yo what's going on guys whitedecay here and we're back with another episode of
cosmic prison on the Valron on Planet. Now today is Friday
it is update day but it's not a major update okay it's a small update but it's
a really good one it's a little bit of a good one and I like it I like it
okay first thing first I need to learn to get a new keyboard that is not [clicking] that is
not all that because it's starting to get annoying in my video and I can
almost tell that you guys don't find it annoying but I do I even try
live-streaming and people hear it and they just don't even talk and chat that
they just go away so anyway need a new keyboard here so
I might have a I might set up a like-goal maybe no no maybe like a
donation goal on my Twitch so that I can get a new keyboard could I do not have
enough anyway enough about that sellout on Twitch you guys don't even care you
guys don't watch my overwatch or a fortnite livestream that's fine y'all
can just go check out ninja that's my boy I bought his merch today though what
am i doing what am i doing this is a cosmic prison video not a vlog okay so
anyway today's update is just a really small one there's only like a two new
things or three new things added you have two or three new things added so there
it kind of a new version of dangle a dangl... dang it I can't spell this is why
I'm not good with um update video so adangle will show all the gear that you
are wearing but I think it also showed the item in your hand which I keep
forgetting to do right now I'm just wearing all Vulcan iron set that we
should actually check the plane Vulcan gear because I'm Vulcan blah blah blah
also we now have a new option which is actually replacing the slash toggle
but you can still use slash toggle so watch this if we do slash toggle we now
have options but if we also do slash option same thing so what this is its
exactly like the old version of slash toggle where you can toggle chat and
things where you got to type it out but now you don't got to type it out anymore
all you can do is just click it like from here I still wish that they would
um add truce chat um built a truce chat thing so you can disable truce chat
because every time I log on sometimes the truce members bugged me and it
sometimes annoy me don't get this wrong I love you guys but
I just want to get on and just not be in a bad mood cuz sometimes I'm in a bad
mood and I just want to get on and play the game to rely but if I'm in a good
mood that I'll actually respond to some of you but having multiple of you
ganging up on me and chat is the worst thing ever that triggered me the most
now that the one thing that triggered me multiple of you doing that at the same
time okay okay I'm okay with it in global chat but not
in truce chat or a gang chat truce and gang chat are only for important
things sometimes silly thing maybe meme and banter but not screaming my name out
I got it good good I love you all anyway so yeah I think they also added
something new in the option here it it an animation you can now turn
off the dangle where people try to put the whole thing in front of your face
like some people do when I'm enchanting and some people do when woofless is
enchanting etc etc you can all check it out by yourself blah
there's also a thing called brag and it's there to show off your Op loot or
perhaps some nice loot you've got from a kill or anything that's currently in
your inventory right now and we do not have anything in our inventory that's
kind of cool so I don't want to really waste that in the chat maybe I can do it
in like gang see and just try it out oh okay let me try um brag
testing huh that is kind of cool oh you can click on it okay that's cool okay so
it'll be able to see my inventory on whatever I'm wearing oh oh
sadly we can't see what other people wear but if they ever actually do that
that'll be lit it'll be lit and we can probably like sneak up on them and murder
them we can murder them okay right now I'm not making any correct sound of words
but murder them oh my God look at CJ he's got nothing that's even better than
me oh you show off show off yeah that what i thought he's showing off he's
showing up on his lit stuff which is nothing that's better than me anyway um
I'm still gonna be picking out the winner for the fountain just not this
episode because on this episode I just want to
do a little update and do a little bit of a quest and then I'll show you guys
that I did the meteorite hunting as I said in the last episode this episode is
about meteorite hunting we did a few of that I'm going to actually turn some of
it into a time lap and probably the ending part where we talk because
majority of the conversation is something we do not want to share or
something that's just ridiculous and had no meaning to it so yeah um let's do
what about mitredi oh you show off show off they'll all
show up we need to make a meme out of that okay so anyway we got a few quest
let's check out those quest yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go to the
Valentine here we go share the love say <3 in the chat
falling in love finish off ten meteorites, reach maximum
momentum one time, finish off twenty meteorite, finish off 50 meteorite walk ten
thousand block, die with a whitescrolls pickaxe six time I've gotten this quest
almost every week and I'm not doing it this week forget that forget no forget
it we're not gonna do that quest this week
okay maybe okay now the next one is mine two thousands, level up a satchel one time, log
on for two hours on the server, type in oof chat, kill a player who is villian, place
fifty snow block and mine 15,000 coal, eight cosmic token okay I can actually
do that that I can do that I'm gonna need to borrow somebody's coal gen can
i need to borrow somebody to coal gen so now the rest of these it's just gonna be me
doing all this on my own tinkers stuff blah blah we can actually do
somebody somebody they'll do it they little okay sorry my tongue is messing
up right now we can do some of theses later I get an enchant with 10% or less it
that's all my goodness that [IDK] with hard apply 1 million energy all at once
to a single item summon a meteor I cannot do that also we got a few things in
the [meedy?] the mystery man yo mystery man you ain't got nothing good this
week the only thing that I would actually have wanted was probably the
gold ore satchel all I do not have gold ore satchel so it's taking me forever
mine off all my gold ore yeah and it don't frickin expensive to here and it's
frickin expensive to the AH is worth over like two million
but I can buy these but I'm not gonna do that because I want to keep upgrading
our gang stuff we also got Christmas thing we didn't really complete much
quest we probably only just completed one because last week quest was very
very difficult here the lucky four 273 I'm gonna wait
for that later in me an endgame because I don't need that now that's gonna be on
my diamond pickaxe once I get it to prestige five oh my bad
how in the world does my head end up looking down after I open you oh because
I jump all the time okay yeah I jump a lot
okay the next one at the Valentine quest we completed all of this last week which
is really good we can get this and sale it for like 200 a piece two hundred
thousand a piece maybe let's check out ah deep anybody's selling any um like
the ultimate legendary maybe I can tell it ok wait what comes before ultimate
uncommon oily elite comes before - I think elite would be like a million and
then on ok so look at that four million dollars for those satchel 4
million and a diamond satchel ok so I don't think in any way um you know what
we're gonna go I'm gonna go and ask some of our gang members maybe night or
strider because those two are the only one who are mature enough not to spam me
to crap and yell at me like crazy animal no offense guys ok oh yeah ok so
yeah I'm gonna talk to them right now we're gonna show you guys the meteorite
hunting and I hope you guys enjoyed it make sure you hit the like button if you
liked it and after you guys next time ciao
[I FORGOT THE MUSIC] So go find some of your own music and watch while listening ;)
alright go away I need the refine all of you go away what oh shit hit the
wrong button I'm trying to hit slash sell
I hate you all nobody touched the
stop stop wait a fucking god jesus christ
okay yep I'm gonna have to do the enchant re-roll thing to get the level
up I am oh you guys have fun with that I'm out of here
Shh I hope you guys enjoyed that whole meteorite hunting it was very ridiculous
so glad you guys don't hear anything that we even said many of them not
listening to when I'm saying to stop had to spend so much time mining it out my
god I'm never doing this again I am never I i'm sorry guys I just don't want to ever
deal with that again okay these guys are
so annoying annoying I say dope yeah
hit the like button if you enjoyed it subscribe if you're at all new to the
channel and I'll see you guys on the next episode of cosmic prison Valron
planet but okay guys though this is probably gonna be the end of the video
but first I want to say different shot here we go we're gonna do
there and then we're gonna do what a 2 o's or 3 o's gonna ask ah I was right oh that
is so weird man okay it's the weird do I got two cosmic
token for that now I'm gonna be doing all of it them off cam maybe I can
become a villain three times, die from a fall damage I can do that
now five things on the AH walk a thousand more blocks you know what let's do
that we're gonna do some of that we're gonna take off wait do i have slash kit
get ready yet no I do not know I'm gonna have to put this away in my player vault
for now and then we're gonna go back to our home die you know where I like to
die I love to die on top of the lapis mine now we're not gonna talk about
death in a good way okay we're just gonna stay in game in game it's just
what we need I don't even know why this quest is acutally it kind of promoting you
to do this but yeah it's kind of a bad idea so I don't know why but it seems
like this week I'm not getting that many good quest where I actually have to
okay let's you can get some we need actually let's see let's see I
want to get a sword let's get a sword we're gonna go to the iron mine we're
gonna actually try to get villain three times at least by hitting someone or hit
anyone at all I don't really care what I hit them with so we are gonna have to
actually run because but I better not get a cosmic token on my way there I
where I'd better not if I get a cosmic token on my way there I am going to be
upset okay though I think I'm going the wrong way
dang it that's a lot more yep I'm definitely gonna get it cosmic token on
the way over there okay I mean five hundred blocks two thousand five hundred
blocks let maybe a lot of that yeah yeah you
know but do you don't want me to do a quest montage because doing each quest
take certain times and certain days to actually get them completed because some
certain days you're lucky enough to get it other days you're not yeah
and maybe nah I don't know I mean if you guys do let me know in the comment down
below cuz I want you guys to engage some more can you guys actually comment what
else I should do I mean many of you gave me some thoughtful comment but some of
them are not really possible at the moment like three I can actually do a
sui on this guy but warden not so much though I just need to hit him okay so
the death count of the quest did that count did that count with it did lazy
way to have no no no no no no no where are thou when
thy need it I don't know what I am saying it's not even English there it is okay okay
okay okay
GC where gotta be villain three time
okay you know what let's just keep going but we're gonna finish up bit quest and
then we'll call it a day or a night cuz it's nighttime for me right now
ah yeah so need to get another sword let me check if I'm running around
anywhere near explored 10000 I would take put all this stuff in order you
know they could probably do that they should definitely put it like an order
which one you're almost done with first which quest is the one that had it
with the one of my was it this one no wasn't that one I think with this one no
but this one also ten thousands that's actually a good one so I can just add
afk for a bit um let me find that quest I thought it was two thousands where is it
oh here it is okay yeah I'm almost almost there I just need to keep getting
did she say anything back nope okay here we go keep running back
I'm running the wrong way again what if I can hit that guy can I hit you can I
hit you can I hit you can I hit you let me hit you you bastard get over he's
stop running so fast oh my
he ran too fast he ran too fast [but am i doing? live my life but am i do
you the man right now]
it I don't know how to sing that song I don't know why I'm doing that anyway hey
90 be cleared man come on ooh can I hit that guy okay well I hit him
one now one more time and then I die we gucci
I'm starting to wonder if I die with the token on me I'm gonna be so mad and I
keep running a long way again oh no I better not
I better not I swear to let me get back here let me hit this kid let me hit the
kid there we go but wait what what you that's not a fair quest on a fair
quest hold up like there no no that's not fair
quest what if you die what no that is not a fair quest
at all got it okay okay that Quest is BS that is bogus okay that
is a bullcrap that's a bullcrap trick quest two tokens for that and you
lose it no no no that bullcrap up no forget that quest ever no thank god
that's not even a bu that thing that's not even a q-kit quest that is a bull
crap quest right there okay that is bull crap
honest to god bull crap I'm not gonna deal with that no you literally have to
survive to keep those damn token that it pathetic and how would I supposed to
even know that how does look know that no that makes no sense at all no I knew
that if you had to become villain no that is completely stupid no no never do
that quest again anyway so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of cosmic
prison on the Valron planet I'll see you guys in the next episode cuz I don't
have anything planned yeah oh by the way I'm a few friend of
mine have been playing a bit of a badlion we've been doing some silly things
and we did this one game mode and we will laughing and throughout the whole
fight and miss if one of us that kept laughing laughing for so long one of us
would've probably let go of the mouse and couldn't handle it I was one of
those person I literally almost oh it was so funny if you maybe I'll record
some of that we could have don't hilarious I know it's fun I just need to
get the same people again cuz it was so hilarious destructor cookie and I uh I
think it was CJ yes CJ Oh three of us all four of us we're having major fun
doing that it was hilarious and I loved it anyway
Oh poo sorry anyway I'll you guys in the next video
yeah make sure you hit the like button and comment down a lot of things I don't
know what say that I'm handsome say I look stupid I don't care just don't be
racist, don't be mean, don't be evil, just be dirt I'm a doof that
Oh though I am very handsome I love you guys bye
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