well hello friends it's another Sunday already how was it going for you it
seems that the weather has gotten kind of terrible for seemingly most people I
don't really know all I know is here we've gotten a lot of snow it hasn't
gotten very cold though which is nice but I know some other people have gotten
blizzards and other fun belts of weather anyway I hope you all keep it safe and
hopefully keeping warm and starting to enjoy the nice spring that we're
supposed to be having but yes you know what this is this is a dragonate reading
your answers videos so today I will be reading your answers to last week's
question which came to us from TiaLisa last week who asked how do you show
support to someone who you don't know very well she tends to sound corny or
babbling her for long paragraphs always feel silly when offering support still
try but maybe you all might have idea so I don't feel so silly and I think it's
definitely a great question because sometimes people just need to vent
things and sometimes there's no one else around except for yourself and even if
you don't know them very well you can a can't just be like if sorry can't help
you by you know so you have to do something to at least help them out a
bit and the general consensus seems to be that it's best to just listen to them
even if you don't have any actual advice to give them or anything sometimes just
listening to them letting them vent their feelings letting them just talk
ramble rant whatever they need to do sometimes just that is enough to help
them out immensely still gonna read your answers but of course we need a new
question for this week since it is getting very close to actual springtime
some of you may actually have proper springtime right now where it's nice out
I want to ask you what is something you want to do this spring if you have a
huge list of plans leave them down there as well if it's just one thing leave it
down there if there's nothing and you just kind of kind of go with the flow
and do things as you feel like it then tell me that as well but I want to know
what's something you want to do this spring so leave your answers in the
comments below and I will read them next week now let's see all of your actual
unique answers as to the Tialisa's question here xingcat says I think
most of the time if you don't know someone very well just listening
the thing that makes them feel better my mum says listen to them let them talk it
out and a lot of times they come up with their own solution just being there for
them to talk to is support enough sometimes you don't have to say anything
or try to fix their situation most of the time they're just looking for
someone to listen not fix or offer solutions wise wizard looks at the
probability of this situation and the individual and mantels as an example
mitsu says for once a short answer just listen to them everyone needs a
good listener if you can think of a solution to the problem ask if they've
tried it but that's optional Benni says I would let them say what they have to
say often they feel better after they've shared their problems with another
person kroko says I don't and lastly Tialisa says art helps me
not to be shy if you love it there will always be someone interested in hearing
you also YouTube is actually helping me to talk to others which is really great
it's really great that something like that can actually help you to talk to
others better than that kind of thing thanks everyone
well no problem that's kind of what this is all here for and the whole listening
thing seems to be a generalized thing as well because in like customer service
positions the general rule is that if a customer has a problem and especially if
they're getting irate your goal your job is to kind of just listen especially if
you're not like a manager or someone higher up that you can actually do
something you are supposed to do the best that you can to help them but if
you can't actually do anything like for example myself as a coach if one of the
parents has a problem depending on what it is I can't necessarily do anything
because I don't really have any power all I'm doing is teaching a class if
they have an issue with how I'm teaching the class or some things and definitely
then you know I can do something to fix it but if it's an issue with the area or
something like that I can't do anything but I can direct them to someone above
me my boss or someone else who can help them better or who can give them a
proper answer or something like that but the general rule is to just let them
talk it out because most of the times they're just looking for someone to
listen they're just frustrated about something and they just gotta say it I
guess it really kind of sucks in in some situations especially like when it comes
to customer service position where a customer is getting up
with you and that kind of thing then it becomes really difficult thankfully I
haven't had that happen I've had lots of parents come and ask me questions and
stuff but I've never had anyone actually getting upset
except for actually another staff member they weren't necessarily upset with me
but they were upset you know and so there you could hear it in their
speaking but anyway that's all of your answers for this video so thank you all
once again for participating in this question and leaving your answers below
I hope you guys have a wonderful week and don't forget your question for this
week which is what is something you want to do during the spring so leave your
answers in the comments below and I will read them next week have a wonderful
week and I will see you again very very soon Oh before I actually end this I
just want to let you all know that this this coming week a--well starting
tomorrow starting tomorrow I have two weeks sort of off where I'm not going to
be as busy I think this Wednesday I'm still working
in the evening and Friday I'll be working in the morning and next Monday I
will be working in the morning as well other than that I have the whole two
weeks to myself the week after that is gonna be completely full I'll be busy
everyday in the morning so I won't be able to do anything but for these next
two weeks here I plan on live streaming a lot and hopefully hopefully doing some
other stuff as well so yeah I just want to let you guys know that especially
because I will be live streaming a lot this week and next week and I hope to
see some of you there and that is it so thank you all for watching and I'll see
you again very soon have a great week and Godbless
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