please like and comment on the video below that will allow me to produce
better quality videos and more of them in the future if you're interested in
learning to trade successfully in sports then why not visit the BET angel'
Academy where we have more detailed videos so first F Chapman today I'm
doing my regular routine of going for a walk
it clears your mind and gets you in the right frame of mind and looking forward
to the first day you never quite know how it's going to go I'm hoping that it
goes well but usually it's a day for experimenting and learning about the
market so I'm gonna be trading it manually I've got some bots that are
also going to be trading it but their main purpose is for me to learn about
how the market looks and how different it is from last year so they're going to
be putting orders in the market at random and I'll be looking at the data
later this evening so that I've got a better steer on how the markets are
performing tomorrow already quite a bit of money in the first race today it's
over a million or so when I woke up this morning and a fairly decent sums waiting
tobacco lay the first race of the festival can be the hardest to trade
because that you've got no steer on it and there's obviously a lot of money sat
there waiting for days sometimes so yeah looking for - it should be an
interesting day
so the first day when okay at Cheltenham it wasn't anything unbelievable but it
wasn't too bad either so you know no major issues I made one mistake on a
race mid-afternoon can't remember what it was but it's gone from my mind
already but generally I got off to a slow start
and made a mistake but then started to pick up speed from there so yeah I was
pretty pretty positive about the first day went pretty much as I expected and I
was on roughly about the same total is that it last year actually I think I was
probably slightly ahead so I'm hoping to repeat that feat today on the way here I
was going to record video and as I was walking but there was a lorry that
interfered and then pedestrians and then some dogs started to bark at me and I
was having this whole sequence of events where I thought I'm not gonna make a
video today it's just not going to happen so I decided to divert through
the local woods and then a helicopter arrived to check the powerlines
so I was just having one of those moments this morning and I'm hoping
fingers crossed that it doesn't continue into the training hopefully you're going
to have a better session training and when I sit down a little bit later
yeah the markets behaving pretty much the way I expected I haven't seen
anything unusual this year so it's going to be a case of business as usual for me
to see how hard I can push it as we progress through the week it's typically
Friday's the focus when you get the potential for big numbers by going to
chip away and see if I can pick up some good totals on the way there and see if
I can keep myself ahead of last year winning run continued on BET's DAC on
Tuesday clean sweep and all of those roses
I'm skeptical as to whether I can get a clean sweep two years in a row because I
have got a clean sweep before last year but that was quite a few years ago so
it's really rare to get a complete clean sweep he needs just that little bit of
luck to be able to pull that off and I mean you I'm not saying that I'm not
confident that I won't do it but I think that it's unlikely being realistic
but yeah looking for today hopefully can take a bit of
knowledge with me from yesterday had a look at volumes and other data but they
all seemed to replicate what happened last year so I don't think there's much
to add to what I learned last year when I'm looking forward to giving it a good
go today
so it's day three at Cheltenham now I'm out for my morning walk
reflecting on yesterday's business and how I did and I thought yesterday was an
interesting day because got off to an absolute fly I did really well on the
first race really well on the second and really well on the third the momentum
was building significantly but from that point onwards it sort of went downhill
but me downhill in a nice way I mean I did I had one race where I made a bit of
a scrub and didn't really get things very well and made a bit of a loss the
other races I just didn't really make much profit so I know most people would
be happy with that and you know I wasn't disappointed over the first two days I
did pretty well and I'm well ahead of where I was last year but yeah it was
disappointing to sort of lose that momentum but that encapsulate trading
for you trading does that all the time I was using very similar styles the
markets felt fairly similar but it just didn't work and so realizing that it's
not working is a good thing and that's what catches people out sometimes they
they do a good trade on several races they go to repeat it doesn't work so
they then believe that they're better than the market when in fact the market
will determine what your outcome is not you never fall in love with a position
because it will never love you back so when I realise that it just wasn't quite
working out I just sort of got a little less aggressive and that helped minimize
any potential loss that I could have had and I made one loss I didn't trade very
well at all but the others were fine they just weren't particularly good so
my winning run came to an end yesterday had a consecutive winning races over a
huge period at Cheltenham you know over the whole of last year and most of this
year but yeah I couldn't keep it going yesterday I fell rather appropriately at
the cross country hour chase and that meant that I just couldn't give that
money we're in going but actually it's a relief it's an absolute relief because I
once decided that I would go for an astonishing record of not having a
losing day over an entire year but what I figured out was that as I was
progressing down that path I became more and more cautious to try and
the winning run going and I wasn't getting the best out of each market and
I was sort of beginning to get that feeling that that was happening on this
you know I got 20 out of 28 last year was I going to do it this year and you
know as a consequence I was probably becoming a little bit over cautious so
I'm actually glad that that run has ended because that means that I can
really focus on getting the best out of each trade rather than just trying to
get a positive trade so typically Thursdays Fridays are
pretty good and I'm hoping to continue that sequence this year I've done quite
well I tend to get better as the week goes on as I understand the markets more
and I'm hoping that happens today and tomorrow so yeah looking forward to it
it's gone fine this week I'm ahead of last year and I'm hoping I can continue
that run today
so on the last day today at Chatham its gold cup day and I'm looking food to it
it's everything's gone pretty much to plan this week so there's no reason to
suspect them Friday what God's plan as well got off to a bad start yesterday it
was um I say bad start I mean I did all right on the first race of the day but I
managed to lose everything in the dying moments of the market I was just a
little bit too aggressive and got that very wrong so they could have thrown me
out and I think this is one of the important things with training as long
as you're consistent then generally you'll be all right but you have to
expect that there will be the odds mess up now and again and I just happen to
have that mess up at the very first race of the day yesterday which was not
particularly helpful but having got over that it was relatively easy to progress
forward from there got a good result in the second race and then the third and
it just built and built and built until I pulled out a really good race and it's
funny because I I find it difficult I chant them to break four figures in a
race and I've done this on many other races in different meetings all over the
place but for some reason I don't seem to do it China I just seem to have a
progression of fairly decent results over the course of a day and over the
course of a week and and that's more or less what happened yesterday but it was
well what a big out performance from last year and that's left me in a
situation today on Gold Cup day where I don't have to do as well as last year to
beat my overall result from Cheltenham last year however I would really like to
do that I'd like to have an absolute cracker today as good as last year and
absolutely demolished last year's result will I do that don't know you know it's
it's impossible to tell you have to see what the markets offer you and then you
have to do the best of it so I think that today if the rest of the
week is anything to go by should be okay I'm hoping to get a much much bigger
total than yesterday but it's going to be a bit of a push to be able to achieve
that but that's what I'm going to try and do overall I think the Chatham's
traded pretty well this year it's always reassuring when that happens because you
realise you've got a lot longer left in the game when you get a decent result at
a big meeting so yeah I'm pretty pleased with that and
no reason to hit the panic button just yet it's all going pretty much to plan
and I'm hoping that that's a it remains the case today and Tuesday sort of went
okay built on it on Wednesday really pushed my foot down yesterday and that
worked pretty well and I'm hoping to finish on a high today but my confidence
is high given what happened yesterday and I'm looking to push forward and
enjoy the gold couple today and the Gold Cups are very competitive market today
so that's gonna be interesting to trade you know what I've noticed is there's
one or two horses that have a lot of money on them this week but if the
market starts to wobble that money soon vanishes and the market behaves quite
normally from there so people often talk about volume holding up prices it's on
them but in a lot of races this year that hasn't really particularly the case
on a couple of occasions will be interesting to see so you're hoping for
a little bit of movement they'll just free things up perhaps a little bit but
really looking forward to today and hopefully I can finish on a lie and get
a much better result overall and I did from last year's channel first of all
but yeah pretty positive on things and full of confidence going into today
so that's it Cheltenham is over it's finished it's gone for another year but
thankfully it was a really successful week and that always leaves me with two
sort of states of mind the first one is absolutely
fantastically delighted that it went so well but there's also this realization
that we've got to go back to normal now and we you know to the trading style
that have a child home is very different from the sort of style though I would
have traditionally and therefore you know this is huge adjustment to make in
the run-up before China I'm always thinking you know I've gotten I can't
practice I go from like normal markets to Cheltenham and then it's back down
again on the other side so in the run-up to channel mom nervous about you know
have I lost my edge has anything changed but the fact is this year was the same
as previous years and in fact I did better than last year you know I've
continued that strong run on all of the big meetings there doesn't seem to be
any major issue with the way that I trade those but the style that I used
before Cheltenham is very different from the style I use that chairman and then
I've got to adjust back to more conventionally normal markets so yeah
you know you go through this feeling of euphoria in terms of G done so well and
then you go through this like choking reality that you're not gonna do that
next week and it's gonna be a long old hard slog again but also you know always
the feeling I get when I come off the back of Chatham was ah wouldn't it be
just unbelievable if the markets had millions and millions of them traded
every day of the week and that's really where I thought we'd be by now but the
fact is were not there so you know that's why I'm always pushing and saying
you know let's look at trading in exchanges positively because if we
really could have each market doing millions per race rather than hundreds
of thousands it would be completely unbelievable it would be you know
absolutely huge market and there'd be so much opportunity for absolutely
everybody out there but the fact is it's not so I've got to revert back to to
type in terms of trading styles and next week will be for me just try not to get
into trouble and chipping away and finding good
opportunities but yeah the last say went really well I was going to do this video
out of my walk but it's really cold it's blowing a girl and it was really heavy
snow I tried to get the camera up to do this during my walk and it was
impossible and I couldn't even see where I was walking let alone try and film
myself debriefing on the last day at Cheltenham where the Friday went really
well I got a decent results on the Gold Cup it wasn't the best result I've ever
done but I was getting consistently good results all the way through the day and
it's funny because this year I've always sort of messed up on one race and every
day I've been getting six out of seven but you know I can't get seven out of
seven because I'm just not quite nailing it and that was the case on Friday as
well I've made a tiny tiny tiny loss on one
race but pretty much obliterated the rest so absolutely destroyed it on
Friday and I'm really delighted that that's the case because I sort of
thought that that would happen you know Tuesday would be to establish a base
Wednesday would be to build on that Thursday would be to foot down foot down
and then Friday would be to really go for it so I really went for a Friday and
it works beautifully so yeah Chatham this week big thumbs up and I don't
think I could have done much more I mean there were a couple of occasions when I
could have done better because I'm speaking to other traders
some of them were doing better on certain races than I was and I was doing
better than them then they were on certain races so I think the balance is
about right there the fact that we all made something even if one of us messed
up on one race tells us that the markets were pretty intact and and going well so
I'm going to look at the stats I may do a video it depends but you're interested
I don't know if you're interested if you if you want me to do some stats and pop
up some graphs and give you a description some of the things that I
saw at Chatham and comment below and and I'm happy to give you a more in-depth
debrief but I just thought it'd be fun to a trading diary from them I've done
sort of similar stuff in previous years but just broken it up during the week
and this year I just thought I'd stick it all together but generally pretty
pleased for the way that Shannon went that's a big positive because it means
that we've got entry up next and I'm expecting
we'll probably trade reasonably well and we've got the guineas and the Darby and
Royal Ascot so as far as I'm concerned I've passed that first test of this year
on it on a large scale and I'm looking forward to all of the rest of them so I
hope you had a good Cheltenham and like I said comment below if you want me to
do a little bit more in depth but anyway looking forward to the next big meeting
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