in the streets.

She's not above the law and she should have to answer for her actions.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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Hi! My name is Fonny, from Indonesia. Nice to meet you!

On this video, I'm sharing and reviewing about a book titled Midas Touch which is authored by Donald J. Trump dan Robert T. Kiyosaki.

If anyone is willing to add subtitle (CC) into this video <click link on this video description>, I do really appreciate it.

Hope you enjoyed the video. Thanks for watching!

See you again on the next video. LUV 2 SHARE. Bye!

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That Man - Caro Emerald | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 4:15.




For more infomation >> That Man - Caro Emerald | Karaoke Lower Key - Duration: 4:15.


I See the Light (Tangled Cover w/ Lucy) - Duration: 3:42.

All Those Days

Watching From the Windows

All Those Years

Outside Looking In

All That Time

Never Even Knowing

Just how Blind I've Been

Now I'm Here

Blinking in the Starlight

Now I'm Here

Suddenly I See

Standing Here

It's All so Clear

I'm Where I'm Meant to Be

And at Last I See the Light

And it's Like the Fog has Lifted

And at Last I See the Light

And it's Like the Sky is New

And it's Warm and Real and Bright

And the World has Somehow Shifted

All at Once

Everything Looks Different

Now That I See You

All Those Days

Chasing Down a Daydream

All Those Years

Living in a Blur

All That Time

Never Truly Seeing Things

The Way They Were

Now She's Here

Shining in the Starlight

Now She's Here

Suddenly I Know

If She's Here

It's Crystal Clear

I'm Where I'm Meant to Go

And at Last I See the Light

And it's Like the Fog has Lifted

And at Last I See the Light

And it's Like the Sky is New

And it's Warm and Real and Bright

And the World has Somehow Shifted

All at Once

Everything is Different

Now That I See You

Now That I...

...See You

For more infomation >> I See the Light (Tangled Cover w/ Lucy) - Duration: 3:42.


Fighting To See: North Texan Seeks Consumer Justice - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Fighting To See: North Texan Seeks Consumer Justice - Duration: 2:37.


✅ Drake hints that Scorpion could be last album - Duration: 2:21.

 's latest album Scorpion has dropped a few bombs.  After years of rumours circulating around the rapper's daddy status, Pusha T seemingly outed the rapper in his track The Story of Adinon

He accused of fathering a child with a porn star.  The 31-year-old, who has stayed silent until now, has finally acknowledged that he is in fact a father

In his track Emotionless, revealed: 'I wasn't hiding my kid from the world/ I was hiding the world from my kid

'  And it seems he shared another revelation: Scorpio could be his last album.  Yes, that's right.  On the album cut 'Is There ', hints that the mammoth 25-track creation might be it

 The line goes: 'Yeah, soon as this album drop I'm out of the deal/ in the house playin' D'Angelo, how does it feel?'  The lyric implies he will be leaving Cash Money after the album

 Now before anyone panics – this isn't the first time a rumour about his leaving Cash Money broke out.  Following the release of Life several outlets reported on the possibility of breaking with Cash Money in 2017

 Last year, Aspire Group, 's former record label, sued Cash Money for allegedly missing profits and copyright royalties from 's first six solo albums, totalling tens of millions has contacted 's reps for comment. Got a story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

For more infomation >> ✅ Drake hints that Scorpion could be last album - Duration: 2:21.


This Woman Made A Dress From Over 10.000 Candy Wrappers, And The Item Made Her An Internet Star - Duration: 6:58.

even as a youngster, Emily Seilhamer had a knack for upcycling.

In fact, it was the candy wrappers that she started saving as a 12-year-old that would

become the basis of a project in her adult life.

But it was worth the wait, because when she unveiled a dress that she had crafted from

more than 10,000 Starburst wrappers, Seilhamer found internet fame.

Seilhamer is a 25-year-old artist from Pennsylvania.

She works as an activities assistant at a nursing home rehabilitation center.

And in her spare time runs a group called Connecting in Color, which hosts art-based

activities in painting and crafts for groups and individuals at all levels.

Through her own creative work, however, Seilhamer takes the opportunity to pursue her some of

her other passions, such as crafting, sewing and upcycling.

She gets a particular buzz out of using materials in her work that may be overlooked or even

discarded by others.

in other words, where most people might see trash, this artist sees potential for a new


A look at her Facebook page, Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer, shows ornaments,

decorations, furniture and jewelry made out of discarded accessories, trinkets and other


It's a passion that first blossomed when Seilhamer was a child.

Indeed, when she was 12, she found the inspiration for a project that would later take five years

to complete.

And it started with a packet of Starburst given to the artist as a young girl by a boy

who, years later, would become her husband.

"The first time I met [Malachi] he offered me a pack of Starburst," Seilhamer explained

to ABC news of the initial encounter with her future husband.

The pair first met when they were just 12 years old and in the same drama group one


It was the moment that the juice was set loose.

he gave me a pack, and once he broke the ice he kept bringing me packs of Starburst,"

Seilhamer explained.

"I said, 'Hey, I'd like to make something out of these.

Do you mind saving them?'"

So save them he did, and before long the candy wrappers started piling up.

As Seilhamer described, "He would eat them and bring me grocery bags full [of the Starburst


I was like, 'Wow, I can do something pretty big from this.'"

The arrangement wouldn't last, however, as the pair lost contact with each other.

For a while, anyway.

just before they started attending college, Seilhamer crossed paths with her future husband

a second time.

And, remembering how the pair had bonded when they first met, the candy lover started collecting

Starburst wrappers for the craft enthusiast once again.

Lucky, then, that they happen to be his favorite sweet treat.

After four years of collecting the candy wrappers with help from family and friends, Seilhamer

started work on a dress design that she had in mind.

Most of the work was done while the artist was at college.

"I would sit for hours folding wrappers while studying for college classes or watching

TV," she told ABC news.

seilhamer meticulously grouped the wrappers into colors, then ironed each little square,

folded the paper into links and looped them together into chains.

It perhaps goes without saying that the artist's college friends thought her to be "a little

nutty", but it's something that they grew to accept.

One of the biggest challenges that the 25-year-old faced was, perhaps surprisingly, her lack

of needlecraft skills.

"Funny thing is, I don't know how to sew," Seilhamer admitted to ABC news.

"I know how to use a sewing machine, yet I've never actually learned how to follow

a pattern."

but the artist wasn't about to let her lack of tailoring skills hold her back.

She added, "I am a crafter, so I if I can picture something in my head, I can usually

figure it out."

Indeed, it took Seilhamer a mammoth five years to figure it out, and it didn't happen without

some challenges.

As Seilhamer explained, "Because [the dress] took so long [to complete], the Starburst

company kept discontinuing some of the colors that I was using, so I had to revise the design

a couple of times.

But that's OK.

I actually like this design better."

seilhamer estimates that more than 10,000 Starburst wrappers were needed to complete

the dress.

As she explained, "In just one row, there's about 300 wrappers to wrap it around my whole


And with so many candies consumed, she jokingly added, "Thank goodness nobody got any cavities!"

As a thank you for using their product to make the dress, Starburst gifted Seilhamer

a giant jar of the candies.

And what's a dress without accessories?

So with those wrappers, along with some leftover from her own collection, the dressmaker fashioned

a matching purse and a pair of shoes.

seilhamer believes that the cumulative cost for the Starbursts needed to complete the

dress amounts to over $1,000.

When a fan asked whether it was comfortable to wear, the self-confessed crafter told the

Sun Online website, "It's smooth like snake skin so yes, but [it's] heavy."

The arts and crafts teacher completed the dress mere months before her husband proposed.

This not only allowed Seilhamer enough time to make her own wedding dress, but also meant

that the sweet creation had a sentimental place on the day.

"Because we met through the candies, the dress had a spot at our wedding reception

for everyone to see," she explained to ABC news.

the dress was just the start of Seilhamer's passion for making upcycled dresses and other

clothing and accessories.

So far she's completed a gown made entirely of men's ties and another out of her grandmother's

kitchen wallpaper, a summery design that she fashioned into an Easter dress.

"Growing up I always thought that this flowered wallpaper from my grandparents' kitchen

would make a nice Easter dress," Seilhamer wrote on a Facebook post.

"So when that kitchen was remodeled recently I had a chance to make that fantasy a reality."

The artist's most recent upcycled garment is a poncho fashioned from more than 250 plastic

bottle caps.

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