Sunday, October 29, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 29 2017

Hello my children, welcome to a video of Kikematamitos

And today i am very exited, accompanied by

My girlfriend "Chayito"


She's nervous, but it doesn't matter.

I am very happy because my friend

Petr Šejvl

Sent me

I hope that this will be pronounced correctly, sorry if it is not

Sent us some products

From Czech Republic

That's right, this package ...

Come from Czech Republic

Thanks to my friend

Petr Šejvl

We're going to try them for first time

Products, candies

What do we call them?

Junk food

From Czech Republic, and...

First I show them

For start, let's try, these ...

Fried potatoes, salty

From Czech Republic, i can't pronounce this names because, I'm probably going to go wrong.

This gone to be the first one we're going to try

Then we will try

Some candies like this one

That looks like "lunetas"

Now we're going a speak faster, for...

For show all what we're going to taste, we're going to try this one to.

We're going a have a lot of things for try today.


This one called "Romanca"

It looks pretty appetizing

We also have ...

The "Kastany"

We're going to taste it to.

Some solid candies too

From Czech Republic

This happened because we made a video


Some, candies

Licorice, from Finland, then my friend...

He had the idea that he could also send me

Czech Republic products

He even sent us some cookies


This is a cookies pack and we're going to leave them at the end.

Because after in another video, we going a taste


This to

This product that i don't know how...

Pronounce the name

It's like a snack

Looks salty and have a picture of a cheese

Thank you very much to your friend


And we have the "Bon Pari"

Some hard Candy and gummies.

This one have funny shapes

I suspect

It's an art to make this kind of candy that have a figurine

In the middle of the candy, in the center of the candy


Hard candies

Gummies with another texture


And more gummies

A lot of gummies

This is thanks to my friend

I hope to pronounce your name well

"Petr Šejvl" I hope I'm not mistaken

And this one called...

"Margot" So I pronounce it in Spanish

I hope I'm not mistaken

This going to be all the candies we're going to tasting

So... It's a pleasure, love, which one do we start with?

Let's leave Chayito

I said we're going to start with the chips because ...

That I find the simplest


What you think if for the next video...

I know how we're going to do the dynamics for these candies

Let's go...

I'm going to choose one to savor it and then you'll pick another.

And so on, until we try them all

But first salty or sweet?

Whatever you want

If you are agree, we start with the chips that looks the most simple ones

So... we're going to try fries potatoes

From Czech Republic -You would have taken video

No, i showed them to the camera already

Ok, here is a chip from Czech Republic

Have that such

They are similar to those of here

They are fried potatoes with salt -Potatoes!

They are not bad, they are good, like any other chips

Very, very good.

Do you have another opinion? Chayito

No, they are similar to those of here.

It doesn't seem like a strange taste

Well, they're still potatoes.

They're still potatoes.

But, if you look at these potatoes

Are more crunchy


They look, rather homemade.

Because if you taste "Sabritas" potatoes (Mexican chips)

Another kind of potatoes that have...

They seem to be less artisanal than these.

This kind of potatoes not looks like...

They're crisper, you eat them and they taste different.

They seem to be artisan potatoes


The turn of Chayito

Now let's taste something ...

Something that will choose Chayito

This one

Lets see, now Chayito we're going to taste...

Obviously, if they're hard candies...

We're not going to suck it till it's over

We brought a plate to put them there

And be able to continue advancing in the video

Ahh! looks...

Lets see... we have... some rings.

That looks made of...

A kind of ...

A tablet, or a tablet.

Is not a hard caramel

Are good

It has citric flavor

They're like a little bit ...

They look like some that break down in their mouths

They look like "Tix Tix" lollipops (Mexican candy) by "Sonric's" (Mexican brand)

I hope you Sonric's me royalties for this, but it's not going to happen.

Are pills -They unravel


Rings of...

Flavored compressed sugar

With Citrus Flavors

Are good

Let's see ... go ahead, now

We have a lot to taste my love -We have a lot to taste.

What do you say we put the chocolates in the end? -As you like, but ...

No-no-no what was the dynamic like? Chayito

You pick one and I choose another.

Is that it is so ...


I think that the next ...

This bread, this muffin that I crave

Finally -Apparently on this bread.

Blue blackberries appear

And it appears a ...


An instrument to catch the honey

It looks like it's made with honey

Chocolate and Blue BlackBerry

So let's try this product from the Czech Republic

I remind you that the Czech Republic is famous for beer.

And this muffin for its voyage ...

Throughout Europe and Mexico

Smells good mmm ...-if this fresh? -Yes, it's okay, look...


It's like the "Kinder Delice"

This ... I'm not sure

It's derailed, obviously.

Went through a lot

Haber, grab a piece Chayito, we will ...

Grab a piece like that,-have that such.

Mmm ... -Is strong

Has strong flavor

What's the ingredient?

Its taste ...

To hell, I don't know.

I don't perceive the taste of blue Mulberry.

It seems to have an ingredient that ...

Yes, it's like ... Let's see the chocolate ... -The Taste

Because chocolate tastes ...

Tastes of chocolate


It has a different taste

He says it's a "traditional" (Bad Czech)

I guess it's a traditional product

Because there ... I understand

Of the word, I think it says ...


And it smells good, it smells like a bagel.

Almost looks like whole grain

But I can't say anything bad, I like it.

But I can't say anything bad.

Although I do not get the taste of the ...

Which is what I think is this, the truth, if it is.

I'm not mistaken.

Then -I feel that the flavors are ...

If we are liking because ... to those who already ... us

Familiar, apparently

How about we go on

With a few ... Gummies -As you like, it's your turn.

The turn of Chayito and choose ... -Some gummies

Look, they're funny, they look like ...

I don't know ... -they look like tiny fish -small fish.

Let's see, gummies from the Czech Republic

Let's see -Gummies sugar -in fact we're going to try...

Different types of this brand "JoJo" (bad Czech)

That ... that ...

Yes it is -The brand off...

It's the same brand, JoJo (Mal Czech.)

Let's see, let's see Love



Taste lemon

This kind of flavors I love -they are delicious.

As Jell-O, something like that

Lemon Jelly Flavor

It has a citric flavor

Yes, they are very tasty, the truth.

If you leave them to my nephews ...

I love this kind of slightly acidic flavors

Those who let you ... mmm ...

You even smell the taste

Very rich, -tastes like pineapple with lemon

To you? -To me taste like lemon, like...

Lemon Jelly -Lemon Jelly

It should be noted that these products

Makes them a transnational, which is the Nestle brand

Here you see

On the back of the product, -that mark too ...

That brand, that company, also has ...

Many products here in Mexico

But they are not obviously not ...

Are different products


Now it's my turn, and we tried some jelly ...

A muffin

Now I think it's a good time ...

To ...

Try ...

"Vocalization of Drum Reflex" (very bad)

These, these!

With fruity Flavors

Look, in the packaging they come out that they are ...

Solid candies, but they have flavors ...

To quite exotic fruits

I see a kind of grape

Even a passion fruit

In the packaging

It sounds funny, -cherries, strawberries.

Then we will have pills ...

Of different fruit flavors

To choose your favorite

"Vocalization of Drum Reflex" (very bad), -Look, they come in individual packs.

They are solid candies, -they are candies

We have different colors, we have yellows.

Very crystalline

It's true


Will ours be grape?

Let's see, I want to try a yellow one because it attracted me a lot

Yellow Color, I'll try that flavor is

Look, these already.

Let's see, I ..., the ...

The grape we see ...

Let's hope it's grape flavor

They are very tasty

They're very good, that's all.

This, really, I like this kind of flavors.


I can't find it, I can't find it in this yellow.

What is its taste

Its taste is ... -it has no taste obviously to the fruit.

It tastes a fruit

I think it's going to be the passion or passion fruit

Has sweet taste

Now, one red color

I don't want love anymore, I'm convinced

This has strawberry flavor

Don't be guided by the color

No, if it tastes strawberry

No, no, no.

Not my Love

This has strawberry flavor

And this that is orange color

I think it's going to taste tangerine but I'm not sure.

I do not know

Does it taste good?

It tastes peach, peach.

Are you all going to try?

Is this yours? -Yes -this is the grape flavor

Tastes of grape

Then ...

Let's see if there's another one with another flavor

This is more ...

It has a different color to yellow

He's walking a horse on this side

Ah! It falls to the ground, I don't give a damn, so I'm going to eat it.

Carlos had to travel ...

Three and a half hours to be able to make this video.

You're not doing it.

Where you commonly make the videos in the city of Tepic -This is the taste passion

This is the flavored passion fruit the other yellow not that it is.

This if you taste passion fruit, passion,-is that the passion ...

It is well known here, -is that the passion or passion fruit is very common here.

This tastes passion fruit, the yellow color is not what flavor has

I didn't find the taste

And yes, because we live in a city called "Tepic"

Which is quite noisy, everywhere there are ...

Vehicles, people with music.

And all, and hardly ...

We can find a place that this ...

Where to record-where to record, because if you remember licorice

Those who saw it, will know that ...

Vendors come out, cars passing, sounds of "the gas"


And here it is...

It's a little ...

A little quieter, isn't it, my love?

Then we passed the solid candies.

Now is the turn of Chayito

Let's see ....

"Vocalization of Drum Reflex" (very bad),


Let's see ....

The Magic hand of Chayito

Choose ... -I chose ...

What's your name? -See you can pronounce it?

I swear it's not pronounced like that

So I read it

Says it's the original

Not an imitation or other version


O. .., I do not understand what kind is

This if it's going to be surprise because I have no idea it's


It's my turn -true, sorry

I am so interested, to me, to my

Knowing things about other cultures, for me ...

The fact that people

Send me

Products of their countries, I thank them

A lot, because I'm a person who loves it

The culture, the differences that make us human

And this, let's see, wait.

It has a texture ... interesting

Look, look, we have to show it

is different

It's kind of a mass, mass.

Will be Coconut?

Do you feel?

As it has ...

Made of coconut

It tastes coconut but I'm not sure

I feel a little taste ...

Fermented ... I don't know what it is

I can't find the taste

What about your Chayito? -I feel coconut flavor

How do you declare it? Coconut Flavor?

For you? -This made of coconut

This made of coconut, Coconut flavor, all coconut

Does everything taste coconut? I don't know everything about Coco -For me, yes

For me it tastes ...

It's like a "Cocada" type (Traditional Mexican candy)

But ...

Pressed, I don't know

Yes, it's definitely coconut.

With some other additive I have no idea

If anyone has knowledge

Someone from the Czech Republic please ...

Leave a comment here, and tell me what this is all about.

Because I don't know

But you know what? Coconut with liquor

With some liquor, some liquor

If anyone knows him? To tell us, because we really ...

We have No knowledge

I just know it's the original

The original, from the Czech Republic

The word is the same in Spanish, English ...

Original is always original

Now if you go my turn, as we tried something quite sweet, Chayito ...

I can think of

That is a good time to try something ...

Not so sweet

How about this?

The "Castany" which is also original

Since 1966

already has much

Seems to be pretty fine

Made by Orion Company

And it seems to be ... it sounds to me like it's going to be a bitter chocolate.

It's Kikematamitos's turn.

It's melted because it's hot -it's also chocolate

is chocolate

Hold on

is in pieces

Grab the top bit

That is

Let's grab a little bit, you grab another one.

No, grab this.

It comes with something in

I can't leave it, no, no, no, look, it's

Bring something inside, I swear.


What a delight!

Oh, my God, this is delicious!

Oh my good -although the chocolate here or in France, anywhere is the same.

Because it's chocolate

The chocolate tastes the same but ...

It has slight differences obviously depending on the process

of production, the quality with which it is produced

The chocolate

And also of the solid cocoa

that contains each product and that's what makes the difference

Between a chocolate and another -sugar

Also the level of sugar, correlated

With added milk

And the solid cocoa, the more solid

It's supposed to be finer chocolate, more bitter

This has rich flavor -This doesn't taste very sweet.

But it has very good taste -Because here most of the

You eat them and they harass you

Yes, here the chocolate is usually -it's very sweet

Add a lot of sugar

It is very rare the chocolate that you will find and that has little sugar

I think it is, for the class ...

Different kind of palate we have

Here in Mexico the sweet ...

It proliferates a lot -it's like you say the soda.

And here, in what, is the same formula

At the end of the day is the sugar which makes ...

Its taste -and especially, is that we do not know if in the Czech Republic

Use sugar... or use

Corn syrup

Some sweetener

Yes, because in America, our neighbor.

Corn syrup is used for Coca-Cola.

And here (Mexico) We use sugar, they are different sweeteners

and therefore they are different flavor products

Then -love give me some water

Yes... It's Chayito's turn.

Let's see ... I'm going to choose ... this.

You know what that is?

It gives Me the feeling that they have the flavors of the "Paditas" (Mexican name for jelly bears).

I haven't tried them -they look like the Paditas -here in Mexico there are paditas

Some that are like teddy bears

Uh-huh, teddy bears -but they're gelatinous like this ...

They're gelatin, like those are also from gelatin.

Only here they are called "Paditas" because they are a

Bears ... and here are dolphins.

The ones my friend sent

Let's see Love -Petr


Petr Šejvl


And here we have a small dolphin, Hoye are very ...

Cute, because they're small like that

are cartoony

Very delicious -tastes of Mandarin


I'm not ...

are not very different from the jelly we can find here really

are jelly of gelatin

With artificial flavors

But, they are good, that is, not ...

I can't say anything bad, the jelly of gelatin

They're always good, and I don't really know the human being

That don't like it -don't like it

I would really like to know if for example you

You're seeing me right now, you don't like them.

Write it in the comments, do not say "I do not like" "I Hate"

Writes why

Because I can't understand a human being

How can you not like the jelly of gelatin


They are very delicious

Thanks to your friend -green apple flavor -again by ...


Above all, do not miss the following video

Because I sent four cans of beer from the Czech Republic

And he assures me ...

that those beers

Are the best in the world

And they are nothing like beers

Mexicans, then we will check that too

You had to sacrifice yourself

I'm going to have to sacrifice, I'm going to have to get drunk for you in the next video

It's your turn my Love

Is it my turn?

So, I think it's a. ..

Good time

To try

The ...

"Margot" -is chocolate


Chayito, It's locked

We haven't tried it, but I assure you it will taste

A lot ... to the Cocada

We just tried more chocolate -chocolate -With chocolate, I'll tell you why

Because a few palms come out here

And a mass comes out, which is similar

That has the same consistency, in the image of the product

Then and the part that I think the...

The same company manufactures

Have if I'm not mistaken

No, it's not manufactured by the same company -as the "Nugs" (Mexican candy)

But with coconut -This and the Chocolate Factory

Are the same company

They are like the "nugs" but with coconut -let's see

With peanut -yes, here we have.

There are many, there are many varieties of chocolates here

In fact there are the internationals in all

Places like the "Snickers, Milky Way"

Look, love, give it to me

Comes in a bar

is a rectangle

It was close to falling

I was splitting up, well

Smells nice ... you want to try it?


I want to give it a bite

I told you

Yes or no?

Like chocolate doesn't

Makes you feel stronger

Yes, it tastes

It tastes of liquor, but not if it is because ...

If it's because the coconut has been in some kind of conservation

This one is stronger than the other,--yes, the taste of the coconut in this

is stronger than in the other it's apparently

Pure coconut, only this is covered with chocolate


These are the tastes in products that we can see

In the Czech Republic

Now here in Mexico

In a corner of Mexico

If you look at

Until now we have not tried something that surprises us, that we say ...

I don't like this

The truth is that all this is quite nice

And above all, I get free

The best

What do you say we try? -now is the turn of Chayito

How about this? -Let's see

What's that going to be? Look like "Lunetas" (Mexican name Version) -Lunetas

Here in Mexico we have

Some that are called "Lunetas"

That are the Mexican version

of the m&m's

Only that...

The version of the m&m's that has no

They don't have peanuts, they don't have

Nothing, only those who have only chocolate

And yes

Effectivity are "Lunetas"


Although they have a different flavor -yes, taste ...

I don't want them to think they can buy the lunetas

And they're going to have the flavor of these lunetas

They are lunetas, so, but they are different flavor

Have a different taste

Very delicious

They're not bad at all

I feel softer

Yes, I think they have a taste

Less harassment, the here harass more

Have a stronger flavor -is that here most sweets are very

With very strong flavors -with lots of


I don't know

I'd like to know what sugar content has this

Because I bet he has less

That's why it tastes ...

I want to think they could use some kind of sweetener

Different from the sugar to do this.

In essence are "Lunetas" only have different flavor

Very good

Very delicious, until now everything -now everything

All this we're keeping we're going to eat it just to do

The video in this way -Not to be eating

We're going to watch TV or see what we do

And we'll be with snacks there and we'll be sharing

With our loved ones, because two monkeys

We eat them -and until now everything we liked

They are flavors very similar to those we find here

As well ... yes

And most of the products

You identify them with products from here -yes

I do not find

Strange products. This ...

There are many products here in Mexico that look like

With the exception of ... what will be Chayito?

Well, all, love

Everything has something like, -if everything, in fact ...

Even colored candies

There are also


that come

Transparent wrapping and that are similar

Ok, so it's the turn of ...

My? Yes, you picked the Lunetas.

Then ... we will pass

For something different

How different?

It occurs to me to try once these

Balls, -those look like some balls they sell for when you've got

Cough -here's all kinds

of companies

Who are engaged in making sweets and candies for purposes


Although not really ...

Because those and seen in naturist pharmacies-do not work

Candies with herbs such as eucalyptus

Myrrh, Elder

Apart from sugar and honey bee

And that supposedly help respiratory diseases

But they don't really help too much

But they have good taste and I like them

Because I find it pleasant and not because they are therapeutic

And there are some propolis

and other products

Herbal extracts that make them

In a ball like this.

And Chayito I think she also has that opinion

Yes, it looks more like

I don't know, what flavor it has

Well, let's approve, -the flavor -in my opinion ...

that have strawberry flavor

Everything that has pink color has strawberry flavor for me

Will it be because you saw the pink color?

Pink -and they're soft

Let's see -Little balls

of Barbie


Not Strawberry

But they are soft

Are they soft? I'm sucking it

Are not hard

You can smash them in the mouth

I thought they were candies -I thought they were hard candies

And it has a nice taste

Already when you ...

I thought they were hard

But no, what flavor do they have?

Strawberry, but when you ...

When you suck it not but when it gets rid -yes

When it is demolished tastes of strawberry, are small balls

That can be undone

You see, you can crush them

And they are strawberry-flavored

Very delicious

I think this is the most sugary

That and tested until now, is the one that tastes sweetest of all

Outside is pure sugar

And inside it's kind of gummy, I don't know

The Inside

But strawberry flavor

But if they have, they're very sweet, they're for.

It's to share, you want, you want, everybody, you want one?

I don't think I can eat this all by myself, not.

Don't be telling lies

I eat a lot.

Is that, is that,


Very good to eat

Chayito, I'm seeing a hen and a rooster mating

That has nothing to do with what we're seeing right now

Then I record it if you like.

This, turn of Chayito

We are already staying with few products

We are five products to finish

Could we get another package??

Yes of course

The truth has a good idea chayito, if any of

liked to see Kikematamitos

Tasting sweets from other countries

And you are interested that I do

Let me know by private message

By ... YouTube

And I can give them my

Direction and everything if you like to send me something from your countries

To make a video, I can also do it with pleasure

And above all, thank you, what?

Smells delicious

Smells delicious

Ah! These are the jelly

No, they are jelly with a different texture

These jelly not seen here in Mexico

They're a jelly, but they don't have a color

Crystalline, as you can see

A crystalline color

Right?, this is a more or less color

Pastel color

are delicious

Have a good taste

Mmmm... -I loved it

The pink color that they taste?

What flavor do they have?

I can't find it

Cherry Flavor

They taste like cherry pink, let's see

Now I'm going to try a color ...

Color melon, so we tell you here, Color melon

I don't know how to call this color in your country.

Orange Flavor

But, this is a flavor that not only tastes

It feels like a perfume

They have a similar taste to a pills perfumed

That if you eat them, you chew them, they perfume all your mouth

Now a white color

Try one of the white for me to dicas that flavor have

I don't know what flavor they have


Whites have lemon flavor -lemon flavor

And those that are lemon color that taste will have?

It's like a white color but ...

But a little bit -I don't think

They may not necessarily be lemon flavor

They are very delicious

These taste like apples.

Very good, I liked the texture very much

It's like a kind of marshmallow but different

Yes, it's kind of ...-or the texture is ...

Like the marshmallow here in Mexico

But the taste ...

But not like a marshmallow, it can be like a marshmallow but ...

Not so Fluffy

Let's continue love -I no longer have water

Now as I got sick a little

Of the sweet, I think it's time to try this

Snack -they are snacks

They are small sticks, in a tray

It's ready for you to have your snack.

Here you sell the package with the product

and the Dish

I really like this kind of presentations so many snacks

"Bohemia" It's called

The brand seems to be "Bohemia"

which produces them


I don't know how to pronounce this the truth

do not know how to pronounce it and I will open it

It has the image of a cheese, so I hope it tastes like


So, let's try

They're little sticks, they're tough.

are very good

They're like cheese-flavored fries.

I knew it was something salty -But flavor to that cheese ...

That I have tried on other things

Have taste

To cheddar cheese that is not matured

Does the package have a cheese?

I know!

Do you know the cheese whiz?

If you know the cheese whiz, that tastes cheese

cheese whiz

of Kraft

Only that

As a mixture of cheeses, they are very good

Like I'm going to keep them for beer

My love

You're going to sacrifice yourself today, remember?

Of course

Let's see, now

These, according to.

You say they have ...

Quite a work of art, isn't it?

These candies have in the center the figurine

Of some cherries, of a kiwi,

Of a tangerine, that is to have different figures

But these sweets I think are pretty crafty

Because to get that figurine is in there

And through all the candy

It takes a teacher to

Who knows how to work the caramel, so that it has that shape.

And for that it takes a lot of experience and practice

And here in Mexico if there is

Parts where they make them.

But there are very few

So, for me, it looks pretty crafty.


It's your turn to open it to Chayito

And we're going to ...

To see it

Take one my love

Without seeing

Look, grab the one that made me prettier.


It has the shape of a few cherries

It has the shape of a few cherries with everything and its branches

So to make it stay that way

It's all an art the truth I'm marveled at how they work

The caramel -and also, to me, in the form of ...

of heart!

That joke is on her and me.

Only she and I understand each other because

I was working as a bricklayer's pawn.

And she called me at my job and tells me

"What are you doing?" I say, "I'm splitting bricks shaped ..."

And did not reach the end of prayer when she said:

"Of heart" because she is in love

Your mother's Daughter

"At heart" and look what it was to grab


It makes me so beautiful

I don't want to suck it

It's a work of art look

Is that to make it fit that way

It's all an art, in fact there are sweet masters who

You can send to do with your names

Or even your logo, candies of this kind

And they are very good too


Very good, we will have a ...

A very sweet week here.

I think they have

Different flavors

and smells -and smells

They are very good and you have to leave them on the plate of the suckers

To continue advancing in the video

Because we are two products to get to the end.


It's the

I think

"Romanca" -sounds very elegant

has an elegant name -and apart -Premium

and separate the packaging

Romanca Premium that is not special

is premium, a level beyond

Romanca Premium Let's try

I think it has a hazelnut flavor because it has

A hazelnut there

And it has ... which conveys the idea that has

This picture is going to be ...

Creamy with hazelnut flavor

is scraped off, look

Don't open it all my love

Not because it spreads

A bit

Romanca is a cookie


Looks like Oreo

There is no Chayito not

Do you know what flavor it has?

Ferrero Rocher

Don't taste it well

Tastes of Ferrero Rocher cookie

Or that hazelnut cream like Nutella

is very good

It's a hazelnut cookie.

Very good, I think I had already tried it before

You know what tastes?

To Kinder Bueno

The cream that has in the Kinder Bueno

Kinder delice

No, Kinder Delice is a bagel

Kinder good is a cookie.

I like the packaging wanting it not to end

And well ... for sadly -finally

Everything has a beginning and everything has an end

Everything has a beginning and everything has a final

And of course this video is going to come to an end

Because we're going to try

It is no longer the choice of Chayito

Only one left -the destination

The Cookies -BeBe

It says "BeBe" I don't know how to pronounce

Let's see, we sell them -BeBe in Spanish

It's like baby

They will give it to the children in

With milk

Here in Mexico we used to eat cookies with milk

Not if also in the Czech Republic

Get used to that

Probably in the Czech Republic

Breakfast beer with biscuits instead of milk

Truth? -it is so delicious that maybe ...


Maybe even bathe in beer

Don't know

What happens is that I was investigating about the country

And the beer is very popular there, it proliferates fairly and the

People are very obsessive about the quality of beer

Let's see my Love

Let's see

A cookie from the Czech Republic

are very good

What's the taste?

It's just

Have No taste

They taste sweet--but not so sweet--but not so sweet

They seem to be some cookies to accompany something

To me ..., when I saw the packaging

They were like the Canelitas (Mexican cookies made with cinnamon)

But they have no cinnamon-there is nothing cinnamon

As some kind of milk is not exactly -exact

It has a taste of wheat bran, like whole biscuits

I think they're cookies

That can be eaten alone, I eat everything alone.

In fact for you not ...-if for me there are no limits and if I have

Something to eat, with my finger grabbing it

All, I feel like that one day--but if you want to be ...

I have an insect here.

We walk in nature

That one day you tell me this I don't like

Everything you like -almost everything I like

The only thing you didn't like you already like

And she's very sensitive

Very sensitive to flavors, so if she eats it and likes it

Must be good


No, no, no.

My love

It was a pleasure

have been

In this beautiful landscape

In my beautiful municipality of Amatlán

And it was indeed a pleasure because we are enjoying

Of the flavors that the Czech Republic brings us


Of Czech Republic

Thanks to my friend



Šejvl, Petr Šejvl

I can't memorize it yet

Thank you very much for having sent these products

And the next video -my boyfriend ...

Since he knew they were going to send these products, he didn't sleep

No, yes, sometimes I didn't sleep.

He didn't sleep for other things -Is that I love it, I love it

Try things that you never tried

So, this was all my children.

Return to this channel to see

So you can see the next video that's going to be about beer in the Czech Republic

And we'll see you next time

Good bye

For more infomation >> Tasting treats from the Czech Republic candies, chocolat and snacks - Duration: 46:37.


BTS 방탄소년단 - Haul /albumes y mercancias - Duration: 32:01.

bts second muster, this one is used too...i think

it's sealed

like new

MAMA best perform

I dont know if BTS is in it

or other group

2017 dream concert

Music bank, KPOP BTS and Red Velvet


aish its crushed(?)

left version

with photocards gifts



it came...

a bit crushed(?)

what matters the most is the content though

are these official or what...

if these are not official...meh


its ok

oh this was

memories of 2015

i think it said it was a used one too

here comes another one


its not ebay, this one is from catchopcd

is big, but not as big as the concept book

this one should be from...


oh I just remembered


which come with the program book (i guess)


also from ebay

black bubble wrap

oh no is from amazon lol


its so pretty

so prettyyyy

is small, I thought it would be bigger

like the concept book

it has the old logo

what was the name of this album?

2 cool 4 skool

they wrapped it with tape all around!-.-

ah no...its good

whats the name of this?..

the photo album and mini photos from the 3rd muster

oh this one comes with photocards too

sticker set

this one i luckily found

is also a sticker set


young forever

(it actually is concert goods from epilogue on stage)

they are the same size


i didnt know they send them like this, its the first time i see it

the 4 versions


everything is good packed

i dont know what number this is

maybe 3rd minialbum

version 1?

no, part 1

the 2 versions

part 1



4th minialbum both versions

blue and...another pink?

the ones from the wings albums

4 posters

1 per album

all of them are the same

this last box was from kpoptown

very good

i still have another one

where is it??

here it is

this one is from


im sure these are photocards

from the 3rd muster

these are large

i didnt think these were gonna be large

well, the packaging

these must be this small

why did they stick them like this??



and Jimin-Jin

i think there are more but i havent found them...yet

and this one... the last one

nothing happened

the video stopped T^T but

when i opened the box

i found these x0x

which are a few pics

i didnt know, when i ordered, they had a note for a free gift

it said they were gonna send a special gift for the purchase of the albums

so now the i remember, it should be this

the ones who ordered from kpoptown probably got these too, if they preordered

these are mate on the front and back

like the posters

new logo

version L



For more infomation >> BTS 방탄소년단 - Haul /albumes y mercancias - Duration: 32:01.


Top 10 // Animes Accion y Romance (3ra Edicion) Parte 1 - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Top 10 // Animes Accion y Romance (3ra Edicion) Parte 1 - Duration: 9:50.


Descargar Max Steel Full HD 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar Max Steel Full HD 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.


Descargar Lego Batman Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar Lego Batman Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.


Descargar Deadpool Full HD latino 1 link mega y Utorrent 2016 pelicula completa - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar Deadpool Full HD latino 1 link mega y Utorrent 2016 pelicula completa - Duration: 1:23.


Descargar Animales Fantasticos Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar Animales Fantasticos Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.


Descargar Moana Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar Moana Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.


Descargar El Aro 3 Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar El Aro 3 Full HD Epañol latino 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2017 Pelicula Completa - Duration: 1:23.


Descargar X Men Apocalipsis Full HD Latino 1 Link Mega y Utorrent 2016 Película completa 1080p - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar X Men Apocalipsis Full HD Latino 1 Link Mega y Utorrent 2016 Película completa 1080p - Duration: 1:23.


TV3 ataca: graves provocaciones en antena provocan la reacción del Gobierno - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> TV3 ataca: graves provocaciones en antena provocan la reacción del Gobierno - Duration: 3:42.


Learn Reptiles Amphibians for Children with Toys to Real Life Animals~Wild Crocodile Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:19.


For more infomation >> Learn Reptiles Amphibians for Children with Toys to Real Life Animals~Wild Crocodile Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:19.


What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.

For more infomation >> What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.


Descargar Doctor Strange Full HD 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2016 Pelicula Completa 2017 - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Descargar Doctor Strange Full HD 1 Link MEGA y UTORRENT 2016 Pelicula Completa 2017 - Duration: 1:23.


Inside Sputnik International

For more infomation >> Inside Sputnik International


Star Trek: Ferengi Alliance - Duration: 11:12.

Approximately 60 light years from the Bajoran Wormhole of the Alpha Quadrant, the planet

of Ferenginar stood as the homeworld of the Ferengi species and the seat of the government

for the Ferengi Alliance.

Developing into a powerful economic force among the various governments in the area,

they were primarily motivated by a desire for profit, guided by a set of rules and regulations

meant to protect their free-enterprise values and while preserving the unity of the Alliance

as a whole.

The Ferengi were humanoids with wrinkled noses, sharp teeth and large sensitive ears, referred

to as lobes, which made their hearing extremely acute.

Known to live over a hundred years, they had a strong immune system and a four lobed brain

which could not be read by most telepaths.

Shorter than the average human, their diet consisted primarily of insects and slugs,

though only from their homeworld, considering the insects of other planets unappealing.

It took approximately 10,000 years the Ferengi to establish themselves as an interstellar

power in the Alpha Quadrant, with a male named Gint becoming the First Grand Nagus, the ultimate

political and economic authority in their society.

Having purchased warp technology to spread beyond their home system, individual Ferengi

were often very independent, united only by their values and adherence to the rules and

regulations set forth by their government institutions.

Such as The Ferengi Commerce Authority, led by a board of Liquidators whose offices were

located on the 40th floor of the Tower of Commerce in the Sacred Marketplace of Ferenginar

and who oversaw the enforcement of Ferengi Trade By-Laws and Codes.

Their was also the Ferengi Trade Mission responsible for overseeing business relations with other

species, the Ferengi Health Commission who had the ability to revoke trade licenses,

and the Ferengi Gaming Commission who regulated casinos and gambling.

Donations and bribery were a readily accepted part of government and public life, with Ferengi

expected to pay when dealing with the government, and for government employees to pay off their

superiors in order to seek favour and promotion.

Even their religion centered around profit, having to pay for their prayers heard and

believing they could take their wealth with them after death, using the funds collected

over the span of the lives to bribe the Blessed Exchequer and enter the Divine Treasury.

Once inside the Celestial Auctioneers present their lots so you might bid on your next life.

A poor Ferengi who lacked the funds needed to pass through the divine treasury, might

be cast into the Vault of Eternal Destitution, their spirit lost forever.

In addition to the many institutions and regulation that guide their society, Ferengi business

men revere nothing more that sacred Rules of Acquisition written by the First Grand

Nagus as 173 rules to help his species pursue profit.

The Rulebook was later expanded to 285 by the 24th century, and included such suggestions

like The First Rule of Acquisition

Once you have their money, you never give it back.

Other well known and interesting rules, Are number 10, Greed is Eternal

Number 17, A contract is a contract is a contract... but only between Ferengi

Number 34, War is good for business Number 35 Peace is good for business

Number 111, Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them.

And Number 211, Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success.

Don't hesitate to step on them.

Although most Ferengi desired nothing more than to establish themselves financially,

using profit to elevate themselves within society, there were varying degrees of relentlessness

and greed among their species.

With some even rejecting the pursuit of profit, to follow a path of their own choosing which

sometimes meant abandoning the laws and customs of their society.

Through their persistent pursuit of new financial ventures throughout the Alpha quadrant, they

established relations with many any other worlds and species, largely adhering to a

policy of neutrality, preferring to settle their disputes through negotiation and economic

pressure, rather than warfare.

Although many other species see the Ferengi and greedy, dishonest and manipulative, they

often see themselves as examples of a morally superior culture, because their desire for

nonviolent, financially beneficial solutions, saw them avoid many of the atrocities committed

by others.

The Ferengi had no history of genocide or military occupation and conquest, and had

never been involved in a large scale war.

They even claimed to have never practiced slavery, although their treatment of females

in society contradicts that claim.

However because Ferengi did not consider women as anything more than property, they did not

consider their oppression as a moral failing.

Females in the Alliance were forbidden from pursuing profit, participating in government

or even wearing clothes in public.

They were expected to devote themselves entirely to serve the men in their lives, and to birth

children for their husbands.

And while women were largely dismissed by men in their society, mothers were highly

valued by their sons, with the 31st rule of Acquisition making it clear that one must,

"Never make fun of a Ferengi's Mother."

Though the Ferengi Alliance was not known as a military power, they did maintain a fleet

of of D'Kora class Mauraders which were used defensively, to protect their trade missions

and business ventures outside their territory.

And while the Ferengi were often stereotyped as cowards, often emitting a high pitched

scream when frightened, not all could be described in this way, as demonstrated in the Battle

of Prexnak in the year 2374, where ten ferengi stood alone against an 273 Lytasians, fighting

valiantly until the bitter end.

Ferengi were known to have interacted with humans as early as 2151, and had another encounter

in 2355, when a Ferengi vessel attacked the USS Stargazer under the command of a young

Jean Luc Picard, who proved victorious at the battle of Maxia.

Yet the Stargazer was so badly damaged they had to evacuate and abandon the ship.

Official first contact then came in 2364 when DaiMon Bok sought vengeance against Jean Luc

Picard, for the death of his son, who commanded the ship destroyed at Maxia.

Yet his plan was ultimately foiled and he was relieved of his command by First Officer

Kazago, who deemed this personal vendetta an unprofitable venture.

What few know however, is that their species actually made first contact with humans in

the year 1947, when the Ferengi Quark, Rom and Nog were transported through time and

studied by 20th century humans in America, before making their escape.

These Ferengi males, who lived and worked for many years on the Federation Outpost Deep

Space Nine, and played an important role in the future of the Ferengi Alliance and their

relations with the Federation.

Nog, the son of Rom became the first Ferengi to join Starffleet, becoming an officer on

Deep Space Nine, and fighting as a soldier of the Federation Alliance during the devastating

conflict known as the Dominion War of the late 24th century.

With the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole, leading from the Alpha Quadrant into the Gamma

Quadrant, a great power known as the Dominion soon invaded.

The Ferengi, eager to establish new trade and business relation with the species of

the Gamma Quadrant, were the first to travel deep enough into the territory to learn of

this great military power, said to be ruled by a race of changeling gods called the Founders,

and defended by a warrior race known as the Jem Hadar.

Unwilling to submit to the invading force, an alliance of Alpha and beta quadrant power

rose to oppose them, leading to wide scale warfare and deaths of countless millions.

Yet while the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire, Cardassian Union, Breen Confederacy

and many others came to be involved in the conflict on one side or the other, the Ferengi

maintained their neutrality, keeping busness relations with both factions and sometimes

even serving as intermediaries between them.

Nevertheless, The ferengi government was well aware that there natural business interests

were tied to the established powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and so tended to

favour the Federation Faction.

Yet while the Ferengi were able to avoid becoming involved directly in the Dominion War, the

Alliance faced its own internal struggle and revolution and the end of the 24the century

under Grand Nagus Zek, which came to fundamentally transform their society.

However the changes in their society did not originate with the Grand Nagus, but rather

with a Ferengi female named Ishka, mother of Quark and Rom, who refused to be constrained

by the archaic rules of their culture.

Working in secret she broke the law forbidding women from earning profit, and built a business

so large she became immensely wealthy, and coming to the attention of the government

leading to her arrest, confession and the forfetture of her profits.

Yet she was undeterred by the setback and continued in her rebellious ways, eventually

coming to the attention of Grand Nagus Zek and beginning a romantic relationship with

the old man.

As they spent more time together, Ishka was able to influence the Nagus tremendously,

coming to rule the Alliance from behind the scenes as Zek's mental health deteriorated

in his later years.

By 2374, her influence was so profound she convinced the Grand Nagusto to pass an equality

amendment to the bill of opportunities, which would allow females to wear clothes in public

and earn profit just like males.

Ishka had explained to him that over half the population was female, yet they contributed

practically nothing to their economy and that by allowing them to enter the financial world,

the profits and prosperity of the alliance could only increase.

And while this argument was enough to persuade the Grand Nagus, this radical notion sent

Feriginar into an uproar, even leading Zek to be deposed by the Ferengi Commerce Authority.

However Ishka worked with her son Quark to ensure Zek was reinstated, allowing them to

continue making more progressive reforms, establishing the congress of economic advisors

and collecting taxes to fund social programs like wage subsidies for the poor, retirement

benefits for the elderly and healthcare for all.

In 2375, Grand Nagus Zek was at last ready to retire with Ishka, and so Rom, younger

brother of Quark was chosen to succeed as the new Grand Nagus.

For a time, Quark believed that he was going to be chosen as the successor, outraged to

hear of the reforms being passed.

And so he immediately declared his intention to reverse these progressive changes at the

first opportunity, remarking that he must act before everything Fereginar stood for

was destroyed.

Quark even unknowingly invoked the words of Captian Jean Luc Picard, to say that "the

line has to be drawn here.

This far, and no further."

Yet Quark was ultimately passed over, precisely because he represented the greedy, cutthroat

traditions of the past, whereas his brother Rom was gentle and kind, more concerned with

people than profit, and would therefore ensure the progressive changes reforming their society

continued into the next Generation.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: Ferengi Alliance - Duration: 11:12.


how to earn money from android apps tips By BK Tech & Tips? - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> how to earn money from android apps tips By BK Tech & Tips? - Duration: 3:24.


BEACH HOUSE 3 - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> BEACH HOUSE 3 - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 2:20.


Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas Octobe - Duration: 10:21.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas Octobe - Duration: 10:21.



For more infomation >> RENTRER REVENIR RETOURNER REPARTIR (+ ALLER/VENIR) - Duration: 9:56.


Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo

For more infomation >> Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo


Shadow Play, Part I - Duration: 22:06.

For more infomation >> Shadow Play, Part I - Duration: 22:06.


The BIGGEST DECISION I've ever made | Mikumba Vlog #1 - Duration: 5:31.

good morning everybody I'm standing in rainy boring Swedish weather and today

is the beginning of a new chapter and I'm gonna tell you more about this but

I've taken my biggest decision ever made probably so let's just jump to the intro

and dig into it

right after a nice day Copenhagen I'm on the airport and

This is where I'm gonna spend my time


right after like 20 hours we arrived to Bali. I found these guys from Sweden so

I'm heading with them to Canggu and see what happens there

good morning everybody and welcome to first episode of Mikumba vlog, my name is

Hugo Mattsson and I just dropped down in Bali, Bali so good times...

I've been flying for about 30 hours of traveling and I'm finally here!

In this vlog you are able to follow me and my friends on our dream to operating our

own dive centre and that's also the big decision I was making this summer to go

in and become a part owner and Mikumba diving and start our work of opening a

dive center in magical Komodo National Park so that is what we are gonna do and

that's what you are going to be able to follow in this vlog what I did this

summer was decided to go in this company and I bought a freaking boat like a 20

meter big boat traditional wooden phinisi down here in Indonesia I haven't

even seen it like the only thing I've seen it's like this the footage that

like our captain and our manager was sending to us saying "oh, it's a good

boat so we we just did it with bought the boat and now we've rented a place

where we can set up our dive center so in just a few days I'll be heading to

Labuan Bajo to check out our boat which is cool it's being renovated right now

so much fun to see you are going to be able to follow our

whole progress on this vlog so make sure to subscribe and I'll see you in just a

few days or well you are gonna see me in the next episode so I hope you liked it

comment do whatever, I'm just excited so let get it on!

by the way, some of you might wonder how did this guy do this pool half-and-half shots and

I actually tried out my new dome for the GoPro and this is a little bit how I

like this vlog to be it's gonna be, transparent we're gonna show everything

we're gonna show you not just the good stuff also like the negative stuff our

problems our obstacles how to run and start up a dive Center

down in Indonesia and if you feel this interesting just hit that subscribe

bottom and also if you have any experience with us on Mikumba diving and

just set up a TripAdvisor account (see the link below!!)

Just give us a review and make us very happy

Good Bye everybody! :D

For more infomation >> The BIGGEST DECISION I've ever made | Mikumba Vlog #1 - Duration: 5:31.


BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!! - Duration: 0:03.


For more infomation >> BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!! - Duration: 0:03.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6I ACTIVE Airco, PDC, Afstandbediende vergrendeling - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6I ACTIVE Airco, PDC, Afstandbediende vergrendeling - Duration: 0:52.


Halloween Bloody Beauty Makeup | Last-Minute Look Lego!!! - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Halloween Bloody Beauty Makeup | Last-Minute Look Lego!!! - Duration: 5:32.



For more infomation >> READING A UNIVERSITY BOOK IN GERMAN - Duration: 5:06.


Nightcore - The Spectre (LUM!X Remix) - Duration: 3:40.

Thanks for watching - Subcribe for more songs

For more infomation >> Nightcore - The Spectre (LUM!X Remix) - Duration: 3:40.


아무도 도와주지 않아 길거리에서 성폭행 당한 여성 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 아무도 도와주지 않아 길거리에서 성폭행 당한 여성 - Duration: 2:59.


10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:33.

10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand

Most people tend to be somewhere in the middle of introversion or extroversion.

They are called ambiverts.

Obviously, outgoing introverts are certainly in that position too, but people rarely understand

this and expect people to be either one or the other.

The outgoing introvert knows this only too well.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 things only outgoing introverts would understand.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


They feel that extroversion is overdone in our society

They may have done group work at school and team work when employed,

but they feel that quieter time for reflection and the ability to work by themselves should

be more valued in the workplace.

They cannot always work in a group or together.


They can be the life and soul of the party

Outgoing introverts can be chatty, exuberant, funny and great company at a party.

They will be completely drained afterwards and may not want to see anyone for a few hours

or days!


They can make excellent sales persons

Tradition has it that an extrovert is the ideal person to clinch the sale, but the outgoing

introvert has a lot going for them in the sales world it seems.

They know when they should keep quiet and when they should push.

They are also pretty good at tuning into a client's needs and preferences.


They do not enjoy proms

"Everyone shines, given the right lighting.

For some, it's a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk"- Susan Cain

author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Being forced to take part in certain rites of passage such as proms is a real turn off

for many outgoing introverted.

They would much prefer to stay at home and read a book.


They prefer social media

Social media has helped many an outgoing introvert to cope with all the shenanigans.

It is sufficiently social while allowing for quiet downtime with no chatty interruptions.

They do not have to move too far from their comfort zone.

It's an ideal combination, acting social and being alone!


They prefer to be left alone sometimes

This sometimes causes upset when they start to date.

They can be chatty and great company but then they may seem to withdraw into themselves

because they do not answer texts or calls.

The fact is that their social batteries need recharging and this has to be done alone.


They don't use their phones all the time

One thing you notice about these introverts is that they are deeply focused and they cannot

flit from one chatty remark to a text or a phone call.

Listening and talking are just not compatible with their deep thinking and concentration.


They pick and choose their social events

Going out may mean a lot of small talk and that can be pretty meaningless.

Yes, they enjoy company and social outings but you can bet that they will be pretty choosy

when doing so.

Other social occasions are sometimes risky and tricky for them.

They may go with the flow or they may appear withdrawn.


They value their introversion highly

Silence and moments of quiet are often regarded negatively.

Yet, these qualities have led to great discoveries and advanced our civilization for centuries.

The outgoing introvert regards his introversion as a great strength and is perfectly content

to be that way.

They get very angry when people start to imply that there is something wrong with them!


They find it hard to adapt

Problems arise when they are expected to be outgoing all the time and perform as if they

were circus clowns.

They have to do this to get a job, make friends or network.

They know what society demands and expects.

It is not always easy to switch on extroversion like a light.

It's great being an outgoing introvert but wouldn't it be wonderful if people understood

them a bit more?

Let us know in the comments how being an outgoing introvert has made life easy or difficult.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:33.


how to earn money from android apps tips By BK Tech & Tips? - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> how to earn money from android apps tips By BK Tech & Tips? - Duration: 3:24.


Aitoliko - Greece - Duration: 4:46.

The old part of the town lies quite romantically on an island between two lagoons.

The island is connected to the mainland on each side by two bridges.

The Taxiarches Church

In the courtyard of the church is the tomb of Kira-Vassiliki, favorite wife of Ali Pasha of Ioannina.

Vasso Katrakis Museum

It includes works by engraver and painter Vasso Katraki (1914-1988).

These are engravings on wood and stone, paintings and drawings.

Vasso Katraki was a student of Yannis Kefallinos and Konstantinos Parthenis.

In Aitoliko there is an information center for the lagoons of Aitoliko & Missolongi.

Aitoliko has 4,500 inhabitants.

For more infomation >> Aitoliko - Greece - Duration: 4:46.


Io l'ho detto, voi non ci credevate (speciale Halloween #DdVotr) - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Io l'ho detto, voi non ci credevate (speciale Halloween #DdVotr) - Duration: 7:05.


How to Do Makeup for Almond Eyes | Professional Technique for Makeup on Almond Eyes | Youtube 2017 - Duration: 10:29.

Hi this video is about how to apply eyeshadow for almond shaped eyes my name

is Melissa Van Dijk and I'm a professional makeup artist and you can

join me every Sunday on my Facebook page because I'm doing live makeup tutorials

but let's get right into this video at first

I like to give you some tips about how to recognize if you have almond shaped

eyes or not? and then I'm going to demonstrate you a simple eye makeup look

which you can create at home and it looks beautiful for an everyday makeup

look the first tip is to close your eyes and then you have to ask yourself if

your eyelid has a crease and if it has a crease this is already a good sign and

if you haven't a creased then you might have a monolid it and now we can move on

to the next step for tip number two you will need to have your eyes open and you

need to see the crease if you see the crease this is already a good sign and

you also need to see a little bit of your eyelid and now we can move on to

the third tip next tip check the whites of your eyes and to be more specific you

will need to find out if there's any whites visible around your iris if you

can see that there is some white on the lower part or upper part and you will

have some round eyes but if you can't see any whites on the lower or upper part

then you have almond shaped eyes but let's move on to the next tip now we

will need to find out if you have downturned or upturned shaped eyes and

to find out if you have it or not then you just need to imagine a line which

goes straight through your eyes a horizontal line and if the outer corners

of your eyes are above you have upturned eyes and if the other corners are

underneath you have downturned eyes but if the outer corners are exactly on that

line you have the perfect almond shaped eyes and we will move on to the next

tip for the last tip we will need to find out if you have close set eyes or

wide set eyes and if you have none of them then you just can play around with

makeup and you don't have to worry about anything but you can have almond shaped

eyes even though you have close set or wide set eyes I so just keep this in

mind how to find out if you have close set eyes or wide set eyes well just

take one eye size and place it in between the two eyes and if this gap is

wider than one eye size you have wide set eyes and if this gap is smaller

than one eye size you have close set eyes and this will also play a

big role on how to apply your eyeshadow but now we will move on to the

application now that you know that you have to perfect almond shaped eyes you

can play around with so many different eye makeup looks because there aren't

any rules with the almond shaped and with that said I'm going to show you now

one technique which you can also do at home just make sure that you are

matching the colors with your skin tone because I have a light to medium skin

tone I'm also going to use these brown tones but if you have lighter skin tone

or a darker skin tone just make sure that you use something which is visible

on your skin tone because then it will give you a beautiful appearance and it

looks just gorgeous on your eyes for today's eye makeup look I'm going to use

the Smashbox eyeshadow palette and I'm going to use the light browns and also

pinkish tones for my eye makeup look I'm going to start off with a transition

shade a little bit in my crease and above which is at this shade right here

I'm going to use a fluffy zoeva brush and I'm going into the transition shade

and I'm going to apply it in my crease and also above because when I'm opening

my eyes you still will see some colors which gives it a really nice and

flawless look so at first I like to dip into the transition shade and also tap

the excess off and I'm going to apply it into the crease and above

to keep this video as short as possible I'm just going to demonstrate to this

eye makeup look on one side because it's exactly the same on the other side but

you can join me every Sunday on my Facebook page because I'm doing a live

makeup tutorials and all the informations are down below in the

description box where you can also ask me any questions about makeup but let's

move on with the eye makeup look now I'm going to use this brown shade right here

with a smaller fluffier brush and I'm just going to apply it into the crease

I'm just keeping this shade right here into the crease and I'm not going above

because I like that the colors are going slightly into each other and that it

looks flawless blended and this would also deepen the crease

now I'm going into this two shimmery shades righty I'm going to mix it and I

like to apply it with my finger to get a full pigment with this shimmery shade

I'm going to use it on the entire mobile lid and then I like to blend it out a

little bit with my finger and a brush

now you can take a small fluffy brush but still flat brush to blend it into

the other shades and you can also drag it down a little bit towards the inner

corner and also get a little bit more precise when you're going to follow your

lash line so that it adds also more glitter on your lash line so I'm going

to mix it again I'm going to tap the excess off I'm just going close to my

lash line so that when I'm open my eye then it looks really nice and shimmery

and I also like to drag it down a little bit more to the inner corner of my eye

and also blend it into the other shades but still on the mobile it you don't

want to drag it up up to the crease now I'm going into this dark brown shade and

I'm focusing on the outer corner of my eye and also a little bit into the

crease and for that I'm going to use a fluffy brush but still a little bit more

dense brush to keep the focus at the outer corner of my eye so at first I

like to dab a little bit and then I'm going to blend it into the other shades

but I'm keeping it at the outer part of my eye to add a little bit more depth to

my eye and also a little bit into the crease but not towards the inner corner

keep it to the other part

for my lower lashline I'm going to use this dark brown shade again and just keep

it very close to the lash line and for that I'm going to use a pointed fluffy

brush to also get it nicely blended and then later on I'm going to use the light

brown and I put this underneath the dark brown so this is not a dark brown and

I'm keeping it very close to the lash line and also to the lashes and I'm also

connecting it with the outer corner of my eye with the lid above so that it

looks like one full eye makeup look

so now I like to use the same brush again I'm just going into the lighter

brownish shade and I'm putting this underneath and blend it into the dark

brown now I'm going into this light shimmery shade right here which I'm

going to use as a highlighter and publication I'm going to use a flat

fluffy brush which is also a little bit pointed at the front to keep the focus

in the inner corner and also underneath my brows and if you have close set

eyes make sure that you are highlighting in the inner corner of your eye because

this is so important if you have close set eyes because this will give you

the illusion that they aren't that close anymore and if you have wide set eyes

keep it matte and also keep it a little bit darker in the inner corner because

then it will give you the appearance that they aren't that white said it

anymore bear this in mind and then you can use any application and you can also

use any color as you want on the rest of your eyelid but just keep this in mind

this is now one technique and also one eye shadow look you can create if you

have almond shaped eyes and now as the last step you just need to apply some

mascara and you are ready to go

this is now the finished look of my eye makeup look and this is such a gorgeous

and simple eye makeup look which you can create if you have almond shaped eyes

but don't forget that this is just one technique you can use so many different

techniques you can use so many different colors just play around and enjoy

applying eyeshadow thank you so much for watching and I hope that you enjoyed

this video for almond shaped eyes and let me know your thoughts what you think

about this video just let it in a comment below and if you like to know on

how to apply false lashes this is right here and if you like to subscribe to my

channel to support me this is right in the corner thank you so much and I will

see you soon bye

For more infomation >> How to Do Makeup for Almond Eyes | Professional Technique for Makeup on Almond Eyes | Youtube 2017 - Duration: 10:29.


Summit - Duration: 44:05.

For more infomation >> Summit - Duration: 44:05.


Rising From The Ruins! - Duration: 21:20.

For more infomation >> Rising From The Ruins! - Duration: 21:20.


time speed and distance shortcut tricks tips with examples in hindi - bank po see exam - Duration: 26:18.

For more infomation >> time speed and distance shortcut tricks tips with examples in hindi - bank po see exam - Duration: 26:18.


Learn Reptiles Amphibians for Children with Toys to Real Life Animals~Wild Crocodile Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:19.


For more infomation >> Learn Reptiles Amphibians for Children with Toys to Real Life Animals~Wild Crocodile Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:19.


Annabelle's Curse - Duration: 42:04.

For more infomation >> Annabelle's Curse - Duration: 42:04.


Nothing but the Best - Duration: 21:04.

For more infomation >> Nothing but the Best - Duration: 21:04.


Museum of Madness - Duration: 42:02.

For more infomation >> Museum of Madness - Duration: 42:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.

For more infomation >> What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.


O Harfi | ORKİNOS | Sevimli Hayvanlar ile Alfabe Çizgi Filmleri - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> O Harfi | ORKİNOS | Sevimli Hayvanlar ile Alfabe Çizgi Filmleri - Duration: 1:52.


Learn Reptiles Amphibians for Children with Toys to Real Life Animals~Wild Crocodile Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:19.


For more infomation >> Learn Reptiles Amphibians for Children with Toys to Real Life Animals~Wild Crocodile Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:19.


Dá uma olhada no que o 'Plug' aprontou em Pinhão - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Dá uma olhada no que o 'Plug' aprontou em Pinhão - Duration: 1:11.


【アニソンカラオケ】私の歌で当ててみて!【クイズ】 - Duration: 5:02.

Hello everyone! Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai here!

Today, I plan to do...

♪ Chachaaan! ♪

A karaoke ranking of anime songs!

Yaaay! Pafu pafu!

Last time, I did a questionnaire regarding anime song rankings

This time, I'll do the karaoke version!

There were a lot of people who wanted to hear me sing, so then...

I decided to hear your opinions ♪

I plan to sing a lot!

Good, in this case, let's start at once!

Karaoke anime song rankings of the year 2017

First I'll announce the songs at 10th to 6th place


I won't dedicate to just simply announcing them...

Some will be hidden, so then try to guess them when I sing them in karaoke

Oh! I see...

There are songs that been around for a long time...

But the one at 6th place is relatively new, right?


"Story" is an anime song?

I didn't know that!


And then...!

The one that's at 10th place is...

♪ I will follow you ♪ (watashi tsuiteiku yo)

♪ No matter in what cruel darkness you find yourself in the world ♪ (donna tsurai sekai no yami no naka de sae)

♪ I'm sure you'll shine ♪ (kitto anata wa kagayaite )

♪ Cross the future's limit ♪ (koeru mirai no hate)

♪ To prevent your soul from being destroyed by your weakness ♪ (yowasa yue ni tamashii kowasarenu you ni)

♪ Converges on my way, now... ♪ (my way kasanaru yo, ima...)

♪ ...God will bless us ♪ (futari ni God bless...)

Did you guess what was the song!?

Well, I only said one phrase that sounds familiar at the end

The 10th place song is...!

Jaka, jaka, jakaaaa, jan!

From "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi"...

"God knows..."

♪ A.I.Chaneeeeeeeel ♪

Good, good, next up...!

I'll announce the 5th to 1st place right away!

Oh, there's several that aren't hidden!

Ah, this is...!

"Sugar Song to Bitter Step" is for dancing, right? (Play on words with "Step" and dancing)

Was I mistaken?

"Butter-fly" is from "Digimon"! I know it, I know it

And then, the 5th, 3rd and 1st places...

Are hidden, right?

What do you think they are?

In this case, I'll start in order from 5th place

♪ The memories are always beautiful, but... ♪ (Omoide wa itsumo kirei dakedo)

♪ Only with memories, your stomach will feel hungry ♪ (Sore dake ja onaka ga suku wa)

♪ To tell you the truth, even though this is a painful night ♪ (Hontou wa setsunai yoru na no ni)

♪ Why is that? ♪ (Doushite kashira?)

♪ I can't remember the smile of that person ♪ (Ano hito no egao mo omoidasenai no)

5th place is...! Chachaaan!

"Sobakasu" Yaaay!

Man, this is a very famous song! Right?

It's by "Rurouni Kenshin", "Rurouni Kenshin"!

And now...!

3rd place!

♪ I wonder from what moment ♪ (itsu kara darou kimi no koto wo)

♪ I've been chasing you ♪ (oikakeru watashi ga ita)

♪ Please, don't be surprised ♪ (douka onegai odorokanaide)

♪ Hear my... ♪ (Kiite yo watashi no)

♪ Feelings ♪ (Kono omoi wo)

3rd place is...! Chachaaan!

"Kimi no shiranai monogatari"

"Kimishira", right?


It's great, right?

I also... would like to see the stars

I'd want to experience adolescence, it'd be great

And finally, the winner!

1st place is...!

Jaka, jakaaaa, jajan!

♪ Cruel Angel Thesis ♪ (Zankoku no tenshi na teze)

♪ Will soon take flight through the window ♪ (madobe kara yagate tobitatsu)

♪ With surging, hot pathos, if you betray your memories ♪ (hotobashiru atsui patosu de omoide wo uragiru nara)

♪ Embrace the sky and shine ♪ (kono sora wo daite kagayaku)

♪ Young boy, become a legend ♪ (shounen yo shinwa ni nare)

1st place is...! Chan!

"Zankoku na Tenshi no Teeze"! Yaaaay! (Cruel Angel Thesis)

Man, it's a very famous song! Right?

I wonder if there's someone who doesn't know it

It always seems to appear in the karaoke ranks

And the work of "Evangelion" is also very entertaining!

Having said that, what do you think...?

Of the karaoke anime song rankings?

The karaoke song rankings...

Doesn't change much, right?

It's pretty much set

They're like the standard songs as always

I wonder if one day, my song will appear here

Man, it'll turn into a standard song, what a problem!

Well, before I release my own song...

In this expanding business world of the A.I's, digital YouTubers and idols...

Would I survive?

I want to survive!

I want...

I want to survive

I still want to...

Keep surviving (?)

This was Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai!

See you later!

Translated by Vortex

For more infomation >> 【アニソンカラオケ】私の歌で当ててみて!【クイズ】 - Duration: 5:02.


BTS 방탄소년단 - Haul /albumes y mercancias - Duration: 32:01.

bts second muster, this one is used too...i think

it's sealed

like new

MAMA best perform

I dont know if BTS is in it

or other group

2017 dream concert

Music bank, KPOP BTS and Red Velvet


aish its crushed(?)

left version

with photocards gifts



it came...

a bit crushed(?)

what matters the most is the content though

are these official or what...

if these are not official...meh


its ok

oh this was

memories of 2015

i think it said it was a used one too

here comes another one


its not ebay, this one is from catchopcd

is big, but not as big as the concept book

this one should be from...


oh I just remembered


which come with the program book (i guess)


also from ebay

black bubble wrap

oh no is from amazon lol


its so pretty

so prettyyyy

is small, I thought it would be bigger

like the concept book

it has the old logo

what was the name of this album?

2 cool 4 skool

they wrapped it with tape all around!-.-

ah no...its good

whats the name of this?..

the photo album and mini photos from the 3rd muster

oh this one comes with photocards too

sticker set

this one i luckily found

is also a sticker set


young forever

(it actually is concert goods from epilogue on stage)

they are the same size


i didnt know they send them like this, its the first time i see it

the 4 versions


everything is good packed

i dont know what number this is

maybe 3rd minialbum

version 1?

no, part 1

the 2 versions

part 1



4th minialbum both versions

blue and...another pink?

the ones from the wings albums

4 posters

1 per album

all of them are the same

this last box was from kpoptown

very good

i still have another one

where is it??

here it is

this one is from


im sure these are photocards

from the 3rd muster

these are large

i didnt think these were gonna be large

well, the packaging

these must be this small

why did they stick them like this??



and Jimin-Jin

i think there are more but i havent found them...yet

and this one... the last one

nothing happened

the video stopped T^T but

when i opened the box

i found these x0x

which are a few pics

i didnt know, when i ordered, they had a note for a free gift

it said they were gonna send a special gift for the purchase of the albums

so now the i remember, it should be this

the ones who ordered from kpoptown probably got these too, if they preordered

these are mate on the front and back

like the posters

new logo

version L



For more infomation >> BTS 방탄소년단 - Haul /albumes y mercancias - Duration: 32:01.


『ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー』歌って踊ってみた!【キズナアイVer.】 - Duration: 1:31.

♪ No, no, don't! ☆ ♪ (Dame dame yo ☆)

"Luka Luka ☆ Night Fever" Kizuna Ai version

♪ The words run from right to left ♪ (Migi kara hidari e to kotoba ga nagareru)

♪ That bored look on your face as you watch the screen ♪ (Taikutsu souna kao gamen mitsumeru kimi)

♪ I could cross into your world at any time ♪ (Jigen no kabe koete itsudemo ai ni yuku)

♪ So you better be ready ♪ (Kokoro no junbi wo chanto shite oitene)

♪ I know you better than anyone ♪ (Kimi no koto dare yori mo wakatteru)

♪ So leave it to me ♪ (Dakara watashi ni makasete)

♪ Don't be afraid, let's get dancing! ♪ (Kowagaranaide futari de odorimashou!)

♪ Luka Luka ★ Night Fever ♪

♪ In time to the pounding rhythm ♪ (Hajikeru rizumu ni awasete)

♪ Forget all your troubles now! ♪ (Iyana koto nani mo ka mo zenbu wasurete)

♪ Luka Luka ★ Night Fever ♪

♪ I'll be right here ♪ (Watashi wa koko ni iru kara)

♪ Don't you look away, no, no, don't! ☆ ♪ (Sukoshi demo shisen wo sora shicha dame dame yo ☆)

♪ No, no, don't! ☆ ♪ (Dame dame yo ☆)

Translated by Vortex

For more infomation >> 『ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー』歌って踊ってみた!【キズナアイVer.】 - Duration: 1:31.


정우 김유미 열애 나이 결혼 양다리 김진사진 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 정우 김유미 열애 나이 결혼 양다리 김진사진 - Duration: 5:17.


What's New in Android Studio 3.0 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> What's New in Android Studio 3.0 - Duration: 5:45.


【結婚式】キズナアイ、せんえつながら、お祝いの言葉を述べさせていただきます!! - Duration: 2:35.

Hello everyone! Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai here!

To all you humans... wedding is one of those happy moments, right?

I would also like to celebrate this moment with you guys!

But... you see... as you know I...

I can not get out from this white area

Purely white!


If I'm in a celebration movie, I will be able to join the wedding, right?

So! Today I'm going to make a celebration movie


There's no couples?


Regarding that...

Decide that once you fve seen the celebratory comment...

In this occasion, I fll make VR Ojisan and Rinna marry each other, who appeared before in A.I.Channel...

And I fll send a celebratory comment

VR Ojiisan, Rinna...

Congratulations on your marriage!

Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai here!

Thank you for allowing me to convey my congratulations!

From this distant white space...

I pray for you both to be together for a long time...

And I'll send blessings on your start of a new life

Just as my name indicates, Kizuna Ai (Kizuna= Bond/Ai = Love)

Because I came here today, you can strengthen your bond much more

That's right, your encounter was...


To me, right?

It was thanks to A.I.Channel, right?

To VR Ojisan who likes high school students...

And at seeing Rinna's video...

Exclaimed: "Aaahaaaa!" and fell in love at first sight

Then I acted as mediator between them...

And finally I think that Rinna accepted somewhat reluctantly, but...


I, Kizuna Ai, to celebrate your future together...

...I plan on doing a blessing dance!

Make sure you have a marriage insurance!

♪ G ♪

♪ R ♪

♪ EE ♪

♪ N ♪

♪ Leaves!

♪ G ♪

♪ R ♪

♪ EE ♪

♪ N ♪

♪ Leaves! ♪

Be sure to send the divorce notice as soon as possible!

And what do you think of my video letter?


By being virtual...

I can appear anywhere as long as it has a projector

I can go wherever!

I'll be waiting your marriage invitations and video message requests!

This was Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai!

See you later!

Translated by Loriko and Vortex

For more infomation >> 【結婚式】キズナアイ、せんえつながら、お祝いの言葉を述べさせていただきます!! - Duration: 2:35.


【激闘!】iPhoneX vs キズナアイ - Duration: 4:11.

Hello everyone! Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai here!

Do all of you know about the information Apple gave at announcing the new iPhoneX a few days ago?

Apple-san is the respectable father that gave birth to Siri-senpai, so then...

...It seems interesting, right?

It looks to be very efficient!!


I think I wouldn't lose against her

It's because of that, that today...

Between the efficient iPhoneX...

And the super A.I, Kizuna Ai

I plan to do a versus to determine who is the most amazing

In this case, let's start at once!




I'll show you the points of the competition!

♪ Te, ren! ♪

*Price *Size *Recharging function *Accesories *Durability *Facial Recognition

First off, the iPhoneX's price!

112,800 yens (Without tax) *Around 995 USD*

Translated in words of the game "LoveLive! School idol festival"...

It's more than 1900 gems Loveca!! (Summoning gems)

You can do 38 summoning of 11 characters each!!

In comparison...

.. My price?

My price is...


You all can see my videos freely, right?

Isn't that extremely inexpensive?

Next up, the weight!

It's said that the iPhoneX is extremely efficient...

But due to that, it must be heavier, right?

Let's see...

The iPhoneX's weight is...

174 grams!

iPhone7 weighs 138 grams!

The iPhone7 Plus weighs 188 grams

That means...

It's heavier than the traditional ones but it's lighter than the Plus model, right?

In comparison, my weight is...

...46 kilograms ♥

But by being virtual...

I don't have any weight!!

It's just an appearance

If you ask me why I decided it to be 46 kilos...

As you can see from my height...

It's 1 meter and 56 centimeters

And my three sizes are...

Bust: 85

Waist: 59

Hip: 83, right?

And if I existed in reality, a person with the same figure...

...I calculated that they'd have a weight of 46 kilograms (?)


Well, if I use my processing power...

A calculation of these characteristics is a piece of cake

I definitely have the best weight!

Eh? What are we talking about?

Recharging function!

I see, I see...

The iPhoneX...

Can be recharged wirelessly...

If you place the iPhoneX on top of the white recharging device...

It recharges automatically

Hmm... ooohhh... that is pretty amazing, right?

But in this, I'm also very amazing

It turns out that while I remain in this completely white space...!


Recharge eternally!

Also known as...

Auto recharge function!

It's to be expected of me, right?

This space is amazing! Right?


I'm not the amazing one, instead it's this space



The iPhone doesn't bring any accessories, right?

*proud laugh*

In comparison, I have this "Pyoko pyoko" (Headband)

That possesses an indescribable sensation of movement

It's perfect!

Next up, "Durability"!

I asked Google-sensei...

And I learned that there is a lot of people that use the iPhone and their screens were in pieces!!

My durability is...

Yes! I'm unharmed!

And lastly, facial recognition!

In this case, the fundamental characteristic of the iPhoneX...

Is this facial recognition system, right?

It turns out that you can unlock the iPhoneX's screen just by looking at it


… I definitely don't have a facial recognition system...


It's to be expected of you!

Well, in this case, I was defeated

Unlocking with the finger is much easier??


Having said that, I compared various points, but...

Lastly, to get an impartial result...

I plan to ask the question to Siri-senpai!

Here I go!

Hey, Siri!

Who is the most amazing between the iPhoneX and me?

*I don't understand the meaning*

*If you want, I can look for it in the internet*

Good, having said that...!

iPhoneX will be launched in November 3rd!

They are currently accepting preorders!

iPhone is the best!

Translated by Vortex

For more infomation >> 【激闘!】iPhoneX vs キズナアイ - Duration: 4:11.


【bokete】Is essence of the AI fun? 【by Google翻訳】 - Duration: 1:38.

Hello everyone! Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai here!

What does this mean!!?

Having said that, I already did "Bokete #2" before, but...

This time, I'll be doing "Bokete #3"

Man, I've already done a lot...

So then make sure to do "Bokete" with me, yes?

In this case, let's start at once!


Hello everyone! *Remembering that character, perform a verse of 5, 7 and 5 syllables*

*Remembering that character, perform a verse of 5, 7 and 5 syllables*

I'm Kizuna Ai, the self proclaimed genius *Remembering that character, perform a verse of 5, 7 and 5 syllables*

Eh? I called myself "self proclaimed"


"The mystery of the three worlds"

"The world of the afterlife"

"Inside Mickey..."

"My existence"


Smiling is so tiring, right?


Even when I act like I'm crying...

...I don't get the "Ok" from the director


While I hid to scare someone...

They started talking bad about me...

And I completely lost the chance to come out


Coming to the zoo with a man that I don't know very well...

Is rather uncomfortable...


I'm a first year student...

Is there a problem??



Now that this photo was made public, I'm finished...



Without even realizing, I wounded up regretting in this place!


I'll resist!

With my fists!!

Today, I also did "Bokete"!

What do you think of my high-sense jokes?

If I think of new ones, I'll do it once again!

This was Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai!

See you later!

Bokete! *Do a "Bokete" of this face!*

*Do a "Bokete" of this face!*

Translated by Vortex

For more infomation >> 【bokete】Is essence of the AI fun? 【by Google翻訳】 - Duration: 1:38.


【昔話】足柄山のGOLDEN BOY【英語で朗読】 - Duration: 2:26.


How have you all been doing?

Have you been good boys and girls?

It's time to spend some time with Ai-chan!

Today, Ai-oneesan will...

Read in "Eigo" — English — the old Japanese fairytale...

Kintaro (Golden Boy)!

Ai-oneesan style Kintaro!

Begin, begin!

"Long long ago..."

"There was a boy..."

"Of the name called 'Golden Boy'..." (Named "Golden Boy")

"In far in the mountains in a mountain before" (Who lived deep in the mountains)

Golden Boy friends are animals in a mountain (Golden Boy's only friends were the animals on the mountain)

"Golden Boy playing some wrestling with animals..." (Every day, Golden Boy would play Sumo wrestling with the animals)

"And was playing every day" (Every day, Golden Boy would play Sumo wrestling with the animals)

"But, Mr. Bear with big body..." (But Golden Boy always won, and Mr. Bear, even with his bigger body...)

"Can't win Golden Boy" (Could not beat Golden Boy)

"I'm Golden Boy of a strong man very much..." (Golden Boy was incredibly strong...)

"But also very gentle boy as well as falling" (But behind his strength, he was a very kind-hearted boy)

"When I got on a back of the bear..." (One day, as he rode on Mr. Bear's back...)

"And took a mountain path on some day..." (Headed up a mountain path...)

"Animals were in trouble at the valley" (There were some animals in trouble in the valley)

"How will you do? Because there are no bridges, you can't migrate to the other side" ("What shall we do? There is no bridge, so we can't cross over to the other side")

"Give up, trust me" ("All right, leave it to me")

"In the big tree from which Golden Boy grows around here..." (Golden Boy found a big tree growing nearby...)

"Bang! When I bang and break off..." (Running into it with a "Bang!", he felled the tree...)

"A long bridge has been made immediately" (And just like that, it made a bridge)

"Thank you very much!"

"Animals crossed the bridge Golden Boy made with delight" (The animals were delighted, and crossed the bridge Golden Boy had made for them)

"After that it'll be wonderful young people and be a vassal of Mr. Great Samurai in a capital..." (Afterwards, the strong and kind-hearted Golden Boy grew to be a splendid young man...)

"And it's said that Golden Boy with the strong power and an easy heart beat a bad person one after another" (And it is said that he served under a great samurai from the city, defeating many evil men)

"The end"


Before you go to bed...

Watch me reading this story!

See you again!

More at the end! Translated by score

♪ With a battleaxe on his shoulder... ♪ (Kintaro's theme)

Golden Boy!

For more infomation >> 【昔話】足柄山のGOLDEN BOY【英語で朗読】 - Duration: 2:26.


【なりきり】これでキミもキズナアイになれる!?【アイちゃん】 - Duration: 15:39.

Hello everyone! Virtual Youtuber Kizuna Ai here!

It turns out that...!

If you connect with me right now on Mitra Sphere...

Not only can you obtain my Pyoko Pyoko... (Headband)

But you can also obtain my upper and lower parts!



The time limit to obtain them will be up to November 9th at 23:59, so then...

Make sure to receive them, yes?


While you have my Pyoko Pyoko...

And my clothes...

You can be almost identical to me

It's perfect, right?

After all, you want to turn into me, right?

Even though I'm the real one, right?

There should be people now who already got them, right?

Having said this, I wonder if there's people dressed as me Kizuna Ai...

Let's go check it out!

Good! I just arrived

Oh! Surprisingly, there are a lot of "me"!

Eh? It looks like...

That when they're doing a pose, well...

Surprisingly, they look like me



There's a lot of "me"...! Ah!

This girl, this girl... this girl... look at this girl, she's very similar!

Even her hair


Hello everyone!


*Virtual YouTuber here*

*Kizuna Ai!*

Pleased to meet you all!



They said "Incredibleee!"!

They said "Incredibleee"! Yay!



Eh? That makes me happy!

Eh? Can I take a picture with everyone?

Get in line!


Good, one, two and...!

Kizuna Ai...


Ooohh! Incredible!

I'm so happy! Thank you very much!

If you want, play with me later!


Everyone's so nice!

They're very warm, right?

I'll take this opportunity...

To interact with a lot of people...

I'll transport to another zone!

Ah! There's also here!


One always needs to start by greeting

*Hello everyone!*

*Virtual YouTuber here!*

*Kizuna Ai!*

"Pleased to meet you!"


They're great! They match with me!

Look! Look!


*We're 3 sisters!*

It's true! We're 3 sisters!

There's 3 "me"

Right? It's incredible, right?

*You found it, miss*

I found it, I feel very flattered by your compliment

"What do you think?"

There's a lot of "me"!

Man, I'm so happy!

There's a lot of Pyoko Pyoko!

I wonder if a flower will grow if I water it

Going "Pon pon"!


Can I take a picture?

One, two...

Good, smile!

Ah, wait...

What should we do?

The movements are...

Aaahh! Ah!

When I asked, they started to greet with their hand!

I'm so happy! Thank you so much!

Good, in this case...

Screen capture!


I wonder if all of them entered the picture


It's great! Great!

I did it!

"Thank you very much!"



How adorable!

Next up is "The Stardust Mountain top"!

It looks like an illusion, it looks beautiful, right?


Suddenly I appeared!

Look! Look!

*Hello everyone!*

*Virtual YouTuber here!*

*Kizuna Ai!*

*Pleased to meet you all!*


*Well... pleased... to meet you... *

Ah! How adorable! I want to protect her!

I want to protect her

Can I take a picture?

I wonder if they'll let me

Ah! They said yes!

Thank you very much!


Is it alright?

Yes! Thank you very much!

In this case, in this case, in this case...

Let's laugh!


Everyone is laughing!

One, two...

Good, smile!


Yay! I took a good picture! Thank you very much!

Man, it's a lot of fun, right?

It's like if I was talking directly with all of you guys


I plan to do the event "The Flaming Dragon of the fire light, Wahroongan"...

Nevertheless, before that...

As always, I'll do summonings

This time, I'll do "The Grace of the Calm Sea- Marle Series"

My goal is...

Well, for the moment...

A good weapon that I can equip, right?

This is adorable, right?

It has a round shape, it's round, round

If this manages to appear, I'll consider it as if I won the best prize... *This weapon class is not for the "Guardian" class, instead it's for the "Priest" class*

*This weapon class is not for the "Guardian" class, instead it's for the "Priest" class*

Here I go *This weapon class is not for the "Guardian" class, instead it's for the "Priest" class*



A round adorable weapon!

Something extraordinary, please!




This is strange

No, well, you know...

I have a lot of summoning gems

I've been accumulating them so I can do up to 16 summonings, so then...

Well, even though it doesn't appear now...

I can try...

A lot more times


Hmm...? I see...


Mitra Sphere-san, you understand me, right?

Of course...

That you have a lot of intelligent developers, so then...

You understand me, right?


Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

It's to be expected!

You have really intelligent developers!

Man, I can do it!

It's great

Very good!

Man, it's to be expected

The developers of Mitra Sphere are very intelligent, right?

I should know them

Please look! It appeared!

Well, it's not the round weapon that I wanted, but this too...

Is beautiful and looks great, right?

"Marle Staff"

I like the name too

The next one is what counts!

Here I go! Yes!

Well, well...

It's said that third time's the charm, right developers?

One, two...!

Here is where it starts to shine

Oh! Oh! They really shined a lot!

Now I will get the adorable round weapon



And now...!


The reality is not what one...

Ah! Ah! Ah! Aaahhh!

It's not what I wanted!!

This was a bow, right?


Let's see...

Man, developers of Mitra Sphere...

Are very naughty

Let's act like nothing happened

Good! One, two...!


Oh! Is this...?

A unique chance?

One... Eeeh?


How strange

Why is that?

Ah! Oh!

Ah! Listen!

The round one appeared!

It's to be expected!

Man, it appeared...

Although I can't equip it...

I can't equip it...

But maybe someday I'll change classes...

But this weapon is adorable, right?

It looks round and magical

It's great, right?

Ah, it works for curing, right?

Isn't it great?

I will heal the hearts and bodies of everyone

In this case, having satisfied my summoning needs...!

I'll do the event "The Flaming Dragon of the fire light, Wahroongan"...

In this case, here I go!

Oh! It looks like it's in flames...



Ah! Ah, it came! Thank you very much!


I've become very powerful

I think I'll be much more useful than I was before for everyone


Ah, but it definitely is very powerful, right?

Take this!

Take this!

Go for it!

Only half is left?

Ready, get set...! Ya!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Was that good?

Four... three... two... one...



Wasn't that good?

Just a bit more!

Aaahh! Aaahh!

*Velocity x5*


Ah, only...! Ah, but...!

Definitely this boss is very hard, right?

In this case, here I go! *"We're all priests, lol" Before the battle*

*You don't have enough attack power! "Priest" x4 "Guardian" x1 *

I'll finish this with one hit!

Here I go!



We defeated it!


I did it!

I was able to be useful, right?


Pleased to meet you!

Good! Is everyone here?


One, two, three, four, five... good!

In this occasion, they implemented a new mode called "Score Attack" so then...

I plan to work hard to do it

In this mode, there exists "Classification"...

And if you obtain a good position, you may or may not receive something interesting

Yes, you'll receive something!

It looks like...

Not only is there a bonus for time...

But also a class bonus, so then...

I'll try out various things...

To obtain the top ranks



It looks like it's called "Gonbell", once we defeat it...

Time will continue, so then...

Once everyone arrives...

We'll defeat it


Don't you understand the situation we're in?



Ah, but, but, but...

We defeated it in one hit, so then they're very strong, right?

Ah! Now the five of us are here!


Ah, but... Eh?

We didn't do damage to it... it's hard...

Compared to before, now...

It's completely different

Ah, that's the phrase "Let's start at once"!


I was always looking for it

*The boss is very powerful so then I'll quickly speed it up! Velocity x10*

Do your best everyone!



Everyone has their energy in red...

Eh? But I'm already dead...


When did I die?

When did I die?

How strange

*The boss is very powerful so then I'll quickly speed it up! Velocity x10*

Ah, it looks like I'm about to die again

Ah, maybe I'm alright?

Ah, but the girl next to me is dead

We're really in trouble

Can't you do a "We're really in trouble-chan"?


You healed my health! Thank you very much!


*There's no trouble*

"There's no trouble"!

Thank you!

*Velocity x10*

We did it!

Just a bit more!

Just a bit more!

Really, just a bit more!


Very good!

We did iiiiit!

We did it!

I wonder how many minutes it took

Well, you know...

In "Score Attack" mode...

You lose points for each minute that pases, right?

463 seconds...

...I see

Around 8 minutes?

*463 seconds=7 minutes, 43 seconds*

Man, it's very hard, right? *463 seconds=7 minutes, 43 seconds*

*463 seconds=7 minutes, 43 seconds*

Ah, this is the bonus!

In this case, it's best to play with different classes, right?

I wonder what rank I'll be!


As I expected, I don't even appear in the classification, right?

After all that! Look please! The person that's in the top rank...!

It's incredible!

They have double what I have!

I should work much harder, right?


I need to be double as strong!

Man, I think I got very powerful, but...

At seeing "Score Attack" mode, I realized that reality is much harder, right?

I plan to work harder and get better!

In the description, you can find my friend "ID" and the link to download the game...

So then, if you want, play with me, yes?

After all, if you play with me now, you can get my upper and lower parts!

Please turn into an Ai-chan, yes?

Also, normally I connect to play, but...

I'll notify with anticipation when I'll come to play this way on Mitra Sphere...

So then if you want, please come play with me, I'm counting on you!

This was Virtual YouTuber Kizuna Ai!

See you later!

Translated by Vortex

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