[champagne pops] MATT: Woo!
AURORA: Oh... Woo!
AURORA: Well, it's a little bit early to say....
MATT: I can't believe the numbers.
I mean, they're bigger than anything we ever had
for "The Badge." AURORA: We're a hit!
DAVID: I know I never thought I'd say this,
but I love teenage girls.
MATT: Do you love them as much as they love the show?
'Cause they fucking love the show.
DAVID: Probably not. AURORA: Fourteen hours later,
and we're still trending. #OMG!
DAVID: Yeah, uh, teenage girls don't actually say that anymore.
"Ugh, she's so basic."
MATT: Yeah, that's not happening anymore either.
AURORA: Well, who cares how they are talking about it,
as long as they are thirsty and they keep on posting about it.
DAVID: So, you see?
The show was good. You don't have to worry.
AURORA: Worry?
DAVID: You should tell her.
AURORA: Tell me what?
MATT: It's nothing. DAVID: Oh, hardly.
Matt got offered a job in LA,
and was actually thinking of taking it.
AURORA: You what ? MATT: Why would you do this?
DAVID: Because it's a moot point!
We're celebrating. You're staying.
Cheers! MATT: [sighs]
You are such a child. [sighs]
I was gonna talk about this with you later, but...
Sally Statham offered me a job on her new show.
AURORA: The courtroom thing? MATT: Yeah.
I said yes. I'm taking it.
I'm moving to LA.
I need to believe in something.
DAVID: But you don't believe in anything.
You're like the zenith of apathy.
MATT: Yeah, and maybe staying here is part of the problem.
If I stay here, I'm just gonna keep
working on this shitty show.
DAVID: It's not a shitty show. It's a hit!
MATT: Just because it's doing well
doesn't mean that it's actually good.
DAVID: Tell that to Andrew Dorian
who sent the fancy champagne.
MATT: Since when do we care about what Dorian thinks?
Man, you got your head in the punch bowl,
and you're drowning in Kool-aid.
DAVID: [Kool-aid man voice] Oh, yeah!
MATT: I want to like something again.
I want to feel proud. I have to care about something.
DAVID: And that's gonna be a courtroom drama
with Sally-Sellout-Statham.
MATT: I started writing because it meant something to me.
Now I'm just cashing the cheques,
and the mediocrity is suffocating.
So I'm making a change.
DAVID: Again, to a courtroom drama with Sally Statham.
AURORA: David. MATT: [sighs]
Here is my letter of resignation.
Firstly, I want you to know that I respect your decision,
even though the show was your idea and you got us in this mess
and you are jumping ship at an incredibly critical moment.
..,here's my letter. DAVID: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
AURORA: Effective immediately,
I'm taking a three-month leave of absence.
DAVID: Okay, everyone holster your weapons and stand down.
Our numbers are huge. There is champagne on the table.
We should be celebrating, not falling apart.
AURORA: I need to spend some real time with my family.
We are in crisis. It's not fair to them.
It's not fair to me.
I was gonna let you guys finish out the season.
There is only episode 12 and the finale to do.
Are you sure you can't stay a little bit longer?
MATT: No. I-I signed a contract.
I fly out in a week.
DAVID: But she's the boss,
so technically her letter cancels out yours.
MATT: Yeah, it doesn't work that way.
DAVID: Fine.
You go to LA-- which P.S., I'll never forgive you for--
and you take your leave of absence--
which I totally understand--
and I will take care of the show.
AURORA: Yeah, um...
Dorian might not be comfortable with you taking the reins.
It's just kind of a sensitive time
for someone like you to be....
DAVID: Someone like me?
AURORA: Someone who hasn't done the job before.
We have to get somebody to come in--
DAVID: Is it Dorian who would be uncomfortable, or is it you?
AURORA: Please don't take this personally.
DAVID: How am I supposed to take it, exactly?
You don't think I can land the plane.
AURORA: We have to go to him with a solid contingency plan.
I mean, he could be fine with one of us leaving, but not two.
DAVID: Oh, yes, we can't afford to lose
two wunderkinds at the same time.
Everything will fall apart. Do you think I can do it?
MATT: We need to make this as palatable and straightforward
for Dorian as possible. DAVID: I'll take that as a "no."
AURORA: I'll call Curt. MATT: I'll call Semi.
Look, he could just take what is already a very complex situation
and make it much, much worse.
DAVID: What do you care?
You're leaving.
You're both leaving. [knock on door]
ANDREW: Am I interrupting something?
I see you got my bottle of fancy champagne.
AURORA: Hi, Andrew.
ANDREW: I couldn't help but, uh... overhear.
I think you'll find...
nobody is going...
[police sirens]
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