Sunday, March 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 18 2018

easy life deal presents, top-five best mattress topper. the best, Queens sleep

innovations dual-layer does the idea of sleeping on a puffy cloud sound heavenly

to you this two layer mattress topper adds two inches of fluffy fiberfill in a

soft quilted cover to two inches of cooling gel memory foam for unbeatable

comfort combined with gentle pressure relieving support don't be surprised if

you sleep through your alarm and did we mention that the cover is easy to remove

and completely washer and dryer safe create a luxurious bed for a price you

can afford

machine washable cover gel memory foam made in the USA

second best Lucent four-inch ventilated memory phone this 4 inch thick memory

foam mattress topper will bring new life to any mattress open cell construction

yields a longer-lasting more resilient foam that will not leave

long lasting body impressions lucid memory foam quickly conforms to weight

and pressure this mattress topper will help relieve NIC back and shoulder pain

by reducing pressure points this in turn helps to correctly aligned a spine by

supporting the natural curves of your head neck and shoulders

memory foam topper features a ventilated design evenly spaced and ventilation

channels help to increase airflow and regulate sleeping temperature

ventilated design improves airflow open cell technology prevents lasting body

impressions relieve neck back and shoulder pain

third best luck tryst LLC gel-infused the luckiest LLC gel-infused will help

you put off replacing your old mattress for a few more years the material is

designed to keep you cool and supported through the night and distributes your

weight evenly across the bed so you don't end up sinking into the middle

four inches of memory foam relieves joint and arthritic pain 30-day

money-back guarantee fourth-best authentic comfort sleep joy

visco tune the ventilated authentic comfort sleep

joy visco - uses plant-based ingredients to create a plush and breath thermal

surface to support you for many nights to come it retains its shape over time

is made in the USA and is covered by a 2 year warranty

plastic order dissipates quickly and to thicknesses doesn't get hot like

some phones

fifth best Zionist sleep master before InDesign asleep master consists of a

high density base layer for support top or 2 inches a plush cooling gel memory

foam it contains active charcoal and natural

green tea extract to reduce the chances of it ever picking up unwanted odors

heavy enough not to shift on its own includes five-year worryfree warranty

doesn't come with the cover

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Mattress toppers review| Best Mattress Cover 2018 - Duration: 3:23.


Alimentos que ajudam a queimar gordura - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Alimentos que ajudam a queimar gordura - Duration: 5:36.


6 truques para manter a memória em forma - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> 6 truques para manter a memória em forma - Duration: 7:04.


Dialogo M5S-Lega, il muro di Di Maio su Romani. Berlusconi: intesa col Pd o Salvini ci taglia fuori - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Dialogo M5S-Lega, il muro di Di Maio su Romani. Berlusconi: intesa col Pd o Salvini ci taglia fuori - Duration: 4:18.


I doppiaggi parodia - #DdVotr 206 - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> I doppiaggi parodia - #DdVotr 206 - Duration: 8:05.


Pocoyo em Português | o Show no circo | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo em Português | o Show no circo | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:10.


Cè Posta per te, porta nera e silenzio record: i dettagli sullaccaduto - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Cè Posta per te, porta nera e silenzio record: i dettagli sullaccaduto - Duration: 5:46.


Lino Guanciale e le fiction: è lattore italiano più amato dal pubblico? - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Lino Guanciale e le fiction: è lattore italiano più amato dal pubblico? - Duration: 4:06.


Diletta Leotta, commenti piccanti a Top Calcio 24 e scuse: il web insorge - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Diletta Leotta, commenti piccanti a Top Calcio 24 e scuse: il web insorge - Duration: 4:21.


Di Maio a Cosmoprof: "Vicino a partite Iva e imprenditori" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Di Maio a Cosmoprof: "Vicino a partite Iva e imprenditori" - Duration: 2:34.


Turistas são agredidas em tentativa de assalto na Praia do Buracão - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Turistas são agredidas em tentativa de assalto na Praia do Buracão - Duration: 4:59.


Cè Posta per te, litiga con la nuora su Fb: Enzo non perdona la madre malata - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Cè Posta per te, litiga con la nuora su Fb: Enzo non perdona la madre malata - Duration: 5:35.


#TheOpenHouse - Raping the mentally ill to trigger the libs... - Duration: 8:12:53.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - Raping the mentally ill to trigger the libs... - Duration: 8:12:53.


看了迪麗熱巴這張照片,終於知道那麼多人討厭baby的原因 ! - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 看了迪麗熱巴這張照片,終於知道那麼多人討厭baby的原因 ! - Duration: 4:14.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Palazzo Pant and Ruffle T... - Duration: 20:31.

For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Palazzo Pant and Ruffle T... - Duration: 20:31.


IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Palazzo Pant and Ruffle T... - Duration: 15:44.

For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Luxury Resort Palazzo Pant and Ruffle T... - Duration: 15:44.


The Fourth of Pol-ly! - Duration: 44:22.

For more infomation >> The Fourth of Pol-ly! - Duration: 44:22.


Strange Fruits In The World - Duration: 2:17.

II for strange fruits you have not seen before

dragon fruit they look strange with a red skin that flanks out in an

approximation of fish fins inside a creamy white flesh something like a QB

dotted with lots of semi crunchy black seeds conveniently it can be stupid

right out of the half root of fruit with a spoon during it is illegal to cut open

this bumpy football sized fruit in Publix places in Singapore which must be

the most polite city on earth you know why the creamy yellow flesh

smells like vomit it does not necessarily taste like vomit when you

eat it raw or incorporate it into cakes and ice creams lychee lychee a member of

face so berry family native to southern China the fresh kind is harder to find

it may be able to find seasonally in late spring in China towns once the skin

is peeled off the pellucid white flesh has a delicate perfumey flavor and the

seed inside takes up most of the space perfect bunches tied together can often

run 15 and more jackfruit jackfruit is bigger than a watermelon as you can see

in the picture jackfruit is eaten all over the Southeast Asia where it is

prized for its starchy qualities and often incorporated into vegetarian

curries as a result native to southern India the plant is a cousin of a

mulberry and jackfruit is the world's largest a tree brawn fruit thank you for

watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Strange Fruits In The World - Duration: 2:17.


5 Tips To Overcome Extreme Fear - Duration: 14:58.

This is a lesson I would like to share for the rainbow light warriors.

The ego in us tells is that we have done all of the shadow work and that we are fearless,

or we wouldn't be here on Earth at this time.

You will truly get a chance to test your true fear level when you come face to face with

a "demon" as I did.

I think the story I am going to share makes me qualified enough to share how to overcome

extreme fear.

I always wanted a galactic representative, my higher self, and/or my guides to appear

to me to tell me exactly what is going on and what I should do.

One time I asked my team why they didn't just show up?

I then read something or listened to a video that had the answer.

The general population would completely panic and freak out if the galactic fleet appeared

in the sky just to say hi.

The government would try to shoot them down and many people would carry the trauma with

them after the incident.

I then pleaded for them to just show up in my living room.

I was shown that even though I think I would be able to handle it, since my brain does

not have the memory of what my guides/higher self looks like, my body would instantly follow

the commands of fight or flight.

I would go into a panic mode that would lower my vibration and they would disappear.

That's why only those who have worked on their inner shadows can meet their guidance

team within themselves in meditation, unless you get some kind of help or dispensation

that allows your fear to be neutralized long enough for an experience with them.

I recently had an experience that proves that FEAR stands up to its name, False Evidence

Appearing Real.

The details of how I ended up being involved an exorcism are in the article Transmuting

Dark Mother Energy.

What I did not share in the article is what happened after I went to sleep that night.

To preface it, I look back to three dreams I have had.

I have rarely had any nightmares since my awakening in 2010.

However, the scariest dreams I had recently involved being in the dark.

In one dream I was in what I knew was my father's house where none of the light switches work,

and it was not any of the houses we had lived in.

I remember calling out to him to try to find him.

It was pitch dark and I couldn't see a thing.

I remember I felt frustrated more than scared, as I felt my way around all of the walls,

room by room to try each switch and lamp.

In another dream, I remember being in a single room where I am again feeling around all of

the walls for all of the light switches and none of them worked.

There wasn't any furniture around the walls and I slid my hands from wall to wall.

I remember feeling a bit panicked as to what was happening and what I should do.

The last dream occurred a few months ago.

I went to a local state park and rented a cute little log cabin by myself.

I had one of those serene evenings sitting on the porch feeding some organic pecans to

a pregnant squirrel.

When I woke up in the middle of the night I did not feel like I was in a dream, I had

full cognizance of myself.

I reached over to turn on the lamp by the bedside (that I had just turned off to go

to sleep), and it would not work.

I tried it several times.

I felt something bad in the pit of my stomach.

I remember how fast my brain worked as I thought about what to do.

I remembered that my cell phone was across the room and I got out of bed an crouched

to the floor, crawling over to where my purse was.

In reality, my purse was on the couch, but in the dream, it was for some reason on the

floor across the room.

I got my purse and felt for my cell phone.

Even though I had zero cell service, I was looking for a light.

I pushed the button and it was dead.

I remember thinking I was in a pitch black room in a cabin and no one knew where to find


I do not remember what happened after that, but when I woke up later from the dream and

turned on the light, I was definitely creeped out enough to end my "camping 'me' time

weekend" that day.

I told Sonja about my dream and being in complete darkness all alone and she said "how wonderful,

you experienced the void".

I remember thinking it was not wonderful at all and I did not think I was in the void,

but rather that I was being abducted or something.

I remembered a second dream that same night where a man had visited me in the cabin and

was briefing me, and left from the front door in daylight.

I remember how I felt about him, that I was glad that he was leaving.

All I was left with to interpret it was the feeling inside of me that didn't feel good.

Back to the recent exorcism night.

After being a part of an exorcism in my condo as described in the prior article, my friend

Sonja and I were extremely tired.

Sonja was staying in the guest bedroom after being a guest speaker at a conference that


I retired to my bedroom, used the bathroom, and went to sleep.

Between 2-3 in the morning, I woke to the sound of sand hill cranes cawing.

I remember thinking it was weird to hear birds in the middle of the night.

I heard Sonja cough and listened for any other sign of movement.

It was quiet and I fell back to sleep.

Sometime before dawn, I am guessing around 5:30 am, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.

I remember thinking, should I turn the light on and risk waking up fully or should I pee

in the dark and try to go back to sleep?

I decided to reach for the light and when I pushed it, there was nothing.

I tried both of them and nothing.

I had to pee really bad so I sat down on the toilet…and I "fell in".

Someone had left the toilet seat up.

I instantly felt fear cursing through my veins.

There was no man staying with us in the house and I was the last one to use the bathroom.

All I could do in the moment was finish using the bathroom because my bladder was so full.

I was trying to rationalize if I was dreaming again.

I knew I was not asleep because in a dream, I am always unable to use the bathroom or

I would be peeing in the bed.

The fear really revved up in that moment as my heart began beating so hard that I thought

I was going to have a panic attack.

I yelled out Sonja's name.

No answer.

The greatest fear of all then gripped me.

I was thinking there was a man in my house who had cut my electricity off and he had

killed Sonja, and I was next.

He left the toilet seat up as a signature for me.

I finally finished using the bathroom and went straight into Sonja's room and when

I looked at the bed in the dark, it looked like she was not there.

I got closer to her and saw her, and although she was just sleeping, she looked dead to


I pounded her on the chest and said "Sonja!" and she instantly woke up.

"What?" she gasped.

I whispered in her ear, "The electricity has been shut off and my toilet seat was up".

It's all I could say.

I was so gripped in fear that I could hardly breathe.

It took her a moment to try to understand what I was saying, but as an expert in the

illusion she said, "Now wait a minute let's talk this thing out.

Everything is going to be o.k., come lie here next to me".

I crawled into bed next to her like a scared little girl and then whispered into her ear

for fear of the man in the house hearing what our plan would be.

"I got up to pee and tried to turn on the light, and the electricity is off.

I was the last one to use the bathroom and I fell into the toilet.

That means there is a man in the house.

Should I get my gun?

Should I call the police?"

I'll never forget her answer.

"Girl, the police can't find someone who ain't there!"

We laid there for a few minutes and I was trying to rationalize what to do.

The fear began to subside, although I was still extremely shaken.

I wanted to call my boyfriend and ask him to come over, and I was thinking about whether

I paid my electric bill.

Somehow I ended up getting my phone from my bedroom for a light and checking the breaker,

which was conveniently located right there in the hall between Sonja's room and mine.

It was not the breaker.

As my mind continued to rationalize, I peeked out of Sonja's bedroom window and saw that

the porch lights were on for my neighbors.

We were the only ones without electricity.

I called my boyfriend and he could tell I needed him to come over right then, but I

did not tell him why.

He didn't even know about the exorcism before we went to sleep.

I laid back down in bed next to Sonja and we talked a few more minutes, and the electricity

came on.

That made me feel a bit better.

All I could think about is whether that man was still in the house.

I remembered that my front door was unique, it can only be closed by locking the deadbolt

from the inside or by having a key for the outside.

There was no lower handle and latch, it was just a dummy handle.

If all the doors were locked, he couldn't physically still be in the house.

We checked all of the doors one by one and they were all locked.

I couldn't check the closets, I had to hand it over to Sonja.

As strong as I was, I surrendered to her help.

The fact that my toilet seat was up was a direct message for me by a man who was now

not real.

It was somehow even more terrifying as I could not wrap my mind around what was happening

and realized it was a dark illusion playing out.

After we checked the whole house for a physical man and it was clear, a few minutes later

my boyfriend arrived and I started to calm down even more.

The sun came up and we all three talked about it but we didn't really pinpoint exactly

what had happened.

As I look back at it, I remember one thing that stuck out in my mind more than ever that

seemed to help me calm down.

It wasn't real.

I knew that I wasn't dreaming because I was able to pee.

I knew that Sonja was right there with me so I was not alone.

It was the only thing that kept me from having a complete breakdown.

Even though I have provided multiple articles about the nature of our reality being a hologram

and the healing of the inner darkness or shadow self, none of that came to my mind while I

was experiencing my worst fears.

In the moment, I was more scared about something happening to my friend in my house under my


I was more afraid of being in the dark and not being able to see my perpetrator than


All of these fears were not real were playing out in my mind, projecting into my reality.

I still do not know exactly what happened.

I read reports that on that morning, March 4, some people though they felt a "reset".

I thought that was extremely coincidental.

What I can say about how to face your worst fear, or a situation that you find yourself

in that takes you into fear is that it is not real.

Love is the only thing that is real.

The second thing I can offer is that you are never truly alone.

In many of my dreams, I was alone and in the dark.

That is not true because I am always connected to Source and I have my higher selves and

guidance team watching over me.

It is the forgetfulness of this matrix and the illusion of separation that causes our

human minds to spin our of control with thoughts.

The matrix interacts with your mind and creates the reality for you to "see" what is inside

of you.

The third thing I can offer is that you are creating your own reality.

We are in a holographic matrix that was designed with an artificial intelligence that interacts

with your thoughts.

I went through a little bit of a phase after this experience thinking that I was crazy.

Sonja must be crazy too, as she was right there with me.

Once you pierce the veil by creating a situation where you are shown the extreme fear that

is unseen, you can better get a grip on the fact that we are truly in a simulated reality.

This helps to find that deep shadow within you and to bring light to all that cannot

be taken into a higher frequency realm.

When Sonja left my house that day to return home, she took the remnants of the "dark"

energy that was in the house with her in order to protect me.

She reached out to a friend and transmuted the energy for good once she arrived back


I was still traumatized for about three days until I was able to identify the energy.

Once I was able to identify the source of energy I felt all heaviness leave as if the

energy was completely dissipated.

Once the illusion is shattered, there can be no more trickery of the mind.

In summary, in order to overcome extreme fear, NO MATTER WHAT THE SITUATION, remember:


It is not real, we are in a holographic matrix, 2.

You are never alone, call out for help, 3.

You are creating your own reality, 4.

You are not crazy, and 5.

Identifying the energy dissipates it once and for all

Although this article may seem a bit dark, I hope that it helps you to deal with any

remaining shadows that you hold within you.

The dark energy that caused the situation was brought into my home and matched specific

fears I had within me in order to create my reality.

As I look back it was such a blessing because it pulled the fears out that cannot be taken

into the higher realms.

Write these 5 things down on a sticky note and read them every day, This will re-train

your brain and you will not have to be as traumatized if a situation presents itself

to you like it did to me.

For more infomation >> 5 Tips To Overcome Extreme Fear - Duration: 14:58.


ハイプレッシャーポンプ『BM-SP2000V』でフローターに空気を入れる - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> ハイプレッシャーポンプ『BM-SP2000V』でフローターに空気を入れる - Duration: 0:40.


What 86% of Pregnant Women Aren't Doing (however should) - Duration: 2:42.

What 86% of pregnant women aren't doing

that should they are not getting at tap vaccine

protecting against tetanus that theory a and pertussis it's crucial for women to get the vaccine while pregnant of during every

pregnancy in fact between 27 and 36 weeks according to the CDC

that during a march of dimes event last week about the return of vaccine preventable diseases one infectious disease expert shared

that only 14% of pregnant women are getting the vaccine

why is this so worrisome

because babies are highly vulnerable to pertussis also known as whooping cough

a disease that can be deadly

in fact in 2012 when whooping cough cases were reported at the highest rate since 1955

infants were affected and died more than any other age group

the only person who can truly protect them

their mom before their he even born

babies risk of pertussis dramatically decreases once they've received all three doses of the doubt that theory a tetanus pertussis vaccine

by six months until then there susceptible to a condition that can leave infants coughing so

hard they struggle to brave and or make a painful whoop sound

sounds of pertussis has an audio have another baby with whooping cough that's downright scary when I heard you to listen so you can

recognize this as if you're pregnant and your Dr. Hasn't brought up getting back be at please ask

and there's one more big a thing you should do

I know like you don't have enough to think about as it is

make sure that all of the adults who will be around your baby gets there to doubt shot to

win researchers can pinpoint our baby got whooping cough

the answer is the same and 80% of cases

from someone at home this could be you

your partner your caregiver you're in laws your parents your sister

who get it chances are at some point in your pregnancy of every one of these people will ask you if there's anything they can do for you

here is your answer and of course

any siblings Cousins or other kids who will come in contact with your child should be up to date on their doubt vaccines to

For more infomation >> What 86% of Pregnant Women Aren't Doing (however should) - Duration: 2:42.


Watch: BTOB's Ilhoon Surprises Fans With Unexpected MV Teaser For "Always"(News) - Duration: 1:09.

Watch: BTOB's Ilhoon Surprises Fans With Unexpected MV Teaser For "Always"

BTOBs Ilhoon has unexpectedly dropped a teaser for a new solo music video!. On March 18, Ilhoon surprised his fans with a music video teaser for his solo track Always, which was included on his debut mini album Big Wave.

The song, which features vocals by PENTAGONs Jinho, is a sentimental ode to his mother. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

The newly released clip shows Ilhoon looking melancholy as he talks to someone on the phone in his room. Ilhoons music video for Always will be released on March 18 at 10 p.m. KST. In the meantime, check out the teaser below!.

For more infomation >> Watch: BTOB's Ilhoon Surprises Fans With Unexpected MV Teaser For "Always"(News) - Duration: 1:09.


Top 5 Best Mattress toppers review| Best Mattress Cover 2018 - Duration: 3:23.

easy life deal presents, top-five best mattress topper. the best, Queens sleep

innovations dual-layer does the idea of sleeping on a puffy cloud sound heavenly

to you this two layer mattress topper adds two inches of fluffy fiberfill in a

soft quilted cover to two inches of cooling gel memory foam for unbeatable

comfort combined with gentle pressure relieving support don't be surprised if

you sleep through your alarm and did we mention that the cover is easy to remove

and completely washer and dryer safe create a luxurious bed for a price you

can afford

machine washable cover gel memory foam made in the USA

second best Lucent four-inch ventilated memory phone this 4 inch thick memory

foam mattress topper will bring new life to any mattress open cell construction

yields a longer-lasting more resilient foam that will not leave

long lasting body impressions lucid memory foam quickly conforms to weight

and pressure this mattress topper will help relieve NIC back and shoulder pain

by reducing pressure points this in turn helps to correctly aligned a spine by

supporting the natural curves of your head neck and shoulders

memory foam topper features a ventilated design evenly spaced and ventilation

channels help to increase airflow and regulate sleeping temperature

ventilated design improves airflow open cell technology prevents lasting body

impressions relieve neck back and shoulder pain

third best luck tryst LLC gel-infused the luckiest LLC gel-infused will help

you put off replacing your old mattress for a few more years the material is

designed to keep you cool and supported through the night and distributes your

weight evenly across the bed so you don't end up sinking into the middle

four inches of memory foam relieves joint and arthritic pain 30-day

money-back guarantee fourth-best authentic comfort sleep joy

visco tune the ventilated authentic comfort sleep

joy visco - uses plant-based ingredients to create a plush and breath thermal

surface to support you for many nights to come it retains its shape over time

is made in the USA and is covered by a 2 year warranty

plastic order dissipates quickly and to thicknesses doesn't get hot like

some phones

fifth best Zionist sleep master before InDesign asleep master consists of a

high density base layer for support top or 2 inches a plush cooling gel memory

foam it contains active charcoal and natural

green tea extract to reduce the chances of it ever picking up unwanted odors

heavy enough not to shift on its own includes five-year worryfree warranty

doesn't come with the cover

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Mattress toppers review| Best Mattress Cover 2018 - Duration: 3:23.


Watters' World 03/18/18 2AM | March 18, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:37.

For more infomation >> Watters' World 03/18/18 2AM | March 18, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:37.


STILL GOT IT - H!ZZY - Duration: 4:32.

So bro, what sort of beat are you looking for man?

you know what kinda beat I want?

I want the kind of beat that...

where I can walk & dance at the same time

(Losing my sh*t)

Wtf was that?

Dude there is dance move that I always wanna do, it's this

Bruh... That's that shit If you can do it right?


Must wear shades bruh

Like on stage

Sh*t man I'm writing quite slow man

Haven't been sleeping since Wednesday bruh

Oh sh*t I do rerecord uh

Haven't been asleep like 4 days

party and recording up all day

in an uber swerving like a porche the way Iive so appauling

it's been a long time I ain't never change

maybe I did I dont give a damn

For more infomation >> STILL GOT IT - H!ZZY - Duration: 4:32.


SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Serum: It Was A Free Sample! - Duration: 6:22.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so I actually have a free sample I

haven't gotten a free sample and forever it feels like and it is on the skin

cuticles gold standard antioxidant and this is the ce4 rule ik serum so if

you'd like to see my first impressions of this then please keep on watching and

make sure that you also subscribe to my channel hit that notification about I

blowed a video every single day of the week I don't want you to miss any so

like I said I did get this as a free sample I have mentioned in lots of my

videos where you can go online to get secure free samples so I believe I got

this from trying to think I think there was a link to a Facebook to their

Facebook page and I think it was on crazy coupon lady so that's that website

but anyway so and really really nice packaging okay and just a little bit of

background information on this antioxidant serum okay it has a four and

a half star rating guys get ready for this for a 1 ounce bottle it is a

hundred and sixty-five dollars ok so guys this is some really excite ed

skincare okay so it came in a really really cute

little card it enhances protection against environmental damage caused by

free radicals improves the appearance of lines wrinkles and brighten skins

complexion improves the appearance of loss of firmness so yeah it guys

actually came a little glass bottle ok so let's go ahead and get her out guys a

super super cute little bottle ok little dropper this is absolutely adorable I

think this is amazing for a free sample when I saw the advertisement for the for

example for this I thought it was just gonna be a little sachet little foil

packet but they went far and beyond so guys the skin cuticle ce4 really is a

uniquely formulated with strict parameters to enhance efficiency it's

15% i absorbing acid 1 percent alpha tie several and 0.5 percent

for real like acid so it looks amazing it looks like as yeah and so they have

some little before-and-after pictures this is after let's see you do have to

use this for 16 weeks but you're supposed to apply this in the morning

after cleansing and toning apply four to five drops to a dry face neck and chest

I'm gonna be actually training at night because I wear kind of a lot of makeup

so I don't want it to interfere with that but guys this stuff looks amazing

okay so yeah it prevents signs of aging by neutralizing free radicals that's the

whole entire point of this antioxidant rich high and very expensive skincare so

I'm excited to try it so I just got out of the shower my face is washed it is

also lightly exfoliated with that julep charcoal konjac sponge so there's

nothing on it right now so let's go ahead and get her opened very secure

it smells very medicinal

it's almost as if I didn't put anything on my face add one more drop to my

finger I even think this little sample bottle would last you awhile if you

actually followed directions the smell goes away almost instantly yeah it

absorbed instantly but obviously I don't have a 16 week trial of this but I will

definitely leave in the comments down below if this made me break out that

made me super oily anything like that so I'll leave that down in the comments

below I'm super excited I get to try this I mean this stuff must be amazing

for a hundred and sixty-five dollars for an ounce bottle so unfortunately it

doesn't say how large of a bottle this is I mean but it is small and cute and I

am super excited that I get to try this so guys leave down in the comments below

have you tried the skin cuticle ce4 relic antioxidant serum if you have what

do you think of it do you enjoy it yeah just let me know sorry really really

quick some really quick claims so clinically proven to improve the

appearance of fine lines by 28 percent skin firmness by 31 percent and wrinkles

by 32 percent let's see oh nice let's see on this little free sample our free

gift to you receive complimentary us growl shipping on your next order that's

really really nice that is awesome but yeah I'm very excited to use this

all up see if it makes any kind of difference but that stuff was awesome

smelt like I said very medicinal but I'm excited to see it but you guys thank you

so much for watching this free sample that I got I wanted to do like kind of a

full in-depth a little bit of you know it's expensive it's got afford to have

star rating you know I kind of wanted to do a little got free it's awesome anyway

I hope you did enjoy it if you did then please go ahead and give it a thumbs up

also make sure that you follow me on my other social media twitter facebook

Instagram snapchat is all at budget glam also share this video yeah I don't

forget to share it I've never heard of I've heard of skin cuticles but I've

never heard of the ce4 ruling so definitely share this video and yeah

guys I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video


For more infomation >> SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Serum: It Was A Free Sample! - Duration: 6:22.


THIS CHANNEL IS NOT(Tricked)! - Duration: 3:41.

Close the face

Hello to all of you friends I Resul Arslan on YouTube

You want to find entertaining content, so you're welcome to channel because this channel is just for you

Do not forget this because in this channel

will be content to entertain you

now friends need to tell you that I see an empathy

empathize you are opening YouTube channel and nobody supports you

abone olmuyo like atmıyo yorum yazmıyo yazıyorsada küfür yazıyo

Do not you feel sorry for someone

blasphemy heartbreaker so I'm sorry

I will tell you clearly now friends you

there are fun contents at yotube if i have to mention

and I want to be involved in it

If you look at this channel first you will see 1 video

1000 video subscribers to this video and look at the number of subscribers

how do i get 1000 subscriptions thanks to my old videos

and I blew it all up cause I blew all the bad videos

Let's open a new page and

keep it immaculate now friends you support me

I need to get this channel up if you are not

do not ever forget this channel

now friends if this channel has all the YouTube channels

you have now, so now

I really appreciate you if you support me

because you have YouTube if you have

so you are growing up on YouTube

and growing up and friends

I have to look at it alo -Resul Arslan I am seeing it, is not it?


- this channel is not yours Messenger - this channel is not mine


your channel confirmed by someone else has been given to someone else

see this channel do not look at me but I do not believe you

Believe it or not, but believe it

turn off the face

if this channel is not mine yes it is your channel

if it happens to me it means that this channel is yours

because you have this channel

so you will shape these channels you friends are now friends with you

I will not say if my brothers are subscribed to this channel and like attıysan

you are now our family because you have this channel

do not take it out of your mind

this channel will evolve on your count because this channel is yours

If a person develops your channel then this channel will improve your

this channel supports this channel

and improve on youtube i love you my brother

do not forget and such content videos will come more often

and do not forget

and it will be yours to be gradually evolving

do not actually take it off

because this channel owns your own channel

and subscribe to this channel like at and share it

do not forget that when you subscribe to this channel

you will be counted from this family I love you my brother

and this video

if you need to talk about what will happen to you

challenge this channel

entertainment content videos

Social Experiment

etc. content videos will come

of course when you are supporting this channel and now my brothers

I will have more video footage when you guys support me

and it comes to me with self-confidence, and I

I hold it inside and spend a video

and provides a good video output

so you guys should support me so that you can have fun videos

i love you brother do not forget

Subscribe to this channel and like this video I love you very much my brother

do not take it out of your mind

let's go for good and see you in future videos


For more infomation >> THIS CHANNEL IS NOT(Tricked)! - Duration: 3:41.


Kids Hot Wheels Stop Motion Animation - Duration: 4:00.

hey guys it's Storm Riders Wheels and today we'd be taking a look at a

subscriber generated stop motion so stick around welcome sister buy these

wheels with your host okay guys so we're doing a random live on Thursday night

and my dad asked the viewers to see if they wanted to see how we make our Kids Hot Wheels Stop Motion Animation

so a couple of them said yes so we went ahead and show them how we did

it and it was pretty much interactive with them and us making the stop motion

because they got to pick out what we did and the cars that were gonna be in the

stop motion in this video people chose the cars that they want to be in it and

they also chose what car they wanted to be in and we had a lot of fun

get all the hair

thank you for watching still buy these wheels don't forget to Like subscribe

and ring that Bell

For more infomation >> Kids Hot Wheels Stop Motion Animation - Duration: 4:00.


Police cars Sports and Jeeps Cartoons Cars for Children - Jumping from the Parachute CARTOONS CARS - Duration: 13:15.

For more infomation >> Police cars Sports and Jeeps Cartoons Cars for Children - Jumping from the Parachute CARTOONS CARS - Duration: 13:15.


КВЕСТ БАТТЛ | Женщины против мужчин - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> КВЕСТ БАТТЛ | Женщины против мужчин - Duration: 4:12.


TALKING TOM water PARK EGG HUNT #40 cartoon game TALKING TOM & FRIENDS ANGELA and HANK - Duration: 20:53.

For more infomation >> TALKING TOM water PARK EGG HUNT #40 cartoon game TALKING TOM & FRIENDS ANGELA and HANK - Duration: 20:53.


Trump rewards loyalty in Nevada and shows the power he wields over GOP - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Trump rewards loyalty in Nevada and shows the power he wields over GOP - Duration: 2:27.


Rubina Dilaik And Abhinav Shukla Are Finally Getting Married, He Won't Do An Important Ritual - Duration: 4:38.

Rubina Dilaik And Abhinav Shukla Are Finally Getting Married, He Won't Do An Important Ritual

Wedding bells in the tinsel town are just not stopping this year.

It seems that 2018 is one of the luckiest years for many of the celeb couples.

Some are being open about their relationships and some are taking their relationship to another level.

One such couple who falls under the latter category is none other than, Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla.

Yes, Shakti - Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki actress Rubina Dilaik and boyfriend Abhinav Shukla are all set to take their relationship to the next level by tying the knot.

Isn't it a good news? It has been almost four years that the lovely couple has been seeing each other.

And now, the adorable couple will be marrying in the second week of June 2018.

Their families have met each other and the couple is now finalising the date and venue for their D-day.

The elated bride-to-be showed her excitement and was quoted as saying, "Yes we are taking our relationship forward to a new phase a phase where we will celebrate each other's imperfection and create memories for a lifetime." Agreeing to his lady-love, Abhinav further added, "Yes, we are getting married in June.

We are yet to zero in on a date as we have a couple of options.

The venue too is to be finalised.

There was no pressure from either side.

I was very clear that I won't get married until I find the person I can be myself with and Rubina are just that.

Also, we didn't need any convincing to make up our minds.

We just decided that we needed to take our relationship to the next level after dating for so long.".

But there is a twist in the tale? Do you know what? Well, Abhinav won't be following one of the age-old traditions of Indian weddings.

On his wedding, he will not mount a godhi (horse) during his baraat.

The Aksar 2 actor said, "I am completely against it.

I don't want to trouble an animal, who can't express pain or exhaustion, to mark my big day." Talking about their marriage plans, Abhinav told that he shared it with Rubina's family first.

He quipped, "I first informed her parents and my family connected with hers.

I did bring up the topic of marriage with her, but it wasn't followed by a dramatic Hollywood-like proposal of going down on my knees and popping the question." Talking about the wedding traditions, the couple told a leading daily that theirs will be a mix of Himachali and Punjabi wedding as Rubina is a Himachali and Abhinav is a Punjabi.

Congrats to the lovely couple, Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla.

Your fans are eagerly looking forward to the wedding!.

For more infomation >> Rubina Dilaik And Abhinav Shukla Are Finally Getting Married, He Won't Do An Important Ritual - Duration: 4:38.


Billions Season 1 Recap - Duration: 2:59.

What's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV if you

didn't already know the Showtime hit series Billions is about to premiere its

third season on Sunday March 25th and to get you guys ready for it I've put together a little recap of season 1

season 1 sets the stage for the real players in this show and taking center stage is Chuck Rhodes and his wife

Wendy. They opened the series with some odd role-playing exercises but what's really

important here is that Chuck is the US Attorney for the Southern District

Putting his slightly questionable extracurricular activity aside his job

wouldn't really pose any issues if it wasn't for his wife as in-house

motivational therapist for Axe Capital a company she assisted in constructing

alongside self-proclaimed change maker and hedge fund King Bobby Axelrod

Now it would seem that everybody knows that axe runs a dirty shop making plays

off of insider trading and payoffs but everyone who works for him is captivated

by the glow that is Bobby Axelrod and it doesn't hurt that he makes them a lot of money

Again none of this would be an issue if perhaps Wendy didn't work for

axe cap but more importantly if she didn't have some deep and abiding connection with Bobby

so the pissing contest that is season 1 kicks off with Bobby buying this ridiculously expensive house which

Chuck interprets as his admission of guilt and battle lines are drawn when Chuck's office opens a case against axe

of course he can't go straight for the king so he goes after his night's opening case after case I guess anyone

with connection to axe even to the extent of parading the FBI into ax cap

for an arrest only to have the case dismissed

but not before he brings charges against axe himself who along with his team

actually take a sit-down with Chuck and consider a deal but Chuck can't take the

win without crushing Bobby completely so he intentionally blows up the deal

sending Bobby on a warpath to the case and by connection shut this

plan plays out beautifully as the FBI builds their entire case around an axe

cop employee whose death reveals that he was Bobby's puppet all along

unfortunately Wendy gets caught in the crossfire and ends up among the

casualties by the end of the season but it's really Chuck and Bobby that lose

out when Wendy kicks Chuck out of their house and quits axe cap but that doesn't

stop these two from tormenting each other especially now that Chuck believes he has nothing to lose

so what will happen next you'll find out in next week's recap of season 2 until then I'm Melissa Elise and

thanks for watching Melissa Elise TV

if you enjoyed this video go ahead and give me a thumbs up and if you're new to

my channel consider subscribing for more episode reviews

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