Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Youtube daily report w Oct 31 2017

>> Now they have a problem.

Get 'em!

>> I'm right behind you!

>> Come on!

Let's see if we can save the

final 10 CyberWatts.

[ Screech! ]

>> Watch out!

>> Move it!

>> Coming through!

[ Snickers ]

>> [ Giggling ]

[ Both giggling evilly ]

>> Yeah, we showed them.

Smooth sailing from here.


>> Got it!

>> Yeah! [ Laughs ]

>> This way. It's a shortcut!


[ Buzz and Delete panting ]

[ Buzz and Delete giggling ]

>> Ah! Ah!

[ Evil cackling, thud ]

>> Unh!

>> What?! Ugh!

[ Evil laughter ]

>> Oh no!

[ Buzz laughing ]

[ Sproing! ]

>> Got it! Ha, ha!

>> Yeah!

>> Oh, perfect.

Ohh, look at that.

[ Chuckles ]

>> Hehehehe!

>> Hey!

>> Got it! Ha, ha!

[ Crash! ]

[ Screech! ]

>> Yeah!

[ Tap! Tap! ]

>> Hi, there.

>> Huh?

>> Bye, there!

For more infomation >> CYBERCHASE | The Halloween Chase is On | PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:44.


Seat Leon 1.8-20V Cupra R - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.8-20V Cupra R - Duration: 1:00.


CLASH ROYALE BATTLEGROUNDS | nueve modo de juego | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:07:24.

For more infomation >> CLASH ROYALE BATTLEGROUNDS | nueve modo de juego | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:07:24.


Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.

Hey everyone. Jason Schappert here

MzeroA.com and in this video, I'm showing you an IFR

clearance and an IFR departure. I've

grabbed information kilo at the Ocala Airport. We don't have clearance

delivery here. So how we pick that up is we pick up our IFR clearance

on ground. Now I already have a good idea of what I'm going to be getting because I received an email.

I also do FlightAware alerts. I'll explain that here in just a bit to you so you have it. But

anyways, first things first, before I even call them up, I want to write down

and I use ForeFlight. Nice little CRAFT, they already give me there, but I use our CRAFT acronym.

Clearance, Route, Altitude, Frequency, and Transponder squawk code. What can I

fill in already? Cleared to Lakeland and I put that in there, because I know where

I'm going to. Don't mind my handwriting. It's hard to write on the old iPad.

I also know my next frequency because I fly out of Ocala a lot. You can look at the US Chart Supplement

and make it the same information of 118.6.

I'm just filling in as much as I can

ahead of time. That's what I'm really looking to do in this case.

So, now let's go ahead now and let's call up ground. I'm going to cold call first because

yes it's a slow day, but oftentimes they work ground and they work tower. And they're

also doubling as clearance. So let's give them a call.

Afternoon, Ocala Tower, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu.

23 Mike Zulu Ocala Ground. Afternoon ground 23 Mike Zulu,

North T hangars, information kilo and we're going to copy IFR down to Lakeland.

23 Mike Zulu, you've cleared the Lakeland Airport via

radar vectors to join victor 157 direct. Maintain

2,000. Expect 5,000 1-0 minutes after departure.

Departure frequency will be 118.6 squawk

3231. 23 Mike Zulu

is clear to Lakeland via radar vectors. Victor

157 then direct. 2,000 then 5,000 in ten.

118.6 and 3231.

23 Mike Zulu read back correct. Taxi to runway 36 via taxiway

Alpha. Taxi of 36 via Alpha. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.

Alright, let's go. Let's get my stuff ready here.

3231 getting that in there. Everything else is set and I can get everything else

kind of as we go and after run up. So I've written down my clearance. Again,

you saw how I thought ahead of what I have there.

I thought, I know I'm cleared. Where am I cleared to?

I know I'm clear to the Lakeland Airport or whatever it may be. I have all that written down.

I have that taken care of ahead of time, so I get all that down

and I have it there. So anyways, I'm going to go ahead and taxi.

And another thing I want to add to this by the way. I

knew my route ahead of time. I knew it was going to be something victor 157 because I check

on FlightAware. I go ahead I check on ForeFlight. Get the email. You can see

the email, you can see the FlightAware screen shot there where it kind of shows my route. So I have a good idea

of what I'm doing already. So, anyways, I have all that

filled in. All that's ready to go. So listen, I've got a very long taxi ahead of me. I'll meet you

after run up when we are getting ready to do that IFR departure here.

Alright, so I am run up and before

takeoff checklist is complete with everything, I

get thinking ahead. I've got my squawk code in. I've tower next. I have

approach as my next frequency. I've got my route ready on the iPad. I've got the route ready

in the GPS. Everything is programed. Everything is ready to go

and now it's time to call up tower and let them know I'm awaiting IFR release.

So I'm going to kind of inch my way up to the hold short line and as I do that, I'm going to give them a call.

Afternoon Ocala Tower, 23 Mike Zulu, Alpha 11,

36 waiting IFR release. 23 Mike Zulu Ocala Tower, roger, hold short

runway 36. Hold short 36 23 Mike Zulu. So what he's

doing right now is literally picking up the phone, calling Jacksonville approach, and saying hey I've got 23 Mike Zulu

he's ready to go. Do you have a heading for him? What's going to make your life easier? How do you

want to coordinate this in? So we'll be quiet while he does that work and he'll come back to us

here with what he needs us to do and we're just going to sit here and hold short.

And as he talks to...Ocala

Tower proceed on course. Maintain 5,000 from runway 36 clear for takeoff.

On course, 5,000

clear to take off runway 36. 23 Mike Zulu. Alright.

Doors closed.

(Radio Chatter)

Looking good.

You can hear he's working both frequencies like we were talking about.

Airspeeds alive.

Engine gauge is all green my side.

Nice and light today and we are up and out of here.

Next thing I want to hear from him

is to contact Jacksonville Approach.

Still looking great. And we'll see when he passes me on to


Nice day to fly.

And alright, up and through my 700 feet.

And continuing on course.

Pretty day for a

IFR flight I guess huh?

Just waiting on that hand off to Jax Approach and

I have Jax Approach ready to go.

23 Mike Zulu contact departure. Over to departure have a great day

3 Mike Zulu. He called me 3 Mike Zulu so that allows me to call myself

3 Mike Zulu back. I'm not going to call myself that to Jax. I'm 23 Mike Zulu to Jax.

He abbreviated it, I can abbreviate it back. Alright, let's go ahead, let's contact

Jax. I flip flop over to 118.6 and what do they need to know? I was told

on course 5,000. I'm just about 2,000

afternoon Jax, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu. 1,900 for

5,000 on course. 23 Mike Zulu welcome aboard Ident.

Ident 23 Mike Zulu. 3606 Juliet

contact 124.9 Aloha.

23 Mike Zulu

radar contact south of Ocala. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.

Pretty cool stuff. Excited to hear more about your IFR

flying and your IFR journeys. So, listen guys, enjoy the rest

of your day and most importantly remember, a good pilot is always

learning. Have a great day guys. We'll see ya. Pass your checkride or I'll pay

for it. Join our #1 rated online ground school and participate in

live mock checkrides and interactive written test prep.

Visit GroundSchoolAcademy.com to learn more.

For more infomation >> Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.


Could Wormholes Really Exist? - Duration: 5:24.


Whether it's Star Trek, Stargate, or Babylon 5,

wormholes have been showing up in science fiction for a long time.

They're just this super convenient tunnel to another part of the universe; a way for

sci-fi writers to send their characters across huge distances in the blink of an eye.

And it turns out that they're not just science fiction: wormholes could really exist.

But if they do, they're much weirder than anything we could make up.

In physics, a wormhole is known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge.

It's named after Albert Einstein and another physicist, Nathan Rosen.

They came up with the idea together in 1935, and showed that according to the general theory

of relativity, wormholes are a definite possibility.

A wormhole acts like a tunnel between two different points in spacetime, which is, you

know, just the continuum of space and time that makes up the fabric of the universe.

According to general relativity, gravity works by bending spacetime.

Planets and stars act like a weight in the fabric of the universe, creating a curve.

It can be kind of hard to picture what spacetime is,

let alone what it would mean for it to bend, so physicists often talk about it by

using weights on a stretched bedsheet as an analogy.

Earth would be like a big bowling ball making a big dip in the sheet, and when something

gets too close to the planet and it's pulled in by the gravity,

it's like it's falling into that dip in the sheet.

We're just all falling down into the dip in spacetime that the Earth makes,

and that's why I'm not floating away.

But if spacetime can be curved, it can also be twisted and shaped in other ways, like

by connecting two different places with a tunnel.

It's kind of like poking two holes into that bedsheet, folding it over,

and then stretching the fabric so that the edges of the holes can get together,

and you just sew them into a tunnel.

That's a wormhole.

In a bedsheet.

But because wormholes don't seem to violate the laws of physics

does not mean that they actually exist; they're just technically possible.

And unfortunately, we haven't yet detected any,

and we aren't even sure how they would form.

If wormholes do exist, one reason we might not have spotted them

is that they could be hiding behind black holes.

A black hole is what happens when there's so much mass squeezed into an object that

it ends up with such a strong force of gravity that even light can't escape its pull.

Once you get too close to a black hole, you're toast:

there's no escaping being smushed into oblivion.

In the bedsheet model, black holes and wormholes look very similar,

they both have a steep falloff that seems to go on forever.

Except, with a wormhole, the steep drop actually leads somewhere.

According to general relativity, wormholes could have black holes at each end, meaning

that after diving into a black hole on one end, the energy that was once your body could

get spewed out somewhere totally different in the universe.

Of course, you would not survive that trip.

All that would be left is radiation and subatomic particles.

So, I can't see anyone volunteering to test that out anytime soon.

Then there are white holes, which are the opposite of black holes: They spew out matter

with such force that it would be impossible to enter them.

If black holes are infinite weights on a bedsheet, white holes would be like hills:

objects pushing up on the bedsheet.

Like wormholes, these are a thing that could exist, the math does check out,

we're just not sure how they'd form.

But we know that if they exist, they could be found at either end of a wormhole, too.

So, maybe if there was a black hole at one end of the wormhole and a white hole at the

other, we could go in the black hole end, and be blasted out the white hole end.


But you'd still probably be crushed by the black hole in the process.

Not to mention it would definitely be a one-way trip.

And there are a few other problems with wormholes:

For one thing, they'd probably be dangerous.

Sudden unexpected collapse, weird exotic particles, a ton of radiation …

it's not a vacation spot.

In fact, travelling through a wormhole could instantly collapse it,

because they'd probably be unstable.

And then there's the fact that wormholes might not be a shortcut at all.

A random wormhole could easily be a longer-than-normal path.

Size is also a problem.

A real-life wormhole could be too small for us to travel through.

Not to mention the travel time, which could be millions or billions of years,

making some wormholes pretty useless.

So, that's a lot of problems.

The biggest hope actually comes from how little we know.

A lot of this depends on physics that we haven't quite worked out yet, or on facts about our

universe's history and geometry that we just don't know for sure.

Once we have all that figured out, the final barrier would be technology and opportunity.

Right now, we definitely don't know how to make a wormhole, and we'd have to be

super lucky to find one that was useful to us, if they exist at all.

So, it's pretty clear that we won't be sliding through any wormholes anytime soon.

But we know that they could be out there,

hiding in some of the most extreme places in the universe.

And who knows?

Maybe our ideas about wormholes will be totally different in the future.

People living just a few hundred years ago couldn't have even imagined

particle accelerators or YouTube videos.

And the possibility of a future like Stargate, where you just "dial in" a few symbols

and walk into another world halfway across the galaxy, sounds pretty awesome.

Let's keep writing TV shows about it.

Until then, we will keep exploring the universe right here at home.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you are interested in learning more about sci fi space travel,

you can check out our video on photonic propulsion.


For more infomation >> Could Wormholes Really Exist? - Duration: 5:24.


Recom RAC05-SK Converters | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.

Recom RAC05-SK converters are low-cost 5 W AC/DC converters that provide efficient, reliable

operation in a compact package.

The RAC05-SK are designed for IoT, industrial, and always-on systems, providing high conversion

efficiency even under lights loads, and no-load power consumption of just 75 mW.

Nominal output voltages range from 3.3 to 24 volts with output accuracy and load regulation

both rated at ±1%.

The converters have a universal AC input with an integrated slow blow fuse, and offer protection

against short circuit, overcurrent, and overvoltage conditions.

RAC05-SK converters integrate a Pi filter on the input and meet EN55032 class B limits

without any external components.

For more infomation >> Recom RAC05-SK Converters | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.


Como Limpiar Tus Brochas Sin Gastar Mucho! / Ashley Muniz - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Como Limpiar Tus Brochas Sin Gastar Mucho! / Ashley Muniz - Duration: 5:01.


[Original anime comics]Crossroad × Chronicle Episode 1 With titularity - Duration: 17:43.

If my name wasn't "Atsumichi"

, and the different name was acquired

For example,If my name was "Yuta"

Until today I would be called "Yuta"

Yuta and I are another person because Yuta will be very different from me to date in way of feeling and a way of thinking,


I hate to become another person.

I hate to lose my conventional life

[ Episode 1 With titularity ]

The left posterior region of the body was damaged

The mesogastrium of the body was destroyed

This airplane is in a dangerous state.

Aircrew ; Arrest that monster in all the members.Otherwise,this airplane will crash.

Creo ; Useless.Even if you become the bunch and take it, you can't beat him

Aircrew ; Creo group leader

Creo ; Go for the treatment of the injured person, and stabilize a body

I will battle that fellow

Aircrew ; A heat reaction come to a cockpit.5,4,3,2,1

Here he comes !

Atsumichi ; Rest in peace by my strong fist

Creo ; It is what destructive power

Skin seems to go bald by air pressure

Claw of spider

You can't move

The spider line has a strength of 4 times of the steel

, and there is the elasticity than nylon


This fellow cut my spider line

cut a spider line with the strength that was higher than steel with a stick

Atsumichi ; I defeat a strong man and save the weak with Chivalrousness

Creo ; This fellow changed

Only by the pressure of the sword,there is such power

When this hit it directly to me, I would be dead

If that's the case


This fellow easily parted with a stick

Atsumichi ; With the tone of a beautiful whip

Turn red

Creo ; This fellow changed again

The third personality?

I can't arrest this fellow, because he makes an irregular move

Oh, my god!

Aircrew ; Oh,Creo group leader

Atsumichi ; You can't get a motion in this

My victory

I murder all of you


Aircrew ; This fellow is the devil

What terrible

We will be murdered

Atsumichi ; ha-hahahahahaha! (lol)


I'm very sorry

I am not a bad child

Please don't murder me

Against violence

Please, please forgive me, everyone

Because even your sole is your ⚪︎⚪︎us, but I lick it

Please save only my life

Ah,After all it is impossible to lick your ⚪︎⚪︎us.

Aircrew ; Catch a guy

Atsumichi ; Wow , I brought about unfortunate results

Creo ; Fool! In an airplane

Don't go together

Creo ; Boss , on schedule

I arrested Atsumichi=Kurosu

Aircrew ; This fellow seemed to restore consciousness,Creo group leader

Creo ; It is ... really

Don't act violently in a small plane

By the order of the boss I want you to become my position to have to catch you alive

Atsumichi ; !?

Creo ; I am Creo of the outside reclamation squad group leader

It doesn't seem to need the artificial respiration to have come to

Atsumichi ; artificial respiration?

Creo ; Hey , practice artificial respiration to him

Aircrew ; Yes, sir

Atsumichi ; I come to suddenly

Where is it here?

Why did you abduct me?

Creo ; I must explain it in turn to answer your question

For most recent several weeks, we investigated your private life

Atsumichi Kurosu 14 years old

You are coward in faintheartedness The character that wants to be bullied by oneself

When you feel fear, you clench your p⚪︎⚪︎is

You are revolted by classmates because you want to be seen in particular

It seems to be existence proof that you take the reputation by reaction art

You were weaker more than anyone else in the boy and have been targeted in pity and the ridicule from a girl

Poor many years bullied child

Atsumichi ; It, ... Is it me?

Creo ; Did you think that it wasn't oneself?

After one day Your daily life changes suddenly

You rule over the whole school boy

, and you annihilate a corrupt teacher's union

,and you become most popular from schoolgirls

We sensed your change and judged you to be "God genius" who was bound by"God wizardry" and caught you

Atsumichi ; what? God・・・?

Creo ; " God genius " is "the secret art that ability of genius jumps to by action of the suggestion more"

The person who is bound by God wizardry is called God genius

God geniuses are classified in 7 attributes

Charisma type genius

God genius who gives a change by submitting suggestion to a person and an object

This group is improved by a human experience

Athlete type genius

God genius about the athletic capability

This group is improved by a quantity of exercise

Professional type genius

God genius about a work, hobby, custom

This group is improved by a quantity of knowledge

Expert type genius

God genius who has been full of one tool

This group is improved by a proficiency

Entertainment type genius

The God genius who attracts a person by art

This group is improved by a degree of popularity

Metamorphosis type genius

The God genius that physical part developed

This group is improved by a rough treatment degree

Almighty type genius

God genius of all God genius having both plural talent

This group is improved by the way of each attribute

Look at the outside

Atsumichi ; !?

Creo ; The artificial island which is it away from the outside world

The country which God geniuses built here

Senterasu Gotham Empire

God genius is a little less than 1% of the population

, and 99% are the reserve army of the God genius or common people in fact

The founder of God wiserdry introduces himself as "Jintoku"

He ruled this ground as the emperor

After demise The second generation succeeds him

We are one of the organizations in the empire

This time, we, there is the job by a role to bring you from the empire outside

We have you emigrate to you forcibly in empire territory

Atsumichi ; Huh? No, wait a minute

I don't want to do those sorts of things.

Creo ; Not admitted

Because you became God genius, you are different from the outside human being in the world to live in

Atsumichi ; But empty-handed

Creo ; Feel relieved

Here is all the private properties which a reclamation squad confiscated from your home

Atsumichi ; To take my private properties without permission !

Creo ; It is explained to your parents with the isolation due to the epidemic

Atsumichi ; What!

Creo ; The next I want to hear about your ability

What kind of ability did you get? [ Creo's cheek " Eyes to see garbage" ]

Atsumichi ; I can't say

Creo ; Say

Atsumichi ; I can't say even if threatened

Such a thing is shameful and can't say

If I am made to say such a shameful thing

Murder me rather

If we don't get old for life after death, I had better die probably while I am young

Creo ; It is what kind of logic ...

Hum.Then pain with more than of death is necessary for you

Atsumichi ; Feeling of the torture

Creo ; We grasp all your personal information

I show the thing which there was under your bed to your family and classmate

Atsumichi ; ...........

What is it? Such a threat is useless

An erotic book has anyone

Creo ; Is your own novel so, too?

" When Atsumichi stripped off her snow-white p⚪︎nties,and pink raw-v⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎n⚪︎ becomes bare,and

Saori dressed in the negligee is twist her body intensely...."

Atsumichi ; NO ! NO ! Don't read it

I say

Creo ; This novel symbolizes that you are a pervert because there is a scene doing a naughty thing with the beautiful woman of the class

Atsumichi ; According to your explanation, I was tormented at school,; but ...

In the reaction, I imaged to become the character that appear in a game and an anime and a comics ...

Boss character of the back of the fighting game

The destruction Buddhist priest who attained enlightenment of the darkness

His name is Kaizo

He can crush anything with superhuman power

and use his skill in the game

the master of HajyaRyusei-swordsman

Hero of Valhalla

His name is master swordsman Alexander

He submits suggestion to a stick thing and can change it into a cutting tool

and the fencing in the anime is usable

He handles a plant

He is a fraud leading women by the nose

His name is Renjyurou=Amakusa

He submits suggestion to a plant and a string-formed thing and can change it into a whip

and Lipreading is usable

I was fascinated by one's figure which attracted attention as a super hero from classmate all day

Then, whenever I imaged to become a favorite character

Really I came to become the character that I imagined

I don't know the opportunity myself

For approximately one month A personality changed when I imaged to become a character

Creo ; The personality that a hero desire produced

you are Charisma type genius

Imagination becomes the autosuggestion and will be ability to exercise it

Adversely, if suggestion is removed, you seem to return to an original personality

This empire has an antenna to send to the world

Because, as for the flowering of the ability, suggestion become the start

add special suggestion action to an electric wave and send it to the whole world

The fitting talented person of the wavelength appears with probability of one of tens of millions of people

You are a talented person

Why do you dislike it?

Atsumichi ; Of course I was glad and was proud first

Because my delusion came true

Because I could become a super hero


I have noticed

It isn't about me that everybody looks

It is characters and isn't me

My delusion didn't become a reality , and a reality was consumed by a delusion

Is there not the method to remove?

Creo ; Nothing

Rather I don't understand the reason that you want to remove

Do you want to throw away a lottery of first order ?

Atsumichi ; I hate to become a different person

There has been not my life until today

I want to be me

Creo ; Even if I am said so, God wizardry is basically irreversible

The ability doesn't disappear if it wakes once

Atsumichi ; eeeeeeeeeek!

Creo ; Wow I was surprised

Hey that is in danger

Atsumichi ; yiiiiiiiiipe!

godd⚪︎mn godd⚪︎mn godd⚪︎mn

Super hero? Don't make me laugh !

I hardly make an effort, and watch only a dream

For what oneself of the virtual image accomplished, what on earth can I accept the result ?

godd⚪︎mn !!!!!!!!!

I take an oath

I won't image to become my favorite character

I will become oneself who doesn't depend on exaggerated imagination

become able to be proud of oneself

... from today ... now I am reborn.

And, only by one's power,

I will become the super hero more than the characters of a game and an anime and a comics

((Said so Atsumichi=Kurosu which just came to the empire,

It was said that he exclaimed in front of a portrait of Jintoku

It was 0035 years in an empire calendar))

[ Title of the book "Biography of successive empire autocrats" ]

XeX ; 14-year-old you cries very much

Atsumichi ; Don't make fun , XeX

Anyone has a shameful past

XeX ; How was the trip for 1300 million years

Atsumichi ; It is instant if I look back

XeX ; The feeling to watch your past self?

Atsumichi ; to be perplexed

I feel nostalgic.However, when I don't do it

I come back in the past to stop the collapse of this empire

I become Immortality and do it passing through time of 1300 million years

My turn.

XeX ; You will meet your past self

Atsumichi ; I'll change the future of this empire

I and I will do it so

Comics Musical composition (sound effects are excluded) by Nakamoto manager of the convenience store

Please cooperate with English mistranslation correction and other languages translation

Please subscribe to my channel

Atsumichi ; change the future of this empire

I and I do it so

Comics Musical composition (sound effects are excluded) by Nakamoto manager of the convenience store

Please cooperate with English mistranslation correction and other languages translation

Please subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> [Original anime comics]Crossroad × Chronicle Episode 1 With titularity - Duration: 17:43.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University


U&D, Gemma e Giorgio sono ancora innamorati? La frase della Galgani spiazza | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> U&D, Gemma e Giorgio sono ancora innamorati? La frase della Galgani spiazza | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:31.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Conheça o projeto Infância e Adolescência Missionária - - Duration: 15:23.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Conheça o projeto Infância e Adolescência Missionária - - Duration: 15:23.


Manhã Leve | Saiba os prós e contras de trabalhar após a aposentadoria! - Duration: 19:10.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Saiba os prós e contras de trabalhar após a aposentadoria! - Duration: 19:10.


Grande Fratello VIP, Cecilia e Ignazio: la notte dopo la puntata - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello VIP, Cecilia e Ignazio: la notte dopo la puntata - Duration: 4:22.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat AMG Line - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat AMG Line - Duration: 1:01.


GF Vip: Moser e la Rodriguez a letto insieme, interviene Jeremias | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: Moser e la Rodriguez a letto insieme, interviene Jeremias | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:57.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat AMG Line | COMAND | Widescreen - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat AMG Line | COMAND | Widescreen - Duration: 0:58.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Exclusive | Ambition | Technology - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Exclusive | Ambition | Technology - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:56.


Kako zamenjati motorno olje in oljni filter na MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 VODIČ | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:06.

Use a torx №T30

Using a special wrench, unscrew the oil filter housing cover

Use a socket №13

For more infomation >> Kako zamenjati motorno olje in oljni filter na MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 VODIČ | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:06.


Peugeot 308 1.6E-HDI 120pk 5-D Blue Lease| EXECUTIVE UITVOERING|120PK - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6E-HDI 120pk 5-D Blue Lease| EXECUTIVE UITVOERING|120PK - Duration: 1:02.


Rupert Spira - A Pura Experiência Além de uma Multiplicidade e Diversidade de Objetos - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Rupert Spira - A Pura Experiência Além de uma Multiplicidade e Diversidade de Objetos - Duration: 4:49.


TREINO RÁPIDO PARA AUMENTAR 5CM DE BUMBUM EM CASA! Exercicios Para Gluteos e Pernas. Aumentar Bumbum - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> TREINO RÁPIDO PARA AUMENTAR 5CM DE BUMBUM EM CASA! Exercicios Para Gluteos e Pernas. Aumentar Bumbum - Duration: 5:38.



For more infomation >> SMASH OR PASS DRUNK EDITION - Duration: 6:36.


Presidenta de Miss Perú: "En toda Latinoamérica sufrimos de una violencia contra la mujer alarmante" - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Presidenta de Miss Perú: "En toda Latinoamérica sufrimos de una violencia contra la mujer alarmante" - Duration: 4:22.


Encuentran la factura que la Generalitat pagó a Assange por mentir sobre España - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Encuentran la factura que la Generalitat pagó a Assange por mentir sobre España - Duration: 3:42.


Renault Mégane 1.5DCI 110PK HB,NAVI,CRUISE,LED - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.5DCI 110PK HB,NAVI,CRUISE,LED - Duration: 0:52.


Как да сменим задна стойка на стабилизатор на MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:09.

Use a wrench № 22 and a spanner № 16

Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16

For more infomation >> Как да сменим задна стойка на стабилизатор на MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:09.


GF, Francesco dice qualcosa a Cecilia nell'orecchio: ecco svelata la frase - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> GF, Francesco dice qualcosa a Cecilia nell'orecchio: ecco svelata la frase - Duration: 3:56.


Volvo XC60 T5 245pk AUT(8) R-Design Panoramadak/Xenon - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 T5 245pk AUT(8) R-Design Panoramadak/Xenon - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen Golf Variant 2.0 TDI Highline R Line sportpakket automaat 24 maanden volledige garantie ! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant 2.0 TDI Highline R Line sportpakket automaat 24 maanden volledige garantie ! - Duration: 0:52.


CYBERCHASE | The Halloween Chase is On | PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:44.

>> Now they have a problem.

Get 'em!

>> I'm right behind you!

>> Come on!

Let's see if we can save the

final 10 CyberWatts.

[ Screech! ]

>> Watch out!

>> Move it!

>> Coming through!

[ Snickers ]

>> [ Giggling ]

[ Both giggling evilly ]

>> Yeah, we showed them.

Smooth sailing from here.


>> Got it!

>> Yeah! [ Laughs ]

>> This way. It's a shortcut!


[ Buzz and Delete panting ]

[ Buzz and Delete giggling ]

>> Ah! Ah!

[ Evil cackling, thud ]

>> Unh!

>> What?! Ugh!

[ Evil laughter ]

>> Oh no!

[ Buzz laughing ]

[ Sproing! ]

>> Got it! Ha, ha!

>> Yeah!

>> Oh, perfect.

Ohh, look at that.

[ Chuckles ]

>> Hehehehe!

>> Hey!

>> Got it! Ha, ha!

[ Crash! ]

[ Screech! ]

>> Yeah!

[ Tap! Tap! ]

>> Hi, there.

>> Huh?

>> Bye, there!

For more infomation >> CYBERCHASE | The Halloween Chase is On | PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:44.


Seat Leon 1.8-20V Cupra R - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.8-20V Cupra R - Duration: 1:00.


CLASH ROYALE BATTLEGROUNDS | nueve modo de juego | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:07:24.

For more infomation >> CLASH ROYALE BATTLEGROUNDS | nueve modo de juego | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 2:07:24.


Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.

Hey everyone. Jason Schappert here

MzeroA.com and in this video, I'm showing you an IFR

clearance and an IFR departure. I've

grabbed information kilo at the Ocala Airport. We don't have clearance

delivery here. So how we pick that up is we pick up our IFR clearance

on ground. Now I already have a good idea of what I'm going to be getting because I received an email.

I also do FlightAware alerts. I'll explain that here in just a bit to you so you have it. But

anyways, first things first, before I even call them up, I want to write down

and I use ForeFlight. Nice little CRAFT, they already give me there, but I use our CRAFT acronym.

Clearance, Route, Altitude, Frequency, and Transponder squawk code. What can I

fill in already? Cleared to Lakeland and I put that in there, because I know where

I'm going to. Don't mind my handwriting. It's hard to write on the old iPad.

I also know my next frequency because I fly out of Ocala a lot. You can look at the US Chart Supplement

and make it the same information of 118.6.

I'm just filling in as much as I can

ahead of time. That's what I'm really looking to do in this case.

So, now let's go ahead now and let's call up ground. I'm going to cold call first because

yes it's a slow day, but oftentimes they work ground and they work tower. And they're

also doubling as clearance. So let's give them a call.

Afternoon, Ocala Tower, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu.

23 Mike Zulu Ocala Ground. Afternoon ground 23 Mike Zulu,

North T hangars, information kilo and we're going to copy IFR down to Lakeland.

23 Mike Zulu, you've cleared the Lakeland Airport via

radar vectors to join victor 157 direct. Maintain

2,000. Expect 5,000 1-0 minutes after departure.

Departure frequency will be 118.6 squawk

3231. 23 Mike Zulu

is clear to Lakeland via radar vectors. Victor

157 then direct. 2,000 then 5,000 in ten.

118.6 and 3231.

23 Mike Zulu read back correct. Taxi to runway 36 via taxiway

Alpha. Taxi of 36 via Alpha. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.

Alright, let's go. Let's get my stuff ready here.

3231 getting that in there. Everything else is set and I can get everything else

kind of as we go and after run up. So I've written down my clearance. Again,

you saw how I thought ahead of what I have there.

I thought, I know I'm cleared. Where am I cleared to?

I know I'm clear to the Lakeland Airport or whatever it may be. I have all that written down.

I have that taken care of ahead of time, so I get all that down

and I have it there. So anyways, I'm going to go ahead and taxi.

And another thing I want to add to this by the way. I

knew my route ahead of time. I knew it was going to be something victor 157 because I check

on FlightAware. I go ahead I check on ForeFlight. Get the email. You can see

the email, you can see the FlightAware screen shot there where it kind of shows my route. So I have a good idea

of what I'm doing already. So, anyways, I have all that

filled in. All that's ready to go. So listen, I've got a very long taxi ahead of me. I'll meet you

after run up when we are getting ready to do that IFR departure here.

Alright, so I am run up and before

takeoff checklist is complete with everything, I

get thinking ahead. I've got my squawk code in. I've tower next. I have

approach as my next frequency. I've got my route ready on the iPad. I've got the route ready

in the GPS. Everything is programed. Everything is ready to go

and now it's time to call up tower and let them know I'm awaiting IFR release.

So I'm going to kind of inch my way up to the hold short line and as I do that, I'm going to give them a call.

Afternoon Ocala Tower, 23 Mike Zulu, Alpha 11,

36 waiting IFR release. 23 Mike Zulu Ocala Tower, roger, hold short

runway 36. Hold short 36 23 Mike Zulu. So what he's

doing right now is literally picking up the phone, calling Jacksonville approach, and saying hey I've got 23 Mike Zulu

he's ready to go. Do you have a heading for him? What's going to make your life easier? How do you

want to coordinate this in? So we'll be quiet while he does that work and he'll come back to us

here with what he needs us to do and we're just going to sit here and hold short.

And as he talks to...Ocala

Tower proceed on course. Maintain 5,000 from runway 36 clear for takeoff.

On course, 5,000

clear to take off runway 36. 23 Mike Zulu. Alright.

Doors closed.

(Radio Chatter)

Looking good.

You can hear he's working both frequencies like we were talking about.

Airspeeds alive.

Engine gauge is all green my side.

Nice and light today and we are up and out of here.

Next thing I want to hear from him

is to contact Jacksonville Approach.

Still looking great. And we'll see when he passes me on to


Nice day to fly.

And alright, up and through my 700 feet.

And continuing on course.

Pretty day for a

IFR flight I guess huh?

Just waiting on that hand off to Jax Approach and

I have Jax Approach ready to go.

23 Mike Zulu contact departure. Over to departure have a great day

3 Mike Zulu. He called me 3 Mike Zulu so that allows me to call myself

3 Mike Zulu back. I'm not going to call myself that to Jax. I'm 23 Mike Zulu to Jax.

He abbreviated it, I can abbreviate it back. Alright, let's go ahead, let's contact

Jax. I flip flop over to 118.6 and what do they need to know? I was told

on course 5,000. I'm just about 2,000

afternoon Jax, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu. 1,900 for

5,000 on course. 23 Mike Zulu welcome aboard Ident.

Ident 23 Mike Zulu. 3606 Juliet

contact 124.9 Aloha.

23 Mike Zulu

radar contact south of Ocala. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.

Pretty cool stuff. Excited to hear more about your IFR

flying and your IFR journeys. So, listen guys, enjoy the rest

of your day and most importantly remember, a good pilot is always

learning. Have a great day guys. We'll see ya. Pass your checkride or I'll pay

for it. Join our #1 rated online ground school and participate in

live mock checkrides and interactive written test prep.

Visit GroundSchoolAcademy.com to learn more.

For more infomation >> Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.


Could Wormholes Really Exist? - Duration: 5:24.


Whether it's Star Trek, Stargate, or Babylon 5,

wormholes have been showing up in science fiction for a long time.

They're just this super convenient tunnel to another part of the universe; a way for

sci-fi writers to send their characters across huge distances in the blink of an eye.

And it turns out that they're not just science fiction: wormholes could really exist.

But if they do, they're much weirder than anything we could make up.

In physics, a wormhole is known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge.

It's named after Albert Einstein and another physicist, Nathan Rosen.

They came up with the idea together in 1935, and showed that according to the general theory

of relativity, wormholes are a definite possibility.

A wormhole acts like a tunnel between two different points in spacetime, which is, you

know, just the continuum of space and time that makes up the fabric of the universe.

According to general relativity, gravity works by bending spacetime.

Planets and stars act like a weight in the fabric of the universe, creating a curve.

It can be kind of hard to picture what spacetime is,

let alone what it would mean for it to bend, so physicists often talk about it by

using weights on a stretched bedsheet as an analogy.

Earth would be like a big bowling ball making a big dip in the sheet, and when something

gets too close to the planet and it's pulled in by the gravity,

it's like it's falling into that dip in the sheet.

We're just all falling down into the dip in spacetime that the Earth makes,

and that's why I'm not floating away.

But if spacetime can be curved, it can also be twisted and shaped in other ways, like

by connecting two different places with a tunnel.

It's kind of like poking two holes into that bedsheet, folding it over,

and then stretching the fabric so that the edges of the holes can get together,

and you just sew them into a tunnel.

That's a wormhole.

In a bedsheet.

But because wormholes don't seem to violate the laws of physics

does not mean that they actually exist; they're just technically possible.

And unfortunately, we haven't yet detected any,

and we aren't even sure how they would form.

If wormholes do exist, one reason we might not have spotted them

is that they could be hiding behind black holes.

A black hole is what happens when there's so much mass squeezed into an object that

it ends up with such a strong force of gravity that even light can't escape its pull.

Once you get too close to a black hole, you're toast:

there's no escaping being smushed into oblivion.

In the bedsheet model, black holes and wormholes look very similar,

they both have a steep falloff that seems to go on forever.

Except, with a wormhole, the steep drop actually leads somewhere.

According to general relativity, wormholes could have black holes at each end, meaning

that after diving into a black hole on one end, the energy that was once your body could

get spewed out somewhere totally different in the universe.

Of course, you would not survive that trip.

All that would be left is radiation and subatomic particles.

So, I can't see anyone volunteering to test that out anytime soon.

Then there are white holes, which are the opposite of black holes: They spew out matter

with such force that it would be impossible to enter them.

If black holes are infinite weights on a bedsheet, white holes would be like hills:

objects pushing up on the bedsheet.

Like wormholes, these are a thing that could exist, the math does check out,

we're just not sure how they'd form.

But we know that if they exist, they could be found at either end of a wormhole, too.

So, maybe if there was a black hole at one end of the wormhole and a white hole at the

other, we could go in the black hole end, and be blasted out the white hole end.


But you'd still probably be crushed by the black hole in the process.

Not to mention it would definitely be a one-way trip.

And there are a few other problems with wormholes:

For one thing, they'd probably be dangerous.

Sudden unexpected collapse, weird exotic particles, a ton of radiation …

it's not a vacation spot.

In fact, travelling through a wormhole could instantly collapse it,

because they'd probably be unstable.

And then there's the fact that wormholes might not be a shortcut at all.

A random wormhole could easily be a longer-than-normal path.

Size is also a problem.

A real-life wormhole could be too small for us to travel through.

Not to mention the travel time, which could be millions or billions of years,

making some wormholes pretty useless.

So, that's a lot of problems.

The biggest hope actually comes from how little we know.

A lot of this depends on physics that we haven't quite worked out yet, or on facts about our

universe's history and geometry that we just don't know for sure.

Once we have all that figured out, the final barrier would be technology and opportunity.

Right now, we definitely don't know how to make a wormhole, and we'd have to be

super lucky to find one that was useful to us, if they exist at all.

So, it's pretty clear that we won't be sliding through any wormholes anytime soon.

But we know that they could be out there,

hiding in some of the most extreme places in the universe.

And who knows?

Maybe our ideas about wormholes will be totally different in the future.

People living just a few hundred years ago couldn't have even imagined

particle accelerators or YouTube videos.

And the possibility of a future like Stargate, where you just "dial in" a few symbols

and walk into another world halfway across the galaxy, sounds pretty awesome.

Let's keep writing TV shows about it.

Until then, we will keep exploring the universe right here at home.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you are interested in learning more about sci fi space travel,

you can check out our video on photonic propulsion.


For more infomation >> Could Wormholes Really Exist? - Duration: 5:24.


Recom RAC05-SK Converters | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.

Recom RAC05-SK converters are low-cost 5 W AC/DC converters that provide efficient, reliable

operation in a compact package.

The RAC05-SK are designed for IoT, industrial, and always-on systems, providing high conversion

efficiency even under lights loads, and no-load power consumption of just 75 mW.

Nominal output voltages range from 3.3 to 24 volts with output accuracy and load regulation

both rated at ±1%.

The converters have a universal AC input with an integrated slow blow fuse, and offer protection

against short circuit, overcurrent, and overvoltage conditions.

RAC05-SK converters integrate a Pi filter on the input and meet EN55032 class B limits

without any external components.

For more infomation >> Recom RAC05-SK Converters | Digi-Key Daily - Duration: 1:10.


Como Limpiar Tus Brochas Sin Gastar Mucho! / Ashley Muniz - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Como Limpiar Tus Brochas Sin Gastar Mucho! / Ashley Muniz - Duration: 5:01.


[Original anime comics]Crossroad × Chronicle Episode 1 With titularity - Duration: 17:43.

If my name wasn't "Atsumichi"

, and the different name was acquired

For example,If my name was "Yuta"

Until today I would be called "Yuta"

Yuta and I are another person because Yuta will be very different from me to date in way of feeling and a way of thinking,


I hate to become another person.

I hate to lose my conventional life

[ Episode 1 With titularity ]

The left posterior region of the body was damaged

The mesogastrium of the body was destroyed

This airplane is in a dangerous state.

Aircrew ; Arrest that monster in all the members.Otherwise,this airplane will crash.

Creo ; Useless.Even if you become the bunch and take it, you can't beat him

Aircrew ; Creo group leader

Creo ; Go for the treatment of the injured person, and stabilize a body

I will battle that fellow

Aircrew ; A heat reaction come to a cockpit.5,4,3,2,1

Here he comes !

Atsumichi ; Rest in peace by my strong fist

Creo ; It is what destructive power

Skin seems to go bald by air pressure

Claw of spider

You can't move

The spider line has a strength of 4 times of the steel

, and there is the elasticity than nylon


This fellow cut my spider line

cut a spider line with the strength that was higher than steel with a stick

Atsumichi ; I defeat a strong man and save the weak with Chivalrousness

Creo ; This fellow changed

Only by the pressure of the sword,there is such power

When this hit it directly to me, I would be dead

If that's the case


This fellow easily parted with a stick

Atsumichi ; With the tone of a beautiful whip

Turn red

Creo ; This fellow changed again

The third personality?

I can't arrest this fellow, because he makes an irregular move

Oh, my god!

Aircrew ; Oh,Creo group leader

Atsumichi ; You can't get a motion in this

My victory

I murder all of you


Aircrew ; This fellow is the devil

What terrible

We will be murdered

Atsumichi ; ha-hahahahahaha! (lol)


I'm very sorry

I am not a bad child

Please don't murder me

Against violence

Please, please forgive me, everyone

Because even your sole is your ⚪︎⚪︎us, but I lick it

Please save only my life

Ah,After all it is impossible to lick your ⚪︎⚪︎us.

Aircrew ; Catch a guy

Atsumichi ; Wow , I brought about unfortunate results

Creo ; Fool! In an airplane

Don't go together

Creo ; Boss , on schedule

I arrested Atsumichi=Kurosu

Aircrew ; This fellow seemed to restore consciousness,Creo group leader

Creo ; It is ... really

Don't act violently in a small plane

By the order of the boss I want you to become my position to have to catch you alive

Atsumichi ; !?

Creo ; I am Creo of the outside reclamation squad group leader

It doesn't seem to need the artificial respiration to have come to

Atsumichi ; artificial respiration?

Creo ; Hey , practice artificial respiration to him

Aircrew ; Yes, sir

Atsumichi ; I come to suddenly

Where is it here?

Why did you abduct me?

Creo ; I must explain it in turn to answer your question

For most recent several weeks, we investigated your private life

Atsumichi Kurosu 14 years old

You are coward in faintheartedness The character that wants to be bullied by oneself

When you feel fear, you clench your p⚪︎⚪︎is

You are revolted by classmates because you want to be seen in particular

It seems to be existence proof that you take the reputation by reaction art

You were weaker more than anyone else in the boy and have been targeted in pity and the ridicule from a girl

Poor many years bullied child

Atsumichi ; It, ... Is it me?

Creo ; Did you think that it wasn't oneself?

After one day Your daily life changes suddenly

You rule over the whole school boy

, and you annihilate a corrupt teacher's union

,and you become most popular from schoolgirls

We sensed your change and judged you to be "God genius" who was bound by"God wizardry" and caught you

Atsumichi ; what? God・・・?

Creo ; " God genius " is "the secret art that ability of genius jumps to by action of the suggestion more"

The person who is bound by God wizardry is called God genius

God geniuses are classified in 7 attributes

Charisma type genius

God genius who gives a change by submitting suggestion to a person and an object

This group is improved by a human experience

Athlete type genius

God genius about the athletic capability

This group is improved by a quantity of exercise

Professional type genius

God genius about a work, hobby, custom

This group is improved by a quantity of knowledge

Expert type genius

God genius who has been full of one tool

This group is improved by a proficiency

Entertainment type genius

The God genius who attracts a person by art

This group is improved by a degree of popularity

Metamorphosis type genius

The God genius that physical part developed

This group is improved by a rough treatment degree

Almighty type genius

God genius of all God genius having both plural talent

This group is improved by the way of each attribute

Look at the outside

Atsumichi ; !?

Creo ; The artificial island which is it away from the outside world

The country which God geniuses built here

Senterasu Gotham Empire

God genius is a little less than 1% of the population

, and 99% are the reserve army of the God genius or common people in fact

The founder of God wiserdry introduces himself as "Jintoku"

He ruled this ground as the emperor

After demise The second generation succeeds him

We are one of the organizations in the empire

This time, we, there is the job by a role to bring you from the empire outside

We have you emigrate to you forcibly in empire territory

Atsumichi ; Huh? No, wait a minute

I don't want to do those sorts of things.

Creo ; Not admitted

Because you became God genius, you are different from the outside human being in the world to live in

Atsumichi ; But empty-handed

Creo ; Feel relieved

Here is all the private properties which a reclamation squad confiscated from your home

Atsumichi ; To take my private properties without permission !

Creo ; It is explained to your parents with the isolation due to the epidemic

Atsumichi ; What!

Creo ; The next I want to hear about your ability

What kind of ability did you get? [ Creo's cheek " Eyes to see garbage" ]

Atsumichi ; I can't say

Creo ; Say

Atsumichi ; I can't say even if threatened

Such a thing is shameful and can't say

If I am made to say such a shameful thing

Murder me rather

If we don't get old for life after death, I had better die probably while I am young

Creo ; It is what kind of logic ...

Hum.Then pain with more than of death is necessary for you

Atsumichi ; Feeling of the torture

Creo ; We grasp all your personal information

I show the thing which there was under your bed to your family and classmate

Atsumichi ; ...........

What is it? Such a threat is useless

An erotic book has anyone

Creo ; Is your own novel so, too?

" When Atsumichi stripped off her snow-white p⚪︎nties,and pink raw-v⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎n⚪︎ becomes bare,and

Saori dressed in the negligee is twist her body intensely...."

Atsumichi ; NO ! NO ! Don't read it

I say

Creo ; This novel symbolizes that you are a pervert because there is a scene doing a naughty thing with the beautiful woman of the class

Atsumichi ; According to your explanation, I was tormented at school,; but ...

In the reaction, I imaged to become the character that appear in a game and an anime and a comics ...

Boss character of the back of the fighting game

The destruction Buddhist priest who attained enlightenment of the darkness

His name is Kaizo

He can crush anything with superhuman power

and use his skill in the game

the master of HajyaRyusei-swordsman

Hero of Valhalla

His name is master swordsman Alexander

He submits suggestion to a stick thing and can change it into a cutting tool

and the fencing in the anime is usable

He handles a plant

He is a fraud leading women by the nose

His name is Renjyurou=Amakusa

He submits suggestion to a plant and a string-formed thing and can change it into a whip

and Lipreading is usable

I was fascinated by one's figure which attracted attention as a super hero from classmate all day

Then, whenever I imaged to become a favorite character

Really I came to become the character that I imagined

I don't know the opportunity myself

For approximately one month A personality changed when I imaged to become a character

Creo ; The personality that a hero desire produced

you are Charisma type genius

Imagination becomes the autosuggestion and will be ability to exercise it

Adversely, if suggestion is removed, you seem to return to an original personality

This empire has an antenna to send to the world

Because, as for the flowering of the ability, suggestion become the start

add special suggestion action to an electric wave and send it to the whole world

The fitting talented person of the wavelength appears with probability of one of tens of millions of people

You are a talented person

Why do you dislike it?

Atsumichi ; Of course I was glad and was proud first

Because my delusion came true

Because I could become a super hero


I have noticed

It isn't about me that everybody looks

It is characters and isn't me

My delusion didn't become a reality , and a reality was consumed by a delusion

Is there not the method to remove?

Creo ; Nothing

Rather I don't understand the reason that you want to remove

Do you want to throw away a lottery of first order ?

Atsumichi ; I hate to become a different person

There has been not my life until today

I want to be me

Creo ; Even if I am said so, God wizardry is basically irreversible

The ability doesn't disappear if it wakes once

Atsumichi ; eeeeeeeeeek!

Creo ; Wow I was surprised

Hey that is in danger

Atsumichi ; yiiiiiiiiipe!

godd⚪︎mn godd⚪︎mn godd⚪︎mn

Super hero? Don't make me laugh !

I hardly make an effort, and watch only a dream

For what oneself of the virtual image accomplished, what on earth can I accept the result ?

godd⚪︎mn !!!!!!!!!

I take an oath

I won't image to become my favorite character

I will become oneself who doesn't depend on exaggerated imagination

become able to be proud of oneself

... from today ... now I am reborn.

And, only by one's power,

I will become the super hero more than the characters of a game and an anime and a comics

((Said so Atsumichi=Kurosu which just came to the empire,

It was said that he exclaimed in front of a portrait of Jintoku

It was 0035 years in an empire calendar))

[ Title of the book "Biography of successive empire autocrats" ]

XeX ; 14-year-old you cries very much

Atsumichi ; Don't make fun , XeX

Anyone has a shameful past

XeX ; How was the trip for 1300 million years

Atsumichi ; It is instant if I look back

XeX ; The feeling to watch your past self?

Atsumichi ; to be perplexed

I feel nostalgic.However, when I don't do it

I come back in the past to stop the collapse of this empire

I become Immortality and do it passing through time of 1300 million years

My turn.

XeX ; You will meet your past self

Atsumichi ; I'll change the future of this empire

I and I will do it so

Comics Musical composition (sound effects are excluded) by Nakamoto manager of the convenience store

Please cooperate with English mistranslation correction and other languages translation

Please subscribe to my channel

Atsumichi ; change the future of this empire

I and I do it so

Comics Musical composition (sound effects are excluded) by Nakamoto manager of the convenience store

Please cooperate with English mistranslation correction and other languages translation

Please subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> [Original anime comics]Crossroad × Chronicle Episode 1 With titularity - Duration: 17:43.


Will It Melt?

For more infomation >> Will It Melt?


you can't scare me with this - Duration: 0:05.


You can't scare me with this.


For more infomation >> you can't scare me with this - Duration: 0:05.


Firebase Dev Summit 2017 - Livestream - Duration: 7:58:34.

For more infomation >> Firebase Dev Summit 2017 - Livestream - Duration: 7:58:34.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI NIEUW MODEL.Turbo! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI NIEUW MODEL.Turbo! - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T FÉLINE ECC-Airco LED Leder 17"LMV - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T FÉLINE ECC-Airco LED Leder 17"LMV - Duration: 0:55.


Koopwoning: Van 't Hoffstraat 105, Haarlem - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: Van 't Hoffstraat 105, Haarlem - Duration: 0:55.


Sean Hannity Loses It, Accidentally Calls Hillary "President Clinton" In Angry Rant - Duration: 2:55.

Since the beginning of the Trump administration, Sean Hannity over at Fox News has been one

of Donald Trump's closest allies.

In fact, he even went to the White House a few months ago for a private dinner with Trump

and Anthony Scaramucci back during the very short time that Scaramucci was a part of the

White House.

And so, Sean Hannity on Monday night, after the indictments were announced against Paul

Manafort and Richard Gates, came to the president's defense by going out there and talking about

all of the horrible things that the Clinton administration has done.

Take a look and you'll see what I mean.

No Trump collusion.

Here's what we do have tonight.

This is what the media will ignore.

This is what matters.

These are the facts.

This is where the evidence comes in.

What did President Clinton, or President Clinton wannabe, President Obama, and key members

of the administration, what did they know about the Iranian One scandal?

Now we're learning about-

So what Sean Hannity is doing here is the same thing that Trump is trying to do, the

same thing that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is trying to do, the same thing that every Republican

on Fox News is trying to do, which is say, "Don't look at the horribleness happening

in the Republican party, even though our guys had to go surrender to the FBI on Monday.

Instead, look at these mythical little scandals among the Democratic party that may or may

not have happened, because that's what's important."

Because in the minds of the folks at Fox News, Hillary Clinton is president.

She is always going to be their number one bogeyman.

And my best guess here is that they came up with a lot of talking points about how bad

Hillary Clinton is and how bad the Democrats are during the presidential campaign 'cause

they never thought Trump was going to win.

So they compile all of this opposition research, all these talking points to use during the

Clinton administration that never came to fruition because Donald Trump ended up winning

the electoral college vote.

But the folks at Fox News aren't wasteful, so they're still going to use those talking

points, even thought Hillary Clinton is not the president.

Sean Hannity last night exposed exactly what Republicans, specifically those in conservative

media, are trying to do right now, deflect, deflect, deflect, point to these possibly

phony scandals among the Democratic party, so that people forget the fact that Republicans

are literally being arrested for being so damn corrupt.

For more infomation >> Sean Hannity Loses It, Accidentally Calls Hillary "President Clinton" In Angry Rant - Duration: 2:55.


I joined and Hate it. How to Learn to Embrace The Suck. - Duration: 8:18.

Add Me On Instagram Zachmiller424

For more infomation >> I joined and Hate it. How to Learn to Embrace The Suck. - Duration: 8:18.


Everyone Loves Pancakes?! | Bond No 9 New Haarlem - Duration: 4:51.

60 pancakes hey buddy hey guys my name is Kevin in today's video we talk about

bar number nine new Harlem I call this thing sexy pancakes I got to be like

these kind of videos go and subscribe to his channel and turn a notification

puppet your video on livestream update show you boys in love one two three four

five six seven if you've been here any length of time you know that's how I

used to start up all my classic videos why signifying that you only have seven

seconds to make a first impression on somebody when they see you for the first

time you have to nail it boom no second chance to make a first impression and

one of the best ways to make sure you nail that first impression is always

wear a great fragrance line number nine I'm gonna tell you is one of my guilty

pleasure fragrance houses it's always working exceptionally well for me and

bond number nine new Harlow is one of the oh geez that is always done really

well tell you this guy's check out the original bonds and the clear bottle

there are a lot of gems that get overlooked great John Central Park so

New York and the list goes on and on hot always Riverside Drive shape mind and

new Harlem are the ones that people tend to focus on the most and the die-hard

bond haters have a hard time hitting this fragrance instead it creates this

warm inviting maple syrup kind of thing that I call sexy pancakes that's all I

can relate it to let's get into the c-3po system complem in fact oh my skin

incredible of all my bond fragrances this is one of the top three or four I

gotta say it it always is every time I spray it on I remember why I love it so

much but as far as performance you're gonna love it it's eight hours plus

projection three feet plus CR three feet plus boom you know what that means that

means it's B smooth sexy pancakes that's beast mode a gourmand fragrance till

people really really dig yes please stop personality I see rocking this chorus

that flirt that player thing because that's just what Gore miles do and this

one does it well and the situation I see you rocking

it in again outdoor cool Chris area or even in someplace where you want to

snuggle up with somebody having a brandy by a fireplace this kind of fragrance

plays so well with so many different things it's no secret I like rose dudes

and Amber's but I love gourmand more than anything else but hey I know

there are some people who say Kevin I love new Harlem I love all of it does

but look man it's a little too sweet for me let me show you one of the things I

do to actually tone the sweetness down I use this one a low MIDI album the Eau de

Toilette yep I love this inner almond thing in the top note actually smooth

this thing out balances it a lot more it actually makes it to where I can wear

this year-round so you can wear my number 9 new Haarlem year-round even in

100 plus degree temperature weather be careful on the trigger and use tricks

like this to actually help blend it out I love this combination but hey it would

be nothing without this puppy yeah I'm going in hard because I love new Harlem

I love new Harlem but say you can get Michael Jordan or you can get raw

awesome aunt and that's cool but for me I like this like it like it love it

can't get enough fun as usual hit us in the comment section guys let us know

what do you think about number 9 yo Harland do you own it do you wear it do

you like it how do you wear it let us know so guys can really make an informed

decision good let us know but if not also let us know but keep it cool keep

it classy as usual be like this kind of videos go ahead give me a big thumbs up

and share it out to anybody that you think you use the information thank you

guys so much for watching and subscribing until the next time talking

you later

by the way once they connected follow me on social media links down in

description peace two fingers and I'm an issue boy lucky for you this one I like

this would I like gosh

sexy pancakes never just have those mornings what you want pancakes nothing

but pancakes will do waffles are great but you really really

just gotta have some pancakes bar number nine new Harlem sexy pancakes great for

any sweet tooth addiction let's get going

For more infomation >> Everyone Loves Pancakes?! | Bond No 9 New Haarlem - Duration: 4:51.


The Highly Scientific PLOP TEST - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> The Highly Scientific PLOP TEST - Duration: 2:39.


Boozy Strawberry & Cream Milkshake | The Chew - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Boozy Strawberry & Cream Milkshake | The Chew - Duration: 2:57.


YOU NEED TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW FOR FIFA 18 MOVEMBER! | FIFA 18 How To Trade To 100,000 Coins #4 - Duration: 15:21.

For more infomation >> YOU NEED TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW FOR FIFA 18 MOVEMBER! | FIFA 18 How To Trade To 100,000 Coins #4 - Duration: 15:21.


Date A Live Rio Reincarnation (PS4) - Digest: Tohka Recap (English Subtitled) - Duration: 4:17.

Spring, the new school term and the early 10th of April.

The everyday high school life of me, Shido Itsuka, had gone through a big change.

By encountering an unknown natural disaster known as a spacequake,

I met a violent but beautiful girl in the middle of it all.

...Name, huh?

I don't have anything like that.

Now that I'm remembering it, it was a pretty intense meeting.

It was also the first time I had looked at death in the eyes.

And then I learned.

I learned that the spacequakes that I thought were natural disasters...

...were caused by girls called spirits possessing supernatural powers.

I'll welcome you.

Welcome to Ratatoskr.

The organization that exists to protect the spirits, the ones who called themselves Ratatoskr,

instructed me to date the girl and make her fall in love with me.

For the sake of saving the world - for saving the girl.


What do you want to call me?

Make a name for me.


H-How...about that?

I made a name for Tohka, the girl who didn't have a name.

And the two of us, no matter how different we were from each other, began having our ordinary date.

But that abruptly came to an end.

The Anti-Spirit Team of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, or AST, had my classmate, Origami Tobiichi, as one of their members,

and she interfered with our date by making the mistake of shooting me.

Going on a rampage after seeing me collapse,

Tohka let out her strongest attacks on Origami.

But, thanks to having a unique body, my injuries healed,

and I barely managed to get back to where Tohka was.

U-um, that's it...!


Let's k-kiss...!

By kissing Tohka,

the power that she had let out earlier had vanished.

Whenever a spirit's impression of me goes so high up that she ends up falling for me,

I give her a kiss and seal off the spirit powers that she had with her.

Will you...

...take me on another date again...?


We can go on one whenever you want.

Just like that, my first contact with a spirit ended peacefully.

Tohka and I had taken our first step.

That's right, our first step to a future where spirits and humans could be together.

For more infomation >> Date A Live Rio Reincarnation (PS4) - Digest: Tohka Recap (English Subtitled) - Duration: 4:17.


Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.

Hey everyone. Jason Schappert here

MzeroA.com and in this video, I'm showing you an IFR

clearance and an IFR departure. I've

grabbed information kilo at the Ocala Airport. We don't have clearance

delivery here. So how we pick that up is we pick up our IFR clearance

on ground. Now I already have a good idea of what I'm going to be getting because I received an email.

I also do FlightAware alerts. I'll explain that here in just a bit to you so you have it. But

anyways, first things first, before I even call them up, I want to write down

and I use ForeFlight. Nice little CRAFT, they already give me there, but I use our CRAFT acronym.

Clearance, Route, Altitude, Frequency, and Transponder squawk code. What can I

fill in already? Cleared to Lakeland and I put that in there, because I know where

I'm going to. Don't mind my handwriting. It's hard to write on the old iPad.

I also know my next frequency because I fly out of Ocala a lot. You can look at the US Chart Supplement

and make it the same information of 118.6.

I'm just filling in as much as I can

ahead of time. That's what I'm really looking to do in this case.

So, now let's go ahead now and let's call up ground. I'm going to cold call first because

yes it's a slow day, but oftentimes they work ground and they work tower. And they're

also doubling as clearance. So let's give them a call.

Afternoon, Ocala Tower, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu.

23 Mike Zulu Ocala Ground. Afternoon ground 23 Mike Zulu,

North T hangars, information kilo and we're going to copy IFR down to Lakeland.

23 Mike Zulu, you've cleared the Lakeland Airport via

radar vectors to join victor 157 direct. Maintain

2,000. Expect 5,000 1-0 minutes after departure.

Departure frequency will be 118.6 squawk

3231. 23 Mike Zulu

is clear to Lakeland via radar vectors. Victor

157 then direct. 2,000 then 5,000 in ten.

118.6 and 3231.

23 Mike Zulu read back correct. Taxi to runway 36 via taxiway

Alpha. Taxi of 36 via Alpha. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.

Alright, let's go. Let's get my stuff ready here.

3231 getting that in there. Everything else is set and I can get everything else

kind of as we go and after run up. So I've written down my clearance. Again,

you saw how I thought ahead of what I have there.

I thought, I know I'm cleared. Where am I cleared to?

I know I'm clear to the Lakeland Airport or whatever it may be. I have all that written down.

I have that taken care of ahead of time, so I get all that down

and I have it there. So anyways, I'm going to go ahead and taxi.

And another thing I want to add to this by the way. I

knew my route ahead of time. I knew it was going to be something victor 157 because I check

on FlightAware. I go ahead I check on ForeFlight. Get the email. You can see

the email, you can see the FlightAware screen shot there where it kind of shows my route. So I have a good idea

of what I'm doing already. So, anyways, I have all that

filled in. All that's ready to go. So listen, I've got a very long taxi ahead of me. I'll meet you

after run up when we are getting ready to do that IFR departure here.

Alright, so I am run up and before

takeoff checklist is complete with everything, I

get thinking ahead. I've got my squawk code in. I've tower next. I have

approach as my next frequency. I've got my route ready on the iPad. I've got the route ready

in the GPS. Everything is programed. Everything is ready to go

and now it's time to call up tower and let them know I'm awaiting IFR release.

So I'm going to kind of inch my way up to the hold short line and as I do that, I'm going to give them a call.

Afternoon Ocala Tower, 23 Mike Zulu, Alpha 11,

36 waiting IFR release. 23 Mike Zulu Ocala Tower, roger, hold short

runway 36. Hold short 36 23 Mike Zulu. So what he's

doing right now is literally picking up the phone, calling Jacksonville approach, and saying hey I've got 23 Mike Zulu

he's ready to go. Do you have a heading for him? What's going to make your life easier? How do you

want to coordinate this in? So we'll be quiet while he does that work and he'll come back to us

here with what he needs us to do and we're just going to sit here and hold short.

And as he talks to...Ocala

Tower proceed on course. Maintain 5,000 from runway 36 clear for takeoff.

On course, 5,000

clear to take off runway 36. 23 Mike Zulu. Alright.

Doors closed.

(Radio Chatter)

Looking good.

You can hear he's working both frequencies like we were talking about.

Airspeeds alive.

Engine gauge is all green my side.

Nice and light today and we are up and out of here.

Next thing I want to hear from him

is to contact Jacksonville Approach.

Still looking great. And we'll see when he passes me on to


Nice day to fly.

And alright, up and through my 700 feet.

And continuing on course.

Pretty day for a

IFR flight I guess huh?

Just waiting on that hand off to Jax Approach and

I have Jax Approach ready to go.

23 Mike Zulu contact departure. Over to departure have a great day

3 Mike Zulu. He called me 3 Mike Zulu so that allows me to call myself

3 Mike Zulu back. I'm not going to call myself that to Jax. I'm 23 Mike Zulu to Jax.

He abbreviated it, I can abbreviate it back. Alright, let's go ahead, let's contact

Jax. I flip flop over to 118.6 and what do they need to know? I was told

on course 5,000. I'm just about 2,000

afternoon Jax, Skyhawk 23 Mike Zulu. 1,900 for

5,000 on course. 23 Mike Zulu welcome aboard Ident.

Ident 23 Mike Zulu. 3606 Juliet

contact 124.9 Aloha.

23 Mike Zulu

radar contact south of Ocala. Thank you 23 Mike Zulu.

Pretty cool stuff. Excited to hear more about your IFR

flying and your IFR journeys. So, listen guys, enjoy the rest

of your day and most importantly remember, a good pilot is always

learning. Have a great day guys. We'll see ya. Pass your checkride or I'll pay

for it. Join our #1 rated online ground school and participate in

live mock checkrides and interactive written test prep.

Visit GroundSchoolAcademy.com to learn more.

For more infomation >> Copying an IFR Flight Clearance - Duration: 7:35.


Portal Keeper Hasabel Guide - Heroic Portal Keeper Hasabel/Normal Antorus Guide - Duration: 5:52.


I'm Hazel, and you are about to be SO up to speed.

This video is all about the Portal Keeper Hasabel fight on Normal and Heroic difficulty.

Hasabel's basically the Legion Traffic Controller and we're about to get all up in her crosswalk.

You fight her on this main platform, and throughout the fight she'll power up portals to various

worlds, or more accurately, smaller platforms.

You get a fire portal at 90%, a fel portal at 60 and a shadow portal at 30%.

Each one will have a themed boss that needs to be dealt with ASAP, and somebody must be

on the main platform at all times or else everyone dies.

First thing you'll be dealing with on the main platform is Reality Tear and Bursting

Darkness, aka the tank mechanic.

Reality Tear is a 30 second DoT which will stack, and then explode for raid damage when

allowed to expire.

The more stacks, the bigger the explosion.

She does it every 12-14 seconds so you generally want to swap on about three stacks.

Healers should be ready with raid heals if it stacks up much higher than that, which

it might one we get into all the portal business.

Collapsing World goes under the boss,ooks like this, and it's impossible to miss unless

you're actually watching netflix.

If that gets ya it'll do big damage and potentially knock you off the platform, which would be

deeply embarrasing.

It's even got a cast time so you can see it coming and start moving away from the boss.

Felstorm Barrage is the other super obvious ground mechanic.

Over about ten seconds, these big green firelines will spawn and then explode.

Those also do knockback and hurt like heck so keep moving to the safe corners until it's


She'll also cast Transport Portal, which summons adds designed specifically to annoy you.

There are spiders which will web you, making it harder to avoid the last two things we

talked about.

There's feldogs, which do a Fenryr style interrupt howl and then imps, which on Normal don't

do much of anything.

On Heroic, the imps cast Fiery Detonation which can be interrupted and is just gnarly

if you don't.

If a couple of those get off your raid is literal toast so keep an eye on it and kill

the adds quickly.

When Hasabel reaches 90% health, she'll power up the Fire Portal Xoroth.

Note that you can go up to any portal at any time, there just won't be anything there if

it's not active.

While the portal is active there'll be a boss inside, and the main platform players will

take raid damage until it's dead.

All of the portals have this Unstable Portal mechanic which means bad things happen if

the boss stays up longer than 45 seconds.

You'll want to send half or more of the raid including a tank and a couple healers through

the active portal to deal with it.

Inside Fire Portal Xoroth you'll find Vulcanar.

He casts Flames of Xoroth, which is kickable and has a 10 yard radius.

Don't be closer than 10 yards unless you need to be, and set up a kick rotation if it starts

to be a problem.

He'll also toss out Supernovas, which you should move out of unless you feel like taking

a bajillion damage.

While all that's happening you'll see these Everburning Flames around the floor.

Touching one makes it stick to you for 10 seconds.

When the DoT ends or is removed, the flame falls back onto the floor.

A few players need to pick up a couple of those and actually run them into the purple

Portal for later.

Drop them along the portal-side of the shadow platform, then head back to rejoin the fight.

At 60%, Hasabel powers up Fel Portal Rancora.

Inside you'll find Lady Dacidion, and her Poison Essence will immediately chunk everyone

for 10%.

She casts Felsilk Wrap, which webs players indefinitely until the web is destroyed.

Those don't have a ton of health so anyone can swap to help break out their friends.

Instead of flames, you'll find this Caustic Slime goo on the floor on this platform.

Touching that does damage over 20 seconds, and removing it triggers a Caustic Detonation.

That's a painful 10 yard explosion that apparently can be used to remove a stack of Aegis of


I'm gonna be really honest with you, I have dug through this fight and nowhere do I see

ANY mention of an Aegis of Flames.

However, should one turn up you can take it off by dispelling a Goo debuff within ten

yards of it.

Whether you have the slime on purpose or by accident make sure you're clear of other players

when it gets dispelled so you don't clip anyone with your Caustic Detonation.

At 30% health, she'll open up the final portal to the Shadow Land Nathreza.

Lord Eilgar is the boss here and things will be very, very dark.

Moving within 35 yards of Eilgar will apply the Delusions debuff.

That lasts ten minutes, prevents ALL outgoing healing and absorbs, and restores 2% mana

per second.

It's dispellable, so if mana is tight at this point healers can deliberately rotate taking

the debuff and dispelling it off each other.

Otherwise, healers need to stay at absolute Max range or else you can't heal.

To complicate that, it's very, very dark.

Mind fog means visibility is awful in here which means at max range you can't actually

target your friends to heal them.

To counter that, healers and probably ranged should stand within 10 yards of the Everburning

Flames we dropped earlier.

Problem solved.

Eilgar will be stacking Corrupt on players within 20 yards of him, doing damage and stacking

a nasty debuff on them.

To make that even more fun, players that step into the heart of the platform will get Cloying

Shadows, taking 50% reduced healing for 30 seconds.

If your raid failed to bring in flames like we did and your healers can't heal, you are

absolutely going to lose people here.

When Cloying Shadows ends or is dispelled, it triggers an 8 yard Hungering Gloom explosion.

Hungering Gloom won't actually affect the exploding player, but anyone within 8 yards

takes big damage and can't be healed for a while which will make them very cranky with


Spread out with the Cloying Shadows, and healers should be really mindful to not dispel someone

before they've moved into some clear space.

All things considered the purple platform is super gross and it's a valid time to pop

cooldowns just to get done and out of there.

Back home on the main platform, the entrances of each portal will be doing area damage starting

from activation and lasting until the end of the fight.

Be careful not to wander into that while avoiding Collapsing World and Felstorm Barrages.

This is high movement-the fight, and it's very much about watching your feet.

So, that is Portal Keeper Hasabel in Antorus, the Burning Throne!

If this video helped you out please consider giving it a thumbs up.

Check out my channel and subscribe for more raid guides and other useful WoW videos.

Thanks for watching, have a great time in raid and a wonderful, wonderful day!


For more infomation >> Portal Keeper Hasabel Guide - Heroic Portal Keeper Hasabel/Normal Antorus Guide - Duration: 5:52.


Why Billy And Max From Stranger Things 2 Look So Familiar - Duration: 3:53.

Stranger Things 2 has officially arrived and has introduced two new kids to the Hawkins,

Indiana crew.

Billy and Max are step-siblings who've moved from California with their parents and couldn't

be more different from one another.

Billy is a loose cannon who behaves like a bully and desperately wants to dethrone Steve

as the coolest kid in school.

Meanwhile Max is a skateboarding tomboy who proves to be a wizard at Dig Dug and catches

the attention of Dustin and Lucas just as they prepare to face a new threat from the


The actors portraying the Stranger Things 2 duo, Dacre Montgomery and Sadie Sink, are

still relatively new to show-business as well.

But you still may recognize them from some of these other productions...

The comedy club

Not long before the release of Stranger Things 2, Australia native Dacre Montgomery's career

started gaining traction with a small role in the 2016 Australian-American horror comedy

Better Watch Out — a critically acclaimed, over-the-top film chock full of teenage talent.

The film is basically a deadlier version of Home Alone, and let's just say that Montgomery's

character gets in over his head.

Soon after, Montgomery also starred as Mike in A Few Less Men — a direct sequel to the

critically panned Australian-British comedy A Few Best Men — before earning the role

that would transform his career altogether.

Morphin' time

Dacre Montgomery's biggest pre-Stranger Things role is unquestionably that of Red Ranger

Jason Scott, the leader of the titular superheroes in the Power Rangers reboot.

Although he earned the lead in the pic, he'd never seen the show or films that started

it all before auditioning.

He told The Hollywood Reporter, "I'd love to blame that I was on the west coast [of

Australia], in the most isolated city on the planet, but I think Power Rangers really had

reached every corner of the earth, so I don't know, I just missed it!"

Even so, he had no trouble adapting to all the mighty morphin' that went down on the

set and even delivered the film's most iconic line.

"It's morphin' time."

On Broadway

Sadie Sink started acting professionally at 10 years old, after an obsession with 2006's

High School Musical inspired her to pursue drama in a rural Texas community theatre.

Eventually, she earned the title role in the 2012 Broadway revival of Annie, which is when

the ball really started rolling on her young career.

It was also then that she first met Stranger Things' Caleb McLaughlin and Gaten Matarazzo,

who were starring in The Lion King and Les Miserables at the time.

As she told Vogue, "If you're a child, and you're on Broadway, you automatically know

every other child in a production.

It's a proper community.

There's a park on 43rd Street where we would all go to let off energy before we had to

go back and perform another show."

Though Annie was her biggest Broadway gig, Sink also starred alongside veteran Helen

Mirren in 2015's The Audience.

TV turn

While hitting it big on Broadway, Sink made her television debut in 2013 as a guest star

on FX's hit series The Americans.

She'd later pop up in other hit series such as Blue Bloods and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Of course, Sink didn't merely make cameos.

Before landing the role of Max on Stranger Things' second season, the young actress was

notably featured as a main cast member on the NBC thriller American Odyssey.

Breaking into the big screen

Sadie Sink made her big-screen debut in 2016's sports drama Chuck, in which she plays the

title character's daughter, Kimberly.

The boxing biopic received generally positive reviews, and — though her role was minimal

— helped bolster the young star's résumé.

Her most prominent big-screen role to date is that of a young Lori Walls in the 2017

American biographical drama The Glass Castle.

Based on Jeannette Walls' 2005 memoir of the same name, the film follows an autobiographical

account of the author's poverty-stricken childhood existence with her family and father.

While the film has received mixed reviews, it certainly proved that Sink has just as

much talent on a film set as she does on a small screen series.

As Stranger Things 2 escalates their public profile, count on Dacre Montgomery and Sadie

Sink to continue accelerating their already prolific screen careers.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why Billy And Max From Stranger Things 2 Look So Familiar - Duration: 3:53.


SURVIVAL HORROR - Terrible Writing Advice - Duration: 5:15.

It's Halloween so I thought I would take the time to create an episode on horror.


I think I'll play video games instead.

But what kind of video game to play?

How about survival horror!

I know.

Let's write a survival horror game!

Don't worry.

Writing for a video game is easy because the standards are so painfully low!

Come to think of it, so are the standards of horror writing as well.

That means we can be as lazy as we want and get away with it so long as we can brag about

our new lighting engine!

Now where to start?

Plot, setting or characterization?

What about gameplay or features?


Start with the pre-order bonuses.

After carefully doctoring our alpha footage, then we can actually start on writing the

game's script.

When the game begins we need a way to establish our plot which should be paper thin by design.

The biggest issue is coming up with a reason the player character would stay in a remote

location infested by monsters.

The best way to handle this problem is to give our player character a stock motive like

they are looking for a lost spouse, significant other or sibling while characterizing them

as an average person.

Then just ignore the problem!

They can't leave the monster infested town because… um the bridge burned down behind

them, or the roads are blocked, or um they just don't feel like it okay!

Then go back to emphasizing just how average and out of their depth the characters all.

This will in no way be glaring as they mow down hundreds of terrifying monsters that

professional soldiers and law enforcement failed to stop in the previous cut-scene.

We don't want our main characters burdened with the disadvantage of discipline or military


Another important quality to add to our character is the true horror of survival horror.

No not the jump-scares.

It's the dialog and voice acting.

"Oh no.

It's a zombie.

What do I do?

I better run!"

Lackluster voice actors too expensive?

That's fine.

Just have the other programmers around the office record those audio logs that are left

laying around everywhere.

Overworked programmers during crunch time will give a performance that will really convey

the fear to the audience.

Since our characterization is awful, better focus on environmental design instead.

As our characters lack any kind of preservation instincts, the writer is free to have them

wander into increasingly suicidal locations no sane person would step into.

No need to worry about getting lost since someone was kind enough to leave the tutorial

written on the walls in blood.

These locations include, but are not limited to: abandoned mental hospitals, secret government

research laboratories, dark forests, dungeons, abandoned industrial areas, sewers, remote

archaic mansions, and police departments plagued by inexplicable logic puzzles.

Don't forget the fleshy walls and extra grunge.

Is the texture quality poor?

That's fine.

Make everything dark.

The player won't know any better until they download the flashlight mod so they see enough

to actually get through the stupid game.

With one or more stock settings done, it's time to move on to the best part.

Designing the monsters!

Making monsters for a survival horror game is actually really simple.

Just mash a bunch of different 3d models together and apply a meat texture.


If that's too hard we can always just add zombies.

We obviously need more zombie games.

Such a shame there is a drought of those.

But how will the player combat the monsters?

There are only two options.

Fight or flight.

If a game designer chooses flight, then the player will never have the ability to fight

back no matter how illogical that becomes.

No need compensate for reducing player agency.

The other extreme, I mean option is to force the player to resolve every monster encounter

with violence.

Having the player become a walking arsenal will in no way undercut the horror elements.

Speaking of horror, the best way to scare the player is to stick to what works in other


Repetition doesn't lead to desensitization after all.

Nothing works best than the good old fashioned jump scare.

Jump scares will continue to be scary even after the hundred time!

They work even better when you telegraph them by making the room eerily silent.

Be sure to cut the music moments before the monster jumps out.

Once the monster appears, then start shrieking that violin.

Want to add to the atmosphere?

Nursery rhymes sang in monotone and children whispering in the background is the way to


Don't forget to have loud static flashes with distorted sounds pop up on the screen


Now making a survival horror game is not really about creating a single game, but a franchise!

The first game should be the scariest.

Then the second game should be more action focused with simpler puzzles and larger set


Finally, the third game should have so little horror or survival in it that it's really

just a shooter game with horror elements.

Now for the third the game, we should do something to freshen it up.

Now what could be added to a game about flesh devouring space zombies and ancient alien

artifacts that drive people mad that would mesh seamlessly with those elements?

I know!

A love triangle!


The most terrifying part of any survival horror game is the horrific abomination of the forced

romantic plot line.

I'm sure the inclusion of a love triangle in games about shooting hideous monsters will

totally hook in those romance fans.

We need those extra sales after all so the publisher can continue in vain to turn a niche

market into a mainstream one.

Because unfortunately, the hardest part about survival horror is for a game studio to survive

their own publisher.

For more infomation >> SURVIVAL HORROR - Terrible Writing Advice - Duration: 5:15.


Steve & Dustin | Count on Me - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Steve & Dustin | Count on Me - Duration: 2:00.


The Mystery Behind Jupiter's Powerful Auroras - Duration: 3:06.

Jupiter is the king of the solar system, the king has a crown!

But, like, what's it made of?

Jupiter, has auroras.

We've known this for a while, Hubble spotted them.

But they're not regular auroras, they are the most powerful in the solar system.

Earth could fit inside this loop.



It's awesome.

So, before you ask, yes, Jupiter's aurora is like ours, only larger, except that it

is completely not like ours at all.

On Earth, electrons in the magnetic field in our atmosphere get excited by the sun's

energy and bump into air particles lighting up the skies.

So, scientists thought they'd find something similar on Jupiter.

Turns out, nuh-uh.

We don't understand what is causing Jupiter's auroras, exactly.

NASA's ideas are "all wrong" Isn't that fantastic?

Using a detector called JEDI, (I love nerds)...The Juno probe orbited our jovial planet repeatedly,

taking measurements of its magnetic field.

We knew Jupiter's magnetic field is the strongest of any planet in our solar system,

which should make big aurora, but it turns out it's smaller than expected.

AND the aurora don't behave like Earth's at all which may defy the laws of physics!

To say the least, it's baffling.

And a new study says the electrons that cause the aurora might be propelled faster by waves

in the magnetic field itself…

To energies as high as 400,000 volts!

But sometimes the energies are way lower, Or are firing in weird random directions.

The researchers who are studying Juno's data think, the electrons are like tiny electrically

charged surfers… accelerating on a wave of energy.

But why the unstable random generation and the weird waves?


That likely comes from deep within the planet... and may have something to do with Jupe's

radiation belts… we just don't know enough yet!

Pulsars, some exoplanets and other star types (like white dwarfs) can spit lots of radiation

and have magnetic fields that can wreak havoc on spacecraft.Learning how Jupiter works could

help us build future spacecraft, and keep them safe as we explore space.

It's like learning how to build a boat that can survive lightning strikes or the toughest


But instead it's for the nasty space weather we know we'll encounter.

To paraphrase Captain Sparrow, "Bring me that event horizon."

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Sweet Jumpin' Jupiters, please take a second and subscribe to our show.

We actually visited the place that studies our aurora from the arctic, it's called


Watch more here!

Before plunging into Jupiter on a death glide, Juno learned about the planet's origins,

looked for a solid core, mapped its magnetic fields, measured compounds in the atmosphere

and observed auroras.

RIP Juno.Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> The Mystery Behind Jupiter's Powerful Auroras - Duration: 3:06.


Becoming Jyn Erso - Duration: 1:53.

Hey guys, so I...

in a the spur-of-the-moment decision saw that the Jyn Erso costume was on sale at the Disney Store

Um, it's a children's costume, so I have it here because it came today

Uh, I just opened the box and realized I should just vlog this experience, so here we go

Oh man,

oh man,

I think it'll fit. Like...

the pants...

questionable, uh, (laughs)

let's see how this goes.

Uh, it's so dark, but Oh my god?

Oh my god.

I'm so excited

Here's clips of me running around the beach in this costume

(instrumental music playing that's similar to star wars (tm) but isn't because COPYRIGHT)

(music playing)

(voice over) welcome to my lookbook

today we're on the beautiful beaches of Scarif to join the rebel alliance and beat the empire in this cute and functional outfit

It doesnt fit (laughs)

(instrumental music that's similar to Star Wars (tm) but NOT)

Alright guys, thanks for watching. I don't really know what this video was, but I had fun shooting it

Happy Halloween and I'll see you next time! Bye!


For more infomation >> Becoming Jyn Erso - Duration: 1:53.


Drawing Rufus from Kim Possible - Kim Possible Rufus fanart - DragoNate Draws from Instructions - Duration: 15:12.

hello everyone and welcome back to another dragonate draws from

instructions joined by my friend rocky how's it going last week we did a very

delightful Pumbaa as you can clearly see this week we have three new topics what

are they rocky we have a theme for today's top topics it's shows we watch

when we were a kid ah cool so we have Looney Tunes uh-huh yugioh yugioh again yeah

and kim possible Oh Kim Possible that one that's the one we're doing I haven't

seen my showing for freaking ever I love it was always one of my favorites

definitely one of the best shows that it ricky matee gives me my opinion

alrighty shall we get started yes all right first things first we're gonna

draw kind of elongated oval shape kind of slender but not you know too thin

medium sized but to be like the body okay cool it's a slender but not too too

does it matter how big

like lengthwise or widthwise lengths last section top to bottom it's a

vertical you feel you need a little bit of space at the top for something else

okay well I got that over there you go well you can see it so now at top of the

oval a little circle that attacked is - it kind of not on top more of to the

side or to the side yeah so a little bit on top a little bit to the side come to

the right side there's a left side right thing

I assume this is going to be the head I mean that would just make sense my


there we go basically

okay at the bottom the oval draw wavy triangle a wavy triangle yes so a

triangle shape but the lines being somewhat wavy okay try and go like this

middle no no so the base of the triangle would be at the side of the oval and

going up kind of like a tail so kind of more like here yeah yeah

oh that's I guess

a wavy triangle that sounds kind of strange but okay I'm sure they both act

to the body weight the there's more than one triangle no I mean make sure that

the Mason the triangle type is the body oh okay all right there so now I'm top

of the circle got two little buffs so it bumps like on top and a little bit

on the inside but going help

little bit more sense don't have part of the lines of the head poking through

these bumps that I assume are going to be like eyes yeah and put two pupils

underneath like is it just like right there yep looks like kind of cute eyes

but right underneath and eyes about little ways down draw a little triangle

for no she seemed kind of like a rounded bit of a triangle there yeah there we go

and then draw like like yeah that's my shape it's not there's no other way to

put that okay shit shit shit be a teeny tiny one like Pumbaa last week or should

be a big one yeah this little tiny smile for pom bow whose mouth takes up half

his half his entire head pretty much

oh geez I'm not really happy with the with the smile but and then to Bucky to

buck teeth okay all right there I'm pretty sure you know who this is right

now yeah it's Rufus

I kinda I was kind of confused what the little triangle shape is gonna be for I

was expecting maybe like runs legs and then once you said like the bumps up

here I'm like okay that's gotta be Rufus because no one else has their eye

sockets kind of poking outside of their head only roof and it has that so let

the easy topic this week oh this is the easy one

yeah really okay well that's okay it's so cute alright now to move on to

his legs legs are kind of hard to describe

you know you put like the bottom half of your calves just like little mini cows

okay I think that has to read you the tail yeah the tail looks a little bit

messed up there it does not look right I'm not I'm not impressed with it there

I'll wait I'll wait I guess until I get the legs on maybe I I don't know oh

goodness gracious well whatever let's erase it let's try

it retry it trying to make it look more mol ratty ish let me consider mmm okay


those tales kind of kind of long I think yeah I remember

it's kind of big and sit chat there the bottom half

kind of there and then the legs so kind of like bottom half of calves I don't

know how to how to draw legs are like the worst thing for me I can't draw legs

see for me it's fingers for me it's a all that kind of thing I guess I I guess

I'm pretty good at faces you know not really this one this is like Rufus at

all not none of these legs are gonna or none

of these pictures are probably going to look very accurate to what they're

supposed to be this is starting to look like some kind of human Newton's mole

rat thing hybrid something like that yeah yeah well whatever let's let's

continue with Disney recently taking a bunch of old kid shows and reviewing

them you think they're gonna read you can possible I have no clue I feel like

there probably would in some ways I kind of just wish they would bring the show

back really redo it but just bring it back so

I kind of miss a show I guess I kind of did end though so I can't be too upset

yeah it just sucks that it ended and then put like poof's at the bottom

can't like little hoof like talons males things don't want this to end up being

like a a mole rat pig crowded the entire cast oh I don't know I really love Rufus

Rufus is super cute but of course Kim Possible is the main character with your

help you kind of have to like the main character maybe I don't know hmm

her shit she was always you know very good at flips and fighting and stuff

she's like it's not some some flippin superhero without any actual powers I

guess yeah she's the female Batman yeah something like that there we go all

right now for his whiskers that was Chris are probably easiest yes and now

his burial Oh God have I draw the hands in this picture he has his hands crossed

so that's gonna be real easy to draw

golly Oh God I don't know how you'd well you tell me because I think I have an

idea in my head but you're supposed to be giving reading instructions for it so

otherwise it wouldn't be a dragon a transfer instructions it was just me a

dragon it draws draw long even W shape

okay everything just looks like a cracked egg for now but and then kind of

the same shape a little bit above it

now it kind of looks like he's a monk you know praying had their hands like

that I was walking around with their hands together now on the bottom left

draw like a little claw it a little hand I guess little Bowl hand that I care

yeah see your fingers cause and stuff look terrible for me but there we go

hopefully that works opposite side do the same with hand going up it looks

like crossed hands it does I think I think there needs to be like sent some

kind of a divider divider for them because if this one was going over here

then it would be yeah I enjoyed a little

III don't know where the divider should actually go turn it there and there

maybe it doesn't look great it looks totally it's fine it's totally fine

don't worry about it here we go he's kind of got crossed hands now first there

we go it's a beautiful Rufus from Kim

there we go beautiful Rufus from Kim Possible I feel like his his arms should

have a little bit more mm you know detail that kind of look flat I guess

I'm so very terrible at drawing like I don't know what kind of details to add I

think his body is a bit too ovular and it shouldn't have more you know

shape to it more unique shape to it rather than just an oval he still kind

of looks like a cracked egg to me yeah you like this if you like erase these

align in place but a little bit for a little bit between

yeah just even attacked the legs together

I think his his back here his back is more kind of

straight huh your back is more attached to his head yeah a little bit so we'll

just kind of go right there there you go Rufus you got a little net

or web or something attaching your natchez spear do you have that that

likes it seemed a lot weirder in my head I guess well there we go there's my

beautiful Rufus of affront from Kim Possible you'll see a real one over here

so I guess that is it then so and thank you everyone so much for watching this

one was easy and pretty quick actually so but it was still fun and I hope you

guys enjoyed it um don't forget to let us know in the comments below

mmm two things let us know what you thought of this this drawing and how

accurate it is and how and how lovely it is compared to the real Rufus

the real Rufus is much better and don't forget to let us also know in the

comments a bill bill this way this hand there we go that way let us know in the

comments below some ideas for future topics just because we don't pick one

right away doesn't mean we won't do it because we're gonna continue this for

like as long as we can for a very long time so don't worry about it until your

drawing skills are that of a divinity oh god I don't think that's gonna happen

either yeah we will this is it so we will see you again next week have a

wonderful week and Godbless have a good night

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