Saturday, March 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 17 2018

hello and welcome to easy remedies 24 today we will talk about seven

Natural treatments for circulation

so do not go and stay with us until the end of this video

where we will be developing this interesting topic

let's start

turmeric supplement number ingredients a teaspoon of turmeric

in play three grams and a teaspoon of honey 7.5 grams a glass of milk 200

milliliters preparation adds a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a

pinch of honey in a glass of hot milk

take it once or twice a day number 2 input of workshop average ingredients

teaspoon of cayenne pepper the goal 2 grams two tablespoons of vinegar

apple cider gives 30 milliliters a spoonful of molasses 25 grams a

250,000 water cup and your preparation adds cayenne pepper soccer

apple cider vinegar and molasses in a cup of water

mix well and take both times a day all 10 number 3 coconut oil

hot consume 2 to 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil daily

30 to 45 grams number four and melting green tea ingredients a tablespoon

of green tea 15 grams failing click here

a cup of water 250 mm 10 to taste preparation add the spoonful of

green tea in a cup of hot water and let it for five minutes

past the indicated time it hurts and she honey can take two to three cups

to day number 5 a piece of chocolate daily as a small piece of

dark chocolate a day to optimize circulation

make sure you choose the dark chocolate there was a minimum of 70 percent cocoa

six number of ginger ingredients one tablespoon of grated ginger 15 grams

two cups of water and 500 milliliters honey to the right preparation adds the ginger and

the water in cap and bring to a boil let it boil for 10 minutes and

Filters add honey and take two or three times a day

you can also chew slices of iu and pp number 71 I make up in addition to

apply some of the adult natural treatments also a good plan

exercises and a balanced diet that complements your

results you had idea of ​​all this shares is

information with your family and friends from your social networks

and do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section of this video

I am Eduardo Villalba and this is easy remedies 24



Cataluña: La Guardia Civil caza 'in fraganti' en Internet a los golpistas Puigdemont y Junqueras - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Cataluña: La Guardia Civil caza 'in fraganti' en Internet a los golpistas Puigdemont y Junqueras - Duration: 5:19.


Why aren't more people driving cars in the Wasteland? – Fallout Lore - Duration: 9:08.

When the post-nuclear survivors of World War III look at an automobile what do you think

they'll see?

Building material?

A place to sleep perhaps?



In Fallout's world, America has lots of cars.

Lots and lots of them, but well, they aren't for driving, are they?

Did people just forget how?

Maybe their parents never taught them… or maybe- maybe as we'll discover that the

reasons are a bit more complicated than that.

Cars are useful tools, especially useful though if you ever find yourself in a radioactive

wasteland, where food is both scarce and spread out.

If scavenging for your next can of preservatives means living to see your next sunrise, then

YES, you better get your hands on a working vehicle as soon as the bombs fall, because

life- life just became a race.

This makes Fallout a curious case in the genre doesn't it, because while most post-apocalyptic

franchises acknowledge the clear utility of cars in an end-of-world scenario, going so

far as to glorify them, Fallout takes the exact opposite approach.

In most parts of the wasteland, cars aren't symbols of value and utility.

They're the rusted relics of an old world.

Monuments of metal that speak to the mistakes of a long dead generation.

If these old machines could talk, they'd probably tell us about those poor souls who

created them, and how incredibly close humanity came to solving the crisis which would led

to their untimely demise.

They would tell us about the Resources Wars and how while the rest of the world was fighting

over the last drops of oil to fuel their cars, factories, and agriculture, the United States

was doing relatively well without gasoline.

In this alternate timeline, 11 years before nuclear fire would engulf the world, America

unveiled the first fusion cell.

We're talking nuclear reactors so small they could fit in your backpack.

America used this nearly limitless supply of power to build everything from robots,

to television sets, to… more robots.

It was supposed to be a golden age for humanity, only we know things didn't end that way.

So why is America littered with cars that seemingly aren't going anywhere while 200-year-old

military robots are still puttering around?

Well the answers come to us from before the Great War.

Instead of harnessing atomic energy to save a world that was teetering on the brink,

America's elite started talking behind closed doors.

By carefully selecting which companies were awarded government contracts, American leadership

ensured that atomic energy wouldn't be used to alleviate the world's problems but exacerbate them.

The atom wouldn't be harnessed as a tool for peace and global unity, but as weapon

of war and further division.

State-sponsored paranoia became the order

of the day as government propaganda glorified war as an Anti-Communist Crusade, rallying

Americans and urging them to enlist.

The ones who did were given atomic powered guns and armor- weapons of war fueled by the

same technology that might've saved them and the rest of the world.

Instead, war would be waged. Mexico, Alaska, Canada... Then the Pacific.

Over resources the world didn't know it didn't need to fight over anymore.

While the government and oligarchs curved innovation and national attention towards

fueling the war machine- Corvega's first atomic-powered cars rolled off the assembly lines.

It's nuclear-powered engine promising a brighter future- one free from oil dependency.

The same country which gave the world the Model T centuries earlier was about to revitalize

not just an industry, but an entire planet that was literally starving for resources.

It wasn't just atomic-powered cars either.

Advances in nuclear physics were leading to a scientific renaissance where household replicators

once thought the stuff of science fiction, might soon become commonplace.

These incredible machines provided everyday necessities like food, water, medicine, even

alcohol with the press of a button.

So why did the earth's population go to war over scraps, when a buffet of new technology

was on the verge of saving them all?

Turning this dystopian tale into a utopian one.

Looking at the wasteland, we know that all this amazing consumer technology never quite

made it to foreign soil.

On the contrary, the exact opposite happened.

In the years leading up to the Fallout in this timeline, the US president issued a statement: the world's

remaining oil supply was to be used exclusively by the United States, leaving everyone else's

oil-reliant economies to die; furthermore, while the U.S. does possess the secrets to

nuclear fusion, they would not be shared with anyone- Chinese or otherwise.

By exploring Fallout's wasteland we learn most stories through what was left behind.

200 years after the bombs fell- and those same atomic cars, the ones which could've

helped save the world had they been massively adopted, serve instead as a reminder of a

future that could've been.

Most survivors don't use them, at least the sane ones don't anyway.

Remember, these machines were supposed to be the salvation for an old world low on fuel,

but to the average wastelander?

Unlike gas or diesel, atomic-engines are just too unstable to tinker with.

The consequences for screwing up are… rather explosive, so ironically these machines didn't

save the old world, and they aren't doing so much to help the new one either.

Funny enough, most pre-war military technology seems to be working just fine 2 centuries

after the bombs fell, and that makes some sense if you think about it.

When the US government is dumping truckloads of cash into military contracts instead of

sustainable consumer technology, do we really find it that surprising that the sturdiest

machines left behind just-so-happened to be killer robots and suits of power armor?

Only a handful of big players in the wasteland have managed to maintain a few cars.

The New California Republic just to name one.

And what do you think they use them for?

You don't have to play Fallout for very long to realize that the new world isn't

so different from the old one.

All over the wasteland, pre-war technology gets used for what it has always been used for.

So when America's post-nuclear descendants look at a car, they seem to be thinking no

differently than their ancestors did.

Maybe for the people of the Fallout universe, war- war is simply in their DNA.

And that is what doesn't seem to be changing any time soon.

And you know what else isn't changing anytime soon?

Our mod support for the Wasteland Codex.

(damn that was a good transition).

The Wasteland Codex is our fully-free fully-voiced lore database for the Pip-boy.

The mod has now been downloaded over 100,000 times and we're not stopping until it's on every Pip-Boy

in the wasteland.

To celebrate, this weekend we'll be releasing our biggest update yet that's going to add

over 30 new unlockable entries, including new categories on vehicles, chems and power armor.

If you're looking to digest your Fallout lore on the go, this mod is for you.

Also, we have a sponsor today!

It's been a while.

If you're looking to start your own YouTube channel or maybe blog in the near

future - I would highly highly recommend checking out a website like Skill Share.

It's a good place to get your start if content creation is something you think you'd be

interested in.

They have over 17,000 classes in things like videography, productivity, and yeah even writing.

I'd say their service is especially useful for people looking to level-up their skills

in Adobe products, so if that speaks to you, they might be worth checking out.

The premium membership begins around $10 a month, but if you decide to go that route

I would highly recommend using the link below before you sign up.

That link entitles the first 500 people who use it to 2 months of premium for just 99


That's sidewalk money, so yeah, make sure if you want it at that price you get yourself

in there.

Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this here lore video.

If you have any more suggestions for topics- burning questions about lore that you need

answering- shout out in the comments below or message at us on twitter.

Your question might get turned into the next lore essay.

I've been Josh.

We'll catch you later.

For more infomation >> Why aren't more people driving cars in the Wasteland? – Fallout Lore - Duration: 9:08.


Paula Vázquez: "Si me insultan, quiero saber quién es y soy capaz de ir a darle un guantazo" - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Paula Vázquez: "Si me insultan, quiero saber quién es y soy capaz de ir a darle un guantazo" - Duration: 5:28.


Elimina 10 kg de Heces Atorada y Adelgaza en Solo 5 Días ➜ Jugo Para Bajar de Peso - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Elimina 10 kg de Heces Atorada y Adelgaza en Solo 5 Días ➜ Jugo Para Bajar de Peso - Duration: 3:41.


10 alimentos que calman la ansiedad de manera natural - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> 10 alimentos que calman la ansiedad de manera natural - Duration: 7:15.


Il massacro degli Albigesi | Lineage - Episodio 9 (Italian Dubbing) - Duration: 5:58.

Whilst the Waldensians lived on the Italian side of the Alps,

a group with similar faith lived on the French side,

stretching across Southern France, from the Alps in the east to the Pyrenees in the west.

They had the Bible in their own language,

and they were a freedom-loving, industrious, and prosperous people.

They were known as the Albigensians,

and like other groups scattered around Europe

they remained true to God's word

and resisted attempts to come under the banner of Rome.

Some historians note that had this movement been allowed to grow unhindered,

that the reformation would have started in the 13th century and not the 16th century,

and the base of it would have been in Southern France and not Germany.


In the early 13th century Pope Innocent III was reigning, though he was anything but innocent.

He surveyed the landscape of Europe at the time

and determined that these groups, however small,

needed to be exterminated in order to preserve the church.

He issued an edict that authorised the killing of all such believers.


A crusade was launched that became immensely popular with the 'warriors' from Northern France

as they no longer had to travel all the way to Palestine,

but right here, in their own country, they could attain all the same benefits.

They were told that by killing they would wash away their sins,

that they were entitled to the property of those whom they killed,

and that when they died they would immediately go to heaven.

All of this was promised in return for just 40 days of service.

One can only imagine the type of people who made up the armies

that came down here to Southern France.

Year after year from 1209 AD to 1229 AD,

for 20 years this crusade was waged against the Albigensians by Pope Innocent III.


During the first season, the crusaders attacked and conquered the city of Toulouse.

They then made their way south in July of 1209 AD to the city of Béziers.

As the forces where gathering around the city in large numbers,

the men made a rush to attack them before they had a chance to fortify the camp.

It was in vain, though, and the assault was repelled.

As they huried back to the city, the crusaders mingled with the citizens

and made their way into the city

before they had a chance to close the gates.

There was now a problem, what would they do?

There were Catholic crusaders in the city alongside the Albigensians.

Upon consulting the Papal legate, the reply was given:

'Kill all, kill all, the Lord will know his own'.


History records that blood flowed like water

as everyone in the city was brutally murdered.

No one was spared.

Even those who sought refuge in the church were cut down.

The population of the city at the time was around 15,000,

but on that fateful day historians estimate that around 60,000 people where here

as people from the neighbouring villages and towns had come here seeking refuge.

After the killing, before they left

they set fire to the city, burning everything to the ground.

Not one house was left standing,

not one person was left alive.

Other cities and towns in the area would fall as well,

suffering the same gruesome fate.


Even though they were not a race of people

but rather a group who shared the same faith,

the destruction and systematic killing has been compared in some circles to genocide.

The prestige of the Papacy suffered greatly during this time,

as news of the slaughter spread throughout Europe.

The Albigensians where not totally wiped out, though,

and small pockets of them did remain over the centuries.


Perhaps most tragic was how the propagators linked divine salvation with murder,

a dangerous combination then and still today.

We should never allow religious extremism

to take away freedom of worship.

We must never impose our beliefs on others

nor allow others to impose their beliefs upon us.

No matter how true one thinks they are,

no one has the right to force their beliefs on anyone else.

One thing that God has given to us is the freedom of choice,

the freedom to love God in return for the love that he has given to us.

May we be gracious in how we share our faith and our beliefs,

giving other people the room to make their own decisions as they are led individually.

For more infomation >> Il massacro degli Albigesi | Lineage - Episodio 9 (Italian Dubbing) - Duration: 5:58.


MOOC: Open Government' Jungle. Introduction - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> MOOC: Open Government' Jungle. Introduction - Duration: 1:30.


Gols da Copa João Havelange em 08/11/2000 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Gols da Copa João Havelange em 08/11/2000 - Duration: 1:54.


Absceso - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Absceso - Duration: 3:35.


Últimas noticias hoy Qué pasó con el hombre desplomado en Lavapiés por un porrazo de la Policía - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Últimas noticias hoy Qué pasó con el hombre desplomado en Lavapiés por un porrazo de la Policía - Duration: 5:28.


Comment transformer le THC en CBN, Vaporisateur Mighty, Crafty Vaporizer - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> Comment transformer le THC en CBN, Vaporisateur Mighty, Crafty Vaporizer - Duration: 8:30.


La Reina Sofía y su hermana: el triste motivo que les ha llevado de vuelta a Grecia - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> La Reina Sofía y su hermana: el triste motivo que les ha llevado de vuelta a Grecia - Duration: 4:35.


La Canción Del ULTRA INSTINTO | ULTRA INSTINCT | ULTIMATE BATTLE | "Ka Ka Kachi Daze" | DBS | LYRICS - Duration: 2:50.

Ga ga ga ga gachi daze

Gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

Jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru Imi ha nai sa tatakau dake

Deaete ureshii ze sugee yatsu ni Oshiete kureru kai ore no tsuyosa wo

Pawaa zenkai genkai toppa Koko kara saki ha kami mo tada pokaan sa

Ma ma ma ma maji ka yo Ten ten ten ten ten mo chi mo

Jyan jyan byan byan hibashira ni tokeru

Ga ga ga ga gachi daze Gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

Jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru Imi ha nai sa tatakau dake sa

Yagate jiga ga mu ni naru made

Sonzai kakusei genkai saisei Ishiki wo koete tatakai ha tsudzuku

Ga ga ga ga gachi daze Gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

Jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru Ba ba ba ba baka da ne

Zan zan zan zan zankoku na

Jyan jyan byan byan shukumei wo warae Imi ha nai sa tatakau dake sa

Yagate jiga ga mu ni naru made

For more infomation >> La Canción Del ULTRA INSTINTO | ULTRA INSTINCT | ULTIMATE BATTLE | "Ka Ka Kachi Daze" | DBS | LYRICS - Duration: 2:50.


Leonor: su 'inflado' curriculum desata la hilaridad en las redes - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Leonor: su 'inflado' curriculum desata la hilaridad en las redes - Duration: 5:49.


Awaken Your Potential

For more infomation >> Awaken Your Potential


yung thom - forever with u - Duration: 2:33.

yung thom - forever with u

For more infomation >> yung thom - forever with u - Duration: 2:33.


ALEXANDER NEVERMIND: 👁 COULD N'R 🎬 THE 🌇 OF U'R ♂ (LIVE 2014) - 1958/2018 (60TH ANNIVERSARY) - Duration: 5:16.

Alexander Nevermind: "It was only last June when her old man ran away...

She couldn't stop crying cause she knew he was gone to stay...

It was 10:35 on a lonely friday night...

She was standin' by the bar... woo, she was lookin' alright, yeah...

I asked if she wanted to dance & she said all she wanted was a good man...

And wanted to know if I thought I was qualified... seriously, SING!

I said, baby don't waste your time... I know what's on your mind, yes, I do...

I may be qualified for a one night stand... but I could never take the place of your man...

It hurt me so bad when she told me with tears in her eyes...

He was all she ever had & now she wanted to die...

He left her with a baby & another one on the way...

She couldn't stop cryin' cause she knew he was gone to stay...

I asked her if we could be friends & she said, oh, Prince, that's a dead end...

U know & I know that we wouldn't be satisfied... yeah...

And I said, baby don't waste your time... I know what's on your mind, yes, I do...

We wouldn't be satisfied for a one night stand... but I could never take the place of your man...

Place of your man...

Place of your man...

Place of your man, your man, your, your..."

For more infomation >> ALEXANDER NEVERMIND: 👁 COULD N'R 🎬 THE 🌇 OF U'R ♂ (LIVE 2014) - 1958/2018 (60TH ANNIVERSARY) - Duration: 5:16.


Outrage over New Yorker mag's 'repulsive' body-shaming of President Trump - Duration: 4:58.

Outrage over New Yorker mag's 'repulsive' body-shaming of President Trump.

The prestigious New Yorker magazine is under fire for its latest cover, which depicts President

Trump addressing reporters in the nude in an unflattering illustration that mocks his


The magazine tweeted an early look at this image and it was immediately met with criticism.

While many critics chimed in with responses calling the image "disgusting" and "repulsive,"

others accused the image of mocking the president for his physical appearance – which is generally

frowned upon in the current cultural landscape.

I dislike Trump, but they could have done without the body shaming," one user tweeted.

"Especially considering that is a culture we are all trying to get away from."

The reader added, "As someone who is VERY Anti-Trump, displaying him as a flesh colored

blob is 100% body shaming."

I get that, but as someone who is VERY Anti-Trump, displaying him as a flesh colored blob is

100% body shaming, and its something that Trump himself would do.

We can be better than that.

— Collin Rea (@_CollinRea) March 16, 2018 "Shame on you for doing this to anybody,

not just the president," a reader replied to the magazine's tweet.

Another reader was so disgusted that they referred to The New Yorker as "trash"

that has "fallen to the lowest level," while another proclaimed, "Your readers

are snobs."

Members of the media have chimed in, as Think Progress editor Judd Legum predicted that

Trump won't appreciate the art and MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin simply tweeted, "Oh


Conservative commentator Britt McHenry told Fox News that the cover is another sign of

"intolerance and mean spirited behavior" from the liberal media.

"Why is his weight relevant?

There has been a lot of turbulence within the White House Administration the past couple

weeks with high profile people resigning," McHenry said.

"Focus on what actually matters, if criticism is all the media wants to project."

Washington Post media columnist Erik Wemple seemed to take great joy in the cover, noting

there is a great deal to love about the illustration and pointing to the size of particular extremities

as an example, an obvious jab at the size of Trump's hands.

Others fixated on the fact that the esteemed magazine would be able to get away with mocking

the appearance of a female public figure.

"Imagine the s--t storm had Madame @HillaryClinton won and a magazine had decided to run a cover

of her along these lines," one user wrote.

"It's sad to see liberal deep state minds at work, only hurting the future of our country,

it citizens and their own families!

What goes around comes around," a critic of the cover tweeted, while another said the

image is an example of why The New Yorker is "turning into the Mad Magazine for urban


The Barry Blitt illustration "recalls the prophet Bob Dylan, who once noted, in 'It's

Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding),' that 'even the President of the United States

must sometimes have to stand naked,'" according to the magazine.

"I wanted to address President Trump's stormy relationship with the press," Blitt


Art Editor Francoise Mouly wrote that the illustration was selected from a group that

included images of school shootings and the death of Stephen Hawking.

"Once the image was selected, Blitt honed the cast and contour of certain love handles,

then glazed the work in his signature watercolors," Mouly wrote.

Earlier this year, several media members were accused of fat shaming Trump when he was given

a clean bill of health by White House physician Ronny Jackson despite being a tad overweight

and needing more exercise.

The disbelieving media scoffed at the official report, mocking the doctor's findings, offering

its own diagnoses and ultimately questioning the credentials of a U.S. Navy rear admiral

who conducted the exam.

A new genre of fake news was created as a result of Trump's positive physical, as

pundits turned into weight truthers, or as MSNBC host Chris Hayes put it, "girthers."

The White house doctor reported that Trump stands 6-foot-3 and weighs 239 pounds, which

magically turned critics into carnival-style weight guessers.

"If that's what 6'3″, 239 pounds looks like -- that's a shock to me," MSNBC star

Joe Scarborough said the morning after Dr. Jackson revealed Trump's dimensions.

University of Southern California Associate Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy E.

Todd Schroeder told Fox News that "body composition and weight is a sensitive topic

for both men and women" and while people might not like Trump, that doesn't make

it okay to attack his appearance.

"If Hillary Clinton was president, had a physical, and classified as overweight, I

am confident the report would receive little attention and certainly not ridicule," Schroeder

said during the aftermath of Trump's physical.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Outrage over New Yorker mag's 'repulsive' body-shaming of President Trump - Duration: 4:58.


Pokémon Emerald - Episode 41: The Shoal Cave | How to get the Shell Bell - Duration: 10:40.


[SpongeBob French narrator]

Next episode, we will take on the gym!

See ya'

For more infomation >> Pokémon Emerald - Episode 41: The Shoal Cave | How to get the Shell Bell - Duration: 10:40.


Homemade recipe for growing hair | Natural Health - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Homemade recipe for growing hair | Natural Health - Duration: 2:18.


Angioplastia coronaria - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Angioplastia coronaria - Duration: 4:15.


Elimina 10 kg de Heces Atorada y Adelgaza en Solo 5 Días ➜ Jugo Para Bajar de Peso - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Elimina 10 kg de Heces Atorada y Adelgaza en Solo 5 Días ➜ Jugo Para Bajar de Peso - Duration: 3:41.


The most luxurious garage ever! - I Imitate MO VLOGS on my Videos??! - Duration: 9:32.

Yo Yo yoooo , welcome guys

New Video and new vlog

Today inchalah

I came to down town directly

So The weather

So Gloomy

Its So mush Gloomy

The sky17 building

Sky 17

This is the atmosphere right now

i just found

An Rs3

Rs3 And we have C63s

Not Edition 1

And The Amg GTS

So Guys !

I was filming here

And im about to live now

Since i wanted to do a review to a Rolls royce


Serie II


I did not find it

and I'll be on time

Im about to go filming and i'll be back

so stay with us

Anddddd One thing

And an very important point i want to speak

In the end of video


I filmed this amg in all the last video

rS3 400HP

So i didn't find anything

nothing to spot today

So we gonna go to autohaus

To film a new rolls royce

i hope we get it

its so windy right now

and its raining

This is our weather

we gonna talk in a topic

There is an a45 amg

there it is

As you can see

So we made it , i just arrived to autohaus

There is the RR im talking about



Behind it

we have

Rolls royce drophead



And today they bring

rolls royce ghost serie II

Serie II

Rolls royce serie II

As You see


As you know


THE most luxurious cars ever

The engine has 6.6L V12

The power generation is 490 hp


This Rims

That rims with 19pouces

19 pouces

that what i know about it

i hope it unlocked

My bad

This is the interior

the color is so good

i think this is the most expensive color

The white and grey

So let's go

im going out

rolls royce


yo ,I approached to the house

and i remembered the topic that i want to speak about

the topic is


so many people roast me about it


Mo vlogs , yeah

last comment you said

I imitate MO VLOGS

I do like MV

This is the comments

to be honnest , I Like mo vlogs

I like him

I love him

I like him also Ksi , logan & jake pauls

i like them so mush


You said , i use His Playlist music

All music is youtube library

Youtube Upload 'em

every one can use them

when i watch mo vlogs i like the music

and i use them in my vids


that's all

I watch Mo vlogs when he had 20k subscribers

SO guys, i hope you understand

I do my own skills

and soon i'll do a social Expirement

So stay tuned

I hope you like this vlog

I'll see you on a next video


For more infomation >> The most luxurious garage ever! - I Imitate MO VLOGS on my Videos??! - Duration: 9:32.


NOTD - I Wanna Know (feat. Bea Miller) - Duration: 3:19.

NOTD Bea Miller I Wanna Know

For more infomation >> NOTD - I Wanna Know (feat. Bea Miller) - Duration: 3:19.


News Conference: Texas A&M, North Carolina, Kansas State, UMBC - Preview - Duration: 3:12:51.

For more infomation >> News Conference: Texas A&M, North Carolina, Kansas State, UMBC - Preview - Duration: 3:12:51.


5 trattamenti naturali contro i parassiti intestinali - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 5 trattamenti naturali contro i parassiti intestinali - Duration: 8:53.


I Valdesi, lux lucet in tenebris | Lineage - Episodio 8 (Italian Dubbing) - Duration: 5:09.

In the early centuries, Rome would lay down the challenge:

either abide by how we want you to live,

or leave your place of residence and leave your place of worship.

And the Waldensians treasured God's Word more than they treasured their home.

And so they would leave and go up into the mountains.


Life would not have been easy here in the Waldensian valleys.

The children growing up would have had to learn very quickly

the lessons of self-sacrifice and self-denial, frugality and economy.

Their parents treasured these principles from the Bible

and they wished to bestow them upon their children.

They treasured them so much that they retreated up here,

and here in the mountains they wanted to teach two things.

Number one, they wanted to teach them purity of life based on God's word;

and number two, they wanted to teach them to be missionaries

and take the faith that they had, and take it further afield than just the valleys in which they lived.

And so they would have schools up here and they would have places of worship,

sometimes in caves, where they could teach their children and their young people

how they could go out as missionaries and share this message.


The Waldensians fervently believed in the Bible.

They believed that they should follow it, and they treasured it.

The Waldensians believed in the commandments of God that had been given through the Bible

and they sought to keep them.

And they were often persecuted for their faith and had to retreat up to the higher valleys.

And here in this place of worship--it's just a cave.

Today you come here, you have to creep down through the entrance to get in,

the rock walls are on each side.

But here in this cave, it's almost a sacred spot.

It's a place where they would gather together for worship,

but also at times they would gather together to hide from the Roman soldiers.


To me it's encouraging to know that even when they were scattered in the mountains,

they would still find time to worship together.

And I believe it's very important that we today meet together with fellow believers and worship.

But the thing that stands out to me, here in this place of-- that's not that pretty by earthly standards,

there's no gold plated pulpit, there's no marble table, there's just rocks, they're wet.

But it's the quietness and the peace and the simplicity and the purity of this place that is striking.

And these Waldensians would gather here, not just once--it wasn't just a one-off,

it may have been repeatedly, it may have been over years or may have been even over decades

that they would gather together to worship in caves like this that are dotted around these mountains.

For us, church is so comfortable or so convenient.

I'm sat on a cold rock,

but oftentimes in church we sit on nice comfy chairs.

The heating may be on, it may just be 5 miles from our house or just down the road

and yet sometimes we think, 'Ahh, I'm not too keen to go'.

And I think back to myself, yourself, wherever we are.

We have a time of relative peace, a time of relative freedom

where we can gather together and worship, where we can meet fellow believers.

And my appeal is, don't waste the opportunities that you have.

Don't be so comfortable or so convenient

that we miss the opportunities that we do have.

God has given us great opportunities now; let's take advantage and use them

and take this message to the world around us.

For more infomation >> I Valdesi, lux lucet in tenebris | Lineage - Episodio 8 (Italian Dubbing) - Duration: 5:09.


How to enter and navigate on the Old Habbo Hotel (2006 at 2009) - Duration: 5:39.

*Watch the video until the end and enjoy it. I had a lot of work to edit this video.*

Hey Guys, how are you? Here is the Pitagoras with more a video in the channel and before I start the video

I with to give a save special to the people who sponsored our channel.

With habbo rares and habbo coins

Then guys, you saw in the title of the video, I'll be showing the old Habbo Hotel

For more infomation >> How to enter and navigate on the Old Habbo Hotel (2006 at 2009) - Duration: 5:39.


Peter Webb - Bet Angel - Cheltenham Betfair trading diary - Duration: 15:24.

please like and comment on the video below that will allow me to produce

better quality videos and more of them in the future if you're interested in

learning to trade successfully in sports then why not visit the BET angel'

Academy where we have more detailed videos so first F Chapman today I'm

doing my regular routine of going for a walk

it clears your mind and gets you in the right frame of mind and looking forward

to the first day you never quite know how it's going to go I'm hoping that it

goes well but usually it's a day for experimenting and learning about the

market so I'm gonna be trading it manually I've got some bots that are

also going to be trading it but their main purpose is for me to learn about

how the market looks and how different it is from last year so they're going to

be putting orders in the market at random and I'll be looking at the data

later this evening so that I've got a better steer on how the markets are

performing tomorrow already quite a bit of money in the first race today it's

over a million or so when I woke up this morning and a fairly decent sums waiting

tobacco lay the first race of the festival can be the hardest to trade

because that you've got no steer on it and there's obviously a lot of money sat

there waiting for days sometimes so yeah looking for - it should be an

interesting day

so the first day when okay at Cheltenham it wasn't anything unbelievable but it

wasn't too bad either so you know no major issues I made one mistake on a

race mid-afternoon can't remember what it was but it's gone from my mind

already but generally I got off to a slow start

and made a mistake but then started to pick up speed from there so yeah I was

pretty pretty positive about the first day went pretty much as I expected and I

was on roughly about the same total is that it last year actually I think I was

probably slightly ahead so I'm hoping to repeat that feat today on the way here I

was going to record video and as I was walking but there was a lorry that

interfered and then pedestrians and then some dogs started to bark at me and I

was having this whole sequence of events where I thought I'm not gonna make a

video today it's just not going to happen so I decided to divert through

the local woods and then a helicopter arrived to check the powerlines

so I was just having one of those moments this morning and I'm hoping

fingers crossed that it doesn't continue into the training hopefully you're going

to have a better session training and when I sit down a little bit later

yeah the markets behaving pretty much the way I expected I haven't seen

anything unusual this year so it's going to be a case of business as usual for me

to see how hard I can push it as we progress through the week it's typically

Friday's the focus when you get the potential for big numbers by going to

chip away and see if I can pick up some good totals on the way there and see if

I can keep myself ahead of last year winning run continued on BET's DAC on

Tuesday clean sweep and all of those roses

I'm skeptical as to whether I can get a clean sweep two years in a row because I

have got a clean sweep before last year but that was quite a few years ago so

it's really rare to get a complete clean sweep he needs just that little bit of

luck to be able to pull that off and I mean you I'm not saying that I'm not

confident that I won't do it but I think that it's unlikely being realistic

but yeah looking for today hopefully can take a bit of

knowledge with me from yesterday had a look at volumes and other data but they

all seemed to replicate what happened last year so I don't think there's much

to add to what I learned last year when I'm looking forward to giving it a good

go today

so it's day three at Cheltenham now I'm out for my morning walk

reflecting on yesterday's business and how I did and I thought yesterday was an

interesting day because got off to an absolute fly I did really well on the

first race really well on the second and really well on the third the momentum

was building significantly but from that point onwards it sort of went downhill

but me downhill in a nice way I mean I did I had one race where I made a bit of

a scrub and didn't really get things very well and made a bit of a loss the

other races I just didn't really make much profit so I know most people would

be happy with that and you know I wasn't disappointed over the first two days I

did pretty well and I'm well ahead of where I was last year but yeah it was

disappointing to sort of lose that momentum but that encapsulate trading

for you trading does that all the time I was using very similar styles the

markets felt fairly similar but it just didn't work and so realizing that it's

not working is a good thing and that's what catches people out sometimes they

they do a good trade on several races they go to repeat it doesn't work so

they then believe that they're better than the market when in fact the market

will determine what your outcome is not you never fall in love with a position

because it will never love you back so when I realise that it just wasn't quite

working out I just sort of got a little less aggressive and that helped minimize

any potential loss that I could have had and I made one loss I didn't trade very

well at all but the others were fine they just weren't particularly good so

my winning run came to an end yesterday had a consecutive winning races over a

huge period at Cheltenham you know over the whole of last year and most of this

year but yeah I couldn't keep it going yesterday I fell rather appropriately at

the cross country hour chase and that meant that I just couldn't give that

money we're in going but actually it's a relief it's an absolute relief because I

once decided that I would go for an astonishing record of not having a

losing day over an entire year but what I figured out was that as I was

progressing down that path I became more and more cautious to try and

the winning run going and I wasn't getting the best out of each market and

I was sort of beginning to get that feeling that that was happening on this

you know I got 20 out of 28 last year was I going to do it this year and you

know as a consequence I was probably becoming a little bit over cautious so

I'm actually glad that that run has ended because that means that I can

really focus on getting the best out of each trade rather than just trying to

get a positive trade so typically Thursdays Fridays are

pretty good and I'm hoping to continue that sequence this year I've done quite

well I tend to get better as the week goes on as I understand the markets more

and I'm hoping that happens today and tomorrow so yeah looking forward to it

it's gone fine this week I'm ahead of last year and I'm hoping I can continue

that run today

so on the last day today at Chatham its gold cup day and I'm looking food to it

it's everything's gone pretty much to plan this week so there's no reason to

suspect them Friday what God's plan as well got off to a bad start yesterday it

was um I say bad start I mean I did all right on the first race of the day but I

managed to lose everything in the dying moments of the market I was just a

little bit too aggressive and got that very wrong so they could have thrown me

out and I think this is one of the important things with training as long

as you're consistent then generally you'll be all right but you have to

expect that there will be the odds mess up now and again and I just happen to

have that mess up at the very first race of the day yesterday which was not

particularly helpful but having got over that it was relatively easy to progress

forward from there got a good result in the second race and then the third and

it just built and built and built until I pulled out a really good race and it's

funny because I I find it difficult I chant them to break four figures in a

race and I've done this on many other races in different meetings all over the

place but for some reason I don't seem to do it China I just seem to have a

progression of fairly decent results over the course of a day and over the

course of a week and and that's more or less what happened yesterday but it was

well what a big out performance from last year and that's left me in a

situation today on Gold Cup day where I don't have to do as well as last year to

beat my overall result from Cheltenham last year however I would really like to

do that I'd like to have an absolute cracker today as good as last year and

absolutely demolished last year's result will I do that don't know you know it's

it's impossible to tell you have to see what the markets offer you and then you

have to do the best of it so I think that today if the rest of the

week is anything to go by should be okay I'm hoping to get a much much bigger

total than yesterday but it's going to be a bit of a push to be able to achieve

that but that's what I'm going to try and do overall I think the Chatham's

traded pretty well this year it's always reassuring when that happens because you

realise you've got a lot longer left in the game when you get a decent result at

a big meeting so yeah I'm pretty pleased with that and

no reason to hit the panic button just yet it's all going pretty much to plan

and I'm hoping that that's a it remains the case today and Tuesday sort of went

okay built on it on Wednesday really pushed my foot down yesterday and that

worked pretty well and I'm hoping to finish on a high today but my confidence

is high given what happened yesterday and I'm looking to push forward and

enjoy the gold couple today and the Gold Cups are very competitive market today

so that's gonna be interesting to trade you know what I've noticed is there's

one or two horses that have a lot of money on them this week but if the

market starts to wobble that money soon vanishes and the market behaves quite

normally from there so people often talk about volume holding up prices it's on

them but in a lot of races this year that hasn't really particularly the case

on a couple of occasions will be interesting to see so you're hoping for

a little bit of movement they'll just free things up perhaps a little bit but

really looking forward to today and hopefully I can finish on a lie and get

a much better result overall and I did from last year's channel first of all

but yeah pretty positive on things and full of confidence going into today

so that's it Cheltenham is over it's finished it's gone for another year but

thankfully it was a really successful week and that always leaves me with two

sort of states of mind the first one is absolutely

fantastically delighted that it went so well but there's also this realization

that we've got to go back to normal now and we you know to the trading style

that have a child home is very different from the sort of style though I would

have traditionally and therefore you know this is huge adjustment to make in

the run-up before China I'm always thinking you know I've gotten I can't

practice I go from like normal markets to Cheltenham and then it's back down

again on the other side so in the run-up to channel mom nervous about you know

have I lost my edge has anything changed but the fact is this year was the same

as previous years and in fact I did better than last year you know I've

continued that strong run on all of the big meetings there doesn't seem to be

any major issue with the way that I trade those but the style that I used

before Cheltenham is very different from the style I use that chairman and then

I've got to adjust back to more conventionally normal markets so yeah

you know you go through this feeling of euphoria in terms of G done so well and

then you go through this like choking reality that you're not gonna do that

next week and it's gonna be a long old hard slog again but also you know always

the feeling I get when I come off the back of Chatham was ah wouldn't it be

just unbelievable if the markets had millions and millions of them traded

every day of the week and that's really where I thought we'd be by now but the

fact is were not there so you know that's why I'm always pushing and saying

you know let's look at trading in exchanges positively because if we

really could have each market doing millions per race rather than hundreds

of thousands it would be completely unbelievable it would be you know

absolutely huge market and there'd be so much opportunity for absolutely

everybody out there but the fact is it's not so I've got to revert back to to

type in terms of trading styles and next week will be for me just try not to get

into trouble and chipping away and finding good

opportunities but yeah the last say went really well I was going to do this video

out of my walk but it's really cold it's blowing a girl and it was really heavy

snow I tried to get the camera up to do this during my walk and it was

impossible and I couldn't even see where I was walking let alone try and film

myself debriefing on the last day at Cheltenham where the Friday went really

well I got a decent results on the Gold Cup it wasn't the best result I've ever

done but I was getting consistently good results all the way through the day and

it's funny because this year I've always sort of messed up on one race and every

day I've been getting six out of seven but you know I can't get seven out of

seven because I'm just not quite nailing it and that was the case on Friday as

well I've made a tiny tiny tiny loss on one

race but pretty much obliterated the rest so absolutely destroyed it on

Friday and I'm really delighted that that's the case because I sort of

thought that that would happen you know Tuesday would be to establish a base

Wednesday would be to build on that Thursday would be to foot down foot down

and then Friday would be to really go for it so I really went for a Friday and

it works beautifully so yeah Chatham this week big thumbs up and I don't

think I could have done much more I mean there were a couple of occasions when I

could have done better because I'm speaking to other traders

some of them were doing better on certain races than I was and I was doing

better than them then they were on certain races so I think the balance is

about right there the fact that we all made something even if one of us messed

up on one race tells us that the markets were pretty intact and and going well so

I'm going to look at the stats I may do a video it depends but you're interested

I don't know if you're interested if you if you want me to do some stats and pop

up some graphs and give you a description some of the things that I

saw at Chatham and comment below and and I'm happy to give you a more in-depth

debrief but I just thought it'd be fun to a trading diary from them I've done

sort of similar stuff in previous years but just broken it up during the week

and this year I just thought I'd stick it all together but generally pretty

pleased for the way that Shannon went that's a big positive because it means

that we've got entry up next and I'm expecting

we'll probably trade reasonably well and we've got the guineas and the Darby and

Royal Ascot so as far as I'm concerned I've passed that first test of this year

on it on a large scale and I'm looking forward to all of the rest of them so I

hope you had a good Cheltenham and like I said comment below if you want me to

do a little bit more in depth but anyway looking forward to the next big meeting


For more infomation >> Peter Webb - Bet Angel - Cheltenham Betfair trading diary - Duration: 15:24.


News Conference: Purdue, Butler, Michigan State, Syracuse - Preview - Duration: 3:03:38.

For more infomation >> News Conference: Purdue, Butler, Michigan State, Syracuse - Preview - Duration: 3:03:38.


southside serpents | i just wanna know - Duration: 2:58.

My father was a Serpent

You can't be half a Serpent

Take the hints, Sweet Pea

She's not that into you

For more infomation >> southside serpents | i just wanna know - Duration: 2:58.


How do I address a gap in employment? Career Wisdom Walk E9 - Duration: 2:29.

Welcome to Career Wisdom Walk where I combine exercise and practical career

advice that you can implement today. Today's episode I want to talk about how

do I handle a gap in my resume in the interview. So there are different reasons

why people have gaps in their resume. You have stay-at-home moms who are returning

to the workforce. You have people who've taken time off to care for a sick

family member. You have people who were terminated from their last position.

You have people who spent some time in prison. And also people who were, who

really just quit their job because they didn't want to work there anymore and

they didn't have something else lined up. So when you're talking about a situation

where you were let go or you quit the job without something lined up, basically

what you want to explain to them is, "You know, that was a really good learning

opportunity and it taught me to really take time to figure out what my

strengths are what my skills are and a company culture that is really going to

be a good fit for me and so I've taken time to reflect on those things and do

my research and that's what led me to this position today." And then you can

give an example of something that you've seen about their culture on their

website or that you heard from someone or that's something that you saw in the

job description and then tell a little story making a connection about why

that's a good fit for you. So you're really taking a situation of a bad fit

you were in previously and turning it into a positive.

Now if you've spent some time incarcerated what you can say is, "I

realize that I have to earn the respect and trust of people and because of that

I have to work harder than everyone else." And talk about what you've learned from

your experience. You want to turn into a positive learning experience. Now if you

had health problems yourself or you were staying home to care for someone in your

family I wouldn't share personal details. I would just say that you took a

voluntary sabbatical from work and leave it at that.

So, if they called you in for an interview they probably don't care about

your gap in employment, 'cause they know you have one, as much as you do so I really

wouldn't worry about it. But just really focus on the positive

and and how you are such a good fit with this company and why, and illustrate that

you've done your research. So if you liked this video please subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> How do I address a gap in employment? Career Wisdom Walk E9 - Duration: 2:29.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Image - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Image - Duration: 1:00.


I Valdesi, un movimento missionario | Lineage - Episodio 7 (Italian Dubbing) - Duration: 4:40.

Following their persecution in the lower valleys,

the Waldensians who moved up here into the higher valleys did not do so to live life as hermits.

Number one, they fled persecution,

but once they got here they tried to establish as normal a life as possible,

and normal for them was training missionaries

and training their young people in how to study and how to teach the Bible.

This here, the College of the Barbs, stands today as just one example

of what would have been numerous schools that would have been spread all over the valleys,

where they would teach and train their young people to be missionaries throughout Europe.


Here in the College of the Barbs is a Bible copy table,

a place where the students would have painstakingly, by hand,

written the Bible out from beginning to end.

You see, the Bible was very important to the Waldensians.

They had it in their own language.

It formed the basis for congregational worship.

There were also societies of young people

that would meet together and would commit large parts of the Bible to memory.


After studying here in the colleges in the valleys,

the students would be sent out to many of the great universities around Europe.

We know that some of the countries that they went to were England, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany,

the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Croatia.

And as they went out as students,

they would study whether to be a doctor, a nurse, whether it was to be a lawyer.

They would study various subjects,

but their main purpose of going there was to be an undercover missionary.

They would take the Bible with them.

They would also send some missionaries out who would just go out as workers.

There may be traveling craftsman or traveling artisans and tradesmen

and they would also take the Bible with them and they would move and travel to different parts of Europe.

They couldn't have the Bible, it was illegal,

and so they would take their coat and they would unstitch the seam of their coat

and then just inside the two layers of the coat they would put a few pages of the Bible.

And they would travel with just a few pages of the Bible, not a whole copy,

and when they found someone that they thought was maybe interested in the gospel.

They would take the Bible out of the stitches of their coats and share the truths of God's Word with them.

You know maybe you're working today in a doctor's office,

maybe you're working as a nurse in a hospital,

maybe you're a teacher in a school,

or maybe you're a lawyer in some law firm.

You are not there simply to collect a paycheck to pay the bills.

You are there as a missionary.

God has put you there for a specific purpose.

There may be someone in your workplace that God knows only you can reach.

As students as well, the first reason why they went to study was not to get the best degree,

but it was to be a missionary in the great universities in Europe.

You today maybe a missionary in a great institution;

you are not there just for academic excellence,

you are there also to seek and find people that you can share the gospel with.

And the other thing we learned from the Waldensians is how important the Bible was to them.

If they would take just a few pages and put it in their coats and then share it with other people,

how much more should we commit the Bible to memory,

how much more should we commit the Bible to study,

that we would know God's word and be able to share it wherever we are.

They stand today, these Waldensians, as an inspiration to us

and may it inspire us for service, may it inspire us for study wherever we are.

For more infomation >> I Valdesi, un movimento missionario | Lineage - Episodio 7 (Italian Dubbing) - Duration: 4:40.


Opel Omega 2.5i V6 Sport Automaat Youngtimer Nieuwstaat - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Opel Omega 2.5i V6 Sport Automaat Youngtimer Nieuwstaat - Duration: 1:31.


Honda CR-Z 1.5 i-VTEC IMA 124 pk GT 24 Mnd Gar. - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-Z 1.5 i-VTEC IMA 124 pk GT 24 Mnd Gar. - Duration: 0:57.


i3-8100 vs i7-7700HQ - Laptop CPU Comparison and Benchmarks - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> i3-8100 vs i7-7700HQ - Laptop CPU Comparison and Benchmarks - Duration: 6:23.


Hyundai Getz 1.6I-16V GLS D.RIEM VERV. DEALERONDERH. AIRCO. CRUISE C. NAP. APK. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.6I-16V GLS D.RIEM VERV. DEALERONDERH. AIRCO. CRUISE C. NAP. APK. - Duration: 1:02.


Barbara d'Urso: svelati i retroscena sulla fiction La Dottoressa Giò - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso: svelati i retroscena sulla fiction La Dottoressa Giò - Duration: 4:26.


The Most Dangerous Exotic Pets People Actually Have! | Top 10 - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> The Most Dangerous Exotic Pets People Actually Have! | Top 10 - Duration: 9:56.


🔴 Warframe with Xeno | Live stream - Duration: 2:20:42.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Warframe with Xeno | Live stream - Duration: 2:20:42.


Broccoli was brought to Funny hamsters by biped walking and was made a stepping stone! - Duration: 3:55.

Come here!Mr.Cheese Jr.❤

This is broccoli・・・

I do not want it now.

I feel like to eat carrots today.

I was satisfied

This may be・・・

It's broccoli!!

Sorry about that,



Do not you think that today 's tail is particularly cute?


I think I will go to this place after all


Oh no!!

Run away!!

I found it again.



Wait a minute, Miss Broccoli

Let's go home together.

Oh no!!I can't come in.

I`m sorry・・・Just be patient


I love you

Are you going to leave me as a stepping stone!!

Miss Carrot,Wait here till I come back!

Well then・・・

My sweet broccoli

Sorry I kept you waiting!

But, after all・・・

I`m sorry

See you later

For more infomation >> Broccoli was brought to Funny hamsters by biped walking and was made a stepping stone! - Duration: 3:55.


Tsum City Compilation

For more infomation >> Tsum City Compilation


How to enter and navigate on the Old Habbo Hotel (2006 at 2009) - Duration: 5:39.

*Watch the video until the end and enjoy it. I had a lot of work to edit this video.*

Hey Guys, how are you? Here is the Pitagoras with more a video in the channel and before I start the video

I with to give a save special to the people who sponsored our channel.

With habbo rares and habbo coins

Then guys, you saw in the title of the video, I'll be showing the old Habbo Hotel

For more infomation >> How to enter and navigate on the Old Habbo Hotel (2006 at 2009) - Duration: 5:39.


Vai Sair o sorteio Da Conta Netflix! lEssa Nao E Gratis Portanto ninguem Vai tentar roubar - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Vai Sair o sorteio Da Conta Netflix! lEssa Nao E Gratis Portanto ninguem Vai tentar roubar - Duration: 0:19.


"Sacanagem com a Paula e com a Jéssica se tocar", diz Diego sobre Big Fone - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> "Sacanagem com a Paula e com a Jéssica se tocar", diz Diego sobre Big Fone - Duration: 2:48.


ALEXANDER NEVERMIND: 👁 COULD N'R 🎬 THE 🌇 OF U'R ♂ (LIVE 2014) - 1958/2018 (60TH ANNIVERSARY) - Duration: 5:16.

Alexander Nevermind: "It was only last June when her old man ran away...

She couldn't stop crying cause she knew he was gone to stay...

It was 10:35 on a lonely friday night...

She was standin' by the bar... woo, she was lookin' alright, yeah...

I asked if she wanted to dance & she said all she wanted was a good man...

And wanted to know if I thought I was qualified... seriously, SING!

I said, baby don't waste your time... I know what's on your mind, yes, I do...

I may be qualified for a one night stand... but I could never take the place of your man...

It hurt me so bad when she told me with tears in her eyes...

He was all she ever had & now she wanted to die...

He left her with a baby & another one on the way...

She couldn't stop cryin' cause she knew he was gone to stay...

I asked her if we could be friends & she said, oh, Prince, that's a dead end...

U know & I know that we wouldn't be satisfied... yeah...

And I said, baby don't waste your time... I know what's on your mind, yes, I do...

We wouldn't be satisfied for a one night stand... but I could never take the place of your man...

Place of your man...

Place of your man...

Place of your man, your man, your, your..."

For more infomation >> ALEXANDER NEVERMIND: 👁 COULD N'R 🎬 THE 🌇 OF U'R ♂ (LIVE 2014) - 1958/2018 (60TH ANNIVERSARY) - Duration: 5:16.



hello and welcome to easy remedies 24 today we will talk about seven

Natural treatments for circulation

so do not go and stay with us until the end of this video

where we will be developing this interesting topic

let's start

turmeric supplement number ingredients a teaspoon of turmeric

in play three grams and a teaspoon of honey 7.5 grams a glass of milk 200

milliliters preparation adds a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a

pinch of honey in a glass of hot milk

take it once or twice a day number 2 input of workshop average ingredients

teaspoon of cayenne pepper the goal 2 grams two tablespoons of vinegar

apple cider gives 30 milliliters a spoonful of molasses 25 grams a

250,000 water cup and your preparation adds cayenne pepper soccer

apple cider vinegar and molasses in a cup of water

mix well and take both times a day all 10 number 3 coconut oil

hot consume 2 to 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil daily

30 to 45 grams number four and melting green tea ingredients a tablespoon

of green tea 15 grams failing click here

a cup of water 250 mm 10 to taste preparation add the spoonful of

green tea in a cup of hot water and let it for five minutes

past the indicated time it hurts and she honey can take two to three cups

to day number 5 a piece of chocolate daily as a small piece of

dark chocolate a day to optimize circulation

make sure you choose the dark chocolate there was a minimum of 70 percent cocoa

six number of ginger ingredients one tablespoon of grated ginger 15 grams

two cups of water and 500 milliliters honey to the right preparation adds the ginger and

the water in cap and bring to a boil let it boil for 10 minutes and

Filters add honey and take two or three times a day

you can also chew slices of iu and pp number 71 I make up in addition to

apply some of the adult natural treatments also a good plan

exercises and a balanced diet that complements your

results you had idea of ​​all this shares is

information with your family and friends from your social networks

and do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments section of this video

I am Eduardo Villalba and this is easy remedies 24

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