Sunday, March 18, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 18 2018

Hi I'm Mike, here on the ranch cows are our main source of income, but we couldn't

do this without diversifying.

We also raise our own steers and pigs for direct sale to customers at farmers market.

These are the honest facts of raising pigs for profit, on our Wyoming life.

Welcome to our Wyoming life, if you are a regular viewer thanks for joining us again

and if this is your first time here please subscribe and come along with us as we explore

the ranch life and escape the ordinary.

The question was raised to me recently if raising your own animals and sending them

to slaughter gets any easier as the years go by.

The quick answer to that question is no, but the real answer is a bit more complicated.

Neither Erin or I were raised on the ranch or on any ranch for that matter.

We came here a few years ago when Erin's step dad started getting sick and he has since

passed away.

We came here from a life in corporate America, about as far from agriculture as you could


When we came we had no idea what we were getting into, sometimes we still don't but we have

since settled into our new life.

We have started a family, we've had 3 kids, Mackenzie who is 7, Grace who is 4 and Lincoln

who is 2.

And we have changed how things are done around here, when we came it was strictly a cow and

calf operation.

Since then, Erin has added gardens and actively sells vegetables raised here on the ranch

year-round, we also raise and finish our own beef that we sell and pigs as well.

By the end of this video you will know more about how we raise our pigs, how much they

cost us to raise and how much profit there can be in pork.

So today we get to talk about pigs and there are three sides to this equation, production

yield and sales.

Back in July of last year we brought a new batch of pigs onto the ranch.

Each and every year we get our pigs from the same place.

A young lady that grows her pigs in Nebraska.

We have purchased our pigs from her for years because we want to stay consistent with our

customers, changing breeders each year could change the flavor of the pork and we want

our customers to be confident in knowing they are going to get what they expect.

This year we purchased 7 pigs, one of them we had presold before we even got them and

the others will be sold to our local customers.

We pay 50$ per pig and so starts their time on the ranch.

The piglets now weigh about 10 lbs each and will live here in the pig shed for a majority

of their lives.

We have two stalls available to them, and they will be able to move from stall to stall

when then get bigger, allowing us to lock them in one side of the pens while we clean

the other.

Which happens often, pigs need to be cleaned frequently their stalls mucked out and bedding


These pigs will live on the ranch for an average of 200 days, gaining weight at about a pound

and a half per day.

By the end of the 200 days we are hoping for pigs that weight between 270 and 310 pounds.

Just like people different pigs have different metabolism and some will gain weight faster

and some will be slower.

To help them gain that weight we need to feed them, obviously, and we do so by buying pig

food by the ton.

Each bag of food weighs 50 lbs and a ton has 42 bags on it.

A pig will eat about 4% of its body weight in food per day, these little guys will eat

less and a half a pound per day but that will quickly change.

As they grow they eat more and over their entire time here on the ranch each pig will

consume about 800 lbs of pig food, for all seven of them totaling 5600 lbs of food or

about 3 tons.

More than the weight of an average car.

We buy our pig food at a cost of $13.70 per bag or rate of 28 cents per pound.

Over its lifetime each pig will eat 225$ worth of feed.

All together we have 1575$ in feed in the entire group.

Pigs drink water too, however I have never figured out how much it costs pump water for

them at the rate of 3-5 gallons per day per pig.

Another cost that I haven't figured as well is my time that I have into the pigs.

Each day we spend at least an hour dealing with them, somedays more, somedays less.

From feeding, watering and cleaning stalls, even entire days, rebuilding stalls or chutes.

Over all this time spent with our animals you do get attached to them, you learn their

quirks, you get to know their personalities, which makes the day that they leave the ranch

that much harder.

This year we are taking our pigs to Sturgis Meats.

A USDA inspected meat processesing and packaging facility.

Here we can get our pork packaged for sale to our customers.

We offer our pork to customers at farmers markets and by direct sales.

Being usda inspected means that we can sell our pork by the single piece, one pound of

bacon, or a single pork chop.

Just like the grocery store.

With the pigs dropped off, we can go back to that question from the beginning, if raising

your own animals and sending them to slaughter gets any easier as the years go by?

This is our 3rd year raising pigs, and the day anyone animal leaves the ranch is hard

for me.

You see the hard work that you have completed take another set toward completion and as

hard as it is, I know that as we move forward from here, I am providing for my family, the

ranch and our future here.

2 weeks later we are ready to pick up our pork, Before leaving we do a bit of housekeeping,

cleaning out freezers and making sure we have room for the many pounds of new meat we have

coming in.

The timing works out right, because we are on our way back over to Sturgis with a load

of steers that we will be processing into beef for sale as well.

But first we must have our brand inspection, where a state representative comes out to

the ranch and inspects the cattle we are taking.

After checking the brands and proof of ownership, we can head out with them, driving the hundred

or so miles to drop these guys off and pick up our pork.

Loading it all in the back of the truck, then high tailing it back home before things start

to thaw.

Once back home, we disconnect the trailer and over to the shop we go to start unloading


On average a pig will yield about 57% their live weight in pork.

A 250 lb pig will bring you 144lbs in retail cuts.

All together we brought over 2150 pound of live pig, we are taking home 1225 lbs.

We don't get too crazy with our cuts and for those interested here are the numbers.

350 Pork Chops 70 Pork Shoulder Roasts

126 pounds of Sausage 250 pounds of bacon

And 300 pounds of ham We also set aside a half of an entire pig

for our farm to table dinner in late summer.

Our cost for processing our pork including butchering, processing, inspections, vacuum

packaging and curing averages 400$ per pig for a total of 2800$

Our total cost for 7 pigs this year was 4725$.

Now comes the third part of the equation: Sales

We sell our pork at farmers markets and direct to our customers.

When it comes to pricing our meat we do it in two ways.

One is by the individual cut and the other is in 35 pound packages.

In a 35 pound package you get 8 pounds of pork chops, 6 pounds of sausage, 5 pounds

of bacon, 8 pounds of roasts and 8 pounds of ham for $199.

That is an average of 5.69 per pound.

If we sold all of our meat at that rate, lets say we only sold packages then we would have

an income of $6970.25.

With a cost of $4725 giving a profit of 2245.25 for six months of work.

You might think we could actually make money on pork is with individual sales, people that

buy 1 or 2 pork chops, a pound of bacon or sausage.

We price our individual cuts comparable with the grocery store, our customers know that

they can buy pork in the grocery store for close to the same price but what they don't

know is how that pork is raised, what hormones or antibiotics might have been used or the

condition that they lived in.

Lets take a look at those numbers.

Bacon we sell for 9.50 per pound we have 250 pounds to sell, that's $2375

Shoulder roast is 4.99 per pound, with roughly 210 lbs we have $1048

Ham is 5.99 per pound and 300lbs give us $1797 Sausage at 6.50 per pound is $1365

And pork chops at 5.99 per pound brings about $2096

And if we sold all of our pork individually, that gives us a grand total of $8681

Take off our cost of $4725 again and the profit is now $3956

$3956 profit with individual cuts and $2245 with packages.

Our actual profit is somewhere in the middle.

It may not seem like a lot, and we are really only talking 7 pigs here but for us it can

make a big difference.

That money can be used to help further advancements in the garden, or it might help buy Mackenzie's


Its another one of those things on the ranch, that if we don't figure in our time and

our labor we actually do pretty well.

When we first came to the ranch, one of the first things Gilbert taught me is that your

time isn't worth anything.

How right he was.

So the original question once again…

Does raising your own animals and sending them to slaughter gets any easier as the years

go by?

The answer doesn't change I guess, its still no.

These animals are a part of the ranch and every year we see many of them go away, but

their sacrifice is never in vain.

By raising animals to see we are ensuring that the ranch continues every year, and hopefully

long enough to see our kids raise their kids on this very same land.

Maybe they will be doing the same things we do today, maybe they won't.

The whole place could be a wind farm by then and you know what, that's totally fine.

If it keeps the ranch going we will do it, this land is one of the most important things

in all of our lives.

And every day we make sacrifices ourselves to make sure that its still going to be a

part of our lives tomorrow, including making choices that are very hard and sometimes heartbreaking.

I hope you have enjoyed this little economics lesson, mixed with the why and the how.

When we started our channel, we decided we wanted to not only bring you what we do, but

also why we do it and the emotion involved in every step.

Make sure you subscribe for more from the ranch as we explore the ranch life together

and escape the ordinary.

Like us on Facebook for updates you cant find anywhere else @ ourwyominglife

We post 3 times per week and hope you again soon

Until then, thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> The Business of Raising Pigs, from Cost to Profit - Duration: 13:02.


Чаггингтон (Chuggington) VS ROBLOX DEATH (UFF) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Чаггингтон (Chuggington) VS ROBLOX DEATH (UFF) - Duration: 1:01.


GTA V от VALVE! Дедов обзор №1. - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> GTA V от VALVE! Дедов обзор №1. - Duration: 17:55.


Haley & Michaels - Me Too

For more infomation >> Haley & Michaels - Me Too


🔴 Gleici e família Lima irão a mudar INDICAÇÃO ao PAREDÃO e IMPRESSIONA a todos - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Gleici e família Lima irão a mudar INDICAÇÃO ao PAREDÃO e IMPRESSIONA a todos - Duration: 1:34.



For more infomation >> LANDINGS AND TAKE OFF - AIRPORT GUARULHOS - PART 124 - Duration: 1:44:58.


Los hijos de la Infanta Cristina e Iñaki Urdangarin imponen el exilio en Ginebra y no el Rey Felipe - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Los hijos de la Infanta Cristina e Iñaki Urdangarin imponen el exilio en Ginebra y no el Rey Felipe - Duration: 5:18.


Esse Truque NENHUM Dentista Lhe Dirá: ELIMINA O TÁRTARO e CLAREIA os Dentes em 1 Minuto - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Esse Truque NENHUM Dentista Lhe Dirá: ELIMINA O TÁRTARO e CLAREIA os Dentes em 1 Minuto - Duration: 2:41.


Legalize LA - Bullshit - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Legalize LA - Bullshit - Duration: 2:50.


Como Diz a Bíblia (Legendado, 2007) - Homossexualidade e Religião - Duration: 1:39:12.

For more infomation >> Como Diz a Bíblia (Legendado, 2007) - Homossexualidade e Religião - Duration: 1:39:12.


Gossip Uomini e donne, registrazione scelta di Nicolò e Sara:la svolta choc - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e donne, registrazione scelta di Nicolò e Sara:la svolta choc - Duration: 3:18.


Sospesa E' arrivata la felicità dopo il flop: la nuova programmazione,eccola - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Sospesa E' arrivata la felicità dopo il flop: la nuova programmazione,eccola - Duration: 3:21.


Katy Perry dança com Gretchen em show e público vai ao delírio: 'Miga sua louca' || ANDY - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Katy Perry dança com Gretchen em show e público vai ao delírio: 'Miga sua louca' || ANDY - Duration: 3:52.


Ana Clara reclama de distanciamento e critica Paula: "Está meio ríspida" - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara reclama de distanciamento e critica Paula: "Está meio ríspida" - Duration: 1:28.


Isola, Cecilia Rodriguez si apre su Francesco, Paola e il canna-gate - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Isola, Cecilia Rodriguez si apre su Francesco, Paola e il canna-gate - Duration: 3:28.


Serale Amici 2018:ecco quando inizia e chi sono i nuovi coach - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Serale Amici 2018:ecco quando inizia e chi sono i nuovi coach - Duration: 3:40.


Benefici del bere acqua tiepida regolarmente - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Benefici del bere acqua tiepida regolarmente - Duration: 3:53.


Festa "Intergalática" começa com brinde especial e hit de Beastie Boys - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Festa "Intergalática" começa com brinde especial e hit de Beastie Boys - Duration: 1:44.


Anitta sobe ao palco e comanda a noite "Intergalática" no "BBB18" - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Anitta sobe ao palco e comanda a noite "Intergalática" no "BBB18" - Duration: 3:03.


Produção chama atenção de Paula e Jéssica; loira reclama: "É muita regra" - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Produção chama atenção de Paula e Jéssica; loira reclama: "É muita regra" - Duration: 2:11.


The Legend of the Crazy Canucks Olympic Alpine Skiing Team | On the Line - Duration: 7:20.

Why retire? I can still run 11.0 at 44...

So why stop?

I just kept going.

I was still running I just... I love the running.

So this is also it,

you just don't quit, you run,

and it's something that I enjoy doing.






I have a lot of Olympic medals

and I have competed in more Olympic Games

than a lot of the top sprinters.

The 100 metres, it's a long build up,

because you spend a whole year training for it,

they make you run all the rounds,

and get to the finals,

and there is just three medals to get,

so you always want one of those medals,

and hopefully gold.

You have to worry about not false starting,

because it goes against you, so it's a very tense situation,

and everybody wants to be an Olympic champion.

The whole Olympics, whatever,

I was not prepared for the Olympics,

there was a lot of distractions.

And, of course I, you know, 40 years old,

I had also one injury going into the Games,

and I found it hard to get to the finals.

I think it was one race too many for me,

when I got in there I was racing,

but you know, you have to be at your very best,

but I didn't train coming into the Olympics,

I had limited preparations...

..and to be 40, running in a full race,

it was a tough one.

The 100 metres... you have to have a good start,

then of course the finish.


So if you don't start well,

and this is what happened to me in a lot of those races,

I was not the best starter,

so I was always playing catch up.



Hello? Debbie!

Marion would be the person to beat,

but every race is a different race

and you have to come with the mentality of, you know,

run to win.

I was really nervous, and I was really scared,

and didn't know how to handle the pressure.

And running a tight race...

As far as I can remember, the gun went off...

I remember starting and...

I remember Tanya Lawrence got out,

she's a really good starter,

and I think Marion was maybe two lanes down,

she got out but she didn't turn back.

When you try to force things and push,

I just remember being extremely tight,

it was kind of forced and you're thinking about winning

and everything else instead of thinking about executing.

It wasn't really a good race for me.

So nevertheless, a seventh place finish,

and I just remember being a little bit disappointed,

I won't lie.

And so it is with a great amount of shame...


..that I stand before you

and tell you that I have betrayed your trust.

I want all of you to know that today

I pled guilty to two counts...

..of making false statements to federal agents...



And when you take into consideration the fact

that she'd won those medals,

she has to be considered, right up there,

as one of the world's greatest sprinters

and some consider her to be the world's greatest sprinter

for sheer consistency over such a long period of time.

She really went through two careers,

she went through the 1980s

when she was facing many great American sprinters.

She's had a wonderful 20-year plus international career.

We're looking at Merlene Ottey,

as perhaps she's often been titled,

"the Queen of the Bronze Medal",

but in fact, she's one of the most versatile

and successful of sprinters across the 20-year period,

and indeed, ever.

I was just fourth, yes,

and after the Marion Jones situation

I moved up to the bronze medal.

Actually I haven't got any medal,

I have never seen the medal.

Merlene Ottey being such a great athlete over the years

and competing in so many Olympics

and basically getting a bronze medal.

Athletes who were clean,

it's the hardest thing to stay,

from March, competing at the top, till September,

to stay at the top.

When you're doing it naturally, you tend to...

You start, you have that line,

and you drop and you build back up.

And I think in my opinion that's a normal thing,

because that's how the body functions.

And I think Merlene Ottey,

she had to deal with individuals as such

who were on drugs in her era.


If I lose a race I cannot sit and cry about it,

I can put it behind me and I can say, "OK,

"I'm going to try again tomorrow".

And I'm still motivated to run fast.











For more infomation >> The Legend of the Crazy Canucks Olympic Alpine Skiing Team | On the Line - Duration: 7:20.


Secret of Mana Q&A #3 - What are your memories of the original? - Duration: 1:54.

What are your memories of the original Secret of Mana?

I was SUPER into it as a kid, and as I grade schooler, I played it a lot.

So Mr. Kikuta, what are your memories of development?

At the time, I was already a geezer over 30

But… how should I say it…

Square - the company it was at the time - was nothing like companies today.

It was really anything-goes, like an extension of an extracurricular club at a university.

The development itself involved us all getting excited and enjoying ourselves like a bunch of students.

So I suppose in that sense, we weren't that different from the kids playing the game.

It was a pretty energetic period for the "Legend" creators then?

Yeah, it was. A lot of stuff came out around then,

and there was constantly something new being released - including games.

For where we were at the time, it was a really unconventional company.

There was nothing about "company structure" or anything like that.

Everyone was allowed to do what they wanted and the atmosphere was really open.

And within that, we were very motivated, saying "Let's make something awesome!"

It didn't feel like work, actually

Yeah, yeah.

It was really created out of that sort of atmosphere.

Available now

For more infomation >> Secret of Mana Q&A #3 - What are your memories of the original? - Duration: 1:54.


500 Sq. Ft. Charming Cottage in Private Community Of Ocean Beach II | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:15.

500 Sq. Ft. Charming Cottage in Private Community Of Ocean Beach II

For more infomation >> 500 Sq. Ft. Charming Cottage in Private Community Of Ocean Beach II | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:15.


My weight loss journey (Week 113) - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> My weight loss journey (Week 113) - Duration: 3:06.


Quién era la millonaria que m*u*r*i*ó trágicamente en su despedida de soltera - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Quién era la millonaria que m*u*r*i*ó trágicamente en su despedida de soltera - Duration: 4:45.


Распаковка посылки с пряжей. Обалденная по качеству пряжа! Магазин "Пряжа Настенька" - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Распаковка посылки с пряжей. Обалденная по качеству пряжа! Магазин "Пряжа Настенька" - Duration: 10:29.


The Business of Raising Pigs, from Cost to Profit - Duration: 13:02.

Hi I'm Mike, here on the ranch cows are our main source of income, but we couldn't

do this without diversifying.

We also raise our own steers and pigs for direct sale to customers at farmers market.

These are the honest facts of raising pigs for profit, on our Wyoming life.

Welcome to our Wyoming life, if you are a regular viewer thanks for joining us again

and if this is your first time here please subscribe and come along with us as we explore

the ranch life and escape the ordinary.

The question was raised to me recently if raising your own animals and sending them

to slaughter gets any easier as the years go by.

The quick answer to that question is no, but the real answer is a bit more complicated.

Neither Erin or I were raised on the ranch or on any ranch for that matter.

We came here a few years ago when Erin's step dad started getting sick and he has since

passed away.

We came here from a life in corporate America, about as far from agriculture as you could


When we came we had no idea what we were getting into, sometimes we still don't but we have

since settled into our new life.

We have started a family, we've had 3 kids, Mackenzie who is 7, Grace who is 4 and Lincoln

who is 2.

And we have changed how things are done around here, when we came it was strictly a cow and

calf operation.

Since then, Erin has added gardens and actively sells vegetables raised here on the ranch

year-round, we also raise and finish our own beef that we sell and pigs as well.

By the end of this video you will know more about how we raise our pigs, how much they

cost us to raise and how much profit there can be in pork.

So today we get to talk about pigs and there are three sides to this equation, production

yield and sales.

Back in July of last year we brought a new batch of pigs onto the ranch.

Each and every year we get our pigs from the same place.

A young lady that grows her pigs in Nebraska.

We have purchased our pigs from her for years because we want to stay consistent with our

customers, changing breeders each year could change the flavor of the pork and we want

our customers to be confident in knowing they are going to get what they expect.

This year we purchased 7 pigs, one of them we had presold before we even got them and

the others will be sold to our local customers.

We pay 50$ per pig and so starts their time on the ranch.

The piglets now weigh about 10 lbs each and will live here in the pig shed for a majority

of their lives.

We have two stalls available to them, and they will be able to move from stall to stall

when then get bigger, allowing us to lock them in one side of the pens while we clean

the other.

Which happens often, pigs need to be cleaned frequently their stalls mucked out and bedding


These pigs will live on the ranch for an average of 200 days, gaining weight at about a pound

and a half per day.

By the end of the 200 days we are hoping for pigs that weight between 270 and 310 pounds.

Just like people different pigs have different metabolism and some will gain weight faster

and some will be slower.

To help them gain that weight we need to feed them, obviously, and we do so by buying pig

food by the ton.

Each bag of food weighs 50 lbs and a ton has 42 bags on it.

A pig will eat about 4% of its body weight in food per day, these little guys will eat

less and a half a pound per day but that will quickly change.

As they grow they eat more and over their entire time here on the ranch each pig will

consume about 800 lbs of pig food, for all seven of them totaling 5600 lbs of food or

about 3 tons.

More than the weight of an average car.

We buy our pig food at a cost of $13.70 per bag or rate of 28 cents per pound.

Over its lifetime each pig will eat 225$ worth of feed.

All together we have 1575$ in feed in the entire group.

Pigs drink water too, however I have never figured out how much it costs pump water for

them at the rate of 3-5 gallons per day per pig.

Another cost that I haven't figured as well is my time that I have into the pigs.

Each day we spend at least an hour dealing with them, somedays more, somedays less.

From feeding, watering and cleaning stalls, even entire days, rebuilding stalls or chutes.

Over all this time spent with our animals you do get attached to them, you learn their

quirks, you get to know their personalities, which makes the day that they leave the ranch

that much harder.

This year we are taking our pigs to Sturgis Meats.

A USDA inspected meat processesing and packaging facility.

Here we can get our pork packaged for sale to our customers.

We offer our pork to customers at farmers markets and by direct sales.

Being usda inspected means that we can sell our pork by the single piece, one pound of

bacon, or a single pork chop.

Just like the grocery store.

With the pigs dropped off, we can go back to that question from the beginning, if raising

your own animals and sending them to slaughter gets any easier as the years go by?

This is our 3rd year raising pigs, and the day anyone animal leaves the ranch is hard

for me.

You see the hard work that you have completed take another set toward completion and as

hard as it is, I know that as we move forward from here, I am providing for my family, the

ranch and our future here.

2 weeks later we are ready to pick up our pork, Before leaving we do a bit of housekeeping,

cleaning out freezers and making sure we have room for the many pounds of new meat we have

coming in.

The timing works out right, because we are on our way back over to Sturgis with a load

of steers that we will be processing into beef for sale as well.

But first we must have our brand inspection, where a state representative comes out to

the ranch and inspects the cattle we are taking.

After checking the brands and proof of ownership, we can head out with them, driving the hundred

or so miles to drop these guys off and pick up our pork.

Loading it all in the back of the truck, then high tailing it back home before things start

to thaw.

Once back home, we disconnect the trailer and over to the shop we go to start unloading


On average a pig will yield about 57% their live weight in pork.

A 250 lb pig will bring you 144lbs in retail cuts.

All together we brought over 2150 pound of live pig, we are taking home 1225 lbs.

We don't get too crazy with our cuts and for those interested here are the numbers.

350 Pork Chops 70 Pork Shoulder Roasts

126 pounds of Sausage 250 pounds of bacon

And 300 pounds of ham We also set aside a half of an entire pig

for our farm to table dinner in late summer.

Our cost for processing our pork including butchering, processing, inspections, vacuum

packaging and curing averages 400$ per pig for a total of 2800$

Our total cost for 7 pigs this year was 4725$.

Now comes the third part of the equation: Sales

We sell our pork at farmers markets and direct to our customers.

When it comes to pricing our meat we do it in two ways.

One is by the individual cut and the other is in 35 pound packages.

In a 35 pound package you get 8 pounds of pork chops, 6 pounds of sausage, 5 pounds

of bacon, 8 pounds of roasts and 8 pounds of ham for $199.

That is an average of 5.69 per pound.

If we sold all of our meat at that rate, lets say we only sold packages then we would have

an income of $6970.25.

With a cost of $4725 giving a profit of 2245.25 for six months of work.

You might think we could actually make money on pork is with individual sales, people that

buy 1 or 2 pork chops, a pound of bacon or sausage.

We price our individual cuts comparable with the grocery store, our customers know that

they can buy pork in the grocery store for close to the same price but what they don't

know is how that pork is raised, what hormones or antibiotics might have been used or the

condition that they lived in.

Lets take a look at those numbers.

Bacon we sell for 9.50 per pound we have 250 pounds to sell, that's $2375

Shoulder roast is 4.99 per pound, with roughly 210 lbs we have $1048

Ham is 5.99 per pound and 300lbs give us $1797 Sausage at 6.50 per pound is $1365

And pork chops at 5.99 per pound brings about $2096

And if we sold all of our pork individually, that gives us a grand total of $8681

Take off our cost of $4725 again and the profit is now $3956

$3956 profit with individual cuts and $2245 with packages.

Our actual profit is somewhere in the middle.

It may not seem like a lot, and we are really only talking 7 pigs here but for us it can

make a big difference.

That money can be used to help further advancements in the garden, or it might help buy Mackenzie's


Its another one of those things on the ranch, that if we don't figure in our time and

our labor we actually do pretty well.

When we first came to the ranch, one of the first things Gilbert taught me is that your

time isn't worth anything.

How right he was.

So the original question once again…

Does raising your own animals and sending them to slaughter gets any easier as the years

go by?

The answer doesn't change I guess, its still no.

These animals are a part of the ranch and every year we see many of them go away, but

their sacrifice is never in vain.

By raising animals to see we are ensuring that the ranch continues every year, and hopefully

long enough to see our kids raise their kids on this very same land.

Maybe they will be doing the same things we do today, maybe they won't.

The whole place could be a wind farm by then and you know what, that's totally fine.

If it keeps the ranch going we will do it, this land is one of the most important things

in all of our lives.

And every day we make sacrifices ourselves to make sure that its still going to be a

part of our lives tomorrow, including making choices that are very hard and sometimes heartbreaking.

I hope you have enjoyed this little economics lesson, mixed with the why and the how.

When we started our channel, we decided we wanted to not only bring you what we do, but

also why we do it and the emotion involved in every step.

Make sure you subscribe for more from the ranch as we explore the ranch life together

and escape the ordinary.

Like us on Facebook for updates you cant find anywhere else @ ourwyominglife

We post 3 times per week and hope you again soon

Until then, thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> The Business of Raising Pigs, from Cost to Profit - Duration: 13:02.


Чаггингтон (Chuggington) VS ROBLOX DEATH (UFF) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Чаггингтон (Chuggington) VS ROBLOX DEATH (UFF) - Duration: 1:01.


GTA V от VALVE! Дедов обзор №1. - Duration: 17:55.

For more infomation >> GTA V от VALVE! Дедов обзор №1. - Duration: 17:55.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Micah baby angry his mom don't let him milk run to Daisy for help but she don't help|Monkey Daily420 - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Micah baby angry his mom don't let him milk run to Daisy for help but she don't help|Monkey Daily420 - Duration: 10:55.


Un hombre detenido en Berga por m*a*t*a*r a su madre - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Un hombre detenido en Berga por m*a*t*a*r a su madre - Duration: 3:16.


INDIAN STREET FOOD tour in Mumbai, India - Chaat PARADISE and UNREAL bone marrow dish! - Duration: 14:38.

the streets of Mumbai, India are always hectic with people and this many people

means a ton of street food on offer so we're taking you on a huge Indian street

food tour today

Mumbai is a street food paradise, this is the second video in our

India series and we're exploring some of the city's most vibrant spots to hunt

down some mouth-watering Indian street food, we're going to eat some

mind-blowing snacks, smoky kababs and the most insane bone marrow dish so make

sure you watch right to the end because you don't want to miss this

I'm Thomas and I'm Sheena and we're Chasing a Plate, we hope you're hungry, let's eat!

our first stop is smack bang in the middle of a gigantic jewellery bazaar

so let's go and grab our first snack

we have our first snack and it is the dahi wada, it was so cool watching the guy make it

so he grabbed this deep fried lentil donut and smushed it on the plate, it was really soft

because it had some yoghurt and some chutney already on top of it

and then he added a whole pile of things so he sprinkled some more masala or spice on top

some chilli powder, some dollops of green chutney, some yoghurt and then some tamarind chutney

and then he sprinkled a little bit of coriander and then a few puffed rice bits, this looks super tasty

whoa it is just so soft that lentil donut and look at all those colors on there, the green, the red, the brown

mmmmm wow, it's super soft and

the texture of the donut is almost creamy, it's really soaked up all of that yoghurt

and the chutneys, the chutneys are really vibrant so they're really sweet, a little

bit tangy from the tamarind chutney and you've got all that spice like a little bit of chilli

that aromatic like masala this is so good, let's go again ohhhh look at that

mmmm this is just the perfect thing to be eating on a day like this, it's a little bit cooling because of the yoghurt and there is so

much going on we're right in the middle of the bazaar and there's just people

everywhere going about their business, eating, chatting, it's an awesome first stop

this bazaar is absolute street food paradise we've walked about two meters

to get to our next stand and we've ordered a masala khichiya and look at this plate

it's just so colorful so the base of this is a giant poppadom and he just

crushed that on the plate and then has covered it in so many ingredients so

we've got tomato, cucumber, coriander, fried lentils

we've got chutney, there's a green chutney and a red chutney on there and

then all of that is covered in these crispy sev which are these little

chickpea flour crispy bits, let's just try and grab a good big slice of this

poppadom, oh look at all the colors on there


whoa mmm the fresh vegetables are a burst of freshness and flavor but then the

chutney, on that one I got a lot of that red chutney it's actually a really sweet

spice and then the little crispy bits on top but the papadum is screaming with

flavor I thought that would just be a vessel for everything on top but

actually it's quite salty but it's also just bursting with flavor

ohh that red chutney it's such a great spice

I want one now that's covered in the

green chutney so that's probably a coriander chutney

ohhh yeah coriander, wow that one's a little bit spicier just a

burst of flavor the crunch, the freshness of the vegetables unreal and there's just this

huge stack of poppadoms here which they're making right on the street and I love

that the poppadom, have a look at this, it's much sturdier than most poppadoms you

find so it's very thick it's almost like a sort of a pastry base it's got a real

denseness to it but it's still super crunchy and super fresh tasting this is

another brilliant snack

speaking of these crazy good poppadoms, look how they're being made right here

on the street so he's got a little charcoal burner and he's just flipping

those poppadims right on those charcoals to give them those beautiful crispy burnt

edges that they've got, unreal

our Indian street food tour continues

we're at our next stop and just look at the feast that we have got in front of us

this here is called Chicken Hakimi, it is a twist on tandoori chicken it looks incredible

this here is the special dish Nalli Nihari which translates to bone

gravy, we're gonna chuck a whole lot of this ginger and chilli on top of the

Nalli Nihari and then eat it with these huge, crispy tandoori roti

alright let's get into

this Nalli Nihari, okay I'm gonna load up some of this

ginger and green chilli and stick that over the top, squeeze a little bit of

this lime over it as well you can just see first off the bone

marrow it is unreal so chunks of bone marrow that's that white stuff there

you've got the gravy sitting underneath and then a sort of thin oily top on that and then

this piece of beef which just looks so tender and when they say beef

on menus in India they actually mean water buffalo so this is water buffalo

shank so it's just been cooked for hours in these copper pots, I'm gonna

rip this tandoori roti, oh it's so crispy so puffy and then just dip it into this Nalli

Nihari, oh my gosh, this is insane, I cannot get over that bone marrow okay so

I've got a huge chunk of that roti covered with that bone marrow

and some ginger let's go

mmmmmm whoa that bone marrow just dissolves in your mouth the gravy is so thick

very aromatic and fragrant just a tiny touch of spice or chilli heat but that is amazing

and the ginger's super fresh

let's just test and see how tender

this beef is, holy moly I've just barely prodded it with that spoon and it just

fell to bits, so this piece of beef has been cooking in copper pots for hours

and hours I have got to get into this, all right, I'm gonna get some of this roti

and then just grab a huge chunk of that beef

whoa look at that, okay

that is

the most tender piece of beef I have ever eaten

it just falls apart in your mouth

the gravy is really rich but quite light so it's not overly punchy it's just

really well rounded it's got great depth of flavor but the richness of that bone

marrow and that beef is the star of the show

it's time to try this Chicken

Hakimi so it's a special recipe but I have been told that there is yoghurt, so curd

and also butter

and you can see that it's just coated in this sort of shiny, oily goodness

let's just give it a big bite

ohhhh yea it is so good, it is really flavoursome, the meat still has a lot of bite, you can really just taste that tandoori

like it's just a beautiful smoky flavor and then you've got that sauce of

yogurt and the butter is just so rich that is sensational

next up it's time for a sweet treat

we've got some jalebi here from the stand behind me so these are some little

sweet treats and these were amazing watching them being made so they have a

little piping bag and they're piping this very thick batter straight into

really hot oil in a huge wok then once they start to golden up and crispy up

they get these huge spatulas and mix them all through that oil so the oil is

coating them all over and they take them out of that oil and dump them in a

second wok which is full of a sugar syrup and once again they just dunk them

and dip them in all that sugar syrup, pull it out, shake off the excess and

you've ended up with this little morsel

ohhhh oh yeah it's super sweet, super sweet really sticky, the inside it actually quite moist so

the sugar syrups gone inside to it and it just bursts that sweet sugar syrup the overall the

batter is a very plain flavor, it really, it tastes like sugar

it is incredibly sticky, incredibly sweet and a really good little sweet treat after all

the meat we've just had

we couldn't resist one more sweet treat and that is gulab jamun it's one

of my favorite Indian sweets it's made out of a milk solid and they

deep-fry it in the hot, hot oil and then they take it out and just dump it into sugar

syrup and it just soaks up all that sugar, ohhh look at that, it is just soaked in sugar

mmmm holy moly, if you have a sweet tooth this is the one for you

it's really soft, super sweet, almost a little bit squishy

it tastes a little bit like a really soft, sweet donut, it's amazing

now it's time for more meat we've got some seekh kebabs here so we have some

chicken ones and some mutton ones and they're cooking them on the grill behind

me so the seekh kebab is a minced kebab so they take minced meat, mix it with I

think coriander by the looks of it and then mush it onto the steel pole or the

kebab stick and then chuck that straight on the charcoals and cook it that way when

they're finished they just slide it off onto the plate so really simply put together

simply cooked and simply eaten so we have a roti to go with it, a giant

golden looking crispy looking roti and then it just comes with some chutney and

some onion etcetera so let's peel off some of this roti

oh it's not actually as crunchy as I was expecting it's quite soft, I want to get

some of this chicken kebab ohhh it's so soft oh that's amazing so I've got that and we'll put that

straight into this green chutney, all right, dripping with chutney

ohhhh mmmm, mmmm

that meat is so soft and that chutney has a little bit of chilli in it for heat so it's a little bit spicy

that chutney but I think it has a little bit of mint in it and a lot of coriander

but there's a real sharpness there so I think it's mint

beautiful, grab another big piece of roti and I want to try this mutton

one and this has the most incredible scent it smells really caramelized and

sweet and sticky ohhh feels amazing it's super crispy dunk that in the chutney

as well

mmm mmmm oh

Oh, that is good

really, really soft again sort of the same flavour base so like the spice from

the chutney, it's exactly the same chutney

this one has some coriander in it as well but the mutton in the coriander just go

together perfectly, I'm gonna grab off another piece of

roti because I want to have another, another big piece of this, you can see how juicy it is inside look

at that I'm actually gonna eat this one without the chutney so I can just taste

this meat

ohhhhh that

is so soft and so perfectly spiced, that is an awesome, awesome mouthful

another epic food day, don't forget to

check out the rest of our Indian street food videos we've got so many more India

food videos to come so make sure you hit that subscribe button, give this

video a huge thumbs up and if you want to support Chasing a Plate content check out

our Patreon page, thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time

alvida, alvida!

For more infomation >> INDIAN STREET FOOD tour in Mumbai, India - Chaat PARADISE and UNREAL bone marrow dish! - Duration: 14:38.


Breaking: It's Out, Donna Brazile Has Just Exposed Barack Obama Too - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Breaking: It's Out, Donna Brazile Has Just Exposed Barack Obama Too - Duration: 2:40.


Gordon Ramsay's BEST Insults! (Part 2) - Duration: 14:58.

If you're found to be incompetent in the kitchen, Gordon's roasts are totally capable of sending

your ego right down the toilet.

We already showed you some of our favorite Gordon Ramsay insults, but one video couldn't

cover all of them.

Here are more of Gordon's best insults.

His Tongue-in-Cheek Apology Letter to Jamie Oliver

We all know how Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver can't put up with one another.

For many years the two have constantly been going at each other's throat each never missing

a chance to reassert that he's a better and more popular chef than the other.

On one of his appearances on the late night show on ITV, Gordon announced that he had

invited Jamie for an on-air let-up but that Jamie couldn't make it to the studio.

Gordon instead sat at his desk on stage and wrote while reading out loud this letter that

at first you would think might by any chance be a sincere apology from Gordon to Jamie

no matter how unlikely that would be.

Gordon actually did start with "I'm sorry," but then he followed it with a stream of apologies

for every insult Gordon has directed at Jamie, but we guess it's pretty obvious that he wasn't

doing it for the apology.

It was just another "Gordon Ramsay" way for slipping in a few more insults.

The freaking microwave has more qualifications than you

Gordon's visit to El Greco was not by any means a pleasant experience for whoever watched

it, let alone poor Gordon himself who had to taste these horrendous servings of microwaved

rubber that they called their food.

The bland stuffed zucchini and the pasty lamb shank that Gordon got looked like pieces of

edible depression.

Then the moussaka came and these were the first words that he blurted out, "If you saw

this food in a dog food bowl you would not think twice."

According to the waiter, it was the microwave, who they called "Chef Mike", was behind

that threefold nightmare.

He asked to meet the actual head chef and all the time as he spoke to him and the staff,

Gordon couldn't contain his despise for that unqualified and indifferent halfwit who actually

believed that he was making "high-end" food that Gordon just couldn't appreciate.

That's when the insult pushed its way out, "Executive chef?

Chef Mike, the freaking microwave, has more qualifications than you."

When he was met with yet more oblivion on the chef's part, he followed it with another

sucker punch, "I have come across quite a lot of executive chefs in my time, I have

never seen one quite like the sack of shit that is standing in front of me now."

You look like you're just about to lose your virginity

Gordon probably hates nothing in the world more than when a chef's stress gets in the

way of creating a beautiful display of culinary art.

Whenever he's served a dish that was made by such a chef, he can identify it right away

without even seeing them in person.

Hannah and Maso's was Gordon's host for that Valentine's Day kitchen nightmare.

He went with a picture of his wife that he put in front of him on the table so she can

share that romantic meal with him.

That's if you call bland soup, molten quiche, and raw lamb lollipops romantic.

When he asked to meet the chef, he found a guy who in a way was himself bland, molten,

and raw inside.

The guy had no taste and was too shaky for someone who's supposed to be the captain around

the kitchen.

He thought his life would be easier and better if he didn't own a restaurant and the last

decision he could remember taking was when he named the Turkey Panini the restaurant's


As Gordon tried to bring some life into him, he looked at the wobbly chef and said, "You

look like you're just about to lose your virginity."

Thank f**k you're small

How this restaurant was being managed, especially in terms of finances, really ticked off Gordon

when he visited.

The owner and his wife were in 250,000 pounds worth of debt, but they weren't exactly losing

any sleep over it.

Quite the opposite, really.

The owner wouldn't compromise one bit on his unbounded extravagance and stayed insistent

on spending all of his unearned money on eBay buying second-hand equipment at rip-off prices

and cramming up his small kitchen.

As Gordon toured the place, he was growing more and more irritated with that absurdly

huge collection of eBay items that the owner had bought.

He met the chef in the kitchen and these humorous, yet pretty insulting words came out to cut

the tension, "Thank f**k you're small, you know that?"

He then looked at the owner and told him, "That's what you do.

You look for chefs on eBay, look at their size, their measurement, their weight then

import them, yes?"

It wasn't very nice of Gordon to mock the guy on TV like that, but you gotta admit…

that one was pretty hilarious.

The chef himself couldn't help himself but laugh at that.

I felt like I got a leak in my f**king bath, it was your bald head

River Rock Inn was a small 130-year-old hotel in Philadelphia where Gordon experienced a

true hotel hell.

Gordon was probably in a good mood during this visit, though, because all of his insults

to the hotel's crew of three including the owner were waggish and came with the typical

priceless facial expressions that Gordon gives whenever he's trying to stop himself from

bursting out with laughter at someone's incompetence.

When the manager took Gordon to his gloomy little room at first, he was welcomed by a

cockroach committee.

He then met the owner and asked him how he would rate the food and the owner's reply

had him saying, "I'm now shitting myself about dinner."

Gordon had already received enough hints about what he was in for as he entered the diner,

but the waiter was the one who really looked uneasy about the restaurant's apparent disaster.

As he stood there recommending frozen food for Gordon, his head started bursting with


Gordon couldn't keep it in any longer, so with a smile full of crushing scorn he looked

at the guy's head and said: "I felt like I got a leak in my f**king bath, it was your

bald head."

90% good, 10% an asshole?

This Italian restaurant was having a special kind of problem that Gordon probably hadn't

faced in any other restaurant that he visited on Kitchen Nightmares.

The restaurant's main problem was that its head chef was a stroppy 22-year-old kid, or

as the owner put it, "90% of the time he does what he's supposed to do, but 10% of the time

he's an asshole."

Gordon didn't let that one slip.

As he went with the owner to meet the staff in the kitchen, he called out for the young

chef and introduced himself.

When he asked the guy what he did and he knows that this was the head chef causing all the

trouble, Gordon threw it right at him: "So, you're the 22-year-old who 90% is good but

10% is an asshole?"

Gordon couldn't stomach people who have an undeservedly inflated ego and it seemed like

no one in the place could stand the guy.

Gordon even got to know that he once tried to punch the waitress for telling him that

no one in the restaurant cared about him.

Honestly, this is one of the few cases where you can say that someone deserved more of

Gordon's wrath.

Show me that you're a man

In this episode, Gordon was trying to help this poor restaurant owner to stand on his

feet once again and start running his restaurant properly.

To do that, the owner had to fire one of his three managers in order to make room for a

new head chef that Gordon was recommending.

Gordon already had in mind one of the managers that he thought had to go.

He told the owner that this manager was manipulating him, wasn't even worth his weight in terms

of management expertise and that losing him was a huge win for the restaurant.

It was enough humiliation for this manager to stand with his coworkers listening as Gordon

Ramsay stomped over his entire career on TV.

You can bet that the man was all fired up hearing this, so after having heard enough,

the manager walked in and burst out with rage against Gordon for dissing him in front of

his employer like that.

Here's what Gordon had to tell the manager, "For the first time since I met you show me

that you're a man."

That was just before hitting him with a furious and unrestrained ego-shattering rant about

his total incompetence.

Unfortunately, you're talking out of your rear

Gordon is the first person in any room who is guaranteed to go completely nuts at a restaurant's

crew that isn't handling the situation correctly.

But if the work is being done and the best is being put into it under Gordon's own supervision,

you'd be down on your luck if you found in yourself the courage to walk up to him and

criticize the outcome.

That's just what this grumpy old lady did when Gordon was all busy with the staff at

this restaurant as they served their new menu on their first night.

Until she walked up to him, the feedback from all the customers had been very positive and

Gordon has been in the business long enough to know when someone actually has a critique

of the food or if they're just shoving their bad temper at it.

That lady wasn't showing the right attitude for Gordon to put up with when she came to

him, so after nodding with his head so politely for a couple of times as he heard her complaints,

he responded with this, "Okay, good.

But madam, unfortunately, you're talking out of your rear."

The woman was clearly in a state of shock and humiliation and Gordon beat her down once

again as he welcomed new customers while she stood nearby hearing him say, "So sorry about

the old bag."

An embarrassment to Kefalonia

As a Greek person opening a Greek restaurant, you must be pretty proud about your country

and most particularly proud of its food.

That's how the owner of this Greek restaurant was, but the only problem is, pride does not

necessarily bring out good food.

When Gordon paid this family restaurant a visit, none of the customers were satisfied

with what they were served.

Plates were being returned to the kitchen almost untouched and instead of focusing on

enhancing their food, they were too busy holding belly-dancing shows for the disgruntled customers.

The waiter, who was also the owner's son, got on his knees and carried three tables

on top of each other with his teeth.

His service was nothing like his teeth-clenching skills however.

When Gordon couldn't ignore the situation any longer, he gathered up the family in the

kitchen and ran a display of the hideous food that was coming back.

Remember what we said about the owner's pride in Greek cuisine?

Well, frustrated by how oblivious he was to the size of the disaster, that's exactly where

Gordon hit him when he said: "It's an embarrassment to Kefalonia."

Mike, the owner, went to sit in the backroom in tears after hearing this.

Gordon really knows how to break someone, doesn't he?

Judgement Day

When Gordon is angry with someone's performance, he comes at them with his iconic roasts.

There's another level on Gordon's rage-o-meter where he starts orchestrating the insults

instead of doing them himself.

That's what Gordon thought the owner of the Four Seasons Inn deserved for the hellhole

that he was running.

The place's decorations were worn out, most parts of the hotel were nasty and the pool

was too filthy for Gordon to step foot near it let alone in it.

Instead of cornering the owner and letting his f-bombs drop, Gordon gathered up some

of the hotel's latest guests in one room who had a terrible experience there.

Imagine being that owner and you walk into a room to find a line-up of unsatisfied people

that are all there to judge you.

That's not the best situation to be in.

And what added even more insult was the expert Gordon brought along, who was the general

manager of one of the Hilton hotels.

Gordon really didn't give that man's ego the slightest chance for recovery.

Shit chef, and a dishonest one

It's one thing to serve Gordon bad and tasteless food, it's a whole other thing to lie to him

and not stand up for your own mess.

If the first triggered Gordon's anger, the other triggered only his total disrespect.

Take Sebastian, for example.

When Gordon asked him about the calamari starter, he assured him that they were using fresh


Gordon doesn't let these things go that easily, so he asked the waitress and she told him

that they were frozen.

He would have realized it for himself anyway as soon as he got the plate, which didn't

look all that fresh.

Seeing that, Gordon came to his conclusion about Sebastian, "That confirms two things:

shit chef, and a dishonest one."

The insults didn't stop here, Gordon sent the waitress back with a message to Sebastian

asking for a sick bag and when he got his main dish, Gordon thought it looked like a

can of dog food.

Sebastian received enough insults that he had to call his parents asking them how to

deal with the relentless Gordon Ramsay.

Apologies for the Owner's Performance

There were many things that seemed wrong with this hotel, beginning from the tablecloths

to the puke-like appetizer, and the pale and rubbery lamb lollipops.

There was one thing that everyone working at the hotel agreed on, including the general

manager that greeted Gordon and the waitress that served him - it was that the hotel's

gruesome failure is all due to its owner Callie, who they said was too controlling and rude

plus was driving people away with her attitude.

There was something that they forgot to mention about Callie, though, that Gordon had to witness


That was Callie's horrific Cher impersonation.

When she walked up during dinner and started singing, the customers were all obviously

creeped out by her hysterical performance.

Apparently, Gordon understood that insulting someone who's so offbeat was a waste of time

and probably even impossible.

Instead, he got up as she performed and walked up to other tables apologizing to the guests

for the horrific sounds that their ears fell victim to.

He then ended the insult with a premature applause that was obviously meant to get her

off stage as soon as possible.

It came out of a baby's diaper

If you're going to serve Gordon Ramsay food, at least let him know that you understand

that it's not exactly top quality.

If he finds it to be an abomination and all he hears from the staff was how high-end the

food was, he will really make you aware of every single bit of incompetence that exists

inside your restaurant.

The owner of the Old Stone Mill had to learn this the hard way.

The man was a bit defensive about the celebrity chef sitting down at his restaurant criticizing

the food and the service, so he tried to deny stuff at first.

The waiter made it even worse by lying about the frozen crab meat, telling Gordon it was


Gordon started throwing around some jibes and at one moment he was really calling for

help with the chopped salad, "Please don't make me eat all that shit."

The lobster-stuffed Tilapia was what really sent shivers down Gordon's spine, though.

The moment he opened that bag, he said, "Looks like someone's had a shit in the bag he almost

stuck it in the oven".

When he sat down with the owner, he had to let him taste that food and when they came

to the Tilapia, Gordon confirmed its appearance on his plate, "It looks like it came out of

a baby's diaper."

I would like to flush these down the toilet

We know puns might be a cheap type of insult.

If you saw the first part of this video you would know that we're guilty of being fans

of Gordon's puns.

When he visited this Greek restaurant, Gordon unleashed one pun after another and although

the puns might have been unintended, the insults definitely were.

When Gordon ordered the Loukaniko, which he said looked like the remainder of something

that looked like a dog had chewed on, he got grease in a slightly different sense of the


("Does that remind you of Greece?"

– 0:52) Here comes the ultimate pun though.

As he flipped around the pieces of sausage that floated in the grease-filled plate, Gordon

dropped this, "This area of Queens is called Flushing.

I would like to flush these down the toilet."

Actually, kudos for Gordon for being able to come up with witty lines like these while

eating such food.

The waitress ran away choking after having one bite off his plate.

There is more olive oil on this than Popeye's dick

As we reach the end of this video of another collection of Gordon Ramsay's insults, we

want to share with you a tribute that the great John Legend made exclusively out of

Gordon's insults over the years.

"I'll get you more pumpkin… or would you like it diced?

(0:22)" That was a selection of Gordon's absolute best lines sung and played by John Legend

in collaboration with Gordon himself.

Take a look, "You put so much oil in this, the U.S. wanted to invade the f*cking plate!

(0:47)" Now be honest!

Wouldn't you want to buy this album?

You have to admit that even in his worst fits of anger Gordon is still able to come up with

some of the wittiest insults that you'll hear on TV.

Here was our absolute favorite out of this track though, "Tere is more olive oil on this

than Popeye's dick."

As long as Gordon Ramsay is still on TV, we should expect more of these epic insults to


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For more infomation >> Gordon Ramsay's BEST Insults! (Part 2) - Duration: 14:58.


Adorable Renovated Cottage for Sale in 111 W Marlin Way - Duration: 2:27.

Adorable Renovated Cottage for Sale in 111 W Marlin Way

For more infomation >> Adorable Renovated Cottage for Sale in 111 W Marlin Way - Duration: 2:27.


158 California Lottery Scratch Games Set For Life Giveaway Channel - Duration: 7:38.

Hey good evening guys

We are back at you Yoshi, and I we have full bellies

You guys ever seen his profile from the side

He's always got a full belly all right

struck by lock emerald tens and start off with emerald pins we

Would like to see a winner on this ticket thing as we bought several this time. This is the one

We're looking for any any one of those symbols of course the coveted emerald symbol. You get all

20 prizes

Wouldn't that be nice

Alright start at the top looking for those tens dollars etc

There's the dollar first win on emeralds out of this new batch

All right, let's see if we can add to that

With a five or a ten

Think they'll give us them after a win already I

Think the emerald is a lone wolf

All right guys. Let's tick it scratch quickly

Here's our prize. What do you think?

We know it's money 15 bucks on 10 now we can live with it, but we were looking for

50 well it's not bad. That's a good start 15 dollars in the well


This is the ticket that sort of

We feel owes this

Alright winning numbers are

Twenty six twenty seven seven I like twenty six the first one out

This has been a little bit of a tough ticket only have a only have a ticket on

Alright how about

How about if we do another $10 one here will do her best guess

Is that the what we're looking for oh no, that's

That's not over look before we need to get one of these sacks of money that looks like an emerald darn it that

My friends was not a winner. Give me a little bit of a start though

All right

Where are you little bankroll?

Yeah, we cashed in a couple of these guys $50 ones this go-around and the first one we scratched

But this go-around was another $50 winner so we're still looking for that hundred dollar winner

Which has been

been elusive

And unless it's in this the last

Prize box it's elusive there as well

All right, let's scratch a struck by luck

see if we can get out of this hole and

We have a back-up plan if this one's not a winner

2006 that's the closest we've come all right

Please we're looking for a multiplier with head or shoes

We don't feel we had as many as we deserve

Or sue does

But never a multiplier on this game yet has anybody had a multiplier


You know a lot of our West Coast people play

Please comment if you had a multiplier in struck by luck

Yoshi and I have got to know

if it's just us or

If everybody's been running a little salty at this game

Yeah, we have not seen them on the only thing. We've seen as a horseshoe

All right

All right, we're still looking we're still looking we're gonna. We're gonna go into our prize vault deep

That's branch and let's see if pure gold and pull us out with another climber


21:35 we just had a blackout on this game guys

all seven were winners

You may want to back up a winner or I mean a video or two a winner or two? Yeah, all right?

Well nothing up top

25 that's where it all started

34 is not a



This is the one would want because it's a multiplier Oh

24 it is this is the one wing 124 right here

24 24 this is a three times multiplier

Maybe we'll get the five times multiplier, too


340 nineteen

Come on multiplier

37 this is five times

39 we got 29 be there eight

no, I

Got two more rows

We have one win


15:21 have any look into 14

1746 nothing there all right last row this is not a multiplier, but we will certainly take it as a win


Now you guys realize that you don't have to have everything hit to hit that top prize on this game

one prize scratched can be the

be the

$250,000 okay nothing there so our one prize

actually this game

250,000 what would multiply well it would have to be an odd number, but all right


Was it 24 yet 24 is our winner, so let's see we have and it multiplies times 3 Oh

15 bucks we'll take it this has been a great game for us

this pure gold so

pure gold

Brings us out we have $15 on a $5 ticket. There's nothing wrong with that so guys. We're going to put this one to bed

We appreciate everybody being here for now, Nevada arcade


For more infomation >> 158 California Lottery Scratch Games Set For Life Giveaway Channel - Duration: 7:38.


Street Food Mexico - WINNING TLAYUDAS and BIRRIA in Roma Norte, Mexico City DF! - Duration: 22:44.

- Good morning, I hope you're having an awesome day.

It's Mark Wiens, I'm in Mexico City.

We're staying in the Roma Norte district of Mexico City,

and this is an upscale, very trendy area of this city.

But what I love about it is that

you'll just be walking down the street,

and you will find an abundance of Mexican street food,

almost on every single corner.

So the plan for today is we're just gonna walk around

the neighborhood that we're staying in.

We're gonna go on a Mexican street food tour.

I'm not even totally sure what exactly we're gonna eat,

but we're gonna find the places that are popular,

and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video,

and I'm hungry.

(relaxing dubstep)

We walked over to one of the main roads in Roma Norte,

and this road is very popular because a lot of people,

I think more people work on this street

and there's a metro station very close by,

so there's quite a few street food stalls, it's busy.

There's a place that I wanna start with,

which is just up the road,

which serves this amazing chicken soup.

Hola, buenos días!

(converses in Spanish)

(speaks Spanish) Sí, por favor.

(converses in Spanish)

Gracias. (speaks Spanish)

This is a stall that Ying and I have already eaten at

a couple of times when we just need something for takeaway.

They serve chicken soup, it's called Caldo de Gallina.

He always has a hot pot of just simmering chicken soup,

and we're here in the morning,

so it's very fresh, the pot is full.

You can see the herbs,

you can see the onions floating around

in that swimming pool full of chicken broth.

You can order the chicken breast,

you can order the chicken leg, you can order the drumstick,

you can order all the different types.

You can order chicken feet.

I decided to go for the pierna, which is the drumstick.

- Yam, yam, malo.

- You can also get your soup with either rice

or with garmat garbanzo, and this time I got garbanzo.

I've had rice before, and it's good,

but look at that rich chicken stock.

One of the highlights of eating soup

is that you got all the condiments,

the onions, the lime, the chili,

and the best thing about eating soup

is that you get to doctor it up,

you get to season it as you like.

Oh, let me just taste the chicken broth as is first.

It's really like condensed chicken.

It's a little bit oily, it's very salty.

You can taste the sweet onions in there.

It's delicious from the start.

But yeah, really, the highlight for me

is adding all the seasoning.

There's some roasted chili flakes, which is always awesome,

and then you gotta give it a squeeze of lime.

Let me go ahead and break into that chicken now.

Oh, look how soft and tender that chicken is.

Oh yeah, mm!

The chicken has been boiled for so long,

it's not mushy, but it's so soft.

The guy sitting next to me,

I saw a trick that he just pulled that I gotta copy.

You grab a tortilla,

and then you go in for some of this salsa.

Right into the center of the tortilla,

and then you wrap it up.

Now you've got a tortilla with salsa in the center,

and you can kinda alternate,

you can kinda dip it, you can take bites of soup,

you can eat your tortilla.

Chase that with a tortilla.


Oh, that salsa's amazing, mm!

That's a very cool trick right there.

Oh, that goes so well together.

They just finished chopping up the habanero and onions.

Oh, this is the seasoning I really will,

oh you can just smell that.

It goes up your nose, just smelling it.

This is what I need.

Oh yeah.

Oh that's good, that bumps up the heat,

that bumps up the flavor.

You've got that sour-ish habanero flavor to it,

those onions, those crunchy onions.

(conversing in Spanish)

Aw, delicious way to start the day!

Okay, we're movin' on.

(relaxing dubstep)

Ying and Micah went to go take their morning naps,

so I'm on my own for a little while.

I'm walking right past the Plaza de Río de Janeiro

with Michelangelo's David statue in the middle.

This is one of the landmarks of Colonial Roma,

and I'm on my way to go check out some more street food.

(relaxing dubstep)

This is a little supermarket.

They have all sorts of things, especially import things.

Sometimes we bought some groceries there,

but right on the outside of the supermarket on the sidewalk

is a place that I've been wanting to try.

(conversing in Spanish)

If you come right at lunchtime, they are packed,

there's a crowd just standing around this corner.

They make a number of different things including tlacoyos.

They're using all-blue corn.

They have about, at least, a dozen different ingredients

with toppings that you can add.

I'm not totally sure what I'm getting, but we'll find out.

(conversing in Spanish)

(conversing in Spanish)

It's absolutely beautiful how they make it.

It's so colorful.

So first, yeah, they fry that masa with the blue corn,

and they really let it sizzle.

You can see it kinda char on both on sides.

And then she fried up those flowers;

I ordered it with those flowers.

There's beans stuffed in the inside.

Oh, it's just overflowing with ingredients.

That is absolutely gorgeous.

It's like a trough.

Oh, oh wow!

That's so good!

Oh, the blue corn, there are beans stuffed into that base.

That's incredible!

So awesomely good.

(relaxing dubstep)

(conversing in Spanish)

Next, I ordered a quesadilla with cheese,

and again, they use that blue corn, it's just beautiful.

It gives it another beautiful, colorful notch.

It has a bit of a different taste

from regular white-colored corn as well.

The entire thing is actually squishy

because there's so much cheese in there.

And paired with that salsa verde, that's so good.

That's so much cheese!

(relaxing dubstep)

That just blew the taste buds off my tongue.

You know it's an amazing place

when there's a crowd standing around it.

And, there is a taxi driver who just pulled up,

he stopped in a no-stop zone,

and he's ordering takeaway out of his window.

You know they're doing good things when that happens.

We are off to an extremely happy

Mexican street food tour today.

I feel a happiness just radiating

because that food is so good.

(relaxing dubstep)

Buenos días.

(conversing in Spanish)

The next place I'm gonna eat is this birria stall,

and I've been eyeing it.

It's packed at lunchtime.

Unfortunately, he's not open yet.

He's gonna be openin' in about one hour,

so I'll just walk around and get some exercise

for the time being, but birria coming next.

It's one of the ultimate dishes.

(upbeat dubstep)

I think I'm the first customer today.

He is just opening up.

Can smell the aroma, smells so good!

I cannot wait to eat birria.

(converses in Spanish)

(speaks Spanish)

Jalisco is known, that's where the best birria comes from

in Mexico.

Muchas gracias.

Aw, it smells so good.

He said it's sometimes, birria can be made with goat,

but this is made with beef.

You can either order tacos, he'll make the tacos for you,

or you can order a whole bowl, which he'll chop up the meat,

puts it into a bowl, he adds the soup,

he adds in some onions, and then you eat it

separate with tortillas.

Oh, it smells so good.

This is one of the ultimate Mexican street food dishes.

Oh, that's stunning!

That's just meat stew at its finest, it's so good!

Okay, now I gotta season.

Some lime juice.

I cannot resist adding in a couple of these fried chilis.

And then he also said this is some picante salsa,

which I will also add a little bit of this in.

Oh man, that is just awesome.

I love it!

Oh, with that squeeze of lime, mm!

Those fried chilis are so fragrant, not too spicy.

Okay, it sorta builds on you,

and I'll just grab some of that meat and that whole chili

and just kinda drain it of the juice and into the tortilla.

And I think I'll go in for some of these,

more pickled onions as well.

Put this on top.

And a little more of that salsa.

Oh, perfecto!

(relaxing dubstep)

Absolutely stunning, oh, it's delicious!

(relaxing dubstep)

(background chatter)

It's so good!

And you can tell the people that eat here,

they are regulars because they know each other like friends.

This is the type of neighborhood street food stall that...

I am living around this area.

I would definitely come here on a very regular basis.

Birria is one of my favorite Mexican dishes.

I remember eating it years ago

with some of my buddies in Arizona.

Yeah, it's awesome, this was so good, yeah.

Very good, muchas gracias!

(converses in Spanish)

What a dish, and he's so friendly, too.

That's the type of dish you just sit there,

it just warms you from the inside out.

It's a little bit oily, but the flavor is abundant,

and you kinda go there, you kinda have a conversation,

you eat, you socialize.

I got a little salsa on my shirt,

so I think it's time to change.

(upbeat dubstep)

Micah just woke up from his nap.

Boy, you look pretty warm and cozy down there

on this cold day in Mexico City.

And we are on our way.

It's across the main road to a place to eat mariscos.

(upbeat dubstep)

Buenos dias.

(conversing in Spanish)

We walked around a little bit.

I was afraid that they might be closed,

but after we circled back around, finally found this place.

It's just a little mariscos spot they have.

Bar counter seating, and then they actually have

a table set out, too, so we got a table.

(relaxing dubstep)

Okay, he said we eat the tostada de camaron,

the shrimp tostada, first,

and then he'll make the octopus.

He layered it in shrimp, then he topped it in onions,

there's cilantro on there, and then he took the avocado

and scooped it right from the shell.

Some nice, generous slices of avocado

and then just a very light sauce.

Looks like there might some pepper in there.

And that is just simple, beautiful.



Oh, it's so good!

Oh, you got that mayonnaise, the crunchy base.

The shrimp had this wonderful, refreshing

cold texture to them.

You've got the crunch of the onion and the cilantro.

You've got the creamy avocado.

It's amazing, incredible, (exclaims in Spanish).

(converses in Spanish)

Squeeze on a little more lime

although he's already added some lime on there.

It tastes, like, kinda sour already,

but an extra bit of lime is never a bad idea.

And I am gonna add on a little more

of this tomatoes and onions.


That's really outstanding, that is so good,

it's so refreshing, it's so fresh, it's so mm!

Now it's time for the octopus tostada.

Squeeze on the lime,

add on that extra refreshing tomato-and-onion salsa.

Oh, perfect.


(relaxing dubstep)

All the same ingredients, the crispy base, the mayonnaise,

the creamy avocado, the onions, the cilantro,

but instead of the shrimp, it's octopus.

The octopus, it's soft, but definitely the camaron,

the shrimp, wins.


I'm blown away by these tostadas.


There was no way we were gonna leave

without having some more tostadas.

We ordered some more of the camaron, shrimp, tostadas.

They are mind-blowingly delicious.

And they're both topped already

with some of the tomato salsa with those onions.

Just loaded, that avocado, those shrimp.

Aw, it's just a thing of beauty.



(relaxing dubstep)

It's just street food after street food

of complete, like, mind-bewildering deliciousness.

(relaxing dubstep)

Just a quick disclaimer, we've already been

to this street food stall.

They serve

I mean, it's Mexican style, but it's very popular.

We've been there once, it was Ying's idea,

but we didn't order the right thing,

and when I was standing in line the last time in ordering

that I met a friendly man who was also ordering,

and he said, "Oh, this is the one you gotta order."

But I had already ordered,

and I didn't order the right thing,

so I thought, "We gotta come back."

Now is the time.

It's right on the corner of this park in Roma Norte,

and this is gonna be the final Mexican street food dish

of this tour.

You can just smell the burger, juicy smoke

throughout this entire intersection.

Here's the spot, right there.

Uno de queso piña, por favor.


Yeah, hamburgers are a very, very popular

Mexican street food.

You'll find them throughout this city,

but this particular stall, I really wanted to show it to you

because you come here at any hour of the day

and they always, always have a crowd outside of them, so...

Not to mention, they've been making burgers since 1990

in the same exact place, their same burger.

And we did eat here the other day,

Ying and I sampled a burger,

but I had just ordered the regular plain burger,

but then I got in line,

and then the friendly man who was in line after me,

he said, "Oh, you have to order

"the pineapple cheeseburger here."

And, if you pay attention in line, you'll hear everybody.

Not one person in line fails to order

the cheese-pineapple burger.

They flame-grill the patties, they put on a piece of cheese,

they grill the pineapple,

and then I got it with all the toppings.

So, let's just take a look at what's inside of this guy.

You can see the grilled, charred edges of the burger.

There's tomato, there's lettuce, there's ketchup,

there's mustard, there's mayonnaise,

and yeah, that whole piece of pineapple,

and the cheese is somewhere below here as well.

You can taste the flame-grilledness of it.

You've got the sweet pineapple, the salty cheese,

the fluffy bun, the tomato, the lettuce,

the sweet and tangy ketchup.

Yeah, it's all there.

(relaxing dubstep) Oh yeah.

This is definitely a burger that could compete

with the world's most renowned fast food chains.

(relaxing dubstep)

Okay, so we have come to the end of this awesome,

it's been an awesome Mexican street food tour!

And to be honest, when I started this morning,

I had a few ideas of the places that I wanted to go,

but I didn't really know, I didn't really have a plan.

And sometimes, it turns out so well.

Those were amazing dishes,

all the way starting from that chicken soup,

the birrias, oh, those tlacoyo,

that tlacoyo also was amazing,

the birria was so good,

those tostadas were insanely delicious!

Actually, everything from this entire

Mexican street food tour in Mexico City Roma Norte

was delicious.

Okay, probably my favorite thing was

the seafood mariscos tostadas.


(relaxing dubstep)

And finally, you might be wondering about the t-shirts.

And I was wearing that other t-shirt this morning

and now this t-shirt "I travel for food & tacos."

When I arrived to Mexico City, I got an email from Marissa.

She's from Mexico City, she owns a t-shirt company,

and she said, "I wanna translate some of your t-shirts

"into Spanish and give them to you."

And so she gave me these t-shirts.

I think they're absolutely awesome.

Huge thank you to Marissa.

And that's gonna be it for this Mexican street food tour

Roma Norte in Mexico City.

I had a fantastic time, and you can, too.

If you just walk around,

there's so much delicious street food In Mexico City.

You just have street food after dish after dish

of never-ending culinary-deliciousness excitement.

Okay, I'm gonna end this video right now.

Thanks so much for watching,

please remember to give it a thumbs-up if you enjoyed it.

Leave a comment below.

And also, make sure you click the subscribe button.

I'm gonna be publishing lots more street food

and travel videos like this.

And also, click the little bell icon

so that you get notified of all future videos

that I publish.

Thanks again for watching.

Good-bye from Mexico City,

and I'll see you on the next video.

And remember to travel for food and tacos.

For more infomation >> Street Food Mexico - WINNING TLAYUDAS and BIRRIA in Roma Norte, Mexico City DF! - Duration: 22:44.


Most BIZARRE Creatures Ever Found! - Duration: 9:50.

From one-eyed sharks to wasps with mega-jaws, here are 10 of the weirdest creatures ever found!


Poodle Moth

Discovered in 2009 by Dr. Arthur Anker from Kyrgyzstan, the Venezuelan Poodle Moth is

often thought to be a hoax because of how strange it is, but it most definitely is a

real creature.

They are found in the Gran Sabana region in southeast Venezuela and, while thought to

be closely related to other species of moth, that are furry and a little weird, it has

a completely unique appearance.

Some people think it is cute, others think it's horrific looking.

I personally think it's really cute!

What about you guys??

Unfortunately, because of its scarcity and the remote region where it is found, we don't

know much at all about this peculiar creature.

Hopefully more specimens will be found soon, so we can finally find out more about it.


Cyclops Shark

Sharks are hardly the most comforting of creatures found in the ocean, but occasionally they

will suffer from a condition called cyclopia that is seen in various animal species- including

humans- and results in the development of only one eye.

Very few examples of Cyclops sharks have ever been found, with a Mexican fishing crew catching

the last recorded case in 2011.

They had caught a pregnant dusky shark.

After cutting it open they found 10 embryo's- 9 of which had formed normally.

The last one was albino and had only one eye.

Measuring only 22 inches long it wouldn't have been much of a threat once it had been

born, but with a whole ocean out there to explore it's quite possible that there are

much larger versions swimming around out there ready to startle even the most hardy of fishermen.

Imagine being a diver and running into a one eyed shark!

Pretty scary stuff!!


Devils Worm

This worm truly deserves its name.

It was first found in 2010 at a depth of 2.2 miles beneath the earth's surface.

It is the deepest living creature that has ever been found.

While once thought to be limited to a few dozen feet deep, the discovery of a nematode

this far down has provided evidence that there's a whole biosphere waiting to be found deep

in the ocean's depths- but judging on the appearance of this one, I'm not so sure

that's a world we want to explore!

Just kidding!

Of course we do!!

I know you're all dying of curiosity!!!

Luckily this worm is tiny, measuring only about half a millimeter long, but it has adapted

to the extreme temperatures and pressures it lives in, and was found in an underground

lake that hadn't been exposed to outside interference for over 4,000 years.

It is made from a series of rings, has an unusually long tail, and a nasty looking set

of teeth that could have been the inspiration for many an alien movie.

They aren't a threat to humans of course, feeding only on microbacteria, but with evidence

that life can exist in such inhospitable environments, who knows what else is lurking down there!

And now for number 7, but first be sure to subscribe if you are new here!


Lobster Moth

From looking at an adult Lobster moth you'd be forgiven for wondering how it had got its

name, or why it's on this list.

Despite the unassuming appearance of a normal furry grey moth, the answer lies with what

it is like when it is a caterpillar.

Found across Europe, North Africa and Northern Asia, it's undoubtedly one of the weirdest

things found in nature, with forelegs that look like the outstretched claws of a lobster,

and a body that swells up and folds onto itself to resemble a lobster's tail.

The reddish brown color finishes off its strange appearance, and people used to think it was

a poisonous beetle.

It was only once they were captured and reared in captivity that the harmless nature of their

life cycle was finally revealed.


Pink Dragon Millipede

Some animals have far too many legs for their own good and, while some species of millipede

may look cute, the recently discovered pink dragon millipede might be the absolute last

thing you'd want to see before you go to bed.

Unless you really love bugs.

Dragon millipedes are named for their spiky appendages and unusual colors- with this pink

one having been found a few years ago in Northern Thailand.

The locals call it the "mangkorn chomphoo", or "shocking pink dragon millipede", and

they all stay well clear of them.

The good news is that they are only 3 centimeters long, but the bad news is that these creatures

are brightly colored as a warning- they produce their own hydrogen cyanide, which they release

when feeling under threat of attack.

Cyanide is lethal to humans in relatively small doses, and while this millipede probably

wouldn't kill you if you step on it, you would definitely be left regretting it.

Human reactions to the low levels of cyanide they produce include skin irritations, eczema,

blisters, itching and possible pink eye.

Because of the presence of this chemical, these millipedes apparently smell strongly

of almonds.

It's also a very confident creature, happily sitting out in the open during the day because

it knows no predator would dare risk trying to eat it.


Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat

The Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat was first discovered by scientists in 1984, but it had

been the stuff of nightmares for locals who encountered it for years.

They hang, conspicuously, like all other bats- but have a few distinctive characteristics

that set them apart from their peers.

First are the separate tubular nostrils that project about six millimeters above the mouth.

They also have unusual coloring for bats, being one of very few species that are striped-

with a broad dark stripe along the center of its back.

They also have strange yellow markings on their ears and wings, which are thought to

help them camouflage into their surroundings.

No-one's quite sure why they have developed their tubular nostrils, with some suggesting

they are to aid with eating fruit, or perhaps to aid with smell or even their echolocation.

Either way, it wouldn't be much fun to find yourself in a cave full of these creatures,

so keep a watch out if you're ever exploring the forests of the Philippines.


Cthulhu Larva

Also known as the Deep Sea Holothurian, the sea pig or the abyssal sea cucumber, the Cthulhu

Larva looks just like something a Hollywood creature designer would make for a creepy

sci-fi movie.

HP Lovecraft anyone?

They are found in oceans around the world apart from the North Atlantic, and are often

found in groups of up to 600 that usually are all facing in the same direction towards

the current.

They are an incredibly successful underwater species that don't face many threats in

their lifecycle- they are only a few inches long, don't have a face and spend most of

their lives using their feeding tentacles to eat and sift through the mud of the seabed

for nutrients.

Despite their harmlessness, I definitely wouldn't want to come across a whole swarm of these

Larvae in the midst of a feeding session.

The main reason for human contact with them is due to deep sea trawling, so most of you

probably won't come into contact with them anytime soon.


Frilled Shark

There's another rarely found shark that lurks deep in the oceans, and for those that

are unfortunate enough to find one- they're in for a fright.

The Frilled Shark was first identified in the late 1800's when a German ichthyologist

brought two specimens back to Vienna from Japan.

They are named for the unusual way that their gills are separated with red fringes.

In the wild, this 7-foot long species is known to hover in the water because they are naturally

buoyant, and are thought to attack their prey more like a snake than what you would expect

from a shark.

While they live all around the world, they luckily stay at depths far beyond the reach

of humans, but sometimes it does venture into shallower waters.

If you do encounter one, consider yourself lucky because it's very rare, and also, watch

out for its teeth.

Rivaling those of a Great White, it has over 300 trident-shaped back-facing gnashers that

are so sharp that the mouths are difficult for researchers to explore even when the creature

is dead.


Giant Wolf Fish

Species of Wolf Fish are found all over the world, but one particular type, affectionately

known as the Giant Wolf Fish, is a scary and potentially very dangerous one that is found

in freshwater environments across South America.

Usually found in counter current zones of rivers, they are ambush predators that feed

on crayfish, crabs and small invertebrates.

They can grow up to four feet long, with the largest ever one on record weighing forty


They have varying colors depending on where you find them, with browns, light colors and


There aren't any proven attacks on humans, but there have been a series of claims of

strange things happening, including in one instance where a diver who was inspecting

a dam at Suriname's Afobaka power plant was victim of a vicious strike.

With that many teeth, its size, and mean temper- the giant wolf fish would certainly be capable

of such an encounter . It's enough of a reason to avoid swimming in the waters of

the Courantyne or Coppename rivers where the largest numbers and most aggressive types



Megalara Garuda

And finally number one, and if you're not a fan of wasps then you might want to look

away now.

In 2012, the Megalara Garuda was first found on a small island in Indonesia called Sulawesi.

These scary wasps, named by the researchers who found them as the "King of Wasps",

grow to about two inches long and, perhaps more terrifyingly, a living specimen has never

been found, so we know very little about what those massive jaws are used for.

They are thought to be a subspecies of larrine wasps that dig into open, sandy areas to make

nests and lay their eggs.

Unlike other varieties, though, the male Megalara Garuda have flattened faces and grow these

large, spiked jaws.

It's thought that they can use these for digging, and for trapping prey before consuming


While we don't know much about these wasps, we do know that they are already endangered.

The location where the specimens were found is designated as a site that will become an

open-pit nickel mine- something that will annihilate the surrounding habitats.

Maybe before that happens, when the first workers move in to start, perhaps the first

living Megalara Garuda will be found and the purpose of the jaws finally understood.

Thanks for watching!!

For more infomation >> Most BIZARRE Creatures Ever Found! - Duration: 9:50.


Twin Peacocks "Faberge" style chocolate egg - fanciest Easter eggs ever 1/4 - Duration: 10:05.

gumpaste or modelling paste

allow to dry a little before moving

pen lid

cake card

white chocolate in a shot glass, more melted white chocolate in the bowl

chocolate easter egg - make your own or buy

peacock / teal coloured modelling paste

peackock head :)

white modelling paste

adhere with melted chocolate

metallic edible food paint - Rainbow Dust

wire and gumpaste head feathers

probably should have done this first

simple writing icing - recipe video in uploads

piping cone tutorial video also in uploads

gold lustre

For more infomation >> Twin Peacocks "Faberge" style chocolate egg - fanciest Easter eggs ever 1/4 - Duration: 10:05.





Ice Eating ASMR - CLEAR Soft, Crunchy, Crushing (SNOW) Ice Eating / Chewing - Duration: 10:01.

Ice Eating ASMR - CLEAR Soft, Crunchy, Crushing (SNOW) Ice Eating / Chewing by OSVchannel

For more infomation >> Ice Eating ASMR - CLEAR Soft, Crunchy, Crushing (SNOW) Ice Eating / Chewing - Duration: 10:01.


Absolutely Cozy Santa's Home and ELF Village Listed for $710K - Duration: 1:48.

Absolutely Cozy Santa's Home and ELF Village Listed for $710

For more infomation >> Absolutely Cozy Santa's Home and ELF Village Listed for $710K - Duration: 1:48.


13 New Nail Art 2018 | The Best Nail Design Ideas & Nail Art Tutorials Compilation - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> 13 New Nail Art 2018 | The Best Nail Design Ideas & Nail Art Tutorials Compilation - Duration: 10:44.


AVM Games AVM - Wounded Deer Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 8:28.

AVM Games AVM - Wounded Deer Escape

For more infomation >> AVM Games AVM - Wounded Deer Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 8:28.


Fox and Friends Sunday 03/18/18 8AM | March 18, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:07.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends Sunday 03/18/18 8AM | March 18, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:07.


The birth paradox you haven't heard yet. - Duration: 3:12.

["Rule" by Nas plays]

This paradox is so weird.

So I'm gonna lead up with a few simple questions.

(Aww, baby booboo!)

If a couple has a son and is expecting another child, what is the theoretical chance that

this child will also be a son?

The answer, of course, is 50%. The first child is irrelevant.

It's like how if you roll a die 100 times and every single time it lands on 1, the theoretical

probability of it landing on 1 the next time you roll it is still 1 out of 6.

But if I were to say that a couple has two children and at least one of them is a son,

then the probability is ⅓ because there are 4 combinations of children this couple

could have, and one of them is ruled out by the given presence of a son.

(To make this even more confusing, if I said that the older child is a boy, the chances

of the other child being a son become ½ again.)

HOWEVER COMMA, let's say that the couple has two children, and at least one of them

is a boy born on a Tuesday. What are the chances that the other child is also a boy?

You might be thinking, it's still a 1/3 probability, Cameron. That Tuesday bit is

just extra information you added to throw us off. Also I really like your new background.

{Thank you!}

But the probability part is wrong! It's actually… 13 out of 27. So about 48%.

And I know that's close to 50, but lemme explain to you why it's not 50.

Each child can be born on one of 7 days.

When was my birthday?

I was born on a Wednesday. Looked that up and found out.


So we have 14 total theoretical outcomes for this couple's first child– a child of

each sex born on each day of the week.

Now, when we add a second child, that's when sh*t hits the fan.

Suddenly, we have to account for every combination of these 14.

So if the first child is a boy born on a Monday, the second child could be a boy born on a

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, et cetera a girl born on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,


A boy born on Tuesday could be matched up with a boy born on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

or a girl born on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you get it.

Overall, this results in 196 potential combinations of children.

So what information do we have from our initial question?

At least one of the children is a boy born on a Tuesday.

So let's circle every pair that contains at least one boy born on a Tuesday.

That leaves us with 27 combinations of children.

Now, of these 27, how many of them have 2 boys?

13. Therefore, the chance of this couple having 2 boys is 13/27, or approximately 48.15%.

I'm gonna say my song of the week this week is November by Tyler, the Creator.

But since I've just been doing multiple songs every week, I also like Hello Twelve,

Hello Thirteen, Hello Love from A Chorusline,

HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T. Did I bring this up in the last– no!

HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T is such a good song!

And Pink Lemonade by James Bay, and… let's get one more.

Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Rey.

Okay byeeee!!!!


For more infomation >> The birth paradox you haven't heard yet. - Duration: 3:12.


Last trap check and bit of fishing March 15 2018 - Duration: 16:30.

Mussel collector socks all down along this shore here on yellow floats ; purpose: to get young mussels for the mussel farm grow-up elsewhere in area

Western Arm, Point Leamington area

Buddy Grahams cabin right there

For more infomation >> Last trap check and bit of fishing March 15 2018 - Duration: 16:30.


(Official MV) Kiên Nhẫn | Duy Rapper ft. Jack " PATIENCE " - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> (Official MV) Kiên Nhẫn | Duy Rapper ft. Jack " PATIENCE " - Duration: 3:38.


U2 Greatest Hits ( Live ) - Top 20 Best Songs Of U2 - Duration: 1:57:27.

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