okay guys I am super excited today I have not seen this on YouTube yet these
are the new Jurassic world fallen Kingdom blind bags I got two of
these when I went to the New York Toy Fair 2018 the Mattel booth so they gave
New Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Blind Bags Unboxing Mattel Giant Dinosaur Toys Surprise Egg
but on top of that we are gonna open up a bunch more cool surprise dinosaur toys
and surrounding this guys is my Jurassic world dinosaurs on open I went ahead and
purchased pretty much every single one of them unopened again cuz I you know I
Hasbro did not do that great of a job but I still love the toys I mean these
toys a walk really kicked off my channel so I mean I have a special affection for
these toys and you know the indominus rex is pretty incredible
so anyways let's get started let's see what's in our giant Jurassic world
okay and the first thing is like I said a drastic world blind bad our second
item is also address a world blind bag okay we have a bunch more awesome
surprise toys but before I continue guys I found the super colossal t-rex on eBay
I ordered it and I should be getting it later this week so I will be reviewing
that and having some awesome battles the guy is over three feet long he is
awesome I did talk to Mattel there they're supposed to send me dinosaurs
early but they said they can't do anything before the end of the month
so I mean how accurate that is I'm not really sure so anyways I went ahead and
paid more than double the retail price for this guy's so I could show you guys
okay this one would not fit into the package this is screechers wild monkey
wrench we'll open em up and that was sent to me by my friends at alpha toys
and they also went ahead and sent me another one this is screechers wild bee
breaths so that's another really awesome one so these are transforming ones they
transform from vehicle to creature flip and more they are
and then we have this big adventure for set to open up this says try me so the
Jeep's light starts tough it lights up the
dinosaur Wars really cool set oh I actually bought this one at Walmart okay
so I am super excited about these little blind bags you can't find these anywhere
like I said these were given to press only you can see it's a new jurassic
world packaging it says mini action dino over there and then here is what it says
on the back not really much detail or anything but you could see they are made
by Mattel so anyways let's go ahead and open these up so guys if you use
scissors at home be careful you don't cut anything you're not supposed to
super excited guys this is actually my first unboxing of drastic world toys wow
what is in here oh we got an egg clear sore ass sweet I'll zoom in on him in
one moment I believe there was something else in the package here so in the
package here okay so it comes with a little poster of the Jurassic world
volcano erupting and it gives you a list of all the mini dinos here so says only
available in three packs all they got the indominus rex no way
i thought you wasn't gonna show up at all you've got the t-rex
Baryonyx Tran Adhan stigma lock Velociraptor Velociraptor blue / SF blue
soros anglia soros stegasaurus triceratops tyrannosaurus rex
Apatosaurus and Dilophosaurus guys i am super excited indominus rex i thought he
was not gonna show up here at all wow I hope they come up with some bigger ones
I would love to have a new indominus rex in like a new mold oh really
same one so another ankylosaurus so two blind bags same characters maybe Mattel
did that on purpose did they don't want to show off their other dinos so here
you have the volcano erupting again and again the list of the dinos so anyways
let's go ahead and zoom in on these so these are really similar to the Hasbro
miniatures a little bit bigger the detail is pretty much the same this has
a JW low it has something and believe that JW
there on the board it does say Mattel China here on the
tail so anyways that's a first look at the blind bags like I said I am super
excited that they have the indominus rex in here I want a bigger figure the
indominus as you can see I am a huge fan of the indominus the ones in the back
there I think I got either three or four of each of them so I love the indominus
is awesome okay guys this is awesome I did not realize even these small sets
have moving parts check this out the tail moves so each one of these small
blind bags are gonna have an action feature I mean look at that the tail is
moving on one of these tiny little dinosaurs hopefully some of them will
have like moving you could open the jaws and stuff like that awesome
okay then we're gonna go ahead and open up these creature wild sets this is the
V Rex spelled with the W and like I said these are made by alpha toys so it's a
new company they went ahead and requested to send me these and I think
they're also looking so we will open this up and check it out
and that's what's in the package before I remove it so there's the first one
let's go ahead and open the second one that will check them up okay then the
second one's called monkey wrench so to just call it
creatures rip this open and check it out
okay so this thing's in car mode and it captures these discs so you push it
right towards the disks and watch it it will transform into its Beast ah that's
pretty cool let's see that again I think is you have to pay attention when you're
transforming it back because there's like actually several things you got to
do push it together like this here and then if this part on the bottom has to
go forward to lock it into position there I mean I'm sure once you practice
you could get this thing down a lot quicker but you got drop the head there
and then it locks into position there so let's check that again from front of you
ah that is pretty cool just pops right into mode
anyways let's check this guy out so he is like a beast then you could go ahead
and remove the disc you could put these back because he actually looks cooler
with those back no I guess not the the t-rex does so this guy is in
beast mode here you can see him I'm sorry here's a better view so he's
got arms he's got a head here that moves up and down it's almost like a
transformer that pops in just like that and then you have different colored
discs so it comes with two red ones and a purple one
let's check this out again so basically go ahead push in these sides push this
guy down pull this lever forward here push these arms in over here and
then you lower the head to lock it into position there so once like I said once
you start doing it it's not too bad let's check out the it's cool the
instant it touches it and pops into form okay then here's the other one
and guys these are totally awesome when I first did it I'm like wow this is
totally not working but I'll show you how to do it is pretty simple actually
and they are fun as soon as they hit this disc BAM they are in full form how
cool is that so here let's go ahead check this out so you got a t-rex with
the mouth that moves up and down the arms actually move he's got a big gun
here you could rotate to the back so when you if you buy these just follow
these instructions here first of all just go ahead and fold this guy's head
down you pulled him down here and then there's a little deeper on the bottom
here that you pull forward there and that will lock the whole top into
position that's what I didn't get there and then these backs slip in and he is
in position so here he is like an awesome tank so let's go ahead and check
that out again we have to see that in slow motion because it's totally awesome
Oh check that out and then I'll like I said once you get better at this you'll
get quicker flip these back flip the head down drop in there put the gun
forward push the lever up in the bottom here and he is transformed back and then
once again Wow that is totally awesome so anyways that is our screechers wild
sets with three discs each okay so this is our final one this it is adventure
force you can buy this one at Walmart very reasonable price so it includes
quite a bit let's go ahead open it up okay guys so these adventure Force sets
actually give you a lot of stuff they are from Walmart and to me they're
pretty much identical to the Animal Planet toys from Toys R Us so they are
really cool sets so go ahead check it out first
you've got the Jeep with working sound and lights I mean that looks awesome
that is a really cool looking Jeep the sound is sweet the trailer disconnects
the door opens you could fit the figure into there when he's not carrying his
weapons the door will close this other door
and closes here big oversized tires really cool-looking from like I said
with sound effects that's one mean sounding Jeep so that
and then it has the trailer that attaches right there was an awesome
dinosaur the back of the trailer opens and closes so you can go ahead and load
the dinosaur in I mean these are cheaper sets guys so don't expect great quality
because it's not you have to be careful not to break it so I mean you know for
the price you're paying this is probably about a fifteen dollar set for
everything that you get with them you can't expect super high quality but I
mean they give you a lot of different stuff for what you're paying for and
then you get an awesome dinosaur that actually makes sounds so definitely
sounds like a raptor but it looks like an Alice or because it does not have the
third floor anything but he is he's got like tribal markings on his
head here his mouth does not open and close his arms don't move
so he's pretty much fixed in this position but like I said really cool
dinosaur movie nice so for what you're paying for you get a lot and then you
get a little bigger here with a bunch of weapons and accessories his arms move
but he does not bend his legs ok his legs do move forward so you could have a
menacing position fit him into the Jeep and then he's got this cool little case
here where you put the rest of his accessories he had flashlights scissors
and canteen and then in his hands he's got a knife a syringe and tweezers on
his belt so like I said really cool fun set I mean there's a lot you can do with
this set for a very affordable price so put this guy in there and the way we go
okay guys totally awesome I love that that was our first unboxing for Jurassic
world fallen Kingdom toys or Jurassic world - totally awesome I love the job
they did even with these little miniature figures you guys are awesome
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