Monday, June 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 25 2018

hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic my legs were reconstructed and

they rejuvenated 20 more years with these three ingredients so do not go and

stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing

this interesting topic now we go with the information

and many people around the world suffer from different diseases

while we are still young we rarely worry about our health

However, over the years it begins to become something that

requires our attention especially to people from the third

age is seen suffering from pains in the bones and muscles as we go

aging our body is suffering irreversible changes as we

we make less active muscles and bone density decreases as

result we will start to be more susceptible to injuries and fractures

bones due to excessive use if you feel identified with the

situation described above you do not have to worry about in this video you

We will show what you can do to improve your bone health if you are

persistent in this treatment you will be able to feel its fabulous results in little

time the recipe we're talking about

it has been used for many of our grandmothers for many years

they are incomparable and their preparation extremely simple since it is only

necessary three ingredients to make it is very easy and cheap

Below we show you the ingredients they use and their preparation

that we will need 10 units of aspirin of 300 milligrams

10 ml of iodine 300 ml of isopropyl alcohol

All these ingredients are well known and easy to get

with just going to the nearest pharmacy we can get all of them to a

modest price in the case of iodine possesses properties

antiseptics that help them fight different pathogenic life forms between

these forms due we can mention the microbes protozoan infections

fungus or bacteria preparation and use first of all we should take a container

and mix the iodine with the alcohol then we take the pills and

We crush them until we get a fine powder. Finally add the

crushed pills in the mixture of iodine and alcohol and let stand 21 days

we must make sure to place the container in a dark and cold place

after that time the substance is ready to be applied with the

we can make compresses and place them in the affected area or in their

defect we can take a little of it and give it to the place where it hurts

doing gentle massages if you feel sore do not keep wasting time and

prepare this substance today you will see how to use it

now your bone health you had idea of ​​all this shares this information with your

family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section subscribe to

our channel and I like to see you in a next edition of remedies easy

24 thank you very much



DAEnUnMinuto: Ana Patricia se viste de emoji y Alan no se parece a su perrita - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> DAEnUnMinuto: Ana Patricia se viste de emoji y Alan no se parece a su perrita - Duration: 2:02.


Anna Gabriel y Marta Rovira podrán seguir en Suiza: invita la Generalitat - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Anna Gabriel y Marta Rovira podrán seguir en Suiza: invita la Generalitat - Duration: 3:21.


Alan y el chef Yisus modelan las últimas tendencias en trajes de baño - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Alan y el chef Yisus modelan las últimas tendencias en trajes de baño - Duration: 4:12.


PANDORA 1X21: Are we facing a new evolutionary leap? - War of the Worlds - Duration: 3:21:33.

For more infomation >> PANDORA 1X21: Are we facing a new evolutionary leap? - War of the Worlds - Duration: 3:21:33.


THE FABRIC OF JESUS OF NAZARETH. With Aida Romero. - Duration: 22:15.

For more infomation >> THE FABRIC OF JESUS OF NAZARETH. With Aida Romero. - Duration: 22:15.


OSHUN, THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE. With Carlos Real. - Duration: 22:43.

For more infomation >> OSHUN, THE GODDESS OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE. With Carlos Real. - Duration: 22:43.


How to clean nail polish bottles and remove painted-on labels | Craft Attack - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> How to clean nail polish bottles and remove painted-on labels | Craft Attack - Duration: 1:06.


Principales causas de la infección de oído - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Principales causas de la infección de oído - Duration: 6:58.


Claudia Álvarez habla de las investigaciones del robo a su tienda de ropa - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Claudia Álvarez habla de las investigaciones del robo a su tienda de ropa - Duration: 1:58.


Video Tour del Upper West Side, Manhattan, Nueva York - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Video Tour del Upper West Side, Manhattan, Nueva York - Duration: 1:16.


Inmigrantes continúan en el lado mexicano de la frontera con EEUU a la espera de asilo político. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Inmigrantes continúan en el lado mexicano de la frontera con EEUU a la espera de asilo político. - Duration: 1:00.


Alemania vence a Suecia en los últimos segundos en un partido duro - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Alemania vence a Suecia en los últimos segundos en un partido duro - Duration: 3:06.


Phineas y Ferb: Mañana es lo mismo que ayer (Español latino - Letra) - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Phineas y Ferb: Mañana es lo mismo que ayer (Español latino - Letra) - Duration: 1:43.


В Китае в пятый раз с начала года подешевел бензин - Duration: 3:17.

 Госкомитет по делам развития и реформ КНР объявил об очередном снижении внутренних цен на бензин и дизельное топливо

Оно стало уже пятым с начала года, сообщает «Синьхуа». Снижение составило 55 юаней (около 8,5 доллара)

С 26 июня, когда постановление вступит в силу, тонна бензина будет стоить в промежутке от 8795 (1,37 тысячи долларов) до 8220 юаней (1,28 тысячи долларов)

Цены варьируются в разных регионах Китая — в зависимости от размера выделяемых центральными властями субсидий

 Снижение продиктовано действующей государственной политикой Китая. По нынешним правилам, цены на внутреннем рынке зависят от мировых котировок на сырую нефть

Если они приводят к изменению стоимости тонны нефтепродуктов на внутреннем рынке больше, чем на 50 юаней (7,65 доллара), и дольше, чем на 10 рабочих дней, розничные цены на бензин и дизельное топливо тоже корректируются

 23 июня страны-участницы соглашения ОПЕК+ договорились об увеличении объемов добычи нефти до уровня 100 процентов от изначальных обязательств

Совокупное увеличение может составить до миллиона баррелей в день. Из них на Россию может прийтись около 200 тысяч баррелей в сутки

Договоренность стала возможной из-за падения добычи нефти в Венесуэле. В конце мая в России резко подорожал бензин

Цена на некоторые марки топлива выросла больше, чем на рубль за литр. Рост цен связывали с подорожанием нефти на мировых рынках

21 июня цена за литр бензина марки АИ-98 в Краснодарском крае преодолела отметку в 50 рублей и достигла 50,22 рубля

Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня». Подписывайся!

For more infomation >> В Китае в пятый раз с начала года подешевел бензин - Duration: 3:17.


VAR 'salva' a Cristiano de roja - Duration: 2:13.

 El video arbitraje tuvo otro momento de protagonismo en el duelo entre Portugal e Irán, cuando una posible tarjeta roja a Cristiano Ronaldo fue revisada y terminó sólo con una amonestación para el atacante

 Al minuto 80, Ronaldo forcejeó un balón y al meter el cuerpo golpeó con el brazo al defensa iraní

En ese momento, se marcó la falta, pero el árbitro Enrique Cáceres la revisó y solo fue la amarilla para el portugués

 No fue la única jugada donde estuvieron inmiscuidos el VAR y Cristiano. Una tardía decisión del árbitro paraguayo, que atendió al videoarbitraje pasados unos minutos y tras decidir firmemente no señalar una falta dentro del área a Cristiano Ronaldo, terminó por suponer un lanzamiento de penalti que fue fallado finalmente por el portugués

 El árbitro acudió a la sala del VAR a ver las imágenes después de detener el balón ya en juego

Los iraníes protestaron airadamente, lo que supuso la tarjeta amarilla para Ehsan Hajsafi

 Cristiano lanzó el penalti que detuvo el meta Eli Beiranyand y el jugador portugués no pudo sumar su quinto gol en Rusia 2018

For more infomation >> VAR 'salva' a Cristiano de roja - Duration: 2:13.


Pitbull se salva a sí misma de embarcación hundida por una tormenta y busca ayuda en una iglesia - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Pitbull se salva a sí misma de embarcación hundida por una tormenta y busca ayuda en una iglesia - Duration: 2:17.


ADN de servilleta usada ayuda a resolver crimen de hace 32 años - Duration: 5:25.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. Luego de 32 años se puso fin a la historia de un horrible crimen en Estados Unidos que causó gran revuelo a la comunidad en 1986

 La policía de Tacoma descifró quien es el culpable de la violación y asesinato de una niña de 12 años en el estado de Washington en el año de 1986, la indagación se resolvió con la ayuda de la tecnología del ADN, de acuerdo con ABC News

 Gary Hartman será procesado este lunes después de su arresto el 20 de junio por los cargos de homicidio en primer grado y violación en primer grado de Michella Welch en 1986, dijeron las autoridades en una conferencia de prensa

 El jefe de policía de Tacoma, Donald Ramsdell, calificó el caso como un "gran ejemplo" de "avances en identificación de ADN y modelado computarizado combinados con técnicas de policía probadas y verdaderas"

 Esta es la historia del caso, el 26 de marzo de 1986 la niña y sus dos hermanas jóvenes fueron a Puget Park en Tacoma, dijo Ramsdell, quien vivía en Tacoma y trabajaba como oficial de policía novato en ese momento

 Alrededor de las 11 am, Welch se fue a su casa a almorzar con sus hermanas, dijo Ramsdell

 Luego, a las 12:30 pm, sus hermanas salieron del parque para usar un baño en un negocio cercano y regresaron a la 1:00 pm y continuaron jugando, dijo Ramsdell

Sin embargo a las 2:00 pm las hermanas notaron que su pequeña hermana no había regresado y que su bicicleta y almuerzo seguían en el parque, de acuerdo con información de ABC News

 Un perro de búsqueda encontró el cuerpo de Welch justo antes de las 11 pm de esa noche, dijo Ramsdell

La niña de 12 años había sido agredida sexualmente y asesinada por un golpe contundente en la cabeza, dijeron las autoridades

 La policía recopiló evidencias pero no hizo ningún arresto, entre las evidencias se recuperó el ADN de un desconocido

   ¿Cómo se encontró al culpable?     En 2006, se desarrolló un perfil de ADN a partir de la escena del crimen original, pero no hubo coincidencia en las bases de datos, según un comunicado de la fiscalía

 Sin embargo, doce años después, los detectives de la Policía de Tacoma trabajaron con genealogistas genéticos que utilizaron tecnología de ADN para rastrear a los familiares de los sospechosos desconocidos, dijo el fiscal del condado de Pierce Mark Lindquist en una declaración reciente

 Los investigadores luego incorporaron la genealogía tradicional para hacer un árbol genealógico a partir de la información en sitios web públicos, de acuerdo con la declaración

Lo cual permitió identificar a Gary Hartman como sospechoso.  El 5 de junio, Hartman fue a su trabajo en Western State Hospital, después fue a un restaurante para desayunar con un compañero de trabajo

Lo anterior fue clave en la investigación, ya que un detective tomó la servilleta de papel desechada por Hartman y la envió al laboratorio

 La pesquisa comprobó que había una coincidencia entre el ADN de la servilleta y el ADN del asesino de 1986, de acuerdo con el comunicado que da a conocer ABC News

 El 20 de junio, Hartman, de 66 años, que no era uno de los hombres investigados en 1986 según testigos, fue arrestado durante una detención de tráfico, dijo Ramsdell

 Gary Hartman será procesado este lunes por la tarde.      También te recomendamos leer

    Padres de niña asesinada por pitbulls piden castigo a responsables  Mujer de 150 kilos mata a niña al sentarse sobre ella

For more infomation >> ADN de servilleta usada ayuda a resolver crimen de hace 32 años - Duration: 5:25.


Perché i cani si annusano il sedere? - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Perché i cani si annusano il sedere? - Duration: 2:00.


Mobile Legends: Talent Pages - Duration: 3:13.

Well, hello there my name is Raven welcome to my mobile engines 101 tutorial

This is just a quick tutorial about how to unlock three talent point pages for any

Emblems you use without spending your actual money.

I Have three options to share with you guys and

Decide which one of these options is best for you

As I go through these three options. I hope you learned something new or already know this stuff

But before I begin make sure to hit that describe button to see more videos

Okay, let's get this started

Click the tab that says preparation in the far left corner

First option is used the tickets your my wondering whether I get tickets from and how do I get more tickets?

Before I answer that question

Do you see that ticket icon next to the other points that tells you how much tickets you have?

Since this is season eight and my rank is mythic

It depends what your rank is and how much better points and tickets you receive after season ends

Choose any emblems you like and and click the arrow button down

And you see the talent page one,Starlight membership page and a plus sign

You see the plus sign below the starlight page click that button

It will pop up the screen and tells you how much tickets you have to pay

The cost for unlocking the second page is 100 tickets and the third page

Page is 300 tickets

sadly, this second option may not be suitable for those individual s who do not have enough

diamonds to buy and unlock the

talents pages I

Recommend you pick the first option so you can save you money

And you can also skip this second option. You don't have to listen this boring detail

But if you have been streaming on Mobile Legends and have

200 followers or more you can totally unlock all three pages with amount of diamonds you have

Just a heads up when you see the screen pops, it is similar to the option 1

So the second page costs 100 diamonds their towns pace cost 300 diamonds

So the last option is to buy Starlight membership. In this case,

You don't have to buy unless the skin you want to have once you buy the membership it will unlock to last page

However, the last page is just temporarily until your membership ends

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends: Talent Pages - Duration: 3:13.


Fortnite Final Fight be like... - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Fortnite Final Fight be like... - Duration: 6:22.


New Hare Krishna Bengali Ek Nam Kirtan | চোখে জল ধরে রাখা গেল না | Harinaam Sankirtan-2018 - Duration: 9:11.

New Hare Krishna Bengali Ek Nam Kritan

New Hare Krishna Bengali Ek Nam Kritan

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

For more infomation >> New Hare Krishna Bengali Ek Nam Kirtan | চোখে জল ধরে রাখা গেল না | Harinaam Sankirtan-2018 - Duration: 9:11.


ヨッシーストーリー #4『ガボンのいえ』 Yoshi's Story - Duration: 14:39.

For more infomation >> ヨッシーストーリー #4『ガボンのいえ』 Yoshi's Story - Duration: 14:39.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 55KW 5-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 55KW 5-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:05.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:08.


Máte zamořený domov výpary pervitinu? Poznáte to po čichu nebo na zhoršeném zdraví, říká odborník - Duration: 3:17.

 „" popsal Martin Kuchař, vedoucí pracoviště Laboratoř forenzní analýzy biologicky aktivních látek Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze (VŠCHT)

Pokud máte podezření, že je ve vašem okolí varna, obraťte se určitě na policii.     Další indicií k tomu, že se za zavřenými dveřmi vašich sousedů děje něco nekalého, může být i zhoršené zdraví

Aby se příznaky dostavily, : „Metamfetamin a další látky při výrobě unikají z reakční nádoby ve formě aerosolu, který je unášen vzdušným prouděním

Následně se ukládá ve zdech a vybavení varny. . U vzdálenějších objektů (soused v bytových domech, dům přes ulici) bych byl s vynášením závěrů o nebezpečnosti velmi opatrný," říká Martin Kuchař, vedoucí pracoviště Laboratoř forenzní analýzy biologicky aktivních látek VŠCHT Praha

  Kriminalisté odhalili v centru Brna varnu pervitinu. Autor: Policie ČR  O vlivu aerosolů pervitinu na zdraví člověka se toho zatím moc nepublikovalo: „Problémem dlouhodobého styku s látkami metamfetaminu v ovzduší se dnes nikdo nezabývá

," říká k současné praxi Jiří Patočka, profesor z Katedry radiologie a toxikologie Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích

Proto jsou dostupná pouze data ze zahraničí. Z výzkumů v USA byly u policejních důstojníků, kteří se pohybují po nelegálních varnách, nalezeny tyto nežádoucí účinky: „

Nebo také špatný vliv na CNS, to je chronická bolest hlavy, podráždění, únava a dokonce psychóza," dodává Martin Kuchař

Mapa bývalých varen  Pokud máte podezření, že je váš byt kontaminován, můžete se podívat i na mapu Národní protidrogové centrály, která zveřejňuje místa bývalých varen a pěstíren: http://mapavarenapestiren

cz/. „Mapa má sloužit zejména dotčeným osobám a příslušným institucím k přijetí vlastních opatření či modelování preventivních strategií v konkrétních lokalitách

," říká pro Barbora Kudláčková, vrchní komisařka Národní protidrogové centrály


For more infomation >> Máte zamořený domov výpary pervitinu? Poznáte to po čichu nebo na zhoršeném zdraví, říká odborník - Duration: 3:17.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:05.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 0:50.


The Best VIDCON I've Been To Yet - Duration: 7:19.

hello fog welcome to the blog obviously it's Friday morning we are at vid :

we got Natalie Morgan we were literally about to get our passes so this is

exciting it's 8:30 when am I ever functioning by this hour are we cool yet

I like hold them I wanted an industry pass because I wanted to go get

knowledge yeah I was like you know if you have any like extra because I wanted

to go to like all these workshops and stuff and they were like sorry so that

sucks thought I could actually you know learn some things but apparently not

it's fine whatever guys imagine being them right now so cool okay we are here

we are very early so we got our passes already said that but we're in like the

meeting right now but no one's really here we're trying to find some coffee

and simple

just gonna get some Starbucks we're all so freaking tired and this fire truck is

probably making a lot of noise right now but yeah walk I just want to say that

there is absolutely no security at VidCon which really disappoints me none

no metal detectors no people there are security people around but that doesn't

stop anything from happening and that is so so my opinion so VidCon if you're

watching what you're not yourself King out to some technology love it love it

hi guys did some fun and people at VidCon

we're most excited to see

yeah love it so we're going to explore some more

I'm not great at arcade games so we'll see what happens we're in a heated

competition here and snow fart wait what was your score 190 190 let's see what we

can do shop in two century I won I got 250 thank you very much okay good time

cool stuff guys

in the studio 71 literally like and make videos about the food at ausmus TV and

we were just Katie would just talk about how like supple the salad was and like

she would just describe the food in the funniest ways so we have course bond

over food so I was just at this separate hotel where all the creator lounges are

and it was so fun I networks with a bunch of people met some really cool

girls and also met a lot of people that work at companies like twitch and tart

I met the PR women at tart she was super cool and I just think I did a lot of

networking because I feel like if I'm here I may as well really just get a lot

out of it so I'm really happy it made a lot of awesome connections and now I'm

heading back to the main convention center because I'm in a focus group at 3

o'clock so in half an hour poor Morgan has been like it's something

all alone for three hours and I feel so bad so we were going to hang with her

but then yeah heading back now hi guys wow it's been a very very long time

since I last blogged literally been networking up a freaking storm like in

the frame we're trying to grab a shuttle right now it's back to the convention

center then we're gonna go to dinners here I'm so tired already how am I gonna

live probably not gonna stay at the party

very long before don't leave yet how many people yeah they're screaming

for me just kidding oh my god I look really naked so this is what girls do

when they're not staying in a hotel but they have to change for a party we just

changed in the car I drove half naked it was fun and hold on tips off heads in

the parking deck for that good whining so we're just driving with me just

kidding smile everyone you're outside in line with the studio71 party and just

FYI look how many people hurt okay so by the

way went through this two years ago and we managed to somehow like sneak just

pass the inside and I don't feel like that's gonna happen tonight we'll keep

you posted on that

are you guys I just got back from VidCon I'm going through all the goodies I got

right now cause so much stuff I'm just gonna like dump it out I'll show you

guys in detail at some point I really will but just for like the biggest items

I got a freaking electric toothbrush that's so cool from the fullscreen

lounge all these just two little things razors some sunglasses the biggest thing

I got you guys never expected this in a million year got a pair of Beats

headphones like are you joking they were giving these away at a booth if you

basically had over a hundred thousand subscribers and you live streamed on

this app you got freaking of its this is stupid like unreal I feel so happy and

lucky and VidCon today was literally just the best day I was in such a good

mood with such great people had so much fun it was such a long day but I like

didn't die I've really survived and I thrived and I met a lot of you guys and

I met a lot of like other creators that I watch but I don't necessarily talk to

or like people that I've been commenting back and forth with for years like the

YouTube community really is incredible and as much as we all like vent about

actual YouTube is a platform and you know whatever things change on the

business side at the end of the day like the community is so awesome and most

people are very cool at a really really really really good time and I'm happy

that we're home I'm not dead I didn't drink at all Jim so happy about just cuz

like I feel so great I'm gonna be super rested I'm gonna have an awesome day

tomorrow and I gotta get some stuff done tomorrow gotta like clean up all this

crap got this t-shirt at VidCon whoo but anyway I love you guys I'm gonna end

this vlog here thank you so much for watching

you're the best and I'll see you in my next one bye

For more infomation >> The Best VIDCON I've Been To Yet - Duration: 7:19.


What I Woulda Did with Chris Cotton - VidCon 2018 - Duration: 3:15.

- I'm Chris Cotton.

I'm here at VidCon.

I'm gonna ask some people some hypothetical questions.

They're gonna tell me what they woulda did.

I'm gonna tell them what I woulda did.

This is What I Woulda Did.

- Stop.

You're too old for this, I'm sorry.

- You say I'm too old for this?

- Yup.

- Can I speak to your supervisor?

- I'm the supervisor.

- I guess we'll be going somewhere else.

(hip hop music)

If you're friend disappeared,

what would you take from his house first?

- Probably the dog, Bubba.

- Oh, you'd go get his dog?

- Yeah, 'cause I live with him.

So, it's like, I raised it too, so.

- If my friend disappeared, first thing

I'm getting from the house, is I'm getting the computer,

and I'm deleting erry-thing.

'Cause that's my friend.

I know my friend.

Any of them.

What would you do if someone gets too excited

while you're telling them sex information?

- Like, a little like, you could tell, like it

starts to pop? - Excited, just oop.

- I would assume that that person

would probably be mortified, so I

wouldn't call attention to it.

Eyes up here.

- What I woulda did, I would just start

talkin' about worst case scenario penises.

- Oh.

- You know, you know what I mean?

Like, when like, if they have something,

and like, start describing like, "Now with

"chlamydia, what happens is, if you

"let it go on for 19 years."

What would you do if you found a unicorn pony?

- How thick are the legs of this pony?

I think I'd, if I could ride it,

but I would need to look at the legs closely.

- Oh, you're gon' get in there,

you're gonna, if he lets you, you know what I mean?

Or if he, she--

- Now, are you, milk it?

- What are you grabbing there?

- That's just the legs, I think.

I think I'm grabbing the legs.

- You're milking a unicorn pony.

- Do you think the milk would be good?

- It's like Skittle milk.

Have you ever, have you ever put Skittles in milk?

- What would you do if you spoke in Autotune,

but rapped and sung in a normal voice?

- I would probably do a lot of texting.

(Chris laughs)

Or you know. (laughs)

- Do you think people would think you're in The Matrix?

- In the Ma-, well, (laughs).

I'm tryin' to get the connection

from the voice to The Matrix.

- I don't know, it's computer stuff.

What would you do if you start laughing too hard

at a joke told by a non-friend?

You know, that one dude on the side who just keep laughing

too hard, like? - Yeah.

- Oh, you gotta start roasting him.

- Yeah yeah, yeah yeah.

- Whatchu laughin' at?

- You gotta have this hand, right here.

- I gotta?

- Yeah it's - Whatchu laughin' at?

- It's fired down.

It's what--

- You do?

We always say, "(beep) outta here,"

and then you come up.

I don't know you.

But them sneaks, though.

And then you go away.

- So you're establishing. - I'm already hurt.

- You're establishing territory, you gotta,

no, I get it. - Oh, yeah.

You gotta flare up, you gotta chest out on 'em.

- Chest out, arm up. - You're a compound roaster.

- What would you do if in your videos,

you couldn't add a dramatic noise?

(dramatic horns)

What do you do if the government gave

black people reparations, but it was literally,

three acres and a mule?

- Well I would build a house.

- [Chris] You would build a house on your acres.

- I would start my own compound,

and I would start preparing for the end of the world.

- Okay, because you know if they

gave back the reparations, things--

- Things are already down the drain.

Like, it's already, we're already going there.

- The Space Force done launched, baby.

- Yeah.

- Listen, in this video, we're gonna find one gem.

It's all edited.

They call me, fix-it-in-post Chris.

For more infomation >> What I Woulda Did with Chris Cotton - VidCon 2018 - Duration: 3:15.


Police chase ends in Garland, I-635 and Shiloh Road - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Police chase ends in Garland, I-635 and Shiloh Road - Duration: 1:31.


Meet Your New 12-Year-Old Role Model - Duration: 10:20.

[Shiloh]: Starting young will boost it into your brain, since your brain is still processing everything

and now you're just kind of slipping these little things into it.

I've been doing Crossfit for five years.

I bet if I stop for six months, don't do anything, I could get back and just start where I left off.

My name's Shiloh Ellis. I was born in Bangor, Maine. I'm 12 years old, live in Massachusetts.

[Malleolo]: Anyone I've met that started CrossFit when they were a young adult to adult, they say the same thing:

"I wish I started when I was a kid. I wish I started when I was younger."

That's what Shiloh and that age group of children embody.

What we wish we had—started when we were that young.

[Father]: Shiloh got started, um--

Initially, it was P90X videos. I was doing those at home and he wanted to do it with me.

He was maybe four at the time. And he would be there just doing whatever was on the P90X video.

[Shiloh]: The reason why CrossFit has drawn me to it is--

I don't know if it's like the name,

the workouts,

how majestic they are.

I mean, it's like you have every single movement

and you just string together these different stuff. And they're short,

but they're work capacity.

It's just awesome how you can do that and it'll draw people to it.

[Interviewer]: Shiloh, what's the plan for today?

I really try not to show up to school late.

[Interviewer]: Yeah, tell me about your school. what's interesting about it?

Probably the campus.

I mean, it's pretty big but it's nice. We have a Wellness Center.

They were the first school to ever have a CrossFit affiliate in a school.

So that was pretty interesting.

For the motivation for CrossFit, it's actually my own,

because I just love how it's constantly varied, high-intensity and it's functional movements.

I mean with my weightlifting,

sometimes I get bored because it's just snatch one day, clean and jerk the other,

snatch, clean and jerk, snatch, clean and jerk...

But CrossFit is constantly varied so you never know what it's gonna throw at you.

Might be squats one day, presses another day and then maybe the next day is dead bugs.

[LaRocque]: CrossFit, for us, is a couple of different things.

It's a course that's required as part of the physical education requirement.

Within the requirement, there are several electives.

So CrossFit can serve as one of those electives for high school students.

[Miserandino]: I've known Shiloh for a few years now

and he's been part of the CrossFit after-school program.

Often you don't find that type of

motivation in teenagers, in general.

I mean, he's a middle schooler, which is just very unique at his age.

[LaRocque]: He's just an awesome athlete. He's really dedicated to the sport. He's interested in the sport.

He's a student of the sport. When he comes down here with his busy schedule,

he kind of picks up the game of everyone else because he's such a good competitor.

People just move a little faster and better when he's around because

the standards of his movement tend to be pretty good.

[Miserandino]: He's motivated and also, I bet it helps his education.

I feel that a lot of boys,

teenage boys, need that release. They need recess, they need the gym, they need activities.

CrossFit has been a phenomenal opportunity for the boys.

[Father]: Shiloh's always been a spiritual kid.

Obviously he goes to a Catholic school and he was at a Catholic school prior to where he is now.

But he's always been a kind of spiritual kid, and he kind of gets it, and a caring kid about people.

All right. Let's go to

my living space.

I actually have more posters down in my gym.

This Rich Froning one, I actually got at Mayhem.

He signed it while I was down there.

Still has his original sweat.

I actually have a Bible app on my phone.

Rich Froning's verse is Galatians 6:14 which is: "Give all glory to God."

Mine is Philippians 4:13.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

I'm not using my own strength to do CrossFit, but it's really God who's doing it out and I'm thankful for that.

CrossFit has given me this little confidence to do it.

Sara Sigmundsdottir says it's her crib, but I just say it's my dungeon of doom.

This is actually all of my years of CrossFitting.

That's Rich Froning, Chase Smith.

They've all gone to the Games.

And Spencer Hendel, my close friend. And Mat Fraser.

No joke. I had the first signed autograph of him.

He was like, "I'm not famous though."

I'm like, "Eh, you might be famous."

There he is now, the Fittest Man on Earth.

Oh, over here.

Elijah Muhammad. That workout was funny because we were doing wall balls.

So I would be on his shoulders

and we would throw the ball up, it would bounce off his head, throw the ball up, bounce off his head.

It kept bouncing off of his head, but that workout was fun.

[Malleolo]: It's really important for the youth of not only America but the world,

to start viewing exercise, working out, as something is positive.

That's not a punishment. That's not something we have to do. It's something that we do as human beings.

A body in motion stays in motion.

We're seeing this pandemic of essentially

chronic disease that's taking out so much of our population, that's crushing our economic system.

So for kids like Shiloh and that generation, it's the understanding that

exercise and working out is fun, it can work and it can translate to other things.

I think that's the beauty of what CrossFit does—

for the kids to the adults—it brings a higher purpose to working out.

[Shiloh]: I actually want to be a coach.

I've told a bunch of people this and they're like, "Really? You want to be a coach?

"You don't want to compete in the Games, get first?"

I'm like, "If I can compete in the Games, get first, that would be awesome,

"but it's not doing anything for anyone else.

"It's just showing that I can do this, but that doesn't mean that other people can do it."

[Father]: So he's been training his friends at home.

He understands the value of it, and this is his passion.

He doesn't play video games.

There's no Xbox. There's no PlayStation. There's not that.

This is what he does. So it's a wise investment.

He's been coaching friends in our basement,

and so it's his ability to kind of be able to continue what he wants to do—

to be a coach. That's what he told us. He wants to be a coach.

He wants to be on the Level 1 Seminar Staff.

So to us, it made sense to invest in that.

Being a coach is kind of

spreading the awareness of CrossFit and

spreading it to other people so they can share it to other people.

[Thomas]: When Shiloh first walked through the door,

I saw the people looking at him and I think they thought that he was just the child of a participant in the course.

Eventually when they realized that he was a participant, a couple of people asked me what he was doing.

I just explained his impact on the youth from a fitness and health standpoint.

It was pretty cool.

He did a really good job because he's 12, when he's sitting in this adult seminar.

The lectures, he kind of tried to stay up with.

But then when we got into the movements, he was in his element.

He really stood out.

[Hobart]: He's probably the youngest person I've seen come through a Level 1.

Which is really cool because I've seen all walks of life come through a Level 1.

Under 17, over 70 years old—coming to the Level 1 course, which is absolutely amazing.

[Thomas]: I think it takes a very unique individual to give up the weekend, certainly at 12 years old,

to spend it in a lecture environment

when all your friends are out playing video games and watching movies

and eating junk food and being kids, essentially.

I think when other kids start to see that and they see him excel—

because of his commitment to fitness and health and because of his commitment to helping other kids, because that's what he does—

I think they're gonna start to click on and want to join in.

Maybe even they will show up to a Level 1 seminar, as well.

[Malleolo]: I don't even remember what I was doing at 12 years old,

but I don't think it was sitting in a seminar for two days, learning about how to push my knees out and lift my chest up

and how to eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.

It's pretty special, and I think that he didn't walk in the doors today without any experience.

He's been a part of the CrossFit community for years. That's what makes CrossFit so special.

It's made an impact on his life in his family's life.

For it to be so important to take two days out of his life, for his parents to give him the opportunity to come here—

It says a lot about the CrossFit community that allows the Level 1 to happen.

[Father]: For us, here's Shiloh and he wants to go out into the world and talk about CrossFit.

He wants to go out and talk about nutrition.

He wants to go out there and fight the big soda battle.

He loves that. He gets it and he understands it.

That's great.

If that's what he wants to do, I want to support that as much as I can.

For more infomation >> Meet Your New 12-Year-Old Role Model - Duration: 10:20.


Naukowcy odkryli, że zawarty w szparagach i drobiu związek p - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Naukowcy odkryli, że zawarty w szparagach i drobiu związek p - Duration: 4:48.


Hogan excited to see who he will run against - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Hogan excited to see who he will run against - Duration: 2:04.


Tip Tip Bristir Pani - Chanchal Chowdhuri Bangla Ad I Riaz Song - Riaz Bangla Ad-Bangla Funny Video - Duration: 2:52.

subscribe for more video

For more infomation >> Tip Tip Bristir Pani - Chanchal Chowdhuri Bangla Ad I Riaz Song - Riaz Bangla Ad-Bangla Funny Video - Duration: 2:52.


Dehydratacja krążka międzykręgowego i jej przyczyny - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> Dehydratacja krążka międzykręgowego i jej przyczyny - Duration: 7:31.


Gov. Baker says his son will cooperate with independent investigation - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Gov. Baker says his son will cooperate with independent investigation - Duration: 1:40.


Can I Recover for Injuries Caused by a Product, Even If I Didn't Purchase the Product? - Duration: 0:48.

The issue is foreseeability.

And if a manufacturer or seller can foresee that someone else may be using the product,

then they can be responsible for the defect or the failure to warn about that product.

A good example is an automobile.

Many times, passengers are injured in rollover crashes, where the roof crush comes down and

injures not only the driver, but the passenger who didn't purchase the vehicle.

In that situation, the product defect is the vehicle.

And the passengers have claims against the manufacturer and potentially the seller of

that vehicle.

So, again, you don't have to be the purchaser of the product in order to bring a claim for

product defect.

For more infomation >> Can I Recover for Injuries Caused by a Product, Even If I Didn't Purchase the Product? - Duration: 0:48.


What Types of Product Liability Defects Can I Recover For? - Duration: 1:03.

There are several kinds of product defects that can be recovered by an injured consumer.

One is a design defect, where the design of the product is somehow faulty or dangerous.

Another is the manufacturing of a product.

Sometimes in the manufacturing process, the manufacturer can defectively build the product

that causes an injury to someone.

And finally, we have marketing defects, which usually consists of inadequate warnings or

failure to warn for dangerous products that we as consumers want to buy, like chainsaws.

If they're inadequately warned, that is another potential way to recover for injuries incurred

by that product.

So, these are the three types of product defect claims that are most likely to be brought.

For more infomation >> What Types of Product Liability Defects Can I Recover For? - Duration: 1:03.


The Most RUTHLESS Diss Track Responses Ever Made - Duration: 13:35.

Hey guys, today we are gonna be talking about the most brutal diss track responses

that I've heard.

So, this is CDTVProductions, you can follow me on Twitter

under that name, and let's look at the most ruthless diss track responses in rap history.

Pusha T "Story Of Adidon":

Let's start with the most recent one and the reason why I made this.

Now this beef has a bit of a history, but it really kicked off in 2018 when Pusha threw

a few shots at Drake on Infrared, Drake fired back with a full diss track called Duppy Freestyle,

then Pusha quickly responded with this song.

I was expecting something hard hitting from Pusha, but I didn't know we were gonna get

something this brutal.

There's a couple obvious things covered in here like Drake being rather light skinned

(although I'm sure that's changed after this intense grilling Push gave him), but

when Pusha talked about Drake hiding a child and being a deadbeat father, that's when

this one got intense.

Now let's keep in mind that the whole Drake's hidden baby with a pornstar thing is unconfirmed,

but it doesn't seem like it's untrue at all right now.

The best thing about this track in my opinion though is how literally everything about it

ties in to dissing Drake, every single element of it.

The cover for the song shows a genuine picture of Drake in blackface, which Pusha references

in the lyrics.

The instrumental for the song is The Story Of OJ by Jay Z, an instrumental which samples

a song that talks about the struggles of 4 black women with different skin tones.

Everything here has a purpose, right down to the smallest details.

This is how diss tracks should be done if you wanna hit someone where it hurts, and

Pusha's confident, almost cocky delivery just adds even more sting to the lyrics.

The only thing that made me uncomfortable were the lines about 40, Drake's main producer,

having a disease which could very well be life-threatening to him, but I loved everything

else on here.

Apparently the beef is over now, but we can't really complain when we got a track like this

out of it.

Drake "Back to Back":

Now let's take a look at one where Drake came out much, much better on the other side.

This whole thing started when on Twitter, Meek Mill accused Drake of spitting a ghostwritten

verse on the song RICO, a song that Drake featured on with Meek.

Drake released Charged Up in retaliation, a song which Meek Mill would call "Baby

Lotion soft".

After Meek tweeted a few more things, Drake didn't wait before hitting him with a response

again, this time with the song in question, Back to Back.

Naturally he shot down the claims that he doesn't write many of his songs, but the

response doesn't get brutal until Drake says this.

Referencing the fact that Meek was the opening act for Nicki's Pinkprint tour, instead

of being the headlining act himself.

Everyone knows that rap is filled with men who like to be portrayed as tough, so when

someone suggests that their woman is wearing the pants in the relationship, it's sure

to sting a fair bit.

He even says Nicki will inevitably break up with Meek, which did happen around a year

and a half later.

Drake continues to rap about how Meek is only really responding over Twitter, and overall

just put out a pretty hard hitting response with this.

The aftermath of this was bad for Meek too, he was the man taking L's every single day

before Russ took that role over from him, and that's all because of this diss from


In a weird way though, Meek going to jail recently was enough to get everyone back on

his side, and make people put this whole thing to rest, so he's definitely making a comeback

compared to how he was viewed in 2015.

Jadakiss "Checkmate":

This whole thing would start when 50 released the

song Piggy Bank, which took shots at Jadakiss.

This is apparently because 50 was made that Jada was helping out Ja Rule, an artist who

50 Cent had a well documented beef with.

Obviously, Jadakiss wasn't just gonna sit back and take these lines, so he released

a bombshell of a diss track titled Checkmate shortly after.

This was a very solid diss track, but the heftiest blows came when Kiss repeatedly brought

up 50 being shot 9 times, and he says here that he doesn't think 50 would even be famous

without that event occurring.

Not only that, but he questions 50's manhood here.

I mean when we hear that he got shot 9 times and survived, we think that's pretty insane

and admirable right?

Well not Jada.

He states on here that he thinks 50 shouldn't be getting praise for getting shot at when

he didn't shoot back.

On top of all this, Kiss says if he sends a hitman after 50, he won't be so lucky

this time.

It's a very gritty and raw diss track, that brings a lot of reality into it, and I think

Jada showed here that he shouldn't be messed with.

I mean, this is how he responded to being dissed in a couple of lines.

Safe to say they had more of a back and forth after this, but Checkmate is the one that

stood out to me the most.

Remy Ma "Shether":

And finally, we'll close things off with a bit of beef from some female rap artists.

This one was between Remy Ma and Nicki Minaj, and would start to pick up notoriety when

Nicki had a few choice words for Remy on the song Make Love.

As I'm sure you know already by the subject of this video and the track we're talking

about, Remy clapped back.

And she did so pretty viciously, remixing the song Ether by Nas, which is something

you definitely don't wanna spit weak bars over.

And she did not disappoint.

She starts off slowly, poking fun at Nicki's supposedly fake ass, then picks it up a bit

more by bringing Nicki's failed relationships into the mix, and then build it all the way

up to a crescendo when Remy talks about Nicki Minaj's brother facing child rape charges.

Despite these charges, Nicki still supported her brother and reportedly paid $30,000 for

his wedding.

And guess what?

These lines are even more impactful and ruthless now, as Jelani Maraj, Nicki's brother, has

been found guilty of sexually assaulting his 11 year old step daughter.

Remy Ma brought that into the beef, and it probably stings even more now with the knowledge

that Nicki did pay $30,000 for a child rapists wedding.

Obviously it's unlikely she believed the charges against him, but the fact still stands.

That, is pretty brutal.


For more infomation >> The Most RUTHLESS Diss Track Responses Ever Made - Duration: 13:35.


Honda Jazz 1.2i-VTEC Cool Plus Rijklaarprijs! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2i-VTEC Cool Plus Rijklaarprijs! - Duration: 1:07.


De 7 bedste måder til at bruge æblecidereddike i dit hjem - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> De 7 bedste måder til at bruge æblecidereddike i dit hjem - Duration: 3:20.


10 Things you might not know about Update Aquatic 1.4!! - Minecraft PE - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> 10 Things you might not know about Update Aquatic 1.4!! - Minecraft PE - Duration: 4:15.


How to get home from Funny hamsters is too cheerful!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:06.

Hello! I am a cheese Jr.

I love star-shaped ginseng

My mouth, is not it cute?


Today is a special service

By the way, this is not fast forward

How is it?

You will fall in love, do not you?

By the way

Is my profile so cute?


toss aside




Up we go

Up we go

Up we go


Let's go!

Let's go!



Was not it quite good?

See you

For more infomation >> How to get home from Funny hamsters is too cheerful!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:06.



Red Dead Redemption 2 - RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER VS.



(RDR2) 0:00:00.030,0:00:03.480

hey what's going on everybody my name is RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2

0:00:01.860,0:00:05.220 Zack you guys can call me hazardous

RDR2 0:00:03.480,0:00:06.720

thank you so much for tuning back in on RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 SINGLEPLAYER

0:00:05.220,0:00:09.090 my channel and welcome back to another

RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER 0:00:06.720,0:00:10.860

red dead redemption - video here on the RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 SINGLEPLAYER INFO

0:00:09.090,0:00:12.570 channel today and it's a days video guys

RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER INFO 0:00:10.860,0:00:14.940

we're gonna be comparing Red Dead RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 SINGLEPLAYER NEWS

0:00:12.570,0:00:17.609 Redemption to single-player first Red

RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER NEWS 0:00:14.940,0:00:19.650

Dead Redemption to multiplayer guys RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 MULTIPLAYER INFO

0:00:17.609,0:00:22.080 we're gonna be taking a look at take two

RDR2 MULTIPLAYER INFO 0:00:19.650,0:00:24.600

CEO because he gave an exhaustive RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 MULTIPLAYER NEWS

0:00:22.080,0:00:26.880 interview at e3 and strasse selnick

RDR2 MULTIPLAYER NEWS 0:00:24.600,0:00:28.560

himself says that single-player is far RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFO

0:00:26.880,0:00:29.939 from dead so we're gonna be breaking

RDR2 INFO 0:00:28.560,0:00:31.170

down the interview in this video and RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS

0:00:29.939,0:00:33.239 talking about some of the things that

RDR2 NEWS 0:00:31.170,0:00:35.130

straw selnick has to say about Red Dead RDR2 CONCERNS,

0:00:33.239,0:00:36.989 Redemption - single-player first Red

0:00:35.130,0:00:40.260 Dead Redemption - multiplayer I hope you

0:00:36.989,0:00:41.670 guys enjoy thank you so much for 8700

0:00:40.260,0:00:42.930 subscribers we hit that the other day

0:00:41.670,0:00:44.430 and now we're getting close to eight

0:00:42.930,0:00:45.840 thousand eight hundred so that really

0:00:44.430,0:00:47.489 means a lot guys and I hope you guys

0:00:45.840,0:00:49.980 enjoyed the Q&A that I uploaded over the

0:00:47.489,0:00:52.230 weekend as well as the little podcast

0:00:49.980,0:00:53.879 Squad cast that I did with I route 399

0:00:52.230,0:00:55.230 and Red Dead 2 videos yesterday you guys

0:00:53.879,0:00:56.550 seem to enjoy that as well you guys are

0:00:55.230,0:00:57.780 asking all your questions and we kind of

0:00:56.550,0:00:59.340 want to involve you guys more in those

0:00:57.780,0:01:00.809 series so let us know what else we can

0:00:59.340,0:01:02.550 do for you guys but without further ado

0:01:00.809,0:01:03.989 drop like if you guys enjoyed you find

0:01:02.550,0:01:05.189 this information helpful as well as if

0:01:03.989,0:01:06.689 you're new to the channel and like all

0:01:05.189,0:01:08.760 these daily of Red Dead Redemption 2

0:01:06.689,0:01:10.320 videos I upload every single day here on

0:01:08.760,0:01:11.790 the channel feel free to subscribe no

0:01:10.320,0:01:13.890 further ado let's just jump right into

0:01:11.790,0:01:15.330 this take-two interactive is fighting

0:01:13.890,0:01:17.460 against the narrative that in the wake

0:01:15.330,0:01:19.320 of Grand Theft Auto online success the

0:01:17.460,0:01:21.450 company will work on maximizing the

0:01:19.320,0:01:23.250 profits by using a similar monetization

0:01:21.450,0:01:25.080 method in all of their feature games

0:01:23.250,0:01:27.330 while Red Dead Redemption - had only a

0:01:25.080,0:01:30.240 limited behind-closed-doors presence at

0:01:27.330,0:01:32.040 e3 2018 the games publisher CEO did

0:01:30.240,0:01:33.509 answer some questions for us straw

0:01:32.040,0:01:35.310 selnick statements while not revealing

0:01:33.509,0:01:37.409 any new information about the game

0:01:35.310,0:01:39.780 properly does give some insight into how

0:01:37.409,0:01:41.520 things work at take 2 and Rockstar

0:01:39.780,0:01:43.470 themselves what direction the company

0:01:41.520,0:01:45.329 wants to take and what aspects of game

0:01:43.470,0:01:47.009 development they prioritize though the

0:01:45.329,0:01:49.380 questions didn't directly aim at these

0:01:47.009,0:01:51.180 issues too frequently voice fan fears

0:01:49.380,0:01:52.710 were also addressed if you guys want to

0:01:51.180,0:01:54.570 read the whole interview with venture

0:01:52.710,0:01:56.310 beats dean takahashi

0:01:54.570,0:01:57.810 just go down in the description i have

0:01:56.310,0:01:59.250 the link pasted down there that you guys

0:01:57.810,0:02:00.570 can read through the whole interview for

0:01:59.250,0:02:02.369 yourself and I highly recommend that

0:02:00.570,0:02:03.630 maybe read through that before you watch

0:02:02.369,0:02:05.310 the rest of this video and it'll give

0:02:03.630,0:02:07.469 you further insight into what exactly

0:02:05.310,0:02:08.729 I'm talking about here in this video so

0:02:07.469,0:02:10.020 yeah if you want to read that it's an

0:02:08.729,0:02:12.060 interesting piece of insight into

0:02:10.020,0:02:13.770 Zelnick business's philosophies and is

0:02:12.060,0:02:15.570 worth reading for people who care

0:02:13.770,0:02:17.730 the industry side of things as well

0:02:15.570,0:02:19.830 there is however also a few answers that

0:02:17.730,0:02:22.140 help us glean a bit about what to expect

0:02:19.830,0:02:23.610 from Red Dead Redemption 2 after the

0:02:22.140,0:02:26.250 huge successes of Red Dead Redemption

0:02:23.610,0:02:28.290 and Grand Theft Auto 5 the expectations

0:02:26.250,0:02:30.960 for Red Dead Redemption 2 are absolutely

0:02:28.290,0:02:32.310 colossal and high expectations like this

0:02:30.960,0:02:34.680 carry them with worry

0:02:32.310,0:02:36.840 and after GTA 5's once announced single

0:02:34.680,0:02:38.400 player DLC was quietly canned behind the

0:02:36.840,0:02:40.380 scenes and the focus was shifted to

0:02:38.400,0:02:42.270 online players began to worry that the

0:02:40.380,0:02:44.100 success of the multiplayer would result

0:02:42.270,0:02:45.720 in Red Dead Redemption 2 single-player

0:02:44.100,0:02:48.000 portion of being half-assed with

0:02:45.720,0:02:49.680 emphasis placed on multiplayer this has

0:02:48.000,0:02:51.570 probably been the most prominent worry

0:02:49.680,0:02:53.880 among fans ever since the announcement

0:02:51.570,0:02:56.010 included a line stating that the game of

0:02:53.880,0:02:57.780 Red Dead Redemption soo will feature a

0:02:56.010,0:02:59.490 multiplayer mode and an official

0:02:57.780,0:03:00.930 Rockstar statement recently confirmed

0:02:59.490,0:03:03.060 that the company is also committed to

0:03:00.930,0:03:05.580 single-player experiences which did help

0:03:03.060,0:03:07.260 the unrest but only so much Zelnick was

0:03:05.580,0:03:09.060 asked about the state of single-player

0:03:07.260,0:03:10.800 games in an industry dominated by

0:03:09.060,0:03:12.840 competitive eSports and battle royale

0:03:10.800,0:03:14.970 games being streamed and Mass and his

0:03:12.840,0:03:17.130 stance was clear been pretty reassuring

0:03:14.970,0:03:18.450 he says single-player in my opinion is

0:03:17.130,0:03:20.070 not dead not even close

0:03:18.450,0:03:21.930 companies that feel like they'll just

0:03:20.070,0:03:23.550 avoid the hard work of building a story

0:03:21.930,0:03:25.080 and characters and go right to where the

0:03:23.550,0:03:26.700 money is in multiplayer I don't think

0:03:25.080,0:03:29.850 that's gonna work I'd be surprised in

0:03:26.700,0:03:31.470 fact it was the very success of GTA 5 in

0:03:29.850,0:03:33.360 spite of the high player counts of

0:03:31.470,0:03:35.340 online that provided further evidence

0:03:33.360,0:03:37.770 that single player experiences are still

0:03:35.340,0:03:39.720 sought after now launched GTA online was

0:03:37.770,0:03:42.090 not included only the story mode and it

0:03:39.720,0:03:43.620 broke all sales expectations zone that

0:03:42.090,0:03:45.330 goes on to state we certainly feel like

0:03:43.620,0:03:46.770 there's no evidence that people don't

0:03:45.330,0:03:48.900 want a single player because they're

0:03:46.770,0:03:50.430 still playing Grand Theft Auto 5 another

0:03:48.900,0:03:52.200 concerned voice by players quite

0:03:50.430,0:03:53.970 frequently now is that Rockstar has a

0:03:52.200,0:03:55.740 clear model for a financially successful

0:03:53.970,0:03:57.690 game and they were probably just gonna

0:03:55.740,0:03:59.370 copy it for Red Dead Redemption 2 and

0:03:57.690,0:04:02.520 some are afraid that Red Dead Redemption

0:03:59.370,0:04:05.250 2 will be just like GTA 5 just with a

0:04:02.520,0:04:07.020 wild west reskin while the reports of

0:04:05.250,0:04:09.390 gameplay demo shown to press earlier

0:04:07.020,0:04:11.280 this year helped us wage this fear the

0:04:09.390,0:04:13.260 fact that the public hasn't seen any of

0:04:11.280,0:04:14.850 that footage means it's still afoot

0:04:13.260,0:04:16.470 Zelnick addressed the innovative and

0:04:14.850,0:04:19.080 creative nature of the design philosophy

0:04:16.470,0:04:20.910 prevalent among take two subsidiaries as

0:04:19.080,0:04:23.010 well he says that creativity as a key

0:04:20.910,0:04:24.360 resource and asset and the success of

0:04:23.010,0:04:26.820 the game developed by the companies

0:04:24.360,0:04:27.180 under the aegis of take to prove him

0:04:26.820,0:04:28.830 right

0:04:27.180,0:04:30.660 so he goes on to state here that we say

0:04:28.830,0:04:32.460 that our strategy is to be the most

0:04:30.660,0:04:34.290 creative the most innovative and the

0:04:32.460,0:04:36.030 most efficient we really encourage our

0:04:34.290,0:04:37.530 creative teams to follow what they're

0:04:36.030,0:04:39.449 passionate about we give them a lot of

0:04:37.530,0:04:41.070 resources to do that we don't tend to be

0:04:39.449,0:04:42.750 focused on what used to work let's

0:04:41.070,0:04:44.400 replicate what used to work we're very

0:04:42.750,0:04:46.250 focused on what's on the cutting edge

0:04:44.400,0:04:48.570 what's going to engage and entertain

0:04:46.250,0:04:50.490 consumers in the future we're willing to

0:04:48.570,0:04:52.350 take measured risk when we get it wrong

0:04:50.490,0:04:54.150 we're collaborative with the studios we

0:04:52.350,0:04:56.580 don't point fingers while the frequent

0:04:54.150,0:04:58.889 releases of 2k makes us more apparent in

0:04:56.580,0:05:00.960 their case comparing the more spaced out

0:04:58.889,0:05:02.550 Rockstar titles prove this as well

0:05:00.960,0:05:04.229 simply taking a look at a running

0:05:02.550,0:05:06.389 comparison between Grand Theft Auto

0:05:04.229,0:05:08.910 games shows that aside from a general

0:05:06.389,0:05:10.710 iconic formula the series has changed

0:05:08.910,0:05:12.690 and evolved significantly Red Dead

0:05:10.710,0:05:14.639 Redemption 2 is nearing release and the

0:05:12.690,0:05:16.229 hype has been mounting non-stop since

0:05:14.639,0:05:18.270 the initial announcement of the game and

0:05:16.229,0:05:20.370 in the past few weeks news flow has

0:05:18.270,0:05:22.050 begun to pick up and soon more and more

0:05:20.370,0:05:23.820 information will be revealed to the

0:05:22.050,0:05:25.620 public and based on various accounts

0:05:23.820,0:05:27.389 from journalists we have an idea of what

0:05:25.620,0:05:29.250 to expect but are yet to see the game in

0:05:27.389,0:05:30.960 action guys that brings us an end to

0:05:29.250,0:05:31.500 today's video thank you so much for

0:05:30.960,0:05:33.690 tuning in

0:05:31.500,0:05:35.250 like I said thank you for 8700

0:05:33.690,0:05:36.810 subscribers we're actually super close

0:05:35.250,0:05:37.949 to 8800

0:05:36.810,0:05:39.780 and by the time you guys are watching

0:05:37.949,0:05:41.310 this video we may have already hit it

0:05:39.780,0:05:42.840 and I've surpassed eight thousand eight

0:05:41.310,0:05:44.610 hundred subscribers I do want to thank

0:05:42.840,0:05:46.380 you guys for all the support recently

0:05:44.610,0:05:48.120 all the love for you guys really means a

0:05:46.380,0:05:50.070 lot to me I'm just super happy of the

0:05:48.120,0:05:52.050 community we have here on my channel and

0:05:50.070,0:05:53.550 on Red Dead 2 videos in I route 3 9 9

0:05:52.050,0:05:55.050 we're gonna continue with those collabs

0:05:53.550,0:05:56.699 I'm gonna continue with those q and A's

0:05:55.050,0:05:58.349 and we're gonna continue to innovate and

0:05:56.699,0:06:00.030 make them more fun for you guys maybe

0:05:58.349,0:06:01.289 we'll take some snapchat questions as

0:06:00.030,0:06:02.610 well let me know if you guys want to see

0:06:01.289,0:06:04.050 something like that also let me know

0:06:02.610,0:06:05.669 what other videos you guys would like

0:06:04.050,0:06:07.110 for me to make in regards to Red Dead

0:06:05.669,0:06:08.340 Redemption 2 here on the channel like I

0:06:07.110,0:06:09.750 said thank you so much for tuning in

0:06:08.340,0:06:11.070 drop a like if you guys enjoyed this

0:06:09.750,0:06:12.599 video and found the information helpful

0:06:11.070,0:06:14.099 as well as a few guys are new to the

0:06:12.599,0:06:15.330 channel feel free to subscribe if you

0:06:14.099,0:06:17.159 guys like all this daily

0:06:15.330,0:06:18.539 Red Dead Redemption 2 content and videos

0:06:17.159,0:06:19.710 here on my channel thank you so much for

0:06:18.539,0:06:21.479 tuning in I hope you all have a

0:06:19.710,0:06:22.979 fantastic day happy Monday and I will

0:06:21.479,0:06:26.030 see you guys in the next Red Dead

0:06:22.979,0:06:33.100 Redemption 2 video adios amigos

0:06:26.030,0:06:34.320 [Music]

0:06:33.100,0:06:47.279 [Applause]

0:06:34.320,0:06:47.279 [Music]

Red Dead Redemption 2 - RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER VS.



(RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 - RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER





For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 - RDR2 SINGLEPLAYER VS. RDR2 MULTIPLAYER! TAKE TWO ADDRESSES CONCERNS! (RDR2) - Duration: 6:46.


VW Golf 7 GTE Owners Long Term Review After 1 Year - Pros and Cons 2018 - Duration: 7:57.

hey guys welcome to my new video today we will talk about golf GTE and I will

make a owners review about what I like and what I don't like about the car and

first of all I want to start with the things that I like because I actually

like this car very much the car it is amazing it has a lot of great stuff but

like every other object it has good and bad parts so after almost one year

driving this both GT a 2017 I decided to make a review and show you what I like

and what I don't like about the car I know there are many people that want to

buy a golf was dragon golf GTE and they'd probably be interested in this

review and let's start first thing that I love about this car is the interior

the interior of this car it's actually amazing I like it very much like the

steering wheel the design of the steering wheel I like the design of the

door interior doors I like the design of the dashboard I like that it has a great

visibility better than other one maybe from the competition the other hatchback

I think the quality of the materials in the interior are very good and it's

almost like a premium class car so I like the interior very much plus my

favorite on this car it is the active digital display from Volkswagen they

make a great job that you can see the navigation system in stead of the old

dashboard classic with with a mechanic's movement so I like that you can choice

what you would like to see the speed the economy the navigation you have all kind

of information there and it's for me it's really really useful then I like

the fact that you can drive like 40 kilometer in electric mode almost 40

kilometer depend on the weather depend on the main things depend on the wheel

so what you have on the car and I like the exterior design very much they make

a great job of good aerodynamic the consumption I like it very much it's

very small and we will be back about you know I have a something there to say but

the consumption it's very good and the interior space it is really really

comfortable and you can drive comfortable the sitting are great the

back sitting are great too you have here to the middle console that

it's very nice and beautiful and yeah everything it's really great

now on the other side the first and the big problem for me was the trunk the

trunk it's not so big it's more you don't can you cannot put so much items

in the trunk because there is the gasoline tank and

the battery under and then this was a big problem because it's not so much

space in the trunk but if you don't need so much space then it's perfect

car then the things that I don't like this is for all the hybrid car I think I

guess the plug-in hybrid because after you after the battery it's empty you

have to drive on the petrol and the battery is charging while you're driving

and in this time the petrol tank it's consumed a little bit more and the

consumption go up because the car have to carry all this way from the batteries

and the electric motor so I don't know if it's a good option to buy a hybrid

car for the consumption yes maybe if you drive every day under 40 kilometer it's

the perfect option and if you do sometimes long trips it's perfect but if

you drive long trip every day it's not so a good idea but for the city it's the

perfect car I don't know it's the better car like this in the in the city now to

the things that I don't like I have not so much to say this is the biggest

problem trunk and after the battery it's empty that was my problem I don't know

for other people maybe this is not a big problem but I hope this was a good video

for the people that want to buy a go of GTA and

I hope if you have question if you want to ask me something

after I own this car one year I can tell you everything you want to know I like

the car that it has so much good technology like Lane Assist emergency

braking adaptive cruise control like you can see in my other videos I posted

there some other videos too and yeah that was all for today I wait you back

next time and please subscribe write in the

comment what you want to know about the car and I will answer it very fast so

thank you for watching and bye guys


For more infomation >> VW Golf 7 GTE Owners Long Term Review After 1 Year - Pros and Cons 2018 - Duration: 7:57.


Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7I V6 STYLE AUT LEDER, CLIMA, LPG ONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7I V6 STYLE AUT LEDER, CLIMA, LPG ONDERHOUDEN - Duration: 1:07.


WLS LESSONS FROM MISS PIGGY (Confidence After Bariatric Surgery) - 2018 - Duration: 7:20.

There are a lot of women, myself included, who've been called Miss Piggy.

It's almost always meant as an insult or fat shaming, but today I see things in a

whole new light. Stick around to find out why the Miss Piggy comments meant to

move you to tears should instead make you hold your head up with pride.

The President of the United States called former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, Miss

Piggy when she gained weight. One of his staffers followed suit calling a

professional journalist, April Ryan, Miss Piggy, too. Tabloids have compared

beautiful songbirds like Adele, Jessica Simpson and Christina Aguilera to

Hollywood's most famous swine. And, it happened to me, too! I was part of a group

called Fat Fighters in fifth grade. Led by a nutritionist, the group consisted of

a bunch of kids who were overweight, like me. Now, this all took place in 1979 when

the popular commercials, "Milk ... A Natural Wonder," were all the rage. It was kind of

like the "Got Milk" campaign of the day.

Anyway, some genius decided to shoot a commercial featuring my little Fat

Fighters gang making healthy shakes with nonfat milk, ice and fruit. Healthy or not

heavy kids drinking milkshakes is not the story of happy endings, right? Oh ... but

it gets better! They decided to air the commercial right smack dab in the middle

of "The Muppets Show." Nearly all of my fifth grade classmates saw my television

commercial debut as one of the overweight kids making healthy

milkshakes. Cue the Miss Piggy jokes! And it didn't

help matters that the first Miss Piggy joke lobbed my way was from a really

cute guy that had always been nice to me. The whole experience was really

devastating. Oh, I hated Miss Piggy at first. She was the bane of my existence

for quite some time. But then, I calmed down and I started to

notice some really cool things about Miss Piggy ... things so cool that I

consider them life lessons that helped shape who I am today. These are

lessons that can empower you, too.

1. Miss Piggy defines herself.

Miss Piggy breaks every mold to create one all her own. I mean how many pigs do you know who

graced the covers of Elle Magazine, Life, People, Saturday Evening Post, New York

Magazine and TV Guide? She was even a guest on Chelsea Handler's show in 2011

and Chelsea asked Miss Piggy if she agreed with people who classified her as

plus-size. Her response ... "If by plus you mean I have an extra

fabulous, gorgeous, give me some of that figure then yeah. If you mean fat, then no!

Not only is she a television and movie star, not to mention a recording

artist, she's an author and entrepreneur. Her book and perfume are both called Moi!

Oh, and did you know she starred in her own workout album? Bottom line is she

didn't let other people define her. If they called her names

she'd show them! She chose to be the victor over her weight, not the victim of

it. She chose to define herself. If I had to define her with one word, it would

be confident!

2. She's got tenacity.

Miss Piggy grew upon a farm in Iowa. Her father died when she was young and her mother wasn't very

nice to her. She was told she'd never amount to anything. You're laughing at me,

I know, but I'm not making this stuff up! Look it up. But, the point is Miss Piggy

had dreams of being a big star and finding love. She kept getting up every

time she got knocked down. You know, in this journey to right-size

living there are many times when you might feel like you keep falling down. If

I see the number on the scale go up. I think what would Miss Piggy do? Would she

lie down and give up on her goal. Heck no! She would get up, brush off her knees and

steamroll right over that scale.

3. She's disciplined. If you've watched The

Muppets, then you know Miss Piggy is an expert at martial arts. Hi-ya! As the wife of a

man who practices Jiu Jitsu, I've come to understand that martial arts require

great discipline and regular practice. The same is true for right-sized living

after weight loss surgery ... or any eating or lifestyle change for that matter. It

requires discipline and practice every day if you want to be a black belt in healthy living.

4. She sees beauty in others ... even frogs! Most ladies wouldn't

give a frog a second look, but Miss Piggy recognized that Kermit the Frog

was her prince. I don't know if it's the result of living life as a pig or being

called fat, but Miss Piggy didn't have on blinders. She saw all the wonderful

qualities in Kermit. As someone who spent most of my life being judged or

belittled for being fat, I try to keep this top of mind. If you judge people by

looks or stereotypes, you probably end up missing out on some wonderful, wonderful experiences.

5. She rocks her look! Whoever said you can't put lipstick on a

pig must not have met Miss Piggy. She rocked

the blond hair, high heels, jewels and fashion, right? You don't have to be stick

thin to rock your own style. I remember a time when I thought my life was confined

to stretch pants and baggy t-shirts. Then I realized I deserve to feel fabulous, too ...

no matter what my size! When you look good, you feel good and perform even

better. So, find your style and rock it like Miss Piggy! So listen ... the next time

you hear some jerk try to fat shame someone by calling them Miss Piggy or

some other name, remember that others cannot define you. Only you can define

yourself. So, learn some life lessons from Miss Piggy and be inspired. Proudly tout

your confidence, tenacity, discipline and the abilities to see beauty in others,

and rock your look ... because like Miss Piggy, you were born to shine!

Until next time ... Live with purpose, live with courage and

live with delight!

For more infomation >> WLS LESSONS FROM MISS PIGGY (Confidence After Bariatric Surgery) - 2018 - Duration: 7:20.


Instagram TV: Descubra Como Usar o IGTV - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Instagram TV: Descubra Como Usar o IGTV - Duration: 4:16.



For more infomation >> 👑 A PRIMEIRA VEZ DO MENINO JESUS NA ESCOLA - O LIVRO DE URANTIA - Duration: 3:02.


Polska aktorka walczy o życie córki. Zapadła w śpiączkę - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Polska aktorka walczy o życie córki. Zapadła w śpiączkę - Duration: 2:42.


Formato incorreto da Unha. Podóloga Luana Caldin. - Duration: 15:27.

Let's go with this one that hurts less.

Are you seeing this nail? You cut very close.

Besides what you need, you understand?

So that's why it has these tips.

When they are born they hurt the skin.

Why the tip I attached here ... well on the skin.

So the one to cut tries not to cut so close.

This side.

When he moved ... he moved a lot. He cut it further than necessary.

So when she's growing up .. she'll bother you.

There are still pieces of nail .. are you feeling?

Boy: I am.

I'm going to remove this tip.

The time that she is born.

Do not bother and hurt your skin.

To try to shape her shape, understand?

Whoever held it, nudged the nail.

I think it was cutting and cutting to try to soften ... actually only made the situation worse.

Well, I have no basis to move.

Boy: The best part when you use the tweezers.

Luana: Because you know you left.

That tweezers are bad.

Why does it hang ..

These arts ...

Are you seeing that it's all pricked up?

Have you ever had a nail?

Boy: About three weeks.


Boy: Looks like there's nothing left.

Look at the piece that was inside.

Boy: Wow!

It's going to cut .. gonna cut ..

Cut wrong

And when it grew it would form the spongy flesh again.

The good thing would be to come once a month.

Let her tidy up her shape now.

But she's relieved ...

And you do not let anyone else do what you did.

Boy: Yes.

The side of here ..

Let's grow up ..

For the point is not in the flesh.

So let's get out ...

To shape the nail.

Boy: Yes.

Is she hurting or not?

It's just that he had the wrong cut.

As he nudged over ... left pieces inside.

So when she would grow up ... She would hurt you more.

Boy: It was good ... it was good.

This place hurts, right?

Has left.

This part here?

And now?

Look ..

You see she has two ends?

One outside and the other was already here ...

Where it is more swollen.

This is where this tip is being born.

That's why it was bothering you.

The other hurt more ..

Why the other

It was cutting, cutting and cutting but left at the end the tip.

So he left no base to move.

It will hurt a little more.

Are you bothering?

Boy: No.

For more infomation >> Formato incorreto da Unha. Podóloga Luana Caldin. - Duration: 15:27.


5 síntomas de alerta que podrían indican Alzheimer - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 5 síntomas de alerta que podrían indican Alzheimer - Duration: 1:23.


Mobilização Acromioclavicular do Ombro Maitland TERAPIA MANUAL Clínica Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Mobilização Acromioclavicular do Ombro Maitland TERAPIA MANUAL Clínica Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 3:30.


Krople do oczu - co warto o nich wiedzieć? - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> Krople do oczu - co warto o nich wiedzieć? - Duration: 7:40.


Como a Evolução ajuda na prática? Raciocínio evolutivo faz sentido? (Perguntas e Respostas - 5K) - Duration: 16:50.

For more infomation >> Como a Evolução ajuda na prática? Raciocínio evolutivo faz sentido? (Perguntas e Respostas - 5K) - Duration: 16:50.





Zé Mané no Côco - Ary Lobo - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Zé Mané no Côco - Ary Lobo - Duration: 2:21.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic my legs were reconstructed and

they rejuvenated 20 more years with these three ingredients so do not go and

stay with us until the end of this video where we will be developing

this interesting topic now we go with the information

and many people around the world suffer from different diseases

while we are still young we rarely worry about our health

However, over the years it begins to become something that

requires our attention especially to people from the third

age is seen suffering from pains in the bones and muscles as we go

aging our body is suffering irreversible changes as we

we make less active muscles and bone density decreases as

result we will start to be more susceptible to injuries and fractures

bones due to excessive use if you feel identified with the

situation described above you do not have to worry about in this video you

We will show what you can do to improve your bone health if you are

persistent in this treatment you will be able to feel its fabulous results in little

time the recipe we're talking about

it has been used for many of our grandmothers for many years

they are incomparable and their preparation extremely simple since it is only

necessary three ingredients to make it is very easy and cheap

Below we show you the ingredients they use and their preparation

that we will need 10 units of aspirin of 300 milligrams

10 ml of iodine 300 ml of isopropyl alcohol

All these ingredients are well known and easy to get

with just going to the nearest pharmacy we can get all of them to a

modest price in the case of iodine possesses properties

antiseptics that help them fight different pathogenic life forms between

these forms due we can mention the microbes protozoan infections

fungus or bacteria preparation and use first of all we should take a container

and mix the iodine with the alcohol then we take the pills and

We crush them until we get a fine powder. Finally add the

crushed pills in the mixture of iodine and alcohol and let stand 21 days

we must make sure to place the container in a dark and cold place

after that time the substance is ready to be applied with the

we can make compresses and place them in the affected area or in their

defect we can take a little of it and give it to the place where it hurts

doing gentle massages if you feel sore do not keep wasting time and

prepare this substance today you will see how to use it

now your bone health you had idea of ​​all this shares this information with your

family and friends in your social networks

do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section subscribe to

our channel and I like to see you in a next edition of remedies easy

24 thank you very much



DITADURA: Os Atos Institucionais │ História do Brasil - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> DITADURA: Os Atos Institucionais │ História do Brasil - Duration: 5:28.


Principales causas de la infección de oído - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Principales causas de la infección de oído - Duration: 6:58.


Anna Gabriel y Marta Rovira podrán seguir en Suiza: invita la Generalitat - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Anna Gabriel y Marta Rovira podrán seguir en Suiza: invita la Generalitat - Duration: 3:21.


Groves woman finds 3-foot gator in yard - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Groves woman finds 3-foot gator in yard - Duration: 0:42.


field 5 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> field 5 - Duration: 1:05.


SHAWN MENDES SÓ FAZ MÚSICA BOA - Canal da Mar - Duration: 6:39.


Hi everybody, how are you doing?

Today I am here to

I don't wanna say that these songs are my favorites

because the hole album are incredible

I liked them all

But I have some that I heard a lot

and some

that came out before

it's like a "Top 5"

I don't know if it's just 5 but ok

from the Shawn Mendes's new album

awesome, guys

everything he does is a success

everyone loves

i'll start with the most famous

per second is one I'm also passionate about

it seems like

a calm music

like a sad song


this song is SO GOOD

the next

this song is also very addictive

like all of them

not in the bad way

it's like OMG


last but not least


i'll put a bonus



so guys, I think these are my favorite

The ones I listen more

like I said, the hole album is amazing

if you liked the album

tell me what your favorite is

i wanna know, ok?

I hope you liked

Don't forget to subscribe

send it to him, we want him to see

yes, like in a dream, haha

if you are watching, Shawn

I want you to know that you are an HOMÃO DA P*RRA

xoxo, see you in the next video! Bye!

For more infomation >> SHAWN MENDES SÓ FAZ MÚSICA BOA - Canal da Mar - Duration: 6:39.


Prezentare Browning X Bolt SF Chassis HS3 Black - Duration: 1:52.

Nice to meet you. We are here at the Browning booth at IWA 2018 and Alberto is so very kind to

tell us the novelties about theX Bolt SF Chassis HS3 Black Browning has just

introduced and that basically is the newest star in a reasonable priced range

for long range shooting. Alberto! This is the new X Bolt is in a darker version

The only caliber available is .308

It has the skeleton stock, all all adjustable and

in aluminium. The trigger is bigger than

the other version of the X Bolt. The grip is Mill-spec version. Magazine holds 5 rounds

quite well. The twist rate is 1 in 10 and the barrel is 51 cm.

The twist rate is 1 - 10 and the barrel is 51 cm. This version has also a muzzle break,

but without the bipod and the optics. Excellent! And since we spoke about

price, I saw here the price range is about 2,700 Euro for the rifle.

Excellent! Thank you very much! Thank you, too!

For more infomation >> Prezentare Browning X Bolt SF Chassis HS3 Black - Duration: 1:52.


Alan y el chef Yisus modelan las últimas tendencias en trajes de baño - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Alan y el chef Yisus modelan las últimas tendencias en trajes de baño - Duration: 4:12.


Theatre Dictionary: 11 O'Clock Number - Duration: 1:55.

♪ (upbeat doo-wop music) ♪

TDF's Theatre Dictionary:

11 O'Clock Number

Hey Nick. Don't tell me you've been checking out my centerfold, again.

(chuckles) Actually Lucy, between shows

I like to brush up on my theatre history.

I was just reading about the theatre term "11 O'Clock Number".


Well I've done lots of numbers in my day,

and 11 o'clock is one of my favorite positions.

Well in the theater, Lucy, the 11 o'clock number is

the big crowd-pleasing number that happens at the end of the musical.

It's supposed to make the audience boogie, and then send them home humming and happy.

Well give me an example.

♪ Well the people all said, "Sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat"… ♪

♪ … people all said, "Sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat". ♪

♪ Or the devil will drag you under, by the sharp lapel of your checkered coat ♪

♪ Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat! ♪

(laughs) Well that was pretty good.

-How about you? -How 'bout this?

♪ (scats vampily) ♪

♪ For me! ♪

♪ (scats vampily) ♪

♪ For me! ♪

♪ For me! ♪

♪ For me! ♪

♪ For… meeeeeee! ♪

Nice, Lucy!

Okay, but there's more to it.

You know the terminology dates back to the days when shows started at 8:30.

So the finale would happen at… ta-da!

11 o'clock. My finest hour. Both on stage and off.

Well Nick, I know you're happily married,

but let's see if there isn't something we can brush up on besides theatre history.

(nervous laugh)

♪ ("And you live on Avenue Q… you live on Avenue Q… you live on Avenue Q! ") ♪

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