Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report May 28 2018

The Kona Ironman World Championship is the most challenging triathlon in the world.

Last year, 3km in his run, defending champion Jan Frodeno was reduced to a walk.

Despite his injury he kept walking to the finish line.

Failure is something that, especially as a young athlete, is very, very frustrating.

It's pure emotion, it's pure negative emotion...

and I used to hold on to failure for months...

whereas these days I look at the lessons I get from failure.

That's kind of the key to always see something positive in every single situation.

You need to fail at some point if you are challenging yourself.

Realize there is a wall coming.

Recognize it and then deal with it.

Telling yourself that pain doesn't exist, is not going to work...

because it does exist. You're feeling it approaching...

positively knowing that you actually need that pain in order to grow.

You need to play with those boundaries.

The right equipment...

that's been a key for me to try and push that elastic band just a little bit further...

to be the best version of myself.

The euphoria you get from sporting success is comparable to very little.

Its endorphins that just rush through you.

It's one of the reasons why I love sport the way I do.

For more infomation >> #IMoveMe - Jan Frodeno | ASICS - Duration: 1:36.


'Sálvame': Belén Esteban le escribe una carta al capo Vasile para que vuelva a ponerles 'GH VIP' - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 'Sálvame': Belén Esteban le escribe una carta al capo Vasile para que vuelva a ponerles 'GH VIP' - Duration: 3:35.


Tholos de El Romeral, Antequera. Málaga - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Tholos de El Romeral, Antequera. Málaga - Duration: 1:06.


첫 등장부터 귀엽다고 난리난 조정치 딸.jpg - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 첫 등장부터 귀엽다고 난리난 조정치 딸.jpg - Duration: 4:28.


Sandra Barneda pone en un aprieto a Nagore Robles en 'Conexión Honduras': "Ya que es tan clara..." - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Sandra Barneda pone en un aprieto a Nagore Robles en 'Conexión Honduras': "Ya que es tan clara..." - Duration: 2:44.


Simple remedies for 7 health problems - Duration: 2:10.

Health Network, For Public Health

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Simple remedies for 7 health problems

Instead of taking medicine, try the simple, natural remedies below to support the seven common health problems.

1. High blood pressure.

Add olive oil and celery to your diet.

Celery contains compounds that help lower blood pressure naturally, and olive oil also has antihypertensive effects.

2. Ho.

Cayenne pepper reduces cough, however, you should eat moderately, to avoid unwanted side effects.

3. Memory.

Zinc is a mineral that improves memory.

Foods like pumpkin seeds, red meat, nuts and fish, provide plenty of zinc.

4. Abdominal discomfort.

Ginger and banana are good treatments to reduce abdominal discomfort.

Bananas can help relieve uncomfortable symptoms, while ginger helps to reduce nausea.


Eating fresh garlic can help control cholesterol levels, and reduce cold symptoms.

6. Breast cancer.

Add cabbage, and wheat bran to your diet.

Both of these foods, are believed to help prevent breast cancer.

In addition, they also help control estrogen levels in the body.

7. Blood glucose.

Eat peanuts and broccoli, which can help stabilize blood glucose levels.

Doctor:Phuong Lien, According to Boldsky.

The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Simple remedies for 7 health problems - Duration: 2:10.


Un impresionante Borja asegura los 'playoffs' para el Zaragoza - Duration: 6:45.

El Zaragoza consiguió un billete para disputar los 'playoffs' de ascenso al imponerse al Valladolid

El 'hat-trick' de Borja Iglesias fue decisivo para asegurar la promoción y frenar a un conjunto pucelano que venía lanzado

Los de Sergio González protestaron mucho los dos penaltis que sufrieron en contra, pero los maños tampoco acabaron contentos con el árbitro tras jugar con 10 desde el 61' por la expulsión de Eguaras

Los primeros minutos se jugó sólo en la medular. Ambos equipos cortaban el peligro constantemente antes de que el balón le llegara a sus delanteros, los más temidos por parte de los dos bandos

Pero cuando Pombo logró darle uno a Borja Iglesias en el borde del área, el gallego lo metió a la jaula

Su número 20 del curso. El Valladolid mantuvo su plan pese al gol recibido y trataba de aparecer en territorio contrario, pero sin acabar nada

Su mejor ocasión fue un remate de Óscar Plano que rebotó en un defensa y obligó a Cristian Álvarez a responder como de costumbre

El Zaragoza presionaba bien a su rival y apenas le dejaba pensar. Y cuando llegaba, remataba con poca convicción

Sin embargo, la última parte del primer acto fue más para el Valladolid. Los maños perdían el esférico con facilidad y los pucelanos buscaron el empate antes del descanso

Sin éxito. Sin embargo, los de Sergio González lo consiguieron al inicio de la segunda mitad

Un centro de Borja Herrero fue muy bien cabeceado por Toni Villa, que puso el empate

Pero la alegría duró poco a los pucelanos. Siete minutos después, el árbitro señaló penalti un agarrón de Borja Fernández a Borja Iglesias en el área

Esta vez, el gallego no falló desde los once metros. Dos minutos más tarde, Eguaras era expulsado con roja directa por una acción en la que se resbaló y tocó al rival

Pareció excesivo castigo. Con diez, al Zaragoza no le quedó otra que dar un paso atrás y defender el marcador

Eso sí, contando con que Cristian Álvarez iba a aparecer una y otra vez. Y así fue

El Valladolid volvió a protestar un penalti que Moyano cometió sobre Verdasca y que Borja Iglesias marcó de nuevo

Con el 3-1, el partido se acabó, aunque Calero acortó distancias en el descuento, cuando ya no había tiempo de más

Los de Natxo González se aseguran la cuarta plaza como mínimo. Ficha técnica.- 3 - Real Zaragoza: Cristian Álvarez, Delmás, Mikel González, Verdasca, Lasure, Eguaras, Javi Ros (Perone, min

84), Zapater, Papu (Febas, min. 69), Pombo (Buff, min. 83)y Borja Iglesias. 2 - Valladolid: Masip, Moyano (Ontiveros, min

80), Kiko Olivas, Calero, Borja Herrera, Borja Fernández, Míchel, Hervías (Gianniotas, min

64), Toni Villa (T. Martínez, min. 72), Óscar Plano y Mata. Goles: 1-0, min. 15; Borja Iglesias

1-1, min. 52; Toni Villa. 2-1, min. 59; Borja Iglesias (penalti). 3-1, min. 76; Borja Iglesias (penalti)

3-2, min. 92; Calero. Árbitro: Arcediano Monescillo. (Castellano-manchego). Amonestó a Kiko Olivas (46'), Masip (58'), Moyano (59'), Gianniotas (79'), Verdasca (94')

Expulsó con roja directa a Eguaras (61'). Incidencias: Partido de la 41ª jornada de LaLiga 123 disputado en La Romareda ante 22

740 espectadores.

For more infomation >> Un impresionante Borja asegura los 'playoffs' para el Zaragoza - Duration: 6:45.


DVD 13 PARTE 4 - Duration: 30:04.

For more infomation >> DVD 13 PARTE 4 - Duration: 30:04.


BTS vuelve realidad su nuevo álbum, "Love Yourself: Tear" - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> BTS vuelve realidad su nuevo álbum, "Love Yourself: Tear" - Duration: 7:27.


✅ Reportan candidatos presidenciales gastos por 406 mdp - Duration: 2:38.

Ciudad de México.- A 34 días de la jornada electoral, los candidatos presidenciales han reportado, en conjunto, 406

9 millones de pesos de gastos y 404.6 millones de ingresos.Datos del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) refieren que el candidato frentista, Ricardo Anaya, ha reportado, con corte al 27 de mayo, 203 millones de pesos de gastos y 208

2 millones de ingresos. El abanderado del PRI, José Antonio Meade, ha registrado en el Sistema Integral de Fiscalización 140

5 millones de pesos de gastos y 139 millones de pesos de ingresos.Andrés Manuel López Obrador, abanderado de Juntos Haremos Historia, reporta 37

8 millones de gastos y mismo número de ingresos.El independiente Jaime Rodríguez "El Bronco" tiene anotados 14

2 millones de pesos de gastos y únicamente ha ingresado 4.7 millones de pesos a su campaña presidencial

Margarita Zavala, quien renunció a la contienda hace más de una semana, quedó con 11

2 millones de gastos y 14.8 millones de pesos de ingresos. El INE reprochó en días pasados que los candidatos han sido omisos en presentar en tiempo y forma las erogaciones que realizan cada día en sus campañas

 Por ejemplo, de acuerdo con el último informe presentado por el organismo, López Obrador tenía el 48 por ciento de sus operaciones registradas de manera extemporánea, mientras que Anaya, el 27 por ciento

En tanto, la Comisión de Fiscalización acreditó el viernes pasado que a través de triangulaciones "El Bronco" recibió hasta 11

2 millones de financiamiento ilícito en su campaña de recolección de firmas de apoyo ciudadano, por lo que perfila dar vista mañana a la Fiscalía Especializada para la Atención de Delitos Electorales (Fepade) para que determine las sanciones correspondientes

For more infomation >> ✅ Reportan candidatos presidenciales gastos por 406 mdp - Duration: 2:38.


✅ Fallecen dos mexicanos al caer avioneta en Guatemala - Duration: 3:58.

El candidato del PRI-PVEM a la gubernatura de Veracruz, Pepe Yunes Zorrilla, consideró que la orden de arresto en contra de la ex primera dama, Karime Macías de Duarte, obedece a que las tendencias electorales no favorecen al abanderado del PAN, Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, hijo del actual mandatario

"Si no les dan los números, si sienten la derrota, asuman su situación y no utilicen ni las instituciones ni la indignación legítima del pueblo para seguir tratando de obtener raja electoral", exigió

El senador con licencia demandó que se deje de politizar la procuración de justicia en el estado, en alusión a la orden de arresto contra la ex presidenta del DIF a quien se señala de un presunto desvío de recursos por 112 millones

Giran orden de aprehensión en contra de la esposa de Javier DuarteAclaró que el PRI no pide impunidad, sino que se deje de politizar la procuración de justicia y recordó que los votos se ganan con trabajo, con cercanía

"Los votos no se ganan con intimidación y despensas. Los votos se ganan caminando

Porque hemos caminado y tenido cercanía, vamos a ganar el Gobierno del Estado y la Presidencia de la República, con su apoyo este 1 de julio", sostuvo

Manifestó que no obstante lo mal que está el estado en materia de seguridad y de oportunidades económicas, la gente está muy contenta porque sabe que el PRI logrará recuperar la gubernatura el 1 de julio

Pepe Yunes afirmó que después de dos años, con cifras en la mano, sin politizar, hablando con la verdad, Veracruz está peor de como estaba, pues los secuestros y homicidios subieron, mientras el empleo y la posibilidad de ganarle terreno a la pobreza bajaron

"Hoy hay desesperación en algunos de nuestros adversarios. Los números ya no les dan

Las circunstancias los empiezan a rebasar. No vamos a permitir que nadie esté por encima de la ley

Vamos a exigir siempre que quien haya incurrido en responsabilidades tenga consecuencia y sanción", indicó

En tanto, el gobernador Miguel Ángel Yunes manifestó que no habrá amnistía para quienes saquearon las arcas públicas en la administración de Javier Duarte de Ochoa

Cuestionado por qué hasta ahora la justicia veracruzana requiere a la expresidenta del DIF estatal, indicó que apenas se concluyó la investigación correspondiente, resultado de la cual un juez concedió la orden de aprehensión en su contra

"Al tomar posesión lo dije con mucha claridad, no habrá perdón ni habrá olvido, en Veracruz no habrá amnistía para quienes lesionaron gravemente los intereses de los veracruzanos, para quienes saquearon el erario público, para quienes se robaron el dinero de los niños, el dinero de los enfermos, el dinero de las familias más pobres", expresó

Consideró que la ex presidenta del DIF estatal participó en "la trama de corrupción brutal" que lastimó a Veracruz

"No hay ninguna razón para darle amnistía, ni perdón ni olvido, se tratará a todos por igual", reiteró


For more infomation >> ✅ Fallecen dos mexicanos al caer avioneta en Guatemala - Duration: 3:58.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Comfort Pack - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Comfort Pack - Duration: 0:53.


See What Happens To Your Body If You Run Everyday │ Health Benefits of Running Everyday - Duration: 2:54.

Health Benefits Of Running.

Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but it also can benefit

almost every part of your bod and lift your mood.

Whether it's your favorite part of the day or something you have to push yourself through,

the benefits are undeniable.

The next time you're thinking of skipping a run, think of these 5 reasons to get your

butt out the door.

In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of running.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

Number 1.

Score you Vitamin D. The human body gets most of its vitamin D

from sun exposure, but since people spend all of their time indoors, well, you know

how it goes.

That explains why 41.6 percent of Americans are deficient in the vitamin, according to

research published in Nutrition Research.

Taking your run outside can help boost your levels to ward off depression.

Number 2.

You Might Lose Weight.

Running is one of the best forms of exercise for losing or maintaining a consistent weight.

You will find that it is a leading way to burn off extra calories and that it is the

second most effective exercise in terms of calories burned per minute, following only

after cross country skiing.

Number 3.

Strengthens your Knees.

No, running doesn�t wreck your knees.

It does the exact opposite.

Research from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows that running (even marathoning!)

decreases the risk of knee osteoarthritis.

That may be because running increases the flow of nutrients to the cartilage in your

knee while also strengthening the ligaments around the joint.

Number 4.

Running Strengthens your Bones.

Unlike every other aerobic workout you can crank out in the gym, running is high impact,

meaning it loads and remakes your bones along with your muscles.

�Swimming, cycling, and working on the elliptical don�t train your bones,� says Jason Fitzgerald,

a USA Track & Field-certified coach and the founder of Strength Running.

�If those are the only things you do, you�re at risk for weak bones and osteoporosis.�

Number 5.

Running can help improve one�s mood.

Those people who have been running agree that running generally alleviates their mood regardless

of what they are feeling before running.

As a matter of fact, some people use running purposely to improve their mood and it is

even recommended by some therapists.

This is not only because of the common condition known as �runner's high� which is caused

by the rush of feel-good hormones called endocannabinoids.

For more infomation >> See What Happens To Your Body If You Run Everyday │ Health Benefits of Running Everyday - Duration: 2:54.


top best international | horse riders showing | horse riding skills | tent pegging 2018. - Duration: 2:46.

Thanks 4 Watching Don't Forget to Like the Video & Subscribe the Channel...!

For more infomation >> top best international | horse riders showing | horse riding skills | tent pegging 2018. - Duration: 2:46.


Fortnite vbucks free - How to get vbucks - Free v-bucks - How to get free v-bucks on fortnite - Duration: 3:34.

How to get free v-bucks on fortnite

For more infomation >> Fortnite vbucks free - How to get vbucks - Free v-bucks - How to get free v-bucks on fortnite - Duration: 3:34.


English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 37 - Duration: 6:11.

English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 37

For more infomation >> English Speaking Practice With Subtitles Part 37 - Duration: 6:11.


The Most Accurate Future Prediction For Horoscope Scorpio June 2018 For Financial And Career - Duration: 3:04.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> The Most Accurate Future Prediction For Horoscope Scorpio June 2018 For Financial And Career - Duration: 3:04.


4天3夜 - 少女の深度日本遊│合掌苑歷史旅館│高山古街│22個景點全記錄【#斐棋愛旅行】 - Duration: 20:40.

For more infomation >> 4天3夜 - 少女の深度日本遊│合掌苑歷史旅館│高山古街│22個景點全記錄【#斐棋愛旅行】 - Duration: 20:40.


Man United target Milinkovic-Savic 'favours move' to Jose Mourinho's side but Arsenal keen - Duration: 2:06.

Manchester United target Sergej Milinkovic-Savic 'favours move' to Jose Mourinho's side but Arsenal keen

LAZIO ace Sergej Milinkovic-Savic favours a move to Manchester United in the summer with Arsenal also keen, according to reports in Italy.

The Serbian international has established himself as one of Europes hottest properties after enjoying an outstanding season for the Serie A side.

Milinkovic-Savic banged in 14 goals from central midfield, as well as chalking up nine assists, earning admirers from across the globe.

Arsenal, Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain are all believed to be in the hunt for the 23-year-old - who is valued at a whopping £131 million.

According to Radio Sei, the former Genk star is keen on joining the Red Devils.

The report states that the prospect to work under Jose Mourinho excites Milinkovic-Savic, who would offer him a starring role in his staring XI.

Mourinho is desperate to sign a replacement for the retired Michael Carrick, while Marouane Fellaini could also be another high-profile departure from Old Trafford this season.

Question marks still remain over the future of record-signing Paul Pogba, who has flattered to deceive at the Theatre of Dreams.

The French international has been linked with a move back to Juventus - two years after departing the Old Lady.

While the FA Cup runners-up are also ready to snap up Shakhtar Donetsk star Fred for a reported fee of £52 million.

For more infomation >> Man United target Milinkovic-Savic 'favours move' to Jose Mourinho's side but Arsenal keen - Duration: 2:06.


Amritsari Pindi Chole Recipe | Pindi Chole Recipe | Amritsari Chole Masala - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Amritsari Pindi Chole Recipe | Pindi Chole Recipe | Amritsari Chole Masala - Duration: 9:28.


Birthday Song for Kirti - Happy Birthday Song for Kirti - Duration: 2:04.

Birthday Song for Kirti

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Kirti - Happy Birthday Song for Kirti - Duration: 2:04.


Mariano e Valentina ancora fidanzati dopo U&D? Tutta la verità - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Mariano e Valentina ancora fidanzati dopo U&D? Tutta la verità - Duration: 4:21.


Birthday Song for Kiran - Happy Birthday Song for Kiran - Duration: 2:04.

Birthday Song for Kiran

For more infomation >> Birthday Song for Kiran - Happy Birthday Song for Kiran - Duration: 2:04.





HOW TO BEGIN ISO 9001:2015 in 5 STEPS - Quality Management System Basics - Duration: 9:20.

5 steps to begin ISO 9001 and the implementation of a quality management

system, what we're here to do in this video is talk about the basic steps to

understand what's involved in ISO 9001, what it's all about and I'll give you

5 tips to follow that sets you off on your journey to compliance with the ISO

9001 or meeting ISO 9001 and supporting your organization with improving

customer service. You're challenged with understanding this complicated standard,

you're challenged with trying to understand what I need to do and you

just want some simple terminology, you just want it simply broken down into

five basic steps to follow to get your quality management system started.

Let's get into this step 1 and step 1 is really important I'm not going to muck

around, we'll just go bang bang bang through the 5 steps and I'll give it

to you straight. Okay so step 1 what are the promises that your

organization's making to your customers. Specific to your customers, not what's on

your website not the features and benefits, not the bullet points not that

stuff but when the team that do the selling in your organization or the

people that do the selling or marketing and selling in your organization, when

they do that, what do they promise customers. A good little example that you

can undertake is to pick a specific customer, identify that specific customer

and say what did we promise them, what price did we promise them, when did we

promise the product or service to them, what was it about the product or service,

its specifications, its sizes, what was promised to them, and so once we've got

that in our clear awareness we can move through the next or the rest of the

steps in this process pretty easily and simply. Ok moving into step 2 what do

you do or what do you clearly understand that you do to deliver those promises

and this is often where the big breakdown is, the sales and business

development teams are out selling and they're doing their marketing and sales

for the marketplace and promising to customers, but internally in the

organization we get all caught up in the complexity, we're not clearly

understanding we need to do these three steps to deliver that part of the

promise to the customer and that's where it falls down. The quality management

system or the defined processes that the standard starts to talk about, the

critical processes it's starting to about very clearly, we do these three

steps to deliver that on time, we do these three steps to deliver that

specific product or that specific service and so starting to clearly write

down on note down and or clear up in your own mind, as you're challenged to

understand the complexity of organization, start to ask the question

of your organization, what do we do to ensure that that's delivered on time,

what do we do to ensure that this is the exact service that we provide, what do we

do to ensure that the customers happy at the end of the process, that the

customers satisfied, that they paid you the money and they got this product or

service that they paid for. So it's really clear to just get a understanding

of what those things are and focus on those things. Okay step 3 is all

about setting up a dashboard and tracking your performance, how we're

going, how many customers did we not deliver on time, how many customers did

we deliver on time. This is starting to give you a dashboard or a scoreboard if

you like across the organization and identify how you're going. You know we're

not going well in this area, we're going well in this area and we can start to

balance around, but that's ultimately tracking of objectives and targets. Well

the objective and target is to achieve customer satisfaction deliver on time on

budget, on specification if you like depending on what the product or service

is and the monitoring and measurement systems don't really go into depth and

give a clear picture of the organization's performance and that's

why we talk so much here at Best Practice about all the graphs and

statistics or even our logo if you like it's a graph performance over time so we

want to see and help you with your performance over time so now is the time

to start to say what can we measure our track internally to give us some lead

indicators to ensure that we meet and deliver on the promise. What do we need,

to watch what do we need to measure, so that we can check and we can monitor and

measure and manage the organization to deliver what we promise, we need to

deliver what we promised, how are we going, can we improve that. Okay step 4

is writing a list of the things that need fixing

and the new standards you know they're getting complicated they're talking

about risk based thinking, what we're recommending here at Best Practice to

give you a start as a beginner and someone who's struggling to

understand the standards, is to do a SWOT analysis. Look at strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats. One of the critical reasons for recommending a SWOT

analysis is that there will be people already in the organization in their own

careers whether, it's the marketing people, the finance people, the executive

management in the organization, that have participated in SWOT analysis as before

and so because they have we don't need to train them in a new skill we can say

hey we're looking at the organization let's do a SWOT analysis and let's start

to write ourselves a list of the things that need fixing.

So in the previous step we talked about a scoreboard and dashboard, now we're

talking about a SWOT analysis between those two things

we're saying write a list and then start to prioritize that list, what are the

most important things that we need to fix, what are the easy things that we can

fix to improve our customer satisfaction and improve our organization as a whole.

Now the last part of prioritizing that list is it's important to identify

follow-up, so part of this step is about follow-up, we've written the list we'd go

to the organization we say this has got to be improved then following up, how's

that going, has it been improved, has it been finished or execute and the most

important part there is executed. Lots of people out there writing lists and doing

risk registers and all that sort of stuff but following up to ensure those

actions that have been identified are closed out that they're implemented that

it's been executed is a critical part here. Ok let's do is just a quick recap;

so with step 1 we're talking about getting your managers together, getting

key people together, and identifying and writing down the list of specific

promises that you make to your customers. Be very clear, capture the list of the

promises the times, the dates, the specifications, what are the promises and

write those things down that you make to your customers. As part of step 2 what

we want you to do here is understand and write down or identify the critical

processes and they could be a really basic one-page flowchart, the critical

processes or the steps that you follow to deliver each of those promises. So

what other things that need to be done and capturing notes and we talked about

in the standard defining critical processes on mapping critical processes,

don't write policies and procedures but capture. As part of step 3, 5 graphs or

8 graphs per team in your organization that are good examples of

the things that need to be monitored and measured, the performance that needs to

be tracked, to show that each of those processes is working, or each of those

promises is being delivered, and what you can see here at Best Practice is we've

got 30 graphs that are divided across five teams that track our performance

that gives us a clearer picture of when we're going well and when we're not

going very well and we can jump on those things and look at what's broken in our

process. As step four you're going to end up with a list, a to-do list and if you

can order that to-do list so the most important things get worked on first,

step 5 is all about prioritization so putting the important things at the top

and the least important things at the bottom and more importantly following up,

setting up a system to follow up with each of the managers and each of the

executive and each of the participants in the organization to ensure that the

improvements are being executed, implemented and they're staying in place

in your organization so they continue to support the improvement of performance

and ultimately the delivery of those amazing promises you're making to your

amazing customers. So what you're going to have, what this looks like people in

your organization clearly understanding and communicating across all teams and

each team's going to have an understanding of the things they need to

do to deliver those processes, you're going to have a way of tracking your

performance and showing when you're going well and helping you to identify

areas that might need improvement, you're going to have a SWOT analysis and the

SWOT analysis is going to create a to-do list, the to-do list is going to be

ordered and so you'll have an opportunity to be constantly following

up to closeout actions that are going to help your organization to keep improving

into the future. So that's been our 5 steps on how to improve your

organization how to start ISO 9001 so if you liked what you saw here hit the

subscribe button on the youtube channel lots of great videos coming out on a

weekly basis that are helping you unpack and understand how to start with ISO

9001 how to improve your organization and how to understand and make this

simple we've got a free checklist that helps you start with ISO 9001 available

over on our training academy into the comments below and you'll see

the link to the checklist the link to our training academy and that's going to

help you go through and understand more detail about ISO 9001 so your

organization's profitable efficient fun and delivers amazing services to your customers.

For more infomation >> HOW TO BEGIN ISO 9001:2015 in 5 STEPS - Quality Management System Basics - Duration: 9:20.


Montaż elektronicznego zamka na Nuki - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Montaż elektronicznego zamka na Nuki - Duration: 1:41.


Opel Vivaro 1.6 D Sport Dubbele Cabine Navi. - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro 1.6 D Sport Dubbele Cabine Navi. - Duration: 1:10.


형식도 생략한 만남…김정은 '文의 북·미 중재' 절실했다 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 형식도 생략한 만남…김정은 '文의 북·미 중재' 절실했다 - Duration: 4:26.


北 매체가 달라졌어요…트럼프에 '깜놀' 해 막말 자제 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 北 매체가 달라졌어요…트럼프에 '깜놀' 해 막말 자제 - Duration: 4:43.


긍정' 톤 짙어진 트럼프의 말… "北, 위대한 경제국가 될 것!" - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 긍정' 톤 짙어진 트럼프의 말… "北, 위대한 경제국가 될 것!" - Duration: 4:32.


홍준표, 노원병 찾아 "이준석은 너무 촐싹대고, 안철수는 허당" - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 홍준표, 노원병 찾아 "이준석은 너무 촐싹대고, 안철수는 허당" - Duration: 4:19.


以色列以寡擊眾 阿拉伯國家真的那麼不堪一擊? - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 以色列以寡擊眾 阿拉伯國家真的那麼不堪一擊? - Duration: 3:08.


「反美鬥士」出任伊拉克總統,美國再次劍拔弩張 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> 「反美鬥士」出任伊拉克總統,美國再次劍拔弩張 - Duration: 11:05.


Amici 17, semifinale: nessun eliminato, ecco chi sono i finalisti del talent - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Amici 17, semifinale: nessun eliminato, ecco chi sono i finalisti del talent - Duration: 4:58.


Mon 28th May: Matt - How I've Been (Stupendous!) - Duration: 4:09.

Should we just take a walk? We should just go outside.

Intro music

It's like the human eye. So quiet. So the theme today is: What am I up to? What am I doing?

It's just an update. Look how dark! Bench! There's some kids playing behind

me in a yard. Had my keys in my phone pocket. Not a good idea. So I'm just supposed to

update you on how I've been and what I've been up to. I'm good! I've been

really busy. I've been up to a lot. VidCon is approaching so I'm thinking

about that. I've been thinking about this video. I've been doing the video stuff

for choir. I've been singing in concerts. We just did a concert at my college.

Recently, I've be using this app called bear. I think I found it from

khanstopme me on YouTube. That little app right there. In regards to

with what I'm doing, here's a bunch of things on this. I'm blogging leadership

images on medium for fun. I just ran out of all the preset blog posts I had from

the year before, so now I've got new blog posts for that. Money to sell tickets for

the Brahms concert we're doing for downtown singers. Just did an edit for a

bunch of videos of my previous high school teacher conducting choirs from

high school from a project I started in 2008 and now I almost have 365 concert

songs on that YouTube channel, which is one of the longest projects I''ve ever

worked on. It'll reach 365 by the time I have the last concert of my high school.

Yeah, just just to practice with this camera. Woman: "I've never seen anything like that." Me: "Now you have!" Woman: "Are you a professional?"

Me: No, just a hobby. It's nice outside though. I figured I'd get outside today though, you know?

Woman: "It's a warm day." Me: "Yeah, it's in the 80s today. Woman: "I'm going to the supermarket to cool off." See? People aren't afraid of cameras. And five

days from now I'm gonna be turning 24 and I still feel 10.

Downtown singers rehearsals Sunday. Singing in church choir in the

mornings and practicing one day of the week after working. I've got a

question for you, I guess, unless you're making a video

this week for NFI. How are you doing? What are you learning? What are you focusing on?

I'm wearing the happiness is a choice t-shirt right now. I feel like I'm

reprio-reproror- repiroritzing things and what I'm doing, which is always good to write

things down. To mind map things. To see things all out in

a place so that I know where my time and energy is going. I've been experimenting

with different ways, which brings me to a thought for today for you. I've been thinking about

being a leader and a follower today. Being a leader is a lot of energy. It

comes with fostering a community, or fostering a space, or a kind of project

and delegating and all of that. It's impossible to be a leader of everything.

in addition to that with all the little changes I can make and how I can spread

my time and energy out, I think it's just as important self leadership wise to

learn how to be a good follower because we can support so much in small ways, but

we can't lead everything because we're not in charge of enacting all of

the change that can happen. That's what I've been pondering. How in ways can I

give my time and attention to things to be a good follower as well as be a good

leader in specific ways. There's a lot that I can do. There's a lot that I can

contribute. Let me show you my other favorite spot. Let's just get up and walk.

There's a creek that runs here when it rains. You can see over here. This is a

parking lot and I'm walking outside with a camera. I love doing this. This is my

favorite too. I love doing the spin. Bench! Doesn't it look like I'm on like a TV

set here? It's like a farm. Over here is the entrance, but behind me is the Weis.

But, see, you would never know that, unless I pointed the camera

the other way. How do we even end these things anymore? Yeah. Let me know your thoughts.

Keep being you. DFTBA. And we will see...I don't know. I don't know if there's anybody

tomorrow. Hopefully we will someone tomorrow. I don't think

anybody's listed right now but as the day crawls closer it may happen. So, see ya! Hope you're doing well.


For more infomation >> Mon 28th May: Matt - How I've Been (Stupendous!) - Duration: 4:09.


歐洲是時候與美國說再見了 寄人籬下多年不好受 - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> 歐洲是時候與美國說再見了 寄人籬下多年不好受 - Duration: 7:27.


Homestuck - The Heroine - Sylph Players (CC) - Duration: 4:47.

The city is war-torn

And nearly impassable

I act the lovelorn

Dramatically laughable

You said you'd come see me

Here underground

But now it's closing night

And you can't be found

I go through the motions again and again

But you are not here

To see them

I go through the emotions again and again

And this time I actually feel them

I play the heroine

I play to their sympathies

I say the sweetest things

To command their empathy

I asked just one thing of you

To be here

Did I not let it slip

That I was sincere?

That was my best poker face

Trying not to care

I watch and I wait

While you never appear

The city is war-torn

And nearly impassable

I act the lovelorn

I used to be laughable

And though I've been spoiled by pretty privilege

I am no child

Throwing a fit

I could write the book on disappointment

And you'd be the final chapter of it

So you're a coward

Or could never love me

Or you have fallen

To the enemy

I asked just one thing of you

To be here

Did I not let it slip

That I was sincere?

That was my best poker face

Trying not to care

I watch and I wait

While you never appear

All these people

Came all this way

Faces stained with loss

But smiling as they're crying

I would rather see you laugh at my tragedy

Than choke on these tears

While I am curtsying

So you're a coward

Or could never love me

Or you have fallen

To the enemy

The city is war-torn

And nearly impassable

I act the lovelorn

I used to be laughable

For more infomation >> Homestuck - The Heroine - Sylph Players (CC) - Duration: 4:47.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Exclusive - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Exclusive - Duration: 0:40.


Hyundai Getz 1.3I ACTIVE COOL - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3I ACTIVE COOL - Duration: 0:43.


Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-i YORIN 91.000km NAP Zuinig - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0-16V VVT-i YORIN 91.000km NAP Zuinig - Duration: 1:02.


I let you down: Loris Karius posts emotional apology to fans and team-mates - Duration: 2:42.

Loris Karius has issued an emotional apology to Liverpool fans, his team-mates and the fans at the club after enduring a nightmare in the Champions League final.

The goalkeeper gifted Real Madrid two goals in a woeful performance that has sparked a severe backlash from fans.

There have been reports of death threats and Karius was clearly distraught at full-time when the whistle blew and Real were confirmed European champions.

Karius' future at the club is now in doubt, and the stopper posted a heartfelt message to everyone involved at the club on Sunday afternoon.

He said: 'Haven't really slept until now… the scenes are still running through my head again and again… I'm infinitely sorry to my teammates, for you fans, and for all the staff.

'I know that I messed it up with the two mistakes and let you all down.

'As I said I'd just like to turn back the time but that's not possible. It's even worse as we all felt that we could have beaten Real Madrid and we were in the game for a long time.

'Thank you to our unbelievable fans who came to Kiev and held my back, even after the game.

'I don't take that for granted and once again it showed me what a big family we are. Thank you and we will come back stronger.'.

Jurgen Klopp is now thought to be ramping up efforts to buy a new goalkeeper, but the Liverpool boss defended his current No.1 after the game.

'The second mistake is because of the first. It's really difficult to get rid of the bad thoughts in your mind,' Klopp said.

'Loris knows it, everybody knows it. That is a shame in a game like this, in a season like this. I feel for him. He is a fantastic boy.'.

For more infomation >> I let you down: Loris Karius posts emotional apology to fans and team-mates - Duration: 2:42.


Failing Forward - Duration: 10:55.


It's beautiful day outside right now, and I figured I'd actually come in to meet with my buddy Caleb

so now we're down in Coney Island and we're flying up his newly purchased DJ's Clark which Evan actually play with

But I just feel like Mobbing Around with the OneWheel

Okay, so one of the main things that I really wanted to talk about in this fun little video

It's actually just the importance of how I think it's really necessary

To not only fail but to feel like really quickly to failing just get things out of your way get ahead of the system

and just know that

You're going to screw things up

but it's really important to understand how to bounce back from something like that so that you can actually

Get on and just make the right decisions

most of the time whenever I'm actually making any of these videos that make it seem like it's actually just

Super easy and effortless and just kind of normal for me, but that's not the case. It's actually usually

Me doing something about like five times

We didn't say probably five times or so it just kind of

I think that's

Coming to Coney Island

there's a really good example of that where there's just so many fun people out here and you might not get like the shot that

You're always thinking like you really want to get

But you're gonna get something better than you actually thought you're going to and that's part of the acceptance of understanding like what you need

To do when it comes to just beating failure

Because if you have in your head that you're gonna get something done like one particular way

Right every time you're gonna be let down really really quickly. So

accept failure

Okay, I've never never actually flown another spark before I play like the Matic pro or no wait

DJ's spark, so now that anyway, I'm gonna try this for the first time

I'm definitely gonna suck at this, but it's be a lot of fun

Are you gonna trust me with here? We do spike

You break it you buy it, bro

I just got it today. So as long as I lose it today, I'll be I'll be happy warranty. Yeah warrant one-year warranty that bird

Hey love, what are your thoughts on failure? What are your thoughts in failure?

Most of you makes myself actually like

Painstaking when it comes to doing it and I end up spending actually a hell of a lot more time

Working on it and it actually comes off

so even like the last movie that I did with my like what's my camera bag and I actually filmed that three separate times and

Like almost all of it was useless. I had to switch cameras in the middle of that

It was a really horrible experience like it was so hard for me to match up my color and everything like that

I lost audio in a certain other part and it was one of those things really this has happened to me

So many times do you think it would actually get like really annoying?

But you just have to learn how to bounce back you have to fail quickly because then every single time you fail is a new

Lesson for something that you could be doing better

Anytime hey guys, my name is Sol Sol. I do calisthenic


It's all good. So, how's this? How's this?

Can you also tell me about like like when you when you screw something up and like you don't get a move, you know?

Like do you give up or like like why is it important for you to just keep trying it over and over?


I keep trying overall one by one step one step two step three you can you can do it like this

Practice a lot of practice you can learn everything I was standing for core. What do we want?

What are we shooting camera pictures video? What do we want just practice?

Okay, so this happens all the time when I'm actually just to be creating something and have it like all planned

I got it laid out of my brain everything I think is gonna be working out the way I wanted to and

Then it just doesn't happen

At all, so whenever you bring a one wheel to someplace just expect it

Like a million people are gonna want to jump on it and play with it and stuff

I think the last time I did this with with

Chris how some little kids literally just jumped on my one wheel and just sped off with it and almost wrote it into a little

punch and holsters bad thing, so

Again, don't feel that way but feel always right right. I send it right

Dudes in there. Yeah, if you want to I don't know play around and like record stuff of yourself. You can drinking water

I got Bobby's camera now. I'm a true blogger. I'm a true blogger now

Japanese Shahs. I'd love a trend I wasn't recording mother

Bro Bobby I got coffee, dude

This is how you don't fail

You're the best assistant I've ever had my assistant my friend, bro. He's paying me right now

Actually, so I'm secret. I'm paying him with

the wheel

First time in the Wonder Wheel. He's never done it

Thibodeaux might wonder well

Practically gonna walk there also, like someone's engagement photos and it's gonna be a little painful watch so you get straws

Are you better get there, you know where to go to feel bad sauce

I almost got yours in milk. And I was like, I feel like I've never seen his cloudy coffee before

It's my left hand, it's weird dude. What dude it got it. Yes

So that's not alright No, so it goes

Today was it either they didn't actually take

The situation that you have

Done ago, but if the partner burning on it and things don't like they're gonna work out or your life

For more infomation >> Failing Forward - Duration: 10:55.


美國人沒有放過華為 P20 Pro標價945美元不夠賣 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 美國人沒有放過華為 P20 Pro標價945美元不夠賣 - Duration: 3:37.


Mazda 6 Sport 1.8i Touring 2006 2e Eig 89000 KM NAP*Clima*Elek Pak*Sport - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 Sport 1.8i Touring 2006 2e Eig 89000 KM NAP*Clima*Elek Pak*Sport - Duration: 0:52.


以色列變本加厲又向美國提了個霸蠻要求,搞不好要引爆中東 - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> 以色列變本加厲又向美國提了個霸蠻要求,搞不好要引爆中東 - Duration: 7:19.


Mazda 121 1.3i GLX Nieuwe APk keuring Stuurb - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Mazda 121 1.3i GLX Nieuwe APk keuring Stuurb - Duration: 0:46.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i Style Clima/Cruise/Sidebars - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i Style Clima/Cruise/Sidebars - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Silver Edition - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Silver Edition - Duration: 0:52.


朝鮮:不求美國經濟援助 是美國有求於我 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 朝鮮:不求美國經濟援助 是美國有求於我 - Duration: 2:08.


Mrowienie w dłoniach i stopach – dlaczego się pojawia? - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Mrowienie w dłoniach i stopach – dlaczego się pojawia? - Duration: 8:14.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision Clima/Cruise - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Vision Clima/Cruise - Duration: 1:07.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


Giggs: "Bale é o melhor jogador galês que eu já vi" - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Giggs: "Bale é o melhor jogador galês que eu já vi" - Duration: 4:47.


G. Bale rasgou a etiqueta e deixou uma marca indelével na final da Champions - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> G. Bale rasgou a etiqueta e deixou uma marca indelével na final da Champions - Duration: 9:45.


Where is the love - Duration: 3:43.

Where is the love

For more infomation >> Where is the love - Duration: 3:43.


#IMoveMe - Jan Frodeno | ASICS - Duration: 1:36.

The Kona Ironman World Championship is the most challenging triathlon in the world.

Last year, 3km in his run, defending champion Jan Frodeno was reduced to a walk.

Despite his injury he kept walking to the finish line.

Failure is something that, especially as a young athlete, is very, very frustrating.

It's pure emotion, it's pure negative emotion...

and I used to hold on to failure for months...

whereas these days I look at the lessons I get from failure.

That's kind of the key to always see something positive in every single situation.

You need to fail at some point if you are challenging yourself.

Realize there is a wall coming.

Recognize it and then deal with it.

Telling yourself that pain doesn't exist, is not going to work...

because it does exist. You're feeling it approaching...

positively knowing that you actually need that pain in order to grow.

You need to play with those boundaries.

The right equipment...

that's been a key for me to try and push that elastic band just a little bit further...

to be the best version of myself.

The euphoria you get from sporting success is comparable to very little.

Its endorphins that just rush through you.

It's one of the reasons why I love sport the way I do.

For more infomation >> #IMoveMe - Jan Frodeno | ASICS - Duration: 1:36.


Πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησαν φωτογραφίες του Ορέστη Τζιόβα µε τη νέα του σύντροφο. - Duration: 1:25.

Ο Τζιόβας μιλάει για τη νέα σχέση του! Ποια είναι η γυναίκα που του έχει κλέψει την καρδιά; Πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησαν φωτογραφίες του Ορέστη Τζιόβα µε τη νέα του σύντροφο

Πρόκειται για την επίσης ηθοποιό, Ηρώ Μουντάκη με την οποία εθεάθη δημόσια σε τρυφερά ενσταντενέ τα οποία μάλιστα και απαθανατίστηκαν από τον φακό

«Προσπαθώ να κρατάω µακριά από τα φώτα την προσωπική µου ζωή και το καταφέρνω τόσο καιρό», εξηγεί, ενώ συµπληρώνει φανερά ενοχληµένος: «Με πείραξε που γράφτηκε ότι ποζάρουµε στον φακό

Ήµασταν σε ένα µαγαζί και τρώγαµε, δεν µας έβλεπε κανείς, έβγαλα την κιθάρα µου να παίξω κιόλας για κάποιους… Ήταν κάποιοι δίπλα µου, που δεν τους ήξερα, περνούσαµε τέλεια, µας έβγαζαν φωτογραφίες χωρίς να το ξέρουµε και έγραψαν ότι ποζάρουµε

Είναι πολύ άσχηµο!» κατέληξε ο ηθοποιός μιλώντας στη Real. 

For more infomation >> Πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησαν φωτογραφίες του Ορέστη Τζιόβα µε τη νέα του σύντροφο. - Duration: 1:25.


Vallecas em festa: Rayo Vallecano está de volta à primeira divisão do Campeonato Espanhol - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Vallecas em festa: Rayo Vallecano está de volta à primeira divisão do Campeonato Espanhol - Duration: 5:18.


Roseanne Crushes Obama In A Truly Hilarious Way After He Makes Deal With Netflix - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Roseanne Crushes Obama In A Truly Hilarious Way After He Makes Deal With Netflix - Duration: 5:10.


ছি: ছি: জ্বালা সহ্য করতে না পেরে নিজের সন্তানকে জঙ্গলের ভিতর ছুড়ে ফেলে দিলো মা | Bangla News - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> ছি: ছি: জ্বালা সহ্য করতে না পেরে নিজের সন্তানকে জঙ্গলের ভিতর ছুড়ে ফেলে দিলো মা | Bangla News - Duration: 2:19.


Tahkim Kurulunun, Arda Turan'a verdiği 10 resmi müsabakadan men ve 39.000 TL para cezasının ardından - Duration: 2:45.

Arda Turan tarihi cezasıyla ilgili ilk kez konuştu! MEDİPOL BAŞAKŞEHİR HABERLERİ  | 26

05.2018 10:4 | gün önce Tahkim Kurulunun, Arda Turan'a verdiği 10 resmi müsabakadan men ve 39

000 TL para cezasının ardından yıldız futbolcu instagram hesabından sessizliğini bozdu

Arda Turan'ın açıklaması, sosyal medyada gündeme oturdu. Arda Turan, tarihi cezasıyla ilgili ilk kez konuştu! / 7 Medipol Başakşehir'in yıldız ismi Arda Turan, Sivasspor ile oynanan karşılaşmanın 90+4'üncü dakikasında bir pozisyona sinirlenip karşılaşmanın yardımcı hakemine fiziksel müdahalede bulunmuş ve direkt kırmızı kartla oyun dışında kalmıştı

/ 7 Yaşanan bu olayların ardından Arda Turan, Tahkim Kurulunden önce 1resmi müsabakadan men ve 39

000,00 TL para cezası almış daha sonra cezasının 10 resmi müsabakadan men ve 39.000,00 TL para cezası olmasına karar verilmişti

/ 7 Bu gelişmelerin ardından Medipol Başakşehir Arda Turan'a 250 bin Euro para cezası verildiğini açıklamıştı

/ 7 Yıldız futbolcu Arda Turan bu olaylar ile ilgili sessizliğini ilk kez kişisel sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı paylaşımla bozdu

/ 7 Arda instagram hesabından 'Sabır boyun eğmek değildir… Sabır mücadele etmektir…!' paylaşımında bulundu

/ 7 İşte Arda Turan'ın o paylaşımı… / 7 AW401722_03

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