Good afternoon gamers, its Tamed Delirium here and welcome to Castle
Crashers remastered now I've it's been a long time since I played Castle Crashers
because I put it back in when it first released with my brother on the Xbox
when I was probably like 10 yeah I was probably like 10 when it came out and I
think I don't know maybe like 11 10 maybe even younger than that I don't
know point is it's been a while and so I
bought the original game a long long time ago but then I decided that I
wanted to get the room master because it's 1080p at 60fps oh you see that's
what you want right I don't know why they didn't do that the original game
but that I guess that was a challenge on the Xbox for whatever reason or just
because they're I don't know they couldn't do at the time but basically it
was on sale for anybody that owns the previous game for $5.00 anybody that I
want opinion this game could get the new game remastered for $5 and recently like
I think was a couple days ago Xbox gave me $5 to three sci-fi castle
crashers remastered with that money okay let's play the local game we can do this
is new let's just play Castle Crashers because
that's what we're here for or play we're here for the story okay so
who is this I remember I had the her the fire the ice the electric and the poison
but I umber I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead with ice because ice is
just freakin joke I love the blue I love blue it's in the background man
it's on my t-shirt okay blue is awesome hell yeah let's rock out
on this place what the hell what's going on here Oh No
somebody's dead he disappeared he's shot by an arrow what the heck's going on
here man okay
why is there prim season one pick K alright and one job orbs o animals
provide various bonuses and new enhancements if you befriend an animal
if you prevent before an ammo and Orban a while they will hopefully loyally
follow you okay why is it text so hard for me read hey
did you forget about how these these items
here's the top potion press right or left bumper Otago I am in Tori press B
to use and I am you selected okay I can tell you how to use magic okay right RT
or activate your magic art see and why the press special attack okay more magic
abilities will be available as you increase your magic skill add more skill
points to magic to increase your magic abilities when trained magic will be the
most devastating skill you can acquire okay hey can I teach you how to basics
of combat press expertly attack its fast first wife or a heavy tech press a it
for jump press LT to block those baddies Oh turn over your attacks or perform
different combos okay
okay so that's block this is magic oh cool okay there's that my only move
oh okay so I have to press Y in R T which is the ice thing okay that's cool
all right so now that we've done the tutorial part let's get onto the game
what the heck is that guy oh yeah so he's the enemy I remember this okay and
the king what's that orb he wants it obviously okay now it's possessed no but
there is we have mr. Hellmuth okay if you if you were in my school we had a
health teacher mr. Hellmuth and yes we is that Lily that's sweet yes
okay okay you know what
the compacts Peter I can't really do any combos yet that is quite weird because I
don't have any moves really oh that's cool that combo alright alright just
copied him okay oh yeah do the music heck yeah
whoa I didn't know I could do that combo - alright cool
can't I can't I can't tonight I can't tonight so oh yeah uh so if you watch
the series on pit people that's that's who made this game I think this is our
first game to be honest Castle Crashers and they made pit people they also made
um Super Meat Boy which I'm gonna playing it back and I I'm gonna play
again what I've never played actually I don't I said that play again but I will
play as a series um but my point being I want to play every bit was for he myth
game yeah let's go back here I want to play area 15 with game because they're
just so good I like their retro style in their comedy that they put into their
games it's very interesting you know I'm saying
I'm really bad at this combat right now I'm gonna have to get used to it and
find out some combos but right now I'm just beating the crap out of these
people not really
okay I'll visit that guy for weapon info
okay well that's not good you're losing stuff I want to pick up that weapon all
right what's going on here one for dead people okay I got a helper
here is he gonna die though hopefully not well I could throw people
I didn't I could throw people that's cool
that's really cool okay 32 gold seriously yeah I need that sort
but it's so expensive let's see the flexpay he told me that he need to see
him for anything okay so oh yeah that's right so down here is all the weapons I
think I should use the hammer yeah hammer sounds good because it's a little
bit slow but it's it's got a lot of damage these are animals
oh yeah so I don't have any animals so it's on here okay I love the music here
okay is there a way I can go back to the map
what was that be exact okay wait I'll go back the map please
ba-ba-ba-ba okay metric yeah it doesn't tell me how did it go - back to the map
though all right oh yeah speaking of what you forgot to say it's only like
5:30 at night and the Sun is literally pitch black outside it's nothing there
he's not even Sun house out there but uh so yeah that's that's why that's okay
wait wait so it does say then why did it tell me okay
a a whoa see this is why I went combo is bro hit yeah hey there's an apple I
gotta eat that Apple damn Apple sir what we need bro
heck yeah that's a really cool combo but it's really weak currently yeah it's
pretty beat the living crap out of these people bro
oh yeah heck yeah get Elvis coins now stop punching the corpse
what the heck bro stop punching my corpse okay boy he's not dead see he's
my buddy don't punch a corpse though okay he's alive but never punch record
is disrespectful bro I understand you care about them because they're trying
to kill let's deal okay you gotta respect whamon okay over a few deep I
it's said that you gotta remember that okay he's my boy
you want respect from Buddha pie you want respect from women okay you gotta
respect both is it X X Y X
x.x wine put the heck okay stop shooting me whoever shooting
me stop stop stop stop you deserve to die my goodness
am I gonna die with my own it's like what the heck that throat was crazy all
right so I got 30 points that's someone something why are you eating him
are you eating him that's cannibalism son you know what that you would that
people are gonna be hating it for that yeah you too CPR that guy bro-becue okay
okay um stop chewing up arrows stop
I needed them that's why I drank that potion okay you want I want to get past
this all right the guy respect me for you know using the potion all right
oh Jesus what I supposed to attack this guy used to way too fast for me what the
well there we go oh Jesus Jesus
okay this is actually somewhere intense I mean what would I expect in the game
that'd be intense you know I'm saying so thank you thank you
oh Jesus beat the living crap out of it dude okay
okay okay chill chill chill what the bumps chill chill chill
okay t'wall world well son
can I just there we go that's what I'm looking for son $9.99 I can't pick up
that coin I like that compound a
that's pretty good man
this is pretty good game I like it I like I remember the combat pretty well
but it was I don't remember it being this good in this satisfying
I Drive a boss up of this I think do i if we're done I'm screwed
I mean that meat gave me a bunch of help quick let's do I want this weapon thank
you I should toy and make that like press a
or something instead of like Joan that is probably something they should do but
try attack them no no I shouldn't talk that okay I have to
there you go old IAP scream
is it really this hard to get up close and personal wham bam bam dead that's
fuckin right dead break down the store keep the
living crap out of it Jesus okay alright
for people the beats alright I'll take it as it's fun and satisfying heck yeah
I get all the country okay okay what will we have to offer what do we have
here all for princess is trapped up there what the heck
whoa thing watch your yelling there oh-ho that's like double his size man
that's toilet where she said hey hey whoa Jesus no no no we can all chill
with this right that's some no no no she's how do I get held back
I'm already I lost all right let's just do all a strength
or no no no no we gotta do three
okay okay so we say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I didn't
want to have to do this over and over and over again
I like how eyes like eyes pop out it's funny but do that guy is a freaking
beast basely Master Jesus Christ no no no no you don't get the punch thing like
that hey hey hey stop hey hey yeah see see how it is I can dodge him no don't
take the princess away from me son hey hey hey where is that poison what
hits okay was like gasoline I don't know how you do that okay that guy came on
the floor way too quickly see how long it took me to gather could floor and
then him out of the floor what's not fair okay
wait whoa whoa okay I'm behind you okay
level four a man sprint XY well he's dead okay
let's open the chest oh Jesus that's a lie a treasure thank you son
thank you son heck yeah let's grab all this treasure heck yeah oh yeah I love
that music heck yeah let's grab all this treasure
man oh yeah oh yeah let's free the princess I missed a coin over there
that's fine let's get kiss man thank you all yeah
don't one I died six times is that what I supposed to say all right new
character I unlocked he's gray that's boring but that's that's boring
all right speak up the doc and we got the forest entrance let's go to the doc
why not it's not an actual motion is it I require these relics before we set
sail okay I said to get all the relics all right okay let's go up there forest
entrance heck yeah let's go mate let's go he's
freaking jerk son okay you can do that oh yeah this runs of Yoshi or Mario that
guy it's really annoying because everybody fights over room so I'm not
gonna oh yeah I can get on to drop out that he does so much damage
okay I can't get the coin thank you well there's another Princess Anna Anna
Prince that's not fair it's they deserve to die no no no no my my freakin no
exactly my my my animal my pets
yo stop throwing me okay Jesus I have a lot of damage now all that cousin said
say goodbye my friends you might want to not really want to wait that one okay
fight it fight fight hekia oh yeah that's delicious man not me I'm
eyeing human okay the crack now is just get that tasty
apples all right tasty apples get more gold okay okay
heck yeah more fights that kid I'm not even hitting it what he fights fights
fights fights hey no no my my little guy just between
me and him all right well whatever that thing is
it's a crocodile what is it it's very confusing whether it is
maybe you shouldn't make it so confusing one animal is you know I'm literally
being a beast just squashing their way down no you don't get to shoot me bro
there you go you take so much damage these days man hey you should chill out
oh no oh the princesses are leaving oh no I lost my crocodile guy wow that was
easy maybe I am getting pretty strong okay
all right then what's in that chest I want to know I wanna know guys why don't
you tell me huh why aren't you gonna tell me huh hey 8:8 you won't get paid
no fair oh okay I just got a hammer but I don't know what its stats are so okay
I'm kind of having a difficulty over here can we all just chill out yeah you
die and you die charge your air like a boss okay my hammer disappeared but
that's fine I'll just I'll get it again if it's better than my weapon I have now
I can't kill Hayes that's so plain to me I'm so immature
to think that that's really funny oh wait I got a I got it I got it I deco I
don't know what that is that will fire oh heck yeah
don't get a new comma this time all right that's fine don't stop shooting if
it arrows why are you always guy why y'all stuck down here okay seriously
what's what's with some can you not glitch up like that
thank you you you need to stop and just die stop walking around in that deers
you know poop okay it's let's uh let's move on let's move on with our lives
I thought I was gonna have to cross who like jump across that river right Daniel
dude what is that what is were these people okay I haven't seen this part of
the game yet I don't remember this part this was my last level I played him one
day like I didn't play a line when I was playing the game so I remember the pet I
remember all that stuff but I remember these guys I don't think I have finished
the mission of it wunst thing I got bored of it or something
my can only shooters are fun I need yeah I need that hammer I don't want to stick
yeah I don't want to stick Oh break down this wall man
thank you just like what we did in history man okay okay the audio cutouts
I didn't hear what that said work with that said wait what it sounded like but
that was pretty funny it's kind of ruins the humor for me
because I didn't cure with what happened what is it what the heck is that thing
what was that you need I'm
y'all need the time y'all need the die bro
y'all need to die yeah that's it that's it you understand it now don't you let's
keep on walking keep on walking down the aisle run away
why are y'all running down okay what's the boss where's that boss oh god
oh god what is nothing why is that thing I think I remember this actually I'm her
thank you however the boss I kind of is that was making the pounding noise or
what and why is they have a swinging babies why is he having babies can we
can we all show on the baby's here you don't you get that pregnant okay I
understand I understand people say it's fun I'm a virgin so I don't know Stan
but please can this guys stop having babies he's not a guy actually sorry
guys came out baby's almost here unless they're a seahorse but that's back for
another day okay stop stop stop
level six but can you please die thank you GaN hairless thank you
what's that pounding though can I kill the bird no I can't kill the bird or be
able to use this happens oh man oh Jesus Christ what the hell is that oh my god
he's pooping still oh my god okay go go go go go go go go go go
I probably just stay back so I can you can see this obstacles
okay okay no I'm I'm not doing pretty good right now
okay oh my god I'm not jumping over any of us obstacles stop I can't see the
obstacles visits before right there we go I dodged one I'm doing
pretty good man oh my god I just hit a wall how is this happening I should have
enough reaction time to do this why the hell okay I just hope you're having a
good time with that diarrhea over there okay explosive diarrhea Jesus was this
what muses music man pumping it's my aim fortification of a freak until fast
music okay Beck yeah what's what's going on okay
oh my god I died I died I died I freaking died what's going in there
we're gonna always we're gonna keep on um balancing them out
let's see what we can do okay so is it abandoned mill that I okay yeah it is
okay there's a squirrel down there is he giving me okay is he gonna survive this
let's watch him and Jesus they're all terrified and I got dude sound pack for
that guy alright oh my god I cannot react in time
okay I'm picking up that time I'm just gonna jump in case you know it's Harvard
cell when it's truly like this okay heck yeah
connect it every time that's all it's all hot Jesus
nope I think it that time Oh God
okay I might I might die
is it really possible to fail this many times to die
Jesus why is it like so hard like my reaction time goes down like one what's
the song to that goes a on my reaction time goes down my you know a lot of
things go down when the sunset goes down oh my God look at my own neck yeah that
music dude it's freaking lit oh my god I just might die
Jesus Mother of God
thank you
okay I am sir our son he's still pooping we're swimming now I need to get that
and you get that thank you
oh Jesus I'm hanging the rocks why is everything attacking me bro what
the heck is that what's up with Rana hey keep the weight tape die oh my god it's
so funny man oh man and they look at that rabbit just
having a good old time up there countless remind me of uh my friends
some bunny named snowball
Scot with your family I mean I got we're doing with you am I going around it's
good to be weird because weird is different kicking me he's a frickin nun
there's too little now okay this is not good I might die
nah I'm good on health actually but those vampires are those bats I mean
they weren't doing anything the first parts I didn't think I would have to
kill them but they started like attacking me I'm like what the heck bro
all right sick seriously like don't don't call it quits and then not call it
quits oh Jesus here's mr. Elvis man thank ya okay
what the where's my cat oh my god hair balls okay I think this
oh my god this is hilarious what is going on here it's just true chaos what
I came to do barely any damage with them though it's so hard because I'm like I
don't know I'm gonna keep on doing this combo I guess except the jump in order
to like hit him so or am i what the heck where am i okay alright see I'll go
behind him and it's like a 2d thing which is fine I love 2d but like you
can't see it's like it's our sometimes
it's gonna take a while to kill this boss because I can't stay in the air now
well can I go on that ship probably nothing right of course you don't want
to give any advantages to the character oh I can use this oh my god that makes
things so much easier but it obviously doesn't work for me okay what is that
pet do don't by the way like it's not doing anything he's just floating around
over with me which is cool nothing wrong with that
oh my god I could just float an air all day yay
okay looks like Pete came back for me I'm gonna call him Pete I love Pete
Pizza it's a good name
yes no where's a catfish cause it's like a fish in a can
not fish but in 10 and fish we get what I'm saying just I was trying to think
about how like I really love doing gaming that's why I do a gaming channel
but like if I was forced to do like music or something oh my god oh my god
no I wouldn't do it heck no I can't do music I have no I just have no like
taste for music like we're honest like I mean I have a taste for music
take that back but like I just can't do music probably because I'm deaf and that
it really helps that really ruins it for me like I can't do rhythm at all for
other reason just rhythm forget it forget it I can do everything else
rhythm no and on top of that like I don't know what like stuff to do you
know I'm saying like vlogging is fun but occasionally it's like it's hard to do
it daily or weekly it just it just you can't like see if I were to do a
vlogging I would have to okay I'm seriously I'm gonna die if I were to do
flogging I would have to do like multiple days at a time and make up a
montage of that like not montage but like a sequence of that if that makes
sense okay no I need to be on this thing
because like it'll help me $1 is freaking I died I died okay let's try
this again okay so I can kind of like tell when he's about the punch and stuff
which is good I guess like in order to do that you need to dodge like in order
of dodging each other so see like that you know he's gonna do a hairball but
you don't really need $1 a hairball least need a Dodge his punches like that
see but when he goes around flying around and look like like swimming
around and stuff that's when it gets hard
barbar reason it's just it's hard why
can I not get onto him he's floating thingies okay I'm pretty good health
right now but in order to kill this guy I need be a lot better I know I can't
punch me now bro can you is that you can't punch me
okay seriously am I gonna beat this boss
how does barely need damage dude what the heck I mean I guess I need to
upgrade my magic obviously but my magic has no use and I need to upgrade defense
and strength because like those like the two important parts of this game if I
can't come on strong like that then it's just it's it's over a Jody I don't know
I don't see tan importance for Jody really not almost seven already which is
pretty interesting because oh my god well okay
I was working about right home for a second um but you're posted I want to go
through this game I'll obviously from start to finish but I also want to see
how long's that take the max on the character can you mix on a carrier
character and if you can shake go through and basically challenge if I can
max through every character that'd be a good challenge because I
like to do for always behemoth games I like to do a challenge versus people I
did a plague pit challenge which basically I called it but it really
doesn't have been doing ain't north that just because I called it that because
you're probably gonna die a lot I made it so you can't do any automated
fighting cuz they added like auto fight and stuff like that because there's
basically just like am I don't you call it nine arts yes but yeah anyways so
that's what and then you can't put any armor on
Horatio's face or any arm run or a shirt for that fact stuff like that just to
challenge yourself but for this game I don't really see anything to really
challenge you with besides trying to max out your all the characters and do all
the missions everything until from start to finish you know so that's probably
what I'm gonna do dude I'm so close okay I need to stop talking and just focus on
this wheel okay I might die before he before I beat him
this is actually somewhat intense right now oh my god I might have to do this
again look how low is healthy is oh my god
please die it's finally now why is that such a hard boss oh thank god
well my pasta killed Oh am I just gonna okay no kisses for me man
yeah I'm just gonna do defensive attack um I think it's a little too long for a
solid kind of arcade game like this so I'm gonna go ahead end it here if you
want to see tall grass field and whatever is next after that how long a
couple if you want to see more pick people up hit people comment below if
you want to see more of castle crashers we mastered let me know if you like it
if you any advice more games to do try to Super Meat Boy I probably will do
that any games any feedback any advice just you know say I like your channel or
anything like that comment below in the comment section link in the description
all my links and sponsorships I used to have them back in the day probably gonna
get them a sponsored again sometime I want to get anything really too deep
that way I don't have to like say like oh how I wanted to be paid just have to
say something but that's just stupid like I won't be have to be paid be like
oh this is good but it's really bad you know I don't have to do that but any
kind of sponsorship I'll just say hey go to the description buy this and they'll
have to do anything to me I'll just do anything into them but if I decide to do
anything to them I can do anything to me you know so that make sense and yeah
guys I'll see you in my next video sit here bye peace out
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